
swoodywell the comand before, was to remove those packages...00:00
g33kergRL?? oh yah00:01
swoodyyou could try: dpkg --get-selections | grep packagename00:01
swoodyso for wine it would be: dpkg --get-selections | grep wine00:01
swoodyif it doesn't print anything, the package isn't installed00:02
g33kergRLso, it isnt00:02
g33kergRLswoody: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/415230/ do u see anything odd?00:05
swoodyg33kergRL: nope, looks good :)00:06
swoodylike it says, you can run: 'sudo apt-get autoremove' to remove the old kernel packages you won't need00:06
g33kergRLhow do i know what i don't need?00:07
swoodyand if you're going to be running Windows apps, I would recommend intalling the msttcorefonts00:07
swoodyg33kergRL: well, that command mostly :)00:07
swoodythere are also various sections in Synaptic that can tell you...00:08
swoodyon the left side, go to 'Status' at the bottom, and on the upper left, there will be a section named 'Installed (local or obsolete)' which will show obsolete packages...00:08
g33kergRLswoody: so i do:               sudo apt-get autoremove  ??? and I don't actually need to know which is not-needed?00:09
swoodybut you have to be careful, because it may also show packages which you installed yourself, and you don't want to remove00:09
swoodyg33kergRL: yes, that will remove packages which Ubuntu considers no longer needed00:09
g33kergRLok, i've been using this for 2 hours now, so not much whihc i installed00:10
g33kergRLhere, a vid i made http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hecX4yfmGFo00:13
swoodylol, very nice :)00:15
g33kergRLthe music is scottish with latin lyrics00:15
g33kergRLha ha did you see that thing about  the Icelandic ash-cloud?00:16
g33kergRLokay, WINE00:16
swoodywine :)00:17
swoodyg33kergRL: one thing to keep in mind, you're going to need to configure Wine before you try to run apps00:17
g33kergRLhow do i do that, or do u have a link00:18
swoodyyep, You can find that in the menu: Applications>Wine>Configure(?)00:18
swoodyyou'll need to auto-detect your drives, set which Windows version you want to emulate, etc.00:18
g33kergRLswoody: wow seems complicated00:21
swoodyit's also explained on that Wine wiki page00:21
swoodyg33kergRL: well you don't need to change a whole lot, most of the default settings should work fine for you00:21
g33kergRLswoody: hmmm, it doesn't see all my drives or all the folders on my c-drive. it seems as if it runs a tiny version of windows somewhere, instead of the actual thing00:24
swoodyg33kergRL: yeah, it sets up a 'virtual Windows' drive in your home directory00:25
g33kergRLi see00:25
swoodyso /home/yourname/.wine/00:25
g33kergRLdo you think i could run uTorrent from there?00:25
g33kergRLi really loved that program00:26
swoodyprobably, but why don't you give one of the Linux versions a try?00:26
g33kergRLits so tiny!!00:26
swoodyI use transmission, and love it :)00:26
swoodythere's also vuze00:26
g33kergRLyech vuze00:26
g33kergRLi couldn't find the ETA column in transmission00:26
swoodysorry, I meant deluge :)00:26
g33kergRLwhich skked00:27
tenachg33kergRL, ETA shows up under the name00:27
tenachof the torrent after it's started and has connected to peers00:27
g33kergRLwhich one looks the most like utorrent?00:27
swoodyon mine, it shows ETA right above the progress bar of the torrent00:27
tenachswoody, mine shows both00:27
g33kergRLi had to right click it, and of course i couldn't sort on ETA00:27
g33kergRLor on anything00:27
swoodytenach: no, that's what I meant, it shows both, but it's just above the bar :)00:28
swoodyg33kergRL: well I also used deluge, which has a few more options, but is still user-friendly00:28
g33kergRLwhich linux app looks the most like utorrent?00:28
swoodyhmm... not too sure :/ It's been a long time since I played with utorrent...00:29
swoodyg33kergRL: some options and pics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BitTorrent00:29
swoodyerr.. rather a pic of transmission only :/00:29
g33kergRLwow, europe has no flights at all, great opportunity to prove global warming00:29
swoodybut you can follow the links there for more info on the different apps00:30
g33kergRLyes it works under wine!!!00:30
g33kergRLor so it says00:30
g33kergRLswoody: hey01:13
swoodyheya g33kergRL :)01:13
g33kergRLooh that was useless waste of tieme01:13
g33kergRLit's like eating big macs01:14
swoodywhat was?01:14
g33kergRLthe pol channel01:14
g33kergRLyou know it's bad for you, but you go anyways01:14
swoodymasochistic nature? ;)01:14
g33kergRLno, more procrastinating?01:15
g33kergRLi gotta study, and idontwanna01:15
swoodyc'est la'vie :/01:20
g33kergRLswoody: what do you do actually?01:23
g33kergRLon your 'farm'?01:23
swoodygo to school full-time, trying to find a job, otherwise I'm either outside or online :)01:24
g33kergRLswoody: well, we have something incommon01:29
g33kergRLi wanna use apt-get autoremove but i am not root, how do i set my self as root01:31
g33kergRL.... swoody01:32
swoodyg33kergRL: use sudo01:32
swoodysudo apt-get...01:32
swoodyit gives you temporary root privelages, rather than running as root :)01:34
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g33kergRLok, i think i did it01:36
g33kergRLmuzha: hey01:36
g33kergRLyou commie baztard ;)01:36
muzhaChallah g33kergRL01:36
g33kergRLmuzha: meaning?01:36
muzhag33kergRL, Hello01:36
g33kergRLwhat language?01:37
swoodyhola muzha :)01:37
muzhag33kergRL, it's not -- it's a type of bread01:37
muzhag33kergRL, but you say it kinda like Holla!01:37
muzhahey swoody01:37
g33kergRLchallah, or inshallah01:38
Raidsongmuzha you seem familiar01:38
g33kergRLRaidsong: whoa, did u sleep?01:38
muzhag33kergRL, Challah, it's a braided bread01:38
Raidsongg33kergRL, whats sleep?01:38
muzhag33kergRL, it's also Jewish, not Arabic01:38
g33kergRLboth are semitic01:39
muzhag33kergRL, Insha'Allah is Arabic :)01:39
Raidsongit is?01:39
g33kergRLRaidsong: muzha and i a fellow communists01:39
Raidsongwhat kind of communism?01:39
muzhaMarxism, yo01:39
g33kergRLRaidsong: u know a lot about raid disks etc01:40
Raidsongnot at all01:40
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KirstenGood evening02:42
Kirstenhey guys, beginner ubuntu user here, suffering the infamous(?) updated and "gave up waiting for root device" problem, anyone know of a definitive, hand-holding workaround documentation for fixing this through busybox?02:42
suddenzeroHello, I am trying to install the web tools plugin in eclipse on ubuntu 9.10 and I am getting an error even using the eclipse update feature. I have an error log. Can someone help me please?02:43
