
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, funkyHat said: !funkyHat is not to be trifled with!02:18
bazhanggot bt access?02:19
funkyHatI don't know what that is ⢁)02:20
bazhangtry @login  then @btlogin02:20
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.02:20
bazhangnot yet apparently02:21
funkyHatI got no response at all02:21
IdleOneoh another kernel upgrade :)02:22
bazhangvia PM its sometimes glitchy; judging by idle one's attempt you've not been added yet02:22
IdleOnebtlogin gave nothing at all02:23
bazhangwell since @login failed, it wouldn't matter anyways02:23
IdleOneso btlogin is for the ban tracker02:24
IdleOneand @login is for?02:24
bazhangyep, but you need to login to ubottu first02:24
IdleOneahh ok02:24
tsimpsonfunkyHat, IdleOne, h00k, txwikinger: you should have access to the bantracker now, you can test with @login and @btlogin02:36
ubottuThe operation succeeded.02:36
ubottuThe operation succeeded.02:36
ubottuThe operation succeeded.02:37
funkyHatStrange that it doesn't seem to work if I /msg ubottu02:37
tsimpsonthe login command wont, it must be sent in a channel02:37
tsimpsonbut the btlogin command should02:37
funkyHatAh ok. I only tried login02:38
tsimpsononce you @login, you shouldn't need to do so again unless ubottu restarts or your host changes (probably)02:38
tsimpsonand the bantracker link will work for 60 days without you needing to @btlogin again02:39
tsimpsonmagic of cookies02:39
bazhangGla, please don't idle here02:51
IdleOneGla: this channel is for Ubuntu ops. Please do not idle here.03:13
Glaright sorry about that04:06
ubottuCaptainTrek called the ops in #ubuntu (talk to maike-makoto 'bout the rules please)04:26
Seeker`hi new ops04:46
Seeker`good to see you are enthusiastic about being in this channel04:47
Seeker`that won't last :P04:47
JeanLucPicard'ello... My ubuntu server machine won't boot... It gets as far as "Activating swapfile swap... [OK] ::: Checking quotas... " and hangs -04:58
Seeker`This isn't a support channel. Try #ubuntu.04:59
bazhangJeanLucPicard, #ubuntu for support04:59
JeanLucPicardI tried joining #ubuntu04:59
JeanLucPicardit forwarded me here04:59
ubottuThe operation succeeded.05:00
JeanLucPicardcan anyone help me?05:01
Seeker`one minute please05:01
Seeker`you were forwarded here because of your attitude in #ubuntu earlier05:02
tsimpsonon the 15th05:02
JeanLucPicardI don't believe I've ever been in an ubuntu channel.05:03
Seeker`well, you have a registered nickname05:03
JeanLucPicardI'm a windows guy. I just installed this today. :X05:03
JeanLucPicardNo I don't?05:03
tsimpsonyou do, and are using it now05:03
JeanLucPicardRegistered how? This is my brother-in-law's computer.05:03
Seeker`you are identified to nickserv05:04
JeanLucPicardI am?05:04
JeanLucPicardis that why my server can't boot?05:04
IdleOneThen your brother in law had a poor attitude and that is why you got sent here. Using his client that auto identifies05:04
JeanLucPicardShould I un-identify?05:04
JeanLucPicardHow do I do that?05:05
Seeker`JeanLucPicard: what operating systems were on the computer on the 15th?05:05
bazhangsend your brother in law to discuss05:05
JeanLucPicardOn the 15th the computer was a pile of parts in my closet.05:05
JeanLucPicardToday it's Ubuntu Server05:05
JeanLucPicardI was going to install ebox on it at the recommendation of my brother-in-law, but I can't seem to get it to boot.05:06
JeanLucPicardHis works fine, mine won't boot :(05:06
Seeker`who set up your irc client?05:07
JeanLucPicardHim, it's his laptop.05:07
tsimpsonwell unfortunately his account was banned from #ubuntu, so he will need to come here for the ban to be removed05:07
JeanLucPicardI can give him the laptop?05:07
JeanLucPicardI mean, he's just in the other room05:08
JeanLucPicardhey, what's the problem?05:08
JeanLucPicardYou all still mad because I told a bot to leave me alone? I talk to bots all the time.05:08
tsimpsonare you the owner of that account?05:08
tsimpsonand you were in #ubuntu on the 15th?05:09
JeanLucPicardYeh, I was having problems with ntop. someone recommended I install something else, I did, it worked, I left.05:09
Seeker`JeanLucPicard: I don't think that is the full story, is it05:09
JeanLucPicardI don't think it really matters much. I insulted a stupid bot.05:10
JeanLucPicardThe bot told me to type more words in one line.05:10
Seeker`Yeah, except it wasn't a bot05:10
JeanLucPicardI told it to suck it.05:10
tsimpsonas noted in the topic of #ubuntu -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:10
tsimpsonwhat you did was clearly not appropriate for #ubuntu05:10
Seeker`That isn't acceptable behaviour for #ubuntu irc channels05:10
