
ccheneyjdong: seems it couldn't even do ~ 6mbps for me00:26
ccheneyjdong: but if they hit the limit at 15mbps then i might need a better one, assuming the newer ones work better? i have a wrt54g00:26
persiaccheney: Some of the newer consumer routers can handle ~250Mbps, but some are still limited to very low speeds.  It's worth looking for some user reports on specific models and usages before buying if you're currently feeling limited (alternately, wait a bit more, and get one with an Atom or ARMv7 proc that lets you reinstall with Ubuntu and run quagga)00:30
bluefoxicycrappy pseudo-security mechanism crashes.00:33
* bluefoxicy ponders the security implications of password-protected screen savers and implementations.00:34
jdongbluefoxicy: you mean how plugging in an external monitor made the screensaver segfault? XD00:35
bluefoxicyjdong:  nope.  gnome-screensaver-gl-helper crashed and I got an unlocked desktop00:35
jdonglol niiiice00:35
jdongI still like the way Windows does their screensaver locking.00:35
persiabluefoxicy: There's a number of good rants out there about how screensavers that use complex libraries are pointless (and why xscreensaver is the only real screensaver, but all screensavers are inherently bad)00:35
jdongthe terminal services redirector unplugs the monitor and keyboard away from your session00:36
bluefoxicypersia: see jdong00:36
jdongand you get re-plugged into a kernel-owned winlogon dialog00:36
jdongkinda like if we chvt'ed and didn't let the user chvt back00:36
persiabluefoxicy: Hrm?00:36
bluefoxicypersia:  it's possible to move a window on top the screen saver by some magic; or to move keyboard focus;etc.00:37
slangasekbluefoxicy: gnome-screensaver-gl-helper crashing doesn't unlock the desktop.  That's why it's a separate helper.00:37
bluefoxicyslangasek:  yet, I got a box telling me i had an application error, and nothing asked me for my password...00:37
slangasekthen something else is going on besides gl-helper crashing00:38
ccheneypersia: there are some routers that will be able run Ubuntu? i thought they all were using the older arm like the new marvell plug 3.000:38
bluefoxicyjdong:  I've actually had my keyboard focus wind up in another window too00:39
jdongbluefoxicy: if you use compiz, there's some interesting exploits too00:39
bluefoxicyI ctrl+alt+F1'd and logged in, then killed gnome-screensaver00:39
bluefoxicythat got me back to my desktop XD00:39
jdongebroder demonstrated a zephyr popup based glitch to me before00:39
persiaccheney: I don't know of any current consumer routers than can run Ubuntu.  I saw some Atom consumer NAS boxes a few weeks ago, and I hear persistent rumours about new ARM devices.  I imagine it won't be too long.00:39
jdongwhere alert boxes can pop up *over* the screensaver00:40
* persia is waiting for such a router as well00:40
bluefoxicyjdong:  nods.00:40
ccheneypersia: ok00:40
jdongI kinda wish for a chvt-based solution.00:40
ebroderjdong: That wasn't quite it. It was actually *another* window that would pop above the screensaver, not the popup itself00:40
jdongebroder: lol even worse then00:40
ccheneypersia: do you happen to know if weird fluctuations could be due to using a DOCSIS 2.0 instead of 3.0? I am seeing the weird spikes even connected directly to my modem with my laptop00:41
bluefoxicyebroder:  now can you pick which window?00:41
ebroderjdong: That's why Athena disabled Compiz - we didn't want to get in trouble when a browser with somebody's grades popped up over the screensaver00:41
ebroderbluefoxicy: I think it was pretty consistently the window that had focus before the screensaver activated00:41
* ccheney is considering getting a Motorola SB6120 at the store and seeing if it helps any00:41
ebroderbluefoxicy: Let me see if I can track down the bug...00:41
bluefoxicyebroder:  ahh.  Damn.  My cologne has better hacking power than that.00:41
persiaccheney: No idea.00:42
ebroderbluefoxicy: bug #33693200:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336932 in compiz "New windows cause panels to be raised above fullscreen applications (e.g. screensaver)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33693200:42
bluefoxicyebroder:  lol.00:42
persiaccheney: I've had persistent issues with network in lucid being slow (compared to karmic), but I don't think changing my router affects that, as I get the same going between two local machines (both lucid).00:42
bluefoxicyebroder:  panel -> run -> killall gnome-screensaver -> unlocked.00:42
jdongyikes, it's any creation of new windows?00:42
ccheneypersia: i'm getting a range from ~ 800kbps to 28000kbps with my line speed supposedly being 12000kbps00:42
ccheneypersia: and overall a large transfer it ends up an average of 12000kbps00:43
ccheneybut with that big of a range it makes QoS pretty much useless even if it were to work on my router00:43
persiaccheney: What's your uplink implementation?  That sounds like transit issues rather than the local router.00:43
ccheneypersia: its a cable modem with docsis 2.0 support connected to Comcast00:44
bluefoxicyccheney:  why would QoS ever work?00:44
ccheneybluefoxicy: well it worked ok in the past when the speed was consistent00:44
bluefoxicyccheney:  a more recent RFC deprecates QoS entirely00:44
bluefoxicynot that anyone cares00:44
persiaccheney: In that case, I expect you have an overprovisioned link and a governor to maintain an average speed of 12M, and you're seeing QoS hiccups from your provider's QoS.00:44
ccheneybluefoxicy: i meant QoS at the router level throttling lower priority traffic, perhaps the routers concept of QoS isn't the same as TCP's00:45
bluefoxicyah, okay.00:45
ccheneybluefoxicy: but with the router needing to know your link speed for that to work when it ranges from 800kbps to 28000kbps its useless00:45
persiabluefoxicy: QoS is undeprecatable: that said, specific implementations (e.g. 802.16) are likely to be replaced by newer imple,entations quite regularly.00:45
ccheneypersia: yea probably so :-\00:45
persiaccheney: When I was at an ISP, we used to sell 1.5Mbps and provision 10Mbps, just to be able to flood it to mask transient issues and keep the clients happy.  Mind you, this was a long time ago, when that was actually fast.00:46
ccheneypersia: that seems to be what they are doing, before going to the new speeds they didn't over provision the speed by 2-3x like it appears is happening now00:47
micahgis there a reason why libiw30 doesn't replace libiw29?00:48
ccheneyi just remembered something i saw a while back, is there a reason that checkmarks in human theme are white on menus?00:49
ccheneyi thought they used to be black00:49
slangasekmicahg: is there a reason it should?00:49
persiaoverprovisioning local link is best practice for ISPs as they typically underprovision uplink, and need to reschedule packets to maintain SLA.  The only way I know to get out of such an arrangement is to provision a 1Gpbs local link, but that exposes you to uplink throttling directly.00:49
micahgslangasek: get rid of an old package00:49
slangasekmicahg: that's not what Replaces does00:49
ccheneypersia: yea00:49
micahgslangasek: doesn't it do the same thing?00:50
micahgslangasek: the package I mean00:50
slangasekmicahg: that's irrelevant.  That's not what the *Replaces field* means00:50
* micahg goes to read the policy manual again00:50
slangasekReplaces means "files previously belonging to that package have moved to this package"00:50
micahgslangasek: I see, so do we have a way to remove old packages?  is that update-manager?00:51
slangasekmicahg: update-manager; or 'apt-get autoremove'?00:52
slangasekccheney: what in the world are these new OOo-l10n binaries for?00:52
ccheneypersia: yea thats true, i also may be getting more bursty nature now since i don't have docsis 3.0 so can't use those channels00:52
ccheneyslangasek: smooth upgrade from hardy/karmic to lucid00:52
ccheneyslangasek: they mention that in the package desc00:53
micahgslangasek: I mean in an automated fashion, not by user input, I know how to remove it myself :)00:53
persiamicahg: The right way to remove old libraries is to have them be marked as installed automatically, and be automatically uninstalled when nothing depends on them (which should be the case for an upgrade).  This is implemented in apt, and used by update-manager as well as other things.00:54
persiaFor non-libraries it's a bit trickier, but that's not the situation in this case.00:55
slangasekmicahg: well, packages don't upgrade themselves automatically either - you're either using update-manager, which gives you the option to remove packages it knows are obsolete; or if you're not using update-manager, 'apt-get autoremove' is the low-level interface00:55
slangasekccheney: hrm, were those leaf packages in hardy?00:55
slangasekccheney: if they should only have been pulled in as dependencies of, say, language-support-gu, then an upgrade should Just Work?00:56
slangasekccheney: ah; we don't have language-support-translations-* anymore either, ok00:59
ccheneyslangasek: they should only get used if the user already had eg openoffice.org-l10n-as-in installed to make sure they get openoffice.org-l10n-as now00:59
slangasekccheney: yes, I understand that - the question was why we need transition packages for something that was normally auto-installed00:59
ccheneyoh hmm, well would it automatically upgrade ok for a user who had the old version installed previously?01:00
ccheneyi'm not sure how our lang support does that during an upgrade process01:00
slangasekno, because language-support-translations-* have gone away in lucid01:00
ccheneybut does language-support somehow handle that for upgrades now instead?01:01
ccheneylanguage-support the app i mean01:01
ccheneyif not then i think we would need this transition packages, right?01:02
slangasekyes, I've accepted the transition packages01:02
ccheneyalso how does language-support app know which packages to install, is there something in there i need to have updated not to use the transition packages for new installs?01:02
slangasekI don't believe anything needs updated there; I'm sure language-support uses a whitelist01:03
slangasekand isn't going to randomly install packages with similar names01:03
ccheneywell the whitelist might be out of date for those indic languages, but we should have gotten bugs about that by now i would think01:04
persiaccheney: Don't be confident about that: we typically have very poor translations for quite a while during development, and lots of users don't test in local languages.01:11
ccheneypersia: do you know if the whitelist is in the language support app package itself, if so i can check it for accuracy01:12
persiaI don't.  Arne should be around in an hour or so, and would know.01:12
ccheneypersia: ok01:13
jdstrandbluefoxicy: fyi, in an effort to detangle these screenlocking issues, mdeslaur created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingScreenLocking. It might be worthwhile to look there and file a bug01:46
bluefoxicyeverybody knows this is broken,huh?01:50
jdstrandit is far too complicated... :(01:50
jdstrandthe security team got scores of these bugs, so we (mostly mdeslaur) talked to people and tried to figure it all out01:51
* ccheney got a new cable modem, i hope it helps :-\02:49
TheMusoccheney: Connection problems?02:50
ccheneyTheMuso: weird sinewave download speed pattern, got a docsis 3.0 modem to see if it hels02:51
ccheneyer helps02:51
TheMusoIs the cable network you are on using DOCSIS 3?02:51
ccheneyyes my old modem is 2.0 though02:52
TheMusoah ok02:52
ccheneyok bbiab calling them to update my mac and replace the modem with the new one02:53
raofMan I hate trying to do anything slightly complicated with CDBS03:00
TheMusoraof: Heh03:02
raofOk.  What's the magic incantation for getting CDBS to call some stuff *after* dh_makeshilbs for one package and *before* calling dh_installdeb :/03:06
ajmitchraof: because the source is the only decent documentation for it?03:06
raofajmitch: And because the source is *labarynthine* and the control flow saunters through various underground tunnels.03:06
