
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, oh, you got PPU rights for transmission now?00:23
chrisccoulsoncongrats :)00:23
* Nafai yawns00:43
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, we'll fix the mess with the bzr branch soon (by just using the lp:ubuntu/transmission branch)01:02
chrisccoulsonanyway, bed time for me01:02
arandWhatever happened to Bug #548534 ? Not going in Lucid?01:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548534 in software-center "Featured application changes" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54853401:14
TheMusoraof: heh unwired.01:15
TheMusoraof: Ditched the unwired eh? :)03:02
raofThat particular café's internet just didn't allow IRC :(03:02
raofWhich is a pity, because it serves nicer coffee than this one.03:04
=== raof is now known as RAOF
RAOFInternode appears to have been a little bit overzealous about disconnecting my internet :(*06:29
pittiGood morning07:35
RAOFGood morning pitti.07:36
pittihey RAOF, how are you?07:40
RAOFA bit concerned about my laptop.  EXT4 is shouting “This should not happen!!  Data will be lost” at me in dmesg.07:41
pittiurgh, that sounds bad07:42
RAOFAlso, slightly too highly caffinated.  An unfortunate side effect of working from a café while my flat is being emptied.07:42
robert_ancellpitti, RAOF, hey07:42
pittiRAOF: oh, you are moving?07:42
pittihey robert_ancell, how are you?07:42
RAOFpitti: Indeed - to Hobart, city of /magic/07:43
robert_ancellpitti, good.  there's a simple-scan with a small fix queued - please let through!07:43
RAOFCan I get some “where is RC for FinalFreeze” calibration on bug #564351 - it renders the library non-functional, but there's exactly one rdepend of that library.07:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564351 in indicator-application "Fails to install library to GAC" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56435107:44
robert_ancellwow, the build queues are really busy - still waiting for ntrack to build some 8+ hours later07:44
robert_ancellps pitti, I love apport!  It makes developing software so easy...  The simple-scan bug reports come back with all the information I need and I can quickly fix things.  I can't imagine how many driver specific bugs would get missed without it :)07:47
* RAOF reboots to reset his filesystems to read/write after ext4 shouted at him.07:48
artnayis there any way to obtain alpha 1 or alpha 2 and/or daily builds between those alphas? I'm asking this because of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/560306 - 5xxx GPUs are the most sold separate GPUs at the moment so I think the importance of this bug is high07:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560306 in linux "[lucid] ATI hd5xxx cards wrongly doing kms?" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:51
artnayI have 5750 in one of my computers and the daily builds worked fine after alpha1 until this bug occured before alpha207:52
pittirobert_ancell: re (sorry, phone)07:53
pittirobert_ancell: ok, will look at it07:53
pittirobert_ancell: nice to hear  :)07:54
artnayI'd like to track down the last working daily build so the bug could be addressed more specifically07:54
didrocksgood morning08:42
didrockshum, fsck at start and then gdm-greeter not starting… not a good day :)08:42
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
didrockshey huats08:43
huatshello didrocks !08:43
pittibonjour didrocks08:48
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti08:48
seb128hey didrocks huats pitti08:56
didrocksgood morning seb12808:56
pittihey seb128, how are you?08:57
seb128pitti, I'm good, thanks, how are you?08:58
pittiI'm great08:59
pittiafter countless hours I finally defeated CD detection, I think08:59
huatshello seb12809:17
seb128bah, all clickables url in evo turned orange today with updates it's confusing09:21
didrockshum, evo has removed all my local data of my gmail imap account…09:31
didrocksit's resynchronizing everything¿09:31
* didrocks puts the ethernet cable09:31
seb128didrocks, btw I asked bmurray why you are not on http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-dx-team-assigned-bug-tasks.html09:35
didrocksoh thanks, it was still on my TODO list :)09:35
seb128you are basically sleeping through all those reports09:35
seb128I think it also means rickspencer doesn't see your tasks when he checks status for lucid09:36
seb128didrocks, the issue is that you made no email public on launchpad09:36
seb128not even your ubuntu one09:36
seb128and those report use the emails to match uploads, etc09:36
didrockslet me change that09:37
seb128didrocks, if you have concerns about making your ubuntu email public try talking to rick about it09:37
didrocksno, I'm not, but you can't choose which emails to go public or not, it's all or nothing09:38
didrocksbut no pb, publishing them09:38
seb128don't list emails you don't want public on launchpad then ;-)09:38
seb128didrocks, ok, thanks09:38
didrocksseb128: right, but as gmail was the one every alias was driven to :)09:39
didrocksseb128: I still have to take some time to configure some procmail settings. Will probably do that at UDS09:39
didrocksso that @ubuntu -> @canonical09:39
seb128you don't use a real email for those but an alias?09:39
didrocks@ubuntu is an alias, like my two @ubuntu-fr. It redirected to gmail09:40
seb128I see09:40
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:47
baptistemmHi there, I've a question about retracer, aren't they supposed to provide stackstrace with debug symbols ? when I see that http://launchpadlibrarian.net/33120745/ThreadStacktrace.txt all glib are incomplete09:47
* pitti hugs chrisccoulson, good morning09:47
baptistemmhi chrisccoulson09:47
seb128hey chrisccoulson baptistemm09:47
pittibaptistemm: they are, but sometimmes they fail due to outdated libraries or just corrupted memory/bugs in gdb/etc.09:48
* chrisccoulson hugs pitti09:48
chrisccoulsonhey seb128 baptistemm09:48
seb128pitti, I'm not sure09:48
seb128I mean to investigate that today09:48
