
akgranerI am bummed after my last update I now have none of my chat settings and stuff in empathy02:22
IdleOneakgraner: anything major broken?02:22
akgranernope  - just all the social from the start stuff02:23
akgranerhmm brb let me check something02:23
IdleOneok won't affect me much then02:23
akgranerother than all my account settings needing to be added to empathy and qwibber everything seems to be fine02:30
akgranerwell other than when gwibber open now I get like 17 windows that open at once02:30
akgranerall gwibber02:30
Pendulumthat's still annoying, though02:32
akgraneryeah no kidding  :-(02:32
akgranerand I just had to kill gwibber02:32
akgranerb/c it keeps trying to open and when it does it pops up 5 more windows02:32
akgranerI just asked in -devel if anyone else was having this issue02:35
akgranerbut at least gwibber isn't making my CPU run hot now02:36
akgranerwell I need to go file a bug they haven't heard of this one02:40
* akgraner goes to find my notes on how to file a bug02:40
IdleOneubuntu-bug packagename02:42
akgraneryep  - :-)02:43
akgranerI just like to make sure my notes are correct and see if I have to tweak them for different issues - in case someone asks me how to file a bug02:43
akgranerall that good stuff02:44
Pendulumakgraner: were you a girlscout?02:48
Pendulum(the whole always prepared thing ;-) )02:48
akgranerPendulum, um yeah, and in 4-h, oh I think the Army did that to me02:48
akgranerI try  - but I am not always prepare :-/02:50
elkyakgraner, did jono get back to you re: play day at all?04:16
akgranerhas been in conferences this week04:16
* elky pouts04:16
akgranercollaboration summit then something else with status.net04:17
elkywe could really use his 3k twitter followers knowing about it04:17
elkyakgraner, how ironic, since he's not tweeting.04:17
nigelbhe's not looked into the uds sprints either04:17
nigelbso I guess he'll have a truckload of work when he gets back :)04:18
elkyheck, even his 1400 identi.ca followers would be useful04:18
elkyerr, sorry, his 4400 twitter followers :-/04:19
elkyhttp://twitter.com/#search?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftr.im%2FVAjs and http://identi.ca/search/notice?q=http://tr.im/VAjs just really isn't enough microblog infiltration :(04:21
nigelbelky, identi.ca is sadly very low :(04:24
elkynigelb, they're both about the same04:24
nigelbso probably just the synced identi.ca accounts04:25
elkyessentially yes.04:26
pleia2yeah, status.net had a hack afternoon thing after collab summit04:27
nigelbI should strong-arm my friend into guest-posting on his blog04:27
nigelbthat should get us some publicity04:27
nigelbany other bright ideas to get some publicity?04:29
nigelbI have one, but no equipment or talent to make it.  A youtube video?04:29
nigelbnothing big, just a slideshow with some music would do just fine.04:30
akgranerI asked Rikki to blog about it on Monday04:35
elkyhow much planet noise has there been?05:02
elkyHrm. just me and the fridge05:05
macowhat about the freezer?05:05
akgranerelky, yeah I am behind on the blogging :-(05:06
elkymaco, i think it is preoccupied with the repositories.05:06
nigelbelky, I'll try to get a post in today or tomorrow05:06
macogood answer!05:06
elkyi also just forwarded something to grrltalk05:08
elkywell, the chix announcement list, actually05:08
elkyalso, why does my left eyebrow keep throbbing?05:08
nigelbsomething wicked this way comes :D05:09
macoarteries are funny like that?05:09
elkymaco, yeah, i massaged the area and everything, it just keeps throbbing a bit and making the world shake :P05:09
macooh world shakey? i hate that :(05:10
macobut usually for me eyebrow throbby and world shakey are two different things05:10
nigelbmaco, congrats on ops in #ubuntu05:11
macothanks but didnt you already say that in k-devel ? :P05:11
nigelbmaco, I dont think that was me05:11
nigelbI just caught up on blog reading05:11
macooh you just admonished me for asking for ops :P05:11
nigelbhehe :D05:12
nigelbLater folks.  Have a good weekend.05:12
nigelbelky, got some time?07:25
nigelbneed some help from that awesome gimp-fu of yours07:26
nigelbmornin czajkowski :)07:28
czajkowskitoday is my ossbarcamp event07:29
czajkowskiover 100 people coming07:29
czajkowski1 speaker pulled out, the guy who runs the LPIs is stuck in uk with flights not leaving there07:31