ajmitchthere's the binary-fixup rule, not sure if that's useful03:07
raofActually, I think I did this already for... launchpad-integration?03:08
raofLet me check.03:08
ajmitchraof: did you find the required incantations?03:24
raofI'd done them before in my quest to make liblaunchpad-integration CLI-policy compliant.03:26
raofI'll need to do the same for indicator-application for Maverick; it's a bit of a mess.03:27
un214grrr I just hit another nasty bug03:31
un214basically nothing running under dpkg should ever assume that upstart or any other services are running03:32
un214was running apt-get dist-upgrade in emergency mode03:32
un214kbuntu-desktop depends on mysql-server ?!?03:44
raofYes, of course kubuntu-desktop depends on mysql-server.  Amarok needs a serious SQL server for your music library :P03:50
imbrandonraof: it does for mine :) ( 30k+ mp3's )03:51
* micahg thought amarok used an embedded mysql03:51
Dracarihas any work on PPC ATI Rage pro Drivers been made? i'd be willing to test a si have two Fruitie iMacs (G4 700MHZ and a G3 400MHZ)03:52
imbrandonit can , but its crap03:52
raofDoes sqlite really not scale up to a mere 30k mp3s?03:53
* raof sckeptates.03:54
imbrandonraof: no it dosent, not well atleast03:54
* raof lunches03:57
lamontfeeling lazy, I freely admit.  if I have a root password, how the hell do I get all the gnome auth dialogs to use sudo instead of wanting the root password?05:41
raofThat sounds quite poetic :)05:44
=== raof is now known as RAOF
RAOFWhat's the process for pushing and upload through the freeze these days?  Is it still https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess ?  I'd like to get bug #564351 through.06:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564351 in indicator-application "Fails to install library to GAC" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56435106:29
mdkeRAOF: you can always check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule for that sort of thing. It's currently https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FinalFreeze06:37
RAOFRight.  So, first I need to convince someone that the library package being totally broken is RC and then...?  It was the “and then” that I was after :)06:47
mdkeRAOF: my understanding is that you need release team approval to the debdiff which you attach to the bug report06:52
mdkeRAOF: as to the way to attract the release team's attention, I think it's either to upload directly (but I'm not 100% sure that is acceptable), to grab someone or irc or perhaps to subscribe them to the bug06:53
RAOFI don't have upload priviledges for indicator-application, so I can't just upload.  ubuntu-archive are subscribed to the bug, though.06:54
mdkeRAOF: ok, although i think it's ~ubuntu-main-sponsors that needs to be subscribed06:57
mdkeRAOF: also try and attract the attention of whoever tends to care for that package with upload privileges06:57
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
pittiGood morning07:35
RAOF“[ 5912.463012] This should not happen!!  Data will be lost” is not a friendly dmesg07:36
OdyXHi. I'm the Debian maintainer for usb-modeswitch{,-data} and just got a report on Launchpad for a version bump for Lucid (#564353). I guess it's too late already or is it worth to file a syncrequest07:42
OdyX(of course… usb-modeswitch and -data have to come together, both from Squeeze)07:43
OdyXoh… final-freeze… I guess that's a no then…07:53
joaopintofreeze = developers vacations :P08:14
ttxjoaopinto: I wish.08:15
dholbachgood morning08:19
hungerWhy are there more and more "Don't show this message again" buttons appearing in the notification? First there was one, then two, now I am up to 4 of them in the same notification.08:21
joaopintohunger, are you refering to the crash reports ?08:23
hungerjoaopinto: No, I see this when connecting/disconnecting from networks mostly.08:24
joaopintoah, ok, no idea08:24
hungerjoaopinto: But that are the only notifications I regularly see:-)08:24
ScottKOdyX: It's not necessarily too late.  Depends on what it would bring.08:27
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
joaopintoI am trying to upgrade a server hardy->lucid09:00
joaopintoI am having problems to upgrade from jaunty09:01
joaopintoError during update09:01
joaopintoA problem occurred during the update. This is usually some sort of09:01
joaopintonetwork problem, please check your network connection and retry.09:01
joaopintowhat should I check ?09:01
Tm_Tyour network connection09:01
Tm_Tor does that come all the time?09:01
mvojoaopinto: what does /var/log/dist-ugrade/main.log contain?09:01
joaopintoit comes all the time, it's a server , I am sure it's connected :P09:02
joaopintomvo, there is no such dir09:02
mvojoaopinto: sorry, type "upgrade" instead of ugrade09:02
joaopinto2010-04-16 08:59:52,657 WARNING updateStatus: dlFailed on 'http://localhost:3142//de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic-security/Release'09:03
joaopinto2010-04-16 08:59:52,830 ERROR IOError/SystemError in cache.update(): 'The server may be overloaded'. Retrying (currentRetry: 2)09:03
joaopintook, that explains :)09:03
dholbachttx: do you think it makes sense to raise the importance of bug 552360 and fix it for lucid?09:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552360 in squid "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu11 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55236009:03
joaopintoI was using an apt-cacher-ng proxy which must be failing after the upgrade09:03
joaopintomvo, it would be nice to have a "Please check logfile blahblah" ;)09:04
Tm_Tjoaopinto: I agree09:04
joaopintomuch more helpful than "The server may be overloaded " :P09:04
ttxdholbach: looking09:04
* ttx struggles to send mails to the MLs, apparently something blocks them09:05
mvojoaopinto: agreed, the message is not ideal09:06
joaopintoI am feeling confident, upgrading a server to lucid :)09:06
ttxdholbach: yes, dunno why I set it to Low.09:07
* dholbach hugs ttx09:07
ttxwill look into that09:07
ttxtargeting to Lucid + High09:08
ttxdholbach: am I the only one reporting trouble sending mails to the MLs ? I've been trying to send meeting minutes to ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-server since yesterday, without success or error messages09:09
dholbachno idea09:10
ttxsounds like I fall into a spamblocker /dev/null or something09:10
ttxI even tried resubscribing, fwiw09:11
joaopintobtw, I had an issue during development upgrades  which can lead to failures on clean installs that can't be detected on upgrades09:17
slangasekogra_cmpc: flash-kernel> why should the package depend on uboot-envtools? the udeb already apt-installs that package based on subarch, and the only place you've added fw_setenv calls is in the udeb09:17
joaopintoI have a working package which depends on another package which was removed from the repository during development09:18
ScottKjoaopinto: Why was it removed?09:18
joaopintoScottK, because it failed to build, it is fixed now, but the point is that I would never find out unless I did a clean install09:18
joaopintoI just noticed the problem because someone else with a clean install was not able to use the app09:19
cjwatsonthat's why we have automatic dependency analysis tools09:19
joaopintoI mean, to install09:19
ScottKThere was a list published of the intended removals and warning was given.09:19
cjwatsonalthough I don't think we have an equivalent of lucid_probs.html for universe09:19
joaopintocjohnston, well, I got no warning that a package on my system was not re-installable due to a change on the repositories :P09:19
cjwatsonno, you wouldn't09:20
ScottKI think apt-cache unmet -i would cover it.09:20
cjwatsonogra_cmpc: I agree with slangasek, there's no need for that dep09:20
joaopintoScottK, I am referring to a proactive technical validation09:20
cjwatsonunfortunately our efforts to run a full dependency-correctness analysis of the archive have failed in the past09:21
ScottKjoaopinto: I think what you are inadvertently arguing is that we were inusufficiently aggressive with our removals.09:21
cjwatsonsimply took far too long09:21
cjwatsonI thought the removals had been rdepends-analysed, though?09:21
joaopintoScottK, no, I am just describing that I have was unable to detect a critical change during development, which has technical means to be validated09:22
ScottKI think we looked at reverse build-depends.09:22
joaopintoI am arguing that eventually it should be done automatically at some stage09:22
cjwatsonnormally it is09:22
cjwatsonas in, normally removals are prefaced by the archive administrator who does the removals running checkrdepends09:23
cjwatsonI think it's an anomaly that that wasn't done here09:23
cjwatsonunless you're talking about a local package with the dependency, not one in the Ubuntu archive09:23
* Dracari sighs09:23
Dracari"why does it seem liek USB Support is broken for Dell laptops again?"09:23
joaopintoI am talking about an Ubuntu archive package, it was libuser1, which builds now09:23
ScottKcjwatson: I have run into cases before when we were following Debian removals where it appeared that wasn't done too.09:23
ScottKjoaopinto: Yes and we should have (but apparently didn't) removed the packages that required it too.09:24
joaopintouff, 9.10 done, one more upgrade to go09:27
Tm_Tjoaopinto: I upgraded directly from Intrepid to Lucid (:09:28
Tm_Twas bit of a mess here and there09:28
joaopintowell, I expect some mess at the end, but custom config related, if the server boots I am happy :)09:29
joaopintoLTS2LTS is a long way :)09:29
joaopintoError during commit09:30
joaopinto'E:Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on09:30
joaopintoRestoring original system state09:30
joaopintook, let me check the log this time :P09:30
joaopintoI hate cryptic errors :P09:30
mvojoaopinto: that is a know bug, I'm working on it.09:32
slangasekjoaopinto: that's a known bug which kirkland and mvo are working ... yeah, what he said :)09:33
mvobug 55958209:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559582 in mountall "Upgrade from karmic to lucid failes with Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55958209:33
joaopintoah ok :\09:33
lifelessmvo: Cron <conflictchecker@macaroni>  user=conflictchecker cd $HOME/findconflicts && PYTHONPATH=. bin/findconflicts > ../public_html/possible-conflicts.txt09:33
lifelessmvo: that blew up without warning - check your mail.09:33
lifelessmvo: any thoughts?09:33
joaopintomvo, do you need more data ?09:34
joaopintomountall is quite popular on bugs09:35
vishmvo: hi.. any news regarding this branch > https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/synaptic/ubuntu-ui-changes   has it been merged to main?09:35
joaopintootherwise I will just continue with the workaround09:36
mvolifeless: no and I'm deep in lucid tasks, maybe sbeattie can help? otherwise I can try to look at it later today (its not in my mail yet for some reason)09:36
lifelessmvo: probably filtered out09:37
lifelessyou are listed in the to: clause09:37
mvovish: hi, not merged to main yet, I was focusing on the lcuid branch09:37
lifelessmvo: perhaps you can poke sbeattie when he arises09:37
mvolifeless: can do09:37
vishmvo: any chance of that landing for Lucid?09:38
mvovish: no, because of the UI freeze09:38
lifelessmvo: thanks!09:38
vishmvo: ah ok.. thought you were getting a UIFe for that branch.. i guess it is too late now ;)09:38
mvovish: yeah, sorry. early maverick it can land09:39
vishthanks :)09:39
joaopintomvo, is the workaround suggested on the bug safe, or do you suggest to wait for a fix ?09:40
slangasekogra_cmpc: rejected the flash-kernel upload for the abovementioned issue; everything else looks ok, so please reupload once fixed09:41
mvojoaopinto: depends on your needs I guess, if you don't mind waiting another day I would wait for the fix09:41
mvojoaopinto: otherwise you can just do ahead09:41
joaopintohum, vmware server without access to the console, I think I will wait09:45
