
zimbatmhi there09:32
zimbatmwhat is the best way to find out which preseed options are used by which udeb ?09:33
cjwatsonunfortunately that level of detail is a "use the source" deal09:35
zimbatmokay, that's what I'm doing right now09:36
mptev, if you can alter the installer translations, I suggest changing both "${RELASE}" and "${REKEASE}" to "${RELEASE}"09:38
evthis WrapLabel breakage seems to be pretty bad.  mpt showed me a few examples this morning of entire lines of non-RTL languages getting cut off.  I'll see what I can do today.09:38
evmpt: indeed, will do09:39
cjwatsongah, clearly we need to deploy some automatic correctness-checking on translations09:39
cjwatsonI do have partial code for that from Debian lying around somewhere09:40
evThat would be a massive help if you can find it09:40
cjwatsonscripts/l10n/l10n-spellcheck in the d-i svn repository09:40
evawesome, thanks09:42
mptcjwatson, or use "${V}" or something that's harder to misspell :-)09:45
cjwatsonwouldn't cover it09:48
cjwatsonsome translators try to spell it as $[RELEASE] and such09:48
cjwatsonand I'd much rather have moderately explanatory names for substitution variables09:48
cjwatsonthey're like variables when programming; only throwaway things like loop control variables should have single-character names09:49
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4085 ubiquity/debian/ (changelog real-po/lv.po real-po/pt.po):09:56
CIA-3ubiquity: Fix the Portuguese and Latvian translations of the variable name09:56
CIA-3ubiquity: RELEASE (LP: #564517).09:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564517 in ubiquity "Incorrect translations of "RELEASE"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56451709:56
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4086 ubiquity/debian/ (changelog real-po/pl.po real-po/pt.po):10:35
CIA-3ubiquity: Fix a missing closing bold tag in the Portuguese and Polish10:35
CIA-3ubiquity: translations (LP: #564545).10:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564545 in ubiquity "Invalid markup in Portuguese and Polish translations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56454510:35
zimbatmhi, sorry to disturb again11:02
evyay, fixed the label truncation11:02
zimbatmis it possible to use dhcp on install and static network on target host ? I'm using a post-install script but wanted to know if there is something simpler11:03
cjwatsonyou're probably using the simplest available method already11:09
zimbatmcjwatson, thanks for the confirmation :)11:13
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4087 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py):11:29
CIA-3ubiquity: Fix labels not expanding vertically to fit their text (LP: #560114,11:29
CIA-3ubiquity: LP: #557164, LP: #520898).11:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560114 in ubiquity "Truncated text in Ubiquity after selecting Hebrew" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56011411:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557164 in ubiquity "Truncated text in installer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55716411:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520898 in ubiquity "Truncated text in the keyboard selection step" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52089811:30
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4088 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog debian/real-po/am.po po/am.po):11:37
CIA-3ubiquity: Do not translate variable names in the Amharic translation11:37
CIA-3ubiquity: (LP: #564582).11:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564582 in ubiquity "Amharic translation of ubiquity translates variable names" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56458211:37
* ev sighs11:37
cjwatsonusing l10n-spellcheck?11:41
evnot yet, I'll look into it now11:56
evif l10n-spellcheck doesn't cover it, perhaps we should shove grep "\${" po/ debian/real-po/ -r | grep -v "\${[A-Za-z]" in the build11:57
mptev, the map bug is bug 34432712:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344327 in ubiquity "Time zone map can't be navigated with the keyboard" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34432712:01
evmpt: indeed, I just set the milestone to ubuntu-later, as I can't target it to maverick yet12:02
evI've got a patch for the sound issue, just need to test it a bit more after lunch12:30
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r4089 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity debian/changelog):12:50
CIA-3ubiquity: Get a controlling terminal before starting bterm, as otherwise bterm12:50
CIA-3ubiquity: won't reliably be able to take console input.12:50
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4090 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity-dm debian/changelog):14:46
CIA-3ubiquity: Start the window manager via ck-launch-session so pulseaudio is14:46
CIA-3ubiquity: granted access to the sound devices (LP: #549738).14:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549738 in ubiquity "[Lucid Beta2] Booting with new ubiquity live session audio doesn't work" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54973814:46
cjwatsonmaybe use osextras.find_on_path and unhardcode the path14:48
cjwatsonlooks good - time for an upload?14:48
evyeah, I was just checking to see if there was anything else that critically needs to be fixed14:59
evlet me just do a test run with find_on_path, then I'll sort an upload out14:59
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4091 ubiquity/bin/ubiquity-dm: Use osextras.find_on_path for previous commit.15:03
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4092 ubiquity/ (155 files in 3 dirs): Update translations from Launchpad.15:26
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4093 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):15:27
CIA-3ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: console-setup15:27
CIA-3ubiquity: 1.34ubuntu14, flash-kernel 2.13ubuntu16, hw-detect 1.73ubuntu3,15:27
CIA-3ubiquity: partman-auto 89ubuntu6, partman-base 139ubuntu5, partman-ext315:27
CIA-3ubiquity: 58ubuntu3, partman-target 64ubuntu8, user-setup 1.28ubuntu6.15:27
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4094 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.2.1815:35
zimbatmdo you know if there is any web frontend for debconf ? I happened to find some project a long time ago but can't seem to find it again16:05
cjwatsonthere's one in the debconf source package itself (DEBIAN_FRONTEND=web, see 'man 7 debconf'), although I don't think anyone's worked on it for ages16:09
zimbatmokay, thanks cjwatson, I'll take a look16:10
superm1ev, that vertical alignment fix you did above, would you expect it's going to resolve things like this: http://imagebin.org/93296 ?  I haven't gotten a chance to apply it to any of the installs i've been seeing the clipping as per yet18:33
evsuperm1: it should, but I'm very keen to know if it doesn't18:33
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r4095 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/kde_components/PartMan.py):18:57
CIA-3ubiquity: Use allow_change_step(False) from the KDE portions of the partman18:57
CIA-3ubiquity: component when necessary (LP: #563309).18:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563309 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashes on manual disc setup" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56330918:57
ev^ I haven't had a chance to test that beyond fixing the bug in question, but I've got to run.18:58
evI can't imagine it creating any problems, but I'll give it more thorough testing at the first opportunity18:58
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
sweezetrying to install lucid beta2 on an HP envy 15, and getting the following error: "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"19:54
sweezetrying to install through a usb key, or a usb cdromdrive, both result in the same problem19:55
sweezehow do i even debug this?19:55
sweeze(also getting same problem with a lucid alpha2 cd which I've confirmed working on another machine)19:59
superm1ev, hm appears to fix it for the regular pages i was seeing it, but it's still happening on third party pages for some reason or another (http://imagebin.org/93305)19:59
dafyddApologies for a noob question, but what package would I need to modify when gpgv can't find the public key20:01
sweezegot a little farther with netboot, but not much... put some details into : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/565047 --  is going through the bug the best way to figure this out, or some way for more realtime back and forth?23:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565047 in debian-installer "Unable to install on HP Envy 15 laptop" [Undecided,New]23:10
cjwatsonFriday evening's not the best time, really ...23:12
sweezeha, of course.  can wait for next week if that's best23:12
cjwatsonyour network configuration problem in the installer needs to be filed as a separate bug23:12
cjwatsonI recommend going through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingCasper to extract more information about your CD boot problem23:13
cjwatsonfor your network configuration problem, we need the lines beginning 03:00.0 and 04:00.0 from 'lspci -n'23:14
* cjwatson -> bed23:16
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage

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