
phillwrathin2j: I'm looking for a ubuntu doc on the installation, brb00:00
rathin2jOh!! thanks4 the info00:00
rathin2jya u can use HANDBOOK for that00:01
phillwall i see, is that you *must* use win7 to shrink the area, or else it all goes horribly wrong, I don't have win7 so can only inform you that I have not seen a set of instructions to use gparted, and many to say not to use it.00:03
phillwI have vista, which was the 1st one to change from using gparted.00:03
rathin2jya i wont00:04
rathin2jbut i generally use acronics00:04
rathin2jdisk director suit00:04
rathin2jit's marvelous00:04
phillwif i have access, i will use the win stuff to do win stuff, it stops the system screaming, spitting out the dummy etc.00:06
phillwif i need to get deep and nasty, I'll just get the surgeons knife out, cut out the the bits I need and let the rest go to the wonderful place of heaven called 'un-allocated' :-D00:07
phillwrathin2j: I do use general anaesthetic, the win system is not actually booted up. I may not like Win, that does not mean I am a cruel person ;-)  Heck, I still like XP and support it, it was the best OS they brought out since win98, which is still going well. I've just not really got the inclination to try Win7 with having 10.04 flavours to play with. So many variants, so much choice, so little money to pay :-D00:12
phillwrathin2j: I'm not sure if I am allowed to post this one, but it is just a real quick guide to the *buntu family, I hope it is of use while you make your mind up --> http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5200:15
rathin2jphillw: ya,u r right,and thats why i m currently running hacked win 7 ;)00:15
phillwrathin2j: I do not like hacked s/ware. 1) it is illegal  2) there is better stuff there for free00:16
rathin2jya  i know it's illegal but i couldnt resist00:17
rathin2jand on the same time FUNDING was a prbm :'(00:17
phillwso, your win7 will be full of trojans... yipee, i hope you and your computer helping the bot-net system helps you sleep easy at night, while I receive spam >:o00:18
rathin2ji can guaranty that it's without trojans00:19
phillwubuntu is free, as in completely free. you can do skool work in the required formats, you can draw, design, etc. all for free - why be a criminal ? I just don't get it ?00:20
rathin2jand r u working with security or something? ;)00:20
phillwrathin2j: as you have not examined every line of  code, that is something you cannot do00:20
rathin2jya i m a intermediate user,no doubt00:21
rathin2jhey dont think that i m supporting WIN or hacking \,i m just discussing00:22
rathin2jHEALTHLY :)00:22
rathin2jphillw: hey,every thing OK?00:26
phillwno rathin2j, i have about a zero tolerance of such things, so "every thing OK?" = NO00:26
rathin2jphillw:i m really sorry :'(00:27
phillwbefore i receive an infraction, i will leave and get on with some other stuff.00:28
rathin2ji didnt wanted2 hurt u00:28
rathin2jhey,hey no man i m currently on UBUNTU00:28
rathin2jphillw: OH!! i c !! u r a ADMIN00:29
phillwon my site yes, on here, no I am just a member who has signed the CoC00:30
phillwthat is my baby forum00:32
rathin2jphillw:sorry SIR,bt hough i hv to keep WIN bcoz it's a FAMILY PC thats why i keep other wise i m the last person to keep windows=-O00:34
rathin2jphillw: other wise i m  i m a full HEARTED open source supporter00:35
Raidsonghow many here use a PC?00:35
phillwrathin2j: there is no need to keep win on a family PC, the ubuntu family can do all of that, skool work etc for free, there is no need to have pirated software. That is a common mis-conception.00:36
Raidsongphillw, older folks are unable to make the change from windows to linux00:37
Raidsong*as a general rule00:37
pedro3005phillw, some times there is a real need for windows and proprietary software00:37
rathin2jbut my mom dad r stuborn MS OFFICE users :( thats why00:37
Raidsongrathin2j, and that will never change so dont try and force it00:38
pedro3005it is a fact that not all proprietary software is replaceable with open source. sometimes the quality is beyond inferior and other times it is simply non-existent, or much too complicated, unreliable00:38
rathin2jraidsong: no man,i m a full hearted linux user00:38
phillwRaidsong: I dunno, my mum is 75 and loves it ... no waiting 5 minutes while it boots the anti-virus / malware and does scans "When you get to this age, 5 minutes is quite important" :-)00:38
Raidsongrathin2j, but your parents are not linux users00:38
rathin2jthats the prbm :(00:39
Raidsongphillw, thats why i say *as a general rule00:39
rathin2jthey say "v use windows at work,so will prefere windows"00:39
rathin2jthats the case00:39
Raidsongrathin2j, there is a good chance it wont change you can try putting OO on the windows machine00:39
rathin2jotherwise i would b last person to keep windows on my PC00:40
phillwas a general rule, all they want is browser and for the youngsters some way of doing their homework in a word processor etc.00:40
Raidsongthat is compatible with windows office00:40
rathin2jit can also b done with OPENOFFICE00:41
Raidsongthats OO like i said00:41
rathin2jOH!! i c??! i didnt got that00:41
