
Sarvattbdmurray: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2688700:00
ubottuFreedesktop bug 26887 in DRM/Radeon "fence errors with rs785 and kernel 2.6.33" [Critical,New]00:00
bdmurraywill do shortly thanks00:02
Sarvattif that works thats something to add to the notes for sure00:14
Sarvattsomeone else had that problem a month or two ago (vish I think?)00:14
brycehbdmurray, have you noticed these freezes prior to today?00:37
bdmurraybryceh: no not at all00:38
brycehbdmurray, do you update daily?00:38
bdmurraybryceh: pretty close00:39
brycehbdmurray, there was one update to -ati today, although I think it wouldn't cause any user-noticeable effect, it just drops an unnecessary config file00:40
brycehbdmurray, but it would be helpful if you could downgrade to 1:6.13.0-1ubuntu1 which would rule out that and another change00:40
brycehmy guess is you'll still be able to repro it00:41
Sarvattyeah theres absolutely no way that has an affect on what he's getting, the 6.12.192-6.13 uprade on the other hand..00:47
bdmurraywe need some what was updated on my system in the last update tool00:49
Sarvattyeah a graphical apt log viewer that shows the history and condenses the info sure would be nice00:51
bdmurrayit'd need to show apt and update-manager stuff00:51
bryceh/var/log/dpkg.log shows this info, so as a first order you can look in it00:53
bdmurraysynaptic has some strangely incomplete history00:53
Sarvattsomeone poke someone interested in making stuff with quickly or something :)00:53
brycehbdmurray, I've listed out in the bug several X packages which have changed recently that could be worth testing downgrades00:53
brycehI reviewed the changes for each and nothing lept out at me as likely to cause this problem00:54
brycehbut then, I wouldn't have included the patches if I could spot an obvious problem with htem ;-)00:54
Sarvattbdmurray: did you try the dynclks change?00:54
bdmurraySarvatt: no, doing that now00:54
bdmurraySarvatt: it hasn't crashed yet01:04
Sarvattgood idea, saying that always makes it happen :)01:07
bdmurrayyeah it finally barfed again01:19
Sarvattwow, you've gotta be kidding me.. looking through server motherboards to see what the common GPU's are there these days and.. matrox g200?!04:32
Sarvatti had one of those before linux kernel 1.0! :)04:33
Sarvattthe large number of boards with XGI gpu's confuses me, guess thats where they disappeared to04:39
vishSarvatt: freezes in compiz? i read the backlog , but i dont understand what bdmurray is mentioning , does the system become slow to respond?  that i what I'v been experiencing, for a month05:01
vishwhat i do is restart compiz and everything gets back to normal.. IMO , doesnt seem like a compiz bug , but i dont know where to report it as it is random and i didnt have anything getting logged :( 05:03
bdmurrayvish: what I was mentioning is a total system crash05:24
bdmurraybryceh: I've narrowed it down05:24
Sarvattvish: lots of fence timeouts and soft lockups05:37
Sarvattvish: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&ie=UTF-8&q=vish+going+to+reset+gpu :D05:38
Sarvatt(first result)05:38
Sarvattyours looks really different looking at that though05:39
Sarvattbdmurray: so xserver-xorg-video-ati 1:6.12.192-2ubuntu2 is working ok but 6.13 isn't?05:40
vishhehe , pastebin and google bad ;p05:56
vishSarvatt: btw , how do i workaround the memory bug in ATI ?  Bug 563400 , i dont seem to have the option for BO reuse in driconf06:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563400 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Playing flash video causes memory hogging" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56340006:01
Sarvattyeah thats an intel thing06:02
Sarvatti have no idea06:02
Sarvattsudo apt-get purge adobe-flash would work :D06:02
Sarvattwill keep an eye out about it though06:02
Sarvattit's only in chromium here06:03
Sarvattwell chrome too06:03
vishhmm ,happens here in firefox and chrome[ium]06:03
Sarvatthaven't worked out running chromium through valgrind yet, darn wrappers06:03
vishSarvatt: also having this bug > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_ozjS55mW8  , i should file this in xserver-xorg-video-ati  or mesa?06:06
vishif i log into a second account its like a disco ;)06:07
Sarvatthmm what GPU again?06:08
Sarvattrv515 maybe?06:08
Sarvattor rv53006:08
Sarvattvish: if its either of those boot radeon.newpll=006:09
vishi think it is rv530 ..06:10
Sarvattlooks like the pll rework stuff we pulled in isn't exactly fixing things, some people on rv515 and rv530 were getting what you see there on first boot for awhile but now its just guest sessions06:10
vishor rv51506:12
vishSarvatt: how do i check the GPU?06:12
Sarvattyeah all of the bugs closed about flickering on both of those chipsets because of newpll=1 have people saying thats happening with guest sessions now06:13
Sarvattvish: grep PCI: /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:14