baptistemm... so I end in asking user to install dbgsym repo and reproducing the bug09:48
seb128pitti, I've been looking to quite some crasher yesterday and didn't see one with glib symbols, I think the ddebs for it might be missing or broken09:48
seb128pitti, http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/g/glib2.0/09:49
pittiseems fine?09:49
seb128pitti, the 2.24 binaries are missing for the lib09:49
pittioh, argh09:49
pittijust libglib2.0-dev-dbgsym_2.24.0-0ubuntu109:50
seb128pitti, should I do a no change upload to get those back?09:50
pittiseb128: when was the last upload?09:50
pittimore than 7 days ago?09:50
seb128pitti, yes, like 3 weeks ago09:51
pittiok, then we need a no-change upload09:51
* seb128 wants ddebs in soyuz09:51
seb128pitti, ok, doing that09:51
baptistemmoh yeah would be great to have09:51
* pitti hugs seb12809:51
baptistemmI'm happy to understand that issue09:52
* seb128 hugs pitti09:52
baptistemmpitti, so retracer use ddebs as well09:52
seb128those are available for everything or should be available for everything09:52
seb128where -dbg are only built for some sources09:52
baptistemmis it possible to ask retracer to retrace a crash once the glib issue is fixed?09:53
seb128not if the crashdump has been cleaned09:53
seb128which retracers usually do after retracing09:53
pittionly if the retracing was successful10:01
pittii. e. if the retracing result is not mostly just ??10:01
seb128pitti, uploaded10:03
artnayis there some other channel or some person who could help me with alpha1 and alpha2 images? I'm unable to find them anywhere.10:08
seb128artnay, try #ubuntu+110:09
seb128pitti, I've uploaded a rhythmbox change to fix magnatune too if you could review that today, not sure if we need to ping about updates now or just wait for somebody to review10:09
pittiseb128: we regularly review the queue anyway, but will do10:10
seb128pitti, danke10:10
seb128didrocks, hey, did you read the crash asac mentioned yesterday night around midnight european time there?10:28
didrocksseb128: yeah, I'm no more using metacity but I can have a look later (on other stuff right now)10:29
didrocksso, it's basically metacity + accessibility enabled?10:29
seb128didrocks, would be nice if you could add it to your todolist yes10:29
didrockssure, next on my list so :)10:29
seb128get a stacktrace maybe and look upstream if they know about it10:29
seb128didrocks, thanks10:29
didrocksseb128: yw :)10:29
didrocks(assigned now that I'm listed :p)10:30
pittiseb128: do you want to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus (for getting some routine), or shall I?10:35
seb128pitti, I can do that today10:35
pittiseb128: (please let me know if you want to, and I can do something from your plate in exchange)10:35
seb128I just need to go for some errands for half an hour but I will look to it when I'm back10:35
seb128pitti, I will do it, no need to exchange, my lucid list is pretty much on shape, nothing I want to get fixed that can't wait for the SRU rounds10:36
* seb128 away for a small half an hour10:37
didrockssee you seb12810:40
seb128dpm, pitti: when would be the right time to upload things which need a build with a launchpad translation export? ie shared-mime-info? today or early next week rather?11:46
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128mvo, hey11:46
dpmseb128, from the translators point of view, as late as possible. However, the NonLanguagePackDeadline was yesterday and translators are aware of this, so today would be ok too.11:47
seb128mvo, is that a bug?11:47
seb128mvo, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/bug.png11:48
seb128mvo, should it have a navigation bar where there is 2 lines?11:48
seb128mvo, is there any info I can get you while it's in this state? I didn't try to touch it11:49
seb128dpm, thank you11:49
mvoseb128: that is a bug for sure, do you remember what you did, i.e. how to reproduce it?11:49
seb128mvo, I did select "installed softwares" and clicked on the details button for vino there which was one of the first in the list11:50
seb128/usr/share/software-center/softwarecenter/SimpleGtkbuilderApp.py:50: GtkWarning: gtk_container_add: assertion `GTK_IS_CONTAINER (container)' failed11:51
seb128  gtk.main()11:51
seb128mvo, ^ .xsession-errors has this warning if that's of any use11:51
seb128mvo, I doubt it will happen every time11:51
seb128mvo, can I play with it or do you need infos while it's in buggy state?11:52
mvoseb128: coould you please file a bug?11:52
mvoI can reproduce11:52
seb128mvo, filing11:52
mvothanks, you rock11:52
* seb128 hugs mvo11:52
seb128mvo, bug #564042 in fact already registered11:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564042 in software-center "Location bar disappears when clicking more info button" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56404211:53
stazseb128: is there a way to delete spam from bug report ?11:53
seb128staz, out of asking the launchpad team to edit the database no11:53
stazok, the whole account should probable be blocked though11:54
seb128let #launchpad know about the issue maybe11:55
seb128I would just drop a comment there with a reference to the bug and comment11:55
dpmmvo, a couple of things: speaking of exporting translations, I was just about to file a bug report to export translations from LP for aptdaemon and rebuild it with those translations, so that the .policy file gets translated as well. I found bug 445603 already. Is it ok to reopen it, or shall I file a new one?11:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445603 in aptdaemon "Rebuild packages fetching translations from launchpad" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44560311:56
mvodpm: either is fine with me12:06
dpmok, cool, I'll reopen it then12:06
dpmmvo, there's another thing. This is about bug 445603, which needs to create a template on build. It is low priority, but I thought that if you have to do a new upload, it might be an easy one to fix there as well. I manually uploaded an updated template, but any upload currently overwrites it, since the package sources include an outdated template12:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445603 in aptdaemon "Rebuild packages fetching translations from launchpad" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44560312:08
