
DomokunI know i posted this once before, but could someone provide some help that is at least useful?  some one suggested that i use sudo but that produced more errors. I am trying to install UVC and this is the output00:14
naught101How can I figure out what keyboard my laptop has? (without counting the keys...)00:21
johann_I nned some help about korganizer... I can't synchronize it with google agenda, despite following instruction for akonadi00:22
Domokunin the time it takes you to get an answer im sure you could just count the keys... or google it00:22
johann_I didn't find anything with google, nothing to help me00:23
DomokunI wish KUbuntu still supported google gadgets .... all the other Distos still support them. Why did KUbuntu stop?00:24
slckb0yis someone running kubuntu in a win7 virtualbox pls ? :)00:33
Domokunactually, the only thing keeping me from leaving KUbuntu is that its the only distro that has support for my webcam00:37
Domokuntried with other distros but couldnt get it working00:37
Domokunand now im having trouble in KUbuntu00:38
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johann_cananyone helpme about korganizer?00:53
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supermagnumhi, how well is the 5004 MP Atheros 4G / CM9: 802.11a/b/g miniPCI Card with RF5111/RF5112 and RF2112 supported ?01:40
supermagnumAccording to the madwifi docs  802.11 a/b/g  modes are supported, but what about draft IEEE 802.11e, h, and j standards ? Are 802.11d supported ?01:40
wsjuniorhello guy im really missing the f2 key as a shortcut to rename kopete contacts, is there any way to get it back?02:16
txwikingerhi wsjunior02:20
wsjuniortxwikinger: hello, could u help me to set f2 key to rename kopete contacts as it used to be?02:21
txwikingerHave you tried Setting->Configure Shortcuts ?02:22
wsjuniortxwikinger: yes, but it doesnt have rename option02:23
wsjuniortxwikinger: it's a bug02:25
txwikingeryep.. it is on the wishlist02:26
txwikingerSo nothing can be done without implementation change then02:27
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slckb0yhi everyone :) is someone running KDE in a virtualbox under win7 ? :) i can't seem to use OpenGL for desktop effect even if i installed guest additions03:38
seckhow can i use videochat on kopete is isnt work to me04:32
seckit isnt04:32
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abubakarhow to enable sound in kubuntu 9.1004:49
abubakarhow to enable sound in kubuntu 9.10, it shows falling pulse audio04:52
abubakarany one help me04:53
abubakarhow to enable sound in kubuntu 9.10, it shows falling pulse audio04:53
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nomad111hi all05:23
nomad111every time i try to go to facebook.com in any of my browsers i end up being redirected to myspace05:24
nomad111is this a problem with dns lookups?05:24
macowell with the dns server05:25
macomaybe try using opendns?
nomad111i go to facebook.com on my brother's computer and it works05:25
nomad111he is on vista05:25
macoyour computers are likely configured to use two different dns servers05:26
macotry editing /etc/resolv.conf to say:  nameserver
macoand nothing else in it05:26
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apple_catHi, I'm having some problems getting the screen brightness hotkeys to work on my laptop. Changing brightness in the power menu doesn't take effect untill after a reboot, and the hot keys do not up the brightness osd07:00
iconmefistoapple_cat: systemsettings > regional & language, keyboard layout. enable keyboard layouts and choose a keyboard model that matches something close to your keyboard07:06
apple_caticonmefisto: Could you explain why you're suggesting that ? I'm not sure I see the link07:08
iconmefistoapple_cat: your keyboard is not changing brightness, right?07:09
apple_caticonmefisto: Yes that's right, but I think it's a problem with the power control rather than the keyboard shortcuts. The reason for this assumption is that changing the brighness level in the power saving modes doesn't have an effect untill after I reboot the system07:11
apple_catPower management menu*07:12
iconmefistoapple_cat: do other hotkeys work? eg, sound volume?07:14
apple_caticonmefisto: Yep, everything else works fine07:15
apple_catalso xev registers the key presses as "XF86MonBrightnessUp/Down" so it just seems to be something funny with the power management07:19
apple_catDo you think I should report this as a bug? I haven't reported a bug before so I might need a few pointers07:21
iconmefistoapple_cat: if you have an idea what package has the bug, ubuntu-bug <package-name> will start a program that asks you questions, collects debugging info, and then takes you to the launchpad website to file the bug07:26
iconmefistoapple_cat: at the website, you'll be shown a list of bugs that are possibly what you are having07:27
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots07:27
iconmefistoapple_cat: the main thing is to try not to file a duplicate bug07:29
apple_caticonmefisto:  how do I know what package is the one with the bug and not just the one showing the bug ?07:29
fannagogannahi, how do i get akonadi to run -- i am running latest kubuntu ppa and i get message, "The Akonadi control process is not registered at D-Bus"07:43
