
YokoZarScottK: so the revolution R people are JUST NOW sending me their packages...00:07
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
MTeck-ricerSo.. how do you make a package for the kernel?01:52
MTeck-ricerOr is it pretty much just like any other package?01:53
crimsunpretty much, just read the knowledgebase01:53
crimsunmeaning: "essentially you need to read the KB"01:54
crimsunnot: "it's essentially the same as any other package"01:54
MTeck-ricercrimsun: I don't get what you mean, is there a wiki or anything?01:54
MTeck-ricercrimsun: thanks01:55
CThowhat is the distinction between PPA and backports?02:00
CThoor, why would a package only be in a PPA?02:00
crimsunsometimes it doesn't make sense to continuously push to $release-backports02:02
crimsune.g., daily builds of $package02:02
CThoso does the frequency of firefox patches push it above that threshold?02:03
crimsunI don't understand your intended question02:03
CThowhy is firefox 3.6 not in backports?02:03
crimsunfor which release?02:03
CThosecurity patches are too often?02:03
MTeck-ricercrimsun: wow02:04
crimsunare you not using the ubuntu mozillateam security ppa?02:04
MTeck-ricercrimsun: there's a LOT to that...02:04
crimsun^^ CTho02:04
crimsunCTho: also, backports is not intended for security.02:05
CThocrimsun: should that be set by default?02:05
crimsunCTho: you're asking questions that I can't answer for an entire distribution.02:05
CThoi'm apparently not using the mozillateam ppa02:06
ScottKYou shouldn't need to.02:13
ScottKSecurity fixes get pushed via the regular updates process.02:13
ScottKUbuntu backports are part of the Ubuntu distribution and you can be assured that anything in an Ubuntu backport has been checked by an Ubuntu developer.02:14
ScottKAnyone can have a backport and put anything in it they want, so you need to evaluate them indifvidually and determine if you trust them.02:14
ScottKPPAs are not part of Ubuntu.02:14
wgrantScottK: Did you mean 'Anyone can have a *PPA*'?02:16
ScottKwgrant: I did.  Thanks02:16
ScottKLong day.02:16
funkyHatIs it still worth working through FTBFS packages at this stage?02:26
wgrantfunkyHat: Yes.02:54
wgrantThe fewer FTBFSes we have, the easier LTS is going to be.02:54
wgrantIf we need to do an SRU or security update on a package that we can't build, we are in trouble.02:54
funkyHatJust finished bug #565152 -- doesn't look like it will be relevant to debian unfortunately as they have a separate ftbfs relating to gcc 4.503:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565152 in memcached "1.4.2-1ubuntu2 FTBFS in Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56515203:38
imbrandonouch not good i need memcached /me looks03:44
imbrandonfunkyHat: i havent looked at the debdiff yet, but i noticed you say in the bug that you changed a bit of code, you did this via a patch file hopefully, correct ?03:46
imbrandonfunkyHat: i actualy would like to see that fixed too so if it all works after a bit of testing i'll sponsor it for ya03:47
funkyHatimbrandon: yes, there were already some patches in the package so I added a new one. It's using quilt03:47
imbrandonfunkyHat: great, give me about ~30 min to look it over etc and i'll sponsor if its ready03:47
funkyHatimbrandon: great ⢁)03:47
ScottKIIRC there was a memcached upload earlier today.04:13
ScottKAh, which didn't build either04:14
* ScottK lart's zul.04:14
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imbrandonthis one looks fine, still doing a cursory test build though04:18
imbrandonfunkyHat: looks good build / test install finished fine, patch looks sane, i'm just gonna update your changelog entry to be a bit more desciptive and upload , ok ?04:19
* imbrandon is really suprised memcached isnt in main 04:21
wgrantIt's odd, yes.04:22
wgrantParticularly since LP uses it now.,04:22
ScottKThen that's probably a bug.04:22
ScottKBut if Canonical IS doesn't care, why should I?04:23
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imbrandonfunkyHat: uploaded04:26
imbrandonwgrant: just out of curiosity ( if you know ) what does LP use to run its python stack ? apache ?04:27
imbrandonerr apache2 + mod_*04:28
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ScottKNot in the queue yet.04:30
