
ScottKJontheEchidna: Where did the kdebase patch come from?01:21
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
JontheEchidnaScottK: kde svn 111548001:22
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1115480&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 1115480 | Use the default profile if the session management's Konsole file is unusable (corrupt/missing/etc). CCBUG: 20362101:22
JontheEchidnawould have been nice to have this fix 6 months earlier, when everybody upgraded from 4.2 to 4.3, but at least it's here now01:23
ScottKJontheEchidna: You tested the fix?01:29
JontheEchidnaScottK: yes01:34
ScottKJontheEchidna: Accepted.01:38
* ScottK is off again for a while.01:38
nixternali hate when i do that...shutdown -h now instead of restart01:48
nixternalnhandler: how come I cannot connect to freenode with ssl right now?01:48
nixternal19:48:20 Irssi: warning None of the Subject Alt Names in the certificate match hostname 'chat.us.freenode.net'01:49
* persia idly notes that the dependency of sbuild on lvm is gone in lucid02:17
* ScottK may have to consider it then.02:20
ScottKmaco: Weren't you already an op?02:22
persiaScottK: I stopped working on the use-pbuider-chroots-for-schroot-in-sbuild script at FF.  It should be available in maverick, assuming I can dtermine some sanity to how pbuilder stores stuff.02:22
ScottKOK.  Nice.  Once it's good, we can backport.02:23
persiaIt's just a quick script.  The other thing I want to do with pbuilder is add it to http://people.ubuntu.com/~persia/pull-soyuz-chroot (and put that in some useful package)02:26
persiaIf you want to do it manually, the basic model is to stick the tarball in the right directory for schroot, and set up a schroot stanza.02:26
persiaErr, schroot.conf stanza.02:27
DarkwingDuck_mcas: pONG02:29
txwikingerDarkwingDuck_: mcas is sleeping around this time02:32
DarkwingDuck_txwikinger: mcas pinged me earlier... Oh well.02:32
=== DarkwingDuck_ is now known as DarkwingDuck
macoScottK: in #kubuntu yes, but in #ubuntu i wasn't until today02:41
verbalshadowwhat do i need to install to make QTHelp work in Kdevelop?03:10
JontheEchidnaverbalshadow: as a guess, you may need the Qt assistant program from qt4-dev-tools03:28
verbalshadowJontheEchidna: i have qt4-dev-tools , qt4-doc, qt4-doc-html all installed :( no luck03:29
verbalshadowI have Qt Assistant, qt-doc and qt-doc-html (and qt-dev-tools), google has been no help.  What do i need to get the qthelp plugin working?03:39
ScottKmaco: Oh.  OK.03:50
verbalshadowoy sorry i just noticed that that i sent that message to the wrong channel03:56
imbrandonnixternal: i absolutely love you04:33
imbrandonnixternal: re: offlineimap + mutt04:34
nhandlerimbrandon: Care to blog about your setup. I'm still looking for a decent setup that I can steal04:41
imbrandonnhandler: sure, i'll do that later tonight04:42
* nhandler hugs imbrandon 04:42
imbrandonif i can find the time, definately before the weekend is up04:42
imbrandonJontheEchidna: i noticed you pointed someone having an issue with grub2/grub legacy that reported it against kdebase to KDE upstream04:44
nhandlerimbrandon: No problem. I've been waiting on nixternal a few months. I can wait a few more days04:44
JontheEchidnaimbrandon: It was that Dolphin was using a music icon for the files04:44
imbrandonnhandler: i'll likely have time tonight, just wanna give myself some breathing room "just in case" :)04:44
imbrandondolphin was? hum i must have read the whole thing wrong then04:45
JontheEchidnathe report header didn't say dolphin, since the user originally reported it against the dolphin source package left over from hardy ;)04:46
imbrandonwhat was the deal with the grub then?04:47
imbrandonuser confusion ?04:47
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JontheEchidnaimbrandon: dolphin was showing grub data files that ended in .mod with the music mimetype icon04:49
imbrandonohhh so _I'm_ the idiot, i need to read bug reports better04:51
imbrandonJontheEchidna: :)04:52
JontheEchidnaI almost reassigned it to grub2 the first time I saw it, myself04:52
