
=== dennis is now known as YoUze
YoUzewas geht leute00:06
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kaddihi, i'm still having trouble with my watch. I only get an error message when I try through systemsettings. I changed it successfully with the date command through konsole yesterday, but I've had to reboot and now the time is of again by an hour.00:41
kaddihow can I set it to the right time and make it stick? (kubuntu 9.10, 64bit, kde 4.4.2)00:41
avihaythat sounds like a wired problem. how bout setting the time to one hour forward or backwards from the real time to fix the one hour issue?00:43
kaddii did that yesterday, after a reboot it was just back to how it was before00:44
kaddii asked for advice here yesterday, they suggested the date command and said something about a known bug for 9.1000:44
kaddiwell what they said is that the fact that I can't change it through systemsettings because of the error message is a known bug00:45
kaddinot that the time jumps back00:45
rosco_ywhat is a good music player to install to play my cd's ?01:48
kubuku_rosco_y: if you convert your cd's to dig amarok is best01:58
rosco_ykubuku_: I was just trying to put my cds in the drive and listen to them01:59
rosco_ymy system recomends amarok to me, and it starts up, but then it blows up pretty quick01:59
rosco_ykubuku_: what did you mean "convert your cd's to dig?"02:10
rosco_y(by the way, I think my amarok wasn't "blowing up", my cd must have a scratch02:10
kubuku_rosco_y: rip the tracks into mp3 or ogg..then add them to amarok collection02:11
rosco_yoh, ok02:11
rosco_ydo you use amarok to rip them?02:12
kubuku_rosco_y: the old amarok does but unfortunately the new doesn't anymore. haven't done for a long time but ffmpeg can do it02:15
ashaibanihello is this irc active? i need help with my kubuntu 9.1002:42
kezebwhat's wrong with it02:43
ashaibaniwell at first, i tried to get my sound working so that I can have multiple applications using sound at once02:43
ashaibanias i was meddling with the settings with the help of tutorials, something messed up02:43
ashaibaniand now sound doesn't work at ll02:43
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kezebdo you have the url of the page you were reading when everything went south?02:44
ashaibanii used a bunch of tutorials but ill find the one i think did it02:44
ashaibanii believe it happened when i tried to install ALSA02:45
kezebyou can get the alsa sound manager from synaptic02:45
kezeblet me look for it02:45
ashaibanii did02:45
ashaibaniall i need right now is a sound system that has 5.1, can use multiple applications, and works02:46
kezebtipe on a terminal dmesg > Documents/dmesg.txt and send me that text file to my e-mail kezeb4@gmail.com02:47
kezebi wanna know what's running and what isn't02:48
kezeblet me know when you send it02:48
kezebone sec i'm looking at your hardware02:50
kezeblooks like the module is working02:52
kezebdo you have alsamixergui?02:52
kezebthat's pretty easy to configure02:52
ashaibanilet me check02:53
ashaibaniwould it be under the programS?02:53
ashaibanior applications02:53
ashaibanioh chit02:54
ashaibanii think i got it working02:54
ashaibanii just had to go oto the pulse audio config and unmute02:54
ashaibaniyea i got it working ...02:54
kezebthere you go02:54
ashaibanithanks for your time02:54
ashaibaniits always the simplist thing -_-02:54
kezebno probem man any time02:54
kezebby the way02:54
kezebyou got my e-mail right?02:55
kezebswing me a message if you need anything02:55
aleiteHello guys, I compiled KDE trunk on ubuntu, changed the language settings to portuguese, made the same with gnome-language-selector... but gtk apps are still in english, what can I do?03:11
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slckb0yis someone running KDE under a windows virtualbox and managed to activate OpenGL ?04:30
slckb0yhi everyone05:34
slckb0yanybody running KDE under a win7 Vbox ?05:35
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user_symhey guys .. vote for this bug. A huge number of problems will be solved by this http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23448406:51
appleseedDoes apt-get store the packages it downloads, so that I can access them from another ubuntu installation and install with the saved packages on another installation?07:04
iconmefistoappleseed: /var/cache/apt/archives07:05
appleseediconmefisto: great thx07:05