czajkowskiwonder what else could go wrong today07:32
nigelbouch.  hope things straighten out czajkowski07:33
elkynigelb, depends how much time you need07:34
nigelbelky, I was thinking about a poster for the competition07:34
nigelbhunting through flickr for stuff that can be used with only attribution07:34
nigelbBut the apple there worries me.  Still looking.07:35
czajkowskinigelb: in google you can search for images and set the licience you want in the parameters if that helps07:36
czajkowskiright better get up and moving07:36
nigelbczajkowski, thank you.  Let me try that :)07:36
czajkowskino bother07:36
elkynigelb, hhaha. http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=kids+computer&l=commderiv&ct=0&mt=all&adv=1 gives me a page that includes http://www.flickr.com/photos/deryckh/3180290726/07:37
nigelbelky, I think flickr gives priorities for your friends :)07:38
nigelbwhy do girl+computers search on google give me dog pictures? #fail07:39
nigelbhttp://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/MUwnsoCPaWy4GjiQRBIiMQ looks good07:39
nigelbelky, I'm liking http://www.flickr.com/photos/msspider66/382339790/07:40
elkynigelb, a friend has wordsbycat.com that documents cat pictures she found while searching flickr for photos for photographicdictionary.com/07:42
elkylike, search for "saucepan" and she'd get a picture of a cat in a saucepan, or a search for sweater would find a picture of a cat on a sweater.07:44
nigelbthats extremely innovative07:45
nigelbelky, or would it be worthwhile to actually take a picture of a kid on an ubuntu laptop (without the face) and use it?07:46
nigelbperhaps an angle showing the hair and saying "this can be your kid"07:46
elkyhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/bionicteaching/4309367785/ is nice too07:50
nigelboooh, yes07:52
elkyugh, get to page 5 searching flickr for "girl computer" and it's girls clad in vinyl crop tops and hot shorts striking awkward poses on catwalks :(07:52
nigelbyeah i got that.. ywicr, flickr and google07:53
nigelbs/ywicr/twice :D07:53
nigelbeating and typing07:53
nigelbelky, that picture you posted from deryck is cute :)07:54
nigelbits Ubuntu too.  wish it were more clear07:54
nigelbissyl0, poke07:55
czajkowskinigelb: I'd say she's on her way to the uk event she organised07:55
nigelbczajkowski, she is organising an event? Wowww07:56
czajkowskimuseum trip07:56
nigelboh. cool.07:56
nigelbelky, have you noticed isabelle's twitter pic recently? ;)07:56
nigelbprofile pic or whatever07:57
elkynigelb, no? I dont actually follow twitter or identica07:57
AlanBellthat is from the rewired state event07:57
nigelbthat is totally geeky and what I was looking for07:58
nigelbonly needs her permission :)07:58
AlanBellit is actually one of the news desks of the Guardian newspaper07:58
nigelblooks comfortable07:58
nigelbelky, thoughts?08:02
elkynigelb, she looks a little older than the toddler-12 range08:03
nigelbelky, aaah08:03
nigelbIn that case http://www.flickr.com/photos/msspider66/382339790/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/bionicteaching/4309367785/  http://www.flickr.com/photos/whiteafrican/2870711774/08:04
nigelbwhat the......! okay now I get what you meant earlier elky about vinyl crop tops08:08
elkyI neglected to mention the thigh-high stiletto vinyl boots08:09
nigelband the hardly 5-inch long micro-mini skirts08:09
nigelbaw! this is so cute  vinyl crop tops08:10
nigelbpaste fail08:10
elkyhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/sanjoselibrary/2801519664/ would be ok if it weren't for the butt in the background08:12
nigelbthis one's nice http://www.flickr.com/photos/inferis/266391412/08:13
nigelbelky, http://www.flickr.com/photos/inferis/266391219/in/photostream/08:14
nigelbthat does give a very cute message :)08:14
elkyalready on the caffinated beverages too!08:15
elkythe first one is more obviously a girl baby though08:15
nigelbthe sitting beside the laptop one?08:16
Tm_T...you really try to force me to get a pic of R doing IRC ...08:16
Tm_Twith a funny hat, ofcourse, that's mandatory when in -ot08:17
nigelbelky, can you work some magic on it to get it to a poster? my artwork fu is NIL08:18
elkyit's nc, but the competition isn't a commercial thing, so the poster doesn't have to be08:19
akgranerdang that was a freakin long link08:19