imbrandonScottK: [ubuntu/lucid] memcached 1.4.2-1ubuntu3 (Waiting for approval)04:31
wgrantimbrandon: haproxy in front of Apache in front of a Zope server running on Twisted.04:32
ScottKThere it is.  Let me have a look....04:32
imbrandonwgrant: ahh sounds like a fun job for the IS guys/gals04:32
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ScottKimbrandon and funkyHat: Accepted.04:34
imbrandonScottK: thanks04:34
imbrandonfunkyHat: and thanks for looking at the bug04:34
* ScottK hearts queuediff04:34
imbrandoni have fell in love with offlineimap, i have no idea why i never used the GREAT tool untill this week04:35
persiaYou were participating in the movement to avoid email at all costs?04:36
ScottKimbrandon: Would you mind taking a look at libgda4 and making a recommendation.  It's FTBFS in lucas_' rebuild and we're several upstream versions behind.  What's the shortest/safest path to something that builds.04:36
imbrandonpersia: lol04:37
imbrandonScottK: sure04:37
imbrandonScottK: upstream or upstream;upstream ? ( did that make sense ? e.g. Debian or further up )04:39
ScottKimbrandon: Debian.04:39
imbrandonmy gut says a sync but lemme look at our deltas and such though04:40
imbrandon( havent even looked yet )04:40
wgrantScottK: That reminds me. I should see how hard it is to hook the diffs up into the UI.04:41
* wgrant suspects three lines of template should do it.04:41
imbrandondget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/libg/libgda4/libgda4_4.0.8-1.dsc04:57
imbrandonScottK: it looks like it can be just a solid sync, they have adopted all our deltas ( even the ones they dident need specifcly for debian , how nice of them ) BUT it might ftbfs on x86_6405:00
imbrandonthats what i'm checking now05:00
imbrandonper lp bug 53737905:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537379 in libgda4 "Sync libgda4 4.0.8-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53737905:00
ScottKAlso look at the rdepends and see if it might affect any of them negatively.05:00
imbrandonsuprisingly it has very few rdepends, but ya checkign them05:03
ScottKimbrandon: BTW, this one is in Main, so it's useful for your core-dev reactivation05:07
imbrandonScottK: i noticed ;)05:12
imbrandonScottK: looks like it builds fine on x86_64 too05:56
imbrandondunno why it is not in debian05:56
imbrandonanyhow looks like a solid sync, all deltas are accounted for, i'll say so on the bug05:56
imbrandonif you wanna do the honors05:56
imbrandonrdepends are also fine05:56
imbrandonthere are only 3 real ones and none will be affected05:56
ScottKimbrandon: File the sync request then and give me the bug number so I can ack it.05:59
ScottKExplain how much you tested it05:59
imbrandonScottK: bug 53737906:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537379 in libgda4 "Sync libgda4 4.0.8-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53737906:08
ScottKimbrandon: Ack'ed.  Thanks.06:11
ScottKimbrandon: Want another one?06:11
ScottKimbrandon: How about flite3 ee http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi06:18
ScottKimbrandon: err flite 1.3-release-206:19
imbrandonstrange ver nums ;)06:20
imbrandonsf.net hosts thinkgeek ? wow never knew06:21
imbrandonScottK: please check bug 56520707:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565207 in flite "Sync flite flite-1.4-release-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56520707:14
imbrandonScottK: btw per the jorge and planet ...07:27
* imbrandon hugs ScottK 07:27
imbrandonScottK: bug updated ( FFe info added )07:49
imbrandonScottK: ping08:17
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dutchiehi, I'm looking at pushing a fix to bug 64917 into my ppa. I've added a libwebkit-dev Build-Depends: into the debian/control.in file, but I can't work out how to regenerate the debian/control file from it11:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 64917 in rhythmbox "Description of podcast episodes doesn't support HMTL formatting" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6491711:46
chrisccoulsondutchie - the debian/control file should be regenerated automatically when you build the source package (debuild -S)11:54
