
Sachse_Siechtumhello subspider00:16
subspiderhello Sachse_Siechtum how are you00:21
Sachse_SiechtumI'm fine, thanks. Just reading about the WINE history :-)00:21
Sachse_Siechtumsubspider, good night00:29
subspiderSachse_Siechtum, good night man nice story hehehehe00:32
haywireAnyone familiar with GDMsetup in xubuntu 9.10?01:04
rsyringdu is giving me errors for folders in my home directory.  They say "cannot read directory" and "permission denied".  But I have rwx permission on those folders.  Thoughts?03:29
Balsaqgood evening.07:43
* MalfermitaKodo is struggling to get the control key set up...08:58
MalfermitaKodoWhen I type "setxkbmap -option compose:caps" in a shell, it works, but not at login08:59
mertleMalfermitaKodo: tried adding it to autostarted apps?09:01
MalfermitaKodomertle: how?09:02
mertleMalfermitaKodo: in the menu applications-settings09:03
MalfermitaKodofound it09:11
mertleMalfermitaKodo: well done :)09:12
MalfermitaKodoThank you!09:13
plouffeI recently did a fresh install of xubuntu, and now it doesn't recognize any filenames that contain any special characters such as Chinese, French , .. Any solution?09:59
TheSheepplouffe: "doesn't recognize"?10:10
plouffeit shows them as "?????"10:11
plouffethe characters are being replaced by question marks10:11
TheSheepwhich application?10:11
plouffeThunar, Totem, ls command10:11
plouffeeverything basically10:11
TheSheepin your home, or on some external disk?10:11
plouffeit's a vfat partition on my computer10:12
TheSheepah, vfat10:12
TheSheepadd an option specifying the encoding10:13
TheSheepto the mount command10:13
TheSheepor to your fstab10:13
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE10:13
jarnosI am trying to use festival for speech  syntetization in jaunty, but command "festival --tts test.txt" gives Linux: can't open /dev/dsp11:59
jarnosso no sound :(11:59
psycho_oreosI think /dev/dsp is part of the old oss package, and can be possibly installed via getting alsa-oss12:01
jarnospsycho_oreos: i tried, but no luck12:02
psycho_oreosjarnos, no /dev/dsp? ?12:03
jarnospsycho_oreos: still "Linux: can't open /dev/dsp"12:07
psycho_oreosjarnos, I meant do you have an /dev/dsp? interfaces i.e. /dev/dsp{1-9}, etc12:10
jarnospsycho_oreos: I have /dev/dsp12:12
psycho_oreosjarnos, and is that a symlink or actual device?12:12
jarnospsycho_oreos: actual12:13
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psycho_oreosjarnos, hmm it might be a perms issue, maybe festival has its own user or you need to join audio group or something like that12:14
psycho_oreosjarnos, try running festival as root12:15
jarnospsycho_oreos: no help12:16
psycho_oreosjarnos, which one, festival as root?12:16
jarnospsycho_oreos: yes12:17
psycho_oreosjarnos, try simple commands like echo "some words" | festival --tts12:18
jarnospsycho_oreos: same issue12:27
psycho_oreosjarnos, I don't have a clue then, it could be badly installed/configured alsa-oss12:35
psycho_oreosor maybe pulseaudio is meddling with it12:36
jarnospsycho_oreos: I don't have pulseaudio running in jaunty. Is pulseaudio default already in jaunty? It seems to be in lucid testing version.12:38
jarnosI have these installed, though: gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio libpulse-mainloop-glib0 libpulse0 vlc-plugin-pulse12:39
psycho_oreospulseaudio already is in jaunty and..12:39
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule12:40
jarnospsycho_oreos: pulseaudio has been in used in latest Ubuntu releases, but are you sure it has been used as default in any Xubuntu release to date? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/KarmicKoala/Final does not have a word about pulse12:48
psycho_oreos!info pulseaudio12:49
