
LinuxGuy2009Yeah I agree sorta grape drink puke.00:02
Random832crap. this i915 video mode / screen flashing bug isn't fixed00:02
Volkodavstill better then old brown00:02
* Random832 had hoped the newer kernel would have it fixed00:02
LinuxGuy2009Oh now brown is manly.00:03
LinuxGuy2009No the purple aint bad. hehe I just was hoping the wallpaper contest had more than just flowers.00:04
nerdy_kidcant login: nvidia geforce4 MX 440 with nvidia-96 drivers00:04
Miannokia3510, installing intel packages says that "your cpu seems not an intel processor"00:05
skrite99i would have been fine to keep brown, it's the eyeball-shocking orange icons that i get rid of first on every install00:06
nokia3510Mian: sorry, I forgot about AMD, only the gpu tools then00:06
Miannokia3510, "sudo parted -l"  output nothing00:07
nokia3510Mian: somewhat impossible. sudo fdisk -l then ?00:08
Miannokia3510, parted -l without chroot gives output, fdisk -l on chroot gives an error saying "can not open /proc/partitions"00:10
nokia3510Mian: ok00:10
nokia3510without chroot00:10
SultansElephantMaverick Meerkat!00:10
MrSunshinelo =)00:10
MrSunshineisnt multiverse etc packages available in 10.04 ?00:11
SultansElephanti was hoping for monkey action00:11
* nokia3510 contemplates mavericj monkey action00:11
SultansElephantman it seems like just yesterday I downloaded Intrepid00:11
SultansElephantmy first ubuntu distro *sniffle*00:12
MrSunshineubuntu realy has become amazing over the years00:12
SultansElephantall right let's check out this beta 2 action00:12
MrSunshinei wouldnt touch it to start with00:12
MrSunshinebut now its realy nice as i dont have to do all the hand configing of everything =)00:12
sweetI still can not use my microphone nor my input line on intel G45 DEVIBX... any ideas?00:12
OxymoronI have a question, why doesnt Dbus or whatever framework or protocol notify notifier when I got new message in like Pidgin, Kopete, Kmess, AMSN or whatever if the window isnt minimized but other windows is covered over? :S00:12
SultansElephantwhere's the bleeding edge daily releasez00:13
OxymoronSHouldnt I get notified when I got new message no matter if window isnt minimized or not? :S00:13
SultansElephantOxymoron: just alt tab00:13
OxymoronSultansElephant: A new message is always a new message no matter what.00:13
Miannokia3510, all output is here http://pastebin.com/JYBhAN6U00:14
OxymoronSultansElephant: Thats why Cairo dock doesnt work ... I thought they were the bad guys, but actually it is Dbus and IM-clients :S00:14
OxymoronAt least I need to FORCE in my IM-client that always send signal to Dbus when new message arrive if the current konversation isnt open/active in task bar.00:15
SultansElephantOxymoron: either way this is not a final version. why not suggest the feature or see if it will or even is already implemented?00:16
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OxymoronSultansElephant: Well, GNU/Linux is never final ... :D I dont know where to look for that? :S00:17
dos123linux is a cash dream of chinese00:18
dos123they can earn nothing from it00:18
nokia3510Mian: running out of ideas. I'd wait at this point for an update & check bug reports for similar issues. The BIOS update that happened is for the best, regardless of whether you manage to salvage this or not. IMO, all looks too clean now to jump and reinstall. Perhaps a bug report and a future update will solve this asap, provided you have time to wait for it to happen00:26
nokia3510Mian: just in case, check out the OMG link someone posted here a few hours ago for you00:27
Miannokia3510, thanks a lot00:27
sweetI still can not use my microphone nor my input line on intel G45 DEVIBX... any ideas?00:27
Miannokia3510, I tried it and same output00:28
crimsunsweet: install linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r) from ppa:ubuntu-audio00:28
crimsunsweet: ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev *00:28
sweetcrimsun: I did...00:28
sweetcrimsun: I have audio but no mic...00:29
nokia3510Mian: OK, then back to my last post ^^00:29
crimsunsweet: and which profile did you select in the sound preferences for input?00:29
sweetcrimsun: using Vaio VPCS11X9E00:29
sweetcrimsun: Internal Audio Analig Stereo00:29
crimsunsweet: does sound recorder corroborate?00:30
sweetcrimsun: sry my english is not that good, what do you mean by corroborate?00:31
crimsunsweet: can you reproduce the symptom (for mic) using sound recorder?00:32
sweetcrimsun: hmm doesn't seem to work...00:33
crimsunsweet: please run http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh00:34
sweetcrimsun: ok give me a sec00:35
Miannokia3510, if I want to file a bug report, what package should I report against? is it kernel?00:37
sweetcrimsun: http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh00:38
sweetcrimsun: bash: alsa-info.sh: line 48: `update() {'00:38
sweetcrimsun: bash: alsa-info.sh: line 48: syntax error near unexpected token `('00:38
crimsunsweet: bash ./alsa-info.sh --no-upload00:39
crimsunsweet: then, pastebin the file that it generates.00:39
nmoureyiiAnyone know about the state of the NVIDIA drivers from the NVIDIA website?00:40
sweetcrimsun: http://pastebin.com/Hti66Uaw00:40
nmoureyiion 10.04?00:40
bjsnidernmoureyii, you cannot use the nvidia-installer in lucid00:41
bjsniderif you were able to override the blocks you'd damage the xorg/mesa system00:41
crimsunsweet: pastebin output from "apt-cache policy linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r)"00:42
sweetcrimsun: http://pastebin.com/tma2F9NG00:43
nokia3510Mian: hard to say. Check Ubuntu Forums first00:47
Miannokia3510, thanks00:47
crimsunsweet: sec, reading00:49
sweetcrimsun: take your time, I've tried everything, thank you for looking into it!00:51
Miannokia3510, I reported the issue here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/565109 please add details if you want00:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565109 in ubuntu "Upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 on Dell Inspiron 6400 makes the system unbootable" [Undecided,New]00:59
Mianubotto, I am reporter of the bug you just mentioned, have you something to try wit me about it?01:03
blacksunsevenI've got an issue with mounting read-only directories.01:08
Proculehi i'm on 10.04beta2 live on a usb stick, i've just resized my LVM drive to make space for a new installation, unfortunatly, it seems the ubuntu installation doesn't see the LVM space, how is so ?01:08
Proculeactually, it doesn't recognize LVM drive at all01:09
blacksunsevenI'm trying to mount them read-only but they are already mounted rw elsewhere.01:09
danandProcule: Have you tried the alternate cd - don't think standard cd has support for lvm01:10
Proculei'm with desktop-amd6401:10
crimsunsweet: you need to use a program called hda-verb to test a fix01:10
blacksunsevenI used to be able to do this using something like ro,bind as options w/ no FS specified but now it seems unable to have two separate mount points per device01:10
Proculehow come ubuntu doesn't have support for lvm ? it was on since 8.04 i guess01:11
blacksunsevenThis may help anyone looking to help me http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9133075&postcount=1001:11
blacksunsevenMy old, working fstab entries are there01:11
sweetcrimsun: i'll check it out keep you posted01:11
danandProcule: I'm sure support is in there - just not on the installation cd01:12
Proculewell I had no choice to change my partitions01:12
danandProcule: Think you need the alternate cd instead which has support for lvm at the install phase01:13
ProculeI resized my ext3 partition with the desktop-amd4 cd01:13
Proculeeverything is OK (e2fsck was done on old partition)01:13
Proculebut I need to use the new space to install01:14
Proculedanand: what is the 'alternate' cd about ? like a second cd ?01:14
Proculebecause I used the usb creator since I have no free cd01:15
crimsunsweet: have you tried an external mic?01:15
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal01:15
danandLucky guess :)01:16
Proculeit doesn't answer my question :)01:16
Proculeis it like a "first" cd ?01:16
Proculeor second CD ?01:16
Oxymoronalternate cd?01:17
Oxymoronsecond is usually alternative solution ;)01:17
Proculewell sorry (i'm french speaker)01:17
danandProcule: Exactly like a first cd - I would guess it's a little like the server install cd01:17
sweetcrimsun: yes I did, that one worked before installing the linux-alsa driver from ubuntu-audio-dev but the downside was that only my headphone en line-in worked, no speakers....01:17
Proculealternate for me is "an alternative"01:17
Proculeno another cd01:18
OxymoronI would recommend LiveCD before alternate CD ;)01:18
sweetcrimsun: en = and*01:18
blacksunsevenany suggestions about this mount problem, i'm having?01:18
ProculeI'm using right now the 10.4-beta2-desktop-amd64-livecd01:18
OxymoronProcule: Alt CD is usually for just upgrades without network connection.01:18
danandOxymoron: Procule has lvm set up which is not supported by the live cd installer - hence the need for the alternate cd01:19
Proculeso I need 2 cd ?01:19
Oxymorondanand: Aha I see, tricky situation. Procule do you have one DVD/CD reader and one another writer spearatly?01:19
crimsunsweet: ok01:19
OxymoronProcule: Or any other computer maybe?01:20
ProculeI use an USB stick atm01:20
Proculewith the 10.04beta201:20
Proculetrying to format another partition on lvm01:20
OxymoronProcule: Isnt there a USB Creator somewhere on LiveCD? OR aha lol, well do you have one USB stick and one burner?01:21
danandProcule: No - the alternate cd is a single cd  - it just offers alternative options/ choices to the live cd installer01:21
ProculeWell I used a usb stick because it was simpler !01:21
Proculebut the question still stands: the alternate CD is another CD with other options ?01:21
sweetcrimsun: ok I got hda-verb 0.3 and maked the file but I have no clue what to do now...01:22
OxymoronProcule: Well use your USB to burn one alternate CD if I were you ;) Then use ALT CD to do what you need.01:22
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danandProcule: Take a look for the "alternate" cd on the 10.04 download site01:22
OxymoronProcule: I would say alternate CD is for other needs that LiveCD users dont have. Mostly its the same hting.01:22
noelferreiraany way to install flash on amd64?01:23
danandOxymoron: Spot on01:23
noelferreiraor we need to way for the final release?01:23
blacksunsevennoelferreira: yeah, it's not too tough01:23
Proculewell i can but on my karmic install and burn it , but the question is alternate cd  a cd you use in the install like "please put the alternate cd" or it is a cd with more options ?01:24
blacksunsevennoelferreira: http://www.myscienceisbetter.info/install-adobe-flash-player-10-on-ubuntu-64bit.html01:24
crimsunsweet: does the internal mic work at all?01:25
Proculebut = boot*01:25
noelferreirablacksunseven, i meant in beta release01:25
ThaDocTreyNOKIA are you still there?01:25
nokia3510yes ?01:25
blacksunsevennoelferreira: like through apt-get? no01:25
sweetcrimsun: it does work under Windows 7 I'm affraid to say :p01:26
ThaDocTreyI did that upgrade stuff, now what should i do?01:26
sweetcrimsun: but so far under linux no success01:26
blacksunsevennoelferreira: manually installing works just fine though01:26
crimsunsweet: ok, thanks01:26
noelferreiraok i will give it a try blacksunseven01:26
sweetcrimsun: you're welcome... guess there's not much more I can do?01:27
danandProcule: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ - shows alternate cd for download01:27
blacksunsevennoelferreira: that link is more complicated than it should be, lemme see if i cant help you out further01:27
crimsunsweet: sec, I have to read your codec dump again01:27
crimsunsweet: I'm not a magic pixie that makes sound work on command :-)01:27
blacksunsevennoelferreira: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/flashplayer10_1_rc_linux_040510.tar.gz01:27
sweetcrimsun: haha, ok it's just that I've given up hope a few days ago ^^ thanks once again!01:28
blacksunsevennoelferreira: then mkdir ~/.mozilla/plguins01:28
blacksunsevennoelferreira: then mv libflashplayer.so into that directory01:28
blacksunsevensorry, that's ~/.mozilla/plugins01:29
noelferreira:) thanks blacksunseven01:29
crimsunsweet: in the meantime, please file a bug using "ubuntu-bug alsa-base"01:29
sweetcrimsun: I live in Belgium and it's already very late but I'll file a bug first thing tomorrow. I'll keep watching the chanel though because I appreciate you're looking into it01:32
sweetcrimsun:it's just been a while since I've found someone who might know a solution for my problem _o_01:33
crimsunsweet: please go ahead and file it now if you can; I only have a few more moments this coming week to look into it01:33
noelferreirablacksunseven, that directory will work for firefox or should i link the lib to /etc/firefox/plugins?01:33
crimsunsweet: but, if you can't file it right away now, then just do it ASAP01:33
blacksunsevennoelferreira: try it my way first01:34
noelferreiradidn't work blacksunseven01:34
blacksunsevennoelferreira: did you restart firefox?01:34
noelferreirayes sure01:34
noelferreirastill asking for install the plugins via web browser01:34
sweetcrimsun: it's done01:35
blacksunsevennoelferreira: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/adobe-flash-player-10-for-64-bit-linux-released-and-ubuntu-installation-instructions.html#more-310301:36
blacksunseventry that noelferreira, i believe that's the process i followed to get mine working01:36
noelferreirawith your file or the one from this howto blacksunseven ?01:37
blacksunsevennoelferreira: go ahead and use the one from the howto01:37
sweetcrimsun: I supose it's been uploaded but got no confirmation01:38
crimsunsweet: ok, sec01:40
noelferreirablacksunseven, the one from the howto is working good. which version is the first you gave me?01:43
blacksunsevennoelferreira: i thought i had linked you to the latest one from the site but i'd just ignore it01:44
crimsunsweet: ok,try this: sudo hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC0D0 0x19 AC_VERB_SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x201:45
sweetcrimsun: got an error: No key matching with 'AC_VERB_SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL'01:47
crimsunsweet: sorry, SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL01:48
crimsunI was using the macro from the source code, since I'm reading the source code for your driver01:48
sweetcrimsun: output: nid = 0x19, verb = 0x707, param = 0x201:50
sweetcrimsun: still no sound from internal/external mic01:51
sweetcrimsun: this is above my level of understanding though01:51
crimsunsweet: my typo. 0x22, not 0x201:52
sweetcrimsun: ok, sec01:52
sweetcrimsun: negative... no sound01:54
sweetcrimsun: speakers and headphones still work :p01:55
crimsunsweet: please rerun alsa-info01:55
DanaGhmm, my adi mute gpio thing is weird...01:55
DanaGmute hotkey part doesn't work at boot (after hda-intel loads), but does work after suspend/resume.01:55
crimsunDanaG: are you using l-a-d-m-$(uname -r) ?01:56
DanaGI don't think I am; I'll give those a try.01:56
sweetcrimsun: http://pastebin.com/WDqe5dua01:56
crimsunnote, not linux-backports-modules-alsa-* !01:56
sweetcrimsun: off course not! I was using that one before, afterwards I installed linux-audio-dev repo and got linux-alsa from that one01:57
crimsunsweet: that last statement was addressed to DanaG.01:57
sweetcrimsun: I'm using linux-alsa-driver-modules-2.6.32-21-generic01:57
sweetcrimsun: ow, my bad01:58
crimsunsweet: ok, perhaps you have a weird pin setup. Try: sudo hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC0D0 0x18 SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x2201:58
sweetcrimsun: still no sound, sorry ...02:00
DanaGhmm, is there a metapackage for alsa-driver-modules?02:01
crimsunsweet: ok, perhaps we can work on it next week02:01
sweetcrimsun: ok, great thanks!02:02
sweetcrimsun: euhm when do you want me to contact you again? because I'm currently abroad doing networking research...02:04
crimsunsweet: please file a bug, firstly. Your previous attempt has not succeeded.02:06
sweetcrimsun: ok i ran command: ubuntu-bug alsa-base, then I get Apport msg 'Send problem ... dedevlopers?' and checked the content of the report', then I press  'Send Report'02:09
sweetcrimsun: then it immediately disapears... (don't know if it actualy sends...)02:09
sweetcrimsun: ok tried it agian and it said 'Uploading...'02:10
sweetit should be uploaded02:10
DanaGhmm, no change with the alsa-drivers package.02:14
DanaGwell, aside from added debug info.02:14
VolkodavThe following packages have been kept back:02:15
Volkodav  gparted02:15
Volkodavhave been too long it is kept back ?02:15
Volkodavor is it just me ?02:15
DanaGthat's dmesg | grep -i alsa02:16
sweetcrimsun: did it work? cause I'm realy getting tired :p02:21
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running_rabbit07How do I install VBox on Lucid, being there is no listing on Sun's site for Lucid?02:41
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:42
MightyTweekHey all... I've got a system running 9.10 AMD64 with a RAID0 using MD. About a week or so ago I attempted an upgrade to the beta of 10.04. The upgrade appeared to complete successfully but now the system won't boot. I just get a blank screen and some HD activity, then nothing. If I reboot and do a recovery boot, it gets as far as "EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode". Any ideas?02:48
GentMightTweek, I think it has to do with the video mode switching02:53
Gentare you on NVidia?02:53
MightyTweekGent, no, Intel. The thing is, when trying to boot in recovery mode, it doesn't even get as far as the recovery menu, it stops after that line about EXT3-fs02:55
GentMighty, if the splash is screwed up and it's booting "quiet" that is all you would see02:56
Genttry booting without quiet and change splash to nosplash02:56
Gentin the boot options02:56
Gentunfortunately, I think you need to boot live and edit the grub menu on your system from a live cd as they appear to not give the opportunity to change boot options on startup now02:56
Gentremoving quiet might give you more output02:57
rwwplymouth parses "nosplash" as "splash". It's a known bug.02:57
Gentwell it seemed to work here02:57
MightyTweekGent, I think splash is disabled when booting in recovery mode. Sorry, I should have probably been more clear: when booting in recovery mode it shows a whole bunch of other stuff before the EXT3-fs line, I could pastebin it if I had any way to get it off the system02:57
Gentor perhaps quiet was just enough02:57
rwwubottu: bug 56049102:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560491 in plymouth "[lucid beta2] Plymouth does not honor "nosplash"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56049102:58
Gentubottu, I don't get the splash though anymore02:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:58
Gentor rww rather02:58
Gentdoes removing quiet also trigger no splash?02:58
Gentcause my system would show the splash but then X didn't appear to start even though it was starting (I just couldn't see it cause of the mode setting done for the splash)02:59
rwwYou can hold down shift to change options at startup, btw.02:59
Gentoh, that helps...02:59
mhalli am having a problem where update-grub keeps adding the splash option back in on every run02:59
Gentit used to be escape02:59
Gentis that a new grub2 thing?02:59
rwwGent: it's a new Lucid thing02:59
mhalldespite that it does not exist in /etc/default/grub02:59
Gentrww, you seem to follow lucid pretty closely, heh03:00
Gentany idea why nvidia's performance with compiz may suck more than usual?03:00
rwwmhall's /etc/default/grub: http://paste.ubuntu.com/415885/ and /boot/grub/grub.cfg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/415888/03:00
Gentonly since I upgraded, it's so slow that sometimes if I move a window too fast, it takes a bit to catch up with my mouse03:00
rwwGent: no idea, I don't have an nvidia card03:01
* mhall bangs his head on the keyboard and begins burning the ubuntu his coworker should have used to begin with03:01
* Gent bangs mhall's head on the keyboard and begins burning him03:02
rwwGent: that's not nice ;P03:02
mhallGent: oof03:03
mhallGent: but it won't have much effect at this point03:03
mhallGent: my workweek already beat you to the punch by wednesday03:03
Gentcongrats for having a crap job03:03
mhalli'm so burned out my burnoutability is burned out so now i can't burn out03:03
aprilharehey. - i'm running thunderbird from the daily build ppa. i also upgraded firefox from the same ppa however it's unusable. I want to switch to the firefox from the stable PPA - how do I do this without removing the daily build PPA?03:25
aprilhareand yes, this is under lucid :)03:26
torchiedoes anyone else get a missing firefox icon on the installation screen?03:28
shawnboyis it me or has the "text-based" location bar been removed from Lucid?03:28
macoshawnboy: in nautilus? hit ctrl+l03:29
macoer thats a L not a i03:29
shawnboyI'm in Karmic right now. So CTRL-L will allow me to type in a location like /home/shawn/.mozilla for example?03:29
shawnboymaco, yes in nautilus. If that will do it, thanks, although I don't understand why it's not available without magically knowing the CTRL-L key combo.03:30
macoshawnboy: because gnome likes to hide options from users03:34
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macothey think that makes their software more usable03:34
