
Supernatendoexcept proprietary video00:00
Raydiationsmt: the close source one00:00
Raydiationgramm: system -> system settings -> hardware drivers00:00
CkhiKuzadi need some help: http://pastebin.com/3gu2bUAJ i tried to install KDE, and it appears that apt is broken ._.00:00
smtoh, k dunno00:00
mayfairmanjust been checking00:00
smtbut i guess no00:00
grammsoreau: it says that no proprietary drivers are in use on this system00:00
Supernatendook what is your gpu gramm?00:00
soreaugramm: It doesn't list any?00:00
grammsoreau: nothing00:01
Raydiationgramm: what gpu is it?00:01
grammmy gpu is ATI 230000:01
soreaugramm: What does 'lspci|grep VGA' show from a terminal? (Applications>Accessories>Terminal)00:01
mayfairmancant find anything specific on the QSC6085 but there are forum posts where virgin wireles has been set-up on linux, although on Ubuntu has been less than favourable. Apparently there is a 30 day money back though, so give it a crack and see how it goes00:01
xanguaCkhiKuzad: are you using an unstable distribution¿ the message says00:01
CkhiKuzadi'm using 9.0400:01
hunahpuCkhiKuzad: are you using 10.014 beta?00:01
CkhiKuzadno i am not, 9.0400:01
hunahpugramm is it ati hd2300?00:01
mattwj2002thanks mayfairman00:02
grammati x2300 radeon mobility00:02
mayfairmannp ;)00:02
grammcompatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon X230000:02
mattwj2002I could always use Windows ;)00:02
jeffola225I want to add the OCF-Linux module to my kernel. How do I do that without recompling the entire kernel00:02
mayfairmandual boot city, best of both00:02
grammthis showed after I entered the command you've told me00:02
soreaugramm: If you do 'apt-cache search fglrx' and install the modalias packages, it should appear in hardware drivers00:03
hunahpuCkhiKuzad: check your software sources, see if you have other repositories enabled, disable all but the 4 ubuntu's, make sure they are marked as jaunty00:03
CkhiKuzadok hanahpu00:03
Supernatendogram: sudo apt-get update00:03
hunahpugramm: there is no propietary driver by ati for your card, you'll have to use the open driver for now00:03
Supernatendosudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:03
jeffola225I need to patch linux-OCF into my kernel00:04
grammsudo password?00:04
grammwhat is it?00:04
Supernatendoyour password00:04
hunahpuCkhiKuzad: in case you don't do it with synaptic, you'll have to run "sudo apt-get update"00:04
CkhiKuzadhanahpu, i only have 2 ubuntu sources.00:04
grammIt doesnt recognize when I type it in00:04
grammcan i disable the password restriction00:05
hunahpuCkhiKuzad: you should have at least 4, main, restricted, universe and multiverse :s are they even listed?00:05
Supernatendowhen you type your password it wont show any asterisks00:05
grammhunahpu: thnx its so sad :(00:05
Supernatendojust type your password and hit enter00:06
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CkhiKuzadno they arent, could you PM me what they should say so i can add them in? hanahpu00:06
hunahpugramm: yes, ATI is not that good with us linux users :(00:06
Supernatendoit is now adays00:06
Supernatendoati is fine00:06
hunahpuCkhiKuzad: yes, mine are for my country's repositories, I'm looking for the US ones.00:07
dos123ati will sink with amd00:07
Supernatendoi have 4870 running fine in karmic00:07
Supernatendoused to be ati drivers = fail00:07
Supernatendonot anymore00:07
grammguys I've entered the commands you've told me and what now? :-s00:07
Supernatendosudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx00:07
purpleyHey how do i check what type of ubuntu i should install in a linux based computer00:08
CkhiKuzadpurpley, you should try ubuntu00:08
Supernatendojust use the 32 bit desktop version first00:08
CkhiKuzadbut if you feel safer on windows, try Kubuntu, purpley00:08
purpleyCkhiKuzad: Obviously captain obvious and i said im on a linux based computer, ive used ubuntu many times00:09
Supernatendothey are both fine00:09
Supernatendoubunto or kubuntu00:09
bastid_raZor`feel safe on windows` that statement is an oxymoron00:09
CkhiKuzadwell purpley, maybe you should have tried to be specific.00:09
purpleyi believe its a i68600:09
Oxymoronbastid_raZor: Yes? :D00:09
