
=== mr_ian_ is now known as mr_ian
NCommanderHas anyone successfully gotten Ubuntu One to work under Kubuntu with the 10.04 beta release?04:45
Doug_Hello there04:48
duanedesignDoug_ hello05:31
duanedesignkermiac_: hello08:26
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kermiachi duanedesign :)08:26
kermiacbugmail gave me away again, eh? hehe08:27
duanedesigni just saw the emails popping in with your.......yep08:27
kermiachey have you seen many "twisted internet error" bugs lately? I've been seeing quite a few08:28
duanedesignkermiac: have you. I noticed one, probably because that was in the title.08:29
kermiacI think it *might* be related to write limit must be greater than 0.... but I can't seem to reproduce it08:29
duanedesignkermiac: now that i can see the private bugs the number of bugs for Ubuntu One that are Ubuntu tasks has doubled08:30
kermiacI've seen at least 6 that I remember over the last couple of days... I'm getting one of the OP's who seems to be pretty responsive to manually edit the config & set the write limit to the default to see how that goes08:30
duanedesignkermiac: i will grep my logs there was a conversation in here the other day about the read/erite limit08:31
kermiacyeah, there are a fair few private bugs.08:31
duanedesignalso there can be an issue when upgrading to Lucid and the syncdaemon.conf still having read/write set to 008:32
kermiacthanks, I half remember seeing something rye was discussing about write limit being 0 & twisted internet error08:32
kermiacyup, but the bugs I've seen the OP has still been using karmic08:33
duanedesignoh ok08:33
duanedesignkermiac: i had a question about the provate bugs08:33
kermiacyep, shoot08:33
duanedesigna lot have identical 'Summary' and on the surface when glancing at them they seem identical. I am wondering why apport didnt dupe them. Does it know something about them I dont08:35
kermiacrye's  conversation regarding twisted internet error started 14-04-2010 [22:11:20] <candtalan> http://paste.ubuntu.com/414287/08:35
kermiacapport usually dupes them by looking at the stacktrace08:36
duanedesignok that is what I was thinking might be the case.08:36
kermiacah sorry08:36
kermiacI misunderstood08:36
kermiacapport-retracer looks at the trace08:37
kermiacwhen the bugs are initially filed, apport can't see (or won't display) the private bug reports08:37
kermiacsorry duanedesign, it's friday afternoon here & it's been a *very* long week ;)08:38
duanedesignkermiac: didnt have much luck on finding anything worthwhile about the twisted errors09:41
ryeduanedesign, twisted? where? client-side ?09:50
ryeduanedesign, morning, btw!09:50
* kermiac looks for one of the bug numbers09:51
* rye hates caps lock key, and wil never install the server w/o ssh by default... thinking that ah, well, I will install it later...09:53
kermiachello rye :) bug 558878 - the OP had a metadata error which was resolved, now they get the twisted internet error09:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558878 in ubuntuone-client "Ubuntu One doesn't login" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55887809:53
kermiacthere are a few other twisted interent error bugs, but I can't seem to find the bug numbers right now09:54
rye2010-04-09 06:50:02,354 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - ERROR - Protocol version error09:56
ryewrite_limit = 009:56
duanedesignhere is the one I was looking at. bug 55946309:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559463 in ubuntuone-client "<LOCAL MACHINE> Failure: twisted.internet.defer.TimeoutError: [Query('_https._tcp.fs.ubuntuone.com', 33, 1)]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55946309:57
ryekermiac, your last reply is perfectly valid09:57
ryeduanedesign, hm, SRV lookup failure? broken router?09:57
kermiacrye: thanks for confirming that... i wasn't 100% sure that was the right thing to do as I couldn't reproduce it09:58
ryeduanedesign, well, that's not a critical error, it just means that the user has some network hardware-related issue that blocks DNS SRV lookups...09:58
ryeduanedesign, dig -t SRV _xmpp-client._tcp.gmail.com09:59
ryeduanedesign, if that fails as well, then his router is broken. Btw, in case SRV lookup fails, the connection is done to the defaults specified in /etc/xdg/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf10:00
ryekermiac, btw, regarding server-side fixes and revision numbers - i checked lp - that field is read-only, fetching lp sources to see whether my abysmal python knowledge can tweak it up :)10:00
* rye used the word 'abysmal' for first time so no idea whether this is a valid one10:01
kermiacseems like it may be the right word.... maybe a bit harsh though10:01
ryeawesome, that is definitely the opposite to what I wanted to say :)10:01
ryeok, that word is ambiguous, will never use again.10:02
