
steve_I have moved to mythbuntu 10.04 and have some issues with sound. In mythvideo with some files the channels are wrong. (Centre from the left, left from the centre) Also  the upmixer causes the front end crash on some files. I use the SPIDF out.03:20
mrandsteve_: I'm not very knowledgable on the sound part of it, but if you are finding things that cause crashes, we'd like to get them reported.03:39
ZinnTo report crashes, please follow the directions outlined under the "Basic backtrace" section of http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Debugging#Debugging_with_Ubuntu_packages03:39
steve_i think it has something to do with libfaad03:41
mrandsteve_: which rev of mythtv are you running?03:47
steve_how do i find that out?04:00
tmktsame error as i'm runing into i think04:11
Zinn[bugs.launchpad.net] Bug #546552 in Mythbuntu: “MythTV is built without H.264 HE-AAC support”04:11
tmktbeen fighting with it since moving to 10.04/0.2304:12
tmktrecordings/live tv..surround sound through spdif perfect04:12
tmktall my dvd rips with ac3 passthrough all playing only dolby 2.0 instead of 5.104:13
tmktand i'm using the newest nightlies04:14
steve_so its bungged up04:14
steve_ac3 seems to work poperly, acc is no good04:21
steve_stereo plays stereo, toggling the up mixer my amplifier reports 96khz. and the fronted fails04:26
steve_and my computer does not have enough free memory to automatically analyse the problem and send a report to the developers.04:27
steve_her dying breaths:04:31
steve_steve@myth:~$ mythfrontend04:31
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:45.387 mythfrontend version: branches/release-0-23-fixes [23820] www.mythtv.org04:31
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:45.387 Using runtime prefix = /usr04:31
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:45.387 Using configuration directory = /home/steve/.mythtv04:31
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.058 DBHostName is not set in mysql.txt04:31
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.058 Assuming localhost04:31
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] MythTV, Open Source DVR04:31
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.058 Empty LocalHostName.04:31
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.058 Using localhost value of myth04:31
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.065 New DB connection, total: 104:31
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.067 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.080 Closing DB connection named 'DBManager0'04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.095 ScreenSaverX11Private: XScreenSaver support enabled04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.097 DPMS is disabled.04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.099 Primary screen: 0.04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.100 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.101 Using screen 0, 1920x1080 at 0,004:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.113 Desktop video mode: 1920x1080 60.0024 Hz04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.127 MythUI Image Cache size set to 20971520 bytes04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.155 Enabled verbose msgs:  important general04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.160 Primary screen: 0.04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.161 Using screen 0, 1920x1080 at 0,004:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.161 Using theme base resolution of 1920x108004:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.171 LIRC: Successfully initialized '/dev/lircd' using '/home/steve/.mythtv/lircrc' config04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.171 JoystickMenuThread Error: Joystick disabled - Failed to read /home/steve/.mythtv/joystickmenurc04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.202 Using Frameless Window04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.202 Using Full Screen Window04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.305 Using the OpenGL painter04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.576 XMLParseBase: Loaded base theme from '/usr/share/mythtv/themes/Arclight/base.xml'04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.620 XMLParseBase: Loaded base theme from '/usr/share/mythtv/themes/default-wide/base.xml'04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.629 XMLParseBase: Loaded base theme from '/usr/share/mythtv/themes/default/base.xml'04:32
steve_2010-04-15 21:28:46.629 XMLParseBase, Err04:32
steve_...will only let me past so much04:32
steve_i give up for the night and will suffer with improper audio channels, but i wil sleep well at night as i know it will get fixed eventually.04:33
Zinntgm4883: sasc-ng is a method to ILLEGALLY receive cable or satellite broadcasts via a fake software dvb-s/c device.  It is forbidden from being discussed in #ubuntu-mythtv, #ubuntu-mythtv-dev, #mythtv-users, and #mythtv.  If you would like to learn more about it, please refer to its developers and keep any and all discussions about it there.05:07
AboHi All, I am new using Mythbuntu 10.4 beta 2. I can't play liveTV. At first it was giving the error "mythtv is using all inputs. but there are no recordings or something like that. I am using a Hauppage 500 Tv card with an Asus mother board. The DSTV (TV Service) is connected vai composite 2. [That is dev/video0 = Composite2,05:36
tassburhi to all14:39
Azelphur_Hi, trying to get my hauppage DVB-S cards remote fully working. Some of the buttons work (EG Arrows. OK), some of the buttons don't (15:34
Azelphur_fail return instead of backspace \o/15:35
Azelphur_but yea, some work, some don't, some show up in XEV but don't work in mythtv15:35
tassburi'm a newbie on mythbuntu and on mythtv world in general so i've got some questions15:35
tassburfirst how can i check if lna_activation is on?15:35
tassbursecond how can i get epg on screen? EIT video source is on15:36
tassburthird i have an HVR-4000, and i can't get any channels on it15:36
tassburwith tzap/mplayer i saw a channel on dvb-s but with myth the only thing i get is: Device Busy15:37
tassburi check the  "On Demand" ticket and unchecked "Active EIT Scan" on the two frontends of the card15:38
tassburthanks in advance for the responses15:39
rhpot1991Azelphur_: your best bet is to edit the ~/.lirc/mythtv file to match what you think it should do15:39
rhpot1991you could then open up a bug with your changes15:40
tassburthe version of mythbuntu is 10.0415:40
tassburand the other card is a TD-50015:41
Azelphur_rhpot1991, I'll give it a go, thanks :)15:41
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