
=== humphreybc changed the topic of #ubuntu-manual to: Ubuntu Manual Project discussion | STRING FREEZE in effect | Meetings this weekend! http://tinyurl.com/y9nqh8t | Website: http://ubuntu-manual.org | Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual | IRC logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Ubuntu Guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Code of Conduct: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/
humphreybcMEETINGS THIS WEEKEND! http://tinyurl.com/y9nqh8t03:39
godbykhumphreybc: yay04:02
humphreybcgodbyk, anything you want to add to the agenda?04:15
godbykhmm.. lemme think about it for a while.  (in the midst of banging out some other latex code at the moment.)04:15
humphreybchave we lost some momentum?04:17
humphreybcslash all momentum?04:17
godbyksome, probably.04:21
humphreybci am going to hope we get some of that back after this release04:21
godbykthough everyone's free to start jamming on the second edition, they're probably waiting for us to define some parameters there. what's the second edition for? what goes in it? how does it differ from the first edition? etc.04:22
humphreybcbtw, i mentioned in the interview with FCM magazine that we're aiming for 10,000 downloads on the first day and Robin said "I wouldn't be surprised if you get more than that... I hope your web admin is prepared!"04:22
humphreybcyeah well we should talk about that at the meeting04:22
humphreybcif we get 10,000 downloads on the 29th alone i'll be chuffed04:23
godbykI'm hoping daker gets the site ready soon so we can get that in place.04:23
humphreybchow are we going to "launch" the site?04:23
godbykquietly. :)04:24
humphreybcmy original plan was to have a real simple countdown right up till the 28th04:24
humphreybcand then BANG an awesome site goes up, to much hype04:24
humphreybcbut then when the site was being developed, it was looking so good and was proving to be quite useful so we just chucked it up there anyway04:24
godbykI think we should have everything in place with the new site and have the countdown page as the home page.04:25
godbykthen when the countdown hits 0 (or nearly so), we'll flip the home page over to the real homepage, show the download links, etc.04:25
humphreybcoh yeah04:25
humphreybcyeah that's a good idea04:25
humphreybclet's do that :)04:25
godbykwe should really make sure that all the stuff from the wiki that we care about is on the new site.04:25
godbykthen start just redirecting from the wiki to the new site.04:26
humphreybci'm pretty sure most of it it04:26
godbyk(right now I'm having to update the quickshot iso image link on the wiki as well as the new site, for instance.)04:26
humphreybcwe'll get rid of the wiki soon04:27
humphreybcnot get rid of it but just have a big phat link on the main wiki page saying GO HERE04:27
humphreybcand slowly everyone will point to our site04:28
humphreybcbut this relies on you not dying04:28
humphreybccos if you do, we're screwed04:28
godbykI'll do my best. :)04:28
humphreybcwe should probably look into sorting out some way of getting a team server04:29
godbykwell, the hosting bill is paid up for a few months.. that and the cron script should keep you in business for a little while. :-P04:29
humphreybcprobably the best bet is for us to ask Canonical for some server space after release04:29
godbykhow do most projects handle hosting?04:29
humphreybcno idea04:30
humphreybcthey use wikis and launchpad04:30
humphreybcmost projects don't have flashy websites04:30
humphreybc(those that do probably just have it set up like us, someone in the project provides some space04:30
humphreybclike Gnome DO is hosted on "Daves" website04:30
humphreybcwe could start asking for donations04:31
humphreybc(or slap like $1 profit on top of each book sold through lulu.com just to pay for hosting)04:31
humphreybcI'd rather not do that thoug04:31
godbykyeah, I'd prefer to avoid it, too.04:31
humphreybcWe want the lulu.com books to be as cheap as possible so it's accessible04:31
humphreybcwe'll judge the situation after the main release when the manual is in widescale use04:32
humphreybcif everyone seems to like it then we can perhaps set up a donations thing04:32
humphreybc(and them spam Mark for donations)04:32
humphreybcgodbyk: did you get my email with the final list of credits?05:23
godbykhumphreybc: yeah, I haven't looked at them yet, though.05:23
humphreybchave you got a photo of yourself btw?05:24
humphreybcor do you not want one?05:24
godbyknah, I don't think I have any good photos handy. sorry.05:25
