
thekornbdmurray, sure00:43
thekornoh, it's actually a post mortem ACK ;)00:43
bdmurraythekorn: yeah, I found the irclog of when we talked about it earlier ;-)00:43
thekornbdmurray, thanks for doing all the house keeping here00:44
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Damascenegood morning07:01
Damascenedoes any one get stack when go to guest session and then chose switch user?07:01
Damasceneany help with guest session problem?08:06
kklimondaDamascene: define "stack"08:06
Damasceneuser > guest session >switch> user = crash08:06
kklimondait works fine here08:06
Damascenestuck maybe :)08:06
Damasceneuser > guest session >switch(don't close)> user = crash08:06
DamasceneI mean stuck not crash08:08
kklimondaof course it almost never restores the screen when I switch users for me - I have to type xgamma -gamma 1.0 blindly08:08
kklimondas/for me//08:08
Damasceneso it's known?08:08
kklimondaat least if you have the same problem :)08:09
Damasceneno need to report then. it's already reported. right?08:09
kklimondano idea, check bug 55587008:09
ubot4`Launchpad bug 555870 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Gamma values are not being set properly after a second fade out resulting in a black screen (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55587008:09
kklimondabut it's not going to get fixed probably08:09
kklimondabecause we lack manpower08:10
Damasceneit should be disabled then08:10
kklimondait's not broken for everybody08:10
kklimondahalf of the reason why it's not getting fixed08:10
Damascenethat bug does not seem related08:12
DamasceneI'll try to switch user now08:12
Damascenestrange now it didn't happen08:14
Damasceneonly happens sometimes maybe08:14
om26erIts seems like gnome bug watches are now enabled. Good thing09:28
nigelbom26er, except for the mail floor09:30
nigelbit got enabled yday09:30
om26ernigelb, ah, was not here. The advantage here is now I dont have to subscribe to all upstream bug reports.09:47
ombrahi, i've found on my ubuntu 9.10 exactly this bug: http://blogs.gnome.org/hughsie/2009/08/17/gnome-power-manager-and-blanking-removal-of-bodges/12:00
jfiHello, I have registered 2 bugs few days ago that I no more reproduced since I update my lucid ubuntu. I guess the bug status should be changed, maybe a triager can quickly take a look?12:14
jfibug #55875912:14
ubot4`Launchpad bug 558759 in synaptic (Ubuntu) "Freeze when using "File>Save markings as" (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55875912:14
jfibug #54613612:14
ubot4`Launchpad bug 546136 in udev (Ubuntu) "Removable storage device not detected as block device (affects: 4) (heat: 20)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54613612:14
bencrisfordjfi: so the bugs do not affect you in lucid?12:33
jfibencrisford, I confirm that the 2 bugs do not affect me (since I updated my lucid this morning)12:34
bencrisfordjfi: oh, ok i see, if they affect an earlier build but no longer affect anything then i *think* it should be invalid12:35
bencrisfordhowever, if it still affects karmic (or earlier)12:35
jfibencrisford, #546136  does not affect karmic12:35
jfiI have a computer under karmic and my usb drive is ok12:36
jfithe bug has been introduced during lucid alpha12:36
bencrisfordok, im not sure what the status should be to be honest, i misunderstood and thought you meant that since you upgraded from karmic it has stopped affecting you12:36
bencrisfordi understand now12:36
bencrisfordbut like i say, im not sure12:37
* bencrisford tries to find an appropriate wiki page12:37
kermiacif a bug is fixed in lucid but still an issue for karmic it should be "fix released"12:37
jfikermiac: that's not my case, let me resume it:)12:37
jfikarmic: no bug12:37
jfilucid alpha and beta: bug12:38
jfiuptodate lucid (this morning): no bug12:38
kermiacfor both or just 546136?12:38
jfifor #54613612:38
jfiI did not test the other issue on karmic12:38
kermiac546136 should be fix released if the issue is not present in karmic12:40
jfiOk, I did the test of 558759 on karmic and I don't reproduce it12:40
kermiacis not present in lucid12:40
kermiac546136 should be fix released if the issue was present in karmic but is not present in lucid12:41