zusso anyone 12 days till lucid, would that mean that the beta is stable enough to use and maybe upgrade from to final?08:36
Tm_Tzus: no, if you have to ask (:08:36
Tm_Tthere is a reason why it's not released yet08:37
zusim still on karmic. this would be the 2nd distribution Ive seen. cant wait - it's like xmas08:40
Tm_Tzus: like, just a bit better08:41
vivekHi whenever I use sudo apt-get update  and enter the password.. it goes through the entire hit process and gets stuck up at 99% like this-->99%[waiting for headers]08:41
vivekcan someone help08:41
zusi get stuck too but only for a minute08:42
vivekhowever after sometime it says"W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://dl.google.com stable Release: Unknown error executing gpgv "08:42
zussometimes...though depends on the last time i've updated08:42
vivekand this->"W: Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/dists/stable/Release "08:43
vivekso what is this08:43
Tm_Tvivek: you have installed Chrome?08:43
vivekTm_T:it also says this>"W: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. "08:44
Tm_Thum, that explains why you have that repository08:44
Tm_Tvivek: those are warnings which you can ignore for now08:44
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vivekTm_T:what repository?08:44
Tm_Tvivek: http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/dists/stable/Release08:44
vivekTm_T:I can get rid of chrome if needed08:44
Tm_Tno it's not needed really08:45
vivekTm_T:or should i remove the repository08:45
Tm_Tvivek: if you wait few minutes, will apt-get get thru nicely?08:45
zusi just updated and got the same error BUT im using chrome as my browser at moment08:45
Tm_Tye, they have possibly moved their repositories without updating repository information via apt-get08:46
zusi do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade08:46
Tm_T...or simply they should do redirect08:46
vivekTm_T:when i do sudo apt-get update I have umpteen hits but only one get and that too like this:--08:50
vivekTm_T:Get:2 http://dl.google.com stable Release [2,540B]                                                                                           Tm_T:Get:2 http://dl.google.com stable Release [2,540B]08:51
iconmefistochromium is an alternative to chrome. it's faster, but the ppa is a nightly so you get upgrades constantly08:51
Tm_Tvivek: then it's all ok08:51
vivekTm_T:iconmefisto:yes i have seen my update manager in the tray wrking sometimes automatically08:51
vivekTm_T:should i remove the repository08:52
vivekTm_T:iconmefisto:is this not wrong that they have put this repository here , withhout asking me08:53
vivekor without me knowing08:53
Tm_Tvivek: well, that's the "automatic upgrades" thingy for that browser08:57
Tm_Tvivek: but yes I agree, it should be mentioned somewhere, and possibly is too08:57
vivekTm_T:guys one basic doubt... sounds quite naive but.. still..."are chromium browser and google chrome two different things"08:58
vivekTm_T:I want to remove google chrome .. how do i do08:58
Tm_Tvivek: they are closely same, other is google branded and so on08:59
iconmefistovivek: this is the ppa for chromium: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa (you can have both chrome and chromium installed)08:59
vivekTm_T:but I guess i use google chrome and not chromium08:59
Tm_Tvivek: indeed you do08:59
vivekTm_T:I want to remove it and put chromium there.. how do i purge it09:00
iconmefistovivek: sudo apt-get remove chrome09:00
iconmefistovivek: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa  (to add the chromium ppa)09:01
vivekiconmefisto: I have heard the purge command is better when it comes to remove.. it removes it completely.. is it true09:01
Tm_Tvivek: it removes config files too, yes09:01
iconmefistovivek: purge removes your settings too. so if you reinstall, any settings will not be there09:01
Tm_Tvivek: except your personal settings09:02
vivekiconmefisto:Tm_T:so should i use purge or remove.. but why would i need the settings of chrome anyway09:02
Tm_Tvivek: purge is better in that case09:02
vivekTm_T: as long as it does not affect other config files of the system09:03
Tm_Tit doesn't09:03
Tm_Tif does, somebody is doing something horribly wrong09:03
vivekSo shall i go ahead with purge the command being sudo apt-get purge google chrome.. please check it iconmefisto:09:04
Tm_Tvivek: no, not "google chrome" but just "chrome"09:04
Tm_TI think09:04
vivekTm_T:ok .. so here we go09:05
viveksudo apt-get purge chrome09:05
iconmefistovivek: or it might be google-chrome09:05
vivekiconmefisto:guysssss..... ok let me first put google chrome and then chrome09:05
iconmefistovivek: use tab completion and see what comes up. type goo <tab> or chr <tab>09:06
vivekNo it is not google-chrome it says so to remove09:06
vivekiconmefisto: ok09:06
vivekiconmefisto: in both cases nothing comes ..lol09:07
iconmefistovivek: apt-cache search google chrome09:08
vivekiconmefisto:google-chrome-beta - The web browser from Google....google-chrome-unstable-The web browser from google09:08
vivekiconmefisto:Tm_T:neither purge chrome nor purge google-chrome works09:09
iconmefistovivek: ok, google-chrome-beta09:09
iconmefistoand remove google-chrome-unstable in case that's the one you have installed09:10