chrisccoulsonAFAIR it's regenerated as part of the clean target11:54
chrisccoulsondutchie - /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/uploaders.mk has the hook for regenerating it, in case you are curious11:58
dutchiecool, thanks11:58
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lfaraoneWould any MOTU have a chance to approve the merge of a SRU to {Karmic, Jaunty, Intrepid} in bug 301190? (already been approved by ~ubuntu-sru)16:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301190 in etoys "etoys does not launch" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30119016:01
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kobriencan someone review a patch for me in lucid libruby?16:48
kobrienbug 56143216:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561432 in ruby1.8 "Improper undefined method error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56143216:49
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kobrienlfaraone: thanks18:33
lfaraonekobrien: no problem. looks fine, but I'm not a MOTU :)18:35
kobrienlfaraone: ah, I see. so what happens next?18:37
lfaraonekobrien: we wait for a sponsor (who *is* a MOTU) to go through the sponsorship list and commit your fix.18:38
hyperairlfaraone: you aren't? i thought you were.18:38
kobrienhyperair: are you?18:38
* hyperair is.18:38
hyperaira motu with no time.18:39
kobrienI see, I know my patch works. Wouldn't take long :).18:39
hyperairwait until after my exams and i'll look through anything you like.18:39
lfaraonehyperair: heh, thanks, feel free to mention that on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LukeFaraone/MOTUApp when you *do* have time :)18:39
kobrienlol, I know the feeling18:39
hyperairlfaraone: sure ;-)18:39
hyperairkobrien: glad you understand =)18:39
kobrienhyperair: I've got 2.5 weeks to finish off my project and thesis. :)18:40
lfaraonehyperair: actually, I just remembered ruby is in main, so we'll need to snag a core dev.18:40
kobrienwell, I'm sure a motu will get to it. As soon as the thesis is done, I'm full steam for becoming a motu. :)18:41
hyperairkobrien: i've got 6 days to cover 2 months worth of study backlog ;-)18:41
kobrienRoAkSoAx: ping18:41
RoAkSoAxkobrien, pong18:41
kobrienhyperair: good luck18:41
hyperairkobrien: thanks18:41
* lfaraone seconds kobrien wrt hyperair.18:41
hyperairlfaraone: thanks18:42
RoAkSoAxkobrien, how may I help you18:42
kobrienRoAkSoAx: are you a motu?18:42
hyperairi guess that's how grim my situation is eh >_>18:42
RoAkSoAxkobrien, yep18:42
kobriengood you review a patch for me?18:42
RoAkSoAxkobrien, bug?18:42
lfaraonekobrien: you don't just need a motu, you need a core dev.18:42
RoAkSoAxbug #?18:42
lfaraoneRoAkSoAx: bug 56143218:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561432 in ruby "Improper undefined method error" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56143218:42
kobrienoh ok, I misunderstood18:42
lfaraonekobrien: I misspoke earlier, no worries.18:43
RoAkSoAxkobrien, ruby is in main so you'll need a core dev18:44
kobrienRoAkSoAx: thanks. Seeing as how someone has subscribed "ubuntu sponsors" and "ruby motu" to the bug, do I need to do anything more?18:45
geserbe patient :)18:46
kobriencool cool. :)18:46
lfaraonegeser: hm. that won't make it into lucid, will it...18:47
RoAkSoAxkobrien, nope, just wait for someone to review it and upload it18:47
kobrienRoAkSoAx: cheers18:47
lfaraoneRoAkSoAx: but while we have your attention, could you review the merge proposals for SRUing bug 301190 ?18:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301190 in etoys "etoys does not launch" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30119018:47
geserlfaraone: hard to tell18:47
lfaraoneRoAkSoAx: (it's the same change in each SRU, and I tested/built each in their own VM)18:48
RoAkSoAxlfaraone, ok will take a look at it18:50
lfaraoneRoAkSoAx: thanks :)18:50
kobrieneh, someone has changed my bug to wishlist but I really don't agree.18:53
kobrienah, it's RoAkSoAx :)18:54
RoAkSoAxkobrien, whenever you subscribe to ubuntu-sponsors you changed the bug to confirmed, and if possible, to wishlist18:55