phillwfor documents, you do not need all of OO, lubuntu uses AbiWord which can 'talk' MS language, there are so many choices00:41
Raidsongi prefer OO since it does much more then abiword00:42
pedro3005these can "kind of" talk MS language00:42
pedro3005it is not perfect, of course00:42
pedro3005I've been idealist as you guys, but I've gotten more realistic00:42
Raidsongpedro3005, same here00:42
Raidsongand phillw i suggested OO because it has both windows and linux installs00:43
pedro3005Raidsong, open source is really good, but it isn't perfect yet. it is not always the answer, and it doesn't work for everyone. it is not indubitably superior to other choices00:43
rathin2jraidsong:u r RIGHT00:44
Raidsongpedro3005, i agree but it he wants any shot at all of transitioning his parents to linux through OO is the best way00:44
pedro3005Raidsong, I think he shouldn't even attemp00:45
Raidsongif i had the option i would use Microsoft Word 2007 home and student like i used to00:45
pedro3005attempt to do so*00:45
Raidsongits such a nice word processor00:45
Raidsongpedro3005, mine is not a place to question his action but to assist him in the attempt he feels is best00:45
phillwRaidsong: OOo is best for for both systems,00:45
rathin2jok guys bye,it's SLEEPING TIME....GOOD NIGHT :-*00:46
pedro3005I use Open Office and it works, but I've used MS Word and it also works... my use is not extensive enough to note a substantial difference00:46
Raidsongnight Raidsong00:46
Raidsongerr rathin2j00:46
phillwRaidsong: MSWord2007 gets a platinum rating for WINE, btw00:46
Raidsongphillw, wine is not the answer for everything00:46
rathin2jbye bye...00:46
phillwcyas rathin2j00:47
phillw(00:45:03) Raidsong: if i had the option i would use Microsoft Word 2007 home and student like i used to ???? and I suggest WINE ?? - confused, okay, so it does not take much ;-)00:48
Raidsongi duel boot a lot of the time00:49
Raidsongphillw, linux doesnt handle flash the way i would like and i often require windows for that function00:49
phillwRaidsong: as I am interested in the accessibility, I am afraid on my list of things to learn about web-design, Flash is pretty low down; I have to learn all about ensuring rule508 compliance before I get that far, although I do believe it is possible (Else why would they be putting a 'machine' up on you tube to stop a class action ;-)  )01:46
phillwRaidsong: I'm just moving some stuff around, I am lurking :-001:47
Raidsongphillw, not all flash works on linux many multi player flash games dont work01:49
Raidsongphillw, actually i cant think of any that work with linux01:49
phillwRaidsong: well, i find club penguin works very well, but they only have about 500 servers and 200,000 members .. I guess it breaks when you have more02:10
Raidsongphillw, club penguin looks like a neopets type game02:13
Raidsongthis computer is incredably old so i dare not try to play it02:14
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zeroseven0183What's up, man0riaX?12:24
man0riaXzeroseven0183: I'm trying to prune my Bonsai :D12:25
zeroseven0183Wow! That's good. You like plants?12:26
man0riaXI like them, yes. I'm trying not to kill them, though. :D12:26
man0riaXAfk lunch12:27
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* levone_Ubuntu is away: I'm busy19:14
nigelbabu!away > levone_Ubuntu19:20
nigelbabu!away | levone_Ubuntu19:20
Votebotlevone_Ubuntu: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»19:20
AJH101Hello I am planning to back up my home folder before a fresh install of lucid but have a qn about how to do this please21:37
Akoshi AJH10121:39
AkosAJH101: you just need to copy the folder to a safe location, especially the folders beginning with ., usually these hold the settings for various applications, and of course the other folders, which hold your personal folders (:21:40
AJH101Akos: do i install lucid and then just copy and paste the home directory?21:40
AkosAJH101: yes, that should be fine, of course some settings might not apply because of new features21:41
AJH101Akos: or should I imstall all software first?21:41
AkosAJH101: well in the home folder only the settings are stored, not the software, so yes, you should install the software then copy their settings over21:41
AJH101ok thanks21:42
GuegsWell, I just installed Ubuntu using the .exe. I will be back in a few seconds with any problems I have. :)22:23
jfoozie420ey how do i bookmark this chatroom??22:38
pedro3005what client are you using?22:38
jfoozie420is there one that you would recommend?22:38
pedro3005I use xchat and like it22:38
jfoozie420for sure ill check it out22:39
jfoozie420go it, its looking like an actual aim lol22:44
jfoozie420ey one thing tell me how to start with basic installations from certain directories22:44
jfoozie420i know they have those different file extensions, but im having problems when i download i open it up usually and think its like windows22:45
jfoozie420my mind set is completely wrong22:45
pedro3005jfoozie420, what do you want to install?22:46
phillwpidgin is okay for basic IRC, AIM, Yahoo!, MSN etc.22:47
jfoozie420like any basic file, i know they have a load of file extensions22:48
jfoozie420lets start with .tar.gz22:48
jfoozie420how do i simply just do a quick extract then an install in the terminal?22:49