vivekiconmefisto:I have purged google-chrome-beta .. now shall i purge google-chrome-unstable too09:11
vivekiconmefisto:purge or remove for google-chrome-unstable09:11
zusim a bit lost, is chromium and chrome 2 different web browsers?09:11
vivekzus:lol i came to know it 10 minutes ahead of you09:11
zusi just got back and was re reading09:12
iconmefistozus: chrome is google's branded version of opensource chromium09:12
zusbut now im confused...09:12
zusi see09:12
vivekiconmefisto:tried purging google-chrome unstable .. it says cant find the package09:13
zusi thought i  had chrome, when in fact in the kmenu it says chromium web browser09:13
iconmefistovivek: it seems it's not installed09:13
zuswith the pokeball being blue rather than the yellow and red09:13
vivekzus:cool .. so you already have chromium..how is it much different09:14
vivekis it worth having chromium.. my firefox almost does everything.. i installed chrome because one nut friend of mine insisted me on having it09:14
zusvivek,  well, i have  never used chrome, and i thought i had it, but after checking  i am using chromium,...09:15
zusvivek,  SAME here09:15
iconmefistovivek: it's almost the same. it's faster and more up-to-date, and has a different set of colours in the icon09:15
vivekiconmefisto: hmmm i think  i will stay with firefox as of now.. why have chromium09:16
iconmefistovivek: I use firefox too, but I like to have other browsers just in case I need them09:16
vivekiconmefisto:ok how do i install chromium09:16
zuschomium vs firefox  for me and  my opinion,  chromium is 1-faster 2- doesnt get bogged with add-ons 3-his point was less tool bar space =more window to look at...09:17
iconmefistovivek: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa (to add the chromium ppa)09:17
iconmefistovivek: then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install chromium-browser09:18
zusi had 9 different add-ons  in firefox and it did EVERYTHING and more for me. i love read it later book mark,  with crhomium though i have 4 extention adn 6 bookmarklets and i do everything except download videos like in FF09:19
vivekiconmefisto:work in progress09:19
zusi now almost exclusively use FF for offline use and chromium when im online,.09:20
vivekiconmefisto:remember I had asked  you once about the desktop activities.. i figured it out ultimately09:20
zuscan you have both chrome and chromium installed at once?09:21
vivekzus:why what is the diff why dont you use firefox for online as well09:21
iconmefistozus: yes09:21
zusvivek, i still dont understand deesktop activities, so i dont use it yet.09:21
vivekzus:i have figured it out .. do you want to know09:21
zusvivek,  i find chromium for me is faster, slightly but enough for me to switch, and more screen less tool bar09:22
zusvivek,  please if you dont  mind explaining desktop activities...09:22
vivekzus: ok... i will tell you my experience of chromium after i use it09:23
sebastianohi, whats the best way to upgrade to lucid in kubuntu?09:23
vivekzus:to understand dekstop activities and its importance first , configure your system to have only one virtual desktop.. that is only one desktop.. click on the pager .. and set number of dtops to 109:24
zusvivek,  i personally felt it was a terrible decision in the first 24-48 hours. but i have grown to enjoy it (chromium)09:24
vivekzus:24-48 hours.. well let me see09:24
daniel__i amusing chromium right now09:24
vivekzus: did you enable only one dtop09:25
zusvivek, ok desktop set,... yeah give it a real good  use for  a few days09:25
vivekdaniel_:how is it better than firefox09:25
petohi all09:26
petoi have kubuntu and my pc start as ubuntu...why?...how can I change it?09:26
daniel__does anyone know how to enable facebook chat in kopete in lucid beta 2 netbook?09:26
zusvivek,  speed and the bookmarklets are a javascript code so extensions don't wiegh it down imo09:26
vivekzus:now click on the cashew on the top and click zoom out.. you will find your screen reduced to a small block on the left top...then click dtop activities .. a new screen will emerge on the right hand side.. install any widgets on it09:27
iconmefistovivek: but why reduce to one virtual desktop?09:27
vivekzus:then again click on the first screen desktop activities .. on more screen will appear and go ahead and add widgets , wallppaper etc on it09:27
vivekiconmefisto:the reason is that only then will one understand the difference in having many virtual desktops with their own widgets and having one dtop with many activities09:28
iconmefistovivek: ok, I see09:29
zusvivek,  sec09:29
daniel__i am Knux21 on the ubuntuforums.org website and also on kubuntuforums.net09:29
vivekzus: once you have done that .. click on the small zoom icon below the small screens to return to where you are09:30
iconmefistothe way I think of it is this: virtual desktops are just a collection of open windows, but desktop activities are real desktops, with different widgets, wallpapers, etc09:30
daniel__can anyone help me with a kubuntu poblem?09:30
iconmefistopeto: so you have ubuntu, and then installed kubuntu-desktop ?09:31
vivekiconmefisto:you can do that in virtualdtops too.. each virtual dtop can be configured to have its own widgets, wallpapers etc09:31