appleseedWhen I right-click on a program so that a context menu is opened, then my global keyboard shortcuts do not work whilst the context menu is still open. Is there a way to make the global shortcuts work regardless?07:09
iconmefistoappleseed: interesting. maybe that qualifies as a bug?07:12
appleseediconmefisto: perhaps; I imagined that there might be a kde interface setting like focus-stealing or something to sort this out, but I can't see it.07:14
iconmefistothere is a focus-stealing setting somewhere07:14
iconmefistoappleseed: right-click a titlebar, configure window behaviour. Focus section07:15
appleseediconmefisto: thx I'll see if that does anything at all to fix it07:17
iconmefistoappleseed: doesn't seem to make a difference for me. let me know if you get any better results07:19
appleseediconmefisto: yup, I also tried all the settings and no joy07:19
DaughainCan anyone point me in the right direction to rip a dvd to .avi format?07:35
moetunesDaughain: you can try this - http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/10/07/how-to-rip-a-dvd-in-ubuntu-to-avi-the-easy-way/07:37
DaughainThanks, moetunes.07:37
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Daugha|nThat didnt work....08:32
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vivek_hii..i need to check my dns connection settings in network manager on my system.. am using karmic with KDe upgraded to 4.4.2... can someone please help09:41
vivek_bigbrovar:hii..i need to check my dns connection settings in network manager on my system.. am using karmic with KDe upgraded to 4.4.2... can someone please help09:43
vivek_iconmefisto:hii..i need to check my dns connection settings in network manager on my system.. am using karmic with KDe upgraded to 4.4.2... can someone please help09:44
bigbrovarvivek_: what dns info are u looking for. select your connection. if it is weird select etho and click edit. then go to IPv4 settings and choose manual from there u can set your dns servers09:48
vivek_bigbrovar: when i click on manage connections , i get the  window but no connections are shown (although i know it is auto eth 0)....no connection list .. and when i click on edit nothing opens.. how can i show you a snapshot09:54
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vivek_bigbrovar:there are tabs like wired/wireless/vpn etc etc and all are just empty09:55
bigbrovarpressing the printscreen on your keyboard should bring up the screenshot tool. u can also use ksnapshot09:55
vivek_bigbrovar:that is ok but how to send it to you09:56
bigbrovarvivek_: you can upload the screenshot to flickr (if u have a flickr account.) or use twitpic if u are on twitter09:57
bigbrovarvivek_: or just upload to sendspace.com09:57
vivek_bigbrovar:i uploaded it on twitpic.. my twitter id is vivek_4010:00
bigbrovarvivek_: send me the link10:00
vivek_bigbrovar:did you get it10:02
bigbrovarvivek_: its saying u are not connected to any network. but the fact that we are talking on irc says to the contrary.10:02
vivek_bigbrovar:yes i am fully connected and can access everything10:03
bigbrovarvivek_: how do u connect to internet, wired or wireless or mobile broadband like 3g dongle ?10:03
vivek_bigbrovar:when i click on the netwrok icon down here on the panel.. it says autoeth0 active10:04
bigbrovarvivek_: to be frank i dont use kde network manager because i find it pretty unstable and lack less features compared to the gnome version. which is why i use the gnome version.10:05
bigbrovarvivek_: what do u want to know about ur dns btw10:05
vivek_bigbrovar: i can do that too ..if you could help me and yes.. about the dns.. :-there was this one particular site which i am unable to open .. however when i use the ip address of the site , it did open and work perfectly.. so someone told me it could be dns issues.. i asked my providers and they gave me the dns server numbers... i want to check if those numbers and thos on my system are the same or not10:07
vivek_bigbrovar: and unfortunately my internet provider does not give any supportfor linux... only for windows10:08
bigbrovarvivek_: less /etc/resolv.conf10:08
vivek_bigbrovar: what is this10:08
bigbrovarrun that command in terminal and that would show u your dns details10:09
vivek_bigbrovar:i get only this # Generated by NetworkManager   nameserver   /etc/resolv.conf (END)10:11
vivek_bigbrovar:i think that is the ip address10:11
vivek_bigbrovar:will changing to gnome's netwrokd manager help me10:12
bigbrovarvivek_:  then  is your dns server.. and no gnome network manager is just a frontend it wont help u much10:14
