
Gartralhaving insane serious issues.. cannot boot safely into X period. all it does is loop the ready sound, and my cpu is burning at 60 C.. dont know what too look for, but i know netroot works01:24
BlkDrgnhello all, im having an issue that i was wondering if anyone else was having too01:27
BlkDrgni downloaded and burned to disk the 10.04 beta 2 today, and i cannot boot into it, eithor by "try first" or "install"01:28
m0arReh, after a dist-upgrade Opera uses some wierd, monospace font. It doesn't change when I change the settings :c06:28
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bullgard4http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=gvfs-gdm-volume-monitor&mode=exactfilename&suite=lucid&arch=any: "You have searched for files named gvfs-gdm-volume-monitor in suite lucid, all sections, and all architectures. Sorry, your search gave no results." But my Lucid computer reports: "Sorry the program gvfs-gdm-volume-monitor closed unexpectedly." What package does...07:32
bullgard4...provide this program?07:32
baptistemmthe source package is gvfs07:33
=== CieD is now known as Ciemon
bullgard4 baptistemm Thank you for you information. --  Why does '~$ ubuntu-bug gvfs' terminate prematurely?08:26
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ddecatordo you get an error when you try to report it?08:27
bullgard4ddecator: No.08:27
ddecatorof course not, that'd make it too easy =p08:27
ddecatordid you double-check that gvfs is installed?08:28
bullgard4ddecator: Synaptic shows that it is installed. In addition, the packages gvfs-backends, gvfs-bin, gvfs-fuse are installed too.08:30
bullgard4In addition, locate shows a file /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor.08:30
baptistemmbullgard4, does ubuntu-bug reports an error?08:31
bullgard4baptistemm: No.08:31
ddecatorbullgard4: alright, well if ubuntu-bug won't work for you at all, you can go to Launchpad and file a bug against gvfs there. maybe apport-collect will work after that08:31
benga_My ubuntu 9.04 freeze wile reading video or streaming from youtub no mouse or keyboard ,please help08:38
ddecatorbenga_: what graphics card do you have?08:39
benga_nvidia 8x08:39
bullgard4baptistemm, ddecator: I found out that my bug has been reported yet: Launchpad bug #531731. --  (Sorry that there is some glitch 'ubuntu-bug gvfs'.)  --  Thank you very much for your help.08:40
ubot4`Launchpad bug 531731 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor crashes on login (affects: 14) (dups: 2) (heat: 82)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53173108:40
ddecatorbullgard4: np, glad you found it =)08:40
ddecatorbenga_: do you have the latest nvidia driver installed?08:40
benga_yes  96.43 but no work fine08:41
ddecatordoes it happen consistently?08:43
benga_yes 10 minutes reading only08:44
ddecatorhmmm, strange. have you checked launchpad to see if there is a bug filed for that?08:45
benga_after that it sound like old vinyl disk08:45
benga_somewhere maybe pulse audio probleme ,08:47
benga_in lauchpad a searc with video crash give noting08:48
ddecator96.43 is the version of the nvidia driver you are using?08:50
benga_created groups video and audio with my username in them , and nowrk08:51
ddecatorbenga_: can you go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers and make sure there isn't a new nvidia driver available?08:51
benga_version is 96 for my grafic driver08:52
ddecatorand that's the newest one shown on there?08:53
benga_i confirm08:53
benga_in /var/log nothing is wrote there after a hard restart08:56
ddecatoralright, one sec, i'm checking launchpad08:56
benga_sorry my english is so bad and i am a newby in linx ubuntu08:57
ddecatorbenga_: no problem =)08:57
ddecatori don't see any reports that sound similar to yours. could you file a new report? just open a terminal and run "ubuntu-bug nvidia-graphics-driver-96"08:58
ddecatorubuntu-bug nvidia-graphics-drivers-9608:59
ddecatorsorry, forgot the extra s08:59
BUGabundo_remotehi hi kangoro08:59
ddecatorBUGabundo_remote: i'm getting deja vu =p09:00
benga_ok i 'll try that , thank you  so much09:00
ddecatorbenga_: no problem, sorry we couldn't find a more immediate solution, but hopefully someone will respond to your report soon =)09:00