ryebug #563834 - first bug about notes after the fix for bug #539558 is deployed10:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563834 in ubuntuone-servers "Cannot Open a note" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56383410:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539558 in ubuntuone-servers "Simple /notes/ loading converts all notes from XML to HTML" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53955810:03
rye"cannot open _a_ note" against "cannot open any note"10:04
kermiacok, that would be good if we can get something automated happening wrt LP & bzr revisions :) manually doing things is definately not what we want to do10:04
kermiacdinner time - bbl10:05
ryehm... is Ubuntu One going to be integrated with zoho somehow?11:23
duanedesignrye: i know webservice-office-zoho is default app on Ubuntu's ARM images11:43
ryeduanedesign, just tried to create new doc and "save it" - got file type not supported error11:44
duanedesignrye: +!11:48
duanedesignerr, +111:48
duanedesignI got the same thing11:48
duanedesignrye: i guess you have two intended options. Saving locally(Export) and saving to Zoho(Save)11:52
ryeduanedesign, well, yes, but... i see save button and i want to press it to save my doc. and that does not save anything :)11:53
duanedesignrye: yeah it seems kinda backwards11:56
duanedesignrye: i would think saving locally would be the Save button and saving to zoho an export11:57
ryeduanedesign, well, yes, but ws cannot save the document locally at a different address... it is more like security vulnerability...11:58
duanedesigngood point11:59
duanedesigni was just looking over the Ubuntu One Brainstorm ideas. http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/most_popular_6_months/?tags=ubuntuone12:01
ryeintroduction to ubuntuone, well, true...12:07
joshuahooverrye: can you take a look at bug #564262 and let me know if you have any ideas on what might be causing this? i thought i'd check with you first before going to rodrigo14:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564262 in ubuntuone-servers "Notes sync errors with: Thread has not been started, or is dead" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56426214:29
ryejoshuahoover, well, this is definitely a tomboy bug..14:32
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joshuahooverrye: that's what i was thinking yesterday and sounds like sandy thinks it is too14:33
joshuahooverrye: but wasn't sure if you'd seen it before14:33
ryejoshuahoover, i believe i have an idea about how to reproduce it..14:33
joshuahooverrye: oh yeah?14:34
ryejoshuahoover, yes, i still believe that i have an idea :)14:35
joshuahooverrye: heh14:35
ryejoshuahoover, it fails during conflict resolution...14:35
ryeso i need to make some conflicts...14:35
ryegot conflicts, it still works :(14:57
ryeuh oh, i know, Print mode for notes!14:58
ryepretty-print, using the xslt bundled with tomboy!14:58
PiranhA_Hey, does anyone know how to access Downloads from the Ubuntu Music Store without Ubuntu One?15:32
PiranhA_Because I have massive problems syncing with Ubuntu One and getting the MP3s15:32
PiranhA_okay, syncing files using nautilus works fine, just not downloading the purchased mp3's15:36
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duanedesignhello PiranhA_15:40
duanedesignPiranhA_: Are the songs showing up in the Ubuntu One cloud at http://one.ubuntu.com/files , under User Defined Folders > Purchased from Ubuntu One15:43
PiranhA_nop. the status in the store says "Transferring to your Ubuntu One storage"15:43
PiranhA_the thing is, I purchased the songs yesterday when they weren't released. release day is today15:44
PiranhA_when I search them again, I can buy them again15:44
duanedesignPiranhA_: do the sngs have apostrophes or accent marks in them?15:48
PiranhA_no. they are german, but only ansii characters. one example: Sie, Herr Polizei - Deine Jugend Deine Maske EP15:50
duanedesignaquarius: PiranhA_ hhas ome songs he ourchased not showing up in his cloud storage at one.ubuntu.com/files15:54
aquariusPiranhA_, they're not in Ubutnu One at all, when checked through the web interface?15:55
joshuahooverrye: do you know if there is a bug already for when you sync a note with ' in the title will show as the html entity on the web ui? i looked yesterday but didn't see anything16:01
ryejoshuahoover, there is at least one16:02
joshuahooverrye: i thought so, just couldn't seem to find it via lp search16:02
ryebug 49750316:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 497503 in ubuntuone-servers "Notes List doesn't handle apostorphes correctly for uploaded notes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49750316:02
ryejoshuahoover, does that appear to be related ^16:03
joshuahooverrye: yep :)16:03
ryewhy oh why zoho web writer works faster than OpenOffice ?..16:09
