
joaopintois there a reason for a deboostrap to take 5x more time on lucid than it did on karmic ? mostly on the unpacking phase00:00
bdrungbryceh: yes, ums would be only a workaround.00:00
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bdrungKeybuk: regarding bug #507613: i am not satisfied with the solution. why can't mountall mount the partition once the network is up? udev should help there.00:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507613 in mountall "boot stops due to failed mounting of a sshfs partition" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50761300:10
bdrungKeybuk: the second issue: pressing S or M does not have any effect.00:11
Keybukoh sorry00:13
KeybukI appear to have confused two bugs00:13
Keybukbdrung: some poor sod got told to add _netdev to their /home I think00:15
bdrungKeybuk: i forced a reboot and something strange happend: first it look like it hang. one minute later the prompt asking whether you'd like to continue or drop to a shell appears. i pressed S and M. then the boot proceeds and the desktop appears with a mounted sshfs partition.00:16
Keybukif you have anything to add to the bug, please add information there00:17
bdrungsomething strange goes on there. i will try to reproduce the behavior00:18
brycehpitti, slangasek, kees: I've added feedback from the three of you to the rootless-x blueprint page:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Rootless - it'll need further massaging to unify all the ideas, but that can be done post-uds.00:20
brycehmeanwhile feel free to elaborate on ideas further on that page00:20
brycehnot even really sure if we should still move forward with rootless-x for MM but if we do, sounds like there'll be a fair bit of work to do00:21
brycehsince 3 of the 4 of us will be off on other assignments, I phear for kees and raof ;-)00:21
bdrungKeybuk: adding _netdev worked.00:22
Keybukbdrung: \o/00:22
Keybukok, mount man page says you had to have that00:22
Keybuksince fuse doesn't imply network00:22
bdrungKeybuk: since which release does this option exist?00:24
Keybuksometime in the 1940s I think00:25
Keybukcertainly pre-Ubuntu00:25
slangasekkenvandine: um... ping00:25
bdrungKeybuk: :D00:25
slangasekkenvandine: the latest ubuntuone-client upload *still* has the string change in ubuntuone-preferences00:26
bdrungKeybuk: thanks for your help00:26
YokoZarcjwatson: I just removed libv4l from ia32-libs, you added it a long time ago, but we have lib32v4l now00:28
bdrungKeybuk: i updated the ubuntuuser wiki to avoid other user to have the same problem00:32
bdrungKeybuk: (and for me to not forget this parameter :)00:35
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Keybukslangasek: I gardened all the mountall bugs01:25
Keybukcan I have a lollipop?01:25
slangasekKeybuk: sure!01:32
Keybuknow to tell evolution I've read all the comments01:33
Keybukkeithp was showing me "notmuch" yesterday01:33
KeybukI have never wanted a piece of software so much01:33
* slangasek grins01:34
psusiKeybuk, I have marked up a bootchart with the area that appears to have almost no IO for about a second that seems to be caused by reading directory blocks during all of the open() calls by ureadhead for reference at http://imagebin.org/93343,01:40
psusiKeybuk, I was wondering if it would be possible ot hard link the files in the pack so they can be opend using that name where they all are in one directory01:41
Keybukbut then the path lookups wouldn't be cached01:41
psusiwhat happens if the file has multiple hard links?  does ureadahead go with the one that was used to open it when profiling?01:41
Keybukit open()s both01:42
psusihrm... good point01:42
Keybukbut only reads blocks once01:42
Keybukthere's benefit to getting those directory blocks into the page cache too remember01:42
psusitrue... but you don't want to block waiting for a single 4kb read to do it...01:42
psusimaybe you could readahead() the directory itself?01:42
Keybukmaybe, try it01:43
psusiguess I'll have to take a look at the tracing code now... I assume it was written to specifically filter out directories?01:44
psusihrm... it uses the same system blktrace does to trace?  so wouldn't it see the IO to the directories too?01:45