slangasekmvo: is bug #522225 on your radar for final release?  I don't know how hard it is to add that to u-m; if it's not likely to be fixed for final, we can just push it to SRU09:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522225 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 "permissions incorrect on libmysqlclient16_7.0.9-1_amd64.deb" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52222509:48
mvoslangasek: its on my radar, but not with very high priority as it affects lucid->lucid only, right? this is a bit more tricky because on same-dist -> same-dist upgrades no quirks  handlers are usually run09:52
slangasekmvo: correct - if you tell me it's too tricky even for SRU, then we should just wontfix it; we've already warned people on u-d-a and in the release notes, so if we aren't able to automatically solve this for users on upgrade, it's not critica09:54
mvoslangasek: I haven't put that much thought into it, I don't think its too tricky09:55
mvoslangasek: its just not trivial as it would be on release -> next-release09:56
* slangasek nods09:56
slangasekchrisccoulson: have you been able to verify whether gtk_show_uri() works in isolation?10:03
chrisccoulsonslangasek - not yet, but it is used for launching help from a lot of other gnome apps already10:04
chrisccoulsonit's blocking on a gconf call, which is weird :-/10:04
slangasekchrisccoulson: oh, didn't realize that10:04
chrisccoulsonthere is a gvfs module which uses gconf to find the handler for the URI, and that's where it blocks10:05
* slangasek nods10:05
chrisccoulsoni tried stepping through it in gdb, and confirmed that the orbit code is taking a recursive lock10:05
chrisccoulsonbut i don't know orbit enough to figure out why just yet10:06
jibelmvo, hey, can you review fix for bug 564320 ? 'mark for upgrade' in synaptic is currently broken.10:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564320 in synaptic "'Mark for upgrade' does not work for upgradable packages" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56432010:07
mvojibel: yes10:07
jibelmvo, thanks.10:07
seb128slangasek, did people say if other distros not having the issue are building with gio too?10:08
slangasekseb128: I don't know10:08
slangasekI didn't see anything about that in the bug10:08
slangasekdpm: I need your input on bug #539676; I think there was some miscommunication about this, the string was *not* changed previously but is now sitting in the unapproved queue10:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539676 in ubuntuone-client "[Freeze Exception] Add instructional text to Ubuntu One Preferences application" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53967610:13
slangasekdpm: I think the right thing to do here is to ask them to roll back that change and reupload; what do you think?10:13
dpmhi slangasek, sorry for the delay. I agree. It is quite late and the translations imports queue is really slow at the moment. I'm not sure whether there'd be time to import the new template.10:14
slangasekdpm: ok - I'll review for other issues, reject and ask for the revert, thanks10:15
OdyXbug 56435310:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564353 in usb-modeswitch "usb_modeswitch crashes with Sony adapters" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56435310:17
OdyX^any external opinion on this ?10:17
OdyXit works in squeeze and has no bugs so far… so the sync doesn't seem risky to me. But just IMHO10:18
ograso my laptop just OOM'ed .... with 4G of RAM !10:21
tjaaltonScottK: I've prepared sssd-1.0.5 which fixes all three bugs filed against it, one being rather serious. note that this is the last release from 1.0.x bugfix series, and not the more featureful 1.1.x ;)10:21
ScottKtjaalton: And 1.0.2 to 1.0.5 is all bug fixes?10:22
tjaaltonScottK: yes, let me grab the changelog..10:22
ScottKtjaalton: It's fine then, just upload it and it'll get reviewed.10:22
tjaaltonScottK: ok, thanks (there was no changelog..)10:22
ogramdz, did you track doen the evolituon issue you had yesterday ? i suspect i was just hit by it10:23
ograsigh and apport doesnt want to report because i didnt upgrade since yesterday10:24
* ogra upgrades10:24
ttxogra: I see little progress on the RC-level bug 532733 -- could you help providing some of the information Dustin requested ?10:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532733 in qemu-kvm "apt/dpkg in qemu-system-arm hangs if a big task is installed" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53273310:25
slangasekogra: hi, did you happen to see my comments about flash-kernel (directed at ogra_cmpc)?10:25
ograttx, i uploaded rootstock with the -disk change but the archive was out of sync until today so there was no way to verify yet10:25
ttxogra: ok, keep us posted :)10:25
ograslangasek, nope10:25
ograttx, i had a build running when my machine crashed10:26
mdzogra, yes, I mentioned the relevant bug reports in the channel10:26
mdzogra, well, "track down" as in cross-reference and report. I didn't isolate the root cause, but think I found a workaround10:26
* ogra goes to the other laptop to look for slangasek's comments10:27
slangasekogra: I don't see any reason for flash-kernel to depend on uboot-envtools, the only call you added to fw_setenv was in the udeb - and cjwatson confirms; I've rejected that upload, please reupload without the dep or explain why it's needed10:27
ograslangasek, well, i didnt want to explicitly seed it, there is no other straight dep to get it into the image10:28
ograbut indeed i can just seed and drop the dependency10:29
persiaogra: Why not seed it?  It only belongs on the image: running systems don't need it.10:29
ograpersia, well, its for changing the uboot config from a running system10:29
slangasekpersia: running systems don't need it> well, they get it /anyway/ because this uses apt-install10:29
ograyou surely want it on installed systems10:29
slangasekogra: but the difference is that making it a dep puts it on *all* systems, regardless of subarch10:29
cjwatsonseeding it is appropriate10:30
ograright, the only reason for seeding it was to have it in the image10:30
slangasekso seeding it is the right answer10:30
cjwatsonit belongs in the d-i-requirements seed10:30
ograright, no prob ... was out of lazyness to fiddle with seeds and metapackages10:30
cjwatsonjust like uboot-mkimage10:30
cjwatsonthere is no reason to treat this package differently from uboot-mkimage10:30
* ogra fixes10:30
ograwell, i oriented myself on redboot-tools10:31
slangasekit's not a metapackage issue10:31
ograthat should be changed accordingly10:31
doko__Riddell: could you check #555868 on kubuntu?10:31
persiaslangasek: Only a small subset of systems in one subarch.10:31
ogralool made that a dep of flash-kernel back when we enabled imx51 ... i'll bump it down to a suggests too10:31
slangasekpersia: having it as a dep of flash-kernel, which is what's being disputed, means it'll be installed anywhere flash-kernel is; and flash-kernel certainly appears to be used on more than one subarch10:33
persiaslangasek: RIght.  I'm agreeing that it shouldn't be a dep :)10:33
slangasekogra: no, please don't change redboot-tools at this stage - it's almost certainly wrong, but I don't want the possibility of extra churn trying to get it right10:34
loolslangasek, ogra: Right, I don't remember why I added the dep since I remember I went through the extra effort of ensuring it got installed on end systems via d-i10:34
slangasekogra: seeding redboot-tools in d-i-requirements is ok - but don't drop the dep10:34
ograwill do10:34
loolI mean via anna-install10:34
looland apt-install10:34
loolslangasek: agreed, let's defer fixing this to maverick10:35
doko__chrisccoulson: does the private nss3/nspr4 copy stay in firefox for lucid?10:38
chrisccoulsondoko__, it does, i'm afraid. is that still an issue for you? you had a workaround didn't you?10:39
doko__chrisccoulson: the workaround is in place. just curious, why it has to stay?10:40
ograslangasek, uploaded newly and d-i-requirements changed and pushed10:41
chrisccoulsondoko__, we've deliberately minimised the dependencies of firefox as per https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-new-firefox-support-model10:41
ogra(i guess that needs a published run or something to pick up the seed change)10:41
persia2 of them10:42
ograyeah, i guess there is enough in the queues to make that automatic :)10:42
james_wbdrung: how's the audacious transition going?10:44
slangasekogra: it's a seed change, not a task change10:44
slangasekall it needs is a new ISO build10:45
persiaslangasek: Aren't the ISOs built off the tasks based on the seeds?10:45
ogranot everything10:45
persiaOr is this special because it's not actually installed in the livefs?10:46
bdrungjames_w: one of five packages are done. remaining:  bug #564087, #564088, #564091, #56409210:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564087 in g15daemon-audacious "FTBFS against audacious 2.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56408710:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564088 in imms "FTBFS against audacious 2.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56408810:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564091 in upse "FTBFS against audacious 2.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56409110:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564092 in xmp "FTBFS against audacious 2.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56409210:46
slangasekpersia: liveCDs are built from tasks; the archives that sit on the iso9660 fs are built from seeds10:46
slangasekogra: accepted10:46
persiaThat makes sense.  OK.10:46
ograwe have omap !10:46
james_wdo we have rmadison for ports?10:47
cjwatsonpersia: or, putting it a different way, not all seeds generate tasks10:47
persiajames_w: Unfortunately not.10:47
james_wcan lp tell us about binary publishing status?10:47
cjwatsonjames_w: this obviously doesn't help everyone, but you're an archive admin, you can run madison-lite on cocoplum10:48
james_wof course10:48
ograpersia, on the livefs there is also Recommends: .... uboot-envtools [armel] .... in ubiquity which makes livecd-rootfs pull it into the images10:49
james_wdoko__: is it worth keeping the packages from http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/zope2.11 around? they seem to be zope2 only10:49
slangasekogra: that also looks wrong to me... surely it should be seeded in the same place as the kernel, so that it's only pulled into the omap livefs instead of into the livefs for all subarchs?10:50
ograslangasek, thsta what we do on all subarches ... i only followed cjwatson's suggestion here10:51
ograuboot-mkimage as well as redboot-tools are in that line too10:51
ograwhat we really miss though is support for [$arch+$subarch]10:52
ograin the deps10:52
ogralool, might it make sense to have a BOF for that at UDS ^^^ ?10:52
persiaOoh.  madison-lite is nifty (even if it does have an implicit dependency on a heap of disk space)10:53
doko__james_w: no, zope2.12 isn't ready either, one of the zope-pkg maintainers did leave the team to have more time for general python ranting10:54
james_wdoko__: zope-common too?10:55
doko__james_w: still in testing; it doesn't hurt10:56
loolcjwatson: Do you think you could update debootstrap for maverick upstream and copy it to lucid?  That would be excellent10:56
james_wdoko__: ok, I'll just remove the ones that depend on zope2.11 then?10:56
slangasekpersia: just needs Packages/Sources - a mere 180MB :)10:56
doko__james_w: yes10:56
james_wok, doing, thanks10:57
loolslangasek: Note that ogra mentions the ship and ship-live seeds here10:57
loolslangasek: not e.g. the desktop seed10:57
loolI think it's right to have the livefs relatively generic with some packages which can be installed when installing the target system (via anna-install IIUC)10:58
slangaseklool: hrm?  he was talking about ubiquity recommends10:58
loolslangasek: He mentionned seeds though10:58
ograi meantioned seeds (wrt d-i-reqs) and recommends for ubiquity10:58