ryeand why oh why openoffice is able to crash nouveau driver...16:11
joshuahooverrye: because zoho is a lot slimmer?16:19
joshuahooverrye: have you noticed slow file sync the past day or two?16:20
ryejoshuahoover, when i was young...er than now, I thought that StarOffice was slow because it was written in Java. It turned out not to be quite right, but it did not become faster because of that...16:20
beunorye, take a peak at /contacts on edge. How are thos non-ascii contacts now?16:24
* rye looks16:24
* rye likes!16:26
ryebeuno, i like what's there, no unneeded old latin characters :-P16:26
beunorye, urbanape is the guy to hug16:26
ryebeuno, i was testing this branch yesterday on my local install, and I found no issues... so i forgot to add my review to it :(16:27
ryeuser__, hi16:28
user__hi rye! apologies I am not set up well here my id would normally be candtalan. I was grateful for your help  very recently  here16:29
* rye recalls...16:29
* rye recalled16:30
ryeuser__, so, have your files finally got uploaded?16:30
user__ unfortunately not. th efolders came down from storage to the empty U1 folder. only a 100Mb or so came down out of 11GB in my cloud. I am using one machine allocated only.16:32
user__This was over about 24 hours or so. So I removed that machine from mu U1 account and tried  ubuntu 10.416:32
ryeuser__, could you please pastebin the output of 'grep GetPublicFolders ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log | head -n 100'16:33
rye'grep GetPublicFiles ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log | head -n 100'16:34
user__will try16:34
user__that is on a different machine so it will take a short time16:37
user__rye: I hav eused those two command strings and neither produces any output, I just see a clean prompt after the command has run. am i missing something?16:50
urbanaperye, I assume things are ordered properly on that display?16:54
urbanapeWe're relying on Couch to hand back the letter buckets sorted16:54
ryeurbanape, yup16:54
ryeuser__, that's ok, what does u1sdtool --status show now? and u1sdtool --waiting-meta and u1sdtool --waiting-content16:55
* rye needs to have a script done that will post all that to pastebin...16:55
ryehowever privacy concerns... no16:55
user__rye: u1sdtool --status   gives error: --status no such option    (if it is relvant, that is a ubuntu 9.10 machine)17:01
rye9.10, ok, what's the ubuntuone-client version - apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client ?17:03
user__rye: installed 1.0.3-0ubuntu117:10
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ryeuser__, ok, could you please provide the following - grep MARK ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log | tail -n 117:12
candtalanrye: I have connected xchat now from the machine being discussed and am using my normal id. hope that is ok?17:14
ryecandtalan, sure!17:14
candtalanrye: grep MARK  ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log | tail -n 12010-04-16 17:16:24,845 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: READY_WITH_NETWORK; queues: metadata: 0; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=9861 miss=1068) ----17:19
ryekilling gnome-session was a bad idea17:19
ryecandtalan, erm, it is not connected17:20
ryecandtalan, do you have the applet? Could you please try clicking 'Connect' ?17:20
candtalanrye: many apologies.... I will connect u1 now17:21
ryecandtalan, that's ok, I believe I will create some kind of status query now, to get all relevant info in one run17:22
candtalanrye: yes i have the applet, and have just clicked connect. get openid server error https://login.ubuntu.com/+openid however i will try again17:23
ryehm, what kind of openid error?17:25
candtalanrye: looks like the applet is not now connecting. i tried the connect button on the U1 folder and it said connecting but nothing seemed to happen17:26
ryecandtalan, could you please re-run the command with MARK ?17:28
candtalansomething like server 500 error . sorry it is closed now. i got simil;ar also recently and guessed the launchpad servers were too busy or something17:29
candtalanrye: ok17:29
candtalanrye: grep MARK  ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log | tail -n 12010-04-16 17:27:52,768 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: READY_WITH_NETWORK; queues: metadata: 0; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=3129 miss=147) ----17:29
ryecandtalan, ok, could you please pastebin the contents of ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log ?17:31
ryecandtalan, and, btw, could you please try the following - quit the applet, then run u1sdtool --quit and then killall ubuntuone-login17:31
candtalanrye: will try yes17:31
ryecandtalan, and then restart applet again17:31
candtalanrye: paste url: http://paste.ubuntu.com/415645/17:35