Keybukno, it uses ftrace01:45
Keybukwell, trace_event specifically01:46
KeybukI think blktrace uses something lower01:46
Keybukthough cbw01:46
psusiyea, it uses debugfs to relay trace events from the kernel01:46
psusihrm... so you didn't have to filter out directories then?  so I guess yuod on't get them... hrm... damn..01:47
Keybukapps don't tend to open() directories <g>01:48
psusiohh, ftrace hooks the system calls of the processes to open()?01:48
psusilike with an LD_PRELOAD?01:48
psusiwait... no... hrm...01:49
kenvandineslangasek, it does?  debian/patches/revert_string_change.patch should be reverting it02:07
slangasekkenvandine: oh, it's under debian/patches, how quaint ;)02:07
slangasekkenvandine: right - almost done reviewing, looks good so far02:07
kenvandinei didn't do it inline... to make it real clear :-D02:08
slangasekI find this a strange definition of clarity :)02:08
kenvandinedpm has asked the translators if they will approve it, so they might want to revert... but i doubt it02:09
kenvandinethis late02:09
kenvandineslangasek, well thx... i gotta go get these kids to bed :)02:10
Keybukslangasek: I can tell I'm going to get distracted by writing a GTK+ interface to notmouch02:29
Keybuknotmuch too02:29
slangasekKeybuk: bug #537133> if I fix portmap, is there still an outstanding mountall bug?02:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537133 in mountall "mountall issues with NFS root filesystem" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53713302:30
Keybukslangasek: I'm not 100% sure yet02:30
Keybukthe patch works around the fact he never got SIGCHLD/wait() for the mount pid02:31
Keybukwhich itself is a bit of an alarm02:31
Keybukso would like a bit more debugging02:31
Keybukneed another machine to test NFS roots though, so will have to wait until I'm home02:31
Keybuk"Hi robbiew, I went to the Apple store and bought a new laptop because I needed a second one to test a bug while stranded in SF, hope that's ok"02:31
akgranerhi all I updated today and all my social from the start accounts are missing from empathy and gwibber, as if I never set them up and when gwibber trys to open I get more than 10 gwibber windows that open then I close them all and gwibber tried to reopen this time opening 5 gwibber windows  :-(02:34
akgranerhas anyone heard of that happening today?02:34
slangasekakgraner: no, but there have been two gwibber uploads in the past two days; perhaps a bug report against that package is warranted02:37
mhallI am working on a kernel module which crashes when I try to load it due to some bug. Unfortunately plymouth on this lucide machine seems to be impossible to uninstall without also having forced uninstallation of mountall which seems dangerous. How can I cripple plymouth and just have a traditional pure ASCII VT with no framebuffer? Right now it prevents seen the crash dump, etc.02:39
mhallseeing the*02:39
slangasekmhall: boot without 'splash'02:42
slangaseknot that this disables the framebuffer - plymouth isn't responsible for the framebuffer anyway, that's kernel+udev02:43
mhallyes but with splash off, the fb driver usually does not load fortunately02:44
slangaseknot true02:44
mhallwas empirically the case in the past on other machines for me at least02:44
mhallor perhaps it did load, but imperceptibly, and in a way which did not corrupt the dumps02:44
slangasekKeybuk: what's your availability this evening?  I'm going to put your new mountall ppa upload through its paces, wondering if I should try to get that done before you vanish for the evening02:47
Keybukslangasek: I'm going to vanish in 43 minutes02:47
slangasekdoubtful I'll have anything meaningful to report by then :)02:48
KeybukI'll be back sometime later02:49
Keybukunless I end up down the Castro ;)02:49
psusigod damnit... can't call readahead() on a directory fd... think it fails because directories don't get a mapping02:51
mhallpsusi: what about madvise / mmap?02:52
mhallpsusi: i suppose mmapping directories would not work02:52
mhallthat's an annoying problem02:52
psusiyea, mapping doesn't work and it looks like the implementation of readahead() requires a mapping02:52
mhallpsusi: d'oh02:53
psusiat least in the pagecache02:53