* JontheEchidna sighs at bug 56518005:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565180 in language-pack-kde-de "Translation error in Launchpad changes (KMail/kdepim)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56518005:01
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ScottKSend them to Rosetta.05:08
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JontheEchidnaScottK: yeah, that's what that bug report is. I'm just sighing at its existence05:27
ScottKAssign it to dpm and make it critical.05:28
JontheEchidnaI assigned the translation who mucked things up in the first place. I'll subscribe dpm, though05:29
ScottKapachelogger should blog about it.05:30
JontheEchidnaIt'd be nice if we could prevent the editing of upstream translations for KDE source packages...05:31
JontheEchidnaoh well, I'm going to bed now05:31
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* ScottK larts JontheEchidna for pointing to the wrong string in Bug #565180 and then goes to bed.07:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565180 in language-pack-kde-de "Translation error in Launchpad changes (KMail/kdepim)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56518007:04
ScottKJontheEchidna: Note that it's now an RC bug.07:05
=== delight_ is now known as delight
delighthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-4xTkN1_RQ is there any way this can make it into lucid, code is at http://gitorious.org/oskude-plymouth-themes/space-sunrise ... ppa would be nice 2 :)08:45
valoriedelight, that's nice10:19
valorieI think you have to submit it though10:19
valorienot mention it in an irc chan!10:20
Riddellfiling a bug and tagging with needs-packaging is the best way10:28
Riddellbut we're too late in the cycle to be adding anything10:28
debfxthe reboot required notification is a bit broken for me: http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/8377/notificationreboot.png10:34
Riddellsame here, upstream issue I presume10:37
debfxyeah, I found the lines responsible for it:10:39
debfx/FIXME: this sounds wrong10:39
Riddellwidget sizes with word wrap are always broken with Qt10:45
debfxwhen I remove that line the notification looks like this: http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/4169/notificationrebootbig.png10:47
shadeslayerheh... i have a long list of upgrades.... : http://paste.ubuntu.com/416070/10:51
shadeslayerMamarok: no idea on the errors,but if Freitag sends in a patch,ill upload it asap11:10
Riddelldebfx: that seems like an improvement11:47
Riddelldebfx: but I can't help feeling there was probably a reason the author added that line in the first place11:47
debfxRiddell: the icon isn't aligned to the text anymore11:49
Riddelloh aye11:50
* debfx should have enabled ccache in pbuilder a long time ago12:06
shadeslayeris it possible to set webkit as the default view mode for konqueror?13:12
shadeslayerbtw is there a bugs.launchpad.net collaboration app? so that i can comment,etc without opening the browser?13:29
nigelbabushadeslayer, what do you mean by collaboration app?13:30
shadeslayernigelbabu: like we have choqok for twitter/identi.ca13:30
shadeslayerkbugbuster for bugs.kde13:31
nigelbabushadeslayer, Launchpad entirely has an API that you can access13:31
nigelbabubut AFAIK no gui has been written13:31
shadeslayernigelbabu: not a API... a GUI :)13:31
nigelbabushadeslayer, no GUI yet13:31
shadeslayernigelbabu: i think i found something13:32
shadeslayer!info bughugger13:32
ubottuPackage bughugger does not exist in karmic13:32
shadeslayer!info bughugger lucid13:32
ubottubughugger (source: bughugger): Client for Managing Ubuntu Bug Tasks. In component universe, is extra. Version 10.04 (lucid), package size 125 kB, installed size 524 kB13:33
nigelbabuoh yah, but I'm nt sure how it works13:33
shadeslayerlets try it out then... installing13:33
shadeslayernigelbabu: are the indian mirrors working for you?13:37
nigelbabuI dunno.  I use the default one13:38
shadeslayernigelbabu: the main servers? hehe... i would get off them in 4-5 days13:38
shadeslayerpeople will start upgrading left right and center from the main servers :P13:38
nigelbabushadeslayer, no.  I just click select best servers and use that13:38