zusvivek,  im adding widgets still and checking this out... one sec09:31
vivekzus:are you back09:31
iconmefistovivek: yes, you can do that by setting each virt desktop to have its own activity09:32
vivekzus:once you return back.. try switching to the various different dtops you have anabled09:32
zuswhat is the pastebin and the paste widgets?09:33
petoiconmefisto i think yes09:33
petoiconmefisto i have kubuntu09:33
vivekiconmefisto:that is it... now on each of these dtops .. you can set any number of activities and can actually give you a great experience.. say i have only on e dtop and i cofigure 4 activities on it.. then with one d top ican actully have 5 dtops.. now it des sound confusing09:33
vivekiconmefisto:you have solved this problem once earlier.. the same problem which peto has..09:34
daniel__can anyone on this irc channel help me09:34
petovivek and how??..you know?09:35
petohi vivek :P09:35
zusdaniel__,  what was your question?09:35
zusvivek, im back09:35
daniel__zus  i am wonering how to get facebook to work in kopete on kubuntu netbook 10.0409:36
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vivekpeto: you have to remove gnome-desktop-data.. please verify with iconmefisto: again09:37
zusdaniel__,  i see, im still on 9.10 and i didnt know you can use facebook in kopete09:37
petovivek ooks..09:37
daniel__zus yes you can09:38
vivekzus:so were you able to configure each of these different desktop activity things09:38
petoiconmefisto r u here??..can you help me?09:38
daniel__zus there is a plugin for kopete in the repos09:38
zusvivek,  yes i have 2 out of 4 set up with widgets and background09:38
daniel__you can install it using kpackagekit or apt-get in teminal09:39
zusdaniel__,  sorr i couldnt help but you taught me something09:39
zusdaniel__,  sorry^09:39
daniel__zus ur welcoe09:39
vivekzus:now suppose you are at home.. and you want to use say the desktop with activity one09:39
vivekthen just click on the cashew ., zoom out and click on the activity window you want to use09:39
zusvivek,  i got 3  panels on 3 of the dtops  1,3,4 have them but 2 has nothing under it09:40
vivekthen zus: if say you are in office and you want the othe one.. just click on the cashew, zoom ut andclick the other activity window09:40
daniel__zus i have lubuntu right now i a planning to reinstall kubuntu netbook 9.1009:40
vivekzus: if you dont have a panel .. add one09:41
zusvivek,  in the checkered field area?09:41
daniel__zus can u help me install openjdk-6-jre without installing gnash09:41
vivekzus:oh oh .. it does happen sometimes.. zoom in/out again, drag to the left, right .. you will get it09:42
zusdaniel__,  that i have no idea about.09:42
daniel__what do you have for flash?09:42
vivekzus:my chromium is installed but it is nowhere in the kmenu , neither can i open it theough alt+f209:43
vivekzus:should i have to reboot09:43
daniel__does anyone know how to install openjdk-6-jre without gnash or swfdec?09:43
zusvivek,  do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade that is what i do09:43
vivekzus:still not there09:44
zusdaniel__,  i am not sure i used the repository for  my codecs and stuffs09:44
viveklet me reboot and check09:44
zusvivek,  try log out  and see09:44
daniel__zus do you have to install gnash to work with konqueror and firefox? and everyone, i am logging out of irc chat i will be back in 5-10minutes09:45
zusdaniel__,  in konurer i havent used that at all  but in ff i used the medibunti repository09:46
zusto  watch youtube and stuff09:46
daniel__i would rather not use adobe at all09:51
petowhere i can download Kubuntu 10.04??...but full version..hmm?09:52
daniel__one reason i switched to ubuntu then kubuntu from winblows is because i like konqueror09:52
vivek_zus:chromium is cool09:52
iconmefistopeto: sorry, had some connection problems09:53
zusvivek_,  you got it?09:53
vivek_daniel__:very few who like konqueror09:53
daniel__i am using chromium righht now09:53
petoiconmefisto np09:53
iconmefistopeto: what's up?09:53
daniel__lubuntu looks like win7 to me09:53
petoiconmefisto i start my pc and it start as ubuntu...but i have kubuntu :D09:54
daniel__and i have to use windows at my work09:54
vivek_I hate anything that looks like windows..09:54
iconmefistopeto: you've never installed ubuntu?09:54
petoiconmefisto no09:54
daniel__peto: are you using mac?09:55
iconmefistopeto: so what is ubuntu about it? boot splash?09:55
vivek_is there anyway i can configure this kmenu to look different from its presenr appearance09:55
iconmefistovivek_: I use lancelot menu instead09:55
zusvivek_,  ok give these a go, http://www.bookmarklets.com/ also https://chrome.google.com/extensions mind you them are CHROME extensions  NOT chromium, but i got them working for me09:56
petoiconmefisto the screen..desktop09:56
iconmefistopeto: you have a gnome desktop?09:56
petoiconmefisto sorry but i cant so good english :P09:56
petoiconmefisto yes..i think yes09:56
iconmefistopeto: where is the menu? top of screen or bottom?09:57
daniel__is there any way to have a screensaver that looks like a virus that is eating the whole desktop that is on fedora 12KDE on kubuntu netbook?09:57
daniel__that is where i seen the look like a virus on fedora 12.09:58
iconmefistodaniel__: you could probably find it on kde-look.org or kde-apps.org09:58