VantraxWhich version of ubuntu and which kernel Kirsten02:43
Vantraxsuddenzero what java do you have installed02:43
suddenzeroUbuntu 9.10 - the Karmic Koala02:43
suddenzeroEclipse SDK Version: 3.5.102:43
suddenzeroJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_19-b04)02:43
Kirstenvantrax: pretty sure I'm running 9.10, not sure which kernel02:44
Vantraxsuddenzero: did you run eclipse as administrator the first time?02:44
VantraxKirsten: id check http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8285183&postcount=1202:45
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suddenzeroIt asked me to use my password when I ran the update tool does that count or do I need to go to the commandline and run eclipse as root from the terminal.02:45
Vantraxrun eclipse with sudo the first time02:46
Vantraxseems to bug out otherwise from memory02:46
Vantraxafter that you should be ok02:46
suddenzeroOk I'll give it a shot thanks a lot!02:46
Vantraxif not let me know, ill check my notes02:46
suddenzerowill do thanks again02:46
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haywireGood evening.  I'm having trouble re-enabling autologin with xubuntu 9.10.  I believe this is a function of GDM...any takers?02:49
voss749Thats a beginner question? Wow02:50
haywireI swear I've only played with xubuntu for abt a week... linux in general for 1 1/2 weeks... I am just unlucky I guess..(that I have to dig this deep...)02:51
swoodyhaywire: hello :)02:51
haywiregood evening02:52
swoodyhaywire: It's been a while since I've used xubuntu, is there a 'Users and Groups' option in your menu?02:52
suddenzero@Vantrax I am running eclipse as sudo and I still get the same error.02:52
Vantraxsuddenzero: what is the error02:53
suddenzeroCannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.02:53
suddenzero  Software being installed: Dali Java Persistence Tools 2.2.2.v200911250220-7L7OAPFBBoPS0TBgXV1je (org.eclipse.jpt.feature.feature.group 2.2.2.v200911250220-7L7OAPFBBoPS0TBgXV1je)02:53
suddenzero  Missing requirement: Dali Java Persistence Tools - DB UI 1.1.100.v200906070220 (org.eclipse.jpt.db.ui 1.1.100.v200906070220) requires 'bundle org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.db.generic.ui [1.0.1,2.0.0)' but it could not be found02:53
suddenzero  Cannot satisfy dependency:02:53
suddenzero    From: Dali Java Persistence Tools 2.2.2.v200911250220-7L7OAPFBBoPS0TBgXV1je (org.eclipse.jpt.feature.feature.group 2.2.2.v200911250220-7L7OAPFBBoPS0TBgXV1je)02:53
suddenzero    To: org.eclipse.jpt.db.ui [1.1.100.v200906070220]02:53
swoodyhaywire: great. Open that up. Then select the user you want to login automatically. Then on the right side of that window click on 'Change' next to the password option02:54
swoodyhaywire: there should be an option "Don't ask for password on login"?02:54
Vantraxsuddenzero: uninstall the package, looks like its somehow incomplete02:54
swoodysuddenzero: please use pastebin.ubuntu.com to post long outputs :)02:54
Vantraxwhere did you get eclpse from?02:55
suddenzero@swoody sorry02:55
suddenzeroI got it straight from the eclipse website.02:55
swoodysuddenzero: np, just a good habit to keep in mind :)02:55
Vantraxwhich release?02:55
suddenzeroEclipse SDK Version: 3.5.102:55
haywireswoody: Hmmm.. xubuntu is a little diff. perhaps, but I did login with admin pwd and got to the change password "button...."02:55
swoodyhaywire: hmm... yeah I'm not on xubuntu now, so it may be a bit different. Gimme one sec here...02:56
haywireSeems like it ignores the keypress just like it ignores the "unlock" button in "Login screen settings"02:56
suddenzero@vantrax should I use a different version?02:57
haywireThere is a "Don't ask for password at login" dialogue below that button, but is dimmed...02:57
Vantraxsuddenzero: it will be called something like Ganymede02:57
suddenzeroI am using Galileo is that not right?02:58
Vantraxbtw haywire Xubuntu doesnt use GDM, if your searching the web for solutions your looking for XCFE02:58
swoodyhaywire: well, I think that's what we're looking for here. I could be mistaken though :/02:59
Vantraxhold on, let me check its been a while02:59
haywireswoody:  I should've given you some background, too...02:59
haywireI have a dual boot setup that installed flawlessly at first using GRUB, Windoze xp home on master hdd, xubuntu on slave,03:00
swoodyhaywire: which version? Karmic 9.10?03:00
haywireat some point I foolishly ran recovery mode from the grub bootloader, now this problem started.... Yes 9.1003:01
Vantraxgalileo should be right03:01
Vantraxyou using the right version 32/64bit03:01
suddenzeroHmm, then I wonder why I am getting the error. 32 bit.03:02
Vantraxsuddenzero: here is my confusion, the list of basic packages is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/415274/03:03
suddenzeroThis computer is a little old 2.4 ghtz P4 with 2 gig RAM but it gets the job done03:03
Vantraxyour package that is having errors isnt in that.03:03
Vantraxive found with eclipse you download the most simple, then have it update itself with the more advanced packages03:03
VantraxI usually pull down http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-developers/galileor03:03
haywireIf I run sudo gdmsetup and tick the "run in terminal" box, I get some serious errors... I wonder if I can just remove gdm completely (will lose my gui, I think) and reinstall from terminal somehow....03:04
KirstenFollow up question: how do I determine my root drive partition (/dev/sdaxL)?03:04
Kirstenforget the L, bad typing03:04
VantraxKirsten you should be able to find out by going sudo fdisk -l (or without the sudo on a live cd)03:05
suddenzeroOk well then how do I uninstall the one I installed I'm kind of a newb03:05
Vantraxor looking in gparted if you prefer a graphical method03:05
Kirstenoh thanks03:05
haywireswoody: I hate to lose some other custom configuration I had to work hard on (over 5 hrs. to get the display at 1360x768 for my 16x9 LCD monitor..for one...)03:05
Vantraxsuddenzero delete the folder its in, and remove the symlink from /bin03:05
suddenzerook cool sounds good I will give it a shot and if that doesn't work I'll be back tomorrow. Thanks03:06
Vantraxhaywire: your running xubuntu with GDM?03:06
Vantraxnot xcfe (the default)03:07
haywiregosh, I thought so, but am unsure.... If i remove the gdm package, will I lose my desktop?03:07
Vantraxnot if your running with xcfe as the default UI03:08
haywireVantrax: o.k. how do I tell?03:08
Vantraxyou know what gnome looks like?03:08
Vantraxand what xcfe looks like?03:09
Vantraxid look at screenshots of each and see which one it looks like03:09