nigelbyeah, got there08:20
nigelbelky, ^ that would work08:20
akgranerthat one is cute too08:21
nigelbyup.  any one of the last 4 would08:22
elkyI think I can do something with that couch one... we'll see when I get home08:22
nigelbthe couch one is absolute cuteness :)08:23
elkyit has the whole child and the whole computer08:23
nigelbI'll mail the photographer telling that we'd like to use it08:23
nigelbnot necessary, but it would be nice to alert them08:23
elkyhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/amilianna/2336409188/ <--- *melt*08:24
* nigelb melts08:24
elkycouch one still wins for usability, but ^the look...08:24
nigelbthe *eyes*08:24
akgranernigelb, this was the lic attached to the pic http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/deed.en08:24
nigelbyeah, share-like, noncommercial, and attribution08:25
nigelbwe can work with that08:25
elkynigelb, yeah the eyes/look/expression08:26
elkysrs baby is srs08:26
nigelbelky, srs?08:27
elkysrsly is seriously08:27
* nigelb still types full works on txts08:27
nigelbakgraner, the cutiest pic is http://www.flickr.com/photos/whiteafrican/2870711774/ we' won't be using it coz of the apple ad there08:28
nigelbthey're having a conference in front of the computer and everyone looks so serious :)08:28
akgraneryeah I saw that one08:28
akgranerbut at my house the macs run ubuntu08:28
akgranerreally freaks people out now with Lucid08:29
nigelbthey'll totally be confused08:29
elkynigelb, yeah, srs/srsly isn't so much about the abbreviation though, as the culture ref08:29
akgranerit's a great conversation starter08:30
nigelbAnd the boot speed on Lucid is awesome.  Apparently.08:30
akgranerit is08:30
nigelbakgraner, by the way, its now my turn to ask "Aren't you going to bed?"08:31
elkyhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/uhees/2097618231/ <-- OMG <308:31
akgranerhah  - waiting on a phone call08:31
elkyhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/qole/109752616/ <-- encouraging, you're doing it right.08:34
nigelbelky, akgraner: The photographer of the couch pic is an open source enthusiast from Regina, Canada.  Composing mail to him to say we'd be using that pic08:36
elkylets hope he's not an ubuntu hater :P08:36
nigelbDr. Alec Couros, a professor of educational technology and media08:36
akgranerOh that's cool!08:37
Tm_Tdefinately Ubuntu hater then08:37
* Tm_T hides08:37
nigelbthoughts on the mail? (I'm not great at writing formal mails)08:43
nigelbakgraner, elky Tm_T ^08:44
elkylooks fine to me.08:45
* elky heads home08:45
nigelbthank you :)08:45
nigelblol, typos :D08:49
nigelbakgraner, sent :)09:22
akgranernigelb, Thank you!!09:22
nigelbakgraner, no problem09:22
nigelbsometimes I'm amazed by the work we get together as team :)09:23
akgranerit's awesome isn't it!09:23
* akgraner is a fan of teamwork :-)09:23
nigelbpeople all have their pigeon holes and we manage to use every person's expertise :)09:23
nigelbelky, akgraner: this is how she looks now http://educationaltechnology.ca/couros/about09:25
akgraneroh cool09:27
nigelbhis blog is awesome!09:29
nigelbhe writes some cool stuff09:30
elkynigelb, i have 4.8mb of http://geekosophical.net/misc/eeepcgirl.png for you10:44
elkyjust the photo with the background cropped away so far10:44
nigelbelky, you rock!10:46
nigelbunlike my internet connection10:46
* elky has a play with inkscape and potrace10:47
elkyit's vectorising fairly well actually10:47
nigelbabuelky, I finally saw it and its absolutely beautiful :)11:24
nigelbabuI also learned that wget -c is a good idea11:25
elkyhehe yeah11:29
elkyyou might want to alias it if you're with bad intarwebs often11:29
elkyalso http://educationaltechnology.ca/couros/?s=ubuntu indicates the good dr is not an ubuntu hater :P11:31
nigelbabuoh yaay!11:34
nigelbabuI mailed him and I'll let you know of his reply11:34
nigelbabuelky, oh no.  another kubuntu fan!11:35
elkyi get the feeling he'll be appreciative of the email: http://educationaltechnology.ca/couros/120311:36
nigelbabuI read that!11:36
nigelbabuand it is scary, especially as a parent.11:36
nigelbabuI know friends who reveal photos of kids only to people that they know personally and have met physically11:37
nigelbabubecause, you never know.....11:37
elkyYep, and that's exactly why we took the time with the comp11:38
