
=== kermiac_ is now known as kermiac
moteHi. If i test the "lucid-desktop-i386.iso" live session on my laptop, and there are hardware incompatibility problems. Like, the usb ports dont, no WiFi, and sound. Is that bugs i should file on launchpad?10:03
aramote, is that the daily iso?10:33
aramote, if you go System -> Administration -> HW drivers, what do you get?10:37
moteOh. Rebooted again i 9.10 where i got most things working. Its a brand new Asus eee 1005p and there are a bunch of things that dont work out of the box. I hope that by testing on it i would help ubuntu to know what drivers are missing.10:40
moteI am running the beta 1 on my amd pc, all there hardware works fine on it. and i have not found any new problems with the software.10:41
aramote, of course it is helpful to test10:42
moteexcept for the windows buttons being placed on the left side ;-)10:42
aramote, and all those bugs are worth filing10:42
moteSo i should file them on Launchpad if nobody else have already? and then ad them to the bugs tracker on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/10:44
motesorry for me asking again, but its a bit confusing being a newbee tester.10:45
aramote, no worries. On IRC, please, if talking to me, put ara: before, so I can see your replies easier :)10:49
aramote, the ISO tracker is used only for milestone testing10:49
aramote, i.e. next week for RC10:49
aramote, on daily testing just file the bugs on Launchpad10:49
aramote, this is a good document on how to report bugs https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs10:50
moteara: sure. ok. I read it all ready. (among 50 others) are the RC being tested allready10:52
aramote, not yet, next week10:52
moteara. yes sorry10:52
aramote, here it explains how to receive email notifications when the new builds are posted: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures10:53
moteara: thanks. I read that as well.I have been reading to much i think. I will go on testing.10:57
aramote, great! thanks for testing and welcome!10:57
moteHave a good weekend.10:58
davmor2morning all11:02
aramorning davmor211:23
davmor2plars: can you drop onto ubuntu-desktop and talk with didrocks about bug #551860 if you can still produce it14:12
ubot4`Launchpad bug 551860 in metacity (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "Crash on login with accessibility enabled (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55186014:12
plarsdavmor2: certainly14:12
mcasthe "old" daily iso works for me and didn't show bug #54674315:39
ubot4`Launchpad bug 546743 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "Blank screen at first boot with ATI ES1000 and 10.04 server (affects: 5)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54674315:39
fader_mcas: You tried with ubuntu-server?16:01
mcasright after the email16:05
mcasbut now there is a new build16:06
mcasbut wait16:06
fader_mcas: Can you please report the PCI ID of your graphics card on that bug?16:06
mcasoh my fault16:07
mcasits not eth es1000 ... wrong server16:07
fader_Ah, okay thanks :)16:08
metalf88011is the display on Ubuntu server 10.04 Beta 2 supposed to be "jerky"?16:49
metalf88011I'm testing it in Virtualbox and the way the screen moves is rather unpleasant and I'm just wondering if its supposed to be like that or if it's a bug that's going to be fixed16:51
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fader_metalf88011: No, it should not be like that... I don't see anything right away in launchpad, either17:04
fader_metalf88011: Could you please try with the latest daily and see if you still have the issue?17:04
metalf88011wait my install is up to date isn't that just as good as test the daily release?17:09
metalf88011fader_ have you been testing the server version?17:13
fader_metalf88011: Yes, if it's up-to-date you should be on the right version.  I have not tested the graphics for server under virtualbox, but I'm not seeing anything wrong with the display on physical hardware17:14
fader_With -server17:14
metalf88011ok I'll have to test it on the metal later17:14
metalf88011I think I have a working testing box17:15
fader_metalf88011: If you can reliably reproduce the issue on virtualbox, please do file a bug17:20
metalf88011I'll have to do a fresh install and if I still notice it17:22
metalf88011and yeah I'll try to file a bug report17:22
fader_metalf88011: Awesome, thanks!17:24
sbeattiemetalf88011: jerky in what way? I installed -server yesterday and have no issues with the display.17:29
sbeattiemetalf88011: did you install the guest-utils?17:29
sbeattie(I don't have them installed)17:30
metalf88011no I'm I didn't think I could with the server version17:30
metalf88011I didn't install a gui17:31
sbeattiemetalf88011: what's your host os/version of virtualbox?17:32
metalf88011its just as the display moves down line by line it isn't nearly as smooth as is with older version17:32
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
metalf88011host is Ubuntu 9.10 desktop17:33
metalf88011and it's the newest version of virtualbox which is Version 3.1.617:34
sbeattieah, I suspect the difference is server using a vesafb display instead of vga.17:35
metalf88011I also have Ubuntu 8.04 server installed in virtualbox and it doesn't have this problem17:35
sbeattieright, I think plymouth is setting up a vesa console at some point; I *think* you'd see a similar slowdown on the display if you booted the older versions with e.g. vga=0x314 on the kernel boot line.17:39
metalf88011sbeattie can you tell me how I could test to see if that's the case?17:43
sbeattiemetalf88011: sure, in karmic, reboot and hold the shift key to bring up the grub menu, hit 'e' to edit the default boot entry, arrow down to the line that begins with linux, ctrl-e to jump to the end of the line and add vga=0x314 , then do ctrl-x to boot.17:47
sbeattiepre-karmic has a different version of grub, which requires a slightly different set of steps.17:48
metalf88011oh ok17:49
metalf88011oh wait I'm using the same version of grub for both of them I had the virtual hard drive 8gb which is a lot more space then I need for one server so I installed them both side by side17:55
sbeattietestmonkey: go away18:08
testmonkeysbeattie: okay then18:08
sbeattieargh, why does apport not report assertion failures?18:10
elopioI've just executed the extended suspend/resume test from http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Plans/LaptopTesting20:09
elopiobut on the first test it said: SUSPEND FAILED, did not go to sleep20:10
elopioshould I report something about that?20:10
elopiothe test doens't say anything, and apport didn't show up.20:11
fader_elopio: Hmm, does your system suspend when you close the lid or select the 'sleep' option from the power menu?20:24
fader_If so, it sounds like a checkbox bug.  If not, it's probably a kernel bug :)20:24
elopiofader_: yes it does. The manual suspend test passed.20:36
fader_elopio: Then this sounds like a checkbox problem.  Could you please file a bug against checkbox?20:37
elopiook. I don't know what's checkbox but I'll look for it.20:41
elopiothanks fader_20:41
fader_elopio: "ubuntu-bug checkbox" should work20:41
fader_(Checkbox is the package that the suspend test comes from)20:41
fader_elopio: And thank you! :)20:41
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage

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