kobrieni see, so is it still considered a bug, cause it is incorrect behaviour of the code?18:55
RoAkSoAxlfaraone, I'd get approvel from ubuntu-sru first, and then I'll sponsor your upload. And could you please provide buildlogs (of PPAs if possible) to test it?18:56
lfaraoneRoAkSoAx: uh, I thought persia approved it when he accepted the SRU request. Did I miss something?18:56
RoAkSoAxlfaraone, i dont see any sru ack18:57
persiaI didn't approve anything but the nomination.18:58
RoAkSoAxlfaraone, ^^18:58
RoAkSoAxkobrien, yes whenever you subscribe to ubuntu-sponsors mark the bug as confirmed19:00
kobrienRoAkSoAx: personally I can't19:00
RoAkSoAxkobrien, btw... I just saw that ruby1.8 is using a patch system. You should make your change in a patch19:01
kobrienRoAkSoAx: debdiff won't work? there's a link in the bugreport to a ruby site with a patch.19:02
RoAkSoAxkobrien, yes you have to attache the debdiff, however, you are modifying the source directly. You need to create a patch and make the change in the patch19:03
kobrienRoAkSoAx: ah, I've found docs, ok. thanks19:06
RoAkSoAxkobrien, i have unsubscribe your bug from ubuntu-sponsors for now, subscribe again when you made the proper changes..19:07
kobrienRoAkSoAx: ok, understood19:08
lfaraonepersia: my apologies. would you have time to review the attached branches?19:53
persialfaraone: I can't approve an SRU: you really want someone in the SRU team.19:56
lfaraonejdong: poke.20:01
jdonglfaraone: yeah, what bug number?20:03
lfaraonejdong: bug 30119020:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301190 in etoys "etoys does not launch" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30119020:04
jdongapologies, I'm a bit behind in my SRU bug tracking.20:05
lfaraonejdong: no problem, I only posted it two days ago :)20:06
jdonglfaraone: ok, you've got a SRU ack :)20:07
jdongI do like the shiny new workflow with bzr :)20:07
lfaraonejdong: you and me both. I detested debdiffs, and the pretty colors make it easy to review.20:12
lfaraoneRoAkSoAx: see above :)20:12
hyperairdebdiffs rock.20:12
jdonglol and I started a war ;-)20:12
lfaraonehyperair: but when you need to make a fix you need to build a new source package, generate the debdiff, upload it as an attachment... :P20:12
lfaraone(vs. "commit, push, wait")20:13
hyperairlfaraone: actually no you don't.20:13
hyperairlfaraone: the thing about debdiffs are that... they are diffs.20:13
hyperairlfaraone: any -p1 diff would do.20:13
lfaraonehyperair: good point :)20:13
hyperairmy workflow is: git diff <old-tag>, and fire off an email20:13
lfaraonewell, we'll have both methods working for the immediate future; I don't think anybody's suggesting we dump them, I just think new people may find it easier. But I should shut up, since I havne't done testing.20:14
hyperairlfaraone: there are many who share that opinion20:15
hyperairlfaraone: but i just dislike bzr.20:15
* ScottK tried the new way and found it slower and more complex so far.20:21
directhexScottK, i tried it, then hyperair informed me (correctly) that the bzr branch on launchpad wasn't the same as the package in the archive. which annoyed me20:27
ScottKI can imagine.20:28
directhexgiven i'd spent my time preparing a bunch of changes which were already in the archive but not in bzr20:28
lfaraonedirecthex: interesting. usually it is only 12h behind or so.20:29
Laney12h is way more than 0h20:30
lfaraoneLaney: ideally, we'd use push mirroring :)20:30
directhexit's a good thing we don't have a release coming, or an un-warned 12h delay between developer doing one thing and being able to make changes to it would be vexatious20:30
hyperairi imagine it must take 12 hours to import all the changes made in the archive into the bzr trees >_>20:30
LaneyI just accidently put Britain's Got Talent on20:31
* Laney scrubs eyes with acid20:31
* ScottK notes a distressing lack of stuff to review in the queue. Please fix stuff.20:31
* Rhonda sighs.20:31
hyperairScottK: if you have main upload privileges go upload indicator-application please =p20:31
directhexLaney, i thought that wasn't until thursday evening20:32
Laneydunno, check ITV1 if you dare20:32
ScottKI do, but I'm not going to touch that one.  Also, stuff I upload, I can't accept.20:32
