
wyclifmouse: you can always drag-and-drop them on the desktop or delete them by right-clicking00:00
glen__hunahpu:  thanks00:00
mousewyclif:  Will I regret deleting the computer desktop icon?00:00
wyclifmouse: No, because you can always add it back later00:01
benkevanmouse: no... it's not a 1 way forever thing00:01
yokobrplz, someone can tell me what is wrong00:01
wyclifyokobr: Just ask the question instead of asking to ask :D00:01
mousewyclif:  I've already tried to add icons to the desktop but for some reason they don't stay after a reboot.  Any ideas?00:01
yokobri've asked. I'm trying to configure a proxy, and it isn't working. Here are my configs http://pastebin.com/3Bvq9r9q00:02
wyclifmouse: What are you doing to add them?00:02
mdg_How do I get wallpapers I have downloaded into the wallpaper directory that Ubuntu uses, and how do I back that up so I don't lose any when I do a reinstall?00:03
erthello,how to remove malvare00:03
mouseWell I go to places and just select whatever it is, usb flashdrive, cdrom, external hd, ect. and it opens a window and adds the icon to the desktop.00:03
erthello,how to remove malvare00:04
RavahanHey guys. I have what I hope is a pretty simple question.... I've just upgraded to Karmic and I'm trying to uninstall Parallels Desktop because my CPU doesn't support virtualization.  I don't have the package file on my system anymore and I can't find it in synaptic... How can I go about getting rid of this?00:04
Derath-SrvrQuick question, will the PPC version of ubuntu be released on the same day as the regular x86's?00:05
Myrttiert: what kind of malware00:05
wyclifmouse: Right-click on the desktop and select 'launcher'00:05
wyclifmouse: then select the app you want to launch from the desktop00:05
=== jynn_ is now known as jynn
ertbroken ware by me ,the soft doesnt work full anymore00:06
willHey guys what is a really good compiler with a good GUI for C++?00:06
RavahanI guess, to refine this, how can I uninstall a package without the package file if it doesn't show in synaptic or Add/Remove?00:06
Browsingto those that have a Barnes & Noble nook, do you guys know where it's made?00:07
mdg_Ravahan, can you see it via aptitude?00:07
wyclifRavahan: have you tried grepping the package? Have you tried browsing your filesystem for the package?00:07
RavahanI thought aptitude was just a terminal thing-- there's a GUI?00:07
mdg_Ravahan, its terminal thing00:08
wyclifRavahan: yeah, it's a console-based GUI00:08
yoko666plz could someone help me with a proxy server, here are my confs http://pastebin.com/3Bvq9r9q00:08
RavahanI can locate the folder of course.  The installer package isn't in there though..00:08
wyclifRavahan: now that he mentions it, I highly recommend aptitude as well, very useful for such tasks00:08
Ravahanso I can't uninstall via package manager by double clicking it00:08
mousewyclif:  I just want the media inputs to appear on the desktop at reboot.  It used to until I installed userful multiplier and that did all kinds of things I didn't think it would do.  I uninstalled it and ever since the icons that used to appear on my desktop stopped showing up at reboot.00:08
mickster04rsr: how do,00:09
miked595anyone familiar with iodine dns tunnel ?00:09
RavahanSweet!  I had no idea there was a GUI for aptitude.  Let me look around in here for a minute.00:09
hunahpumdg_: /usr/share/backgrounds/00:09
wyclifmouse: Ooh. You got me. Never heard of that app.00:09
rsrhey mickster04...thanks for your help last time it worked00:09
mickster04rsr: excellent00:09
lost_someone has problem with adobe flash in ubuntu00:09
mdg_hunahpu, thanks!  Do I have to be root to copy stuff there?00:09
richie086mouse: have u tried to create a new user account and see if other user accounts have the same issue00:09
mickster04lost_: tell me sumat new:/ installed restricted-extras?00:10
mousewyclif:  I wouldn't recommend it.  It takes control of too much of the system.00:10
rsrI have windows installed on a hard drive and now installed ubuntu but instead of grub asking me to boot linux or windows it just boots into ubuntu. How can I configure grub to detect windows partition??00:10
lost_mick some sites doesnt work00:10
mouserichie086:  No I haven't but I suppose I could.00:10
mickster04rsr termial>sudo update-grub00:10
erthello,how to remove malvare00:10
richie086Im sure another user account would be fine00:10
mickster04lost_: error messages?00:11
richie086just depends if you want to migrate all your stuff over00:11
mdg_Ravahan, in a terminal type "aptitude show XXX"  where XXX is the name of the app - it will tell you if it thinks its installed or not.00:11
lost_mickster try that site privatefeeds.com sorry about bad contains00:11
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mouserichie086:  I'm doing a search for any left over files that program may have left behind.  Maybe if I delete them things will return to normal.00:12
mickster04lost, youtube is down is it?00:12
rsrmickster04, ok let me try to boot it now00:12
lost_never it always worked to me00:12
mickster04lost_, youtube is down is it?00:12
i-pinkhow i can stream video on ubuntu?00:13
richie086mouse: its hard to say i dont know exactly what files might have been touched by that software you installed00:13
mdg_Ravahan, if it shows State: Installed, you can purge the files "aptitude purge XXX"\00:13
mickster04rsr: it should say if it found iwndows00:13
Ravahanmdg:  It says its unable to locate it.  Doesn't help that I don't know what the actual package name is, just the name of the app.  It shows in my Applications menu so I know its propperly installed.00:13
nimbioticshello evry1, im trying 2 open a txt file that 128mb long w/gedit. it takes like forvever and finaly, it complains about the character set, what can i use to open such file?00:13
mickster04lost_: so what doesnt work with that site?00:13
Ravahanmdg:  I'm attempting to find out what the package name is now00:13
i-pinkhow i can stream video on ubuntu?00:13
erthello,how to remove malvare00:13
tatselmickster04: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com00:14
mouserichie086:  That's true.00:14
mickster04ert how did u install it?00:14
mdg_Ravahan, you can look in the update logs - a file that has dpkg in the name00:14
i-pinkmy webcam00:14
lost_mickster flash contains doesnt played any videos at all! but with vista it does!00:14
i-pinkhow i can stream video on ubuntu?00:14
i-pinkmy webcam00:14
rsrmickster04, aparently it didnt00:14
ertfrom a site00:14
mickster04tatsel: keep up man00:14
ertthere was a link,comodo00:14
mickster04tatsel: i didnt need to know if youtube was up, i needde to know why he linked me a porn site rather than say youtube to test flash00:14
Ravahanmdg: I've been in Windowsland for the last couple of months messing with a parser for a game I play, so this has been installed for quite a while with a "fuck it" attitude on my part.  Its a .run package00:15
mickster04lost_: so what doesnt work with that site?00:15
thebrucehey guys, im an ubuntu newb but has anyone gotten photoshop to run on 9.1000:15
tatselmickster04: oh lol00:15
mickster04ert: a deb pavckage?00:15
Ravahanmdg: looks like parallels-desktop-4.0.6578.438874.run is probably it....00:15
thebrucein wine i imagine00:15
lost_mickster live streaming00:15
=== Plazma is now known as Guest17366
nimbioticsim trying 2 open a txt file that 128mb long w/gedit. it takes like forvever and finaly, it complains about the character set, what can i use to open such file?00:15
Ravahanmdg: from what I'm seeing on a how-to install guide here00:15
mickster04lost_: do you have anything else that isn't working00:15
trash80use gimp00:15
richie086thebruce: yeah its called the gimp00:15
thebrucerichie086, ha thanks00:15
=== Plazma-W00 is now known as Plazma
trash80that's linux' way00:15
lost_mikkster nope not yet.00:15
plythemanCan someone tell me why my computer shut itself down while it was left alone this afternoon?  Relevent (afaik) part of log here: http://pastebin.com/D6syeNWL00:15
mickster04nimbiotics: terminal > nano text.txt00:16
zaxonspoxnimbiotics you want to edit this file? can you use some steram editor like sed?00:16
mickster04lost_: then its the website00:16
richie086when is that new version of the gimp coming out where all the controls are going to be in a single window? i heard about that a few months back00:16
ertget rid off comodo internet security which is half deleted00:16
nimbioticsi just need to search some txt in it00:16
Ravahanmdg: Could I safely just delete the app folder and the Applications menu shortcuts?00:16
i-pinkhow i can stream video on ubuntu?00:16
i-pinkmy webcam00:16
i-pinkhow i can stream video on ubuntu?00:16
i-pinkmy webcam00:16
FloodBot4i-pink: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:16
richie086yeah we heard u the first time00:16
ertget rid off comodo internet security which is half deleted00:16
mickster04!ask | i-pink00:16
ubottui-pink: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:16
nimbioticsmickster04: will try nano, thx00:16
lost_mickster im using namoroka here00:17
zaxonspoxnimbiotics then use grep00:17
mickster04nimbiotics: yeah use grep to search thru a text fin=le00:17
i-pinkhow i do it????00:17
mickster04lost_: nama what?00:17
mouserichie086:  Do you have a /usr/share/app-install/desktop/userful-control-panel.desktop file?00:17
mickster04!tab | lost_00:17
ubottulost_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:17
ertget rid off comodo internet security which is half deleted00:17
mickster04ert you can install comodo onto ubuntu?00:17
plythemanCan someone tell me why my computer shut00:17
plythemanit was left alone this afternoon?  Relev00:17
plythemanlog here: http://pastebin.com/D6syeNWL00:17
richie086mouse: nope00:17
nimbioticsmickster04: there u r talking 2 me in russian again..00:18
lost_mickster i have to go i will be back tomorrow00:18
yokobr666hi guys... plz, i'm trying to set a proxy server but i can't00:18
mdg_Ravahan, also in Synaptic, under "File" there is a "History" section listing all the update activity month by month00:18
mickster04lost_: ok00:18
mouserichie086:  I'll assume that's not needed then.  Thank you very much.00:18
plythemanblah, that C&P failed.  My computer shut itself down this afternoon, can anyone tell me why? http://pastebin.com/D6syeNWL00:18
mickster04nimbiotics: use grep from terminal00:18
yokobr666my local network is on eth0, and dsl is on eth100:18
a514lost how many women are on pfeeds?00:18
Ravahanmdg: Oh, that should be helpful.  I'll check that out.  Thanks, by the way.00:19
mickster04!ask | plytheman00:19
ubottuplytheman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:19
mickster04!PATIENCE | plytheman00:19
ubottuplytheman: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.00:19
mickster04thats what i meant00:19
josenot english00:19
mdg_Ravahan, you are welcome :)00:19
deckerplytheman: this sounds bad:  ACPI: Critical trip point00:20
j3d1some can help me00:20
deckerbut who knows what the heck that means exactly00:20
hexdump_bah, does anybody know where the source for bin2iso is?00:20
mickster04!ask | j3d100:20
ubottuj3d1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:20
plythemandecker: I can put more of the log up on pastebin if you need more.  any ideas?00:20
rsrmickster04, thanks once again!00:20
snailI've mounted a windows network share using the GUI and I want to translate that into something i can include in my fstab. there are lots of help pages on the web, but they all seem to be for a different version of the tools. can someone point me to the correct way to do this for karmic ?00:20
mickster04rsr: ?00:20
=== luke is now known as Guest41323
deckerplytheman: screw with your bios so it doesn't do it again?  update it?  screw around with the acip settings perhaps?00:20
j3d1who kwon how delete the direct access icon from the the desktop00:21
j3d1i cant delete them00:21
deckersnail: beats me, but I was always partial to autofs00:21
mickster04j3d1: just hide the icons?00:21
plythemandecker: no idea what could have caused it, let alone what to change to fix it.  As long as it means no one haxxed my computer though I'm not too worried00:21
zaxonspoxj3d1 what is it an icon?00:21
yokobr666plz guys... i'm begging for help... it's 8:30 pm and i'm still at work =(  I really need to fix my internet sharing00:21
j3d1the icon is direct access to my home00:21
tehbaut_Help, I'm stuck in remote desktop viewer and I don't know the escape key sequence00:22
nimbioticsmickster04: "grep filename" i must guess ... now what?00:22
deckerplytheman: well a bios update usually doesn't hurt.  usually, ha.  does have the potential to fry your motherboard so to speak.00:22
j3d1and recycle bin00:22
a514yoko ok00:22
mickster04nimbiotics: add the search item?00:22
deckeryokobr666: bastille is pretty user friendly as far as that goes00:22
a514yoko do you use dhcp?00:22
plythemandecker: that would be a bummer...  its a pretty cheap pos laptop though, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was screwing up00:22
snaildecker: is autofs suitable for a server situation?00:22
nimbioticsmickster04: will u plz type the command line 4 me? im  a complete noob ...00:22
zaxonspoxj3d1 run terminal and type cd Destop00:22
deckersnail: definitely.00:23
zaxonspoxj3d1 *Desktop00:23
mickster04nimbiotics: i don't know it i dont use grep often00:23
snaildecker: thanks i've foudn the homepage and will look into it00:23
j3d1i m there :P00:23
j3d1zaxonspox, i m there00:23
nimbioticsmickster04: thx...00:23
zaxonspoxj3d1 then type ls you should get names for thoes icons00:23
deckersnail: only problem I have with linux autofs, is when junk isn't mounted it doesn't show up.  say you have a /home/foo autofs mount.  in solaris you'd always see /home/foo.  in linux, not so.  only if it's mounted.00:24
mickster04nimbiotics: grep 'quite the' /usr/local/wsj/1994/*00:24
j3d1zaxonspox, yes but the links do not appears00:24
mickster04nimbiotics: just change the correct file name in there00:24
deckerthink the way I got around that was to make symlinks in /home to the actual autofs mount points.  or maybe that didn't work either....I forget.  anyhow, the only annoying thing.00:24
Ravahanmdg: Looks like its not in there.... Does Synaptic not record .run packages?00:24
zaxonspoxj3d1 try ln -as00:25
j3d1zaxonspox, and i type ls -a for show the hide file and nothing happen00:25
deckernot to me really.  but users, eh.  they'd always complain.  why don't I see /home/blah/blah/blah?  Because it's not mounted yet jerko!00:25
mdg_Ravahan, sorry I don't know....00:25
yokobr666decker, the problem is this. I have eth0 (local network) and eth1 (adsl).  Internet is ok on server, but it's not working with proxy.00:25
deckerha, they got used to it00:25
Ravahanmdg: Well can I expect any kind of problems from just deleting the application directory and Application menu shortcuts?00:26
deckeryokobr666: well a proxy is a much different ballgame than just straight up internet sharing00:26
Ravahanmdg: I know in Windows I'd need to scour the registry for appropriate keys to propperly uninstall a program manually00:26
mdg_Ravahan, one last place to look  /var/log and look for files name "dpkg"00:26
nimbioticsmickster04: i got Binary file "/home/nimbiotics/Desktop/mj_dump.txt matches00:26
radamentpurge doesn't remove the config files. the next reinstall will not generate the config files as a result of deleting them manually, anything I'm doing wrong? ubuntu 9.10 tomcat package00:26
plythemandecker: thanks for the advice on updating the bios!00:27
deckeryokobr666: I really enjoyed ipcop I think when it came to proxys.  shoot, I think ipcop might even be debian based.  could be an option for you.00:27
mickster04nimbiotics: ?00:27
bastid_raZormickster04: that would have been my 2 year old proving to the world she has learned to type.00:27
mickster04bastid_raZor: oic00:27
yokobr666decker, i just want a simple transparent proxy. Internet goes in in eth1, and got shared to all machines connected in eth000:27
deckerplytheman: well, the settings too don't forget.  you could have some apci junk enabled that linux doesn't support.  might want to look into any settings you don't understand00:27
mickster04preferably not on #ubuntu please00:27
nimbioticsmickster04: i got Binary file "/home/nimbiotics/Desktop/mj_dump.txt matches"00:27
nimbioticsmickster04: thats what i got after grep 's=ENSResip' /home/nimbiotics/Desktop/mj_dump.txt00:28
mickster04nimbiotics: http://www.unix-manuals.com/quicktips/unix/grep.html00:28
deckeryokobr666: which is why I prefer the lazy route like ipcop and whatnot.  clark connect maybe?  redhat based I think.  but yeah, the easy route is nice.00:28
nimbioticsmickster04: k, thx, will try00:28
j3d1zaxonspox, cant dude :S00:29
yokobr666decker =(00:29
j3d1zaxonspox, the icon dont dessapear00:29
Ravahanmdg_: Looks like nothing relevant there00:29
zaxonspoxj3d1 how do you made thes icons? :P00:29
deckeryokobr666: supposing your sticking with debian here, I can't really help you off the top of my head.  understandable?  or ubuntu rather.  whatever.  same difference00:29
yokobr666i'm on ubuntu, decker00:29
prappl93How do I replace Evolution in the menu thing with Thunderbird?00:30
deckersorta what I said00:30
brahimhello evry one00:30
meowbuntuhi all00:30
deckerprappl93: dunno if you'd really replace it...but you could uninstall evolution, and install thunderbird.  course uninstalling evolution might be problematic if you don't want a ton of other stuff uninstalled along with it00:30
j3d1zaxonspox, well :D the desktop was freeze ... then i kill Xorg and the desktop was restart and appear the icon sorry for my bad english00:30
deckerprappl93: they have no problem coexisting though.00:31
yokobr666please, can anyone help me to make a simple transparent proxy00:31
meowbuntuwhat is the app for flash-media in firefox again00:31
zaxonspoxj3d1 can you click (select) them?00:31
brahimcan some one help me with php & mysql?00:31
Ravahanmdg_: Well, I'm just going to delete the directory and shortcuts and if I fubar again I've got a disk lol00:31
j3d1zaxonspox, yes but the option delete dont appear T.T00:31
mickster04!ask | brahim00:32
ubottubrahim: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:32
Ravahanmdg_: Thanks for taking the time to help with my silly question00:32
meowbuntuIdleOne, thanks i drew a blank silly me00:32
IdleOnemeowbuntu: no problem00:32
zaxonspoxj3d1 do ls -al | grep <name_of_this_wired_file>00:33
=== cam is now known as Guest31786
brahimi want to access to a database drom an other server00:33
brahimheeelp plz00:33
mickster04brahim: this isnt the channel for that00:33
zaxonspoxbrahim describe more00:33
lovinglinuxhi, anyone knows an aptitude download switch to ignore non-existent packages? I'm writing a script to download several packages, but if one package does not exists, the script fails.00:33
j3d1zaxonspox, let me try00:33
deckerbrahim: install a database client and/or code one, set it up, presto.00:34
brahimi have a mysql data base in 1&1.com00:34
brahimand i have an application00:34
brah-brahim I heard they were a bad webhost00:34
brah-your thoughts?00:34
brahimi want to access to the data base of the 1&1 server from an other server00:34
deckerbrahim: so figure out your username/password/access method, set up the client.  presto00:34
brahimyes i know but that for a bad client lol00:34
brahimno that dosn"t work00:35
brahimi have to add the ip of myserver in the my.cnf file00:35
brahimin host server00:35
brahimand i can't do that00:35
brahimonly the host company can do that00:35
vansis there anything like an ubuntu firewall remix or something like that?00:35
deckerbrahim: talk to your admins then.00:35
brahimor i have to access with open ssh client00:36
mickster04brahim: host it yourelf?00:36
meowbuntuwhere do i get googlechrome from00:36
brahimim the admin00:36
zaxonspoxbrahim sudo apt-get install mysql-query-browser00:36
mickster04meowbuntu: sudo apt-get install google-chrome00:36
brahimi can i live in morocco we have bad connection00:36
deckervans: ipcop.  best of breed.  I'm telling you.  and I'm pretty sure it's debian based, yes.00:36
raphahow do you access one ubuntu pc's share with another? it always gives lots of error messages00:36
brahimzax... i have all that and the application work perfectly in the localhost00:36
deckerI need to die of course if it's slackware though...00:36
deckerone sec00:37
meowbuntumickster04, cant its not an official package00:37
j3d1zaxonspox, nothing happens00:37
mickster04meowbuntu: chromium then00:37
zaxonspoxj3d1 nothing were displayed?00:37
tiziazrouhi I got a problem on a hp pavillion dv900000:37
brahimvery big problem with this server00:37
prappl93Who else is excited about 10.04?00:37
j3d1zaxonspox, nothing dude00:37
budlustis anyone familiar with getting wireless to work with lenovo thinkpad t400?00:37
meowbuntumickster04, chromium is a game in ubuntu repos00:37
deckerha, smoothwall.  great.  so neither.  eh, still best of breed00:37
meowbuntumickster04, you cant help00:37
raphaprappl93: me, already running it00:37
zaxonspoxbrahim did you tryed connecting thru php script?00:38
tiziazrouI cannot load at grub it enter in command line grub}00:38
mickster04meowbuntu: download the .deb then?00:38
j3d1zaxonspox, thx for u help00:38
meowbuntumickster04, obviously you have not installed google chrome00:38
prappl93rapha, is it worth getting the thing in advanced or waiting the 2 weeks?00:38
brahimzaxon i be back00:38
brahimhow can i add u?00:38
brahimto talk later00:38
zaxonspoxbrahim iam going to sleep00:38
brahimme too00:38
mickster04meowbuntu:  i used the repos http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-chromium-google-chrome-in-ubuntu-using-deb-package.html00:38
brahimits to late00:38
raphaprappl93: i have beta2 installed on 3 pcs now and apart from some minor glitches it runs very solidly (just dont run any updates!!) - i would say it is worth mainly because of the new music store00:39
H2Osudo apt-get install google-chrome ?00:39
mickster04H2O: i tried that. meow isnt having it00:39
tiziazrouhow do we enter to kernel00:39
H2Oyou can download a deb package from google chrome home page00:39
meowbuntumickster04, then y not say that in first place instead of giving rong info00:39
brahimzaxons i add u good night evry body00:40
jedi06if i have a c++ file with using openssl stuff: #include <openssl/bio.h>, How do i link those files and compile?00:40
zaxonspoxgood night00:40
mickster04meowbuntu: sudo apt-get install google-chrome (this was said first)00:40
meowbuntumickster04, you can install both google-chrome and chromium-browser if you like00:40
bastid_raZor!info google-chrome00:40
ubottuPackage google-chrome does not exist in karmic00:40
mickster04meowbuntu: i know i did it00:40
H2Omickster04: go to chrome's home page...a deb package should be listed 4 download there...00:40
FriedrichManhello everyone00:40
H2Omickster04: i remember i installed it that way00:41
mickster04H2O: i have it installed00:41
tiziazroumozilla rock google crap00:41
mickster04tiziazrou: ?00:41
isrraelhola alguien que escriba y entienda español}00:41
H2Oso what's the problem :)00:41
meowbuntumickster04, cant do that its not in official ubuntu repos you would need to ad a ppa to do that first duh00:41
bastid_raZormeowbuntu: they have a ppa you can add.. let me find the link00:41
grndslmis it just me, or is canonical starting to make piss-poor decisions with ubuntu?00:41
willHola isrrael00:41
FriedrichMani am trying to install linux on a entium 3 and the install doesn't find my network interface00:41
isrraelqk hay will00:41
mickster04meowbuntu: well seeing as you know how to do it, do it rather then wastin our time00:41
deckerjedi06: cmake is rather nice.  autotools are sorta the insanity that's standard though.  manually?   add a "-L/some/junk -ljunklib" to your link step00:41
FriedrichManI tried with a wireless adapter but doesn't recognize it neither00:41
isrraelsoy nuevo en ubuntu00:41
FriedrichManwhat shouldI do?00:41
mickster04meowbuntu: did you even try the google chrome site?00:41
willtrankilo ah yo igual tengo varios meses usando ubuntu pero se varias cosas00:42
H2Omickster04: what exactly is your problem(question)?00:42
willnecesita ayuda con algo?00:42
tiziazroumickster04 what I put in command line to boot00:42
mickster04h2 i dont have one?00:42
Myrtti!es | will, isrrael00:42
ubottuwill, isrrael: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:42
meowbuntumickster04, i wwas asking where to get it i cant find it that easy on dialup00:42
H2O;) oh...sry then ;)00:42
bastid_raZormeowbuntu: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa  if you want daily build or .. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-chromium-google-chrome-web-browser-in-ubuntu.html00:42
deckermeowbuntu: eh, I still don't like you00:43
meowbuntuthanks bastid_raZor someone at least likes helping00:43
isrraello k quiero es conocer gente00:43
jhamboHow do I make it so that I can have two monitors with an extended desktop?  grandr wont let me do "extended" it will only do "clone"...00:43
isrraeligual gracia adios00:43
mickster04bastid_raZor: so much for gratitude00:43
FriedrichManis there anyone who can help00:43
H2Oshouldn't you ppl google for your question first and then come to ask questions here if google brings no luck?00:43
* meowbuntu wonders y decker is like that 00:43
bsharittI used to USB startup disk creator to make a 10.04 beta 2 usb bootable drive. It's taking about 45-60 minutes to actually boot to where I can start the install. Is that a know issue?00:44
mickster04H2O: yeah...but he's on dialup and was too lazy to try....00:44
H2Obsharitt: tried using unetbootin?00:44
Myrtti!lucid | bsharitt00:44
ubottubsharitt: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule00:44
meowbuntudecker mind your own bisunes.00:44
tiziazrouI have read the dock but 'kernel' alone doesnt work it need something with it00:45
willLucid Lynx is a pretty sick name00:45
* meowbuntu loves decker 00:45
cam_ does anyone remember what the linux package is called that allowed you to move your mouse from a linux monitor off to the left and it would appear on a windows controlled monitor?00:45
H2Oi agree ;)00:45
deckerH2O: A. google isn't perfect.  B. I used to be a newb so I get it.  long as they don't hit and run with the questions or repeat them every 5 seconds it's cool by me.  C.  I like helping the newbs out once and again.  hence my reason for being here.00:46
H2Owine? ;)00:46
H2Odecker: :) good point00:46
deckermeowbuntu: eh, I still hate your guts.  but yeah, I shouldn't be a jerkaholic.  but too late. fine.00:46
H2Oi like to help too...as long as i can00:46
meowbuntudecker, y hate me i done nothing to you00:48
deckercam_: doesn't sound like one app so much as having something like vmware or the like running on some other desktop00:48
deckermeowbuntu: your memory is shorter than mine.  forget it.  you're my pal.  forever and always.  let's get a beer.00:48
H2Olol ;)00:49
tehbautcan anyone help me get out of full screen vnc viewer?00:49
mickster04tehbaut: move your mouse to the middle top...00:49
mrwesesc key?00:49
deckertheBruno: ctrl-alt-esc off the top of my head?00:49
Disk1of5hey all, quick question.. is there a way to set X11 to re-size a output to a specific resolution.. for example my netbook has a 1024x600 but i would like x to give me a higher resolution but scale the output to 1024x600  ... is this possible?00:49
tehbautmrwes: nope, tried it00:50
mrwestehbaut, ctrl + F00:50
tehbautcannot find documentation on it anywhere00:50
hell0i need to enable identd00:50
hell0can someone help me00:50
tehbautmrwes: nope, that triggers find in my remote machine's browser00:51
deckerDisk1of5: course.  or at least how it always used to be.  you kinda scroll around and the whole desktop would more00:51
cam_decker: Hi! ... its not vmware, I used it a few years ago, its on the tip of my tongue... linux nams for apps can be a little bizzare!00:51
linx|virtualbox ?00:51
Disk1of5decker, 1536x900 X11 would scale down to 1024x600 just causing thing to be small..00:51
ertremove error soft from applications>windows applications00:52
ertremove error soft from applications>windows applications00:52
mrwestehbaut, documentation says ESC key00:52
ertremove error soft from applications>windows applications00:52
n2diywhy doesn't findsmb see my roomates Win laptop?00:52
tehbautmickster04: ah I missed your message there00:52
Disk1of5decker, thats 1024x600 * 1.5 keeping the output aspec00:52
tehbautthat's the ticket, thanks :)00:52
deckerDisk1of5: eh, some things always confused me.  linux sound and X.  but yeah, used to be possible00:52
_stryk3rOkay so, I've been having problems with my wifi. It drops once and a while and the speed is nowhere near what it should be. How can I check for problems? (yes i have lucid)00:52
cam_decker: found it ...just came to me ... been searching for hours http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/00:53
H2Oi've got a question... why does conky on ubuntu startup show big fonts...until i open the config file and save it again??? then the font size is normal again... weird.. anyone?00:53
tehbautmrwes: I just needed to move the mouse to the top center for a little menu to drop down :)00:53
mrwestehbaut, ahh yah :)00:53
deckercam_: regardless, some virtualization app and switching to it are two seperate things00:53
marienzert: you're lost. This is #ubuntu, it can't help you with windows problems.00:54
budlustis anyone familiar with getting wireless to work on lenovo thinkpad t400?00:54
marienz(well, perhaps they'll help you install ubuntu, but I'm assuming that's not the kind of answer you're after)00:55
ertyes it is ubuntu but vine problem windows00:55
Salva1Hello. I want to know If an Ubuntu server installation is like a Desktop one but with less things.00:55
mickster04marienz: might be crossover00:55
marienzert: is there anything interesting installed in your wine install?00:55
deckerbudlust: sure.  run network manager and an up to date kernel.  about as good as it gets I say00:55
hell0Can someone help me to enable identd?00:56
ertlike what00:56
H2OSalva1: a server installation is for setting up a server00:56
H2Oit's not for desktop use00:56
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support00:56
marienzert: any software in the wine "c:" drive, or anything interesting in applications -> windows applications?00:56
deckerhell0: is that a serious question?  install xinetd, edit a bit of junk, restart xinetd, done.  what the flip you need identd for though?00:56
marienzert: because if you really can't find a better solution you could just remove your ~/.wine and reinstall your windows apps.00:56
marienzert: (don't do that yet, of course, there may be a friendlier solution)00:57
hell0tried oidentd pident00:57
tiziazrounobody got a solution???00:57
ertcomodo in windows ,but broken doesnt work,want to delete gives error00:57
Salva1Is there some kind of base install, then?00:57
mickster04tiziazrou: you have a problem00:57
cam_decker: I never mentioned you switched to it. you just move your mouse of the the monitor that has Linux on it and it appears on the the other box which maybe windows or Mac ... it uses magic  !00:57
Salva1Without even X.org.00:58
H2OSalva1 there is yes00:58
deckerhell0: gah. there are always multiple alternatives.  a curse and a blessing.  but xinetd is standard.00:58
Salva1How can I do it?00:58
H2OSalva1: it's called a CLI installation00:58
H2Obut then you'll have to compile everything yourself i thinks00:58
erti cant find,have been using this since yesterday00:58
Salva1I mean, to not install a GUI.00:58
IdleOneSalva1: use the server install disc00:58
hell0decker, it's installed00:59
Salva1It is what I am doing.00:59
H2Oyou want a system with no desktop enviroment?00:59
H2Oinstall gentoo ;900:59
Salva1But some says it is specifically for server usage.00:59
Salva1I want an ubuntu base system.01:00
IdleOneSalva1: well yes but you can use the server install as your main desktop if you like01:00
Salva1Like Debian allows.01:00
mickster04Salva1: get a minimal system01:00
mickster04!ubuntu minimal01:00
IdleOne!minimal > Salva101:00
ubottuSalva1, please see my private message01:00
mickster04IdleOne: cheers01:00
DanDareWhat´s a good partition size for Ubuntu (not including swap space)? Plan is to have /boot /home and everything else in this same partition01:00
deckerSalva1: ubuntu is debian.  learn the ropes jerko01:00
Salva1Well, Thanks.01:00
deckeror stop trolling'01:00
H2ODanDare: the more, the better01:00
DanDareubuntu is not debian01:00
IdleOnedecker: be polite please01:00
bastid_raZor!debian | decker01:01
ubottudecker: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!01:01
deckerIdleOne: too late01:01
deckerway too late01:01
IdleOne!guidelines > decker01:01
ubottudecker, please see my private message01:01
tiziazrouis base on debian but is different01:01
DanDareH2O, i know... but it´s a dual boot system and need plan the HDD01:01
H2Ohow much you want to give it max?01:01
ertremove error soft from applications>windows applications01:01
H2Oi'd say 10Gb should be enough? if you plan not to store anything big in it01:02
hell0no ident responde01:02
deckerha, christ.  relax.  or kick me now.  my style aint going to change much.  ask my bud meowbuntu01:02
DanDareH2O, 2GB? j/k, i really dont know, i need the min space to have the common apps for general use, and GIMP an OpenOffice. Do you think 15Gb it´s ok ?01:02
ProfessorBaconharnf dernf jerb01:02
IdleOnedecker: your style is not the problem, it is your attitude. please adjust it to what is acceptable in Ubuntu irc channels01:03
deckerProfessorBacon: YES01:03
H2ODanDare: i told you...10 gb is more than enough01:03
DanDareH2O, nice.. not anything big in it.. so i think i will go for 15Gb01:03
DanDare10GB so01:03
mickster04DanDare: i have a 6 gig ubuntu partition01:03
tiziazrou32gb is the minimum for an os01:03
H2ODanDare ok than make 15 :)01:03
mickster04tiziazrou: rubbish01:03
H2Oif you can01:03
deckerIdleOne: semantics01:03
H2Otiziazrou: ???01:03
DanDareH2O, many thanks01:03
tatseltiziazrou: really?01:03
H2ODanDare: ;) np01:03
tiziazrounobody answer me so I help people01:04
DanDare800Mb is the minimum for an OS01:04
DanDareouch, i mean, 50Mn01:04
DanDare8Mb maybe? :p01:04
H2Odepends on the os ;)01:04
mickster04DanDare: puppy linux is 5001:04
DanDare120Mn sounds ok for an OS01:04
Coded1_im running 9.10 in Gnome using Network on my own box, my wpa password was pretty crazy and I lost it, the network is connected to automatically when I click it.  I want to connect my iphone now after I reinstalled the OS but don't have the key, is there a way I can recover it ?01:04
grishnavCoded1_: if you don't have a lot of devices, why not just set a new key?01:05
DanDaregrub installation will ruin windows7 boot capability ?01:05
maxxistCoded1_, change the wireless password on your router?01:05
mickster04Coded1_: right-click network manager icon>edit wireless settings>networkSSID>security>show password01:05
mickster04DanDare: replace it?01:06
Coded1_mickster04, ty01:06
DanDaremickster04, yeah? it will replace win7 bootloader ?01:06
DanDareor they reside in different sectors ?01:06
IdleOneDanDare: yes grub will replace the windows boot loader01:06
mickster04DanDare: i think so, or chain load to it01:06
H2OCoded1_: you can follow mickster04 advice and then log in to your router management page and change the password to something more easy perhaps? ;)01:06
tatselfor a recent Ubuntu/Windows  install, you need 4GB for system files plus at least 5GB for user filed01:06
DanDareok... so how it´s the painless way to get a dualboot this way ?01:07
IdleOneDanDare: grub will offer the choice of which OS you want to boot01:07
DanDarejust installing Ubuntu thing goes OK? I know it´s ok when the other is WinXP but not sure about win701:07
mickster04DanDare: install grub, go into ubuntu and run sudo updat-grub from terminal01:07
H2ODanDare: first make 1 partition with winXp disk and install it on01:08
mickster04DanDare: no problem01:08
H2ODanDare: and then make the linux partitions with the remaining space01:08
wasutton3does anyone know of a non outdated rapidshare command line downloader?01:08
DanDareallright, let´s try all of this01:08
bsmith093if i want to back up my encryption keys can i just backup the .gnupg folder in my home folder or is there something special i have to do01:08
H2ODanDare: then linux is installed grub loader will automaticaly find the XP entry as well and it will let you choose what OS you want to boot01:08
nebiroshi, how to change tty keyborad layout? there's some console command for it?01:09
bsmith093ive never heard of a cli rapidshare dloader01:09
bsmith093rdown for firefox is pretty good01:09
bsmith093or jdownloader01:09
bsmith093which is java01:09
H2ODanDare: if you do it the other way around...windows will overwright grub and you won't be able to boot in linux untill you reinstall and configure grub01:10
bsmith093install windows then linux01:10
bsmith093thats much easier01:10
H2Oyes, that's what i'm saying....01:10
wasutton3bsmith093: i already have one rapidshare going on this computer, i would like one on my headless server as well01:10
bsmith093do u have a premuim account01:10
mickster04wasutton3: what's stopping you?01:10
bsmith093if not it wont work for the same ip01:10
meowbuntudecker, i dont get it mate01:11
wasutton3no premium account. but the server is in another state. mickster04: the lack of a gui means i need a cli interface01:11
bsmith093and could someone please answer my encryption question please01:11
lyraeubuntu keeps randomly logging me out01:11
=== ricardo is now known as fragata
mickster04!patience | bsmith09301:11
ubottubsmith093: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:11
mickster04wasutton3: an it is gui only?01:11
mickster04wasutton3: is it open source? you could looka t the code:D01:12
bsmith093wasutton: interesting problem01:12
mickster04bsmith093: you can install xserver onto the server...01:12
wasutton3pretty much. mickster: rapidshare is a website that hosts files (rather anal in the way it does it for nonpaying users too)01:12
chalcedonybsmith093, had you considered asking the support for the encryption?01:12
chalcedonybsmith093, you seem quite valuable here01:13
bsmith093haha not really im a talented noob01:13
mickster04wasutton3: : you can install xserver onto the server...01:13
bsmith093ubuntu for about a year01:13
chalcedonybsmith093, you picked up a little :)01:13
mickster04wasutton3: i know what rapid share is i meant the program01:13
wasutton3mickster04: its a tiny little underpowered itx board thats probably got too much running on it as is01:13
meowbuntui dont get this ubuntu will not losd flash drives what is going on01:13
wasutton3mickster04: thats what im looking for, a cli rapidshare downloader01:14
deckermeowbuntu: yeah, well, chill on #fedora again and be a prick, and get kicked?  or almost kicked?  nah, kicked was it?  bah, yeah, for some reason I remember myself hating your guts.  so yeah, hope your mom gets cancer01:14
chalcedonybsmith093, actually i was looking at how to get www.gnupg.org/ .. looks like no easy apt-get things?01:14
mickster04wasutton3: you could make oe if the program is open source01:15
IdleOne!ops | decker01:15
meowbuntudecker, i have never used #fudora01:15
ubottudecker: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:15
bsmith093chalcedonty what do u mean01:15
deckermeowbuntu: please01:15
wasutton3bsmith093: can you see the keys you want to back up in applications-> accessories->passwords and encryption keys?01:15
chalcedonybsmith093, maybe i didn't see it, i got like lists of stuff not 1 thing01:16
wasutton3mickster04: i suppose, i was just curious if anyone knew of one right off the bat01:16
mickster04wasutton3: fairynuff01:16
bsmith093chalcedony: i still dont understand01:17
bsmith093afk temporarily01:17
meowbuntuhow do i get ubuntu to read my flashdrives its not working01:18
chalcedonyok bsmith093 .. is there a place on that page to just download?01:18
=== feargle is now known as Locnar
meowbuntui have tryed several01:18
chalcedonymeowbuntu which version of ubuntu?01:18
bsmith093oh ok i get it no u have a program installed by default called seahorse01:19
darkzenlordanyone on?01:19
meowbuntu9.10 new insftall yesterday01:19
IdleOnedarkzenlord: yup we are here01:19
meowbuntu^ chalcedony,01:19
KajrosAnyone tried running Ubuntu 10.04 Beta using VMWare?01:19
IdleOne!lucid | Kajros01:19
ubottuKajros: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:19
bsmith093app menu accessories passwords and ec=ncryption keys01:19
darkzenlordcool, glad to see some ubuntu fans01:19
chalcedonymeowbuntu, on 8.04 i had a LOT of trouble with flashdrives. i had hoped they fixed that01:20
meowbuntuchalcedony, i have never come across this before but this is a nother computer i not tested ubuntu on before01:20
IdleOneKajros: /join #ubuntu+1 is the command01:20
meowbuntuchalcedony, they have01:20
wasutton3bsmith093: from there you should be able to export your keys01:20
DcMeeseAnybody know a good way to automate a location on a device within nautilus that changes its IP address on each connect?01:20
darkzenlordafter my install issues I should have used a virtual install01:20
DanDareok H2O, thanks once more01:20
meowbuntumy friend had xp on it before and it workid fine01:20
meowbuntuany ideas01:21
IdleOneDcMeese: you mean a remote server? you can use dyndns to give you a static ip01:21
mickster04meowbuntu: buy a new computer?01:21
DanDarein real life im used to WinXP/Linux dualboot, not sure tought how grub can affect Win7 boot... it seems same stuff as if it were XP...01:21
meowbuntumickster04, there is no need its probably something simple to fix01:21
nebirosthere's some tool for command line tu configure keyboard?01:22
IdleOneKajros: /join #ubuntu+1 is the command01:22
meowbuntumickster04, give me 1600 so i can get a mac adn its a deal01:22
bastid_raZormeowbuntu: this isn't a solution for automount but mount them manually? after you plug them in type dmesg | tail ..this will tell you what ubuntu sees them as.. then sudo mount /dev/whatdmesgsaid /media/mountpoint01:22
meowbuntuthat is $160001:22
* mickster04 gives meowbuntu 160001:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:22
meowbuntuthanks bastid_raZor01:23
meowbuntumickster04, dont pretend give it to me for real01:23
bastid_raZormeowbuntu: you need to change two things in that command.. do you know which they are?01:23
chalcedonybsmith093, ok yes seahorse seems to be storage, but how do you run it?01:23
meowbuntubastid_raZor, no01:23
darkzenlordI am here for support of course, I have an install issue and it deals with a raid 0 config and 2 additional hard drives, if you think you can help, private chat or something.01:24
tiger1hey guys, i can use xna with mono under linux?01:24
bastid_raZormeowbuntu: /dev/stuff here  .. and /media/stuff here01:24
tigranghow can  I change my DPI for X in 9.10? xdpinfo | grep resolution is giving me 114x114 I'd like to set it to 96x96. When I add it under Screen section in xorg.conf I can't get to GDM anymore and have to do dpkg-reconfigure and I dont have a Monitor section in my xorg.conf01:24
meowbuntubastid_raZor, http://www.pastebin.org/15297201:25
mickster04tiger1: you can code it with appropriate syntax highlighting, but i doubt u can compile it01:25
=== eric is now known as Guest51098
sharperguyAnyone know what package I should install to get libjpeg.h?01:25
rosco_yCan anyone explain this comment that I found out on mono-project.com/ubuntu:   http://imagebin.ca/view/bq_LvQ-G.html01:25
bastid_raZormeowbuntu: you have issues with that usb thumbdrive. what they are i don't know.01:25
thebruceanyone here have a way to get the mx5500 keyboard to work with ubuntu as far as the media notifications and multimedia buttons01:26
mickster04meowbuntu: are you sure it isnt the device, do other ones work01:26
meowbuntubastid_raZor, it has no issues works on my other computer fine01:26
no1peanutis there a way to copy the access rights from one file to another from the commandline ?01:26
tiger1hey guys, i can use xna with mono under linux?01:26
mickster04tiger1: you can code it with appropriate syntax highlighting, but i doubt u can compile it01:26
meowbuntumickster04, no other devices dont work either01:26
bastid_raZormeowbuntu: you need to figure out what those errors mean.01:26
bastid_raZormeowbuntu: are you using 10.04?01:27
meowbuntubasil, 9.1001:27
thebrucewhen can we expect a stable release os 10.401:27
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:27
tigrangnevermind, sorry, found the new way to do it01:27
maike-makotohello folks01:28
maike-makotowho's from mexico01:28
meowbuntubastid_raZor, , 9.1001:28
Guest51098any idea how to hide the menu bar in 10.04?01:28
cam_Is xna the game thing?01:28
darkzenlordI installed ubuntu 9.10 on a seperate HD on a partition I created, my computer boots to my XP and now I don't see the drive ubuntu installed on. any help?01:28
mickster04Guest51098: right click>prefernces01:28
mickster04cam_: yeah01:28
Guest51098the main menu bar, I have the panels bar gone01:28
meowbuntuGuest51098,  join #ubuntu+1 thats the channel for the next pre-release01:29
mickster04darkzenlord: it wil be partitioned with ext, which isnt readily readable by windows01:29
Guest51098I'm using AWN's dock for all my stuff but you can';t use sessions in 9.10+01:29
cam_Its a microsoft thing ... wouldnt you need silverlight .... (or moonlight for linux)01:29
maike-makotothis is a request channel?01:29
mickster04cam what xna?01:30
maike-makotoi'm new here01:30
meowbuntuGuest51098, did you get that01:30
mickster04cam_: which XNA?01:30
maike-makotoi'm mike, from los mochis, mexico.01:30
sharperguymaike-makoto, What do you mean "request channel"?01:30
Guest51098yes, but the issue is for 9.10 as well01:30
BlkDrgnhello all, im having an issue that i was wondering if anyone else was having too, #ubuntu-bugs seems to be dead atm01:30
meowbuntubastid_raZor, what now01:30
cam_mickster04: yeah ... microsoft aint it?01:30
sharperguy!welcome | maike-makoto01:30
ubottumaike-makoto: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:30
darkzenlordmickster04 I had two partitons on this disk, one NTFS and one was formatted EXT4 when I installed ubuntu01:30
Guest51098the option, which I've read is by disabling the gnome-menu in sessions, is gone in 9.1001:30
mickster04cam_: yes, but it isnt silverlight, its xbox game coding01:31
BlkDrgni downloaded and burned to disk the 10.04 beta 2 today, and i cannot boot into it, eithor by "try first" or "install".. was hoping someone else expierenced this too01:31
mickster04BlkDrgn: ubuntu+101:31
Guest51098ok, I need the 9.10+ equivalent to gnome-session-remove gnome-panel01:31
mickster04BlkDrgn: #ubuntu+101:31
tehbautis there a better client than vino's on ubuntu?01:31
meowbuntubastid_raZor, think i will go check bios now brb01:31
tehbautit's really slow and not very configurable01:31
bsmith093do i have to sign the pgp key i just created b4 i publish it01:32
maike-makotowho know about fedora? o the fedora channel, I've some doubts about it01:32
mickster04darkzenlord: yeag windows cant read ext.01:32
no1peanutis there a way to copy the access rights from one file to another from the commandline ?01:33
darkzenlordmickster04 but the whole drive? and do you think ubuntu can't see my xp OS becuase it's on a raid?01:33
cam_mickster04: oh ... i had heard about it ... not sure, didnt realise it was Xbox only ... I'm a PS3 guy mayself ... thanks for putting me straight01:33
mickster04darkzenlord: window cant see the whole drive, same on my pc, but ubuntu can read ntfs01:33
mickster04cam_: is ok, i have developed with it before, and it isnt bad01:34
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darkzenlord<mickster04> ok01:36
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BlkDrgn#ubuntu+1  doesnt have anyone alive or awake atm.. anywhere else i can look for assistance?01:36
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mickster04darkzenlord: ta01:36
mickster04darkzenlord: so tell me what doesnt matter etc?01:37
darkzenlord<mickster04> even though I can not see the drive in windows, why would my system not prompt me for duel boot?01:37
mickster04darkzenlord: cos windows cant read the drive, nor can its boot loadr, grub works with both windows AND linux so use that01:38
darkzenlord<mickster04> ok, that makes sense, so how do I set up grub to see all my drives and prompt? that would be the question right?01:38
mickster04darkzenlord: you have to install it (if you install ubuntu last it works by itself)01:39
darkzenlord<mickster04> see I did install last, thing is my XP OS is on a RAID 001:39
tgp1994Hi everyone, got an odd problem with WINE where it tries to start up my program, but the GUI never actually comes up.01:39
RavahanHello everyone, I'm back again with a little more frustration.  I used to play FFXI through Ubuntu via Wine on the regular.  After a recent (?) update, whenever I go to login PlayOnline gives me a black screen with the elevator music.  I've been messing around with it for the last couple hours...  Anyone have FFXI working in Ubuntu Karmic?01:39
darkzenlord<mickster04> I did not load any drivers for ubuntu01:39
mickster04darkzenlord: does grub show the ubuntu set up?01:39
mickster04xpdarkzenlord: and does it boot e01:40
darkzenlord<mickster04> I restarted twice and didn't even get a prompt for grub or ubuntu, I am not even sure how to get into ubuntu at this point01:41
BlkDrgnanyone know where i can find help with 10.04 not booting?01:41
mickster04darkzenlord: well reinstall ubuntu, im not sure about how the raid will effect hting01:41
cam_tgp1994: Have you manually set a desktop size in wine config?01:41
RavahanNo one here has a working version of FFXI in Ubuntu Karmic?01:41
mickster04BlkDrgn: /join #ubuntu+101:41
tgp1994cam_: No, and I'll brb.01:41
darkzenlord<mickster04> is it common for ubuntu to NOT specify the drive letters and names during install?01:42
The_ExplorerHello everyone. What is a package for gnome +tools (Nautilus, Ubuntu extras, etc...) -GDM (I dont want GDM to boot)01:42
mickster04darkzenlord: yeah, ubtunu does use drive letters01:42
no1peanutdarkzenlord: "fix mbr ubuntu grub xp" into google01:42
mickster04no1peanut: good solution...google it:D01:42
The_Explorergo to console and type "firefox google (stuff)"01:43
pythags12how do i write a script file to control fan speed on startup..01:43
pythags12what is the procedure01:43
mickster04The_explorer best not ey...01:44
darkzenlord<mickster04> one more thing, I would really like the second partition on the test drive to be NTFS so I can back up to it, how would I get that back? or does ubuntu take over the disk?01:44
mickster04darkzenlord: you can tell ubuntu how you want it partitioned, you can make as many partitions as physically possible01:44
mickster04darkzenlord: during the install01:45
darkzenlord<mickster04> Yeah during install I told ubuntu to use the 40Gb partition I set-up, seems like it did, but the 192Gb left over are not showing up either in windows01:45
darkzenlord<mickster04> I formatted the 40Gb portion in EXT401:46
mickster04well you have to format that too:/ windows wont show non formatted partitions (which it concideres ext to be i recon)01:46
mickster04darkzenlord: thats fine01:46
cam_pythags12: not sure of the exact answer but you might want to try the lmsensors package, this will allow you to atleast read the current fan speed ... and maybe change it01:46
g33kergRLhow do i change the font in my terminal01:47
darkzenlord<mickster04> also is it safe to use a NTFS partiton for the virtual memory01:47
darkzenlord<mickster04> or will it zap that too?01:47
mickster04darkzenlord: ? virtual memory? you mean swap? cos that formats as swap , neither ext or ntfs nor fat01:47
trash80swap file i guess01:48
darkzenlordok, glad I didn't select any01:48
darkzenlord<mickster04> yes swap file01:48
mickster04darkzenlord: yeah swap will get formatted as swap so it didnt matter01:48
trash80nobody needs a swap space, ram is cheap01:48
Jordan_Udarkzenlord: Yes, you can use a swap file stored on an ntfs partition.01:48
mickster04whoever was askig about moving the mouse across diffeent computers is asking about http://code.google.com/p/synergy-plus/01:48
rosco_y      what is a good music player to install to play my cd's ?01:49
g33kergRLhow do i change the font in my terminal01:49
rosco_yg33kergRL: I think you do it in preferences01:49
g33kergRLfont type01:49
rado1I am trying to copy the files from an old ubuntu system, but it is saying I don't have permissions, how do I do it?01:50
cam_pythags12: you can use pwmconfig which i think is part of lmsensors package ... if you have an i7 cpu you need sensors 3.1 ... the standard ubuntu package is 3.0.1 and is too old.01:50
darkzenlord<mickster04> ok, I am getting some good info, so what I am going to do, is re-install ubuntu, I will try to use the whole drive, THEN I can partition and format the desired portion in ubuntu to NTFS for my back=ups?01:50
g33kergRLrosco there's no option for that01:50
rosco_yand you can save a few different profiles (terminal preferences), but I suppose this would vary with the terminal your are using01:50
pythags12i got an ati card Cam01:50
rosco_ylet me look--I know I've done it01:50
mickster04darkzenlord: yes, remember windows will also see the ntfs partition01:51
darkzenlordI agree I did not need swap space, I have 6Gb of Ram01:51
mickster04darkzenlord: LOL edfinatly not01:51
rosco_yTry "Settings/Edit current profile"01:51
trash80it's a joke to a 64-bit cpu01:51
cam_pythags12: ahh so you want to control the graphics card fan?01:51
darkzenlord<mickster04> it makes sense technically and thats all I need, thanks for the help mick01:52
mickster04darkzenlord: yeah google it an come back again:D01:52
pythags12cam ..i wrote the script..but i dont know how to make executable when i start ubuntu01:52
miked595mickster04: quicksynergy is an easy way to configure the server01:52
rosco_ybut trash80, disk space is cheap too01:52
mickster04miked595: i will be using that in future01:52
trash80just much slower01:52
rosco_yand you're right, it never gets used01:53
darkzenlord<mickster04> I think I will google the whole raid and ubuntu thing, not many tutorials how to dual boot a raid 0 seperate HD rig01:53
g33kergRLrosco_y: where do you see this Settings option in terminal01:53
trash80you will need a bunch of ram for the ram disk01:53
mickster04darkzenlord: good luck01:53
trash80ram disk >>>>>> crappy ssd01:53
rosco_yg33kergRL: it's probably terminal specific, there are a number of terminal programs01:53
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cam_pythags12: righto ... call it from /etc/rc.local after you do a "chmod o+x" on it01:54
rosco_ymy "Settings" option is on the top-line menu, right next to "Help"01:54
hardarradHello. Any reason why I can't use LVM as a RAID replacement?01:54
g33kergRLrosco_y:  okay i don't see that one01:54
pythags12so when i start the computer it should come on automatically01:54
rosco_yg33kergRL: I'm using "Konsole"01:54
andrew__Ooookkkkk... Upgrading to 10.4 seems to have hung01:54
andrew__It's stuck on "Setting new software channels )Calculating the changes)"01:55
g33kergRLrosco_y:  aha, so we're talking diff01:55
Odd-rationaleandrew__: lucid support in #ubuntu+101:55
rosco_yg33kergRL: y, apples and oranges and all of that01:55
cam_pythags12: yes rc.local is run after all the init stuff so yes. (As long as your script has the execute bit set)01:55
rosco_yandrew__: which beta are you installing?01:55
underdevhi, i am trying to configure grub2 to load another linux distro.  I edit the files in /etc/grub.d/ then 'update-grub'.  I see my additions in 'grub.cfg', but when i reboot the menuentries are not there?  Is there a step after 'update-grub' to put the file into the mbr or whatever?01:56
pythags12cam_, thk l'll try that..01:56
limpci finally got my raid set up correctly, and ubuntu installed.01:56
limpchttp://www.howtoforge.com/install-ubuntu-with-software-raid-10 is the site i used to get it working, in case anyone else needs the info01:56
no1peanutanoying .. I cant find any way to get the access rights from one file to another in any easy way01:56
rosco_yunderdev: as far as I know, you just edit the menu.lst file01:56
underdevrosco_y: not for the newer versions of ubuntu, unfortunately :)01:57
koshariunderdev with grub2 you should use the startup managet , they are not static files like they were in grub101:57
underdevit uses grub201:57
rosco_yunderdev: oops, excuse me.  I'm not going to miss the xorg.conf file either :)01:57
kosharirosco_y until you need to set up a screen which reqired a custom modeline that is01:58
no1peanutahh ... rtfm .. should have known01:58
rosco_ykoshari: are you talking about xorg.conf?01:58
kosharirosco_y tick01:59
jribno1peanut: why do you want to do that?01:59
underdevanyone know what should be done after 'sudo update-grub'?01:59
rosco_ykoshari: what is "tick"?02:00
koshari rosco_y: tick-yes02:00
limpcits a little brown bug that latches on your skin and sucks blood02:00
* tatsel runs away02:00
ScuniziI have a shared folder on a secondary drive that allows read/write access from the windows machines on the LAN.. however when I create a directory on that drive using Ubuntu the write privileges are not present. SMB config shows writeable=yes browseable=yes & guest ok=yes .. what do I need to do to keep my account from changing the global permissions?02:00
rosco_yScunizi: I just saw an article that might be helful, brb02:01
limpcyou need to tell samba what user to create the folders as02:01
limpcit should have a user= and group= entry in smb.conf i  dont recall02:02
Scunizik.. brb02:02
limpcit might be uid=/gid=02:02
limpcim so happy with my raid array lol02:02
limpc4 TB RAID 10.  4x2Tb drives02:02
limpc7200 RPM SATA02:03
Misantropoi have a private apt-mirror server and one of my PC's is getting "W: Failed to fetch http://192.x.x.x/ubuntu/dists/lucid/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch" every once in a while.02:03
rosco_yScunizi: not sure, but this may be helpful:  http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7741/1.html02:04
limpcMisantropo: i havent done anything like that but id assume its something failed to write the last bytes on the files you put on there02:04
Misantropolimpc, thanks02:05
no1peanutjrib: I wanted to add some text to the top of a file from the command line and ended up using a tmp file and when I restored that file I wanted it to  have the same permissions as the original02:07
jribno1peanut: I don't understand the use case02:07
Misantropolimpc, solved! the problem was i am also behind a proxy and had the proxy configured for apt. It wasn't needed. Thanks anyway.02:07
bsmith093should i sign my public key before i publish it to the keyserveer02:08
Misantropolimpc, this page helped: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119480002:08
no1peanutjrib: dig somehost.com | grep -m1 ^some | tr -t [:space:] '\ ' | cut -f1,6 -d' ' | awk '{print $2, $1}' | tr '\ ' '\t' | sed s/.$// > hosts.txt && cat /etc/hosts >> ./hosts.txt && chmod --reference=/etc/hosts ./hosts.txt && sudo chown --reference=/etc/hosts ./hosts.txt && sudo mv ./hosts.txt /etc/hosts02:08
jribno1peanut: do you know what $() does?02:10
wizzo50How do you set firefox to automatically open a website in an email without it popping up a box asking you what to open it with?02:12
Scunizirosco_y:  thanks for the link.. it's a good article but doesn't pertain to SAMBA configuration.. it's a little different there even though the basics are the same.. I can give everyone read/write/execute permissions on a directory but if I create a directory within that directory then nobody else can write to it.02:12
wizzo50How do you set firefox to automatically open a website in an email without it popping up a box asking you what to open it with in Ubuntu?02:13
rosco_yScunizi: sure enough02:13
tatselwizzo50: have you looked on the :about:config page ?02:13
wizzo50tatsel, In firefox?02:14
ibkanat>how do I slow down my mouse in Lucid???02:14
wizzo50tatsel, no02:14
ibkanatthe panel does do enough02:14
greezmunkeyScunizi: Wouldn't it be easier to use a group i.e.samba, and dole out the permissions using that?02:15
wizzo50tatsel, or in Ubuntu?02:15
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule02:15
ibkanatxset m 1/2 doesnt help either'02:15
tatselwizzo50: type "about:config" in firefox's address bar02:15
ibkanatno answers there02:15
Scunizigreezmunkey: perhaps.. however I'm trying to give the other machines on the LAN universal rights to this folder without the need for a user name or password..02:16
Scunizigreezmunkey: the other users are windows machines.. :(02:16
gerzelHey could someone direct me to the flash fix for ubuntu?02:16
tatselScunizi: highly unsecure, imho02:16
gerzelReinstalled and forgot the fix02:16
tatselgerzel: which flash fix?02:17
Scunizitatsel: to 1 folder on a secondary drive? within a protected LAN02:17
tatselScunizi: oh02:17
gerzellatest one for 9.1002:17
ahmed_ramdanehello everyone02:17
gerzelthe one where youtube controls don't work etc02:17
* tatsel Said nothing02:17
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tatselgerzel: i don't know myself. Prehaps another user knows it02:18
tehbautwhy is vnc so inherently slow?02:18
ahmed_ramdaneplease can anyone help me to change the brightness level of my laptop??02:19
Tobarjado you have to poke something to make ssh agent forwarding work on ubuntu02:19
gerzelAh I think it is a problem with the 64 architexture02:20
greezmunkeyScunizi: look at this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/415262/ it's a snip from my smb.conf, you should be able to modify it and apply it to your needs.02:20
wizzo50tatsel, That don't help. Just a list of Preference Names02:20
tatselahmed_ramdane: there is a ... huh... an applet for the status bar that does that02:20
tatselwizzo50: search for "mail"02:21
* dos123 peeks and pokes roark_02:21
no1peanutjrib: $()? .. sorry lost connection02:21
gerzelAlso is there any way/guide to making a cleaner switch to using emerald/compiz manager instead of the simplified manager in Ubuntu?02:21
ahmed_ramdanei tried to change the system/preference/power management/ and i set the brightness02:21
roark_I have a 1 TB hard drive... i want to sync between my laptop and external hard drive....any suggestions on how to do that02:22
soreaugerzel: You could read the compiz wiki02:22
suddenzeroHello, I am new to Ubuntu and I am trying to install the Web Tools Platform for Eclipse using the Eclipse update feature but I get an error every time. Can someone please help me?02:22
roark_dos123: i was testing if U was allowed to post in this channel02:22
tatselahmed_ramdane: it didn't work?02:22
Scunizigreezmunkey: interesting.. I'll give it a shot. Thanks.. Samba is one thing I have dove into for years and now I find a need.. thus the need breeds questions, reading and knowledge... to later be shared with others.. man that sounds *way* to altruistic02:22
wizzo50tatsel, Then what?02:22
greezmunkeyScunizi: heh :)02:23
xubunto1 a litle help with keffeine...?02:23
roark_I have a 1 TB hard drive... i want to sync between my laptop and external hard drive....any suggestions on how to do that .... sry i forgot to mention that the sync should be automatic....02:23
suddenzeroIf anyone can help me I have an error log.02:23
wizzo50tatsel, I'm not a wiz at this02:23
tatselwizzo50: looks if any configuration matches that behavior02:23
greezmunkeyScunizi: yeah, you may have to modify the permission values, to tailor that, but you can play with it at lease.02:23
dos123no rsync i think02:23
roark_dos123: were you replying to me?02:24
tatselwizzo50: hum. Idk then. Sorry :S02:24
Scunizigreezmunkey: yea.. I figure 777 will work.. nothing important really going in the folder.02:24
* tatsel does his best02:24
greezmunkeyScunizi: sure.02:24
wizzo50tatsel, You must be thinking of something different02:24
Scunizigreezmunkey: what's the "mask" feature..?  I don't really get that.02:24
ahmed_ramdanei even did go to cd /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/ DD02/brightness02:24
tigrangUbuntu's gotten to 9.10 and the font rendering still -isn't quite so good- =/02:25
Losharoark_: so you're saying you want the external drive to mirror the laptop?02:25
suddenzeroIs there anyone here who can help me with an error I am getting trying to install an eclipse plugin on Ubuntu 9.10 - the Karmic Koala?02:25
roark_Losha: yes02:25
tatselwizzo50: then I didn't get what you meant02:25
wizzo50tatsel, It's when I click on something in a email to open it automatically without it asking what to open it with02:25
ahmed_ramdanethe only command that worked is  xgamma -gamma XX02:25
Scunizigreezmunkey: sorry gotta run .. bbl02:25
roark_Losha: actually more than that when I delete somehting on my laptop it shouldn't be deleted on external HDD... since my laptop can store only 200GB but external hdd can store 1 TB....02:26
greezmunkeyScunizi: http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2003-March/063429.html02:26
ahmed_ramdanecan anyone help me??? please02:26
switch10_roark_: rsync withouth the --delete option02:26
dsnydersHi all!  When I try to mail something from the command prompt, I get "sendmail process failed with error code 75".  Am I missing a package or something?02:26
tatselwizzo50: what, for example, a link?02:26
wizzo50tatsel, A box appears for me to pick a program to open the file, or picture or etc. with02:26
roark_switch10_: will update work then... if i use rsync without --delete option02:27
Losharoark_: well rsync would be the first thing that comes to mind. But you should consider doing 'proper' backups to the hard drive instead of just accumulating stuff there with rsync...02:27
tatselwizzo50: this is about the default mimetype association02:27
wizzo50tatsel, and Idon't know what to or where to find it on my drive02:27
mickster04how do i compile stuff in ubuntu? i get no targets specified and no make filefound. stop. on usinghte make command02:27
ahmed_ramdanemy eyes are killing me and i need to change the brightness soon02:27
dos123no the cloud i think02:27
tatselwizzo50: what are you trying to open?02:27
wizzo50tatsel, It use to not do it until I did an update with the manager and then started to do this02:28
Loshamickster04: is there a file named 'configure' there?02:28
switch10_roark_: how do you mean update?  the update option in rsync?02:28
mickster04Losha: i ran ./configure already seemed to ru fine02:28
roark_switch10_: updating a text file.... deleting a line and adding a line02:28
mickster04Losha: oh wait...02:28
Loshamickster04: apparently there's no Makefile. If that's the case, your configure failed...02:29
roark_switch10_: since we are using without --delete option will the above scenario work (updating a text file.... deleting a line and adding a line)02:29
greezmunkeydsnyders: does any mail from command line work?02:29