Pendulumbtw, since we are (I assume) going to put the photos up somewhere, have we put any thought to watermarking them (or allowing the entrants to watermark them)?11:41
Pendulumthe biggest reason I know that people I know don't put photos of their kids online is because either they or someone they know have had a photo of theirs claimed by someone else11:42
Pendulum(this seems to be something that especially happens to pics of disabled kids, but I know several bloggers who it's happened to)11:43
elkyPendulum, we're hoping some of the pics will be usable by Canonical for the Ubuntu website and other purposes that are not directly commercial.11:49
elkyand in certain cases, with individual permission, used for actual commercial stuff by Canonical and members11:49
elkyalso, making a 128 layer vector with potrace isn't worth it.11:51
elkynot on a laptop with only 2 cores and only 4g of ram, anyway11:52
* nigelbabu blinks11:53
nigelbabuelky, um.. english?11:53
elky128 pictures on top of each other. the dimensions of that photograph11:54
nigelbabuthat must take lots of space11:54
elkyyeah, I didn't think it through so well11:55
elkyclosing inkscape gave me back 2g of ram11:55
nigelbabuso, why did you want to do that anyway?11:55
elkyoptimising for the poster11:57
elkythere's a little too much detail in her clothes though, unlike the UW poster11:57
nigelbabuso the vectoring would reduce the detail giving you a little bit more freedom in manipulation?11:59
elkyit'd enable us to scale it better11:59
elkysince it's currently raster11:59
nigelbabuoh.k :)12:00
elkybut, it's not really that much too small for a0, it just makes a really hefty file size :(12:00
nigelbabuyeah, too much detail12:02
elkyi'm going for fewer layers now12:06
elky24 looks like a good compromise, we'll see what it saves to12:08
elkyyeah, only 1mb less. not enough of a saving for the loss of quality12:10
elkynigelbabu, have you done anything with it yet?12:10
nigelbabuelky, drawing on paper12:11
nigelbabuelky, I do realize how bad I am at it :D12:16
nigelbabuelky, okay I'll admit it.  After so much of crumpled paper, I realize again that I have no talent for art :/12:45
elkyheh. /me is working on something12:49
* nigelbabu hugs elky 12:49
* elky hugs openclipart.org and openfontlibrary.org12:50
elkywhere the heck does one get .svgs of the new logo?13:02
nigelbabuwe don't.  sigh.13:03
* elky blinks13:04
nigelbabuonly .png I suppose13:05
elkyi'm finding .svgs attached to various places, but not anywhere... um... "canonical"13:07
nigelbabuwell, since the font is not yet compelte13:11
nigelbabuI dont think we'll get .svgs13:11
elkyI do wonder how they expect the community to run community events without it13:16
nigelbabueasy, use the old logo13:16
elkyIf that's the case, then I wonder how they expect the brand refresh to succeed if there's a split identity13:17
nigelbabuelky, sensibly do these sort of things at the beginning of a release cycle13:49
nigelbabu(got distracted by match)13:50
elkyyep, right before every release party13:50
elkynigelbabu, http://geekosophical.net/misc/UW_WPD_2010.pdf15:02
elkyanother 5mb download15:02
nigelbabuelky, downloading15:03
elkynigelbabu, connection still flaking? i can make a small png for you to look until you find less crappy nets if so15:11
nigelbabuelky, just blocked my roommates mac, should be better :D15:12
nigelbabuelky, it rocks15:17
nigelbabuonly add the attribution at the end15:17
elkyBah, it's gone under the photo layer.15:18
nigelbabuah :)15:18
nigelbabuelky, the ray kind of thing is an effect? or you manually did it?15:19
nigelbabuI guess akgraner won't be awake for feedback15:20
nigelbabuwonder if czajkowski, maco, or popey are around15:20
akgranerI'm awake15:20
macoim awake15:20
* nigelbabu blinks15:20
macowhy would i be awake but she wouldnt? we're in the same timezone15:21
nigelbabumaco, she was around till the wee hours of morning helping me send an email to the original photographer of the picture we used15:21
nigelbabumaco, um, something like 4:30 am15:22
nigelbabuakgraner, have you slept at all?15:22
macothats definitely more of a maco bedtime than an amber bedtime15:22
elkynigelbabu, you'll find a lot of polyphasic sleepers in the community :P15:23
macoelky: what does that mean? lots of naps instead of one big sleep?15:23