macoi think we have different definitions of usable ;-)03:34
shawnboymaco, ok. Gnome doesn't hide it from me in Karmic. :(  Oh well. Thanks for unlocking the mystery for me.  :)03:34
macoyep its a new change they made like a month or two ago03:35
shawnboynew releases with "new features" can be frustrating.03:36
torchienewwwwww features!03:36
ChogyDanaprilhare: pinning03:37
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto03:39
bazhangaprilhare, ^^03:39
shawnboyAnyone have any success trying to change theme of GDM? I tried some things I found in forums with no success.03:39
aprilhareoh ic03:39
aprilhareyay i'm awake again :)03:40
aprilhareoh yeah - but i checked in synaptic and firefox doesn't appear anymore03:40
aprilharein the stable PPA03:40
aprilhareonly these lame metapackages03:40
tertittenhi, I'm about to install a realtime kernel and need to revert back to nouveau as realtime kernel doesent support the proprietary driver. . how do I revert back ?03:46
tertittenehh that is, this real time kernel does not support it03:46
lapionright now kernel freezes X every time... I had to boot
running_rabbit072.6.32-21 was held back on my end03:48
running_rabbit07I guess it was a good thing03:48
lapionI finally got 2.6.32-22 to boot with less freezing.03:49
ChogyDanthere is a 22?!03:51
lapioneuh yes03:51
lapionthere was.. it was revoked..03:51
ChogyDanyou might be thinking 2103:52
ChogyDanor 2003:52
tertittenreally tought you guys would know the answer to my question :)03:54
ChogyDantertitten: I think you can just delete your xorg.conf   you _should_ be able to do it that way03:55
lapionsorry I meant.. was reinstalled03:55
tertittenChogyDan, you think that's safe ?03:56
* lapion thinks there are two version 21's out there03:56
ChogyDanlapion: yeah, I saw two of them.  I hope they just release another version so I never have to figure it out   :p03:57
ChogyDantertitten: if that doesn't work, you should file a bug03:57
tertittenI probably should uninstall the proprietary drivers as well I guess ?03:59
vengeri wouldn't03:59
ChogyDantertitten: removing xorg.conf will be all you need03:59
tertittenok, thanks for your help04:00
vengeror you can change to Driver "nouveau" instead of "nvidia"04:01
tertittenvenger, in xorg.conf04:01
vengeryes. also what method did you use to install nvidia drivers?  the binary at their site or restricted drivers?04:02
tertittenvenger, I used jockey-gtk04:08
revcompgeekI upgraded from Karmic to Lucid a while ago, and I was able to use "desktop effects", but recently they don't work anymore. Running 'compiz --replace' in the terminal gives "Xlib: extension GLX missing..."04:10
vengertertitten, the reason i asked is because a pkg'd method might do extra like blacklist ing.  i'm not sure as i don't use the packaged methods for nvidia04:11
DanaGLucid has big changes in how the libgl libraries are installed.  You may have some broken links, if you installed it the non-package way.04:11
tertittenbasically blacklist nvidia in /etc/modprobe.d/ ?04:11
tertitten/etc/modprobe.d/whateverfile.conf that is04:12
vengertertitten, you won't have to blacklist nvidia on a new kernel however i meant more towards ensure nouveau is not blacklisted if you have trouble04:12
tertittenaha, ok04:12
revcompgeekI haven't installed libgl manually, if that is what you mean by a non-package way.04:13
DanaGno, I mean if you'd installed the nvidia binary driver manually.04:14
DanaGThat can break things.04:14
revcompgeekI'm running this particular linux installation off of an external hard drive, so I've tried it with Radeon(current), Nvidia, and Intel graphics cards04:14
revcompgeekno, i haven't installed that one04:15
revcompgeekIs it worth it to try reinstalling the libgl packages?04:21
DanaGhmm, I hadn't been following... what was the original problem?04:22
revcompgeekcompiz won't run, I get an "extension GLX missing" error on every computer i try04:23
revcompgeeki can't figure out why the GLX extension isn't loading04:24
lapionOkay I think I might have found the reason my i915 does a hangcheck freeze.04:33
isaac_Is this a chit-chat place to discuss the latest, greatest ubuntu or is this a tech support room?04:34
IdleOneisaac_: a little of both04:36
IdleOneyou may or may not get discussion/support04:36
IdleOnebut this is the place to talk about 10.0404:36
lapionI have a SAA7133 pcmcia tvcard that uses tda1004x driver for it's tuner.04:37
lapionwhen the tda 10004x driver is loaded the system freezes waiting..04:37
isaac_I'm just mildly curious about how good it is.  Mostly is there a substantial reason to get it and replace 9.10 which I'm using right now for my internet computer.04:38
revcompgeeki did an in-place upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 a few weeks ago, and I am very impressed with the state of it right now04:38
revcompgeekall except that i can't get desktop effects (graphics acceleration) working04:40
lapionand since the system doesn't for all processes to die down before continuing init,if the i915 is loadedm and afterwards the tda10004x wait comes, the hangtimer assumes it's the i915 that misbehaves04:40
mawstTrying to figure out why I can run openoffice apps, but when I run PMS (a java app) it says I have no java installed.04:41
isaac_Given the other meaning of "PMS", I think the reason suddenly becomes clear.04:41
lapionsawst openoffice doesn't requiere java..04:42
isaac_I was wondering, because it runs on the live CD and I didn't recall the live CD having java.......04:42
mawstlapion: ok.04:43
DanaGthere's my dmesg04:43
DanaGwith alsa modules04:43
isaac_SuperOS has java and flash on a live dvd though.  I know a friend who ran on that without installing for six months.04:43
mawstIs there a sun-java package in beta 2?04:44
DanaGooh, even weirder04:45
revcompgeekmawst, yes04:45
revcompgeekmawst, wait, i think so... I use Eclipse which is Java, so I know java works here04:46
mawstbah I'll just install openjdk04:47
revcompgeekDanaG, thats interesting. I've gotten a soft lockup before from plymouthd04:48
DanaGIn my case, it's coming from plugging in my usb-audio device.04:48
DanaGugh, now modprobe is stuck devouring 100% of one cpu core.04:51
MightyTweekHey all... I've got a system running 9.10 AMD64 with a RAID0 using MD. About a week or so ago I attempted an upgrade to the beta of 10.04. The upgrade appeared to complete successfully but now the system won't boot. I just get a blank screen and some HD activity, then nothing. If I reboot and do a recovery boot, it gets as far as "EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode". Any ideas? Tried rebuilding grub, didn't fix.04:56
MightyTweekI should also mention the exact same behaviour occurs with the previous kernel04:56
psusiMightyTweek, and you have not booted at all in the last week, or it was working fine until today?04:59
MightyTweekpsusi, it never booted correctly after the upgrade completed. I just haven't had time to look at it until now :) Thought the timeline might be relevant if there was a known issue with a package from back then04:59
lookwhen is the final release of lucid gonna come out?05:02
MightyTweekhere's a question: if I were to boot off the liveCD, then chroot to the broken system, then do an apt-get upgrade, could that fix it?05:02
DanaGcrimsun: ping -- having severe issues with those alsa-driver-mdulelallalla ll argh dammnit the thing is horribly lagging05:02
kuttansMightyTweek : yeah it should do05:03
MightyTweekthx kuttans... wish me luck!05:03
kuttanshey guys i gotta improvement from yesterday. till yday plymouth was not working for me . but now it ran once and after that its the same state05:03
DanaGSorry about the swearing.... had to switch computers.05:04
kuttansMightyTweek: best of luck man05:04
DanaGThe one that that dmesg is from, now seems to be getting thoroughly wedged for about 15 to 30 seconds... about every 16 to 31 seconds.05:04
d33danyone noticing a problem with the on screen keyboard in 10.04?05:06
git__how many more days till ubunut 10.04 is out?05:07
Dark_Shikariis the onscreen keyboard intended to be broken in lucid beta 2?05:07
d33dditto - I want answers! haha.05:08
revcompgeekgit__, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule05:08
revcompgeekApril 29th05:08
Dark_Shikarialso, vmware keyboard doesn't seem to work with lucid beta 205:08
Lachesisgood evening everyone. I'm experiencing a strange problem with network-manager and WPA2 enterprise. Ubuntu will connect for 15-20 seconds, then promptly disconnect. If I cycle my wifi (hardware switch) it will reconnect for another few seconds.05:10
d33dDark_Shikari, Oh! Are you using VMware Player or Workstation Dark?05:10
LachesisBasically like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/42545505:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 425455 in linux "[karmic] Wireless LAN disconnects frequently # Chipset Intel 3945ABG @ AP with WPA" [Medium,Confirmed]05:10
Dark_Shikarid33d: Workstation05:10
d33dDark_Shikari, yes, I'm seeing the same thing. Maybe we should look to see if there's a bug already in Launchpad?05:11
Lachesisi tried to switch to Wicd, but it continues to insist that I have the wrong password. I know for a fact that I do not.05:11
DanaGwow, it's so badly wedged, not even alt-sysrq-O works!05:12
DanaGthat should hard-power-off... but it's not.05:12
Dark_Shikarid33d: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/55040205:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550402 in ubuntu "Lucid vmware keyboard not functioning" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:12
revcompgeekwhat is sysrq?05:12
Lachesissorta like ctrl-alt-del in windows05:12
DanaGNope, didn't work.05:12
Lachesisissues commands directly to the kernel05:13
DanaGnope, it's even better than ctrl-alt-del.05:13
Lachesisthat's serious business, danag05:13
revcompgeekbut is it a key on the keyboard? I've not heard of that before05:13
Lachesisit's fn-end on my laptop05:13
d33dDark_Shikari, good job. I couldn't find it. I'm playing with Lubuntu...its sweet. (sorry others for off-topic!)05:13
LachesisunRaw, Exit, termInate, Sync, remOunt, reBoot05:14
LachesisDoes anybody have any idea what I can do to fix WPA2?05:14
jdsbluedevlhi, can anyone tell me whether anyone else has replicated the PolicyKit CPU problem?05:14
d33dLachesis, It's a known bug?05:15
jdsbluedevlbug 42655605:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426556 in policykit "policykit cause high dbus-daemon cpu usage" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42655605:15
Lachesisd33d, for Karmic05:15
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
Lachesisthe general consensus on the bug page was to install wicd05:15
Lachesisreported in Sept. 0905:16
jdsbluedevlI'm going out of my mind to get anyone to respond to it.  I would have thought one of the developers would have responded to it by now via Launchpad, but I guess they're too busy playing around with Software Center, Ubuntu One, or something else that's stupid05:16
revcompgeekLachesis, i've used wicd before when network-manager wasn't working, and in fact i've got them both installed right now05:16
revcompgeekwicd has always worked for me05:16
Lachesisrevcompgeek, any idea why wicd is insisting that my password is wrong for my WPA2 Enterprise network?05:17
revcompgeekhave you tried running it from the terminal to see if there are any error messages?05:17
revcompgeekwicd-gtk i think05:17
Lachesisyeah, i have05:17
Lachesishaven't seen anythin05:17
Lachesisother than a GTK+ error about drawing modal dialogs or smt05:17
Lachesisthe same credentials work in Windows (eek) and on my iPod05:18
Lachesisand on NM for a short period of time05:18
revcompgeekhave you tried wicd-cli?05:18
kuttanshey guys, anyone having any luck with plymouth and encrypted hard disk05:19
Lachesiswicd-cli seems to be borked somehow05:19
Lachesiscalling -c (BSSID) gives an error about check not being defined05:19
revcompgeeki've never personally used WPA2-Enterprise networks, but i have connected just fine to others05:19
Lachesisalright, got past that05:21
Lachesiscrashes at validating authentication again05:21
Lachesismy damn password is right05:21
Lachesissorry about that, did that come through?05:21
Lachesisi dunno, will a different interface to the same daemon really help?05:21
Lachesisi feel like the wpa-supplient is to blame05:21
revcompgeeki was hoping to get a more useful error message05:22
revcompgeekprobably is a bug in wpa-supplicant05:22
Lachesislaunching it05:22
owen1my video-out stopped working after the upgrade. where can i file a bug and how can i start troubleshooting it?05:22
Lachesisnah, same error in -curses05:23
revcompgeeklooks like you can run wpa_gui05:23
revcompgeeki'm kind of shooting in the dark here05:24
Lachesissure, dling that05:25
Lachesisthanks for the help05:25
MightyTweekwell, chroot and apt-get update/upgrade didn't fix my problem05:25
revcompgeekno problem05:25
Lachesiswpa_gui just says "couldn't get status from wpa_supplicant"05:26
revcompgeekso wpa_supplicant probably isn't running then... but i don't really know much about that05:26
revcompgeekso you need to run wpa_supplicant05:27
revcompgeekthere is a -B flag to run it as a daemon in the background, but i don't recommend that05:27
revcompgeekidk, "wpa_supplicant -Dwext" maybe?05:28
Lachesiswhat do you recommend?05:29
revcompgeekyou may need -i for your wireless interface too05:29
Lachesisit wants a config file05:29
Lachesisand i don't have one05:29
revcompgeekrun "wpa_supplicant -Dwext -i<your wireless interface>"05:29
Lachesisit wants me to give it the proper parameters in a config05:29
Lachesisalright i tried to piece together a config05:31
Lachesisit's running through all routers on my network05:31
MightyTweekaha! Alt-Sysrq-i killed the mountall process and I got a message saying "General error mounting file systems." now I'm at a root shell. What now?05:31
Lachesistiming out auth with each of them05:32
DanaGPlymouth command failedmountall: Plymouth command failedmountall: Plymouth command failed05:33
Lachesiswell, i assume i'm looking at the real cause of my problem here05:33
revcompgeeki agree05:33
Lachesisnow... how do i fix it! :D05:34
Lachesiswoah, wait05:34
LachesisCTRL-EVENT-EAP-SUCCESS EAP authentication completed successfully05:34
revcompgeekproblem solved? :P05:35
Lachesisit just dropped05:35
LachesisNetwork is down05:35
LachesisEAP-TLV: TLV Result - Success - EAP-TLV/Phase2 Completed05:35
LachesisCTRL-EVENT-EAP-SUCCESS EAP authentication completed successfully05:35
Lachesisl2_packet_receive - recvfrom: Network is down05:35
LachesisCTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED - Disconnect event - remove keys05:35
DanaGCool, now I have a root console that starts "at startup"05:36
DanaGYay, AMT!05:36
DanaG1interesting... Kin theme with the Butterfly wallpaper is nice.05:39
DanaG1though, being I guy, people would mock me for using that if I did.05:39
DanaG1now you just need one of those.05:40
hackeronhey, it seems the format of grub.cfg changed - where would I put things like noacpi and noapic now?05:42
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
hackeronDanaG: ah, handy! - thanks :)05:43
MightyTweekyou'll all be happy to know that commenting out a line in my fstab fixed my problem05:54
kuttanshii anybody there who is using encrypted hard disk for both root and swap + with lucid06:19
kuttanshello anyone there who is using encrypted hard disk for both root and swap and facing the problem of plymouth in lucid06:21
kuttanswhy plymouth not running on boot up??06:22
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
hackeronhey, ubuntu lucid takes a good 30 minutes to modprobe bttv - I tried to add options i2c-algo-bit bit_test=1 to /etc/modprobe/tv.conf but that causes system to panic on boot - any ideas?06:44
owen1how to submit a bug report for lucid? my video-out key is not working anymore.06:49
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots06:50
owen1Dr_Willis: my issue is not related to a package. it's my video-out key06:53
Dr_Willisif it used to work and now dosent. then its possibally a kernel issue. so the kernel package.06:54
Dr_Willisor it could be a video driver issue.06:54
owen1Dr_Willis: should i submit only to one of them?06:55
Dr_Willisi would search first for an allready existing similer bug.06:55
owen1ok. thanks06:58
Dr_WillisBack to reading Ubuntu/Linux news..07:03
Dr_Willisdont you love news feeds that  link to an artical that then links to an artical that eventually links to the ACTUAL artical.... read the full artical at.....07:04
almoxarifethose are blogs I think07:05
Dr_Willis VBeen using Feedly in firefox lately. Just had to follow a link trail  through 4 different sites. :)07:06
Dr_Willisthis blog mentioned that blog.. that mentions this blog.. that.. finally got the real artical07:06
Dr_Willis'the future of kde'  If anyone wants to read it -> http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/osrc/article.php/3876246/Aaron-Seigo-on-the-Future-of-KDE.htm07:07
almoxarifechromium is no longer fun, I close it and it leaves a 350meg copy of itself behind, that's too bad, it looked promising07:07
almoxarifethey call that linking, gets them google attention somehow07:08
Dr_WillisInteresting little artical on KDE.07:10
kuttanshello every body again07:12
kuttansi got some success out of plymouth themes.  Now there is another problem. Im getting the plymouth splash, and its displaying the error message about unable to decrypt my hard disk07:13
kuttansbut at the same time its not asking me the password. anyway i go to tty and able to enter the pass phrase and able to boot into the system. but going to tty just disconnect the system from plymouth and bcoz of that my swap space is not getting mounted07:14
kuttansany solution for this will be appreciated07:14
kuttansDr_Willis: can you throw some light on this07:15
Dr_WillisI never use encrypted stuff at all. so ant really help07:16
Dr_Willisall i can suggest is check for a bug report. Update/upgrade.. and hope it gets fixed.07:16
kuttansok Dr_Willis07:16
Dr_WillisTheres been so many updates in the last 2 days.. its scary07:17
kuttansyeah i did all of them, and thank god nothing went wrong07:17
Dr_Willisjoy - i jusT had dpkg segfalt on my other box.. :)07:17
kuttansbcoz of those atleast im reaching to a stable system now which i can rely on07:17
kuttanslolz Dr_williss07:17
Dr_WillisIf you want stable.. wait for about a month after the release comes out. :)07:17
kuttansstable for me is upto chrooting with live CD or usb hahaha07:18
Dr_Willisweird.. update/crashed with that segfalt. had to run sudo gpkg -configure -a07:19
Dr_WillisNow dare i reboot.. or what. :)07:19
thadoctreyso does anyone know the website I believe its called gnomecandy.org?  if that is right?  its where you can get themes and sounds, etc. for lucid07:23
Dr_Willistheres quite a few gnome theme/art sites07:23
Dr_Willisgnome-look.org   is another one07:23
thadoctreythats the one that I was lookin for thank you!!!07:24
Dr_Willisart.gnome.org is another07:24
Dr_WillisTheres also tools that provide front ends to those sites so you can install themes and stuff without ever goign to those sites07:24
Dr_Willis!info gnomeart07:24
ubottuPackage gnomeart does not exist in lucid07:24
Dr_WillisHmm its called somthing like that. :)07:24
Dr_Willis!info gnome-art07:25
ubottugnome-art (source: gnome-art): install GNOME themes from art.gnome.org. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-12 (lucid), package size 26 kB, installed size 204 kB07:25
Dr_WillisTheres one called 'gnome-artng' also thats improved. but i dont think its in the repos07:25
alvinDr_Willis: Thanks for that article. Aseigio has it right: ""We just say, 'Here's a new thing,' and we throw it out and see how it goes." as an example of what happens with new technologies in Linux and why that's bad.07:26
Dr_Willisalvin:  Yep. rather insightfull artical in many ways. Theres also a link near the bootom on his 'annoyances in gnome and kde' that have some good points as well.07:26
Dr_WillisNice to see some articals that actually SAY somthing..  these days its all ranting :)07:27
alvinSometimes I'm tempted to rant myself.07:27
alvinAlmost everyday really, but then I step outside, take a walk and say " this thing is beta. have patience and see"07:28
* Dr_Willis rants about the ranting07:28
Dr_WillisI follow the pattern of.. using/teting beta up to about  the day or 2 befor release.. then i dont update or even go to the irc channel for a week after reelase. :) too much stress..  then about a week or 2 after release.. I reinstall cleanly.07:29
Dr_WillisI imagine we are going to need a #ubuntu-who-moved-the-controlls-to-the-left-ranting   channel07:29
alvinOh, I don't mind that a bit. My rants would involve the ubuntu-boot-experience07:30
Dr_Willisoh - heres a newer gnome-theme manager tool --> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/try-gstyle-project-new-gnome-theme.html07:30
alvinFrom the KDE article: The Device Notifier Eject Button is not visible when an USB drive is not mounted. That's nothing to be irritated about. You can just remove the stick. Thus far, you can't eject an USB stick anyway.07:34
Dr_WillisIve seen menu items for usb drives  'eject, unmount, safely remove' ...  and i got to wonder.. whats the differance..07:35
alvinI can find him 7 irritations that are far worse. We KDE4 users can't import root SSL certificates and the NFS kioslave isn't working. All this since the first KDE4 was released. I don't mind having no eject button where I can't eject anyway.07:35