dpmhmm, wrong bug number12:09
dpmit's bug 54910612:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549106 in command-not-found "The command-not-found package needs to create a POT template on build" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54910612:09
ogra /home/asac12:21
seb128pitti, I did a first update on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus12:45
seb128pitti, I don't think there is much to change out of bugs status right?12:46
seb128pitti, I did shuffle around and updated the fixed this week bugs, the triaged ones etc12:46
seb128pitti, how do you review the new RC bugs to add on the list?12:46
seb128pitti, also do you update OLS and Kubuntu or ask kenvandine and Riddell?12:47
pittiseb128: Ken/Jonathan usually update Kubuntu/OLS/DX12:47
pittiseb128: I also update the spec status; there was some movement on fonts reorg and we dropped OO.o 3.2.1 for final (considering for an SRU instead; upstream didn't release on time)12:48
seb128kenvandine, Riddell: ^ could you please update the status for ols and kubuntu?12:48
seb128pitti, I was not sure about openoffice since previous week already had a note about dropping it to a sru but the spec was not changed12:49
seb128pitti, how do you track specs which changed? just because you are subscribed to all our specs and get emails?12:49
seb128or "just by being subscribed to"12:50
seb128rather ;-)12:50
pittiseb128: mostly that, but there's not much change any more; I often just ping people about an update, and click through the ones which are't already DONE/POSTPPONED to check their status12:50
seb128"#BETA: desktop-lucid-quickly, desktop-lucid-quickly-templates: Mostly enhancements "12:50
seb128will we still get changes there?12:50
seb128one spec is marked implemented and the other one beta available on launchpad12:51
seb128didrocks, ^12:51
pittiseb128: as for "new bugs", I walk through https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs?batch=300 and pick out the desktop-ish ones12:52
seb128pitti, should I set the openoffice one to dropped since it doesn't happen for lucid or just update the comment to say SRU?12:52
didrocksseb128: I'll mark the second one as implemented. I guess rick won't have the time to finish his remaining working. All mine should be closed, looking at that.12:53
pittiseb128: I think the latter; "in progress" seems appropriate to me12:53
seb128didrocks, ok thanks12:53
seb128pitti, ok thanks12:53
pittiseb128: some of the "Triaged problems (OLS working on them, but tracking for final):" are also fixed/invalidated12:53
seb128pitti, you said there was some font reog change?12:53
seb128pitti, right, I was not sure if kenvandine was updating those or if I should12:54
seb128pitti, 2 of those bugs have been closed a invalid, should they just be dropped of the wiki or moved to some "closed this week"?12:54
pittiseb128: fonts> right, that's currently in progress (bug 535582); some parts will be dropped, though; "In progress" seems appropriate12:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535582 in ubuntu "FFE/UIFE: replace some font packages with ubuntu-desktop-fonts on the LiveCD" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53558212:55
pittiseb128: drop/close> either way; move it to "closed", that will look better :-P12:55
seb128pitti, "#DROPPED: desktop-lucid-font-selection: Improve/review defaults "12:55
seb128it was dropped before that changed then?12:56
pittiit got a FFE12:56
* seb128 updates12:56
* pitti -> door bell, lunch12:56
didrocksseb128: fixed12:57
seb128didrocks, thanks12:58
seb128hum, lunch!12:58
seb128pitti, enjoy, lunch there too, I've updated the specs now and some of the OLS bugs, will continue and add new ones after lunch12:59
pittiseb128: enjoy!13:00
seb128pitti, thanks, you too ;-)13:00
kenvandineseb128, will do13:12
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
pittiseb128: I bounced you the meeting invitation (just came in), this also has a list of bugs13:29
seb128pitti, ok thanks13:32
pittiseb128: oh, and the "overall status" could need some update; it should point out the WI status and the stuff that's burning and needs release attention13:33
pitti(I don't think that we have a lot right now, though)13:33
seb128pitti, ok, I figured the status didn't really change this week, still in bug fixing mode for lucid13:34
pittiseb128: just FYI, there's an ubuntuone-client in unapproved which fixes a ton of bugs, so hopefully a lot more are actually "fix available"13:34
seb128with WIs not changing a lot either since we are mostly done13:34
pittiseb128: right, we just dropped a WI; and the LP "bug expectancy" thing is in progress now13:34
seb128pitti, I was wondering what is going on with this one yes, some bugs were on fix available previous week and didn't move since13:34
seb128pitti, ok thanks, will update that13:34
pittisupermarket, back in ~ 30 mins13:54
nigelbpitti, thanks for syncing epiphany-extensions :)13:55
nigelbI was getting ready for FFE, etc today :)13:55
didrocksdavmor2: are you sure bug #551860 isn't arch-specific? I don't reproduce it there on i386 :/14:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551860 in metacity "Crash on login with accessibility enabled" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55186014:04
davmor2didrocks: it wasn't for me I was on I386 it is une specific though I think14:06
didrocksdavmor2: oh, on UNE only? let me see14:06
didrocks(I was on a GNOME session)14:07
didrocksnot crashing as well :/14:07
davmor2didrocks: the original was on une/arm I was asked to confirm on I38614:07
didrocksdavmor2: yeah, I saw that. I don't have arm device, hence the fact I try on i38614:08
seb128davmor2, can you open a bug using apport if you get a crash?14:08