haywiresorry, I really AM new to all linux..03:09
Vantraxyeah, its ok03:09
Vantraxwe are here for that03:09
Vantraxits not the only way, just the easiest one for a beginner03:09
haywirewhere's the guickest place for me to have a look at some screenshots?03:10
swoodysorry about that, connection lagged out :/03:10
swoodyhaywire: did you get that autologin straightened out?03:10
haywireno, still hashing it out...03:10
Vantraxswoody did you know if he was running xcfe or gdm for his desktop manager03:11
haywireLet's put it this way, the default program from the applications tap for "Login screen settings" is the same that comes up when...03:11
swoodyVantrax: I thought Xubuntu used gdm by default, no?03:12
haywireI type sudo gdmsetup from the run (Alt-f2) window..03:12
swoodyhaywire: yeah, that's gdm :)03:13
haywireSo I'm afraid if i untinstall it completely and all it's dependencies, I'll loose all gui?03:13
haywireI have tried "Marking it for reinstall" and that didn't help...03:13
haywireI am really otherwise impressed with xubuntu  9.10.  (Having no prior versions to compare with...)03:14
swoodywhat happens when you run that: sudo gdmsetup ?03:16
haywireI was trying to avoid treating it like a windoze problem and completely reinstalling... :-(03:16
swoodydoes it not allow you to select "Login as"03:17
haywireswoody: It just brings up the same window "login screen settings", and everything but "Unlock" and "Close" are dimmed....03:17
Vantraxunlock it03:18
haywireIt totally ignores me when I click unlock, and close, of course closes the window...03:18
Vantraxwhat the login screen applet name03:18
swoodyhmmm... root doesn't have permissions for GDM? :/03:18
Vantraxswoody can you do a little something03:18
swoodyVantrax: a dance, or a jig?03:18
Vantraxrun alacarte and check what command that the menu entry from login settings has03:18
haywireI've had a look at the custom.conf file in gdm, and all is correct, I believe...03:19
Vantraxthen haywire should be able to run that with sudo and have it unlocked by default03:19
swoodyVantrax: gdmsetup ;)03:19
haywireI told you guys I get all the "good" ones "bad luck!"...03:19
swoodyhaywire: it's not bad... it's *fun* ;)03:20
haywireI thought it was windows that hated me ...turns out it is just computers...heh heh... and yeah, once in awhile I enjoy a good challenge, too03:20
haywireafter all I spent over 5 hrs researching and custom editing an xorg.conf file for my 32" 16x9 LCD display to drive it with it's native 1360x768 res..03:21
haywirelooks better than windows was ever able to drive it..03:21
swoodyhaywire: wait, what happens when you just run: gdmsetup (without sudo?)03:22
swoodydoes it allow you to unlock?03:22
swoodyand also, are you logged in as root?03:22
hell0how do i find out which application is opening a port03:22
swoodyhmm... sudo gdmsetup for me won't even open the window, whereas running 'gdmsetup' does, and I can unlock it then03:23
haywirethat's a good question, how can I tell?  I read somewhere that the settings in custom.conf are ignored if you are logged in as root...03:23
swoodyhaywire: well, did you setup a root password with the command: passwd ?03:23
swoodyotherwise, your account should just be a sudoer by default03:24
haywireswoody: you're correct abt. sudo ... it does same for me...looks like I remembered that wrong...03:24
haywireI don03:24
KirstenVantrax: just wanted to say how much I appreciate your help, finally got through03:24
swoodyhaywire: ah, ok then. Can you run other commands with sudo? try something simple: sudo apt-get update03:24
haywireSri... I don't remember setting up a root passoword...remember this problem started after doing a "recovery mode" boot from grub...03:25
swoodygotcha :)03:25
haywireHope u didn't miss that, maybe I typed it while u were out...03:25
frank1_HELP! im in over my head here.03:26
swoodyhaywire: can you check if you can run other commands with sudo fine?03:26
haywireI think so, but haven't tried to run much...03:26
frank1_trying to install a second hard drive. thought it would just be plug and play. its not and i have no clue what to do03:27
swoodyhaywire: try out something simple for now, like: sudo apt-get update Is it successful?03:27
haywireswoody: standby...03:27
swoodyfrank1_: what kind of HDD's? SATA, IDE? My first thought would be BIOS, have you checked for any options in your BIOS?03:28
frank1_its a wd 1TB sata03:28
frank1_figured the comp would just recognize it but no such luck03:29
swoodyfrank1_: what about your other disk? SATA, too?03:29
swoodyfrank1_: and just to cover the basic stuff, have you checked that the plugs are all in tight, and tried swapping the plugs to different SATA ports?03:30
frank1_i would like to keep the linux os on the org hd and use the 1tb strictly for storage03:30
frank1_yea. im not so good with the technical stuff so  thats the first thing i looked at03:31
haywireswoody: hmmm - I tried running that from alt-f2, and no dice, but works o.k. from terminal after asking for admin pwd... Lemme take a standby, though and let you work with frankl awhile, I have been hogging the room..03:31
swoodyhaywire: no, it's np at all :)03:31
swoodyhaywire: one last thing to try, with alt+F2, try running: gksu gdmsetup03:32
swoodysee if you can change it that way03:32
swoodyfrank1_: can you pastbin the output of: sudo fdisk -l03:32
swoodyfrank1_: pastebin.ubuntu.com - to paste long outputs, and not flood channels :)03:33
swoodythen just give us the link03:33
haywireswoody: I thought for a moment that was going to work..I got the window asking for my pwd, and after entering it I got the Login screen settings window, but still could not unlock, and every option there appears dimmed..03:34
swoodyhaywire: this is quite odd :/03:34
frank1_thats pretty freakin cool03:35
swoodyfrank1_: well you're in luck :)03:35
frank1_im assuming that whole no valid partition table thing is a problem03:36
swoodyit looks like you just havne't formatted the disk yet03:36
swoodycan be, but can also be resolved :)03:36
swoodydo you have gparted installed?03:36
frank1_that i like to here03:36
frank1_not to my knowledge. lemme check03:36
swoodyif not, in a terminal: sudo apt-get install gparted03:36
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frank1_i will assume this is a partitioning program03:39
swoodyfrank1_: now when you use gparted, you have to be very careful. If you select the wrong drives or partitions to play around with, you can really mess up your system :/03:39
swoodyfrank1_: yep :)03:39
frank1_oh no. this is not the program for me than.03:40
