
newz2000hi stas, are you around?19:34
stasnewz2000: hi19:34
stasyep, still working on that app19:34
newz2000I was just about to tell you something that wasn't true19:34
stasshoot :)19:34
cjohnstondont lie! its not nice19:35
newz2000Just to forewarn you, chances are quite high that we won't need plan b (the app you're doing)19:35
newz2000I almost lied and said we won't need it, but instead I changed it to "almost certainly won't"19:35
stasnewz2000: ok so should i continue or drop it>19:35
newz2000I would say it's safe to put it on hold for now19:36
newz2000stas: how much have you got done?19:36
staswell, I almost got url generator done19:36
stashad to find another solution for geoip location19:37
newz2000stas oh?19:37
stasand the best was to use http://code.google.com/p/python-geoip/19:37
stasit will serve both the country code and continent19:37
newz2000oh, nice19:37
newz2000great find!19:37
stasthat was the main issue, as i said yesterday19:38
staspracticaly now I'm testing the post if it works ok19:38
stasthough didn't published anything yet, all is localy hosted19:38
newz2000It may be that your solution could turn out better than "plan A"19:39
newz2000But I don't want to waste your time, we will most likely have a working solution19:39
stasok so i'll leave it with a lower priority19:40
newz2000ok. Thanks a bunch for your willingness to help, I do appreciate it greatly19:40
stasand check it in case we really need a plan b19:40
stasnewz2000: no problem :)19:41
stasbtw, did you see the facebook app on planet? :P19:41
newz2000no, I never get a chance to read planet. Was it a good sighting?19:41
stasyep, the best so far :D19:42
* newz2000 just read it19:42
newz2000that's beautiful. You're famous!19:42
newz2000stas: are you a developer by trade?19:42
stasi'm a web developer, but not employed. I love hacking for ubuntu19:44
stastogether with adiroiban we are holding ubuntu.ro and all it has on web19:45
newz2000stas: Now's your chance to launch your freelance develpment biz. :-)19:45
newz2000Ride the free publicity19:45
stasnot really interested :P19:45
newz2000that's cool19:45
Turlhi newz200019:46
newz2000I've only used PHP for facebook apps but my personal server isn't reliable enough to host them19:46
newz2000So I'm looking forward to trying out a fb app on app engine19:46
newz2000hey Turl19:46
Turlwhat app engine project do you need help for?19:46
stasmy first app ws on php , but was dissapointed of its performane19:46
staspython rocks :)19:47
newz2000Turl: actually, it's on hold19:47
Turlstas: you didn't use xcache, did you?19:47
newz2000stas: yes. It's remarkable how productive you can be19:47
newz2000and app engine free hosting for small and medium apps also rocks.19:47
stasTurl: nope, i didn't even used memcache19:49
staswas not really needed19:49
* Turl never used memcache19:49
Turlnewz2000: yeah, appengine is good19:49
newz2000stas: xcache makes your php code go about 8 times faster after the first page view19:49
Turlbut the lack of a 'real' db makes things hard sometimes19:49
stas+1 for appengine, but i would like to also try heroku19:50
newz2000Yeah, it requires a change of thinking.19:50
* newz2000 googles heroku19:50
stasTurl: it's harder to get used to it, but after I didn't have issues19:50
* newz2000 bashes his computer for continually forgetting alt+tab shortcut19:51
Turlhm, it's ruby19:51
stasyep, thats the fun :D19:51
TurlI never used ruby19:51
Turlnor rails19:51
newz2000stas: is it based on rails?19:52
stasruby standalone sax, but rails are a nice piece of code19:52
stasnewz2000: yeah it uses rails instead of python/django19:52
newz2000yeah, rails is pretty sweat. I use django for work but have been playing with rails on my own time19:52
Turlactually, I never used many other langs19:52
Turlphp for most things19:53
newz2000Turl: you should give rails and django a try. You can do common stuff so quickly19:53
Turland I used python to help getdeb's apt-portal19:53
Turlthat's the problem newz2000 :P19:53
TurlI don't like using frameworks with cli stuff that generates more stuff automatically19:54
Turlbecause I don't know the stuff, hence I can't control it easily19:54
newz2000You just have to learn it. Each has a tutorial that takes 20 min.19:54
newz2000Django produces less stuff automatically, instead it has conventions and you only have to write code when you want to do something differently19:55
TurlI much more like things like CodeIgniter, which I can code the stuff I need on the "barebones" framework, or use premade modules by the community that I can read and modify19:55