psusiand it looks like directories don't get pagecache mappings maybe?  not sure but that's where I see the code path returning EINVAL02:53
mhallpsusi: it seems like the sort of thing which would be important for usenet, mail, etc.02:54
mhallpsusi: typical Linux, implement something nice, but leave half of it totally broken for no clear reason. :D02:54
Keybuksomeone is having a barbecue nearby, the smell is wafting into my room02:54
* mhall barbecues plymouth02:54
Keybukfortunately I'm going to a Churrascaria tonight02:54
ionWell, cat directory might as well output a bunch of struct dirents. :-P02:56
slangasekmhall: so does booting without 'splash' not let you see the crash dump?02:56
mhallslangasek: problem is, i removed all instances of splash from /etc/default/grub02:56
mhallslangasek: yet it keeps getting reintroduced on every update-grub02:56
mhallslangasek: and it is unclear what thing is reintroducing it... rww was assisting in main #u and was likewise baffled02:57
psusiread() refusing to work on a directory is fine, as is requiring O_DIRECTORY for open() to work on one ( doesn't seem to actually be required anymore ) but damnit, you should be able to readahead() the thing ;)02:57
slangasekmhall: it's being reintroduced *to /etc/default/grub*?02:57
mhallslangasek: reintroduced to the grub.cfg, sorry should have been more precise02:57
* psusi wonders how the hell directories aren't mapped into the page cache... you'd think that would be rather large performance booster02:59
mhallpsusi: i'm kind of horrified to hear it actually03:00
mhallpsusi: perhaps they rely on the inode caching instead?03:00
psusiyou mean dentry? yea, I guess so...03:00
mhallmaybe they do not expect people to low-level hack on the directory FD03:00
mhalli mean, once you run 'find' on a dir, any operations inside or on the inodes there do go faster03:01
mhallso something is getting cached03:01
psusiyea but the kernel has to read the directory to parse the entries... it should just have it mapped in the page cache for easy access and caching....03:01
psusiwell there is the dentry cache03:01
psusionce you namei() to translate a file name to an inode, that gets cached in the dentry cache03:02
psusibut you'd thing multiple nameis on files in the same directory would reuse the cached directory block... hrm..03:02
mhallpsusi: perhaps because the pagecache is not a very efficient structure for holding dentries03:02
mhallpsusi: maybe it makes more sense to store them in another way03:02
psusiwell yea, the dentry cache is good, but while adding entries to the dentry cache you have to parse the raw directory... doing that should not require reading the block from disk every time... it HAS to be cached03:03
mhallbut, let's say you read the dir, and push them all to the dentry cache03:04
mhallseems redundant to store the backing data in page cache eh?03:04
psusiyes but names only get put in the dentry cache when you try to open them03:05
psusior stat...03:05
mhallso the block itself does not get cached anywhere03:05
mhallthat's bad03:05
mhallso every new dentry from there needs to reread the block03:06
psusiit must be somewhere, just not in the usual pagecache way....03:06
* psusi reads more code03:06
akgranerslangasek, I'll file a bug just checked with some folks in my LoCo team they are having issues as well with empathy and gwibber - they need to be filed separately right?03:12
slangasekakgraner: that's best to start with, yes03:13
akgraneralrighty  - thanks03:14
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slangasekKeybuk: mountall still no worky08:01
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slangasekbryceh: xkeyboard-config> is an assertion that "this is how Windows does it" sufficient for us to change a keyboard layout?  And this layout already has the quotedbl symbol on the 2 key; eliminating the doublelowquotemark entirely means Russian-style quotation marks aren't supported08:49
slangasekbryceh: (I'm not surprised to be unable to find a description of Kazakh quote styles on the Internets, but the layouts here include "ruskaz" and "kazrus", which I would expect to support standard Russian orthography even if the quotes aren't used in Kazakh - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotation_mark,_non-English_usage#Russian.2C_Ukrainian_and_Belarusian)08:51