nigelbabushadeslayer, use the browser ;)13:46
neversfeldeRiddell: ping13:52
Riddellneversfelde: hola13:56
neversfeldehi Riddell13:56
neversfeldekipi-plugin freeze exception request got a -1 from the translators, I am a bit confused :)13:57
neversfeldeit is already in the archive, isn't it?13:57
Riddellyes, too late I'm afraid13:57
neversfeldeok, I try to help where I can to get a solution, but at the moment, I am not sure where to start13:59
Riddellnot much we can do except appologise I support14:00
shadeslayerhey any ideas why bughugger wont work in kubuntu lucid?14:43
* Scorpiion is away: Gone away for now15:03
neversfeldesomeone working on a ppa package of amarok 2.3.1 beta?15:17
Riddellneversfelde: not that I know of15:17
neversfeldeok, work for me15:18
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neversfeldeanyone experienced problems with digikam in lucid? bug kde 23262815:59
ubottuKDE bug 232628 in Albums GUI "crash on startup in RatingWidget" [Crash,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23262815:59
neversfeldeI cannot reproduce at the moment and no report on Launchpad so far15:59
* apachelogger notes that he thinks ktorrent is a rather ugly app16:50
* apachelogger also notes that he shouldnt check highlights for a day16:50
* apachelogger also notes that the akonadi timeout is still not large enough16:50
* apachelogger also notes that oracle doesnt wanna kill mysql as it seems16:51
* neversfelde highlights apachelogger16:53
* apachelogger is wondering why it always must be him who rants about l10n16:54
* nigelbabu wonders why apachelogger always starts the day with /me16:55
* apachelogger is telling valorie to check the url he posted before he mentioned that kaudiocreater does not build, as he uploaded a fix for the broken building right after he said that it does not build16:55
* apachelogger tells nigelbabu that apachelogger is very self-aware and thus must put himself into the right light at the beginning of the day16:56
* apachelogger notes that it is more like towards the end though, since it is 4 minutes before 6pm16:56
* nigelbabu goes "aha"16:57
* nigelbabu thought apachelogger was in North America16:57
* apachelogger is not anywhere near there :P16:58
nigelbabuI'm guessing somewhere in EU16:59
* apachelogger explains to ScottK that he has been demanding unchangable upstream strings for like ever, but that would prevent bug fixes too so no one liked the idea17:00
ScottKneversfelde: You can tell the translators that if they don't like the update they are free to stop worsening our translations.17:00
ScottKapachelogger: I like the idea.17:00
* apachelogger adds that usually the kind of bugfixes done in rosetta are of doubtable nature though, as we have seen yet again17:00
apacheloggerScottK: I also proposed that changability must be opt-in and signed off by a dev17:01
apacheloggerI think that wasnt liked either17:01
ScottKI may remember wrong, but I really recall dpm saying upstream strings would be preferred17:01
apacheloggerunless changed17:01
ScottKI think somehting like "OK, for Lucid gave in and did it your way even though we thought and continue to think it was a bad idea, so for Maverick, you get to give in and try it our way." ought to be the plan.17:03
apacheloggernigelbabu: je ne suis pas francais, mais autrichien :P17:04
apacheloggerScottK: I would not have given in to begin with :P17:04
apacheloggerit is like with the patch policy17:04
* ScottK ran out of time and energy to maintain sufficient outspokenness on the topic.17:05
* ScottK does recall ever getting the quality analysis we were promised, but maybe just missed it.17:05
* apachelogger was trying to write a blog post about it without ranting the shit out of the broken design17:05
nigelbabuapachelogger, you're DE and FR?17:05
neversfeldeScottK: I really have no idea about translations, but as far as I understood the problem is, that there are many strings and some teams have started or completed the translations for kipi. I do not know, why this is a problem, because nothing that could be translated is removed and only a few new things get in with 1.2.017:05