alvinfor USB, these are the same I think07:36
Dr_Willisyea - I told a guy once that eject would send his flash driv across the room.. be ready to catch it....07:37
Dr_Willisso he put his hand over the usb drive.. and clicked eject...07:37
Dr_WillisHmm - this 'gstyle' app has some neat features07:38
Ken8521lol, clever07:39
alvinlol, That's a good one07:39
Dr_WillisIm constantly the tech guy at work that people come to.. asking some of the... oddest questions.07:40
alvinSome older SUN hardware did that with floppy's. You could eject by software and it did flew across the room.07:40
Dr_Willisalvin:  :) seen a few cd drives do that if they opened while the disk was spinning07:40
martinerHello folks, do anyone know of any workaround to Microsofts recent serverchanges so one can be able to utilize audiocall via empathy/amsn and so on?07:42
Damascenehi, does any one get stack when go to guest session and then chose switch user?07:42
Damascenehi, does any one get stack when go to guest session and then chose switch user?07:46
Dr_WillisYou could clarify the question a bit.07:46
Ken8521its amazing people getting bent out of shape about te buttons..lol, i don't like it, but its easy enough to move back.07:49
DamasceneDr_Willis, go to guest session the inside it go to switch user07:51
Dr_Williswhich guest-session where exactly?07:53
almoxarifeI went to guest session and switched back fine, never been there before07:53
Dr_WillisI have 3 'guest' session entries in my GDM login sessions. :)  but do i login as a normal user, and select them?  Hmm..07:54
DamasceneDr_Willis, yes login as normal user07:55
Damasceneswitch to guest session form the menu entry guest session07:55
Damascenethen in guest session select switch user07:55
Damascenefrom the menu07:56
thadoctreyokay I have seemingly an issue with being able to change permisions in my root folders, can anyone help me figure this out?07:56
Damascenego to your user try to login after entering the password07:56
Dr_WillisSo.. Login in as  normal usser, switch to guest.. then switch back basically?07:56
Damascenenothing well show07:56
DamasceneDr_Willis, yes07:56
Damascenedon't close the guest session. just switch07:56
Damascenethadoctrey, do you get error message?07:57
thadoctreywell when I go into /user/shared/themes I can't add anything in there it gives me an error message yes07:58
thadoctreythen when I try to change permissions by right clicking it doesn't allow me to07:58
Damasceneare you trying it from the gui?07:58
Dr_WillisYou really shouldent be adding things to the /usr/share/themes stuff..07:58
Dr_Willisif you want to add themes for your user.. add them to the users .theme dir.07:58
Ken8521another easy way, open up appearance preferences, and just drag/drop the tar file into the theme window.. it will do it automagically for you.. thats how I've done it since like 7.0407:59
Dr_WillisYep - people over look the drag/drop feature07:59
Dr_Willisits mentioned in the 10.04 manual :)08:00
Ken8521easy-peasy.. no need to overcomplicate something08:00
Ken8521lol, about time08:00
Dr_Willisit works IF the theme package is done right.08:00
Dr_Willisbut 90% of what people theink are 'themes' at the theme sites are just one PART of a theme.08:00
Ken8521yeah, i've had a few that didn't co-operate, but 90% of them work fine08:00
thadoctreyokay well answer this I just tried to go into my root folder and it gave me an error message saying that I do not have permissions to view these items, why is that?08:00
Dr_Willis'i installed this bubba-controlls' theme. wheres it at... :)08:00
Ken8521cuz you don't have permission... why do you need in the root folder?08:01
Ken8521Dr_Willis, yup... i agree 100%.08:01
Dr_Willistheres also getting to be some very nice 'theme collection' ppa repos out.08:01
thadoctreythats not the point, I always have been able to get into it, but since my computer had a malfunction today and I re-installed ubuntu 10.04 things are different its like I am not the administrator08:01
DamasceneDr_Willis, any help with my problem?08:01
Dr_WillisDamascene:  what was the problem? ive totally frogotten.08:02
Damasceneuser > guest session >switch> user = crash08:03
Dr_WillisI never use the feature. So no idea on a fix.08:03
DamasceneI don't need a fix08:03
Dr_Willisi dont even have a guest session menu ite,08:03
Dr_Willisi must of removed it08:03
DamasceneI just want to confirmation08:03
Dr_Willisoh wait there it is08:03
Damasceneprepare your self you might not be able to get back here08:04
Dr_Willisit dident seem to do anything..08:04
Dr_Willistesting on box #208:04
Dr_Willis:) but that box is all  uber-installed with about evberything08:04
Dr_Williskde, lubuntu, gnome, enlightment08:04
Damascene:) nice08:04
thadoctreyI keep getting a thing saying that I am not the owner so I dont have these permissions, how do I fix this?08:05
Ken8521Dr_Willis, yeah.... here's one of the nicer theme repo's i've found..  http://www.bisigi-project.org/?page_id=6&lang=en08:05
Dr_Willisin Gnome - i go to Guest session ->  the screensaver kicks in.. i never get a actual guest desktop08:05
Dr_WillisKen8521:  did they finally get lucid repos up?08:05
Dr_WillisKen8521:  that site was down earlier thios week08:05
Dr_WillisLooks like they redid the site. :)08:06
Ken8521not yet... i've not paid much attention to it since i installed lucid.08:06
Dr_Willisyea. I see no luckd specific guides/info yet.08:06
Dr_WillisHmm.. it might of worked...08:07
Dr_WillisYep - seems like they worked on Lucid now08:09
Dr_Willisguest-session i get a dialog 'unable to start new display' and some mention of 'hal'08:10
Dr_Willisanyone else notice that gimp has a 'single window mode' now? :)08:12
napsterMy 'Create Document' menu keeps growing :( How can I clear it?08:23
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.08:24
napsterCan anyone help me?08:26
napsterHello, anyone here?08:28
Ken8521i'll try, whats wrong08:29
blue-frogDr_Willis, by default in lucid? not yet.08:30
napsterKen8521, Its with me dropdown menu in gnome08:30
Ken8521drop down menu?08:30
napsterKen8521, The menu I get when I right click on somewhere on the free desktop08:30
napsterKen8521, It has a few options including 'Create Document'08:31
Damasceneis there any way to have the middle mouse button effect while using laptop with no mouse?08:31
Ken8521all i have there is empty file(come to think of it, thats all i've ever had..lol)08:31
napsterKen8521, The problem is08:32
napsterKen8521, I'll now upload a screen shot08:32
napsterKen8521, http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4033/4527160489_afb19dc45d_b.jpg08:34
napsterKen8521, Please take a look08:34
napsterKen8521, You got the problem?08:35
napsterKen8521, The file in home folder???08:37
Ken8521napster, lol, holy crap..08:39
Ken8521mine looks nothing like that08:39
napsterKen8521, Can you fix mine?08:40
kklimondanapster: check ~/Templates/08:40
delight_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-4xTkN1_RQ is there any way this can make it into lucid code is at http://gitorious.org/oskude-plymouth-themes/space-sunrise ... ppa would be nice 2 :)08:40
Dr_WillisI thought the Create Document menu item - took its items from the Templates dir.08:41
napsterkklimonda, Tnx mate :) It worked08:42
Dr_WillisI got a whole 1 entry in my Create Documents menu.. 'make empty file' :)08:42
kklimondait should take entries from the XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR and it does default to ~/Templates/08:42
napsterDr_Willis, You are right08:42
Dr_WillisI delete my Templates dir. :)08:42
napsterDr_Willis, :)08:42
jo-erlendI no longer have the option to disable java in Firefox. Do you?08:43
=== delight_ is now known as delight
Dr_Willisive never noticed the option.08:48
MightyTweekHey all... so I was left with a system that would not boot after upgrading to Lucid. I eventually figured out that the following line in my fstab was causing the problem: "none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=46,devmode=664 0 0". I had added this to get USB working in Virtualbox. Is this worth reporting a bug about? And if so, which package to report it against?08:59
Dr_WillisI would check for virtualbox bug reports first perhaps.09:00
Ken8521was that to make USB work in the OSE version?09:01
MightyTweekKen8521, yes09:02
MightyTweeker, wait, no, the PUEL version09:02
Ken8521oh ok.09:02
MightyTweekI think09:02
Ken8521i just know ther'es tweeks and crap to make USB work w/ the OSE version... sorry I don't have an answer for you09:03
Ken8521i clean installed Lucid, and Vbox is working great... even got it to sync my zune w/ Samba, which resulted in major fail w/ 9.10 for some reason.09:05
MightyTweekThanks for the info Ken8521. Haven't tried VirtualBox since the upgrade yet, it may not need that line in fstab now. Only using it to sync my iPhone with iTunes and I'm hopeful I can start using gtkpod for that now09:09
MistStlkrliveCDs for both 09.* LTS versions had a "safe graphics mode" under the F4 boot options, but it is not there on the 10.04 boot menu.  Can I still boot into that mode some other way?09:09
Ken8521MightyTweek, well.. granted its not an Iphone, but I've also used my XP Vbox to sync an old 4gig Nano w/ Itunes.. and it has worked swimmingly09:10
MightyTweekYeah, if I never have to use iTunes again it will be too soon :)09:11
Dr_WillisI dont need muzak that badly enough to want to deal with apple stuff :)09:12
iamfossyhi all09:17
iamfossymy system is broken after latest upgrade :(09:17
iamfossyanyone facing the same problem ?09:17
iamfossyanyone ?09:18
Dr_Willisiamfossy:  dident break here.09:18
iamfossyDr_Willis : the system freezes after boot up after you open any application09:18
=== sp_ is now known as sp
Dr_Willishavent had thst issue09:22
kuttanshii everybody09:46
* Dr_Willis been reading up on Linux news.09:46
Dr_WillisIt looks like its going tobe an interesting year next year.09:46
Ken8521why would i not get a grub menu?... machine is not a dual boot machine, but it just goes straight to Ubuntu, no grub menu09:47
Ken8521been doing that since i installed....09:48
kuttanswhen lucid is loading, if i switch between plymouth and the cli , will plymouth make itself unavailable09:48
Ken8521my laptop though(dual boot), grub shows up no prob.09:48
iconmefistoKen8521: that's the default behaviour I think. hold down left shift key to see the menu09:48
Ken8521tried that..09:48
kuttans<Ken8521> : press shift while booting you will get the grub menu09:48
Ken8521kuttans, tried that.. no joy09:48
kuttans<Ken8521> : or else edit /etc/default/grub09:49
Ken8521how can i make it display by default?09:49
Dr_WillisWith just  a singlke OS. grub hides its menu by default09:49
kuttansyou can set the timeout there09:49
Dr_Willisedit the config and set it toalways show with  like a 20 sec timeout09:49
kuttansand do a update-grub09:49
iconmefistoKen8521: comment out the GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT line09:49
Dr_Willisgrub2 basics - a must read ->  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527509:50
Ken8521i thought that was the issue.09:50
kuttans<Dr_Willis>:any take on plymouth question?09:50
Dr_Williskuttans:  my answer to plymounth is to disable it..09:50
Dr_Willisthey made it too hard to remove  last i tried.09:50
kuttansDr_Willis>: you cant remove plymouth its already integrated09:51
Dr_Willisabout 2 weeks ago.. You could09:51
kuttansDr_Willis>doing that is almost modifying a lot of codes09:51
kuttansi have some more questions too but i thought first i will sort this out09:52
Dr_WillisI was about to remove the plymouth package and all it did was remove like 2 packages.. not 90% of the system like its tries tod o now09:52
Dr_Willisbut that was as i said a few weeks back09:52
kuttansok let me edit my keyscript file which asks password from me, with the help of plymouth commands09:52
om26erDr_Willis, previosly libplymouth removed everything now plymouth too :(09:54
Dr_Willisyep. I imagien Plymouth will be a top 10 question/problem on release09:54
bag_hi where is the ACX module located? it seems it is missing in the standard installation ...09:56
Ken8521Dr_Willis, what is plymouth anyway.... is that replacing usplash?09:56
Dr_WillisKen8521:  replaceing xsplash also.09:57
Dr_Willisfrom what ive read.. its  the X display/server starting up VERY early so  you dont see other text messages/stuff so teh boot proces looks 'cleaner'09:57
Dr_Willis my 'point of view' - its somthing thats seen for kjust a few secs during the VERy fast boot process.. that seems to be causeing  a HUGE amount of problems09:58
Dr_Willisbut im hardcore :)09:58
Dr_Willisi like the text messages09:58
switchgirlok so i report a bug... a fix is released... great start up gwibber and the bugs still there same cause wtf?10:00
om26erswitchgirl, what the the bug. gwibber crashed with dbus exception in ....?10:01
Dr_Williscould be updated havent came out yet. and you are still using the old version10:01
om26erswitchgirl, can you give the bug number?10:02
switchgirlsure one tick10:02
SultansElephantcool beans10:02
SultansElephantthat upgrade was epic10:02
SultansElephantfresh install, only way to go with new versions of ubuntu10:03
switchgirlgwibber crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()10:03
Ken8521hm, nope, still no grub enu10:03
om26erSultansElephant, there was also a dangerous update to libdbus(litterally) when I close evolution its contents are show twice in the messaging ment10:04
SultansElephantwhats the controversy10:04
switchgirlom26er, gwibber crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()10:04
SultansElephantsomething in the gui i never read10:04
SultansElephanti updated the installer10:04
SultansElephantom26er: such is the exciting world of beta10:04
SultansElephantthe mirror test is bizarre it comes up with something new everytime10:05
SultansElephantim not even going to touch gwibber yet10:05
SultansElephantthere's plenty of good apps in adobe air10:06
om26erswitchgirl, start gwibber from terminal and pastebin what it shows10:06
SultansElephantim trying to find bugs10:06
SultansElephantdo you know that10:06
philtarMeMenu makes me contemplate suicide.10:07
SultansElephantfun fact: the term bug came from an insect that took down a huge network10:07
om26erphiltar, I love it10:07
philtarI still haven't used it. Single most annoyingly named app, though.10:08
philtarBeta 2 is installing right now. Here's to hoping it works with my setup.10:08
SultansElephantwhats the obsession with tomboy notes10:08
philtarThey're like a personal wikipedia10:08
Ken8521can anybody see why my grub menu wouldn't show on boot up.. it just goes right by it like its not even there.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/416057/10:08
SultansElephantits been improved twelve times over10:08
philtarKen8521: Do you have RAID set up?10:08
SultansElephanti dunno, i dont mess with beta ubuntu unless it's a fresh install like this one10:09
Ken8521i clean installed it as well, its running fine fo rme, but this grub thing is annoying10:09
SultansElephantlive cd -> get internet -> install -> update installer -> ready for upgrade10:09
SultansElephantgrub installed and upgraded fine, found my 7 loader10:09
Ken8521SultansElephant, well, this machine single boots, but it skips the grub menu completely... so i can't choose to boot safe mode if i'm so inclined.10:10
switchgirlom26er, did you miss that? http://paste.ubuntu.com/416056/10:10
SultansElephantKen8521: why dont you use one of those crazy rescue discs10:10
om26erswitchgirl, open .local/share/desktopcouch10:10
om26erswitchgirl, and open couchdb.html10:11
om26erswitchgirl, opened?10:12
Ken8521hmm, no joy10:12
switchgirli am trying10:12
switchgirlnautilus wont show an address bar10:12
SultansElephanti love me some search engine toolbar10:13
SultansElephantno such thing as too many search engines in the toolbar10:13
switchgirl cd .local/share/desktopcouch#10:14
switchgirlbash: cd: .local/share/desktopcouch#: No such file or directory10:14
om26erswitchgirl, Click on places in top panel>home folder>sara>press ctrl +h > scroll down search for .local double click on it10:14
SultansElephantmoscraft is the most underrated addon10:14
Dr_Willisctrl-l in nautilus to show an address baf10:16
Dr_WillisPerhaps someday the address bar thing in Nautilus will get improved.10:16
om26erswitchgirl, opened couchdb.html?10:16
switchgirli opened a website ?!!10:17
om26erclick on gwibber_accounts10:17
om26erswitchgirl, yes click delete database10:18
om26erswitchgirl, hmm so that you could make it like you are running it for the first time10:18
SultansElephantthat thing the common spotted cuscus on bing is creepy10:19
switchgirlok now i have no accounts10:19
om26erswitchgirl, also delete gwibber_messages and gwibber_preferences logout and login again. I hope it work then (worked for many).10:20
SultansElephantwhat is desktopcouch10:20
om26erSultansElephant, its something that I dont know exactly but it is used by ubuntuone for synchronization10:21
switchgirlom26er, is that a normal fix or just for beta users?10:21
SultansElephantdesktopcouch just crashed my first run of broadcast accounts10:21
SultansElephantooh fix released10:22
om26erSultansElephant, the crash would most probably be about failed to start service. might work on the second try10:22
SultansElephantlaunchpad is awesome10:22
switchgirlfacebook won't autherise10:22
om26erswitchgirl, no?10:22
switchgirlwell create an account fb autherised ok10:23
SultansElephantheh gwibber is pretty neat10:24
SultansElephantit didnt work too well on karmic10:24
om26erSultansElephant, the interface is all changed now10:24
SultansElephantrogerebert never stops tweeting10:25
SultansElephanthe tweets like 15 hours a day10:25
SultansElephanti dont get this influx of url shortening services, theyve been around forever10:27
lapioncan anyone from across the blue yonder please check and see if slash dot org is up ?10:27
JohnFluxHow do I kill a zombie process? :-)10:33
JohnFluxI have a zombie process which is using 100% cpu because it has threads10:33
espen77JohnFlux: have you tried 'ps aux | grep "zombie"', then 'kill <process id>' in commandline10:36
JohnFluxespen77: yes10:36
JohnFluxespen77: but signals to a zombie are ignored10:36
SwedeMikeeven kill -KILL ?10:37
espen77JohnFlux: kill -9 to?10:37
JohnFluxI know the pid of the thread (looking in /proc/pid/task/10:37
JohnFluxbut it still won't die10:37
JohnFluxjohnflux  6376  100  0.0      0     0 ?        Zl   17:50  47:27 [java] <defunct>10:38
JohnFlux$ ls /proc/6376/task/10:38
TorchJohnFlux: afaik you cannot kill it. its parent needs to reap it. if the parent doesn't and is gone, you're screwed.10:38
JohnFlux6376  645210:38
JohnFluxTorch: it's using 100% cpu :-(10:39
TorchJohnFlux: that's odd.10:39
JohnFluxand yeah, I killed the parent already10:39
JohnFluxkill -9 6452    also doesn't work10:39
SwedeMikerenice it to 20 and then plan for a reboot10:39
JohnFlux6452 is the thread using 100% CPU10:39
JohnFlux6376 is just a zombie10:39
JohnFluxand the main thread10:39
TorchJohnFlux: also, don't use java ;-)10:39
JohnFluxTorch: I'm learning that lesson :-D10:40
bag_hi where is the ACX module located? it seems it is missing in the standard installation ...10:42
yofelI had a rather weird boot experience today... First I see plymouth, then it froze, I pressed sysrq+k on tty7, got a low graphics mode x on tty8, choose restart X and ended up with gdm on tty7 and kdm on tty8...10:43
kuttanshello friends10:51
kuttansi gunzipped the initrd image i got scripts folder10:51
kuttanswhere from the scripts are loaded into it when creating the image?10:51
kuttansand i kept a scriptfile in /usr/local/sbin, how come it was stuffed in the initrd image.10:52
kuttanswhich one of these loaded first init-premount or local-premount10:55
Freak_NLHello #+1, could someone tell me which component is responsible for the bold-faced header in this authentication window? http://imagebin.ca/view/JN00xihg.html10:58
Freak_NLIs it the Software Centre, or is the text supplied by another component?10:58
koltrollHeya guys. After installing lucid (beta1) I'm getting a black screen about 50% of the times trying to boot, right after grub, saying: "Gave up waiting for root device. Common problems:  - Boot args....." Any ideas on what can causing this problem?10:58
tsyj200710.04 has many problems11:00
Dr_Willishmm.. 'see definition of beta' :)11:02
Dr_WillisNot seen that issue koltroll  - yet.. at least11:03
DexterLBDr_Willis:          (__)11:06
DexterLB         (oo)11:06
DexterLB   /------\/11:06
DexterLB  / |    ||11:06
DexterLB *  /\---/\11:06
DexterLB    ~~   ~~11:06
DexterLB...."Have you mooed today?"...11:06
artnaykoltroll: what is your gpu? which driver are you using?11:06
koltrollarand, radeon 4890. using ubuntu standard drivers.11:06
DexterLBis there a way to make rhythmbox use a notification area icon again instead of the notification applet?11:07
DexterLB'cause I want to get rid of gnome-panel and that's the only reason I'm keeping it for11:07
ciberousis there going to be a 10.04 version of JeOS?11:07
Dr_WillisNo idea. :)11:08
Dr_Willisand if google dont know.. well.. perhaps the ubuntu forums might.11:08
ciberousok, thanks, i tried google, but couldn't find anything, i'll hit the forums, thanks11:09
Dr_WillisI imagine theres a JEOS forum. but ive never really used Jeos11:09
ciberousme neither, but since i'm using VMware now, it's a nice fit11:10
ciberousbut it's getting a bit long in the tooth11:10
Dr_WillisYep. it may be the prokect is dieing off.11:10
MrSunshinehow can i add the "universe" repository to my lucid?11:11