wizzo50tatsel, anything, when ever I see something I want to open. I guess it isn't just on emal but also from web pages too02:29
tatselwizzo50: hum. It's quite floggy to me, I haven't layed hands on an ubuntu OS since months. I know what to do, but I don't remind how02:29
mickster04Losha: how to instlal glib?02:29
Jordan_Uunderdev: Can you pastebin your grub.cfg?02:29
dsnydersgreezmunkey, I've only tried mail -s test dsnyders@example.com02:29
roark_Losha: could you tell me what you meant by 'proper backups' ... i was thinking of rsyncing my home folder of my laptop to external hdd02:29
switch10_roark_: with the -u option, it should keep the lines you would have deleted on the source, and update the new lines as well..02:30
dos123i am sick of the virtual storage02:30
suddenzero@ dsnyders Here is a link to a similar question in the ubuntu forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=550287&page=802:30
suddenzeroThat should help02:30
wizzo50tatsel, so you know what I am talking about now?02:30
tatselwizzo50: you have to select the default application02:30
roark_switch10_ : but I want content inside text files to be deleted02:30
switch10_roark_: so add the --delete option..02:31
tatselwizzo50: yep, but i dont fully remind how02:31
greezmunkeydsnyders: issue the same command, but add -v, that should give you more details.02:31
roark_switch10_ : i think i was not clear , at  all, then files get deleted too?02:31
* tatsel wants his pc...02:31
wizzo50tatsel, Why do I have too? Doesn't the computer do it itself02:31
switch10_roark_: yes.02:31
wizzo50tatsel, It use to02:31
tatselwizzo50: usually, it does02:31
suddenzeroHi everyone I am having trouble installing the web tools plugin for eclipse on Ubuntu 9.10. I have an error log. Can anyone help me please?02:32
iAmerikanI'm on the beta, and I just started loosing all my priv's for everything including gnome and nautilus, I can only do things as root in xterm or a tty*.. Any ideas?02:32
thebrucecan someone help me change where the terminal's default path is?02:32
roark_switch10_ : if i delete a movie in my laptop that s because i dont have enough space in my laptop but i dont want that movie to be deleted in my external hdd... however if i am changing lines of code i am pretty sure I want them to be deleted in my external hdd too.....any way to achieve this using rsync...or any syncing mechanism02:32
switch10_roark_: I have not needed to do that, I'm sure it's possible using wildcards for text files only.  have a read in man rsync02:32
dsnydersgreezmunkey,  I get no further details than: Can't send mail: sendmail process failed02:32
Losharoark_: a proper backup means you can restore the state of the laptop *exactly* to how it was at a previous time. With your rsync scheme, you get a muddle of current and deleted files: it's ok for those 'whoops, I didn't mean to delete that file' moments, but it's doesn't support restoring full state...02:33
wizzo50tatsel, Like if you put an website address on here for me to go to, and I click on it, the box pops up asking me to select what to open it with02:33
tatselwizzo50: right click on a file that asks you that, and select properties. Then look in one of the tabs in the dialogg, you should see something like "association"02:33
roark_Losha: cool got it02:33
tatselwizzo50: oh, an URL?02:33
tatselwizzo50: select firefox as default02:34
wizzo50tatsel, Yea or anything.02:34
Loshamickster04: apt-cache search glib | egrep -i dev     ...Then you have to install the right package...02:34
switch10_roark_: or run a seperate rsync for different dirs.  I have cron jobs running rsync that have many different options, for different dirs.02:34
mickster04Losha: now i need to find an install ncurses!02:34
tatselwizzo50: looks like you have to do the association again.02:34
suddenzero@dsnyders seriously you should check the forums. Follow this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=550287&page=802:34
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wizzo50tatsel, then I have to find it in the program manager and don't know where the main file is to open whatever it is02:35
roark_switch10_ : exactly what i had in mind... but it seemed slightly crude02:35
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Loshamickster04: this is why most people avoid installing from source. It can take ages to get all the dependencies. What are you trying to build...02:35
roark_switch10_ : i mean not easy to maintain02:35
roark_switch10_ : but since it is my personal laptop this should be fine...02:35
wizzo50tatsel, How ypu do that?02:35
mickster04Losha: irssi, want .15 rather than .14 just because :/ think ill have to give up;/02:35
tatselwizzo50: applications are un /usr/bin02:35
roark_switch10_ : do you use rsync for simiar purposes...02:36
tatselwizzo50: huh. too far away for me ..02:36
switch10_roark_: with a cron job its perfect.  but like i said, have a look in the man pages im sure there is a way to do what you want.  using --exclude and wildcards too02:36
roark_switch10_: it would be great if you could send me your scripts(if possible)02:36
tatselwizzo50: if you have to browse for the application, it's in /usr/bin02:36
switch10_roark_: I use rsync everyday, on almost all of my machines.02:36
switch10_roark_: ill pastebin you a few..02:37
roark_switch10_ : awesome i dont have working knowledge of it.... i only read about it few days back02:37
dos123can somebody rsync your hdd over the internet?02:37
Loshamickster04: apt-cache depends <package_name> should list the dependencies, so you can estimate how much installing you'll have to do...02:37
roark_dos123: i dont think so02:37
dsnyderssuddenzero, google didn't find the forum, so neither did I.02:37
Losha!who | dos12302:37
ubottudos123: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:37
roark_dos123: you should use nas if you want to connect to it from internet02:37
mickster04Losha: cheers02:37
wizzo50tatsel, I want to get it back to like it did, automatically. Should I reinstall Ubuntu?02:38
tatselwizzo50: no.02:38
greezmunkeydsnyders: Are you running sendmail, or sendemail?02:38
roark_Losha: i always wanted to ask ... is !who case insensitive.. and can tab be any punctuation mark like . , : ;02:38
voss749That Ubottu...what an annoying know-it-all ;-)02:38
dsnydersgreezmunkey, I have no idea.02:38
roark_cant realy try bcos i dont know what happes on your end02:39
tatselwizzo50: I don't know, but reinstalling is not the thing to do.02:39
roark_Losha: cant realy try bcos i dont know what happes on your end02:39
wizzo50tatsel, Where is sebsebseb?02:39
dsnydersgreezmunkey, How do I find out?02:39
tatselwizzo50: huh?02:39
Loshawizzo50: I've not seen sebsebseb for weeks...02:39
wizzo50tatsel, You know him on here?02:39
tatselno i dont02:39
suddenzero@ dsnyders hmm, that is strange because I am looking right at the page I posted the link to. sorry02:39
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wizzo50tatsel, I haven't been on here for quite awhile myself02:40
Kirstenhey guys, beginner ubuntu user here, suffering the infamous(?) updated and "gave up waiting for root device" problem, anyone know of a definitive, hand-holding workaround documentation for fixing this through busybox?02:40
voss749Maybe he ran out of seb?02:40
wizzo50voss749, LOL02:40
switch10_roark_: here is my /home backup http://paste.ubuntu.com/415268/.  notice I exclude Music and Videos, becasue I have rsync backing them up in a different cronjob with different options.02:40
voss749wizzo, sort of like ED ;-)02:40
VantraxKirsten you might want to try #ubuntu-beginners02:41
dsnyderssuddenzero, I am looking at the page you linked to as well.  However, when I tried to google for the error message, I didn't get that page.02:41
roark_switch10_ : cool can you post cron job which is syncing music and videos02:41
Losharoark_: not sure what you're asking. tab is the tab key. It autocompletes names in most clients, in a client-specific way...02:41
roark_Losha: oops dint know that02:41
wizzo50voss749, who is ED?02:41
roark_Losha: awesome more productive02:42
Jordan_UInformation about compiling a custom kernel on Ubuntu can be found here: [KernelCustomBuild]02:42
Losharoark_: saves a buttload of typing...02:42
roark_Losha: yes :)02:42
anom01ywhat is the coolest program for Linux ?02:42
UbossMy Ubuntu 9.10 have some problems which happens once in 2-3 days. There is anyway to fix errors or lost packages on Ubuntu ?02:42
Dr_Willisanom01y:  'ssh'  :)02:42
dsnydersanom01y, /bin/freeze :-)02:43
roark_switch10_: the command u pasted.. will it run as a cron job02:43
switch10_roark_: make sure if you add in the the -v --progress or --stats options, you are not running it as a cron job becasue it will fail without somewhere to output...02:43
nastjuidanyone know what the route flag 'e' is? I've got a route with Ue under flags, and I can't get any traffic through that interface. Checked man pages and google, no luck :(02:43
roark_switch10_: sure02:43
switch10_roark_: that exact one does yes.02:43
roark_switch10_: how often do you run the cron job02:43
LoshaUboss: Your statement sounds very strange: normally running systems don't 'lose' packages.02:43
roark_switch10_: once every minute02:43
The_ExplorerHelp me: I cant get my line input to unmute with this... pulse... mixer crap02:43
roark_switch10_: ?02:43
switch10_roark_: once a day for some, once every few days for others..02:44
UbossLosha, I did a restart and I was looking only thumb and no cursor or start menu.02:44
roark_switch10_: awesome.. thanks02:44
switch10_roark_: make sure you chmod u+x the_file tho :)02:45
thebrucei downloaded the latest mozilla and it's a .tar.bz2 how do i replace my exisiting version with the latest?02:45
Losha!hi | dozler02:45
ubottudozler: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:45
dozlerdoes anyone run cairo-dock w/ open gl? i have the black box and i have tried over and over to remove it..02:45
thebrucemozilla firefox that is02:45
roark_switch10_: which one destination or source... i am assuming destination which will be my external hdd02:45
thebrucei run cairo-dock without open gl02:46
switch10_roark_: my Music and vid backup look just like the other backup without the exclude options, and --delete02:46
Dr_Willisthebruce:  Theres repositories that have teh latest - you should be using those. not the tar.bz2 one you got from the firefox web sitre02:46
sunshinepantsno open gl :o02:46
dozleryeah i run it w/o the open gl but it looks way sweeter with open gl02:46
switch10_roark_: yes your dest would be your usb hdd02:46
thebruceDr_Willis, should i look in the Ubuntu Software centeR?02:46
dozlerbesides the black box02:46
thebruceor the synaptic package manager02:46
Dr_Willisthebruce:  its in UNOFFICIAL ubuntu repositories, various PPA repos02:46
roark_switch10_: no i meant on which file should i change access permissions02:46
roark_switch10_: chmod u+x02:46
Dr_Willisthebruce:  so its not going to be in there by default02:46
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.502:47
harleypig-!- BANG! Dr_Willis emerges fom the smoke!02:47
Dr_Willisharleypig:  and about to head out to work as well.02:47
switch10_roark_: yeah make it executable02:47
roark_switch10_: cool02:48
switch10_roark_: if you are running it as a cron job that is.02:48
g33kergRLyah! i blocked all youtube ads!!!02:48
roark_switch10_: sure thats the only reasonable way i guess... running it as a cron job02:48
switch10_roark_: it beats running it manually for sure.02:48
roark_switch10_: ya02:49
dozlerany cairo-dock open gl users in here? or is there a better dock that i am not aware of that uses 3d animations?02:49
thebrucethanks Dr_Willis just added ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable to my sources02:49
phoebusDoes ubuntu support this hardware? http://www.marok.org/Arte/Mix/fufme.png02:49
casemodshow do i install a printer with ubuntu??02:50
Loshaphoebus: do that again and I will request that you be banned...02:50
phoebusLosha, loosen up, it's a joke :P02:51
Loshaphoebus: jokes go on #ubuntu-offtopic....02:51
casemodsphoebus: internet is serious business02:51
phoebusLosha, it was very quiet :P02:51
g33kergRLcasemods: Losha come on, relax02:52
phoebusDon't worry no bandwidth catastrophically lost.02:52
thebruceLosha, is just trying to keep everything on topic02:52
g33kergRLphoebus: if only you had a way of measuring traffic to that pic in realtime02:52
roark_switch10_: is there any way to backup names of packages installed ... after a clean install of ubuntu.... ( i mean saving all sudo apt-get install * ) on external hard drive... so that if my laptop crashes i just have to run the script which stored all sudo apt-get install commands and I will back to where I was.............02:52
phoebusg33kergRL, indeed :P02:52
casemodswhat picture?02:52
g33kergRLfufme pic02:52
Dr_Willis!clone | roark_02:52
ubotturoark_: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate02:52
phoebuscasemods, I'll pm you sec02:53
switch10_roark_: sudo dpkg --get-selections > /home/dave/upgrade/installed_packages02:53
switch10_sudo rsync -a /etc/apt/sources.list /home/dave/upgrade/02:53
thebruceany reason why my spell check in mozilla is british?02:53
Loshaphoebus: it's not the joke (though it *is* tasteless), it's the fact that it doesn't scale. If only 10% of users start posting one-liner jokes, the channel would be completely unusable...02:53
switch10_roark_: I run that as a cron job as well..02:53
g33kergRLthebruce:  it's sad to see ppl lose their memory at this young age02:53
thebruceg33kergRL, what?02:54
g33kergRLLosha: there's a fine line between responsible modding and Irc nazism02:54
phoebusTasteless? It's hilarious that this was once an actual product -- in circulation :P02:54
roark_switch10_: ok dpkg --get-selections i hope it gives only those which I installed AFTER installing ubuntu and doesnt include packages that were already there with ubuntu distro02:54
dozleranybody help me figure out my graphics driver problem?02:54
phoebusBut shouldn't this discussion be in offtopic now? >.> *runs off*02:54
switch10_roark_:  it works great.  and you can take the list that i am calling installed_packages, and have dpkg automatically install them on your new install.  pretty slick.02:55
casemodshow do i install a printer with ubuntu??02:55
Loshag33kergRL: true, and I don't always agree with the ops either, but it was both off-topic *and* blue...02:55
g33kergRLphoebus he's blue02:55
Dr_Williscasemods:  theres a menu item in the  admin menu.. You have actually tried to install/configure it?02:55
casemodsDr_Willis: not at all, i don't nkow how02:56
switch10_roark_: it includes all installed packages.  including those that are included with ubuntu, unless you remove them.02:56
Dr_Williscasemods:  time to put forth a little effort and  explore  Your menus then and look for the printer tool/icons.02:56
Loshag33kergRL: he's a smurf. And he's successfully trolled us....02:56
roark_switch10_: so i hope installing them again shoudlnt cause any problem02:56
g33kergRLphoebus: Losha: the absolute power of an irc mod is corrupting many02:56
switch10_roark_: na.  it will tell you that it is already installed.02:57
roark_switch10_: cool02:57
casemodsmy dad needs the printer to work or i have to re-install XP02:57
switch10_roark_: no problems02:57
g33kergRLLosha: ah, actually, i was saying TO phoebus "he's blue" about YOU ....02:57
Loshag33kergRL: power corrupts, but intermittent power corrupts absolutely....02:57
Dr_Williscasemods:  time to look in the  Administrator menu. and actally run the printer config tool... then come back if you cant get it working02:57
g33kergRLLosha: jokes about THAT i don't find funny at all02:57
dozlerubuntu software sources has plenty of printer apps there for ya02:57
casemodsDr_Willis: what is the exact name? and where do I find it?02:58
Loshag33kergRL: enough. Take it offtopic if you want to continue, ok?02:58
dozleralso try simply using a usb cord from your printer to your computer.. it will detect it02:58
g33kergRLchannel dictators is not a laughing matter02:58
Dr_Williscasemods:  no idea.. Im not on gnome.. im not going to hold your hand when you cant even seem to look in one menu. its the 3rd from the left..02:58
nastjuidSystem -> administration -> printing02:58
roark_ubottu: thanks... i only want to store the package names instead of installing them on other machine02:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:59
Dr_Willisnastjuid:  thanks. :) seems rather logical  eh.02:59
g33kergRLroark_: bots .... ;)02:59
roark_ubottu: i have a external hdd whre i want to sync all the package names i installed so that if my laptop crashes i can get back to previous state easily02:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:59
nastjuidah, yeah, that's it. attach a printer and click new02:59
nastjuidIf that doesn't work, I can't help you. I don't use paper.02:59
roark_g33kergRL: how did it answer my question :)03:00
roark_g33kergRL: very intelligent bot03:00
roark_g33kergRL: :P03:00
g33kergRLroark_: no clue, im not as intelli as she is03:00
roark_g33kergRL: she?03:00
thebruceshould i be using cairo with open gl?03:00
* g33kergRL explains to roark_ that all intelligent bots are female, stupid bots are male ...03:01
jimi_Anyone know the gui app name to launch shrew?03:01
roark_g33kergRL: got it madam03:01
g33kergRLjimi_: tamed shrew?03:01
roark_switch10_: can you think of any other folders outside home that i should sync...03:01
casemodsnastjuid thanks that worked03:01
jimi_g33kergRL,  shrew vpn client03:01
thebruceanyway to get an icon to launch gparted instead of sudo gparted03:02
g33kergRLvpn ...? is that even kosher?03:02
switch10_roark_: no.  I sync a few random other things that I have made changes to like /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/fstab03:02
roark_switch10_: ya etc/apt/sources.list is important i think03:03
roark_switch10_: i dont usually make changes to fstab..03:03
davebsHey, I've got a weird problem... 2 computers connected by ethernet to same router, both on dhcp, can communicate with eachother...but only one can access internet... any ideas?03:03
roark_switch10_: cool anyways03:03
aleiteHello guys... I compiled KDE on ubuntu, I changed KDE language to portuguese.. made the same with gnome (using gnome-language selector), but any gtk program is still in english, any clue?03:03
switch10_roark_: ya just stuff you have made changes to.  unless you feel like re doing it.03:04
exorzizthas anyone tried to sync iphone/ipod with libimobiledevice and can help me ??03:04
* nastjuid facepalms03:04
roark_switch10_: any other sync mechanism other than rsync...i heard rsync is more useful on non reliable and slow networls... since i will be connecting my hdd using usb i think my network is pretty reliable :)03:04
nastjuidforgot to start radvd after rebooting the router03:04
Losharoark_: I keep half a dozen files from /etc. I can recover almost all config from those few files. Parts of /home I can't live without get backed up when I remember...03:04
snypzzare both computers tcpip...?03:04
roark_switch10_: any sync mechanism which makes an assumption that network is reliable which is a decent assumption in my case i think03:05
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switch10_roark_: I havent needed to use anything but rsync.  I use it over my network.03:05
christopherQuelqu'un parle français dans la salle ? :-x03:05
nastjuiddavebs: make/model of router?03:05
DaZ!fr | christopher03:06
ubottuchristopher: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois03:06
Losharoark_: the reason people use rsync is because it can be configured to avoid copying files which haven't changed....03:06
roark_switch10_: is your network lan or anything bigger and slower than that... like do you sycn your office and home comps03:06
christopherThanks !! :-)03:06
switch10_roark_: no, just over my LAN03:06
roark_Losha: cool then it makes lot of sense to stick with rsync...03:06
davebsnastjuid: 2x wrt54g with ddwrt in a wireless bridge03:06
roark_Losha: since changes in files are smaller than actual files themselves... i thought you meant the same thing03:06
davebsnastjuid: both computers connected by wire to bridge which then connects wirelessly to the one in the other room which is connected to cable modem03:07
Losharoark_: the only thing better than rsync would be a proper full/incremental backup program...03:07
switch10_Losha: roark_ that is truly the greatest feature in rsync, it just syncs the changes.  it saves so much time/bandwidth03:07
ninjai_does anyone know how or if its possible to install lvm encryption on an already installed Ubuntu OS?03:07
darthpenguinhey. does anyone here know anything about setting up RAID?03:08
greezmunkeyLosha: bacula - if you want to commit the resources to it!03:08
MTecknologygp5st: http://dpaste.com/184389/03:08
nastjuiddavebs: are both machines getting an address and gateway? can both hit the router with icmp?03:08
Sk_Lghi!  when I start gparted to make space for a partition for ubuntu (after installing through the 64-bit windows option), the option to move/resize the partition is grey'ed on the menu. How do I change this to eliminate the windows?03:08
Losharoark_: I can't remember if rsync will only transmit the changed blocks in a file, but it definitely knows to skip over files which have no changes...03:09
switch10_Sk_Lg: unmount the disk...03:09
ninjai_Sk_Lg: the reason is because you are using that partition (root partition is mounted).  Boot off an ubuntu live CD and you should be able to03:09
davebsnastjuid: both getting address, both getting gateway, how do i check if they hit w/ icmp?03:09
Loshagreezmunkey: I prefer dump/restore myself, but each to their own...03:09
MTecknologygp5st: I installed this system from the cli only version on the alternate cd03:10
nastjuiddavebs: just ping03:10
davebsnastjuid: actually, that's interesting, one can pull up router while the other (the broken one) can't03:10
greezmunkeyLosha: yeah, I looked into bacula...I don't run a data center here, so rsync'n it!03:10
nastjuidwhich OS is the one that can't?03:10
davebsnastjuid: Yeah, I get destination host unreachable trying to ping router03:10
goodfella121Stopped on by to see if I can get some help with my video capture problem.03:10
greezmunkeygotta go...bye03:11
Losharoark_: ah, here it is, from the man page: "...The rsync remote-update protocol allows rsync to transfer just the differences between two sets of files across the network connection, using an efficient checksum-search algorithm.."03:11
Sk_Lg<switch10_> the "device is busy", how can I boot off a virtual disk? (since a burner is not readily available)03:11
MTecknologygp5st: any ideas?03:11
nastjuiddavebs: which OS is the one that can't?03:11
davebsnastjuid: ubuntu 9.10 32bit, everything fairly standard i think03:12
nastjuidanything in iptables -L ?03:12
goodfella121It appears the Dazzle Fusion video capture device is not working with Ubuntu 10.0403:12
gp5stMTecknology: hmm, i didn't expect it to find the partitions on the drive w/o mounting it03:12
goodfella121I heard there's a workaround. Anyone have any ideas?03:12
goodfella121lspci is reading it. But I can't use it! lol03:12
gp5stMTecknology: maybe get gparted and see what format that partition is in?03:12
davebsnastjuid: and fwiw it's been working and i haven't made any changes to anything I can think of, other than adding a raid array purely for storage03:12
Loshagoodfella121: 10.04 problems on #ubuntu+1 please...03:13
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switch10_Sk_Lg: you cant boot your machine from an iso image if thats what you mean.  unless you are on a virtual machine03:13
exorziztgot it03:13
nastjuiddavebs: anything in iptables -L ?03:13
goodfella121Losha: this was a problem with 9.04 and 9.1003:13
MTecknologygp5st: sdb1 = vfat03:13
MTecknologygp5st: I use fdisk -l03:14
Loshagoodfella121: oh, in that case it's ok, pardon me...03:14
switch10_Sk_Lg: if you dont have a cd burner use unetbootin to but the cd image on a flash disk03:14
davebsnastjuid: first, told me "can't initialize iptables table 'filter': permission denied" then w/ sudo gives nothing03:14
MTecknologygp5st: I've been mounting things myself but I'd like them to auto mount03:14
goodfella121Losha: lol no, it's fine. So I've tested this on all version and I was wondering, if the command lspci is reading the make and model in terminal, what is preventing me from using the device?03:14
gp5stMTecknology: i think you can write udev rules for it03:14
gp5stsince it's finding it ok and everything03:14
MTecknologygp5st: Are you sure it's udev?03:15
gp5stMTecknology: yeah03:15
Sk_Lgswitch10_: ok, put the cd image on a flash disk then boot from that?03:15
gp5stunless it's changed recently03:15
nastjuiddavebs: it sounds like the machine attached to the modem is bridging or doing passthrough, and the first machine on the other end that requests an address gets it. The address of the one that works is a private IP?03:15
Loshagoodfella121: reading make & model just means the device responds to basic probes by returning some text. It's promising, but no guarantee of full functionality. What does google say about that model?03:16
goodfella121Losha: unfortunately, Google has returned much. I've used the key words "dazzle fusion ubuntu video capture" and nothing. I've tried Kdenlive and Kino... but no luck. lol03:17
LoshaSk_Lg: or try: http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html03:17
osmosishow do I do audio calls with empathy to google talk users?03:17
davebsnastjuid: Sorry, I don't understand, private ip?  It's kinda setup like: (Tower) (Server) >>>ethernet>>>wrt54g1))))wireless)))))wrt54g2>>>cable modem, if that makes sense?03:17
nastjuiddavebs: yeah, i got that. What's the IP of the machine that works?03:18
ChogyDanosmosis: I think it is xmpp or somethin03:18
davebsTower =, Server=, wrt54g1=, wrt54g2=
suddenzerojoin ubuntu-beginners03:18
davebsnastjuid: works03:18
hell0identd is working how do i stop it03:18
Loshagoodfella121: try one of the mythtv forums? Those guys know tons about tv capture...03:18
switch10_Sk_Lg: yeah, you cant simply copy the iso onto the flash disk.  you have to system>admin>startup disk creater or unetbootin03:18
IdleOnesuddenzero: /join #ubuntu-beginners03:19
casemodscan anyone tell me how to re-enable the OS menu at boot?03:19
MTecknologygp5st: I'm going to switch kernels - brb03:19
goodfella121Losha: absolutely. so i don't have to look, can you give me the channel name? It'd be appreciated03:19
thebruceany way to zip a file w/o compression in ubuntu?03:19
hell0minident fakeidentd03:20
nastjuidthebruce: mkisofs ?03:20
thebrucezip a folder without compression rather03:20
Loshagoodfella121: *I* had to look it up: #mythtv-users03:20
goodfella121Losha: sorry broheim lol03:20
MTecknologygp5st: so - having udev running doesn't change anything03:21
SvenGthebruce: "gzip -1" ;)03:21
gp5studev is always running03:21
Loshagoodfella121: also check out http://www.mythtvtalk.com/forum/03:21
goodfella121Losha: thanks!03:21
SvenGthebruce: how about "mv file file.zip"? :)03:21
Sk_Lgswitch10_: so I have the .iso going to a 2gb disk, but it gives me 2 options for the one device03:21
thebrucehmm SvenG that's interesting03:22
Sk_Lgswitch10_: should I just click on the one with free space?03:22
MTecknologygp5st: .... you missed what I said about how I built this system..03:22
thebrucebut when i rename a file it doesnt make it an archive03:22
casemodshow can I choose what operating system on startup?03:22
SvenGthebruce: true.  was just an idea. ;)03:22
davebsnastjuid: It's got me scratching my head too... kinda a screwy setup but everything should work.  And what's really weird is I use synergy to use one keyboard and one mouse to control the two computers and I can control the one that can't get on the internet fine (and that's the one that doesn't have a keyboard connected)03:22
hell0how do i find out which application is opening a port03:22
SvenGthebruce: why do you want that, by the way?03:22
nastjuiddavebs: what's the netmask on the one that's not working?03:23
gp5stMTecknology: the cli installer should have done udev iirc03:23
SvenGhell0: watch it very very closely ;)03:23
thebruceSvenG, i am repackaging an apk for android03:23
casemodshow can I choose what operating system on startup?03:23
thebruceand im new to the linux scene03:23
thebrucei use 7zip in windows03:23
hell0SvenG, ?03:23
SvenGthebruce: so it has to be a zip file... fine.  but why "no compression"?03:23
MTecknologygp5st: I'm trying out dpkg-reconfigure udev03:23
SvenGhell0: ";-)"03:23
nyhcjediis there any way i can create a virtual network to test my networking skills with ubuntu?03:23
thebrucewell it has to be an apk03:24
Loshathebruce: in the man page for zip, it talks about -n to disable compression for certain files...03:24
nastjuiddavebs: earlier when you said 'pull up' did you mean access the management page? So the one that can't work also can't access the management page?03:24
kulahitatriboo_1nyhcjedi try virtualbox03:24
thebrucebut if you create a zip archive and rename to .apk that works03:24
SvenGthebruce: well.. problem solved?!03:24
hell0SvenG, if u dont wanna help .. ;)03:24
thebruceproblem solved? no03:24
davebsnastjuid: yes03:24
SvenGhell0: use tcpdump03:24
gp5stMTecknology: i think udev is running, since it creaded /dev/sdb, that's what it does. you can write a rule and say that you also want to mount certain drives03:24
nyhcjedii have vbox and i got a xp copy working just not sure if it can be networked together with a server and stuff03:24
kulahitatriboo_1yes you can be network did you try bridge or hostonly network?03:25
MTecknologygp5st: udev doesn't need to be running for that, that's the kernel seeing the drive being connected03:25
Loshathebruce: in the man page for zip, see also -0 (under -#)03:25
MTecknologygp5st: could you pastebin top -b -n 1 | grep udev03:25
gp5stMTecknology: that's what udev does03:25
nastjuiddavebs: what happens if you drop the interface on the one that doesn't work then bring it up with the dhcp client? (will probably have to plug keyboard in for that)03:25
thebruceunder -#?03:25
casemodshow can i change the time the boot menu asks??03:26
kulahitatriboo_1nyhcjedi, try bridge or host only network03:26
gp5stMTecknology: i'm on a mac03:26
SvenGthebruce: loscha is right! :) "-#     Regulate the speed of compression using the specified digit #, where -0 indicates  no        compression (store all files),"03:26
Loshathebruce: yes, where # is a digit from 0 (no compression) to 9....03:26
MTecknologygp5st: if you don't have udev running that message will still show in in dmesg, udev has nothing to do with it03:26
Sk_Lgswitch10_: installation failed, an uncaught exception was raised: [errno2] No such file or directory03:26
thebrucezip -0 /directory03:26
davebsnastjuid: Yeah, I've got an extra keyboard, what's the command?  Disconnect from network gui thing then dhcpd eth0?03:26
SvenGthebruce: zip -0 archivename $dir03:26
LoshaSvenG: don't sound so surprised. I may be old but I can still read man pages... :-)03:27
SvenGLosha: err....?03:27
gp5stMTecknology: i'm pretty sure udev is what adds it to /dev otherwise it's just another usb device, unless it's different in ubuntu03:27
LoshaSvenG: just joking...03:27
nastjuiddavebs: disconnect, then dhclient eth0 might be dhcpcd etho03:27
thebrucezip warning: missing end signature--probably not a zip file (did you03:27
thebrucezip warning: remember to use binary mode when you transferred it?)03:27
thebrucezip warning: (if you are trying to read a damaged archive try -F)03:27
thebrucethat's what is tells me03:27
SvenGLosha: ah :)03:27
FloodBot4thebruce: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:27
SvenGthebruce: what was your command which resulted in that error message?03:28
thebrucezip -0 framework-res.apk /home/bruce/Desktop/5056/03:28
Loshathebruce: it thinks you're trying to read a zip archive. You got the arguments wrong...03:28
MTecknologygp5st: I have no udev instance running, plug it in, I see the message in dmesg - that's a kernel module that handles that, udev should actually mount that to /media/xxx i think03:28
thebruceyeah i see that, im trying to create a zip03:28
davebsnastjuid: ha, awesome, dhcpcd not installed...03:28
nastjuiddavebs: dhclient ?03:28
Loshathebruce: you need -r to recursively zip a directory...03:29
SvenGthebruce: "zip -0 foo.zip dir/" - works for me *shrug*03:29
davebsnastjuid: ugh, now i just reconnected, and it all works...03:29
jordanHello, I was wondering if anyone in here played WoW with Ubuntu and could help me with a problem03:29
casemodscan anyone help? my menu list is empty. I want to boot back into windows but it wont let me03:29
thebruceLosha, -r where?03:29
gp5stMTecknology: are you sure about that, i thought udev only created /dev entries and ran associated scripts03:29
MTecknologygp5st: I'm positive03:30
Loshathebruce: zip -r -0 framework-res.apk /home/bruce/Desktop/5056/03:30
SvenGcasemods: menu list?  menu of *what*?  grub?03:30
davebsnastjuid: for future reference, I guess I should just create a batch script I can run that does ifconfig eth0 down then up huh?03:30
nastjuiddavebs: so it got a dhcp advertisement?03:30
Sk_Lgswitch10_: installation failed, an uncaught exception was raised: [errno2] No such file or directory; will a 512 memory stick work?03:30
casemodsSvenG: yes grub03:30
thebrucehmm what does -r mean/do? when should i use that?03:30
switch10_Sk_Lg: no that is too small.  you need at least 700mb03:30
nastjuiddavebs: if it's up the first time, you shouldn't need to03:30
davebsnastjuid: I guess, I tried restarting before but no dice03:30
SvenGcasemods: okay... cant really help here... (not a grub expert), but you should mention "grub"! :)03:30
davebsnastjuid: But yeah, weird03:30
Loshathebruce: -r means to zip a directory and all the files/subdirectories inside it, recursively...03:31
thebrucehmm ok03:31
SvenGthebruce: "-r" = "recurse into directories"03:31
jordancasemods, is Windows not showing up in the OS Choices menu?03:31
SvenGhmm... i am getting a little slow here...  4:30am..03:31
thebruceok so i zip -r -0 framework-res.apk /home/bruce/Desktop/5056/03:31
casemodsJordan there is no OS choices menu to speak of....i think it went away....03:31
thebruceand then i don't see the .zip now in /home/bruce/Desktop/505603:31
SvenGthebruce: the zip file should be in $PWD03:32
randomusr_I'm creating a form using the wizard in base, but when I click finish, nothing happens. What's up?03:32
ejvwhy are you using .zip?03:32
thebrucewhoa why SvenG03:32
Loshathebruce: zip -v -r -0 framework-res.apk /home/bruce/Desktop/5056/   <-- added -v verbose flag so you can see what it's doing03:32
ejvwhy wouldn't you use tar...03:32
SvenGejv: he's creating a package file03:32
davebsnastjuid: Thank you for the help though, I really should find a hobby that is a bit more conducive to my sanity :-)03:32
SvenGejv: has to be a zip file apparently03:33
nastjuiddavebs: you have no idea how much that statement applies to me righ tnow03:33
SvenGthebruce: if you want your zip file to be created elsewhere then you must give the dir, too!03:33
thebruceok i see a bunch of files that were compress03:33
jiohdihow do you set up wifi in icewm?03:33
thebrucewell i gave the same directory at the end there SvenG03:33
SvenGthebruce: like.. "zip -r -0 /path/file.zip $dir"03:33
SvenGthebruce: oh. must have missed this03:34
thebruceohh well im cd'd into the directory where the file is03:34
SvenGtoo much scrolling in here ;-)03:34
thebruceohh wait no im not lol03:34
Loshathebruce: the zip file should be in the current directory, named framework-res.apk.zip03:34
jordanDoes anyone here play WoW with Wine?03:34
SvenGjordan: not me i aint03:34
davebsnastjuid: Haha, you and me both, you and me both...03:35
S0cr4t3shave 2 hard drives that were running software raid with LVM on top of that in Ubuntu 9.04.  Somehow the LVM info got hosed.  Now the /dev/md0 comes up as just Free Space.  pvscan, vgscan and lvscan come up with nothing.  Any ideas?03:35
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=== JonMelamut-Lenov is now known as JonMelamut
thebruceok so now im in the directory where my folder is03:35
thebruceand i run zip -v -r -0 framework-res.apk /home/bruce/Desktop/5056/03:36
thebruceand it tells me missing end signature like it's trying to read a zip again03:36
Sk_Lgswitch10_: how do I format this particular thumb drive?03:36
SvenGthebruce: good! :)03:36
thebruceim sorry guys im actually quite capable but this is very strange and new to me03:37
SvenGthebruce: is your $PWD *within* /home/bruce/Deskto/5056/ ?03:37
thebruceim stuck in a windows frame of mind03:37
SvenGthebruce: ;)03:37
SvenGthebruce: "the current working directory"03:37
CkhiKuzadyour current directory03:37
CkhiKuzaduse the command pwd03:37
CkhiKuzadit will show it03:37
SvenGthebruce: are you creating thearchive within the directory tree you are zupping?03:37
SvenGthebruce: ahaaaaa! recursion! ;-)03:38
thebrucemy pwd is /home/bruce/Desktop/505603:38
SvenGthebruce: doh!03:38
ubuntuseris it possible to select the installed packages from ubuntu desktop CD?03:38
thebrucemy file i want to zip is in /home/bruce/Desktop/505603:38
SvenGthebruce: so you are telling the zip file to create it within the directory your are zipping... baaaaad idea ;)03:38
ubuntuserI cannot see this in the installer03:39
thebruceohh no03:39
SvenGthebruce: dont do it.03:39
thebrucethis is the directory to the file /home/bruce/Desktop/5056/framework-res.apk03:39
SvenGthebruce: i recommend to it like this:03:39
thebrucei want the zip to be in the same parent folder03:39
thebrucein /home/bruce/Desktop/505603:39
thebrucegot me?03:39
SvenGthebruce: zip $options archive subdir/03:39
mivancesilly question, but for a mini running netbook remix i find it almost impossible to find space on the panel to right-click for 'add to panel'; is there soem secret i'm missing?03:39
jiohdimivance: you have to hunt for it, its there03:40
SvenGthebruce: i have seen this before.. i understand.. but it's not working like that03:40
mivanceis there any other mechanism like editing config files?03:40
thebrucereally strange ok ill make the output desktop03:40
SvenGthebruce: the archive cannot be part of the data itself03:40
thebruceright of course not03:41
thebruceim using zip -r and it's trying to read a zip and not create one!03:41
SvenGthebruce: so... "zip $options archive subdir/"03:41
thebruceugh i don't understand03:41
MTecknologyWhen I plug in an external drive, dmesg shows me that the drive and partitions are detected. I have pcmanfm installed and I want the new device to show up there so I can click and auto-mount the partition. The way I'm doing it now I have to drop to cli and manually mkdir && mount. What do I need to do for that to work?03:42
SvenGthebruce: you are creating the archive within the directory youa re zipping.  while adding data it extends your achive and thus has to reread your directory, adding data, and ... etc, see?03:42
thebruceSvenG no i am not doing that03:43
Loshathebruce: check you 'man zip' manpage. It's possible your version of zip uses different args...03:43
thebrucethe directory i am zipping is /home/bruce/Desktop/5056/framework-res.apk03:43
jordanWhat is a Floodbot?03:43
thebrucethe output directory is /home/bruce/Desktop/03:44
SvenGthebruce:  /home/bruce/Desktop/5056/framework-res.apk is a *directory* name?03:44
thebruceframework-res.apk is a folder03:44
SvenGthebruce: oh-kay....03:44
Loshajordan: a floodbot is a program which looks for flooding (too many lines of text typed too quickly) and silences the offender temporarily...03:45
SvenGthebruce: zip -r -0 /home/bruce/Desktop/foo.zip /home/bruce/Desktop/5056/framework-res.apk03:45
jordanAhh like a spam controller thanks Losha :D03:45
extorBesides openvz are there any other types of jail/chroot environments in karmic? I want to run a cgi script that I would like to sandbox if possible...03:45
thebrucewhat is foo.zip03:45
SvenGthebruce: i thought the resulting *achive file name* should be foo."apk"03:45
un214I just discovered qemu-kvm package assumes it is being installed to the running system as opposed to a chroot jail or an emergency disk03:46
SvenGthebruce: "foo.zip" is a general name of the resulting archive03:46
thebruceahh so the name of the created zip come BEFORE the folder im zipping?03:46
thebrucekind of seems backwards to me03:46
SvenGthebruce: YES :)03:46
thebrucei.e. the cp command or rm03:46
thebrucewell not rm but the cp03:47
SvenGthebruce: not quite.  the archive name comes first, so the *rest* of line can be a LIST of files and diretories03:47
SvenGthebruce: i think you want this: "zip -r -0  /home/bruce/Desktop/framework-res.apk /home/bruce/Desktop/5056/"03:47
thebruceyeah i do03:48
SvenGthebruce: and let's abbreviate "/home/bruce/" with "~/" ;)03:48
thebruceahh yeah ~ is home right?03:48
thebrucei am learning some things03:48
SvenGthebruce: should be.  with every good shell. :)03:48
SvenGthebruce: you can check with "echo $HOME"03:48
SvenGthebruce: and when you "cd ~/Desktop" before the zip command then the command becomes even shorter03:49
thebruceohh ok03:49
Lunix4noobsubuntu is for fagas03:49
SvenGthebruce: "cd ~/Desktop; zip -r -0  framework-res.apk 5056/"03:49
Lunix4noobsfuck this03:49
Lunix4noobsubuntu sucks03:49
FloodBot1Lunix4noobs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:49
macoLunix4noobs: watch your mouth03:50
SvenGLunix4noobs: dont tell them.  just move on.  bye!03:50
Lunix4noobsim the man03:50
Lunix4noobsMAC for life03:50
SvenGso.. back to solving problems..03:50
Lunix4noobsfuck ubuntus03:50
maco!ops | Lunix4noobs language03:50
FloodBot1Lunix4noobs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:50
ubottuLunix4noobs language: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:50
bipingAnyone: what does "hidden symbol referenced by DSO" mean? reported when linking object files and lib files?03:50
thebruceSvenG, that zip command is putting home/desktop/5056 in the zip03:50
thebrucei don't need that03:50
SvenGbiping: google finds some stuff on OpenWRT...03:51
bipingSvenG: What's  OpenWRT?03:51
SvenGbiping: an OS for access points03:52
SvenGthebruce: did you type that correctly?  i sense a typo...03:52
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thebrucei cp'd03:52
bipingI got this message when linking obj files with libtool03:53
SvenGthebruce: copy&paste?  or copying by typing?03:53
thebrucei copied what you typed and pasted in term03:53
bipingSvenG: can't see any relate to OS03:53
bipingSvenG: compiling issues, i think03:54
SvenGbiping: might be.. *shrug*03:54
SvenGbiping: i am really bad at guessing what people do from compile errors ;)03:54
thebruceis there no gui that will compress with no compressions?03:54
bipingSvenG: all rights, thanks!03:55
SvenGthebruce: once you master the command line stuff you dont want no gui ;)03:55
thebrucewell this is getting crazy03:55
Jordan_Uthebruce: Please rephrase your question.03:55
SvenGthebruce: it's a lot easier whwn you can see what someone is really doing ;)03:55
thebrucei don't understand why i can't zip this folder and have it out put that same folder but zipped03:55
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thebrucewhen i get it to zip, it creates my linux directories in the zip03:56
SvenGthebruce: that's because you "cd" *into* that tree03:56
thebruceim at ~ now03:57
thebrucewhich is bruce@bruce-ubuntu:~$03:57
thebrucehow can i make turn a folder in a zip?03:58
SvenGthebruce: "zip -0 -r framework-res.apk Desktop/5056/" now03:58
Glahey guys, curious what you guys think of http://tap.info03:58
SvenGgla: tap.info... "real-time communities"?03:58
SvenGGla: as in "chat"?03:59
SvenGGla: or "IRC"?03:59
thebruceok where is the zip now?03:59
SvenGthebruce: in the *current* diretory... your home dir.04:00
SvenGthebruce: ls -l *apk04:00
SvenGjzacsh: hmm... your login shell is... csh!  no.. zsh! ;-)04:00
thebrucei see04:01
useradmin_any one from australia04:01
SvenGthebruce: "we have a apk!"  right?04:01
SvenGthebruce: missiona ccomplished?04:01
thebruceahh yes04:01
SvenGthebruce: check with "file *apk"04:01
thebrucenow i need to comprehend this04:01
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jzacshSvenG: :) bash actually, don't you see it? (the be is hidden)04:02
SvenGjzacsh: yeah... once needs to get started with *something* ;)04:02
useradmin_Im 24 year old from north suburbs melbourne australia i have black hair brown eyes 179 cm and 80 kg single and looking add me on msn messenger at dannyj-@live.com thanks04:03
dancallodoes anyone know if a .dmg file can be installed and used in Ubuntu?04:03
SvenGjzacsh: chsh -> /bin/zsh  ;-)04:03
thebrucei don't quite understand how that worked really, it's hard to understand04:03
SvenGuseradmin_: wrooooooooong channel ;-)04:03
macoSvenG: too slow04:03
dancalloway wrong channel useradmin04:03
SvenGthebruce: we need to talk ... ;-)04:03
SvenGmaco: huh?04:04
thebruceso zip -0 -r  i get that04:04
thebrucei was at my home dir04:04
macoSvenG: useradmin_ had already left04:04
SvenGmaco: ah!04:04
thebruceand i didn't cd to tell it where the framework-res.apk was04:04
dancalloHome sweet,
SvenGmaco: too much scrolling.. ;)04:04
GlaSvenG: yea04:04
Glahook yourself up with your real-time community04:05
Glacommon, I know you want to04:05
thebrucewait i think i get it now SvenG04:05
SvenGGla: gimme three reasons why tap.info is better than IRC!04:05
SvenGhint: "it's web two oh... uh... color... and.. it's new" - that wont do it. ;-)04:06
dancalloCan a file with a .dmg file extension be converted and used in Ubuntu?04:06
voss749What if a computer running 9.10 is not seeing the upgrade to 10.04 beta?04:06
SvenGsolar flares?04:07
nomasteryodavoss749, it won't until the release is out04:07
switch10_voss749: it wont until 10.04 is released..04:07
GlaSvenG: scaleable, easiley accessable, it's name is tap04:07
macodancallo: might be able to get it open but those usually have executables for OSX in them which you wouldnt be able to run04:07
voss74910.04 beta is out04:07
nomasteryodano the actual release04:07
voss749Its at beta 204:07
SvenGGla: so is irc.  try again!04:07
voss749so how do you get the beta release04:07
dancalloThat's what I thought but wanted to ask someone else as verification.04:07
jzacshSvenG: pm?04:07
dancalloThanks, maco.04:08
GlaSvenG: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bug/39279904:08
switch10_voss749: yes exactly. key word being beta04:08
Glatry that out for size lol04:08
macodancallo: its just a disk image, so yeah theres probably a way to open it like you would any zip (i mean, .exe's are often just .zip's with a different ending)04:08
steven__hello i need help with wine04:08
xangua!help > steven__04:08
ubottusteven__, please see my private message04:08
SvenGGla: so your point is that channels can be too noisy?  why - certainly.  but you can create other channels just be joining them.  so - what was your point again?04:09
GlaI'm not going to argue here04:09
Glatap is superior, that's that.04:09
thebruceahh SvenG sorry man got an issue04:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:09
SvenGGla: dont see why.  maybe you can explain...04:10
SvenGthebruce: yeessss?04:10
GlaSvenG: first off, you don't get all the users on IRC04:10
Glathere are TONS of people who woul dlike to be invovled with #ubuntu but don't use IRC04:11
SvenGGla: you never get "all" of them... no matter what protocol04:11
steven__xangua:i download a pro. called mule farm and dose not run in wine04:11
Glawell, you can get a HELL of a lot more04:11
SvenGGla: not *yet*04:11
ack_synI need to configure an user I create to be able to create tcp bind on tcp port 80, just like nobody does. how do I do it?04:11
Glanot yet?  25 years later? lol04:11
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:11
SvenGGla: and you think you can get *all* of them with tap.info?  good luck!04:11
Glaobviously not04:12
Glabut a lot more04:12
ack_synanyone ?04:12
Glamore then 50% more04:12
SvenGGla: more thAn?04:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:12
xangua!wine > steven__04:12
ubottusteven__, please see my private message04:12
SvenGGla: proof?04:12
GlaSvenG: have this conversation on tap, not here, it's to noisy ;)04:12
SvenGGla:  ah - that's how you get them!04:13
SvenGGla: "we'll tell you when you're *there*!"04:13
Glahahaha ;)04:13
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu04:13
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GlaSvenG: I'm going to get some dinner, try it out though04:13
halfiehisto, does ubuntu has ssh connection manager which I can use?04:13
SvenGGla: naah.  been trying out so much... kept getting back to irc. ;)04:14
halfieI have to login to around 30 machines, it would be really nice to have something similar to putty04:14
benkevanhalfie: openssh04:14
SvenGGla: after all, i've been using it for 20+ years now04:14
ardchoille!ot | SvenG Gla04:14
ubottuSvenG Gla: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:14
SvenGhalfie: openssh! :)04:14
thebruceSvenG im here sorry04:14
halfiebenkevan: yes of course I use ssh all the time but a gui on top (like putty) would be great!04:14
SvenGubottu: okie :)04:14
switch10_halfie: setup aliases in .bash_aliases, and just use ssh04:14
benkevanhalfie: if you want "config" files you can just have a bunch of scripts to go to the respected servers with ssh in a directory.. etc..04:15
benkevanor as switch10 said.. you can just set up a bunch of aliases.. (i'd have too many)04:15
halfiebenkevan: I have 30 scripts in my ~/bin now to do just that :(04:15
SvenGhalfie: "ssh user@host: remotecommand"  :-)04:16
switch10_halfie: so you are already set up!! :)04:16
benkevanhalfie: that's not too bad.. mine would be north of 200 haha....04:16
halfieheh ... 200 .. that is encouraging :D04:16
akiwiguyhalfie: http://putty.very.rulez.org/download.html look near the bottom for Unix source code, download, compile, install.04:17
halfieakiwiguy: thanks .. will give it a shot04:18
switch10_halfie: just a question, what makes putty any easier?  I have never used it..04:18
halfieswitch10: ohh you should give it a try. it is pretty neat  (you can see all your connections in the GUI)04:19
halfieso you don't have to remember the scripts04:19
switch10_halfie: is it easier than just typing a name though?04:20
switch10_halfie: i mean if you had aliases set up04:20
benkevanhalfie.. you can do an ls.. and that would show you all your scripts04:20
benkevanI don't get how that's better?04:20
halfieswitch10_: heh, instead of typing you can click ;)04:20
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switch10_halfie: ahh04:20
halfiesort of filezilla like interface or maybe like gftp software interface04:21
benkevanhalfie: you can go to a file manager and see all your scripts and launch it into a terminal if that's what you really want..04:21
benkevanI don't see how putty does something that you can't on your machine..04:21
halfiebenkevan: yes I will do that. putty does not provide extra functionality though some might argue that it is slightly more convenient04:22
switch10_halfie: if you want to click on something, you could make desktop short cuts for each machine....04:22
yanghonghi there, how can I call 'indicate' in the command line ? thks04:23
halfieswitch10_: ahh that is a good idea ... yes I will make ssh folder on my desktop and put all my connections there. will launch using file manager ...04:23
david_brenthi, is there a ppa for kernel 2.6.33, i'm on karmic..how can i easily get the 2.6.33 ?04:23
benkevanhalfie there is a kde application that has a GUI that has saved connections04:23
benkevanif that's what you really want04:23
slckb0ysomeone is using KDE in a Vbox ?04:23
halfiebenkevan: kssh?04:23
yanghongI want to show indicate in a shell script04:23
switch10_halfie: create launchers...  but yeah I think it is much faster to just type a name.04:24
benkevanhalfie: Yes.. kssh04:24
benkevanhow would you ever have guessed :D04:24
benkevanor was that a kguess HAHAHAHAH04:24
halfiewas just googling04:24
halfiekeychain is awesome :)04:24
benkevanso are keys :P04:24
halfieit has made my ssh-ing so much fun ;)04:24
hunahpuslckb0y: no, but I have kde installed along gnome and xfce04:25
halfiekeychain is just a wrapper around ssh-agent .. its CLI based04:25
slckb0yhum well the problem is i can't manage to activate openGL under KDE, it doesn't recognise the emulated driver04:26
benkevanmaybe.. I'll blog about that on my site www.freetechie.com04:26
benkevanslckb0y... what driver? video card?04:26
hunahpudavid_brent: is going to be very hard to find that 2.6.33 just came out 14 days ago04:27
slckb0yit work under gnome/compiz but not under KDE desktop effect04:27
halfiedavid_brent, shift to Arch Linux ;)  ... I run it on netbook and it has 2.6.3304:27
slckb0ybut yet opengl is working in everything else, it's only with the desktop effect04:28
simmi am new to the chat but i am having trouble installing sims 2 delux on ubuntu, i installed wine already and when trying to install the game, it freezes at 2%, can anyone help me?04:28
dahudHow much is 10.04 expected to change in the next 2 weeks before release?  Can I install now without adverse effects?04:28
benkevanhalfie: haha.. that's not nearly a fix.. although I'm an arch linux fan also. .this is my first time giving Ubuntu / Kubuntu a shot04:28
benkevandahud: I haven't had any issues..04:28
benkevanbut you may have better luck asking #ubuntu+104:28
hunahpudahud: it will change a lot, stability wise.04:28
david_brenthalfie: i dont have time to do an arch install right now, i just need the kernel for the b43 driver04:28
benkevansimm: do you know if sim 2 is compatible with wine?04:28
benkevanare you trying to install from the command line? what type of exit does it have? what is it crashing on?04:29
halfiedavid_brent: IIRC there is kernel-ppa thing right?04:29
benkevanwhat os container do you have for wine etc? .. all those are important04:29
benkevandavid_brent.. I give me 1 sec.. i'll check if ppa has it04:29
david_brenthalfie: i found some debs04:29
halfiedavid_brent, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.33/04:29
simmbenkevan: i think it is, i read online before that sims 2 will install on ubuntu,04:29
halfiethere you go .. I have used kernel-ppa with success ..04:29
david_brentthanks all04:30
benkevanhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.33/ < add that ppa.. oh screw you halfie: :D04:30
simmbenkevan: i wonder if it just takes a long time to install on ubuntu, could that be a possiblility? because i just dont see the percent going up\04:30
halfieheh ..04:30
benkevanusually it's faster with sine.. haha04:30
hunahpusimm: go to the wine-hq website and check compatibility04:30
simmhunahpu: ok i will do that now04:31
halfiewine ... grrrrr! ... install virtualbox and run your app there!04:31
benkevani like virtualbox04:31
* hunahpu agrees with halfie04:31
benkevanit's like.. virtual and stuff04:31
halfieno need to mess for wine for days to get notepad working ;)04:31
* hunahpu wonders who would want notepad when there is gedit, geany, vim, etc...04:31
* benkevan pico pico 04:32
halfieyou guys haven't seen the power of notepad :P04:32
benkevani sure hope you mean notepad++04:32
halfiejust kidding guys .. :D04:32
phoebusI prefer notepad--04:32
dsnydersAnybody got a decent OneNote replacement?04:33
chris7894I am having problems getting samba to start after rebooting. it worked once, but i cant get it to work again. any help please?04:33
halfieI like vim but after seeing my friend using emacs ... I am tempted to learn emacs!04:33
simmok guys, thanks with my sims 2 problem, it looks like it is compatible but it is just taking forever, i opened details and it just has a lot of files to load, i got one more question though04:33
hunahpuhalfie: good luck, if you are used to vim learning emacs is... lets say not-pleasent04:33
hunahpuand viceversa I suppose04:33
halfiehunahpu, I am not very good at vim though. So switching might be less of a pain04:34
simmright now i am dual booting because my xp is bad and i cannot find a repair disk, i think i am almost out of memory that i set aside for ubuntu, is there a way for me to increase its capacity?04:34
benkevanI like vim .. i don't know it very well.. but I like it.. haha04:34
benkevanmemory or hard disk space?04:34
benkevanand how much space did you give?04:34
halfieI do lot of coding (c,c+,java, python, php, shell, some ocaml ) and think emacs might be better suited04:34
benkevanubuntu doesn't need much (nor does linux in general)04:34
hunahpusimm: when you say memory you mean hard drive space? you can install another hard drive and move files to it04:35
simmbenkevan: i dont remember because i installed it maybe a month ago04:35
benkevanI have alot of porn.. so browsers suit me better.. whoops.. realizes this isn't ubuntu-offtopic04:35
benkevansimm df -h04:35
simmhunahpu: the harddrive space04:35
simmbenkevan: df -h in the terminal?04:35
hunahpuhalfie: I've used vim since I first touched linux, so I'm very used to it, but lately I've been using gedit and geany, and I'm loving them04:35
benkevanin a terminal window.. or go to the menu and use Disk Usage Analyzer04:35
benkevansimm.. yes that'll tell you how much disk space you have left04:36
hunahpusimm: yes just buy and install a new one, the larger the better, and transfer files to it04:36
simmbecause i know in windows you can increase the partition size but i dont know how to do it from ubuntu side04:36
halfiehunahpu, I wish I could use notepad++ or eclipse everywhere but many times I work on remote machines .. so have to learn vim/emacs.04:36
benkevanif you're on lvm then sure.. :D .. but then you'd have to of installed using the alternate cd..04:36
johnmn3this work?04:36
jiohdisimm: have you tried gparted?04:36
dsnyderssimm, the gparted tool can adjust partition sizes04:36
johnmn3guess so04:37
hunahpusimm: if you have unused space you can use it, in Ubuntu we have GParted, you can give room to one partition at cost of taking space from another one04:37
benkevanhaha.. I blogged about that very topic a few days ago halfie: http://www.freetechie.com/blog/5-helpful-vi-and-vim-vi-improved-cheat-sheets-and-quick-reference-cards/04:37
SvenGsomeone said "vim"....04:37
SvenG... and emacs in the smae line!04:37
simmk found it guys, thanks04:37
halfiebenkevan, awesome. thanks!04:37
johnmn3on another channel, when I talk in it, it sends back the error: cannot send to channel04:37
SvenGheresy! ;-)04:37
johnmn3looks like I can talk in here though04:37
halfieheh Vim / Emacs. .. there I said it again :P04:38
benkevanhalfie: I am going to do a post for cheat sheets on emacs / pico too04:38
johnmn3ew.. looks like the channel is moderated.04:39
Loshajohnmn3: some channels require you to be registered, others require someone to give you a 'voice'...04:39
benkevanhave a pretty good article written for when Ubuntu is release for "what to do after installing ubuntu"04:39
kazagistar1I have a Canon MX870 printer... ubuntu does not have the driver by default, so I checked the site, and they provide a Mac driver in the form of a .dmg... do I have any chance of getting this working on ubuntu through cups?04:39
dsnydersjohnmn3, yes, this channel is moderated.04:39
hiexpojohnmn3, it is because u are not registered04:40
johnmn3dsnyders: naw, I mean there's another channel I just joined.. can't talk in it at all.04:40
johnmn3says, #clojure :Cannot send to channel04:40
SvenGbenkevan: must be a whole book... ;-)04:40
johnmn3dsnyders: google says that if it says that, it means no one can talk but channel operators04:41
Loshajohnmn3: I was able to say hello there. I'm registered...04:41
SvenGhalfie: you know.. when you mention both editors in the same sentence.. then you raise H3LL?!04:41
benkevanSvenG .. haha.. naw.. just some of the basic points.. shows how to install proprietary drivers, using the update manager, installing local .deb files, installing using the software center.. changing themes etc..04:41
johnmn3Losha: ah, so you gotta be registered then?04:41
benkevanjust some basic stizzuf..04:41
chris7894I am having problems getting samba to start after rebooting. it worked once, but i cant get it to work again. any help please?04:41
Loshajohnmn3: please do not use that term pejoratively in this channel...04:41
benkevanchris7894: Sure.. what errors are you getting? what exactly are you trying to do04:42
johnmn3Losha: I might already be registered... what was the login command?04:42
hunahpujohnmn3: "/msg nickserv identify <yourpassword>04:43
=== joneslee85_ is now known as joneslee85
Loshajohnmn3: hunahpu beat me to it...04:43
SvenGbenkevan: if it's not a book then it's just something for someonelike.. yourself! :-P04:43
johnmn3thank you both04:43
benkevanwhat's this book think you keep speaking of?04:44
chris7894benkevan, im not actually getting any errors. i am on a fresh copy of 9.1 fesh install of samba. i setup personal file sharing, was able to see my samba shares for one evening. restarted my computers and now i cant see or connect to the shares04:44
SvenGbenkevan: "what to do after installing ubuntu" - this can be a LOT!  probably a book then. :)04:45
Loshabenkevan: books were a pre-internet technology that used to be used for information archival and transfer. Now obsolete...04:45
hunahpuchris7894: dis you install system-config-samba package?04:45
chris7894hunahpu, yes i installed that package04:46
hunahpuchris7894: open it, go to preferences and make sure your user is on the users list04:46
kazagistar1thing to do after installing ubuntu #1246669: eat a snack, then go for a quick jog04:46
benkevanhaha.. SvenG: Yeah.. it's just the things to do "right after" ie customizations04:46
benkevanLosha: Where can I get one of these book things HAHA04:46
benkevanare they .pdf?04:47
chris7894hunahpu, the user (me) is in the list04:47
benkevanI don't need to go for a jog.. haha.. I'm plenty in shape :D04:47
benkevanI was happy to be curling back over 100lbs again today.. yay04:47
=== johnnyjboss is now known as johnnyj
hunahpuchris7894: make sure it starts on boot, open a terminal and type "ls -l /etc/rc2.d/*samba04:47
SvenGcurling... yeah... "man curl" :)04:48
LoshaSvenG: very good :-)04:49
benkevanwell played04:49
chris7894hunahpu, what does that command do?04:49
hunahpuchris7894: ls stands for list, the -l will show you permissions and more importantly where the symlink points to04:49
benkevanchris7894: if you run it.. you'll see that it's listing everything *sambba04:50
hunahpuchris7894: if you feel unsure, type "man ls" on your terminal so you can read the manual; to exit press Q04:50
ogenI need help. I downloaded a subtitle file. Where is it? So I said, open in archive manager. Thus I see the title (but dont know where is is). So I search with cntl-F in a Places window. Cant find it. I go look at the archive window, and it seems to say it is in / so I use Places to go to /, wait what's / (maybe I have it wrong and it's not my username directory) so I go to / in terminal, and ls. Nothing. I am lost, please help me find it and put it in the folder wi04:50
ogenth the movie.04:50
drleper2000hi installed ubuntu 9.10.. it starts, but the computer locks almost instantly (complete freeze)  -- how can i start in "safe graphics" mode to change graphics settings?04:50
chris7894benkevan, hunahpu i get one line of result04:50
hunahpuogen: open a terminal and type "find / -name <yourfilename>"04:51
un214so how to undo the effect of rm /etc/resolv.conf?04:51
hunahpuchris7894: does it points to ../init.d/samba??04:51
syriusubuntu iso file for powerpc is too large to burn to cd and I decompressed the iso with 7zip and it seems to be smaller in size can't I just use brasoro and just burn the root directories contents to the disk would that work?04:51
chris7894hunahpu, yes it does04:51
=== mezquitale is now known as tucemiux_
tucemiux_syrius, thats not exactly how it works, typically the CD will work unless you have a very old CD burner04:52
hunahpuchris7894: just to make sure the samba script is really there, type "gedit /etc/init.d/samba" (no quotes) it will open the samba script in gedit, don't worry without using sudo you won't be able to save changes, just check you read the word "daemon" on the first 20 lines04:52
Jordan_Usyrius: No, you could use a DVD or a flash drive though.04:53
syriusno I don't have any dvds or flash drive04:53
pxwebdevMy ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10 do random logouts. Has anyone had similiar issues and resolved them?04:53
Jordan_Usyrius: Do you have another mac you can connect via firewire?04:53
syriusthat is retarded to use a dvd for that anyways04:53
ogen<hunahpu> It just hangs with a flashing box in the terminal window (I did not use carets around the filename.)04:54
syriusit is 705 mb that would be a waste04:54
chris7894hunahpu, lots of script in that file....#defaults; run_mode=daemons04:54
syriusyes I know of that procedure Jordan_U04:54
tucemiux_syrius, ubuntustudio uses DVD only, not only that but there is no live DVD, you have to install ubuntustudio for it to work04:54
Alcordrleper Do u get to lagin?04:54
hexdump_has anyone here been successful at compiling rise of the triads full version?04:54
syriuswell the latest version does yes not past versions tucemiux_04:55
syriusbut it is larger than 700 mb04:55
hunahpuogen: it will take some time, it's searching for your file in your entire computer, all hard drives and devices, give it time, if it returns to ~:$ and no results, you are searching the wrong name or it is not there04:55
syriusso it is correct to burn to dvd04:55
hexdump_just wonderin' msg me plz if somebody has04:55
hunahpuchris7894: OK then the script is right and it is launching at start; the problem must be in your configurations04:55
syriusbut it is retarded any ways when you can just install ubuntu studio after installing ubuntu04:55
syriuswell it is a rewritable disk04:56
syriusgoing to test it out and see if it works04:56
syriuswhy is it when I decompress the 705mb iso it comes to 692mb04:57
hunahpuchris7894: you can use GUI tools to configure it, if you want to configure it manually edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf file with super user powers, this link will give you the basics: http://samba.org/samba/docs/man/manpages-3/smb.conf.5.html04:57
Loshasyrius: I'm not sure you're supposed to run decompress on an iso. It's not in and of itself a compressed format...04:59
hunahpusyrius: you can create an .iso file the size you want, even if its contents are just 2kb04:59
syriusI see well I have faith in 7zip04:59
syriusyes I know that hunahpu05:00
syriusbut I want to keep it simple05:00
syriusin windows it is a pain in the ass to do that05:00
syriuson ubuntu I don't have enough space05:00
mattrugI am trying to find the source for sys_getpid to edit it; however, all the documentation I can find does place it in the place they say it is. Does anyone know where it is located in 2.6.31?05:00