Turlthat's an interesting approach newz200019:55
newz2000ci is cool. Django is only a little thicker of a layer than ci19:55
* Turl should try django some day19:55
stasphp is fscked up because of the lack os conventions19:56
stasand there's no good (really good) framework for php19:57
stasthere are many of them and each one has issues19:57
staslearning php frameworks takes also more time that learning rails or django and thats sad19:57
imbrandonstas: same could be said for any framework for any lang, there are a few php frameworks i quite like19:57
imbrandonci being one19:57
newz2000Everything has issues19:57
Turlyeah, everything that is made by humans has errors19:58
imbrandonnewz2000: you need to make it down here to KC this summer for a beer or three ;)19:58
Turlimagine if gnu/linux were perfect and bug-free :P19:58
newz2000imbrandon: hey. I don't know why I'd want to, Iowa is perfect right now. :-)19:59
stasimbrandon: ruby also has many, but usually when you say ruby its rails, because they did their best to make it that simple to use and powerfull19:59
newz2000stas: for heroku do you have to do something special to a rails app to make it run or is it straight rails?19:59
stasnewz2000: no its straight rails20:00
imbrandonstas: sure, it really depends on what your doing though, when you only use a hammer everything looks like a nail ( use the right tool for the job without over engineriung it imho )20:00
newz2000that's a good way to explore rails w/ a basic app for no cost then20:00
stasimbrandon: I also liked sinatra or limonade in php :)20:01
newz2000imbrandon: well, one reason to visit kc would be to hang w/ some cool people I guess.20:01
imbrandonnewz2000: :)20:01
Turlanyone here like symphony?20:01
imbrandonnewz2000: how far was ya away ? i always forget, like 3.5ish right ?20:02
newz20003 if the traffic is good20:02
* stas guys, brb :P20:02
imbrandoncool, anyhow i actualy came from non-afk to try to catch joey20:02
imbrandonseen him alive today ?20:03
imbrandonre: the drupal -> wordpress conversion20:03
newz2000imbrandon: got an email from him today20:03
newz2000imbrandon: maybe I can help you thouh20:04
imbrandoncool, i got to grab some food and such then i'll try to ping him in a bit, gonna try to write some of the plugins we need for things that wp dosent normaly handle20:04
imbrandonwas gonna make sure we all was on the same page etc20:04
newz2000imbrandon: better talk about the plugins before you write them...20:04
newz2000canonical's infrastructure is not always friendly to third party modules20:05
imbrandon( like draft submistions for stories from readers etc )20:05
imbrandonnewz2000: ohh yea i'm quite familiar with that mess , LOL20:05
newz2000imbrandon: joey will probably coordinate the effort with our internal development team (aka ISD) who is in charge of this bit of infrastructure20:06
imbrandonnewz2000: hey actualy i probably need to poke you too about the planet theme, is anyone working on giving it the same theme we're using accross the other sites ?20:07
newz2000it'll trickle down there eventually but it's not on the critical path20:07
imbrandonnewz2000: cool just wondering, woulda been a good weekend project for me ;)20:07
newz2000imbrandon: are you on the web presense team mailing list?20:08
newz2000There will probably be some oppourtunities for community theme building20:08
newz2000mark s formally gave the project a kick in the tail yesterday20:08
imbrandonokies off for some food, seriously though, beer / bbq / ubuntu / kansas city, this summer20:12
imbrandonnewz2000: ^^20:12
newz2000;-) we'll see20:12
* newz2000 puts visiting kc on his summer todo list20:12
* stas back21:02
stasi think i missed some interesting discussions about wordpress and drupal, and the log hangs at 20:01 :)21:04
* newz2000 got fed up and switched from empathy to pidgin so missed a lot21:04
stasnewz2000: use sushi instead as irc client its awesome and has libnotify integrated21:06
newz2000I'd like to use one for both im and irc21:06
stasoh, ok than21:07
=== Turl1 is now known as Turl
Turlnewz2000: don't you think empathy needs a lot of polish?21:27
TurlI still couldn't get it to work with irc :/21:28
newz2000it worked for me with IRC but misses some features like hiding part messages21:28
newz2000and the ability to /list21:28
TurlI added my irc accts but I couldn't join any chatrooms21:29
newz2000but it's very pretty. I wish pidgin looked as nice21:29
Turland also, MSNP was very crashy and didn't work at all21:29

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