
vsingh165does anyone here have JACK working successfully on 9.10 (karmic)?  i get lots of xruns no matter what settings I try.  I am on rt kernel, and I've added the two lines to /etc/security/limits.conf like I'm supposed to.01:56
holsteinhey vsingh16502:00
holsteinJACK is running though right?02:01
holsteinwhat is your latency setting?02:01
vsingh165it was until i stopped it02:01
vsingh165let me take a screenshot of my settings real quick.02:01
holsteinin qjackctl02:01
vsingh165here are my settings: http://yfrog.com/5mjacksettingsp02:03
holsteinwhat device are you using?02:04
vsingh165im using my onboard ALI M5455, and sometimes i plug in my digitech guitar pedal for recording instruments02:04
holsteincan you run cat /proc/interrupts02:04
holsteinand pastebin me02:04
holsteinvsingh165: will you increase your frames/period and period/buffer02:06
holsteinbump those up a couple steps until your latency is WAY up there02:07
holsteinlike 100 something ms02:07
holsteinand just do what you were doing before02:07
holsteinand see if you get the same Xruns02:07
holsteindoes it matter what you do?02:07
vsingh165this time it failed...stopped right after I started it02:07
holsteindoes JACK just xrun while setting there02:07
vsingh165no, it does not02:08
holsteinwhat seems to trigger it02:08
vsingh165it only xruns when the jack server starts up successfully02:08
holsteinOH just like once or tiwice02:08
holsteinand then calms down02:08
vsingh165im not sure if its just the onboard sound...yesterday i got it to run without any xrusn02:09
vsingh165but then i configured it for my guitar pedal and it started xruns again02:09
holsteinits not horrible to see some xruns when starting jack02:09
holsteinand some other programs02:09
vsingh165my pedal isn't plugged in atm, but i still get xruns02:09
holsteinBUT you dont want them when your recording02:09
vsingh165yeah but i get like 30 per second02:09
vsingh165depending on settings, sometimes i get like 100 per second02:09
holsteinvsingh165: the pedal is not USB right?02:10
vsingh165it is02:10
holsteinwhat is that things02:10
vsingh165i may just invest in another soundcard if jack just doesn't cooperate, but i wanna get this working as much as possible w/o having to buy one.02:10
holsteinlet me google it02:10
vsingh165digitech rp250...works like a charm in alsa so i know thats not the problem02:10
holsteinmaybe its fighting with your sound device somehow02:10
vsingh165no i set jack's input device to the pedal when i tried recording with it02:11
holsteinSO at that poing02:11
holsteinyour not using your internal card then02:11
holsteini would trouble shoot them seperately02:11
holsteintry and get your internal card up02:12
holsteinwith JACK02:12
holsteinand running something like hydrogen without xruns02:12
holsteincan you do that?02:12
holsteinwith the digitech unplugged02:12
vsingh165ok looks like i may have found why jack isn't working02:12
vsingh165alsa needs 2 periods, not 3, according to the error msg02:13
holsteinwell, bump up the other then02:13
* holstein uses firewire02:13
vsingh165great...now qjackctl locked up.02:14
vsingh165it got like 150 xruns in 5 seconds02:14
holsteinand what was the latency?02:14
vsingh165idk why this ran fine yesterday w/o the pedal plugged in...i don't have pedal plugged in right now02:14
vsingh165latency was 64ms02:14
vsingh165but that was at 48000 Hz sample rate, which isn't working today either02:14
vsingh165i find it weird that the same settings work one day and not the next02:15
holsteinwell, something is going on somewhere i bet02:15
holsteinits challenging to troubleshoot JACK errors02:15
holsteinBUT worth it :)02:15
vsingh165yeah its really low latency, i love it for hydrogen02:16
vsingh165it never skips a beat with jack :)02:16
holsteinyou mean?02:16
holsteinhydrogen to JACK to your internal card?02:16
holsteinthats stable?02:16
vsingh165not today, but yesterday it was02:16
holsteinwell, thats something though02:16
vsingh165looks like qjackctl is taking like 40MB of memory...yikes02:17
vsingh165its all locked up02:17
holsteini guess you could kill it02:17
holsteinand we could try something else02:17