nigelbabuahh, austria17:06
macoDE & FR? what's that leave, Alsace Lorraine?17:06
apacheloggernigelbabu: je ne suis pas allemand :P17:07
apacheloggerkubotu: time17:07
kubotuapachelogger: Europe - Vienna - Sat Apr 17 18:07 CEST17:07
apacheloggervienna hasnt been part of germany for some 70 years or so17:07
nigelbabuJe ne peux pas vraiment lu beaucoup de français, but I can use google translate.17:08
nigelbabuearlier I tried to double guess before pasting in translate17:08
macoapachelogger: oh oh oh ive been where you are17:08
apacheloggerI am not there17:08
macoso confusing!17:09
apacheloggerthe timezone is denoted with vienna17:09
* apachelogger only goes to vienna to get to the airport :P17:09
apacheloggerand that is no option today since the airport is closed anyway17:09
apacheloggerthe cloud is here!17:10
apacheloggerTHE CLOUD17:10
nigelbabuapachelogger, http://madduck.net/blog/2010.04.17:planes-or-volcano/17:10
lex79ScottK: now we have plasma-widget-networkmanagement in the cd ? instead of network-manager-kde ?17:11
ScottKlex79: Yes.17:11
lex79ScottK: so maybe it's better remove "CAUTION: plasma widget is not very usable at the moment. Consider using17:11
lex79network-manager-kde instead."17:11
neversfeldeapachelogger: drive to the airport and ask, if someone needs a taxi17:11
ScottKTonio_ pulled some French arguing trick and got the poor Scotsman to change at the last minute17:11
apacheloggernigelbabu: that is foobar17:11
neversfeldeand ah, be expensive :D17:11
lex79ScottK: from the description17:11
ScottKlex79: Good point.17:11
apacheloggerneversfelde: there were people that took a freaking taxi from vienna to zurich!!!17:12
ScottKlex79: Can you update the descriptions and put it in bzr?17:12
lex79ScottK: yes17:12
nigelbabuapachelogger, foobar?17:12
apacheloggeron the news I have heared berlin to paris17:12
apacheloggerimagine how important it must be to get from berlin to paris to actually be able to effort the kind of money that journey costs with a taxi17:12
* ScottK wonders why one can't rent a car?17:13
apacheloggerScottK: all rented out17:13
apacheloggergermany is out of cars I have heared17:13
neversfeldeyes, no cars to rent here17:13
nigelbabuneversfelde, wow17:13
ScottKTrains overfull too no doubt.17:13
* apachelogger thinks that the way he said it is more fun17:13
apacheloggerScottK: that is default in germany though17:14
macotell mercedes to double-time it?17:14
neversfeldeall trains that are available are in use this weekend17:14
* neversfelde is glad to be at home this weekend :)17:15
apacheloggerexcept for thos that are in austria :P17:15
* apachelogger note that austria rents quite a lot of them for the increased travel frequency caused by ski tourists17:15
apacheloggersomtime until may or so17:15
lex79ScottK: are you sure we have bzr for networkmanagement? I can't find it. Should I create it?17:18
apacheloggermarkey: could you get me a full amaork cmake log from arch ... maybe that helps with finding the reason for qtscriptbindings test failing17:22
neversfeldeapachelogger: are you creating packages for Kubuntu?17:23
apacheloggerneversfelde: of?17:23
apacheloggerno either way17:24
* apachelogger is @home on netbook17:24
neversfeldeapachelogger: amarok beta17:24
apacheloggerI am not doing anything until monday or more likely wednesday17:24
apacheloggerneversfelde: no17:24
neversfeldecause it builds here17:24
apacheloggerwell yeah17:24
apacheloggerthat is with 300% likelyhood an arch problem :P17:25
* apachelogger made it work for kubuntu + chroots a while back17:25
apacheloggerwhich is why I am intersted in the cause of arch's problems17:25
neversfeldemehh, why is next ubuntu developer membership board meeting at 15 UTC?17:26
neversfeldethat is too early for me17:26
* apachelogger just found a boutle of captain morgan and thinks that tomorrow everything will be too early ^^17:27
neversfeldewhatever captain morgan is, it seems to be not healthy17:29
apacheloggerneversfelde: rum, my friend, rum!17:30
apacheloggerneversfelde: what are you membershipping for btw?17:30
neversfeldeapachelogger: Moto :)17:31
neversfeldeyes, I did not have the time to attend the last meetings17:31