loolRight I see it's in the recommends as well, not sure why10:58
loolAgain something we'd better not touch, but which is probably not needed10:59
loolAh apparently this relates to network access10:59
ograRecommends: grub-pc [any-amd64 any-i386 any-lpia] | grub [any-amd64 any-i386 any-lpia], flash-kernel [armel], uboot-mkimage [armel], uboot-envtools [armel], redboot-tools [armel], yaboot [powerpc], hfsutils [powerpc], silo [sparc], dmraid10:59
ograthats what ubiquity has10:59
cjwatsonlool: I already updated it upstream in svn11:00
loolcjwatson: You think we should just change it in Ubuntu right now with a new symlink and better not wait for a Debian upload + sync?11:00
cjwatsonI can probably upload that to Debian11:00
cjwatsonslangasek: debootstrap upload OK? ^-11:00
cjwatsoner, sync that is11:00
slangasekcjwatson: yes, go ahead11:01
cjwatsonhmm, lucid only has .20, and the changes since are extensve11:01
cjwatsonso I think I'll just change it directly in lucid11:01
loolcjwatson: thanks11:01
loolbug #53700711:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537007 in ubiquity "flash-kernel fails hard when network access fails" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53700711:01
ogralool, so do you think discussion dpkg support for [$arch+$subarch] would make sense at UDS ?11:01
loologra: I don't think dpkg should support that11:02
cjwatsonI doubt there would be any point unless there are dpkg hackers present, anyway11:02
loolbut perhaps I'm wrong11:02
ograi think that would make our life a lot easier wrt ARM11:02
cjwatsonI tend to agree with lool on this11:02
slangasekdpkg doesn't even support [$arch] the way you mean11:02
cjwatsonbut that's kind of beside the point - we don't have anyone who could reasonably be assigned to implement that right now, even if the consensus were that it is a good idea11:02
ograwell, we often end up with a lot of unneeded packages due to missing finer grained subarch support in the packaging system11:03
cjwatsonthere's no point having UDS discussions for things that are infeasible to implement11:03
loologra: We have xserver-xorg-video-* on all intel systems11:03
cjwatsoninstead, I suggest you take it up with debian-dpkg@11:03
slangasekI think you end up with unneeded packages because of not using the seeds the way they should be11:03
slangasek(seeds and kernel package recommends)11:04
ogra(ther live images conatin all armel linux-headers packages for example) (which is a bug i plan to fix in livecd-rootfs, but a finer dependency system would solve that better imho)11:04
loolRight, we should have a beagle or omap seed instead of pushing down to the desktop / netbook seeds11:04
loolI think I discussed a beagleboard task with someone recently, but I don't remember who it was11:04
loolI wondered whether we can build the list of tasks dynamically11:05
ograso more fine grained seeds instead of finer grained dependency system ?11:05
ograi think we shuld have both11:05
persiaWhy not just add subarch support to the various tools that use seeds?  Splitting seeds on a per-arch or per-subarch basis sounds like a recipe for merge pain.11:07
cjwatsonadding subarch support to germinate is kind of useless unless apt understands subarches, which is why I have never done so11:08
mvojibel: uploaded, many thanks11:08
cjwatsonor at least only useful in very constrained circumstances11:08
ograthe package system needs to understand it at some level11:08
cjwatsonhonestly, the number of packages involved is sufficiently small that I don't think it's worth massive extensions to the package manager11:09
ograif it would be a massive extension i agree ...11:09
loolFrankly, our definition of subarches would only cover a subset of the use cases11:09
ograi dont know whats involved to make it work ... i only see the user side and where we suffer11:09
cjwatsonit would be pretty substantial, yes11:09
loolThat is, you might be able to express a couple of dependencies usefully for a SoC, but you'll face the same issue again when trying to address packages for different boards for instance11:10
cjwatsonsyntactic changes to run-time dep expansion, teaching dpkg and apt to understand subarches at all, potentially changing every tool that parses Packages11:10
ograand i fear that if we support ten or more armel subarches it can get painful11:10
loolWe're talking about ridiculously small packages anyway11:11
ogralinux-headers isnt so small11:11
ograbut yes, the rest is11:11
loologra: Perhaps the kernel packaging can be improved to share more headers then?11:12
loolAcross subarches, and even across upstream versions, the difference is probably very small11:12
ograthere are other areas we need to touch ... i.e. livecd-rootfs11:13
bdrungjames_w: help for fixing these bug would be appreciated11:13
loologra: We're not reusing livefses, so we could apt-get install ubuntu-netbook^ beagle-board-support^ or omap3-specific^11:13
slangaseklool: the linux-headers packages exist specifically to enable building modules against that kernel; you can't know a priori which headers are shareable across subarchs / upstream versions11:13
ogralool, we will go on using it in ubuntu11:14
ograslangasek, well, the kernel team tried to solve that by adding different subarch names to the package naming (and introducing several different ABI numbering systems) ... which apparently didnt work out11:15
slangasekogra: which was designed to do the *opposite* of what lool suggested11:15
slangaseki.e., it was designed to ensure no header files were shared between any subarchs11:16
ScottKogra: re your rootstock upload: How is "merge patch from Robert Nelson <robertcnelson@gmail.com> to generate initramfs from external kernel debs" not a new feature?11:16
loolslangasek: Yeah, trying to think how it would work I can only think of hackish way to share the headers11:16
ograslangasek, designed to vs working reality :)11:16
loolAre these actually installed by default?11:16
slangaseklool: step 1) get all subarchs using the same kernel version11:16
loolWe could also keep them compressed most of the time given we're using them for a heavy build anyway11:16
amitklool: every arm kernel is on a different version, how are you going to share headers?11:17
loolslangasek: That's crazy, who would want to use the same kernel tree to support multiple SoCs or architectures!!  Debian??   ;-)11:17
ograScottK, i just dont have a bug report for that, robert uses rootstock to build rootfses for arches we dont have kernels for, it was always considered a bug that he doesnt use initramfses, that patch fixes it ... we are discussing it via IRC though, not through bugs11:17
slangasekamitk: see step 1 :)11:17
amitkslangasek: see you after 2 years11:18
loolSo just thinking "sky is the limit", if we were to upload a single kernel source package with a base tree + extra tarballs / patches for all subarches, we could have this single package build output a consistent set of headers11:19
ograScottK, do you want a FFe bug for it to have proper  paperwork (i dont want to drop it it took me long enough to convince him to do it that way)11:19
slangasekogra: looks like bug #562888 was meant to be closed in the flash-kernel upload?11:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562888 in ubiquity "omap installation failed with unrecoverable error" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56288811:19
loolThat is, we could have a source package creation step from a single git repo with multiple branches which outputs a single source package11:19
ograslangasek, no, i duped it to the ubiquity bug11:19
ograslangasek, next ubiquity upload will close it11:20
slangasekogra: no it won't, the open task is on flash-kernel11:20
loolThat would be unpractical to work with in terms of debdiff and apt-get source, but it would be able to ship binary headers package sharing headers safely11:20
ograslangasek, ugh ... i would have expected duplicating closes all tasks ... i'll go and close it11:20
amitklool: single source tree? How? we have 2.6.31, 32 and 33 version right now for fsl, mvl and ti respectively11:22
ograoh, i was thinking of a different bug :P11:22
loolamitk: Single source package11:23
ScottKogra: Since the queue is frozen at this point, it probably doesn't matter much.11:23
loolamitk: Well we could tar up .31, the .31 -> .32 diff, the .31 -> .33 diff etc.11:23
ograScottK, ok11:23
loolamitk: I dont think this would be practical to work with, but it would be technically feasible; perhaps we can research a saner approach which allows sharing headers11:23
* ScottK will probably leave it to someone more familiar to review though.11:24
amitklool: so you get 'base' headers that don't change across kernel versions. What about the headers that do change?11:25
loolamitk: I don't understand11:26
persialool: Consider the case where you have *different* kernel headers for different patches being applied for different flavours.11:27
loolamitk: I guess there are multiple options to shipping, depending on the complexity we can tolerate and the gains we're looking for11:27
amitklool: how many header packages would you generate? 3? or 1?11:28
loolpersia: Yes, so you could have symlink farms for most files and overrides for the modified headers, or you could patch a copy of the installed headers11:28
loolamitk: Doesn't really matter11:28
loolprobably one per subarch11:29
persialool: We already have issues with per-flavour kernel headers differing, which makes dkms messy.  I'm not sure extending that is best.11:29
loolI find the first idea I throwed bad enough that it should be getting the critics!11:29
james_wok, looks like just sugar and audacious left for NBS11:29
loolpersia: I agree it's a risk/gain tradeoff, yes; trying to come up with a way to avoid losing space11:30
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
ScottKlool: It looks like in your u-d-t upload there are changes in get-branches done by soren, but not in debian/changelog.  Would you mind having a look at documenting them.11:49
slangasekmvo: is your WI for foundations-lucid-non-applications-in-software-center still in progress?11:50
slangasekmvo: ("test that on a fresh install, a-x-i db and apt lists are created/updated")11:51
mvoslangasek: it is, late but sitll on my list11:53
ograamitk, you also forgot the buglink in the omap upload for Bug 561424 (slangasek just moved it to updates)11:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561424 in linux-ti-omap "console switching does not work with ti-omap " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56142411:53
slangasekmvo: ok - I'll move the milestone, so it stays on the radar11:53
loolScottK: Sure, how shall we proceed, do you want a reupload?11:55
loolScottK: Or I could upload a new version fixing the changelog11:55
ScottKlool: Please fix and upload.  There was one post-upload commit to the branch you may want to consider.11:56
loolScottK: Updated 0.98 pushed11:59
doko__james_w: while you are at removals, can you remove gnat-4.3? doesn't build using the gnat pointing to gnat-4.412:01
ScottKlool: Accepted.  Thanks.12:02
james_wdoko__: done12:12
Riddellev: did you get anywhere with kubuntu oem?12:14
cjwatsonslangasek: I recently changed grub2 to single-quote menuentry titles, as part of fixing bug 55292112:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552921 in grub2 "An apostrophe translation in the line "echo Loading Linux 2.6..." of Grub breaks the boot menu from this entry included in Grub (in Ubuntu 10.04)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55292112:14
evRiddell: indeed, I fixed it12:14
cjwatsonslangasek: I've just noticed that os-prober fails to handle this, and I've committed a fix upstream - would it be OK to sync that into lucid?12:15
evit called into question my understanding of python's scoping and garbage collection rules though12:15
evRiddell: r408112:15
Riddellev: you're my hero12:17
slangasekcjwatson: yes, go ahead12:17
evRiddell: we still seem to have issues with the advanced partitioning page in Kubuntu.  I've asked Roman to look at that, as it appears to be specific to the KDE frontend.12:17