davmor2didrocks: I can grab my netbook in a minute and see if it still happen but I need to do a couple of things first14:08
didrocksdavmor2: what seb128 told ^ thanks :)14:08
seb128didrocks, thanks for looking into it14:08
davmor2will do didrocks seb12814:08
seb128pedro_, hey14:08
seb128pedro_, be ready for some flood in bug emails ;-)14:09
didrocksseb128: you're welcome :) (I guess if it was 100% reproduceable, we would have complains a long time ago)14:09
seb128pedro_, seems they fixed the GNOME bug watches updating14:09
pedro_seb128, hello, ok!14:09
davmor2didrocks: try grabbing hold of paul too should be online now he can confirm if it is still effecting arm14:09
pedro_seb128, really? WOW14:09
seb128didrocks, well not so many people activate a11y I guess14:09
pedro_seb128, i need to see that ;-)14:09
* pedro_ looks for a helmet14:10
didrocksdavmor2: sure, but I prefer to know first if it's still on i386 as I only have that kind of device. Easier for me if I can reproduce :)14:10
seb128pedro_, ;-)14:11
seb128pedro_, how are you otherwise?14:11
pedro_seb128, I'm great! thanks what about you? looking forward to UDS?14:12
plarsdidrocks: hi14:12
seb128pedro_, yes!14:12
* pedro_ can't wait14:12
seb128pedro_, I'm good thanks ;-)14:12
plarsdidrocks: I can still reproduce it as of yesterday's image, I'll make sure everything is up to date this morning and try again.  And yes I will try to get a valid backtrace if so14:14
plarsdidrocks: sorry, still going through email this morning14:14
plarsdidrocks: do we know when/how it got fixed on x86?14:14
didrocksplars: hey, TBH, I think nothing changed there from yesterday. So, backtrace will be the solution. I tried several time on GNOME and UNE and got nothing.14:15
didrocksplars: I'm updating another box to see if I can reproduce14:15
davmor2didrocks: I still get it on I386.  Once assitive tech is enabled I can no longer log into the system14:16
seb128it works if you use compiz?14:17
seb128having the wm to crash should not make login break though14:17
didrocksdavmor2: let me see, I had one box with last metacity, no issue. I'm upgrading the other components now14:17
didrocks(should take a couple of minutes)14:18
davmor2didrocks: I should say une i38614:18
davmor2this is on my actual netbook too14:18
didrocksdavmor2: can you try the GNOME session, choosing it in GDM?14:18
didrocksand try with compiz as seb128 proposed14:18
seb128pedro_, btw I recommend closing the "sound is not working in rhythmbox or totem or whatever" on lucid with a "use ubuntu-bug audio" now14:18
davmor2didrocks: same thing14:18
didrocksdavmor2: ok, and compiz?14:19
davmor2didrocks, sbe128: Is there a compiz version on une?14:20
pedro_seb128, make sense, will point users to ubuntu-bug for future bugs14:20
didrocksdavmor2: it's not install by default, but you can still install it14:20
didrocksdavmor2: TBH, it seems really strange if it's related to metacity only14:20
seb128hey rickspencer314:20
didrocksbonjour rickspencer314:21
rickspencer3seb128, didrocks bonjour14:21
davmor2didrocks: do I just need to install compiz-gnome and it do the rest or other packages too?14:21
didrocksdavmor2: compiz-gnome should be enough14:22
didrocksdavmor2: compiz and compiz-gnome if you want to get the same experience than the desktop in fact14:23
davmor2didrocks: ta14:25
davmor2didrocks: with all installed I get the same thing I'll just reboot though, apply the work round and ensure that compiz is enabled and try again14:27
didrocksdavmor2: that will help a lot, thanks :)14:27
pittihey rickspencer314:29
rickspencer3hi pitti14:29
rickspencer3keyboard working?14:29
pittirickspencer3: do we have a wiki page about UDS planning? I'd like to put some SRU topic on there14:29
seb128pitti, there is a new glibmm and pangomm stable update with one bug fix + documentation changes... do we need a ffe or can we sync from debian who did the update?14:30
pittirickspencer3: yes, I fixed it last night, but didn't investigate yet which package broke it14:30
pittiseb128: does it break FF?14:30
pittii. e. are there new features/strings/etc.?14:30
seb128pitti, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/10.10/BlueprintList14:30
seb128pitti, no, just api documentation update + 1 bug fixed as said14:31
pittiseb128: go ahead then14:31
seb128pitti, sorry the "e" in "ffe" was autofinger, I meant feature freeze request14:31
seb128grrrr, freaze break request14:31
seb128pitti, danke14:31
pittiseb128: that's the bp list; is it the UDS topic list, too?14:31
pittiseb128: I'll put it on there then14:31
seb128pitti, yes, that's our current list of topics for uds discussion and blueprints14:31
pittiseb128: I'd like to discuss extending the SRU policy for GNOME/KDE/OO.o point releases again14:32
seb128pitti, +114:32
seb128I'm not sure we need much of an UDS discussion though14:32
seb128shouldn't rather be the TB to ack those?14:33
seb128"does everybody agree we should have stable bug fix updates from upstream going in lucid" -> yes, discussion done14:34
seb128or maybe raise the topic now to see if there is anybody who feels that needs discussion14:34
davmor2didrocks: still the same14:34
seb128and discuss it only if there is some concern14:34
didrocksdavmor2: ok, with compiz? so, this is not metacity related?14:34
seb128pitti, thanks14:35
davmor2didrocks: I enabled compiz via prefs/appearance that worked log out logged in okay.  I enabled asstive again and now it won't log in14:36
didrocksdavmor2: ok, so it's not metacity related, do you have a crash file in /var/crash?14:36
didrocksplars: ^14:36
seb128pitti, I'm adding gtkmm to so .1 stable gnomemm updates if that's ok with you, it's only api documentation update14:37
pittiseb128: ack14:37
pittiseb128: want me to add the status of the missing RC bugs of the meeting invitation? or do you want to?14:37
plarsdidrocks: I certainly don't use compiz here, it's an arm board, fb driver only14:37
seb128pitti, I do that right after doing those syncs14:37
pittiseb128: thanks14:37
pittithe list looks good14:38
