
allquixoticI just purchased a 12 month commercial launchpad subscription. I got the email from donotreply@canonical.com saying "You may now go to Launchpad to redeem the voucher for a Launchpad Commercial Subscription (12 months, Basic) on any proprietary project you administer." but when I go to http://launchpad.net/people/+me/+vouchers I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/415253/  Help??01:40
persiaDoes that page have an OOPS code?01:42
mwhudsonallquixotic: ugh01:42
mwhudsonallquixotic: i'd recomment trying again though01:42
allquixoticmwhudson: I've been trying for 10 minutes, with two browsers, cleared cache, logged out/in with openid, made sure I have a project registered with the "Other/Proprietary" license selected...01:42
allquixoticpersia: No, the only contents of the error page are exactly what's in the paste01:43
allquixoticIt's apparently a problem with that specific area of the system because viewing my project and other such things work fine01:43
allquixoticit times out after 30 seconds, approximately01:44
mwhudsonspm: can you help allquixotic at all?01:44
mwhudsonallquixotic: hm, my guess is that the service we talk to to find out about the voucher has fallen over01:45
allquixoticmwhudson: Hopefully a sporadic issue -- I went commercial to get _away_ from infrastructure-related headaches when doing distributed commercial development. :(01:46
mwhudsonwell yeah, i can see that, it's certainly unfortunate timeing01:46
mwhudsonallquixotic: i'm rummaging through the source to find out who we need to shout at, fwiw01:47
spmmwhudson: alas I have nfi where/what could be causing that... if you can point me at something tho?01:47
allquixoticPing me if you need any more input from me on troubleshooting this further, otherwise I will give it a few hours and, failing that, submit an official support request through the canonical website (not sure how that's done -- email or something, but I'll find it.)01:48
allquixoticAnd failing that, request a refund. ;)01:49
mwhudsonyeah well, hopefully it won't come to that01:50
mwhudsonallquixotic: the page fails to load for me too, so i don't think we need anything specific from you01:50
allquixoticmwhudson: Well it's a relief that my account is not specifically at fault. :)01:50
allquixoticAt first I thought it might be getting held up in the annals of the payment processing system, but it seems the payment cleared fully by now01:51
mwhudsonallquixotic: actually it loaded for me now01:51
mwhudsonallquixotic: can you try again?01:51
allquixoticYeah, it loaded!01:51
allquixoticwell, if someone fixed it manually, I appreciate the fast turnaround. If it fixed itself, well, lucky I guess. :)01:52
allquixoticLooks good -- it seems to work now.01:52
mwhudsonallquixotic: awesome, sorry for the disruption01:53
allquixoticNo worries. Nothing's perfect, specially not software. ;)01:53
spmallquixotic: surreal. looking at the logs for the service in question. about 30+ mins ago you had no vouchers - when you recently tried you did. how long ago did ou get the voucher? Am wondering is some sort of purchase delay... ??01:56
allquixoticspm: Yeah, I think there was a delay -- I very recently purchased the voucher02:53
allquixoticspm: Although, if there was a delay because of me, then it delayed *everyone* (or at least, mwhudson and myself) when I made my purchase ;)02:54
spmallquixotic: yeah. either way - getting an unhelpful message like that is .. painful for all of us. :-)02:55
allquixoticspm: While you're here, do you know how I can enable the private branches feature that they talk about at https://launchpad.net/+tour/join-launchpad ?02:56
spmallquixotic: yes - from a technical fiddle this'n'that perspective - from a 'how does this tie in with a subscription sense?' no...02:57
spmjust checking that project and seeing what's up there...02:58
allquixoticspm: Ah. That was actually the main reason I signed up with LP -- to get a private bzr branch so only certain people (I'm guessing a launchpad "team") could check out the code.02:58
spmyeah - that'd make sense to me as well :-)02:58
allquixoticAccess control for commits is built-in, of course, but not for grabbing the source. We're gearing up to release everything open source in a year or so under GPLv2+, but until things are through a long legal process involving frankenstein licenses from the 90s and people who switched careers to Theta healing, we're stuck having to make this closed source. :(02:59
spmmwhudson: hrm. interesting. looks like the default was set public. that seems ... bad somehow. perhaps some sort of automated 'make private-only' switch/default forbidden may be in order?03:01
allquixoticI googled and saw that as long ago as 2008, there were people getting private bzr branches on launchpad "upon request" for various reasons -- one instance was a team working on an Ubuntu magazine. So I know that the low level stuff is in there for making private branches.03:01
spmoh yes - we use it ourselves. heaps. it works well.03:02
allquixoticand private branches are reasonably secured against attempts to check out the source without having one of the authorized LP accounts, right?03:02
spmallquixotic: have you a team you'll be using for this access? the normal gist is to grant a team the access to r/w; and deny all else.03:02
allquixoticspm: Yes, we created a team mere minutes ago03:02
spmAhh. So you have. and changed the maintainer. ta!03:03
allquixoticI was expecting one of those "make private-only" switches, but I guess that's why that feature is stated as being in beta on the page describing it. ;)03:03
spmallquixotic: so that maintainer team has 'private-only' so you can't accidently open a page.03:04
spmerrr branch, not page.03:04
spmNOTE TO SELF. don't type and read something else at the same time... confusing.03:04
allquixoticSo, wait... did you just go in and change the team so all branches owned by that team are private only?03:04