swoodylol, well it's not terrribly dangerous, but you have to just watch what you do :)03:41
frank1_ok it looks like the dl is done. though im not too sure where it is03:41
frank1_there ya go03:41
haywireswoody: I have pastebinned the terminal output of an alt-f2 run of gksu gdmsetup, might that help? (http://paste.ubuntu.com/415301/)03:42
swoodyhaywire: that might, let me take a look through it :)03:43
swoodyfrank1_: in the top-right of the window, there should be a drop-down box for you to select your disk03:43
swoodyfrank1_: does it show /dev/sda and /dev/sdb?03:43
swoodygreat, select /dev/sdb (your 1tb drive)03:44
frank1_wow 70 gigs missing already03:44
swoodythen on the menu at top, select Device>Create Partition Table03:44
frank1_k. it erases everything on the disk but it doesent look like anything else happened03:45
Vantraxthe disk should have show as unpartitioned (just to make sure you nuke the right one)03:45
frank1_still gray and unallocated03:46
haywire(I really don't know much abt. what I'm looking at, but it didn't look "happy" about anything...) Surprising gdm is working at all, and I even have a desktop!03:49
swoodydang lag :/03:49
swoodyfrank1_: so were you able to make a partition?03:50
frank1_lag in my comp i can deal with . lag in my ps3 i can not03:50
frank1_no its still all gray and unallocated03:50
swoodyfrank1_: did it ask you which kind of partition table to create?03:51
swoodyit should default to msdos, did you change that?03:51
frank1_i was asked nothing and changed nothing03:51
frank1_default is msdos03:51
swoodyand when you right-click on the unallocated space, what does it show you? Are all the options greyed out?03:52
frank1_yea all gray except new and information03:52
swoodyfrank1_: select new :)03:52
frank1_ive got alot of options. i just wanna make sure that i can use the stuff on the tb hd in windows. i would like to repartition my org hd to i can dual boot and acess my storage across both platforms03:55
swoodyfrank1_: then you'd probably want NTFS or FAT3203:55
swoodyfrank1_: what version(s) of windows are you planning on accessing it from?03:56
frank1_i have a copy of xp and i can use vista if i choose. mostly ill be using windows solely to sync my bbery. i just dont wanna screw myself in case i need to get something across platforms03:57
swoodyfrank1_: well if you really want to make it compatable, go with fat32, just about any OS out there can use it. NTFS will be fine for XP, Vista and 7, but may not work well with other versions or OS'es03:58
frank1_i hate windows with a passion. if it werent for my berry i prolly wouldnt do this at all03:58
swoodyfrank1_: I know the feeling, I only used Windows for my BB, till I got a new phone ;)03:58
frank1_well maybe when the iphone comes to verizon i can cut windows out of my life all together but i dont expect that any time soon03:59
swoodygotcha :)03:59
frank1_is their any diff in speed between fat32 and ext2 which is the preselected option03:59
haywirefrankl: I'm dual-booting xp home and xubuntu 9.10.. abt the only prob. I ran into is windows likes to be on the 1st logical drive (mine were IDE) GRUB does a beautiful job of handling boot :-)04:00
swoodyin all honesty, I doubt you're going to notice any difference in speeds with the different filesystems...04:00
swoodyusing the disk for storage won't require a ton of speed :)04:00
frank1_ok so than ntfs or fat3204:01
frank1_whats the diff there04:01
swoodywell, ntfs is a newer version of Windows' filesystem, it can be compressed and encrypted04:01
swoodyfat32 is compatible with just about every OS out there, but won't compress or encrypt if you need it04:02
swoodybut with 1TB, I don't think you'll need to compress data any time soon ;)04:02
frank1_well since i know nothing of compression or encryption......04:02
frank1_guess fat 32 it is04:02
swoodyyeah, it's a good, safe choice :)04:02
frank1_thats what i like to here04:03
frank1_so do i wanna create this as a primary or extended partition? ext right04:03
frank1_that would not have been my guess04:04
swoodyyou can have up to 4 primary partitions on a disk, so I would use those before you considered thinking about ext.04:04
swoodyor at least have a plan to need more partitions in the future. Again, being storage, I don't see that being a neccessity :)04:04
frank1_so the slider is all the way to the right and the free space precieding and following are 004:05
frank1_new size is 95386704:05
swoodygood, that'll take up the entire disk space04:05
frank1_ready to go?04:05
swoodysounds good to me :)04:05
swoodyyou could also set a label on the drive, something like 'Storage' or 'Pr0n Gallery'04:06
swoodyit'll show up that way in your 'Places' menu in Ubuntu04:06
frank1_ok now heres what i would like to do. if possiable04:06
frank1_i wanna keep my doc, music, pict, vid folders but i want the folder to store things on the tb hd. so the org hd is storring linux and all its programs and thats it04:07
frank1_if that makes sense04:08
swoodyso you want to move all of the stuff in your home to the external drive?04:08
frank1_yea and from this point forward i want all my stuff to go there04:09
frank1_ie. when i put something in the music folder i want it on the tb drive04:09
swoodyfrank1_: well that can be rather easy, but just to keep in mind, if you do move all of your info the the ext drive, you won't be able to boot successfully if it's not attached04:09
swoodyso if you are running ubuntu, and want to transfer some stuff to another computer off your ext drive, you'll have to shutdown, and then transfer it04:10
frank1_hmm. not sure i follow. the org 200gb hd would still have ubuntu on it04:11
swoodyalso, with this method, I don't think you can install your home partition on a fat32 or ntfs folder, which means all of your info on your ext drive won't be able to be read from Windows04:11
swoodywhat I think would work out well, would maybe setup system backups of your /home to the external drive?04:12
swoodythat way you still have all of your personal info, and can read it on Windows04:12
frank1_i just dont want the music folder linked to the smaller hd. i dont wanna have that folder in my places menu and have it acess nothing while all my music is someplace else04:13
swoodyhmm... ok. Then yeah, give me one min to see if we can do this on a fat32 partition.04:14
frank1_my hd is full of music now and my comp is slow as balls. thought it would go back to normal if i only had linux os on the rive04:14
swoodyI haven't done this before, so I'm not positive :)04:14
frank1_does it at least make sence?04:14