didrocksplars: just to show you it's not wm related as it happens also with compiz, a stacktrace will be good to know what is crashing14:38
seb128how is the session not starting?14:38
didrocks(my netbook is still updating)14:38
davmor2only gnome screensaver14:39
davmor2and I cleared it out14:39
plarsdidrocks: ok, I just submitted it against metacity because I think that's what apport pointed at14:40
plarsdidrocks: updating now14:40
davmor2seb128: I had a whole heap of old ones in there relating to gwibber and desktop-couch, so I cleared out /var/crash and that is now the only crash file in the folder from a fresh attempt at logging in14:41
didrocksplars: didn't you have a crash file so that apport-retracer can give us a stacktrace?14:41
seb128didrocks, we don't have retracers on that arch I think14:42
didrocksseb128: oh? so apport is arch-selective for putting crash file? didn't know that14:42
plarsdidrocks: they don't always work, let me see again if I can get a .crash from it after the update, looks like a LOT of new packages to install since yesterday14:42
plarsdidrocks: retracer is quirky on arm14:43
didrocksok, as builder :/14:43
seb128didrocks, it's not arch selective but we have only i386 and amd64 retracers running in the dc14:45
davmor2seb128, didrocks: as this gnome-screensaver is the only bug that has appeared trying to log in would you like me to upload it and give you the number so you can see if it is related?14:46
seb128didrocks, it's lot of work already to keep those running, we didn't set retracers for port architectures too14:46
seb128davmor2, could you describe what happens when you try to log in?14:46
seb128didrocks, you are welcome to set one up if you want though ;-)14:47
davmor2seb128: I can do a quick vid if that will help?14:47
didrocksseb128: :-)14:47
seb128davmor2, well video or describe there14:47
seb128it is stopping on en empty background?14:47
seb128didrocks, is that a no? ;-)14:47
didrocksseb128: I guess when I will have more time and that will be on high priority list :)14:48
didrocks(so, basically a "no") ;)14:48
davmor2You get the login screen, you add username and password, you hit login.  It flashes a black tty looking screen and loops back around to the login screen again14:48
seb128can you get the .xsession-errors then?14:49
seb128not by logging again it would overwrite it14:49
seb128switch to a vt and copy it somewhere14:49
seb128pitti, so things like bug #538116 which are on Steve's email but closed in launchpad as invalid since, should they be on the wiki still?14:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538116 in evolution-couchdb "evolution-data-server crashes with SIGV" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53811614:53
pittiseb128: yes, the ones on the invitation should be mentioned in any case14:53
davmor2seb128, didrocks: http://pastebin.com/s0bMJhVP14:54
davmor2if there's anything else just ping need to do some stuff busy, bust14:55
davmor2busy even14:55
seb128davmor2, the log is clear that gnome-session crashes on an assert error14:56
seb128plars, ^14:56
seb128davmor2, is libgail-common installed?14:57
seb128plars, ^14:57
davmor2libgail is but libgail-common says No packages found matching libgail-common14:58
seb128davmor2, can you install it and see if it fixes the issue?14:59
seb128Riddell, hi15:00
seb128Riddell, do you know what is the status with bug #563769?15:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563769 in advancecomp "[MIR] advancecomp" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56376915:00
davmor2seb128: fixed15:00
seb128davmor2, ok thanks15:00
seb128plars, didrocks: ^15:00
seb128I will upload a package with a depends on it15:00
didrocksseb128: sweet, thanks davmor2, plars15:00
seb128didrocks, thank you for testing the bug ;-)15:01
plarsseb128: will try it here too, just rebooted15:01
Riddellseb128: nope, I'll take a look shortly15:01
didrocksseb128: well, kinda useless here… (just finished the upgrade)15:01
seb128Riddell, thanks15:01
davmor2seb128: libgail18 is installed just not -common if that helps for deps15:01
seb128davmor2, it's clear than -common should be installed too so it's all good I will fix, thanks for raising the issue15:02
seb128Riddell, do you still edit the wiki?15:02
seb128Riddell, your lock expired some minutes ago does it mean I can edit it now? ;-)15:02
Riddellseb128: oh sorry, go ahead15:04
seb128Riddell, thanks15:04
plarsseb128, didrocks, davmor2: yep, fixes it for me too, thanks!15:04
plarsmine just takes a bit longer to get there :)15:04
plarsjust out of curiosity, in the x86 world, is there a point during boot where you see a dark square in the middle of the splashscreen (where the mouse is about to show up) just before the desktop or gdm comes up?15:14
* plars wonders if it's due to fb driver or something15:15
plarsdoesn't seem to happen every time either15:15
seb128plars, didn't see that here15:16
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: gwibber keeps popping up 7 or 8 broadcast account screens every few minutes (im guessing its what I have my refresh rate set to be), do you know about this already?15:18
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, oh.... that is because it needs you enter your pass15:19
kenvandinebut it should only pop one up15:20
* kenvandine tries to reproduce15:20
bcurtiswx3it pops up multiple.. and it just doubled... lol15:20
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, does it hi-light any accounts?15:20
bcurtiswx3not that I could see15:20
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, gwibber
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: i just reentered the password and messed with the facebook account.. i'll see if that was it15:22
kenvandineok, see what it does and either way file a bug for the multiple screens15:22
seb128pitti, wiki updated btw15:22
kenvandinei will try to repro it in a few15:23
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: OK, will do15:23
pittiseb128: thanks15:24
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, thx15:24
