
=== Guest44660 is now known as FLOZz
thorwilkwwii: you're at home? hope you were not supposed to fly soon10:31
kwwiithorwil: I fly out on sunday10:35
kwwiiI have been home for like 3 weeks in a row10:35
Cimikwwii, :P10:35
kwwiiCimi: hey, I caught up with people in the office, it seems that we are now doing a sprint the week before UDS10:35
kwwiiCimi: so I don't think we can work out anything before UDS10:36
Cimiand then?10:36
thorwilwhat are you two planning?10:36
kwwiiCimi: until when are you free?10:37
Cimiuds :D10:37
kwwiithorwil: secret plans ;-)10:37
Cimitill half may10:37
kwwiihrm, let me see about uds then10:37
Cimithen I am busy till october I guess10:37
CimiI must study10:38
kwwiiI will keep pushing buttons and see what I can come up with10:38
Cimikwwii, is it normal so much wait before knowing about a sponsorship?10:52
CimiI submit the request more then a month ago10:53
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thorwilso it seems the wiki surge protection issue is still lingering13:18
vishdashua: close prelight   >      <image filename="close.png" x="0" y="1" width="object_width" height="object_height"  colorize="#E88148" alpha=".7"/>   looks weird :s14:49
kwwiiso with the link color change people hate the way evolution looks15:07
kwwiivish, dashua: any idea how to fix that?15:09
dashuakwwii, The orange?15:10
kwwiidashua: yepp15:16
kwwiijust for evolution we could set it back to blue15:17
dashuaWhat do they want, blue?15:17
dashuaHrm ok15:17
dashuaLet me try some things.15:17
kwwiicool, thanks15:17
kwwiihey, did you get an invitation for UDS?15:17
dashuaYes :)15:18
kwwiivish: get yours yet?15:18
dashuakwwii, That gconf error seemed to have never made it in packaging branch, but was in the light-themes one.15:19
dashuaNot sure what happened.15:19
kwwiidashua: yeah, me either15:19
dashuaOr fix I should say15:19
kwwiiboth the ubuntu-art-pkg and my private repo should be up to date know I think15:20
vishkwwii: the orange we can add the EMFolder and set it different15:20
vishkwwii: havent received the printed one yet :(15:20
vishdashua: you got the printed one?15:20
kwwiivish: ahhh, you need a printed invitation15:20
dashuaOk cool, I was checking trough the revisions and the fix never seemed to have hit the packaging branch.15:20
dashuavish, No. Nothing printed.15:21
kwwiivish: jcastro just told me that he is taking care of your stuff and will ping you on irc when it is done15:24
vishkwwii: awesome , thanks :)15:25
kwwiidashua: let me check15:25
kwwiidashua: bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/+junk/light-themes/revision/25 shows it was fixed15:26
kwwiierase and local copies and start from there15:26
dashuaOh it's fixed now15:26
vishkwwii: the close hover prelight seems weird :(15:26
dashuaI meant earlier, not sire what happened.15:26
dashuavish, How about an icon, you think?15:27
vishkwwii: also , reminder for Bug 549268 , the wallpaper15:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549268 in light-themes "Light-themes should suggest matching background" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54926815:27
vishdarkmatter: icon would be better15:27
kwwiivish: hrm, not sure if we want to change people's bg when they select our theme or not15:27
darkmattervish: quit tab-failing my nick you! :p15:28
dashuavish, Can you come up with something to test?15:28
vishkwwii: eitherway , works for me , I just need to remove it from review queue ;p15:28
kwwiivish: erm, can you point me at it?15:29
kwwiivish: I did not realize there was a request :p15:29
vishkwwii: the bug^ had the patch , and it got added to reviewers queue15:29
dashuakwwii, Think I have the link fixed.15:30
* darkmatter slaps vish with a 60lb cod15:30
vishdashua: i dont have the source , , would be easier if i had that ,15:30
vishkwwii do you have the icon15:30
kwwiiwhich icon?15:31
vishthe red close  , the prelight looks pretty fugly :s15:31
kwwiivish: ahhh, that is not a seperate icon15:32
kwwiivish: that is done by metacity itself15:32
vishkwwii: right now it is using the   colorize="#E88148" and it flows out of the button15:32
dashuaEvolution link will be blue, visted orange, and everything else will be the same gnome-appearance-properties, ff, liferea, etc15:32
kwwiivish: right15:32
vishkwwii: it was added recently , didnt happen before last update , which looked better , maybe we can use a brighter icon instead of using colorize15:33
kwwiidashua: cool, thanks!15:33
kwwiivish: we worked on lots of ideas for the button states, and nothing solid is done yet15:33
kwwiivish: because we did not have a final set of images we did the best we could :-)15:34
darkmatterme replaces all vishs fonts with renamed copies of comic sans ms15:34
kwwiivish: I can send you the svg if you want to work on some ideas15:34
vishkwwii: pls do, that doesnt look nice currently15:35
kwwiivish: but I would prefer if you discussed any suggestions with me so that I can get feedback from the rest of the design team15:35
vishsure :)15:35
kwwiivish: before putting it into the public space and giving people the impression they can vote on it or such :p15:35
kwwiionly people who have signed the NDA should receive this file, as well15:36
vishha no voting , but not really pretty with the glow flowing out of the icon ;)15:36
dashuakwwii, Test out rev. 27.  Looks good here.15:54
kwwiidashua: will do...gotta run to the store first though, will check it out asap15:55
dashuaK np15:55
kwwiiargh, you also changed the metacity15:55
dashuaTook that glow out until vish comes up with something.15:57
dashuaUnless you liked it =/15:57
dashuakwwii, Those Dust changes never made it in either.15:58
dashuaThe branch you approved a week ago.  Maybe lost in the mix.15:59
kwwiidashua: is that in main or universe?16:04
dashuakwwii, Main16:13
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