BactaWhat's a good way to contribute code to Ubuntu?08:55
BactaI have comitted some patches before but they weren't directly related to Ubuntu08:56
owen1dpkg shows  2:7.2.245-2ubuntu2    what does the 2: means?08:56
imbrandon9.5-0ubuntu1 > 9.4-0ubuntu1 but 9.5-0ubuntu1 < 1:9.4-0ubuntu109:00
imbrandonowen1: ^^09:00
imbrandonbasicly its used when version numbers get wonky, but its best not to use it at all if possible09:01
owen1imbrandon: got it. so if i tell someone to install a version of a package, i should also mention those numbers?09:07
imbrandonits only for dpkg09:13
slangaseknot exactly.  apt also uses it.09:14
slangasekso it depends on how you expect them to install the package09:14
slangasekif you're specifying a version on the commandline with apt, the epoch must be included in the version number09:14
imbrandonahh my mistake, i thought apt ignored it also, well not ignored but would work without09:15
cjwatsonYokoZar: thanks, fine by me09:18
cjwatsongenerally if you're describing a version number you should quote the epoch too09:18
cjwatsonit gets left out of filenames to avoid causing problems with certain tools, that's all09:19
cjwatsonbut it's still part of the version number09:19
brycehslangasek, I didn't really look into it very deeply, if you think it's not right, go ahead and punt out the package.  The patch should go upstream regardless, and if they take it we'll get it eventually.09:42
slangasekbryceh: the patch may be correct for the default keyboard variant, but I think it'll regress the variants that are meant to support Russian09:43
brycehI figured since the guy is a Ubuntu translator for that language and submitted a patch to change it, he knew what he was saying, but perhaps he didn't09:43
slangasekbouncing the package, then09:44
nigelbthe kazak keyboard quote bug?09:51
nigelbhm, even I was hoping upstream would give us a comment about it09:53
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slangasektjaalton: the pam-config integration you've proposed adding to sssd has some problems; the maintainer script integration is missing (calling pam-auth-update --package), and the 'password' entries indicate that password changes will not be possible for users with local-only accounts11:03
slangasektjaalton: and the 'Priority' field doesn't seem to follow the guidelines in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PAMConfigFrameworkSpec11:03
slangasektjaalton: so I'm rejecting the upload; will follow up to the bug report11:04
tjaaltonslangasek: oops11:05
tjaaltonslangasek: if I fix those will you accept it?-)11:06
slangasektjaalton: I would at least consider it; though I'm wary of such changes at the last minute, since the last pam config /I/ wrote broke all kinds of things for users that were only caught after upload, and I wrote pam-auth-update :-P11:08
tjaaltonslangasek: ok, I could drop that too11:09
tjaaltonthen there would be only real bugfixes in the upload11:10
slangasekthat would be fine11:11
tjaaltonalright, will upload it without the pam-config11:11
matumbaslangasek, cause you're talking about pam-auth-update: could you check if i filed bug 564842 against the right package?11:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564842 in samba "Installing winbind causes sudo to behave weird on SIGINT" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56484211:19
tjaaltoni'm having weird problems with winbind as well.. I get the krb ticket but still need a kinit to access my kerberized nfsv4 $HOME11:21
aburchIs there an extra channel for backports?  I was wondering why #550880 was not approved yet given that the dependencies are currently broken.11:33
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* antivirtel is back (gone 00:34:03)12:03
stikonasI've reported bug #565294 about the broken Lithuanian KDE translations.12:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565294 in language-pack-kde-lt "Plural translations are broken for Lithuanian language" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56529412:08
nigelbabu!away > antivirtel12:08
ubottuantivirtel, please see my private message12:08