Riddellev: what sort of issues?12:18
evRiddell: bug 56330912:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563309 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashes on manual disc setup" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56330912:18
evand the interface in the KDE frontend is still slow, but not nearly as bad as before12:22
Riddellcjwatson: gfxsplash colours should probably be changed, selection background to match the blue background and black text I think12:24
Riddellcjwatson: should I look into that or is it easier if you just do it?12:24
cjwatsonRiddell: if you could give me hex colour codes that should be used, I can take care of applying them12:25
cjwatsonsome of the syntax is a bit nonintuitive12:25
Riddellcjwatson: background 00507f and text 00000012:26
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cjwatsonRiddell: hmm, doesn't seem to be a perfect match12:31
Riddellcjwatson: how about 00508212:33
cjwatsonRiddell: http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/tmp/kubuntu-boot-screen-2.png - slight visible bar across the "Install Kubuntu" line12:33
cjwatsonthe white/black thing OK there?12:33
cjwatsonah yes, that's better thank12:34
slangasekdoko__: when do you plan to upload eglibc for these milestoned fixes, and are there any others pending besides the three I see on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs?field.milestone=21439 ?12:36
doko__slangasek: I hope soonish/today, but I get different feedback on the networking bug12:37
doko__currently talking with pitti12:37
slangasekok, cool12:37
cjwatsonRiddell: applied12:38
doko__slangasek: but the networking stuff really isn't my core knowledge ...12:38
squirrelpimpi just tried installing lucid with full disk encryption using lvm inside luks on sda2. However the boot drops out at "root device /dev... does not exist. dropping to a shell". Is there some new specialty about the boot process in lucid? i found the page where all configurations should have been testet for plymouth, but it looks quit unfinished.12:50
squirrelpimpis there any page describing the interaction between cryptsetup and plymouth, so i can pick some thread up to fix my boot?12:51
cjwatsonI thought that mode was tested and passed in beta-212:51
cjwatsondoes this happen every time?12:51
squirrelpimpyes... i tried thrice without success. The system was installed using the live cd, while manually setting up the crypted disk and lvm. This has worked on previous versions before.12:53
squirrelpimpright now i boot into the livecd again to double check the initramfs steps12:54
cjwatsonoh, well, full-disk-encryption installs using the live CD are unsupported, so successes are essentially down to luck12:56
cjwatsonwhy not use the alternate CD, where this mode is actually supported?12:56
squirrelpimpi always used this mode as it gave me the feeling of full control over the result. however usually it also worked12:58
squirrelpimpsometimes i wish myself back to the old days when all was init.d scripts13:01
squirrelpimpwell, now i get another symptom (after recreating initramfs):13:01
squirrelpimpplymouth halts with "cryptsetup: lvm device name (/dev/disk/by-uuid/"ad9f...7d7") does not begin with /dev/mapper13:02
james_wbdrung: two done, there's a partial patch for xmp http://xmp.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=xmp/xmp;a=history;f=src/plugin/audacious.c;h=9a3b7cb2725c65cc2ad40fb04d5f08eed1f004d7;hb=HEAD but it's not complete13:03
cjwatsoninit.d scripts aren't relevant to mounting the root filesystem anyway, and never were13:04
squirrelpimpweren't they? ok then...13:04
squirrelpimpis the alternate installer capable of reusing an already existing lvm inside luks?13:07
squirrelpimpas my /home is in there and i'd like to keep it (though i have a backup of course)13:07
cjwatsonI don't remember for sure, I'm afraid13:09
persiaIt is, but you have to drop to a shell to unlock it before running partman.13:10
persia(or it was for jaunty: I haven't tested that use case since then)13:10
squirrelpimpis there a way around the "does not start with /dev/mapper" issue... as this would render me with a usable system much quicker13:12
squirrelpimpand i'd learn something about plymouth13:12
persiasquirrelpimp: Which architecture?13:12
persiaHrm.  Dunno.  Works for me on that arch with LVM-inside-luks13:13
squirrelpimpcan you give the entry from your crypttab?13:14
persiadata /dev/disk/by-uuid/78a09fa1-31e2-4ef2-bcc6-93bef9f2efc5 none luks13:15
squirrelpimpmine s13:16
squirrelpimpsry... lvm UUID="ad9f4b...c7d7" none luks13:16
squirrelpimpi'll try to make it more similar to yours13:16
squirrelpimpmaybe it doesn't like the UUID="..." syntax with the " around13:18
squirrelpimpnext try13:18
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squirrelpimpgreat... it works now13:19
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pitti"seb128@ubuntu.com has 299 fixes"13:32
pittigo, seb128, go!13:32
pittikirkland: oh, we are on par again *hug*13:32
cjwatsongar, plymouthd really doesn't like being straced13:36
tseliotpitti: where do you see that kind of information?13:37
* sladen hits the mountall fsck fail business13:38
tseliotcjwatson: either halfline or brejc8 might have some ideas in #plymouth (if you need help)13:39
Riddellev: I take it you managed a complete OEM install on kubuntu after your fix?  so we can confirm that bug 540922 is gone?13:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540922 in ubiquity "apt error when running oem-config-kde" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54092213:40
evRiddell: that's a duplicate of bug 539710.  I've marked it as such.13:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539710 in ubiquity "OEM Lucid installation - configuring system for a new user - error occurring installing new packages" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53971013:41
evbut yes, I did complete a full run of oem-config in kde13:41
seb128tseliot, number of bug fixed you mean as information?13:43
seb128tseliot, http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/lucid-fixes-report.html13:43
seb128pitti, http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/canonical-desktop-team-lucid-fixes-report.html has slightly different counts13:43
Riddellev: I can't recreate bug 563309, at least not on a virtual machine, will try on real hardware in a bit13:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563309 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashes on manual disc setup" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56330913:45
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evRiddell: okay, thanks13:45
tseliotseb128: ah, thanks a lot13:46
pittiseb128: right, that seems slightly more recent13:55
pittiseb128: congrats for breaking the 300 mark!13:55
seb128pitti, thanks ;-)13:55
ograseb128, wrt our fsck discussion last night: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/563618/comments/1414:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563618 in util-linux "Ignoring a broken clock results in infinite reboots; not ignoring results in fsck failure; no solution to this problem" [High,Triaged]14:04
squirrelpimpfglrx broke kms, as it doesn't support it of course. is there an easy way to disable the graphical part and return to text mode?14:14
squirrelpimpright now i get the plymouth boot screen, but in huge dimensions almost not fitting on the monitor and with large pixels14:15
dmartogra, do you think it would make sense to turn off all the system time releated checks and fixes if broken_system_clock = true ?  The more I think about this, the more sense it seems to make14:16
cjwatsonadd the 'nomodeset' kernel parameter, assuming that you have xserver-xorg-video-radeon either at the very latest version or else not installed at all14:17
ogradmart, well, currently broken_system_clock auto-fixes the timestamp which results in a reboot ... after which the timestamp is wrong again ... but yes, enhancing it might make sense, but probably by introducing another parameter14:18
squirrelpimpi have it installed at the latest version and before installing fglrx, plymouth looked very nice. i already tried adding nomodeset without success14:19
squirrelpimpstill the boot screen and password prompt looks to big and broken14:19
dmartogra: The way I look at it, broken_system_clock informs e2fsck that the system time is random rubbish with respect to the last boot.  So there is nothing sensible to set the clock _to_14:19
dmartAll e2fsck can do is set the fs mount time to, er, rubbish14:19
ograwhich it does atm14:20
dmartBetter to treat the fs as clean if this is the only error, and not change anything imho14:20
thebishopis the Power Management config app an Ubuntu project, or Gnome?14:20
ograright, though i'm not sure how the journal will end up in this case14:20
ograit might get confused which in turn will give you an inconsistent fs14:21
ograbecause once your network is up your clock is set again14:21
dmartI think the journalling uses a serial number system, in which case dates and times only exist at a higher level of abstraction.  (I could be totally wrong about that one though... 2 mins reading jbd.h != wisdom)14:21
dmartNTP already warps the clock if the network time isn't the same as the system time (questionable whether is should... but it's handy)14:22
ograwell, i didnt look at code at all yet, relying on Keybuk here who told me timestamps are used in the journal14:23
squirrelpimpthebishop, there are several available but usually the are provided by your deskop environment (KDE, Gnome, XFCE)14:23
dmartogra: could be right... I should do more homework14:23
thebishopsquirrelpimp, i see.  So I should ask #gnome@irc.gimp.org to submit modifications to that piece?14:23
squirrelpimpwell, if you're using gnome, then "yes" :)14:24
dmartogra, mind you, the journal is recovered _before_ e2fsck gets to run, so if it really does rely on timestamps, you've already lost by this stage14:24
ograyeah, which is why i focused on the clock with my workarounds14:25
thebishopsquirrelpimp, got it, thanks14:25
ogra(guessing you have seen my script on the bug)14:25
dmartyep, vary sneaky ;)14:26
DktrKranzpitti: I created a branch to be eventually merge syncpackage script into ubuntu-dev-tools. your version didn't have any copyright notice, I temporarily used GPLv3 pending your comment. Is it fine for you, or do you prefer something else?14:29
pittiDktrKranz: fine for me14:30
DktrKranzok, thanks!14:31
OdyXOkay. I filed bug 564353 and bug 564695. Ball's on your side now.14:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564353 in usb-modeswitch "usb_modeswitch crashes with Sony adapters" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56435314:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564695 in usb-modeswitch-data "Sync usb-modeswitch-data 20100322-2 (universe) from Debian squeeze (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56469514:46
seb128doko__, chrisccoulson: is bug #561124 fixed now or does it still require firefox changes?14:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561124 in openjdk-6 "firefox sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH which breaks the icedtea6-plugin" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56112414:58
doko__seb128: I have a workaround for the plugin, but IMO other plugins could be affected as well. so maybe remove the milestone, but keep the report open14:59
seb128doko__, ok, I was checking for the r-t meeting today, thanks14:59
joaopintomvo, ping, new bug on upgrade15:06
mvojoaopinto: ok15:07
mvojoaopinto: on the phone, but I will read backlog15:07
joaopintoE:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.15:08
joaopintoI don't have broken packages afaik15:11
mvojoaopinto: amd64?15:13
joaopintoPackage plymouth has broken Depends on udev15:14
joaopinto  Considering udev 23 as a solution to plymouth 1001115:14
joaopinto    Reinst Failed because of initramfs-tools15:14
joaopinto Try to Re-Instate udev15:14