ubottupulseaudio (source: pulseaudio): PulseAudio sound server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.19-0ubuntu4.1 (karmic), package size 586 kB, installed size 4200 kB12:49
psycho_oreosI don't know of any versions prior to jaunty but I can confirm from jaunty there is already pulseaudio12:50
psycho_oreospulseaudio being default12:50
jarnospsycho_oreos: so "ps aux | grep [p]ulseaudio" gives something?12:51
psycho_oreosjarnos, provided that its running, I hacked mine ouut12:51
jarnospsycho_oreos: It seems like I have hacked mine out, too. I can't remember everything.12:54
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
mr_pouitpsycho_oreos: pulseaudio isn't used by default in xubuntu13:27
=== simplicity-_ is now known as simplicity-
Sachse_SiechtumHello Sysi  *cuddles* :-)17:08
Sachse_SiechtumSysi, how you doin?17:12
Sysias usual17:18
Sachse_Siechtumah :-)17:33
Sachse_SiechtumI was just leading the judo kids group... that was stressful *g*17:33
Sysiso you're not real nerd :p17:37
Sachse_Siechtumuhm no? Well I might be a nerd when it comes to women...well you wouldnt notice it by my looks (long hair...metal guy type)17:43
Sysii'm propably nolifest guy you can find, even that i don't do programming or gaming17:44
knomeSysi, lie17:44
Sysimaybe, but not badly17:45
Sysimost no-life17:46
Sachse_SiechtumI'm a big gamer....17:46
Sachse_SiechtumI live in a small town, so...17:46
knomei can't understand that gamer-metalhead-type17:46
Sachse_Siechtumknome, why not?17:46
knomejust can't17:46
knomeeven if i try to get a grip of what moves in their (your) heads, can't17:47
Sysithat's my second or third definition for nerd17:47
Sachse_Siechtumits easy...first I found computer games when I was 12 and when I was 18/19 I discovered metal music *g*17:47
Sachse_SiechtumSysi,  LOL17:47
Sysifirst is that my type, oldschool17:48
knome"i must listen to boring music with vocals i can't understand, oh, and i have to play counterstrike, i'm so kewl"17:48
Sysithin and glasses17:48
Sachse_SiechtumI dunno the "true" def. of a metal guy...I'm pretty calm, mostly...17:48
knomeSachse_Siechtum, dresses in black leather, despises anybody who listen to anything else than metal17:48
Sysiknome: cs:s is for little boys with too big trousers17:48
Sachse_Siechtumknome, nope.... as long as kids dont stress me with loud music out of their cellphones...17:49
Sachse_SiechtumI'm good17:49
Sachse_SiechtumI dont play cs *g*17:49
Sachse_Siechtumits boring17:49
knomeand if they do, you say "MURGH!" ?17:49
Sachse_SiechtumI play DoD17:49
Sachse_Siechtumno, I judo throw the guy with the cell phone. *laughs*17:49
Sysipretty many of metal fans i know listen europop also :)17:49
knomeokay, a metal guy.17:50
Sachse_Siechtumeuropop is too much of generic...17:50
Sysiknome: i don't *look* like metal guy but i am one17:50
knomeSysi, bah :P17:50
Sysinp: Disturbed - Fear17:50
Sachse_Siechtumwhen I hear eurpop I think of bad 90s mainstream techno with vocals17:50
Sachse_SiechtumSysi, YEEEAAH! :-)17:51
Sysithat makes it awesome17:51
Sysiexpecially at 3am17:51
Sachse_Siechtumnp: Epica - Incentive17:51
knomenp: Thirteen Senses – Under the Sun17:51
Sachse_Siechtumspeaking of Metal...17:52
knomeyeah, i definitely do not understand you metalheads.17:52
Sachse_SiechtumSysi, do you know Type O Negaive?17:52
Sysione lad tried to tease me with some tough black metal, i liked it17:52
Sysii don't think so17:52
Sachse_SiechtumI dont like black metal much17:52
Sachse_Siechtumthe singer of T O N died yesterday17:52
Sachse_Siechtumheart attack...he got 4817:52
Sachse_SiechtumI'm more for gothic metal...17:53
Sachse_Siechtumbut I also like Queen17:53
Sysii listen practically anything17:53
knomeSysi, m. a. numminen?17:53