ogen<hunahpu> Ah I looked back at the download page which give an entirely different (30 numbers long) filename BUT says it is a zip archive. So then I DO know what to do in the archive manager (thought the name was lap-tsite.en.srt) and so I could extract it into a specific file. ----- I thought that downloads went into /downloads by default (double checking if it is there...  it is not)  ---- the subtitles dont show. and when I click on view>sutitle>chose file>(dialo05:00
ogeng box, choose it)>close --then MoviePlayer exits.   HUH?05:00
Loshasyrius: can you do a cd-less install? See http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ (the frugal install)05:01
syriusthe person wants to try it out first05:02
syriusit needs to be livecd05:02
tucemiux_syrius, you could also request for  a free CD to be sent to you05:02
syriusother wise I would have downloaded the minicd05:02
syriusI have money for that05:03
hunahpuogen: try changing the file's name, totem can't handle some characters or very long file names very well05:03
syriusthat should only be for poor people05:03
chris7894hunahpu, ill go through the GUI again, thanks for the assistance05:03
syriusI don't want to have to buy cds just  because it goes over its size by a few megabytes05:03
hunahpuchris7894: no problem, good luck05:03
tucemiux_syrius, if you dont have money for a DVD burner you **might** be poor,  a DVD burner is quite cheap, around $40-$60 US dollars05:04
ogen<hunahpu> I did it again but opened movie player first, then the video, then the (other) subtitle file. IT WORKS. (huh? but OK) ---- ((the long file name was only the archive, it vanished after unpacking) --- OK now.. how do I make a copy that will play on a regular dvd player?05:04
ogenthis is slowly working!05:04
syriusa cheap ass dvd player costs that amount05:04
tucemiux_yup yup05:04
syriusI use a quality dvd burner/player05:04
hunahputucemiux_: 40-60 bucks the expensive ones, I bought one for about ~20 dollars ($260MXN)05:04
chris7894hunahpu, what security settings and other config should i be using05:05
tucemiux_syrius, i stand corrected, $60 is an expensive DVD burner nowadays, hunahpu bought a really cheap one for $20 US05:05
hunahpuogen: I use devede to convert video files to regular DVD05:05
syriusno it isn't05:05
syriusI paid hundred bucks for mine05:06
hunahpuchris7894: that's up to you, it depends on how harsh your environment is, as you increase security usability will decrease05:06
syriusplexor makes excellent drives05:06
tucemiux_syrius, if you have a DVD burner then use it05:06
APERSONwhat package provides gnome-sound-recorder05:06
PreacherAnyone experienced with virtual box?05:06
tucemiux_yup yup05:06
syriusthat is stupid to burn a 705mb to a dvd05:06
tucemiux_!anyone | Preacher05:06
ubottuPreacher: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:06
buffrgood morning :)05:06
Supernatendoare they going to fix or remove pulseaudio this next release... it is still a steaming pile for me...05:07
PreacherI just installed Lucid and when i ran Vbox, I lost usb support05:07
syriusI don't have any single layer dvds05:07
Loshasyrius: you could've had it burned and up and running by now...05:07
APERSONPreacher, add yourself to the virtualbox group05:07
tucemiux_Preacher, usb support on the host machine or the guest machine?05:07
Preacherguest machine05:07
Preacherthe virtualbox usser group doesnt exist05:07
Willy26cool it works05:07
syriusubuntu powerpc should have made it a 700mb file05:08
Preacherthought perhaps it was nixed in the latest version05:08
tucemiux_Preacher, try what APERSON said, also make sure you download the PUEL version05:08
syriusrather than do it because of a specific cd that can05:08
buffrdo you know why my Ubuntu server doesn't have UTF-8 encoding available for some reason? :P I'm setting it with 'setEncoding("UTF8"), and it should be included in all JREs.05:08
buffrhowever I get UnsupportedEncodingException05:08
Loshasyrius: did you have a question?05:09
hunahpubuffr: if you have total control of the server, you may want to check your fstab file05:09
PreacherI installed it from the software center05:09
syriusno burning to dvd takes awhile Losha05:09
syriusyou think everything is a breeze05:09
ogenI have an .iso file from a dvd I bought. Then I stepped on the dvd. The iso file is 7.2G so I cant burn it. I happen to know that there is another copy of the movie on it, dubbed in chinese and with different color characteristics. (The movie is Ponyo and this was the Japanese version of it.) If I could get rid of the Chinese one then I could burn a dvd with just the English version -which is all that shows in the menus. The Chinese version came to light before I i05:09
ogennstalled medibuntu. ---- so how do I read the iso file which is on a hard drive on the wubi partition. The only way I can see it at all is to boot from that partition. Can I boot from it and run a program off of another ubuntu drive or would I have to install the program in the wubi section?05:09
Willy26im having a problem with getting stuff from my media server to my desktop. can anyone help please im getting a "cannot allocate memory" error when i try to transfer stuff over the network.05:09
buffrhunahpu, I do have, I'll do that. What should be there?05:10
tucemiux_Preacher, uninstall virtualbox, purge it, then download it from the virtualbox site05:10
buffrI'm pretty lost when it comes to these things05:10
Sk_Lgcan I install a 64bit version of ubuntu?05:10
muskask8would anyone know how to get a web cam with a built in micro phone to work in skype?05:10
hunahpubuffr: specify that you want to use UTF-8 in your mounting options05:10
buffrhow do I specify it? :P05:11
muskask8would anyone know how to get a web cam with a built in micro phone to work in skype?05:11
tucemiux_Sk_Lg, yes, download the 64 bit ISO05:11
buffrright now it's only like05:11
buffrproc  /proc       proc    defaults    0    005:11
buffrnone  /dev/pts    devpts  rw          0    005:11
PreacherI created usergroup vboxusers and added myself05:11
Preachero, ill try that05:11
muskask8would anyone know how to get a web cam with a built in micro phone to work in skype?05:12
muskask8would anyone know how to get a web cam with a built in micro phone to work in skype?05:12
ogen<hunahpu> Thankd for the help on my first question. Thanks for the suggestion for the program to make an avi into whatever format is played by a dvd-player.  And NOW! I am following with another question about the Ponyo dvd image. (already posted here several lines above)05:12
hunahpubuffr: read http://linux.die.net/man/8/mount add the utf option to your mount options in your fstab file, but I just re-read your original question, it might not be this but you lose nothing in trying05:12
tucemiux_!patience | muskask805:12
ubottumuskask8: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.05:12
muskask8would anyone know how to get a web cam with a built in micro phone to work in skype?05:12
Willy26im having a problem with getting stuff from my media server to my desktop. can anyone help please im getting a "cannot allocate memory" error when i try to transfer stuff over the network.05:13
hunahpuogen: I don't think I have ever heard of a Ponyio program, sorry05:13
ogenmuskask8 it depends on the webcam. I looked up mine on a list. It turns out it works in ekiga and not in skype. (But the sound doesnt work at all. It works in Windows. Alas.)05:13
Sk_Lgtucemiux_: once I burn the .iso to a usb, using usb start up disk creator, what is the next step?05:13
muskask8I just know that it's a logitech05:14
Willy26im having a problem with getting stuff from my media server to my desktop. can anyone help please im getting a "cannot allocate memory" error when i try to transfer stuff over the network.05:14
ogenhunahpu, Ponyo is the name of the Japanese movie I am trying to burn. The one that I -luckily- copied to disk (and then stepped on the original)05:14
ogenI have an .iso file from a dvd I bought. Then I stepped on the dvd. The iso file is 7.2G so I cant burn it. I happen to know that there is another copy of the movie on it, dubbed in chinese and with different color characteristics. (The movie is Ponyo and this was the Japanese version of it.) If I could get rid of the Chinese one then I could burn a dvd wit05:14
ogenhunahpu, hope that is more clear.05:15
tucemiux_Sk_Lg,  if you successfully created a USB bootable device you want to boot into it, you might have to configure your BIOS and change your boot priority, or you might have to hit a key when you boot up your machine so that you can specify where to boot from05:15
Loshaogen: there is a program, dvdshrink, which runs under wine, which will compress the 7.2G iso to 4.3G so you can burn it to a regular dvd. It's a pain in the ass to find dvdshrink and run it under wine, but it can be done...05:15
Willy26im having a problem with getting stuff from my media server to my desktop. can anyone help please im getting a "cannot allocate memory" error when i try to transfer stuff over the network.05:16
[R]i can't figure out where the icon for indicator-messages are stored05:16
kuroharabi have a quick noob question... i have apache running and i want to connect to my site from another computer but the only IP address my PC is showing is my router's ... how can I get an ip address for the outside world to use to connect to my PC?05:16
hunahpuogen: you can shrink your 7,2 GB back up; mount it to your cdrom0/ and rip it, k9 or kdvd are easy to use05:16
ogenmuskask8, lucky you --mine is a logitech too. I went to their site. There is a page of pictures of webcams so that you can find yours, then click on it and find the model number, et al.05:16
muskask8ok, hold on a sec05:16
hunahpu!info k9copy05:17
ubottuk9copy (source: k9copy): DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.3.3-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1325 kB, installed size 3676 kB05:17
Willy26im having a problem with getting stuff from my media server to my desktop. can anyone help please im getting a "cannot allocate memory" error when i try to transfer stuff over the network.05:17
Sk_Lgtucemiux_: if i boot to the .iso image, will I be able to re-enter the xchat from the ubuntu os i am on currently?05:17
hunahpuogen: you can install k9copy even if you use Ubuntu (gnome)05:17
drleper2000hi I installed ubuntu 9.10.. it starts, but the computer locks almost instantly (complete freeze)  -- how can i start in "safe graphics" mode to change graphics settings?05:17
ogenhunahpu, and Losha -- I want to look at the files inside the .iso to see if I can take some of them away and make it smaller. I would like to take that route first. How to do that?05:17
ogenI am only using ubuntu05:18
hunahpuogen: to mount your iso file, use "sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop <isofile> /media/cdrom0"05:18
ogenthat windows goes to some other computer so it wont work05:18
ogenOK cool.05:18
tucemiux_kuroharab,  whatismyip.com, you want to use a dns  resolution service05:18
Alcordrleper2000 do u get to the login screen?05:18
Preachertucemiux_:installing the downloaded version did it--thanks!05:18
kuroharabtucemiux_: whatismyip.com shows my router's ip address05:18
ogenhunahpu, and Losha -- Many thank you's. GRATZIIIII!05:19
drleper2000Alcor: yep, it's on auto login so i see the desktop, i think it is the compiz effects/driver issue05:19
domothere is a message in the motd.. i looked in /etc/motd and it looks generated and the message doesn't appear in motd.tail.. where is it coming from?05:19
drleper2000Alcor: same freeze on live cd too, loads up, move the mouse and hard freeze05:19
hunahpuogen: you don't need to take anything out, just shrink the video so it fits in a regular DVD; google for k9copy tutorials on how to do this, what it does is reduce the main video file quality a bit, so it fits in 4.9 dvds, you don't lose menus, subtitles or whatever it may have05:19
tucemiux_kuroharab, yup yup  that is what you use to connect the outside world to your pc, is your router configured correctly to route traffic to your machine?05:20
muskask8I have a logitech quickcam communicate stx05:20
kuroharabhmm, i guess not :P05:20
Willy26im having a problem with getting stuff from my media server to my desktop. can anyone help please im getting a "cannot allocate memory" error when i try to transfer stuff over the network.05:20
kuroharabtucemiux_: because if i try to connect to the ip address of my router it is just giving me the web interface for my router05:20
Alcordrleper2000 when u login with ur usr id, stop and look at bottom of screen.  Do not input passwd as yet.05:20
ogenok hunahpu but I think I can lose the Chinese version. -- AND -- you have given me an alternative in case the video of all versions are one file and not two.05:20
muskask8ogen, I have a logitech quickcam communicate stx05:21
hunahpuogen: I hope it works for you, good luck05:21
drleper2000Alcor: i've got autologin turned on from the install....05:21
tucemiux_kuroharab, you need to configure your router to connect to your machine, that'll be $15.9905:21
Alcordrleper2000 sry05:21
kuroharabtucemiux_: mighty expensive ... i think i can figure it out myself :P05:22
tucemiux_yup yup05:22
tucemiux_kuroharab, FYI05:22
tucemiux_most ISP block port 8005:22
drleper2000block port 80 ???05:22
Alcordrleper2000 Between the usr id part and the passwd you could have selected the Gnome pulldown at05:22
tucemiux_yup yup05:22
Willy26im having a problem with getting stuff from my media server to my desktop. can anyone help please im getting a "cannot allocate memory" error when i try to transfer stuff over the network.05:22
tucemiux_and port 2205:23
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kuroharabtucemiux_: well, the reason i ask is on windows if i go to whatismyip.com it doesn't give me my router's ip it gives an ip to my actual PC behind the router and you could just go to that in a browser and it would work05:23
Sk_Lgwhat si the reasoning for blocking port 80? my firefox might run on that port05:23
drleper2000what runs on 80?05:23
Alcordrleper2000 the bottom of the screen and selected Gnome safe...05:23
dugger5688Willy26: What are you using to transfer over the network?05:23
drleper2000port 80 is www though05:23
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Willy26i just go to network and there is the "server" it has all my music movies and files. its kinda like a big computer. Like 2TB worth.05:24
drleper2000Alcor: ahhh ok, ill have to reinstall and turn of auto login, then do safe login from there, thanks!05:24
tucemiux_kuroharab, sounds like your "router" gives you a routable IP, either way Ive told you more than enough and we are going off topic here05:24
muskask8ogen, I have a logitech quickcam communicate stx05:24
kuroharabtucemiux_: okay i'll figure it out... thanks for the help05:25
tucemiux_Sk_Lg, rtfm05:25
dugger5688Willy26: I mean, did you already share them from the server?05:25
dugger5688And what is the server running?05:25
drleper2000tucemiux_: you mean isp will block port 80 on a client machine so it cant act as a webserver on that port?05:25
tucemiux_kuroharab, no problem, if you have any more problems feel free to come back and ask again, be specific05:26
tucemiux_kuroharab, you can also try #ubuntu-offtopic05:26
tucemiux_drleper2000, correct! welcome to the real world05:26
IdleOne!rtfm > tucemiux_05:27
ubottutucemiux_, please see my private message05:27
drleper2000tucemiux_: haha lose the attitude bro05:27
drleper2000tucemiux_: just clarifying what you meant05:27
Willy26i guess so, when i used to do it with windows it would ask me for a password before i would even try to connect to the thing. Now that im full ubuntu install it doesn't ask me and i have full viewing of the drive, no pass is required. I have no idea where to enter that on ubuntu, windows used to be just that little pop up box if u know what im talking about05:27
tucemiux_drleper2000, i feel the same way though sorry it had to be me to break you the good news but there is a workaround, just dont use port 80 or port 22, you can do that in your router05:28
Sk_Lgtucemiux, could you link me a site to read then, because I should change it then05:29
drleper2000tucemiux_: huh? im just trying to fix a graphics problem mate, i understand ports/servers. peace out.05:30
ogenmuskask8,  you have a logitech quickcam communicate stx - you said - and you want to use it with skype. As I said there is some page that shows you what webcams work with what, and which "sort of work". You can go google it.  I also used Ubuntuforums.org which is a great resource. I use it a lot. And I use it before I come here most all the time. Good luck in finding that your webcam works. PS you prolly will need the model number too. Isnt the logitech site great!05:30
tucemiux_Sk_Lg, that is old news, you can bing it, ISP's block port 80 and port 22, you can use other ports in your router if you want to host a web or ssh server05:31
IdleOnetucemiux_: Could you please be less condescending when offering help05:31
IdleOnetucemiux_: if you don't feel like answering questions then don't05:32
mattrugI am trying to find the source for sys_getpid to edit it; however, all the documentation I can find does place it in the place they say it is. Does anyone know where it is located in 2.6.31?05:32
tucemiux_IdleOne,  what are you talking about, im giving people the facts, pursuing it further and further is going offtopic05:32
IdleOnetucemiux_: telling people to rtfm,google or in this case to bing it, is not acceptable in any ubuntu channels05:32
tucemiux_!offtopic | IdleOne05:33
ubottuIdleOne: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:33
IdleOnetucemiux_: trying to deflect the topic is not helping you05:33
Willy26im having a problem with getting stuff from my media server to my desktop. can anyone help please im getting a "cannot allocate memory" error when i try to transfer stuff over the network.05:33
IdleOnetucemiux_: I am not disputing the facts you are giving I am disputing the manner in which you are giving them.05:33
IdleOnetucemiux_: plain and simple. You are being rude.05:34
ogenmuskask8,  I found the page WHEW  -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams     Good luck in finding that your webcam works. PS you prolly will need the model number too. Isnt the logitech site great!05:35
Willy26maybe im having permissions issue?? anyone know?05:35
tucemiux_Willy26, that error doesnt sound feasible when youre just copying stuff from one place to another, can you be a little more descriptive of the problem?05:36
drleper2000cya guys05:36
drleper2000and girls05:36
PreacherHow do i set up xchat so that it automatically loads a specific server and channel when i open it?05:36
syriusLosha, tucemiux_ well it seems to have decomressed it correctly because I did the md5sum check and all files are a o k a y05:37
syriushow the burnt cd works05:37
tucemiux_Preacher, configure it under "Favorite channels"05:37
crucialhoaxPreacher: http://xchat.org/faq/#q2305:37
ogenmuskask8,  I found the page   (a google search didnt do it. I had to go into my bookmarks) -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams05:37
muskask8ok thank you05:38
justinlillyAnyone have suggestions for syncing config files across 3 ubuntu computers? (things like preferences / mail accounts for evolution, etc)05:38
IdleOnePreacher: click on Xchat menu and go to Network List. click on the network, click Edit and then check the box for connect on startup05:38
syriusjustinlilly, you can just sync the config folders in your home directory05:39
Willy26ummm ok... i have a 2TB media server connected to my network im trying to pull a file that is 306MB it will start and ill get about 30MB of it before it pauses and says "cannot allocate memory" when i click the details tab. I can do small files just fine like pictures and music files, but one great file it just wont do it.05:39
crucialhoaxI have a laptop and a netbook, both webcams work, however I cannot chat between them with any client. Suggestions?05:39
tucemiux_justinlilly, 3 computers? unison will sync your files, will probably sync with 3 computers but youll have to be careful,  you might have to tinker with it if you want to sync your preferences though05:40
Willy26the file is a .rar and ive got wine all ready installed all i need to do is pull the file.05:40
crucialhoaxWilly26: Is there another machine to test it with? Or only one?05:40
PreacherIdleOne: thanks05:40
Willy26i only have Ubuntu on this computer05:40
Willy26i got rid of windows all together05:41
crucialhoaxWilly26: Is there a way to ssh or ftp into this server?05:41
crucialhoaxWilly26: ssh preferably.05:41
Willy26not sure how to do that, but if i connect to the servers webpage threw the ip address i think there is an FTP option. I dont understand why if its a big file its like it lags out and disconnects from the server but a small files will come quick.05:42
onestep135help please with fstab... cannot auto mount ntfs partitions .... keep getting a ntfs-3g error05:43
crucialhoaxWilly26: Ok... do you know if the server is running ssh?05:43
muskask8I have this cam and this page says it just works. I know it works in cheese but I can't get it to do it in skype, any clues?05:43
kfizzI'm about to install Lucid Beta 2, and I have two HDD. Would it be beneficial to mount my current /home/USER directory on a partition on one of the HDD and install Lucid on the other?05:44
justinlillykfizz: config files vs. the 2 versions might be different / cause issues.05:45
kfizzAh, didn't think about that...05:45
Willy26hmm... nope. lol its just like an external drive only its connected to the network and i just set permissions for who to use it.05:45
tucemiux_kfizz, i installed lucid on a secondary hard drive to try it out, karmic is in another hard drive and i use mainly05:45
kfizztucemiux_, I think I'll do that.05:46
crucialhoaxWilly26: Ok, gotcha. Well in that case. Try saving it to a different directory for now. I am going to do some research.05:46
drtomdangerquick question - it's been a long time - does undernet register nicks?05:47
justinlillydrtomdanger: you're on freenode right now, which does.05:47
IdleOnedrtomdanger: might want to check on undernet05:47
drtomdangerhaha, i just realized.05:47
Willy26Crucialhoax: yea i been trying to save it to the desktop ill try to save it elseware05:47
drtomdangerrunning gnome in 9.1 i'm using xchat with the uber script - better alternatives?05:48
tucemiux_drtomdanger, thats ok,  you should use the xchat client XChat 2.8.605:48
justinlillydrtomdanger: I'm using irssi, which seems to do well enough. Its a console app.05:48
justinlillyAnother GUI alternative is smuxi, which wasn't horrible.05:49
drtomdangeri saw irssi - customizable but still console.  i like the mirc feel of xchat.  hard to find scripts for it though.05:49
justinlillydrtomdanger: what's wrong with console?05:50
switch10_drtomdanger: there are a ton of scrips for irssi..05:50
crucialhoaxWilly26: Any specifics to the error?05:50
switch10_drtomdanger: themes too..05:50
drtomdangernothing at all.  i just wanted something point and click to sit open on a vdesktop.05:50
justinlillydrtomdanger: maybe try smuxi? Konversation is also decent (if you don't mind that its Qt)05:51
drtomdangersidenote: if you have a 360, do you stream media with ushare?05:52
Willy26crucialhoax: no, its just it will start and ill got like 30mb of the .rar, i just opened it and i get some of the files. just after that it just stops transfering05:52
Optimus55is ubuntu.com down for anyone else or just me?05:52
Optimus55actually nevermind05:52
justinlillyOptimus55: downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ubuntu.com05:52
drtomdangerdownforeveryone is a great website - funny thing is?  i've never had it respond that, yes, it is down for everyone.05:52
crucialhoaxWilly26: Lets try the wget command. `wget -c -v <insert path to the file here>`05:53
Optimus55thanks brotha05:53
drtomdangerit's always just me.05:53
justinlillydrtomdanger: then its always you. I've seen it say that w/r/t twitter.05:53
Willy26crucialhoax: in terminal05:53
crucialhoaxWilly26: Sorry, yes05:53
=== Podfish is now known as OPOP
crucialhoaxWilly26: Paste the output of that command to paste.ubuntu.com please, if it fails.05:55
rameshwori don't have good download speed.. wat's the best download accelerator for linux.. and specially for ubuntu ?05:56
drtomdangerfor firefox?  can the file be torrented?05:56
tucemiux_!hello | lanclin05:57
ubottulanclin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:57
Willy26im guessing this is it... `wget -c -v <smb://brain/guest-share/desktop.rar>`05:57
crucialhoaxrameshwor: If you are using Firefox it has many plugins used for that feature05:57
lanclinmy ubuntu panel is missing05:57
Willy26it didnt work though05:57
lanclinplease advice05:57
rameshworcrucialhoax: like..?05:57
crucialhoaxWilly26: I thought you said it was running a website? and you accessed it via IP?05:57
ranjanlanclin, how it is missing??05:57
crucialhoaxrameshwor: Do not know off the top of my head, but I know have it on there plugins page :)05:58
Willy26no i can access the thing from its webpage... ya know like a router.05:58
rameshworcrucialhoax: ok.. i'll take a look at it05:58
lanclini don't find the panel where i can switch applications05:58
drtomdangerrameshwor: there's an addon called "downthemall"05:58
Willy26the settings only, like set permissions05:58
mzawieskahow can i enter this channel05:58
Willy26of who can access it.05:59
crucialhoaxWilly26: Oh, ok. Well what 'didn't work'?05:59
rameshwordrtomdanger: ok..05:59
ranjanlanclin, that means the down panel05:59
lanclinu r correct05:59
Willy26other than that threw the network i can see it like a regular computer.05:59
Jordan_Urameshwor: What are you trying to download and from where? "download accelerators" only help if the server on the other end is slow, in which case it's impolite to hit the server harder and slow everyone else down more.05:59
mzawieskahow can i connect to this channel ? #hackworld05:59
ranjanlanclin, is the whole panel missing or the application switching app05:59
Willy26it didnt do anything.?05:59
drtomdangerrameshwor: true, if you have a slow internet connection a download accelerator won't help.06:00
crucialhoaxmzawieska: /join #hackworld06:00
Willy26bash: command substitution: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'06:00
Willy26bash: command substitution: line 1: `wget -c -v <smb://brain/guest-share/desktop.rar>'06:00
crucialhoaxWilly26: Do not use the <> lol sorry for lack of specification.06:00
lanclinwhole panel is missing, currently i only have the up panel06:00
Willy26ok lol06:00
drtomdangerhow do you specifically target a user name? so it says06:00
crucialhoaxlanclin: So right click the top panel and choose new panel06:00
drtomdangerat the beginning...06:00
rameshworJordan_U: at least it'll increase some speed by many connectoins  . won't it ?06:01
ranjanlanclin, ok to add a down panel right click on the up panel and click add new panel06:01
Willy26ok now i get  Unsupported scheme06:01
rameshworJordan_U: something like interne downlaoad manage in windoz .. it used to boost up the speed nicely..06:01
TyanColtegots a question06:01
ranjanlanclin, did the panel come??06:01
crucialhoaxlanclin: Now right click on the new panel and choose properties, then move it where you want it.06:01
Willy26it wont copy cause the file is a .rar and it knows its not supported, so it wont even try to copy it?06:02
ranjancrucialhoax, actually the new panel comes at the bottom06:02
Jordan_Urameshwor: Yes, at the cost of other users. It's incredibly selfish to allot yourself more than your share of a server's bandwidth because you think your time is more important than that of others...06:02
crucialhoaxlanclin: Did your open windows appear on the bottom panel? What other items were on the bottom panel?06:02
TyanColtegots me a question06:02
Jordan_Urameshwor: And in most cases there are mirrors you can use instead.06:03
crucialhoax!ask > TyanColte06:03
ubottuTyanColte, please see my private message06:03
max_Hey guys I'm trying to get the 7.04 server iso but the link is broken on the ubuntu site is there anywhere else you know of?06:03
lanclinI just have the panel down06:03
rameshworJordan_U: yeah .. but i do it only while downloading some stuffs for my studies.06:03
drtomdangermax_: search for a torrent of it in google.06:03
crucialhoaxWilly26: Ok, that is better information then "cannot allocate memory" lol does it have to be a .rar?06:03
Jordan_Umax_: Why do you want 7.04?06:03
tucemiux_max_, why would you want to use the 7.04 server?? it's oudated06:03
lanclinI have opened multiplr application06:03
ranjanlanclin, now right click the bottom panel and click "add to panel"06:03
lanclinbut not able to see those info in panel06:03
TyanColtefor some reason when my monitor goes off after a while, i turn it back on and my wifi is hardware blocked in rfkill list the only thing i can do to reset it is restart my computer, any ideas?06:03
max_I just want to mess around with it, but I'm having trouble finding an active torrent06:04
max_Isn't there somewhere that hosts all the linux distros06:04
ranjanlanclin, for the show desktop button add show desktop06:04
max_I feel like that would be important just for nostalgic reasons06:04
Jordan_Umax_: Just so that you understand that there are many *known* and serious security vulnerabilities in 7.04...06:04
tucemiux_max_, i dont think 7.04 is supported anymore, 8.04 is LTS and pretty soon it's going to be lucid06:04
ranjanfor application switcher go to the bottom and add swith applications using button and for the windows switcher add the windows switcher app06:05
max_Jordan_U, ya I know thats why I'm getting it06:05
Willy26well i had some music, pictures, and some documents on my windows desktop. I made a .rar of it and moved it to my server. Thinking when i put full ubuntu install on i can just pull it back and use wine. So i could try to extract the .rar on the server and then pull the regular .jpgs, .pdf .mp3 ?06:05
Jordan_Umax_: old-releases.ubuntu.com, please don't use it on a computer with data you care about.06:06
lanclini just got the show desktop button but did not get the opened application details06:06
tucemiux_max_, nostalgia is not supported in #ubuntu, you can try #ubuntu-offtopic  , someone in there **might** have what youre looking for06:06
max_Jordan_U, ya I know of course I went there first but the link is broken06:06
J_LitewskiAlright, I have a weird help request06:06
lanclinhow can we get that06:06
crucialhoaxWilly26: Make a backup copy of that .rar file. Then with the BACKUP copy, compress it as a .tar.gz or .zip06:06
ranjanlanclin, what happened??06:07
J_LitewskiI need to compile uriparser, but I can't boot into Ubuntu in order to do it or else I'm going to have to spend the next week getting Windoze to work again06:07
crucialhoaxlanclin: I believe it is the `window list` applet06:07
ranjanlanclin, is everything ok??06:07
Willy26crucialhoax: ok ill try that06:07
crucialhoaxWilly26: Just make sure you back it up! Please.06:08
ranjanlanclin, are you there??06:08
tucemiux_J_Litewski, you mean you cant boot into ubuntu?06:08
ranjanlanclin, add the "window list" to panel06:09
lanclinyep, got it :-) Thanks Ranjan06:09
J_LitewskiI can boot into Ubuntu, but if I try to boot back into Windows I get a BSOD, and I need Windows for Applications for school or else I would just use Ubuntu06:09
ranjanlanclin, ok :) you re new to irc isnt it??06:09
lanclinthank you very much06:09
drtomdangermax_:  i looked, but you're right - the torrents are sparse.06:10
ranjanlanclin, while talking to someone in IRC please first type the name of the person you are talking to06:10
tucemiux_J_Litewski, use a windows CD to fix your windows installation then reinstall grub06:10
ranjanlanclin, that will make the person your are talking to see your messages better06:10
g33kergRLhow do i install program for Wine? especially http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=61406:10
ranjanlanclin, now just try that06:11
J_Litewskitucemiux: it's not that, it's because my RAM is failing06:11
lanclinRanjan, ok going forward I will do that06:11
ranjanlanclin, great :) thats good...you have covered the basic step in IRC06:12
lanclinRanjan, going forward i will do that06:12
drtomdangeri'm building a tv pc that's going to go on a 56 inch tv, but i'm back and forth on amd vs intel06:12
tucemiux_J_Litewski, if your RAM is failing then the solution is to change your RAM, I would back up my files if I was you06:12
drtomdangeri'm pretty sure i want to go quad core, phenom or i706:12
J_Litewskitucemiux: can't afford it atm06:12
TyanColteanybody have anything to say about my question?06:12
drtomdangerpositive experiences or horror stories either way?06:12
ranjanlanclin, another thing is that i hope you are using xchat.06:12
gantrixxI want to buy a new laptop06:13
gantrixxany recommendations?06:13
tucemiux_TyanColte, if nobody knows the answer they will not reply, you can ask again, all in one line -- at different times, you can also try the forum06:13
lanclinRanjan, yes06:13
mzawieskamy gf is cheating on me. I need help how to view privet facebook. To see if she really cheating. I need help06:13
TyanColtefor some reason when my monitor goes off after a while, i turn it back on and my wifi is hardware blocked in "rfkill list" the only thing i can do to reset it is restart my computer, any ideas?06:13
J_Litewskitucemiux: I got it running good now and I'm going to try and keep it that way until I can put in better RAM, but until then, I'm stuck in Windoze 706:13
mzawieskaprivet profile on facebook06:13
mzawieskacan some1 help me with it?06:13
tucemiux_gantrixx, any laptop that wasn't released in the past 6 months should be fine, I would go for a netbook from dell if you want mobility06:13
TyanColtemzawieska: not really the channel for that06:13
mzawieskayea I know06:14
Willy26now that im waiting on that to copy. it seems to be copying just fine, it pauses sometimes but it continues.... What would be a good program to host my movies to my PS3? I used to use TVersity with windows, or PS3 Server. What can be used for ubuntu?06:14
crucialhoaxdrtomdanger: AMD vs Intel, hmm. I go with the processor that works for you, not based on benchmark tests. If it will run quite and cool, that is my choice whether it is AMD or Intel. It is just a brand06:14
Jordan_Umzawieska: That is both offtopic and immoral. You won't get help with that here.06:14
ranjaninstead of typing the whole name...hit the tab key to auto complete the name :)06:14
drtomdangerTyanColte: does it happen over time if you prevent the monitor from going to sleep?  are you sure the monitor sleep call is what is causing the block?06:14
gantrixxI already have a netbook06:14
gantrixxI'd like a real computer06:14
crucialhoaxWilly26: maybe Mythbuntu? then have the PS3 connect to the machine. I really do not know tho =/06:14
J_Litewskigantrixx: I have a gateway NV52 series, great laptop but replace the RAM in it as soon as you get it06:14
TyanColtedrtomdanger: not sure, all i know is if i leave my computer alone running ubuntu 9.10 long enough it will turn off my wifi card to save power i assume and it cant' turn back on06:14
lanclinranjan, I am getting late to office,,, thanks again bye06:14
gantrixxI'm not sure that I'm really hip on Dell's customer service or their fake "we listen to the Linux Community" slogan06:15
drtomdangercrucialhoax:  that's exactly my dilemma.  I bought an amd many years back that had a hardware confliction with my mobo and gp which left a sorrow taste regarding compatibility, but i know i can get the most for my money going amd.06:15
tucemiux_gantrixx, i would go for a laptop that has a year or more in the market06:15
Jordan_UJ_Litewski: You can run windows in a virtual machine under Ubuntu.06:15
TyanColteyay virtual box06:15
Willy26ill write that down thx, damn i just got an can allocate memory error at 50% done this time....06:15
gantrixxa year or more?06:15
crucialhoaxdrtomdanger: AMD is not bad at all. I had one a few years back in a mediocre gaming machine and it ran very well.06:15
tucemiux_gantrixx, typically you want to check the compability with linux on the sound card and video card that comes with the laptop06:15
gantrixxmy netbook didn't have that long on the market06:15
Willy26just coping from the same drive06:15
J_LitewskiJordan_U: true, but I don't want to re-pay for the software I have downloaded on this install06:16
crucialhoaxWilly26: Copying the .tar.gz?06:16
TyanColtei've been thinking about making ubuntu my primary OS but if i can't get all the kinks worked out it'll never be06:16
Alcorgantrix Get a mac laptop - then you will be just like ubuntu06:16
Willy26no i was still making a backup on the same drive to a different folder it did it....06:16
crucialhoaxTyanColte: It sounds like the wifi card will not come out of sleep. Is there a bug filed for this?06:16
tucemiux_TyanColte, i still use windows to sync files with my phone, just use a dual boot06:16
TyanColtei think so, but i havn't seen anything else about it06:17
crucialhoaxWilly26: How full is this drive? I am assuming not very full..06:17
TyanColtetucemiux_: i've got a dual boot with ubuntu with wubi on my laptop. But it only uses a max of 30GB06:17
drtomdangeri think i'm going to do the amd.  it's just cheaper - money talks.06:17
Jordan_UJ_Litewski: If you know what area of the RAM is bad you could try the "badram" command in grub2.06:18
crucialhoaxTyanColte: Meh, that could be why right there. Wubi is nothing but trouble. If you want to try Ubuntu just use the live cd or usb stick.06:18
Willy26no its 2TB max and i barely have maybe 30GB06:18
crucialhoaxWilly26: Has the network went down before? Any sudden disconnects on that drive?06:18
TyanColtei've done the whole dual partition thing, i don't like it, wubi allows me to have full access to my hardware and keeping the windows bootloader06:18
crucialhoaxTyanColte: The live cd does not touch the harddrive...06:19
J_LitewskiJordan_U: wish I could, but I don't think I have grub2 as my bootloader, I think it's the orignal06:19
Willy26i dont know it seems like sometimes its there and sometimes its not... i have a feeling it keeps going out of sync per-say.06:19
gantrixxIs anyone running Ubuntu on a Dell Studio 15?06:19
TyanColtei understand that but you are restricted to the speed of your cd rom drive06:19
apctrhello friends,I'm struggling to set static IP for one pc in my network.I got success to achive static IP but my internet is not working. How can I solve this problem?06:19
drtomdangerinspiron 600m06:19
TyanColtecrucialhoax: i meant to direct that last one to you06:20
Willy26thats why smaller files come before it syncs out and large ones pause and go and pause and go and then die...06:20
drtomdangerare you in the right domain?06:20
TyanColtecrucialhoax: "i understand that but you are restricted to the speed of your cd rom drive" to requote06:20
kermithow can i boot while keeping the drive in read only mode?06:20
crucialhoaxWilly26: So this harddrive is just network storage right? Its not a computer?06:20
Willy26crucialhoax: yep06:21
crucialhoaxTyanColte: True, but if you want to see if the suspend issue persists, I would see if it does it while in a live environment.06:21
drtomdangerapctr: do you have the proper gateway?06:21
crucialhoaxWilly26: Maybe disconnect the drive from the network and try again, I am really not sure man =[06:21
J_LitewskiJordan_U: I also think the bad ram is within the video-used space of the RAM because the video sometimes corrupts without a BSOD06:22
apctrdrtomdanger: yes06:22
TyanColtecrucialhoax: technically a wubi installation IS a live environment the only thing that differs is a virutal hard drive06:22
mattrugWho abouts is the task_struct source located? (I'm running 2.6.31-20)  Or is there a way I can find that out for myself?06:23
Willy26crucialhoax: ok thx for your help ill try to extract it on the drive and try pulling it little by little, its going to suck though hosting movies on the ps3 if this is the case, i hope i wont have the same problem, maybe its just its a .rar for the reason being.06:23
bullgard4top reports: "96,7%wa." What does 'wa' stand for?06:23
crucialhoaxWilly26: It could be a bad network cable, or a shoddy connection somewhere. Basics first, always.06:23
Willy26crucialhoax: i am wireless... lol06:24
Jordan_UJ_Litewski: You should really find out what exactly is happening with memtest86, it even has an option to create parameters for linux's badram feature (and is the exact same syntax as is used with grub2's badram).06:24
crucialhoaxWilly26: But that harddrive has a wired connection right?06:24
Willy26crucialhoax: yep06:24
crucialhoaxWilly26: My point exactly...06:24
J_LitewskiJordan_U: Memtest86+ shuts itself off at ~65% first pass06:25
TyanColtecrucialhoax: see what i mean?06:25
Willy26crucialhoax: yea ok thx have a good night06:25
J_Litewskitried three times06:25
crucialhoaxWilly26: Peace.06:25
KruyKazehi everyone my grub got messed up how do i fix it from the live cd?06:26
TyanColtecrucialhoax: ya still with me?06:26
crucialhoaxTyanColte: Yes, but it seems that Wubi has not gotten its stuff right yet.06:26
Jordan_U!grub2 | KruyKaze06:27
ubottuKruyKaze: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub206:27
TyanColtecrucialhoax: it's getting very close, i mean i've seen no difference in performance between a partition install and a wubi install with the exception of grub not being in the way, i detest grub06:27
J_Litewskialright, now I know I have grub1, since I've had Ubuntu since it was 9.0406:27
crucialhoaxTyanColte: There are ways to have Windows and Linux on the same drive... Sometimes painful tho.06:28
z3r0-c001i found  a solution to using internal webcam and mic online !!!!!!06:28
TyanColtecrucialhoax: wubi is the least painful of all ways and it is the easiest06:28
switch10_I have been having some weird problem with rsync lately.  I posted in the forums a few days ago, and have yet to hear anything.  I am open to any possible ideas...  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9129382#post912938206:28
ajhtiredwolfz3r0-c001, solution? What was wrong? :P06:28
z3r0-c001the internal web cam and mic were not working on youtube and other sites06:29
z3r0-c001i was getting stuck on the accept deny pop up06:29
z3r0-c001i know others were to06:30
ajhtiredwolfz3r0-c001, you have to go to the flash site06:30
ajhtiredwolfz3r0-c001, and allow it in your settings06:30
TyanColtei just saw a picture of what i think is grub2 am i correct in assuming it has a theme?06:30
apctrhello friends,I'm struggling to set static IP for one pc in my network.I got success to achive static IP but my internet is not working. How can I solve this problem?06:30
crucialhoaxswitch10_: As you stated, try rsynching to a non-linked location, see if it does it.06:30
samanthahey people wats up i dont understand this06:30
rredd4installing flight of the amazon queen, can not find it via scummvm.  where is it?06:30
z3r0-c001yeah i know that now but no one ever told me that befor i search for a month for the answer06:30
TyanColtecan pictures be posted in here?06:31
ardchoillesamantha: don't understand what?06:31
z3r0-c001thnx for the bubble pop06:31
samanthathis chat ahaha its confusing06:31
switch10_crucialhoax: yeah, thats all I can think of.06:31
TyanColteis this the real grub 2?06:31
ajhtiredwolfz3r0-c001, flash is insanely lame, hopefully html5 will replace it completely06:31
drtomdangersamantha: help if you can, ignore the system messages and focus on the messages that have names to the left of them.06:31
samanthaokay thank you so wats uppp?06:32
z3r0-c001i dont like flash cause it dont work on iphone06:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:32
z3r0-c001now i have to replace iphone cause itunes dont agree wit linux06:32
TyanColtez3r0-c001: lmao no kidding unless adobe goes jailbreak i don't think we're ever going to have a flash solution for the iPhone06:33
ardchoille!ot | TyanColte z3r0-c00106:33
ubottuTyanColte z3r0-c001: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:33
drtomdangeri tried adding the mobilelinux repository but couldn't get it working.06:33
ajhtiredwolfdon't use closed applications :-P06:33
z3r0-c001oh there is but it is very limited06:33
z3r0-c001not adobe06:33
switch10_z3r0-c001: you can now sync the music on your iphone/ipod touch with rhythmbox...  with a little work..06:33
ajhtiredwolfswitch10_, you used to be able to do that i dont think yo ucan anymore06:34
samantha    this is boring you need to talk bout something interesting06:34
ajhtiredwolfsamantha, this is a support  channel, go to the off topic channel for conversation06:34
switch10_ajhtiredwolf: i do it every day06:34
ardchoillesamantha: this channel is for ubuntu support06:34
TyanColteardchoille: i appreciate the update but i believe z3r0-c001 and i aren't the only ones speaking off topic06:34
crucialhoaxI heard that google and apple are the main contributors to html5, IMO why the iPad has no flash support.06:34
samanthaohh how do i get on to the other channel06:34
ajhtiredwolfswitch10_, really? do you have an article on how to do it? my niece couldn't get it to work ( I don thave an iphone )06:34
crucialhoaxsamantha: /join #<channel name here>06:35
switch10_ajhtiredwolf: http://u-bunted.blogspot.com/06:35
ardchoille!ops | several people continue ot06:35
ubottuseveral people continue ot: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:35
z3r0-c001i need to upgrad and all that stuff itunes does sorry gotta kill the convo dont wanna get kicked06:35
ajhtiredwolfswitch10_, stellar06:35
switch10_ajhtiredwolf: i wrote it, so if you need any help...06:35
drtomdangerswitch10_: i have libpod4 and libpod installed via synaptic - did it take much else in terms of dependencies?06:35
switch10_drtomdanger: you need those and much more.  have a look at the article..  its quite easy to follow..06:36
drtomdangerthanks man.  i'll look at it now.06:36
crucialhoaxswitch10_: Does that method work for the iPod touch?06:36
ajhtiredwolfswitch10_, thanks I'll send it over to her, I don't really bother with anything apple myself hah06:37
switch10_crucialhoax: supposedly it does, yes.  i have not tested it myself though..06:37
crucialhoaxswitch10_: I will try later lol thx06:37
TyanColteso to get back on topic before ardchoille has a brain aneurysm and dies on us, why did they not include Grub2 in 9.10 by default?06:37
crucialhoaxTyanColte: ubottu Just stated that Grub2 is default since 9.10...06:38
TyanColtehow come my installation is still using the old version of grub?06:38
tsimpson!cn | lei06:38
ubottulei: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:38
ardchoillegrub2 is default on 9.10 unless you upgraded06:38
TyanColtei did a clean install06:38
crucialhoaxTyanColte: Maybe cuz its a Wubi?06:38
TyanColtedoubtful, i get the same features on a wubi install that everybody else does on a normal install06:38
crucialhoaxTyanColte: I just like to blame wubi ;]06:39
drtomdangerswithch10_:  i added the ppa but i'm not getting mobiledevice to show up - any thoughts?06:39
Optimus55Hello, world!06:39
TyanColteobviously, don't hate it because it's an insanely easy install06:39
switch10_drtomdanger: so you added the repository  and did sudo apt-get update?06:40
sham_is there anyone, who can help me for setting my own local repository?06:40
TyanColtei guess i'm just oing to have to do a "sudo apt-get install grub2"06:41
bullgard4top reports: "96,7%wa." What does 'wa' stand for?06:41
switch10_drtomdanger: they may have changed the repository...  ill check, one sec.06:41
TyanColtenot that that will solve my wifi hardware problem06:41
drtomdangerswitch10_:  i have libmobiledevice0 installed...06:42
crucialhoaxbullgard4: iowait06:42
switch10_drtomdanger: ohh ok. were there any that didn't install?06:42
TyanColteanybody have any other suggestions about my original problem?06:42
rredd4how do i find out where game files are installed?06:43
crucialhoaxTyanColte: Lots of problems with grub2 and Wubi it seems. Maybe that is why the used an old version?06:43
TyanColtecrucialhoax: interesting, maybe they know something that we don't :P06:43
drtomdangerswitch10_: making some progress - will update you in a few.06:43
goguMine Ubuntu9.10. one of my user accounts crashed. Need to move files into another account and delete the crashed account. How to do? Pl help06:43
crucialhoaxTyanColte: Possible. Lots of forums threads and bug reports.06:43
switch10_drtomdanger: ok, let me know how it goes..06:44
TyanColteis there any way to migrate a wubi installation to a physical partition?06:44
TyanColtelike maybe using gparted or another partition manager06:45
crucialhoaxgogu: in a terminal type `mkdir ~/Backup` then do `sudo cp -a /home/<broken user name here> /home/<your username>/Backup06:45
bullgard4crucialhoax: I did not find a definition for "iowait" in English I only found a definition for "iowait" in French: "* Correspond au temps d'attente du système pour l'écriture ou la lecture de données. Un IOwait de 10 % signifie que 10% de l'activité du CPU n ..." (fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iowait)." Can you tell me what is meant by "iowait" in English, please?06:46
TyanColtei highly doubt that wubi is the problem with my wifi i've had it working in older versions of kubuntu with wubi installations06:47
crucialhoaxbullgard4: Amount of time the CPU has been waiting for I/O to complete. <--- from man top06:47
crucialhoaxTyanColte: Wubi broke my Windows sound... its just a weird instance of testing.06:47
goguCrucialhoax, will try and get back. Am an absolute beginner.06:48
crucialhoaxgogu: No problem, take your time :)06:48
TyanColtegotta go, WoW time :P06:48
bullgard4crucialhoax: Excellent! (Sorry that I did not look up 'man top'.) --  Thank you for your help.06:48
dj_segfaultLogrotate config question: Can I specify both "daily" and "size 50M"?  Will it AND them or OR them?06:48
crucialhoaxbullgard4: man top | grep wa is what I used. No problem :)06:49
crucialhoaxI have a laptop and a netbook, both webcams work, however I cannot chat between them with any client. Suggestions?06:49
sham_is there anyone, who can help me for setting my own local repository for ubuntu?06:50
drtomdangerswitch10_: i'm rebooting now, will let you know how it goes.06:52
roarkI have an external hard disk which has ntfs file system and I run ubuntu on my laptop with ext4 ... i want to use my external hdd as a back up so I am planning to write rsync script.. but will rsync script work if destination( ntfs hdd ) is destination06:54
ZeeshanQroark: rsync should work regardless of destination hdd06:55
roarkZeeshanQ: cool thanks06:55
kolyanbut wont it loose some of the meta data in the files06:55
crucialhoaxroark: Will it be specific folders or a whole system?06:55
elikI'm trying to boot from a live CD, but it hangs on the logo screen. If I press <esc> to see "under" the logo, I just see stdin: error 006:56
roarkcrucialhoax: i was planning to backup full home and some of /etc folders06:56
elikThe CD is ok, as it can boot up another of my computers06:56
roarkcrucialhoax: not the entire system06:56
roarkcrucialhoax: will it make any difference06:56
elikand it ran on this computer no less than 2-3 hours ago06:56
=== tom_ is now known as drtomdanger
kolyanroark i suggest  u use tar tor to preserve the meta data like the permissions ans so on06:57
drtomdangerswitch10_:  holy hell - nice job man!06:57
switch10_drtomdanger: hey glad it worked for ya!!06:57
switch10_drtomdanger: spread the word...06:57
crucialhoaxroark: No difference, but read this: http://articles.slicehost.com/2007/10/10/rsync-exclude-files-and-folders <--- made rsync much easier.06:57
drtomdangerto the room -  switch10_'s tut on getting the ipod touch recognized in ubuntu 9.1 is an unbelievable yes.  worked like  a charm - rhythmbox took a second to recognize, but once i saw it in my "places" menu it loaded right up.06:58
roarkcrucialhoax: nice link but it doesnt say anything about different filesystems06:58
roarkcrucialhoax: ?06:58
gogucrucialhoax, both my accounts are on same partition. Because of less space it is not backingup. How can I create backup on another partition or USB disk?06:58
Nijverheid*thumbs-up* to switch10_06:58
crucialhoaxroark: I know that. File system is irrelevant.06:59
roarkswitch10_: hey... i am that rsync guy... do you think our discussion still applies if the destintation hdd has ntfs file system on it06:59
roarkcrucialhoax: cool thank you man06:59
switch10_roark: it shouldn't matter06:59
hareldvdcan I disable updates and then perform update to only specific packages?06:59
roarkswitch10_: awesome06:59
crucialhoaxgogu: Do you have a usb disk handy?07:00
switch10_roark: are you having problems with rsync?07:00
roarkswitch10_: nope I didnt start the process yet... but was wondering if I should format the hdd to ext407:00
gogucrucialhoax. yes i have07:00
roarkswitch10_: disadvantage with formattin is I cant share it with my friends who have windows on their comps07:00
roarkswitch10_: apparently windows cant read ext* s07:01
switch10_roark: if you are planning on using it with windows I would say use NTFS, possibly ext3/207:01
crucialhoaxgogu: Plug it in then let me know please.07:01
roarkswitch10_: ya i was plannign to leave the hdd just like that with ntfs07:01
gogucrucialhoax, plugged in.07:01
switch10_roark: windows can read ext2/3, but you need to install some stuff to get it to work..07:01
crucialhoaxgogu: Ok, do you have a terminal open?07:01
roarkswitch10_: ya but i dont like ext 2... i didnt know that windows can read ext307:02
gogucrucialhoax, yes07:02
switch10_roark: you have to install some driver, I forget what it is called...07:02
elnurI've enabled desktop cube in compiz but the bottom and top sides are just in one color. How to make those sides transparent?07:02
crucialhoaxgogu: Ok, type `cd` then type `ls /media`07:02
elikwhy does the live cd of ubuntu refuse to boot when my hard drives are plugged in and not when they are not?07:02
switch10_roark: ah yes http://www.fs-driver.org/07:03
switch10_elik: because your boot order has your HDD's botting before the cd rom07:03
roarkswitch10_: actually i have ext4 on my system.. i converted from ext3 to ext4 without unmounting the filesystem .. and now I cannot install anything on my laptop...It gives the following error message whenver I install anything  files list file for package `libgtk2.0-cil' contains empty filename07:03
gogucrucialhoax, it displayed my disk name along with others07:04
roarkswitch10_: so i was planning to move everything to hdd and install 10.0407:04
roarkswitch10_: do you know how to solve that error07:04
roarkswitch10_:  files list file for package `libgtk2.0-cil' contains empty filename07:04
crucialhoaxgogu: Ok, find the name of the usb disk07:04
switch10_roark: I haven't seen it before..  have you googled it?07:04
gogucrucialhoax, found07:04
gogucrucialhoax, RAJITHA is its name07:05
elikswitch10_, nah nah nah, I get the first screen, and then I "try ubuntu", the logo screen shows up and then, after some time, the drive spin down. If I press <esc> I see stdin: error 007:05
roarkswitch10_: I did quite a bit of googling... but none of the solutions worked...actually none of the solutions worked for quite a few ppl07:05
crucialhoaxgogu: Open it up and make a folder on the USB disk named Backups07:05
roarkswitch10_: I will try asking that in the entire IRC07:05
roark files list file for package `libgtk2.0-cil' contains empty filename is the error I get when I try to install something...any suggestions..07:05
switch10_roark: yeah do that.. I havent encountered that error..07:06
elnurWhere standard desktop backgrounds are located?07:06
user123hello, I just installed a 1.5TB on my computer but it seems that it is not being recognized. What can  I do?07:06
gogucrucialhoax: created folder on the disk07:06
crucialhoaxgogu: `sudo cp -a /home/<broken username> /media/<usb drive name>/Backups`07:06
user123*1.5TB hdd07:07
sudovsroothave you formated your hd07:07
switch10_user123: is it a secondary hdd?  SATA or IDE?07:07
user123switch10_, sata07:08
onestep135need help with automounting sdb1 sdb2 which are ntfs07:08
switch10_user123: you have a working system, so it is a secondary HDD?07:08
user123switch10_, I think so, but I'm not so sure07:09
user123switch10_, OHH I got your question, yes07:09
switch10_user123: you need to format that drive, one way or another, so install gparted if it is not installed already:  sudo apt-get gparted07:10
user123switch10_, I actually have 3 hdds, one for ubuntu, one for win and the new07:10
sudovsrootstep135 have you formated it yet07:10
mattrugWhere abouts is the task_struct source located? (I'm running 2.6.31-20)  Or is there a way I can find that out for myself?07:10
switch10_user123: ok so you will want to access it with both windows and ubuntu right?07:10
gogucrucialhoax: it generated "operation not permitted" for all the files it tried to backup07:10
user123switch10_, yes07:10
onestep135sudovsroot exisiting drive with data already on it ... i can mount through places -> select drive07:10
switch10_user123: have you installed gparted?07:10
user123switch10_, yes07:11
switch10_user123: ok open it up07:11
sudovsrootuser123 format it in windows partion as ntfs07:11
crucialhoaxgogu: you did type sudo right?07:11
Nijverheidonestep135: mount your drives normally, then "cat /etc/fstab" and copy and paste the relevant sdb lines onto the end of /etc/mtab <-- works for me07:11
onestep135thanks... fstab was giving me errors07:11
switch10_user123: in the top right corner of gparted you should see a menu box thing, click on the arrow and select your new drive.07:12
onestep135mtab is this the right way to go  ?  just curious from any others07:12
sham_is there anyone, who can help me for setting my own local repository for ubuntu?07:12
Nijverheidonestep135: be mindful that it may not mount if the windows shutdown was unclean or whatever. :)07:12
user123switch10_, its taking to long for the program to respond. It says "searching for partitions"07:13
switch10_user123: just let it go...07:13
user123switch10_, ok07:13
switch10_user123: a 1.5TB drive is large pretty big.  let me know when it is done..07:14
onestep135not sure cat /etc/fstab to mtab is going to work07:14
crucialhoaxswitch10_: this is correct right? `sudo cp -a /home/<broken username> /media/<usb drive name>/Backups`07:14
user123switch10_, allright07:14
switch10_crucialhoax: huh?07:15
Nijverheidonestep135: noes, you cat it to find your sdb1 or 2 or whatever, and you copy only those lines and paste on the end of the current  mtab07:15
crucialhoaxswitch10_: I am helping someone and that command returned `Operation not permitted`07:15
switch10_user123: ok, it says unallocated space?07:15
user123switch10_, still working...07:15
sudovsrootany good programs for streaming home videos and music on laptop elsewhere07:16
sudovsrootfrom desktop07:16
Nijverheidsudovsroot: sip communicator?07:16
switch10_crucialhoax: yeah that looks fine to me.  unless the usb drive has weird permissions...07:16
onestep135thanks nijverheid, i understand but the partitions are not showing up in fstab once mounted within ubuntu07:16
Nijverheidsudovsroot: not used it myself, but it's supposed to be able to do that sort of thing :)07:16
sudovsrootwhere can i get it from07:17
Nijverheidsudovsroot: http://sip-communicator.org/07:17
sudovsrootused to use orb when i ran windows07:17
switch10_user123: is it still working on it??07:18
user123switch10_, yes :S07:19
crucialhoaxOn my netbook -- running 9.10 desktop -- how do I make the bottom of windows show? Sometimes Ok.. and Save.. are hidden ;[07:19
switch10_crucialhoax: alt+left mouse click + drag :)07:20
user123switch10_, its done but the drive is not listed07:20
user123switch10_, I will restart the computer and make sure it is properly connected...07:20
switch10_user123: hmm...  yes, also make sure your power supply can handle it...07:20
onestep135any reason why partitions on sdb - sdb0, sdb1, sdb2 would not show up in storage device manager ( PySDM)?07:20
crucialhoaxswitch10_: That will move the window?07:21
user123switch10_, it should. Its a 700W PS07:21
switch10_crucialhoax: yesir07:21
crucialhoaxswitch10_: I will have to try that next time I boot it. Last time I was auto-hiding the bottom panel.07:22
c0l2ehow can I reconfigure my ubuntu to enable back compiz??07:22
gogucrucialhoax: only some folders and files were backedup. not all files07:22
switch10_crucialhoax: yeah, certain programs do that to me to.  but alt+drag works great.07:22
c0l2eI got Intel 4 Series video card07:22
crucialhoaxswitch10_: Thanks!07:23
switch10_crucialhoax: np07:23
c0l2eWhen booting on LiveCD is working... the compiz but the one I installed.. not working07:23
c0l2eThis happens after I changed the motherboard of my PC from previous Nvidia built-in card to Intel X4500 or Intel 4 Series07:23
crucialhoaxgogu: Ok. How much is missing?07:24
sudovsrootany good programs for streaming movies and music from desktop at home to laptop elsewhere (something like orb for windows)07:24
goguout of 2gb, only 800mb copied07:24
gogucrucialhoax: out of 2Gb, only 800mb copied07:24
crucialhoaxgogu: The files left in the other users /home folder are they files in folders that you created?07:24
sudovsrootany good programs for streaming movies and music from desktop at home to laptop elsewhere (something like orb for windows)07:25
gogucrucialhoax: yes. there are files still on the borken user ac07:25
soreauc0l2e: Can you pastebin the output of compiz from your terminal to pastebin.org?07:25
crucialhoaxgogu: Ok. Now, just try dragging and dropping it then. Open up the flash drive, then in a separate window open up the /home directory07:26
sudovsrootany good programs for streaming movies and music from desktop at home to laptop elsewhere (something like orb for windows)07:26
crucialhoax!patience > sudovsroot07:27
ubottusudovsroot, please see my private message07:27
switch10_sudovsroot: you could easily do that with an ftp server and vlc or totem..07:27
helpmeCan someone help me figure out how to use 2 seperate monitors, one integrated and one PCIE? lspci = http://pastebin.com/rCVGgZ5P07:28
gogucrucialhoax: i find transfer of files taking place. The backup folder size is gradually increasing.07:28
switch10_sudovsroot: I dont know of an all in one program07:29
moetuneshelpme: this should help - http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1207:29
=== bunshiong is now known as brian99999
crucialhoaxIs there a way to disable hibernate? I never use it and I hate clicking on it by accident.07:31
Vaibhavdiremove swap space..07:32
c0l2esoreau:  wait07:32
crucialhoaxVaibhavdi: That is a drastic answer. Windows has a different way of doing it while still keeping the swap or pagefile.07:33
c0l2esoreau:  still there?07:33
switch10_crucialhoax: You used to be able to do it.  It looks like a bug in 9.10..  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/43259807:33
crucialhoaxVaibhavdi: So there has to be a way to do it in Ubuntu.07:33
soreauc0l2e: Just pastebin it07:33
c0l2esoreau:  here http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/5aKr91Hz07:35
g33kergRLhow do i map port in ubuntu?07:36
DaughainCan anyone point me in the right direction to rip a dvd to .avi format?07:36
soreauc0l2e: your drivers are using software rasterizer, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:36
helpmemoetunes: thanks, that looks like what i need.07:36
g33kergRLhi im getting the following errmsg WARNING: Trying to create a socket of type SOCK_RAW, this will fail unless you have special permissions. " which is prolly cos i dont have some ports open, soooooo how do i open ports in ubuntu for torrents?   i  want to use utorrent via wine07:37
moetuneshelpme: luck :)07:37
dr3mrohey guys i wanna ask q?? why spidermonkey-bin was removed from official ppa in lucid07:38
c0l2esoreau:  here http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/2X9UVXAY07:38
switch10_g33kergRL: what program is giving you that?07:39
g33kergRLutorrent via wine07:39
c0l2esoreau: I've been trying to fix this via dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but no help07:40
switch10_g33kergRL: dont use utorrent in wine.  Do yourself a favor and get deluge.  it is a utorrent clone that runs natively07:40
switch10_g33kergRL: sudo apt-get install deluge07:40
soreauc0l2e: The problem is [drm] failed to load kernel module "i915"07:40
c0l2esoreau:  what to do then?07:40
crucialhoaxswitch10_: There is a work-around :)07:41
Nijverheidsudovsroot: I note the last 5 questions you asked are all exactly the same :) did you try sip communicator?07:41
soreauc0l2e: What does it say when you try sudo modprobe i915 ?07:41
g33kergRLswitch10_: we aren't here to make our lifes easier .... ...;)07:41
switch10_crucialhoax: yeah I saw that at the bottom... ive been readint it as well07:41
crucialhoaxg33kergRL: Deluge is nice and it has tons of configurability. :)07:41
switch10_g33kergRL: what?  I am..07:41
g33kergRLcrucialhoax: i just wanna know how to do it07:42
=== garuda is now known as nikhil_
crucialhoaxswitch10_: It leaves the options there, but it just locks the screen.07:42
crucialhoaxg33kergRL: Install deluge?07:42
switch10_g33kergRL: if you want to run win as root so you can use utorrent go for it, but its a waste..07:42
c0l2esoreau:  here07:43
c0l2eFATAL: Error inserting i915 (/lib/modules/2.6.31-20-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)07:43
butt3rfly_3ffecthow to make directory like .* to be a visibility directory?07:43
drtomdangersudovsroot: how's that mail server problem working out?07:43
sham_is there anyone, who can help me for setting my own local repository for ubuntu?07:43
switch10_crucialhoax: did you see the one guy who said that he didn't have the file /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/etc...  folder??  and the buttons were not showing up for him?07:44
crucialhoax!ppa > sham_07:44
ubottusham_, please see my private message07:44
butt3rfly_3ffectsham_, do u have that packages?07:44
soreauc0l2e: Seems like you have this old module lying around for some reason07:44
crucialhoaxswitch10_: Yes, I did.07:44
c0l2esoreau:  how can i fix it?07:44
sudovsroottrying to find something like orb for ubunutu now07:44
switch10_crucialhoax: maybe rename that file, and see what happens...  if you are feeling risky that is.07:45
sudovsrootfound a program called jinzora looks kinda promising07:45
soreauc0l2e: Try reinstalling linux-image-$(uname -r)07:45
c0l2esoreau: how can I do that?07:46
crucialhoaxswitch10_: I do not care that the icon is there -- now that it just locks the screen -- but before I hated clicking Hibernate.07:46
soreauc0l2e: I would move or rename this file first /lib/modules/2.6.31-20-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915.ko so you know when you have it reinstalled07:46
moetunessudovsroot: there's Hamachi, vlc, ootunes that all do that07:47
switch10_crucialhoax: ohh ok07:47