mvook. sort of known15:14
joaopintonot sure if this helps, tail from apt.log15:14
joaopintoneed to way for something to be built ?15:14
persiaEssentially, yes.15:19
persiaOr be published, or be mirrored, etc.15:19
joaopintook thanks15:27
* kirkland high fives pitti15:35
kirklandpitti: i do everything i can to keep up with you :-)15:35
kirklandpitti: but you're just a friggin machine!15:35
pittikirkland: I was just going to say the same about you!15:36
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nigelbccheney, do you have any more thoughts for bug 512395? there is a new patch for it15:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512395 in openoffice.org "Openoffice.org's .desktop files do not contain translation domain info" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51239515:43
* ccheney sees if he can get OOo working for hardy now15:53
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soreauHello. I'm having trouble figuring out which package provides the files in /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ccm/* on karmic. I tried apt-file and packages.ubuntu.com but I can't seem to figure it out16:08
Davieypitti: Have you spoken to superm1 about bug 563053 - mythtv?16:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563053 in mythplugins "Please remove Mysql 5.0 from the archive for lucid." [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56305316:31
nailorgit-svn does not seem to work with the latest git. there no git-svn binary seems to be in the path at all. can somebody confirm this?16:31
pittiDaviey: not on IRC yet, just on the bug16:31
Davieypitti: Okay, i know he's busy with a few things at the moment - so if you want to reassign that to me, that would be great.16:32
pittiDaviey: oh, great; please feel free to just assign to you yourself16:33
pittiDaviey: I should probably have assigned it to mythbuntu-dev, right?16:33
Davieypitti: yeah, that would be good i guess for future :)16:33
pittibut I didn't want to break mythtv behind your back by removing it now16:33
pittibut we really should remove 5.0 from lucid16:33
pittiDaviey: noted for the next time16:33
Davieyfull agree :)16:34
DavieyDoing a local build now, will push it if it works. :)16:34
joaopintomvo, the upgrade to lucid was now successful, thanks for the quick fix16:35
mvojoaopinto: cool16:37
mvothanks for verifying16:37
micahgjdstrand: can I poke you about 2 archive syncs?16:39
jdstrandmicahg: sure, what?16:40
micahgjdstrand: phpmyadmin and libnetx-java, I'll grab the bug #s16:40
micahgbug 56354916:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563549 in phpmyadmin "Please sync phpmyadmin 4:3.3.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56354916:41
micahgbug 56374516:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563745 in karl3 "Show syslog entries in batches" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56374516:41
micahgbug 56374516:41
micahgbug 56274516:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562745 in libnetx-java "Sync libnetx-java 0.5-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56274516:41
jdstrandmicahg: phpmyadmin is bugfix only?16:45
nailormy bad. it is not supposed to work that way any longer...16:45
micahgjdstrand: looks like it from upstream changelog, it also fixes and install issue16:45
micahgjdstrand: thanks16:58
jdstrandmicahg: sure16:58
pittizul: "Rebuild with libmysqlclient15-dev."? that's the one we are trying to get rid of :)16:59
zulpitti: meh :)16:59
zulpitti: can you reject it so I can fix the changelog17:00
pittizul: (btw, I recommend adding LP: #xxx to the changelog, to avoid having to manually chase down the task closing)17:00
pittizul: rejected; thanks17:00
zulpitti: fixed the changelog now17:01
Keybukogra: I have talked to Ted for you17:03
ograKeybuk, what did he say ?17:03
Keybukhe sympathised, and suggested that maybe broken_system_clock should *ignore* clock errors17:03
Keybukrather than fix them17:03
ograKeybuk, thats what dmart suggested too today :)17:04
ograKeybuk, beyond that i'm fiddling with a workaround initramfs script for now (in case you saw my bug comments)17:04
Keybukso consider the bug upstreamed17:04
ograthanks so much !17:04
cjwatsonKeybuk: bug 534743, I noticed that psusi's branch still just removes "change" which you objected to in comment 4 - did the mentioned discussion he had with you on IRC clarify that at all, and does your objection stand?17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534743 in dmraid "dmraid causes udev event feedback loop in Lucid" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53474317:06
Keybukcjwatson: I don't have the context for that17:06
Keybukbut I have a vague feeling I may have decided not to care about dmraid being broken ;)17:06
Keybukso if psusi wants to patch it, he can <g>17:06
cjwatsonI'll talk with him about it when he next shows up, then17:07
didrocksslangasek: you assigned me bug #522858, didn't you see my comment at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maximus/+bug/522858/comments/7 ?17:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522858 in maximus "Sometimes app windows come up undecorated, unselectable, and not full screen" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52285817:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522858 in maximus "Sometimes app windows come up undecorated, unselectable, and not full screen" [High,New]17:08
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didrocksasac: who can I reassign it in your team? (bug #522857 and #522858). The efl launcher should be in cause there as I don't have this behavior on the 3D one and not sure I currently have time to invest on efl launcher :)17:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522857 in cwiid "X crash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52285717:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522858 in maximus "Sometimes app windows come up undecorated, unselectable, and not full screen" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52285817:20
asacdidrocks: i think the undecorated is bug soemthing we can take back. assign it to JamieBennett17:22
nxvlslangasek: can you please take a look at Bug #564190 if you have time17:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564190 in terminator "Update Terminator to 0.93" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56419017:22
asacdidrocks: the focus thing i would really love to get your idea on17:22
didrocksasac: thanks :)17:22
didrocksasac: I can try next Monday to get some trace on maximus17:23
didrocks(maybe the two things are related)17:23
asaccould be yeah.17:32
sistpoty|worknxvl: does terminator build, install and work fine?17:33
nxvlsistpoty|work: yup17:33
nxvlsistpoty|work: in my chroot works fine17:33
nxvlsistpoty|work: want me to upload to my ppa first?17:34
sistpoty|worknxvl: only in case you haven't done a test-build yet ;)17:34
nxvland it's on the prosess to get sponsored to debian already17:35
sistpoty|worknxvl: approved then, go ahead17:35
nxvlNg: ^^17:36
Ngthanks very much folks17:36
Ngas much as I like cutting a juicy bugfixing release, I hope that's about it for bugs for now ;)17:37
nxvlwe all hope17:38
* persia takes that as an invitation to hunt and file more17:38
* sistpoty|work files a bug against persia :P17:38
persiasistpoty|work: Actually, all the stuff I want in terminator would fall into "New Feature" and so be unsuitable for lucid anyway (e.g, better screen integration, memory of window sizes in layouts, etc.)17:39
Ngpersia: I really want to fix as many bugs/regressions as I can, but if the flow slackens off then I have time to start knocking out the sane wishlists and pushing for 1.0, then fame, glory, riches and retirement ;)17:40
persiaNg: heh, yeah.  But from what you write above, it sounds like you're getting close to catching up on bugs/regressions.17:41
persia(and thanks for that: it's an immensely useful tool that has massively improved my workflows)17:41
Ngpersia: I hope so. the unfixed bugs at this point are, afaict, weird interactions between different gtk/pygtk/vte versions17:42
Ngif I had an interactive test suite I could automate finding them with VMs of different distro versions :D17:42
Keybukcjwatson: Val's giving a talk about VFS Union Mounts now ;-)17:42
persiaNg: If it's accessibility-enabled, mago ought be able to do most of that.17:42
Ngpersia: yeah I really want to poke at ldtp to see if I can make a functional test suite. Maybe I can beer my way to some tuition from a QA person at UDS ;)17:44
persiaNg: There's a good chance of that :)17:44
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slangasekdidrocks: it came up for discussion in the release meeting and your name came up - no, I hadn't seen your comment, sorry :)17:58
didrocksslangasek: no pb, fixed with asac :)17:58
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psusiKeybuk, two questions for you... 1) does ureadahead open() all of the files first to get the inodes and any directory blocks needed to be read and out of the way before calling readahead(), and 2) is there a tool to do the leg work of translating the block numbers in the blktrace to file names for me?  manually using debugfs is getting real annoying ;)18:10
Keybukpsusi: bzr branch lp:ubuntu/ureadahead18:13
psusihehe... getting that and the kernel sources now... after looking at the blktrace it looks like sometimes ureadahead only queues a few reads that may span a few files, and other times it queues up to read_ahead_kb, which I increased from 128k to 64mb, so it queues a WHOLE Lot in one burst, then blocks until it all finishes while it waits for a directory block to be read18:15
kenvandineslangasek, i am going to upload ubuntuone-client with a patch reverting that string change18:16
psusiI've got one huge burst where it fills the queue very deep with sequential reads, and the disks spinf full titlt, then it goes haywire... this is after having defrag pack all the files ureadahead wants at the start of the disk18:16
slangasekkenvandine: great, thanks18:19
Keybukpsusi: bzr branch lp:ubuntu/ureadahead18:20
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kenvandineslangasek, ok, ubuntuone-client uploaded again, make sure you approve the latest one :)18:51
psusiohh, interesting...  * So an mpage read of the first 16 blocks of an ext2 file will cause I/O to be submitted in the following order:  12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16.  e2defrag lays out the blocks 0-11, then the indirect block.  sounds like it should lay out the indirect block first18:52
psusiohh, nevermind... comment further on says they correct that ;)18:54
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brycehslangasek, brian murray found a pretty nasty performance bug with the latest -ati 6.13.0 update - bug #56418119:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564181 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "[RV730] GPU soft reset infinite loop scrolling in firefox with compiz" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56418119:17
brycehslangasek, in investigating it, I've found that upstream slipped in a bunch of performance optimization changes right prior to 6.13.0 which seems to have caused some performance regressions, including this one as brian's testing confirmed19:18
brycehslangasek, given that we're in final freeze, my conservative reaction is to revert all those performance changes19:19
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brycehslangasek, in parallel it appears Sarvatt felt similarly since he prepared the patches to revert all of it - http://sarvatt.com/downloads/radeon/19:19
brycehslangasek, pulling this set of changes out gets us down fairly close to the .192 version we had tested fairly heavily which would give me a good deal of confidence19:21
brycehslangasek, however since this would be a pretty hefty amount of change to -ati in FF, I wanted to run it by you first for sanity checking.19:21