vishweird : $ grep PCI: /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:15
vish(--) PCI:*(0:1:0:0) 1002:7145:1025:0094 ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility X1400 rev 0, Mem @ 0xd0000000/134217728, 0xc8100000/65536, I/O @ 0x00002000/256, BIOS @ 0x????????/13107206:15
Sarvattyep thats a RV51506:15
* vish scratches head06:16
vishSarvatt: how did you find that?06:16
Sarvattthere were tons of reports with that same pci id :) there's a list here though - http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-ati/tree/src/ati_pciids_gen.h06:18
vishah :D06:18
Sarvatt1002 is ati, 7145 is the product id on that list06:18
vishneat , thanks..06:19
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Sarvattinterested in hearing if radeon.newpll=0 fixes it for you too though06:25
Sarvattbryceh: has anyone contacted you about these synaptics ClickPad patches?06:27
Sarvattoh tseliot closed the -synaptics task...06:28
Sarvattah found the bug, i thought it was odd the kernel support was brought in this late but not the userspace side but it makes sense now, at least they get 1 button with just the kernel side :)06:34
RAOFWhat signal does X die with when it dies with an EQ overflow?06:43
RAOFOr do I just get the reporter to set a breakpoint in xorg_backtrace?  I guess that'd work.06:44
SarvattRAOF: same bug on a NVA5 - http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26980#attach_3389706:56
ubottuFreedesktop bug 26980 in Driver/nouveau "GT230M/nouveau: X server hangs spontaneously" [Normal,New]06:56
RAOFSarvatt: Right.  I was looking for a backtrace, because there appear to be at least three separate bugs there.06:57
RAOF(I mean, there are three separate fedora bugs that it could be)06:57
RAOFEvery time I interact with a bugzilla instance I appreciate launchpad just a little bit more.07:00
Sarvattwell its not https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=566987 since we dont even have pcie aspm enabled07:01
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 566987 in xorg-x11-drv-nouveau "X freezes the clock stopped, keyboard seemed not to be responding, every so often the mouse would track but no response to clicks." [High,Assigned]07:01
RAOFIt's probably not https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=532579 either.07:03
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 532579 in xorg-x11-drv-nouveau "[nouveau] - X crashes before login: [Mat Booth] [9500 GT]" [High,Assigned]07:03
Sarvattargh, forgot to bump nouveau abi's for .2107:04
RAOFYou know what would make this easier?  Having a nouveau_gpu_dump tool like the intel ones.  This particular symptom apparrently means “the GPU wedged somehow”07:04
Sarvattcopied the maverick 2.6.34-rc4 kernel into edgers, i'm about to pass out though so not going to get around to updating nouveau and figuring out how to require it07:14
Sarvattit's going to take 20+ hours to build on amd64 anyway07:14
Sarvattjust got some chromium codec updates so I think I can guess why :)07:15
RAOFChromium doesn't take *that* long to build, does it?07:24
RAOF♪ La la la la / la la la lai / all god's little children, the gotta die ♫.  Nick Cave.  Such a happy dude.07:36
vishSarvatt: if i use  radeon.newpll=0   i get error [  10.019888] radeon: Unknown parameter `newpll'07:44
vishand i cant start compiz :(07:44
vishoh , k.. 07:45
* vish tries07:45
Sarvattnewpll=0 made it not load at all :)07:45
Sarvattsorry about that if i said that07:45
vishhehe , yeah .. rebooting07:45
RAOFIt's a nice trick to *really* prevent the driver being loaded ;)07:45
vishnp.. :)07:45
vishSarvatt: yay , that does it , setting radeon.new_pll=0   solves the guest session problem :)07:52
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vishSarvatt: i think i got hit by bdmurray's bug , http://paste.ubuntu.com/415461/11:22
visheverything just froze and i couldnt do anything :(11:22
vishthat happened with the new_pll=0 , or is this a different bug?11:23
vishthe error log just went on repeating and there is a huge log file with the repeat error11:23
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bjsniderwhat's the jockey-text command to select nvidia-current?14:47
bjsnidertseliot, what happens if a guy is running the sudo jockey-text -e xorg:nvidia-current command and it is returning unkown driver?15:19
Sarvattits xorg:nvidia_current15:20
* tseliot nods15:23
bjsniderhe says it still returns unknown driver15:23
bjsnideri noticed the description for nvidia-173 and 96 mentions vdpau15:26
bjsnidertseliot, instead of using transitional packages, couldn't you use provides: conflicts: replaces: ?15:27
bjsnideri mean for nvidia-current15:27
tseliotbjsnider: those descriptions are wrong then15:28
tseliotand no, conflicts/replaces won't work in this case15:28
bjsniderit won't upgrade people?15:29
tseliotin short, yes15:29
tseliotmake sure that nvidia-common is installed and then type "jockey-text -l" to see what's available15:29