Sachse_Siechtumalso listen to some electronic stuff...17:53
Sachse_Siechtumhello charlie-tca  :-)17:54
Sysiknome: anything but "iskelmä"17:54
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, *cuddles*17:54
charlie-tcaHello, Sachse_Siechtum17:54
knomeSachse_Siechtum, you practically listen to nothing then :P17:54
Sachse_Siechtumknome, my taste is broad...17:54
Sachse_SiechtumI even like some hip hop songs..17:55
Sysioh, you're into doom metal17:55
Sachse_SiechtumSysi, doom metal? Like Octavia?17:55
knomeSachse_Siechtum, you can't describe m. a. numminen, but i'm pretty sure you won't like it / able to lsiten to it more than 5mins17:55
SysiSachse_Siechtum: TON sounded doom to me17:55
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, IF you can make my Xubuntu running perfectly, I gonna send you a christmas gift :-)17:55
Sachse_Siechtumknome, what genre is it?17:55
Sysiknome: is that the guy with funny voice?17:56
charlie-tcaSachse_Siechtum: never gonna happen...17:56
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, why? *g*17:56
Sachse_SiechtumSysi, listening to evanescence now...17:56
charlie-tcaheh, When it hits perfect, there is nothing left to do17:56
Sysiknome: do you always listen this boring stuff?17:57
knomeSysi, not always.17:57
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, well ok...change perfect to...running fine :-)17:57
charlie-tcaNow that is a goal we can work on. It isn't there yet?17:57
knomeSachse_Siechtum, http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=c_6T4CWdDBw17:58
knomeSachse_Siechtum, decide on the genre yourself.17:58
Sachse_Siechtumevanescence is not bad...but they have to get more variation into the arrangements....on open door, they sound all the same..17:58
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, well some thing bug me still...like...everytime X boots up, I have to type in the password so my wlan will connect17:59
charlie-tcaknown problem, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu17:59
Sachse_Siechtumthis song....LOL18:00
Sachse_Siechtumknome, where are they from? Finland?18:01
knomeSachse_Siechtum, yup.18:01
Sachse_SiechtumLOL I guessed it... only they can come up with something like that!18:02
Sachse_Siechtumwell I'm german so I understand it...even if its heavy accented18:02
knomehe also sings in finnish, english and swedish.18:02
Sachse_SiechtumI'm just thinking what they mean with "gummikavalier" I think its another word for dildo18:02
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:03
Sachse_Siechtumups sorry18:03
Sachse_Siechtumok d****o18:03
knomeSachse_Siechtum, it's something you have to blow up hard before using18:03
Sachse_Siechtumyeah a blow up ****18:03
Sysishould i know that?18:03
knomeSachse_Siechtum, there's some more stuff for you :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txtUCGBLGJk18:04
knomeSysi, you're too young anyway.18:04
Sachse_Siechtumknome, speaking of whitch...how old are you guys? I'm 28..18:05
knome24, Sysi is 1118:05
Sachse_Siechtum11? OMFG18:05
Sachse_SiechtumI get 29 on sunday18:06
Sysiknome: numminen isn't that bad18:07
Sachse_Siechtumhmm too bad the performance of HL2 is so bad in WINE..18:07
knomeSysi, have you heard the tracks where he does "kieut"18:07
Sysinot sure18:07
Sachse_Siechtumthey reminds me of a german artist called helge schneider...18:08
Sysiknome: but i occasionally listen miley cyrus18:09
knomehaven't heard18:09
Sysiknome: also known "hannah montana"18:09
Sachse_Siechtumbe prepared for bad taste vlothing18:09
knomeSachse_Siechtum, eww, he is joking. numminen is serious.18:10
charlie-tcajust listen, don't look18:10
knomeSysi, ...18:10
knomethat ain't music18:10
Sysiartist is the actor18:10
Sysibut, yup18:10