brycehslangasek, the other option would be for us to stick with what we've got and wait for upstream to come up with fixes and sru them in.19:21
brycehthe only concern I have with that strategy is that maybe there are other performance bugs hiding in this new code.  Honestly, this seems like the sort of changes which should *not* have gone in right before a release.19:23
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nosse1Hi guys. How is lucid going? E.g. I'm considering upping my amd64 to karmic on my work laptop. Is it stable enough to try (please, I do know it's beta)?19:56
ScottKnosse1: If you have to ask, the answer is no.20:01
nosse1ScottK: It depends. When I was working on Debian, beta 2 didn't usually mean that the sw were bad. It was just the stability of the package system (dep's and such) which were going up and down20:03
ScottKnosse1: It's ~probably OK, but if you  can't afford a few days of broken, I wouldn't advise it.20:04
nosse1ScottK: So I hoped lucid were like "The SW is mostly ok, but the pkg system might be broken. wait until tomorrow to recheck"20:04
ScottKnosse1: There have been a lot of uploads in the last day or two.  Hard to tell.20:04
nosse1ScottK: If so, I'll jump in and help to discover issues :D20:04
ScottKIf you aren't running i386 I would definitely not upgrade now as archive skew will get you almost for sure.20:05
nosse1ScottK: Even on amd64?20:05
ScottKnosse1: It's less behind, but it's still behind.20:06
ScottKSo you can end up with arch all bits and amd64 specific bits of packages out of sync.20:06
ScottKMy predcition is that by tomorrow amd64 will be caught up.20:06
nosse1Yeah, I see there's 28 waiting jobs in the build farm20:07
psusiaha!  readahead() blocks to read the indirect block.... damn... I guess I have to get extents working20:27
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micahgmvo: ping20:36
mvomicahg: pong20:38
micahgmvo: we have an issue that app-install-data is using the firefox.desktop file from kubuntu-firefox-installer instead of firefox-branding, is there a way for multiple packages to have the same name for a .desktop file ATM or do we need to get the kubuntu-installer updated?20:39
Riddellkubuntu-firefox-installer shouldn't be in app-install-data20:40
Riddellprobably needs some exception somewhere to be told that20:40
Riddellcjwatson: I was able to recreate bug 563309 :(  logs attached20:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563309 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashes on manual disc setup" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56330920:40
cjwatsonRiddell: evan committed a patch earlier today ...?20:41
cjwatsonRiddell: ubiquity r4095.  maybe wowrth testing if you can reproduce it?20:42
Riddellcjwatson: tsk, I should refresh my bugs before commenting :)20:42
cjwatsonI haven't looked at the bug myself yet TBH20:43
mvomicahg: uh, I could manually fix it up, but currently that is not possible to have multiple ones20:48
mvomicahg: the extractor is not very smart20:48
micahgmvo: is there a way for packages to exempt themselves from app-install-data ATM or is there an exception list in the data package itself?20:49
micahgmvo: per Riddell kubuntu-firefox-installer shouldn't be in there20:49
micahgmvo: also, should I file a feature request to support multiple .desktop files w/the same name20:50
mvomicahg: I can do that via a manual blacklist20:58
micahgmvo: k, should I file a bug and where?20:58
mvomicahg: I added it now, I need to re-run the extraction, that will take a while20:59
micahgmvo: thanks, so, is it worth the feature request for multiple .desktop files w/the same name or should that normally be not done anyways21:00
mvomicahg: yeah, lp:~mvo/archive-crawler/mvo is the thing that is currently doing it21:01
* mvo runs a update21:01
micahgmvo: k, thanks21:01
cjwatsonsbeattie: can you reproduce bug 558382 on demand?21:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558382 in debian-installer "Partitioner throws "Unable to satisfy all constraints" when trying to use previously created partitions" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55838221:10
cjwatsonsbeattie: if so, I might like to have you do some rather detailed debugging21:11
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joaopintoon the boot process when rescue mode is selected is plymouth still used somehow ?21:35
joaopintowhat could causing an hang immediately after a successful mountall using rescue mode ?21:35
sbeattiecjwatson: I think I can but it'll take some time.21:36
ScottKjoaopinto: You can't boot without plymouth.21:37
cjwatsonsbeattie: that's OK, I'm still working through the maths21:37
cjwatsonI hope to be able to figure it out on my own, but I'm not certain ...21:37
joaopintook, so after mountall it's likely to be upstart or plymouth related right ?21:37
* ScottK is not the Scott you are looking for ....21:38
joaopintoit's kind of frustrating to see an user trying to boot for several hours and not have the know-how to help him :\21:38
Keybukplymouth probably21:39
joaopintoKeybuk, how can we debug it ?21:39
Keybukroot shell alongside21:40
psusineat... ureadahead is smart enough to figure out what block groups the inodes of the files it's reading are in, and has e2fslib go read the inode tables for those groups off the bat so they are already in memory when needed by open().... slick... now this blktrace is making much more sense21:40
Keybukpsusi: that's because the author of ureadahead is a genius21:41
joaopintoKeybuk, is it described somewhere ? (I don't want to bore you with trivial questions)21:41
psusihehehe ;)21:41
Keybukjoaopinto: the "open vt" trick on upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/OMGBroken is the one I use21:41
psusiKeybuk, I also figured out that readahead() can block.. if it needs to read an indirect block... I need to get rid of those now... but first i need to figure out this big gap of no io in the middle of the ureadahead...21:43
cjwatsonpsusi: so this dmraid bug - it wasn't entirely clear to me from the bug log.  are you and Keybuk now agreed that it is harmless to leave out change events from the rule?  that's my understanding from having gone back and trawled IRC logs, but I wanted to check21:43
Keybukpsusi: does fadvise make any difference?  I tried it but couldn't tell21:43
psusiKeybuk, I think it's basically the same code in the kernel, though I didn't specifically check that sys call, most of the code I read had comments indicating it was used by both21:44
Keybukright, that's what I thought21:44
Keybukwhich means one of the man pages is lying about always blocking or always not blocking ;)21:44
psusiKeybuk, it tries very hard to queue bios for the largest reads it can, but it doesn't know where the blocks are until it reads the indirect block21:44
KeybukI suspect, since fadvise came later, the readahead man page is wrong21:44
Keybukbear in mind, of course, that ext4 doesn't have indirect blocks21:45
psusiso it has to wait until the indirect block is read before it can queue reads for the blocks it maps... at least if the file is > 11 blocks21:45
psusiyes... I'm using -O ^extents right now though because I have not yet got e2defrag to understand them21:45
Keybukright, I think that the e2fs inode group preloading is supposed to get those into memory too21:46
Keybukbut you never really know21:46
psusionce I do that, then readahead() should generate one quite bio to read the whole file, stick it in the queue, and return... so eventually ureadahead should exit and upstart will move on to mountall while most of the reads are still in the queue21:46
ccheneygrr ooo-l10n backport test build is taking forever :-\21:47
psusicjwatson, I dunno, have to ask Keybuk ;)21:47
* psusi wonders wtf shorted out in his brain that made him type quite bio21:48
Keybukpsusi: once you do what?21:48
cjwatson17:06 <Keybuk> so if psusi wants to patch it, he can <g>21:48
Keybukoh, you mean once you get defrag to work?21:48
psusiKeybuk, get e2defrag understanding extents21:48
Keybukyeah that should turn ureadahead into a bunch of calls that result in ONE VERY BIG READ21:48
psusiyea... extents is the last of the new ext4 features I don't have it working with yet21:48
KeybukI appear to have put cjwatson on ignore21:49
cjwatsonpsusi: I just wanted to make sure that you'd considered the stuff in comment 4 on that bug, and explicitly rather than implicitly disregarded it :-)21:49
KeybukI have no idea how I did that21:49
* cjwatson pouts21:49
psusiexactly... one very big async read that completes in the background after ureadahead returns and upstart moves on21:49
Keybukpsusi: extents is basically *the* ext4 feature though ? :)21:49
Keybukthough doesn't the defag currently in e2fsprogs deal with them?21:49
psusiKeybuk, yep... I should have it working in a few more days21:49
cjwatsonthis is a very tedious form of debugging21:50
psusiyou mean the still experimental and unshipped e4defrag?21:50
cjwatson/nick cjwatson-running-gdb-in-my-head21:50
psusiyes, since it uses ioctls to manipulate the blocks though the mounted filesystem rather than on the raw block device21:50
psusithough it just defragments files by allocating a new file, checking if that is contiguous, and atomically swapping the blocks as far as I have read21:51
psusidoesn't pack files, or defragment free space21:51
psusithe nice thing about the old e2defrag is that you can feed it a list of inodes to give higher priority to so it packs them together at the start of the disk21:51
psusii.e. the list from ureadhead.pack21:52
psusithough I had to kind of hack it to force blocks there instead of allocating from their native block group first... I need to clean up that patch and probably add a switch to enable/disable it21:52
psusicjwatson, what was that bug# again?21:53
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Keybukcjwatson: sounds like my life ;)  gdb -p 1 ... FAIL21:54
cjwatsonpsusi: bug 53474321:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534743 in dmraid "dmraid causes udev event feedback loop in Lucid" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53474321:57
tedgslangasek: Howdy.  I have a patch for indicator-application which renames a binary package.  Is that okay?  bug 56450621:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564506 in indicator-application "libappindicator-cil-dev's .pc file points to the wrong place" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56450621:57
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psusicjwatson, yes, as far as I know, there is no sensible situation where a change event on the underlying disk would occur and dmraid would care... it just needs to notice when the disks are added and scan them22:02
psusicjwatson, and to get my system running I had to remove the |change and have not had any issues with it since22:03
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cjwatsonGrueMaster: bug 564992 - isn't this an arm platform, in which case dmidecode is unavailable?  the installer syslog is generally the useful thing22:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564992 in debian-installer "Debian installer fails to properly detect Marvell Avenger development platform" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56499222:03
cjwatsonGrueMaster: (and if so, the Ubuntu armel porters might be better-placed to work on it)22:04
psusiby the way, that upgrade I did a bit ago took AGES... we didn't get that bad sync() a million times dpkg patch again did we?22:04
cjwatsondifferent one22:05
cjwatsonapw tested it on ext4 and it didn't slow down unpack all that badly22:05
psusiok, so what sucky thing does this one do? ;)22:05
cjwatsonoh sod off22:05
cjwatsonit's a Friday evening22:05
cjwatsonbe polite or I'll do something else22:05
cjwatsonsorry but not feeling up to this22:05
* psusi passes cjwatson a cold one22:06
cjwatsonhave a look at the dpkg diff if you like22:06
cjwatsonI'm interested in data if it is slow, but I would greatly prefer it not come with attached vitriol22:06
psusisigh... guess I'll have to... took a good 5-10 minutes to update on my ssd22:06