bjsniderhe didn't have nvidia-common but he just installed it.15:30
bjsniderdoes jockey run as a service? would he have to restart?15:31
tseliotjust close jockey and make sure that jockey-backend is not running any more, then launch jockey again15:32
Sarvattvish: thats not good, sounds like we have a serious regression recently then since you're on completely different hardware15:45
Sarvattbdmurray: did you say you dont have the problem using 6.12.192 but do with 6.13?15:45
vishSarvatt: yeah , everything was nice initially , only recently as we near release all new bugs seem to occur :(15:47
visheven if GLmartix screensaver is running CPU usage just shoots up15:47
vishrather, with any GL* screensaver15:48
visheven if i preview from screensaver settings , the CPU spikes 15:50
bdmurraySarvatt: yes that is correct15:53
Sarvattvish: do you have time to mess with it? can you try downgrading -ati to 6.12.192-2ubuntu2 to see if its any different?15:53
vishSarvatt: downgrade ,by just downloading the 6.12.192-2ubuntu2 and installing it right?  i havent tried downgrading earlier15:54
Sarvattjust that one package15:55
bdmurrayit might be in your /var/cache/apt/archives folder too15:55
vishSarvatt: ok , will do that in a bit , the freeze happened today once at random , but the CPU spike is constantly reproducible , will check it out15:56
Sarvatti dont see anything between 6.12.192 and 6.13 that should affect rv515 the same way :(16:19
Sarvattbryceh: 117_fix_crash_with_createglyphset.patch in xserver is the same as 110_findglyphbyhash-fix.patch16:28
Sarvatthow the heck did they both apply16:29
Sarvatteasily I guess - http://paste.ubuntu.com/415626/16:50
jcristauyay for fuzzy patch applying :)16:52
Sarvattheads up that lbm-nouveau is now deprecated in xorg-edgers if anyone in here was using it, I'm uploading a xserver-xorg-video-nouveau package now that requires a 2.6.34 based kernel and there is one in the PPA that'll have to be manually installed (2.6.34-1-generic|preempt|generic-pae|whatever) and mainline kernels based on .34+ with the lucid config work also17:26
Duke`wow I see updates on karmic too o/17:30
Sarvatti'm leaving all the old lbm-nouveau packages in the PPA so they are removed by ppa-purge properly and put a note on the main page about it17:32
Sarvattman, rs600 is in horrible shape  - http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dri-devel/2010-April/000094.html18:24
Sarvatti think dell latitude XT is the only laptop with it, haven't been able to find another.. lucid isn't bootable without disabling KMS currently on those18:29
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Sarvattwiki says abit is the only one that released a motherboard with RS600 since AMD/ATI tried to clear all RS600 parts out of the market after the merger18:31
Sarvattbryceh: patch series that reverts all of the -ati accel stuff back to 6.12.192-2 status - http://sarvatt.com/downloads/radeon/18:48
vishSarvatt: it doesnt let me to downgrade , gdebi keeps saying "Error: A later version is already installed"18:51
brycehSarvatt, thanks; do you think we need to go that far?18:52
brycehSarvatt, and btw you're a mind-reader, I was *just* contemplating about doing this ;-)18:53
brycehsweeeet - http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-ati/commit/?id=a69e749d0562887af6bd236c38802472e54640c419:11
vishhmm , is it safe to uninstall  xserver-xorg-video-ati first and then install the lower version, to downgrade?20:01
brycehvish, I've posted a ppa with the patches reverted - https://edge.launchpad.net/~bryceharrington/+archive/silver20:11
brycehvish, please test that20:11
brycehalso note you can downgrade usually by just doing apt-get install foobar=1.2.320:11
vishbryceh: ah neat , thanks20:12
vishhmm , the ppa has yet built :s 20:36
vishand when i try ~$ sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati=1:6.12.192-2ubuntu220:36
vishi get E: Version '1:6.12.192-2ubuntu2' for 'xserver-xorg-video-ati' was not found20:36
brycehvish, ah yeah I think the version has to be present in your apt cache in order to downgrade like that20:40
brycehanyway, the ppa should be built some time today, I'm sure the buildd's are bogged down with release stuff right now20:41
vishi downloaded and added the deb to the cache as xserver-xorg-video-ati_1%3a6.12.192-2ubuntu2_i386.deb   but still it doesnt detect20:42
vishwell , i'll just wait 20:42
Sarvattvish just sudo dpkg -i xserver*.deb where you downloaded it21:03
* vish tries21:05
vishyay, downgrading...21:05
Sarvattwoohoo flight booked for UDS :)21:07
brycehSarvatt, :-)21:09
vishSarvatt: i think the memory leak for my ATI happens for any video or any increased graphics usage.. i hadnt played any flash video files but still memory /swap 70% was used :(21:11
vishis used*21:11
* vish reboots21:15
vishbryceh: Sarvatt: downgrading, for sure , prevents high CPU usage by the GL* screensavers21:22