humphreybcyou're missing out!05:30
humphreybcRed_HamsterX, vish, photos?05:32
humphreybcStill need Red_HamsterX and titeuf05:32
vishhumphreybc: fotos? ..05:54
humphreybci need a picture of you05:55
humphreybcright i've pretty much finished the "surprise"06:33
humphreybcit's just uploading to youtube, i'm off to work06:47
humphreybci'll be back in 6 hours06:47
humphreybc(it's set to private at the moment06:48
humphreybcwe can probably embed it into the website ourselves, or if that doesn't work we can always just embed the youtube one... but youtube might remove the video due to the music violating copyrights06:48
humphreybcwe'll see06:48
dutchiebloody hell11:37
dutchiemy laptop is on its last legs :(11:37
ubuntujenkinshello o/12:06
dutchiehi ubuntujenkins12:06
* ubuntujenkins is back at university \o/12:06
ubuntujenkinshello dutchie are you awake :P12:06
dutchiejust about12:09
dutchiebit of a headache12:09
ubuntujenkins: /12:11
humphreybcthorwil, you may not be able to view the video - apparently it's blocked in Germany due to a copyright with the music12:56
dutchiehumphreybc: could you not have found any CC music?12:57
thorwilbrutal painfull death and an eternity in hell with eyeball eating worms for those responsible at Sony Music Entertainment, scum of the earth ;)12:57
humphreybcdutchie, no it *had* to be the Dave Matthews Band12:58
humphreybcbut that doesn't matter too much because we'll host it on our own server on our site12:58
dutchieI think we should make some attempt at getting copyright clearance12:58
humphreybcI can try i suppose12:59
humphreybcI'll email Dave :)12:59
humphreybcanyway what do you think of the video? it's a shame some of the pictures have weird purple lines on the right13:01
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: I was wondering why you hadn't mugged me yet13:15
ubuntujenkinsi am in the video, but was wondering what had happend to the mug shots :P13:16
ubuntujenkinsI don't know who most of the people are.13:17
humphreybcoh right13:17
humphreybcwhat do you think of the video?13:17
humphreybcit's not particularly fancy, I *am* using Linux after all13:18
humphreybcpopey: woof!13:18
humphreybcwhat's up?13:18
ubuntujenkinsits good, i only recognise three people.13:18
humphreybcubuntujenkins: hehe well, that's probably cos you don't see their faces that much in IRC :P13:18
ubuntujenkinsmake that four people13:18
thorwilirc would be less popular with faces, perhaps13:19
* popey shudders13:19
popeymaybe it's time we had an irc client that had the same graphical look of gwibber13:19
popeywith avatars13:20
popeyMS Comic Chat!13:20
thorwilwow. don't imagine that combined with hentai13:21
popeysometimes we get the odd person join irc with that client13:21
popeyits mental13:21
popeynot long till uds now humphreybc :)13:22
popeymy train is booked :)13:22
humphreybcpopey: I know! I saw on Twitter :)13:22
humphreybchave you been to NZ before Alan?13:22
humphreybc(MS Comic Chat is awesome)13:22
popeynever been further south than Maldives13:22
humphreybcokay, good13:22
humphreybcI have a present for ye13:22
thorwiltrain - the save option in eruptive times13:23
humphreybcthorwil: you're heading to UDS too, right?13:23
thorwilhumphreybc: no13:23
humphreybcawh why not?13:24
humphreybcwork? play? don't want to see me?13:24
thorwilhumphreybc: there was a single session in dallas where i actually had something to contribute. i was often bored to near death, out of body experiences13:24
humphreybcah okay13:25
humphreybcwell i spose that's fair enough then :)13:25
thorwilhumphreybc: it could be different with a real design track, but there was no looking at the program before sponsorship deadline ...13:26
humphreybcindeed, there is a real design track for UDS-M13:26
humphreybcpopey: I'm bringing MPT some Marmite haha13:27
popeyhumphreybc: You know we have marmite in the UK?13:27
humphreybche requested it13:27
humphreybcso i dunno? maybe it's different...13:27
popeynot vegimite?13:28
popeywe have that too, but not as common13:28
humphreybci'll confirm but i'm pretty sure he said marmite13:28
humphreybci'll ask him now13:28
dutchiehttp://twitter.com/jshholland/status/12266062529 # cough13:28
popeyseen Marmite XO?13:28
humphreybcyeah i saw that josh, chose not to reply :P13:28
humphreybcpopey: is that the one where they f**k with the original ingredients?13:29
humphreybcI was surprised mpt didn't ask for Vogels or Hellers sausages13:29
humphreybc(There are all these TV ads in NZ that have kiwis living in the UK trying to smuggle bread through customs and stuff)13:29