Supernatendobesides they are both as different from windows as each other, not really understand what you mean by "safe on windows"00:09
CkhiKuzadand i said safer as in if you dont want to use GNOME00:10
CkhiKuzadKDE looks a bit more like windows' shell00:10
bastid_raZorOxymoron: heh, did not know the word was your nick.00:10
osmosisI tried to do   iptables -A INPUT -d -j DROP   , but packets are still going straight through to
purpleyIm actually going back to ubuntu because im sick of the terminal00:10
dos123i feel save on dos00:10
MrSunshinehmm, isnt multiverse available for 10.04 ?00:10
hunahpuCkhiKuzad: http://paste.ubuntu.com/415846/00:10
Supernatendoterminal is great00:10
MrSunshineahh #ubuntu+1 ? :)00:10
CkhiKuzadthanks hanahpu00:10
Oxymoronbastid_raZor: Sorry I just messing around with ya. I know what the word mean, but I didnt thought someone actually should use it :P00:10
grammI've typed sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx and it started installing something am I doing right? :-s00:10
purpleydos123: Ive been using it for 7 months and im tired of using it 24/7 with no gui or de00:11
dos123dos has many guis...00:11
purpleydos123 im talking like kde gnome etc.00:11
Supernatendodos does not have power of BASH though...00:11
purpley<3 bash00:11
dos123dos have no bash bugs00:12
colorlessprism+1 bash00:12
Supernatendowhat bash bugs?00:12
bastid_raZorOxymoron: it was a good joke all around.00:12
SupernatendoI have never ran into a bash bug00:12
hunahpuany shell is good00:12
Supernatendobesides user error00:12
dos123have you heard of new dos bugs?00:12
memehedos123, and bash has no dos bugs :)00:12
colorlessprismi havent heard of new dos pperiod00:12
dos123dos has no bugs00:12
colorlessprismdos has nothing00:12
kubi_ubi_bubihello! There is any method that a user will be able to use the "mount" command? In other words, can I add a root command for a user?00:12
Supernatendosudoers file00:13
purpleyanyway anyone know what type of version of ubuntu i should install if i have i68600:13
Supernatendoadd the user to sudoers00:13
Supernatendothen they can run anything with the sudo command00:13
colorlessprismpruply not 10.0400:13
DG19075purpley: i38600:13
DcMeese!hello | jrocha00:13
Supernatendothey all work on 68600:13
ubottujrocha: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:13
hunahpukubi_ubi_bubi: use "visudo" to add users to the sudoers list00:13
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule00:13
colorlessprismstay away from lucid for now unless you want to test00:14
purpleyOh wait argh never mind i forgot i can boot usb drives :(00:14
colorlessprismlucid should not be used it a computer is important to you00:14
kubi_ubi_bubihunahpu: ok thanx00:14
GuthurIs there a way to determine if a package has dependants00:14
dos123i don't use ubuntu in serious cases00:14
GuthurReverse dependencies so to speak00:15
hunahpu!ot | dos12300:15
DcMeese!bot | SultansElephant00:15
ubottudos123: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:15
dos123ubuntu is just a fat irc client for me00:15
ubottuSultansElephant: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins00:15
Supernatendoapt-get help00:15
purpleyIs there a way to boot of a live usb drive even if your bios doesnt support it00:16
hunahpuSupernatendo: in a terminal: man apt-get00:16
colorlessprismpurply, is  there a bios update for your computer?00:16
tj83purpley, nope, upgrade the bios00:16
hunahpupurpley: no00:16
Supernatendoor he can type apt-get help00:16
Supernatendoor man apt-get00:16
Supernatendothen find out can use apt-get check00:16
hunahpuSupernatendo: it would be "apt-get --help"00:16
Supernatendodo it in terminal you will see apt-get help works too00:17
purpleytj83: Im sort of scared to do that because i did that on my desktop which is my main computer and corrupted the bios00:17
calaen0does anyone know how to do the equivalent of apt-cache search <package-name>, only, restrict the results to *installed* packages?00:17
GuthurIts not a broken dependency00:17
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colorlessprismpurply i think i saw unetbootin had an app the had limited success scroll through the list of install options i saw in a descript00:17