holsteinif your getting a stable experience with hydrogen to JACK to your card02:18
vsingh165killed it and started qjackctl again (jackd doesnt autostart when i start qjackctl)02:18
vsingh165i WAS getting it stable with hydrogen yesterday, now its all broken for w/e reason02:18
holsteini think we should look at what programs in paricular are triggering the xruns02:18
holsteini know on my system02:18
holsteinits just not RT friendly02:19
holsteinand i get xruns no matter what02:19
holsteini ran into a few packages like that02:19
holsteini forget the others though02:19
vsingh165i may just get a better soundcard for like $3002:19
vsingh165like an audigy02:19
holsteini pretty much just use JACK ardour JaMin and some plugins02:20
vsingh165that would have way lower latency than onboard sound, which must go thru the cpu02:20
holsteinvsingh165: soundblaster?02:20
holsteinthat all depends02:20
vsingh165what soundcard would u recommend for linux? i know the x-fi's don't fare well with alsa02:20
holsteinif you insterested in getting in or out of the computer02:20
holsteinor both02:20
holsteinif you want a mic preamp02:20
vsingh165in is better...and no i dont need mic preamp.  i have a usb snowball mic :)02:21
holsteinvsingh165: i usually suggest the zoomH402:21
holsteini dont have it personally02:21
holsteinBUT for the money, its an amazing multitasker02:21
holsteinwith low latency02:21
holsteinnice preamps02:21
holsteinif you got 30 bucks02:22
holsteini would say, save it up, and use what you got02:22
vsingh165i just need a soundcard that plays well with jack02:22
vsingh165i do all my recording thru usb, but like u said, my stupid onboard sound may be screwing with it.02:23
holsteinthere are a few beringer usb devices02:23
holsteinaround 40US02:23
holsteinif you want02:23
holsteinjoin #opensourcemusicians02:23
holsteinguitarman has a beringer02:23
holsteini forget the brand02:24
holsteinbut it was cheap02:24
holsteinand oter folks have the zoomH402:24
holsteinvsingh165: is this a desktop machine?02:25
holsteinthe maudio 1010lt is very nice02:25
holsteinpci card02:25
holsteini think you can get one for 15002:26
vsingh165yes its a desktop02:26
vsingh165well thanks for your help02:26
holsteinvsingh165: anytime02:27
vsingh165i'll keep playing with jack until i get it working, but if not, i'll look at some soundcards (even tho I don't use one for recording)02:27
kaffienis there a recomended recording hardware list for ubuntustudio?   i have a xfi platinum setup but it doesn't like linux all that much18:05
kaffienI just want to record electic guitar via 1/4 inch plugs18:05
holsteinkaffien: hello18:24
* holstein reading18:24
kaffienand hi18:26
kaffienI only really need to record one track at a time and then mix via ardour18:26
holsteinkaffien: this is what you got18:26
holsteinis this the only device you have?18:26
holsteinno internal device?18:26
kaffienback sorry this is what i have18:27
kaffieni didn't describe it well enough18:27
holsteindoes it work with JACK?18:28
kaffienjack connects18:28
holsteinwell, thats mmore than half the battle :)18:28
kaffienbut when plug in the guitar to amp then amp to the input  (from output on amp)  nothing shows18:28
holsteinthat card has multiple input soucrces18:29
kaffienim not sure if the actual face plat part is supposed proper in linux18:29
holsteindifferent jacks18:29
holsteinphysical jacks*18:29
kaffieni may have to pickup a convert from 1/4 to 1/8th and use the inputs on the card18:29
holsteinim pretty sure its only 2 channels in18:29
kaffienor look for another piece of hardware18:30
holsteini would try to route ALL in's to out's in jack18:30
kaffienand rip that card out18:30
holsteinand conncet something to all the inputs18:30
holsteinand see if ANYTHING shows up18:30
holsteinat all18:30
* holstein not a fan of that card18:30
holsteini dont know much about it honestly18:30
kaffieni love it in windows18:30
kaffienbut its not much use in linux18:30
holsteinthats not the kind of card for input18:31
holsteinthose are for output18:31
kaffienhehehe so then what IS18:31
kaffien7.1 surround on that card18:31
holsteinthat kind of things is what its made for18:31