frank1_it seemed much less complex when i spoke to my friend about it the other day04:15
swoodyyeah, I understand what you're aiming for here :)04:16
frank1_k cool04:16
swoodybut do keep in mind like I said, you won't be able to disconnect the external drive while you're using Ubuntu04:16
frank1_i have no intentions of doing that04:17
swoodyso if that's going to be an issue...?04:17
swoodyok, good :)04:17
frank1_this babies in there for good04:17
swoodyfrank1_: do you have an Ubuntu liveCD on hand? I know to move the data to a new partition, we're going to need to boot from a CD04:18
frank1_i have an ubuntu cd. kinda old though. ibex i think04:19
swoodyhmm... I don't *think* that will be a problem :)04:19
swoodybut let me find someone who is more comfortable with moving partitions. I would hate to mess this up for you ;)04:20
frank1_ok. idk how im going to get back into this chat room when i boot from cd. i have my info saved into pidgen so i only had to set this up once04:20
frank1_and i saved the chat room so if i need help i cam just jump rght in04:21
swoodyah, gotcha. well let me see how this is going to work first, and then we can figure out if we need to do that or not :)04:23
frank1_that works04:23
haywireswoody: I think I found a big piece of the puzzle that might help my situation (but only by someone more linux-smart than I)... This I found added to the terminal window output only AFTER i clicked the unlock button in Login Screen Settings..."** (gdmsetup:1779): WARNING **: Failed to unlock: The name org.gnome.DisplayManager was not provided by any .service files"04:27
haywireOf course, I don't want to totally sidetrack you on the hard drive job ;-)04:28
swoodyhaywire: it's np :) However, I'm still not quite understanding what's going on with that :/04:28
swoodyhaywire: I think you may be better off posting on the forums, and getting more input than just I can provide :/04:29
frank1_how long does this gparted program take to make this partition? its still running04:30
haywiresounds good...thanks a heap for ur efforts... I may just save my carefully edited xorg.conf file for reinstallation later, and reinstall xubuntu... thnks agn.04:30
swoodyhaywire: np, best of luck on that one :)04:31
swoodyfrank1_: ok then :) Do you have backups of any info you don't want to lose?04:32
frank1_no. all i have is on that original hd04:32
frank1_roughly 200gigs of my music04:32
swoodyfrank1_: well, with moving around partitions and info, there's always a chance of losing info, so if you want to make backups somewhere, now would be the time :)04:33
frank1_not really sure how i would backup 200+ gigs wortha crap04:33
swoodyif not, this process will make duplicates of your info until we're done, so there's a good chance of not losing anything04:33
frank1_id have to burn alot of cds lol04:33
swoodywell if you're ok with continuing without backups...?04:34
frank1_a good chance sounds like good odds. loosing everything would be more of an inconvience than anything. not much of this stuff was purchased from an online retailer *wink*04:35
frank1_so how do we do this04:35
syrinx2112hello... I was wondering if anyone knows where the default wallpapers that are installed with ubuntu are stored?04:36
swoodysyrinx2112: try /usr/share/wallpapers I could be wrong though :/04:37
swoodyfrank1_: ok, from a terminal: sudo blkid04:37
swoodyfrank1_: and pastebin the output04:37
syrinx2112hmm, not there... great idea though04:37
frank1_command not found04:38
frank1_wait one se04:38
frank1_my bad04:38
swoodysyrinx2112: sorry, /usr/bin/backgrounds04:39
swoodysyrinx2112: sorry, lol /usr/share/backgrounds :)04:39
syrinx2112very good :)  thank you04:40
swoody_sorry, more lag :/04:43
frank1_with the lag. that sucks man04:43
swoody_yeah, it's no buenos :/04:44
swoody_frank1_: so did you get that pastebin?04:44
swoody_great :)04:45
frank1_what it mans is beyond me lol04:45
haywireswoody: Problem solved! U helped me more than you realized! I'm happier than a bear cub that just found his d..k !  I searched the forums, and came up with the answer faster than I thought possible.  I don't know how it got switched, but I know when :)04:46
swoody_haywire: that's great to hear :D04:46
frank1_thats preaty friggin happy04:46
haywiremy default desktop manager got swapped to "kdm" somehow during the "recovery mode incedent...04:46
swoody_frank1_: now we're going to make a backup of your current fstab: sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup04:47
swoody_frank1_: then edit it: gksu gedit /etc/fstab04:47
swoody_Add this line:04:47
swoody_UUID=95FC-FFB3   /media/home    vfat          nodev,nosuid       0       204:48
swoody_then save it, and close it04:48
swoody_frank1_: and now we're going to mount it: sudo mkdir /media/home04:48
swoody_and: sudo mount -a04:49
frank1_sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup04:49
frank1_not found04:49
swoody_not found?04:49
frank1_command not found04:49
swoody_cp isn't found?04:49
frank1_beans@beans-desktop:~$ sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup04:50
frank1_beans: command not found04:50
swoody_that's odd :/04:50
swoody_try: sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstabbackup04:50
swoody_does it still say "beans: command not found"?04:51
swoody_that's odd. Normally it'll display the command that's giving you the error, like "cp: command not found"04:52
frank1_ill take your word on that one.04:53
swoody_well, let's try this: sudo mv /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup04:53
frank1_same command not found04:54
swoody_that's odd...04:54
haywireswoody: for your notes...I dropped to a terminal window and typed sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm and set gdm to my default thanks agn. <grin>  I'm "gone".04:54
swoody_haywire: very nice! take care :)04:55
mattrugNot sure how beginner-y this question is, but I am trying to find the source for sys_getpid to edit it; however, all the documentation I can find does place it in the place they say it is. Does anyone know where it is located in 2.6.31?04:56
swoody_hello mattrug :)04:57
swoody_I don't think I'm going to be much help with this one :/04:59
swoody_hopefully someone else can happen along here who may know04:59
mattrug:/ S'okay.04:59
mattrugThanks for trying, I guess!04:59
swoody_have you tried asking in #ubuntu? Any responses there?04:59
swoody_frank1_: I'm still looking into this by the way, that is a very odd error to have :/05:00
mattrugWell, I figured I'd ask here first. :P I'll try #ubuntu next. Thanks.05:00
swoody_mattrug: np :) Stay idling in here too incase someone does know05:00