vishddecator: hei , forgot your own bug day huh? ;p09:16
ddecatorvish: i was in classes all day =\09:17
ddecatori wanted to be here09:17
ddecatorthought about making it a different day of the week, but thursday is what people seem to be used to, haha09:19
baptistemmhmmm, the installation of lucid server chokes on language-pack-en-base installation, I tested bet2 and using the netboot ...13:31
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Guest39308I upgrded my system to 10.04 and after upgrade my system doesn't boot13:46
Guest39308anyone can help here?13:48
Guest39308my system doesn't boot after upgrade to 10.0413:48
Guest39308should I file a bug?13:48
alvinGuest39308: Maybe. Don't you get some error?13:51
nigelbwell, good and bad news folks, get ready for the flood.  gnome bug status is getting updated14:17
nigelbpedro_, anyone in the community working hard on rhythmbox bugs that you know of?14:21
nigelbI'm looking to handover that responsibility since I'm getting lesser time these days :/14:22
pedro_nigelb, i know that kamusin has been working on rhythmbox lately, but he's touching lot of products as well14:23
pedro_kamusin, ^14:23
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nigelbkamusin, can you ping me when you get the time?14:37
kamusinnigelb, I usually looking rhythmbox (and other gnome applications) reports so I can give you a hand with that :)14:37
nigelbkamusin, oh, well, that was certainly fast :)14:38
kamusinhehe sorry I was preparing breakfast :p14:38
nigelbkamusin, I'm looking for someone to take over my rhythmbox adoption, since I'm a bit short of time and most of it goes for patch review14:38
nigelbcan you take over?14:38
kamusinsure nigelb ,14:40
nigelbkamusin, thank you.  I'll write a mail to the mailing list and you can change my name to your name on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/AdoptPackage14:41
kamusinokidoki :)14:42
nigelbkamusin, mail sent :)14:50
kamusinwiki updated too14:51
nigelbawesome! thanks :)14:51
kamusinno problem nigelb14:53
iapedro_: hi! so, what about bug #564137 ? :-)15:10
ubot4`Launchpad bug 564137 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Notifications [notify-osd] always flicker when fading in (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56413715:10
pedro_ia, hello! sorry i'm a bit busy atm i'll have a look into it later , thanks for reporting though!15:33
iapedro_: ok. btw, if you'll get some clues how to fix that, or how to workaround it, or you'll need some extra info (when you'll get free time), just highlight me or PM me.15:37
Fria_Ubuntu gnome seems to be infected by ghosts15:39
Fria_windows scroll randomly. Noticed in contacts list of Pidgin, and in the OpenOffice15:39
Fria_on another, unrelated computer, after upgrade,  Open office went crazy and now renders pages in some unreadable layout, the pages in editor are incorrecly positioned in example moved half-of-page-wiodth to the left15:40
Fria_what is going on today15:40
WeatherGodHi, could somebody set bug 474978 as triaged?16:24
ubot4`Launchpad bug 474978 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "Wubi install does not use correct keyboard layout (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47497816:24
hggdhWeatherGod: heh? It is set to Invalid16:25
WeatherGodfor Ubuntu, it is invalid, but not for the Wubi project16:25
nigelbhggdh, only the ubuntu ask16:25
xerosisis anyone familiar with triaging gnome-power-manager?16:26
hggdhyes... WeatherGod what is the Importance?16:26
WeatherGodturns out if you use mix language and keyboard setups in Windows, wubi gets confused16:26
nigelbhm, strange, I can change importance for wubi? wonder why16:26
WeatherGodwell, no loss of data, but it is a very non-obvious bug16:26
WeatherGodpeople originally thought it was something wrong with the login system and gave up on Ubuntu16:27
nigelbhggdh, you're able to set to triaged and set importance on the wubi task?16:27
hggdhnigelb: no, Wubi (as set) is upstream16:28
nigelbhggdh, I did wonder :)16:28
hggdhso this is as far as we (under Ubuntu) can go.16:28
hggdhWeatherGod: could you check if it still happens on Lucid?16:29
WeatherGodI don't have a windows install to try it out16:29