vivek_bigbrovar:but they gave me this ip address.. ann an alternate one ... how did that dns server come in10:15
bigbrovarok do this10:16
bigbrovarvivek_: run  the following command10:16
bigbrovarvivek_: cp /etc/resolve.conf /etc/resolve.conf-bak10:16
vivek_bigbrovar:what will this do10:17
vivek_bigbrovar:will it make a back up10:17
bigbrovarvivek_: the purpose of that command is to back up your previous revolve10:17
bigbrovarbefore we edit10:17
bigbrovarwhen you have done that10:17
bigbrovarrun this10:17
bigbrovarvivek_: sorry i made a typo in the command10:19
bigbrovarthe first one should be10:19
vivek_bigbrovar:np.. i have not typed yet10:19
bigbrovarsudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf-bak10:19
bigbrovarand the second one should be10:19
bigbrovarkdesudo kate /etc/resolv.conf10:20
bigbrovarthis would open your resolv.conf file in a text editor10:20
vivek_bigbrovar:ok .. then10:20
vivek_bigbrovar:after that?10:23
bigbrovarvivek_: did your isp give u a domain address for the dns server?10:24
vivek_bigbrovar:they just game me two numbers which i gave you above10:24
bigbrovaru then need to replace the enteries there to look like this http://codepad.org/OtpAp0vF10:25
bigbrovaru have to replace the enteries in the text editor opened when u ran the kdesudo kate /etc/resov.conf command10:26
bigbrovarsince u have already backed up your file u shouldnt have any problem10:26
vivek_bigbrovar:ok and if that screws up my present connection how do i get back to where i was10:26
bigbrovarvivek_: we already made a backup of that remember?10:27
vivek_bigbrovar:so will it automatically use that if this does not work10:27
bigbrovarno if it doesnt work just run10:28
bigbrovarsudo cp /etc/resolv.conf-bak /etc/resolv.conf10:28
vivek_bigbrovar:Kate shows the screen as http://twitpic.com/1fykb310:31
vivek_bigbrovar:please have a look at it10:31
bigbrovarvivek_: yeah u havent relaced the entery there with what i sent to u .. with this http://codepad.org/OtpAp0vF10:32
bigbrovarvivek_: please let wrap this up i am actually trying to help inbtw my paid job.. my boss wouldnt appreciate that u know :)10:33
vivek_bigbrovar:not yet....thought you should have a look at it .. there is no line like this # ISP DNS SERVER.. ok sorry sorry10:33
bigbrovarvivek_: i added the ling so u know that this one is not generated by network manager but it for your isp.. because it is commented it is ignored by the system10:35
bigbrovarvivek_: when u add a # infront of an entery that entry is ignored. #comments are a way to describe what an entry is all about10:36
vivek_bigbrovar:done now will restart and check10:36
bigbrovaru can replace it with #I love my wife and that wont have any effect as long as the ling start with a #10:37
vivek_bigbrovar:lol... and yeah things are working perfectly now.. no problem at all10:38
vivek_bigbrovar:thanks for all the support and your time10:38
bigbrovarvivek_: np10:43
bigbrovarvivek_: glad to be of help.. and i would send u my beer bill :p10:43
vivek_bigbrovar:would love to pay that ... after all the help that  you have done for me everytime.. a beer bill sounds cheap .. and would be great if i could get away with that10:44
bigbrovarvivek_: naa just pass it forward10:45
vivek_bigbrovar:i have faced umpteen issues and someone or the other has always helped either in forums or in chat rooms... I have documented each of these problems and am going to post a trouble shooting guide for beginners with the names of all those who helped me to do that10:46
vivek_bigbrovar:most probably in the next one hour10:47
bigbrovarvivek_: great.. we were all noobs ( and some of us as still noobs_ and i can easily relate to u..10:48
vivek_bigbrovar:that is the only way i can help... particularly with my tech skills and am sure there would be many like me and these are the reasons which keep them on windows10:48
vivek_bigbrovar:lol.. btw I am not a NOOB.. lol just kidding10:48
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vivek_bigbrovar:sorry buddy .. but there is a small issue when i restart the system , the changes i made to  resolve.conf are gone even though i saved it11:59
vivek_bigbrovar:sorry for troubling you again11:59
rossellaWow sono un nuovo utente salve a tutti!12:04
ForgeAuswrong language rosel english here only12:05
Tm_T!it | rossella12:05
ubotturossella: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:05