RhondaScottK: Good that I asked you to sync wesnoth 1:1.8-1 right ahead, seems my support for parallel build in 1:1.8-2 is giving troubles, at least on Debian buildds. %-/20:32
ScottKRhonda: I was about to ask.20:32
hyperairScottK: oh yeah, i filed a sync request about nautilus-share.20:33
ScottKRhonda: Is there anything in -2 we should cherrypick for a -1ubunu1 upload?20:33
RhondaScottK: The two patches that I pulled from upstream would make a lot of sense, yes.20:34
hyperairbug #56541820:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565418 in nautilus-share "Sync nautilus-share (main) 0.7.2-13 from Debian Unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56541820:34
ScottKhyperair: It's best to wait for an archive admin with shell access to deal with the syncs.20:34
hyperairScottK: okay.20:35
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ScottKRhonda: If we could get a bug with a debdiff, then we could get that going.20:35
hyperairScottK: i think it still needs an ack from someone with main-upload-privileges though.20:35
ScottKhyperair: I don't really know enough about Gnome stuff to have an opinion.20:35
hyperairScottK: alright then20:36
Laneyhow does the rcbugs page look?20:38
lfaraoneit's always interesting to see "ubuntu1) karmic" in debian changelogs :) http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/n/ncpfs/ncpfs_2.2.6-7/changelog.html20:38
Laneylooks like those changes should have been forwarded20:39
lfaraoneLaney: they were merged back, yes.20:39
ScottKLaney: Lots of bugs on it.20:39
* lfaraone is currently looking at syncing ncpfs.20:39
Laneypulled though, not pushed20:39
sistpotyScottK: can you take a look at bug #542634 please? I'm a little bit lost there :/20:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542634 in zope.security "Add python-zope.security-untrustedpython metapackage" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54263420:45
* ScottK is confused too.20:48
* imbrandon is always confused20:50
ScottKsistpoty: Let's see if we can get an opinion from doko20:50
imbrandonScottK: did you see my note about libgda ?20:50
ScottKimbrandon: I did.  I subscribed the release team.  I think it's reasonable, but didn't want to decide all by myself20:50
imbrandonbdrung: ping ( re: apt-mirror )20:51
ajmitchsistpoty: sorry that I didn't comment on it, but I don't know that part well enough20:51
sistpotyk, thanks ScottK and ajmitch20:52
ajmitchzope has further turned into small piles of black magic :)20:53
lfaraoneajmitch: it's always been magic :P20:54
ajmitchbut they've cut it up into smaller piles20:54
ajmitchScottK: do you know if ~ubuntu-archive is still syncing packages?20:54
bdrungimbrandon: pong20:55
ScottKajmitch: It's a matter if someone has time.20:55
ScottKShould be so.20:55
ajmitchso I have to bribe someone, or perhaps change the importance away from wishlist20:55
ScottKJust put something suitable RC sounding in the description.20:56
ajmitch"package is burnt toast with php 5.3"20:56
imbrandonbdrung: i seen you applied ( and authored ) a few patches in apt-mirror, just wanted to let you know i have commited those to upstreams svn today20:57
imbrandonso they will be in the next release ( maybe today if i can get the other patches ready )20:57
bdrungimbrandon: great20:58
ScottKbdrung: Is Audacious all sorted out?20:58
bdrungimbrandon: one thing that does not work properly: killing apt-mirror with ctrl+c (it kills only a subprocess)20:59
bdrungScottK: no, two bugs remain: bug #564087 and #56409220:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564087 in g15daemon-audacious "FTBFS against audacious 2.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56408720:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564092 in xmp "FTBFS against audacious 2.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56409220:59
imbrandonbdrung: probably, never thought about it being run interactively, my mindset is normaly run as a cron, but yea i'll have a look at that21:00
ScottKsistpoty: Since you approved the audacious FFe, I think you should help with those.21:00
bdrungimbrandon: thanks21:00
lfaraonebdrung: hm. whenever I kill it, the network IO stops, so I assume the threads die with it.21:00