apacheloggeroh my17:31
apacheloggerneversfelde: good luck then :)17:31
neversfeldeapachelogger: thanks, I will have to go to McDonalds to have internet access, I think :)17:32
apacheloggeryou just go there today already17:32
apacheloggerjust to make sure17:32
apacheloggerlast time we needed internet access stat the wifi at mcdo was rather broken17:33
apacheloggerever since my mobile is constantly wardriving ^^17:33
apacheloggeryou never know when you need internet access17:33
neversfeldehehe, my tax law school is using KDE 3.5.7, but they block everything that isn't google.de17:34
neversfeldeI probably should convert them to Kubuntu 10.0417:34
apacheloggeroh my17:36
apacheloggerwhere is jonny?17:36
apacheloggerneversfelde: oha, 3.5.7 is like old17:36
neversfeldeapachelogger: yes, indeed. Nostalgic experiences for me :)17:38
ScottKlex79: I thought so.  Check for the vcs headers in debian/control.  If not, we should, so please make it too.17:39
* ScottK had a 3.5.6 desktop until ~4 months ago17:40
neversfeldewhy not, it is till working17:41
neversfeldeexcept for some flash websites17:41
ScottKIn my case the why not was it was Dapper and a bunch of stuff no longer had security support.17:42
ScottKThe interesting thing is that Lucid is much better for this machine than Karmic was thanks to Intel drivers improving.17:43
neversfeldethe digikam problem that I mentioned above seems to be present for some lucid users, I am still trying to reproduce. As there is a fix from upstream, a patch should be no problem. What is needed to update the package after final freeze, an ack from ubuntu release team?17:45
Riddellneversfelde: yes17:46
Riddellor which I'm a member17:46
neversfeldeok, I'll have a look17:46
RiddellI can be bribed with mint chocolate, but only Fair Trade certified17:46
Riddellof course ScottK may be easier to bribe, I hear he'll go with plain chocolate17:47
ScottKScotch works better for me.17:48
neversfeldeI hate chocolate, but I have some old bread and coffee in the house17:49
neversfeldeprobably I can update to coffee + scotch, but I am not sure, if this is a good idea17:50
Riddellhmm, I rarely offer freeze exceptions to people who refer to whisky by /that word/17:51
macoRiddell: does Trader Joe's exist over there? ive discovered some yummy dark chocolate truffle chocolate bars!17:51
Riddellmaco: nope17:51
ScottKRiddell: I didn't realize that was viewed negatively in Scotland. Sorry.17:55
neversfeldeI am sorry, too. Although I have no idea, why it is viewed negatively?17:59
Riddellneversfelde: just because it's so often used in a negative or ignorant context18:03
ScottKRiddell: Perhaps you could help us out with the right way ...18:04
Riddellthe whisky industry does still use it to refer to itself, presumably because they'll do whatever it takes to make money :)18:04
ScottKAh, so it's a term generally best avoided due to the associated connotations?18:04
RiddellScottK: the drink is whisky, anything claiming to be whisky but not made in Scotland is called "blasphemy" and for the close observers will be misspelt as "whiskey"18:05
ScottKI see.18:05
Riddellthe adjective for people from Scotland or anything else is Scots18:06
ScottKSo Scots whisky would be correct, but redundant.18:06
ScottKGot it.  Thanks.18:06
ScottKSorry for the previous misuse.18:07
Riddelldon't take me too seriously of course or I'll be chastising you for considering putting ice in your whisky next :)18:08
neversfeldeoh, no one puts ice in there, cola is cold enough :)18:09
ScottKRiddell: No worries.  I have NEVER done that.18:10
macoi thought rum went with cola, not whisky18:10
Riddellneversfelde: !18:10
Riddellneversfelde: now you're just trying to wind me up!18:10
ScottKActually I take that back.  I think I did try it once, but have repressed the awful memory.18:11
markeyapachelogger: sure, I can get you a log. you mean a normal CMake run?18:28
markeyor something special?18:28
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markeyapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/QxjLk7NY18:30
=== ramanK is now known as Guest29015
Guest29015hi there19:09