nigelbabumaco, like I said earlier, she's turning into less of a NTEU without even her knowing :D15:23
elkymaco, pretty much15:23
nigelbabumaco, anyway, download the pdf ^ and comment :)15:24
akgranernigelbabu, I've had this sleep pattern for years :-)  since at least 198915:25
macobabies' faults?15:25
nigelbabuakgraner, which is? no sleep?15:25
akgranerno I get naps throughout the day15:25
akgranercouple hours here15:25
akgranercouple hours there15:25
nigelbabubut but but... night?15:25
macoi took a nap in the student lounge at school one day15:26
nigelbabumaco, missed any classes?15:26
macono set an alarm on my phone15:26
jussiI used to fall asleep on the bus home from school fairly often... and fairly often ended up at the end of the line....15:27
akgranerIt's only rough for me when I have to follow a "normal" awake all day sleep all night pattern15:27
macojussi: oh i nap on the metro a lot15:28
akgranerI usually end up with 6-8 hours of sleep during a 24 period with naps here and there15:28
macobut i wake up at each station and look around then go back to sleep15:28
akgranerthe "normal" way only about 315:28
nigelbabumaco, haha, I used to do that when I working in a town around 1 hour from home15:28
* elky coughs and points to the channel name15:28
nigelbabuoooooh, sorry15:29
nigelbabuback to the point, akgraner, can ya review elky latest work? (I think its awesome)15:29
akgraneryeah I am looking at it now15:29
akgranerit's great!!15:30
akgraneryou all rock!15:31
nigelbabuelky, some time you have to teach me how to do those rays :)15:31
* akgraner wants to learn how to use inkscape15:32
akgranerbut on the back burner15:32
nigelbabuakgraner, I thought maco was goign to teach you at next conf?15:32
maconigelbabu: yeah but im not expert either :P15:32
akgraneryeah  - I am just lamenting15:32
elkynigelbabu, I stole http://www.openclipart.org/detail/18368 then took out the layers I didn't want, then chose the ubuntu yellow and then put a radial gradient on it15:32
nigelbabumaco, look at  logs, elky and I were looking at some awesome cuteness15:32
elkyyeah search for "*melt*"15:33
nigelbabuelky, aah, nice :)15:33
macoi saw your flickr links15:33
elkyserious baby is serious15:33
nigelbabuelky> http://www.flickr.com/photos/amilianna/2336409188/ <--- *melt*15:33
elkyshe can't be even 2yrs old there15:34
* nigelbabu is still melting about this one15:34
elkyi'd be right too http://www.flickr.com/photos/amilianna/239992926/in/set-72157594278682695/15:35
nigelbabuahhh :)15:37
nigelbabuelky, you've fixed the attribution at your end right?15:41
elkyyep, should be15:41
nigelbabuI think this is ready for some publicity15:42
nigelbabuFacebook tagging, flickr tagging15:42
elkyHas he responded yet?15:44
nigelbabunope, just wakey wakey time I suppose15:44
nigelbabuanyone know what time zone is Regina, SK?15:45
nigelbabuwell, CST, so its 8:45 am on a saturday15:45
macoit's canada, so somewhere between me and akk15:46
macoCST or CDT?15:47
macoif theyre in daylight savings time too, its 94715:48
nigelbabuaccording to my gnome clock... what does kde say? ;)15:48
macoi dont have it configured for saskatchewan so i dont know :P15:49
macofind it surprising theyre not on daylight time yet though15:49
nigelbabumaco, I find it surprising that they have the sense not to use DST15:50
nigelbabuelky, w00t, he reponded15:59
nigelbabuThanks for contacting me. This sounds like a wonderful project, and I'm happy that the photograph (of my daughter) will be helpful. The attribution is correct. Thanks, and best of luck.15:59
* nigelbabu is jumping up and down16:01
nigelbabuonce we have everything set, I'll mail him the links where he can see the end product :)16:04
nigelbabuelky, so, how are we going to distribute, attach pdfs and smaller pics for blogs, facebook, etc?16:08
elkyI'll export a png if you like16:09
nigelbabuI could use a png16:09
nigelbabusmaller though ;)16:10
nigelbabuthank you :)16:18
nigelbabuwhy is wget not working :/16:20
nigelbabuelky, the attribution we offered to put was "http://www.flickr.com/photos/courosa/  / *http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/*"16:21
elkyOh, I didn't read your email properly16:21
* elky fixes16:21
nigelbabuthis is what amber added in later16:22
elkywhy the * around the licence?16:22
nigelbaburemove it16:22