spmallquixotic: I'd suggest you create a dummy new branch under that project and fiddle with that to get the idea.03:05
spmno; the project. so branches by that team for that project are private only.03:05
allquixoticah, I see03:05
allquixoticso that team can still hack on other projects that are not private only. I see03:05
spmexactly. which given what we as a company do; is fairly core. :-)03:06
spmhrm... the project itself is still NOT private.03:07
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
OdyXHi, I'm trying to assign a bug to a specific version of a package (aka it is fixed in a higher version actually in Squeeze), is it even possible ?08:06
OdyXokay… sham08:14
poolieOdyX: what do you mean by 'assign'08:55
poolieoh i can guess08:55
pooliejust add a comment08:56
poolieperhaps ask for it to be synced into lucid if it's severe08:56
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=== daniloff is now known as danilos
=== danilos changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: danilos | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
=== stub1 is now known as stub
stazwhat's the proper way to deal with spam in bug reports https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-butterfly/+bug/445994 ? is there a place to report it other than here?12:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445994 in telepathy-butterfly "telepathy-butterfly crashed with error in __repr__()" [Low,Fix released]12:10
jpdsstaz: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion would be the place.12:13
stazah ok I would have expected to have some sort of semi automated process for this12:15
stazjpds: reported, thanks for you help :)12:19
danilosstaz, fwiw, we'd love to have a semi-automated process for this, but as of yet, we are not seeing enough spam to warrant such a solution; we do have some semi-automated spam-detection tools, but that's about it :)12:51
danilosstaz, anyway, thanks for the report, I've delegated it to our admins who should get to it soon12:51
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nigelbgot an oops from launchpad OOPS-1567H152115:41
Ursinhaah, timeouts...15:49
Ursinhanigelb, this is a timeout, can you try again, please, to see if that works?15:50
nigelbUrsinha, trying again15:50
nigelbUrsinha, works fine now.  Thank you :)15:51
Ursinhanigelb, ah, no problem! :)15:51
Ursinhaand sorry about that15:52
nigelbno problem :)15:52
allquixoticIs there an upper limit to how much data can be stored in a Bazaar branch hosted on Launchpad? Or any consequences besides slow pull/push to having unusual sized branches? (If it makes a difference, I'm using a commercial subscription to get a private branch.)16:10
allquixoticI don't plan on pushing terabytes (I doubt we'll ever use 1 gigabyte, actually) but just want to be conscious of what we need to work within to stay under the radar.16:12
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BavarianPHLaunchpad told me to go to IRC support channel on irc.freenode.net for help with Referer Headers neede for Launchpad20:44
BavarianPHis this the Launchpad IRC  support channel on irc.freenode.net?20:54
micahgBavarianPH: yes20:54
BavarianPHI need to know how to enable Referer Headers for Launchpad.20:55
BavarianPHthis is the first time I have used IRC, I value my privacy. I use MPVS hostfiles, snort, mobloquer, No Script, Ghostery. One of these security apps may have blocked the Referer Headers. I have no idea how to unblock just Launchpad?21:03
keturntrying to figure out the launchpad workflow.  I just bzr push lp:~userid/project-name/branch-name , and then launchpad automatically recognizes project-name and it shows up on the project's code.launchpad.net page?21:03
micahgketurn: yep21:05
=== BavarianPH changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
=== BavarianPH changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Referer Headers
=== jpds changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
keturnI should perhaps give up my crusade of using a URL in my `bzr whoami` instead of an email address.  launchpad doesn't like it very well.21:11
keturnI mean, it works, it just doesn't link to my user.21:11
BavarianPHsorry for budding in, reading protocols does not compute, show me the appropriate way to get help on Referer Headers in Launchpad, please.21:14
keturnBavarianPH: I have no idea what half the tools you mentioned are.  I'm not sure that we're in the best position to help you configure them.21:15
BavarianPHmoblock-deb provides packages related to IP blocking software, similar to PeerGuardian: In order to protect your privacy internet traffic is blocked based on large lists of IP address ranges. The packages are MoBlock, NFBlock, blockcontrol and mobloquer. This site offers Debian packages for the current Debian and Ubuntu distributions.21:18
BavarianPHMoBlock and NFBlock are IP block daemons, which do the actual blocking. blockcontrol is a CLI, designed to do all tasks related to IP block daemons (MoBlock or NFBlock). blockcontrol is developed here. It's available as Debian package and as a separate download for all Linux distributions. mobloquer is a GUI on top of blockcontrol.21:18
BavarianPHwhat I would like to know if there is a Linux program or script that can enable Referer Headers for just a particular web site, such as Launchpad? Launchpad tells me it needs my Referer Headers, and I want to comply, but Launchpad does not tell me how to enable these headers in Firefox.21:26
BavarianPHFirefox extensions suggested by Launchpad do not work. I will research on my own then, if I find the solution, I may let you know. Goodby! and thankyou!21:35
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=== MTecknology is now known as MTeck-ricer
goundyguys, what are the launchpad hardware requirements ?23:15
goundysay for a single-user use23:16

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