petoiconmefisto on top of screen...and there is the sign of ubuntu09:58
vivek_iconmefisto:this was the same problem with<el3ment> , the day you helped me to upgrade to kde4.4.2..  I just had a look at the archives.. what he did was uninstall gnome-desktopdata.. install kubuntu-desktop.. etc09:58
iconmefistopeto: you must have downloaded the ubuntu iso by mistake09:59
daniel__i will be back in 20minutes09:59
vivek_zus:what are they meant for09:59
daniel__anyody that is going to help a kubuntu noob. wait for me. i will be back in 20.10:00
petoiconmefisto but i have still kubuntu desktop and all yet...but today start it as ubuntu "D "D10:00
zusvivek_,  bookmarklets are a single code rather than a complete add-on (firefox)10:00
iconmefistopeto: well if you have both installed, you can choose which one you want at the login screen10:01
vivek_zus:how do i use it. by the way did you get the dtop activities thing10:01
petoiconmefisto.. both? its app??10:01
zusvivek_,  so using a bookmarklet like page zipper lets me continuously scroll through many pages than comming to its end and hitting "next page"10:02
vivek_peto:just remove the gnome-dekstop if you dont want it10:02
vivek_zus:how do i install it10:02
zusvivek_,  um let me see one sec10:02
zusvivek_, http://jaxov.com/2009/09/how-to-install-google-chrome-chromium-extensions-plugins-in-ubuntu-linux/10:02
petovivek ook10:03
iconmefistopeto: to remove ubuntu: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde10:03
zusvivek_,  go to the bookmarklets page itll let you TEST the bookmarklet before  you install it and it tells you how in the discription10:04
vivek_zus:it is specific to ubuntu.. not for kde... when i rightclick on the icon of chrome.. i dont get any stuff like properties etc.. can you please give me a link for adding extension to kde or kubuntu10:05
petovivek ? and it exist full version of Kubuntu 10.04 ::10:05
zusvivek_,  well, i tohught i was using chrome but it turns  out its chromium and  they still work10:06
vivek_peto:did you install 10.0410:06
zusvivek_,  simply click the blue link to try it and to install right click the link and then  click add bookmarklett from this site ...www.bookmarklets.com10:06
petovivek where can I download it?10:07
vivek_peto:dont use it now.. just wait till 29th aprill that is when the stable version will be out10:07
vivek_peto:that is my sufggestion10:07
vivek_zus:tring buddy10:07
vivek_zus:trying buddy10:07
petovivek oook..10:09
zusvivek_,  i found that i use less extensions and bookmarklets with chromium than i did add-ons  in firefox... dont know how or why lol10:09
vivek_zus:one problem first.. i am trying to add the chromium to my panel .. but dragging does not work ....how do i create a shortcut for chromium on my panel10:09
zusdoes anyone make any widgets and use pyqt4?10:09
zusvivek_,  that i dont know  i kinda like the kmenu and use it often10:10
iconmefistovivek_: is the panel unlocked?10:11
vivek_iconmefisto:yes.. am able to drag it to the dtop but not on the panel10:11
iconmefistovivek_: ok, put it on the desktop, then try moving it from desktop to panel10:12
zusI'd really  love a linux mint colored (green/grey/black) themed or even thier fresh kde mint blue theme for Kubuntuis that possible?10:12
vivek_iconmefisto:still not working10:12
zuskwin is still  part of kde regardless of distro? or can i change the color around my windows and stuff?10:14
zusi really like mints color scheme but thats cuz they're my favorite colors blue is cool sometimes its  TOO much10:15
vivek_this is the first time I am noticing that when i click on cashew and add to panel there are 2 additional options there.. one is panel and the other is fancy panel.. howvere when i click on fancy panel plasma is crashing10:16
vivek_does anyone know of the above10:18
zusvivek_,  no i do not,10:19
vivek_zus:did you try adding a fancy panel10:19
zusvivek_,  i dont understand  how these desktops are numbered when i zoom out and use the activities10:19
mistryniteshhow to lock the position of the application launchers on the panel. I've observed that on every reboot, all the icons get shuffled. Have already enabled 'Lock widgets'10:19
vivek_zus:let me see10:20
zusvivek_,  i see 5 desktops but the top most left and bottom left have the zoom panel in the checkerd area...10:21
vivek_zus:yes it is a little buggy as of now .. but we can only hope it become sok in the next version.. howvever whn i dont see those panels.. just right click on the respective dtop and use10:22
zusi got to zoom way out its crazy i like it10:23
zusvivek_,  i see it is buggy  i zoomed  out as far as i can and only then did they respond correctly10:25
vivek_zus:lol.. it is like one one dtop you can have many dtops apart from virtual dtops10:25
vivek_zus: but am still not getting this bookmarklet thing10:26
zusvivek_,  ok one seck10:26
zusvivek_,  http://www.printwhatyoulike.com/bookmarklet10:28
vivek_zus:got to go .. will be back in an hour.... will see you then if you are still around... thanks for all the support10:29
vivek_iconmefisto:thanks.. and bye10:29
zusvivek_,  thank you10:29
zushow do i update a specific aplication? for example amarok 2.3.0 ?10:35
Torchzus: you need either the deb file(s) or the update has to be in a repository you have added10:41