switch10_crucialhoax: its weird that it does not work any more.  I remember removing the actual buttons in 9.0407:48
crucialhoaxswitch10_: There is a way in gconf that someone explained in the bug. Im going to do that one now.07:48
sham_butt3rfly_3ffect:i will download the packages from ubuntu repository07:48
opT10N5if I setup internet connection sharing can I use one interface for both the connection coming from the router and also use the same interface for connection sharing?07:49
gogucrucialhoax: the backing up is going on. I am unable to delete some files that I backed up on my existing ac. says it has ".mission controls"07:49
butt3rfly_3ffectsham_, u need AptonCd, create ur iso image and u can burn or mount it. so, u can add this image (cd) to ur repository source07:51
crucialhoaxgogu: I have no idea what that is. lol07:51
sham_i want to put my packages in my hard disk not on cd07:52
crucialhoaxsham_: It will go to your disc.07:52
crucialhoaxsham_: It can be mounted as a file system.07:52
c0l2esoreau:  some said its the intel driver update07:52
c0l2esoreau: how can I backport it?07:53
sham_yes but whenever any request come for package it is read from cd07:53
gogucrucialhoax: it says I do not have permissions to delete that folder07:53
soreauc0l2e: Reinstall linux-image package for your kernel version07:53
butt3rfly_3ffect sham_, i mean u can mount this image or burn it.07:53
crucialhoaxswitch10_: gconf editor does not work. However, I did find a `perhaps_recall` key and it tells the user the battery is damaged or has a recall, but it can be disabled if it is okay.07:53
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switch10_crucialhoax: wow that is cool :)07:54
butt3rfly_3ffectit's same07:54
crucialhoaxcrucialhoax: It is probably owned by root. I would leave it there unless it has some of your files in it.07:54
switch10_crucialhoax: I never noticed that in there..07:54
crucialhoaxswitch10_: Yes, very lol. I remember someone asking in here how to fix a damaged battery notification. Now I know.07:55
sham_you are saying that i have put my iso image on my hard disk only mount it07:55
gogucrucialhoax: its done. all went well. Thanks a lot dear.07:55
peter_curryHello.  Does anyone know why my ClamTK Virus Scanner 4.15-1 scanner STALLS while scanning - and how to fix the problem?07:55
crucialhoaxgogu: No problem :) no you know how to back up your files :)07:55
sham_butt3rfly_3ffect:it that right?07:55
butt3rfly_3ffectsham_: i've packages on my hard drive. so, i install any program through this image07:55
sham_butt3rfly_3ffect:tell me how to do that,please?07:56
chddecompiler for ubuntu?07:56
switch10_well I think im out people.  have a good night/day..07:56
gogucrucialhoax. yeah I learnt. Thanks :)07:56
crucialhoaxgogu: :) No prob.07:56
crucialhoaxHowever, I am outttta here. Night / Morning all!07:57
thefedorabugFloodBot1, are you a bot?07:57
butt3rfly_3ffectsham_, like i say u need aptoncd. if not, u must create packages.gz and place it on ur repos path07:57
thefedorabugFloodBot1, are you a bot?07:57
thefedorabugFloodBot1, are you a bot?07:57
peter_curryDoes anyone have answer to my question?07:57
moetunespeter_curry: tried running it from terminal to get error output?07:58
peter_curryNo - let's try that ...  what do I enter in terminal to run it again?07:58
opT10N5if I setup internet connection sharing can I use one interface for both the connection coming from the router and also use the same interface for connection sharing?07:59
butt3rfly_3ffectsham_, u can add this to ur repos source. deb file://source_path/ ubuntu_version main07:59
peter_currymoetunes: what do I enter in as a command in terminal to run the virus scanner?07:59
moetunespeter_curry: I don't use it - try doing   clam   and hitting the tab button07:59
g33kergRLi'm gettting this error in terminal " fixme:winsock:WS_setsockopt Unknown level: 0x00000029" how do i fix this?08:01
peter_currymoetunes: OK - that worked.  It pumped two other command options.  I entered in "clamscan".  However, how do I get more specific with this command in order to run the virus scanner on my entire file system?08:02
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
moetunespeter_curry: I don't use it - try the man page08:02
sham_butt3rfly_3ffect:i have created package and kept it /home/sham/bin/ directory08:03
peter_currymoetunes: the "main page" ???08:03
moetunespeter_curry: e.g   man clamscan08:03
moetunespeter_curry: e.g   man clamscan   in terminal08:04
sham_butt3rfly_3ffect: i have added this line to sources.list   deb file:/usr/local/mydebs ./08:04
butt3rfly_3ffectsham_, so u can test to add like this deb file:///home/sham/bin/directory/ jaunty main to ur third-party software source08:05
peter_currymoetunes: OK.  I see.  So under "Synopsis" it shows "clamscan [options] [file/directory/-].  How would I adapt this command then so that I can scan my entire file system?08:06
moetunespeter_curry: I would assume   clamscan /  since / is the whole filesystem08:07
ardchoillepeter_curry:  clamscan -r /  # like that?08:07
mattrugWhere is the current struct source located? (In 2.6.31)08:08
sham_butt3rfly_3ffect:third party software08:08
butt3rfly_3ffectsham_. ya, but it's will more easy if u have aptoncd08:09
aurillianceq: what is free-er? lgpl, bsd or apache?08:10
aurillianceie, for me as a user (not a developer) which one allows me to do the most08:10
peter_currymoetunes: OK - I think it's working ...08:10
AdvoWorkhow can i change the ownership of a symobolic link? it shows: lrwxrwxrwx   1 zimbra zimbra       25 2008-10-09 19:04 clamav -> /opt/zimbra/clamav-0.93.3   but i need zimbra zimbra to be root root08:10
marvin2Hi guys08:10
butt3rfly_3ffecti've problem. i run cGmail but it's not work. it's result08:10
butt3rfly_3ffectTraceback (most recent call last):08:10
butt3rfly_3ffect  File "/usr/bin/cgmail", line 19, in <module>08:11
butt3rfly_3ffect    from cGmail.manager.accountswindow import AccountsWindow08:11
butt3rfly_3ffectImportError: No module named cGmail.manager.accountswindow08:11
marvin2I'm trying to compile a static version of rdesktop 1.6.008:11
FloodBot1butt3rfly_3ffect: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:11
moetunespeter_curry: luck :)08:11
marvin2But can't...08:11
aurillianceie, for me as a user (not a developer) which one of lgpl, bsd or apache allows me to do the most08:12
aurilliance*For me as...08:12
peter_currymoetunes: I guess I could just get used to running it through terminal this way.  I need to learn how to update the virus signatures.  I also like to do pretty thorough scans by having "Scan hidden", "Thorough", "Recursive", "Ignore size", and "Save a log" all checked in the GUI version.  The GUI still shouldn't freeze up like that.  Do I need to completely remove the program and reinstall for it not to freeze like that08:14
peter_curryanymore when scanning?08:14
sham_butt3rfly_3ffect:i have just installed aptoncd08:14
moetunespeter_curry: the man page might have an option for verbose - try to find the error with that08:15
butt3rfly_3ffectsham_. so, open that program and follow that instructions08:16
peter_currymoetunes: actually, "be verbose" (-v) is an option.  What does that mean?08:17
moetunespeter_ it tells more about what is happenning - there should be a way to start the gui from terminal with that option08:18
moetunespeter_curry:  it tells more about what is happenning - there should be a way to start the gui from terminal with that option08:18
butt3rfly_3ffectsham_. after u create image. u can add that image in ur software source08:18
=== sandy is now known as Guest30125
peter_currymoetunes: -v doesn't do much but scan one directory when I enter "clamscan -v /"  How do I update the virus signatures via terminal?08:23
moetunespeter_curry: I wouldn't know - I said I don't use it - there might be a howto on their homepage08:25
mattrugWhere is the current struct source located? (In 2.6.31)08:25
vakhi all08:27
vakI have 3 piped processes. They make a crazy *system* load. How do I determine which one is guilty for this sys load? (the CPU load for each process is comparable)08:27
peter_currymoetunes:  OK - I'm sure I'll figure it by plunking around on Google.  Thanks for your help !!!08:28
infidwhen i type 'info cmd' it just shows the man page. how can i get the actual info pages?08:30
sham_butt3rfly_3ffect:i have mounted the image, how to add mount point to software sources08:30
AdvoWorkcan anyone help/advise about upgrading clamav please?08:30
butt3rfly_3ffectin ur console type: sudo synaptic --add-cdrom /media/URCD08:31
e1c7how to flush DNS in Ubuntu08:31
e1c7Anyone there->>>  How to Flush Dns in Ubuntu  >????????????????08:32
e1c7beil hi08:33
beijbeil? o.o08:34
butt3rfly_3ffectsham_. is it work?08:34
e1c7how to flush dns in ubuntu08:34
_GoRDoN_AdvoWork: ClamAV comes with freshclam-program which is used to update virusdatabases08:34
e1c7how to flush dns in ubuntu08:34
e1c7how to flush dns in ubuntu08:34
marvin2e1c7: don't think Ubuntu runs nscd => no need to "flush" as DNS entries aren't cached?08:34
FloodBot1e1c7: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:34
sham_butt3rfly_3ffect:what should i do in software sources?08:35
=== e1c7 is now known as mayblum
mayblumHow to Flush Dns in Ubuntu08:36
butt3rfly_3ffectno. it's command will add ur image to repository. so, just reload it. and have fun08:36
mayblumHow to Flush Dns in Ubuntu08:36
geoffbmayblum: we heard you the first time you asked!08:37
geoffbmayblum: at a command prompt, 'sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart'08:38
mayblumgeoffb : yes when did u heard me08:38
geoffbmayblum: (I'm assuming that by "flush dns" you mean "flush the resolver cache")08:38
marvin2geoffb: :)08:38
mouchehello. I just loaded ubuntu 10.04. Ext4 filesystem is default in the partition manager. I've heard that ext3 is typically better, so has this changed? Is ext4 better now?08:39
mayblumgeoffb :  yes like  ipconfig /flushdns in Windows08:39
geoffbmayblum: what I said up there... 'sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart' is the equivalent for linux of 'ipconfig /flushdns' on windows08:39
navalotaHi  all, i have opened 4 to 5 gnome-terminals in my desktop, and is there any way to bring all the terminals front with a sigle key combination ?08:39
=== zz_Darky is now known as Darky
AdvoWork_GoRDoN_, how would I go about that though, i keep getting errrors;  Can't load /opt/zimbra/data/clamav/db/daily.cld: Malformed database08:40
butt3rfly_3ff3ctsham_. u can check it on synaptic package manager >>setting>>repositories08:41
mayblumgeoffb : nscd is not there in my /etc/init.d08:42
_GoRDoN_AdvoWork: Have you tried reinstalling clamav?08:42
* butt3rfly_3ff3ct ssssttttt......08:43
marvin2mayblum, geoffb: don't think Ubuntu runs nscd => no need to "flush" as DNS entries aren't cached?08:43
geoffbmarvin2: I'm just reading up on that now. Yes, you're right, it's not installed by default on ubuntu... I wonder...  is nscd the thing that caches, or just the thing that flushes....08:44
mayblumgeoffb ::::     hhahahahahaha08:44
AdvoWork_GoRDoN_, yeah ive tried, following: http://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/ClamAV_-_Updating_clamd_for_releases_earlier_than_ZCS_5.0.1608:44
AdvoWorkbut as said, I keep getting errors in the logs08:44
geoffbanswering my own question here... nscd is 'name service cache daemon'. it's the thing that's caching. I'm assuming that means that if nscd isn't running, dns resolutions aren't being cached and you don't have anything to flush mayblum marvin208:45
marvin2geoffb: nscd is a generic name-service-caching-daemon08:45
marvin2geoffb: exactly.08:46
geoffbmayblum: what makes you think that you need to flush the resolver cache? are you having some sort of problem with nameservice/resolution, or is this just an habitual thing for you? :-)08:46
SandGorgondoes anybody know how to stop mysql from starting at startup each time ?08:46
xumuk_in #ubuntu-es08:46
^b0ss^hey all08:47
=== xumuk_ is now known as XuMuK
mayblumgeoffb : While surfing i get error of site not found but when i reload that page its displayed so I thought that My Dns cache may be full08:48
johe|workhi, i'am having problems with the isdn kernel part which seems to crash after using http://pastebin.org/15340808:48
beijSandGorgon, there should be an entry in init.d. and/or in init/ just delete them08:48
vakany good graphical alternatives to System Monitor?08:48
beijso its a little bit hard to configure :p08:48
beijbut there are conkyrcs on the homepage08:49
SandGorgonbeij, but will I still be able to manually start mysql using "sudo service mysql start" ?08:49
beijSandGorgon, not really08:49
geoffbmayblum: unless this is a problem that persists, I'd just ignore it. That's just as likely to be a timeout in resolution... the site may have slow dns or something, and your box gave up trying to resolve the first time before it got an answer back from a suitably authoritative nameserver.08:49
geoffbmayblum: caches (where they exist) tend to pretty much take care of cleaning themselves up. if this is a one-off for you, I'd ignore it. if it becomes a regular problem, then start to look into it then08:49
SandGorgonbeij, oh.. I just want to disable mysql from starting until I actually need it.. I'm on a old machine. I used to use sysv-rc-conf, but it no longer works for services which are now started by upstart08:50
mayblumgeoffb:   i am tired08:50
geoffbSandGorgon: update-rc.d ? does that work?08:50
mayblumgeoffb : byeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!108:50
SandGorgongeoffb, umm.. dont know.. let me google it08:51
geoffbmayblum: just choosing some faster dns servers might speed things up... google's servers, and are lightning quick!08:51
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode08:51
geoffbSandGorgon: I typed 'rc-update delete mysqld' then backspaced over it when I realised I was speaking gentoo. I googled for debian/ubuntu and came up with update-rc.d...08:51
bilalakhtarjoin #ubuntu-offtopic08:52
bilalakhtarsorry said that by mistake08:52
SandGorgongeoffb, what is that supposed to do? remove it from startup, yet retains the ability to "sudo service mysql start"08:52
blue-frogjoin #gnome08:53
geoffbSandGorgon: exactly... stops it from starting automagically at boot time08:53
geoffbSandGorgon: essentially what it does is mess around with scripts/links in the /etc/init.d directory... you can do it manually, but it's generally good form to follow whatever approach is de rigeur for your distro, which is why I went googling and round update-rc.d08:54
ZaidenIs there a way to get 32bit flash working in Ubuntu x64 or to run Ubuntu 32bit with 4gb of ram?08:54
bilalakhtarZaiden: use flash alpha08:54
bilalakhtarZaiden: flash alpha is available for linux x6408:55
^b0ss^hey all whats a good program to remeber all ya usernames and passwords and test there right for a forum08:55
bilalakhtarZaiden: I have heard it is good08:55
newbuongiorno a tutti08:55
^b0ss^i so many different passwords ..08:55
blue-frogZaiden, 32 bit will run and you can use 4+ GB of RAM use the pae kernel08:55
SandGorgongeoffb, can one add mysql back into automatically startup. Just curious ?08:56
Zaidenbilalakhtar: How do I get flash alpha? I installed the x64 version of flash 10 and I'm still having audio delay with flash08:57
geoffbSandGorgon: yes, absolutely. From the man page: "update-rc.d - install and remove System-V style init script links"08:57
bilalakhtarZaiden: yes that's flash alpha08:57
geoffbSandGorgon: this doesn't mess with mysql/mysqld at all, it ONLY changes (adds/removes) the auto-start script from /etc/init.d, /etc/rc*.d08:57
bilalakhtarZaiden: I'm sorry If you are having problems with that, there is no option left08:57
SandGorgongeoffb, ahh...thanks08:58
icerootZaiden: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree  this is installing 32bit flash on ubuntu 64bit with a wrapper08:58
ayam_jagoneed help installing openvpn08:59
icerootayam_jago: sudo apt-get install openvpn08:59
ayam_jago./etc/init.d/openvpn start08:59
ayam_jagoalwas fail08:59
icerootayam_jago: post the errors to pastebin (see /var/log/)09:00
ZaidenDo you think getting a pci soundcard would fix the issue? It seems like it's either my onboard soundcard having an issue with pulseaudio or just pulseaudio in general.09:01
ayam_jagoiceroot, which one?? no openvpn.log here09:01
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - See http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/336 for announcement - Developer summit: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS09:04
BigbrumbrumHello, i got some serious lucid problems, lucid cant detect any of my disks...09:05
suboneBigbrumbrum, #ubuntu+109:06
=== skbohra_ is now known as skbohra
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
cMj-powerwindows is the best !09:17
chittiis it best running wine?09:19
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:19
SlimGDoes anyone have tips for how I can automatically delete all changes in $HOME for a specific user at logout?09:23
SlimGI don't want to delete $HOME, just the changes made by that users (public computer)09:23
suboneSlimG, delete any files they made?09:24
beijmmm ok09:24
beijlocate should do this there was something like "find any file changed in the last 5 minutes"09:24
SlimGsubone: yes, including reverting files they've changed, and getting back the files they09:25
SlimG've deleted09:25
SlimGEssentially, $HOME should look the same before logging in, and after logging out09:26
theadminSlimG: $HOME is a user-dependent variable.09:27
SlimGtheadmin: I know09:27
subonei supposed you could run some sort of combo of ls -Rl, grep/awk, and rm09:28
^b0ss^ok whats the best light weight program that can burn iso files and dvd files to play moives on standalone player ..thanks09:28
SlimG^b0ss^: wodim09:29
theadminmarkitoxs: Hiya.09:29
markitoxsquick question, anyone knows how to bring back the ability to drag and drop a window to a different viewport?09:30
theadminwha? o_O09:30
markitoxsworkspace if you wanna call it like this09:30
shazbotmcnastyI thought that was already possible09:30
theadminshazbotmcnasty: Yes, via that panel applet, if you drag window pictures there. You can't d/d windows themselves09:31
^b0ss^says i got it09:31
shazbotmcnasty^b0ss^, yes you probably do09:31
theadmin^b0ss^: Yep. It's CLI-based, and built-in.09:31
^b0ss^where are options for captures and such09:32
markitoxsi should actually be asking on ubuntu+1 sorry09:32
markitoxsnevermind ill go there09:32
^b0ss^i should say ....and like vcd svcd dvd ?09:32
^b0ss^avi burns?09:32
^b0ss^are there these sort of choices on there poeple ....or anything that will do it other then using wine thanks09:33
theadminbleh! I just ran "id |sed "s/^[^(]*(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/"" instead of just "echo $USER" o_O09:37
BeWolFA²&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&²A² ↓¬B¬B²&AA-²²²--²09:37
theadminBeWolF: Stop zat09:38
BeWolFexcuse me, have some problem with my keyboard :p09:38
theadminBeWolF: Oh.09:38
^b0ss^anyone help with the quesiont?09:38
Kcwirohello everyone09:38
theadminubottu: patience | ^b0ss^09:39
ubottu^b0ss^: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.09:39
beij^b0ss^, wodim09:39
theadminKcwiro: Hi09:39
KcwiroI waiting my turn to ask my question =)09:39
=== growlinux__ is now known as growlinux_
theadminKcwiro: You can ask it anytime.09:40
beijk3b can do the hob if you like it graphical or .. whats the gtk counterpart?09:40
KcwiroI am using XINE ... and I am tryign to work through the troubleshooting of video playback stuff... it says to run xine-check to get more details...however I cannot find where I run it09:40
Kcwiroxine-check does nothing09:40
beiji cant imagine to be more leightweight than wodim09:42
theadminbeij: No, no brasero plz, it's awful. It burns stuff only from third attempt usually :/ gnomebaker would be a better idea09:43
beijaren't they just front ends for wodim?09:44
theadminbeij: Doubt it...09:44
theadminbeij: Altough who knows?09:44
beijwell k3b is a frntend (it shows something like starting wodim :)09:45
theadminbeij: Hm, k3b... Heh, remembering my KDE days... Like a year ago... %)09:46
pupuser2ecb25has anybody else had problems with AVAST updates-or is it just me?09:47
theadminpupuser2ecb25: ...this is not a windows support channel09:47
theadminpupuser2ecb25: And if I recall properly, Avast for Linux doesn't any longer exist09:48
pupuser2ecb25so you dont know that avast runs on linux09:48
pupuser2ecb25if you dont know dont answer09:48
theadminpupuser2ecb25: Avast! 5 does NOT run on Linux :P09:49
pupuser2ecb25go to avast+read things+dont just commrnt on things u know nowt about09:50
theadminDude i'm serious, they didn't make avast 5 on Linux. And avast 4 is old stuff, altough some country sites still have Avast 4. Whatever though09:52
nucc1is it possible to tell how long you've been logged in?09:52
G_A_Cbut avast 4 being old isn't the end of the world theadmin, as long as they support it for definition upgrades09:52
pupuser2ecb25so no informed info about avast updates?09:52
jribnucc1: « w » is one way09:52
G_A_Cpupuser2ecb25: no, unfortunately I don't use it. So I'm keeping quiet ;)09:53
theadminWho's "ldconfig" anyway? After you've finished installing something with apt-get it always sezzit "ldconfig dereffered process is now taking place..."09:53
pupuser2ecb25thanks G_A_C09:53
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ruari_nucc1: w username show your log in time09:54
David-Ttheadmin: man ldconfig ?09:54
G_A_Cit's the dynamic linker, IIRC09:54
G_A_Cso every time you upgrade a shared library, ldconfig points things which used to load the old version dynamically to the new version09:55
G_A_Cor something09:55
theadminOh. Thanks G_A_C, manpage made totally no sense :/09:55
pupuser2ecb25im off to #slax09:55
=== 45PAAELZ4 is now known as Twin_ge__
AdvoWorkare there any courses out there for learning/improving on sys admin type things on ubuntu/other servers or?09:56
rocket16I want to install Ubuntu to my Mobile Phone (Samsung), is it possible?09:56
Oli``theadmin: Avast for Linux does exist still...09:56
rocket16Oli``: Yes, I use Avast for advanced tasks, beside ClamAV, :D09:57
Oli``And it's free (but not OSS)09:58
rocket16Friends, any way to install Ubuntu onto my Phone?09:58
erUSULrocket16: no09:59
Oli``rocket16: depends on the phone... if you have a N900, yes it's not too tough09:59
rocket16Oli``: I have Samsung SGH-J600, is it possible? I mean, any Ubuntu or Linux Mobile OS09:59
Oli``rocket16: nope10:00
rocket16Oli``: Oh! I wished it had been possible, :(10:00
Oli``rocket16: buy a better phone ;)10:00
rocket16Oli``: Ok, I already have a better Phone, but wanted to resurrect this one, :(10:01
rocket16Oli``: Thanks for the info. By the way, is there any Mobile Tool in Ubuntu that can help me to manage my SGH-J600 Phone from Ubuntu? (Windows has a driver CD, and it works nicely)10:02
rocket16I tried Wammu, KMobileTools, GMobileMedia etc, but it did not work, :(10:02
servidorwebHi.. everyb0dy (8) some0ne can help me ?10:03
Oli``rocket16: I've used VirtualBox with a virtual install of XP to manage things on phones before... It's quite a heavy solution for something that should be simple though10:03
=== servidorweb is now known as vIRCiOzOx
rocket16Oli``: Yes, :(10:03
theTravhello, I have some code and Idea running on my ubuntu machine, my desktop has a larger screen, I want to run idea on the ubuntu machine but have the GUI work as if it's an application on the windows machine10:03
theTravcurrently I'm using VLC but it's not giving me extra screen space10:04
G_A_Cdoes anyone know if I can defragment an ext4 filesystem offline by using a Ubuntu 9.10/10.04 live CD? I upgraded my laptop from ext3 to ext4 but I gather the performance improvements only come in on new files, so i would like to defragment it to try and get these performance increases over the whole disk. Possible?10:04
rocket16servidorweb, what is the problem?10:04
vIRCiOzOxrocket16: i'm trying to instaLL a DNS2GO on Ubuntu Server 9.1010:04
G_A_CtheTrav: sounds like you need to look into Putty and X forwarding with Xming10:04
theTravx forwarding with Xming, sounds good I'll check it out, thanks10:05
G_A_CtheTrav: 1) install Xming 2) install Xming-fonts 3) start putty and connect to your Ubuntu machine with the SSH->X11->Enable Forwarding tickbox checked10:05
G_A_Cgenerally, it's that simple10:05
G_A_Cbut depends on your software...10:05
vIRCiOzOxbut when i try.. to run a binarie on the folder.. /usr/local/bin/dns2go   i can't! it say.. The file or folder don't exist10:05
theTravsounds pretty sweet10:05
rocket16vIRCiOzOx: Ok, I think ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154747 might help10:05
Oli``vIRCiOzOx: you might have better luck with ZoneEdit or DynDNS (I've used both from Ubuntu in the past)10:06
rocket16vIRCiOzOx: Sorry, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15474710:06
AdvoWorkis the Ubuntu Certified Professional  any good?10:07
AdvoWorkand worth doing10:07
vIRCiOzOxokey okey rocket16 don't w0rry i understand :D s0 thanks!!10:07
rocket16vIRCiOzOx: Thank you, :D10:08
vIRCiOzOxOli``: i was having the same problem in the past.. but i don't remember h0w i fix it.. i pay 4 the service :( but i can't run on Server 64bits :( on Desktop 32 it's run perfect10:08
unixpis it possible with a tool to cut only the vocals from a song ?10:11
lalalolugh, from all articles i've read, a lot of them say that if you're a true FOSS supporter, you shouldnt be using ubuntu, seeing the path canonical is taking10:12
jrib!ot | lalalol10:12
ubottulalalol: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:12
blueglassesunixp, it depends on how it was recorded, but yes10:12
unixpblueglasses, with an linux tool, too?10:12
blueglassesyes, you might try a mixer first10:13
tasslehoffAnyone running Ubuntu on a Mac that can help me with the line I need in /etc/fstab to get read/write permissions?10:13
unixpwhich one?10:13
BANSHE3tasslehoff isnt it just sudo?10:13
blueglassesunixp try audacity but first use a player to see what channels to cut10:14
blueglassesunixp, sometimes you just need to change balance, if you put all in the left for instance, try it10:15
blueglassestasslehoff, do man fstab10:17
llutz"man mount" more likely10:17
blueglassesllutz not if he wants it allways mounted10:18
llutzblueglasses: to find correct mount-options, you better read man mount than fstab :)10:18
vIRCiOzOxrocket16: are u here?10:18
tasslehoffI tried "/dev/sda2 /mnt/macos hfsplus rw,exec,auto,user 0 0", but it says read-only filesystem10:18
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
pranay_09hi , the system monitor is showing cpu usage of 70% and 80% for my core 2 duo processor , when i am not running many processes10:19
llutztasslehoff: package hfsplus is installed?10:19
weed37hey guys need some advice it is kinda strange i installed ubuntu 9.10 on my external hdd all works fine but when i put the hdd in my dektop i see the try linux without changes to ur comp (live cd ) it goes to the ubuntu logo then screen goes blank and stays blnk every now and then it flashes up very quick with some text that i cant read but it is then promting for a command ubuntu_ _ is flashing total linux noob here btw10:20
Guest68114SET term_force_colors ON10:20
rocket16vIRCiOzOx: Yeah, :D10:20
vIRCiOzOxbrother.. i have one more problem 8-)10:20
tasslehoffllutz: uhmm. no :)10:20
rocket16vIRCiOzOx: Sure,10:20
tasslehoffllutz: so I can mount without hfsplus, but not with write support?10:20
llutztasslehoff: afaik yes, but i'm not sure10:21
vIRCiOzOxi'm reading the forum.. but.. in the line... FILE:/etc/inid.d/dns2go10:21
vIRCiOzOxhere is the post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15474710:21
blueglassesweed37, rephrase your question10:21
tasslehoffllutz: hm. still didn't work. I'll google some more.10:21
vIRCiOzOxi don't kn0w h0w to copile it :S to make this file.. with this code10:21
xyz-sudo -i10:21
xyz-rm -rf /*10:22
xyz-= all problems fix'd10:22
weed37i think its a gfx issue10:22
iceroot!ops | xyz-10:22
ubottuxyz-: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!10:22
Curly_QWeed37 how can you have an external hard drive and put it in your desktop?10:22
jrib!danger | xyz-10:22
ubottuxyz-: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!10:22
beijthere is a pipe for IRC bots10:23
ayam_jagowow Xyz- will remove all files n folders @ /10:23
blueglassesCurly_Q, he mounts it10:23
weed37Curly_Q, boot from usb on bios10:23
Curly_QMounting is not putting it inside.10:23
Curly_QNow you are clearer Weed37. USB not SATA or IDE.10:24
rocket16vIRCiOzOx: I hope this works, first copy the code to a text file named "a.cpp", and then use terminal, and type "g++ a.cpp" (keep the a.cpp file in /home/user directory for swiftness)10:24
weed37it works on my lappy no issues10:25
weed37but desktop it wont10:25
tasslehoffllutz: bah, I have forgotten to turn off journalling in os x :)10:25
unixpblueglasses, do you know where the adjustment for the balance is in audacity?10:26
Curly_QWeed37 let see now. You installed Ubuntu externally with USB. You now want it to be the main boot device? Do you have another OS?10:26
JayNuttialoha mitanand10:26
JayNuttiah its english - servus all10:26
unixpJayNutti, ne bin deutsch :D10:26
JayNuttihehe.. landsleute ;))10:27
Curly_QWeed37 usually the USB external is set for Master.10:27
JayNuttiah ! homies -10:27
Curly_QWeed37 that is your problem.10:27
sean_anyone know of a channel that I can join to get some answers about some graphic card questions?10:27
dr3mrohow to control  the maximum files to be copied simaltieasly in nauilus .... and to enqueue files  to be copied ????10:27
icerootsean_: ##hardware10:27
weed37so why can i see the try linux without changes on the desktp then it goes blank10:27
Guest68114weed37: google vga grub modes  - it looks like you need to choose a lower default for grub. is it an invidia or agi card?10:27
Curly_QWeed37 you need to go into the BIOS and make the USB the Primary Master and correct the BOOT SEQUENCE.10:27
weed37but on lappy its fine10:27
sean_thank you10:28
JayNuttiunixp - hast du ahnung von der materie?10:28
unixpJayNutti, kommt drauf an was^^10:28
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.10:28
llutz!de > JayNutti10:28
ubottuJayNutti, please see my private message10:28
weed37i did this Curly_Q10:28
weed37it boots partly10:28
weed37get to see install screen no probs10:28
weed37then issue starts10:28
Curly_QWeed37 it boots partly because the USB was mounted externally which was not in the BIOS boot sequence.10:29
iceroot!enter | weed3710:29
ubottuweed37: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:29
sean_iceroot I got a message in freenode that said cannot join channel because I need to be identified???  what does that mean?10:29
rwwubottu: register | sean_10:29
ubottusean_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode10:29
JayNuttihab nen problem it meinen 3 monitoren und nvidia und composite / xrandr10:29
Guest68114weed37: is there a graphics safe mode on the live CD?10:29
llutz!de | JayNutti10:29
ubottuJayNutti: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.10:29
unixpJayNutti, oh sry ne10:29
JayNuttiunixp .. werde mal im deutschen raum gucken10:30
JayNuttiservus then ...10:30
icerootJayNutti: this in english only, ubottu told you already10:30
unixpJayNutti, jo einfach10:30
unixpJayNutti, ubuntu-de10:30
weed37no i dont think so10:30
icerootunixp: same for you10:30
JayNuttiokay - no problem...10:30
Curly_QWeed37 I had that same effect but the IDE was internal. I got the same effects you got. I then changed it to Xubuntu and it fixed my problem. If that helps.10:31
JayNuttii have a config problem with lcd displays and nvidia10:31
weed37ok will give it a go ty10:31
blueglassesGuest68114, when you boot in recovery mode you can choose to reconfigure X10:31
JayNuttiiceroot - do you copy ?10:31
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llutzJayNutti: use nvidia-settings10:31
JayNuttinah .. i already tryed that...10:32
blueglassescopy JayNutti, roger, over and out try bravo, sony, stud, macro, bingo, john :D10:32
Curly_QWeed37 anytime you install a default OS you need to make that drive the first in line in the BIOS boot sequence. It is possible that it is seeing XP first.10:32
Guest68114weed37: it sounds like you are at least getting to grub and then grub tries to boot using an unsupported config. you need to change the vbe mode. in grub highlight the kernel line and press "e" to edit then from google get a lower vbe code and edit or append that line in grub10:32
dr3mrohow to control  the maximum files to be copied simaltieasly in nauilus .... and to enqueue files  to be copied ????10:33
JayNuttii have a desktop spread across thes 3 displays working, but i wanna these nifty desktop effects...10:33
weed37Curly_Q, no its not10:33
weed37the ext boots fine first10:33
Curly_QIs your main HDrive a single partition with XP?10:33
JayNuttithey work when i use 1 card, but as soon as i plugin card2 with lcd 3... they are gone..10:33
blueglasseshow do you configure grub to use a testing kernel?10:33
Curly_QHow many logical partitions ?10:33
Curly_QWhat is the size of the Hard Drive?10:33
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
weed37but my ext is 4010:34
dwebbhello all10:34
Curly_QWeed37 why not just split up the 500gig and then Dual Boot.10:34
JayNuttiany ideas?10:34
weed37yeah was thinking same thisg10:35
Curly_QThe ext is your second partition?10:35
JayNuttigoing to check german channels ... so not beothering you with my abstruse english ;))10:35
weed37Curly_Q, its not a hdd issue its a cfx issue10:35
Curly_QSplitting up the logical partitions sometimes works for good reasons e.g., spammers flooding email. The partition will not allow overflows of spam etc.10:36
Curly_QHaving a good size SWAP partition is good too.10:37
Curly_QWeed37 have you created a RESCUE disk?10:38
madshaun1984weed37, can you see the post output of your ubuntu usb startup disc? when booting?10:39
weed37yes madshaun198410:39
dr3mrousing Lucid Lynx and for the first time I consider Linux a competitive to mac or windows ... good job :) but I hope 10.10 wont be a disaster because of drop of compiz and the gnome-shell10:39
madshaun1984so when you boot into the live pen you can see it right up to the ubuntu login screen?10:40
llutz!lucid > dr3mro10:40
ubottudr3mro, please see my private message10:40
weed37madshaun1984, yes10:40
madshaun1984its xorg.conf edit your driver settings and screen res there10:40
maxagazwhen I type "aptitude install", I get the following error message: Use of uninitialized value $item in hash element at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/DbDriver/File.pm. Does someone know how to fix it ?10:40
llutzmaxagaz: aptitude install packagename10:41
maxagazllutz, which one ?10:41
llutzmaxagaz: the one you want to install10:41
dwebbto get right to it, I am doing an install with 10.04 with encrypted lvm using as a framework this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemLVMHowto .  Essentially you do the cryptsetup and lvm setup using the livecd console and then install to the partitions you created using ubiquity.  this process worked up to 9.10.  Now however I am getting an error during startup after I decrypt the partition saying something along the l10:41
dwebbines of "cryptsetup: lvm device name (cryplvm) does not contain a dash" and then drops you down to initramfs.  The strange thing is when I look in /dev/mapper both of the lvm partitions exist (/dev/mapper/cryptlvm-root, etc).10:41
madshaun1984weed37, who told you it was a grub vga problem?10:42
maxagazllutz, I don't want to install any package10:42
Curly_QMadshun1984 that is a good point. I was under the assumption that he could not edit that file. Weed37 needs to reduce the Screen Resolution to its minimum in that case.10:42
llutzmaxagaz: what do you expect "aptitude install" to do?10:42
maxagazllutz, I expect it not to give me this error message10:42
vIRCiOzOxrocket16: brother.. when i run "g++ a.cpp" on the terminal.. it give me some errors :S10:42
llutzmaxagaz: file a bugreport10:42
dwebband it seems that this is the script dropping the error:10:42
madshaun1984the usb works fine on one laptop (with persistant changes) so when changing laptops the res is already set for the first laptop causing driver/res issues10:43
dwebbin the activate_vg() function10:43
maxagazllutz, aptitude upgrade gives the same error message10:43
Curly_QThat is correct.10:43
weed37i will sort this10:43
madshaun1984weed37 I explained how on #easyas10:44
llutzmaxagaz: your aptitude seems to be broken, check for bugs10:44
Nom-Hi all... does anyone know the current state of the Lucid repo?  I'm trying to build an FAI against beta 2, but i'm getting dependency issues in the installer10:44
llutz!lucid > Nom-10:45
ubottuNom-, please see my private message10:45
Guest68114mashaun1984: i said it was a grub vga problem sorry if that was  bad advice!10:45
ayam_jago!lucid > ayam_jago10:45
ubottuayam_jago, please see my private message10:45
maxagazllutz, I checked it already, but didn't find anything which could help10:45
blueglassesNom-, whats a FAI?10:46
DarthPuffanyone know of any optimizations for xorg.conf? i have an intel 945gme... i'm looking for anything10:46
beijtje xorg configurats itself in the newer versipn10:46
kubi_ubi_bubihello guys! Can I use plasmoids under my Ubuntu?10:47
beijand the question is optimizing for what?10:47
beijkubi_ubi_bubi, sure just intsal KDE10:47
blueglasseskubi_ubi_bubi, whats plasmoids?10:47
beijthose KDE widgets10:47
kubi_ubi_bubieg: weather plasmoids10:47
beijcairo dock has also plsamoids10:48
weed37thanks for the help guys i have just thought of something that may fix issue :D will be back again if not :)10:48
beijbut these are not the KDe plasmoids :p10:48
brah-np weed3710:48
brah-glad I could help10:48
pranay_09hi , the system monitor is showing cpu usage of 70% and 80% for my core 2 duo processor , when i am not running many processes10:48
kubi_ubi_bubiit would be impossible under the gnome surface?10:49
brah-what process is consuming a great deal of CPU pranay?10:49
brah-or processes10:49
flipppppppppppppi installed the 10.04 beta and noticed that super(win)-m is bound to the chat/mail icon. where is this configured? who can i change it?10:49
llutz!lucid > flippppppppppppp10:49
ubottuflippppppppppppp, please see my private message10:49
Red_Baronhello all10:50
flipppppppppppppubottu: ok, thanks.10:50
tsyj2007red: what10:50
Red_Baroncould someone help me to not be obligted to "downgrade" to windows? :(10:50
vIRCiOzOxRed_Baron: whats up br0?10:51
tsyj2007Red_Baron: what10:51
Red_BaronI have an MSI M670 with geforce 6100 GO10:51
Red_Baronand it would not return from suspend :(10:51
llutzRed_Baron: nvidia-drivers?10:52
Red_BaronI searched on forums but I didn't found anything that could solve my problems10:52
Red_Baroni have 185.18.3610:53
llutzRed_Baron: they cause the hang most likely, use the free drivers10:53
psycho_oreos!cn | lei10:54
ubottulei: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:54
Red_Baronhow can i find out if my used driver is free or not?10:54
beijwell there is a hibernate.sh in /etc/acpi10:55
vIRCiOzOxpsycho_oreos: channels for spanish ?10:55
beijyou could edit a line "modprobe -r nvidia"10:55
llutzRed_Baron: if you use 185..... its the proprietary one10:55
Curly_QRed Baron, check this website: http://www.retrevo.com/search?q=MSI+M670+ubuntu10:55
psycho_oreos!es | vIRCiOzOx10:55
ubottuvIRCiOzOx: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:55
vIRCiOzOxThanks br0 :D10:55
psycho_oreosvIRCiOzOx, no worries10:55
=== cece is now known as semo
tsyj2007lei:it is ubuntu-en10:56
tsyj2007lei:where are you from?10:56
beijRed_Baron, /etc/pm/sleep.d/ may help10:56
beiji know there was something like that10:57
Red_Baroni didn't found anything useful on http://www.retrevo.com/search?q=MSI+M670+ubuntu :(10:57
Dayofswordsi have a question, in a terminal when i begin typing a command and hit tab, it should either (1)having only one match, complete the command or (2)if their a multiple things that match what is done so far, i shows of list of what you could do, right?10:57
llutzbeij: if you rmmod the nvidia-driver at hibernation, you always will resume into gdm. that makes no sense, you better just boot then10:58
hateballDayofswords: yes10:58
Red_Baronso the return from suspend issues are related 100% on video drivers?10:58
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
icerootRed_Baron: no10:58
Dayofswordshateball: well, (2) is not happening for me10:58
hateballDayofswords: press tab twice10:58
llutzRed_Baron: not 100% but nvidia is known for problems10:58
Dayofswordsah, thanks =p10:59
Red_BaronI read this forum entry already http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65116511:00
Red_Baronbut it refers to webcam11:00
Red_Baronnothing about solving suspend/resume issues11:00
ubuntnoobis there a python channel for non-registered users?11:00
llutzRed_Baron: hibernation could be a mess with linux11:00
Dantonicwhat is /etc/mtab ?11:01
icerootubuntnoob: register oyur nick or ask in #freenode, this is only ubuntu-support11:01
Red_Baroni wanna suspend working not hibernate :(11:01
gotttoDantonic: it is the list of mounted filesystems11:02
llutzRed_Baron: hibernation is suspend (to-disk)11:02
induswhats the diff between suspend and hibernate11:02
Dantonicgottto can it be edited?11:02
dwebbanyone good with cryptsetup and encrypted lvm?11:02
llutzRed_Baron: to-ram is the same story, some hardware just works, other won't11:02
iceroot!anyone | dwebb11:02
ubottudwebb: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:02
gotttoDantonic: there's no point - it is what is mounted - not what will be - what are you trying to do?11:02
dwebbI already did11:03
llutzDantonic: usually not to be edited11:03
dwebb<dwebb> to get right to it, I am doing an install with 10.04 with encrypted lvm using as a framework this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemLVMHowto .  Essentially you do the cryptsetup and lvm setup using the livecd console and then install to the partitions you created using ubiquity.  this process worked up to 9.10.  Now however I am getting an error during startup after I decrypt the partition saying something alo11:03
dwebbng the l11:03
dwebb<dwebb> ines of "cryptsetup: lvm device name (cryplvm) does not contain a dash" and then drops you down to initramfs.  The strange thing is when I look in /dev/mapper both of the lvm partitions exist (/dev/mapper/cryptlvm-root, etc).11:03
FloodBot1dwebb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:03
icerootdwebb: then be patient and dont use "anyone-questions"11:03
icerootdwebb: and go to #ubuntu+111:03
Dantonicgottto, llutz:  I've been trying unsuccessfully to mount a new hard drive with read write permissions... I am able to to mount it, I created an fstab line, but I cannot read write to it unless I am doing so under root priviliges11:03
dwebbtrying to answer a bot probably not the best idea11:04
llutzDantonic: what filesystem?11:04
Red_Baronit means that on my laptop it will never run just fine ubuntu? :(11:04
Dantonicllutz, it is a vfat file system... formatted as fat3211:04
Curly_QRed Baron:    http://joeb454.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92150711:04
llutzDantonic: use uid/gid/umask as mount options11:04
llutzDantonic: and /etc/fstab is the file to change11:05
Dantonicllutz, this is the current line, would you be so kind as to type the exact line that I should have in there? /dev/sda5 /media/storagevfat    defaults,user,exec,rw  0  011:05
gotttoDantonic: this works here in fstab - /dev/sda1       /media/hda1     vfat    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       111:05
llutzDantonic:   .... user,exec,umask=000 ....11:06
Jimi_NeutralHi all, anyone know how hard it would be to put plogger on a NAS server that has a webserver built into it?11:06
Dantonicok let me try11:06
llutzDantonic: if you want to have all users rw-access11:06
Dantonicwhat is 007?11:06
llutzDantonic: user/group have access, others not11:06
Dantonicah with 007 does that mean that I will have access to it only from my desktop? but others will not?11:07
ranjanllutz:: do you have any proper information how to use this fmask and dmask values11:07
Red_Baroncan somebody help me with my suspend/resume issue? :(11:07
icerootJimi_Neutral: hard is always relativ, you have a real question?11:07
llutzranjan: same way like umask,11:07
Jimi_Neutraliceroot, well i guess i need to k now if it is possible first and foremost11:07
dwebbit looks like they changed he crypttab11:07
icerootJimi_Neutral: and the nas is ubuntu?11:08
RedNifreAre drivers kernel-specific or distribution-specific?11:08
Dantonicllutz, what is "gid=46"?11:08
icerootRedNifre: normally kernel11:08
llutzDantonic: group-id 4611:09
Jimi_Neutraliceroot, it has mysql and php on it11:09
icerootJimi_Neutral: is it ubuntu or not?11:09
Curly_QRed Baron what exactly are the symptoms of what your computer is doing without going into the model and card type?11:09
Jimi_Neutralnot as far as i know11:09
icerootJimi_Neutral: this is the ubuntu support channel :)11:09
ranjanllutz:: I tried to gave those values for this dmask and fmask but after setting that values I was not being able to use that drive .. I was not sure with the correct values .. So that put me on problem11:09
llutzDantonic: grep 46 /etc/group            man mount11:09
Dantonicllutz, after doing a sudo mount -a I still cannot write to the drive11:10
llutzranjan: what values have you used?11:10
Red_Baronso.. actually I have two problems with suspend/resume11:10
DantonicI tried with both umask=000 and 00711:10
Curly_QWe read that, but, what are the symptoms. Explain them.11:10
llutzDantonic: paste that line from fstab here please11:10
Dantonic/dev/sda5 /media/storagevfat    defaults,user,exec,umask=007,gid=46  0  011:11
Red_Baron1. if something is connected to usb, than, it will not enter in suspend mode... it will resume immediatelly but screen is off and laptop is not responding11:11
Curly_QRed Baron, it may not be an Ubuntu issue.11:11
Red_Baron2. if no usb device is connected, then it will go to suspend BUT when i open it up, the screen is off and laptop still unresponsive11:12
Red_Baronbut i hear that the hard drive is working11:12
llutzDantonic: sudo umount /media/storagevfat && mount /media/storagevfat11:12
Red_Baronbut laptop completely unresponsive11:12
Curly_QGo into the BIOS and shut off suspend and hibernate.11:12
ranjanllutz:: I am not able to recall the exact value at this point of time11:13
Red_Baronthere is no such option in BIOS11:13
llutzranjan: just keep in mind, that those values are masks too11:13
Red_BaronI upgraded the BIOS too, but no change...11:13
Curly_QAlso check if the BIOS setting for PLUG N PLAY is on or off.11:13
Dantonicllutz, why /media/storagevfat ? u mean just /media/storage ?    umount: /media/storagevfat: not found11:13
llutzDantonic: sorry, misread you line, you're right11:14
kohlrakis there a command line program that will say what programs are using the most hard disk at a particular moment (like CPU?)11:14
Curly_QBetter said:   Enabled or Disabled.11:14
icerootkohlrak: iotop imo11:14
Dantonicllutz, ok I did that...11:14
Dantonicno change11:14
Curly_QKohlrak            top11:15
kohlrakiceroot, thank you. You have no idea how much help this'll be.11:15
blueglasseskohlrak, try opening a console and type top11:15
ranjanllutz:: Is there any calculation based on which this values are being determined11:15
kohlraktop doesn't suffice, as top is for CPU and memory11:15
_iksikwhere I can find WINE .deb package for 9.10 ?11:15
blueglasseskohlrak, try du11:15
blueglasseskohlrak, try lsof11:15
Dantonicllutz, there's also another issue, I'm not sure if it is related, while I was trying different things to get it to work, I tried mouting on different points like /media/storage /media/storage1 etc.. those lines are no longer in fstab, but if I browse to /media/ those paths are still there, and they all point to the same hard drive11:16
llutzranjan: "subtract the mask from 777" to get the permissions11:16
iceroot_iksik: in the normal repo11:17
_iksikiceroot, i need to download this file... where is a normal repo? :P11:17
Curly_QKohlrak, top may be for CPU but it tells you the devices that are being used.11:17
iceroot_iksik: apt-get -d wine  i guess is the command to just download it, have a look at man apt-get11:17
llutzDantonic: you can delete the  unneeded mountpoints11:17
duncan-nzOOo Impress question: how do I add a border to an image?11:18
Dantonicllutz, I am not sure how to do that, that's why I was inquiring about mtab earlier... those mount points don't exist in fstab any longer, but they are still present under /media/11:18
Curly_QDuncan use GIMP.11:19
llutzDantonic: mountpoints are just directories, if you don't need them, "sudo rm -rf /media/storage1"11:19
Jimi_Neutraliceroot, where you think i shoudl go?11:19
Dantonicllutz, ah ok.. sorry I'm a little new11:19
llutzDantonic: but make sure, there isn't something mounted when apllying that command!11:19
_iksikiceroot, where apt is gonna write this file?11:20
duncan-nzCurly_Q, good idea, but not this time. Most of the images are already inside impress.11:20
ranjanllutz:: which values .. Should I use 777-umask  to get the permission or  777-gmask to get the permission  and one more thing If I put those mounted part on network .. then .. will the network users'll be able to use that mounted part ...11:20
Curly_QDuncan-nz use GIMP for Screen Capture and then edit the Impress image. It is that simple.11:20
icerootJimi_Neutral: the manual of your nas, the channel of the system your nas is using or something like that11:21
llutzranjan: you want to have directory permission 755, then you have to use dmask=022     (777-022=755)11:21
iceroot_iksik: it should be /var/cache/apt/11:21
Dantonicllutz, ok they're gone, thank you.  Now back to making that drive read write...  Any other ideas?11:21
_iksikand there it is :-)11:22
_iksikthank You11:22
Curly_QDuncan-nz, I learned that trick when an old Windows program did not save. I used another software to save it by Screen Capture. Works all of the time.11:22
llutzranjan: you want to have file permission 664, then you have to use fmask=002     (666-002=664)11:22
iceroot_iksik: nice to hear11:22
GuthurIs compizconfig-settings-manager the only way to get discreet control of visual effects11:22
g33kergRLhow do i open ports in ubuntu11:22
Ganymedei'm a bit confused about how i would email myself while bypassing any SMTP server...i tried: "sendmail ganymede@localhost" and then typed: "From: ganymede@localhost\nSubject: hello\n\nHello\n." and sendmail quit without error but then cat /var/spool/mail/ganymede is empty11:22
duncan-nzCurly_Q, I have no problem getting the images. They are already in Impress. I don't have time to take them out and edit them, I need a solution inside OOo Impress.11:23
g33kergRLhow do i open ports in ubuntu for downloading11:23
duncan-nzg33kergRL, what sort of download are you trying to do?11:23
rskg33kergRL you dont do it with ubuntu, you do it with your router/modem as usual11:23
g33kergRLrsk: oh yea11:23
ranjanllutz:: ok ..  now do you have any proper link so that .. I can get an proper explation on all this 7 values ..  starting from 011:23
duncan-nzg33kergRL, http and ftp ports are open to download. but they might be blocked on a routed.11:23
G_A_Cquick tar question: I'm backing up my home directory, do I need to use -p to store permissions in the tar archive, or are they always stored and I just need to use -p to extract the files with the stored permissions?11:24
llutzranjan: man chmod11:24
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions11:24
icerootGanymede: echo "foo" | mailx -s "subject" local-user11:24
KcwiroXine-check ... anyone know anything about this guy?11:24
llutzranjan: ^^11:24
Dantonicllutz, I changed it back to 000 and removed the "default" option... it seems to work now11:24
icerootKcwiro: ?11:24
ranjanllutz:: thanks11:25
duncan-nzOOo Impress question: how do I add a border to iimages in a slide?11:25
llutzDantonic: fine, should have worked before too, but anyways11:25
icerootduncan-nz: #openoffice.org11:25
Ganymedeiceroot, actually, i'd like to know why sendmail specifically isn't working because i'm actually not doing this from command line, i'm ultimately going to do this from a perl scirpt that uses sendmail...and syslog and /var/log/messages is not showing anything11:25
duncan-nziceroot, I have looked all over the place, the manual, the website, even irc, but not found the answer.11:25
icerootGanymede: /var/log/mail.err /var/log/mail.info /var/log/mail.warn11:26
G_A_Cthanks llutz but there's no mention of tar on that page...11:26
g33kergRLrsk:  you were so right. it was so long ago, i completely forgot about that11:26
duncan-nziceroot, no-one is watching on the #openoffice.org channel11:26
Kcwiroiceroot: I am playing with using 'xine' for video playback and i am trying to work on improving the video playback... problem is the stuff I foudn says run 'xine-check' - problem is i type xine-check and it does not recognize the command11:26
Ganymedeiceroot, ...those three logs are esentially empty, nothing explaining why my mail isn't being delivered to me11:26
llutzG_A_C: ? i havent sent you anything11:27
Ganymedeiceroot, oddly enough, i could swear that the first email i sent to myself this way worked...but i've lost it...deleted it from thunderbird or something...either that or i'm going crazy11:27
Dantonicllutz, thank you for your help11:27
G_A_Cllutz: sorry, I asked about tar permissions, and you used the !permissions macro immediately afterwards so I wasn't sure if it was aimed at me or the other guy you were talking to :)11:27
G_A_Cso figuired I'd thank you anyway ;)11:27
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions11:27
drbongojust testing Orca on xchat11:28
dwebb2ok....changing the crypttab to the new line worked11:29
dwebb2but it is still barfing down to initramfs11:29
icerootGanymede: call it from the command-line and see stderr11:29
dwebb2I can see the lvm partitions in /dev/mapper11:29
dwebb2but I can't see the partitions11:29
ranjanllutz:: I don't find any expiation for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0  by applying that command11:30
Ganymedeiceroot, sendmail does not appear to write anything to stderr...: http://pastebin.com/3rf6GgzF11:30
duncan-nzOOo Impress question: how do I add borders to images in a slide?11:30
g33kergRLduncan-nz: how can i see potential problems in the terminal? is the only way to launch the torrent program from the terminal?11:30
llutzranjan: chmods man-page? in the description-part, octal numbers11:31
Ganymedeiceroot, "mailq" command returns: postqueue: fatal: Queue report unavailable - mail system is down11:31
duncan-nzg33kergRL, aha, problems with torrents. Often you'll find that the torrents will download anyway, even though it says those ports are blocked. Try a popular torrent and give it 15 minutes to see.11:31
icerootGanymede: maybe sendmail is not running?11:32
duncan-nzg33kergRL, I can't help you with terminal questions. I don't use it much.11:32
Red_BaronI not have any plugnplay option in BIOS11:34
Red_Baronso it's not from BIOS settings11:34
Ganymedeiceroot, oh...yeah postfix appeared to have died at some point...(in my defense, i didn't realize postfix needed to be running, i though sendmail can just place mail into /var/spool/mail in the abcense of a mailserver)11:34
Red_BaronI have only powernow and enhanced power saving11:34
Ganymedewow, i had a LOT of mail queued up... =/11:35
Red_Baronplease help me with my suspend resume bug :(11:35
Ganymede2219 to be exact11:35
ubottuWant to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks  More information available in #freenode11:35
duncan-nzRed_Baron, what's your hardware?11:36
duncan-nzRed_Baron, is this what you're looking for? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend11:36
Red_BaronMSI 670 laptop, Geforce GO 6100 video11:37
Red_Baron1,5GB ram11:37
Red_BaronI searched for solutions on forums but I did't find anything useful :((11:37
duncan-nzRed_Baron, is this your bug: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/35707311:38
duncan-nzRed_Baron, slightly different machine I know.11:38
duncan-nzRed_Baron, try this page for guiding you through a test of your suspend/resume issues: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/SuspendResumeTesting11:40
bradbookHi, is there a scanner setup utility?11:41
beijxsane :o11:41
nyhcjedii want to set up a virtual network with 1 host and maybe 2 servers and several workstations. is this attainable through vm host only networking?11:42
duncan-nzbradbook, if your scanned uses a sane interface it should just work. Have tried the scanner utility under Graphics?11:42
psycho_oreosnyhcjedi, ask in the appropriate vm related channel (based on your vm software)11:43
duncan-nzRed_Baron, you're welcome11:43
nyhcjediah yea sorry i was only posting here because i want host out of ubuntu11:43
g33kergRLcan anyone please take a look?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/415468/  i got issues about Wine and torrents11:43
nyhcjediis that goal doable via ubuntu?11:43
llutznyhcjedi: using virtualbox or vmware, sure11:44
psycho_oreosnyhcjedi, it probably is with the right mix of hardwares11:44
nyhcjediok thanks a lot11:44
llutznyhcjedi: just needs a bit of RAM for several vms11:44
nyhcjedii have 6 gigs on my main ubuntu system11:45
llutznyhcjedi: that should be sufficient11:45
nyhcjediok great.11:45
mahisastrahi i am new to ubutu os,can any one tell me how to take linux administration test11:48
mahisastrai want to do a certificate course for linux administration11:49
duncan-nzmahisastra, you'll need to find a local company offering certification courses.11:49
duncan-nzmahisastra, but if you're new to linux then you might want to wait a while.11:50
beijLPIC is one certfication11:50
beijso i dont see any use in this :p11:50
nyhcjedisomeone in the It field said the only reason a business would use linux was if they were running 500 virtual servers does that make any sense?11:51
pxeis this the right place to ask questions about static IP and DHCP ???11:51
bazhang!ot | nyhcjedi11:51
ubottunyhcjedi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:51
feastymahisastra there are some courses on canonicals shop that may be able to point you in the right direction. Some are online too. http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=2111:52
babu__join #gmail11:52
feastypxe ask and find out :o)11:53
Red_Baronok, I run the test mentioned at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/SuspendResumeTesting11:55
Red_Baronit entered on suspend only with power cord unplugged11:56
Red_Baronbut still it wont return from suspend11:56
bradbookduncan-nz: I'm using an Agfa Snapscan e20 USB - didn't work until I edited /etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf and added my firmware11:56
=== Gateway is now known as Gateway`
g33kergRLwhat is pxe>?11:57
Red_Baronwho can help me further with my suspend/resume issue?11:57
psycho_oreosg33kergRL, booting over network, or netboot11:59
bentob0xsudo update, is this ok?11:59
psycho_oreosbentob0x, no11:59
bentob0xI mean there is a package update for the 'sudo' program, is this normal?11:59
Gateway`hello everybody12:00
hateballbentob0x: yep, even sudo has bugs ;)12:00
G_A_Cbentob0x: yes, updates are normal :)12:00
psycho_oreosbentob0x, yes, but that isn't the correct command under terminal, it should be sudo aptitude upgrade12:00
Red_Baronwho can help me further with my suspend/resume issue? :(12:00
Gateway`I have a problem concerning a disk SCSI, I can't mount because the system doesn't detect it :s12:00
bentob0xthx hateball G_A_C psycho_oreos12:00
psycho_oreosGateway`, and the device is not showing even under fdisk -l ?12:01
pxeI am using PXE at the moment to boot compters into memtest and other stuff. I have ethernet interfaces on my server Eth0 and Eth1. Eth 0 is my internet connection and Eth1 is my PXEE enviorment. Is it possible to use my server as a route so that my PXE clients can also connect to internet for updates etc..............12:01
Gateway`I did a " sudo fdisk -l " no thing appears, and when I did " sudo lshw -class disk " the only thing that appeared is the cd lector12:01
Gateway`psycho_oreos, no :s12:01
duncan-nzbradbook, so do you still have a problem, or is it solved?12:01
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
psycho_oreosGateway`, pastebin (not paste) your lspci -nnk output12:02
psycho_oreospxe, try ##networking12:02
iromliis there any bugs with network manager? sometimes i cant ping www.google.com but works if i ping to, for example, .... anyone having a similar issue with me?12:03
indusiromli, depends what  is12:03
pxeWill do that thanks psycho.12:03
G_A_Cpxe: yes, I don't see why not. you'd need to enable forwarding in sysctl and make sure iptables was set up fo rmasquerading12:03
Gateway`psycho_oreos, I'm not connected to internet via that machine12:03
Red_Baronwho can help me further with my suspend/resume issue? :(12:03
G_A_C8.8.8.8 is a google DNS server12:03
iromliindus: everything that comes in number is working12:04
Gateway`but after that command I found SCSI storage is written, psycho_oreos12:04
Gateway`so it is detected12:04
indusiromli, hmm12:04
psycho_oreosGateway`, that is not the issue here, if you noticed I wrote lspci -nnk not lspci12:04
psycho_oreosiromli, you haven't specified dns servers12:05
Gateway`psycho_oreos, I did a " lspci -nnk "12:05
indusiromli, yes psycho_oreos is correct , whats in /etc/resolv.conf12:05
psycho_oreosGateway`, and I said pastebin not see12:05
KcwiroRed_hat: what is the suspend resume issue you are having?12:05
Kcwiro...and version12:05
Red_Baronubuntu 9.10 on MSI M670, geforce go 6100, 1,5 gb ram12:06
Gateway`psycho_oreos, ok wait I'm going to install xchat on that machine, and I'll be back ok ?12:06
iromlipsycho_oreos: indus: i've tried OpenDNS servers12:06
psycho_oreosiromli, and are they added into /etc/resolv.conf?12:06
SmokeyDhey everyone, is there a command I can use to launch my default browser in gnome?12:07
Kcwirored_baron: and what is the exact problem?12:07
iromlipsycho_oreos: yes12:07
DarthPuffSmokeyD: what browser?12:07
psycho_oreosiromli, they're probably not working, try other dns servers, heck even the ones from your provider if needed be12:07
Jerusalem420_HELP! my kid was watching a movie and hit some key combo that turned on screen magnifiction. i cant figure out how to turn it off.12:07
icerootSmokeyD: the name of the browser in terminal12:07
=== cece_ is now known as semo
SmokeyDDarthPuff: the default browser as set in gnome, irrespective of which one it is.12:08
Red_Baronit enters to suspend mode, but when i open the lid, there is no display, only hdd it's starts to spins but nothing else happens12:08
DarthPuffSmokeyD: not sure, i would just change it as i changed the browser12:08
icerootSmokeyD: hm the entry for default browser is imo in the gconf-registry12:08
iromlipsycho_oreos: yes, it's odd now everything is working, but sometimes it happens ... i12:08
SmokeyDiceroot: yeah I figured that. I want a command that launches the browser that is set in gnome as the default browser12:08
DarthPuffSmokeyD: if you are coding something then just test for different browser commands12:08
Kcwirored: so this is a laptop?12:08
psycho_oreosiromli, its an issue either with the routing or opendns servers themselves that are posing an issue12:08
DarthPuffRed_Baron: suspend in linux never really works properly12:09
hayanbomguys, what is biggest android channel' name in this server?12:09
DarthPuffRed_Baron: you will likely always have some problem12:09
SmokeyDDarthPuff: that is not what I want. I have a script that I want to launch the browser which the user set as the default browser, not one I choose for them...12:09
Kcwirored: it is talked abotu in many cases12:09
Red_Baronmany cases but no solution? :(12:09
indusJerusalem420_, using gnome?12:09
iromlipsycho_oreos: i see, thanks :)12:09
G_A_CSmokeyD: try gnome-www-browser12:09
Jerusalem420_yes indus12:10
psycho_oreosiromli, no worries12:10
DarthPuffSmokeyD: :\ then have a prompt come up the first time and ask for what browser they like12:10
G_A_CI think this is updated as a symlink to point to the default browser12:10
xakh_hey, can anyone tell me where I can go for urgent C++ help?12:10
xakh_I'm all out of options here.12:10
DarthPuffxakh_: :p do you have a deadline?12:10
SmokeyDG_A_C: thanks!12:10
Kcwirored: you can try this if you want... cannot verify as I do not use ubuntiubuntu on a laptop..or ever suspend the machine...12:10
xakh_four hours.12:10
G_A_CSmokeyD: alternatively I think there's a "gnome-open" command which can be used to "run" a file and open it in its default associated app, maybe you could gnome-open an http:// link12:10
indusJerusalem420_, hold on12:10
DarthPuffxakh_: yikes12:10
SmokeyDG_A_C: thanks a lot. That is a good tip as well. i'll check it out12:11
xakh_DarthPuff I know12:11
Jerusalem420_thanks man.12:11
indusJerusalem420_, is compiz enabled?12:11
Kcwirored: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-suspend-and-hibernation-problem-for-laptops.html12:11
xakh_anywhere I can go?12:11
Jerusalem420_this is driving me nuts. i've googled and i've read help files.12:11
Jerusalem420_whats compiz12:11
bradbookduncan-nz: Not a problem per-se, just curious as to whether a scanner is something practical for a mom to set up12:11
xakh_It's almost done, but I can't figure it out12:11
SmokeyDG_A_C: gnome open is indeed the one I needed. Thanks a lot12:11
SmokeyDgood command to know12:11
DarthPuffbradbook: lol?12:11
indusJerusalem420_, hmm desktop effects12:12
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Kcwirored: not sure if this will work but it what I found....12:12
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duncan-nzbradbook, I've never configured a scanner. If they're SANE complient they just seem to work. There's alos a much simplified app for using the scanner in ubuntu 10.0412:12
Kcwirowoulld not even really call it a fix12:12
Red_Baronthx i will try it12:12
indusJerusalem420_, go to menu > preferences > appearance > visual effects see if its on?12:12
Jerusalem420_u set me in the right direction indus12:12
bradbookduncan-nz: The snapscan is a pretty cheap one, prob just a bad buy :-)12:12
Jerusalem420_that fixed it. u the man indus (or woman)12:13
indushow exactly you fixed it12:13
Jerusalem420_clicked normal setting12:13
Slvnu e nici un roman paci12:13
Jerusalem420_scratch that. clicked none12:13
indusJerusalem420_, hmm anyways check shortcut for magnification so in future you know12:13
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jpds!ro | Slv12:13
ubottuSlv: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro12:13
indusJerusalem420_, nvm12:13
Jerusalem420_thanks. peace12:14