bcurtiswx3brb, trying to fix an xorg problem15:24
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: that did it, i had to delete my facebook and re-authorize though because although it said i was authorized, it was still highlighted red :-\15:30
kenvandineok, please comment to that effect in the bug report15:30
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: using "report a problem" in gwibber doesn't use apport?15:35
kenvandineno... we should make it do that :)15:35
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: yeah, would be good.  Does it have an apport-hjook?15:36
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kenvandinebcurtiswx3, no, but i should plan on doing that next cycle15:37
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: OK, lots of typing ahead :P15:37
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nigelbkenvandine, if you can give me the stuff it should collect, I can do that for you this cycle.. the apport hook :)15:38
* bcurtiswx3 hugs nigelb15:42
nigelbbcurtiswx3, :)15:42
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: would the broadcast account window be more tied to gwibber-service than gwibber?15:43
seb128pitti, ok, I'm doing an at-spi upload to fix a RC bug, the diff.gz had documentation update cruft, so you want me to clean that or to let it?15:48
seb128pitti, ie I guess the clean target is buggy and building twice lead to have html changes in the diff.gz15:48
pittisounds harmless15:49
seb128pitti, the RC is a missing depends, I was just pondering cleaning that or not15:49
seb128while I'm doing an update15:49
seb128pitti, ok, I'm uploaded with the fix + diff.gz cleaned15:50
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: bug #56474115:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564741 in gwibber "multiple broadcast account windows popup when accounts not configured properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56474115:50
seb128let me know if that was wrong and I will do another upload with just the change15:50
pittimerci; I'll have  look15:50
seb128pitti, uploaded15:51
seb128pitti, it was the "Crash on login with accessibility enabled" on Steve's list, I already moved it to the fixed section of the wiki15:51
seb128pitti, if you approve it before meeting you will make me not lie ;-)15:52
seb128asac, I just uploaded a fix for the session crash with accessibility on issue, was a missing depends on libgail-common15:52
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, thx, and you confirmed that it doesn't happen again after you set the password's?15:55
bcurtiswx3kenvandine: yes, correct15:56
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, great, thx15:57
seb128pitti, I will watch how you deal with the meeting and maybe try play you next week?16:01
pittiseb128: sure; there's not a lot to know there, though; have the report ready, give a summary of the things that are relevant for the release, and answer questions16:01
pittiseb128: and these days it's mostly about "bugs"16:01
pittiseb128: during the devel cycle we talk about blueprints which are late/in jeopardy, or coordinating between DX/desktop etc.16:02
seb128surprising, no new feature to discuss? how boring ;-)16:02
seb128pitti, right, I've joining some and stepping for you a few times still making sure I don't miss some details16:02
leftyfbcould someone tell me how to file an RT ticket? Not bug report. This is an internal issue not directly related to the ubuntu project.16:03
leftyfbI tried rt.ubuntu.com but I don't have an account.16:03
pittiseb128: most of the time you can actually do light work in parallel and just listen for interesting stuff16:03
asacseb128: great.16:03
asacseb128: will try to get someone verify that when it gets built :(16:04
seb128pitti, I'm doing that during our meetings too :p16:04
pittiah, these are more "dense" for me and usually need my full attention16:04
seb128asac, plars verified that installing libgail-common fixes the issue16:04
seb128asac, I doubt I got the depends wrong but you can still get it checked16:04
asacno thats fine. thanks for the quick fix16:05
nigelbleftyfb, just mail rt@ubuntu.com?16:07
leftyfbnigelb: ok, i'll try that, thanks16:08
nigelbnp :)16:08
bcurtiswx3so ubuntu one brings synchs gwibber account.. does it synch empathy accounts?16:18
kenvandinebcurtiswx3, no :/16:19
kenvandinethat would be cool though16:19
bcurtiswx3yeah, that and favourite chat rooms16:19
asacone thing that is really bad16:20
asacnot sure if thats the default16:20
asacalt + left/right arrow key16:20
asacgoes to console now16:20
asacthats the common shortcut to go back and forward in browser16:20
asaccan we fix that for release (if its the default on fresh installs)16:21
Nafaigood morning16:21
bcurtiswx3mornin nafai16:24
pittihey Nafai16:25
glatzorhello mvo,16:26
mvohey glatzor16:26
mvothanks for your mail16:26
glatzormvo, I improved it a lot16:26
glatzormvo, making use of apt_pkg.TagFile directly, only quering the new data from the cache and speeding up apt.cache.Cache.get_changes16:27
mvoglatzor: nice, that is going to make it rock for 3.016:28
mvoin s-c16:28
glatzormvo, do you think this is a good approach?16:28
mvoideally we would do it inside libapt itself16:28
mvobut that is going to be a slippery slope16:28
mvoso I think for the time being it the best approach we have16:28
glatzorif the cache is already in memory the wohle prototype takes 1,3 seconds (loading the cache, marking installation, getting changes, creating new status file, reopening with new status file)16:30
glatzormvo, a cold start takes 5,7 seconds16:30
glatzorbut if the cache is already it should be under a second16:31
glatzorso perhaps we should add a Ping command to aptdaemon to start it after s-c is started16:31
glatzorbut in the end the package cache could be in the file cache already after s-c was started16:33
seb128Riddell, kmail just started using indicator 2 days ago in lucid, was that made on purpose? seems weeks and weeks late for a such change16:36
