
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
pleia2doctormo: have some time to talk about -materials?23:36
doctormopleia2: about to out for date night, would you like to talk about it tomorrow?23:36
pleia2doctormo: I have a friend coming in tomorrow, but I should be able to find some time :) I'll nudge you then23:37
pleia2have fun!23:37
doctormoAs a quick line though before I head out, I think our best bet is to nail ben down to a chair somewhere at UDS and get him to get other people to write a process, the software for the process and the materials.23:37
* pleia2 grins23:38
pleia2I kinda figured thats where we were at23:38

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