charlie-tcaknome: it is music for very young people18:10
knomecharlie-tca, oh really :P18:11
Sachse_SiechtumI kinda like that song...its so....crazy18:11
charlie-tcaMuch younger than you, even18:11
knomecharlie-tca, i think it's for those who haven't born yet. :P18:11
charlie-tcaNo, they get classical music18:11
charlie-tcabrahms, bethoven, taichovsky18:11
knomecharlie-tca, i suppose you mean beethoven and tchaikovsky :P18:13
charlie-tcawell, only if you count spelling18:13
Sysiknome: btw, do you have sauna in your house?18:13
knomeSysi, in our two rooms+kitchen? sorry, no.18:13
Sachse_SiechtumI wanna go swimming in a lake :-)18:14
knomeown sauna's are not common when you live in flats :P18:14
Sysibut can you use one?18:14
knomeSysi, several.18:15
Sysii'd like to get some at the time of assembly18:15
knomeSysi, we could use the one in this building, but haven't. we usually just visit my wife's parents.18:15
knomeSysi, ...and in the summer, there's a possibility to use our summer cottage in espoo.18:16
knomeSysi, or renko (near hämeenlinna)18:16
knomeSysi, and then we have a family friend in helsinki who does have his own sauna in a his apartment18:16
knomethe possibilities are infinite.18:17
knomeand there's many public saunas in helsinki18:17
knomewell maybe not that MANY, but several i know and probably more18:17
knomehum what?18:18
Sysimuch choises :)18:18
knomeHelsingin yleiset saunat ovat Sauna Arla, Kotiharjun sauna ja Sauna Hermanni.18:19
knome(tells wikipedia)18:19
Sysiswimming halls?18:19
knomeyeah, they have saunas18:19
knomebut those listed are *saunas*18:19
knomenothing else18:20
Sysilet's see if i'm going to sauna alone or with friends18:21
knomei'm not sure if we should continue this conversation somewhere else though :P18:21
Sachse_Siechtumsauna is nice...18:21
Sysimaybe :b18:21
knomegonna shave my beard now.18:23
Sachse_Siechtumdamn I have to shave mine too...18:23
Sachse_Siechtumto get that "dr. house" look18:23
knomei shaved away that karl marx look18:32
knome(not really, but something that was going to grow up as one)18:32
knomewell i have a friend with that look18:34
Sachse_Siechtumhmm just thinking about putting a pic of me into the channel...18:34
Sachse_Siechtumbut I'm afraid the pic will float into some gay ****** website18:35
knomeit won't18:35
Sachse_Siechtumalright...lemme find one...18:35
knome7msg Sysi what a fool18:36
knomeoops :)18:36
knomeno, not really18:36
knomeokay ;)18:37
Sysihow tall are you?18:37
knomescary wooden supporting structure there18:37
Sachse_SiechtumI'm 1,69 meters18:38
Sysii'm about 20cm more18:39
Sachse_Siechtumpff show off *g*18:40
knometalking of house look, i think i'm going to watch house in 20 mins18:41
Sachse_SiechtumI finished the 6th season long time ago18:42
knomei'm not a huge fan, it just happens to be in finnish tv18:42
Sachse_SiechtumI normally dont watch hospital shows..but house is just awesome18:43
knomei normally don't watch tv... now i'm just bored18:43
knomeeven clients are not sending email18:43
Sachse_SiechtumI'm kinda bored too...18:44
Sachse_Siechtumthinking about playing a game..18:44
Sachse_Siechtumdunno whitch yet...18:44
Sachse_SiechtumCompany of heroes....or dod...or max  payne18:44
Balsaqhello slow-motion , welcome to the Land of Xubuntu.18:59
charlie-tcaHow can I get two rows of channels in Xchat?19:03
charlie-tcaAnybody? this is a legit question19:07
Balsaqcharlie-tca, there is a channel known as #xchat. they may be able to answer your question.19:28
charlie-tcaThanks. I will ask there19:29
Sachse_Siechtumand I'm back20:00
Sachse_SiechtumHello slow-motion20:00
=== mertle is now known as moetunes
=== slh_ is now known as Pisagor

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