holsteinOK 7.118:31
holsteineven better18:31
kaffienbut anyhow i need to know a decent card for input for linux18:31
holsteinfor OUTPUT18:31
holsteinfor a desktop machine only?18:32
holsteinis PCI OK?18:32
kaffienfor recording guitar18:32
kaffienpci is ok18:32
kaffienand yes desktop machine18:32
holsteini only ask because18:32
kaffienholy extensions18:33
holsteinyou can get something USB or preferably firewire18:33
kaffienis there a 1/4 plug in that mess?18:33
holsteinand migrate to a laptop18:33
kaffieni do have a eeepc handy18:33
kaffienwhat would you recomend on the usb side?18:33
holsteinpersonally, i wouldnt18:33
holsteini would go firewire18:33
holsteinBUT if you just want stereo input18:34
holsteinUSB will do fine18:34
holsteinif your iterested kaffien18:34
kaffienno firewire on the laptop18:34
holsteinthere is a channel #opensourcemusicians18:34
holsteinlots of helpful folk18:34
kaffienah even18:34
holsteinand gear reviews18:34
kaffienon my way18:35
holsteini have heard about decent affordable USB devices in there18:35
kaffienalso what do you use on a small laptop?18:35
kaffienfor software18:35
kaffienardour seems to be geared more toward larger screens18:36
holsteini use ardour and jack18:36
holsteini might just use audacity on the EEE sometimes18:36
kaffienhow big is the screen on the laptop?18:36
holsteini use a macbook18:36
holsteinwith jack and ardour18:36
holsteinin the field18:36
kaffienyeah they have firewire hehe18:36
holsteinand i dump that into ubuntustudio when i get home18:37
kaffienthis laptop was not purchased with audio in mind hehe18:37
holsteini got a few of those too18:37
kaffienit's my sysadmin lappy18:37
holsteinno firewire sucks18:37
holsteini got a couple older kying ones18:37
_guitarman_kaffien: you can get ardour to scale down with font scaling18:37
_guitarman_i run ardour on a 10 inch screen18:37
_guitarman_it works18:37
holsteinwith firewire18:37
_guitarman_hp mininote.18:38
holsteinand im holding on to them ;)18:38
_guitarman_works fine18:38
kaffiencan't wait for usb3.0 to become popular18:38
holstein_guitarman_: totally do-able18:38
kaffiensomething about full duplex  so nice18:38
_guitarman_holstein: yup - i mix the podcast on it18:38
holsteinespecially if your just tracking18:38
holsteinand mixing elsewhere18:38
_guitarman_holstein: this most recent episode 37 i did on it.18:38
holsteinOR mixing somehting small18:38
_guitarman_i haven't tracked to it yet18:39
_guitarman_but i did some testing and it worked with 4 tracks and no xruns18:39
_guitarman_i bet it could handle more18:39
holsteinOH yeah18:39
bdrungaudacious-plugins-extra was removed. it should be dropped from the ubuntustudio-audio package. do someone want to do it or should i do it?22:33
bdrungTheMuso: ^22:46
bdrungi have fixed it23:00
TheMusobdrung: How did you fix it?23:31
bdrungTheMuso: i simply removed it23:32
TheMusobdrung: From what?23:32
bdrungand uploaded 0.7023:32
TheMusobdrung: oh ok thanks23:32
TheMusoDid you change the seeds?23:32
bdrungaudacious-plugins-extra was merged into audacious-plugins, which gets installed automatically23:33
TheMusoubuntustudio seeds.23:34
TheMusoThats where it really needs to be changed.23:34
* TheMuso takes care of it.23:35
bdrungi have no idea how seeds work.23:36
bdrungTheMuso: let me know what you do23:36
TheMusobdrung: Ok. I have altered the seds located here: lp:~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.lucid23:36
TheMusobdrung: Once updated, I then run the update script in the ubuntustudio-meta package, which checks bzr and updates accordingly.23:37
bdrungTheMuso: i have already updated the ubuntustudio-meta package23:41
TheMusobdrung: yeah ok23:41
bdrung(and fixed some lintian bugs)23:42
TheMusook cool23:42
holsteinhow is the installer?23:44
holsteinis there anything i can do there?23:45
holsteinis there somewhere besides the daily to get a more recent testing iso?23:46
TheMusoThe daily is the most recent iso to test.23:49
holsteini'll just keep trying then :)23:49
* holstein got a second box together finally to test lucid studio23:49

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