tj83purpley, well, its happened to us all. its a risk, but out of 100 flashes i'd say 1 or less fail00:17
GuthurIndeed I'm not looking for what it depends on, but what depends on it00:17
colorlessprismpurply description that said somthing like that00:17
SultansElephantcant you flash the bios from RAM if that happens00:18
tj83purpley, also, back in the day, when we were useing 1.44 floppy the risk was greater, use cd and verify if possible.00:18
curtis_Hi im having some wifi issues i put a password on a default keyring this how do i remove the password00:18
colorlessprismi used freedos from USB to flash my MSI Wind...i had no porblems YMMV00:18
s0l1dsnak3123When I insert a removable drive (like my ipod), nautilus doesn't recognise it, however I can see it in lsusb. Is there a bug on the bugtracker for this? I can't seem to find one00:18
colorlessprismsolid is it mounted?00:19
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, how can i check?00:19
hunahpus0l1dsnak3123: it depends in the ipod model, not all of them are supported; you can check mounted devices with "mount"00:19
DcMeeseWouldn't it show up in nautilus if it were mounted00:19
colorlessprismsolid, open terminal and type mkdir /media/ipod00:20
hunahpuDcMeese: nautilus displays mounted devices in /media/ only00:20
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colorlessprismsolid, follow hunahpu00:20
DcMeeses0l1dsnak3123: Do you have iPod touch by chance!00:20
curtis_Hi i set a password for my defalt keyring for wifi how do i get rid of it00:20
=== Trek is now known as CaptainTrek
s0l1dsnak3123DCMeese, No, its an ipod classic (the more modern version of the video) - this also happens on my phone, which is an android phone, so im pretty sure its independant of that00:21
SupernatendoGuther: http://patraulea.com/hacks/deptree.py/ Does that help?00:21
memehecurtis_: rm -rf .gnome2/keyrings # will remove all the keyring passwords00:21
velcroshoozis the security repo down atm? trying to update a friends box, all packages out of security are failing?00:21
CaptainTrekvelcroshooz, what distro?00:21
velcroshoozCaptainTrek, ubuntu karmic00:21
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, hunahpu, its not listed under mount00:21
DcMeeses0l1dsnak3123: Yeah my iPhone shows up as a camera in Ubuntu, but that's natural.00:22
CaptainTrekvelcroshooz, perhaps the system doesnt have an inet connection.  ping google.com00:22
CaptainTrekhold on00:22
colorlessprismsolid, lol hunahpu was helping you it is a person, open a terminal and type mount00:22
velcroshoozCaptainTrek, inet is fine, all other packages got updated, can use the web. getting 404 errors from the security repo.00:22
CaptainTrekvelcroshooz: it COULD just be temporarily down.  I know the Jaunty repos sometimes go down on occasion00:23
velcroshoozCaptainTrek, roger, just was wondering if anyone else had encountered, ill try again later00:23
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, my ipod is not a person? o.0 also it is not listed under mount when i run it00:23
wrenchi just installed network-manager-kde using apt-get.  How can i find out how to run this newly installed program?00:23
pakauhello people can anyone help me ? ???00:23
colorlessprismsolid, hunapau was a person on here, we can try and mount it if you want00:24
xangua!help > pakau00:24
ubottupakau, please see my private message00:24
Supernatendodont ask to ask, just ask00:24
xanguawrench: are you running gnome/xfce¿00:24
memehepakau, just post it, and someone will respond00:24
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, sounds good, but why does nautilus ignore it (along with other removable drives)?00:24
wrenchxangua: i believe i'm running KDE00:25
pakauok.. well i want to upgrade  LMMS 0.4.5    to   0.4.6   do you guys know any comand in console to upgrade  LMMS ?00:25
colorlessprismsolid, it sounds as though your system is not automounting like it should00:25
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, have you heard of any bugs like that before? is that a new one?00:26
Sia-wrench, apt-cache policy kdm or aptitude search kde and pastebin the output00:26
CrOnOs__sol1dsnak3123 happens on all media ? cd usb floppy? are you using karmic?00:26