mattrugThanks. Will do.05:00
swoody_frank1_: try closing that terminal, and opening a new one. Maybe it's something simple like that ;)05:01
frank1_did that for both commands05:01
frank1_was all i could come up with on my end05:02
swoody_frank1_: try: which cp05:04
frank1_type that into terminal?05:05
swoody_did it give you an output?05:05
swoodylol, well this is fun :P05:09
swoodyfrank1_: ok, try the cp command again:05:10
swoodysudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup05:10
duanedesignmattrug: the newest kernel source i had on my computer is 2.6.30. I did a grep and came up with linux- ??05:10
mattrugOkay.  I looked in timer.c and found something close, but it isn't quite what I'm looking for. Either that, or I'm just confused.05:11
frank1_cp: cannot stat `/etc/fstab': No such file or directory05:11
swoodyI wonder if that move worked...05:12
swoodyfrank1_: try:05:12
swoodysudo cp /etc/fstab.backup /etc/fstab05:12
frank1_command not found05:14
swoodywhat does it say exactly?05:17
swoodybeans: again?05:17
frank1_beans: command not found05:17
swoodythis is odd. And you're entering the commands just as I type them? nothing before or after it?05:18
frank1_nope just straight copy and paste05:19
swoodythat's odd :;/05:19
swoodyok, try:05:19
swoodysudo mv /etc/fstab.backup /etc/fstab05:19
frank1_beans: command not found05:20
duanedesignfrank1_: does 'where mv' return anything05:21
swoodyduanedesign: do you mean 'which'?05:22
frank1_No command 'where' found, did you mean:05:22
frank1_ Command 'gwhere' from package 'gwhere' (universe)05:22
frank1_where: command not found05:22
duanedesignshould get something like:05:22
duanedesignmv: aliased to mv -i05:22
frank1_which mv yields..... /bin/mv05:23
swoodymine is same as frank1_ 's05:23
duanedesignwhich gets me05:23
duanedesignmv: aliased to mv -i05:23
duanedesigni must have an alias in my bashrc05:24
duanedesigntry:   /bin/mv /etc/fstab.backup /etc/fstab05:24
duanedesignyeah if you need it05:25
duanedesignwhich you probably will05:25
frank1_no such file05:25
frank1_sudo where05:25
swoodyhmm.. well it' working :)05:25
swoodynow we have to figure out why it doesn't recognize your fstab...05:26
swoodythanks duanedesign :)05:26
swoodyfrank1_: output of:  ls /etc/fstab*05:26
frank1_/etc/fstab  /etc/fstabbackup05:27
swoodygreat :)05:27
swoodynow we're back in business :)05:27
swoodygksu gedit /etc/fstab05:27
frank1_oh dear05:28
frank1_that made things much more confusing on my screen lol05:28
swoodyand add the line: UUID=95FC-FFB3   /media/home    vfat          nodev,nosuid       0       205:28
swoodyto the bottom of that file05:29
frank1_and than? save?05:29
swoodyyup :)05:29
swoodyand you can close that for now05:29
swoodynow we need to create the mount point:05:30
swoodysudo mkdir /media/home05:30
swoodyand mount your new drive:05:30
swoodysudo mount -a05:30
frank1_that first command did nothing05:31
swoodygood so far? :)05:31
swoodywell, it created a directory, it won't give any output05:31
frank1_oh ok05:31
frank1_[mntent]: line 9 in /etc/fstab is bad05:32
swoodycan you post the output of: sudo blkid05:32
swoodyI only really need the line that starts " /dev/sdb1"05:33
frank1_its not letting me copy and paste05:33
frank1_unknown command when i try and paste05:34
frank1_/dev/sda1: UUID="8e535b4a-2ddf-4dc5-a948-ae78fb72d4d0" TYPE="ext3"05:34
frank1_/dev/sda5: UUID="7ff50fe3-9120-4cb1-875f-162583fdaf57" TYPE="swap"05:34
frank1_/dev/sdb1: LABEL="" UUID="95FC-FFB3" TYPE="vfat"05:34
swoodyhmm.. that is odd :/05:34
frank1_yet i can paste the whole thing lol. ok05:34
swoodyok, go back and let's edit the /etc/fstab file again:05:35
swoodygksu gedit /etc/fstab05:35
swoodyremove the line we added, and instead add this:05:36
swoody/dev/sdb1   /media/home    vfat          nodev,nosuid       0       205:37
swoodynow save it, close it, and run:05:37
swoodysudo mount -a05:37
swoodyall good? No errors?05:38
frank1_didnt say anything05:39
swoodygood :)05:39
swoodyno to copy over the info from your home to the new home:05:39
swoodysudo rsync -axS --exclude='/*/.gvfs' /home/. /media/home/.05:39
swoodynot sure how long this will take :)05:40
swoody220GB may be a while ;)05:40
frank1_rsync: chown "/media/home/./beans" failed: Operation not permitted (1)05:40
frank1_oh god05:40
frank1_how do i stop this05:41
swoodystop what?05:41
frank1_a million things scrolling through terminal and their all not permitted05:41
swoodytry this:05:45
swoodysudo rsync -axS --exclude='/*/.gvfs' /home/. /media/home05:45
mattrugSince I'm here, I might as well ask if anyone knows where the task_struct source is located. o:05:46
frank1_looks much of the same05:46
swoodyfrank1_: still same 'Operation not permitted'?05:46
swoodytry this:05:47
swoodysudo /usr/bin/rsync -axS --exclude='/*/.gvfs' /home/. /media/home/.05:47
frank1_nada same issue05:49
frank1_out of ideas yet?05:56
swoodyfrank1_: working on it ;) Not familiar with rsync, but I don't want to try cp'ing all your data just yet05:56
swoodythis is a problem with the fat32 filesystem. It doesn't accept permissions :/05:58
frank1_ok well what about ntfs. cant i just repartition05:59
swoodyok, we're going to have to repartition your hdd again05:59
swoodyyeah, ntfs will work, but it's not as stable as ext3 or ext4. So it's your choice if you want Windows compatibility or stability more05:59
swoodywell it does look like you 'might' be able to access ext3/ext4 from Windows afterall, let me see...06:02
swoodyok, ext2 and ext3 are supported, but you will need to install an app in Windows to do it06:04
swoodyso let's unmount the drive:06:04
swoodysudo umount /dev/sdb106:04
swoodyand open up gparted again, System>Admin>Gparted06:05
frank1_umount: /media/home: device is busy.06:05
frank1_        (In some cases useful info about processes that use06:05
frank1_         the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))06:05
swoodylsof -l | grep rsync06:08
swoodyany output?06:08
swoodytry the umount command again06:09
swoodysudo umount /dev/sdb106:09
swoodynot sure what's keeping it busy here :/06:09
frank1_isnt their some way to just force quit whatever actions going on06:11
swoodyfrank1_: if we could find out what process(es) is keeping it busy06:11
swoodyis gparted open?06:12
swoodyfrank1_: here we go:06:14
swoodyfuser -m /dev/sdb106:14
frank1_nothing happened06:15
swoodyno output?06:16
swoodytry umounting one last time06:16
frank1_sudo umount /dev/sdb1?06:17
swoodyyep :)06:17
swoodyand try:06:17
frank1_asked for my password than nothing06:17
swoodysudo umount /media/home06:17
swoodyok, good it should be unmounted now :)06:18