psusiused to take maybe 1 min22:06
cjwatsonand with no fsync at all, we know that some people end up with zero-length files22:07
psusiyou mean if their system crashes?22:07
cjwatsonwe have to do something, that isn't an acceptable failure mode22:07
psusitrue... but a huge slowdown isn't either22:07
cjwatsondepends how huge22:07
cjwatsonKeybuk's one hour to unpack linux-headers was unacceptable22:08
cjwatsonin between, there's some room for manoeuvre22:08
Keybukactually, I did notice a slow upgrade this morning ...22:08
cjwatsonwhat dpkg now does is to batch up all the fsync/renames for a package and do them at the end of its unpack22:08
Keybukbut hadn't had enough coffee to think about it22:08
mrenoufHow do I use git-buildpackage with pbuilder?22:09
psusiok... so it's not quite as bad, especially on packages with lots of files.... but still quite a hit flushing between each package when upgrading a number of packages22:09
Keybukbut there's also a fine line here between YES! FASTER! HARDER! and HURT ME! MAKE ME BLEED!22:09
cjwatsonsomething like comparative unpacks of a single package with dpkg vs., and then also strace -tt of each, would be useful22:09
psusiwould be much better to save all of the flushing and renaming until after all packages are unpacked22:10
Keybukit's all well and good unpacking packages really fast, but we kinda need them to stick to the disk22:10
psusiand should still be safe, no?22:11
cjwatsonif dpkg deferred all the renames very much further, it would substantially impair reliability of the packaging system as a whole22:11
psusihow so?22:11
cjwatsonbecause it would mean that we'd go from having the new files available immediately after unpack, to having the old files or none available immediately after unpack until very much afterwards22:11
cjwatsonit would not remotely surprise me if that broke a load of stuff22:11
psusiwhy is that a problem?22:11
cjwatsonfeel free to try it, then try a dist-upgrade, and see :-)22:12
cjwatsonbut my instincts tell me that it will be a problem22:12
psusinothing should need the new files until after ALL of them have been unpacked no?22:12
cjwatsonsadly, it isn't that simple22:12
Keybukthat's not the behaviour of dpkg22:12
psusiit's only then that you start doing any configuring and such right?22:12
psusifor configure they have to be in place, but doesn't dpkg unpack all, then configure all?22:13
Keybuknot when pre-depends and conflicts get involved22:13
cjwatsonin practice, there are a number of cases even outside the essential set where some files from some packages are expected to be usable to some extent even while unconfigured22:13
Keybukanyway, what you're talking about is very complicated22:14
Keybukso patches welcome *after* the release ;-)22:14
psusicjwatson, yes, but not while not yet unpacked ;)22:14
psusithe state of each package does not need to become unpacked until after all of the files have been extracted, THEN flushed and renamed do they?22:15
cjwatsonI do not want to exercise that part of the packaging system22:15
cjwatsonbesides, it would use a hell of a lot more disk space during unpack22:15
cjwatsonthe one thing I'd like is some way for dpkg to know that it doesn't need to bother with fsync, because the filesystem isn't optimised to death for benchmarks, but instead is designed for normal applications22:17
cjwatsonbut that requires kernel cooperation22:17
psusiby optimised to death for benchmarks do yuo mean using data=writeback?22:18
psusiif using the normal data=ordered this isn't a problem then... well... there is a reason why data=writeback is not the default, not recommended, and known to be dangerous ;)22:19
cjwatsonand yet there's not a lot we can say when people file bugs saying that their system is now busted22:20
psusisure there is... you busted it... don't use data=writeback22:20
cjwatsondoesn't work that way22:20
psusiif the user is dumb enough to enable hardware write though cashes and disable barriers, there isn't anything the developers can do besides tell them they are an idiot, they were warned not to do that...22:21
sladenlock free ring buffers22:22
jdongI've dealt with a couple users who enabled data=writeback for their ext422:22
cjwatsonfor other applications, sure.  but if dpkg breaks then you may not even be able to get back into your system to undo it.  that's unacceptable22:22
jdongand had parts of kern.log show up in /var/lib/dpkg/status and all other fun stuff22:22
jdongin talking to those users, the best I can get is an admission they followed some sort of HOWTO on "tuning" their filesystems :)22:23
jdongso yes, the point is, it does happen22:23
psusicjwatson, first, does this really only happen with data=writeback, or data=ordered too?  if it happens either way then this discusstion is moot, but if it's only with data=writeback, that's the risk they take when they enable that and have been told this can hose your system22:23
cjwatsonI honestly don't know, and have not put the effort in to finding out22:24
cjwatsonbecause I don't think it's OK for dpkg to break either way22:24
KeybukI'm going to start writing a new series of articles called HOWNOTTOs22:24
cjwatsonsure, it's a filesystem configuration error, almost certainly.  but dpkg is not the place you want to discover it22:24
KeybukI can probably just C&P from ubuntu forums22:24
ionkeybuk: Helpful workarounds from Launchpad bug report comments should also be good material.22:25
psusipersonally I'm the kind of person who dose use writeback, no journal, no barriers and hardware write back caches, but I have a UPS and won't be surprised if the whole system crashes and leaves me with an unbootable system22:26
psusigood backup policy for the winz ;)22:26
cjwatsonand frankly, from a user's point of view, Ubuntu should be a unified system.  If we ship the ability to configure a system such that our own packaging system falls over, they won't be blaming the Linux kernel developers or themselves, they'll be blaming us, and all the protestations we make about it not being our fault aren't going to cut much ice22:26
psusiso are we going to try and prevent them from doing an rm -fr / too? ;)22:27
Keybukcjwatson: this is why I say we shouldn't support XFS <g>22:27
cjwatsonpsusi: sigh, why does everyone always make this kind of comparison?22:27
cjwatsonnow, performance regressions do not make me happy, but if they're within vaguely reasonable bounds, I'll live with them if they're going to significantly improve reliability22:27
psusihehe, reductio ad absurdum22:28
cjwatsonif the performance regression makes you sad (and you can reproduce it - it's not something I see so I'm not in a good position to do anything about it), then find a way to achieve both goals22:28
ionI don’t think --preserve-root is as much for stupid users as for one-letter typos in maintscripts or equivalent things.22:28
cjwatsonKeybuk: to be fair, XFS has had rename barriers since 2.6.1722:29
cjwatsonor so I understand it - pretty sure nobody's reported dpkg status files full of \0 on XFS for quite a while now22:30
psusiif the problem is specific to data=writeback then maybe dpkg could force a remount to data=ordered22:30
ionI’m under the impr\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0oblem has been fixed quite some time ago, yeah.22:31
psusicjwatson, for testing purposes is there a magic flag I can throw so dpkg WON'T sync?  that way I can get a good comparison22:31
psusidpkg --please-break-my-system ;)22:31
ionIf nothing else, LD_PRELOAD something that makes syncs dummy. :-P22:32
psusihrm... never tried doing something like that22:33
cjwatsonpsusi: the other changes in ubuntu4 aren't all that performance-critical - just downgrade?22:33
cjwatsonno, there is no such flag22:33
psusihrm... ok22:33
* psusi really wishes that btt's seeks output would combine sequential reads into one instead of spitting out 0 distance seeks over and over and over22:36
Keybukcjwatson: not only am I running gdb in my head22:43
KeybukI'm now also running mountall in my head22:43
GrueMastercjwatson: Ok, thanks.  I'll reassign it (if you haven't already).22:43
cjwatsonGrueMaster: I haven't22:54
cjwatsonsbeattie: so, having run through a good chunk of libparted in my head (well, with an editor window and a calculator), its algorithms check out :-/22:55
cjwatsonsbeattie: so I'll probably have to give you debug patches to partman-base and parted to apply, build, and copy into a running d-i image before starting the partitioner22:55
sbeattiecjwatson: okay.22:56
slangasekbryceh: -ati> so looking at the publishing history, I'd say batch-reverting the performance-related changes to get us roughly to the code base we had for both betas is appropritae22:57
cjwatsonsbeattie: ... but I think tonight I probably need to fall over now22:57
cjwatsonsbeattie: I'll stick them on the bug for you?22:57
sbeattiecjwatson: that will work.22:57
brycehbdmurray, have you had a chance to test my ppa?  Given slangasek's go ahead I can upload once you verify it does in fact resolve the issue for you.22:58
bdmurraybryceh: just rebooted22:58
slangasektedg: indicator-application> yes, seems reasonable here, please go ahead22:59
bdmurraybryceh: if I don't respond you'll know why! ;-)22:59
tedgYeah!  slangasek thinks I'm reasonable!  ;)23:00
tedgslangasek: Thanks, will do.23:00
brycehtedg, well that's just weird23:00
cjwatsonpsusi: merged and uploaded your dmraid change, thanks!23:04
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cjwatson(subject to release team approval)23:04
bdmurraybryceh: no crashing yet23:04
psusicjwatson, yay!  whew... dodged that bullet23:05
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brycehslangasek, bdmurray, ok also got confirmation of the ppa's goodness on #ubuntu-x so I've gone ahead and uploaded it23:23
bdrungbryceh: is there something i can do to speed up the fixing of bug #541579?23:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 541579 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[gm45] does not detect monitor on docking station" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54157923:27
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brycehbdrung, that's handled by the kernel now with kms23:29
brycehbdrung, so your bug really should be filed against the kernel, not X23:29
bdrungbryceh: so i change it from intel -> linux23:30
brycehbdrung, anyway, I would probably forward it upstream, they'll probably want you to test a newer kernel, it'll be fixed there so they'll just close it, so then you go hunting through kernel drm trees for a patch23:31
brycehalternatively you could shut off kms and/or fiddle with it using xrandr and the usual UMS troubleshooting steps documented on the ubuntu-x wiki23:32
bdrungbryceh: ok, i will try a newer kernel and/or shut off kms once i get access to this machine.23:33
slangaseksladen: why do you have this impression that server doesn't have plymouth installed?  mountall *depends* on it23:38
bdrungbryceh: if i disable kms and the bug persist, then i would be a bug in xserver-xorg-video-intel, right?23:50
slangasekbdrung: that just means it's a bug in both, I think :)23:51
bdrungtesting a kernel from the mainline build would be sufficient, wouldn't it?23:52
bdrungsomething like v2.6.34-rc4-lucid?23:53
slangasekI dunno23:55
brycehbdrung, no ums and kms each have their own separate code paths for handling outputs.  They are different so it's possible one works where the other doesn't, but they both share common origins so if they're both broken it doesn't necessarily signify anything substantial except that they're both bugged23:58
brycehbdrung, but if ums is *not* bugged then you can use it as a workaround, and it confirms the bug's in the kernel23:58
brycehbdrung, also be aware even if ums is still buggy, that is not getting maintained any further upstream, and we're carrying it only for fallback purposes and don't plan to fix bugs in it, so if ums doesn't work, don't worry about that, just focus on the kms aspect of the bug23:59

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