vivek_I modified my resolve.conf file .. but after rebooting i find that it has reset itself to the previous setting ... can somone help12:06
rossella<Tm_t> molte grazie dell'avvertimento! Have fun you all here!12:07
rossella /join #ubuntu-it12:07
vivek_I modified my resolve.conf file .. but after rebooting i find that it has reset itself to the previous setting ... can somone help12:09
vivek_bigbrovar:sorry for troubling you again12:09
vivek_bigbrovar:sorry buddy .. but there is a small issue when i restart the system , the changes i made to  resolve.conf are gone even though i saved it12:09
Tm_Tvivek_: because you shouldn't edit it directly12:10
vivek_Tm_T:I used kdesudo kate /etc/resolv.conf and then changed it and saved it12:11
justusIve got a little problem here, I try to instal the latest nvidia driver but the 64bit version tells me that my installation isnt 64bit allthough it is12:11
Tm_Tvivek_: yes, you should edit dns settings in networkmanager if you are using it12:11
vivek_Tm_T .. my network manager looks like this when i click on it.. please have a look...http://twitpic.com/1fyfb912:12
Tm_Tvivek_: hmm, but you are using networkmanager to handle your network connections? if not, then you should poke /etc/network/interfaces file12:13
vivek_Tm_T:I am quite new to this.. I just have a wired connection and when i switch on my computer , the internet is always there but off late some sites did not open and found that there was some dns issue.. so got the dns numbers from my provider and now want to change it12:15
Tm_Tvivek_: hmmm, could you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces ?12:15
vivek_Tm_T:it has just 2 ,lines auto lo   iface lo inet loopback12:17
Tm_Tthen it's networkmanager12:17
Tm_Tshame I don't know much about that12:17
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:17
vivek_Tm_T:any help please?12:18
vivek_Tm_T:it is not wireless .. it is a wired connection12:19
Tm_Tsorry, I don't know12:19
Tm_Tbut you can try searching with keywords "networkmanager eth dns"12:19
vivek_Tm_T:can you please tell me how to change resolv.conf permanently12:20
Tm_Tvivek_: somehow by dealing with networkmanager12:21
Tm_Tvivek_: and ask your ISP to provide proper dns thru dhcp12:21
SandGorgonguys.. new migrant to KDE here.. in Nautilus ctrl-H toggled between showing hidden files and back. Is there a similar shortcut for Dolphin ? can I customize the shortcut/keybinding ?12:23
ForgeAuswell yeah you can customize key binding, uh brb.. I'll have a look at dolphin12:24
ForgeAus(personally I'm more of a fan of krusader or konqu)12:25
ForgeAushmm interesting the dolphin I'm runnning doesn't seem to have a menubar12:26
ForgeAusbut in customizing the toolbar I noticed a show hidden files toggle button12:27
ForgeAus(didn't notice a key combo attached to it tho)12:27
iconmefistoForgeAus: ctrl-M to show menubar12:33
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ForgeAusalt+. to show/hide hidden files then12:33
ForgeAusthats the default key combo It tells me on the menu12:34
vivek_I modified my resolve.conf file .. but after rebooting i find that it has reset itself to the previous setting ... can somone help12:35
benishorthat is being set by knetworkmanager12:36
ForgeAusseems to work for me... but my Dolphin is from KDE4.2.212:36
floriana ciao12:37
ForgeAusI dont' recommend a KDE4 version less than that (also note: if your using KDE3, I recommend at least KDE3.5.9 or above)12:38
floriananon mi funziona pidgin12:38
vivek_benishor:so how do i get rid of that12:39
benishorvivek_: set your nameservers in knetworkmanager12:39
andre_what is the default torrent client?12:40
benishorandre_: ktorrent12:42
andre_benishor: thanks, does this come as standard in kubuntu?12:43
benishorI don't know, it came for me12:43
benishorI didn't do anything special12:43
lubsehello, is it possible to add an item to the right click menu?12:46
lubseI wish to add an item called "edit with VIM"12:46
=== rene is now known as Guest40223
johann_Quelqu'un peut m'aider? / Someone can help me?13:13
johann_ça concerne KOrganizer / It concern KOrganizer13:14
johann_please someone13:15
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois13:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:17
johann_thanks a lot13:18
johann_so ok13:18
johann_I need help for KOrganizer13:18
johann_I want to remove all the "agenda" in place in order to create a totaly new13:18
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johann_no one can help me?13:21