* vish now waits and watches an memory problems or fence timeouts21:26
Sarvattgoogle earth has been good at breaking radeon wonderfully for a few years now :D21:27
Sarvattoh sweet, thanks for pushing that ati with the reverts bryce, i was on the road and unable to so i just sent along the patches21:29
brycehSarvatt, that was half th ework ;-)21:29
brycehactually I just pushed it to a ppa; I'd sort of like to get some indication that this is the right way to go before pushing it to lucid21:29
Sarvattyeah thats what I meant, i wanted to put it in a PPA but couldn't21:30
brycehgo teamwork ;-)21:30
SarvattI didn't create the patch series in the wrong order did I? :D21:31
brycehnope, they all applied just fine21:31
Sarvattoh nope it built, phew21:31
brycehyeah in reviewing that, it occurs to me that it was probably unwise for upstream to shove in so many performance reworking patches so close to their release21:31
Sarvattthey pulled an intel :)21:32
brycehif it were me I would have held those back for putting in after the .0 release21:32
brycehthese silly driver developers :-)21:32
brycehI don't even want to look at -intel right now21:32
Sarvattdont think i'd merge that ati uevent patch, the intel one causes lots of problems in fedora..21:35
brycehyeah no plans to21:35
Sarvattat least its upstream now though and likely to get fixed 21:35
vishbryceh: your ppa is the same as xserver-xorg-video-ati 1:6.12.192-2ubuntu2  ?  or a  6.13 + patches  ?21:35
brycehlooks like good xorg-edgers fodder though21:35
brycehvish, 6.13 - patches actually ;-)21:35
Sarvattvish: its 6.13+ extra fixes with just the sketcky stuff removed that was added between 6.12.192 and 6.1321:35
vishhehe ;)21:35
brycehvish, it is close to 6.12.192 but has some additional upstream changes beyond that (which I think should be quite safe)21:36
vishah ok. , will test that too21:36
Sarvatti dont understand why 6.12.192-2 is fine for you too though vish, looked like those commits only affected r600+21:37
brycehSarvatt, what's vish's card?21:38
vishSarvatt: not sure , but only since the .13 update this week  , i have been noticing the screensaver and the memory problems21:38
Sarvattrv515 (the flicker monster that hes having to use new_pll=0 on still)21:39
Sarvattonly thing i can think of is those extra commits work right with exa from xserver 1.8 and not 1.7.x (fedora is backporting 1.8's exa even in F-12)21:39
Sarvatthttp://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver/log/exa (all of the stuff from december on isn't in 1.7 branch just about)21:42
Sarvattvish: so it was hanging with the relocation errors for you too like bdmurray or was it just spewing that and not actually locking up on your rv515?21:51
Sarvattvish: are you on x64? have you tried bryce's PPA version if not? can you build the package yourself? it's pretty important that we get testing ASAP and theres about a 15 hour queue for x6421:53
Sarvattadd the ppa and update, sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-video-ati, apt-get source xserver-xorg-video-ati, then cd to the directory and debuild -uc -us -b to build it21:54
Sarvattjust dug out a machine to throw a HD2400 pro in but i wont be able to try it out until later over the weekend21:57
vishi'm on 32bit , the freeze just locked everything , i couldnt do anything ..21:57
vishi'v added the bryceh's ppa , but since it was still building , i was updating other stuff.. will do the above once the update is done21:58
Sarvattvish: 32 bit has been built for 2 hours, should be there whenever you are able to try it (and thanks for trying out all of these things) :)22:51
vishSarvatt: hehe! i was just about to ask you regarding a problem.. when i doing apt-get it pulled source from the main repos ;)22:59
vishnvm , got the ppa now though :)22:59
vishweird , didnt notice the ping so long :s23:00
Sarvattjust pinged you a few minutes ago :)23:01
vishyeah , i didnt notice it 7 mins earlier, probably was busy trying to figure out how to get the source from the ppa  ;)23:02
Sarvattno need to get the source now at least :)23:03
vishyup , just installed , will reboot and keep you informed...23:03
vishneat, with bryceh 's ppa , no problem of screensaver using high CPU..23:14
vishwill watch out for other memory or fence timeouts problems23:15
brycehvish, had you filed a bug report about your issue?  What's the lp#?23:15
vishbryceh: i had filed a bug for the memory problem , but it might be unrelated to Sarvatt's BO reuse  > Bug 563400  , i notice the memory leak even without watching flash , havent filed a bug for the screensaver though23:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563400 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Playing flash video causes memory hogging" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56340023:17
brycehvish, thanks23:21
brycehuploaded to lucid23:23

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