ionUh. The private message feature is kind of moot if the bot sends a channel message anyway. :-P12:10
nigelbabuion, not if the original message is around 4 or 5 lines long12:11
Riddellstikonas: I've added Ubuntu Translations to that bug report12:21
Riddellstikonas: dpm is the guy to poke, give him a ping on Monday if you haven't heard by then12:22
tjaaltonslangasek: hmm, looks like on shutdown rpc.gssd is killed before the shares are unmounted, making shutdown take several minutes13:04
wgranttjaalton: Kerberized NFSv4 home, or something more sinster?13:10
tjaaltontjaalton: yep13:11
wgrantOdd -- works fine for me here.13:11
tjaaltonwell, maybe the fact that there are 100 mounted shares has something to do with it13:11
tjaaltonlots of users13:11
tjaaltonso it's stuck flushing them13:12
tjaalton15:11 < tjaalton> tjaalton: yep13:13
tjaaltonwtf :)13:13
joaopintois it plymouth do the KMS mode switch ?14:05
joaopintoargh, Canonical ppl shuld work on the weekends :P14:07
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ircipimpi'm still troubleshooting the nomodeset issue, since i'd like to have some "acceptable" boot process using fglrx. yesterday i was recommended using "nomodeset", but still the splash screen looks just like a 8bit magnified version of the standard splash.17:44
ircipimpis there a way to force plymouth into text-only mode?17:44
ircipimpplymouth-set-default-plugin text as used on fedora doesn't exist on ubuntu and changing the text.plymouth entry in /etc/alternatives doesn't work17:54
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ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone18:37
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jdongat what stage of initramfs is plymouth supposed to draw a splash20:33
jdongon my nvidia system, it seems like the splash only shows up after the root mounts20:33
jdongand barely stays on the screen for 2 seconds before X starts20:33
jdong(but there is 5 seconds or so worth of blank blinking cursor after GRUB before plymouth)20:34
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ionjdong: Sounds like the expected behavior to me.20:36
ionjdong: Not that the behavior is pretty or non-confusing, but that’s how it’s implemented for lucid.20:36
kklimondayup, plymouth doesn't start from initramfs - it's launched pretty late on purpose (see bug 540801)20:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540801 in plymouth "X server starts before Plymouth, or a very short time after (no or brief splash)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54080120:36
kklimondathere is a nice command one can use to make plymouth start drawing a bit earlier..20:37
ionYes, but it’ll make your system boot slower.20:37
jdongion: ok, gotcha.20:40
ionTo get a pretty splash sooner, you have to load an assload of stuff before doing readahead, which is a loss.20:40
jdongion: sounds logical -- just wanted to make sure20:40
ScottKjdong: OK.  Now that you're sure, go fix some bugs ...20:45
jdonglol hehe20:46
ircipimpthat's the list of packages jockey installs when setting up a brother network printer20:46
jdongwhat's unusual?20:46
ircipimpis this expected to happen... the list looks totally bloated to me, thinking that all there's needed was the correct .deb file supplied by brother20:47
jdongseems like it installs a QT4 based control panel and the Brother driver is an RPM?20:47
ircipimpyes, but it used to be a deb and i'm sure, brother-cups-wrapper-laser is all that's needed, as it used to be under karmic20:47
ScottKdoko: Would you please look at Bug #542634 and make a recommendation.20:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542634 in zope.security "Add python-zope.security-untrustedpython metapackage" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54263420:49
ircipimpi'm unable to select a driver from the printer settings. all possible printers are displayed but the "next" button is grayed out.20:52
c_korncan someone confirm that vino-server consumes a lot of cpu after some minutes ?20:56
slangasekmatumba: bug #564842 - I'm not sure if that should even be considered a bug21:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564842 in samba "Installing winbind causes sudo to behave weird on SIGINT" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56484221:27