elkyuploading to wiki currently http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Events/Competitions/WorldPlayDay/Poster16:41
akgranerthat was the lic that the owner had embedded to the pic in flickr16:43
akgranersorry so mis-read that16:43
nigelbabuthis is what happens to insomaniacs :D16:44
* nigelbabu runs16:44
* akgraner makes note to quit abbreviating things 16:44
elkyquestion of the day: can the wiki cope with a 10.5mb upload?16:45
akgranerhmmm - try it :-)16:46
nigelbabuif you're lucky.16:46
nigelbabuoption 2:  Ask dholbach16:46
elkyAttachment 'UW_WPD_2010.tar.gz' (remote name 'UW_WPD_2010.tar.gz') with 10979605 bytes saved.16:46
nigelbabuoh yaay!16:46
akgranercool beans16:46
akgranergotta run - catch you all laters daughter to cpr certification today - woo hoo!!!  she may save my life some day :-)16:47
nigelbabuelky, ok, so I'll mail him with what we've done now :)16:49
* elky buffs her nails16:50
nigelbabuelky, time for publicity!16:56
elkyposters page looks a little more organised and readable now16:59
nigelbabuelky, *hugs* You did AWESOME work today :)17:11
nigelbabuelky, read to blog?17:23
elkynigelbabu, you first17:34
nigelbabuelky, ok.  /me goes to write17:35
nigelbabuelky, ok, I'm almost done18:04
nigelbabuelky, akgraner blogged!18:29
nigelbabuelky, blogged?18:42
* nigelbabu refreshes geekosophical18:42
nigelbabuw00t w00t!18:43
nigelbabuelky, I talked to pablo from uruguay, he'll get a spanish announcement in18:43
elkyalso, jono appears to be back on the tweetosphere so hopefully he'll catch up sooner rather than later18:44
nigelbabugreat :)18:45
nigelbabuelky, last hope.  print posters and bribe pleia2 and akgraner to distribute during UDS :D18:45
akgranernigelbabu, no bribing necessary - I'll add them to the stuff being mailed to the hotel18:59
akgranerthe UW ones are being sent there, along with business cards, so I'll add this one as well19:00
elkywhen is UDS?19:01
macomay 10-1419:01
* elky didn't even bother to check because she can't spare time for it anyway19:02
elkymaco, cutting it a bit short then...19:02
akgranerwhich reminds me - elky you should be getting 100 posters  50/50 of two different sizes arrival date is set for sometime between 15 and 21 of May19:02
elkysince it kinda /closes/ 14th may19:02
elkyakgraner, oh wow19:02
akgranerrather than have them all sent to me - I sent some to you  - shipping some to Laura and some to UDS19:03
akgranerthen after UDS I'll figure out what is left and slap up a wiki and request form and go from there19:04
akgranerwow this day is flying by - bbiab19:06
pleia2elky: awesome poster!!19:12
elky:D innit just (if i do say so myself)19:13
nigelbabuelky, to think we did it all when US was asleep :)19:14
elkywould have been nicer to have the new branding, but sucks to be us, er, canonical if they want the branding to stick without community materials having access to an official svg19:14
elky(we couldn't find an official one)19:15
nigelbabuelky, just curious.  what time is it?19:27
macowe might have an official svg for kubuntu if you want that19:27
nigelbabumaco, no thanks :D19:27
nigelbabumaco, you might be interested to look into our photographer19:28
macoyep i saw the link earlier19:28
nigelbabulook at the last post19:29
elkySomeone should probably also write somethign to the ITLA folks at some point too19:32
nigelbabuelky, ITLA?19:33
elkyInternational Toy Library Association19:34
elkyThe folks who invented world play day19:34
elkyEyes are starting to not work. Sounds like bedtime symptoms to me.19:37
nigelbabuelky, definitely19:42
* nigelbabu notes maco laughs after 40 minutes20:17
czajkowskinigelbabu: sup?23:35
akgranerczajkowski, how things go today?23:39
czajkowskiakgraner: pretty well23:39
czajkowskiit was a fun day23:39
czajkowskilots of impromotu stuff happned so good stuff23:39
akgraner:-) oh cool!23:39
czajkowskishattered now though23:40
akgranerI bet23:40
czajkowskifeels like I've not slept in days23:40
akgraner*nods*  - get some rest up  - maybe a skype call tomorrow evening your time?23:40
czajkowskisounds good23:41
czajkowskineed a chin wag23:41
akgranerping me in your evening I should be finished with UWN by then23:42
czajkowskiwill do23:42
czajkowskigoing to attempt sleep lark23:43
akgraner:-)  good luck!  catch you laters23:43

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