sistpotycrap, that's what you got for only checking rdepends but not build-rdepends21:00
lfaraonebut the lockfile does not go away :)21:00
imbrandonlfaraone: yea the lockfile bug is fixed in svn now21:01
* sistpoty fixes21:01
bdrungsistpoty: and i forgot to check it completely.21:10
sistpotywell, yeah, things happen... :(21:10
bdrunglfaraone: do you use the latest version?21:10
lfaraonebdrung: no, I mean the version in karmic. Is there a behavioral change in this regard in Lucid?21:12
ScottKsistpoty: I'd appreciate your opinion on Bug 561631.21:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561631 in libpcap "Lucid Sync-Request FFE libpcap version 1.1.1" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56163121:13
bdrunglfaraone: yes, the lock file removal is fixed in lucid21:14
imbrandonyes, and once 0.4.7 is out i'm going to do a -backport, just need to find enough fingers to get it all done ;)21:17
bdrungimbrandon: backport?21:18
imbrandonfor apt-mirror to older supported releases21:18
sistpotyScottK: libpcap is in main, and has very many rdepends, I fear I'll need to thouroughly review the entire diff21:18
ScottKsistpoty: I think it's worth considering, but I don't know enough to really decide.21:19
bdrungimbrandon: which releases?21:29
imbrandonbdrung: all that are still under support, should be fairly simple given the lax dependencys21:31
crimsunsistpoty: it's a bit big for my comfort, but I understand the discomfort with carrying the current version for 5 years, too.21:31
crimsunsistpoty: I'm happy to help; there seem to be only 3 source packages that b-d on libpcap0.8-dev21:32
crimsun3 in main, that is21:33
sistpotycrimsun: sure, any help is welcome21:35
sistpotycrimsun: can you test the 3 packages in main?21:35
crimsunsistpoty: sure. I'll work on that in about seven hours for a stretch21:36
sistpotyexcellent, thanks crimsun21:36
sistpotycrimsun: and if you find anything other noteworthy, just add a comment to the FFe in question21:37
ScottKgeser: You TIL rbot.  There's a security fix in Debian I think we'd want.  Would you please have a look at a merge?22:00
geserScottK: can do. Does the switch to v3 format need a FFe?22:03
ScottKgeser: No.22:03
ScottKIf that's going to cause problems it'll almost certainly fail to build and we'll know22:04
geserScottK: merged22:20
ScottKgeser: Thanks.  I'll accept it when it hits the queue.22:20
* ScottK looks at http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ and invites others to find fixes we could benifit from.22:22
geserScottK: do you know if sync requests will be processed in time or should packages get synced with the syncpackage script?22:26
ScottKI don't know for sure, but I think they will.22:27
sistpotyScottK: commented on libpcap. I think I'm ok with getting it in, but I'd like someone else take a look at it as well (crimsun maybe?) and see testing of all rdepends in main22:42
ScottKsistpoty: OK.  Please ask for that in the bug.  I think we should let slangasek make the final call on this one.22:42
sistpotyScottK: already done. an opinion from slangasek would certainly be preferred :)22:43
ScottKlucas_: Is it possible your last rebuild was done with Main only even for Universe packages?  I see a lot of FTBFS due to non-existant packages that do in fact exist in Universe.22:43
imbrandonScottK: the more i look at libgda4-4.0.8 ( and subsuqent fix for ftbfs ) we'll need to push that as a sru when we get the x86_64 worked out22:47
imbrandon( thats the opinion of the DD's too from the gnome team )22:47
ScottKimbrandon: OK.  Thanks for looking into it.  BTW, I think deciding stuff shouldn't be uploaded yet should count on core-dev apps too.22:47
slangaseksistpoty: do you have the bug # handy for that one?22:49
sistpotyslangasek: bug #56163122:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561631 in libpcap "Lucid Sync-Request FFE libpcap version 1.1.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56163122:49
sistpotyslangasek: crimsun volunteered to test rdepends in main, but will need a few hours before doing so22:50
sistpotybdrung: do you have the HW to test g15daemon-audacious?22:53