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories11:11
MrSunshinehmm, i need open cascade, cant find it anywhere :/11:15
MrSunshineand takes like a day to build by hand11:15
kuttanshow can i send options to kernal for /cryptroot to process while booting in lucid11:18
kuttansbcoz plymouth can ask for the password it will be useful for me11:18
duffydackthats 1 more kick in the butt for empathy, no metacontact support..  why oh why, ubuntu..11:20
Dr_WillisI dont even knwo what Metacontact support is.....11:21
duffydackDr_Willis, heh.  well Ihave facebook chat account, msn and jabber account, somneone else i know has too... metacontact has them all in 1 contact11:23
duffydackso instead of my contact list being 3 times bigger than it needs to be......11:23
duffydackthat was the last straw for empathy, it just doesnt do enough for me...11:24
Dr_WillisI dont do much IM stuff.. im into 'anti-social networking'11:24
rippsOkay, there has to be a memory leak somewhere. My swap partition is approaching 1.5 gb used, and all I have open in evolution and a mpc client11:27
Miannokia3510, hello still you here?11:28
nokia3510Mian: yes11:29
Miannokia3510, good I have new clues that might be useful11:29
Miannokia3510, when my boot hangs and I press CTRL+ALT+DEL, first thing I see is a verbose message printed that says alsa-mixer-process is terminated. Now I tried to boot livecd of 10.04 and there is no sound, may it be a sound problem?11:31
nokia3510Mian: not critical enough11:32
Miannokia3510, I know but can it be that, alsa process hangs and so hangs the boot?11:32
nokia3510Mian: really doubt it11:33
Miannokia3510, so is there a way to disable sound completely during boot?11:34
nokia3510Mian: can't you boo without quiet and splash and see if therer's more verbisity on the screen ?11:34
nokia3510Mian: try booting with nomodeset on kernel line11:35
MrSunshinegah and my dvb tuner is still not supported in ubuntu :(11:35
Miannokia3510, you mean boot livecd or normal boot?11:35
nokia3510Mian: or nomodset...11:36
nokia3510normal one11:36
Dr_WillisMrSunshine:  you mean to say your DVBtuner manafacature dosent support Linux. ?11:36
nokia3510try nomodset first11:36
Miannokia3510, I'll try11:36
nokia3510both variants11:36
MrSunshineDr_Willis, i don tknow? :) [48184.308240] af9015: tuner id:179 not supported, please report!11:36
nokia3510I forgot the correct one11:36
Miannokia3510, you mean both together in same line?11:37
BlaDe^Hi I have an issue where my wireless drops of and refuses to go back on. the only way to get it working again is by shutting the system down and back up (A restart doesn't fix it)11:37
nokia3510nope, one or the other11:37
BlaDe^I pasted the dmesg after a convo with someone yesterday who suggested updating the linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic package and using ifdown/ifup and modprobe/rmmod11:37
BlaDe^here is the output: http://pastebin.com/Xp7d5tjG11:37
Miannokia3510, is it nomodeset? I tried nomodset on google and gave me that suggestion11:38
nokia3510one or the other11:38
joaopintogood morning11:40
Miangood morning joaopinto11:41
joaopintoMian, still trying to boot ?11:41
Mianjoaopinto, yes11:42
Miannokia3510, still can not boot with these parameter11:42
duffydackIs there a way to get the bootsplash to display in higher res than the ugly mode when using fglrx11:43
nokia3510Mian: google for kernel boot switches, intel related11:45
Miannokia3510, ok thanks11:46
nokia3510also upstart11:46
nokia3510until you don't see where it hangs, there's nothing to be done11:46
artnaykoltroll: same symptoms as here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/560306 (yeah, it's not for 4xxx series)11:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560306 in linux "[lucid] ATI hd5xxx cards wrongly doing kms?" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:46
=== jml` is now known as jml
monkey_dusthi all -- about GRUB, I have several distro's installed on the same machine, Ubuntu, Mint and CentOS -- only Mint shows in the grub menu -- i now am in Ubuntu and try to repair grub, using Startup-Manager -- but still only Mint shows in the grub menu -- hints & tips anyone?11:49
MrSunshinestop using so many distros :P11:52
MrSunshinesorry, i dont know  =)11:52
quiritiusis there a way to remove keyboard layout icon from notification area?11:55
rocco_tanicaguys, kubuntu lucid says to me "ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode"11:59
rocco_tanicasomeone knows why?11:59
yofelrocco_tanica: had the same thing today, I ended up choosing restart X and ended up with a working gdm on tty7 and working kdm on tty8 o.O12:00
duffydackewww, audacious (gtk ui)12:01
Dr_Willisrocco_tanica:  it gets confused at timnes. and falls back to a failsafe x mode12:01
Dr_Willisi tell it to exit to console.. and some how it then gets fixed..12:01
Dr_Willisive seen where X (plymouth? ended up on tty7 and X on tty8 also ) like yofel  saw12:02
yofellet me get my previous post...12:02
yofelI had a rather weird boot experience today... First I see plymouth, then it froze, I pressed sysrq+k on tty7, got a low graphics mode x on tty8, choose restart X and ended up with gdm on tty7 and kdm on tty8...12:02
nokia3510Mian: apply the udev updates in chroot12:02
rocco_tanica_sorry, i've got the error and have to reboot12:03
yofelwhat I don't get is why I got gdm on tty7 even though it's not enabled12:04
rocco_tanica_someone may help me?12:04
Miannokia3510, what udev rules?12:04
yofelrocco_tanica_: tried to select 'restart X' ?12:04
Dr_Willisyofel:  ive notied gdm/kdm/lxdm trying to all start12:04
nokia3510Mian: ??12:04
rocco_tanica_same thing12:04
rocco_tanica_i see the error til I reboot12:05
yofelDr_Willis: they do all try to start, but should fail without error if they're not enabled in default_display_manager12:05
Miannokia3510, sorry, I mean what udev update? do you mean apt-get update or what?12:05
nokia3510Mian: just apply the available updates. Udev might be involved in your issue12:05
yofelrocco_tanica_: any errors in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?12:05
rocco_tanica_render error ....12:05
Dr_Willisyofel:  right. but somthing earlier today was kicking me out of the console every 20 sec. :) alt-ctrl-f1 login,  type some stuff.. back to the LOGIN screen... weird.12:05
nokia3510Mian: yes, apt-get update...12:05
switchgirloh noes.... asdafm doesn't work12:07
switchgirlTHANK YOU :))))12:07
rocco_tanica_yofel: the error is not in Xorg.0.log , i'll see it on tty7 when it shows me the error12:09
rocco_tanica_yofel: i've no errors in xorg log12:09
yofelrocco_tanica_: yes, but you should get some indication for the reason why it shows low graphics mode in either xorg.0.log or Xorg.0.log.old12:10
rocco_tanica_yofel: ok, i'm looking at old xorg12:10
joaopintonokia3510, he already did the upgrade12:11
rocco_tanica_yofel: Fatal server error: Failed to submit batchbuffer: Input/output error12:11
yofelrocco_tanica_: can you pastebin it? 'pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old'12:12
joaopintoMian, booting with the init=break kernel parameter get's you into a busybox prompt right ?12:13
Mianjoaopinto, no, but I'll try again12:13
rocco_tanica_yofel: http://pastebin.com/ZUTaFrL512:14
joaopintoMian, click "e" on grub, and append break=init to the line starting with linux12:14
ojiihi everyone12:14
joaopintoMian, you will get an (initramfs) prompt if the kernel was properly loaded12:14
Mianjoaopinto, ok, I'll do12:14
Mianjoaopinto, yes, I got initramfs prompt12:16
Mianjoaopinto, what can I do from here?12:17
yofelrocco_tanica_: did lucid work for you before?12:17
joaopintoMian, ok, that means the kernel is loading correctly12:17
Mianjoaopinto, seems good news but what then?12:17
joaopintoMian, wait, I am trying to figure how you can continue with the boot process  but manually :P12:18
rocco_tanica_yofel: i've this error since 2 days12:18
ojiiwhere in the 'Boot Options' line do i have to add the extra arguments so it works on a mbp? (nouveau.noaccel=1 blacklist=vga16fb) after the double dash at the end?12:18
monkey_dusthi all -- about GRUB, I have several distro's installed on the same machine, Ubuntu, Mint and CentOS -- only Mint shows in the grub menu -- i now am in Ubuntu and try to repair grub, using Startup-Manager -- but still only Mint shows in the grub menu -- hints & tips anyone?12:18
rocco_tanica_yofel: and lucid since beta 112:18
yofelrocco_tanica_: can you try to boot with i915.modeset=0 added to the kernel grub line?12:19
yofelwe did have an update of -intel 2 days ago12:19
joaopintoMian, sorry, reboot again, but now use "init=/sbin/sulogin"12:19
joaopintoon the linux kernel line12:19
rocco_tanica_yofel: so, adding that line might works?12:19
yofelrocco_tanica_: maybe, I'm guessing as the changelog says: * Drop /etc/modprobe.d/i915-kms.conf; in the best case it's redundant because KMS is on by default in the Ubuntu kernel, in the worst case it breaks our ability to forcibly disable KMS when there's a problem.12:20
rocco_tanica_yofel: ok, i'll try that12:21
rocco_tanica_yofel: thank you12:21
Mianjoaopinto, with break=init or only init=/sbin/sulogin?12:21
joaopintoMian, only the later12:22
Mianjoaopinto, now I have an active prompt12:22
joaopintoMian, ok, that's good it means the / was properly mounted12:23
Mianjoaopinto, as I see, all hard drives are properly get mounted. it stops after that12:24
joaopintonow i just need to figure how you can start the services manually12:24
joaopintoso you can figure what is hanging12:24
ojiiwhat can I do if all i get after 'Try ubuntu ...' from the lucid live cd is a black screen with a white blinking cursor?12:28
Dr_Williswhat cd/iso file are you trying?12:31
Dr_Willisthe daily builds might work12:31
siriusnovaGuyz can we please have a consensus that dark themes = ugly12:32
duffydackambiance looks fine to me.  radiance is a little TOO light tho12:34
siriusnovaambience is sooo dark12:34
siriusnovawhats wrong with cool blue and green12:34
duffydacknothing, if thats what you like.  so use it12:35
jpdsambiance is awesome.12:35
siriusnovaI love what opensuse has done with their theme12:35
siriusnovaits so12:35
siriusnovayeah i switched it to clearlooks duffydack12:35
monkey_dusthi all -- about GRUB, I have several distro's installed on the same machine, Ubuntu, Mint and CentOS -- only Mint shows in the grub menu -- i now am in Ubuntu and try to repair grub, using Startup-Manager -- but still only Mint shows in the grub menu -- hints & tips anyone?12:35
Dr_Willisstartup-manager?  i dident think that did grub212:37
siriusnovaeeeep aptitude had a core dump12:38
Mianjoaopinto, mount -a mounts everything correctly12:38
Dr_WillisYou have no other disrtos installed any more monkey_dust ?12:38
monkey_dustDr_Willis, then that is why it won't solve the issue12:38
Dr_Willismonkey_dust:  did you do a upgrade or clean install of 10.04?12:38
monkey_dustDr_Willis, Ubuntu, Mint and CentOS - i've been using Lucid since beta112:39
Dr_WillisYou need to decide what OS you want to handling the grub menus.   if you did a clean install of Lucid. You should proberly let it handle the grub menus.12:39
monkey_dustsudo update-grub does not help either12:39
Dr_Willishow many other hard drives you have?12:40
monkey_dustyes, Mian, i did mount -a, what's ther next step?12:41
monkey_dustDr_Willis, all is on /dev/sda12:41
Mianmonkey_dust, if I know what is next step I would do it :)12:42
monkey_dustah, Mian, I thought it was an answer to ly question :)12:42
Dr_Willismonkey_dust:  if update-grub isent updating the grub menu. then it may be installing to the wrong location12:46
joaopintoMian, I can't find a way to do step-by-step services startup with the newer boot process12:49
joaopintoMian, the only way would be to disable services on /etc/init/*12:50
joaopintoby renaming the .conf to something else, like .conf.disabled12:50
Mianjoaopinto, ok, how?12:50
joaopintothe problem is that I believe plymouth is hanging, and you can't boot without starting it12:50
joaopintoMian, initial services are defined at /etc/init, you just need to rename the conf files there12:51
joaopintoMian, I would file a bug for plymouth ad this time12:51
Dr_Willisyea i moved the pymouth.conf files to a 'DISABLED' dir12:51
joaopintoDr_Willis, does that work ?12:51
joaopintowil the system boot ?12:51
Dr_Willisyep. rename them.. or move them.12:51
Dr_Willissame effect12:51
Dr_Willis whatever.conf --> whatever.DONTLOAD12:52
Mianjoaopinto, I already filed a bug but I didn't add much details about it as I don't know, if you can please do12:52
joaopintoDr_Willis, it's strange that we have such an option on boot, to boot without plymouth, even rescue mode starts it12:52
Mianjoaopinto, it is here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/56510912:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565109 in ubuntu "Upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 on Dell Inspiron 6400 makes the system unbootable" [Undecided,New]12:52
Dr_WillisIts an annoying pain in thebackside feature they shoulden tof put in.12:52
Dr_Willisbut im old-skool12:52
joaopintothe issue is worse because plymouth brings new problems, and there is no easy way to disable it12:53
Dr_WillisAnd we dont really gain a lot from having Plymouth12:53
joaopintoMian, from the chroot, or from booting with sulogin, rename the /etc/inid/plymouth* files12:53
Dr_WillisI would not be suprised if  the release gets delayed for them to work on plymought more12:54
joaopintothe new graphical boot is nice, when it works ;)12:54
Dr_Willisits noce for all of 10 sec when ya see it.... so makes me wonder if they shouldent of skipped it.. and put mor eeffort into other things12:54
duffydackwhen not using fglrx anyway :)12:55
joaopintoit provides a nice frontend for fsck12:55
joaopintoit has it's benefits, but we should be able to easily disable it12:56
Dr_WillisIt has benefits?12:56
joaopintowe are getting into a windows fashion, hard locked features :P12:56
Dr_Willis replaceing a perfacly useable text message asking Y/N ? :)12:56
joaopintoDr_Willis, it is not as beatifull as doing it graphically, let's not go back in time :)12:57
Dr_WillisGo back to stuff that works...12:57
joaopintoMian, let us know if the plymotuh rename works12:57
Mianjoaopinto, sure!12:57
joaopintoDr_Willis, it does not fail because it's graphical, it fails because is new code12:57
joaopintobut yes, being graphical adds complexity :P12:57
Dr_Willisactually from what i gather its been in redhat for some time.12:58
Dr_Willisbut i also disabled xplash and the fbdevices and stuff :)12:58
Dr_Willisso im hard-kore12:58
Dr_Willisgiven the % of time - my systems are in the 'boot up' mode.. vs their Uptime.....12:59
Dr_Willisbut we have to bend over backwards to  give people 'shiny' stuff..12:59
duffydackooo shi-ny13:03
cozziemotois power management broken?13:05
cozziemotolet me do updates just in case )13:05
Mianjoaopinto, Dr_Willis, after isabling plymouth, boot also hangs  but before mounting hard drives and  I see hd activity led is on from a long time13:08
NET||abusehmm, since a recent update in lucid, the play/pause button has stopped working with rhythmbox for me :(13:10
NET||abusei checked the keyboard shortcut is still active and it is.13:10
NET||abuseand if i open Miro it starts to work.13:12
kslenafter last nights update gnome panel broke. narrowed it down to my custom menu files in .local/share/{applications,desktop.directories}. if i move em outta the way the panel pops up after restarting gdm. anyone know anything specific about untangling this mess before i start hacking away at it myself?13:18
kslenso i guess the panel didn't break, my menus broke it. ^^13:18
Mianjoaopinto, disabling plymouth still don't help13:32
ojiican i add options to grub like i can for the live cd bootoptions?13:36
ojiiit looks a lot different than what i got when booting the live cd13:36
ojiiargh I can't get lucid beta 2 to get beyond GRUB13:43
BUGabundoojii: beta2 is OLDDD13:44
BUGabundoupdate to a newer daily13:44
Dr_Willisyea. daily build iso are proberly the thing to be using right now13:44
ubottuA schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule13:44
ojiiI'd prefer not to waste another CD13:44
Dr_Willisthats what flash pendrives are for.13:45
ojiiall I need to know is how to tell grub to use vesa and nomodeset13:45
nomenteroor cr-rw13:45
Crashbitwhat happens with linux-backports-modules-nouveau-2.6.32-21-generic?13:45
Dr_WillisNo idea with grub2 those options may not apply any more13:45
ojiiDr_Willis: I'd love to use a USB pendrive, but somehow my MBP 5.1 is unable to boot from USB13:45
BUGabundoojii: flash or if you have the BW for it, BKO13:45
BUGabundoahhh mac13:45
Crashbitdoesn't exist13:46
Dr_WillisHmm RC due out on the 22.13:46
BUGabundoojii: take a look at netboot.me or boot.kernel.org13:46
ojiiBUGabundo: ???13:46
BUGabundominimal boot via network13:46
BUGabundoI have netboome in a flash pen (you can put it on a cd(rw))13:46
BUGabundoand just point it to any distro or release13:47
ojiiwell but i know i can boot this install13:47
Dr_Willisive never tried that.13:47
ojiiall i need is to know how to set those two options13:47
ojiii found out how to add them to the live cd to install lucid, but now on GRUB i have no clue what to do13:48
telmichhere's a small report back on 10.04beta2 on the X201: http://www.nico.schottelius.org/blog/lenovo-x201-with-linux/13:49
Dr_Willisappemnd the same options to the end of the kernel line perhaps in grub.13:49
ojiiDr_Willis: which one is the kernel line?13:50
Dr_Willisone that has like vmlinuz.  bla bla bla  splash13:50
Dr_Willislinux/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-18-generic root=UUID=e44da18d-9ed6-4fb8-9e1a-5c415af594d4 ro   noquiet nosplash nofb13:51
ojiithe installer should have a "just make it work" option which installs all the non-free software stuff to make the system work :(13:51
ojiihmm now it seems to die on "ehci_hcd 0000:00:04.1: irq 18, io mem 0xdf48920013:54
BluesKajhey folks13:57
joaopintoMian, :(13:57
ojiianyone know what that 'irq 18, io mem' line means and more interestingly how i can get pass it?13:57
joaopintoMian, please attach the output from "lspci" to your bug13:58
MrSunshinehmm, 10.04 doesnt want to boot on my compaq laptop for some reson :/13:58
Mianjoaopinto, ok, but is there something other to try?13:58
MrSunshineit just stands there with black screen13:58
MianMrSunshine, welcome to club!13:58
MrSunshinesame for you ?13:58
MianMrSunshine, yes13:59
MrSunshinegaah :/13:59
MrSunshineand no solution ?13:59
MrSunshineive just removed all my windows disks :P13:59
joaopintoMian, try to boot into rescue now that you have disabled plymouth13:59
MianMrSunsine, I am here from yesterdays's morning without a solution yet13:59
Mianjoaopinto, tried this!14:00
joaopintoMian, :(14:03
MrSunshinepressing shift to get into grup then booting recovery mode gives me some output to screen then it goes blank14:03
MianMrSunshine, welcome to club again!14:04
joaopintoMian, since plymouth is not involved, if you get a screen change nos is probaly gdm14:05
joaopintobut erm, wait, gdm is not started on rescue mode14:05
MianMrSunshine, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/56510914:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565109 in ubuntu "Upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 on Dell Inspiron 6400 makes the system unbootable" [Undecided,New]14:05
joaopintoMian, please attach the "lpsci", that gives more detail on the hardware14:06
bazhanglspci ?14:06
Mianjoaopinto, this is output of my lspci, is there a paremeter I should pass or what?14:06
MrSunshinehaha now it booted14:07
MrSunshinei pressed shift and spammed esc and f1 until the mcomputer beeped14:07
MrSunshinedunno if its a fluke :P14:07
joaopintoMian, lspci -vv14:08
pa__where are the iso of the current lucid?14:08
pa__(lucid snapshot)14:08
guntbertpa__: cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/currnent14:10
BUGabundocwillu what does /dev/disk/by-uuid/56c2b7bf-6ee5-4ec9-a40d-5d27a94d0bd7 / ext4 rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0  with barrier=1 mean ?14:10
MianMrSunshine, please tell me what exactly you did to boot14:11
MrSunshineMian, reboted, held shift and spammed F1 and Esc14:11
MrSunshineafter eachother until the computer beeped14:11
MrSunshinethen nothing14:11
MrSunshinedunno if its just a fluke like i said :P14:12
guntbertMrSunshine: you need the right shift button, not the left one14:12
MrSunshineleft shift i held down14:12
MrSunshineno grub menu14:12
MrSunshinesystem just booted14:12
MrSunshineso updating it now, hoping it will help :P14:12
MrSunshineMian, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grub-boot-into-single-user-mode/ maybe do that to be able to update your system ?14:13
MrSunshinedunno if updating helps but might ? :P14:13
MianMrSunshine, doesn't help14:16
pa__how can i create an installation usb stick for 10.04 current 64 bit?14:19
pa__it seems like usb-creator package is not there anymroe14:19
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:19
nomenteropa__, take a look at:http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/how-to-create-multiboot-liveusb-using.html14:26
OxymoronIs it difficult to programming a new application launcher interface?14:26
mefisto__!info usb-creator14:26
ubottuusb-creator (source: usb-creator): Ubuntu startup disk creator transitional meta-package for GTK+. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.21 (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 44 kB14:27
mefisto__!info usb-creator-gtk14:27