slangasektjaalton: oh; should we avoid stopping gssd on runlevel [06]?21:28
matumbaslangasek, sudo reacts different on the same input depending on the existence of a totally unrelated package - doesn't sound like expected behavior (not that i would consider this anything but cosmetic)21:37
slangaseknot unrelated at all21:37
slangasekwinbind is an authentication-related package21:37
tjaaltonslangasek: how exactly can I test if that'd help?21:41
slangasektjaalton: well, I'm fairly certain it will help you, I'm just trying to think if there's a downside21:42
tjaaltonslangasek: heh, right21:42
slangasektjaalton: you can test it by editing /etc/init/gssd.conf and changing it to just 'stop on stopping portmap'21:42
tjaaltonoh, of course21:43
slangasekmr_pouit: when updating xubuntu-meta, please use the debootstrap from the current Ubuntu dev release; using the Debian one causes germinate to throw an error for the next person to try to update :)21:45
joaopintois anyone familiar with KMS issues with intel graphic cards, hanging during boot ?21:45
ScottKjoaopinto: Which Intel?21:46
ScottKThe i845 experience is known to be "unfortunate".21:46
tormodloads of i8xx cards were blacklisted for this in the last kernel21:46
joaopintoScottK, I have been trying to help an user which has been on #ubuntu+1 since yesterday21:46
joaopintobug 56510921:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565109 in ubuntu "Upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 on Dell Inspiron 6400 makes the system unbootable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56510921:46
joaopinto00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)21:47
joaopintodisabling plymouth he was able to boot with an older kernel, that was the best we have achieved21:47
ScottK945 I'm not aware of any major issues.  You might ask in #ubuntu-x.21:48
ScottKtormod: I think those were all 845.21:48
slangasekI have a 945 and it works fine; I've seen signs that there may be Dell-specific problems with 945+KMS21:48
* ScottK has an 865 system that is a little fragile, but working not so bad (much better than Karmic)21:48
slangasekjoaopinto: what happens when booting with 'nomodeset'?21:49
joaopintoisn't plymouth the one using the KMS ?21:49
ScottKNo, it's a kernel option21:49
ScottK(as slangasek suggests)21:49
joaopintohum, but how is it invoked ? the loads fine, he gets fine into the initramfs21:50
joaopintoso there is something after which invokes the mode set for the graphical mode21:50
ScottKjoaopinto: To avoid it, add nomodeset to the boot parameters21:50
joaopintoslangasek, checking, he did so many things :P21:50
joaopintook, will do21:51
slangasekKMS is "kernel mode setting".  It's /used/ the first time something wants a graphical mode; initially that will be plymouth, after that it'll be X, generally any bugs in KMS will be seen with or without plymouth because plymouth doesn't do anything clever with KMS21:51
joaopintoslangasek, ok, like I was thinking, so if we have disabled plymouth, and we are booting into rescue mode, and it still hangs can't be KMS related, or shouldn't be21:52
slangasekwell - depending on what you mean by "disabled plymouth"21:52
joaopintomv /etc/init/*plymouth* /etc/disabled21:52
slangasekdon't do that21:53
slangasekyou might be causing a *different* bug if you do that21:53
joaopintohowever, disabling plymouth makes it boot with 2.6.28, and then it hangs on gdm21:53
* hyperair wonders if the nosplash option works with plymouth21:54
joaopintoslangasek, it was just to be sure plymouth was not the one hanging :P21:54
joaopintoand according to some user which disabled like that it works :)21:54
matumbaslangasek, err, you're obviously right (common-auth...), shame on me. so you think this bug report would rod in lp and nobody would care? if so, i'm fine with closing it.21:54
slangasekhyperair: no, 'nosplash' has never been a supported option21:54
hyperairslangasek: the lack of "splash" then.21:54
slangasekhyperair: we use 'splash' - if you don't want splash, take the 'splash' option /off/21:54
hyperairslangasek: so it can be disabled that way. i was just checking.21:55
