
quentusrexAnyone available for ubuntu package question about converting from svn to git? I use to use the revision number, but now what do I use from git to determine overrides.00:00
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
SeqIs there anything going on with ppa uploading? I'm not getting any error or notices sent to my email, and my package doesn't show up in the queue02:02
kermiachi. I just filed https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/107650 regarding spam comments in 2 bug reports - can someone pls take a look at it when they've got time?07:33
kermiachowever, in the process of filing that I noticed https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/107630 - someone might want to delete it as it is is a bit offensive07:34
thumperkermiac: thanks, someone will get to it eventually :)07:41
kermiacnp thumper, just making sure someone was aware of it :)07:41
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
ojwbhi, I've got a retried ppa build where the estimated time is just going up with time09:46
ojwb3 hours, then a few hours later 4, then a few hours later 809:47
ojwbit seems the age based boost doesn't apply here?09:47
wgrantojwb: The age-based boost does apply. It just doesn't have much affect, and everything else gets the boost too.10:13
wgrantPackages must be taking longer to build than expected.10:14
ojwbwgrant: ah, ok - i guess it isn't reflected in the score reported by the web ui10:14
ojwbooh, 1 hour now10:14
ojwbif it's not going to just bubble under indefinitely, I'll be patient10:15
ojwbcool, built now11:24
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nigelbabuJust got an OOPS13:39
james_wnigelbabu: bug 53664113:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 536641 in soyuz "DistributionSourcePackageRelease page OOPS" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53664113:54
nigelbabujames_w, ah, thank you :)13:57
=== thekorn__ is now known as thekorn
lxp1do i have to do something special to get karma for ppa uploads?14:47
lxp1my launchpad user: https://launchpad.net/~lxp1314:49
lxp1i am uploading regularly to my ppa for about half a year and didn't get any karma for ppa uploads14:51
captainkernelI have just tried to generate a pgp key pair for launchpad using opnpgp in ubuntu 9.04. When I ran the command gpg --gen-key as deatiled in the launchpad docs at https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey, I ran through the steps and appeared to complete successfully but the _current_directory_ did not have the required private/public.key. Can anyone help?17:50
gesergpg stores the keys in its keyring in ~/.gpg17:53
captainkernel[geser] yes but the launchpad documentation states "Your keys are now stored as public.key and private.key in the current directory. "17:55
geserthat sounds wrong17:55
geserignore that line in the docs17:56
captainkernel[geser] ok thanks. looks like I don't need them anyway since the upload can be done by gpg directly.17:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
keturn...I want to stay subscribed to this bug so I hear about progress on it, but all the "me too" posts are getting old.  The "this affects me too" button as an alternative to commenting hasn't quite caught on.20:20
ruthgardHello, can you link a project to a ppa in launchpad? I have a project and a ppa under my user with the projects ppa files, how can I bind them together so that anyone looking at the project will know there is a ppa.21:07
thumperruthgard: the easiest way right now is to put a link to the ppa in the project description.  I think "official" ppa links are coming soon21:28
ruthgardokay thank you21:28
KDeskHi, is this the right place to ask about the uploads to a ppa?23:52
wgrantKDesk: It is.23:53
KDeskok, thanks.23:54
KDeskMY problem is that when I try to upload a package to my ppa, it uploads and the dput process finsh, but I get no email from launchpad nor I see a sources to build from the launchpad web. How can I know why it doesn't build?23:56
wgrantKDesk: That normally means that you haven't signed the package with a key linked to your Launchpad account.23:57
KDeskwgrant: I did, there are the .changes and .dsc file signed.23:58
KDeskwith: debuild -S -sa -kMY-KEY it asked for the key twice, as usual.23:59

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