rocco_tanicahi all, someone knows why randomly kubuntu says that is running in low-graphics mode?10:43
rocco_tanica(i'm on lucid)10:43
zusTorch,  t/y10:44
Torchrobinr: read the topic10:44
Torchooops, sorry, robinr10:44
akssps011how can install a package to a local directory10:55
zusanyone know if the gefore 5200 fx video card work in lucid? mine  has the dvi plug i need an adapter for my monitor to plug into it it wont work with karmic but works with windows10:56
akssps011I want to install it at location other than /usr. How can I do this ?10:57
daniel__i am back11:11
daniel__zus are you still here?11:11
zusdaniel__, kinda..11:12
zusdaniel__, im trying to figure what i need to learn python and get going with it11:13
daniel__zus are you on kubuntuforums.net?11:14
zusno not yet11:14
daniel__to all   r you on kubuntuforums.net?11:15
daniel__hi Flutiju11:15
daniel__is anyone here fom canada?11:17
=== esay is now known as Guest12219356
daniel__ what is better: xubuntu, kubuntu netbook, ubuntu netbook or lubuntu? on a 2GB Terra A20 netbook bought this year?11:30
daniel__what should I install for Kubuntu on netbook.  KNR 9.10 or KNE 10.04?11:39
daniel__i dont mind installing beta releases11:39
akssps011I want to install a package at location other than /usr. How can I do this using make install ?11:40
zuswhat is a good python editor for newbie, yet intermediate,..(room to grow)11:41
daniel__what do you recommend to me to install. KNR 9.10 or KNE 10.04? i amgoing to do a reinstall.11:45
=== Tuxplayer is now known as Tuxplayer|Away
daniel__anyone can answer my question11:46
daniel__i have decided toinstall knr but i want to know which vesion is best11:47
=== eristik2 is now known as eristikophiles
=== ubuntu is now known as Live
LiveWhat's the preferred language in here?12:58
=== rene is now known as Guest64065
k00pa_so yeah, where is the grubs menu list file?13:30
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Peace-k00pa: there is not13:37
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:38
Peace-there is grub.cfg13:38
k00paso what is the file I want to edit if I want to re order the operating systems?13:39
Peace-kdesudo kate  /boot/grub/grub.cfg13:39
Peace-then study grub213:39
k00paty :)13:40
k00paI prefer to use vim instead :P13:40
k00pagrub2 is weird13:50
andreligneHello everybody! I have a problem. My USB-speaker won't give away any sound through the speaker, even though in Volume Control it shows that the sound is sending to the speaker. It works fine i Windows 7, and worked fine before i rebooted :(13:50
k00pacan I just manually edit this file or should I always use this automatic generator13:50
k00paoh nevermind found my problem13:55
BluesKajhey folks13:57
mudassarhello kubuntu people i have a question13:57
mudassaranybody there ?13:59
k00pajust ask it :) somebody will answer if they know the answer14:00
BluesKaj!ask | mudassar14:06
ubottumudassar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:06
mudassari want to record a webiner that will be given in vnc and sip call14:08
mefisto__mudassar: recordmydesktop, istanbul, xvidcap can all capture video/sound from the desktop14:13
mefisto__mudassar: is that the info you wanted?14:14
mudassarmefisto__: wil it record the SIP call and vnc viewer both ?14:15
mefisto__mudassar: should be able to. it depends on mixer settings too. if your mixer has "mix" or something like that as capture, use that14:17
mudassarok thanks14:17
layne             14:27
=== mike is now known as Guest26449
Guest26449exuse me is this like a ubuntu/linux help channel?15:01
macokubuntu though, not ubuntu15:02
Guest26449may i ask u something?15:02
Guest26449i installed linux and i'm trying to play Hon (heroes of newearth...and i have no sound in the game15:03
Guest26449but i have sound starting linux and shuting down15:03
Guest26449any ideaar?15:04
Guest26449i guess not?15:06
Guest26449thankx anyways15:06
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.15:07
scott__my screen saver is starting when it should not like during this message15:23
scott__i removed screen saver auto launch from the programs with now effects15:24
scott__with no effect15:24
scott__i removed bluemon when t15:24
scott__the problem started15:25
scott__should not be releated to blue tooth so not sure that is important but needing password every minute is bac15:25
markithi, I want to remove all indexing functionality (stigi / nepomux), expecially not have the "nepomuk" icon near the clock on the right. Which packages should I remove? (10.04) Don't want just remove the icon (I should do for each user) but that exact piece of software15:32
markitis a ltsp installation for a school, so better save resources than have that functionality (useless for students)15:32
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
mike22i installed linux and i'm trying to play Hon (heroes of newearth...and i have no sound in the game15:38
mike22i think something is wrong with pulse15:39
Peace-markit: you should disable on systemsettings15:39
Peace-mike22: remove pulse15:39
Peace-that is only crap15:39
Peace-for me15:39
markitPeace-: I've done, but each use has that icon, and students are curious and will activate for sure15:40
markitPeace-: also loggin in each user to remove that icon is too time consuming15:40