Riddellseb128: the patch got lost somewhere in the process when it was first written16:36
seb128Riddell, well, still it's adding a feature now?!16:37
seb128Riddell, seems weeks late, it got 0 testing and Aurelien says there are several bugs with it now16:37
seb128Riddell, I don't understand the logic to push the feature so late16:37
pittiRiddell: well, your call in the end, but we got tons of regressions with first indicator patches, so I'd recommend to postpone it16:38
Riddellseb128: it's had testing by Kubuntu users, but if there's problems on the Gnome side we can take it out16:40
Riddellwhat's the issues?16:40
seb128sec, I'm asking agateau to come there16:41
seb128hey agateau16:41
seb128agateau, can you explain how the kmail change is buggy right now?16:41
seb128agateau, just trying to understand where we stand16:41
agateauseb128: sure16:41
agateauwhen running on gnome,16:42
agateauthere is no way to minimize/restore kmail from the indicator16:42
agateauon kde this is done with left click16:42
agateauand menu with right click16:42
agateaubut there is no left/right click on gnome16:42
agateauadditionally, one of the menu items is not filled properly16:43
agateau(I suspect a libdbusmenu bug)16:43
agateauit is supposed to list all checkable email accounts16:43
agateaubut remains empty on gnome16:43
seb128without the change all that work on GNOME?16:43
agateauseb128: that's it16:43
seb128using the notification area?16:43
seb128Riddell, ^ your call I guess as pitti said16:44
Riddellagateau: sounds like we should remove it then, unless you're terribly keen to fix it up last thing on a friday afternoon16:45
seb128Riddell, I'm just surprise that the port landed so late in lucid, we stopped migrating apps week ago in Ubuntu I though Kubuntu freezes were similar16:45
seb128Riddell, ted is busy with 2 bugs to fix on the GNOME side for lucid and they sprint next week I think16:45
agateauRiddell: I think we should remove it as well16:45
seb128Riddell, I doubt he will look at those new issues16:45
agateauseb128: the minimize/restore issue does not concern ted anyway16:46
pittiasac: n-l-2d still crashes in kvm on current daily :(16:46
Riddellseb128: the patch has been around for a while but for whatever reason was never applied to the package, probably my failure16:46
seb128agateau, the accounts not being listed do though16:46
agateauseb128: yes16:46
seb128Riddell, ok, your call but I would +1 to postpone to next cycle now if it has issues I think16:47
seb128Riddell, agateau: thanks16:47
Riddellseb128: this highlights our cross desktop QA as being poor though, I always test on KDE but not gnome and I suspect kenvandine is similar (e.g. when I tested ubuntu one music shop it had lots of non-gnome specific issues that should have been obvious)16:47
kenvandineRiddell, indeed16:48
Riddellsomething to look at during UDS I wonder16:48
kenvandinesame thing happened when they initially release ubuntuone-client16:49
kenvandinecompletely busted on kde16:49
seb128Riddell, no doubt we could do better there16:50
seb128Riddell, something to raise with the qa team probably too16:50
seb128Riddell, see if they can help us doing some cross desktop testing coverage16:51
seb128+ trying to have team member to do some too16:51
seb128though everybody tends to be busy and I can see that we will not always have time to test everything on both desktops16:52
asacpitti: how are you trying to launch it?16:53
pittiasac: just boot current netbook in kvm16:54
* asac hasnt run it on kvm16:54
pittiI can probably run it on real iron and kill n-l and manually run n-l-2d somehow, I figure16:54
asacpitti: how to you force the fallback?16:54
asacpitti: you need to get rid for 3d somehow ... then it should auto start16:54
mvoglatzor: btw, getting session installer for 10.10 would rock, maybe we can get help with that somehow?16:54
pittiasac: or that; chmod 0 the binary and logout and back in, that should work indeed16:55
asacoh. would be interesteing if the fallback is implemented robust enough for that.16:55
asacdidrocks: ?16:55
pittikenvandine: did you see dpm's followup on the string freeze? can we reupload without the string change, to get the RC bugs fixed?16:56
pittikenvandine: then this can go in and get tested over the weekend, and we deal with the string change later on/in maverick16:56
didrocksasac: it detect if we use "software rendered" in glx16:56
didrocksasac: nothing to enforce fallback, as you have the 2D session16:56
asacdidrocks: right. but can we just chmod 0 the binary instead?16:56
asac(like pitti suggested above)16:57
pittiwell, then one could chmod 0 the glx extension binary and restart the session :)16:57
didrocksasac: no, it's in the n-l binary that the switch is done16:57
asacright. thanks for confirming16:57
kenvandinepitti, they are discussing it16:58
seb128dpm, hey17:16
seb128dpm, do you know what is the wikipage which has the list if source which don't use language packs in ubuntu?17:17
dpmseb128, actually, I was updating it today :) -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline17:18
seb128dpm, thanks17:18
dpmno worries, it's linked from the main release schedule page17:18
seb128dpm, checking what I need to upload with translation exports17:18
dpmseb128, ah, cool. Note that we've tried to make an exhaustive list, which has become quite long. If it's not possible to export everything, feel free to do only what you think it's most visible. I tried to order the table by priority earlier on, but I got caught with something else17:20
seb128dpm, are the .policy visible somewhere?17:21
dpmseb128, the one I know of to be very visible is the one from aptdaemon, which is shown every time you want to install a new package. I'm not sure about the other ones, but I seem to remember I've seen the odd one or two17:22
seb128dpm, ok, I guess there are displayed in the polkit dialog which ask your password to do something17:22
dpmyeah, I guess so as well17:23
seb128dpm, I'm doing xdg-user-dirs and yelp to start with now17:23
dpmseb128, ah, cool, yeah, the yelp one is also one of the very visible ones17:24
