
stasnewz2000: around?02:28
stasbranch this repo when you got some time lp:~sushkov/ubuntu-website/loco-theme02:29
MTeck-ricerSo.. that last email on the mailing list - is that directed at me?03:23
stasMTeck-ricer: hey mike, not really, it's just my approach for solving an issue03:31
MTeck-ricerstas: what's the issue?03:32
stasloco websites template03:32
MTeck-ricerstas: I'm not 100% sober and 100% occupied so I didn't pay 100% attention to breaking it down :P03:32
MTeck-ricerIs it referring to our theme at all?03:33
stasit isn't referring to the theme you did, it's just how I see a loco theme and wanted to ask for feedback03:34
stasi don't care if it will be used by anybody at all03:34
stasmost probably i will use it on ubuntu-ro and ubuntu-md loco websites, and implement it in wordpress-loco03:35
MTeck-ricerstas: I was just curious if I needed to worry about it or not03:36
stashmm, i'm not interested in getting into ubuntu-drupal, mostly because i'm a wordpress guy :)03:37
MTeck-ricerstas: I thinky it's pretty03:37
stasit's something we were discussing with adiroiban during last weeks and only tonight got some time to write it down03:38
* stas thinks to zzzZZ 03:39
mdkeadiroiban: around?14:10
mdkeadiroiban: could you do me an export of https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/ubuntu-docs when you get a moment?14:10
adiroibanmdke: hi.15:43
adiroibando you want me to generate the xml/html error report and stuff ?15:44
mdkeadiroiban: I don't mind, as long as I have the po files :)17:14
adiroibanmdke: you don't have access to pofile download page?17:52
adiroibanI have forwarded the link to po archive17:53
adiroibanand started the error report script17:53
mdkeadiroiban: I don't have access. I think it's only translator admins who have access to that, for some reason18:15
mdkeadiroiban: got your email though, thanks18:15
adiroibanmdke: ok. but I remember that in the past you were able to request the download... or I am wrong?18:20
mdkeadiroiban: I was a translator admin until I couldn't stand the bugmail anymore :)19:14
* mdke disappears for the evening19:15
MTeck-ricerI think I've have my fill of xdm...20:14

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