slangasekmatumba: probably so - the behavior of pressing ^C at a PAM prompt isn't defined, modules are totally allowed to retry21:55
joaopintoslangasek, "nomodeset" did not help, still hanging21:55
slangasekhyperair: dropping 'splash' means you don't get a splash screen.  plymouth still runs.21:55
slangasekhyperair: because even if you don't want a splash screen, something has to be there to serialize console I/O21:55
hyperairslangasek: ah i see.21:56
slangasekjoaopinto: hanging with a splash screen up, or hanging when gdm starts?21:56
joaopintouff, there should be some easy way to do step by step boot for this problems21:56
hyperairslangasek: strange, when we used usplash, it just completely didn't run, or did it? what serialized the console I/O then?21:56
slangasekjoaopinto: and does the user have all packages up-to-date?21:56
slangasekhyperair: nothing, that's why we *got rid of usplash* :)21:56
slangasekit was inadequate for the task21:56
hyperairslangasek: okay, then why do we need to serialize console I/O? does it make a difference?21:57
joaopintoslangasek, yes, he did an update && upgrade with livecd+chroot21:57
slangasekhyperair: because in the general case, mountall and cryptsetup both need to talk to the user at boot time, and may each have more than one question, and something needs to arbitrate21:57
hyperairslangasek: aah i see. thanks for the info =)21:58
slangasekif you don't have plymouth, you have *no* way of talking to mountall21:58
slangasekand everybody kinda needs mountall21:58
matumbaslangasek, it doesn't retry - it just shows the password prompt (as soon as i hit the enter key i'm back at the terminal prompt, even if the pwd was ok)21:58
slangasekmatumba: oh; then that sounds like a low-prio bug, yes21:58
hyperairslangasek: what does the user need to talk to mountall for?21:58
hyperairslangasek: wasn't it for the recovery shell and fsck thing?21:59
slangasekhyperair: when a fsck fails, you're going to want to talk to mountall21:59
slangasekhyperair: or when you can't mount /home because the drive caught on fire, but you still want to be able to boot and recover21:59
slangasekor when you misconfigured /etc/fstab and it's waiting for a device in the gamma quadrant before continuing21:59
matumbaslangasek, i'll edit the description to make that clear - but the package is samba and not pam, right?21:59
slangasekmatumba: it is *probably* samba, but I would have to dig to see22:00
hyperairslangasek: nice descriptions =p22:00
hyperairslangasek: i remember being able to talk to both cryptsetup and mountall in karmic, though22:01
slangasekdo you?22:01
slangasekmy memories disagree with yours22:01
slangasekI remember cryptsetup+mountall in karmic being a total disaster22:01
slangasekyou could talk to one of them, as long as the other didn't want your attention at the same time22:02
joaopintoslangasek, it hangs during text mode, no splash or error is shown22:02
matumbaslangasek, k, i'll leave it at samba then. thx for your input :)22:02
hyperairslangasek: i use cryptsetup on a daily basis. and during the days of 2.6.32, ext4 gave me endless hell. every other time i booted up, mountall failed and i had to run a manual fsck.22:02
tjaaltonslangasek: turns out that it's just as slow umounting them even with gssd running, so it's something else22:02
slangasekhyperair: cryptsetup for the rootfs, or cryptsetup for passphrase prompting post-initramfs?22:02
slangasektjaalton: ok22:03
hyperairslangasek: rootfs. i guess that made the difference22:03
slangasekhyperair: yep - the initramfs is already serialized for you22:03
slangasekso doesn't count :)22:03
hyperairi see.22:03
joaopintobtw, we have tried init=sulogin+exec init, it hang on init22:03
hyperairi'm glad i had a weird enough setup that avoided this bug =p22:03
slangasekhyperair: nah, that's how I'm set up too, but /I/ got to see all the bug reports from people who set up their systems differently.. :)22:04
hyperairslangasek: i don't envy you =p22:04
slangasekjoaopinto: I've tried init=/bin/sh and it doesn't work, I haven't investigated why22:04
slangasekjoaopinto: "no splash or error shown" - are you booting without 'quiet'?22:05
joaopintoI am sure it did that already, re-checking22:05