candtalanrye: u1sdtool --quit gives response : ubuntuone-syncdaemon still running17:38
candtalanrye: killall ubuntuone-login gives response: ubuntuone-login: no process found17:39
ryecandtalan, ok, then lets try killing ubuntuone0syncdaemon - killall ubuntuone-syncdaemon17:39
ryecandtalan, and now restart ubuntuone-applet17:39
candtalanrye: killall ubuntuone-syncdaemon gives: ubuntuone-syncdaemon: no process found17:41
ryecandtalan, ok, nobody to kill, try starting applet17:41
candtalanrye: appletd stared ok, opened my sign in, i accepted sign in, invited to add this machine, i acceted, and the machine is now shown on my account17:43
ryecandtalan, ok, it means that it should start syncing.17:44
candtalanthe applet indices as connected. how do i tell if syncing is really happening?17:46
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* Nafallo buys more music21:02
ryecandtalan, hi, I am now trying to make a notification for syncdaemon to support download notification21:44
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candtalanHi Rye. as an IRC newbie, I was just beginning to get used to some of the terminal  and paste stuff.... LOL. Are you now going to make it semi automatic?21:47
ryeit supports upload notifications now, not downloads...21:48
candtalanrye: neat21:48
candtalanRye: I have two machines which seem to be connected ok and sync'n  seems to be in progress. However, for the amount of data (10 GB or to 50 GB) I am/hope to be using, the download rate (from cloud store) seems very small - 100Mb or less, over 24 hours. Is this typical please?21:53
ryecandtalan, the overal sync speed depend largerly on the number on files, not their size. How many files do you have, roughly speaking?21:54
candtalanrye: round figures 11GB (photos) typically 1MB each, say 1000 files. Interestingly the smaller files seem to be appearing first. But looking at the download network behaviour (system Monitor gui)  download is only MB's per day21:59
candtalanrye: typo sorry 11GB at each 1MB is 11,000 files....22:00
candtalanMy maximum download speed is capable of 300kB/sec22:01
ryecandtalan, you are running 9.10, right?22:03
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ryecandtalan, i filed the bug #531273 - the amount of files largerly downgrades the sync speed22:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531273 in ubuntuone-client "Meta Queue takes ages: 28 minutes for 1457 objects" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53127322:04
ryecandtalan, as per upload - if you make several bigger archives of the files they will sync faster22:04
candtalanRye: one machine is 9.10 - that one seems to have occasional trouble connecting  an dis th eone you hav ehelped with, from a clean install recently. The other one, , I am using for irc just now, is 10.04 updated daily22:05
ryeContentQueueChanged: dbus.Dictionary({dbus.String(u'head'): dbus.Dictionary({dbus.String(u'path'): dbus.String(u''), dbus.String(u'command'): dbus.String(u''), dbus.String(u'size'): dbus.String(u'0')}, signature=dbus.Signature('ss')), dbus.String(u'Upload'): dbus.Dictionary({dbus.String(u'count'): dbus.String(u'19'), dbus.String(u'size'): dbus.String(u'0')}, signature=dbus.Signature('ss'))}, signature=dbus.Signature('sa{ss}'))22:05
candtalanRye: both machines do not seem to be receiving much download throughput22:06
ryeanybody knows why is syncdaemon sending this Uploading nothing dbus signal, nessita ^ ?22:06
candtalanRye: thanks I will look at that22:08
ryecandtalan, big speed ups are planned for Maverick Meerkat, and i will not stop poking developers until that works really fast, since I am affected as well. I think about creating some indicator applet that will tell you exactly what is happening with ubuntuone in non-obtrusive way, because lack of information in the first place led to overlooking the problem with speed...22:09
candtalanExactly! I very much agree with your comment. I discovered system monitor gui but it is clunky and inconvenient and needs a lot of guessing. A nice place to put your indicator of throughput might be the Ubuntu one preferences window (ubuntu 10.04) maybe22:23
candtalanI have added a comment to the bug #531273, thanks22:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531273 in ubuntuone-client "Meta Queue takes ages: 28 minutes for 1457 objects" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53127322:24
candtalanubottu: thanks22:25
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:25
ryecandtalan, i have outlined some of my issues at http://blog.rtg.in.ua/2010/04/ubuntu-one-in-lucid-lynx.html , well, speed is the only issue so far for me22:32
kermiacwow, I obviously haven't logged into the webui recently... when did the dashboard get implemented? It's awesome!23:08

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