ubottuusb-creator-gtk (source: usb-creator): Ubuntu startup disk creator for GTK+. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.21 (lucid), package size 18 kB, installed size 196 kB14:27
mefisto__!info usb-creator-kde14:27
ubottuusb-creator-kde (source: usb-creator): Ubuntu USB desktop image creator for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.21 (lucid), package size 17 kB, installed size 176 kB14:27
mefisto__pa__: seems like usb-creator packages are still there14:27
tueHey , with the latest updates, libdbusmenu have a strange behave can attach a screenshot, can someone confirme this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdbusmenu/+bug/56459814:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564598 in libdbusmenu "indicator-messages-service crashed with SIGSEGV in dbusmenu_client_send_event()" [Medium,New]14:28
LetsGo67How do I stop my laptop from overheating?  Acer Aspire 5315.14:29
MrSunshineMian, that sucks =)14:33
MrSunshineMian, updating or my trix? :P14:33
naught101is there a way to force firefox+flash to release the audio device without restarting firefox?14:39
BUGabundobye everyone14:39
BUGabundoI'm gone! hacklab/lug then dinner with friends14:39
BUGabundosee you tomorrow14:39
naught101the only way I seem to be able to do it now is to shutdown firefox, killall pulseaudio, then start firefox again14:40
MianMrSunshine, all14:40
mefisto__naught101: is flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound installed? don't know if that will help at all, but I have it and flash sound works fine through pulseaudio14:42
mastereducould someone tell me where i can find posters for ubuntu 10.04?14:43
nomenteromasteredu, :http://www.google.es/images?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:es-ES:official&client=firefox-a&q=ubuntu+lucid+lynx+wallpapers&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=IrvJS8naCp280gTU6-DIBA&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBIQsAQwAA14:44
masteredunomentero: i thinked more about posters that advert for it14:45
masteredunomentero: i founded one, but that adverts for an release party in the usa. and i live in germany14:46
naught101mefisto__: yeah, I have that package installed14:47
naught101perhaps flash is not using it?14:47
masteredunomentero: i dont can see any advertisments, on the images14:50
LetsGo67My laptop overheats!  Help please!14:53
mastereduLetsGo67: shut it down?`14:53
* topyli flaps a towel on LetsGo67's laptop14:54
MrSunshineMian, well i updated and it didnt help14:54
MrSunshineso something else is wrong =)14:54
MrSunshineand i cannot boot again14:54
MrSunshinestrange that it worked one time :P14:54
LetsGo67topyli: why?14:55
LetsGo67MasterEdu: No, this is recurrent.14:55
topyliLetsGo67, to cool it down! sorry, a bad joke14:56
LetsGo67topyli: you tried.14:56
topylithanks for your support :)14:56
MianMrSunshine, well have you ideas?14:59
HawkMan_Any clue one how I can get ubuntu to recognize my Compaq Mini 311's ALPs touchpad as a touchpad14:59
LetsGo67How do you fix it?15:00
MrSunshineMian, nop15:00
MrSunshineas the live cd boots fine15:00
MrSunshinei dont get why the installed system wont :/15:00
LetsGo67Can someone help me please?15:08
DASPRiDLetsGo67, put it in the freezer15:09
DASPRiD(at least that's what mac guys do to their ipads when it overheats ast 25°C)15:10
mastereducould someone tell me where i can find posters for ubuntu 10.04, with advertisments slogans for it?15:10
Mianjoaopinto, still you here?15:11
joaopintoMian, news ?15:12
Mianjoaopinto, no, I'll make a new installation on another partition15:12
joaopintoMian, ok, good luck15:13
Mianjoaopinto, butI want to restore everything fast15:13
topyliLetsGo67, maybe it's full of dust and sweet drinks and dead rats, so it can't get any air?15:13
Mianjoaopinto, what if I mounted my old /home, /usr, /var, /lib, /opt to new places? will this work?15:13
topylicommon in laptops15:13
marcosrorizhello guys15:14
marcosrorizI reaaaaaaaaally want to upgrade to lucid15:14
marcosrorizI wonder if it's already "stable"15:14
bazhangmarcosroriz, if in doubt wait for release15:14
nishanti am using beta 2 and it has been nice on me ...but ofcourse this is an old lappy so I cant say for sure15:14
LetsGo67I'm out.  Hopefully it's fixed in 10.04 'cause I'm tired of Windows.15:15
LetsGo67Bye everyone!15:15
mazda01anyone try to build XBMC from SVN? how can I figure out what the dependencies ar15:15
bazhangmazda01, why not use the ppa15:15
marcosrorizIf I upgrade to beta 2, will I be able to smoothy upgrade to the final release?15:15
bazhangmarcosroriz, yes15:15
bazhang!final | marcosroriz15:16
ubottumarcosroriz: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.15:16
joaopintoMian, you can install to the current partition, it will not remove your /home15:16
joaopintoas long you dont have anything out of it it's safe15:16
mazda01bazhang, tell me what it is and i'd be happy to use it. i googled for ever and when i try to search synaptic for xbmc, never finds anything. i have added like 3 different ppa that suupposedly had xbmc15:16
joaopintoMian, you just need to select to NOT format15:16
Mianjoaopinto, /home is in another partition and I'll mount it again to the new installation15:17
joaopintoMian, it will remove all other system dirs, except /home before installing15:17
Mianjoaopinto, I ask for installed packages15:17
bazhangmazda01, how did you add the repo from the ppa15:17
joaopintoMian, ah ok, so you can set your /home there, during the install15:17
mazda01bazhang, per this here: https://launchpad.net/+help/soyuz/ppa-sources-list.html15:17
Mianjoaopinto, I don't want to have re-dwonload and install all packages I installed during last years!15:18
bazhangmazda01, and what was the command you used to add the ppa15:18
mrwesanyone else who is running beta 2 have FF crash when typing in the search bar/window?15:19
marcosrorizI think I'll wait for the final release15:21
marcosrorizIt's the dust theme on the default install?15:21
MrSunshinehmm removed the xorgserver-blah-ati driver and now it boots fine15:24
MrSunshineMian, what graphics card are you on ?15:24
MianMrSunshine, intel15:27
HoaasHi. I'm having some problems with a package, fglrx. I used the installer from ATI, and well, now I don't quite manage to reinstall / remove it. Get the same error when trying apt-get install and apt-get -f install; http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/aNAGv2AU Any idea what I can do to fix this?15:29
JoshuaLHoaas, did you remove the one you installed from the ATI installer? If not do so (dont ask me how I dont know).15:31
HoaasI don't know either. :D15:32
JoshuaLLaunch the Terminal Application/Window and navigate to the /usr/share/fglrx folder.15:34
JoshuaLWith super user permissions, enter the command "sh./fglrx-uninstall.sh"15:34
HoaasThat folder is kinda empty :/15:35
HoaasI have a file by that name in /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh though15:36
MrSunshinewhy cant it fail consitantly atleast15:36
MrSunshinefail safe mode works lie 1 out of 5 times i boot15:37
MrSunshinewhy doesnt it work the other timeS?15:37
vladanianHey all, I'm trying to troubleshoot something on my lucid system, and I can't figure out how to reach the grub menu15:39
vladanianI'm experiencing a pretty annoying issue -- I tried to hibernate my machine, the screen when black, the mouse still responded, but nothing else, for hours. When I power cycled it, it goes into its disk check and only gets to 49% before starting the check over -- and over and over.15:41
mazda01i keep getting this when trying to compile:configure: error: Could not find a required library.15:42
bazhangcompile what?15:46
MrSunshineMian, hey try a thing, get the grub boot menu, so that you can press enter whenever you wannt, right after you press enter on the just ordenary generic profile, hold down left shift until system has booted15:46
MrSunshineworks for me, tried it 3 times now :P15:47
vladanianOK, for posterity, I enter grub by holding shift15:49
MianMrSunshine, how long did it take to boot?16:14
bjsniderfor those of you who want the buttons on the right side, use gnome-shell. it puts the buttons over there16:16
diverse_izzueisn't rhythmbox supposed to have an appindicator on lucid? mine's gone16:22
JoshuaLdiconico07, check: Edit -> Plugins16:26
JoshuaLand check if the Status Icon is enabled.16:27
MianMrSunshine, doesn't work for me16:28
Raphi974Hi everyone16:29
Raphi974I've got a very annoying bug :16:29
Raphi974When i take the AC adapter off, Ubuntu says a wrong remaining time of battery : 2min.16:29
Raphi974Then Ubuntu thinks there's juste 2mins left, and suspend the laptop16:30
Dr_Willisyep - seen that befor Raphi974  -16:30
Raphi974Never append with previous Ubuntu versions16:30
Dr_Willisnot all machines use the same 'stuff' to report power/battery life and so forth.16:30
Dr_Willissounds like a kernel/apci/bug then16:31
Raphi974well, after a few minutes, it tells me the right amount of time left16:31
Ian_CorneOr a miscalibration of your battery16:32
Raphi974well, i can't take that critical stage suspend thing... cuz it's usefull when it's real16:32
Raphi974take off*16:33
Raphi974Any chance to use percentage of battery life instead of minutes ?16:33
coc0nutThe time left is also reported incorrectly for me for a minute when I unplug my laptop, but Ubuntu overestimates it in my case.16:34
Dr_WillisThat would be to complex for the user Raphi974  :)16:34
Raphi974coc0nut, lucky you... :S16:34
=== lenios_ is now known as lenios
Raphi974Any trick to fix it ?16:36
coc0nutNo idea.16:37
nigelbabuRaphi974, for now, you can change the action that sets computer to suspend when battery is low to do nothing16:38
Ian_CorneThat's what he said, he doesn't want to do that. And I agree, it's dangerous to have you computer just stop when all power is gone.16:39
Raphi974nigelbabu, I know... but what if i forget to suspend my laptop unplugged...16:39
Raphi974nigelbabu, well, i'll try not to, for now16:39
Raphi974nigelbabu, Humm16:40
Raphi974nigelbabu, i cant... only options : Suspend to ram, Suspend to disk, Halt16:40
nigelbabuRaphi974, aaah16:41
Ian_CorneRaphi974: btw, suspend to ram is not always that good, it still consumes power16:42
nigelbabuRaphi974, I would say, put it "Suspend to RAM" and wait for power to go out16:42
Raphi974Ian_Corne, yeah i know... but Suspend to Disk takes a looonnnggggggg time in since Karmic16:42
nigelbabuif you're lucky, it might recalibrate the battery16:43
Raphi974nigelbabu, lol, could take quit a long time to wait...16:43
nigelbabuit could16:43
nigelbabubut worth a try16:43
Raphi974nigelbabu, but it's not good either...16:43
Raphi974nigelbabu, do suspend to ram turn off the computer when there's no more power ?16:44
Ian_CorneRaphi974: depends on your disk speed and ram usage16:44
nigelbabueventually it will turn off due to lack of power16:44
Raphi974Ian_Corne, i heard that it's a very bad idea to fully drain the battery of a laptop16:47
nigelbabuRaphi974, nope16:47
nigelbabuHP guidebook asks customers to fully drain occasionally so that battery data gets recalibrated16:48
Raphi974nigelbabu, well, i read a paper about it...16:48
Raphi974well, i'll try16:48
Raphi974but Ubuntu will turn the laptop off when critical battery life16:48
Ian_CorneRaphi974: It could brick your filesystem tho16:48
buffrafter installing Ubuntu 10.04 Beta 2 to #2 hard drive, sdb that basically consisted nothing, and keeping Windows XP on #1 hard drive (sda) everything went fine except I can't boot to Windows XP anymore. It complains about missing System32\HAL.dll. Could anybody give some advice?16:49
Raphi974Ian_Corne, I know, and i think that's why you can't choose "Do Nothing" when on battery16:49
Dr_Willisbuffr:  you booted  the ubuntu cd and  did a normal install? or did you pop in the cd and do a wubi install 'inside windows' ?16:50
Raphi974Ian_Corne, i'll try juste to use all the battery until Ubuntu turns off the laptop automatically16:50
TyphAnyone else having trouble viewing samba shares? I don't see anything in the bug tracker. Sometimes when I click on the workgroup, somethings the actual machine, I get "unable to mount location, failed to recieve share list"16:51
buffrDr_Willis, burned it to CD and then16:51
buffr"Install to whole partition" or so.16:52
buffrand selected carefully sdb instead of sda (Windows partition)16:52
Raphi974Ian_Corne, omg... i unplugged my laptop, and the time left is correct...16:52
buffrI'm 100% confident about that16:52
buffrthen it installed fine16:52
buffrbooted to Ubuntu16:52
Raphi9741st time since i installed Lucid16:52
buffrchanget boot sequence to XP first16:52
buffrtried to boot and WinXP said "Missing file System32\HAL.dll"16:52
buffralso, if you view the WinXP NTFS partition from Ubuntu it seems fucked up, no \WINDOWS\ but other windows files instead like boot.ini and System Volume Information16:53
buffrand Im 100% sure it worked before I installed Ubuntu :/16:53
buffrits not even my own computer and I made a promise that no problems would occur.16:54
buffroh god.16:54
dvheumenhi. Is there a way in Ubuntu Server Lucid to load the old IDE drivers? (so hard drives will get hd? instead of sd?)16:54
dvheumen(during the installation process)16:55
Raphi974dvheumen, sd only comes when your drives are in SATA, no ?16:55
dvheumenno, not with the newer releases16:56
dvheumenand I think I've got a problem with those drivers, because I've got a case of disappearing partitions during the installation process, which screws up some stuff :|16:56
dvheumenand I've tried a Debian Lenny installation and that one goes without a problem, but it still uses the /dev/hd? device names, so it probably uses the old drivers16:57
dvheumenAnd I've got this idea in my head that there was a way to switch back to the old drivers, but I don't know how16:57
Raphi974dvheumen, i don't know, sorry16:58
dvheumenokay, I'll go through the installation menu again :)16:58
Raphi974lol ok16:58
Raphi974good luck16:58
Dr_Willisdvheumen:  there used to be some  option to make it use hd instead of the sd## but i cant imagine why you want to.17:06
Dr_WillisIDE drives have shown up as sd## for quite some time now17:06
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator17:06
Dr_WillisHmm there used to be afactoid on it.. ages ago.17:06
dvheumenDr_Willis, I want to because I've got a somewhat older system that I want to install Ubuntu on and run as a secondary server. But my partitions keep disappearing during the partitioning process (and this causes inconsistencies in the text-installer too), both in Lucid Beta 2 and Karmic. And I've tried to use Debian Lenny and that works and I've got my suspicions about that driver.17:11
dvheumenBecause I'd like my packages to be somewhat newer than what Lenny offers at the moment, for example: samba is still on 3.2.x if I remember correctly.17:11
raphahuh, no msttcorefonts in lucid?!17:12
Dr_Willispartitions dissapearing? Hmm..  that sounds very odd.17:13
Dr_WillisI cant even rember the name of the  things that got changed to be ide -> sd ..17:13
ubottuA schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:14
Mianjoaopinto, still here?17:14
dvheumenwell, the funny thing is, /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 for example disappear, but when I start fdisk and write "changes" they appear again. And sometimes from one harddisk the changes get processed, but not from the second. It's all very strange17:14
Dr_WillisHmm. a qick google search imples that theres a kernel patch to keep the old  hd names..17:14
dvheumenthe thing is called something like pata or libpata or something, and there's a libata that supposedly makes everything sd*, or that's what I found on the internet about this17:14
MianDr_Willis, may you help please?17:15
dvheumenI've got this idea in my head that there was on installer option to switch back to the old driver. But that must've been removed some time ago17:15
Dr_WillisMian:  and the issue is?17:15
dvheumenDr_Willis, tnx, I'll have a look at that url17:15
Mianthe issue we were talking about from a while with joaopinto that my system doesn't boot17:16
Dr_Willisdvheumen:  its old.. but gives some background info.17:16
Dr_WillisMian:  i wasent really payibng much attention.17:16
MianDr_Willis, ok, I can tell you details now17:16
dvheumenaha okay, so it's an old subsystem. In that case it's very likely that I can't switch back anymore.17:16
Dr_Willisdvheumen:  that artical implies that most kernels now dont even have the old ide 'subsystem' compiled in any more.17:17
Dr_Willisdvheumen:  yep.17:17
MianDr_Willis, after upgrading to lucid my system can not boot, joaopinto was accusing plymouth17:17
MianDr_Willis, now, I am booting with init=/sbin/sulogin17:17
Ken8521Plymouth is just an easy target. :)17:17
Dr_WillisMian:  very likely. You could boot a live cd , and on the installed  system disable plymounth by renaming the /etc/init/plymouth* files17:18
joaopintoI was not acusing, I was just guessing :P17:18
Dr_Willisif you are chrooted in, may as well update, and upgrade.. and its popssible somting got fixed17:18
MianDr_willis, I tried this and still can not boot17:18
joaopintoDr_Willis, it did it already, didn't solve, so it's not plymouth17:18
Miannow, I removed all files from /etc/init only 8 files are still and the problem is still. so can I accuse these 8 files?17:19
Dr_Willisdvheumen:  i saw a few articals mentioning  this option --> hwprobe=-modules.pata17:20
dvheumenhmmm... I'll give that a try, tnx17:21
Dr_Willisdvheumen:  the guides that mention that.. are.. like 2+ yrs old :)17:21
Dr_WillisMian:  could be some other odd driver quirk. its hard to tell.17:21
Mianthese files are mountall.conf, mounted_dev.conf, mounted-temp.conf, mounted-varrun.conf, plymouth-log.conf, plmouth-splash.conf, plymouth-stop.conf, and plymouth.conf17:21
joaopintoMian, or those, or upstart17:21
joaopintoMian, erm, didn't you disabled plymouth ?17:22
Mianjoaopinto, do you mean removing its files from /etc/init?17:22
joaopintoMian, make sure you always try with rescue mode, normal mode will bring gdm, which we don't want to test at this time17:22
raphadamn, how do i get msttcorefonts into lucid?17:22
joaopintoMian, no, I mean they should be rename to something else, to disable17:22
dvheumenDr_Willis, yeah, well the computer is a P4 3GHz, so it's very well possible :)17:22
joaopintoplymouth is not disabled there17:23
ZykoticK9rapha, ttf-mscorefonts-installer is the package name17:23
Mianjoaopinto, does moving them to a directory under /etc/init disable them?17:23
joaopintoMian, yes it does17:23
joaopintoMian, I mean not sure, better move it elsewhere17:24
joaopintoMian, like /etc/disabled17:24
raphathx ZykoticK9!17:24
Mianjoaopinto, I moved them to /etc/init/DISABLED but I think this doesn't disable them as I see they are still loaded17:25
joaopintoMian, better move to somewhere above, I am not sure if upstrart does a find dir *.conf17:27
coz_are people still having issues with changing cursor themes?17:27
Mianjoaopinto, now I see a verbose message is printed repeatedly that says "skipping mounting /proc/bus/usb since plymouth isn't available"17:28
joaopintoMian, that one looping ?17:30
dvheumenToo bad, the hwprobe parameter doesn't seem to work. I think I'll just stick with Lenny, I've found some backports that will probably solve my biggest problems. Tnx17:31
Mianjoaopinto, this line with other lines looping for a long time then they stopped17:31
jef91Howdy All - so last kernel update killed my 10.04 system with a nvidia graphics card17:31
joaopintoMian, do you have a prompt ?17:31
Mianjoaopinto, no17:31
jef91System now gets it's "running in low graphics mode" at startup, but then it freezes at this point so I cannot do anything17:31
Dr_WillisHmm. My 2 nvidia box's are workiong17:32
Dr_Willis8800gtsxxx and nvidia 550017:32
Dr_WillisI really need to find a decent screensaver for my other pc... :)17:32
jef91Dr_Willis Thanks for the input...17:33
jef91Anyone have any useful suggestions on how I can get the system working?17:33
Dr_WillisI dont suppose anyone has noticed a 'fullscreenweather' or news blog type screen saver?17:33
jef91It doesn't give me a grub menu option  at boot17:33
joaopintoMian, just to make sure, you are trying with rescue mode right ?17:33
Dr_Willisjef91:   hit shift key or escape to see if you can get a grub menu.  try rescue mode.17:33
coz_Dr_Willis,  I have not  but have been looking for somethign simialr17:33
Mianjoaopinto, not rescue mode but with init=/sbin/sulogin17:33
Mianjoaopinto, then exec /sbin/init17:34
Dr_Williscoz_:  yea. Been check ing the website 'fullscreen weather'  - it would make an ok screen saver.. years ago i had some news ticker screensaver for windows i liked.17:34
joaopintoMian, I would prefer you tried rescude mode at this time17:34
Dr_WillisI think KDE can do some web site as a screensaver17:34
joaopintobecause calling init will also try to launch gdm17:34
coz_Dr_Willis,  I had already put in a request for compiz weat17:34
coz_weather plugin17:34
jef91Dr_Willis - tried that with no luck. Any other suggestions? I have the system booted from my flash drive right now so I can edit files17:34
coz_Dr_Willis,  I may have to write it myself though17:34
joaopintowhile rescumoe will call init with some parameters17:34
Dr_WillisHmm.. some ati and radeon updates just now i saw...17:36
Dr_Williscoz_:  how about a 'htop' screensaver. :)17:36
Dr_Willisand kernel logs at the bottom17:36
coz_Dr_Willis,   htop would be a decent one :)17:37
Mianjoaopinto, still same, messages looping and then stops without a prompt17:37