joaopintoI have checked the http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/OMGBroken , it doesn't help much to debug upstart if we can't start it without automatically starting the "hanging" task22:08
slangasekjoaopinto: if booting with an initramfs, 'break=init' works; you just have to run 'chroot /root /bin/bash' first before doing anything else22:09
slangasek(and init= failing is definitely a bug that we should get fixed in Lucid, I've just been too busy fixing the bugs that led me to *need* init= first...)22:10
joaopintoslacker_nl, well, booting with init=/sbin/sulogin works, and the / is already mounted22:10
joaopintoops, slangasek22:10
slangasekdoes it?22:10
joaopintoit does22:10
slangasekthen maybe I just have a local bug22:11
joaopintobut then the  "exec /sbin/init" to lunch upstart will hang22:11
slangasektry booting with '--verbose init=/sbin/sulogin'22:12
joaopinto--verbose is a kernel option ?22:12
slangasekno, it's an upstart option22:12
slangasekyou could also just do 'exec /sbin/init --verbose' ;)22:12
joaopintook :)22:12
joaopintobtw, it boots fine from the livecd22:17
joaopintoslangasek, it hangs after "[    8.672448] EXT-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode" with or without verbose22:17
slangasekjoaopinto: oh?  this problem *only* happens when booting from disk?22:20
joaopintoslangasek, yes22:22
tormodjoaopinto, try "nohdparm"22:26
joaopintotormod, tomorrow, he is travelling22:27
joaopintoluckily he had a lot of patience, has been trying for about 24h22:28
tormodjoaopinto, well you have a lot of it too :)22:29
joaopintoit was a good opportunity to re-learn the boot process, is not very interesting unless you have a problem to identify :P22:30
joaopintoafter this I may be able to write a wiki page, there is nothing covering the boot process in general, you have one about kernel options, another about upstart, etc, but nothing general to guide22:32
tormodjoaopinto, that would be awesome22:32
joaopintoit needs to cover: bios intro+grub2+kernel+upstart+core tasks: plymouth, mountall, gdm22:34
tormodjoaopinto, I started on an overview once: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Booting22:36
joaopintotormod, oh looks great, we just need to continue it :)22:37
tormodthat page mostly tries to explain how your disk is discovered independently three times after each other :)22:39
ScottKnhandler: Would you make me a debdiff out of 564070, suitable for sponsoring?22:39
tormodor in fact how this can be thee different disks22:39
nhandlerYeah, I can do that ScottK22:39
mr_pouitslangasek: hmpf, because it harcodes the debootstrap version somewhere? annoying :]22:53
mr_pouitah right, in debootstrap-version22:53
c_kornok, I think vino-server crashes and it should be reproducible22:58
c_kornI filed bug 56563323:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565633 in vino "vino-server consumes 50% of cpu (1 core)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56563323:08
c_kornis there a tag I should add to notice that I have a backtrace ?23:12
chrisccoulsonc_korn - are you sure you just enable remote desktop in vino-preferences? the backtrace shows vino-server got a SIGTERM23:14
chrisccoulsonincidentally, i can recreate the CPU usage issue when stopping vino-server23:14
c_kornchrisccoulson: hm, yes. might be that the cpu consumption started after I stopped it. let me try again.23:15
chrisccoulsonyeah, it looks like23:15
c_kornindeed it crashes on stop23:20
chrisccoulsonc_korn, yeah, that makes sense. so, i get your issue too23:25
chrisccoulsonwould you mind forwarding that upstream?23:25
c_kornchrisccoulson: is there some reportbug script for GNOME bugs ?23:27
chrisccoulsonc_korn - not that i'm aware of23:27
c_kornchrisccoulson: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=61606323:31
ubottuGnome bug 616063 in Server "vino-server consumes 50% of cpu (1 core)" [Normal,Unconfirmed]23:31
chrisccoulsonc_korn - thanks23:32
c_kornchrisccoulson: how can I link the upstream bug in LP ?23:33
chrisccoulsonc_korn - click on "Also affects project"23:34
chrisccoulsoni just added the upstream link though23:34
c_kornchrisccoulson: oh, ok. thanks.23:35
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