hggdhheh. Neither do I...16:29
nigelbhow geeky we are :D16:29
hggdhWeatherGod: we cannot change the Wubi task, since it is not an Ubuntu task16:29
WeatherGodso, just leave it as confirmed then, I guess?16:30
* WeatherGod waves at micahg16:30
micahghi WeatherGod16:30
hggdhWeatherGod: indeed16:31
WeatherGodalso, while I am in here...16:31
WeatherGodwith reference to compiz freezing issues...16:32
WeatherGodthe LiveCD versions of Karmic came with some desktop effects turned on by default16:32
WeatherGodyet, for those whose graphics cards are freezing on those, this poses a big issue16:32
WeatherGodshould the LiveCD come with desktop effects turned off?16:33
davmor2WeatherGod: Wubi gets it's keyboard layout from your Windows install16:34
WeatherGoddavmor2: what I have noticed is that the reporters' screennames seemed german to me16:35
WeatherGoddunno if that is a clue16:35
WeatherGodbut, it seemed like they were using English as the language, but German for the keyboard layout16:35
WeatherGodthe report is fairly old, so I don't know what the situation was for the OR16:36
davmor2WeatherGod: ago or evand normally pick them up as the main wubi devs so just leave it as is for now.16:40
WeatherGoddavmor2: np16:41
jcastrovish, ping16:51
vishjcastro: hi16:52
jcastrovish, you've got mail!16:52
vishjcastro: just noticed , awesome thanks :)16:53
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Fria_random windows in GNOME scroll randomly... what the...18:35
Fria_is this a known problem?18:35
Fria_all was fine since today or so. (Upgraded the system recently). 9.10 amd6418:35
Fria_for example, Open Office always scrolls to top (or to cursor position) when saving / auto-saving18:37
Fria_and pidgin contacts window scrolls randomly up/down18:37
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cwilluthat's odd:  having xchat open (not minimized, but not necessarily visible) causes compiz and xorg's cpu usage to go to about 25% each (vs ~3% at idle)21:28
David-Tthey're just understandably stressed by your awful choice of irc client :)21:30
cwilluright, let me get right on switching to empathy :p21:39
BUGabundoswich to pidgin :)21:41
* BUGabundo dies21:41
* micahg has empathy for BUGabundo and sends a pidgin to resurrect him21:43
* micahg runs and hides21:43
* BUGabundo pings micahg tail to the ground21:43
BUGabundowhere did I left my handy hammer ?21:43
BUGabundoahh I lend it to yofel_21:43
trijntjeHi all, I need some help diagnosing a problem on my pc. It completely locks up when the X server is restarted, but I cant find any usefull logs, is there someting else i should be trying?21:56
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joaopintotrijntje, are you sure it's during X startup ?22:01
joaopintotrijntje, did you check /var/log/gdm/* ?22:01
trijntjejoaopinto: I think its during the shutdown of X, no problems during startup22:03
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joaopintoah, shutdown22:05
trijntjeyes, I found it because some old game in wine makes X crash, or that's my guess. Hard to tell when the system is not responding22:07
bdmurraythekorn: can you +1 bug 552953?22:16
ubot4`Launchpad bug 552953 in python-launchpad-bugs (Ubuntu) "launchpadbugs should be deprecated or removed from ubuntu (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55295322:16
xteejxGood evening all!22:49
ubot4`Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:54
xteejx!help | xteejx22:55
ubot4`xteejx, please see my private message22:55
xteejxHmmm, empathy sound bug still there, no sound events for anything22:55
xteejxbug 55953222:56
ubot4`Launchpad bug 559532 in empathy (Ubuntu) "[lucid] empathy does not make any sounds when set to (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55953222:56
sandbergpersia: Found out what causes the bug I talked about yesterday (bug #423252). Turns out that libgcrypt (used by GnuTLS) drops privileges after doing a secure memory allocation. :(23:31
ubot4`Launchpad bug 423252 in sudo (Kairos Linux) (and 13 other projects) "NSS using LDAP on Karmic breaks 'su' and 'sudo' (affects: 26) (heat: 202)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42325223:31

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