joaopintoMian, try the sulogin process, but using   exec /sbin/init --debug now17:39
hardwired'llo. Does somebody have an Intel Clarkdale (eg core i3) working with X and OpenGL?17:39
Dr_Willis!info powernap17:39
ubottupowernap (source: powernap): run a defined action if not running some particular processes. In component main, is optional. Version 1.9-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 13 kB, installed size 132 kB17:39
jef91Gah. This is why I should have just installed Mint. Kernel updates only break shit and should not be forced on people. Guess I'll have to debug this later, peace all17:40
Dr_WillisHmm.. wonder what that does. :)17:40
Dr_Willisonce again we seem to need to define what 'beta' means to people.17:40
Dr_Willisnot what google uses the term for. :)17:41
buffrDr_Willis, heehhe17:41
Dr_WillisBut i will be amazed if this gets rleased on time.17:41
buffrBeta 2 SHOULD be stable.17:41
Dr_WillisIt is.. untill they fix somthing... :)17:41
buffrwell, at least I thought that and installed it to production machine.17:41
buffrso yeah17:41
buffrI was told that its' okay.17:41
Dr_Willisactually it is decently stable here..  ive not had any of these big isses... yet17:41
buffrwell I guess it's my fault but...17:41
buffreven Ubuntu.com advertises it as "good to go"17:41
Dr_WillisI do only update like every 3 days :)17:42
joaopintobuffr, betats are note advertide for production, anywere17:42
buffrwell kind of.17:42
hardwiredwow, I have a lot of old kernels on my machine17:42
buffrI very well know that they aren't final products17:42
buffrbut if you'd check Ubuntu.com17:42
buffrit clearly offers 10.04 there already17:42
Dr_WillisHmm.. i see what 'powernap' does now.17:43
zeltakhi guys need some help on samba..installed lynx and samba, configured it but cant find samba under /etc/init.d...? has it moved or is something fracked on my sys?17:43
Dr_Willisit runs stuff at hibermate, or suspend, or power off..17:43
hardwiredDr_Willis: it sounds like some kind of watchdog17:43
Dr_WillisThat can be handy for some cases I imagine17:43
joaopintobuffr, you do understand the meaning of "if you want to helps us test it" :) ?17:43
Dr_WillisYep. I was exporeing the package manager  stuff for 'screensaver' and saw it17:43
joaopintobuffr, and also the "Note: This is a beta release. Do not install it on production machines. The final stable version will be released on April 29, 2010."17:43
Dr_Williszeltak:  try /etc/init ?17:43
geserzeltak: I assume it got converted to an upstart job (check in /etc/init)17:43
zeltakkk one sec guys17:44
joaopintobuffr, anyway if you are testing make sure you report the bugs :)17:44
Dr_Williswhy do you even need to mess with the samba init script?17:44
zeltaknope not there :(17:44
Mianjoaopinto, still sames, messages loops and then stop without a prompt17:44
Longinus00buffr: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle#Beta17:44
joaopintoMian, I am out of the ideas, and the experts are on weekend :\17:45
Longinus00buffr: I also am curious to hear of any companies that use beta in production environments17:45
zeltakive been using samba with ubuntu since drapper and it was always under init.d (im trying to restart the samba server) but cant find a way to do it in lynx17:45
zeltakits weird...i mean webmin sees the config file but cant start the server as well17:46
Longinus00zeltak: if samba has been converted to upstart it might be in /etc/init17:46
zeltaki did apt-get install samba (what i always do), is there additional packages for the server i need to install?17:46
Dr_WillisYou really shouldent be using webmin17:46
zeltaki searched Dr_Willis its not in /etc/init :(17:47
Dr_Willisstart samba with  the 'service' command if needed17:47
geserzeltak: "start nmbd" and "start smbd", it got split into two scripts17:47
ZykoticK9!webmin > zeltak17:47
ubottuzeltak, please see my private message17:47
Dr_Willissudo service smbd start17:47
zeltakkk ubottu ill look17:47
zeltakgotcha ubottu , wont use webmin then17:48
Dr_Williszeltak:  its IN init.. its not called samba17:48
Dr_Willisits nmbd.conf and smbd.conf17:48
zeltakahh i see Dr_Willis17:48
zeltaklemme check it out17:48
Dr_Willisif you want to start samba properly use the 'service' command17:48
zeltakahhh the service command?17:48
zeltakhavnt used that before..boy they really changed some stuff for lynx17:49
Dr_Williserr... no they havent17:49
Dr_Willisservice command has been there for the last 3+ releases17:49
zeltakwhat? really/  i have been using /etc/samba/smb.conf and /etc/init.d/samba restart for ever it seems?17:50
Dr_Willispeople just dont notice it.. becuase they got the system set to still use the old init type commands for a lot of things.. thats getting phased out more and more17:50
LinuxGuy2009Does virtualbox download version for karmic work on Lucid?17:50
Dr_Willis the /etc/init.d stuff has actually been geting called/started by upstart scripts I belive.17:51
zeltakahh i see cool, but its not in the ubuntu wiki at all..i just read that before i nagged you guys ;-)17:51
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/17:51
Mianjoaopinto, so, do you mean I can get further help monday's morning when experts come back?17:51
zeltaki see so back to the basic issue..i can i still use /etc/samba/smb.conf for config?17:51
joaopintoMian, not sure, it depends on their availability, which is usually rare :\17:51
Dr_Williszeltak:  the samba CONFIG file has not moved...17:52
zeltakand also how do i restart the samba deamon now?17:52
Dr_Williszeltak:  the service command...17:52
Dr_Willissudo service smbd start/stop/restart/blowup/takeovertheworld17:52
zeltakkk cool thx alot Dr_Willis for clarifing it :)17:53
Longinus00the help site needs updating17:53
Dr_Willistry sudo service --help17:53
zeltak(ill keep the takeovertheworld option for later ;-))17:53
Dr_WillisLonginus00:   http://ubuntu-manual.org/  perhaps?17:54
Longinus00i was talking about help.ubuntu.com17:54
zeltakkk rebooting thx guys for the help appriciate it!17:55
LuckySMackafter updating to lucid, im no longer able to use firephp, it cant find the pear firephp channel so it wont install. anyone else experience this? im assuming its because php is 5.3 now. but havent found a fix at all yet17:55
Longinus00Dr_Willis: http://ubuntu-manual.org/ doesn't even have a samba section17:56
Dr_WillisLonginus00:  write one for it then?17:56
Dr_Willis11 days left to expandit.17:56
Dr_WillisI imagine it has quite a bit miussing its under 200 pages17:57
Longinus00it's way too advanced for what should be a17:57
Longinus00"complete beginner's manual"17:57
Longinus00samba admin information that is17:57
Dr_WillisYep.. i wonder if they will eventually have a 'total starters guide' and a 'beginners guide' and a 'uber-leet guide'17:58
Longinus00well, i was just trying to point out that the help.ubuntu.com page for samba still uses init.d17:59
Mianjoaopinto, good news17:59
Longinus00bin the official documentation no less18:00
Mianjoaopinto, now I can boot in oldest kernel I have in rescue18:00
Dr_WillisOh no! a buffer overflow!18:00
Dr_Willisaajm -t random18:00
Dr_Willis*** buffer overflow detected ***: aajm terminated18:00
Dr_WillisHmm. the 'electric sheep' screensaver is sort of nice to watch :)   still not found a decent news/weather screensaver.. the serach continues18:02
RomanKHi, i thought there is KMS-Support for Radeon R600s in Lucid Lynx, but it doesn't look so... do i have to activate it first?18:10
Longinus00RomanK: make sure you're using the open source driver18:11
RomanKLonginus00: i already uninstalled all fglrx-packages, that should do the trick, doesn't it?18:12
joaopintoMian, from rescue mode try to start the graphicl mode, sudo start gdm18:12
joaopintoMian, you still have plymouth disabled right ?18:12
Mianjoaopinto, yes plymouth is still disabled. normal boot completes and log in screen appears, but then computer hangs and accept no input from mouse nor keyboard18:14
Longinus00RomanK: I can't test now, but I'm pretty sure it was working on my R700 card earlier18:15
RomanKhm... k18:15
Mianjoaopinto, same happens when booting into rescue and then start gdm18:16
Longinus00RomanK: you might have cruft left over from the fglrx install18:17
hardwiredI read somewhere that xorg.conf isn't used anymore since karmic. What does that mean_18:17
Longinus00try booting a live cd and see if it will do kms18:17
hardwiredand... is that true?18:17
bjsniderRomanK, were you using fglrx at one point?18:18
RomanKbjsnider: yes, at the moment of upgrading18:18
RomanKremoved it afterwards18:18
bjsniderhow did you remove it?18:18
rad_hola que tal, tengo ubuntu 10.04 instalado en una laptop compaq presario cq50 el problema es que tengo audio de sistema, pero no reproduzco mp3, ya instale todos los codecs, pero ni idea de lo que pase, lo que encuentro en la web es la solucion para el audio en general, pero no se que pase,18:19
RomanKapt-get remove "all packages containing fglrx in package-name" --purge18:19
jpds!es | rad_18:19
ubotturad_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:19
bjsniderRomanK, did you change the xorg.conf file?18:20
rad_hi all, i have ubuntu 10.04 installed on a laptop compaq cq50, the problem is : i have audio from notifications and from the system, but i can't play mp3 at all, i've downloaded all the codecs and the system is fully upgrade, and when i look up at the web , the only solution is to install codecs18:21
RomanKbjsnider: there is no xorg.conf anymore... i guess it was deleted when X11 wasn't able to start at a good solution and i answered "create new configuration"18:21
uspenokubuntu turned off my monitor on startup, installed from livecd lucid  beta2. i made an update&upgrade. bug still there18:24
RomanKbrb, rebooting18:24
dvheumenuspenok, Lucid now tries to use high resolutions also in text mode. Maybe your monitor doesn't support the resolution it uses18:25
avisis it safe to update and upgrade today ?18:26
dvheumenI think it has to do with kernel mode setting, you can probably switch this off with a kernel parameter18:26
uspenokdvheumen: my monitor is 1920x1200 are ubuntu support that resolution ^^18:26
Ken8521avis, not really.. it works great for me, but it is still beta.18:26
dvheumenuspenok, so it's probably and LCD monitor?18:27
MrSunshinecan someone be nice and check what the latest line someone wrote to me was?18:27
MrSunshineor the lines18:27
MrSunshinehad to small scrollback buffer :/18:27
rad_hi all, i have ubuntu 10.04 installed on a laptop compaq cq50, the problem is : i have audio from notifications and from the system, but i can't play mp3 at all, i've downloaded all the codecs and the system is fully upgrade, and when i look up at the web , the only solution is to install codecs18:27
uspenokdvheumen: yes18:27
Ken8521rad_, are you sure the codecs are installed, do you get an error when you try to play them18:28
Dr_Willisrad_:  what exactly are you trying to play them in?18:28
dvheumenuspenok: hmmm... in that case it shouldn't be happening (under normal circumstances)18:28
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
dvheumenuspenok: do you know what kind of graphics card you have?18:29
uspenokdvheumen: or course, nvidia 9600 gt18:29
rad_Ken8521, i dont have any error at all........ and Dr_Willis : on rythmbox and on a preview mode, it looks like playing, but there's no sound :(18:30
MrSunshineanyone? :)18:30
MrSunshineMian, any luck ? .. if its you that wrote to me i canot see it atm, could you rewrite ? :)18:30
Dr_Willis if it appears to be playing in various players (you see the sound meter go up/down and so forth) check your volume misers. there may be one thats muted18:30
dvheumenuspenok: okay, i'll try to find the parameter to disable kms, you can try booting in the "old fashioned" way, just to see if that solves your problem18:30
Dr_Willistry the alsamixer tool18:30
MrSunshineatleast i can boot my computer kinda consitently with the shift trick =)18:30
uspenokdvheumen: it'sa looks like kernel bug,  becuse in that moment when i choose ubuntn monitor turns of. mb second late18:30
Dr_Willisrad_:  check the 'alsamixer' and be sure to check the 'volume controlls' to the side that may be scrolled to the right (see the >) at the right side of the tool/window in some cases18:32
uspenokdvheumen: sound works fine and i heare that ubuntu loaded18:32
dvheumenuspenok: well, you could try the 'nomodeset' option, as described here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes#Working%20around%20bugs%20in%20the%20new%20kernel%20video%20architecture18:32
dvheumenmaybe that's not the problem, but it doesn't hurt to try, right? :)18:33
RomanKhehe... while i'm trying to get KMS to work, others are trying to get rid of it? *gg*18:33
uspenokdvheumen: thx18:33
rad_ok, Dr_Willis , fixed, tnks :D18:35
dvheumenRomanK: lol, well hopefully not :P18:36
dvheumenit's just trial and error ;)18:36
atrusunder ubuntu, alsa sound apps seem to go to pulseaudio automatically, without the need for a /etc/asound.conf, or a ~/.asoundrc. how? also, should this be grabbing requests for the default mixer device too?18:37
RomanKhm... there isn't even a "ati", "radeon" or "radeonhd" kernel module loaded... is this possible?18:38
paul__hey guys, given it's only about 10 days till final release, was wondering if there were any x.org issues lurking around (nvidia chipset), crashing on start with 0: /usr/bin/X (xorg_backtrace+0x3b) [0x80e937b] 1: /usr/bin/X (0x8048000+0x61c7d) [0x80a9c7d] 2: (vdso) (__kernel_rt_sigreturn+0x0) [0xd48410]18:38
Dr_WillisHmm - Kde has screensaver that can play videos. :)18:45
Ian_Corne"saver" :p18:46
Dr_Williskde can even have widgits on top of the screensaver.18:46
Ian_CorneCan't remember the last time I used a screensaver, just disable the screen :p18:46
Dr_WillisSo my screensaver now plays a Buster Keaton Silent Movie.. with clock at the bottom left.18:46
crimsunDanaG: not sure what you mean18:51
Dr_Williswell rats. a wrench in my fancy screensaver.. - since i have 2 monitors.. the video is playign right in the middle of both of them.18:53
Dr_WillisDont ya hate that.18:53
CarlFKmelt says "audio codec libfaac unrecognised"    I have libfaac0 installed.   I hate that.18:53
RomanKthe problem why KMS didn't work in the first place was because /etc/modprobe.d/fglrx-blacklist was still existent and blacklisted the radeon kernel-module18:55
atrushttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio seems to be out of date... you don't still have to define pulse as the default do you? it seems like ubuntu's automatically setting the default alsa device to be the pulseaudio plugin.... however I can't tell where.18:55
RomanKbut the situation after removing that blacklist-entry didn't get better but worse: now when X11 starts up, the screen just goes black... i can blindly login to gnome, but i don't see anything18:55
crimsunatrus: it's very outdated.18:55
RomanKand neither /var/log/messages nor /var/log/Xorg.0.log gives useful information what's going wrong18:56
atruscrimsun: hmm. any idea where/how the default alsa device is getting defined?18:56
crimsunatrus: we ship it in /usr/share/alsa/pulse-alsa.conf18:56
crimsunatrus: which, in turn, is sourced from the default alsa-lib conffile, /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf18:57
atruscrimsun: that would explain how playback gets to alsa...  but that file also is supposed to set the default mixer ctl to the also plugin, and that's not happening for me under lucid.18:57
crimsunatrus: make sure you read the order of the sourced conffiles.18:58
atruscrimsun: interesting, that's a directory i've never looked at before.18:58
crimsunatrus: namely, order is very important; /etc/asound.conf and ~/.asoundrc override, etc.18:58
atruscrimsun: pulse-alsa seems to be the only thing that defines a !default there.18:58
majnoonok did wubi install18:58
atruscrimsun: yeah, i have no /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc.18:58
majnoonhow activate the nvidia drivers ??18:59
crimsunatrus: what's the problem?18:59
atruscrimsun: "amixer -Dpulse" doesn't work.18:59
crimsunatrus: it shouldn't.19:00
uspenokuff lucid still has problem with my monitor on startup, any ideas19:00
atruscrimsun: shouldn't it?19:00
crimsunatrus: no, it shouldn't.19:00
atruscrimsun: pulse-alsa.conf has "ctl.!default { type pulse }" and "ctl.pulse { type pulse }"19:01
crimsunatrus: we explicitly bypass the ctl pulse, because you already manipulate that by default19:01
crimsunatrus: i.e., when you want to use a command line tool like amixer or alsamixer, you really want to manipulate the underlying hw controls.19:02
atruscrimsun: that seems inconsistent. if cmd-line playback goes to pulse, cmd-line mixers should go to pulse too, it would seem.19:02
atruscrimsun: where does that "bypass" occur, anyways?19:03
crimsunatrus: no, they shouldn't, otherwise you have to explicitly ask for the hw controls, which is not the intent with alsamixer or amixer.19:03
atrusit seems like pulse-alsa.conf should be creating a ctl.pulse that "amixer -Dpulse" would see at least.19:03
crimsunwe patch alsamixer and amixer19:03
crimsuni.e., it's bypassed at compile-time19:03
atrusbut... if i put "ctl.pulse { type pulse }" it /etc/asound.conf, amixer -Dpulse works19:04
crimsunwell, sure, because you've overridden the existing pulse conf we ship19:04
crimsunremember how I mentioned the order of the sourced conffiles is important?19:04
atrusbut... the existing pulse conf you ship has  "ctl.pulse { type pulse }" in it anyways :)19:04
crimsunyou're misunderstanding how the conffile sourcing works.19:05
atruseither way, this seems terribly inconsistent and confusing.... i'd like to know the rationale. If i'm in a GUI, playback and mixing go to pulseaudio. but on a command line, playback goes to pulseaudio and mixing bypasses it?19:06
crimsunfirstly, let's clear up your misunderstanding19:07
crimsunif you use a command line tool shipped in alsa-utils, you _bypass_ the pulse ctl19:07
majnoonhow activate the nvidia drivers ??19:07
crimsunyou get the hw: perspective, not the plug:default one19:08
atruscrimsun: that doesn't apply to aplay. aplay still goes to pulseaudio.19:08
crimsunatrus: aplay isn't a mixer utility19:08
atrusokay... but why? why bypass the pulse ctl just because we're on the command line?19:08
crimsunatrus: 1. amixer is called before the pulse daemon is available19:09
redWhat's the easiest way to create a username for a friend and "lock" him into his home folder only, so he can't browse my files but has rwx rights in his own folder?19:09
crimsun2. not every Ubuntu derivative ships pulse19:09
redHe would be SSHing into the server19:09
jpdsred: Block outgoing SSH?19:09
atruscrimsun: for 1), amixer is called in scripts for particular cards, so they should be specifying the hw device anyways.19:10
atruscrimsun: 2) that's fine, because pulse-alsa.conf won't exist on installations that don't have pulseaudio.19:10
Ian_Cornejpds: would that even be needed?19:10
Dr_WillisTheres various chroot guides and restricted shells you could use red  'rbash' i think is a restricted bash. see the bash man pages19:10
red jpds huh? I ment that he never physically uses this PC, but uses SSH to log in and run a few programs like irssi and screen.19:10
Ian_Cornered: make sure nothing is world readable19:10
Ian_Corneand that should cover it19:11
crimsunatrus: specifying the hw device still incurs a hook into the pulse daemon.19:11
crimsunatrus: which will autospawn it19:11
crimsunobviously that shouldn't happen19:11
jpdsred: Or: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/59019:11
redsudo chmod -R 750 /home/* enough?19:11
atruscrimsun: well that would seem like a bug.19:11
crimsunatrus: patches are welcome.19:11
redjpds: ah that looks swell19:12
redjpds: thanks19:12
jpdsIan_Corne: I meant outgoing, not incoming SSH to the host?19:13
switchgirlthat log problem hasnt gone away19:13
majnoonok no sound or no nvidia "official" driver19:13
fvsjust me or is installing via synaptic package manager buggy - it seems to grind to a halt when loading and after installs?19:13
redwhy would it be required to block outgoing SSH? :)19:13
switchgirl /var/log is more than 51gb19:13
redI just want to make sure mine and my gf's files are private19:14
Dr_WillisIm not sure how you even block it outgoing..  domthing dosent make sence about that statement.19:14
jpdsred: Oh, I misread your second sentence as "could", not "would". Sorry.19:14
atruscrimsun: hmm. okay, thanks. doesn't make sense to me, but at least i see where some of this stuff is happening. i may collect my thoughts for a bug report later.19:16
WalzmynKubuntu 10.04 - What happened to the grub editor in System Settings?19:16
majnoonany help for sblive card in lucid ??19:17
crimsunmajnoon: what about it?19:18
majnoonit no work :P19:18
crimsunmajnoon: that's incredibly vague.19:18
majnoonno sound at all on a sblive emu101k based card19:18
crimsunmajnoon: run http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh19:19
Dr_Williswhat sblive card exactly?19:23
Dr_Willismy old emu10k (i think) based cards have worked great.. but i dont have any in any current machine at this time19:23
Dr_WillisAudigy and audigy 2zs cards.19:23
majnooncrimsun, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=73d36f4ff9b4e5de96fb8ee5d40df365ad89ce3219:24
majnoonbrb need a smoke go outside now days :(19:24
crimsunmajnoon: 'SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack' probably needs to be muted19:26
crimsunstupid tritech codecs19:26
DanaGcrimsun: did you get a chance to see my kernel-hang with my usb-audio?19:26
DanaGI pastebinned it yesterday.19:27