phillwjfoozie420: what version of ubuntu are you using ?22:49
pedro3005jfoozie420, most programs you need will be available through Applications > Software Center, have you seen that?22:49
jfoozie420yeah i usually just do the quick sudo install, but when i download packages that arent on synaptic i have a pain of a trouble22:50
phillw+1 to pedro3005, you do not need to bother with tar.gz etc, just go there and tell it to install it for you.22:50
jfoozie420how do i just tell it to install it for you? permissions then allow as executable?22:51
pedro3005jfoozie420, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo22:51
phillwjfoozie420: nope, just click install, it will ask for your password & get on with it.22:52
pedro3005only do that when absolutely necessary22:52
pedro3005jfoozie420, what phillw said is on the Software Center.. but if you need to compile something that isn't there, you'd follow that link22:52
jfoozie420thank you kind sirs, i know its simply a blunt question im just trying to keep my basic knowledge to just a little level higher than what it is22:53
jfoozie420so if i might have a dumb question, just slap me with your digital pimp hand22:53
pedro3005we're here for dumb questions :D22:53
phillwjfoozie420: there are no dumb questions, just people too dumb to ask22:54
jfoozie420ill do it that way then22:54
jfoozie420its actually people too stubborn to ask these questions, i started ubuntu a couple years ago with no knowledge of things whatsoever and gave up on it22:54
jfoozie420but i came back, and you guys have been hell of a help22:55
jfoozie420thank you guys for sharing the knowledge lol22:55
phillwjfoozie420: have a look at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHBDd0GGWEY22:56
jfoozie420kk ill be on that22:57
phillwif a picture paints a thousand words, a short video clip paints millions :-)22:58
jfoozie420guess like i have to have a need for software sources22:58
jfoozie420thanks for that heads up phill22:58
phillwyw, that's what the people on here are for :-)  Hope it explains things for you.22:59
jfoozie420alright give me a little basic terminal excercise, how do i move a certain file from a directory. Like new file.txt from desktop to home documents23:00
phillwjfoozie420: there is a free e-book on stuff like that, give me a mo to get the link up.23:02
phillwjfoozie420: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105206523:04
phillwjfoozie420: a good place to book mark is http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=326 that is the forum equivalent to this IRC channel23:06
jfoozie420thanks brotha im on it as we speak23:06
jfoozie420its funny how theres so many different ubuntu derivatives23:10
robbmunsonjfoozie420, and equally as funny as there are more Debian derivatives....23:17
phillwrobbmunson: at my last count there were these http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=52  But that's only at my last count :-D23:19
pedro3005phillw, official, yes23:19
pedro3005unofficial, thousands more23:19
robbmunsonpedro3005, debian is the most "hacked at" distro ever....23:20
pedro3005robbmunson, ubuntu is technically a derivative of debian23:20
robbmunsonpedro3005, im completely aware ;)23:21
pedro3005robbmunson, figured you would be23:21
robbmunsonim thinking about going back to a debian install...but that was no fun, I hated it being so darn stable, I purposely poked holes.....23:22
phillwpedro3005: I have enough problems keeping up with *buntu, have a look at http://distrowatch.com/  for many more :-D23:22
jfoozie420robbmunson: yeah i realize that lol23:23
phillwrobbmunson: , join the *buntu dev systems, we have gr8 fun :-)23:23
robbmunsonphillw, im a tester =)23:23
phillwrobbmunson: which *buntu ones are you playing with ?23:24
robbmunsonwell, im not on *buntu right now...but I did massive work to Hardy...23:24
pedro3005phillw, I thought Lubuntu wasn't official23:25
robbmunsonpedro3005, its not23:25
phillwrobbmunson: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=377 is getting a bit boring, as we approach RC but Meerkat will start by the end of April23:25
pedro3005why, if Lubuntu is, aren't all other unofficial Ubuntu versions on the list?23:26
phillwpedro3005: oops, I'll update that post, it is noted here http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=65!23:27
phillwpedro3005: for the reason stated on the wiki page, that being it is aiming for official adoption23:28
* robbmunson tried lxde on another distro...its nice.23:29
phillwrobbmunson: Pm okay ?23:49
jfoozie420hello peace23:57
peacehi jfoozie23:57
peacei just recently install ubuntu on my laptop23:57
jfoozie420put up any questions here there should be someone that'll give you the info you want23:57
peaceto learn it more and more23:57
peacehi frank123:58
phillwpeace: what would like to learn ?23:58
peacei'm from irelan23:58
peaceanybody from ireland dublin23:58
peacehi phillw23:58
peacehow to install a ubuntu server on ubuntu23:59
phillwhiyas peace, I'd suggest starting at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105206523:59
peacei know a bit about vmware23:59

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