swoodydon't know what was making it hang, but it must have ended06:18
swoodynow open gparted, and select '/dev/sdb' in the top-right06:18
frank1_yea cuz media/home is not mounted06:18
swoodyand now right-click on the fat32 partition you made earlier, and format it to ext306:19
swoodythen hit 'Apply' to let it run06:20
swoodywhile we're waiting, let's go make a quick edit in your fstab file:06:21
swoodygksu gedit /etc/fstab06:21
swoodyin the line you added, change "vfat" to "ext3"06:21
swoodythen you can save, and exit06:21
swoodyis gparted done now, too?06:22
frank1_nah thats still running06:24
swoodyhaha, you have a big HDD :)06:24
swoodygreat :)06:26
swoodynow to mount it again:06:27
swoodysudo mount -a06:27
swoodyand finally to copy your data:06:27
swoodysudo rsync -axS --exclude='/*/.gvfs' /home/. /media/home/.06:27
frank1_nothing happened06:28
swoodyno output?06:28
frank1_none from either command06:29
swoodyls /media/home06:29
frank1_i cant try anything.06:29
swoodydoes it show anything?06:29
frank1_and if i cloose it says it will kill a process06:29
swoodymaybe working in the background? Are your disk activity lights on?06:30
swoodythe light on your computer that flashes when your HDD is working. Should be close to your power light?06:31
swoodylol, do you know what I mean?06:32
frank1_ill assume the second little light is what your refering to and in that case yes its flickering06:32
swoodywell that's good. Really fast and consistantly, or just kind of puttering every now and then?06:32
frank1_really fast. almost solid06:33
swoodytry this:06:33
swoodylsof | grep /media/home06:33
swoodydoes it print output?06:33
frank1_nah terminal is just sitting06:33
frank1_beans@beans-desktop:~$ sudo mount -a06:34
frank1_beans@beans-desktop:~$ sudo rsync -axS --exclude='/*/.gvfs' /home/. /media/home/.06:34
swoodyno, I meant that command^06:34
swoodylsof | grep /media/home06:34
frank1_theres no place to type it06:35
swoodyoh, try it in a new terminal if you don't have the prompt on your current terminal06:35
frank1_yea no prompt06:35
frank1_open another one and try that?06:35
swoodyand that's a good sign that it didn't give you a prompt. Hopefully means it's working and not hung up ;)06:35
frank1_but i cant close that terminal eithr06:35
swoodyyeah, I would leave it for the time being. 220GB is quite a lot to transfer06:36
frank1_and you think thats what its doing now>?06:36
swoodyhopefully ;)06:36
swoodyif your discs are spinning, and it says there's a command running in that terminal, chances are it's doing what we want it to06:37
frank1_alright well im guessing 220gb is gunna be a while06:37
swoodytrue, go watch some TV or something, and let me know when it finally gives you a prompt :)06:38
frank1_yea the drives are doing something06:38
swoodyfrank1_: also for future reference, I would bookmark this page: http://www.howtoforge.com/access-linux-partitions-from-windows06:39
frank1_how often are you on here?06:39
* mattrug bashes his head over a rock.06:39
swoodyfor when you do install Windows06:39
* swoody feels bad for mattrug 's rock :/06:39
swoodyfrank1_: oh I'm here quite often :)06:39
swoodyI'll be here for a bit longer tonight still06:40
frank1_well idk where your from but its 140 here in NY and im gunna guess all these gigs are gunna take a while06:40
mattrug): The rock started it.06:40
swoodyfrank1_: I'm only an hour behind you, but it's your call :)06:41
swoodyfrank1_: if you want to try and finish this when you have time: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving06:42
frank1_im gunna go shower and eat. ill check back b4 bed. if its done ill lettcha know. otherwise ill be back06:42
frank1_oh ok06:42
swoodywe're all the way down at the copying point, and there's not much left to do once it's done copying06:42
mattrugI'm trying to do some /dev work. Am I crazy that I can't figure out how to do a write to a char dev?06:45
frank1_yea it looks like its copying06:45
frank1_if i click the tb drive i have an exact copy of my home folder06:45
frank1_though all the folders there have an X on them and a lock06:46
frank1_and i dont have permission to access06:46
swoodywell not yet, we're copying as root here (sudo)06:46
swoodyso hopefully everything will get worked out :)06:46
swoodymattrug: hmmm.. I'm not a dev by any stretch of the imagination ;)06:47
swoodymattrug: have you tried #ubuntu-devel?06:47
mattrugNope. D:06:47
mattrugI don't mean developer. :P06:48
mattrugIf that's what you think.06:48
swoodyoh, /dev.... it's getting late ;)06:48
mattrugBesides, I mostly just have C questions, rather than ubuntu questions, I suppose. *shrug*06:48
frank1_you think terminal will do something when this is done>?06:50
swoodyfrank1_: should just return you to the prompt. Probably nothing exciting06:50
swoodymaybe a confirmation?06:50
frank1_ill take that06:53
frank1_wish something would show the status06:53
swoodyyeah, that would have been nice :/06:56
paultag_Challah, ya'll07:12
swoodyhello paultag_ :)07:13
paultag_heyya swoody07:13
paultag_swoody, how goes?07:13
swoodypaultag_: good, good. Waiting for frank1_ 's copying to finish :)07:13
swoodypaultag_: how's goes things with you?07:13
paultag_I'm watching the Royal Tennenbaums and sitting with my new netbook07:14
swoodyvery cool. Which netbook did you pick up?07:14
paultag_swoody, HP Mini 11007:14
paultag_Small WiFi problem, but it got resolved in the first hour07:14
swoodyah, very cool. Didn't go for the Lemote YeeLoong?07:14
swoodyvery nice :)07:14
swoodyso is that going to be your main rig now?07:15
paultag_Hell naws. :)07:17
paultag_swoody, I can't do development on a single 1.6 GhZ atom07:17
paultag_swoody, my main rig is 2x core 2 @ 3.37 GhZ + 8 GB RAM and a bitching video card07:18
swoodyvery nice :)07:18
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as Metallicat
=== LzrdKing_ is now known as LzrdKing
LzrdKingwhats a good protocol to use for playing video files over a lan?  i'm using SMB now because it makes my windows client happy and ubuntu is ok as well, but is there something that would make ubuntu happier?16:12
leoquantLzrdKing sorry i am not into gaming, maybe someone else here16:14
LzrdKingvideo streaming isn't gaming :)16:15
nigelbLzrdKing, I think smb is your best bet for now.  But checking to make sure :)16:15
LzrdKingbetter than ftp, nfs, etc?16:16
LzrdKingwhere are you checking?16:16
nigelbold forum posts16:17
nigelbI'm sure someone came into this problem earlier16:18
nigelbLzrdKing, sorry, found none other which works out of the box with windows.  But probably someone else knows too :)16:21