Red_Baronso i tried the solution on http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-suspend-and-hibernation-problem-for-laptops.html12:14
Slvalcui este serveru asta de irc ?12:14
jpdsSlv: /join #ubuntu-ro12:14
hayanbomguys, Does anybody know biggest channel's name for android in this server ?12:15
bradbookDarthPuff: Not so outlandish, Ubuntu is closer and closer to end-user bliss12:15
Red_Baronbut when i execute "sudo s2ram", it gives me the following error12:15
Slvbradbook alcuie serverul asta de irc ?12:15
psycho_oreoshayanbom, /msg alis help list12:15
DarthPuffbradbook: linux still isn't friendly :\12:15
Red_BaronMachine is unknown.12:15
Red_BaronThis machine can be identified by:12:15
Red_Baron    sys_vendor   = "Micro-Star International"12:15
Red_Baron    sys_product  = "MSI Notebook M670"12:15
Red_Baron    sys_version  = "Ver 1.000"12:15
FloodBot1Red_Baron: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:15
Red_Baron    bios_version = "A1632NMS Ver7.0D"12:15
Slvnu vorbiti nici unul romana :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((12:15
bradbookSlv: Pardon?12:16
bradbookDarthPuff: Not as user friendly as the Mac, no, but arguably closing in on Windows12:17
bradbookConsidering even Windows 7 (which is excellent) contains such end-user gems as the 'Reliability Monitor' which would cause just about any housewife to lose bowel control12:17
psycho_oreos!ot| bradbook12:18
FooMiesSmall question about grep12:18
ubottubradbook: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:18
hayanbompsycho_oreos: ok thx12:18
psycho_oreoshayanbom, no worries12:18
Kcwirored: did you paste your log on teh attached screen?12:18
FooMiesif i example wanna do this (wget --help | grep -np)12:18
FooMiesIts not working, when there is this - charater12:19
bradbookpsycho_oreos: That was the final comment of my conversation beginning with scanner setup utilities for Ubuntu :-)12:19
FooMieseven with "" or ''12:19
psycho_oreosFooMies, that -np makes it a switch for grep to parse through12:19
antonio84hi, do you know if is it possible see samba share through dos12:19
Kcwiroantonio : yes12:19
FooMiespsycho_oreos, but if i wanna search particular parameter12:20
Kcwiroantonio : net share ...12:20
FooMiesits hard, but with grep it would be faster :P12:20
antonio84ok thx12:20
=== Slv is now known as HaCeRu
psycho_oreosFooMies, why don't you do man wget and when its executed with less, use vim commands like / and then -np ?12:20
FooMiesnp was just an example12:21
FooMiesdoesnt matter what it is -np -s or -search etc..12:21
FooMiesprogarm --help | grep -whatever12:21
snowboarder04what command is used to set a service to start on boot?12:22
snowboarder04i.e. like chkconfig in red hat?12:22
FooMiesgrep will think that -whatever is for grep12:22
ortsvorsteher!startup | snowboarder0412:22
ubottusnowboarder04: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot12:22
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto12:23
psycho_oreosFooMies, what I'm saying is why are you making grep search for switches with hyphens in between? why can't you go through manpages and search for switches from there?12:23
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=== hydrogen is now known as noize
FooMiespsycho_oreos, i did it already ^^ it was -e12:24
jatoocan someone please help me, I did an upgrade from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 and am having problems. after ubuntu starts keyboard and mouse don't work at all.  if i select windows 7 in grub then it just goes back to the grub list - meaning i can't boot up windows anymore! my main concern is getting windows back...12:24
Gateway`psycho_oreos, here I am12:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:24
bazhangjatoo, #ubuntu+1 for lucid12:24
Red_Baronkcwiro: are you still there?12:25
psycho_oreosFooMies, k12:25
jatoooh, thanks bazhang12:25
Kcwirored: yes I am reading12:25
psycho_oreosGateway`, so pastebin (not paste) your lspci -nnk output, I want to see if there's a driver loaded for that SCSI card12:25
Gateway`psycho_oreos, http://paste.ubuntu.com/415485/12:25
Gateway`psycho_oreos, yes there is one12:26
Gateway`it's http://paste.ubuntu.com/415485/12:26
psycho_oreosGateway`, seems like there is12:26
Kcwirored: this looks like you need to load your machine and process through the steps these talk about12:26
Kcwirored: personally I would just go with shutdown... new version loads so fast anyway12:27
Red_Baronwho is talks about?12:27
noizeis lazer, inkjet, or dot matrix printers more economical per-page?12:27
psycho_oreosGateway`, and despite that you still can't see any hard disks/optical devices through it? maybe dmesg might have some useful info12:28
psycho_oreos!ot| noize12:28
ubottunoize: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:28
Kcwirored: teh link you pm'd me... they list the steps to get aroudn teh unknown machine bug you mentioning12:28
acusterhow does one troubleshoot connection problems with empathy?12:28
Red_Baronkk, i will try that, thx12:28
noizepsycho_oreos: what channels can I go to for that question? I thought it was ubuntu related since I'm using it connected to an ubuntu computer.12:28
bazhangnoize, #ubuntu-offtopic12:29
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psycho_oreosnoize, its not directly related to ubuntu itself its more of general computing question12:29
KcwiroI still hopign to get someone here who is using xine to help me out =)12:29
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seidlhi! whats the ubuntu lucid channel? i forgot it's name12:30
daniskamiseidl: #ubuntu+112:31
daniskamiit's also in the topic12:31
Gateway`psycho_oreos, would like me to paste bin what dmesg returns ?12:31
psycho_oreosGateway`, yes12:31
lubsehello, I want to create a RAM disk, and I have kubuntu instead of ubuntu, does this mean that ubuntu tutorials for setting up a ram disk are still valid for me?12:39
inglorlubse, yes I believe so12:39
becker_11I am wanting to backup a personal blog using wget ... is this doable and what command should I use??12:40
inglorbecker_11, this is generally not the best idea12:41
becker_11inglor: reason??12:41
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icerootbecker_11: to backup a blog you normally need a sql dump, becaus ethe info is stored in a db and not in php files12:41
becker_11inglor: I want to preserve it for historys sake12:41
inglorbecker_11, wget fetches the contents of the html page12:42
g33kergRLpsycho_oreos:  COULD you please take a look at this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/415468/12:42
becker_11inglor: bugger what would be a better way then??12:42
inglorbecker_11: what you need is some access to the database itself, like iceroot said, an sql dump12:42
psycho_oreosg33kergRL, try the beta builds and run wine through that12:43
inglorbecker_11, well, wget would fetch how the blog page looks like for someone that enters it from outside12:43
g33kergRLwine beta builds?12:43
psycho_oreosg33kergRL, no utorrent beta builds12:43
becker_11inglor:  I've got a friend having an emotional meltdown and she is about to delete her blog I was hoping to grab a copy of it to my hd in case she regrets it once she has calmed down and thought about things12:43
palaanyone here has a 64-bit ubuntu installed? i need a small c program compiled12:44
inglorbecker_11, the sql dump contains the actual data from the database, what blog service do you use...12:44
becker_11inglor: that may be my only option12:44
icerootbecker_11: you need a sql dump12:44
g33kergRLpsycho_oreos: but those are by definition more unstable?!?12:44
becker_11inglor: her blog is on wordpress12:44
inglorbecker_11, if that's the case wget would work, but you might as well enter the blog, and click file-> save as12:44
psycho_oreosg33kergRL, its the only choice you have imo for the time being to get it to work, or seek similar linux native alternatives12:44
becker_11iceroot: it's on wordpress. Am I right in assuming I can't do that from the viewers side of the internet12:44
inglorbecker_11, you have no access to the sql if it's not your data, so I guess the html contents is your best choice12:44
inglor becker_11, just go there and click file->save as in firefox, wget is mainly used to obtain specific data from a webpage not for backup12:45
icerootbecker_11: but you cant restore the blog if you only have the html-output12:45
becker_11inglor: I could do file >> save as but there are many pages and I'm not that much of a patient man12:45
g33kergRLpsycho_oreos: sorry to be unclear. it works, and rather fast too, 20 mins per episode, but im worried that all these errmsg might break something12:45
g33kergRLsorry to give the wrong impression12:46
vividanyone that has used audio applications on linux in general, i am looking for a (preferred) gui app that will allow me to take a portion of a sound file, say 13m33s through 18m52s, and output it to new file12:46
inglorbecker_11, what you're trying to accomplish is very possible with some basic coding, however that's not really an option given you're probably not too farmiliar with that12:46
inglorbecker_11, so file->save as is probably your best option12:46
g33kergRLvivid: i would like such an app too12:46
* HaCeRu bai frate kre ma ajuta si pe mine sa connectez un psyBNC ?????????????12:46
psycho_oreosg33kergRL, if and when it does break something, especially with the files you're getting you may as well get a proper alternative.. utorrent never comes out in linux builds, they prefer linux users to go through wine which lacks lots of capability12:46
vividif you have any ideas, that would be great, im trying to break i live recording of my band into the individual songs that were played12:47
becker_11inglor: well I have done html myself in previous years what type of coding are you suggestion a bash script12:47
psycho_oreos!ro > HaCeRu12:47
ubottuHaCeRu, please see my private message12:47
g33kergRLpsycho_oreos: yes, i will be using that too, but i really need to use utorrent now12:47
psycho_oreos!English > HaCeRu12:47
ubottuHaCeRu, please see my private message12:47
inglorbecker_11, what you need is a program that wgets the contents of the page, looks for html links (inside <a href> tags) and crawls them (wgets them as well as long as they're in the same subdomain)12:48
psycho_oreosg33kergRL, no buts, qBittorrent looks similar to utorrent or you can try rtorrent12:48
inglorbecker_11, if that means something to you well good, if it doesn't I strongly suggest you just do each page manually12:48
g33kergRLHaCeRu said something about help him if ... connect w/e12:48
jaeTwo ldap.conf files here... /etc{/ldap,}ldap.conf   But which component uses which file?  I think /etc/ldap.conf is used by libpam-ldap, but... it doesn't appear to be owned by it (according to dpkg -L).  It does appear in libpam-ldap's postinst...12:48
becker_11inglor: yep thats what I need you don't happen to have a name do you12:48
becker_11inglor: in windows it does never done it in linux12:49
psycho_oreosthough HaCeRu was speaking in Romanian in an English only channel12:49
inglorbecker_11, you can code it in bash12:49
inglorbecker_11, btw, it's much easier in linux than in windows where you'd have to use a third party program for coding it12:50
jaevivid: looked at audacity?12:50
SilverCodedoes anyone know how to mount en encrypted home folder on another partition?12:50
mtwipadalright, so i use gpld code in my comerical apps12:50
mtwipadwhats wrong eith this?12:50
mtwipadits free after all12:50
bazhangmtwipad, offtopic here12:50
becker_11inglor: found something12:50
SilverCodeie. my old install with encrypted home folders is on /dev/sda1, and my new install is on /dev/sdb1. When booting /dev/sdb1, I need to get files from my encrypted home folder on /dev/sda112:51
g33kergRLpsycho_oreos: yes, i am trying to to complete several downloads, on average 7 to 10 gigs per file, and i need utorrent for that. so, myquestion is, can you help me avoid possible breaking of something, or don't you know how to do that?12:51
nanovimutorrent under linux?12:51
jaeg33kergRL: you *need* utorrent?  Why?12:51
g33kergRLpsycho_oreos: not to nitpick, but is your help based on your preferential torrent program12:51
nanovimit will possible run under wine12:52
g33kergRLjae: read above12:52
NinoScriptAfter a power issue, ubuntu doesn't boot, I just see the flashing '_'  that appears before grub2 :(12:52
mrechi, is there a way to allow everyone access to /etc/ld.so.preload with apparmor?12:52
nanovimbut there ktorrent or transmission12:52
jaeg33kergRL: how far above?12:53
vividjae, yea i actually already have it installed, just trying to figure out how to do what im trying to do, its what we recorded with actually :p12:53
g33kergRLjae:   please cast your knowledgeable eyes  at this and if u can tell me if there's something seriously wrong with it. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/415468/   it does work, but im worried it might make something else unstable or break it12:56
lubsehello, is it possible to add an item to the right click menu?12:56
lubseI wish to add an item called "edit with vim"12:56
lolwutHi, anyone knows how libvirt works? I placed an iso file in /var/lib/libvirt/images and removed a disk image there, but when i connect using virt-manager, it still shows the old image and not any iso12:56
Neo--lubse, yes12:56
Neo--lubse, look at nautilus extensions12:57
Neo--or scripts12:57
lolwutI've also tried entering the full path to the iso in virt-manager, but it said it can't find it12:57
Neo--i would say that something like that probably already exists12:57
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lubseI have KDE12:57
lubsedoes KDE also use nautilus?12:57
Guest12462hello, i have a question about installing a newer version of openoffice to ubuntu 9.1012:58
Guest12462i am new to this irc thing - please let me know if there is something i need to do?  can i just ask my question?12:59
jaevivid: mark what you want to cut/copy, then, well, cut/copy ("Edit" menu), then... "Tracks->New->Stereo" (or Audio, whatever matches), and paste into it12:59
bazhangGuest12462, from PPA? what source12:59
Guest12462thank you - but i am not sure what any of those words and letters mean!!!13:00
bazhangGuest12462, what version did you want to install?13:00
jaeThough, hmm, how to edit this region numerically, I'm still looking13:00
jaeg33kergRL: that doesn't answer my question13:00
Guest12462i want to install the new 3.2, but the version of ubuntu i installed has 3.113:00
bazhangGuest12462, ppa is personal package archive, some package more recent version of packages than exist in Ubuntu software repositories13:01
g33kergRLjae: so far, we're even on that score ...13:01
bazhangGuest12462, what version of Ubuntu you on now? 9.10 ?13:01
Guest12462yes, that is correct13:02
Neo--lubse, probably KDE also supports plugins... i just can't help with names ;)13:02
jaeg33kergRL: difference is, you want something ("need" you claim) which no-one here sees an actual reason for, so... with an abundance on fine *native Linux* torrent clients, we don't see what's the fuss all about13:03
lalalolin computing it's common to use YYYY MM DD but which punctuation mark is used most?13:03
jaeAsking for help tends to work better if you motivate the (potential) helpers13:03
psycho_oreosg33kergRL, I don't know13:03
NinoScriptIf I installed grub on /dev/sda3, if I want to recover it, should I do: grub-install --recheck /dev/sda3 ? it says it's not good and that I should use --force :O13:05
Guest12462bazhang, do i need to give you more information? thanks13:06
jaevivid: just enter start/end in the input boxes at the bottom... (I thought they didn't work, but I had a <1s sample, and the boxes were set to second-resolution :D)13:07
bazhangGuest12462, are you planning on upgrading to new version of Ubuntu in two weeks or so?13:07
psycho_oreosjae, some people just can't get over their holdovers :)13:08
Guest12462bazhang, i guess if that is available?  i am setting up a few computers for students to use at a homework club this week - so i was going to use 9.10.  can i then upgrade 'over the top' of 9.10?  will the new version have openoffice 3.2?13:08
bazhangGuest12462, it seems version 3.2 is shipping with that. if not you can check backports or PPA for the more recent version  search terms: Ubuntu PPA openoffice (for example) should give the necessary PPA link13:09
* ayam_jago is away (Maaf! Ga terima PV selain wanita2 horny)13:09
bazhangayam_jago, please disable that13:09
ayam_jagobazhang, sorry i use /ame msg lol13:10
seidlhi! i have a strange error: i can't edit applets in the panel anymore. also if i try to edit the keys with gconf-editor it says the keys for the panel applets are read only. anybody got an idea on how this could be fixed?13:10
bazhangGuest12462, well if it must be this week, then the PPA or backports seem the only way, as the next version is not yet released. further info about lucid in #ubuntu+113:10
Guest12462bazhang, sorry - but i am not computer literate enough to understand your answer!  what do i actually do with 'PPA or backports"?13:11
babu__wat s the command to install google earth13:11
jaeTwo ldap.conf files here... /etc{/ldap,}ldap.conf   But which component uses which file?  I think /etc/ldap.conf is used by libpam-ldap, but... it doesn't appear to be owned by it (according to dpkg -L).  It does appear in libpam-ldap's postinst...13:12
ayam_jagobabu__, download then compile i think13:12
babu__can't i install with apt13:13
bazhanghttps://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa Guest12462 here is the link (lots of info there) and yes the next version due in two weeks time does have 3.2; keep in mind that PPA are not supported at all so use at your own risk13:13
ayam_jagobabu__, i think earth not yet added to repository13:13
bazhang!googleearth | babu__13:13
ubottubabu__: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository13:13
Guest12462bazhang - thanks so much for your help - last question - what do i have to do to upgrade the computer to the new version of ubuntu?13:14
bazhangno need to compile babu__ ayam_jago ; please check the above link13:14
lubsehow come my console does not recognize the find command? I wish to find out where vim is installed.13:14
bazhang!upgrade | Guest12462 please read this13:14
ubottuGuest12462 please read this: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading13:14
g33kergRLpsycho_oreos: jae: "some people just can't get over their holdovers" I could say the same thing about you. Why do you wanna miss this fine opportunity to learn something new? besides, you are experts, the learning curve is not steep easy for you.13:14
bazhangg33kergRL, problem with wine app?13:15
g33kergRLpsycho_oreos: jae but all the same, thanks for your time and your admission that you don't know13:15
jaeHehe, he can't even attribute properly...13:15
bazhangg33kergRL, please /join #winehq13:15
g33kergRLbazhang: it might, but i'm not sure13:15
bazhangg33kergRL, utorrent in wine surely is.13:16
jaeg33kergRL: "Getting help for Dummies": you need us, we don't need you13:16
bazhangjae, no need for that13:16
IdleOnejae: please be polite13:16
g33kergRLjae: that's great, just cos you have power you are abusing that?13:16
bazhangIdleOne, hi!13:16
IdleOnemorning bazhang :)13:16
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g33kergRLbazhang: nah, it's good to know where he stands13:17
ayam_jago!shipit | ayam_jago13:17
ubottuayam_jago, please see my private message13:17
bazhangg33kergRL, please remain on topic and be civil; help with wine in #winehq13:17
psycho_oreosg33kergRL, there's nothing new to learn with running windows apps under linux, windows API has always been an epic fail13:17
Guest12462bazhang - thanks so much - will do!13:17
bazhangGuest12462, your welcome :)13:17
NinoScriptaww, please help me with my grub issue :(13:17
g33kergRLpsycho_oreos: thanks again for your time sofar13:17
bazhangNinoScript, which version of ubuntu13:17
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bazhangNinoScript, read the grub2 wiki? tried sudo update-grub per the instructions? be more specific please13:18
jaeSorry for that, people13:19
IdleOnejae: it happens sometimes, just try to remember that we all started somewhere13:20
jaeIdleOne: I *do* know we all started at square one, I fondly remember my VIC-20 days ;-).  g33kergRL is another matter entirely (was that too impolite again?)13:21
NinoScriptbazhang: I'm not sure how to restore it, I mean, I have a mac with an efi bootloader (refit) so I installed grub on /dev/sda3 (advanced settings on the installer), but in this command: grub-install --recheck i'm not sure if I should put /dev/sda313:22
DSpairHey gang, is there any way to get evince to substitute fonts when a required font is not installed and not embedded?13:22
NinoScriptbazhang: it all happened after having to hard-reboot after trying a tiling window manager13:23
DSpairI just spoke with the on-line support at O'Reilly and they told me that they do not embed fonts for all of their PDFs, so the book I just bought in electronic form shows up garbled. Sucky.13:23
g33kergRLjae: interesting. i don't accept your word as gospel, so im different? your initial reaction is making fun of the noob, THAT is surely not different13:27
IdleOnebazhang: you got a minute for pm ?13:27
sipiorjae: g33kergRL: take this elsewhere.13:27
IdleOneg33kergRL: and jae let's agree to drop the subject please and get back to why we are here. Helping and getting help. thank you :)13:28
sipiorDSpair: that's unfortunate. which font? there may be a free equivalent which displays properly...13:28
seidlhm i'm a bit frustrated nobody here is trying to help me with my gpanel problem13:28
DSpairsipior: There are 6 Type 1C fonts listed in the properties which are not installed.13:29
fastaI logged into another server via ssh, got lunch and when I now type something, nothing is displayed in the terminal. How is that possible?13:29
Segnale007I am downloading xubuntu 9.10 and I am almost to burn it ... unfortunately I only have a dvd with me13:29
fastaI am using gnome-terminal and latest ssh.13:29
icerootfasta: ssh connection is dead13:29
sipiorDSpair: which ones?13:29
Segnale007will it work if I burn it on the dvd instead ?13:29
fastaiceroot, and why does it do that?13:30
icerootfasta: because there is a idle-timout13:30
fastaiceroot, ok, how do I disable that?13:30
fastaiceroot, I can modify the server if needed.13:30
icerootfasta: /etc/ssh/sshd_config13:30
sipiorseidl: people come in and out of here all the time. restate your question every 10-15 minutes, and you'll likely find someone who can help before much longer.13:30
icerootfasta: also its a good idea to use also screen13:30
fastaiceroot, will that keep it alive?13:31
fastaiceroot, I use screen already, just not for this.13:31
icerootfasta: it will keep the bash opened, doesnt matter if there is an idle-timout or the connection get lost13:31
icerootfasta: first ssh into it, then open a screen session there13:31
antonio84do you know if is possible open dump windows file on linux'13:31
seidlsipior: well i ws used to get help here immediately - but ill try later thx13:31
icerootantonio84: dump windows file?13:32
antonio84minidump.dmp file13:32
bittyxhey all, need a little help with making a usb stick work, anyone available?13:33
xfactHey, I was wandering if you can help me with qbittorrent, I have 60kbps speed for normal downloading but even for well seeded torrents my qbittorrent speed stays maximum 40-50 kbps, anything can be done for making it complete 60?13:33
xfactMy maximum connection limit by default is 100 in qbittorrent13:33
bazhangbittyx, work to do what13:33
GoguHi, How to delete a user account with all the files?13:33
sipiorseidl: if you need help immediately, i imagine you can purchase support from Canonical.13:33
fastaiceroot, the physical connection was broken, meh.13:34
zhxki see Steve George!13:34
bazhangzhxk, what?13:34
zhxki see Steve George come to china13:35
bazhangzhxk, thats offtopic here13:35
perfectdrughi, I think I have a problem with ubuntu one as something keeps constantly uploading nethogs says it is /usr/lib/erlang/lib/ssl-3.1 which I think has to do with couchdb13:35
sipiorzhxk: uhh...wrong channel?13:35
bittyxbazhang: just to make it working (it's not now). background: it was attacked by a virus (in windows of course), and became inaccesible. tried formatting from win, but couldn't make it work. tried gparted, it reports an error when i try to create a partition after deleting the old one.13:35
zhxkSteve George is one of ubuntu op?13:35
bazhangzhxk, #ubuntu-offtopic13:35
bittyxbazhang: tried to delete all partitions from fdisk, succeeded. tried dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc to overwrite it completely, it gets to some 66MB (it's a 1GB stick) and stops.13:36
bittyxwith an I/O error13:36
bittyxi guess my question is, is there anything i can do to make it work, or is it completely broken?13:36
fastabittyx, sticks don't live forever.13:36
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bittyxi know, but i hate the fact that a windows virus made it stop working :S13:37
zhxkis Steve[cug] Steve George?13:37
fastabittyx, did you already try creating a new fs on it?13:37
babu__i downloaded the google earth....it is .bin format ....wat to do13:37
IdleOnezhxk: Did you have a ubuntu related question?13:37
GoguHi, How to delete a user account with all the files? Pl help13:37
zhxkthank you no13:37
sudobashmy buddy has 82946GZ/GL integrated graphics and the driver seems to be working fine, compiz is working and glxinfo |grep direct says it is enabled, but the resolution won't go past 800x600 here is the xorg.conf I made for him: http://www.pastebin.org/15368513:38
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bazhangzhxk, this channel is for Ubuntu support only. chat in #ubuntu-offtopic13:38
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IdleOnezhxk: you can join #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish to chat13:38
sudobashbazhang I know you can help me out if you wanted13:39
babu__i downloaded the google earth....it is .bin format ....wat to do13:39
zhxkok, heading13:39
sudobashbabu ./googleearth.bin13:39
sudobashor maybe sudo ./googleearth.bin13:39
bittyxyeah, from gparted, tried ntfs and fat32, ntfs fails, fat32 finishes but doesn't work. i've deleted the partition table with fdisk, created a new msdos one in gparted, and then i made a primary 1 fat32 partition.13:39
GoguHi, How to delete an user account with all the files? want to decongest my disk. Pl help. am absolute beginner.13:40
bittyxit doesn't report any errors, but i still can't access it.13:40
sudobashgogu: rm -R /home/user13:40
sudobashor you can do it with the users and groups app13:40
babu__i tried.....it shows cmd not found13:40
bittyxwell, it finishes the "creating new partition" proccess succesfully, and then it does another auto-scan, and it's doing "Searching /dev/sdc partitions" but it'll never stop13:41
RoastedQuestion - I remember in Synaptic I installed a package which allows me (In Nautilus) to right click a file, and have "Run As Administrator" an option (aka Root). I'm looking for that package again - does anybody know what its name was?13:41
sipiorGogu: "sudo deluser --remove-all-files <username>"13:41
sudobashbabu I don't know if ./googleearth.bin is the exact command you need it was an example13:41
benccto delete all ssh keys of a user, can I just remove the /.ssh folder?13:41
Gogusudobash: will try that and get back13:41
sudobashsudo .gearth.bin13:41
sipiorGogu: careful with that, though, and make sure you don't want any of the files owned by that username.13:41
Gogusipior: will try that and get back13:42
sudobashGogu you should deluser then rm -R /home/user if anything is left behind13:42
sudobashbabu you need to use ./ to run bins you will have to find the full name of the bin file and you have to be in the directory it is located in so if it is on the destop from the cmd you should type: cd /home/user/Desktop13:43
sudobashthen try to execute the binary with ./ or sudo ./13:43
sudobashmy buddy has 82946GZ/GL integrated graphics and the driver seems to be working fine, compiz is working and glxinfo |grep direct says it is enabled, but the resolution won't go past 800x600 here is the xorg.conf I made for him: http://www.pastebin.org/15368513:44
bondiblueos9will ubuntu server 9.10 32-bit benefit from a second processor if I add one, or will it not make use of it13:44
stevenmarkysudobash: that paste is empty?13:45
Gogusipior: i earlier deleted user. but files are intact. after executing command, it says the user does not exist13:45
icerootfasta: next time use screen :-)13:46
fastaiceroot, yes, or next time the company should maybe just replace their ethernet cables...13:46
sudobashmy buddy has 82946GZ/GL integrated graphics and the driver seems to be working fine, compiz is working and glxinfo |grep direct says it is enabled, but the resolution won't go past 800x600 here is the xorg.conf I made for him: http://pastebin.org/15368513:46
sipiorGogu: then you'll need to delete the home directory and assorted files manually. (or you can recreate the user with the same uid, and then delete it)13:46
sudobashthere thats the right pastebin13:47
sudobashGogu: sudo rm -R /home/useryouwantstonuke13:47
Gogusipior: will try that13:47
coz_sudobash,   open ccsm  go  to general options  and tellme what is listed under  "Outputs"13:47
sudobashone second using vnc13:48
coz_sudobash,  also when addressing someone   type the first 2 or 3 letters of their name and hit tab tocomplet...this way they can be alerted that you are speaking with them :)13:48
Guest39308hello, I upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 and after upgrade finishes, my system doesn't boot again13:50
bazhangGuest39308, #ubuntu+1 for lucid 10.0413:50
coz_Guest39308,  you need to go to the #ubuntu+1  channel    type   /join #ubuntu+113:50
frxstremis it possible to do things as another user in the terminal, similar to sudo (although not limited to "root")?13:50
sudobashcoz_ does this look like it: 640x480+0+013:50
sipiorfrxstrem: yes, use the "-u" switch to sudo13:51
coz_sudobash,  ok  now  you see the "New" button just below that?13:51
frxstremsipior: okay, thanks :)13:51
pionaris there any way to downgrade to an older kernel in 9.10?13:51
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coz_sudobash,   what size monitor does he have?13:51
sudobashit supports up to 1440x90013:51
sudobashwidescreen dell flatscreen13:51
coz_sudobash,   hit the New button and type  this   in     1280x1024+0+013:51
Parsican I find a .deb package for remastersys 2.0.13?13:51
coz_sudobash,  then move that to the top with the "Up"  button13:52
coz_sudobash,  then tell him to log off and log on again and let me know if anything has changed13:52
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading13:52
Guest39308I can not boot anything13:52
sudobashhmmm I will have to set autologin and vnc he is at work13:52
bazhangGuest39308, /join #ubuntu+113:53
Guest39308I can not reach a terminal13:53
coz_sudobash,  ok  well at some point see if that works13:53
Guest39308thanks, I'll go there13:53
ayam_jagoGuest39308, have u try reinstall or update your boot grub?13:53
ParsiI cannot get remastersys 2.0.13 updates from repo, because of 'geek' word in url ISP blocked access to its repo!13:53
sipiorParsi: time for a new isp...13:54
Guest39308I don't think it is related to grub, ubuntu starts booting but doesn't complete13:54
Parsisipior: now I need remastersys:(13:54
Guest39308I don't want to make a new installation13:54
sudobashahh login screen app has changed completely alright coz_ I am going to sudo service gdm restart will that work?13:54
Guest39308it is very costy for me13:54
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:55
bondiblueos9I have two tape drives, an internal one and an external one; if the external one is turned on, it is /dev/nst0 and the internal one is /dev/nst1; if I boot up with the external one off, then the internal one is /dev/nst0; how can I make the internal one be /dev/nst0 all the time?13:55
Gogusipior: am unable to add the user with the same old name.13:55
akshayhow to install gtk+ from terminal13:56
homehi, has anyone had any trouble or know anything about getting a hauppagge HVR-1600 tuner on ubuntu13:56
sipiorGogu: how did you attempt to add the user, and what was the error you received?13:56
bondiblueos9will ubuntu server 9.10 32-bit benefit from a second processor if I add one, or will it not make use of it13:56
sudobashcoz_ i just restart gdm and it didn't work so I'm restarting, should it automatically force 1280x1024 or will I have to pick it in Display under Prefrences?13:56
akshayhow to install gtk+ from terminal13:56
Gogusipior: not through terminal. from system/administration/user and groups13:57
akshayhelp me13:57
coz_sudobash,  not sure with intell ...if this doesn work then someone can help with the xorg conf13:57
sudobashcoz_ it's still stuck at 800x60013:57
sudobashalright cool13:58
bazhangakshay, what are you trying to do, please specify instead of repeating13:58
sipiorGogu: at this point, easiest just to delete the home directory manually, and remember "deluser" for future occasions...13:58
coz_sudobash,   out of curiosity   did you go to  system/preferences/display and try to change the resolution there?13:58
sipiorbondiblueos9: should do, yes. what is the output of "uname -a" on the system in question?13:58
akshaybazhang im trying to recompile the kernal...so in the process i typed make gconfig....which pops an error which says gtk+ not installed13:59
Gogusipior: while manually trying, it says i do not have permissions13:59
sipiorGogu: you'll need to preface the command with "sudo"13:59
bazhangakshay, why would you need to recompile the kernel13:59
bondiblueos9sipior: Linux bigbox 2.6.31-14-generic-pae #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 15:22:42 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux13:59
akshaybazhang, its my class assignment13:59
indus_akshay, sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-014:00
sipiorbondiblueos9: yep, the kernel is smp-aware. should be fine.14:00
Parsihow can i find remastersys 2.0.13 deb package?14:01
Gogusipior: sudo rm -R /home/<user> command returns "no such file or directory" msg14:01
bondiblueos9sipior: are there any commands that I can use to verify that it is using both processors?14:01
sipiorGogu: then i guess those files are gone.14:01
=== Guest39308 is now known as Mian
javDoes any one know how/if I can install an _older_ version of a packet in the APT repository? Can I somehow specify version?14:02
Gogusipior: i think its gone. will check and get back14:02
jaeTwo ldap.conf files here... /etc{/ldap,}ldap.conf   But which component uses which file?  I think /etc/ldap.conf is used by libpam-ldap, but... it doesn't appear to be owned by it (according to dpkg -L).  It does appear in libpam-ldap's postinst...14:03
sipiorbondiblueos9: yes, htop shows a nice display, if you're into that sort of thing. top should show them as well.14:03
coz_sudobash,   also look here   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133834414:03
bondiblueos9sipior: thanks14:04
Gogusipior: its gone. Thanks a lot :)14:05
seidlhi! i have a strange error: i can't edit applets in the panel anymore. also if i try to edit the keys with gconf-editor it says the keys for the panel applets are read only. anybody got an idea on how this could be fixed?14:05
eyalHi I have problem with opening tar.gz file14:06
=== nawst2 is now known as mawst
ingloreyal, what seems to be the issue?14:06
adifirei wanna do java rmi program, and i'd to copy jar file of server program to /var/www/html but that dir doesn't exist.. why so?14:06
bondiblueos9eyal: tar -zxvf file.tar.gz14:06
sipiorseidl: what are the permissions of the directories /home/<username>/.gconf and /home/<username>/.gconfd?14:06
kitcheadifire got apache installed?14:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:07
eyalinglor, I exported my whole db to tar.gz file. After I import - it only restored 2 db out of 1014:07
iPunki have a simple one how to I fix my sound14:07
zhtxThere are a lot of people14:07
iPunkthe quality ir horrible14:07
ingloreyal, are you sure this is a tar issue and not an export issue? what were you using to export the database?14:08
eyalI've even tried to fix it with gzrt...14:08
adifirei guess so.. kitche, apache2 is there14:08
eyalI use phpmyadmin panel14:08
seidlsipior: they are rwx------- and owned by me - it cpompared that to another machine and this somehow seem ok14:08
code_can someone help me how to start bluetoot msi adapter?14:08
zhtx:-p hello14:08
iPunkneeds help on sound14:09
seidlsipior: the thing ist also: i can change gconf keys but nut the ones for the panel apps14:09
seidlsipior: others seem to work14:09
sipiorseidl: and the permissions of all subdirectories are similar?14:09
Kangaroooim having an update for sudo. i hope its not overtaking system and making sudo acces to some virus. what was wrong with sudo?14:09
ingloreyal, do you still have access to the database itself or are you trying to restore it now from scratch? are you also importing it to phpMyAdmin14:09
eyalIs there a way to print the content of tar.gz file on screen? or try to extract some of the files?14:09
sipiorKangarooo: uh, what?14:09
ingloreyal, also, are both your phpMyAdmin the same version?14:10
bazhangKangarooo, an update for sudo?14:10
adifirekitche, will creating an html dir inside www work?14:10
seidlsipior: yes14:10
ingloreyal, yes, but the contents won't be flat text files since it is a database14:10
eyalinglor, Sadly I already formated the computer so I don't have access to the old phpmyadmin. I try to restore it to the same phpmyadmin14:10
sipiorseidl: you haven't run X as root, or run the configuration editor via sudo, right?14:10
eyalinglor, I wouldn't know what was the previous version...14:11
eyalinglor, I just know the I have 8.04 (ubuntu) and I installed the new 9.1014:11
seidlsipior: the first thing not - the second thing i dunno14:11
mathkhi does anyone know how to test if a fifo is full?14:11
seidlsipior: i might try that?14:11
iPunkany1 please14:11
seidlsipior: or rather not?14:11
Kangarooosipior bazhang yes update for sudo. i dont want to update that. if something was wrong with sudo then i shouldnt be using it before this update if it contains fix. but since i was using sudo before and all was good why there should be sudo update? im beeing suspicios- maybe somebody made update for sudo witch will install virus access.14:11
sipiorseidl: i wouldn't :-)14:11
bazhangKangarooo, that makes no sense at all14:12
ingloreyal, to view the contents try tar -tvf filename.tar14:12
sipiorKangarooo: you're being paranoid, not suspicious.14:12
eyalinglor, Do you think it can be different version issue? The gz file is 3.8Mb so it support to be ok...14:12
sipiorKangarooo: by the same reasoning, you should never install any security update ever.14:12
eyalinglor, it says: gzip: stdin: not in gzip format tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors14:12
ingloreyal, the thing is I doubt this is a tar issue, a tar file is like a zip file, this is much more likely a phpMyAdmin issue14:13
seidlsipior: i think i did but i didnt change anything14:13
eyalinglor, I wish you right... !!! I have some important tables inside14:13
bondiblueos9how do I mount a cd from the command line?14:13
* iPunk desperate here a party is coming and everytime i play song with some abss it goes horrible14:13
sipiorseidl: my guess is that one of the registry files is owned by root. might be worth a look, anyway.14:13
eyalinglor, The thing is that it imported only 2 db...14:13
seidlsipior: somehow i dont get where the config is coming from - i allready deleted the whole panel directories of the .gconf dir but nothing changed. should i try restarting gconfd?14:14
ingloreyal, you better wish I'm wrong since if it's a tar issue it's very easy to fix, but if it's a phpMyAdmin issue (meaning phpMyAdmin didn't export it correctly) it's probably lost14:14
sipiorseidl: did you touch .gconfd as well?14:14
ingloranyway if it's a tar.gz and not a tar try14:14
stevenmarkyiPunk: so is the problem your computer or your speaker/sound setup?14:14
seidlsipior: no14:14
ingloreyal, then try tar -ztvf your-file.tar.gz14:14
iPunkmy computer the hifi is perfectly fine14:14
iPunkand the wire is fine14:14
iPunkcabel nor wire sorry14:15
Kangarooosecurity update for programms yes but this is access. ok tell me if some virus maker makes update is he able to post update without his update being inspected and reviewed by someone else too? bazhang sipior14:15
eyalagain, gzip: stdin: not in gzip format tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous error14:15
bazhangKangarooo, what version of ubuntu14:15
bazhangKangarooo, please pastebin you r sources.list14:16
bazhangKangarooo, paste.ubuntu.com14:16
seidlsipior: what is saved state in .gconfd? is itz also config info?14:16
Kangarooobazhang: can u give cmr command for outputing that?14:16
sipiorKangarooo: look, do what you want, it's your system. but you didn't build sudo by hand for your initial install, so it's a little strange to be all nervous about it now.14:17
ingloreyal, I'd try asking the phpMyAdmin people, since this probably isn't a tar issue14:17
bazhangKangarooo, sure;  cat /etc/apt/sources.list   --> paste.ubuntu.com  save and give us the url14:17
Kangaroooin synaptic its not easy to copy14:17
bazhangKangarooo, via the terminal not synaptic14:17
sipiorseidl: i don't know exactly what gconfd sticks in that directory. i've tried to learn as little as possible about gconf :-)14:17
eyalinglor, is there a channel for this kind of issue?14:17
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seidlsipior: ok :)14:18
sudobashit seems the xorg is ignoring the Modes line but when I change anything else in my custom xorg.conf GDM refuses to load like if I change the BuSID so obviously it is using the config file14:18
Kangarooohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/415564/ bazhang14:18
bazhangKangarooo, reading now14:18
ingloreyal, I'm not sure, really, probalby... next time I'd probably use a mysqldump command rather than a cms option14:18
iPunkugghhh any1 please friends will be laughin at me fro installing ubuntu14:18
Kangaroootheres default sources14:19
eyalinglor, what do you mean? I used mysqldump but just chose gzip instead of sql file14:19
bazhangKangarooo, you're fine, no need to worry about viruses getting access to your machine14:20
hellz_bellzis there any reason icant VNC into my ubuntu box on the LAN from a windows box?14:20
bondiblueos9how can I make my cd drive automount on disc insertion on ubuntu server 9.10?14:20
sudobashhellz bellz do you have vnc enabled on ubuntu? and are you sure your not using an alternate port for vino?14:20
iPunksrsly no1 can help me with sound and realtek drivers?14:21
erUSUL!intelhda | iPunk14:21
ubottuiPunk: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto14:21
hellz_bellzsudobash I see vino-server running in ps -A and i cannot find what port its using14:21
iPunknot intel sound card14:22
Kangarooois it possible to make programm and its accepted so its put in synaptic theese default sources so anyone with default installation can isntall programm witch contain virus?14:22
sudobashhellz_bellz: nmap -v -v -sT
bazhangKangarooo, no, no need to worry about that. You're fine.14:22
hellz_bellzhow would i enable it if it does not show up?14:22
sudobashRemote Desktop in Administration I think14:23
ingloreyal, is it possible you only marked 2 out of 10 databases when you've made the back-up? the fact it does import 2 databases indicates this probably isn't a tar issue14:23
sudobashno it's in System -> prefrences -> Remote Desktop14:23
tito1hello pps  i need a big hand, my "z" key doesnt work, just that key, i was messing with keyboard shorcuts days before, worked ok till suddenly died. Is there any way to read somehow the d((ata input (if any) when i press the "z" key. i think it sends data but not plain text.14:23
erUSULiPunk: all hda cards are a standar that intel made; realtek only does the codec that follows that standar14:24
hellz_bellzsudobash there is no on off button nor is there a configuration for ANY advanced options14:24
user123what command can I use to copy all of the contents of one drive to another, skipping all errors and making a log of the files that could not be copied?14:24
eyalinglor, no. the 2nd db imported partly14:24
iPunkok Im following the guide will ask questions if I get stuck14:24
sudobashhellz_bellz you have to use gconf-editor to change vino settings14:24
hellz_bellzsudobash how do i do that?14:25
sudobashtype gconf-editor at terminal14:25
Kangarooobazhang: why not? so is programms and updates put in universe reviewed? all updates inspected what will they do? maybe in some programm is line witch executes deleting files command at random time so its very hard to know with programm has been making files to disapear14:26
ingloreyal, what's the output of file yourzip.tar.bz ?14:27
bazhang!lnw | Kangarooo14:27
ubottuKangarooo: Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm14:27
ingloreyal, I mean the command file14:27
bazhangKangarooo, please read that. there is not an issue to worry about.14:27
pirearaduhas anyone problems?14:27
abhilashHow do I get the public key of the website, like http://www.verisign.com/?14:28
eyalinglor, sorry - it's sql.gz file not tar.gz file... I've just noticed it now14:28
hellz_bellzsudobash thank you you gave me more help than i was able to get yesterday (which was absolutly none and i was treated like a idiot)14:28
ingloreyal, sure, still what is the output of "file sql.gz"14:28
coz_sudobash,  one more thing in ccsm in that same area be sure that  "Detect outputs"  is ticked14:29
eyalinglor, I've install Easyphp on my local PC (XP) and restored the file and it restored the only 2 db so...14:29
eyalinglor, What do you mean output? cat?14:29
pixelated'ello all... have an issue i cant seem to fix, i use evolution for email, and all of a sudden i cant seem to send email, i still recv it fine, i tried telnet to the email server and it connects fine etc as far as i can rem using telnet for smtp... the error it gives is a 'input/output error'14:29
ingloreyal, type in terminal "file sql.gz" that identifies the file mime type so we'll know how to extract it14:29
sudobashyeah if you need anything else hellz_bellz just let us know14:29
sudobashI will try the coz_14:30
frxstremcan I create and manage users in the terminal?14:30
eyalinglor, localhost2.sql.gz: UTF-8 Unicode English text, with very long lines14:30
erUSULfrxstrem: yes; « man adduser »14:30
pixelatedfrxstrem, 'adduser username'14:30
frxstremerUSUL, pixelated: okay, thanks :)14:30
user123what command can I use to copy all of the contents of one drive to another skipping all errors14:31
pixelatedfrxstrem, np14:31
ingloreyal, it identified it as a text file, try 2 things. either open it with gedit or another text editor.14:31
joaopintoeyal, and you should rename it to .sql14:31
eyalinglor, ok just a sec14:31
abhilashHow do I get the public key of the website, like http://www.verisign.com/?14:31
ingloreyal, or try gzip -d sql.gz . and then open it with gedit.. anyway I've got to go14:31
electro_I am trying to install Ubuntu on a sunfire x4100 and I'm getting an error about no disks.  I see that this issue existed in dapper, but I am still running into the issue.  Has anyone found a workaround?14:31
BluesKajHi all14:32
eyalinglor, ok thanks :)14:32
erUSULelectro_: ask in #ubuntu-server ? not many people has access to that hard around here ;)14:32
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:32
pixelateduser123, why would you want to ignore errors? that would only give corrupt files which have limited usabilty...14:33
frxstremuser123: use "cp" with the -rf (recursive and force) flags, for instance:14:33
frxstremcp -rf /media/source_drive/* /media/destination_drive/14:33
sudobashcoz_ it was already ticked14:34
eyalAnyone can help with restoring deleted file/formated partition14:34
pixelateduser123, (and frxstrem ) 'cp -afp src dest'  would be better14:34
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iPunkthe guy who gave me the link still here14:35
erUSUL!undelete | eyal14:35
ubottueyal: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel14:35
sudobashthe driver is working obviously and it is reading the xorg.conf because when I change the BuSID it stops working....14:35
user123pixelated, for example, there are files that cannot be moved or are corrupt. I dont need those files if they are not usable. I need to transfer >200gb and I need the computer to do it alone while I do something else. I dont want to be pressing skip everytime an error occurs14:35
sudobashit's just ignoring the Modes Line for some reason14:35
sudobashit's really kind of pissing me off14:35
pixelateduser123, then the f flag should do it...14:36
iPunkerUSUL,  Im not really sure what I should write in the place of MODEL14:36
erUSULiPunk: it depends on you machine ... is a laptop?14:36
user123pixelated, cp -rf source dest???14:36
iPunki have an acer laptop14:36
pixelateduser123, 'cp -afp src dest'  would be better14:36
erUSULiPunk: the page gives steps to find out what to try14:36
sudobashwhy would certain parts of xorg.conf be ignored when others are not?14:36
eyalWhat if I install a fresh copy of 9.10 and deleted the previous 8.04 installation (not side by side) - Is there any chance to restore db files inside var/bin/mysql?14:36
user123pixelated, thanks, and what is that option doing?14:37
pixelateduser123, 'man cp'14:37
erUSULiPunk: did you run this? « cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec » if so; what does that returns ?14:37
iPunkcant see what it returned now but It was ACL 888 and then sumthin else14:38
tenmileseyal: why not boot from usb, mount your hard drive, and backup all your files before reinstalling anything?14:39
iPunki have writen the model in the i pres enter and reboot?14:39
eyaltenmiles: you right, but it's too late for me know... I already installed :(14:40
erUSULiPunk: so ACL 888; hold on14:40
sudobashahh a modeline might work14:40
erUSULiPunk: do you know the exact acer model you have ?14:40
tenmileseyal: if you formatted then your somewhat screwed. You'd have to look into undelete programs to potentially reocver anything, otherwise it should still be there unless you've reinstalled that particular application as well.14:40
coz_sudobash,  ok  just wanted to check14:41
erUSULiPunk: and it is?14:41
iPunkacer aspire 5738zg14:41
Polysicshow can i ping a specific UDP port?14:41
erUSULiPunk: you have to use --> acer          Acer laptops (Travelmate 3012WTMi, Aspire 5600, etc)14:41
erUSULiPunk: so MODEL==acer14:42
pixelatedPolysics, you cant, you can see if a specific port is open or closed tho...14:42
iPunknot only = ?14:42
Polysicspixelated, how?14:42
frxstremcan a user be a member of more than one group, and if so, how can I view and manage the groups a particular user is member of?14:42
erUSULiPunk: check yourself « less /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/HD-Audio-Models.txt.gz » search for ALC883/88814:42
pixelatedPolysics, simplest way is telnet to it and see if it connects14:42
iPunknow its MODEL=acer14:42
Polysicspixelated, telnet works on UDP too?14:43
mobiGeekI'm using Likewise trying to join a windows AD.  Getting CENTERROR_DOMAIN_JOIN_UNRESOLVED_DOMAIN_NAME error.  followed Google, no help resolving yet.  Any ideas?14:43
erUSULiPunk: the line should be « options snd-hda-intel model=acer »14:43
iPunkIm asking about the number of =14:43
erUSULiPunk: no caps14:43
DexterLBis there a way to make rhythmbox use jack without going through pulseaudio in lucid/karmic or it's now totally bounded with pulse?14:43
iPunkok then i press enter and what?14:43
iPunkyeah no caps14:43
erUSULiPunk: save the file and reboot14:43
tenmilesfrxstrem: pretty sure you can just type "groups" into the terminal and it'll tell you all the groups you're a part of. alternatively, you can manage groups through the button the taskbar that has your username displayed14:43
jack__damn you De14:43
iPunkI save it by ?14:43
iPunkhow do i do that ^14:44
DexterLBiPunk: noob.14:44
DexterLBiPunk: which text editor are you using?14:44
iPunksecond say on ubuntu but Im a quick learner14:44
iPunkits in tern\mina;14:44
bazhangDexterLB, that language is not acceptable here14:44
erUSULiPunk: with nano it is Crtl + O then press enter and to get out of the editor Crtl + X14:44
IdleOne!noob > DexterLB14:44
ubottuDexterLB, please see my private message14:44
frxstremtenmiles: no, you can't do that button on the taskbar :/ but the "groups" command works, though14:44
pixelatedPolysics, should... if the port you are checking is inet accessable then you can use  http://whatsmyip.org/ to test the port14:45
iPunknow rebooting14:45
erUSULiPunk: the key combos are in the botton of the screen14:45
DexterLBjack__: what do you mean?14:45
IdleOne^ = ctrl key14:45
Polysicspixelated, the port is accessible, i am trying to figure out if the outbound connection is allowed14:45
pixelatedPolysics, firewall?14:46
Polysicspixelated, yes, exactly14:46
pixelatedPolysics, check the firewall settings14:46
Polysicsif i could i would - i do not manage it nor have access to it :-)14:47
jack__DexterLB: you set off my notification14:47
iPunkI can hear the powah of my hifi again14:48
iPunkthough the qulity aint perfect14:48
erUSULiPunk: you are wellcome :)14:49
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* erUSUL saves the party14:49
iPunkdoes the rhyt..box have any ways to adjust the sound14:50
iPunklike qualizers14:50
iPunkequalizers or sumthin like that sorry my english14:50
erUSULiPunk: no; no equalizer in rhythmbox iirc14:50
iPunkany good player with equalizer14:50
erUSULiPunk: you can use audacious ( winamp 2.x like )14:50
iPunknever liked wnp14:51
iPunkI liked foobar200014:51
ZolomonWhat package do I want to install if I want to use haskell?14:51
erUSULZolomon: there two main haskells in the repos, ghc and hugs14:51
erUSUL!info hugs14:52
ubottuhugs (source: hugs98): A Haskell 98 interpreter. In component universe, is optional. Version 98.200609.21-5 (karmic), package size 926 kB, installed size 3916 kB14:52
erUSUL!info ghc14:52
ubottuPackage ghc does not exist in karmic14:52
pixelatedPolysics, that is a problem, what service are you trying to use?14:52
erUSUL!info ghc614:52
ubottughc6 (source: ghc6): GHC - the Glasgow Haskell Compilation system. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.10.4-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 30985 kB, installed size 144928 kB14:53
ZolomonerUSUL: Aha, thanks14:53
Polysicspixelated, testing if UDP traffic is available towards port 80 so i can use taht as a fallback for IAX traffic14:53
user123I have an external mybook 500gb hdd which I use to store my data. I just plugged it in ubuntu, and a message appeared: "one or more disks are failing" and there is a red message "disk failure is imminent" What can I do?14:55
pixelatedPolysics, if its an ISP port 80 is probly blocked... commonly is for alot of ISPs may want to try another port, higher in the range...14:55
erUSULuser123: make a backup of the important data inside that disk14:55
pixelateduser123, backup and replace14:56
tenmilesuser123: backup that data as best you can and try to get the drive serviced by the company.14:56
user123erUSUL, ok, I think that is quite obvious but then my question would be: Can I reformat or do something to fix that hdd?14:56
tenmilesuser123: no, it needs to be replaced by the company14:57
pixelateduser123, not likely...14:57
erUSULuser123: that warinig comes from the SMART data of the disk. System>Administration>disk utility may have more info on what is exactly wrong14:57
erUSULuser123: depending on that info you can make a decision14:57
pixelateduser123, check warranty status... i think those have 3 year warranties...14:57
iPunkwell i just installed amarok it doesnt seem to play music at all14:58
erUSULiPunk: check preferences of amarok make sure it uses pulseaudio14:59
erUSULiPunk: also install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:59
iPunkhwo i install restricted extras?14:59
iPunknevermind got bored of amarok trying audaciuos15:00
erUSULiPunk: Aplications>Ubuntu software Sources15:00
erUSULiPunk: Aplications>Ubuntu software center15:00
LaughingLiondoes anyone know how to get firefox to work with padsp?15:01
bondiblueos9if I started a drive test using smartctl -t long, can I reboot without interupted the test?15:01
OttifantSirHow do I enable volume on LFE/subwoofer in Ubuntu 9.10? I got it working at full volume even though the treble is completely off.15:02
pionarfinally upgrading from jaunty to karmic - here goes nothing!15:02
iPunkima stick with the box for now15:03
iPunkcouldnt find waht i wanted in audacious15:03
arandiPunk: Does rhythmbox work though?15:04
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iPunkworks just fine15:04
iPunki even managed to put my skin on it15:04
OttifantSirHow do I enable volume on LFE/subwoofer in Ubuntu 9.10? I got it working at full volume even though the treble is completely off.15:05
arandiPunk: Try http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/MP3:Debian and see if that works15:06
pionarOttifantSir, is it a powered sub?15:06
iPunksorry dun have time now maybe Ill come tommorow now gotta start cleanin the apartament for the party15:06
OttifantSirpionar, I think it may be. It's on an Inspiron 9400/E1705 laptop15:07
bondiblueos9if I started a drive test using smartctl -t long, can I reboot without interupted the test?15:07
pionarif you're using LFE, there is no "volume", it just sends a signal.  Volume control is on the sub because it has its own amplifier15:07
pionarat least that's what i know from my a/v days, how ubuntu handles it i'm not sure, so i'll stfu now15:08
OttifantSirpionar: Up to 9.04 I could link Master, PCM and LFE together, so that when I changed the volume, the LFE would change volume too.15:09
pionaryeah, idk. sorry15:09
mezquitaleIn virtual box, what "Network" option should I attach the guest OS if the guest OS will be providing services for other OS's?  Basically I want to test active directory in my test environment15:12
arandpionar: Possibly relevant? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1317562&page=215:12
busyfingerscan anyone please advise on a suitable bluetooth dongle for use with kubuntu 9.10?15:13
arandpionar: ops, meant OttifantSir ↑15:13
nucc1busyfingers, DLink DBT-122 works fine for me.15:13
pionararand, i wasn't the one asking, it was OttifantSir15:13
OttifantSirDoes anyone know how I can link Master, PCM and LFE together as you could in 9.04? Using 9.1015:14
OttifantSirarand: Thanks for the link15:14
nucc1OttifantSir, install paman15:14
hiwkhi! I want to install texilve 2009 on ubuntu (2007 is not good enough), how should I do this?15:14
busyfingersMucccl thank you for that.15:14
helothere is a dove and freescale netbook .img for 10.04... where is the old usualy x86 "normal" netbook image? or... is there a way to make a .img from one of the .isos?15:14
heloi don't care if it is UNR, i just like putting it on a thumb drive15:15
busyfingersnucc1:  sorry misspelt your nick.lol15:15
nucc1busyfingers,  he he. you do know about tab completion, right?15:15
pionarhiwk, http://www.tug.org/texlive/acquire-netinstall.html15:16
busyfingersyup type an m instead of an n. haha15:16
OttifantSirnucc1: Doing it now, trying to understand it is another thing altogether. But thanks for the suggestion.15:17
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AnxiousNutWhat's best mail client that supports M$ exchange?15:18
mark_ua<AnxiousNut> looks like only evolution15:20
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h00kAnxiousNut: Thunderbird will if the server has imap enabled15:20
AnxiousNutmark_ua: thanks for the info15:21
mark_uabut if you wouldn't use M$ mail protocol, you can use any client15:22
velenohello. how can i solve this svn conflict: http://pastie.org/923195  ?15:22
fede__IRC #ubuntu-it-trad15:22
mark_uaall of them support pop3 imap smtp15:22
eyalWhat if I install a fresh copy of 9.10 and deleted the previous 8.04 installation (not side by side) - Is there any chance to restore db files inside var/bin/mysql?15:22
carlosleong'morning everybody! o/15:22
hiwkpionar: there isn't a .deb file available anywhere?15:23
ActionParsnipYo yo yo15:23
hexdump_hey anybody checked this out yet? http://www.serfish.com/console/15:23
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pionarhiwk: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=texlive15:24
helohow do i write one of the beta live cds to a thumb drive?15:24
h00khexdump_: that might be suited to more of the -offtopic crowd in #ubuntu-offtopic15:24
hexdump_ok my bad15:24
pionarhiwk:  lucid probably has the latest one15:24
IdleOne!usb | helo15:24
ubottuhelo: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:24
pionarhiwk: but you might not have the dependencies if you don't have lucid15:24
carlosleonhow could install and then start a vnc service from the ubuntu console?15:25
hexdump_carlosleon:  try vino-server15:25
frxstremhelo: you could probably just boot up from the LiveCD and install it onto the thumb drive from there15:25
helofrxstrem: if i had a cd drive ;)15:25
hexdump_carlosleon:  are you using a WM err?15:25
carlosleonhexdump_: what a WM err is?15:26
hexdump_window manager15:26
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cookiemon5teris there a wayt to tstart ubuntu liveusb thingy to use local clock ?15:26
hexdump_like KDE or gnome er just command line15:26
carlosleonhexdump_: actually I'm connected to a desktop machine using ssh15:26
OttifantSirHaving installed pavucontrol, paman (and dependencies) and alsamixergui, and still I have no solution on how to link Master, PCM and LFE, so I can conrol the subwoofer with the media-keys. Anyone got someplace to show it (link) or can someone explain it to me?15:26
researcher1after I went for partial upgrade my Lynx failing to boor. Any help?15:26
carlosleonbut, I want to make some changes using VNC but it hasn't installed the server yet.15:26
hexdump_ah ha15:26
hexdump_carlosleon:  ok hang on15:27
carlosleonhexdump_: ok15:27
h00kresearcher1: hit up #ubuntu+1 for Lucid discussion15:27
IdleOne!lucid > researcher115:27
ubotturesearcher1, please see my private message15:27
hexdump_carlosleon:  check it http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-266981.html15:27
bondiblueos9any way to eject the cdrom from the command line?15:29
bondiblueos9its the eject command15:29
* iflema :)15:30
mobiGeekon a new machine, I type "ping srv-ad" and I get back "PING srv-ad.foo.local ( ..."   But if I type "ping srv-ad.foo.local" I get back "ping: unknown host".  Unsure as to how to make my machine accept ".foo.local".  Thoughts?15:30
hiwkpionar: oh, nice15:30
akshaymake config is not working15:31
akshayany body help on this15:32
mobiGeekakshay: define "not working"15:32
akshaymobigeek wait15:32
pionarhiwk:  that's how i always find packages that are newer than the jaunty/karmic distros15:32
hexdump_akshay:  are you trying to compile someting?15:32
bondiblueos9so I apt-get installed ivman, in the hopes that it would just work to automount my cdrom, but it didn't15:32
carlosleonhexdump_: I see that this program uses lot of gnome thing in its commands. I've installed Kubuntu. Does it matters?15:32
_rubenmobiGeek: by default .local is handled by multicast dns15:33
akshayhexdump, yes15:33
frxstremwhen I create a new user in Ubuntu (using the graphical interface), what does the "profiles" (Administrator, Unpriviliged and Desktop user) mean?15:33
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hexdump_carlosleon:  hmm should work the same with the program15:33
mobiGeek_ruben: so thoughts on what I should try?15:33
carlosleonhexdump_: ok15:33
hexdump_akshay:  to compile try ./configure15:33
_rubenmobiGeek: disable mdns is one thing15:33
hvgotcodesif i do an ls command i see the output.  if i do x=`ls` then the output is put in the variable.  how do i get the exit code for ls so i can tell whether or not it succeeded?15:33
IdleOnefrxstrem: Admin will give that user rights to install/remove/edit configs and such just like your user can15:33
mobiGeek_ruben: ah, will do.15:33
hexdump_akshay:  then make or make clean15:33
akshaymobigeek , this is the link for error http://pastebin.com/nzYFZnqT15:33
hexdump_I don't know all the flags of course15:34
akshayhexdump see the link15:34
carlosleonhuh? I've restarted the sshd service and it didn't disconnect me. Does it supposed to be like this?15:34
Guest93422my WLAN NIC card will not work on laptop15:34
hexdump_akshay:  you need dependencies it seems15:34
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hexdump_yeah you need to download the dependencies from the repo15:35
frxstremhow can I make sure that noone can access my home directory other than myself?15:35
hexdump_then try to compile15:35
akshayany command to directly download from terminal15:35
hexdump_frxstrem:  jail em'15:35
carlosleonhexdump_: the instructions say to make this, but I can not find that route gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled true15:35
yogesh712harishhello guys can anybody tell me how to set environment variables in ubuntu 9.0415:35
marenshvgotcodes: exit code = $?15:35
Guest93422I followed the forums and they all failed15:36
hvgotcodesmarens, i tried ls and then $? and it says 0: command not fount15:36
h00kfrxstrem: by default they shouldn't be able to15:36
hexdump_carlosleon:  why are you saying route gconftool15:36
marenshvgotcodes: 0 is the return value15:36
hvgotcodesmarens, ah, 0 is the exit code15:36
Guest93422It says access denied15:37
carlosleonhexdump_: that's what the instructions say buddy15:37
hvgotcodesok, 0 means success?15:37
mobiGeekakshay: you need to "sudo apt-get gtk+-2.0 glib-2.0 libglade-2.0"15:37
yogesh712harishhello guys can anybody tell me how to set environment variables in ubuntu 9.0415:37
marenshvgotcodes: yes15:37
hvgotcodesmarens, thanx15:37
akshaymobigeek thanks15:37
carlosleonyogesh712harish: export $MYVAR:=/blah/foo/15:37
mobiGeekyogesh712harish: what do you mean by "set environment variables"?15:37
rubbsI'm looking for a way to recursivly move all files with .log extention created before a certain date to a new location. I'd like some help scripting it as we are talking about hundreds of files. My guess is a combination of bash and grep is needed. can anyone give tips on where to start?15:37
mobiGeekyogesh712harish: for the shell?  for the system?  What vars and why?15:37
IdleOneyogesh712harish: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables15:38
yogesh712harishi want to set jdk's path and classpath15:38
hvgotcodesmarens, one more thing, i can execute ps and pipe thru grep to find a process i want; how do i capture the pid to then pass to a kill?15:38