JeanLucPicardWell I apologize.05:10
JeanLucPicardI promise not to insult the bots in the future.05:11
tsimpsonI suggest you read the link I posted05:11
Seeker`let us know when you are done05:11
JeanLucPicardI'm going to bed. I have no intentions on reading a guide on how to talk to people online. I talk to people all day.05:11
JeanLucPicardwhen I insult an ATM, its owners don't ban me from a bank.05:12
JeanLucPicardWhy? It's an ATM.05:12
Seeker`JeanLucPicard: You didn't insult a machine05:12
tsimpsonyou didn't insult a bot, you insulted a person05:12
JeanLucPicardThen I apologize to whoever I insulted.05:12
Seeker`2010-04-15T10:34:28 <THZone> !dick | eatone | jrib05:12
Seeker`jrib is a person05:12
JeanLucPicardThat's not a bot?05:12
JeanLucPicardIt told me to use the enter key.05:12
JeanLucPicardKinda scripted-like.05:12
Seeker`!enter | JeanLucPicard05:12
ubottuJeanLucPicard: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:12
Seeker`like that05:12
JeanLucPicardYeah, oh.05:13
IdleOnedoes it really matter. the issue is not about a bot it is about your language and attitude05:13
JeanLucPicardWell, I apologize05:13
tsimpsoneven if it was not a real person, it's still not appropriate05:13
Seeker`talking like05:13
Seeker`which just spams the channel05:13
JeanLucPicardI never talk like that. I always have one sentence per line.05:13
JeanLucPicardI am sorry if I insulted anyone.05:13
JeanLucPicardBut it's not me that needs help.05:13
JeanLucPicardIf I have to disconnect from the network and reconnect without identing to ns, just so my brother can get help, I will.05:14
tsimpsonyes, it's unfortunate that your actions have effected someone else05:14
Seeker`JeanLucPicard: ban evasion isn't a good idea05:14
tsimpsonJeanLucPicard: please be aware that it is against freenode to evade bans05:14
JeanLucPicardI'm not evading the ban.05:14
JeanLucPicardI am going to bed.05:14
JeanLucPicardMy brother needs help. I work at 905:14
JeanLucPicardI got my problem resolved thanks to the people in your channel. that's why I recommended he come to you.05:15
Seeker`You have no idea how many times we hear "my brother did it"05:16
JeanLucPicardNor do I care, to be honest.05:16
Seeker`It may be true in your case, it may not, we have no way of knowing. You could have read the guidelines in the time you've been here.05:16
JeanLucPicardJesus, you people take this entirely too seriously. How many times do you hear that? It's a support channel (your words, not mine). Why not support your users, and not argue with them?05:17
tsimpsonthe rules are there for a reason, the reason being to protect the users in the channel05:17
JeanLucPicardAnd he apologized to the users!05:18
JeanLucPicardWhat do you want from me? He went to bed, I still have a box that won't boot.05:18
JeanLucPicardI used to wonder why people preferred Windows to *nix... Now I know why... when I ask Microsoft for help, I get it... When I ask *nix people for help, I get a holier-than-thou attitude... Lecturing me about my brother-in-law's attitude to a robot...05:18
tsimpsonwell if he does not want to discuss the ban it will remain, I suggest you find an alternate source of support like the ubuntu forums05:19
JeanLucPicardhe went to bed.05:20
Seeker`a) It was his attitude to a person, b) The rules are linked when you enter the channel05:20
JeanLucPicardI don't care about HIS attitude!05:20
IdleOneJeanLucPicard: the Guidelines also apply to the ubuntu forums05:20
IdleOneJeanLucPicard: you should because his attitude is keeping you from getting help now05:20
macoerm, if you're two separate people, why don't you have two separate accounts?05:21
Seeker`JeanLucPicard: you are connecting from one of his computers; As far as an IRC network is concerned you are the same person05:21
JeanLucPicardI don't use freenode.05:21
JeanLucPicardAnd now I know why.05:21
JeanLucPicardYou're all just a bunch of uppity douchebags.05:21
JeanLucPicardI'll go back to EFnet05:21
tsimpsonvery well, goodbye05:21
JeanLucPicardThey're USEFUL there.05:21
macobundles of sticks?05:21
IdleOneyup they are related05:21
persiaHandy for auto-de-fé05:22
tsimpsonand now we have is real IP too05:23
bazhangwhoa ban evade then nasty spam in #ubuntu05:23
bazhanghis brother-in-law's IP you mean05:24
persiaSame IP.05:24
macoi was gonna kb, but he left too quick05:24
Seeker`I was just saying to maco, as far as we are concerned, same IP or same registered nick = same person05:24
persiaI actually believe that was two different people, based on tone, but I'm not sure either gets the guidelines.05:24
IdleOnepersia: that was two people yes.05:25
Seeker`or jus 1 prson pertending 2 b 2 ppl05:25
