
darkmattervish: windows.next (aka 8) _may_ be going metro. I wonder if it'll come packaged with a free unisex handbag? :O13:58
twisted_steelare there any set of specs for tray icons to look like they fit in with ubuntu-mono-dark and ubuntu-mono-light?15:15
kwwiitwisted_steel: there are but they are not public yet...they will be coming with the visual identity refresh info15:16
twisted_steelkwwii: ah, ok ... I can wait15:17
kwwiitwisted_steel: but if you look closely at the icons you can figure it out yourself15:17
kwwiiit is quite simple15:17
twisted_steelany place I will expect to find them when they come out?15:17
kwwiithey will be on the wiki for sure15:17
twisted_steelcool, thanks15:17
vishdarkmatter: maybe I'll switch to Win8 then ;p17:16
vishfor the metro , well.. the handbag maybe just a bonus ;p17:17
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