hexdump_carlosleon:  just leave out the route before gconftool15:38
marenshvgotcodes: use pidof instead15:39
akshaymobigeek, thats not working..15:39
mobiGeekakshay: define "not working"15:39
hexdump_akshay:  you need to download the dpendencies15:39
hexdump_mobiGeek> akshay: you need to "sudo apt-get gtk+-2.0 glib-2.0 libglade-2.0"15:39
marenshvgotcodes: like kill $(pidof firefox)15:40
carlosleonhexdump_: how could I know in which port the vnc server is listening to?15:40
akshaymobigeek, error "E: Couldn't find package gtk+-2.015:40
hvgotcodesmarens, i dont have pidof in the environment where my script runs?15:40
DeetahaWhere can I find the ubotu bot (http://lifehacker.com/296403/identify-any-package-in-ubuntu-with-the-ubotu-irc-bot)?15:40
hexdump_carlosleon:  I think it's like 3192 err15:40
hexdump_hang on15:40
hexdump_no it's 590015:41
frxstremhow can I disable passwords for a user (for instance if I want to make a guest user)?15:41
hexdump_carlosleon:  vnc is 590015:41
carlosleonoh yes I remember.15:41
marenshvgotcodes: execute "which pidof"15:41
hexdump_carlosleon:  make sure you have an exception in your firewall or iptables15:41
frxstremalso, how can I "reuse" a username after deleting a user with that username?15:42
yogesh712harishIdleOne: thanks15:42
hexdump_frxstrem:  you need to add a user to the nobody group15:42
hvgotcodesmarens: its not there15:42
akshayhexdump, its not working15:42
carlosleonhexdump_: that's the deal :-/ know I have to connect to the router through telnet and do all that stuff :S15:42
weeklyhey guys, so rsync is returning a "No space left on device (28)" when the device im writing to is clearly not full... ideas?15:42
akshaypackage not found15:42
marenshvgotcodes: just install it, i'm not on ubuntu so i don't know which package15:42
hvgotcodesmarens, is there a bash shell irc channel?15:43
hexdump_carlosleon:  you may have to enable port forwarding if you're behind a router15:43
hexdump_akshay:  paste the update15:43
hexdump_akshay:  pastebin of course15:43
hvgotcodesmarens, found it...;)15:43
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marenshvgotcodes: ps -C firefox -opid15:43
carlosleonhexdump_: actually, that's the reason I wanted to start the VNC Server, because of the annoying work of configuring the router through telnet :S15:44
hexdump_carlosleon:  have you tried vino-server & in ssh15:44
hexdump_or start x11 with ssh15:44
carlosleon:O how could I do that?15:45
akshayhexdump, http://pastebin.com/yQbJnGi915:45
frostburncarlosleon, ssh -X hostname15:45
carlosleonfrostburn: but from Windows and using proxy* :S15:45
hexdump_frostburn:  thanks15:45
keizer790A big hi to every Linux-lover..:) I turned last 2 weeks 6 computer from Windows to Ubuntu, hehehe15:45
frostburncarlosleon, you can do it with putty with the correct packages15:45
carlosleonI'm connected using putty behind the proxy, but no idea how to do that of the X1115:46
frostburncarlosleon, hexdump_ http://www.math.umn.edu/systems_guide/putty_xwin32.html15:46
* carlosleon searching information about putty X on google15:46
carlosleonfrostburn: thanks :D15:46
hvgotcodesmarens, thats working thanx15:46
hexdump_frostburn:  yeah I use putty a lot15:47
hexdump_frostburn:  well not a lot here but on windows at my parents15:47
hexdump_akshay:  hang on15:47
Guest93540hey... im trying to get data from a HD i made unbootable while trying to get mac osx snow leopard installed ... gparted displays the partitions but i cant mount15:47
sipiorGuest93540: what error dies it give when you try to mount the partition?15:48
rcaskeyGuest93540, probably need to install some additional packages to get hfs+ support15:48
iflema!botabuse > Deetaha15:49
ubottuDeetaha, please see my private message15:49
Guest93540rcaskey: i installed hfsplus, hfsutils, hfsprogs. anything missing?15:49
Timecopg'day all15:49
hexdump_akshay:  type sudo synaptic if you want or sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev15:49
rcaskeyGuest93540, dunno, no mac here15:49
hexdump_akshay:  I don't know exactly what you need15:49
jamescarranyone use cisco vpn with some kind of replacement for activepack simple sign on?15:49
Guest93540sipior: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb15:50
Guest93540and some general stuff15:50
hexdump_akshay:  try sudo apt-get install libglademm-2.4-dbg15:50
hexdump_akshay:  try sudo apt-get install libglademm-2.4-dev rather15:50
sipiorGuest93540: how did you attempt to mount the volume?15:51
Guest93540sipior: mount -t hfsplus /dev/sdb /media/martin15:51
sipiorGuest93540: you want to specify a partition, not a whole disk, right?15:52
=== crazysoilder is now known as oytunozdemir
Guest93540sipior: maybe useful: gparted displays 3 partitions but i only have sdb1 in /dev15:52
Guest93540sipior: the partition i want to use is not listed in /dev15:53
hexdump_Timecop:  do you have a mullet?15:53
sipiorGuest93540: and if you specify it manually? also, what does fdisk say?15:53
Guest93540sipior: fdisk -l ?15:54
hexdump_well all, I'm out.  I need a break.15:54
jamescarranyone use cisco vpn with some kind of replacement for activepack simple sign on?15:54
hexdump_akshay:  did you figure it out yet?15:54
pingvinqqanybody know how i make a harmless fake virus from linux to windows?:)15:54
Guest93540sipior: (i dont want to format my disk accidentially)15:54
sipiorGuest93540: yes indeed15:54
hexdump_akshay:  able to install any of the dependencies?15:54
hexdump_akshay:  ok I'll be back in a sec15:55
akshaywell..well it worked15:55
hexdump_I just can't seem to figure out how to block only external traffic to my server15:55
akshayhexdump thanks15:55
hexdump_akshay:  that end up workin' for ya15:55
weeklyhey guys, so rsync is returning a "No space left on device (28)" when the device im writing to is clearly not full... ideas?15:55
hexdump_right on man15:55
sipiorweekly: is there a disk quota in place?15:56
BlessJahcan networkmanager turn my laptop into acces point?15:56
hexdump_akshay:  yeah you will run into dependency issues here an there.15:56
weeklysipior how do i find that out?15:56
hexdump_BlessJah:  you can turn your laptop into a router15:56
iflemapingvinqq put a shutdown script in the startup folder15:57
hexdump_I'm pretty sure you can change your adapter to act as an access point.15:57
sipiorweekly: typing "quota" on the target machine should indicate something15:57
BlessJahhexdump_: yes i know, i can turn every computer with linux into dhcp, router, web server, mail server, router, access point, firewall etc etc15:57
pingvinqqiflema: startup folder?:)15:57
hexdump_BlessJah:  sweet15:57
sporedii am try to acess my ubuntu desktop using mstsc i am getting login screen but which option i suppose to select in that15:57
weeklysipior: here what i get "The program 'quota' is currently not installed."15:57
Guest93540sipior: it says /dev/sdb is GPT and that fdisk doesnt support GPT15:58
BlessJahhexdump_: so networkmanager can turn laptop into AP or should i look for other app for this?15:58
hexdump_BlessJah:  I've never done it I just had the option with my Alfa before.15:58
yogesh712harishhey guys can anyone tell me best channel for java developers15:58
Guest93540sipior: (GUID Partition Table)15:58
emersonhow do I copy videos from youtube ?15:58
IdleOneyogesh712harish: #java15:58
bazhangemerson, youtube-dl15:58
yogesh712harishtnx idleone15:58
Guest93540emerson: look on http://addons.mozilla.com15:58
hexdump_I'm getting some retarded ass spam15:58
IdleOneyogesh712harish: welcome15:58
iflemaemerson firefox addons15:59
eyalIs there an option to restore files after clear 9.10 installation?15:59
sporedii try with ubuntu/gnome desktop also but it ask me /prmopt me to allow or deny button to press which is not possible when i am on remote site but when i say allow it works15:59
eyalIs there an option to restore files after clean 9.10 installation?15:59
IdleOneeyal: not if you formatted but you can take a look at !undelete15:59
candyI cannot boot either window or ubuntu... i m getting sh:grub>15:59
candywhat to do??15:59
Miancan anyone here help debugging a boot problem? my system doesn't boot15:59
eyalIdleOne, Should I install it? I mean undelete?15:59
emersonGuest93540: I'm experience problems with it before I used to do with youtube-dl however it doesn't work anymore ...15:59
bazhangMian, in lucid?15:59
ActionParsnipYo yo yo16:00
bazhangMian, #ubuntu+116:00
hexdump_alright folks I'm out for a while16:00
Mianbazhang, I asked there and tried some steps but no progress16:00
sipiorGuest93540: what happens when you try to mount the device you do get in /dev?16:00
IdleOne!undelete > eyal16:00
ubottueyal, please see my private message16:00
hexdump_Mian:  reinstall grub16:00
bazhangMian, then be patient that is the correct channel not here16:00
hexdump_later all16:00
sipiorweekly: how close is the filesystem to being full?16:00
sporedii am try to acess my ubuntu desktop using mstsc i am getting login screen but which option i suppose to select in that16:01
sporedii try with ubuntu/gnome desktop also but it ask me /prmopt me to allow or deny button to press which is not possible when i am on remote site but when i say allow it works16:01
hexdump_Mian:  maybe this will help I dunno...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435116:01
weeklysipior: 289gb used 627gb free16:01
pingvinqqhi everybody .. is it possible to make a website free without .asdasdkas.com16:01
ikoniapingvinqq: what ?16:01
Guest93540sipior: i tried sdb and sdb1 - same error16:01
lubsehello, my bash says: lubse@lubse-desktop:/home$16:01
lubse is the "lubse-desktop" my computer name?16:01
sipiorweekly: do you have write permission to the target directory?16:01
Mianhexdump, I don't think grub is the problem. boot starts but not complete, it stops after mounting hard drives16:01
Guest93540lubse: yes16:01
lubsehow can I change this?16:02
emersonso anyone has a solution for this problem..I've tried several in a couple of diferent ways but I couldn't get it ...16:02
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weeklysipior: yeah i used chown to get write permission16:02
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pingvinqqikonia: can i make a free website without fx: .webs.com?:)16:02
bazhangemerson, install youtube-dl16:02
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ikoniapingvinqq: what are you talking about16:02
sipiorweekly: what are the current permissions of the target directory16:02
candygrub is not loading :((16:02
emersonbazhang: the problem is that youtube-dl no longer work...16:02
bazhangemerson, sure it does16:02
ActionParsnipCandy: reinstall it using livecd then16:02
emersonbazhang: that's why I'm asking for help .16:03
pingvinqqikonia: can i make a free website without addons?16:03
emersonbazhang: yes I do.16:03
candyemerson, use plugin for youtube16:03
daniskamipingvinqq: do you mean a free .com domain?16:03
candyActionParsnip, how?? I couldnot do from the documentation provided in ubuntu forum16:03
ikoniapingvinqq: without addons - websites can be made in just clean html16:03
ActionParsnipEmerson: there are addons for the popular browsers to download via browser16:03
bazhangemerson, install it then youtube-dl <URLhere>16:03
ikoniapingvinqq: you may have better luck asking in #web as this is ubuntu support16:03
ActionParsnip!grub2 | candy16:03
ubottucandy: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:03
yogesh712harishidleone: its telling me for invitation16:03
pingvinqqdaniskami: yes :D16:04
emersonbazhang: that's what I used to do ..16:04
weeklysipior: im sorry i dont know what the command is to get the rxetc readout16:04
IdleOneyogesh712harish: #java is? sorry can't help you with that :/16:04
candyActionParsnip, how to find where grub is??16:04
yogesh712harishidleone: ok fine...tnx16:04
ikoniapingvinqq: your question is nothing to do with ubuntu - try asking in #web16:05
ActionParsnipCandy: you need to install it to the disk's mbr. The guide will show how to install it16:05
pingvinqqikonia: no ..? but where should i so ask?16:05
ikoniapingvinqq: where I have told you to, 2 times, #web16:05
philsturgeonhey guys, i installed FTP server using https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html but i need to create a password for this "ftp" user16:05
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gunkstaAnyone here know how to debug libvirt when the connection is refused?16:06
ActionParsnipPhilsturgeon: sudo passwd ftp16:06
pingvinqqikonia: in freenode?:)16:06
emersonif anybody knows how to deal with this problem can you put the information on the past bin for me, please.16:06
jyraiai get kernel panic after compile this16:06
sipiorweekly: try "ls -ld <directory>"16:06
ikoniapingvinqq: no, in #web16:06
philsturgeonActionParsnip: I used usermod -p XXXX ftp but its not letting me in16:06
jyraiai could see the initrd image was not created16:06
jyraiamy hard disc is sata, and i disable SCSI support in kernel16:06
jyraiamaybe this?16:06
Guest93540sipior: any ideas?16:07
ActionParsnipPhilsturgeon: the command I gave will set the users password for you16:07
kristonHow do I enable X11 bitmap font lucida-sans-typewriter?  I tried dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config and nothing happened.  I used to use that to enable bitmapped fonts.16:07
weeklysipior: "drwxr-xr-x 9 weekly weekly 4096 2010-04-16 08:15"16:07
philsturgeonActionParsnip: ok, change password that way too and getting idential error "Server closed connection."16:07
pingvinqqikonia: but .. what server?;)16:07
IdleOnepingvinqq: /join #web16:08
bazhangpingvinqq, /join #web     this server16:08
pingvinqqIdleOne: its says dont work ..16:08
IdleOnepingvinqq: what doesn't work exactly?16:08
bazhangpingvinqq, sure it does16:08
sipiorGuest93540: might be easiest trying to access the device from OS X, and copy the data from there.16:08
ActionParsnipPhilstugeon: i'd use websearches to find out what that means. Is your current user a member of the admin group?16:08
philsturgeonActionParsnip: I've literally followed this guide. i'll have a play16:09
sipiorweekly: looks fine. can you move data to that target with scp?16:10
Guest93540sipior: unfortunately thats not possible since i dont have access to any osx comp16:10
weeklysipior: yes i can16:10
days_of_ruinignore this message16:10
sipiorweekly: what's the exact rsync line you use?16:11
weeklysipior: rsync -av /home/weekly/link_to_setux_gis-data/ /media/gis/ >> /home/weekly/Desktop/gis_backup_log.txt16:11
yogesh712harishwhere i can find java developers channel16:12
sipiorGuest93540: this might be of some use to you: http://www.haiku-os.org/articles/2009-11-18_multiboot_installation_gpt_disk16:12
IdleOneyogesh712harish: are you registered on freenode?16:13
bazhangyogesh712harish, ask in #freenode or /msg alis list help16:13
IdleOne!register > yogesh712harish16:13
ubottuyogesh712harish, please see my private message16:13
sipiorGuest93540: in particular, have a look at gptsync. never used it myself, but maybe it can get you out of your difficulty.16:13
frxstremis it possible to use sudo while running from the Ubuntu LiveCD to access/modify system files (like for instance /etc/passwd or /etc/sudoers) on an installed Linux system?16:13
ActionParsnipFrxstrem: absolutely16:14
funkyHatfrxstrem: yes16:14
ActionParsnipFrxstrem: use: gksudo nautilus , and you can get write access to your internal partitions16:14
daMullfrxstrem: just mount the partition and do a chroot16:14
sipiorweekly: is your /tmp directory full, by any chance?16:15
frxstremwell, it was really just a theoretical question, but thanks for your answers, everyone :)16:15
sipiorweekly: does the "--inplace" switch help at all?16:15
ZummiG777If I install the 10.04 release of Ubuntu NOW when release time comes and I've been updating, will I essentially be in the same system state as people who installed after the official release?16:17
weeklysipior: the /tmp has a ver small amount of data in it, ill man the --inplace and see if it will help16:17
bazhangZummiG777, yes16:17
IdleOneZummiG777: yes #ubuntu+1 for more info16:17
sipiorweekly: none of your partitions are running close to full? rsync makes a temporary copy of the data by default...16:17
ActionParsnipzummi6777: if you install any pre-release you will upgrade to the officvial release16:18
IdleOnenikola: with?16:18
ActionParsnip!details | nikola16:19
ubottunikola: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:19
weeklysipior: possably the swap partition gets full? where does rsync make the temp copy? i mean, last night i ran it and it got about 80% of the 300ish gigs, it just didnt complete16:19
bondiblueos9if a task is scheduled in cron, but the computer is turned off, does the task simply not occur?16:19
IdleOnebondiblueos9: correct16:20
ActionParsnipBondiblueos9: correct16:20
lubsewhat is the command to search for files?16:20
jyraiasomeone can help-me16:20
lubseI want to know where my vimrc is located16:20
mickster04!ask | jyraia16:20
ubottujyraia: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:20
ActionParsnipLubse: sudo find / -iname "something"16:20
lubseah, not find ! :D16:20
lubseins't it locate?16:21
IdleOnefind also16:21
bondiblueos9so the scripts in cron.daily, cron.weekly, and cron.monthly may not actually execute daily, weekly, and monthly?16:21
ActionParsnipYou can use locate too but you will need to update the db first16:21
lubsewhat does / -iname do?16:21
IdleOnebondiblueos9: not if the computer is off16:21
jyraiahow do i install an initrd image? or create, i compiled with make-kpkg kernel_image and don't get initrd, how i do this after compilet without initrd?16:21
* ayam_jago reboot16:21
pionarbondiblueos9: from my understanding, since cron was originally meant for server admin tasks, it assumes that the system is always on16:22
ActionParsnipBodblueos9: if the pc is off then it won't happen as the cron scheduler isn't loaded to do stuff16:22
stevenmarkythey should have used the isComputerOn() function.16:22
daniskamiFor systems that are not always running, there is anacron16:23
bondiblueos9IdleOne, ActionParsnip, pionar: is there any tool which checks to see if a scheduled task was executed, and then executes if it hasn't been?16:23
daniskamibondiblueos9: anacron16:23
daniskamiI assume Ubuntu Desktop sets up anacron by default anyway16:24
hackelAll of a sudden, my mouse cursor got dragged down to the bottom-right corner of my screen and I can't use it.  I can sometimes pull it back up for a half-second but watch it get dragged back down.  Any idea what might be going on here?16:24
bondiblueos9there are lines like this in /etc/crontab16:24
bondiblueos925 6    * * *   root    test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )16:24
josh3234what is a good freeware cloning applciation?16:24
stevenmarkyhackel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_hand_syndrome16:24
IdleOnejosh3234: to clone what?16:25
josh3234#windows suggested 'clonezilla'. anyone here use it?16:25
IdleOneclonezilla works16:25
josh3234would you use it if you needed to clone a drive?16:25
pionarlol at stevenmarky16:25
lubseshould I edit the vimrc in user/share/vim or in etc/vim ?16:26
IdleOnejosh3234: I have never had the need to but I have seen many people suggest it16:26
josh3234thank you for the input IdleOne16:26
gmatt00does anybody here run EVE Online on 32-bit ubuntu 9.04?16:27
hackelCan't imagine an old 32-bit system would be powerful enough to run EVE Online, but I could be wrong.16:28
ActionParsnipHackel: you can run a 32bit OS on most 64bit CPUs16:28
gmatt00it'll run it, but i'm having issues with 64bit ubuntu.  wondering if i should just install 32-bit...16:28
hackelActionParsnip:  True, but only if you're a complete idiot.16:28
IdleOnehackel: not helpful16:29
ActionParsnipHackel: why? 32bit is fine16:29
hackelActionParsnip:  I could also run an 8-bit operating system.16:29
ubuntuwho is polish?16:29
ActionParsnip!pl | ubuntu16:29
ubottuubuntu: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:29
codelurker32bit is fine if u have 4G of ram or less16:29
gmatt00from somebody who knows...should i just go with 32-bit?  and use PAE since i have 6gb ddr3?16:29
ActionParsnipCodelurker: you can use 12gb usiing pae16:29
aarHi, I can't seem to upgrade my PostgreSQL packages from to without breaking dependencies (I'm using Hardy with KDE). Is this just me, or it is a known issue?16:30
hackelThere is absolutely no reason to ever use a 32-bit operating system on a modern computer, unless it's a netbook.16:30
ActionParsnipGmatt00: either is fine16:30
andersbrcodelurker: 32 bit operating systems don't necessarily have a 4G memory limit.16:30
daMullgmatt: pae is considerable slower than 64bit linux16:30
ActionParsnipHackel: my p2 233 desktop pc won't run 64bit and isn't a netbook16:30
gmatt00thanks action, just frustrated with it.  have spent 5 days trying to get eve working on 64-bit and it's just not working :S16:31
hackelActionParsnip:  perhaps you missed the bit about "modern computer"?16:31
andersbrcodelurker: Though individual processes might only be able to access 4G each.16:31
greeniewhat is the command to add a program to the init file so it starts at boot?16:31
daMullgreenie: man update-rc.d16:31
gmatt00would an HP DV7-3085DX be considered a modern computer?  lol16:31
ActionParsnipHackel: its new enough for me16:31
greeniecool thanks16:31
erUSUL!boot | greenie16:31
ubottugreenie: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto16:31
ActionParsnipHackel: you can get core2duo which are 32bit16:31
trijntjeHi all, I want to maximally compress a folder to upload to a server, I dont mind waiting. What is the program/format I should use?16:32
gmatt00ive got a core i7...downloading 32-bit...16:32
hackelActionParsnip:  It might be *good* enough for you, but you cannot call it "new".  I'm trying to remember how long ago I had a machine that slow, I think it was at least 10 years ago.16:32
daMulltrintje: 7zip or bzip216:32
ActionParsnipTrijnte: bzip216:32
ActionParsnipHackel: its a file/backup server so it doesn't need blistering power16:33
trijntjedaMull: ActionParsnip, bzip2 it is, thanks. Google wasnt very clear ;)16:33
fastahackel, is depends on what you do whether or not that is fast enough.16:33
hackelActionParsnip:  32-bit Core 2?  I've never heard of such a thing.16:33
hackelActionParsnip:  And I'm not arguing that older computers aren't useful.  I'm arguing that they aren't "modern".16:33
fastahackel, if you do Forth development on small data sets, it is more than enough.16:33
fastahackel, if you want to run KDE, not so.16:33
daMullfasta: kde 1 should run ;-)16:34
NeoCicakhi all... i'm planning to get SSD drive & install ubuntu 9.10 on it....... but after googling a bit... sounds like 9.10 doesnt support TRIM.. also that I have to align the block properly on SSD... that sounds scarry!16:35
weganduwhat is the offtopic channel?16:35
bazhang!ot > wegandu16:35
ubottuwegandu, please see my private message16:35
NeoCicakdoes anyone run 9.10 on SSD ?16:36
weganduubuntu offtopic channel name plz?16:36
costreNeoCicak, I don't know about that, but I have run 9.10 and 10.04 on an ssd and havent noticed anything unusual16:36
prayiiNeoCicak: I dont know anything about aligning, but I do know 9.10 and 10.04 do not support TRIM16:37
NeoCicakcostre : did you have to do aligning?16:37
gmatt00is 10.04 stable?16:37
costreNeoCicak, As I said, I just installed as usual, no difference at all16:37
costreat all16:37
IdleOnegmatt00: it is Beta can break without warning16:38
NeoCicakcostre & prayii : well... i was reading quickly on the net... that one should do aligning properly to get all the juice out of SSD... due to the 4kb block deletion (or something like that)16:38
prayiiNeoCicak: there is someone on the forums who has made a script that will TRIM the drive manually though.16:38
ActionParsnipGmat00: is here, #ubuntu+1 for support and discussions16:38
costregmatt00, Not officially, join #ubuntu+1 for more info16:38
IdleOnegmatt00: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid16:38
gmatt00thanks guys, ill take a look :)16:38
AciDI'm trying to use my video projector with lucid, but somehow no video is displayed when using the default xv driver. Any idea how to fix that ?16:39
ActionParsnipAcid: if you boot with it connected does it work?16:39
h00kAciD: Lucid discussion is in #ubuntu+116:40
ActionParsnipAcid: if you are using lucid, ask ONLY there16:40
NeoCicakcostre & prayii: are you happy with your ubuntu + SSD? is it significantly faster to start up applications? also.. how long have you had it for? does the performance degrade over time ?  if possible, can you do hdparm -t on it? i'd like to see how much faster it is....16:40
aarHi, I can't seem to upgrade my PostgreSQL packages from to without breaking dependencies (I'm using Hardy with KDE). Is this just me, or it is a known issue?16:41
prayiiNeoCicak: I don't have one yet. Just been doing research as am thinking of getting one soon as well.16:41
=== tom is now known as drtomdanger
frxstremcan I make another user log out through the shell?16:42
switch10_prayii: NeoCicak with your SSD's, you would just put the /boot partition on it correct?16:43
costreNeoCicak, My ssd is quite old, one of the first. The computer boots really fast, it could be ubuntu, the drive, or both. hdparm outputs 460 MB in  3.01 seconds = 153.01 MB/sec16:43
bondiblueos9whenever I run apt-get, I'm getting unusual messages after it should be finished16:43
bondiblueos9here is me installing anacron: http://pastebin.com/M4rhhe4516:43
drtomdangerhello room16:43
bondiblueos9line 17 is where it starts16:43
NeoCicakswitch10 : ummmm i dont have one yet... but to answer your question... i'm going to use it for all my data, application, etc too.... (i'm going to use it on my laptop)16:44
NeoCicakcostre: thx :)16:44
drtomdangerswitch10_: stayed up all night updating my ipod finally. ; )16:44
switch10_NeoCicak: gotcha..  I was thinking about picking a small one up and just putting /boot on it..16:44
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switch10_drtomdanger: right on man.16:45
frxstremhow can I log anouther user out from the system using the terminal?16:46
switch10_drtomdanger: yeah im sure you noticed, it takes a little longer to sync...16:46
teurastajahow do i check my driver on an agp slot?16:48
drtomdangerswitch10_: I originally just had the libpod packages installed.  when I went through and finally got libimobile and ran the config with fuse (had to find and install ifuse), I'm just happy to have it recognize - now I can start patching on functionality.16:48
researcher1when I click e at boot menu I can edit grub but how to save it before booting?16:48
teurastajai think theres a *pci* command or something16:48
teurastajareseracher you have to edit grub.conf16:49
h00k!grub | researcher116:49
ubotturesearcher1: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:49
IdleOneresearcher1: at the bottom of the screen there should be a list of commands16:49
IdleOneI think you just ESC to exit/save not sure though16:50
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=== BedMan_ is now known as BedMan
teurastajaidle he wants to save his config unless ubuntu behaves differently he needs to edit grub.conf16:50
IdleOneteurastaja: not with grub2 see !grub216:51
teurastajais it still beta?16:51
maxwellI have a problem with my ubuntu server. I want to use my ubuntu server as a vpn. I installed pptpd and I configurated it. With my windows7 pc i can connect to the vpn server, but I can only access lan adresses like   The problem is that I can not connect to internet websites. Could you kindly help me?16:51
researcher1IdleOne: yes there is but it does not Save16:51
IdleOneumm yeah I guess it is16:51
itguruIs it possible to get my laptop to broadcast the same netbios name regardless of the network it's on - that way, my windows boxes can always find it, whatever net i'm on, right?16:51
IdleOneresearcher1: see the link ubottu sent you for more info16:51
h00kresearcher1: to save, you have to edit the grub configuration files, see the links above or /msg ubottu !grub or !grub216:52
gmatt00what shell is it that is really minimal?16:52
bondiblueos9do I need to erase a tape before I write to it?16:52
researcher1h00k: How do I msg ubottu?16:52
teurastajagmatt sh16:52
bondiblueos9can I just rewind it and then tar to it? I'm only planning to have one record on it16:52
IdleOnebondiblueos9: a tape?16:53
bondiblueos9but am planning to overwrite it weekly (backup)16:53
h00kresearcher1: you can type /msg ubottu [message here]16:53
bondiblueos9IdleOne: yes, a tape drive16:53
IdleOnebondiblueos9: I would think so16:53
teurastajaxterm i think is minimal but dont rely on me16:53
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teurastaja*idle would u happen to know how to check my agp  slot driver16:54
gmatt00like this: http://www.installos.com/images/slackware.jpg16:54
IdleOneteurastaja: does lspci list it?16:54
weganduikonia, i installed gtypist cant find it in the applications.. how to start it?16:55
frxstremin the /etc/shadow file, what does ! and * in the password fields mean?16:55
IdleOnewegandu: it is a terminal client16:55
weganduwhat is the ubuntu offtopic channel name?16:55
teurastajagmatt thats console i dont get your point16:55
weganduIdleOne, how do 0i use gtypist?16:55
IdleOnewegandu: open a terminal and type gtypist16:55
gmatt00the layout, trying to figure out what gui that would be compared to ubuntu...xfce or w/e16:55
allowoverridedoes anyone have a problem with printing pdf's. they only print the first page. cups the issue? how to go about printing from cups in cmdline and also lp for testing. could someone help me out a little with a printer / evince issue? thanks16:57
weganduIdleOne, thanks.. can it measure words per minute?16:57
IdleOnewegandu: I believe it does16:57
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drtomdangeralright gentlemen, I have an interesting question.  If you use wireshark can you capture the external ip's of people you are connected to? i.e. does your ip go through the live or game servers before being distributed to other peers? (i know might be slightly off topic, but figured i'd ask)16:57
drtomdangerregarding xbox and their live service16:57
weganduIdleOne, what is the off topic channel name?16:58
teurastajalspci does list the controller but the driver is not listed16:58
IdleOnewegandu: #ubuntu-offtopic16:58
weganduIdleOne, thank you16:58
IdleOneteurastaja: sorry I can't help more16:58
mhall119so, I'm at an office with free WiFI16:59
gnetuxhi everybody16:59
teurastajamaybe it just isnt installed16:59
mhall119using WPA216:59
mhall119I can connect to the router, but I'm not getting a DHCP response from it16:59
gnetuxneed help with apt-get16:59
mhall119my wife's Vista laptop connects just fine16:59
mhall119and when I guess a static IP, it works fine16:59
IdleOnegnetux: what exactly?16:59
mhall119anyone know what might be causing me to not get a DHCP response?17:00
teurastajadoesnt apt-get have a search or info subcommand like yum?17:00
IdleOneteurastaja: it does17:00
teurastajawhat is it? its not in the doc and i dont have this option17:01
gnetuxErrors were encountered while processing:17:01
IdleOneteurastaja: man pages are often cryptic, man apt17:01
teurastajaand listing apt* commands with tab doesnt yield interesting results17:01
IdleOnegnetux: what are you doing that gives that error?17:01
gnetux /var/cache/apt/archives/ati-driver_9.5-bt2_i386.deb17:01
gnetuxE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)17:01
gnetuxapt-get -f install doesn't work17:01
gnetuxtrying to install backtrack-ati17:02
maxwellI have a problem with my ubuntu server. I want to use my ubuntu server as a vpn. I installed pptpd and I configurated it. With my windows7 pc i can connect to the vpn server, but I can only access lan adresses like   The problem is that I can not connect to internet websites. Could you kindly help me?17:02
gnetuxonce downloaded all packages it can't install ati-driver17:02
frxstremis there an easy way to restart a program once it's closed automatically?17:03
frxstrem'cause Pidgin seems to crash alot, and when it does I just want it to restart17:04
bondiblueos9can I use dd to write my partition to a tape device?17:04
switch10_frxstrem: killall pidgin && pidgin17:05
teurastajaor xkill17:05
frxstremswitch10_: I said, restart it *when it's closed* (not running after it crashes)17:06
teurastajakill -HUP17:06
switch10_frxstrem: so you mean *start* it? restart would imply that it is running..17:06
gnetuxIdleOne: Any idea17:07
frxstremswitch10_: well, it's kinda both ('cause it's running, then it closes and I want to start it again - restart it), but you get the point, right?17:07
alabdGood day all , how to make Right-to-left editing support on in openoffice.org writer ? when humble = i try to enabling it in toolbar it does not change17:07
switch10_frxstrem: instead of closing it manually run the command i posted.  it will kill it and then start it again..17:08
mhall119does anyone know what might be causing a wireless router to not give me a DHCP reponse?17:08
IdleOnegnetux: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a perhaps17:08
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frxstremswitch10_: as I already said, I'm not closing it maunally, it crashes all the time (or maybe more like once every second hour or so) - that's why I want it to restart17:08
DcMeesemhall119: Is DHCP enabled? ;)17:09
sipiormhall119: it's configured to give licences only to certain mac addresses?17:09
mhall119DcMeese: yes, my wife's Vista laptop connected17:09
DcMeesemhall119: Is....it running Ubuntu?17:09
mhall119I just saw an iPhone get a DHCP response too17:09
mhall119DcMeese: my laptop is, I don't know what the router is running, it's not mine17:10
researcher1is it safe to edit grub.cfg? I want to delete quiet and splash words from grub.17:10
switch10_frxstrem: maybe if it is crashing that often, you should be looking for another program.  What I posted is the easiest way to do what you want to do.17:10
ceilresearcher1: back it up first, but sure17:10
mhall119sipior: it's a doctor's office, they don't whitelist MACs17:10
sipiormhall119: well i obviously have no way of knowing that in advance.17:10
researcher1ceil: how do i backup grub?17:10
mhall119sipior: I'm answering your question17:10
jjjoomlaHello people17:10
sipiormhall119: we're basically playing a guessing game.17:11
ceilresearcher1: sudo cp /boot/grub.cfg /boot/grub.cfg.bak17:11
ceilresearcher1: or wherever it is17:11
switch10_frxstrem: short of setting up a cron job to open pidgen every min or so...  but you would not want to do that obviously17:11
jjjoomlaI would like some help with my nic card and ubuntu 9.10 please17:11
mhall119sipior: me too, I can't figure it out17:11
frxstremswitch10_: that could probably be a kinda good idea :P thanks17:11
mhall119if I enter a manual IP address in the correct range, I am fine17:12
frxstremnow, how do you set up cron jobs?17:12
researcher1ceil: :but if the edited grub fails to work how do I get back from the backed up grub? Because I may not be able to chat if it fails17:12
ceilresearcher1: livecd i guess :x17:12
switch10_frxstrem: no it is not a good idea.  you want 1000 + instances of pidgin open???17:12
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hydoskeewhat's the name of the service you can run that will sync linux accounts across multiple computers?17:12
frxstremswitch10_: well, it doesn't - it closes automatically if there's another instance open17:13
ceilresearcher1: i guess my main piece of advice is to be careful with the changes you make :) i've only added/removed kernels with it - i mess up, i can just choose a different kernel17:13
zaxonspoxhydoskee ubuntuOne17:13
frxstremswitch10_: so I think it's a good idea17:13
switch10_frxstrem: I doubt that..17:13
hydoskeezaxonspox: more for all linux instead of just ubuntu17:13
frxstremswitch10_: why?17:13
ceilresearcher1: if you manage to make it so grub can't even load any kernel, just pop in a livecd and cp the grub.cfg.bak back to grub.cfg17:13
switch10_frxstrem: because thats not what programs do.17:13
switch10_frxstrem: most*17:13
frxstremwell, it does (have you ever tried it with Pidgin?)17:14
switch10_frxstrem: but go ahead and try17:14
switch10_frxstrem: to set up a cronjob edit your crontab.17:14
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switch10_frxstrem: or point it to a file..17:15
gnetuxIdleOne, no way still same problem17:20
gnetuxIdleOne: no way still same problem17:21
gnetuxIdleOne: Is it possible that x-server should be stoped?17:21
IdleOnegnetux: can you paste the error on pastebin.com?17:21
IdleOnegive us the url when done17:21
gnetuxIdleOne:How to stop x-server, ubuntu 8.10?17:22
jjjoomlahi, does anybody can help me with a NIC card anb ubuntu 9.10 please?17:23
IdleOnegnetux: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop17:23
Beyecixramdhi people, how can i copy all the ogg files which are contained in /folder/subfolder /folder/big and /folder/small to /mnt/music in a single command?17:23
zaxonspoxjjjoomla whats the problem?17:23
JacobFIs there a way in nautilus to make a window stick to a certain layout, every time I open another folder it keeps flopping between icon and compact view and it's quite annoying. :|17:24
zaxonspoxBeyecixramd cp -R /folder/*.ogg /mnt/music17:24
jjjoomlahi, does anybody can help me with a NIC card anb ubuntu 9.10 please?17:24
Beyecixramdthanks zaxonspox! :)17:25
lubsehello, I have a split screen with a terminal17:25
zaxonspoxjjjoomla whats the problem?17:25
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gnetuxIdleOne:thx i'll try no with x stoped17:25
lubsehow do I go to the other screen?17:25
lubsewith a keyboard shortcut, not using the mouse17:25
jjjoomlahi Zaxonspox17:25
lubsectrl + tab just changes the tab in the current screen/view17:25
IdleOnelubse: alt+tab ?17:25
zaxonspoxlubse terminal with Tabs? or what a split screen?17:25
jjjoomlathe problem is that I installed wine and another application to manage wifi aftert that i lost internet conection...17:26
jjjoomlatrying to fix it17:26
underI'm using a netbook. Does it exists a mkv player wich not lags?17:26
jjjoomlaI removed the nic card and now I cant install it again17:26
bondiblueos9oh no; dump doesn't work on ext4, does it17:26
gil_I got dual monitor setup and running fin via the Nvidia utility but when computer goes to standby/sleep i cannot resume. what can be done about this?17:26
lubseno, alt tab brings me to another window17:27
lubseI have a single terminal window17:27
lubsebut I went view > split view (left right)17:27
Beyecixramdunder, netbooks have limits17:27
zaxonspoxjjjoomla wine shouldnt have anything to do with NIC17:28
Beyecixramdunder, try less resolution/bitrate, or try upgrading the RAM17:28
underBeyecixramd: in windows works.17:28
underusing bsplayer17:28
zaxonspoxlubse CTRL+ALT+<arrow_left/right>17:28
Beyecixramdunder that's because driver devs are more focused in Windows, sadly...17:28
lubsehmm, maybe this is a kubuntu thingy17:28
lubseis the terminal different in KDE?17:28
Beyecixramdunder either that, or you don't really have drivers installed17:28
jjjoomlazaxonspox, how do I reinstall my NIC ?17:29
zaxonspoxunder install vlc vlc-plugin-esd17:29
lubsectrl + alt + arrow types: ACD ..17:29
zaxonspoxjjjoomla wiwi its kind a tricky, how did you uninstalled your NIC card?17:29
BluesKajlubse, a terminal is the same in most linux distros , there's no difference between terminals on gnome and kde17:30
icerootBluesKaj: there is a big difference in terminals but not in the shells they are using17:30
jjjoomlai just removed from the program that manage the nic's on ubuntu17:30
BluesKajterminal = shell iceroot , rose is a rose by another name17:31
XuMuKhi there!17:32
icerootBluesKaj: terminal = gnome-terminal, konsole, xterm and so on, shell = sh, bash, zsh, csh and so on17:32
XuMuKsomeone knows how to change tty resolution?17:32
BluesKajyeah, bash shell runs in therminal ,so what17:32
BeyecixramdXuMuK: add at the boot line, on GRUB vga=(whatever)17:32
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BeyecixramdXuMuK: or use a driver with KMS support17:33
BluesKaj\therminal = hot terminal17:33
gil_anyone else here using dual screen with nvidia17:33
icerootBluesKaj: gnome is using gnome-terminal, kde is using konsole, so there are difference in the terminal but not in the shell they are using (bash)17:33
BluesKajiceroot ...split as manyn hairs asyou want , it's all the same for the cli17:33
gnetuxIdleOne: Here some more info on error17:34
XuMuKBeyecixramd, I've tried to add vga=X (I tried differents...) it change resolution but I only see color shapes instead letters...17:34
icerootBluesKaj: i am just correcting you because you are mixing shell and terminal17:34
gnetuxUnpacking ati-driver (from .../ati-driver_9.5-bt2_i386.deb) ...17:35
BeyecixramdXuMuK: maybe your screen is faulty.... btw, do you add vga=1024x768 (for example) or you add the number codes?17:35
XuMuKBeyecixramd, number codes...17:35
adacIs it possible to tell an application like ie. ssh client to output language in english?17:36
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BeyecixramdXuMuK: what graphic card do you own?17:36
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XuMuKBeyecixramd, nvidia 8600m GS17:36
BeyecixramdXuMuK: installed the official nVidia drivers?17:36
XuMuKBeyecixramd, when i just installed ubuntu it was fine till i upgraded the kernel...17:37
jenuehi guys. I just want to know your side of what's the coolest all-in-one messenger client for ubuntu?17:37
XuMuKBeyecixramd, yes17:37
icerootjenue: bitlbee17:38
Beyecixramdjenue: Pidgin for GNOME, or Gajim with gateways, Kopete for KDE. I love Kopete, anyways17:38
weganduguys something is using my swap 99%.. even though i have no other apps running and memory usage is 24% OUT OF 2GB.. NEED HELP17:38
BluesKajiceroot, correcting something that doesn't mean anything to the user is not useful17:38
jsec_laptopjenue: Pidgin17:38
zaxonspoxjenue pidgin17:38
icerootBluesKaj: not correcting wrong things is also not useful17:38
BeyecixramdXuMuK: oh, i know, reinstall the nvidia drivers, please17:38
muskask8I deleted pulseaudio and have no sound now, how do I get it back?17:38
jsec_laptopAlthough I do have to say I'll switch over when Digsby is ported to Mac/*nix17:38
switch10_BluesKaj: giving incorrect infomation is not helpful either...17:39
Beyecixramdmuskask8: install pulseaudio :)17:39
muskask8where do I find it?17:39
jenuejsec_laptop zaxonspox  you can't set to invisible mode for pidgin17:39
XuMuKBeyecixramd, allready...17:39
Beyecixramdmuskask8: search for pulseaudio in Synaptic17:39
BeyecixramdXuMuK: :| wtf?! maybe nVidia is being a bit stupid about new kernels...17:39
mowewegandu: take a look at top17:39
jsec_laptopjenue: i just did...17:40
zaxonspoxjenue i can17:40
tt_hey im trying to open firefox and i get XML Parsing Error: unidentified entity17:40
tt_and it wont open17:40
jenuejsec_laptop zaxonspox  for specific account17:40
jenuejsec_laptop zaxonspox  for specific account??17:40
Jontyarlg, upgrade managers should be able to run unattended! is there any way to delay the config file keep/remove choices till the end of installation?17:40
XuMuKBeyecixramd, i think the same after 9000 hours smocking manuals and forums... i tried everything17:40
wegandumowe, top where?.. i just joined the channel17:40
Beyecixramdtt_: run firefox --safe-mode17:41
muskask8thanks, found it!17:41
tt_it would be 'firefox --safe-mode'17:41
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zaxonspoxjenue for my account, that i am logged in Pidgin17:41
jsec_laptopzaxonspox, jenue means multiple accounts in pidgin, having one go invisible while the others stay online17:42
mowewegandu: it's a command line command17:42
tt_it says something g_set prgname() called multiple times17:42
mowewegandu: should show you what is eating up all the swap17:43
tt_then the same error comes up17:43
jenuejsec_laptop: correct. that's what I mean. thanks17:43
zaxonspoxjsec_laptop i seeeeee17:43
jsec_laptopjenue: i'm looking, and it seems that you're right on that matter. i don't understand WHY they wouldn't have that functionality, but it seems they don't17:44
tt_Beyecixramd, any further thoughts?17:45
kristonHow do I enable X11 bitmap font lucida-sans-typewriter?  I tried dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config and nothing happened.  I used to use that to enable bitmapped fonts.  How do you do this in 9.10?17:45
jenuejsec_laptop: yah. if meeboo can be desktop app, it is the best messenger client for me17:45
Beyecixramdtt_: run sudo apt-get remove firefox --purge17:45
Beyecixramdtt_: then install firefox back again (from Synaptic)17:46
jsec_laptopjenue: i'm waiting for the *nix port for Digsby, it's what I use on my M$ box17:46
tt_sounds like it should work, thank you17:46
Beyecixramdjsec_laptop: why? i find Kopete beautiful, stable, fast and feature-complete17:46
Beyecixramdyw, tt_17:46
bondiblueos9I can see why z is for gzip, but why j for bzip2?17:47
jsec_laptopBeyecixramd: I have a small enough HD on this computer, and I don't want to install 400 MB worth of KDE dependencies just to run Kopete17:47
Beyecixramdbondiblueos9: who knows...17:47
Beyecixramdjsec_laptop: nice point, yup17:47
Beyecixramdjsec_laptop: what about meebo?17:47
Beyecixramdthere's an AIR app for meebo, to run meebo from your desktop17:47
ZykoticK9bondiblueos9, -b is already used for something else17:48
koeguys ... ive edited my .bashrc and now when I open gnome-terminal it wont open anymore at /home/user17:48
jsec_laptopBeyecixramd: Haven't looked into it yet... I've got AIR already installed, so maybe I'll take a look at it.17:48
koehow can I fix this ?17:48
tt_hey, the terminal gave me 'E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. ' but im not sure how to phrase it17:48
jsec_laptopkoe, load your bashrc-backup?17:49
tt_just run exactly what it says?17:49
Beyecixramdtt_: do what it tells you, run sudo dpkg --configure -a17:49
Beyecixramdyes, tt_17:49
tt_thank you17:49
mde_Hello everyone, I need some help getting a pcmcia audio card functioning.  Anyone have a moment to help?17:50
gmatt00alright, i've got ubuntu 9.10 x86 installed.  doing updates, then doing a 10.04 update, right?17:50
jenueBeyecixramd: i've used meebone before. but i think it's out of support now. i can't run the app anymore17:50
gfdhow long untill new ubuntu is out ?17:50
gfdi love the new color17:51
gfdis so totally pretty17:51
gil_anyone else here using dual screen with nvidia?17:51
ubottunope. Lucid is due 29th April. More info closer to the date.17:51
XuMuKBeyecixramd, after desinstall driver it changed... wtf? why before it worked fine? o_O17:52
mde_is "update-modules" an old name of "modprobe" ?17:54
countessI need some help17:54
bondiblueos9I get slightly irritated when my computer tells me things like "Unsupported CPU" and i'm thinking, it can't be that unsupported, you are running code on it to display this message to me17:54
countessfor some reason when I log in it doesnt actually log in it brings me back to the login screen17:55
zaxonspoxcountes where, in VirtualBox virtual machine?17:55
countessnot in a virtual machine17:55
countessit accepts my password and acts like it is going to login and then it brings me back17:56
countessoh I am running ubuntu 10.0417:56
countessforgot to mention17:56
tt_works thanks17:56
bondiblueos9its a similar frustration to when I'm booting up some linux and it's looking all nice and pretty and half graphical to show me my options, but then just fails to show me a terminal after booting; I think, but you were just using some working driver to show me those options, why can't you use that one?17:56
mde_I have a sound card that is appearing under /proc/asound, but whenever audio is sent to it, computer freezes.17:56
zaxonspoxcountess then try on #ubuntu+117:56
h00k!lucid | countess17:56
ubottucountess: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:56
mde_audio card does not show up in lspci17:57
gunkstaSince I see a virtualization discussion, I've gotta ask. Is there anyone in here good at debugging libvirt errors? Every time I try to start my VM via virt-manager I am told that the connection was refused (socket error). Any thoughts?17:57
h00kmde_: have you seen the links provided in !sound?17:57
mde_anyone know of an alsa IRQ channel?17:57
maeon3How can there be 1539 people in the room?17:58
maeon3This must be madness.17:58
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erUSULmaeon3: we do not talk all at once ;)17:58
h00k!sound | mde_17:59
ubottumde_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:59
erUSULmde_: #alsa17:59
maeon31539 people.. I hope so.    99.9% of people better be quiet.17:59
egcis there a well-known channel to ask development (C) questions?17:59
zaxonspoxgunksta no idea about virt, but you can use VirtualBox it is also pretty good17:59
maeon3egc I'm a developer, you can private message me.17:59
erUSULegc: ##c17:59
wildc4rdevenin' all18:00
carlosleonI have an weird issue with my pc. I'm accessing to it from the office, through internet. The port I'm using for the ssh connection is the 80. I have mapped all that things for making possible to connect from internet. But now in that remote computer I have no internet :S what could it be?18:00
hamzaatova2how can i solve the problem of freezed computer upon copying a file and a slow file transfer??????18:00
nastjuidhow do I see which version of ubuntu was originally installed on a machine?18:01
kristonHow do I enable X11 bitmap fonts?18:01
nastjuidoooh got it18:01
gil_ has anyon been able to suspend a machine running nvidia 195 drivers with dual monitor twinview?18:01
gunkstazaxonspox: thanks, but I've already made the VM, plus I'm leery of Oracle and it VirtualBox development will continue as it has in the past.18:02
gunkstazaxonspox: and, the VM works great via KVM command-line options, I'd just like to use libvirt to manage it.18:03
nosse1Hi. I'm going to browse some larger source trees. I am looking for an application to browse sources with syntax highlighting and hyperlinking. Which one would you recommend?18:03
zaxonspoxgunksta VB is from Sun Microsystems, Orcale only took over Sun18:03
neospreshawhere to help18:04
bondiblueos9sun microsystems is not sun?18:04
gunkstazaxonspox: ???18:04
Beyecixramdbondiblueos9: yes it is18:04
gunkstazaxonspox: read here - http://blogs.sun.com/VirtualBoxBuzz/18:04
Beyecixramdbondiblueos9: but now, they are part of Oracle18:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:04
zaxonspoxbondiblueos9 Sun M... = Sun in short :P18:04
cautiondo systems auto reboot for security updates?18:05
zaxonspoxgunksta i will, something to search for?18:05
cautionmy system rebooted last night for an unknown reason18:05
IdleOnecaution: linux rarely needs to be rebooted because of updates18:05
BeyecixramdIdleOne: in fact, only kernel upgrades and not much else18:06
IdleOneBeyecixramd: even then not always18:06
cautionhow can I tell why/what rebooted my system?18:06
hamzaatova2how can i solve the problem of freezed computer upon copying a file and a slow file transfer??????18:06
bondiblueos9I hate rebooting my computer as much as I hated rebooting Star Trek18:06
neospreshawcan i have 10.04 and 9.10?18:07
Beyecixramdin two separate partitions? yes, neospreshaw18:07
IdleOneneospreshaw: on separate partitions yes18:07
neospreshawyou now the live cd wat haping to it18:07
neospreshawyou now the live cd wat haping to it?18:08
hamzaatova2how can i solve the problem of freezed computer upon copying a file and a slow file transfer??????18:08
neospreshawcan get 118:08
AcePreshawneospresaw: yes it donw18:09
nastjuidhmmm, maybe I should assign more CPUs to this vm before building squid...18:10
nastjuidif only CPUs were hot swappable :P18:10
BeyecixramdLOL nastjuid18:11
nastjuidI'm glad someone got that18:11
Beyecixramdbut it's a good idea, when you remove all CPUs available, the system goes into sleep mode18:11
nastjuidwell, it's a 16 core machine.. I /should/ be using distcc, but I don't have time to set stuff up18:12
nastjuidI've been sleeping in the office for the last 3 days18:13
neospreshawhow the hell cna i run msn18:13
workmanRun winblows for MSN18:14
nastjuidat least I realized that squid3 from apt isn't 3.1 like the squid-cache site says and am no longer banging my head on my desk wondering why ipv6 isn't working :P18:14
nastjuidneospreshaw: pidgin18:14
neospreshawi h818:14
neospreshawis a irc clint18:14
neospreshawto me18:14
nastjuidirssi + screen18:15
bondiblueos9how can I send myself an email from my ubuntu command line?18:15
workmanAndroidirc client ftw18:15
neospreshawyou can18:16
neospreshawbut i donot now Sory18:16
Loshabondiblueos9: you need to install a mail backend first. Does your ISP provide an smtp server?18:17
workmanMail (your address) -s"subject" enter, type message, the hit18:17
workman. And enter18:17
bondiblueos9send-mail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory18:18
duffydackfor JUST msn i`d probably use emesene18:19
narhenHow can I change charset in terminal to one that is'nt already in the list?18:21
Beyecixramdneospreshaw: lol, did you just said Pidgin is an IRC client?18:21
=== RaMcHiP is now known as RaMcHiP-Away
hamzaatova2how can i solve the problem of freezed computer upon copying a file and a slow file transfer??????18:22
tar-it is18:22
tar-that too18:22
Beyecixramdneospreshaw: i think Microsoft caught your brain, all that blinky stuff... god, in Linux we love useful, simple and integrated tools, not things like WLM which  don't care about your desktop theme, and has thousands of effects18:22
Beyecixramdtar-: he said that because Pidgin is "ugly" for him/her18:23
36DAAID64There are pretty linux msn apps too :)18:23
36DAAID64plus you can run WLM in wine...18:23
h00kEmpathy works nicely.18:23
Beyecixramd36DAAID64: looool.... you need to "patch" wine to run WLM in Wine, and also, there isn't really a "good looking" MSN client in Linux18:24
h00kBeyecixramd: it depends on what you're looking for.  Chatting with friends? Empathy works perfect.18:24
Beyecixramdexcept Kmess, maybe, which uses KDE, and looks a bit off on a GNOME enviroment18:24
Beyecixramdh00k: lol... i don't even use WLM, i was talking about someone who asked for a "pretty" WLM client...18:25
Beyecixramdh00k: i use Pidgin, with Jabber18:25
nastjuidthank you, configure script. thank you for not being able to find ANY of the paths needed for placing files in PATH18:25
36DAAID64Beyecixramd: I like the way pidgin looks better than WLM, I find the WLM interface cloggy and annoying18:25
toehioI'm trying to setup dancer-services (IRCd services) and keep getting this error: "Server Error: Closing Link: services. (No C/N conf lines)". Any ideas?18:25
monkey_dusthi, my other Linux is installed on /dev/sda8, but i cannot reach it - using GRUB in ubuntu terminal, I type 'install (hd0,7)' and a whole bunch of parameters, but it says 'error 21, disk does not exist' - hints & tips anyone?18:26
Beyecixramd36DAAID64: that's true, most of us think the same way (us == linux users)18:26
Flare-Laptop!spam | inglor18:27
Flare-Laptop!ot | inglor18:27
ubottuinglor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:27
inglorFlare-Laptop, I changed my nick, this is about the WLM discussion18:27
Flare-Laptopinglor: WLM? um ok18:27
* Flare-Laptop had no idea18:28
Beyecixramdwho in earth would want to install WLM on Linux... oh wait....18:28
inglorFlare-Laptop: this is WLM running in ubuntu, we were talking about how there is no pretty msn messenger client in ubuntu, and I was pointing out that the microsoft client runs in wine well18:28
rbellamywhen I type "groups" at the cli, it shows all the groups I'm a member of except for "staff"... is this normal?18:29
Flare-Laptopinglor: Ahh I gotcha18:29
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Beyecixramdthe worst move Microsoft ever did was banning old WLM clients in favour of WLM 200918:29
Beyecixramdand btw, inglor, i loved WLM 8.0 beta... everything got worse after that... have you seen WLM 2010? it's even more bloatware/blingware18:29
thebrucei <3 Ubuntu!18:30
maeon3Fedora > Ubuntu18:30
Beyecixramdthebruce: have you tried out Ubuntu Lucid beta 2 already?18:30
nastjuidme > linux18:30
inglorBeyecixramd: ever since I used gaim (pidgin) I never looked back, its interface is so much better than the microsoft interface, and it lets me use everything I need in one place (especially facebook chat and gtalk)18:30
Beyecixramdmaeon3: i agree, but god, we're in a Ubuntu channel, please..18:30
maeon3lol, *runs*18:31
thebruceBeyecixramd, i have not, afraid that it will screw up my configuration, i need to get an imaging solution for my ubuntu18:31
* thebruce is an ubuntu n00b18:31
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents18:31
inglorthebruce,  what do you mean by imaging software?18:31
mezquitalethebruce, you want to image your ubuntu machine or windows?18:31
thebruceumm, like Ghost18:31
Beyecixramdthebruce: you probably would want to install VirtualBox OSE, to run virtual machines (eg: Ubuntu Lucid)18:31
thebrucei want to create an image of my ubuntu machine18:32
thebruceBeyecixramd, good point18:32
inglorthebruce, oh! there are quite a few alternatives that work as well18:32
mezquitalethebruce, partimage works just fine18:32
nyadhi, I want to remap my extra mouse buttons into keyboard numpad. I play dota in linux and it would be very nice if I could press mouse button and make it use numpadnumber which in the game lets me use inventory. how do I remap the button to the key?18:32
thebrucemezquitale, yea? is that in the repos?18:32
monkey_dustBeyecixramd: try 'testdisk' to run lucid as a virtual machine18:32
mezquitalethebruce, yup yup18:32
Beyecixramd:| what? monkey18:32
thebrucemezquitale, nice. does it run from inside of ubuntu? or do you have to boot to a live environment18:32
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Beyecixramdthebruce: virtual machine == window running another OS18:33
Beyecixramdinside your current os == no rebooting required :D18:33
thebruceBeyecixramd, yeah i know about Vm's just didn't consider it18:33
inglorthebruce, try clonezilla for ghost under linux18:33
Loshathebruce: I've never used it myself, but if you google, you'll find "ghost for linux"...18:33
nastjuidmy manager likes clonezilla18:33
nastjuidand he doesn't like many thing18:33
thebrucei used be a windows/apple guy before i fell in love with android and ubuntu18:33
h00kthebruce: also, look at 'dd'18:33
inglorthebruce, what are you attempting to accomplish?18:34
Beyecixramdthebruce: great move :)18:34
thebruceinglor going to create an image of my ext3 partition18:34
mezquitalethebruce, depends on what you want to do, you can run it on live CD or live environment, live CD is obviously so you can work on your working hard drive, I used partimage to upgrade my HD, partimaged my XP partition, restored to new HD, then installed ubuntustudio from DVD18:34
Beyecixramdinglor: have you tried Kopete, btw?18:34
inglorthebruce, clonezilla is what you're looking for18:34
bondiblueos9I wrote a script that symlinks /dev/tape to the highest numbered /dev/nstX18:34
bondiblueos9if I want that to run at startup, where do I put it?18:35
DanDareHello. It´s possible to have the live Ubuntu version being booted not from the CD but from an external USB drive ?18:35
erUSULbondiblueos9: /etc/rc.local is the easiest solution18:35
bondiblueos9well, actually I guess I could put it as @reboot in crontab18:35
thebruceyes DanDare18:35
inglorBeyecixramd: tried Kopete, it's nice, but I still like pidgin better, if does everything I need it to do... will probably switch to empathy for better OS integration when I upgrade to lucid18:35
erUSULbondiblueos9: but you can look into writting a udev rule for the tape18:35
DanDarethebruce, where should I start looking for it ?18:35
thebrucethere is a utility to create a usbdrive when you run the livecd18:35
BeyecixramdDanDare: use unetbootin, available for Win and Linux18:35
inglorDanDare, yes, but you need a computer able to boot from usb18:35
tomWho is the Chinese people?18:36
DanDareinglor, I know this18:36
thebruceyeah or unetbootin18:36
erUSUL!cn | tom18:36
ubottutom: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk18:36
thebruceDanDare are you in windows machine now?18:36
DanDarethebruce, this utility is included in the CD,... so just choose to install Ubuntu and choose the external drive ?18:36
DanDarethebruce, yes, win7 right now18:36
bondiblueos9erUSUL: my problem is actually this: my external tape drive is /dev/st0 if it is powered on at boot, but I would instead like my internal tape drive to always be /dev/st0; would a udev rule be able to fix that?18:37
BeyecixramdDanDare: that's not the way, use the specific USB creator from inside the LiveCD18:37
watoo#join linuxazur18:37
thebruceno DanDare. when you boot to the livecd. go to System-Admin-Usb Start Creator18:37
tomThank you!18:37
switch10_DanDare: have look here before you do anything..http://www.pendrivelinux.com/18:37
watoojoin #linuxazur18:37
thebruceOR DanDare you can download unetbootin on windows and choose the .iso and the distro18:37
DanDarethanks thebruce. thanks inglor and you all18:37
Beyecixramdwatoo it's /join #channel18:37
IdleOnewatoo: /join18:37
thebruceno problem DanDare18:37
watoothanks idleone18:38
DanDarethebruce, the embeded Ubuntu facility sounds more reasonable right ?18:38
thebruceDanDare, i've used both18:38
thebrucei guess unetbootin is nice so you don't have to boot from a livedisk18:38
DanDareI see18:38
erUSULbondiblueos9: really dunno for sure; you can try look here http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html18:38
DanDareWill check about unetbootin18:38
thebruceunetbootin does a TON of distros18:38
erUSULbondiblueos9: you can give them more descriptive names like /dev/internal_tape i guess18:39
DanDaresounds very cool18:39
thebruceall you do is tell it which distro. point to the .iso and point to the usb drive18:39
thebrucelemme give you alink DanDare18:39
Beyecixramdthebruce: if you have the .ISO, you don't need to specify the distro18:39
h00kthebruce: also, for some, you don't need the Distro and it will grab it from the internets18:39
=== RaMcHiP-Away is now known as RaMcHiP
thebruceahhh yeah trie18:39
Beyecixramdthebruce: the distro selector will automatically download the ISO to install18:39
thebrucegood point Beyecixramd18:39
gunkstasudo apt-get update18:40
thebruceBeyecixramd, is there any Linux distro that is as nice as Ubuntu?18:40
thebrucewith all of the builtin drivers and features18:40
gunkstaoops sorry, wrong window18:40
Beyecixramdthebruce: depends in what you meant as "nice"18:40
Beyecixramdmaybe Elive, or PCLinuxOS18:40
neobosi copied movie from windows into pen drive and im trying to play in linux ubuntu 9.10 its not playing can some one tell me what to do18:41
h00k!codecs | neobos18:41
ubottuneobos: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:41
mezquitaleubunstudio is based on ubuntu, it trumps ubuntu anytime!18:41
DanDarethebruce, but using unetbootin it will arrange for me lastest version of the distros ?18:41
thebruceso "!(word)" brings up the bot?18:41
h00kmezquitale: it depends on what you're using it for18:41
prettyhatemAnyone know how to test the performance on a mdadm raid5 array?  I have a feeling mine is slower then it should be...18:41
Beyecixramdthebruce: Mandriva is cool, too, it includes MP3 codecs and non-free drivers18:41
crucialhoaxthebruce: Mostly, yes18:41
thebruceDanDare, well yeah and if you have and iso it will create that18:42
neobosh00k, what18:42
gunkstare: ubuntustudio - you can do both. See tasksel --list-tasks18:42
Loshathebruce: mint is basically ubuntu with more drivers/codecs/restricted apps ready installed...18:42
Beyecixramdthebruce: also, Mint is based in ubuntu, it's basically Ubuntu + restricted formats + cool tools18:42
flam_hey. I've built my own version/package of wpasupplicant and installed it. Now apt-get wants to replace it with ubuntu's standard version/package. How do I make apt "accept" my new version/package?18:42
Beyecixramdlol Losha....18:42
thebruceohh very nice Beyecixramd18:42
seidl_hi! i have a strange error: i can't edit applets in the panel anymore. also if i try to edit the keys with gconf-editor it says the keys for the panel applets are read only. anybody got an idea on how this could be fixed?18:42
LoshaBeyecixramd: :-)18:42
h00kneobos: You had asked a question, that information will help you18:42
thebruceany android users in the house?18:42
standardHello, I am trying Ubuntu Lucid and apparently the file manager doesn't unblock the partitions on my USB external drive, so that it's impossible for me to mount and use them. Any ideas on the cause?18:42
tomThis can be done online right 1024 * 768?18:43
ubuntu_powerbookI have a concern with my ubuntu installation on my powerbook G4 '12, 1.33 GHz mac.  The computer appears to run pretty warm.  There were a couple of times in my ubuntu 9.04 installation when it shut down.  When I tried to upgrade it to 9.10, it got even worse.  My upgrade to 9.10 was done from CD.  The upgrade feature didn't work in 9.04.  Is there any way around the power issue?18:43
KB1JWQ!lucid | standard18:43
ubottustandard: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:43
mezquitalestandard, lucid is supported in #ubuntu+118:43
monkey_dusthi, my other Linux is installed on /dev/sda8, but i cannot reach it - using GRUB in ubuntu terminal, I type 'install (hd0,7)' and a whole bunch of parameters, but it says 'error 21, disk does not exist' - hints & tips anyone?18:43
h00kthebruce: We try to keep this channel for Ubuntu related questions, your question may be better suited for #ubuntu-offtopic18:43
standardthanks guys18:43
Beyecixramdubuntu_powerbook: maybe... the ACPI in the Mac pcs.... are not 100% compatible with Linux18:43
thebruceh00k gotcha18:43
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DanDarethebruce, ok.. thanks18:43
Beyecixramdubuntu_powerbook: (PC as in Personal Computer)18:43
thebrucethanks for the info h00k18:43
h00kthebruce: no prob18:44
mezquitalemonkey_dust, any reason why you cant just install grub2 to MBR?18:44
neobosh00k, how18:44
h00kneobos: how what?18:44
prettyhatemdoes anyone know where to find any kind of documentation for Palimpest Disk Utility?18:44
prettyhatemgoogle doesnt help18:44
vnghow do I extend the swap space?18:44
thebrucei have an interesting issue. my ubuntu will copy and text that i select w/o me using ctrl+c18:44
ubuntu_powerbooksorry...I have a powerbook G4, 1.33 GHz mac18:45
monkey_dustmezquitale: how do i do that? wait, i'm checking online18:45
bondiblueos9erUSUL: thank you, this looks like it can solve my problem18:45
DanDarethere´s any Ubuntu Desktop 64bit version ?18:45
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h00kDanDare: yes, that exists.18:45
zvacetflam_ : if you don´t want to install version from apt-get then type sudo aptitude hold package_name18:45