persiaWell, we can't know for sure, but yeah.05:25
Seeker`With different writing styles / tones05:25
persiaSeeker`: And doing it very well.05:25
tsimpsonit doesn't matter if they are two people, both are now banned05:26
persiaIndeed, and deservedly so.05:27
IdleOneAnd when did EFnet become usefull? :)05:29
bazhangin future better to let a single OP handle it.05:30
elkyIdleOne, rubbish bins are useful.05:32
IdleOnethat they are05:33
elkyoh dear, bacta's in -devel06:34
elkyand -marketing06:35
persiawhat's the history?06:42
ubottuIzinucs called the ops in #ubuntu (grimx giving porno links)07:02
tritium_Good morning.07:11
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elkypersia, behind bacta?08:04
Tm_TI think bantracker tells the story08:06
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Flannelyou can run your cars on it!08:10
ubottusmokex called the ops in #ubuntu ()10:01
ubottuIn #ubuntu, rww said: ubottu: no, grub2 is =~ s/$/ | See !grub for Jaunty and earlier, and for upgrades from those versions./10:40
ikoniaban tracker does tell the story on bacta - and I again repeat my request on a update on his namespace/core channels ban11:10
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from ramchip)12:00
bazhangGuest37344, how can we help you12:56
IdleOnewhat about robotgee1, highvoltage and SWAT ?13:12
bazhangnot id'd13:14
IdleOneahh ok so they are ops also13:15
* IdleOne notes to not harrass13:15
jussiI think robotgee1 has finished up as an oop though.13:30
jussias has SWAT iirc.13:31
* jussi points to access list in here...13:31
IdleOnelooks like you are correct. clients auto joining.13:33
IdleOneSee ya laters, have a good day13:35
bazhangis ^b0ss^ really that low-info? he's been told about installing themes half a dozen times at least14:44
highvoltageIdleOne: hmm?14:45
jussihighvoltage: thanks :)15:20
highvoltagejussi: you're welcome... I guess... what did I do? :)16:02
highvoltageah I see16:02
SWATjussi: que?16:48
SWATI still do my chores in the dutch channels (where I am supposed to)16:48
jussiSWAT: This channel is for the core channel ops. #ubuntu-irc for the locos and other ubuntu channels :)17:00
bazhangmore nonsense from alteregoa18:48
mooohello. i found out my brother came on here like a month ago and tried to use my computer and came here for help. and he got mad and said some stupid things and got this ip (or however it was set) to be banned from #ubuntu.    how can i get help for me (and not him) hehe.19:13
ikoniaone moment please19:14
ikoniajust looking for your ban19:18
mooohe uses the nick  thief19:19
bazhangmneptok, 's ban iirc19:19
ikoniayes, I see him19:19
ikoniamneptok: are you free ?19:20
bazhangI seem to recall him saying not to remove it unless he was around, may be misremembering19:20
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:20
mooothanks for your help guys, my sound is not working now, and taht would be quite sad if i couldn't get help for the problem cause my brother is an idiot.19:21
elkymooo, you could still ask at ubuntuforums.org19:21
mooogood point.19:21
elkyalso, we accept apologies much more often than we fall for fibs.19:22
* mneptok waves19:23
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:23
mneptokmooo: looking for the ban now.19:23
mneptokmooo: is this your computer, or your brother's?19:26
moooit is my computer.19:27
mooowe have a router though. so if it's by ip.. then we share an ip.19:27
mneptokmooo: and how does your brother get access to your account?19:27
mooo174.4.2.144 is both of us.19:28
moooif i leave my computer and don't lock the screen he sometimes will come on it.19:28
mneptokwell, not to be harsh, but this is the result of not taking basic steps to ensure that only you use your user account.19:29
mneptokif you know your brother is an idiot, then be sure to not allow idiots to use your computer.19:30
moooi have learned that lesson.19:31
moooi'm blaming him for my sound not working.19:31
moooi got rid of pulse, hoping that would help, but of course something else did it. and i blame him. haha because if it was me that broke sound, i wouldn't know what i'd did to break it.19:32
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .19:32
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:32
mneptokplease read those URLs carefully.19:32
mneptokwhen you're done, return here, promise to ensure your user account will always abide by those guidelines and any op is welcome to remove the ban if i am AFK.19:33
* mneptok needs coffee and nicotine19:33
moooi will.19:34
* mooo sets mode +read19:34
mneptokbe aware, once you promise to abide by the rules when using your user account, any future failure to do so from your account will result in a permanent ban. so lock that screen.19:41