humphreybcpopey: that website concerns me. What is an everyday product in NZ seems to be rather famous overseas! ("We ship it worldwide!")13:30
humphreybcfridge magnets? art? kitchenware? LOL13:30
popeyyeah, marmite is every day over here too13:30
dutchiehumphreybc: I think in this case overseas == US13:31
popeybut it's kinda famous13:31
popeyyeah, i know yanks find it hard to get13:31
popeyget as in obtain13:31
humphreybc(21:31:49) humphreybc: hey, do you want anything from NZ?13:32
humphreybc(21:32:15) mpt: ooh, thanks for asking13:32
humphreybc(21:32:19) mpt: A jar of Marmite13:32
humphreybc(21:32:29) humphreybc: heh, okay, will be done13:32
humphreybc(21:32:34) mpt: thank you13:32
humphreybcso i dunno! haha13:33
humphreybcperhaps us Kiwis put some special sauce in it or something13:33
popeywhat a nutter13:33
humphreybcREAL All Blacks sweat13:33
popeythe tears of hobbits13:34
humphreybcwhile we're on this subject, any requests for stuff from the other side of the world?13:34
humphreybcLord of the Rings figurines?13:34
humphreybcPeter Jackson himself?13:34
dutchiemy aussie friend is rumoured to have inserted a stick of dynamite into a penguin13:34
humphreybc(Such a small country, I have him on speed dial)13:34
dutchiesame guy who is to blame for this nick, as it happens13:35
humphreybcubuntujenkins, you want something to do?13:50
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: may be, what do you want doing?13:50
humphreybcI need images, lots of images that are at least 800x800 px... they need to have *anything* to do with the manual project13:51
humphreybclike, anything13:51
humphreybcso it can be photos of people, screenshots of blog posts about us, screenshots of the manual itself, mockups, icons, diagrams, random books, ubuntu logos and artwork, wallpapers etc etc13:51
humphreybcanything that has anything remotely to do with us13:52
humphreybcstart hunting for stuff on google images (i'm not too worried about licensing) and paste some links :)13:52
ubuntujenkinskk i have 5 mins before squash13:52
humphreybcgo hard!13:52
dutchiecool, squash13:53
humphreybcremember, at least 800 px is good13:53
ubuntujenkinsfound this one https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=tools.png13:53
dutchienice url13:53
ubuntujenkinspaste spam, paste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spampaste spam13:57
ubuntujenkinsmost of these are from humphreybc's blog or our wesite13:58
humphreybclol ok13:58
ubuntujenkinsooo ubuntu-manual.org is 4th in a google for ubuntu manual13:58
ubuntujenkinsbe back in a while13:59
humphreybcwe need to be numero 1!14:01
* dutchie will get the creative blogging juices going14:02
* popey gets a mop14:02
* humphreybc is making the best ad14:49
humphreybc(00:28:22) humphreybc: you wanted Marmite from NZ, right?15:03
humphreybc(01:51:56) mpt: yes15:03
humphreybc(01:52:31) humphreybc: okay, something special about NZ marmite? popey reckons they sell it in the UK (I'm just curious)15:03
humphreybc(01:52:44) mpt: UK Marmite is garbage15:03
humphreybc(01:52:48) mpt: It's a liquid, not a solid15:03
humphreybc(01:52:55) mpt: and it's brown rather than black15:03
humphreybc(01:52:56) humphreybc: a liquid? what the!15:03
humphreybc(01:53:00) mpt: I know, right?15:03
humphreybc(01:53:05) humphreybc: crazy!15:03
humphreybcOPEN SHOT IS GAY15:05
dutchiehumphreybc: not much reckoning needs to be done, you can definitely get it here15:07
humphreybcdang it open shot just ruined my entire concept for an advertisement for UMP because it can't render images at less than 1 second each, even though it lets you insert them with a duration of less than a second... grr!!15:09
popeyhumphreybc: its not liquid15:09
popeyits runnyier but not runny15:09
humphreybcyou'll have to bring some to UDS so I can judge15:09
humphreybcI have marmite on my toast every day15:10
dutchieit's probably about syrup consistency15:10
dutchiemaybe a bit less viscous15:10
popeyhumphreybc: Do you keep yours in the fridge?15:12
humphreybcnope, no one does15:12
popeywondered if you guys did and that might be why it was more solid15:12
popeynz one has the consistency of nutella?15:12
popeythats the same as vegemite i think15:13
humphreybcyou'll get to see it first hand at UDS... i'm sure mpt will have it on his toast for breakfast15:13
popeywould you like me to bring a pot from the uk so you can witness the rankness?15:13
humphreybcyes, do!15:14
dutchie/topic Marmite dicussion15:14