rmrfslashWhat's the equivalent to modules.conf on kubuntu15:41
Peace-markit: search on kpackagekit nepo15:41
markitPeace-: thanks for the tip15:41
Peace-markit: try to remove virtuoso and the other package *NOT PRETTY SURE *15:41
markitI've tried to find packages with clear related name (like nepo) but found nothing15:42
Peace-markit: version ?15:42
markitalso I would love to disable "upgrade available" notification, any tip?15:42
Peace-markit: withput password normal user cannot upgrade15:44
Peace-anyway right button on notification15:44
Peace-and you should be able to disable notifications15:44
markitPeace-: I've 80 users, I want to remove the functionality by removing the related package15:44
markitand I know they can't upgrade, but is annoying having those messages15:45
Peace-i dunno try to do that on systemsettings  or try to edit configurations file yhat you shoul find here  /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings15:47
Peace-i guess you should get much more luck editing /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings15:47
Peace-or maybe kdesudo systemsettings15:48
markitPeace-: was not aware of it, I'll have a look15:48
markitI'll try. IN a multiuser system being able to set the user's default is paramount15:49
markitbut seems GNU/Linux desktop developement is going torward a sort of "single user" aproach15:49
Peace-markit: welll administrator can do the job knowing well configurations files15:51
markitdo you think I can purge kwalletmanager without harm?15:51
markitI hate it also15:51
Peace-and groups15:51
Peace-i think you should be able but i have never tried15:52
Peace-i have tried now apt seems report  no issues removing that15:53
Peace-The following packages will be REMOVED:15:53
Peace-  kwalletmanager15:53
Peace-0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 3 not upgraded.15:53
markitI've also removed networkmanager, it changed my resolv.conf :(15:54
markitwondering if kiosk could be an answer of some of my problems15:55
markitPeace-: each time I log as teacher (main user), it rewrites /etc/resolv.conf15:55
Peace-that is not the true configuration file for the computer15:56
Peace-you should learn a bit ...15:56
Peace-study xD15:56
Peace-googling revoke write permissions to /etc/resolv.conf sudo chmod 444 /etc/resolv.conf15:57
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:57
markitPeace-: well, is what happens with just installed configuration16:00
markitI'm mainly a debian guy, and I prefer doing things "by hand", so I'm irritated/frustrated by all those "automatic things" that are out of my control :)16:00
markitwithout graphical interface, /etc/resolv.conf is the only correct file where put nameserver settings16:01
markitso for me IS the true configuration file for the computer16:01
Peace-markit: i didn't remember the issue but you can edit another file i remember16:02
markitbtw, do you are aware if I can install a metapackage like kubuntu-restricted-extras but excluding the "flash" part?16:02
markitor just have to purge later?16:02
Peace-markit: googling ..... for resolv.conf http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128254&page=216:03
markit(having 20 students connected to youtube with the limited school's bandwidth is not a good idea, lol)16:03
Peace-you should block youtube.16:03
Peace-via browser settings16:03
Peace-or via router or whatever16:03
Peace-i have a router and i can block some website on it16:04
Peace-netgear router ...16:04
markitI've shorewall and I'm going to try to understand dansguarding, but never configured it16:04
Peace-markit: .... well... install kubuntu rescrited and purge after...16:04
markitand I want to do nothing on the browser side... children are too smart to keep them away from resetting it16:05
markitin any case, for the resolv.conf issue, removing the useless (for me) network manager did the trick16:05
Peace-so try to configure the network16:05
markitthanks anyway :)16:05
markitnetwork is working like a charm, 2 nics16:05
markitone on the ltsp client side, the other on the router side16:05
Peace-what kind of connections have you ?16:06
Peace-i mean have you a router?16:06
markit"bare metal" basic configuration is working like a charm16:06
markitmy troubles is understanding how to set all accounts in a snap16:06
markitand not having to do one by one16:06
markityes, the school has a router16:06
Peace-configure the router16:07
markitPeace-: can't touch the router16:08
markitdon't want to be responsable of the other part of the school lan16:08
markitI want to only act on the ltsp part16:08
markitotherwise everytime they have a trouble they will point their fingers at me :)16:08
Peace-markit: use opendns16:09
Peace-and configure that16:09
markitbut don't keep thinking about youtube problem, is the lesser important of my troubles now16:09
Peace-or i have no idea16:09
markitPeace-: I can configure shorewall, don't mind about that16:09
Peace-google is your friend16:10
Peace-my time is gone16:10
Peace-markit: http://www.opendns.com/solutions/household/parental/16:11
markitPeace-: thanks a lot16:12
moussaouihello is there a way to connect a 3g modem16:18
fesafderi have no network connection on my ubunutu .16:37