sistpotybdrung: as I've got a trivial fix around now22:53
bdrungsistpoty: no. you can give me 100 euro and i will buy the HW ;)22:54
lfaraoneIf a sync request would fix a bug (say, bug 549692), should I modify that bug, or create a new one?22:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549692 in paros "paros won't start because it can't find license file" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54969222:54
sistpotybdrung: haha... then let's just cross fingers that it'll still work with the ftbfs fix (just updating one include directive)22:55
sistpotybdrung: I haven't forwarded the change to debian yet, and am quite sure that I'll forget to do so... can you do that please (if it affects unstable as well)?22:58
bdrungsistpoty: currently it affects only experimental22:58
sistpotybdrung: ah, ok22:58
bdrungsistpoty: didn't we have a tool for sending our changes to debian?22:58
sistpotybdrung: could be... I prefer reportbug after checking on an unstable system though22:59
Kangaroooto get programm to universe i found i need to post to launchpad request for packaging or package myself. if that is done then i post it to revu but http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/ is down23:01
Kangaroooups its forbiden23:01
lfaraoneKangarooo: new packages are not being accepted right now, so there's no rush :)23:01
sistpotyKangarooo: hm? revu is down?23:01
geserbdrung: submittodebian? never used it personally23:01
lfaraoneKangarooo: I'd ask about it in #ubuntuwire23:01
sistpotycrap, revu *is* down :(23:01
* sistpoty fixes it23:01
bdrunggeser: yes23:01
ajmitchsistpoty: the server itself is down?23:01
sistpotyajmitch: nope, just apache returns a 40323:02
lfaraonesubmittodebian works pretty well in my experience, but occasionally picks up extraneous changes (like debian/control)23:02
ajmitchsistpoty: ugh, that's bad23:02
sistpotyajmitch: not necessarily, looks like md is not mounted23:02
sistpoty(where revu resides)23:02
imbrandonfun fun23:03
ajmitchthat's still bad23:04
sistpotyajmitch: or can you take a look, since you're already logged in?23:04
Kangaroooand what to do if i asked for packaging and someone else packages then will he also post to revu or i need to check LP page and get and post to revu that package?23:04
ajmitchyeah I can confirm it's not mounted23:04
ajmitchbut /dev/md0 isn't looking happy23:04
lfaraoneKangarooo: most likely the packaging will  not be done unless you do it yourself :)23:05
imbrandonis revu still on spooky ?23:05
ajmitchsistpoty: the server was rebooted ysterday?23:05
ajmitchimbrandon: yep23:05
Kangaroooajmitch: i hope this is small problem and server is in cloud :)23:05
Kangarooolike in cloud computer not rip23:06
imbrandonKangarooo: revu will be fixed, its just a matter of when ( depending on the severity of the issue )23:06
lfaraoneDid I update bug 549692 properly to reflect its status as a sync request? (syncing would fix the bug the reporter asked)23:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549692 in paros "Sync paros 3.2.13-6 (universe) from Debian testing (main) [paros won't start because it can't find license file]" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54969223:06
Kangarooolfaraone: but if i post package request then if not me then someone from motu packages it or anyone also who is not motu can do that? (if yes dont answer- i think yes but not sure)23:07
lfaraoneKangarooo: somebody *may* package it. if they are not in MOTU, they'll post it to REVU and be responcible for getting it accepted.23:08
ajmitchsistpoty: I think someone needs to take a look at the raid setup there, /dev/md0 doesn't want to go23:09
Kangarooook thx. ok now the bigest question this maybe a security issue: is programm put to universe checked by someone like checked All code it contains?23:10
sistpotyajmitch: ok, I'll take a look23:10
ajmitchsistpoty: thanks :)23:10
ScottKsistpoty: g15daemon-audacious accepted.  Thanks.23:10
lfaraoneKangarooo: uh, yes, that's the purpose of the sponsorship / mentorship guide.23:10
lfaraoneKangarooo: * system, I mean23:10
doctormoI'm after some really simple deb packaging guides, I got a few links so far, but they're rather more verbose.23:10
sistpotyScottK: thanks!23:10