dpmpitti, kenvandine, I've just been talking to Chipaca about the ubuntuone-client string freeze break. I've recommended him what I was mentioning in the bug: separate the bug fixes from the string changes and upload. He was very keen on the string changes, so I'll ask translators what they think, to see if it would be possible to do a subsequent upload with the string changes, but I've already warn him that translators will most probably say no (my gut17:28
pittidpm: with a separate upload we could at least accept and test the RC bug fixes without further contention17:28
pittiotherwise we risk not having fixes for those as well in final17:28
* pitti needs to run now, have a nice weekend everyone!17:37
Nafailater pitti17:38
seb128pitti, thanks, you too!17:40
didrocksenjoy your week-end pitti17:42
kenvandinedpm, thx17:48
dpmno worries17:49
dpmpitti, enjoy the weekend!17:49
rickspencer3seb128, so is it okay if I send out that schedule to canonical-desktop-team, and ask folks to get their blueprints in by Tuesday?18:01
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rickspencer3too late18:12
* rickspencer3 evil laugh18:12
seb128rickspencer3, oh please don't ;-)18:13
seb128rickspencer3, jk, thanks for sending the note about it ;-)18:13
rickspencer3seb128, the problem is now *I* have to register *my* blueprints :/18:14
rickspencer3seb128, also, I noted there that I won't be around next Tuesday18:14
rickspencer3so the meeting will be yours18:14
kenvandineseb128, if i am reverting a string change in an upload that is sitting in the unapproved queue, can i reuse the same version number?18:15
kenvandinelike get them to reject it and upload again?18:15
seb128rickspencer3, oh? traveling to lucid sprint?18:15
seb128kenvandine, you can use the same version just slangasek know to accept the newest upload18:15
didrocksrickspencer3: oh no, please, save us! ;)18:15
kenvandineseb128, thought so, thx!18:16
* didrocks thinks that after this joke, I'll have probably to change my room at UDS :-)18:16
rickspencer3seb128, no, I am going to portland to meet with a partner18:16
seb128oh ok18:18
seb128no lucid sprint or you are not joining or it's later?18:18
* kenvandine is going to need to review his procmail rules... somehow rickspencer3's email ended up in my launchpad folder18:46
jcastrokenvandine, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek I've penciled you in for a session, lmk if this works for you.18:46
kenvandinejcastro, ok18:46
jcastrorickspencer3, also your desktop Q+A is scheduled, lmk if that works for you18:46
* rickspencer3 looks18:46
jcastroalso we have a few slots left open so if anyone wants to do any sessions for people lmk18:46
jcastrowe can always add more slots!18:46
jcastroWe're looking to do a Inkscape tutorial this time!18:46
rickspencer3jcastro, sure, I'll be at the design sprint then18:48
rickspencer3but it's in the evening, so should work well18:48
rickspencer3jcastro, can I ask you a favor? Could you plan some questions before hand, since probably no one will be there?18:49
rickspencer3I hate sitting in #ubuntu-classroom listening to crickets chirp ;)18:49
nigelbrickspencer3, its the open week.  there'll be plenty of questions18:51
rickspencer3we'll see ;)18:51
nigelbrickspencer3, we folks will be around to ask anyway (since I want you to ask in my session :D)18:51
rickspencer3nigelb, you don't have to wait for a session to ask a question18:51
nigelbrickspencer3, I'm only going to ask so that you dont sit in a corner and cry :P18:52
jcastrorickspencer3, I'll have some nice controversial ones saved up. :D18:52
rickspencer3thanks nigelb, that means a lot to me18:52
* rickspencer3 wipes tear from corner of eye18:52
* didrocks calls it a week (again) ;)18:53
didrocksenjoy your week-end everybody!18:53
kenvandineyou too didrocks18:53
rickspencer3bye didrocks18:54
rickspencer3Nafai, hey, so what's up with the BT bug?18:54
rickspencer3did you get a minimal repro working?18:54
seb128_didrocks, thanks, you too!18:55
rickspencer3lunch -> gym19:08
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qenseWhy does the helper.py file in Quickly has 'make_window' in its __all__ dictionary?20:05
qenseIsn't that a bug? The only function in there is get_builder()20:06
JanCI guess you mean helpers.py ?20:16
kenvandinejcastro, you can mark my openweek session as committed :)20:34
dobeykenvandine: hey. we're good then? i don't see the new ubuntuone-client yet... is it just waiting for slangasek or someone to pop it through?20:54
dobeycool, thanks :)20:54
rickspencer3kenvandine, trial!21:34
rickspencer3is there another way?21:35
kenvandinei am just collecting feedback, see what people like21:35
NafaiHey rickspencer3.  Sorry, I was traveling over to a friend's house to work for the afternoon21:39
rickspencer3Nafai so did you work on the minimal test case, or get any more info?21:40
NafaiI ended up taking a different route temporarily, finally figured out how to print out the menu structure within the BT applet, which confirmed that it is setting up what I imagine.21:41
NafaiNow I'm going to work on the minimal test case and what I don't get done didrocks is going to help me with on Monday21:41
NafaiHe's been really helpful21:41
NafaiActually, if there are any gtk/gobject gurus around, is there an easy way (in C) to figure out what type an object was created as?21:42
rickspencer3Nafai bratsche is the one of the people I think of when I think of "gtk" and "guru"21:45
rickspencer3I'm sure he would talk to you about it if he's around21:45
Nafairickspencer3: Is it safe to assume that you and didrocks will be registering the blueprints that I will be contributing to?22:21
rickspencer3Nafai, yeah, I'll be assigning you blueprints ;)22:22
Nafaisounds good22:22
rickspencer3you'll be on the UNE ones and the quickly ones22:22
* Nafai nods22:23
Nafaibrb, running to get food23:15
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chrisccoulsonhey Nafai23:51
NafaiHey chrisccoulson23:51

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