thebrucei am using a clipboard utility called Parcellite 0.9.118:45
DanDareh00k, yeah im seeing in here.. it´s ok? can i expect 32bit apps and drivers working flawless in the 64bit version ?18:46
mezquitalemonkey_dust, it could also be that youre using the wrong index, grub2 and grub legacy start counting partitions differently, I think grub legacy started at 0, grub2 starts at 1 so your 7th partition in your first hard drive would be  /dev/sda718:46
blendmaster1024is there an easy eay to *install* to a usb disk? not a liveusb system, a system where the root drive is a partition *on* the usb disk?18:46
pawel__do enyone now some programs to instantly display all system informations --cpu ,temp,on screen18:46
h00kDanDare: there are 64bit equivalents for most software, yeah.18:46
Beyecixramdblendmaster1024: yes, unetbootin or the bundled USB installer on the Ubuntu LiveCD18:47
switch10_blendmaster1024: have a look here http://www.pendrivelinux.com/18:47
DanDareok, but 32bit software will work anyway ?18:47
DanDareon the 64bit OS ?18:47
blendmaster1024Beyecixramd: i don't want liveusb!!! i want it *WITHOUT CASPER*18:47
ASULutzyQuick question, how can I get a list of all the packages that "build-dep" pulls down. For example, I did sudo apt-get build-dep package, which installed several packages, now I would like to force a reinstall of those packages.18:47
Loshaprettyhatem: perhaps something here: http://library.gnome.org/users/palimpsest/2.30/palimpsest.html18:47
vngHow do I extend the swap space in ubuntu?18:47
switch10_blendmaster1024: check the link I gave you...18:47
DanDarevng, you must have enought room on the HDD at first18:48
Beyecixramdblendmaster1024: you mean persistent storage?18:48
switch10_Beyecixramd: yes that is what he means.18:48
vngDanDare: yes, I have18:48
zvacetASULutzy : synaptic>file tab>history18:48
blendmaster1024Beyecixramd: NO!!! /me is annoyed - you're doing exactly what i expected18:48
prettyhatemLosha: yeah I saw that, did you take a look at that link?18:48
blendmaster1024i want to *install*, the same way you would with *ubiquity*18:48
mezquitaleblendmaster1024, installing into USB kinda makes it live USB except the installation is permanent18:49
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Beyecixramdokay, blendmaster1024, you lost your right to get your answer18:49
vngDanDare: And I need to extend the swap. Please help18:49
Beyecixramdat least from me, blendmaster102418:49
DanDarevng, allright, you run fdisk, delete the swat partition, then create a new one (with the same fdisk). After creation you can use 'mkswap' to set it18:49
Loshaprettyhatem: I just did. There's nothing there, is there?18:49
DanDarevng, this ara the general steps18:49
DanDarevng, take a look into mkswap command and fdisk18:50
zaxonspoxvng use GParted select SWAP and Resize it18:50
prettyhatemLosha: nope its pretty bad....  Do you know of any kind of hard drive benchmarking software I could install?18:50
DanDarevng, http://www.faqs.org/docs/linux_admin/x1762.html18:50
ASULutzyzvacet: Hmmm, that doesn't seem to show things i brought down with apt-get build-dep ? or at least it's not organized... I have an idea, could someone PM me with what packages "apt-get build-dep wesnoth" attempts to install?18:50
vngDanDare, zaxonspox : Thank you!18:50
Loshavng: 3 ways: expand the existing swap partition, add a new swap partition, or add a swap file...18:50
zvacetvng: shrunk partition next to swap and on that unalocated space extend swap18:50
DanDarevng, this sounds good for you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1262862 but not read or tested18:51
zaxonspoxLosha just for info, which way would you choose?18:51
Loshaprettyhatem: I just use dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/diskdrive to get a rough idea of throughput.18:51
zvacetASULutzy : they are deb files right? you should be able to find them by day of installation18:51
prettyhatemLosha: awesome thanks18:51
vngThanks all, I'm refering your links18:51
h00kprettyhatem: be careful, don't do that on a drive with data!18:52
DanDarevng, you can delete the actual swap partition and do what "dstew" say on that post18:52
swebwhat's the major differents between of debian and ubuntu ?18:52
prettyhatemhaha was just going to ask that18:52
h00kprettyhatem: that command will write zeroes to your drive18:52
h00kLosha: be careful when telling people that command.18:52
Loshazaxonspox: well, there's nothing significant between them in terms of performance, so it depends if the existing partition is easily expandable or not, or if there's room to add a new one. If not, then a swapfile is the way to go...18:53
BluesKajASULutzy, check wesnoth in synaptic18:53
DanDareyeah, it´s like "press ALT+F4" to fix it now18:53
ASULutzyzvacet: Basically, something got corrupted in my 10.04 install. I just installed a fresh 10.04 in a VM and I am able to compile wesnoth from source. I attempted to run sudo debsums -a -s to check if maybe a cosmic ray did it, but that didn't lead anywhere. So I'm attempting to reinstall the packages that "apt-get build-dep wesnoth" brought down... As a side question, is there any chance that being on a pae kernel could cause gcc to segfault? (that's the real p18:53
muskask8I need help getting my logitech camera working in skype18:53
prettyhatemHas anyone used Bonnie to check their drives?18:54
Loshaprettyhatem: thanks for watching my back, h00k, I *meant* to say  dd if=/dev/zero of=<some disk file>18:54
ASULutzyzvacet: So yea, fresh 10.04 install in a VM, compiles fine, my host 10.04 install, gcc segfaults, I may just reinstall clean, might be easier than trying to figure out what is going on18:54
h00kLosha: either way, it is still dangerous telling people that command if they don't understand what it does.18:54
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!18:54
bluelagunaIs there any way to downgrade from grub2 to the original grub?18:54
zvacetASULutzy : try to find answer on #ubuntu+118:55
monkey_dusthi, about GRUB on MBR -- i did 'grub-install /dev/sda', but now i have to enter the settings manually -- hints & tips anyone18:55
BluesKajASULutzy, you can use your package manager to install wesnoth on 10.04 , no need to compile18:55
Loshah00k: I agree. Sometimes I forget. prettyhatem: are you listening?18:55
muskask8I need help getting my logitech camera working in skype18:55
mezquitalemonkey_dust, you have to enter what settings manually?!?  can you boot up to your linux OS?18:55
zaxonspoxbluelaguna https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Uninstalling%20GRUB%20218:55
prettyhatemLosha: yeah I am hearing this, thanks for the info though.  I was gonna ask if it was gonna zero out the drive18:56
bluelagunazaxonspox: thanks18:56
monkey_dustmezquitale: i am in linux now, so yes18:56
monkey_dustmezquitale: but there is no menu anymore18:56
h00kprettyhatem: there's a disk utility that can be used to benchmark your drive18:56
mezquitalemonkey_dust, so you installed grub2 in your MBR?  you have more than one OS on your machine?18:56
muskask8I need help getting my logitech camera working in skype18:56
ASULutzyBluesKaj: I need 1.8, not 1.65, zvacet: It's not really a 10.04 specific issue per say. Which is why I asked the question is there a simple way to get a list of what apt-get build-dep packageName pulls down. If I look at the dependencies in synaptic it just lists like wesnoth-data (and not libs and stuff). Anyway, forget it, I'll just reinstall, not worth chasing so many phantoms down, though I am a little scared that somehow something got seriously busted (ei18:57
h00kprettyhatem: I don't remember what it's functions are on Karmic, but on Lucid it can do a read-only benchmark and a read/write benchmark on a fresh drive18:57
ki0waI'm following this tutorial: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/02/howto-mplayer-with-coreavc-better-hd.html | I've a problem @ this step $make : http://pastie.org/923536 . THANKS!!18:57
prettyhatemh00k: is it called bonnie?  I just did some google searches18:57
monkey_dustmezquitale: yes, ubuntu, centos and mint18:57
h00kprettyhatem: no, it is in System -> Adminsitration -> Disk Utility18:57
Beyecixramdmezquitale: the MBR is not big enoughm to store *anything* at all, you only can store there a link to the actual bootloader18:57
prettyhatemahh okay18:57
mezquitalemonkey_dust, sudo update-grub, then reboot18:57
monkey_dustaw rite18:57
test12349Hi, does anyone know if it is possible to set windows to load up on the next boot?18:58
prettyhatemh00k: oh you mean that Palimpsest Disk Utility18:58
prettyhatemh00k: yeah I am trying to find any kind of documentation on that program but cant really18:58
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Beyecixramdtest12349: it is possible to set up Windows to load automatically EVERY time18:58
h00kprettyhatem: that's it, yeah.18:58
mezquitaleBeyecixramd, precisely, sometimes grub2 needs a little help after you install on MBR to link to the whatever OS bootloaders you want it to point to, upgrade-grub usually does the trick18:58
nastjuidoh look, it works when I use the right port :(18:59
h00kubottu: tell test12349 about grub218:59
ubottutest12349, please see my private message18:59
ki0waI'm following this tutorial: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/02/howto-mplayer-with-coreavc-better-hd.html | I've a problem @ this step $make : http://pastie.org/923536 . THANKS!!18:59
jabbahello, i once asked in #ubuntu.de before, but didn't get a solution, so i ask my question here again: If i plug in my NTFS-formatted usb-drive (running gnome as desktop) the drive gets mounted autimatically. The problem i have is that the files on the drive are then mounted with the ownership jabba:jabba. But I want it mounted as jabba:users. If I put an according line in the fstab (defining uid and gid) gnome shows me an error when i plu18:59
jabbag in the decice, telling me that the unprevileged user can't mount this.18:59
nastjuidubottu: tell nastjuid about grub219:00
ubottunastjuid, please see my private message19:00
lubsehello, I work with big datasets, I was wondering if there is a good replacement program for office Excel 2010, open office is not good, because it can only read 1/3 of the dataset due max columns and rows reached19:00
Beyecixramdplease, shorter questions, jabba, that amount of text is annoying/unreadable19:00
jabbaBeyecixramd, sorry i wanted to be as precise as possible19:00
chrometigercan anyone point me to a good tutorial on how to completely clone my drive with Ubuntu to another new drive "bigger drive"  with everything i have already installed  etc.19:00
Smoodolubse: Numeric perhaps?19:00
inglorlubse, you can run excel with wine if you'd like19:00
nastjuidnote the directory it's mounted to, remove drive, create directory, set chown -R jabba:users /media/mountpoint19:01
Beyecixramdjabba, say your problem, then answer questions, don't put that amount of text, because it's almost impossible to read it having in mind the amount of people asking here at the same time19:01
jabbanastjuid, i did19:01
h00kchrometiger: see the man page for 'dd'19:01
mezquitalechrometiger, try partimage19:01
Smoodolubse: http://projects.gnome.org/gnumeric/19:01
test12349Beyecixramd: its not what i meant,19:02
chrometigerk,   everything i see on  dd   say's i need to make a partition on the new drive  exact same size  is this true19:02
Loshajabba: lot of short attention spans around. Try adding the user option from the 'man mount' page. Not sure if it works for ntfs volumes...19:02
h00kchrometiger: you could then resize it19:02
h00kchrometiger: once it's on the other drive, with gparted19:03
test12349i asked if it is possible to set (while on ubuntu, not the bios or anything lower like GRUB) the next boot to be windows19:03
test12349so i can "click a button" instead of waiting for grub to load and change the boot19:03
lubseSmoodo, this can deal with big datasets?19:03
jabbanastjuid, i discovered that the problem is ntfs-3g not having fuse built in. Losha the weird thing is, that if i do "sudo mount /media/mountpoint" froma console it works fine. (and yes I used "users" as an option)19:03
jabbaif i do it with the user jabba from the console i get the same error, but why does it work without the fstab line then?19:04
nastjuidwas going to ask if you were using native or ntfs-3g. I was under the impression that ntfs-3g had all options built in, and you'd only need to install fuse and re-attach to make it work19:04
flammerI've built my own version/package of wpasupplicant and installed it. Now apt-get wants to replace it with ubuntu's standard version/package. How do I make apt "accept" my new version/package?19:05
nastjuidjabba: i try not to question why things work when they finally work :)19:05
zoopialguém teve problemas para instalar o receitanet ?19:05
h00k!es | zoopi19:05
ubottuzoopi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:05
Proculeis there a way to use 'dpkg' to look to the description of a the original file in the package ? like the modification date and the size ?19:06
Loshajabba: I thought the point of the 'users' option is so you don't have to sudo to mount the volume...19:06
Proculedpkg -L only lists the files without more info19:06
jabbaLosha, exactly19:06
muskask8can someone help me get my logitech webcam to work in skype?19:07
muskask8can someone help me get my logitech webcam to work in skype?19:08
jabbamuskask8, once is enough19:08
jabbamuskask8, more details :)19:08
nastjuidplug it in, plug it in19:08
* nastjuid flinches19:08
jabbanastjuid, what did you mean with native ntfs?19:09
muskask8well it's a logitech quickcam cummunicate stx, the video part with work in cheese, except it won't record, only take pictures, and when I try using it in skype there's nothing19:09
jabbaisn't that all ntfs-3g nowadays?19:09
LoshaProcule: If you have the deb file, you can use dpkg --contents <debfile> to see an ls -l type listing of the contents. Does that help?19:09
nastjuidthe last time I built a kernel, I noted there was native ntfs with write support19:10
nastjuidthat was years ago, though19:10
nastjuidwhen I was masochistic and used gentoo19:10
jabbaw/o write support19:10
jabbame too :)19:10
ProculeLosha, thanks19:10
jabbathen i was enlighted by ubuntu :D19:10
jabbaafter years of compiling19:11
Smoodolubse: Just a second..  I'm going to test with a CSV with a few million rows.19:11
nastjuidhell, i woulda switched to anything with public package repositories and didn't have to wait for everything to build19:11
Loshajabba: amen...19:11
jabbathough it never got boring19:11
nastjuidjabba: i took a step back and looked at the 6 machines running distcc and ccache and decided it was time to do things easier19:11
frxstremwhy does the Remote Desktop server in Ubuntu only work when I don't need it, and not when I actually need it?19:14
h00kfrxstrem: murphy's law :(19:14
zaxonspoxto not let you get bored19:14
frxstremh00k: haha :) well, it does makes sense19:15
nastjuidthe only 'murhpy's law' I know, is "An ale at 5, and each hour after"19:15
AnxiousNutIs there a nintendo DS emulator for ubuntu?19:16
bondiblueos9why is udevinfo not found?19:16
inglorAnxiousNut: yes19:17
inglorAnxiousNut: DeSmuME19:17
npopebondiblueos9: what does "which udevinfo" say19:17
AnxiousNutfor linux?19:18
AnxiousNutinglor: is it in the repo?19:18
bondiblueos9npope: nothing19:18
inglorAnxiousNut, lemme check19:18
npopebondiblueos9: then its not installed19:18
npopebondiblueos9: apt-get install udevinfo19:18
cjohnstonIs there any facial recognition software for Ubuntu?19:19
bondiblueos9npope: how do I install it? apt-get install udev info said Couldn't find package udevinfo19:19
npopebondiblueos9: then some other package provides it19:19
inglorAnxiousNut: nope19:19
inglorAnxiousNut: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Emulators/DeSmuME-21461.shtml19:19
juancahi, can anyone help me with dual boot please?19:20
npopebondiblueos9: aptitude search udevinfo19:20
cjohnstonjuanca: just ask your question19:20
inglorjuanca: what seems to be the problem19:20
AnxiousNutinglor: but i found it on my 9.04!! desmume19:20
frxstremAnxiousNut: then just try to install it - it will probably work (I found it on 9.10 too)19:20
juancasure, sorry... I've just installed windows7 and ubuntu 9.10, but now i cannot enter windows19:20
inglorAnxiousNut: odd, didn't find it in my 9.10, maybe it's in the 9.04 repos, well good luck with it, worked for me19:21
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:21
BluesKajbondiblueos9, try installing udev19:21
AnxiousNutinglor: but frxstrem found it in 9.10, go check again19:21
npopebondiblueos9: apt-get install udev19:21
smcthe LTR for Ubuntu is 9.04, Right?19:21
inglorAnxiousNut: well, enjoy it :)19:22
inglorsmc, the LTS you mean?19:22
smcAnd How long is it supported?19:22
smcinglor yes19:22
azertyuiohi there19:22
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inglorsmc, lemme think, well I think it's 8.1019:22
azertyuiois there anyone here ?19:22
BluesKajsmc, nope LTS is going to be 10.0419:22
inglorsmc, but 10.4 will be lts19:22
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)19:22
inglorseems to be 8.04 :)19:23
h00k!ask | azertyuio19:23
ubottuazertyuio: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:23
smcyes but 10.4 isn't out yet is it?19:23
azertyuiowell i got a small problem with my server19:23
azertyuioi got this error message19:23
azertyuio http://paste.ubuntu.com/415693/19:23
azertyuioppl on mysql say that's linux problem19:23
gmatti think i am going to stick with 9.10 for now...19:24
h00kazertyuio: for future reference, try to keep everything on one line19:24
sm_`morning all! how do I get evolution to play sound when sending mail ?19:24
inglorsmc, it will be in about 2 weeks, you can get 9.10 now and upgrade19:25
sm_`like apple mail's WHOOSH19:25
zaxonspoxazertyuio mysql -u root -h 82.32.x.x -p <enter> then pass and replace x with number19:25
azertyuio!ask| h00k19:25
ubottuh00k: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:25
=== jmrodri is now known as jmrodri-afk
smc(.10 has a lot of bugs in it.19:25
azertyuioyes of course19:25
azertyuiothe x is replaced by number,  i just hide it for now19:25
inglorsmc, I have not run into a single bug in every dat use :P19:26
azertyuioby doing that it gives this19:26
azertyuioroot@homebox:/home/voipmonk# mysql -u uroot -h82.32.x.x -pvoippassword19:26
azertyuioERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '82.32.x.x' (111)19:26
overmind!paste > azertyuio19:26
ubottuazertyuio, please see my private message19:26
npopeazertyuio: pastebin that19:26
smcso lets see, 8.04 that would mean it's got another year of support on the desktop19:26
zaxonspoxazertyuio are you connecting NOT locally? it is remote connection?19:27
azertyuiowhere 82.32.x. it my my ip adress19:27
azertyuioyes i can able to connect it on localhost19:27
azertyuiothere issue is only on remote connection19:27
diagonis there any book where all the linux commands are given ?19:28
diagoni am searching for one19:28
npopediagon: man19:28
npopediagon: info19:28
inglordiagon, what do you mean by "linux commands"?19:28
smcinglor, the ubuntu one is my biggest grief, I was a fool to turn it on and haven't been able to turn it off. and it's real buggy19:28
zaxonspoxazertyuio also you want to connect not from localhost, but localhost works19:28
inglordiagon: if you want to know stuff about a command you can see the manual for it, it's all on your computer19:28
inglorsmc, actually, I can't comment on that because I never used ubuntu one, just never found it useful19:28
oggyhi everyone19:29
diagoninglor: elaborate19:29
npopediagon: type "info" in a terminal... it has instructions for commands19:29
inglordiagon, well, if you want to know how the ls command for one works just type in terminal "man ls"19:29
smcwell once it's truned on your pretty well stuck with it.19:29
azertyuioyes for me localhost i don't want i just need the remote connection19:29
azertyuiothanks to cooporate19:29
inglordiagon, if you want to learn bash (the shell) there are good guides online, I wouldn't but a book19:29
azertyuioi pass one day with this issue19:30
zaxonspoxazertyuio /etc/mysql/my.cnf and add your public IP19:30
diagoninglor: thanx19:30
phazerhow do i update my system to lucid?19:31
ikonia!lucid | phazer19:31
ubottuphazer: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:31
Dr_WillisI find that Oriealy (sp?) book on bash to be very very helpfull.. but i did buy it from the bargin bin. :) for $6 its worth it even if it is  the older version of the book.19:31
nastjuidI like my distros like I like my women19:31
oggyWho can help me with microphone on notebook Acer TravelMate 5512? It's does not work!19:31
nastjuidunstable and always going down19:31
azertyuioplz wait19:31
ikonianastjuid: that comment is unacceptable for this channel - please stop19:32
ikonia!guidelines > nastjuid19:32
ubottunastjuid, please see my private message19:32
azertyuioi post you my settting with that file19:32
ikonia!coc > nastjuid19:32
jabbanastjuid, i found a bug-report according to my problem19:32
ikonianastjuid: ubottu has sent you some lins, please take a look at them19:32
nastjuidjabba: cool19:32
nastjuidikonia: thanks19:33
jabbahope the package distributors change that some day again, but now i will have to compile ntfs-3g19:33
sfearsoggy: open up a terminal window and type alsamixer.. make sure the microphone level is turned up19:33
zaxonspoxoggy make sure its not muted as many have19:34
oggyzaxonspox: all on and mic not muted19:35
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gmonniei just downloaded a new screensaver from gnome-look, can anyone tell me how to add it to my screensaver list19:35
DaleI just got told to move stuff into .Xdefaults/.Xresources19:36
Daleis that the folder, or either file?19:36
gmonnieanybody know how to add new screensavers in 9.1019:37
diagonwhat is maltego?19:38
diagoni have it pre installed in ma linux19:38
gmonniei have no clue19:39
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coz_diagon, http://www.paterva.com/web4/19:40
Dr_WillisTgeres some extra screensavers in the repositories19:40
bondiblueos9is there a command line command to generate a system beep?19:40
Dr_Willis theres the gnome screensavers and the xscreensaver packages also.19:40
Dr_Willisbondiblueos9:  yes. I think its called 'beep'19:40
bondiblueos9haha, ok; I should have just tried that19:40
histobondiblueos9: beep19:41
DekkoHello everybody! :)19:41
histobondiblueos9: its not installed by default though there is a way to do it with default install let me find it for you19:41
gmonnieive got the screensaver i want, i just dont know how to add it19:41
DekkoI was wondering if I could get some support here. The scenario is as follows:19:41
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Dr_Williswillis@cow:~$ ps ax | grep gdm19:42
Dr_Willis  980 ?        Ssl    0:00 gdm-binary19:42
blendmaster1024oh NOES! how do i make ubiquity install to a flash drive? i can't see my flash drive in the ubuiquity partitioner!19:42
Dr_Willisoops  wrong channel. :)19:42
PrestonConnorsHello, I am experiencing an AppArmor / libvirt issue. AppArmor seems to be denying libvirt access to one of my VM disks. Here is relevant error output and aa-status output: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/9f00Mnbu  Any insight would be greatly appreciated!19:42
PrestonConnorsThis is on Ubuntu 9.10 amd6419:43
Dr_Willisblendmaster1024:  odd. it saw mine.  Perhaps delete all partions on the flash drive first..19:43
nosse1What's the deal with Firefox and flash player ATM? I get upgrade warning on YouTube, yet I have the latest version19:43
auzigogQuestion: how do I use a bash script to run another script that prompts for input, capture that prompt, and force my own input into it?19:43
DekkoSet up file and printer sharing between Ubuntu 9.04 and Windows 7 box using SAMBA under Gnome. I can join the windows workgroup and see the computers there - but I can NOT browse them - DBUS error. I can also see the computer from Windows and see the shared folder but I can NOT access it. I *can* use the Windows PRINTER though from the Ubuntu box with no problems. But NO working filesharing.19:43
nosse1I'm running Karmic amd64, BTW19:43
azertyuiosorry for the delay this the file http://paste.ubuntu.com/415706/ zaxonspox19:43
blendmaster1024Dr_Willis: that seems counter intuitive but ok19:43
pixilauzigog: Why does the bash script need to call another script?19:44
zaxonspoxnosse1 once i had similar issue, but some other youtube  videos were played normally19:44
pixilauzigog: you need to read the bash scripting guide at tldp.org.19:44
bondiblueos9auzigog: there is something that will let you do that, but it might be easier to solve your specific problem another way19:44
histobondiblueos9: also make sure pcspkr isn't blacklisted /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf19:44
Dr_Willisblendmaster1024:  it saw my flash drives with no issue. You are trying to kick it in the head.. so ive no idea why its not seeing them..19:44
pixilread -r variable will wait for input and will assign $variable to the value of what you type in.19:44
nosse1zaxonspox: I get the same thing all over (on other sites which req'd flash)19:44
Dr_Willisblendmaster1024:  if you do a full install to a flash drive.. dont forget to tell grub to Install to the flash drive as the last step19:44
azertyuiowhere i have to add my public ip ? zaxonspox19:45
azertyuiosorry for the delay this the file http://paste.ubuntu.com/415706/ zaxonspox19:45
blendmaster1024Dr_Willis: i know19:45
Dekkoany help would be GREATLY appreciated here....19:45
DekkoAbout to tear my hair out.19:45
pixilazertyuio: Why aren't you asking #Mysql ?19:46
nosse1zaxonspox: But you dont have this issue ATM? You don't happen to run amd64 and karmic?19:46
themwis 4 GB Ram and ATI-graphics-card (HDXXXX) fixed?19:46
azertyuiothe return to you19:46
uRockIf I were to install Jaunty in a tripple boot with Lucid and W7 already installed and I want to keep Lucid's grub as the grub loader, do I install Jaunty's grub in Jaunty's / partition?19:46
gmonniedont want to seem impatient, but if anyone knows how to add/install screensavers, could you please help me19:47
bondiblueos9Dekko, I feel your pain, but alas I cannot help; I've never solved my samba problems and usually work around them, often by using something else19:47
azertyuioihere for them it is not a mysql issue19:47
zaxonspoxnosse1 amd64 and 9.0419:47
azertyuiozaxonspox: said something interesting but i don't know where to add my public ip on my.cnf ?19:47
zaxonspoxazertyuio on line 53 you should have a bind-address = <yourIP>19:48
Dekkobondiblueos9: work around it using what?19:48
DekkoI mean I wouldn't be getting so pissed off at this if it wasn't for the fact that printing works like a CHARM!19:48
azertyuioare you refering this post ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/415706/ when you say line 53 ??19:49
[Spooky]My rightclick inside Firefox have stopped working, is this common?19:49
jeroenHhey there.  Question:  I have an desktop and laptop. I want tot connect my desktop (wired) to my laptop and use the laptops internet connection (wireless)..  you guys know how to set this up?19:49
jibadeehawish i could remove the "On This Computer" folder in Evolution - so annoying when i use IMAP19:49
bondiblueos9histo: how do I make the changes to the blacklist take affect?19:50
histo!ics | jeroenH19:50
ubottujeroenH: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php19:50
histobondiblueos9: comment out the blacklist pcspkr line19:50
histobondiblueos9: then you can modprobe pcspkr19:50
=== darksider is now known as darksider`afk
DekkoSet up file and printer sharing between Ubuntu 9.04 and Windows 7 box using SAMBA under Gnome. I can join the windows workgroup and see the computers there - but I can NOT browse them - DBUS error. I can also see the computer from Windows and see the shared folder but I can NOT access it. I *can* use the Windows PRINTER though from the Ubuntu box with no problems. But NO working filesharing.19:51
bondiblueos9histo: awesome, thanks19:51
bondiblueos9now I can beep away19:51
auzigogbondiblueos9, pixil: i'm trying to write a script to fully automate the installation of ispCP (if you have any experience with it, that'd be awesome). It has some standard command line prompts. and then some "command line gui" prompts with a blue background and buttons. would except work for both?19:51
histobondiblueos9: also I found this http://www.carcosa.net/jason/software/beep/19:51
jeroenHubottu, thanks!19:52
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:52
zaxonspoxazertyuio yes19:52
=== reh_cubitus is now known as regfra
heloi installed ubuntu on a thumb drive... can i boot from that and install ubuntu on a local disk?19:54
[Spooky]Need big help with my Firefox... I cant rightcklick and cant click on File... And so on...19:54
Dr_Willishelo:   You did a normnal install? not a live-cd type setup with unetbootin or usb-disk-creator?19:54
heloright... is there a package that contians the ubuntu installer?19:55
heloi could change it pretty quickly if necessary :)19:55
histohelo: yes19:56
histohelo: how ddid you create the usb?19:56
theadminIs there a way to minimize an app to tray on it's startup (GNOME)? (Note: app does not provide this functionality)19:56
Bendlashi folks19:56
zaxonspox{Spooky] even with accessing to this menu witl ALT+F or ALT+E ?19:56
Dr_Willistheadmin:  i recakk some tools in the repos that can do that.. i just cant rember its name.. (alltray?)19:57
theadminnevermind, figured. Alltray seems to do so19:57
theadminDr_Willis: Yep, guessed right :D19:57
auzigogQuestion: What's the name for the toolkit that allows you to display "windows" on the command line? it looks similar to windows 9519:57
[Spooky]zaxonspox: Ah that did the trick, thanks.. ;)19:57
Dr_Willistheadmin:  :) i recall several for windows that also do that.19:57
theadminDr_Willis: Who cares of windows? That app (Teamviewer) DOES minimize to tray on Windows19:58
grendal_primehey i need to limit access to a user to just a few commands...like tar...19:58
zetharx1when i am trying to connect to my network using 802.11, my "networkmanager applet" icon will disappear from the system tray.  how can i get it back?19:58
grendal_primedoes that make sence?19:58
zaxonspoxtheadmin TV does minimize, by its own menu19:59
Dr_Willistheadmin:  i belive with the gnome-3 stuff 'in the works' they are trying to clarify what stuff should and shoudent go to the tray :) we will have to see if things get better organized. It would be nice to have some sort of 'place' one can stick any app/minimuzed to get it out of the way19:59
theadminzaxonspox: In the Linux release?19:59
bondiblueos9what is the first alphabetical character?19:59
bondiblueos9I mean, which character is sorted first20:00
theadminbleh, alltray misunderstood what i want to minimize XD and it minimizes TV's contact list, not the thing itself20:00
bondiblueos9probably some punctuation20:00
zaxonspoxthe admin i have tested it yesterday, but as i remeber, ther was a small menu with arrow to doe many things20:00
erUSULbondiblueos9: what app ? usually that things depend on the locale20:01
ChogyDantheadmin: maybe devilspie? or something like that.  I forget the name20:01
fiveopanother key layout related problem: the default configuration for the win key before lucid allowed me to configure in the Keyboard Shortcuts window, that win key pressed opened terminals. Now any option under Keyboard->Options->Alt/Win Key behaviour does not change the win key from being interpreted as Mod420:01
bondiblueos9erUSUL: tar; I want to tar a bunch of files but I want to rename a specific one so that it is listed by tar -t at the beginning of the archive20:02
smthi folks20:02
SirStanIs there a document that shows how to force updates to an ubuntu machine?  We've got a number of kiosks for a lbirary and want to force them to just blindly isntall updates.  bonus points for emails on errors.20:04
Loshabondiblueos9: I don't think tar sorts the files, so if you name them members explicitly they will get tar-ed in the order on the command line. Try it and see...20:04
erUSULSirStan: pass -y to aptitude20:05
J_CSince a recent upgrade of firefox I'm no longer able to access hotmail. Anyone else seen this problem?20:05
kutahow to convert jpg to pdf?20:05
datacrusherkuta, open and print20:05
C-S-B-N900kuta print to pdf20:05
ttl-i'm having a problem not being able to install 9.10 or 10.04 beta2, the system seems to freezes randomly without showing an error message, i suspect the onboard intel GFX 82945G is responsible, in the Xorg log i see an error X not being able to load module i810 loading the VESA module...20:05
azertyuiothanks a lot zaxonspox working your method20:06
JoshuaLSirDidi, it is possible to install security updates automatically, you can find it in the update-manager settings20:06
azertyuior u there  ?20:06
kutadatacrusher: different from windows20:06
datacrusheri use ubuntu 9.1020:06
datacrusherjust open it and choose print to file20:06
SirStanthx for the help.20:06
zaxonspoxazertyuio me?20:06
kutaC-S-B-N900: dun have print to pdf20:06
C-S-B-N900kuta: pdf=printed document file20:06
azertyuioyes, even mysql ppl not have the reflex20:06
azertyuioto troubleshoot it like that20:07
werdnativportable document format20:07
azertyuioyou are great thanks20:07
zaxonspoxazertyuio mayby it is too obvious for them20:07
tumiiWhy does ubuntu give me sound only from left speaker when starting computer or even sometimes when changing song on audacious? It does work when I go to Sound Settings -> Hardware(or wtf it is) and Profile and change it to another one and then back to what it was, and then it'll work. But how could I make it that it always gives sound from both speakers?20:07
C-S-B-N900kuta: yes, just print, select print to file and choose pdf20:07
J_CSince a recent upgrade of firefox I'm no longer able to access hotmail. Anyone else seen this problem? (ubuntu 9.10 standard upgrade)20:07
Loshakuta: or open with the 'display' command (from ImageMagick) and then save -> format -> pdf....20:07
werdnativI have a server running Dapper LTS, is there a backport package to update clamav?20:07
kutaC-S-B-N900: got it thank you20:07
smthi, sorry for asking here, but i cant join into php, so if here´s any web dev who could propably answer me an advanced question regarding sessions and time limits i would be very pleased if you could contact me by msg20:08
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azertyuioi don't think so, i pass one day20:08
azertyuiofrom this morning 8:00 am20:08
mastereduCan anyone pls check my bug report ? >>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/55985320:08
azertyuiosomeone told me to install phpmyadmin because it better20:08
Loshasmt: are you registered? Many channels require registration nowadays...20:09
azertyuioi got headteach with this20:09
azertyuiothx a lot20:09
smtlosha im not shure20:09
Losha!nick | smt20:09
ubottusmt: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Freenode.20:09
Losha!register | smt20:09
ubottusmt: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode20:09
tumiiWhy does ubuntu give me sound only from left speaker when starting computer or even sometimes when changing song on audacious? It does work when I go to Sound Settings -> Hardware(or wtf it is) and Profile and change it to another one and then back to what it was, and then it'll work. But how could I make it that it always gives sound from both speakers?20:10
nyhcjediis it safe to trust software updates for sudo?20:10
werdnativhelp please, need to resolve this on ubuntu dapper 6 LTS: http://www.clamav.net/lang/en/2009/10/05/eol-clamav-094/20:11
werdnativapt-get upgrade doesn't get anything more recent. This is my sources.list: http://pastie.org/92365420:11
whiteyI would keep sudo patched since its a security feature20:11
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zaxonspoxsmt what about php?20:11
nyhcjedithanks whitey20:11
whiteynyhcjedi: np20:11
whiteyhas anyone played around with the 10.04 beta?20:12
histowhitey: yes its discussion is in #ubuntu+120:12
erUSULwhitey: #ubuntu+1 people have20:12
smtthanks losha, i know i registered it once, but somehow it seems it got lost20:13
Loshasmt: I think they time out if you don't use them...20:14
J_Csmt: Yeah, I believe there is a 90 day timeout if not used20:14
rrstiffHello friends,20:15
Loshasmt: just re-register. It's free and I get a toaster oven every time a new person registers...20:16
C-S-B-N900rrstiff: hello.20:16
rrstiffI am looking for help transferring files onto an external drive-20:16
erUSUL!ask | rrstiff20:16
ubotturrstiff: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:16
rrstiffMy filesystem is corrupted, and I need to reinstall Ubuntu20:16
smtlol losha, so u got anotherone ;)20:17
alabdgood day all , is terminal bash ?20:17
zaxonspoxLosha is it an toaster oven image? :P20:17
Loshasmt: cool, soon I can open my own restaurant, as long as the only thing it serves is...toast...20:17
rrstiffI cannot log on to my computer, and have booted  the computer from the Ubuntu live 9.10 CD; I am trying to copy my Home folder, but do not have permission.20:18
smtlosha: hmm might work in america20:18
C-S-B-N900rrstiff: chown it.20:18
nyhcjediwhere do i go to download the nonfree flas20:18
rrstiffCan you explain, "chown"?20:18
_stryk3rhi. what is the terminal command to get information on my wireless card?20:18
Loshaalabd: yes, *usually* terminal is bash...20:18
J_Cman chown20:18
|Belenus|Hey can someone help me fix my broken Eclipse Galileo on Karmic?20:19
alabdLosha, ubuntu 9.0420:19
rrstiffdo I type, "man chown" in terminal?20:19
theadminnyhcjedi: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer20:19
erUSULrrstiff: use sudo ; sudo tar cvzf /backup/disk/mount/point/home.tgz /mount/point/of/home/username20:19
J_Cchown -> change ownership20:19
Loshaalabd: you can choose other shells, but if you just take the defaults, it will be bash...20:19
J_Cor chmod -> change permissions, your choice20:20
theadminJ_C: CHange MODe actually20:20
rrstiffThank you, erUSUL, I will try your command.20:20
alabdLosha, thanks20:20
J_Ctrue but some don't know that ownership and mode is the same20:20
erUSULrrstiff: that will make one archive of all the home contents be sure the fs you are creating it can hold it ( fat has a limit of ~ 4GiB )20:21
cllaudyuhow can i set pppoe connection to the internet?20:22
|Belenus|Does anyone know why the dependent packages for default-jre for Karmic 404 when i try to install them?20:22
smt_stryk3r: try iwconfig (its part of wireless-tools)20:23
taylorI'm kind of a newb and I am having trouble with workspaces on Karmic Koala. I have enabled two spaces but for some reason I can't switch from one to another. Any ideas of how to fix this?20:23
theadmin|Belenus|: Sounds like your mirror is down20:23
|Belenus|the only mirror is security.ubuntu or something similar20:24
zaxonspoxtaylor can you open a window in one workspace and then click to another?20:24
inglorDoes anyone know a good human anatomy linux program? kind of like ADAM in windows20:24
J_CI meant mode and permissions :-)20:25
taylorNo nothing happens when I click on the other space in the bottom corner of my screen20:25
overmindinglor: You can execute most of win programms with Wine20:25
rrstiffI'm not sure I understand how to type an appropriate  chown statement20:25
inglorovermind, that did not answer my question20:25
theadminrrstiff: Example: chown 777 file20:25
zaxonspoxtaylor CTRL+ALT+<arrow_left/right>20:25
C-S-B-N900theadmin: wrong20:25
inglorovermind, plus I couldn't find ADAM in the wine db20:25
_stryk3rsmt sorry for late reply thanks20:26
theadminrrstiff: Oops, that's a chmod. Example (correct one): chown user:group file20:26
C-S-B-N900rrstiff: chown -R user /home20:26
cornbreadHi.  I just installed sun-java6-jdk, however, when I run /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/javac nothing happens.  Whats up with that?20:26
theadminYou can omit the 'user' or the ':group' parts at wish20:26
taylorzaxonspox: nothing happens20:26
rrstiffDoes 777 mean all access to everyone?  How do I point the chown command at the home directory on the computer's Hard Disk drive?20:26
tertittenafter disabling compiz ALT+TAB shortcut got disabled, how do I enable that shortcut to swap windows ?20:27
=== foxbuntu` is now known as foxbuntu
C-S-B-N900rrstiff: 777 = rwx to everyone20:28
C-S-B-N900rrstiff: you probably dont want to do that.20:28
|Belenus|tertitten: try system>preferences>keyboard shortcuts20:28
taylorzaxonspox: any suggestions?20:28
zaxonspoxtaylor no clue, do you use compiz?20:29
inglorDoes anyone know a good human anatomy linux program? kind of like ADAM in windows20:29
taylorzaxonspox: yes I do20:29
jsec_laptop!repeat | inglor20:29
ubottuinglor: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:29
taylorzaxonspox: I don't use many features though20:29
zaxonspoxtaylor oo, how many workspaces? do you enabled Cube plugin?20:30
taylorzaxonspox: just two workspaces, I tried to enable the plugin but it didnt work for some reason20:31
zaxonspoxtaylor get some error? try setting 4 workspaces20:31
|Belenus|is it possible to install a package like 'openjdk-6-jre-lib 6b16-1.6.1-3ubuntu1 ' when the only mirror "security.ubuntu.com" give me 404 not found error?20:31
hololightLooking for older versions of iwlwifi5000 firmware. Most distros are shipping ver3 and also that is the only ver available at Intel's site. Thoughts? (Not in a situation where I can just upgrade kernel/ module.20:31
frostburndear reddit, how should i spend my paycheck20:32
hololightBel: Could the version you are looking for be wrong/ old?20:32
taylorzaxonspox: No errors. Nothing at all. It simply doesnt do anything...I just enabled four spaces and still the same state of nothingness20:32
silentxHey ,, I want to ask how to burn a Mp3 CD that used the Space of the CD not the length of it .. I've ubuntu 9.10 and I've googled and download lots of programs but nothing get it work ! ...20:32
switch10_silentx: burn a data disk with brasero20:33
|Belenus|hololight: i dont think so, through aptitude and synaptic i am getting the same errors even when i download the package files manually20:33
zaxonspoxsilentx Brasero, use data mode20:33
silentxno not a datadisk .. it is a MP3 disk and works in my car but it uses the data mode ..20:34
zaxonspoxtaylor no clue, did you tryed to turn compiz off, and then switch workspaces?20:34
switch10_silentx: exactly.  you burn an 'mp3 disk' in data mode.20:34
taylorzaxonspox: How do I turn it off?20:35
zaxonspoxsilentx so audio CD you mean?20:35
rrstiffPlease forgive me, I had to be away for a few minutes,  What i WANT TO DO IS GIVE THE HOME FOLDER ON THE COMPUTER ACCESS so I can copy it to an external drive before I reinstall Ubuntu-  What is the best command to make that happen?20:35
silentxyes but " Audio CD " uses " length 80 min20:35
delacrstiff - you are on livecd?20:35
rrstiffI am using the terminal from the Ubuntu CD to access files on the computer.20:35
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=== gomagarrofin is now known as overmind
delacno gui?20:36
zaxonspoxtaylor System>>Preferences>> ?Layout? >> Visual Effects Tab20:36
silentxbut i want to use the " 700MB " because in the Audio CD i'll only use the 80min even if the files less than 700MB20:36
Barnabassilentx, If you put mp3's on a cd you will be able to fit a lot more than the 80 mins of uncompressed sound onto it20:36
switch10_silentx: yup that is how it works.  data will use the 700mb, audio cd will use 80 min20:36
delacyou cant access gui from livecd?20:36
silentxthen is it going to work on my CD player ?20:36
krelhas anyone installed ubuntu on a new macbook pro?20:36
C-S-B-N900rrstiff: sudo cp will do it.20:36
hololightSo to sum it up, just burn the mp3 files to cd under the 'data' option20:36
rrstiffYes, I can access the GUI, I just thought typing the commands from the terminal might be the way to go.  Is there a better way?20:37
Barnabassilentx, if your cd player will play mp3s20:37
krelcurious if it works, especially with the new 15" hybrid model20:37
C-S-B-N900or sudo rsync20:37
zaxonspoxsilentx: if it supports mp3 files20:37
silentx:S is that automatically ? :S20:37
switch10_silentx: if you burn it as an audio project it should.  if you burn it as data it will work on some20:37
delacin terminal - write: sudo nautilus20:37
delacyou should get superuser nautilus20:37
silentx:S I've Installed nerolinux but it also doesn't give this options as in windows but oky i will try it thanks alot20:38
ubottuCanadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca20:38
todd__how do i change the text in ubuntu so instead of outputting: left to right, top to bottom its outputted top to bottom, left to right?20:38
delacdid tah work?20:38
Oeringlor, maybe this is what you like http://makehuman.blogspot.com/ ( ubuntu 32/64 bit also )20:38
helowe should just be nice and let the canucks use "our" channel ;)20:38
ivan_ubuntu en español20:39
Losha!es | ivan_20:39
ubottuivan_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:39
ivan_alguien sabe como entrar soporte ubuntu en español20:39
rrstiffWhen I type, sudo rsync, I get a long dialogue, and switches explanations I do not understand.20:39
Losharrstiff: what are the names of the source directory and destination directory that you want to copy between?20:40
VCoolioivan_: /join #ubuntu-es20:40
erUSULrrstiff: if you do not know rsync well maybe it is easier for you to use grsync (a gui frontend)20:41
ttl-i'm still able to log in with ssh20:41
ttl-keyboard and mouse are unusable20:41
rrstiffSource is, /home ;  destination is, external Hard dreive20:41
taylorzaxonspox: sorry, but none of those tabs exist other than the system one20:41
todd__how do i get text fields to display in columns instead of rows. *ie make text appear the way it does in asian languages, top to bottom*20:42
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Losharrstiff: I need to know *where* the external hard drive is mounted in order to tell you what command to use..20:42
bondiblueos9how do you do math in bash?20:43
zaxonspoxbondiblueos9 echo $[2+2]20:43
VCooliorrstiff: run 'mount' to see what the mount point of the drive is (the one not starting with /dev)20:43
bondiblueos9ah, its [], ok thanks20:43
Ubuntu2099mit /list kann man eine raumliste anforden , warum funktioniert das hier nicht?20:43
ikonia!de | Ubuntu209920:43
ubottuUbuntu2099: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:43
erUSULbondiblueos9: $(( )) or let. more help in #bash20:43
rrstiffExExternal HDD is /dev/sbdb1 mounted at /media/Archive0120:44
bondiblueos9oh, ok, thats why I kept trying () then20:44
erUSULbondiblueos9: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/ArithmeticExpression20:44
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Ubuntu2099j/ join #ubuntu209920:44
shawnboyWhat is Plymouth?20:44
Losharrstiff: do you know if there is enough room on /dev/sbdb1 (sdb1?) to fit everything?20:44
Ubuntu2099j/ join #ubuntu-de20:44
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rrstiffHDD in computer with Home on it is /dev/sda120:44
rrstiffYes, there is more than enough room20:45
=== walt is now known as Guest69265
Losharrstiff: ok, try: sudo rsync -av --progress /home /media/Archive0120:46
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barbarellashawnboy:graphical boot process20:47
VCooliowhich rsync20:47
neospreshawcan i have 9.10 remx on a pc?20:47
chrometigeri keep getting this when trying to run ./configure on XMMS     configure: error: *** GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first ***20:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:48
robertfI installed Lucid (beta2), i'm very happy20:48
C-S-B-N900neospreshaw: of course.20:48
tumiineospreshaw: you mean netbook remix? You can always install it, but the desktop is developed to fit a small screen, but it should work on a PC yes20:48
walt_I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on a friend's desktop. He applied "some" updates to 9.10, then lost his internet connection. How can I get a list of all the updates to apply?20:48
VCooliochrometiger: search for a glib package ending with -dev20:49
tumiineospreshaw: np20:49
neospreshawtumii: ur good :)20:49
Loshawalt_: not sure what you're asking. If he reconnects, he can simply continue the update...20:49
tumiineospreshaw: not too experienced from Linux anyways, but some things are just logical20:50
Ruisushay alguien aki???20:50
chrometigerthere is many does it matter20:50
Losha!es | Ruisus20:50
ubottuRuisus: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:50
neospreshawtumii: yea  me too20:50
ruthgardHello where do I get help on ubuntu development?20:50
rrstiffThank you so much, you have been very helpful, and I have transferred my archive.  Have a great day, and good-bye for now.20:50
walt_I want to take him a CD of all the updated .debs, because he's goiing to be on a SLOW connection.20:51
Losharrstiff: not so fast...20:51
AliaHow can I disable the middle mouse button being used for paste? I tried editing xorg.conf without luck.20:51
Ruisushay alguien aqui20:51
neospreshawruthgrad: www.ubuntu.com20:51
Losha!es | Ruisus20:51
RuisusLosha espanish???20:51
VCooliochrometiger: apt-cache search glib | grep glib dev20:52
neospreshawLosha: Stop plz20:52
chrometigerVCoolio: i tried  and got this   from synaptic  E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)20:52
chrometigerE: Unable to lock the download directory20:52
ruthgardI want to send my quickly project to launchpad ppa but it wont work, gpg tells me that it cant find the private key20:52
Loshaneospreshaw: stop what?20:52
=== darksider`afk is now known as darksider
neospreshawLosha: !es20:52
VCooliochrometiger: yes, it probably matters; and you have two package managers open now, close synaptic20:53
Loshaneospreshaw: is there something else I should be doing with spanish speakers?20:53
ttl-so ubuntu 9.10 en 10.04 beta 2 does not work with Intel 82945G/GZ graphics adapter?20:53
neospreshawu cant ues it wnat u want20:54
chrometigerVCoolio: the only other thing i have open is Transmission20:54
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.20:54
Loshaneospreshaw: ?20:54
neospreshawstop im afk20:54
LoshaDoes anyone know what neospreshaw is trying to say?20:55
=== darksider is now known as darksider`afk
Oersorry Losha20:55
cornbreadif you're afk why do you keep typing20:55
robertfAre there users from Belgium or Germany?20:55
guntbert!away > darksider`afk20:56
ubottudarksider`afk, please see my private message20:56
ttl-robertf: i'm from belgium20:56
Oerno such file called afk in synaptic20:56
robertfttl-: nice20:56
darksider`afksorry, didnt mean to20:56
=== darksider`afk is now known as darksider
darksiderwill keep it in mind for the future20:56
ttl-robertf: and you are from Germany?20:56
LoshaOer: afk == away from keyboard20:57
robertfttl-: no, i come from Belgium20:57
Oerrobertf, dutch/begium users join #Ubuntu-nl20:57
ttl-robertf: great :)20:57
robertfOer: my native language is French, i can speak in English20:57
Oeroh no problem you do fine robertf20:58
Losharobertf: then you can choose to speak English here or French on #ubuntu-fr20:58
sweezetrying to install lucid beta2 on an HP envy 15, and getting the following error: "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"20:58
sweeze trying to install through a usb key, or a usb cdromdrive, both result in the same problem20:58
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois20:58
robertfttl-: i've a computer in Germany20:58
sweezeanyone else see anythign like that before?20:58
robertfLosha: no problem20:58
Oer!lucid | sweeze20:59
ubottusweeze: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:59
ttl-robertf: ic20:59
LinuxGuy2009Are there any guides to explain what exactly the keyrings are for etc? This is one topic I havent learned well enough yet and google isnt much help.20:59
sweeze(getting same problem w/ 9.04 cds, too)20:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:59
LinuxGuy2009NM I got it20:59
robertfttl-: Did you try Lucid?20:59
Loshaneospreshaw: do you need help?20:59
ttl-robertf: yes, looks great!21:00
Loshaneospreshaw: then feel free to ask a question...21:00
robertfttl-: i'm trying it in command line.21:00
ttl-robertf: but tried it on a PC with Intel gfx and X freezes every 10 minutes or so21:00
neospreshawim using 9.10 can i get 10.0421:01
neospreshawor xubnutu21:01
heloubottu: STFU!21:01
ubuntuhi. running live cd. trying to get backup to format system. but some of the files got corrupted and im not able to copy / delete them anymore. I get "Input / output Error" when i do sudo rm -rf * . cant go to windows. forums have that as the only solution..21:01
ttl-robertf: having the same prob with 9.10 on the machine21:01
ubuntuneospreshaw, yes. u can upgrade anytime21:01
zaxonspoxttl-  because integrated Intel GFX21:01
Loshaneospreshaw: you can, but note that 10.04 probably won't be stable for another couple of months yet...21:01
ttl-zaxonspox: yes21:02
walt_How can I get a list of the packages (.deb files) on the 9.10 install CD? I can get a list of packages on my up-to-date system and diff them.21:02
robertfttl-: Is the problem reported?21:02
VCooliochrometiger: what are you compiling anyway? if there is also a version of that in the repos you can do "sudo apt-get build-dep <blah>" to get building dependencies21:02
ttl-zaxonspox: 82945G21:02
bLACKLOTUS|is there any problem with the Ubuntu software's center? I'm downloading 500B/S :|21:02
guntberthelo: stay polite please21:02
histoubuntu: what are you trying to do?21:02
heloguntbert: but i really hate ubottu :(21:02
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zaxonspoxttl- but problems by working? or installing?21:02
neospreshawNO THE OLD 1.0421:02
histobLACKLOTUS|: pulling 329kb/s here21:02
VCooliobLACKLOTUS|: try a different server/mirror/what's it called for software sources21:03
OerbLACKLOTUS|, try a different mirror ?21:03
guntberthelo: if you want to stay here - stay polite21:03
ubuntuhisto: im trying to move some data from my hard drive to portable drive (ntfs)21:03
ttl-zaxonspox: working, random freezes, keyboard and mouse get unusable, ssh login works still21:03
bLACKLOTUS|ok, thank you all21:03
=== ubuntu is now known as ghufran
robertfAre there users using Lucid in command line?21:04
Loshawalt_: for your friend, the only way I can think of is to get someone who has an up-to-date 9.10 installation to send you a list of the packages on their system. Then you could download them manually, burn them to CD, and take them to your friend. See also http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/21:04
ghufranhisto: i was copying data when the cable got removed and now its not letting me delete those files.21:04
zaxonspoxttl- did you need to compile something or get some pkg or it is working from kernel?21:05
ttl-zaxonspox: for 9.10 it seemed to work  after install from CDROM until i installed all updates21:05
chrometigerE: Unable to lock the download directory21:05
neospreshawkernel pnnick pics21:05
Loshaneospreshaw: I don't understand you. What is 1.04?21:05
zaxonspoxttl- i have a comp with 82845 chip and couldn make a proper driver21:05
robertfttl-: i only use main tree21:05
Sk_LgI just installed ubuntu on my main hard disk, and when I connect the ethernet cord (directly from the modem) to the comp it doesn't recognize the connection. Although, when I plug the cord in this computer the internet works fine? what packet should I dl, or settings should I manually put in to ensure the connection?21:06
walt_Thanks, Losha, I'll do that. I'd hoped I could eliminate the packages on the 9.10 install CD21:06
ghufranSk_Lg: doesnt look like an issue with ubuntu21:06
Sk_Lgshould I reinstall then?21:06
ttl-zaxonspox: it seems there is no driver, i looked in the xorg log, there is a error of X being unable to load i810 module and loads the VESA module21:07
walt_Sk_Lg try the command "sudo ifup -a" after you plug the cable in.21:07
Sk_Lgbecause after putting some manual info in, I got a response on the network activity21:07
zaxonspoxttl- i get it21:07
ghufranSk_Lg: it might be an issue with the cable. is it cross over? are u setting up the modem for the first time?21:07
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Loshawalt_: I understand. The only way I know to do that is to install 9.10 from CD, make a list of its packages (dpkg --get-selections "*") then update, then relist the packages, and subtract the first list from the second...21:07
ttl-zaxonspox: i810 (Module does not exist, 0) or something like that21:08
Sk_Lgno, it used to run to a router, and the internet worked fine before the C: format and installation of ubuntu21:08
ttl-zaxonspox: but the system does not hang, i'm able to login with ssh after freeze21:08
neospreshawLosha: 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope21:08
walt_I guess I'll  (dpkg --get-selections "*") on my up-to-date system, DL ALL the .debs, and do the filtering on his system. Thanks, Bye.21:09
perscitusAnyone having issues with live.gnome.org?21:09
ghufranSk_Lg: then try "ifup -a" in terminal21:09
roderickubuntu keeps freezing on me21:10
cornbreadHey WeblionX, I'm still getting the networking issues.  It's so strange.  One minute the page works and then I follow a link on the same domain and everything and it sits there loading forever21:10
neospreshawJaunty Jackalope? can i get it21:10
Loshawalt_: all the debs you've downloaded since install should be in /var/cache/apt/archive unless you cleared the cache...21:10
ttl-roderick: intel GFX ?21:10
cornbreadwrong channel, sry21:10
rodericknot sure just randomly freezes21:10
ttl-roderick: same here, seems to be related to my intel integrated GFX adapter 82945G/GZ21:11
roderickany ideas?21:12
ttl-roderick: system freezes, keyboard and mouse are unusable, ssh login works so the machine is not hanging21:12
mccool_1985hi all21:12
mccool_1985got a q... is it wise to use prelink in xubuntu karmic?21:12
perscitusAnyone having issues with live.gnome.org? the site is reseting connection in firefox21:12
roderickttl any ideas?21:13
ghufranwhy is there a key next to a drive in gparted? i cant format it21:13
erUSULghufran: it is mounted?21:13
zaxonspoxghufran key by which partition? it means it is locked21:13
ttl-roderick: do you also have onboard intel gfx?21:13
roderickim not sure21:13
ttl-roderick: lspci ?21:14
ghufranerUSUL, yes21:14
zaxonspoxroderick lspci | grep VGA21:14
mccool_1985perscitus: can't open it in Firefox21:14
ttl-roderick: open a terminal and type "lspci " without the quotes21:14
mccool_1985anyone has experience with prelink?21:14
erUSULghufran: umount it; you can not format a mounted partition21:14
perscitusmccool_1985,  I want to download evince for windows but i cant. Gnome live appears down21:14
roderickwhat am i looking for?21:15
zaxonspoxroderick for your video card21:15
ttl-roderick: do what zaxonspox said give less more accurate output21:15
Sk_Lgif there isn't a response from sudo ifup -a, what is another way I could connect?21:15
ghufranerUSUL, zaxonspox: how do i 'unlock' it. im f*cked. system crashed. and cant even take backup now because the disk seems to be in corrpted state :S21:15
h00k!language | ghufran21:15
ubottughufran: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:15
Sk_Lgcould I get information from the internet source on this computer input in the network info?21:16
roderickoh i have a radeon 960021:16
ttl-roderick: you are looking for a line like this: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)21:16
zaxonspoxghufran: if partition is mounted, unmount it to remove keys in Gparted21:16
ghufranh00k, sorry. i thought i used a '*' :P21:16
erUSULghufran: as i said gparted wont touch a mounted partition you have to umount it21:16
ttl-roderick: ok21:16
mccool_1985perscitus: if you checked google, used the cached page, you should find the download link (this one is working)21:16
mccool_1985perscitus: here you go: http://download.gnome.org/binaries/win32/evince/2.30/evince-2.30.0.msi21:16
ttl-roderick: so i think you problem is not the same a mine21:16
h00kghufran: obfuscated swearing is still swearing21:17
thebruceis it possible to switch back and forth between kde and gnome?21:17
ttl-roderick: are you able to login to the machine with ssh?21:17
xfilezhi allz!21:17
ghufranerUSUL, zaxonspox: yes. didnt read ur earlier message. this xchat with the live cd doesnt change text with ur nick in the text. (bug?)21:17
perscitusmccool_1985,   it was in google result21:17
mccool_1985can someone give me a clue if prelink is usefull in karmic? i have a relatively fast laptop21:17
erUSULghufran: dunno21:17
zaxonspoxroderick i have had ATI 9600 some years ago :D21:17
ghufranh00k, haha good one. ok, ill take care21:17
mccool_1985perscitus: use the provide link i gave... it workes21:17
jtaylor13I have a question.I have ubuntu and can't my sprint evdo to work,It did sign on 1 time.It sees the card.21:18
perscitusmccool_1985,   the link was in the google result too21:18
thebrucecan i 'test' out kde on my system and the remove it to go back to gnome?21:18
roderickyea ive had this card for awhile21:18
ttl-roderick: you need to install the openssh-server if you didn't already21:18
ttl-roderick: yes from another machine21:19
lakituwhy would http://pastebin.com/59Dcdg1V as a grub.cfg just shutdown on input+enter?21:19
Loshathebruce: yes. Depending on your version of gdm, if you install both, it should allow you to select between kde and gnome at login time...21:19
ttl-roderick: i'm not sure you problem is gfx related21:19
thebruceLosha how would i go about that?21:19
ttl-roderick: i'm not sure you problem is related to you graphics card21:19
Loshathebruce: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/config-desktop/C/other-desktops.html21:20
thebruceim on 9.10 shoudl that matter? Losha?21:20
roderickhmm...well i still need to fix it21:20
Loshathebruce: I don't think it will matter, but i can't guarantee it, since I'm still on 8.04...21:20
thebruceyou're still on Hardy?21:21
thebrucewhy not switch?21:21
zaxonspoxLosha yes, why?21:21
Loshathebruce: because 8.04 is solid as a rock...21:21
mccool_1985i gave up hardy a looooong time ago21:21
thebruceLosha gotcha21:21
delacthebruce: installing kde on ubuntu is as easy as installing kubuntu-desktop package from repositories21:21
thebruceLosha can you use most all the features 9.10 can?21:21
roderickit seems to only freeze when i play music21:21
switch10_thebruce: why switch is a better question..21:21
thebruceswitch10_, prob a good poing21:22
delacthebruce: however, removing it afterwards might be problematic21:22
thebruceb/c people like to have the latest and greatest21:22
thebrucedelac? really21:22
Loshathebruce: all the security fixes get backported, but not the new features. That's how come it's so stable. There aren't any 9.10 features I can't live without, so it's not an issue for me...21:22
delacthebruce: yes21:22
switch10_the latest is definitely not always the greatest...21:22
jamil_1Hi when I try to startr a parallel gnome session on the same  machine by pressing alt+f2 and the entering startx -- :1 i get the error: no protocol specified. Help!21:23
thebruceis kde 'heavier' than gnome?21:23
delacthebruce: you would have to remove every backage separately21:23
delacthebruce: and that is several hundreds of packages21:23
ZykoticK9thebruce, as far a memory is concerned YES kde is heavier then gnome21:23
thebruceahh ok21:23
helo!(latest && greatest)21:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:23
thebruceno need for me i have a slow system21:23
roderickany ideas??21:23
delacthebruce: however, if you have big hard drive, there is no reason to remove them21:24
ZykoticK9thebruce, a comparison of the various DEs using 10.04 http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_desktop_vitals&num=121:24
daniskamithebruce: if you have a slow system, you might consider Xfce, LXDE or just a window manager instead of GNOME and KDE21:24
delacthebruce: you can use whicever you want21:24
LoshaPeople seem pretty brainwashed by the idea that newer is better. Works ok for refrigerators. Not so good with cars. And very poorly with software...21:24
thebrucevery cool21:25
thebrucei gotta go thanks so much21:25
switch10_Losha: agreed.21:25
zaxonspoxLosha yes, i am staing on 9.04 because Canonical took away some features21:25
ttl-roderick: not really21:25
Loshazaxonspox: ah, I wondered why you were still on 9.04...21:26
ghufranzaxonspox, like what?21:26
jt76dose anyone know how to remove all themes from ubuntu 9.1021:26
zaxonspoxghufran: like cool for me GDM logon screen with options like remote login (like in LiveCD) and looks like Windows login screen without Remote21:27
jt76i installed a theme and i cant remove it i tired from the Appearance screen to remove it but it just dosnt work ..21:27
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mccool_1985jt76: check /usr/share/themes21:27
k1rbHow do I kill a panel that is set to autohide that isn't popping up???21:28
jt76mccool_1985: already done removed it from there and before that i removed it from the PPT the theme is the elemantary project theme21:28
zaxonspoxghufran Losha the Ub10.04 annoys me more: candy colors, moving close/min/max buttons to the left etc21:28
ghufranok i can talk in this irc client but cant apparently browse websites.21:28
mccool_1985klrb: you know which process? check it with # ps aux | grep **processname** and kill it21:29
mccool_1985klrb: or use killall *processname*21:29
ghufranzaxonspox, im actually using 1004 live cd right now .. kinda like it .. and im sure theres some option to move the buttons?21:29
k1rbmccool_1985, I don't know the process... is there a way to find it?21:29
h00k!lucid | zaxonspox, ghufran21:29
ubottuzaxonspox, ghufran: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:29
mccool_1985jt76: thats as far as my knowledge goes :-)21:29
gsp2009hello all... I am completely wiping my HDD, and I will be reinstalling 9.10. Can someone help with backup questions?21:29
switch10_k1rb: you can use *top* as well21:30
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mccool_1985gsp2009: sure, what up?21:30
mccool_1985klrb: any idea what program it is?21:30
k1rbIt's the panel that is at the bottom when you install...21:30
switch10_k1rb: open a terminal and type:   top21:30
k1rblike the task bar21:31
ghufranh00k, we're not discussing any issues with it .. or asking questions about Lucid21:31
k1rbI typed top already, idk what I'm looking for21:31
=== phoebus is now known as DaddyNature
gsp2009mccool_1985, so I was thinking of using simplebackup... and just including my /home/user dir... then formatting, reinstalling from scratch and restoring the home dir to its own partition. You think that would work ok?21:31
jt76mccool_1985: Thanks for trying !!! -- Dose anyone else know how to remove a spesific theme?21:31