vivek_bigbrovar_:I did it.. resolv.conf it seems was getting reset by the router or the network manager.. so instead of changing that.. i changed etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf .. uncommented the line prepend domain name servers and added my dns servers.. that seems to have resolved my issues.. by the way i tried being a little smart .. instead of using the dns servers given by my internet provider , i used the google public dns servers.. would that create any problem13:22
benishorit shouldn't create any problem13:23
benishorI used the opendns ones13:23
vivek_benishor:thanks but how are these dns servers of google better than what my ip provides13:25
vivek_benishor:I dont see much difference in the speed13:25
EagleScreenI recently entered here13:28
EagleScreenwhat's up13:29
benishorvivek_: it depends on the context13:30
krzysiekjAfter waking computer up from "suspend to RAM" i had 100% CPU usage for very long time (at least a few minutes), and high disk usage. I also noticed swap was being used despite lots of free RAM. I decided to force poweroff and after that I have been unable to start Kontact. Here are crash informations: http://paste.ubuntu.com/415547/ . May it be a problem with filesystem?13:35
savahello, anybody here on lucid? I am having trouble with sound in Skype and Flash13:40
savasystem sounds and music playback (Amarok) work fine13:40
savabut Skype and Flash movies are silent13:41
savaany ideas?13:41
benishorsava: try alsamixer13:43
benishormake sure everthing is turned on there13:43
savabenishor: thanks, will try13:43
johann_my agenda list has disapeared on my korganizer...how can I bring it back?13:56
johann_no one can help me?13:59
savabenishor: thanks, needed to turn up pcm13:59
vivek_johann_:what is the issue?14:00
savaworks now14:00
johann_vivek hi...I've a problem on korganizer... my agenda list has disapeared... and I can't take it back14:01
MatisseKpackagekit is never able to show a description for a update package, is it a known unsolved bug or is it repairable?14:01
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vivek_johann_:sorry buddy no idea14:03
johann_vivek thx anyway14:04
vbgunzdid youtube change all the flash videos to only support the absolute latest version of flash?14:23
vbgunzI cannot use konqueror or firefox to visit youtube. there are no videos whatsoever :/14:23
vbgunzkeeps telling me to upgrade and I believe I have 10.42.3214:24
lucituvbgunz: I only get that on konqueror..no problem with ff nor chromium14:27
UnixDawgwhats the channel for 20.2 ?14:31
UnixDawgthe installer on beta 2  has issues14:31
BluesKajHi all14:32
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Matissevbgunz, yout works fine for me too, im using firefoyx14:34
cuzntis there a way to fix my kde while I am on a different partition? i upgraded to the beta and it will not boot up14:39
vbgunzMatisse, lucitu, it turns out when this happens, you got to close every instance of konqueror and firefox and youtube will start working again.14:41
Matissevbgunz, so the flash plugin is just crashing?14:42
cuzntyoutube works best for my with chrome. absolutly no issues.14:42
lucituvbgunz: no prob with ff chrome arora. only with konqueror14:43
Matissevbgunz, the flash plugin also crashs here sometimes. then instead of the player its just grey and nothing happening, but as it seems it has nothing to do with the version14:47
vandenoeverare there kubuntu packages for a recent koffice?14:51
vandenoeverwhere recent means at least 2.114:51
vandenoeverfor karmic ...14:51
johann_the list of my agenda has disapeared in korganizer... how can I retreive it?15:40
johann_no one can help me?15:50
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johann_plenty of people but no one wanting to help!!!!!16:08
cuzntits not that i do not want to help. I do now know what a korganizer is16:08
cuzntnor does the bot16:09
johann_cuznt at least you respond... it's an agenda program working on kde platform16:10
cuzntwell #1 just because there are peeps on does not make them all active. i just happened to be passing by.16:11
cuzntyou might want to try the kubuntu forums16:11
cuznttrust me if someone knows the answer and sees your question they will respond otherwise we try not to fill the space with empty chatter. you could try to do a file search16:12
cuzntgo into dolphin and <ctrl>+<f> into it and you can search dolphin for the files16:13
cuznt<alt>+<f2> type dolphin into the prompt16:14
ForgeAushehe its like Quicksilver for Mac16:17