jpdsCtrl-Alt-L FTW.19:42
mooooooh, nice. i thought i had to use gnome-do to do that, (and then the thing installed some appley looking dock on me. so i uninst. it.) thank you for that keyboard shortcut jpds.19:45
mooook, so i register my ip to my nick now? isn't that a little bit of a privacy invasion? now i have to have an 'account' to get to a help channel?19:46
mooosorry, i'm just a little concerned.19:46
mneptokit does not rquire nick registration.19:46
mneptokthere are other ways of telling what Ubuntu user account someone is using. your brother was using yours when he was offtopic, abusive, and profane.19:47
moooi need to read a little more. i think i am misunderstanding.19:47
mooomy 'account' is my /home/username   as opposed to my irc nick   ?19:48
moooso if my username is ubottu and i am bad, then wipe my computer and reinstall with mneptok and be good...19:49
moooi'm not impling anyting, just confused.19:49
mooocan't spell.19:49
moooi'll ask to ban my brother's UUID from #ubuntu then! hehe.19:51
Flannelmooo: He's saying that your brother was using your user account, and you should be sure to make sure he can't in the future.19:51
moooyep. gotcha. i didn't know they did it that way.19:51
moooi'll make a guest type account where he can get on (cause he wants to for my mp3 files i think) and he can't do much else with it. but i'd have to do some reading to set that up...19:52
mneptokinstall mt-daapd and keep your brother on his own machine.19:55
mneptokand spoofing my ident to ban evade would be a *really* flawed strategy.19:55
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:15
=== nik0 is now known as niko
mneptokmooo: you either need to work on resolving this issue or /part the channel. we have a no-idling policy.20:54
mneptokSWAT: you also should not idle here20:54
ubottuguntbert called the ops in #ubuntu-server (RoyK verbal violence)21:22
topylimooo, can we somehow help you?21:31
ikoniamaco you around ?21:50
ikoniamaco: do you know anything about a user pm'ing you asking you about your bra size ?21:50
ikoniahe did it to me the other day and is doing it to me now21:50
macoi just put a hostmask ban on them in #ubuntu-women just in case. niko in #freenode is on the case now21:50
Flannelis it a stcd.qwest.net?21:51
nikowhich kind of ban maco ?21:51
macoFlannel: yes21:51
ikoniaahh he did it with me about 5 days ago too, but then started again just now21:51
ikoniaFlannel: yes21:51
FlannelI got a PM from him about pokemon a few minutes ago21:51
maconiko: +b *!~WiFiGuest@97-112-63-184.stcd.qwest.net21:51
maconiko: since both people who PM'd me had that ident & host i figured it was good enough to keep them out of there21:52
mneptokno one asks *me* about *my* bra size. *sniff*21:52
macodidnt want them discovering ubuntu women and getting /extra/ jollies21:52
nikomaco: i see21:52
ikoniamaco: that's preventative banning and against council policy21:52
macowell i wasnt sure how they decided to pm me except maybe looking at #ubuntu-women and #gnu-women user lists21:53
macobut ok i can go remove it21:53
ikoniamaco: appreciate that, but it's against council policy, I'm wondering where they got myself and flannel from21:53
macoikonia: youre in that channel too21:54
FlannelProbably #ubuntu, or nicks from IRC logs21:54
ikoniaflannel isn't though21:54
maconor fanti...whatever the other person in #freenode was21:54
ikoniamaco: ineresting, both you and I are in -women and got asked about bra's flannel isn't and got asked about pokemon21:54
ikoniaeg: -women assumes everyone female21:54
FlannelWhen this happened a few days ago I got random queries too, let me try and find them21:54
FlannelThere's likely a proxy user somewhere, since the host involved in the queries aren't in the channel as far as I can tell21:55
macoikonia: by the way, would it be against council policy to ban from #ubuntu-women-project anyone who's banned in #ubuntu-women?21:55
ikoniadon't know, is -women and -women-project core channels yet ?21:56
ikonia(forgive me not aware of that current dicussion )21:56
macono they're not21:56
ikoniaHmmm not sure how that would sit to be honest,21:56
ikoniamaco: it's certaonly against the spirit of it21:56
topylithey are team channels, not core. technically, teams are in charge of their channels21:57
ikoniaahhh there we go21:57
ikoniamaco: in that case....ban away21:57
topyliextending a -women ban to -women-project would be pre-emptive and as such we wouldn't approve in principle21:57
topylibut they're out of scope, so...21:58
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth

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