zaxonspoxghufran: i am wondering if h00k isnt a bot like ubottu21:31
MrKeunerhello, How can I get the option wpa2-business in the dialog for adding a new ssid?21:31
jamil_1Hi when I try to startr a parallel gnome session on the same  machine by pressing alt+f2 and the entering startx -- :1 i get the error: no protocol specified. Help!21:31
gsp2009mccool_1985, you think I should include anything in /etc or /var or /usr?21:31
h00kghufran: I'm just trying to show you a place where Lucid discussion is welcome and invited21:31
=== DaddyNature is now known as Phoebus
zaxonspoxjamil_1: you cannot start another X session i think21:32
mccool_1985gsp2009: not sure... it should work i guess... on the other hand it would be an idea to resize your current partition and put your /home/user on a different partition... that way you don't have to backup anything i guess21:32
kaolbrecWhich version of wine is actually in the repos?21:33
erUSUL!info wine21:33
ubottuwine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu8 (karmic), package size 7359 kB, installed size 54436 kB21:33
jamil_1zaxonspox: no it used to work earlier. I dont know what happened that now it is giving error21:33
erUSUL!info wine1.221:33
ubottuwine1.2 (source: wine1.2): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.31-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 9065 kB, installed size 75812 kB21:33
mccool_1985gsp2009: i don't think /usr should be backed up, but you might ask others about their opinion... it's just a matter of how much you want to preserve21:33
k1rbswitch10, I already have top running, It's the normal task bar that Ubuntu always has. I changed it to be on the left side of the screen instead of the bottom, and autohide... now it won't pop up and I can't click on it even though I can see part of it hiding... Also I've restarted and it hasn't changed. It still won't pop up21:34
zaxonspoxjamil_1: type me this cmd more, i will try by me21:34
roderickis there something i can do so it doesnt go so slow?21:34
kaolbrecerUSUL, apt-get install wine1.12 should get the later version then?21:34
erUSULkaolbrec: correct21:34
jamil_1zaxonspox: startx -- :121:34
zaxonspoxroderick: install ATI Prop Drivers21:34
kaolbrecerUSUL, thanks21:34
erUSULkaolbrec: they also maintaina ppa (i use it) with   Candidate: 1.1.42-0ubuntu121:35
roderickis it on ati website?21:35
gsp2009mccool_1985, sorry... suffered a crash21:35
jamil_1fzaxonspox: first switch to another screen by  ctl+alt + f221:35
zaxonspoxjamil_1: alright i have started it, so cmd is correct, you have some misconfig21:35
=== jmrodri-afk is now known as jmrodri
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:36
zaxonspoxjamil_1: i was searching this ability since long time21:36
gsp2009mccool_1985, so I was saying... I have a 500 gb, with a windows partition with the boot sector. Now I wanna just get rid of any memories of Billy altogether (finally)21:36
Loshagsp2009: IMO, only /home and half a dozen selected files from /etc need to be backed up. The rest comes back when you do an install so there's hardly any point saving them...21:36
jamil_1zaxonspox: yp. it was working fine a few day before. May be some update broke it but I want it back :(21:37
zaxonspoxjamil_1: just get some error or kickoff21:37
gsp2009Losha, any specifics on the files you would keep from /etc?21:37
|Belenus|can anyone help me fix my Eclipse on Karmic that when run, only shows a small window that cant be closed?21:37
roderickzaxonspox where do i install iit from?21:37
switch10_gsp2009: files that you have edited.  i.e. fstab, sources.list, etc21:37
gsp2009switch10_, :) gotcha. thanks.21:38
jamil_1zaxonspox: ??21:38
shawnboyI'll try again. What is Plymouth?21:38
roderickzaxonspox: where can i download it from21:38
TapkeNigthy night..21:38
gsp2009switch10_, Losha : so you think that simplebackup is a good way? or should I do a workup with rsync?21:39
zaxonspoxroderick: System>>Administration>>Drivers or Prop Drivers21:39
mccool_1985gsp2009: i should say google some info on resizing your current partition and make another, on the other hand, is it much work to backup your /home/user on a external hdd or dvd? in that case, i should use that option... this will only preserve your downloads, documents etc... programs are lost though21:39
trijntjeHi all, when I kill the X server my pc hangs and I have to do a cold boot, in what log should I look for information?21:39
roderickzaxonspox: oh ok thx21:39
Loshagsp2009: I knew you'd ask. It depends on what you have configured. To be safe, you might want to keep all of /etc. personally, I only keep the following /etc files: auto.*, exports, fstab, hosts, network/interfaces, passwd, sensors.conf, smartd.conf, samba/smb.conf, ssh, ssmtp, X11/xorg.conf21:39
switch10_gsp2009: rsync is much better in my opinion...  so many more options.21:39
k1rbSo what would the process be called for the default panel?21:40
nyhcjedihow would i run this file in ubuntu21:40
zaxonspoxjamil_1: desktop have started, i saw it, then i switched back to F7 , then go back to F1 and GFX get dead and console came21:40
gsp2009mccool_1985, yeah.. I have a 1 gb external... plus I will prob use aptoncd21:40
roderickzaxonspox: i cant find the drivers tab21:40
switch10_gsp2009: but if SB does what you want, use it.21:40
gsp2009switch10_, cool. thanks.21:40
mccool_1985switch10_: can you give some info about rsync? whats the benefit?21:40
Loshagsp2009: I've never used simplebackup. But as long as it works, and you know how to drive it, it's ok...21:40
jamil_1zaxonspox: u started on f1 or f2 ?21:40
switch10_mccool_1985: benefit?  updates only files that have changed for one..21:41
kreno5gah I just reinstalled but I forgot the name of a program I used all the time before.  I would bind it to a key combination, and when i triggered it, a simple one line textbar would pop up on the very top of my screen, and as I typed it would narrow down possible commands to execute. for example I'd type "ope" and it would narrow it down to opera and hitting enter would fire it up.  Does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?  I miss it sor21:41
zaxonspoxroderick: it has icon of pci device with keylock21:41
zaxonspoxjamil_1: started on F121:41
gsp2009Losha, thanks.,21:41
erUSULkaolbrec: gnome-do ?21:41
erUSULkreno5: gnome-do ?21:41
erUSULkaolbrec: sorry; not for you21:41
Loshagsp2009: as someone suggested above, I keep /home on its own filesystem, so I only back it up once in a while, and those /etc files. It makes backup/restore/upgrade a snap...21:41
jamil_1zaxonspox: and there was no error ?21:42
matjuif I have a Pentium M, running Ubuntu 9.10, then do i get hyperthreading support ? and then, how would that manifest itself in applications such as "top" ?21:42
switch10_mccool_1985: unbelievably versatile for 2.  the man pages are about 500 pages long...21:42
roderickzaxonspox:it says i dont have any proprietary drivers in use21:42
mccool_1985ny the way, is there anyone who has experience with using win7 in a virtualbox? i'm trying to enable direct3d using the wine3d installer or the virtualbox-additions, and i can't get it to work. I guess it's the problem with having DirectX11 in Win721:42
kaolbrecerUSUL, I guessed ;) -- is it possible to save the ppa key somehow, and import it to software sources?21:42
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mccool_1985switch10_: I'll dig into it tomorrow21:42
zaxonspoxjamil_1: no error, desktop loaded, so i switch back to F7 to tell you, when i get back to F1 terminal came with some screen error etc21:42
erUSUL!gpgerr | kaolbrec21:42
ubottukaolbrec: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »21:42
kaolbrecerUSUL, as far as I'm aware it's the uni proxy blocking gpg key transactions. I'll give it a shot though.21:43
gsp2009Losha, I think once I get my drive reformatted, and partitioned to have /home on it's own, I will set up and incremental to my external with /var and /etc... that way in the event of a failure, I am good. For now, I will just backup my user data... I just want my drive reclaimed from Windoze.21:43
frxstremis it possible to create a pop-up message in the shell (like a warning or something like that)?21:43
zaxonspoxfrxstrem: yes you need a packet like...21:43
erUSULkaolbrec: maybe you can force to use http ... http://keyserver.ubuntu.com21:44
erUSULfrxstrem: zenity21:44
albhow to use anjunta21:44
frxstremerUSUL: okay, thanks :)21:44
zaxonspoxfrxstrem: dialog21:44
gsp2009Now to decide if I am gonna chance the beta... (10.04) as a fresh install.21:44
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frxstremzaxonspox: thanks to you too :)21:44
hamzaatova2how can i solve the problem of freezed computer upon copying a file and a slow file transfer??????21:44
Cryp71cwhich apt package should I use for an apache2 installation with plans to run https and php?21:44
Loshagsp2009: sounds good. I think you can forget about /var. There's nothing in there worth keeping. I also keep a package list (dpkg --get-selections "*" >myselections) and the output of fdisk -l (in case something goes wrong with the partition tables)21:45
albsomeone know how to use anjunt21:45
guntbert!lamp | Cryp71c21:45
ubottuCryp71c: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:45
mccool_1985*bump* Is there anyone who has experience with using win7 in a virtualbox? i'm trying to enable direct3d using the wine3d installer or the virtualbox-additions, and i can't get it to work. I guess it's the problem with having DirectX11 in Win721:45
zaxonspoxCryp71c: apache2 php521:45
gsp2009Losha, nice tip.. thanks.21:45
guntbertmccool_1985: this is no forum - so "bump" is kind of senseless here21:46
erUSULmccool_1985: #vbox21:46
mccool_1985guntbert: yeah i understand... i thought give it a try21:46
mccool_1985erUSUL: tnx!21:46
roderick__zaxonspox: do i have to install the driver for ubuntu?21:47
kaolbrecerUSUL, trying to use http://keyserver.ubuntu.com gives me "no key data found"21:47
Cryp71czaxonspox, the code I have (and intend to run on this server) references another server on our network, but I can't change the code from "localhost", can I add in host entries to direct localhost requests to that server, would that interfere with anything else/21:47
kaolbrecerUSUL, although I'm not sure if that could be me failing to use the correct key21:47
erUSULkaolbrec: well; just ignore the gpg warning then ;)21:48
zaxonspoxroderick__: ee? i dont understand. when not for Ubuntu then for what? mandriva?21:48
kaolbrecerUSUL, damned proxy. I hate warning popups :(21:48
roderick__zaxonspox: no it says i dont have any drivers in use21:48
belusHello is there an ubuntu hardware channel or I can ask my question here?21:48
zaxonspoxroderick__: list is enpty? or it says you are not using any drivers?21:49
gsp2009belus, just ask your question21:49
kaolbrecbelus, all questions here21:49
roderick__zaxonspox:both of those21:49
zaxonspoxCryp71c: iam not correctly understand what you want to achive21:49
=== Gateway is now known as Gateway`
belusI have a brand new dell inspiron 1545 and I use it as a desktop (10h a day) with the battery in(it's a 6 cell battery) what I should do...take it out or leave it in?21:50
LoshaCryp71c: you can try it, but lots of programs use localhost to talk to processes on the same box, so I think it may rip a hole in the fabric of space and time. Be prepared to restore the former hosts file from the live cd...21:50
zaxonspoxroderick__: then try to search ati site for this drivers, the have user freandly driver search21:50
gsp2009belus, will it even run on power without the battery?21:50
belusI've heard people talking that you should remove the battery and charge it...once a month...this way you will save some battery life...21:50
mityahi guys21:50
mityaI have just installed 10.421:51
roderick__zaxonspox: for which os am i installing?21:51
belusgsp2009,  I didn't understood your question...I have the ac plug aswell, of course it will...with the ac cord plugged in21:51
mityamy mc does not show the directories in bold... Is it a bug ir a feature ??21:51
Loshamitya: then you belong in #ubuntu+1 where they discuss all things 10.04...21:51
mityaLosha: ok21:51
Cryp71cbelus, take the battery out when on guaranteed AC power.21:51
frxstremis there a program like "The Sims" for Linux?21:52
trijntjeHi all, I want to diagnose a lockup on my pc, but all logs appear to miss it. What can I do to debug this further?21:52
belusMy question is what should I do, take the battery out or leave it in...will that heat damage my li ion 6 cell battery?This is what I heard21:52
Cryp71cfrxstrem, there's a program called "Wine" which might run the sims.21:52
erUSULbelus: with it in you have a free UPS21:52
frxstremCryp71c: don't you think I have already tried it - it does only run The Sims 3 (according to the Wine AppDB), which my computer is far too old to run anyway21:52
beluserUSUL,  I know but I don't need one really, I'm not working on super stuff and my power connection is very good:) no electricity crashes and so21:52
gsp2009belus, I am assuming it is a laptop? In my experience, some will not run without the battery as it is required to complete the circuit. Did you try it? as as erUSUL said, you are conditioning your power with the battery in it. No data loss on power outage.21:52
switch10_belus: sorry i missed the first part of your question, but if you are trying to conserve your battery, leave it a a 30% charge, and store it in the fridge21:53
zaxonspoxroderick__: Linux x86 if you have 32 bit ver, if not, then 6421:53
belusswitch10_,  fridge?:)21:53
switch10_belus: yes.  it is the coolest place i could think of..21:53
belusswitch10_,  If i store it in in my desk wouldn't that be ok?21:54
switch10_belus: sure.21:54
roderick__zaxonspox: how can i check which one i have?21:54
mccool_1985frxstrem: check if Sims work on Wine first here http://appdb.winehq.org/21:54
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switch10_belus: lithium ion batteries like it cool, not freezing but cool.21:54
frxstremmccool_1985: I just said that it does not - and I have also tried to install it before21:54
mccool_1985frxstrem: ignore my last remark :-)21:54
belusswitch10_,  And for example if I take it out, will I be able to damage my circuit?:)21:54
mccool_1985frxstrem: you can try to install it on a WinXP guest on Virtualbox?21:55
samphippendoes anyone know where git-http-backend can be found in ubuntu?21:55
erUSULbelus: well the only reason to unplugg the battery is to not damage it. but newer batteries do not suffer the problem of loosing capacity so there is no point in doing it; is it?21:55
switch10_belus: damage your circut?  i dont understand..21:55
belusswitch10_,  They don't like heat right? sorry if I ask to many questions but I just bought it and I want to take care of it.21:55
zaxonspoxroderick__: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product= i think you have 3221:55
frxstremmccool_1985: I believe my computer is far to old for that too :-/21:55
roderick__zaxonspox: ok thx21:56
erUSUL!find git-http-backend21:56
ubottuPackage/file git-http-backend does not exist in karmic21:56
zaxonspoxroderick__: if you have had a 64bit CPU, then would you have vers 6421:56
belusswitch10_,  Well there is a circuit as in to protect the battery, it goes down to 80% even with the battery in, then it charges in back to 100%....21:56
belusswitch10_,  If i take it out i will damage this process? that's what i m talking about21:56
mccool_1985frxstrem: then you have no way to play the Sims?21:56
erUSULsamphippen: maybe the version of git in ubuntu does not have it. it is recent21:56
switch10_belus: no heat kills em slowly.  there is tons of material to read online about L ion Batteries21:56
erUSUL!es | Ruisus21:57
ubottuRuisus: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:57
Ruisusalguien en español???????21:57
switch10_belus: oh the over charge protection?  You will be fine.21:57
frxstremmccool_1985: well I'm not trying to play The Sims ('cause I already know it won't work), I'm trying to find an game that is essentially the same as The Sims21:57
mccool_1985ehhhh... Second Life? :-P21:57
beluserUSUL,  My battery droped like 1,6%...in 2 months...so in the end what should I do..leave it in or take it out?21:57
Cryp71clol, SL...21:57
Cryp71cFAIL on you, sir.21:57
mccool_1985that was sarcastic and OT21:58
Cryp71cI should hope so :)21:58
beluserUSUL,  I don't want to kill it slowly with heat while I can take it out if I use it as a desktop21:58
erUSULRuisus: Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:58
Ruisusalguien de chile?????????21:58
erUSULbelus: then take it out.21:58
mccool_1985Cryp71c: i onece tried it for 2.5 hours... i had enough for a lifetime21:59
beluserUSUL,  :)thank you sir!21:59
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gdizhey everyone, I have a DVD, I am trying to do a video capture of part of it on an ubuntu box.  Is that possible?21:59
erUSULgdiz: rip a dvd and edit the video inside ? sure22:00
switch10_gdiz: you could fullscreen it and use recordmydesktop...22:00
gdizoh...that sounds perfect switch10_22:00
gsp2009gdiz I seem to remember that VLC may do that22:00
shadewindI've heard that the CPU can be damaged if you run Ubuntu on a Mac, is this true? heard it has something to do with the SMC chip and Linux not being able to handle it but I'm not sure I trust the source22:01
jomofoThe Sims 3 has a "Gold" rating on winehq.org22:01
mccool_1985switch10_: too much hassle to do that... why not using some video editing software? enough to find in the repositories22:01
nastjuidgdiz: handbrake.fr22:02
gdizgsp2009, would you know how to do that with VLC?22:02
gdiznastjuid, handbrake does that?22:02
switch10_mccool_1985: to much hassle?  He could edit it as well, depends on if he want to spend hours ripping and edititng or a few minutes...22:02
nastjuidgdiz: handbrake will rip it22:03
IdleOnegdiz: you can also take a look at OpenShot22:03
nastjuidafter that I'd use cinellera22:03
mccool_1985shadewind: i think this is just a hoax created by Apple: the only message about this is found on facebook, which looks like a hoax to me22:03
gsp2009gdiz, http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5820022:03
mccool_1985shadwind: this link you mean? http://th-th.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=58812459188&topic=1646422:03
nastjuidcinellera is as close to sony vegas as you can get without running windows22:03
IdleOne!ot | mccool_198522:04
ubottumccool_1985: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:04
negevhi, im trying to migrate my root filesystem to a raid1 array. i created the raid1 array, took one of the drives out and put my original hard disk in, booted from a livecd, created the partition table on the array so that the main filesystem was identical size to my old root partision, dd'd the root filesystem over to the raid1 array22:04
negevthen used the grub shell to install the grub bootloader on the mbr of the array22:04
negevbut when i rebooted, it just says Loading...  and hangs22:04
shadewindmccool_1985: I don't think it's created by Apple since the only one I have heard talking about it is a guy called Branes on Freenode22:04
negevanyway have any ideas what i did wrong?22:04
mccool_1985shadewind: i don't know. Ubuntu should work on a Mac, but i think you have to figure it out yourself by google?22:05
nastjuidnegev: the partition on the array has the boot flag enabled?22:05
negevyeah it does22:05
erUSULnegev: i think that you have to install grub in the mbr of both disks22:05
shadewindmccool_1985: yeah, installing it should be no problem for me22:06
gdizthank you all22:06
negevtheres only one hard drive in the raid1 array at the moment22:06
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diskinis there a way to set up winkey+m for "show desktop" in gnome?22:06
magicianlordHas anyne had success installing Ubuntu on the iPad?22:06
shadewindmccool_1985: but I don't want to break my mac22:06
negevthe other disk is the old boot volume which isn't part of the array22:06
roderickzaxonspox: i downloaded it now what?22:06
nastjuidcome again, the drive is configured to be part of an array, but the second drive is missing?22:06
crucialhoaxusb-creator-gtk no longer works ;[22:06
erUSULdiskin: System>Preferences>keys ...22:07
magicianlordcrucialhoax: that is terrible22:08
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crucialhoaxWhen I open usb-creator-gtk it does not allow me to add any iso's to it and Unetbootin is functioning either. magicianlord I know, right?22:08
Tankenator'lo all22:09
Sk_Lgso I am having difficulty connecting to the internet directly from the modem, when I type into the terminal ifup -a, it says ifup: failed to open statefile var/run/network/ifstate: Permission denied, how to I get beyond that22:09
switch10_Sk_Lg: sudo22:09
switch10_Sk_Lg: sudo !!22:09
crucialhoaxswitch10_: and if that wasnt his last command =|22:10
switch10_crucialhoax: assuming it was...22:10
crucialhoaxI knnow.22:10
magicianlordcrucialhoax: i experienced that with specific iso files on specified source drives. try copying the file to another source disk and then opening it22:10
switch10_Sk_Lg: do sudo ifup -a22:10
diskinerUSUL, thanks. it worked with a small trick: I had to press winkey, and then click on the line to change it to "assign key" again, because after pressing winkey it was stored in the preferences alone.22:10
Sk_Lg<switch10_> so I type that in, but i just gives me another command line22:11
erUSULdiskin: ok;22:11
mccool_1985shadewind: what kind of mac do you have, where you want to install ubuntu?22:11
crucialhoaxmagicianlord: So try putting it the iso on a external?22:11
switch10_Sk_Lg: which interface are you tring to bring up?22:11
Sk_Lgubuntu isn't recognizing the ethernet connection to the modem, and isn't connecting to the internet, so I am looking to manually connect22:13
shadewindmccool_1985: I don't have one currently but I have ordered a 15" Core i7 MacBook Pro22:13
switch10_Sk_Lg: through what interface???  eth0?  wlan0?22:13
Sk_Lgeth0 or eth122:13
Sk_Lgi think eth022:13
mccool_1985shadewind: just check this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CategoryMac22:14
vicsarI have the same problem as ismettern eth022:14
switch10_Sk_Lg: ifconfig so you know for sure.  we need that info22:14
erUSULSk_Lg: sudo dhclient eth0 ?22:14
mccool_1985that should help you figure out where to use it or not, otherwise use Ubuntu on a VM in Mac OS22:14
shadewindmccool_1985: yeah, that's what I'll probably do in the end22:15
Sk_Lgok, brb switch10 thank you!22:15
negevcan anyone help? i've dd'd my ubuntu filesystem over from one drive to another, but it fails to boot. ive tried installing grub twice now, but it just gets stuck at the loading screen22:15
negevis there any way i can debug whats happening?22:15
mccool_1985negev: i guess the uuid's don't match? these are in fstab22:16
roderickzaxonspox: i downloaded the driver what do i do now?22:16
negevhow do i retrieve the uuid for the new partition?22:16
mccool_1985very good question :-)22:16
mccool_1985i don't know?22:16
guntbertnegev: use blkid22:17
IdleOnenegev: blkid22:17
switch10_negev: sudo fdisk -a from a live cd might give you it..22:17
switch10_negev: it gives a disk identifier22:18
magicianlordsudo apt-get install common-sense22:19
Sk_Lgswitch10_: so it says it is listening on..., sending on..., and then goes to DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 several times then says No DHCPOFFERS received22:19
switch10_negev: nevermind fdisk, use blkid  here is a link.  http://coreythompson.com/2008/01/etcfstab-help-for-distro-hoppers/22:20
crucialhoaxswitch10_: if I type sudo fdisk -a I get an invalid argument22:20
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switch10_crucialhoax: ahh yes forget the -a option..22:20
switch10_can you ping
switch10_Sk_Lg: ^^22:21
Sk_Lgbrb, going to ping
mccool_1985Sk-Lg: did the internet ever worked on another computer? you say you use a modem... is this connected with a crosscable?22:22
magicianlordIs Canonical moving Ubuntu into a distribution to sell stuff?22:22
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crucialhoaxIt is increasing commercial support and attractiveness.22:23
tucemiux_!hello | Gowesty199022:23
ubottuGowesty1990: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:23
Gowesty1990can anyone help me, I finally got tired of windows and switched to Ubuntu, having some video driver issues22:24
coz_Gowesty1990,  which video card do  you have22:25
mccool_1985Gowesty1990: what kind of videocard do you have?22:25
rodericki have the same problem22:25
Gowesty1990Radeon 9600 pro AGP22:25
Sk_Lgswitch10_: in the terminal i typed: ping
crucialhoaxSk_Lg: what were the results?22:26
coz_Gowesty1990,   ok  and when you go to system/adminstration/hardware drivers   what shows up?22:26
Sk_Lgand its continuing to ping at .02ms22:26
barkerhey hey...i just wanted to say ubuntu is effing awesome...thats it22:26
Sk_Lgwith or without the ethernet cord attached22:26
zaxonspoxroderick: sory, were absence https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_cat92-inst.pdf22:26
mccool_1985Gowesty1990: with a ATI you're a pretty much scrwd with ubuntu...22:26
scubago to System>Administration>Hardware Driver and actived22:26
Wild_DoogyHey guys, is there any way to set the password as a single characture?22:26
crucialhoaxSk_Lg: Good. Ctrl + C to stop it. Either way, cord plugged in or not, it does not matter.22:26
Gowesty1990Shows nothing22:26
gsp2009if I delete something from a dir while in nautilus as root, where can I remove it from trash? anyone know the path?22:26
vicsar@switch10 i need help configuring my network... i cannot access the internet. Can you help?22:27
switch10_Sk_Lg: hit ctrl+c to stop it, it works.  good.22:27
coz_Wild_Doogy,  i would think so  but you can also have it log on automatically22:27
barkerswitch10 laptop or desktop? wireless or lan?22:27
mccool_1985vicsar: whats the problem?22:27
Wild_Doogy'passwd" says I need a more complex one22:27
crucialhoaxSk_Lg: Are you using DSL or cable?22:27
coz_Gowesty1990,   ok first think ..when addressing someone online here  if you type the first 2 or 3  letters of their name and hit tab to tab through the correct name...they will be alerted22:27
switch10_Sk_Lg: can you go to another machine on your network, go to whatismyip.com, and try to ping you external ip22:28
frxstremis there a way to automatically mount my Windows partition when logging in, without having to type my password in?22:28
coz_Gowesty1990,  since this is an ati card the person I suggest talking with is  soreau22:28
erUSUL!ntfs | frxstrem22:28
mccool_1985Sk_Lg: I guess, if you use eth0, it's wired and you use a wrong cable if you say it's a modem (one with a single connection)...22:28
ubottufrxstrem: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:28
vicsarthat's the thing i am not sure how to start troubleshooting, it looks like the card works fine but it cannot even ping my modem (
Cryp71cWhen installing php5 from aptitude, where is the extension directory located at?22:28
zaxonspoxfrxstrem add this partition to fstab22:28
frxstremerUSUL and zaxonspox: thanks :22:28
switch10_Sk_Lg: ping your external ip from the problematic machine..22:29
crucialhoaxswitch10_: If he is trying to directly connect to a modem how is he supposed to get on another machine?22:29
RaptorsHey guys22:29
zaxonspoxCryp71c: /etc/php5/conf.d/ i think22:29
vicsar@switch10 the error is: Networwrk unreachable22:29
ninjai_Does anyone know if a antivirus program that scans windows drives for viruses via linux command line exists?22:29
Sk_Lgok, I using the same ethernet cord, I can ping and get the ip address from whatismyip22:30
RaptorsAnyone use to hosts.deny?22:30
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RaptorsI'm trying to bypass cpalead by I can't figure out how to use it :(22:30
switch10_crucialhoax: he obviously has a machine with internet access..22:30
Azzmodan<ninjai_> Does anyone know if a antivirus program that scans windows drives for viruses via linux command line exists? - clamav22:30
RaptorsTrying to do that...22:30
Cryp71czaxonspox, the directory is there, its empty though.22:30
Raptorsblock cpalead.com cpalock.com www.cpalead.com www.cpalock.com adscendmedia.com www.adscendmedia.com22:30
ninjai_Azzmodan: clamav scans for windows viruses? I thought it canned for linux viruses22:31
guitar-maniacHey! My Firefox freezes everytime i try to open it.. is there anyway i can reinstall it?22:31
zaxonspoxCryp71c what do you want? conf files of plugins?22:31
switch10_Sk_Lg: try to ping that address with the problematic machine22:31
barkeranyone have success installing ms office with wine?22:31
Cryp71czaxonspox, the /etc/ where the .so's are stored so I know what extensions are available presently.22:31
mccool_1985guitar-maniac: use synaptic22:31
Azzmodanninjai_, it scans for viruses, it's agnostic as to what the intended target os is of the virus22:31
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guitar-maniacill try that one out!22:31
zaxonspoxbarker: why do you need MSO?22:32
ninjai_Azzmodan: really? Strange... I never knew that... :S22:32
Sk_Lgswitch10_: I have only the cable from the modem to either the laptop or the problematic machine, no router atm (broke last night_)22:32
Azzmodanninjai_, it would be most useless as a generic mail scanner if it only scanned for 0.0001% of all viruses (if the percentage is even that high :))22:32
yk1000hi, i have a problem w/ sound not playing on youtube. can somebody help me?22:32
yk1000was working fine before updating to lucid beta22:33
zaxonspoxCryp71c: /etc/php5/conf.d/ surely22:33
crucialhoax!lucid | yk100022:33
ubottuyk1000: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:33
Sk_Lgso should I connect problematic machine to the modem, then ping the address?22:33
crucialhoaxSk_Lg: Yes.22:33
switch10_Sk_Lg: yes, you will have to..22:33
vicsar@switch10 i tried changing the connection to manual and setup my ip to and i can reach my computer and it looks like the computer can reach the modem... tring now22:34
zaxonspoxCryp71c: or /usr/lib/php5 ...22:34
yk1000lucid is in beta 222:34
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yk1000i know it's not necessarily stable22:34
yk1000does anyone else have problems w sound22:35
zaxonspoxCryp71c: /etc/php5/conf.d/ is only config of plugins22:35
vicsar@switch10 yes, now i can reach the modem. trying to reach www.vicsar.co.nr :O22:35
soreauGowesty1990: What issues are you having exactly?22:35
Sk_Lgswitch10_: ping <ip>  says connect: Network is unreachable22:35
Cryp71czaxonspox, wierd, I have a 20090626+lfs dir in /usr/lib/php522:35
zaxonspoxCryp71c: inside it22:36
vicsar@switch10 the hell! am on-line... how did that happen. i tried this approach before.22:36
Cryp71czaxonspox, yeah, there's a single .so for pdo, but its an odd directory name, was expecting etc/22:36
Cryp71cext *22:36
Gowesty1990soreau: initially Ubuntu installed the ATi driver for me automatically but the driver was causing intermittent lockups on boot22:37
switch10_Sk_Lg: ok so the interface you are using is eth0 correct?  this is very important....22:37
vicsar@switch10 thanks for the motivation :)22:37
zaxonspoxCryp71c directory by Ubuntu, they do some wired things22:37
Gowesty1990soreau: so I went into synaptic package manager and removed the driver in use and attempted to download from ATi22:38
switch10_vicsar: not sure what i did, but no problem :)22:38
Sk_Lgyes, eth022:38
Gowesty1990soreau: that is about where I am at, I haven't been able to install it22:38
frxstremSo, I am trying to add my Windows partition (NTFS file system) to the /etc/fstab file, but now I am stuck on the "options" field. What should I type there?22:39
losti need to know how to update to the latest backport ubuntu compat wireless22:39
yizispotify premium £60 contact me22:39
switch10_Sk_Lg: ok, do sudo ifup eth022:39
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soreauGowesty1990: You cannot use the fglrx driver because it doesn't support your card22:39
Nikolakkhi, I want to use only shell without x. Dose anyone know tutorial how to set console font and encoding?22:39
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gsp2009anyone know the path to trash for root user?22:40
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soreauGowesty1990: YOu must use the radeon driver that's included by default with ubuntu. If you've installed fglrx, you must remove it for the radeon driver to work with 3D22:40
DanDareHello. Booting Ubuntu CD im getting lot of errors like22:40
frxstremcan someone help me with editing the /etc/fstab file?22:40
DanDareBuffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 35368722:40
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash22:40
DanDareend_request: I/O error, dev sr0, logical block 35368822:40
magicianlordWhen is the final release date for Lucid Mynx?22:41
DanDareis this related to the CD media? what´s sr0 ?22:41
Sk_Lgswitch10_: says Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth022:41
zaxonspoxfrxstrem: something like /dev/sdxY       /media/ntfsdrive  auto    rw,user,utf8 0       022:41
Gowesty1990soreau: so there isn't an updated driver for me to use?22:41
guitar-maniacFirefox still freezes... :O22:41
DcMeese!hello | DcMeese22:41
ubottuDcMeese, please see my private message22:41
tar-so I have this Creative SB X-FI soundcard, and before you start saying "uh oh" let me just say that it is working almost flawlessly with surround and everything.. the only thing is that my headset and mic isn't working like it's supposed to and I was wondering if anyone here has a solution for getting sound through the mini-jacks only when headset is inserted?22:41
frxstremzaxonspox: okay, thanks :)22:41
zaxonspoxDanDare: sr0 is CDROM22:41
soreauGowesty1990: The radeon driver is constantly updated daily22:41
DanDarezaxonspox, thanks !22:42
crucialhoaxWhen I open usb-creator-gtk it does not allow me to add any iso's to it. The flash drive is formatted and the .iso is good. Suggestions?22:42
switch10_Sk_Lg: this is a desktop correct?  make sure if it is PCI that it is properly seated.  if so, make sure those tabs on the I/O cover are grounding it to the case...22:42
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magicianlordyou could try fedora usb creator or image writer22:42
Alpha-DOGhello can someone help me ?22:42
magicianlordyes, dawg22:42
zaxonspoxAlpha-DOG ask22:43
Cryp71czaxonspox, can I change that directory and the references to it without breaking the ability to install modules via aptitude?22:43
Gowesty1990soreau: ok so how do I get it working again, I tried reinstalling it in the synaptic package manager when I couldn't get the other to install but it didn't work22:43
vicsar@Alpha-DOG what's the question?22:43
bondiblueos9how can I make sound play out of my pc speaker with snd_pcsp and mplayer on the command line?22:43
losti need to know why kama browser fade to grey and not responding when visiting a flash web site22:43
Alpha-DOGi think i have a keyloger in my pc and everytime they change my msn pass how to find it ?22:43
zaxonspoxCryp71c i didint done it, so i can not aswer you, but what for?22:43
vicsar@Alpha-DOG what OS?22:44
Alpha-DOGxubuntu 9.1022:44
toxicHello, i'd like to get some help on a big issue for me... I describet it on the ubuntu forums : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145207022:44
Dr_Dhey guys... i'm trying to reduce my display resolution, but when i open the display properties panel something crazy happens... some massive processing and the panel freezes, have to force quit on it, and i can't see any text, any ideas?22:44
Cryp71czaxonspox, its just a terrible directory name, non-standard and such :(22:45
Sk_Lgthis is a desktop, i'll check the hardware22:45
magicianlordDr_D: bad drivers22:45
Nikbossi'm a noob here :)22:45
vicsar@Alpha-DOG have you tried seein all the runing programs, looking for somthing "unknown" to you?22:45
roderickzaxonspox: i tried to install it and it wouldnt let me22:45
Dr_Dfigures, i have a dell pc with an integrated ati card22:45
Alpha-DOGcan u tell me where to see like in windows the task menager ?22:45
switch10_Sk_Lg: I just had an NIC fail because it was not grounded by those I/O plate tabs...22:46
switch10_Sk_Lg: make sure you check that..22:46
M4rotkuhey guys.  can anyone tell me if it's possible to make a live-usb with a 32-bit system and use the usb to install ubuntu on a 64-bit system?  I'm thinking it would work if i used the 64-bit iso image.22:46
david_brentAlpha-DOG: ps -e22:46
Dr_Di had trouble with virtualbox before, so i decided to try dual booting, which is great so far22:46
switch10_M4rotku: you can do that22:47
Dr_Dhow would i go about getting the proper drivers, or would they even exist?22:47
vicsar@Alpha-DOG ...right Windows :) an old friend of yours?22:47
sipherHow do I ..or is it possible to append let's say <p>hello world</p> to ALL pages being displayed by apache?22:47
M4rotkuswitch10_:  do i have to use the 64-bit iso then?22:47
vicsar@Alpha-DOG just kidding. See this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-331065.html22:47
roderickneed help22:47
switch10_M4rotku: yes22:47
frxstremI have now mounted my Windows partition with /etc/fstab - would it be a good idea to share application data for a specific program (Pidgin) between my Ubuntu and Windows partition by creating a symlink on the Ubuntu partition?22:47
ErJeeBi don't think that would work frxstrem ..22:48
M4rotkuswitch10_:  thank you very much.  have a nice day22:48
frxstremErJeeB: why not?22:48
zaxonspoxroderick: sh ./ati-driver-installer-9.2-x86.x86_64.run22:48
crucialhoaxmagicianlord: What is the fedora usb creator package name?22:48
ErJeeBprobably pidgin ll use different structure on windows and linux22:48
magicianlordch: i dont know. i just use it on windows22:49
zaxonspoxroderick: if not, type sudo sh ./ati.....22:49
Alpha-DOGok i opened :D the system monitor hmm what exactly should i see if it is something suspicious22:49
crucialhoaxmagicianlord: Hmph. Well I have no idea what it is not working, plus it is a waste of a CD.22:49
magicianlordhwo come there are precompiled programs for linux that just run, but most you need ot install from the repository?22:49
frxstremErJeeB: no, I know for a fact that it doesn't (I've transfered my Pidgin user data from Windows to Ubuntu without any problems at all) - I know it uses the exact same way to store user data on both systems22:49
=== jeff is now known as Guest44770
vicsar@Alpha-DOG did that work?22:49
magicianlordwhat is the advantage or disadvantage of eah22:49
magicianlordch: i only use flash drives22:50
zaxonspoxAlpha-DOG it is not windows, i dont thing you will see a kelogger under process list22:50
ErJeeBfrxstrem: then i guess it would be any poblem to do that :P22:50
Alpha-DOGyeah i made alt-f2 gnome-system-monitor22:50
vicsar@sipher try wit SSI (Server Side Include)22:50
roderickzaxonspox: still wont let me22:50
magicianlordIs anyone going to make ubuntu 10.04 wth openbox only, now that Crunchbang is moving over to Debian?22:51
Alpha-DOGi am infected with a fucking spyeye botnet :S they have keylogers inside to steal informations22:51
siphervicsar I don't want to manually edit each page.22:51
zaxonspoxroderick:  whats the result? no priviliges or no file?22:51
sipherI think I found the solution.22:51
magicianlordAlpha-DOG: on linux?22:51
Guest44770I'm using a Alix 1.d board. It has a Geode processor, which has hardware support for AES-128. Do I need to set up my computer to specificly use this22:51
roderickzaxonspox: says cant open22:52
Guest44770also I want to generate a SSL cert using AES-128 bits. How to do this22:52
zaxonspoxroderick: then probably you arent in proper directory wher you dowloaded the file22:52
xteejxHi all22:52
vicsar@sipher umm. Have you tried using a Content management tool, such as joomla?22:52
CodPairI'm installing Ubuntu server 9.10. After formatting the swap partition successfully, the partitioner froze 33% into the format.22:52
lostanyone know why firefox fade to grey22:52
crucialhoaxlost: What version of FF are you using?22:53
zaxonspoxlost crash - no answer to user22:53
magicianlordCodPair: try installing again22:53
Alpha-DOGlol best solution i'll have to format my pc :S fuck]22:53
lostcrucial beta 3.722:53
roderickzaxonspox:so wat do i do22:53
IdleOne!language | Alpha-DOG22:53
ubottuAlpha-DOG: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:53
CodPairmagicianlord: This is the third attempt22:53
zaxonspoxroderick: where you dowloaded the file?22:53
magicianlordAlpha-DOG: and listen to some dr. dre while eating ice cream22:53
vicsar@sipher i highly recommend using www.joomla.org22:53
roderickzaxonspox: from the ati website22:54
lostzanon rather no answer22:54
crucialhoaxlost: and it freezes with flash only right?22:54
magicianlordCodPair: it may be a bad download then, try checksum. i have no trouble installing 9.1022:54
zaxonspoxroderick to where on your disk22:54
=== christian is now known as Guest3526
lostcrucial yes flash contains only22:54
magicianlordIn fact, I prefer 9.10 to 10.04, because 10.04 reminds me of the Ballad of Gay Tony22:55
Guest3526I've got a problem with Brasero that worked last night22:55
crucialhoaxlost: Incompatibility with the newer versions of FF that is why...22:55
Guest3526actually it worked this morning22:55
Guest3526I inserted a DVD to copy and got this error22:55
Guest3526Please install the following manually and try again:22:55
Guest3526libdvdcss.so.2 (library)22:55
Guest3526libdvdcss.so.2 (library).22:55
FloodBot1Guest3526: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:55
lostcrucial do i need to uninstall adobe flash to see22:55
scubainstall K#B not brasero22:55
CodPairmagicianlord: By checksum do you mean check cd for defects? That came back clean. Could my RAID card have something to do with this?22:55
crucialhoaxlost: No, I am telling you.22:55
scubaK3B not brasero22:55
roderickzaxonspox: on desktop22:55
magicianlordCod: checking the download itself22:56
IdleOnemagicianlord: please stay on topic and don't use the term gay in a derogatory way.22:56
=== Guest3526 is now known as nooby
grammguys help i disabled a panel where are all applications minimized how do I undo it22:56
lostcrucial do gnome flash is better than adobe one22:56
magicianlordIdleOne: it's a video game and not derogatory22:56
macogramm: whole panel gone?22:56
macogramm: right click on desktop and add a panel, i think.. or maybe right click on the other panel and add another panel22:56
zaxonspoxroderick: sudo sh /home/<user_name>/Desktop/ati<press_TAB>22:56
IdleOnemagicianlord: ok fine. stay on topic please22:56
grammI've just installed ubuntu 9.10 the main panel is working its at the top22:57
macogramm: then on the new panel right click -> add applet, and add the "window list" applet to show where stuff minimizes22:57
grammbut the bottom panel is gone22:57
grammthnx w8 I'll try it22:57
maurii need help for my scanner canon lide 10022:57
hunahpuGuest3526: open Synaptic (system-admin-synaptic), search and install "ubuntu-restricted-extras", after it installs run the following command in a terminal to install libcss: "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh"22:57
crucialhoaxlost: ?22:58
magicianlordIs there a reason why the default ubuntu desktop uses 2 panels? It's very inefficient, and the first thing i do is remove the bottom pane and insert the window-select applet to the top one.22:58
grammyes nice it worked thanks but is there any way to get back that bottom panel?22:58
lostcrucialhoax i am uninstall now to test gnome22:58
magicianlordgramm: from preference, create second panel22:58
bondiblueos9why am I getting this error?22:59
grammwhere exactly?22:59
bondiblueos9root@bigbox:~# echo $[ 671839085 -gt 1271451871 ]22:59
bondiblueos9bash: 671839085 -gt 1271451871 : syntax error in expression (error token is "1271451871 ")22:59
Loshamagicianlord: I agree completely. I used to do exactly the same, and finally switched to a window manager that doesn't squander screen real-estate on panels at all...22:59
roderickzaxonspox: so do i put the file name after press tab23:00
zaxonspoxbondiblueos9 what is -gt ?23:00
bondiblueos9greater than23:00
grammfrom where exactly do I create second panel?23:00
bondiblueos9oh wait23:00
mrwesmagicianlord, that's the beauty of Ubuntu/Linux -- you can change whatever you want23:00
bondiblueos9root@bigbox:~# if $[671839085 -gt 1271451871]; then echo yes; else echo no; fi23:00
bondiblueos9bash: 671839085 -gt 1271451871: syntax error in expression (error token is "1271451871")23:00
zaxonspoxroderick: no then pres TAB to fill the file name instead if typing it23:00
magicianlordmrwes: yes, i am in the enjoy23:01
Loshabondiblueos9: if $[671839085 > 1271451871]23:01
grammguys which is best irc client? xchat?23:01
crucialhoaxlost: gnome what?23:01
crucialhoaxgramm: xchat or irssi23:01
ErJeeBgram: right-click an existing panel, new panel23:02
roderickzaxonspox: it installed i think23:02
crucialhoaxgramm: Or whatever you are comfortable with, no real "best"23:02
ErJeeBgramm: @irc question: xchat23:02
magicianlordi want someone to creat a base 10.04 install with openbox only23:02
grammthanks guys :D23:02
Dr_Dis there a method i can use to query my gfx card for model/driver info through ubuntu?23:02
zaxonspoxroderick: did you get thru thoes windows?23:02
magicianlordthe only way for me to do this currently is with a wired connectino23:02
cphow many people use transmission over utorrent?23:03
mrwesDr_D, from the terminal lspci | grep VGA23:03
Losha!polls | cp23:03
ubottucp: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:03
magicianlordisnt torrent illegal?23:03
hunahpucp: is there utorrent for linux?23:04
mrwesnot the actual torrent file23:04
hunahpumagicianlord: of course not, I get most of my software using torrents23:04
crucialhoaxhunahpu: It can be ran in wine.23:04
Loshamagicianlord: only if the transferred content is copyright...23:04
Dr_Dtorrent isn't illegal... illegal software is though :p23:04
zaxonspoxroderick: after closing installer window type /usr/bin/aticonfig --initial23:04
magicianlordhow do you know its copyright what youre downloading through it then23:04
mrweshunahpu, Deluge is very utorrent like23:04
hunahpucrucialhoax: I see.... I don't like wine, I'll stick to deluge23:04
hunahpumrwes: yes I use deluge23:05
crucialhoaxhunahpu:Agreed. deluge is nice!23:05
IdleOnePlease take the torrent discussion elsewhere23:05
magicianlordshouldnt all copyrighted material be not allowed by the world wide web consortium for even posting to the net?23:05
hunahpuI love it runs as daemon23:05
cpmagicianlord,  what a square23:05
mrweshunahpu, I used transmission CLI w/ the web interface on my server23:05
magicianlordok man23:05
IdleOnemagicianlord: Once again, please stay on topic. ubuntu support related questions23:05
hunahpumagicianlord: who says torrents are ilegal-material exclusive, many free software is distributed via p2p23:05
CodPairmagicianlord: checksum OK23:05
crucialhoaxhunahpu: Correct, it is easier, faster and causes less of a bandwidth drain as everyone is a client and a server23:06
roderickzaxonspox: it automatically installed it23:06
texas319can ubuntu stream video live online23:06
lostcrucial even gnome flash is not working on youtube!!!!23:06
Loshatexas319: see the top hit when you google "ubuntu stream video live online"23:07
ErJeeBlost: gnome flash?23:07
crucialhoaxlost: What is gnome flash? If you were using the FF in the repo's you would not have this problem. You are using Namaroka or FF 3.7 beta23:07
zaxonspoxroderick type /usr/bin/aticonfig --initial   if no file then type locate aticonfig and then run it with --initial23:07
texas319thanks losha23:07
hunahpuErJeeB: I suppose he is refering to GNASH23:07
lostcrucial swf gnome23:07
grammguys how to connect to server global.irc.gr the commands are different from mIRC on xchat?23:08
distaticaanyone aware of a good tutorial for creating web applications as .deb packages? I'm trying to follow http://webapps-common.alioth.debian.org/draft/html/ which certainly has some good recommendations, but doesn't seem to help with packaging..23:08
ErJeeBhunahpu: ok.. whatever that might be :P23:08
texas319Losha... i want to send live video to the internet23:08
hunahpugramm: if the url is correct use /connect irc.whatever.xxx23:08
lostcrucial do you use FF beta too?23:08
IdleOnegramm: /server server.whatever.com23:08
axisyshow do I keep SUDO_USER and/or LOGNAME to original user when doing sudo su - anotheruser -c "any command" ?23:09
Loshatexas319: is this any better: http://www.linkingpeopletogether.com/avblog/?p=623:10
roderickzaxonspox: says no supported adapters detected23:10
texas319just found that page23:10
yk1000how do i get flash to play sound in FF? Using FF3.6.3, lucid beta23:10
bondiblueos9can I make something output to stdout and to file?23:10
=== Guest44770 is now known as jeffola225
IdleOne!lucid | yk100023:10
ubottuyk1000: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule23:10
hunahpu!10.04 | yk100023:11
jeffola225Does anyone know how to enable the hardware encryption block of AMD Geode LX processors in Ubuntu23:11
zaxonspoxroderick omg im just surrender type lspci | grep VGA23:11
roderickzaxonspox: ok i did that23:12
psusiwhat is a simple site you can upload screen shots to so you can tell others to take a look?23:12
zaxonspoxroderick and the result?23:12
islingtonpsusi: imgur.com23:12
IdleOnepsusi: imagebin23:12
hunahpupsusi: I use tinypic.com and imageshare.us23:12
roderickzaxonspox: VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AR [Radeon 9600]23:12
zaxonspoxroderick than i dont understand , mayby it is just done, if so, just reboot23:13
mayfairmanwould someone be able to give me a hand enabling uPNP media shares on 10.04, have tried gmediaserver, but no joy as of yet23:13
roderickzaxonspox: ok ill do that23:13
hunahpuroderick: are you trying to install drivers from ATI site?23:13
bondiblueos9thanks all23:13
hunahpumayfairman: for Lucid questins go to #ubuntu+123:14
slckb0yhi :) is someone running KDE in a vbox under win7 ? i can't use opengl desktop effect even if i installed the client additions :/23:14
mayfairmanOK, thanks hunahpu23:14
roderickzaxonspox: srry accidentally clicked out, what did yu say?23:14
zaxonspoxroderick try more to type in terminal23:15
roderickzaxonspox: ?23:15
=== thomas__ is now known as whiter
zaxonspoxroderick sudo /usr/X<TAB>/bin/aticonfig --initial23:15
roderickzaxonspox: same23:17
zaxonspoxroderick:  then just reboot23:18
=== cpr__ is now known as cooper
roderickzaxonspox: ok will do23:18
axisyswhat is a good gui based irc client ?23:18
Gowesty1990soreau: I installed the Ubuntu drivers for my 9600 pro but I am running in low graphics mode now23:20
soreauGowesty1990: Pastebin your X log file23:21
roderickzaxonspox: i rebooted23:21
ponyofdeathhi, i have the live cd running and have set up my monitors how can i get the current xorg.conf so that i can use later?23:21
zaxonspoxroderick is everythink working?23:21
roderickzaxonspox: so far so good23:21
zaxonspoxroderick good, mayby this help23:22
Gowesty1990soreau: I am still a noob :-D, where is the X log file?23:22
=== help is now known as Guest67219
zaxonspoxroderick in the future, in this pdf are instruction how to uninstall23:22
soreauGowesty1990: /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:22
roderickzaxonspox: the whole i was trying to see if it worked it didnt freeze but ill see23:22
soreauGowesty1990: Pastebin it to pastebin.com23:22
OkeechobeI have a laptop Acer Aspire 3000 every time I boot the display goes black, I switch the laptop to suspense hit enter and the display start working. Does anyone knows what is the issue?23:23
Gowesty1990soreau: now I'm confused, what command should I use?23:23
zaxonspoxponyofdeath /etc/X11/xorg.conf there are stored graphical settings23:24
purpleyhey my server is lagging really really badly from a botnet, how do i stop these attacks?23:24
Kasm279well it seems as though i will have to stick with ubuntu 8.10 on this machine for a while D:23:24
Nikolakk2010-04-16 23:46 *** sllide QUIT Read error: Connection reset by peer23:24
purpleylike literally typing ls on the actual computer takes ~15 seconds for a response23:24
ponyofdeathzaxonspox: well i dont see that file in the ubuntu live cd23:25
purpleyI stopped my server but still23:25
distaticaI absolutely hate ubuntu packaging, is there a experienced person that would be willing to give a few pointers, maybe in PM? I'm just trying to build a package to distribute a web application, every tutorial I find works on some existing package, and says things like "we will now build from scratch, first, copy the original file"23:25
soreauGowesty1990: sudo apt-get install curl && cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us23:25
NikolakkDose anyone know  how to set shell utf8 font and encoding?23:26
lostdistatica what i hate about ubunto repo is that when you uninstall a packkage you have to fetch it again!!23:26
distaticaI have no beef with installing packages.23:27
distaticaor, uninstalling for that matter23:27
Gowesty1990soreau: done23:27
lostdista uninstall networking resource if you dare23:27
distaticaI don't know what that is, or why I would.. heh23:28
crucialhoaxlost: Did you get it figured out?23:28
grammguys I've started alright with ubuntu but does it need drivers like chipset driver graphic card driver and etc23:28
lostdista i did myself and i was stuck using another computer to fetch network resource again23:28
soreauGowesty1990: but you have to show the link it output23:29
Kasm279will someone please fix the i865 problems already?23:29
lostcrucial not yet. but iam about to uninstall that FF beta soon23:29
erUSUL!package | distatica ask in #ubuntu-motu23:29
ubottudistatica ask in #ubuntu-motu: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!23:29
erUSUL!packaging | distatica ask in #ubuntu-motu23:29
ubottudistatica ask in #ubuntu-motu: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports23:29
erUSULdistatica: sorry for the spam23:29
icerootKasm279: and what is a i865 problem?23:29
grammhow do I install drivers for my PC on ubuntu?23:30
icerootgramm: depending on the driver23:30
crucialhoaxlost: I bet that will fix the issues. Everyone that seems to have a flash issue is using the beta FF. the FF in the repo's works fine. :)23:30
erUSULgramm: most drivers come installed by default in linux23:30
distaticaerUSUL: awesome, thank you. I am reading I'm just going around in circles..23:30
noobycan someone help me with brasero23:30
Kasm279iceroot: well in ubuntu 9.04 (and in 9.10 too) they shut off the hardware acceleration because it was causing freezes at boot but it worked fine in 8.1023:30
iceroot!anyone | nooby23:30
ubottunooby: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:30
grammdriver like chipset?23:31
lostcrucial i will be back tomorrow and see if i could get ff 3.5 working again23:31
icerootKasm279: intel vga?23:31
grammor maybe graphic card driver23:31
Kasm279GPU gramm23:31
iceroot!intel | Kasm27923:31
ubottuKasm279: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.23:31
crucialhoaxlost: Cya :)23:31
grammI couldnt find it on ATI official site23:31
Kasm279already checked those link iceroot23:31
grammI have x2300 GPU23:31
Kasm279oh well23:32
noobyWhen i try to copy a dvd i am told that i need to install this mannually - libdvdcss.so.223:32
slckb0yhi :) is someone running KDE in a vbox under win7 ? i can't use opengl desktop effect even if i installed the client additions :/23:32
noobybut it worked this morning23:32
Kasm279ill just stick with 8.1023:32
Gowesty1990soreau: the link in the command you gave me was part of the command right?23:33
xangua!medibuntu > nooby23:33
ubottunooby, please see my private message23:33
needaid have two monitors on my integrated graphics card and one on my PCIE graphics card, both ATI, but only the two on my integrated card are working, the one on the PCIE wont show up in grandr xrandr, or lspci, although BOTH graphics cards do show up in lspci, can someone help me figure out how to get the pcie monitor to work? i need all three for work23:33
xanguanooby: you can get libdvdcss2 from there ;)23:33
erUSULnooby: you can install that lib from medibuntu23:33
aguiteli installed lxde but later i uninstall all lxde ,why when i type aptitude install -f it install again lxde?23:33
erUSUL!medibuntu | nooby23:34
ubottunooby: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:34
erUSULnooby: oops! somebody already told you ... sorry23:34
=== Afrix2 is now known as Afrix
Gowesty1990soreau: is this it? http://sprunge.us/afXe23:35
needaid have two monitors on my integrated graphics card and one on my PCIE graphics card, both ATI, but only the two on my integrated card are working, the one on the PCIE wont show up in grandr xrandr, or lspci, although BOTH graphics cards do show up in lspci, can someone help me figure out how to get the pcie monitor to work? i need all three for work23:35
ErJeeBhowly sh*t it already is past midnight??23:35
soreauGowesty1990: yea23:35
ErJeeBgotta go, bye23:35
soreauGowesty1990: You need to change Driver "fglrx" to Driver "radeon" in your xorg.conf file23:36
Gowesty1990soreau: ok, where is it located?23:37
=== xiong_ is now known as xiong
soreauGowesty1990: /etc/X11/23:37
needaid have two monitors on my integrated graphics card and one on my PCIE graphics card, both ATI, but only the two on my integrated card are working, the one on the PCIE wont show up in grandr xrandr, or lspci, although BOTH graphics cards do show up in lspci, can someone help me figure out how to get the pcie monitor to work? i need all three for work23:39
jeffola225Does anyone know how to enable the hardware encryption block of AMD Geode LX processors in Ubuntu23:39
cablewhat is a repository?23:39
needaidhow do i set up my graphics card in xorg.conf23:40
True-ch4t-29it all depends of which graphic card you have23:40
zaxonspoxcable a server that stores programs for distribution like Ubuntu23:40
cableneed some help with downloading through terminal23:41
zaxonspoxcable sudo apt-get install <pkg_name>23:41
noobyhow do you talk to someone directly so that it highlights?23:41
zaxonspoxnooby type nickname first23:42
needaid have two monitors on my integrated graphics card and one on my PCIE graphics card, both ATI, but only the two on my integrated card are working, the one on the PCIE wont show up in grandr xrandr, or lspci, although BOTH graphics cards do show up in lspci, can someone help me figure out how to get the pcie monitor to work? i need all three for work23:42
oscurochui just got a new usb gps device, how do i use it?23:42
cableI am trying to download xvid from the website, and they gave me a line. I do not know what it is for.23:42
noobywith colon or without?23:42
noobyerUSUL i ran the install command on the link23:43
noobybut i still get the same message23:43
noobydo i need to reboot?23:43
hunahpuoscurochu: I hate to give this answer here but... Read the Manual.23:43
zaxonspoxcable link23:43
xanguanooby: have you already installed libdvdcss2¿23:43
erUSULnooby: sudo aptitude install libdvdcss223:44
Gowesty1990soreau: is that all I need to do?23:44
oscurochuhunahpu: that helped A LOT. give me a real answer, maybe a link to the manual.23:44
cablecould i cop paste on terminal23:44
frxstremhow do I make my web server start when the computer turns on?23:44
noobyOh, my bad23:44
soreauGowesty1990: You might need to reinstall a couple packages but for now, just restart and see if it works any different23:44
noobythe command just added it to the software center23:45
Gowesty1990soreau: ok, brb23:45
zaxonspoxfrxstrem apache adds own deamon to the deamon start list23:45
noobyi thought it installed all the files23:45
hunahpuoscurochu: it is really hard to give further help when your question is made in such way... you didn't even give a model, how do you expect me to link you to its manual?23:45
frxstremzaxonspox: did I ever say that I used the Apache from the repositories? (I use XAMPP, which I have to install manually and stuff, because the normal Apache wouldn't work properly)23:45
frxstremzaxonspox: so that's why I have to do this23:46
needaid have two monitors on my integrated graphics card and one on my PCIE graphics card, both ATI, but only the two on my integrated card are working, the one on the PCIE wont show up in grandr xrandr, or lspci, although BOTH graphics cards do show up in lspci, can someone help me figure out how to get the pcie monitor to work? i need all three for work23:46
noobySUCCESS!!! Thanks guys...23:46
noobySorry I'm retarded23:46
noobyI'll get it though23:46
oscurochuhunahpu: 598u or something, i got it from sprint. its a 3g card  but it has gps capabilities too23:46
noobyanything to avoid w*nd*ws23:47
mayfairmanhi all, I have asked on ubuntu+1 for lucid, but am guessing the issue is broadly similar, does anyone have any ideas on how to enable uPnP media shares? I have a Nokia N900 running deb flavoured Maemo which picks up my Win 7 shares out of the box, but have those same folders sim linked into my Ubuntu media folders, but need to share them via uPnP for the phone to pick them up, dont really want to hack the phone to pick up samba or nfs as want to keep23:47
zaxonspoxfrxstrem you need to put a xampp script into /etc/init.d/xampp23:48
grammhelp anyone who plays counter strike 1.623:48
hunahpuoscurochu: oh yeah the 598 something model... very useful... read the manual that came with it, ask again when you have more information and a real question.23:48
frxstremzaxonspox: okay, I guess that's the one that came with XAMPP :/ would any script that starts when it's called with the parameter "start" work?23:49
oscurochuhunahpu: the card says USB 598, its from sierra wireless... is it REALLY necessary to be a _complete_ asshole? you *could* ask questions too, i dont know what kind of information you need...23:50
Gowesty1990soreau: seems to be working now, no errors on boot and all is as it was23:50
mattwj2002hi guys23:50
zaxonspoxfrxstrem didn fully understand your q. you put in /etc/init.d/ a script which you can then call like /etc/init.d/xampp start23:50
mattwj2002question for the room23:50
soreauGowesty1990: What is the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'?23:50
frxstremzaxonspox: that's what I asked :) thanks for your answer23:50
oscurochuhunahpu: the manual is for windows, btw.23:50
mattwj2002does this work under ubuntu? http://www.virginmobileusa.com/mobile-broadband23:51
mattwj2002if so is it legal to do?23:51
zaxonspoxfrxstrem also you need to make link to this script into /etc/rcS.d/S66xampp23:51
smtfrxstrem should work to symlink the xampp binary from /opt/lampp  to etc/init.d23:51
Gowesty1990soreau: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 (RV350 4150) 20090101 AGP 8x x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL23:51
mayfairmanmattwj2002: need to find what chipset that works on23:51
soreauGowesty1990: Cool, that means compiz and everything should work now23:53
xangua!caps> gramm23:53
ubottugramm, please see my private message23:53
soreaugramm: Which version of ubuntu?23:53
mattwj2002would it be legal to use?23:53
mayfairmanlegal? why wouldn't it be?23:53
=== cooper is now known as cooper[desktop]
mattwj2002because it doesn't break the cap or anything does it?23:54
grammI have 9.1023:54
ddrjneed suggestions on what to do with a friend's pc... it's a p4, no pcie or pci slots, IDE connectors (no sata)23:54
mayfairmanthe cap will be set by your provider on their side, dependant on how much data they send over the air to the included SIM23:54
mattwj2002okay good23:55
Gowesty1990soreau: nice, one other question, if I use any 3D app it is kinda buggy, example Google Earth shows the earth surrounded by a white borger instead of atmosphere, I've been reading up on it and it seems to have something to do with OpenGL, any thoughts?23:55
rathin2jhi every one,i would like to ask one question which may appear strange or silly!!!23:55
rathin2ji currently installed ubuntu 9.10 on my new HP box through WUBI,23:55
rathin2jnow the thing is that in my nautilus i dont see the partition in which i installed the ubuntu!!! now in my nautilus i dont see the partition in which i installed the ubuntu!!!during this i installed AWN DOCK,in that a FILE MANAGER shortcut is given,i installed that,in that i see my partition,now what to do???23:55
FloodBot1rathin2j: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:55
soreauGowesty1990: Yea, it should be a *lot* better with karmic23:55
mayfairmanam I hitting a uPnP experience blackspot in this room as well at the mo?23:55
Gowesty1990soreau: better program?23:56
mattwj2002Chip Set QUALCOMM™ QSC608523:56
soreauGowesty1990: New driver23:56
grammsoreau: i have 9.10 ubuntu23:56
soreauGowesty1990: It's still the radeon driver but with kms, it's all in kernel and much more capable23:56
soreauGowesty1990: If you're feeling adventurous, you could boot with radeon.modeset=1 to see the state of it on karmic23:56
rathin2jhi every one,i would like to ask one question which may appear strange or silly!!!23:57
soreauGowesty1990: But better to try it on lucid after release23:57
rathin2ji currently installed ubuntu 9.10 on my new HP box through WUBI,23:57
rathin2jnow the thing is that in my nautilus i dont see the partition in which i installed the ubuntu!!! now in my nautilus i dont see the partition in which i installed the ubuntu!!!during this i installed AWN DOCK,in that a FILE MANAGER shortcut is given,i installed that,in that i see my partition,now what to do???23:57
hunahpu!patience | rathin2j23:57
ubotturathin2j: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:57
soreaugramm: What have you tried to install them so far?23:58
smtrathin2j, we could read it the first time23:58
Gowesty1990soreau: heh, yeah I will try it later, thanks again23:58
rathin2jnow the thing is that in my nautilus i dont see the partition in which i installed the ubuntu!!! now in my nautilus i dont see the partition in which i installed the ubuntu!!!during this i installed AWN DOCK,in that a FILE MANAGER shortcut is given,i installed that,in that i see my partition,now what to do???23:58
Raydiationis vbox puel not in the normal sources?23:58
grammsoreau: I've just installed ubuntu about 10 minutes ago and I'm trying to install some drivers on my PC23:58
rathin2jthank u very much for co-operation23:58
Supernatendowhat drivers?23:58
mattwj2002is that chipset compatible? Chip Set QUALCOMM™ QSC608523:59
rathin2jin my NTFS23:59
grammsoreau: but i cant find any drivers which are compatible with my laptop SONY vaio vgn-cr4123:59
Raydiationgramm: which drivers?23:59
Supernatendowhich drivers do you need?23:59
Raydiationgramm: normally everything should work out of the box23:59
smtRaydiation,  puel?23:59
Supernatendomost should load automatically23:59
soreaugramm: Try Sys>Admin>Hardware Drivers23:59
grammGPU drivers23:59

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