fesafderfirefox can't acess the web i can not ping but the ifconfig shozs an adress16:37
rosco_yhow do you follow someone on the "uBlog" twitter widget?16:40
fesafderanyone using lucid ?16:43
macoyes but lucid talk is in #ubuntu+116:43
fesafderi am looking wath is the symlink of /etc/resolv.conf16:44
fesafderi mean /etc/resolv.conf  points to something what is it ?16:45
=== bigbrovar_ is now known as bigbrovar
darksidee    * /server irc.irc-hispano.org17:26
sebersolefollowing some suggestions i have seen online, i set up konversation to use "server password" to pass along my nickserv password for freenode17:32
sebersolehowever that seems to cause my primary nick to become :locked"17:33
sebersolemeaning after login/identify my secondary nick is used17:33
sebersoleand attempts to change give "nick is in use"17:33
sebersoleany ideas what i may be doing wrong?17:34
=== jesbester is now known as sjonkedispe
zushow can i tel if i have the latest version of qt?17:40
txwikingerzus: latest version in regard to what?17:43
txwikingerdo you mean latest Kubuntu package?17:43
zustxwikinger, http://www.learningpython.com/2008/09/20/an-introduction-to-pyqt/17:44
zusi'd like to try this python and gui making stuff17:44
txwikingerwell.. you need to install the pyqt package for that17:45
txwikingerif you get it from the Kubuntu repository it is automatically the right one17:45
zusi think i got the right one...there were ALOT of different choices...17:47
txwikingerthere are some more for additional things17:48
txwikingerlike sql and dbus17:49
zusshould i get them as well?17:49
txwikingeryou need them only if you want to use the particular feature17:49
txwikingeri.e sql if you want to use the qt sql library17:50
txwikingerdbus you only need if you want to interact with the dbus17:50
zusi am learning all this, i dont know what sql is beyond it being a database..17:50
txwikingeryes.. it is the query language to interact with the database17:51
txwikingerif you don't use mysql or postgresql you don't need it17:51
zusat this point, im going to say i dont use it...17:53
=== jamie is now known as Guest18342
=== Guest18342 is now known as A5c11Char5et
zustxwikinger,  i see in kpackagekit a 'python-qt4-dev-4.7.2 0ubuntu1~karmic~ppa2(all)17:59
zussome have been  installed already as i see x  and others  have arrows...i hope  i got the right one. im new to this18:00
txwikingeryou only need that if you want to work on the python qt bindings18:00
txwikingernot for just using qt with python18:00
txwikingerif you install python-qt4 and anything that automatically get installed with it, you are fine18:01
zusok, then it's a start and  im on my way18:02
zusi hope i can figure out  on what i can improve or get a spark of creativity and invent something usefull...18:02
txwikingerzus: have fun :)18:03
zustxwikinger,  is there a python channel in case i need specific help?18:04
txwikingerzus: #python18:06
zustxwikinger,  hehe i didnt think it to be just that for some reason18:07
zusthanks again18:08
txwikingerzus: np18:08
txwikingerzus: There is also #pyqt18:13
zustxwikinger, sweet,18:14
=== ismael_ is now known as costra
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
A-N-V-Owho can help me with video settings plz?19:05
=== ramanK is now known as Guest29015
linusje suis nouveau sur Linux19:12
A-N-V-Owho can help with graphic settings plz19:14
kiroshiI'm having audio problems19:17
A-N-V-Oim havin video19:17
A-N-V-Olooks like nobody here19:18
=== RiotingPacifist` is now known as RiotingPacifist
sebastian_the sound of silence..19:31
=== jens is now known as Guest1135
sebastian_everybody on the floor?19:33
Guest1135yes sir19:33
Guest1135let's dance19:33
janmaltewhere can i found the new ubuntu brand elements19:40
janmaltei need the font and images to create a new design19:40
markithi, I've setup a ltsp kubuntu 10.04 server, but boot screen and login screen look so "ubuntu / gnome", any package to install to change that?19:40
valgaavIs there any way to get kmozillahelper to work with thunderbird ?  this package should provide native file open/save dialogs in mozilla apps19:44
valgaav... though it works only in firefox :(19:44
sebastian_good evening19:45
=== warren is now known as Guest88287
=== nik0 is now known as niko
Nafrihello, i often get the error "the audio playback device HDA Intel (STAC92xx Analog) does not work"  and after that the sound on my system stops working. Any idea why?21:04
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=== jw is now known as Guest19220
maurii need help for my scanner canon lide 10021:50
ofirk /msg ubottu !kubuntu21:52
mauriho problemi con lo scanner22:25
maurii need help for my scanner canon lide 10022:26
=== ad is now known as Guest87327
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:37
zushow can i get konquor to  get flash and view youtube and stuffs? i've never used it before22:40
=== david is now known as Guest22277
=== ubuntu is now known as francisb
francisbis it possible to boot from a floppy disk22:48
gkffcks__hey all, how do you use the vi mode in kate? Do I need to install a seperate package, I don't see any mention to it in settings.22:53
gkffcks__found it!22:58
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=== scott__ is now known as scott59

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