crimsunDanaG: no, that's why I asked you19:27
DanaGah, sorry, I was afk until just now.19:27
crimsunDanaG: please prefix my nick if you're addressing me; there's a good chance my client will have lost the scrollback19:27
WalzmynCan somebody walk me though how I'm supposed to work this launchpad bug system?19:27
DanaGcrimsun: http://pastebin.com/9xmZHnr819:29
majnoonwhere find that crimsun ??19:29
crimsunmajnoon: alsamixer19:29
Blue11pulse audio is EVIL!19:29
bjsnideroh, here we go19:30
DanaGBlue11: you are EVIL!19:30
DanaGjust kidding.19:30
Blue11DanaG: pulse is mighty flakey here19:30
DanaGhmm, what hardware?19:30
atruscrimsun: hah, just stumbled onto https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/274995 :) this clears some things up.19:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 274995 in alsa-utils "MASTER storing ALSA mixer element values during shutdown hangs nondeterministically due to internal alsa-plugins pulse check" [Medium,Fix released]19:31
Blue11hang a sc19:31
bjsniderDanaG, what is your usb audio device?19:31
DanaGC-Media CM106.19:31
DanaGTurtle Beach Audio Advantage SRM.19:31
bjsnidermine's working well. could stand to be a bit louder, but otherwise a-ok19:31
DanaGAlso known as "roadie" -- the only difference is the color of the plastic on it.19:31
DanaGhmm, do you have the linux-alsa-driver-modules thing installed?  I do.19:32
majnoondid that crimsun still nothing19:32
crimsunmajnoon: what does 'pactl stat' report as the default sink?19:32
bjsniderDanaG, was that directed at me?19:32
DanaGbjsnider: yeah19:32
Blue11DanaG: 00:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: Cirrus Logic CS 4614/22/24/30 [CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator] (rev 01)19:32
DanaGinteresting... my mute hotkey only starts working again as a keyboard key after suspend/resume... which also happens to break the alsa->hardware mute setting.19:32
Blue11cant find the bug report19:33
majnoonDefault Sink: alsa_output.pci-0000_06_01.0.analog-stereo19:33
majnooncrimsun ^^19:33
bjsniderDanaG, i believe so19:33
DanaGBlue11: I've never heard of that chip.19:33
crimsunBlue11: that's not a pulse issue. That's a hardware and driver issue.19:33
crimsunI've explicitly stated before that the cs46xx family SUCKS.19:33
bjsnidernever heard of it either19:33
nerdy_kidmy line in doesnt work19:33
Blue11crimsun: well all I know is it worked great on suse, but horrid on ubuntu19:33
crimsunBlue11: that doesn't mean anything19:34
crimsunwe don't ship anything near the same software19:34
Blue11crimsun: nope - just if suse wasn't on the skids, I'd beback there19:34
nerdy_kidIntel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)  line in not working....mic does though19:34
crimsunnerdy_kid: use a newer driver19:35
crimsunbjsnider: they were fairly common in older audio cards19:35
nerdy_kidcrimsun using lucid (obviously) so im assuming its a newer driver19:35
crimsunturtle beach families, thinkpads, etc.19:35
bjsniderold crap19:35
crimsunnerdy_kid: newer than what?19:35
nerdy_kidcrimsun you said use a newer driver, i said im using lucid so i think i am.....19:36
bjsniderricotz, owen says the gnome-shell package this week will begin shipping a new gnome 3 theme which will automatically replace whatever theme the user is currently using19:36
crimsunnerdy_kid: newer than WHAT?19:36
majnoonno luck :(19:36
crimsunmajnoon: sheesh, hold a sec19:36
majnoonthis why doing wubi install for now :)19:36
nerdy_kidcrumsun nvm i was quoting you, where would i get an updated driver?19:37
majnoonstill have karmic as main install :)19:37
Blue11bjsnider: they have managed to break my gconf files several times, I'm over id now19:37
crimsunnerdy_kid: linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r) from ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev19:37
nerdy_kidcrimsun thanks :)19:37
bjsniderBlue-Omega, DanaG and me are both using spiffy usb audio cards that you could use to replace that thing19:37
DanaGI'd say we need to add a metapackage ( -lucid-generic ) for that alsa-drivers.19:37
DanaGCM106 is weird with pulseaudio, though.19:38
bjsniderwhoops, i meant that for Blue1119:38
thadoctreyhello everyone, I have a question about why it is that My user account isn't considered the owner account?19:38
Walzmynthadoctrey: what do you mean owner account?19:39
crimsunDanaG: what's the snapshot date for your l-a-d-m?19:39
crimsunmy usb audio devices work fine with 1.0.23 final, but I obviously won't be able to trigger them without your hw19:39
DanaGVersion: 2.6.32-21.20100416060019:39
ZykoticK9thadoctrey, what do you mean by "owner account"?  The first user should automatically be added to the "admin" group which allows you to sudo19:40
thadoctreywell I have sudo abillity but I cannot add, or change anything in the file system, which I used to be able to do does that make sense?19:41
ZykoticK9thadoctrey, what are you trying to do?19:42
thadoctreywell just normal stuff like add a file to my files system so that I can use different things, like themes and all,19:42
ricotzbjsnider, do you know the specific consequences of this introduction19:43
nishantcan someone show their source.list19:44
bjsniderricotz, the user will no longer be able to switch themes in appearance-properties, but will have to use gconf. however, owen says he wants people testing gnome 3, not a hybrid of gnome 3 with gnome 2 theming19:45
nishantthere is some issue with my source.list19:45
bjsniderricotz, i'm guessing you could be the recipient of some angry emails this week as a result19:45
janmaltewhere can i find some material of the ubuntu new brand?19:46
ricotzbjsnider, ok, thanks for warning me19:46
nerdy_kidcrimsun i do indeed have the latest drivers and the latest alsa19:46
nishanthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/416280/ --- > can someone tell me what is wrong with my sources.list19:47
nerdy_kidcrimsun still no line in... i fiddled with alsamixer but simply cant get it to work :(19:47
=== nishant is now known as the
=== the is now known as thevishy
nerdy_kidnishant are you getting an error?19:48
thevishycan someone tel me why my apt-get throws error19:48
yofelthevishy: the urls are wrong19:48
thevishychanged to thevishy nerdy_kid now , ip not found errors19:49
crimsunnerdy_kid: file a bug against alsa-driver, please.19:49
thevishywht url shud I give instaed of us.archive.ubuntu.com19:49
brbrr_hey.got problem.using unr 10.04. and when i press backspace in dialog window in pidgin or in terminal(backspace and tab) my screen is blinkin19:49
yofelthevishy: is says 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/' but has to say 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/'19:49
nerdy_kidcrimsun darn...thanks for your help :-|19:49
thevishyah ok19:49
majnoonok got nvidia to work  \o/19:49
yofel*it says19:49
majnoonnow need sound :)19:49
crimsunnerdy_kid: we can't fix your problem without the hw information collected by the bug report (e.g., ubuntu-bug alsa-base)19:50
majnoon Item: SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack [Off] <--from alsamixer19:51
thevishythanks that resolved the problemn19:51
thevishyhow do I know the video ram in my computer ? and also other usual CPU details19:51
DanaGbjsnider: is this gnome-shell change documented officially, somewhere?19:51
majnoongoing to try something brb19:51
nerdy_kidcrinsun ok, ill be reporting :)19:51
crimsunDanaG: I don't see anything obviously wrong in that code path19:52
DanaGhmm.  It may be that the device is screwed up.19:52
yofelthevishy: cpu details: 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'19:52
ZykoticK9thevishy, not sure about the video memory, but to get CPU info "cat /proc/cpuinfo"19:52
bjsniderDanaG, i doubt it, but unless you're building it yourself or using ricotz's ppa you don't have to worry about it19:52
thevishynice ok19:53
DanaGhmm, works fine on my netbook that doesn't have the alsa-driver thing installed.19:53
thevishymy 1.87 Hz 512 MB ram is slow on HDTV movies ...so wanna know if ubuntu actually recognizes my video ram or is it a CPU problem ( which is unlikely ) CPU seems good enough19:53
majnoonok muted the digital thingy19:54
ZykoticK9thevishy, what sort of video card are you using?  "lspci | grep VGA" if you aren't sure.19:55
thevishy00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 0319:55
brbrr_got problem.using unr 10.04. and when i press backspace in dialog window in pidgin or in terminal(backspace and tab) my screen is blinking.just one black screeen for a sec for one press of button. how can i fix it?19:55
thevishythis is a 2005 year laptop , i installed lucid and am like doing fine except for some problems like HDTV movies19:56
sburwoodI have a problem with Thunderbird.  I'm using 10.04 beta219:56
EagleScreenI always see the message about disks are being check in plymouth splash, but they aren't, any workaround?19:56
thevishyi want to know the cause - ram cpu video ram or something else19:56
majnooncrimsun, i redid sound thingy http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=9a8a11d64fc926829c1c541aa8dc3035bfedb49f19:56
sburwoodWho wants to field the questions?19:56
guntbertsburwood: just ask your question  - anyone who can provide an answer will do19:57
sburwoodWhen I open Thunderbird, I got a message about compiz crashing19:57
sburwoodand it never opens19:57
greglsburwood, turn of effects and see if will start..19:58
sburwoodwhat do you mean? effects?19:59
sburwoodyou mean the extra video quality?19:59
nerdy_kidsburwood run metacity --replace in terminal20:00
majnoongot all but sound working :(20:01
nerdy_kidsburwood just dont close the terminal20:01
majnoonbrb to complain after smoke20:01
sburwoodtell me exactly what I need to type for metacity20:01
duffydackWhat is chromiums problem and it ignoring my font settings.. they're too small and it ignores what I set...uhh20:01
bazhangalt f2 metacity --replace20:02
sburwoodnerdy_kid: tell me exactly what to type for metacity20:02
JoshuaLwhy does ubuntu download and update ati drivers while i have an nvidia graphics card? Oo20:03
sburwoodcu later20:04
ibkanatI am looking for a way to slow my mouse down.... the Prefrences doesnt due enough.... Is this a bug worked fine before20:06
ibkanatI need it to be accurate for 3d modeling20:06
ibkanatI used xset m 1/4 in the past but that doesnt seem to help any more20:07
majnoonaanyone sblive cards ??20:08
ibkanatthe mouse is a Microsoft wireless optical Mouse 220:09
penguin42ibkanat: You could try openinng gconf-editor and fiddling with the setting in there, it might let you go finer than the ui20:09
ibkanatthanks penguin42 finally someone gave n answer20:09
penguin42ibkanat: I was suggesting /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse but all the acceleration and threshold in there are -1 so it must be set somewhere else?20:09
ibkanatthis the about 4th time on this channel with the ?20:10
penguin42ibkanat: Well I don't know if it will work!20:10
ibkanatat least a try for an answer is great20:11
ibkanathmm doesnt work... was the moluse handeled with hal before?20:12
ibkanatis it handeled with udev now?20:13
penguin42ibkanat: Maybe, but I would have thought the acceleration was X based20:13
ibkanatyeah hmmm surprised that I havent read about others having this problem20:13
nascentCan someone please help me? Ubuntu is reporting it is out of space on /home, but it shouldn't be. du shows all space used in the end result, but none of the subtotals for the subdirectories come close to it's final result.20:14
majnooncrimsun, you asleep ??20:15
majnoonin pavcontrol says dummy output20:15
ViaNocturna85anybody know why i cant connect the memenu to facebook?20:16
penguin42ibkanat: I'm guessing most of us don't have too precise mouse requirements, as long as it's about the right speed20:16
HawkMan_Anyone got an idea how to get ubuntu to recognize the ALPs touchpad on my Copmpaq mini 311 as an actual touchpad ?20:17
brbrr_got problem.using unr 10.04. and when i press backspace in dialog window in pidgin or in terminal(backspace and tab) my screen is blinkin20:18
ViaNocturna85when i use the memenu i can connect to twitter etc, but when i try and connect to facebook, i have to log in to the miniscreen, that goes successfully and then i click 'add' but it doesnt add it to the list...anyone any ideas why?20:19
duffydackViaNocturna85, did it allow gwibber access with fb?20:25
ViaNocturna85duffydack: it came up with a little screen on the right asking to be accessed, i logged into it and then it dissappeared and said success...then it didnt appear in my list so i clicked add underneath it, which did nothing20:26
duffydackViaNocturna85,  it should also ask to give permissions to gwibber to access fb content...20:28
duffydackViaNocturna85, look in your fb application settings see if gwibber is there20:28
ViaNocturna85duffydack: no its not20:29
duffydackViaNocturna85, when you put in your login in that window, it should then ask to give gwibber permission20:30
duffydackViaNocturna85, scroll to the bottom and click Allow Publishing20:31
duffydackViaNocturna85, remove the account and retry it.20:31
duffydackViaNocturna85, actually you have to allow a few different tihngs for gwibber, just click allow20:31
ViaNocturna85duffydack: trying again now20:31
ViaNocturna85duffydack: it only asks me to login at first, i then get a button saying authorize next to that it says Authorize with facebook, Facebook authorised20:33
duffydackViaNocturna85, no not that20:34
ViaNocturna85duffydack: i then click on 'Authorize' then get 2 screens 1 under the other, the bottom then disappears and leaves only the top one with the word 'Success' in it20:34
duffydackViaNocturna85, lets go through it again from the start..20:35
ViaNocturna85duffydack: ok20:35
duffydackViaNocturna85, remove the account20:35
ViaNocturna85duffydack: there is no account20:36
ViaNocturna85duffydack: except for flickr and twitter20:36
duffydackViaNocturna85,  add new account for fb20:36
duffydackViaNocturna85, click Add20:36
duffydackViaNocturna85, then Authorize20:36
duffydackViaNocturna85, login details and click connect20:37
duffydackViaNocturna85,  then it should be gwibber allow access20:37
duffydackViaNocturna85,  scroll down for the button to click20:37
duffydackViaNocturna85, see it ?20:38
ViaNocturna85duffydack: no gwibber allow access20:38
duffydackViaNocturna85, http://imagebin.org/9342220:40
ViaNocturna85duffydack: how weird, that doesnt come up at all20:41
penguin42do others have problems with a lot of the slides on here being mostly in Greek ? (I think it's sticking in Greek) http://lhc-commissioning.web.cern.ch/lhc-commissioning/news-2010/presentations/week15/2010.04.16-summary%20830.pptx20:41
blacksunsevenhaving trouble Giving SFTP users read access to some other directory (more info about my problem here http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9133075&postcount=10)20:42
blacksunsevenon a fresh install of ubuntu 10.04 b220:42
duffydackViaNocturna85, maybe check your fb settings?20:45
sburwoodI'm back.  "metacity replace" hasn't finished, but I see a message "Window manager warning: Invalid WM_TRANSIENT_FOR window ... "20:45
sburwoodIf I read correctly, Thunderbird updates have a bug or more.  Is that correct?20:46
macosburwood: all software has bugs20:46
ViaNocturna85duffydack: its listed under applications in facebook with having full access but im guessing its meant to appear in the gwibber list too right?20:47
sburwoodmaco, I mean in the topic of this channel, it talks of "Thunderbird broken in updates"20:47
macosburwood: go to that bug report and see what it is?20:48
macobug 56389320:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563893 in thunderbird "Thunderbird will not launch due to a recursive symlink" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56389320:48
ojiii can't get lucid to start x (all i get is shell), can anyone here help me get gnome running?20:53
thevishyhow did u install ? ojii20:53
ojiithevishy, i installed beta 2 from live cd20:53
thevishyhave u had x running at any point20:53
thevishyok , i would suggest do a sudo apt-get install dnome-desktop20:53
ojiithevishy, i did `sudo start gmd` and it told me it's running but i'm still in shell20:53
thevishyok , i would suggest do a sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop20:54
ojiithevishy, i'm not sure my wireless is running (how would i know from command line?)20:54
thevishyping to some IP20:54
ojiiyea not internet20:54
ojiiis there an easy way to share my connection i have on this machine (karmic) via a cable to my lucid notebook?20:55
thevishyif u have a router u can do it20:55
Odd-rationalefirestarter helps you do that easily.20:55
ojiiisn't firestarter a firewall app?20:55
Odd-rationaleit is.20:56
thevishydmesg  | grep -i wireless20:56
thevishycheck if that displays anything20:56
ojiii can't find the '|' on this keyboard...20:56
thevishyohh paste it then20:56
ojiithevishy, how?20:56
ojiioh you mean i should run this on *this* machine?20:57
thevishy| is like two vertical lines20:57
ojii(not the lucid one)20:57
thevishyno lucid is what i meant20:57
thevishycheck on ur laptop , give ifconfig command20:57
thevishyhow do u have a wireless , u must be having a router nah20:59
ojiii have a router21:00
ojiibut it's a macbook pro, i don't think the wireless works out of the box21:00
thevishyit doesnt i suppose too ... if u connect a network cable from ur MACbook to router , u shud have a net connection working21:00
thevishywhat happened to the MAC OS just curious21:01
MTughanojii: Right-click on the Network Manager icon in the notification area, see if there's an item that says "Enable Wireless".21:01
ojiiMTughan, i have no gnome running for some reason21:01
ojiithat's why i want the internet21:01
ojiito get the nvidia drivers21:01
ojiii'll try moving nearer to my router so i can connect the cable21:01
bjsniderthe crackbook's atheros wifi chip should work out of hte box21:02
thevishynvidia driver cant be the problem I think , but do a sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop to ensure that the complete desktop package is installed21:02
MTughanojii: What interfaces does "ifconfig -a" give?21:02
thevishyif u see a 192 series IP then u are most likely connected21:03
MTughanOr a 10 series.21:03
MTughanthevishy: And you can have a 192.x.x.x IP on the internet. It's just 192.168.x.x that's reserved for private use.21:04
thevishyright , thats correct21:04
ojiiifconfig -a gives me 'eth0' and 'lo'21:04
ojiiconnected to my router now with cable21:04
ojiistill can't ping google21:04
MTughanojii: Then wireless definitely isn't recognized.21:05
thevishypastebin ur ifconfig output21:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:05
ojiithevishy, I can't pastebin from a notebook with no connection can i?$21:05
MTughanojii: I don't remember if Ubuntu discourages this or not (I'm not using Ubuntu right now), but try "sudo ifup eth0"21:06
thevishyright ... can u just tell the inet address21:06
ojiiMTughan, gives me 'ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0'21:06
ojiipinging my router doesn't work either (assuming it's the default
ojiibut router shows green light on that line21:07
thevishyis the network cable blinking ?21:07
ojiion the mbp no21:08
MTughanMBPs don't have lights for the network ports.21:08
ojiibut that could be because steve doesn't want his notebooks to blink21:08
paul__ojii: out of interest, is there anything logged as to why X isn't starting in the xorg.log files? /me is having similar problem21:09
ojiiwell i guess the missing drivers (had to start with xforcevesa) is the reason i can't get a GUI21:10
ojiiwhere would i find the xorg.log and what would i be looking for?21:10
paul__cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:10
ojiilong log...21:10
paul__only reason I asked is i've got my log file ending with a segfault atm21:11
ojiiif i install the nvidia drivers and wireless drivers on the 'try ubuntu..' desktop from live cd, will that be ported over once install it?21:13
ZykoticK9ojii, the LiveCD is separate from installed version - so no they won't move with installation21:16
bjsniderthe atheros driver is already in the kernel21:17
DanaGweird... if I drive line audio INTO the front channel of my CM106 card... it comes out the other channels, though quietly.21:17
penguin42DanaG: I think a lot of chips are pretty configurable about whether they are input or output, also if you're doing it's probably not making the output amps particularly happy21:19
DanaGyeah, I figured such.21:19
DanaGAnyway, I did that accentally... unplugged and moved the wrong end of a cable.21:19
ojiiwhen i start booting i drop into a "recovery menu"21:19
ojiihow bad is that?21:20
Mianjoaopinto, still here?21:21
Miannokia3510, are you here?21:22
tetsuo00hello, im trying to downgrade my install of wine but synaptic manager doesnt allow me to select "force version"21:25
ojiigreat now my boot stops at irq 18 again21:26
ojiijust gonna try to get karmic to work i guess21:29
adalalhey, ii keep getting this error debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable21:29
adalal, any help?21:29
abeldHi! I am trying to install lucid from the beta2 installer, and I get a freeze when booting the installer. Any hints how to debug this?21:30
redHeya! I was asking how to keep my home dir private earlier today, when there are multiple users SSHing into the machine21:31
Mianbooting kernel 2.6.28 makes gdm hangs on lucid, any help?21:31
redI was given this http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/59021:31