ScottKdoctormo: The problem is that packaging is inherently complex.  Anything simple is wrong or dangerously incomplete.23:11
ScottKMaking it simple is an unsolved problem.23:11
doctormoScottK: It doesn't have to simple in it's end condition, it just needs to build up with grace23:11
doctormoInstead of the lumbering clunky documents I read in a few of these links23:12
ScottKThat's not easy either.23:12
doctormoAt least I'll know where to come for critique ;-)23:12
ScottKPart of the problem is that as soon as you understand packaging, you're inherently unqualified to write documentation for people that don't.23:12
ScottKThere's a very narrow window where you still remember what it was like to learn.23:12
Kangaroooso no one can put programm witch contains line witch simulates virus? like deleting files. gaining sudo and listening to keystrokes and at random time execute that.23:12
ScottKTrying to catch people in that window and force them to do documentation is hard.23:13
doctormoScottK: Well I don't know how to make deb packages, even though I've done it several times.23:13
ScottKKangarooo: In theory no.  In practice no system is perfect.  AFAIK it hasn't happened yet.23:13
jdongKangarooo: in general, yes, for new packages 2 sponsors and an archive manager reviews the code comprehensively23:13
slangasekso I was just thinking yesterday that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete could use some refining23:14
jdongKangarooo: and for most uploads in general, there are developers that look at what's being uploaded23:14
slangasekbut stopped short of editing it because I don't want to push things there that aren't considered community best practice23:14
jdongKangarooo: from personal experience, when I've made some careless oversights in my uploads, I've had fellow developers email me a few hours afterwards.23:14
jdong(At the same time this does NOT mean you should blindly go trusting every package in the repository from a security standpoint...)23:15
bdrungsistpoty: now only bug #564092 remains23:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564092 in xmp "FTBFS against audacious 2.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56409223:16
Kangarooook. i wast just confused 2 days ago why i had system update for sudo. and i hoped it wont take something over with sudo. couse i have never experienced any problem with it and problem with sudo may do some big problem like not overwriting some config and telling all done.23:17
sistpotybdrung: I'll take a stab at it23:17
bdrungi will fix bug #563043 as counterpart23:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563043 in audacious "audacious2.png alpha blending is wrong" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56304323:18
Kangarooook thx all and sistpoty ur welcome :)23:18
doctormoWhat is the easiest way to install all build deps for a given control file?23:20
Kangarooodoctormo: yes make post why packaged things work. im similar like u - tryg to package but cant understand why they work23:21
lfaraoneKangarooo: if you have specific questions please ask.23:21
dutchiedoctormo: there's a mk-build-deps thingy23:21
dutchieyou can just "sudo mk-build-deps -i" and it creates and installs the build dependencies23:21
lfaraonedutchie: copy and paste :)23:21
doctormoThis is very much like Alchemy, some things work, some others don't, no one knows quite why.23:21
lfaraonedoctormo: well, there are usually good reasons for this, but it's poorly documented :)23:22
doctormolfaraone: Of course! don't you know anything about Science!23:22
bdrungi had two problems at the beginning: 1. i didn't know all tools. there are a bunch of tools. you need to know how they play together 2. i didn't know how debian/rules worked. which targets were called in which order.23:24
doctormobdrung: The targets thing sounds important23:25
bdrungdoctormo: there are only one or two websites showing the targets graph23:26
bdrungdoctormo: maybe it's time for a gui helping to create a package23:26
* lfaraone just used CDBS and didn't worry about targets :)23:28
* sistpoty recalls a packaging without helpes session23:29

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