humphreybcI can just picture us all sitting at a table looking in each others' marmite jars and comparing notes15:14
* humphreybc managed to work around open shot's annoyingness, final product isn't as good as I would have liked but I'll upload anyway15:15
popeymarmite unites the world!15:15
humphreybcI thought Ubuntu unites the world? :P15:15
popeyi used blender to make a video with short cuts15:15
popeyworked well15:15
dutchieI hate to say it, but I'm indifferent to marmite15:15
humphreybcdutchie: Get. Out.15:15
humphreybcI don't understand how people cna put so much on15:16
humphreybcI spread mine thinly across marg/butter15:16
humphreybcit's quite a strong substance15:16
humphreybcand i prefer to be able to taste the bread :P15:16
dutchiedo you folks have worcester sauce down there?15:16
humphreybcand HP sauce15:16
* dutchie lives about 300m from the factory15:17
* humphreybc lives about 2km from a speights brewery and a cadbury factory?15:18
humphreybcLOL best site ever15:21
humphreybcwhat do we think of my advertisement for UMP?15:23
dutchiethe original cadbury's is <40 mins from me15:31
humphreybcUMP = UnliMited Possibilities!15:32
humphreybcdutchie: do you like the ad?15:43
dutchiethat music did not help my headache15:44
humphreybcapart from that?15:44
dutchiepretty cool15:45
dutchieI think a few of the photos missed the beat15:45
humphreybcyeah, that's open shot's fault15:45
dutchiea bad workman15:45
humphreybcI had it timed perfectly in open shot itself15:45
humphreybcbut when it renders it, it's all out of sync15:45
ubuntujenkinshumphreybc: I have just updated the manual screenshots in lucid-e116:24
humphreybci'm off to bed16:25
ubuntujenkinshello titeuf_87 how are you?18:08
titeuf_87Hey ubuntujenkins!18:08
titeuf_87I've been really busy lately.18:09
ubuntujenkinsno problem, are you able to make the meeting?18:09
titeuf_87Yeah, I should be around for it.18:10
titeuf_87Have a little bit of spare time again now.18:10
dutchieI may be late18:10
ubuntujenkinscool, I am not sure on the format/how to do the meeting18:10
ubuntujenkinsdutchie: for the quickshot one or manual one18:10
dutchiethe manual one i think18:10
dutchieoh no, it's fine18:11
titeuf_87Oh wait, just checked.18:12
dutchiethought it was tonight18:12
titeuf_87The quickshot meeting is on Sunday and the manual one Saturday right?18:12
* dutchie is going for a cultural outing to the theatre tonight18:12
ubuntujenkinsyes titeuf_8718:12
titeuf_87Bleh, I can't stay up late on Sunday, have to get up early Monday.18:13
titeuf_87Have to run now, back in a little bit.18:13
ubuntujenkinsok see you in bit18:14
titeuf_87And back now.18:29
ubuntujenkinshello agian titeuf_87 If you can make some of the quickshot meeting that would be good its 8.00pm utc :-)18:37
titeuf_87I'll try to stay for the first half hour, hopefully I won't be too tired then.18:39
ubuntujenkinsthanks you we will cover the client first anyway18:40
titeuf_87Ok :)18:41
titeuf_87Were there still any big bugs with Quickshot? Or was it usable for most screenshots?18:42
ubuntujenkinsthere is still the one where some screenshots were uploaded labled wrong18:43
manualbotLaunchpad bug 556532 in quickshot "screenshots don't have the correct language code" [Undecided,New]18:44
titeuf_87Hey ubuntujenkins, do you have the link to the python bug that you commented in that bug?19:01
ubuntujenkinstiteuf_87: http://bugs.python.org/issue837419:02
titeuf_87Ah that was interesting. Thanks!19:07
titeuf_87That's the only language that gives issues right?19:08
ubuntujenkinstiteuf_87: as far ai i know19:19
titeuf_87Ah ok. And is the language present in the manual? I know Dutch is, but then nl_NL should be used instead of nl_AW.19:22
ubuntujenkinsnl_AW isn't in the manual i fixed the not detecting the langauge code issue using os.system as a fall back19:24
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: ping19:33
* ubuntujenkins has now approved every screenshot so far \o/19:44
ubuntujenkinsnow to tidy my room :/19:48
komsasHey, can someone update all web translations, we want to see how they looks on the pages.19:53
ubuntujenkinskomsas: I will ask daker to do so when he is on next19:56
komsasubuntujenkins: thank you19:56
ubuntujenkinsno problem19:56
godbykubuntujenkins: pong22:11
ubuntujenkinshello, one moment whiclt i find it22:11
ubuntujenkinscan you please remove 03-autoeth@he@1270586575.png and 03-autoeth@he@1270376143.png please22:12
godbykubuntujenkins: done22:21
ubuntujenkinsthanks, all the aproved screenshots are in their branches22:22