redbut not really sure how to set it up21:31
redis that the easiest way to restrict user b from reading user a:s home dir?21:31
CT1Hi all.  Is there a way to copy all the packages I've installed to another computer without selecting them one-by one in synaptic?21:32
abeldI get a Glib-warning to the console ("getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id") and several lines saying "stdin: error 0"21:32
ZykoticK9!clone > CT121:32
ubottuCT1, please see my private message21:32
ZykoticK9CT1 you can also copy the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives to the new system21:32
CT1ZykoticK9: Thankyou very much.21:33
abeldred: simply to limit user a's homedir so that only user a can see it? Simply set the permissions.21:33
tetsuo00does anyone know how i can downgrade the version of wine that i have installed right now?21:34
joaopintoMian, yes21:34
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning21:34
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate21:34
yofelCT1: if you just need a list of installed packages that you can give apt, use: dpkg --get-selections | awk '!/deinstall|purge|hold/ {print $1}'21:35
abeldSo, guys, is this the channel to ask about lucid installer freezes?21:35
ZykoticK9abeld, this would be the place, yes21:35
CT1yofel: Thanks for the info.  I need to install them on another machine.  I've enough googling material now.  Thankyou21:36
Mianjoaopinto, now without plymouth, kernel 2.6.28 boots but gnome hangs immediately after showing the login scren and I can only hard-reset21:36
joaopintoMian, that is likely to be related to the graphics driver21:37
joaopintoMian, what was the bug nr ?21:37
abeldany suggestions what to do if the installer freezes for me? If I press f6 after the "pulsing dots" screen comes up, I get  Glib-warning to the console ("getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id") and several lines saying "stdin: error 0" and the installer freezes when it switches back to a graphical display21:37
Mianjoaopinto, but my graphics driver was working fine before21:37
joaopintoMian, you mean before lucid right ?21:37
Mianjoaopinto, yes21:38
Mianjoaopinto, livecd works fine21:38
joaopintoMian, the livecd uses a specific kernel whih I am not sure is the same you have installed21:39
abeldZykoticK9, any ideas how to get a more verbose error message or something I can use for figuring out what part goes wrong?21:39
joaopintoand it doesn't use plymouth (I think)21:39
ZykoticK9abeld, if you can edit Grub on the LiveCD you could try removing "quiet splash" to get text booting?21:41
abeldOk, I'll try that (running memtest now)21:41
Mianjoaopinto, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/56510921:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565109 in ubuntu "Upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 on Dell Inspiron 6400 makes the system unbootable" [Undecided,New]21:42
abeld but does that "quiet splash" only apply to the kernel booting, and not to the installer? the "pulsing dots" screen is already from the installer, isn't it?21:42
ZykoticK9abeld, quiet splash will remove Plymouth graphics -- the dots, so you'll see what is happening underneath21:43
abeldah, ok, so that's what I am looking for21:43
tetsuo00ikonia:  contrary to your believe, the downgrade process of a packadge is unrelated to the ubuntu version one is using ;921:44
ikoniaI fully understand that21:44
tetsuo00in windows i could just uninstall the current one and install the older one21:45
ikoniayou're not using windows, so that's not relevant21:45
tetsuo00on windows it also wouldnt matter what version i was using21:45
ikoniaagain - not relevent21:45
redi try to add an user from users & groups21:46
redit prompts me for a pass, I set it21:46
redthen when I close the application and reopen it, it states that the account I just created is disabled21:46
redI click enable and it asks me to set a password again21:46
joaopintoMian, please update the bug with the "removed plymouth, boots with kernel x.y"21:46
redand then its disabled again after I close the app21:46
ikoniared: please control your language21:46
redfrack :)21:46
redcan't seem to be able to set a passwd via commandline either for the new creater21:49
redjust tells me "passwd: password unchanged"21:49
maurii need help for my scanner canon lide 10021:50
joaopintoMian, new tipo21:51
joaopintonew tipo21:51
joaopintoMian, try to boot with the regular kernel, add the option "nomodeset" to the linux line21:51
Mianjoaopinto, tried this before :(21:51
redthis is quite odd21:52
ZykoticK9mauri, according to http://www.sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html#Z-CANON that's an unsupported scanner21:52
tormodMian, how far do you get without quiet,splash21:53
mauriZykoticK9: i know.....it is why i m asking fot a help21:53
joaopintoMian, what happened that time ?21:53
Mianjoaopinto, no difference21:53
Miantormod, it stop after booting hard drives21:53
ZykoticK9mauri, perhaps you don't understand "unsupported" basically means that "it won't work"21:54
cwillumy indicator-session applet doesn't show my user name or the im status stuff;  works fine in a new user account, and the indicator applet seems to be working fine21:54
Miantormod, when I removed plymouth, it gives repeteadly a message saying skipping mounting /proc/bus/usb because plymouth isn't available and then stops without a prompt21:54
mauriZykoticK9: i understand...  but i hpe that a solution could exist21:54
un214somebody broke freedesktop sound agian21:55
crimsunmore specifically...?21:55
Miantormod, wihtout plymouth, kernel 2.6.28 boots in recovery but gnome completely hangs21:55
un214no standard program can play sound (I've tried lots) but cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio plays static21:55
crimsunun214: fresh install or upgrade?21:56
crimsunun214: also, reproducible with a new user?21:56
un214haven't tried yet21:56
crimsunun214: please reproduce it21:56
joaopintoMian, your regular hang, is after the mounted drivers, do you ever see the splash screen ?21:56
Mianjoaopinto, no21:57
crimsunit's probably gconf's fault, which causes module-udev-detect to race with module-default-device-restore, which causes the init phase to take longer than normal, which causes the "always" /null/dummy sink to be loaded, which means apps appear to not play sound21:57
joaopintoMian, does it hang with the text on the screen, or does it change to something ?21:57
un214is there a way to bypass it? it won't let several apps play sound at once even though alsa can handle it.21:57
crimsunwhich is bug 55742121:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557421 in pulseaudio "module-udev-detect races with module-default-device-restore" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55742121:57
redheres what happends when I try to add a new user: http://pastebin.com/Kkj36Qyp21:58
Mianjoaopinto, no21:58
Mianjoaopinto, it mounts hard drives and just do nothing after21:58
guntbertred: tried it here just now - worked as expected21:58
redguntbert: it worked as expected for me couple of weeks back21:59
Mianjoaopinto, when booting with init=/sbin/sulogin then mount -a, it completes mount successfully and return to active prompt21:59
guntbertred: ah you didn't tell us that you wanted to do it from command line21:59
redall I've done since is a few aptitude updates and chmod 750 on my home dir :l21:59
redguntbert: well it didn't work from the users & groups menu either21:59
joaopintoMian, but regurlaly it just hangs on text mode with the mounted message, right ?21:59
redcould add a user but it is stuck on disabled status21:59
joaopintoI mean, boot normally21:59
redenabling it prompts for password, but it won't "stick"22:00
crimsunun214: I don't have enough info from your description above; try http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh22:00
Mianjoaopinto, when normally booting, it shows, the first two lines that are "booting from .............." and "starting up..." and stops22:00
redguess I'll try upgrading my system again and wish it works22:00
tormodjoaopinto, debugging startup with upstart is a pain. there is some docs here though: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/OMGBroken22:00
cwillured, what's the permissions on /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd?22:01
redbeen using this since alpha 3 so theres bound to be some problems22:01
joaopintotormod, we have been there already, didn't help that much :)22:01
Miantormod, I tried this and nothing different22:01
red-rw-r----- 1 root    shadow   1606 2010-04-17 23:57 shadow22:01
red-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root     2159 2010-04-17 23:57 passwd22:01
tormodwhich "start" made it hosed?22:01
redi can set my own password fine22:01
crimsunun214: I'll be back in ~25 minutes22:01
un214ok should be able to pastebin it by then22:01
redi take that back22:01
redactually that doesn't work either mmh22:01
cwillured, does sudo -i larryman work?22:02
cwilluer, sudo -i passwd larryman22:02
joaopintotormod, those instructiosn don't allow step by step start22:02
joaopintotormod, invoking upstart will hang22:02
redSystem error -> password unchanged22:02
cwillured, check your pm's22:03
VhozardCan someone help me out with the minimize-restore delay?22:03
tormodjoaopinto, right but at least he will have a shell, not?22:04
Miantormod, I can have shell by booting kernel 2.6.28 in recovery mode22:05
tormodMian, ok, I was thinking having a shell at the point where the rest is hanging22:05
joaopintotormod, the shell does not help because you need upstart22:05
joaopintotormod, and when you ruin upstart it statrts all the services22:05
tormodMian, do you have openssh-server installed so you can ssh in from another computer?22:06
guntbertred: quick test: type sudo -i,  then id (should give root, root, root), then ctrl+d to leave that shell22:06
Miantormod, yes22:06
cwilluguntbert, red's applying updates just in case that fixes something22:07
tormodjoaopinto, oh yes, I see22:07
joaopintoMian, can you reenable plymouth, and check the output booting without the "quiet" option ?22:07
NinoScriptQuestion: If I want a partition only for documents/movies/music, but I want NO settings stored there, what should I mount it to? is /home/username/Desktop a bad option?22:07
guntbertcwillu: he said so - but he stills seems to be online :)22:08
VhozardI mean, does anyone have a xserver-no-backfill for Lucid?22:08
Mianjoaopinto, boot with which kernel?22:08
slangasekMian: the new one22:08
cwilluguntbert, I'm also distracting him in private chat :p22:08
slangasek(the broken one)22:08
Mianslangasek, ok, will do and tell you22:08
guntbertcwillu: ok - I'm fine :-)22:09
joaopintoMian, 1) re-enable plymouth so we can get a "regular" system again22:09
joaopintoMian, 2) boot the newest kernel, but remove the "quiet" option22:09
tormodjoaopinto, I would suggest trying netconsole22:10
redguntbert: yes root has root priviledges22:10
redall the other things work fine with sudo/gksudo22:10
redupdate will take a moment, it's snatching openoffice and eclipse too :)22:12
red8min on 700KB/s plus configuring22:12
redso brb22:12
joaopintoMian, just let me know the last text which you get with "quiet"22:13
joaopintoops, without it i mean22:13
guntbertred: when you type sudo passwd thatuser, does the system then prompt you "Enter new UNIX password:" ?22:13
joaopintoMian, next, boot with the sulogin option, regular boot, and try "exec /sbin/init --verbose"22:13
redguntbert: no22:14
timboy_how do I restore battery icon in panel? after upgrade it's gone22:14
redpasswd: System error22:14
redpasswd: password unchanged22:14
Mianjoaopinto, last line I see is "[    8.672448] EXT-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode"22:15
guntbertred: then there could be an issue with your pam system - the system could for instance try to change the password via ldap ... (wild guess :-))22:15
joaopintoMian, add that to the bug report22:16
joaopintoMian, now text init --verbose :)22:16
Mianjoaopinto, booting with /sbin/sulogin then exec/sbin/init --verbose same last line except the number at start of line22:17
MrSunshinegah why is graphics performance in linux so much less good then in windows? :(22:18
joaopintoMrSunshine, because your graphic card manufacturer does not care about it :P ?22:19
MrSunshinebut its so much worse that it shouldnt be posible22:19
redemail ati/nvidia22:20
MrSunshinehell i had to turn ALL graphics down to a minimum in heroes of newerth in linux while i can have everything at maximum in windows :/22:20
MrSunshineon same computer22:20
joaopintoMian, the livecd which boots fine is a lucid one right ?22:20
redMrSunshine: is it a directx game?22:21
almoxarifechromium seems to crash when 'sync' is checked and it can not get thru the firewall, yet it does not mention a need to open certain ports, anyone else having problems with chromium with the sync option? btw, it's a tcp connect not a udp22:21
redopengl games usually run better than in windows22:21
Mianjoaopinto, yes, and to be more exact, I created a bootable usb flash from the iso image and it boots22:21
bjsniderMrSunshine, performance is 1:1 in the intel/nvidia situation, but ati is a disaster22:21
MrSunshineaparently :/22:22
Mianjoaopinto, but it fails to make a new installation and I reported this using appot as it automatically detected a crash22:22
MrSunshineMian, any luck with shift trick ? :)22:22
slangasekjoaopinto: I'm over here too now, btw ;)22:22
MianMrSunshine, no :(22:22
ZykoticK9almoxarife, bookmark sync is working fine here - but not running a firewall on the box in question22:22
MrSunshineaw :/22:22
MrSunshineworks well for me22:22
joaopintoslangasek, ops :P22:22
MrSunshineif i dont hold shift it just blanks out22:22
MrSunshineif i hold it it boots almost every time :P22:22
joaopintoMian, hum, "fails to make a new installation" is something new...22:23
Mianguys, I must go now as I am traveling and my train is in less than an hour, I'll be back at about 10 hours22:23
almoxarifeZykoticK9: I stopped syncing and no more crashes, I can't see what else would have caused it because it runs fine now22:24
joaopintoMian, ok, good trip, see you tomorrow :P22:25
maurii need help for my scanner canon lide 10022:26
almoxarifecat really call it a crash, it's a task that does not close upon exit, chomium-browser with a 350meg overhead stays around afterwards22:26
bjsnidermauri, you need a new scanner22:27
bjsniderit won't work22:27
mauribjsnider: it is a new scanner22:27
ojiiwhen i try to boo lucid almost all the time i get a line with 'irq 18' in it and it stops booting, anyone got an idea what's going on there?22:27
robin0800mauri: or use it with windows22:28
CT1Hi.  Is there a package(s) that enable an equalizer for sound? either system-wide or from pulse volume control >playback/output devices?  Any help to get me started on what to google is appreciated.22:28
ZykoticK9almoxarife, you might want to test with chromium-daily PPA and just see if that version is also affected - if the PPA version works, you should remove PPA version and report a bug against the Ubuntu repo chromium (sorry if this is a repeat, was disconnected)22:28
almoxarifeZykoticK9: I do use daily from ppa22:29
ZykoticK9almoxarife, ahh well perhaps you should do the opposite then, remove PPA version and try Ubuntu repo version22:29
bjsnidermauri, correction: you need a new scanner that's actually supported by linux, which is presumably your operating system of choice22:29
almoxarifeZykoticK9: then I would miss all the new stuff and have nothing to complain about :)22:30
mauribjsnider: ive just bught it22:30
ZykoticK9almoxarife, well ok then ;)22:30
mauribjsnider: ok tnk22:30
tetsuo00ikonia > judging from google ubuntu does not offer a solution here, but wine has a dedicated page for solving this problem ; http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/22:30
tetsuo00if i lock to that version my problem is solved22:31
almoxarifeZykoticK9: my biggest issue is this , google is calling me, I am not paranoid, but it does not even bring up the fact that I would need to open ports, I find that ood,22:32
abeldZykoticK9, thanks again, removing "quiet splash" appears to made it work, the installer booted and now I am installing22:32
ZykoticK9abeld, glad it's working22:32
ZykoticK9almoxarife, i certainly wasn't aware of the port/firewall thing until you brought it up -- figured bookmark sync would just use port 80 to connect to the google server22:33
almoxarifeI have found that removing 'quiet splash' cures a lot of ills, and I get to see where errors occur22:33
VhozardAnyone knows about a xserver-no-backfill for Lucid??22:33
MrSunshinebut the tide must be turning towards linux now with ubuntu etc, finaly a easy to use distro that works great =)22:34
MrSunshineatleast hopefully it will get more people and more attention from companies22:34
VhozardFor the minimize - restore delay on ATI cards...22:35
almoxarifeZykoticK9: I didn't either till I was introduced to the calling home22:35
guntbertMrSunshine: this channel is not as busy as the main channel - but please keep to the topic anyway - off topic chatter goes to #ubuntu-offtopic22:35
MrSunshineoh well =)22:36
almoxarifethat's just one of them22:36
un214crimsun: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=1e0d76fbd7a0770a4bec26b8047fa099b4a0a6c222:36
un214sound worked just fine for brand new user22:39
un214that's really funny this time when I log in it decided to behave22:43
CT1Could someone please direct me to where I should start searching for a way to get equalize sound (cut off certain frequencies, like kill switches, or a full blown equalizer) either for all sounds or per application.22:43
almoxarifeCT1: I use VLC, I am not sure the equalizer is that complicated for your purposes, but you might give it a looksee22:44
duffydackCT1,  tried pulseaudio-equalizer?22:45
duffydackCT1, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130883822:46
CT1almoxarife: vlc is great. I want the equalizer for flash videos mostly though22:46
CT1duffydack: Thanks. I'll check it out!22:46
duffydackCT1, its a system wide EQ22:46
CT1duffydack: Perfect!22:46
almoxarifeCT1: vlc works with flash video22:46
duffydackCT1,  I like it :)22:46
CT1duffydack: Thanks again.  I'll get on researching.22:47
duffydackI used to have to use xmms and winamp eq`s to get decent sound... now I got it whatever I use22:47
almoxarifeduffydack: what's the command for pulse-equalizer?22:47
CT1almoxarife: Thanks.  I'll read up on how to play megavideo with vlc.22:47
duffydackmy JBL premium sound in my laptop now sounds decent...  something linux still has to find out about.22:47
duffydackalmoxarife, basically add the ppa from https://launchpad.net/~psyke83/+archive/ppa22:48
duffydackalmoxarife, and install pulseaudio-equalizer22:48
almoxarifeduffydack: thnks22:49
ninjai__does anyone know if there is a good guide for wep cracking in 10.04?22:49
hyper_chdid the default font change in Lucid / KDE?23:06
VhozardCmon, no-one has a ATI card here?!23:06
Vhozardguess not...23:07
melkorVhozard: I do23:08
VhozardYou use compiz too?23:08
melkorVhozard: also there are channels specific to ati drivers23:08
CT1duffydack: Great.  it's *exactly* what I was after! :)23:08
melkorVhozard: I didn't see any questions you asked, but I have some compize enabled23:08
Vhozardyou notice the minimize - restore delay too>23:09
melkorDoes anybody here know how to install the 2.6.34-rc4 kernel on the kernel ppa It only has 2 files which aren't enough it says I missing something.23:09
melkorVhozard: how long is the delay?23:10
Vhozardabout 1 second23:10
Vhozardits a common problem23:10
melkorVhozard: I dont' have that23:10
melkorVhozard: when I had jaunty I had to install a specific version of x-org to remove that problem.23:10
VhozardI know23:10
Vhozardno backfill23:10
Vhozardbut I couldnt find any for Lucid23:11
melkorVhozard: but now I do not have that problem, I didn't when I first installed lucid23:11
Vhozardthats because you dont have the fglrx driver yet (?)23:11
melkorVhozard: I am not using the fglrx drivers.23:11
VhozardBut I am23:12
melkorVhozard: if you need help with fglrx drivers you can try #ati23:12
VhozardI only want to know howto get an xserver with no-backfill on Lucid23:12
melkorVhozard: check #ati, I'm sure there are people in there that are more familiar with your problem23:13
Vhozardill do that23:13
melkorVhozard: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1434064&page=19     they seem to suggest here it works fine.23:20
melkoryou just need to reinstall it.23:20
Vhozardill try that! ty23:21
VhozardIt didnt work23:38
VhozardIve still got the delay23:39
VhozardIm pretty sure now I just need an xserver build with no-backfill23:40
redmy home folder is chmodded to 75023:41
redunder my home folder is subdir/subdir223:42
redi want to make a symlink to subdir2 for another user23:42
redbut can't seem to be able to get the permissions correctly so he could access it23:42
CarlFKwhat is the ppa or something that has debug info so I can debug 0xb5ad6a6d in ?? () from /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libavformat.so.52; No symbol table info available.23:55
bjsniderCarlFK, what package did that file come from?23:59
bjsniderbecause that is not where libavformat is installed in ubuntu23:59
Ken8521red, that seems like it would be a security risk... depending on what you keep in home.23:59
CarlFKbjsnider: guessing it came with melt, which I installed from a PPA23:59

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