ForgeAus(but possibly without the dict.org definitions and calculator??? )16:17
SandGorgonanybody know of any alternatives to ark ? it doesnt really work intuitively for me (I have been a long time Gnome user)16:46
jmichaelxSandGorgon: i have been a KDE user for years, but in this case i have generally preferred to use file roller16:50
SandGorgonjmichaelx, thanks!! I thought I would be castigated here for daring to go Gnome-friendly16:52
SandGorgonjmichaelx, what about q7z or the like ?16:52
_tristan__Any vim package that comes with the X11 clipboard option (+xterm_clipboard), thnks16:53
jmichaelxSandGorgon: i have not used q7z, but it might be worth experimenting with it16:53
Gintulishow to change maximise/unmaximise window speed?17:26
MatisseGintulis, have you had a look in system preferences?17:27
Gintulisi cant find17:27
MatisseGintulis, kicker -> programs -> settings -> system settings ?17:30
GintulisMatisse, i find system settings, but where in system settings i can chage window maximise speed?17:33
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Ahmuckis there a way to perm set the clock to sync with inet time?18:03
txwikingerAhmuck: yes18:28
txwikingerAhmuck: Systemsettings->Date & Time18:30
Ahmucktxwikinger: i've done that but it's not keeping the auto time setting18:32
txwikingerHmm.. then maybe it is a bug18:33
txwikingerAhmuck: what release do you use?18:33
txwikingerAhmuck: alternatively you could install the ntp package18:37
txwikingerthen you don't need to enable it in the system settings18:38
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OxymoronHey guys and girls, I was wondering, is there any other application launcher than KMenu, Lancelot or Raptor that is looking even better and more creative curves and interface? :)20:15
Dajomu1Oxymoron: krunner?20:18
OxymoronDajomu1: Whats Krunner?20:18
OxymoronDajomu1: Yes, but I want a large one with icons and neat and usuable stuff because I dont remember all application names. I use alt+f2 sometimes.20:19
Dajomu1gnome do?20:19
OxymoronDajomu1: What does gnome do, *sucks*? :D20:19
Dajomu1it is an application launcher20:20
Dajomu1Oxymoron: what about launcy? http://www.launchy.net/index.html20:23
OxymoronDajomu1: Not sure, need to test them both. But gnome-do is for Gnome? :S20:24
Dajomu1Oxymoron: gnome-do works fine in kde as well20:24
OxymoronDajomu1: No thanks, it requires to much GTK/Gnome packages to install it.20:26
OxymoronDajomu1: Isnt there anything more like Lancelot but looks more nice ...? :P20:26
Dajomu1Oxymoron: Ok20:26
Dajomu1Oxymoron: launcy has various themes you could install20:26
OxymoronDajomu1: Well I try it and see if its anything for me :)20:30
OxymoronDajomu1: Launchy was quite nice, but not sure, is it possible to integrate into Cairo dock?20:34
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SatManUKhi I have a hp pavilion dv7-2230sa which on every other linux distribution has a total acpi meltdown - but on kubuntu it just works out of the box could you tell me what you have done different that others haven't?21:32
djusticeSatManUK: some particular kernel config... check the ubuntu kernel patch list and .config file. maybe. dunno. :)21:54
elisionistaGood evening :)22:26
Dr_Dhey guys22:36
Dr_Di have a strange problem...22:36
Dr_Di'm running jaunty ubuntu, and i'm trying to reduce my display resolution22:37
Dr_Dwhen i open the display properties, i get bad lag and the window has to be killed22:37
Dr_Di waiteds for about 10 minutes earlier... came back and the window still wasn't responding22:38
Dr_Dand yeah, i have a crap card :p22:38
Dr_Di don't have any fancy gfx stuff enabled though, just plain jane22:38
maurii need help for my scanner canon lide 10022:57
naftilos76hi everyone, has anyone installed and used Zoneminder?22:57
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SatManUKwhere would i find the kernel changes specific to a hp pavilion dv7-2230sa as this is the only distro that works on it and i wanna share it with others23:05
SatManUKi think it was between 9.4 and 9.1023:06
SatManUKhey i need to update my e-mail address on the ubuntu forum but i can't remember the password23:27
SatManUKi can't access the e-mail account I registered with because its inactive - the company went bust23:28
macoSatManUK: talk to jdong in #ubuntuforums23:28
macoSatManUK: he's an admin. may be able to help23:28
SatManUKok thanks23:29
=== SatManUK is now known as SatManUK[a]

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