colorlessprismsolid, ive heard of it before, if you hang on im looking for a fix00:26
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, thanks :)00:26
Supernatendopakau: https://launchpad.net/~tobydox/+archive/lmms00:26
memehepakau: did you check if the ubuntu repository has the version you are looking for?00:26
s0l1dsnak3123CrOnOs_, only usb. I'm on lucid, but this happened on karmic too00:27
Supernatendothen sudo apt-get update00:27
pakauthe repository has 4.500:27
Supernatendothen sudo apt-get upgrade00:27
pakausupernatendo ok wait let me test00:27
Supernatendois on the link i posted above00:27
CkhiKuzadwell, its official. i broke apt ._.00:28
colorlessprismsolid, open nautilus and go to edit>media tab>is bottom box checked that says browse media when inserted?00:28
CrOnOs__solid: ok i had same problem on karmic for my netbook hope is not a bug the usb are listed on lsusb but you cantt mount them00:29
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, yes it is00:29
colorlessprismsolid, ok try this00:29
DcMeese!hello | swoody00:30
ubottuswoody: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:30
pakausupernatendo cant download it..00:30
swoodythanks DcMeese :)00:30
DcMeese:P np00:30
colorlessprismsolid, open gconf-editor and browse to /apps/nautilus/preferences/media_automount is it true?00:30
Glaah how neat00:31
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, yes it is00:31
colorlessprismsolid, then i am out of ideas, i know how to maunally mount, but i dont know what else to check on your system00:32
colorlessprismsolid, try posting on the ubuntu forums and see what they say00:32
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, will do :)00:32
max-pHi all, Nautilus won't stop crashing while copying files from an USB drive to an other one, any idea?00:33
calaen0anyone with any experience with upgrading horde - the webmail client/app platform?00:33
DcMeeseGuys, does ubuntu 9.10 run well on a MacBook Pro?00:33
max-pHi all, Nautilus won't stop crashing while copying files from an USB drive to an other one, any idea?00:34
curtis_Need help to get rid of default keyring password plz help00:35
colorlessprismcurtis, someone said earlier "rm -rf .gnome2/keyrings # will remove all the keyring passwords"00:36
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nmoureyiiWhat is the state of the NVIDIA drivers from the NVIDIA website for 10.04?00:37
colorlessprismnvidia has new drivers!!!00:37
colorlessprismdrivers from website are said not to work00:38
curtis_Need help to get rid of default keyring password plz help00:38
rwwnmoureyii: Lucid/10.04 discussion and support is in #ubuntu+100:38
nmoureyiiAre there plans on fixing that?00:38
colorlessprismCURTIS, someone said earlier "rm -rf .gnome2/keyrings # will remove all the keyring passwords"00:38
colorlessprismCURTIS, someone said earlier "rm -rf .gnome2/keyrings # will remove all the keyring passwords"00:38
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, where do you suggest getting the latest _stable_ ones from00:38
nmoureyiiOK -- Thanks!00:38
colorlessprismsolid, latest stable...00:38
StephenWinsdoes anybody know why I get this problem?00:39
yaaarso, anybody around here familiar with Nvidia Optimus laptops under Ubuntu? I recognize that switching is probably a ways off....but are we to a point yet that I can force ubuntu to use the discrete graphics all the time?00:39
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism - stable as in not bleeding edge :P00:39
colorlessprismsolid, what?00:39
StephenWinsI've had it for a few weeks, sorry for not asking earlier00:39
colorlessprismsolid, im lost what are you needing stable?00:39
rwwStephenWins: scroll that window to the left and see which update server you're using, please00:39
StephenWinsI can't, I kind of lost that window and can't get it back lol00:40
StephenWinsI clicked close or something and lost it I think00:40
rwwStephenWins: copy the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list to http://paste.ubuntu.com/, then link the created page here00:40
StephenWinsand when I go to check for updates (which is how I got that window)00:40