kermiac558759 should be invalid if you can't reproduce & it wan't fixed by an update. just explain that you can no longer reproduce & it may have been a configuration issue12:42
jfiok, thanks for the explanation kermiac12:43
kermiacnp jfi. the wiki page I linked above has all the relevant info regarding bug status :)12:44
jfinice way to say 'rtfm' :-)12:51
kermiacjfi: nice explanation on the bug reports :)12:51
kermiacwell, I wan't exactly trying to say rtfm... I just thought the wiki page would come in handy for future reference ;)12:53
yofelnew info on bug 504956, any JS hackers here that actually understand that? ^^12:55
ubot4`Launchpad bug 504956 in launchpad-gm-scripts "partially hidden comment in bug report (affects: 6) (dups: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50495612:55
nigelbabuyofel, for now, avoid highlighting12:56
yofelI know, it's disabled here, but it sure would be nice to have it working...13:00
nigelbabuoh, that way :)13:00
mdevenishAnyone else having problems with the latest version of gwibber ( and displaying messages from twitter, bug #56525014:15
ubot4`Launchpad bug 565250 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "Gwibber doesn't display messages (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56525014:15
nigelbabumdevenish, can try deleting your account and adding again?14:18
mdevenishnigelbabu: tried that, but still have same problem. Tried refresh, but still doesn't work.14:22
nigelbabumdevenish, please set the bug to confirmed and also add that you've tried deleting your twitter account and adding back14:28
mdevenishnigelbabu: ok, done that.14:33
nigelbabumdevenish, thank you.  someone should get to it on monday or so14:33
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shadeslayerhi,is there a app to triage bugs? i dont like opening my web browser :P14:56
shadeslayersomething apart from bughugger as its not working here14:57
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Tiibiidiilast week i tried upgrading my wubi install to lucid... unfortunately it broke, i tried to find a solution asking around to no avail... in the end i decided to file a bug report... but, even if i never did it before, now i'm giving up trying to fix it and will instead do it the quick and dirty way: reinstalling ubuntu... the problem is:18:35
Tiibiidiimy bug report is only a summary of what i did, what it happened to me and what i tried... without any file attached whatsoever18:36
Tiibiidii(usually i always use ubuntu-bug to collect these, but i obviously couldn't do that with an unbootable system)18:37
mccolganthat's an interesting predicament :-/18:37
Tiibiidiiso, before reinstalling i'm going to at least provide some hopefully useful files18:38
Tiibiidiiaside from grub.cfg, what should i fetch from my dead system?18:38
Tiibiidii(ah, yes... it's a grub2 bug afaik... didn't mention that before)18:39
Tiibiidiias of now, i've only found this page concerning debugging the boot process: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelBoot unfortunately  it's only referring to kernel bugs18:51
jpdsTiibiidii: Oh that.18:52
jpdsTiibiidii: I think that's because grub2 can't read beyond a certain number of bits.18:53
Tiibiidiimhn, i don't think that's the problem18:53
Tiibiidiithat was a karmic bug18:53
Tiibiidiiin lucid it's been solved18:53
ubot4`Launchpad bug 477104 in lupin (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 6 other projects) "After 9.10 grub update can not boot into Wubi install (affects: 162) (dups: 11) (heat: 834)" [Undecided,Fix committed]18:53
Tiibiidiithat's the very reason i decided to upgrade early to lucid :D18:53
jpdsOh right, sorry.18:54
Tiibiidii(trust me, even a grub2 dev believed that was the issue... and i went all the way to check the version provided with lucid... it doesn't have that issue anymore)18:54
Tiibiidiibut do you know what files could be useful to debugging/triaging it?18:55
Tiibiidii(aside from grub.cfg)18:55
jpdsNo, I personally don't use Wubi.18:57
Tiibiidiiok, thanks anyway18:58
Tiibiidii(i'll attach the output of lspci, not sure if it'll help... the kernel never kicks in, so maybe that's not truly relevant)19:00
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incorrectcan i ask if i have a bug to report here?21:21

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