LzrdKingno no, it doesn;t have to work with windows16:21
LzrdKingwindows (if/when it gets used) can keep using SMB16:21
LzrdKingbut is there something better for ubuntu (the server is also running ubuntu)16:22
nigelbLzrdKing, well, nfs is certainly faster, but I'm not sure how to set it up with windows16:24
nigelbi.e. windows as client machines16:24
LzrdKingdon't have to set it up with windows16:24
LzrdKingjust linux16:24
nigelbLzrdKing, take a look this forum post, that should help you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47313616:24
LzrdKingas long as the same directory can be exported as both an NFS share and a SMB share16:24
LzrdKingwow, this one post says he get 30-40MB with nfs but only 8-15MB with SMB16:28
paultaghey nhandler16:42
paultaghey drubin16:45
drubinpaultag: hey16:45
paultagdrubin, I'mma gana P.M. you16:46
=== Metallicat is now known as uRock
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
=== bgs000 is now known as bgs100
LzrdKingwould it be better to run jaunty or karmic as a server?20:34
drubinLzrdKing: karmic20:37
phillwLzrdKing: as the next LTS, Lucid, is due immently, I'd suggest hanging on for that one.20:37
drubinLzrdKing: januty will be end of live before karmic will. also it is easier to upgrade to lucid which will be the next LTS release20:37
drubinor install the beta and upgrade through to final release20:38
drubinbut would not recommend it for production just yet.20:38
drubinphillw: I would never install lucid on a server in the first 2 weeks of it comming out20:38
phillwdepends how long you've been running the beta for ;-)20:38
phillwif you want lts --> lts, then simply put on 8.04.4 and jump to 10.04 from it.20:39
phillw8.04.4 has been out a couple of months now, and has been tested for the leap to 10.0420:40
drubinphillw: so has karmic20:40
hobgoblinphillw: but in a real life test to upgrade drs had issues20:41
drubinLzrdKing: the truth is on production or server stuff you have to test hings before upgrading or installing any thing mission critical20:46
LzrdKingit's running jaunty now, so i should just leave it there?20:50
LzrdKingits just a home server20:50
drubinLzrdKing: I would upgrade to karmic.... and then when lucid is released I would upgrade too20:51
drubinthe reason is karmic will get more frequent updates/upgrades20:51
drubinand Jaunty will be come end of line in like 6months20:52
LzrdKingclean install or upgrade?20:55
hobgoblinmake sure you have good backups and upgrade would be my choice20:56
hobgoblinthough I clean installed lucid over hardy as I wanted ext420:56
LzrdKingdoes end of live for jaunty mean no more updates, ever?20:58
drubinyou can upgrade21:00
drubinLzrdKing: yes21:00
rathin2jhi every one,23:35
rathin2ji would like to ask one question which may appear strange or silly!!!23:36
rathin2ji currently installed ubuntu 9.10 on my new HP box through WUBI,23:36
rathin2jnow the thing is that23:36
rathin2jin my nautilus i dont see the partition in which i installed the ubuntu!!!23:37
pleia2hmm, I'm not all that familiar with how wubi sees partitions (or not)23:38
rathin2jduring this i installed AWN DOCK,in that a FILE MANAGER shortcut is given,i installed that,in that i see my partition,now what to do???23:38
phillwrathin2j: wubi installs ubuntu as a 'programme' under windows with a 'virtual file system'23:39
rathin2jyes u r right it appears in "add/remove programme"list of win723:40
phillwrathin2j: if you want to anything more than just 'play' with ubuntu, I'd recomend setting it up as dual boot, this has two advantages: 1) you get a full ubuntu system 2) if your win area ever gets really hacked by viruses / nasties you can use the ubuntu partition to rescue your data & possibly heal it.23:42
drubinphillw: you can technically do both those things with wubi23:42
rathin2j"phillw"&"drubin" u both r rit,23:43
phillwdrubin: have you done that with wubi and win7 ? last i heard wubi and win7 were barely on speaking terms23:43
drubinthe pro's of using wubi is that you don't need to repartion you hard drives.. and it is very easy to uninstall, also using wubi isn't as fast because it is running on a windows formatted hard drive23:43
drubinphillw: ;/ might be wrong with windows 7 but I know that it works with windows XP and Vista23:44
drubinalso windows 7 plays pretty well with ubuntu and dual boot stuff23:44
rathin2ji ws previously having dual boot,but as DURBIN said it's difficult to uninstall23:44
phillwdrubin: indeed it does, but it's been reported as unhappy with win723:44
rathin2jand currently i m bit busy with studies23:44
* drubin hasn't exprienced that before23:44
rathin2jso coldnt handle all that reformatting stuff23:44
phillwrathin2j: there is no problem uninstalling, ask win7 to make 10 GB area free (win7 has a tool to do that) no repartioning required.23:45
rathin2jya,in fact i had already repartitioned 15GB23:46
rathin2jfor it23:46
phillwleave the area free (un formatted) ensure you can boot win7 then just tell ubuntu to install into the free area, it will just get on and do it for you. We stopped using gparted for these things at Vista23:46
rathin2jbut i bcame a bit LAZY about uninstalling and main thing was that my PC was new so didnt wanted to MESS wit it :)23:47
rathin2jbt i think u people r right23:48
rathin2ji will install the OLD WAY ;)23:48
drubinphillw: what is wrong with gparted? and why did we stop using it23:48
rathin2jperhaps coz it is currently hving bug23:49
rathin2jin repartitioning NTFS23:49
rathin2jm i right?23:49
phillwdrubin: there were problems reported whereby win screamed like a scalded pig. nothing to do with ntfs, as it works perfectly with XP, it's just win not being able to cope with it would kick in chkdsk etc and get all confused23:50
phillw@ rathin2j re ntfs23:50
rathin2jsorry i dnt understand what u r saying??? can u repeat it??23:51
rathin2jmeasn by " re ntfs"23:52
phillwwin xp uses ntfs, and gparted gets on fine with it, ntfs is the 'new' version of FAT - just as we joke that ntsc colour scheme in USA is Never Twice Same Colour, so it seems that MS did that to ntfs, and made it Never Twice the File System, but that is just a bit of a joke. What is more important is that after Vista, you should use the inbuilt file shrinking system and not gparted23:55
phillwI don't have a real easy win7 one to hand, but the rules are the same for this one --> http://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_first.htm?page=223:56
phillwapcmag are good with their stuff, as they have screen shots and the instructions work.23:57

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