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: if you see daker before i do can you ask him to update the test.ubuntu-manual.org webiste with the translations.22:23
godbykI might be able to do that. I need to update the manual translations anyway.22:24
godbyk(I never bother with the site translations because they're in a different format.)22:24
ubuntujenkinscool, the translators will be pleased they want to see their work in the website22:24
godbykI don't blame them. It's always nice to see how your work is being used in practice.22:25
ubuntujenkinsI completly understand too22:26
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: good news, now that i am at uni the cd uploads take about 25 mins22:40
godbykubuntujenkins: awesome! :)22:40
ubuntujenkins\o/ four hours is painful22:40
godbykubuntujenkins: strangely, there are more translations in the current website than what launchpad sent me.22:41
godbykoh, maybe not.22:41
godbyksome of them are empty dirs.22:41
godbykremoved the empty dirs.22:42
godbykthat's better.22:42
godbyknow there are more translations in the update.22:42
godbykcrap.. have to rename the files to remove the prefix that launchpad adds.22:42
ubuntujenkinsone line script !22:43
godbykthough this one will be a bit scarier.22:44
godbykubuntujenkins: didn't turn out too bad:22:51
godbykfor L in *; do22:51
godbyk    if [ -d "$L" ]; then22:51
godbyk        mv "$L/LC_MESSAGES/ubu_man_website_translations.mo" "$L/LC_MESSAGES/$L.mo"22:51
godbyk    fi22:51
ubuntujenkins:-) you are good at those scripts22:52
godbykchalk it up to laziness and practice. :)22:54
godbykubuntujenkins: I think the website translations should be online now, if you want to test 'em out.22:57
* ubuntujenkins looks22:58
ubuntujenkinsworks here22:59
ubuntujenkinskomsas: the translations for the website should work now, thanks to godbyk23:00
komsasgodbyk: thank you :)23:00
godbykkomsas: no problem.23:00
godbykI've also just finished updating http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/.23:01
* ubuntujenkins starts fixing errors23:01
ubuntujenkinswhich branch are they in23:02
godbykthat's the lucid-1e branch23:02
godbykwhich translation are you looking at, ubuntujenkins?23:02
ubuntujenkinsdon't know yet i usualy start at the lowest and TRY and spot the errors23:02
godbykI'll try to take a look at the errors today, too.23:04
godbykSometimes they're just bugs in the translations and sometimes it's because I haven't done my part yet.23:04
godbyk(For instance, the Afrikaans translation doesn't have the required LaTeX code yet. I haven't been in touch with those translators yet.)23:04
godbykBut first, food.  /me hungry!23:05
ubuntujenkinshello Daker23:11
Dakerhello @all23:11
godbykHey, Daker.23:14
godbykDaker: I just updated the website translations.23:14
godbykDaker: How's the website stuff coming along? What do we still need to do before we can switch over to the new site?23:15
Dakergodbyk, we need to freeze the text23:16
godbykOkay. I'll read through the website text today.23:16
godbykHave you written the download tracking scripts yet?23:16
Dakerit will be done this week end23:18
Dakeri have juste de add a few this thing to the script (Language code...)23:18
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: I am building translated manuals and getting errors like (see the transcript file for additional information)23:22
ubuntujenkinsOutput written on ubuntu-manual-pt.pdf (148 pages).23:22
ubuntujenkinsTranscript written on ubuntu-manual-pt.log.23:22
ubuntujenkinsmake: *** [ubuntu-manual-pt.pdf] Error 123:22
ubuntujenkinsrm ubuntu-manual-pt.tex23:22
ubuntujenkins what am i suppose to look for in the log?23:22
godbykubuntujenkins: The errors will be marked with "Error:" or with an exclamation point (!) at the beginning of the line.23:22
ubuntujenkinsmakes sense, thanks23:23
ubuntujenkinsman i am off to bed, the portuguese (pt) builds to the end its fixed in launchpad translations.23:26
ubuntujenkinsnight all23:26
Dakergodbyk, you ? http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v321/114/40/16906258/n16906258_37889167_939.jpg23:29
dutchieevening folks23:29
godbykDaker: Yep, that's me!23:30
godbykHey, dutchie.23:30
godbykI have a few bugs to fix in the manual and then I'll need to update the pot file.23:30
godbykdutchie: Are you going to be around for a while? Or is it something I can do on my own easily (i.e., without breaking everything)?23:31
dutchieit's one really big command23:31
dutchieI have an enormously over-glorified job :)23:31

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