Guest29015I use Kubuntu 10.4 beta 2 on a lenovo thinkpad notebook19:09
Guest29015When I plug in the AC adaptor , the display brightness increases19:10
Guest29015if I manually decrease it , after several seconds , the brightness increases automatically19:11
Guest29015what can I do to solve that?19:11
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=== melange is now known as jefferai
Guest29015no idea?19:17
ScottKGuest29015: Did you install all the post beta 2 updates?19:18
Guest29015ScottK: no19:19
ScottKGuest29015: Do that, reboot, and see if it helps.19:19
Guest29015ScottK: thanks , I will19:20
lex79ScottK: ouch :( plasma-widget-networkmanagement conflicts with network-manager-kde, and network-manager-kde conflicts with plasma-widget-networkmanagement19:27
lex79we have to drop the second one right?19:27
ScottKlex79: It means you can only have one installed at a time.19:28
ScottKI wouldn't mess with it.19:28
lex79ScottK: I know, but there are users complains about they have to install plasma-widget-networkmanagement manually19:29
lex79no solution for that?19:29
ScottKIIRC it was handled automatically.  I'd ask Tonio_ before you change it.19:29
lex79ScottK: anyway I created the branch here: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/plasma-widget-networkmanagement/ubuntu19:31
Riddellhow else would you install it?19:31
ScottKapachelogger or Riddell: There are anguage-pack-kde-st  and anguage-pack-kde-st -base pakcage in binary New that look like they are empty.  What's up with that?19:31
ScottKRiddell: Is that normal?19:32
ScottKI see a Gnome one there too that's similar.19:32
Riddelldepends if anything has been translated, maybe enough non-GUI bits have to make language packs19:36
Riddellneeds dpm to know really19:36
ScottKOK.  Do you generally just accept those or leave them?19:36
RiddellI'd accept them but if they're empty that's worth querying first19:37
ScottKI'll leave them for now then.19:38
EagleScreenhi friends19:45
ScottKRiddell: Looks like libmsn got accepted into Universe on some archs (at least armel).  Would you please promote: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/armel/libmsn0.3/4.1-0ubuntu119:47
EagleScreenin Kubuntu lucid, the playmouth splash, always display the message about the disks are being check, but they aren't19:47
janmaltehi, i'm searching for the ubuntu/kubuntu brand elements. Where can i find them? need them for a presentation19:47
ScottKEagleScreen: Not everyone has that problem and those bits are identical in Ubuntu and Kubuntu, so I'd ask for help in #ubuntu+1 to figure it out.19:48
janmaltei can confirm what EagleScreen says19:48
* ScottK hasn't seen it.19:48
EagleScreendont you think it could be related with the Kubuntu plymouth theme?19:49
Riddelljanmalte: new Kubuntu logo is http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/kubuntu_logotype_black.png19:51
Riddell(or .svg)19:51
Riddellwiki.ubuntu.com/Brand has the ubuntu logo19:51
janmaltethanks, do you know where the other things are? like the font and so on?19:57
Riddelljanmalte: there is no font yet, the only characters which exist are the ones in "kubuntu"19:59
ScottKRiddell: Looks like libmsn0.3 being in Universe is just armel.20:20
RiddellScottK: ok one sec20:21
Riddellsorted (next publisher run)20:22
ScottKGreat.  I'll mash retry on kdenetwork after.  Thanks20:22
QuintasanRiddell: do you mind uploading KOffice beta2? I'll send you the debian dir shortly21:24
neversfeldeQuintasan: I had a ping about koffice, maybe it would be good to send a mail to the list, that you are doing it21:40
neversfeldeQuintasan: as far as I remeber Groo, hope that it is the correct nick, has packaged it, too21:41
neversfeldeprobably Jonathan (the echidna) knows more21:41
Quintasanneversfelde: Groo tends to pick up things and disappear halfway :P21:42
neversfeldeQuintasan: do not know any details, I only read about it in my away og21:43
Quintasanwell I'll write up a mail as soon as I finish21:43
ofirk /msg ubottu !kubuntu21:51
valorieapachelogger: thanks so much!23:01
valoriedownloading kaudiocreator as we speak23:01

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