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, I installed lucid today. I had installed it before, put on the recommended nvidia drivers and all looked good... except from plymouth. I'm looking for a driver that isn't going to die on me 24-7, but that I can use compiz with as well as plymouth. Does such a driver exist?00:40
StephenWinsit says that a synaptic is already using it00:40
StephenWinsok rww, 1 sec00:41
colorlessprismsolid, i might be able to help but this might make ubuntu not boot00:41
colorlessprismsolid, just warning you00:41
StephenWinsrww: sources.list.d or sources.list?00:42
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, not a big deal - I've only just installed00:42
curtis_Hi  need some help with my wifi when i log out and back in it doesn dn00:42
colorlessprismsolid, sudo nano /etc/default/grub00:42
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, ok?00:43
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, wow this is different00:43
colorlessprismsolid, On line #18, uncomment (uncomment = remove the “#” in front of the line “#GRUB_GFXMODE=640×480” and change the resolution to whatever you want. Here is how it should look:GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x76800:43
curtis_hi i need some help with my wifi when i log in and out it doesn't auto connect and i have checked connect automatically i did put a password on keyring00:43
colorlessprismsolid tel me when you got it00:44
StephenWinsdo you mean, the window that pops up00:44
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, done :)00:44
StephenWinsgo to the "other software"00:44
StephenWinstab and copy all of them?00:44
StephenWinsinto a pastebin?00:44
colorlessprismsolid,  sudo nano /etc/grub.d/00_header00:44
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, I set it to GRUB_GFXMODE=1680x1050 as that's what my desktop is at, that ok?00:44
colorlessprismsolid, maybe im not sure00:45
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, done00:45
rwwStephenWins: press Alt-F2, type gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list , copy and paste the file's contents into http://paste.ubuntu.com00:45
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, ok00:45
colorlessprismsolid, And find the following line: “gfxmode=${GRUB_GFXMODE}” its a ways down and under it, paste this:set gfxpayload=keep00:45
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, done00:46
colorlessprismsollid, sudo update-grub00:46
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, done00:46
tar-fantastic.. i seem to have the exact opposite problem with sound as everyone else using creative-products o.o00:46
colorlessprismsolid, DONE!00:46
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, my fate has been sealed :P00:47
s0l1dsnak3123colorlessprism, I'll reboot - if i come back you'll know it works :D00:47
colorlessprismsolid, restart the computer and you should see the nice Plymouth screen00:47
colorlessprismsolid, good luck00:47
s0l1dsnak3123thanks, bye :)00:47
rwwStephenWins: ok. one sec00:48
curtis_Hey how do i remove the password to my wifi keyring plz help00:48
colorlessprismCURTIS, someone said earlier "rm -rf .gnome2/keyrings # will remove all the keyring passwords"00:48
colorlessprismcurtis_, someone said earlier "rm -rf .gnome2/keyrings # will remove all the keyring passwords"00:49
JohnTedHow can I encrypt a portable hard disk?00:50
rwwStephenWins: that mirror looks like it's working from here. Open a terminal, issue "sudo apt-get update", see if you get any errors.00:50
curtis_colorlessprism, i tried it it never removed it ill try agian00:51
StephenWinsit stops at 98% when it's looking for headers00:51
=== david is now known as Guest67106
StephenWinswaiting for headers*00:51
=== Trek is now known as CaptainTrek
rwwStephenWins: that's normal, leave it for a couple of minutes00:51
futurama140I'm trying to set up multiple monitors, but im getting an error "Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".". My xorg.conf is: http://pastebin.com/Mp94wzHk00:52
futurama140I'm trying to set up multiple monitors, but im getting an error "Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".". My xorg.conf is: http://pastebin.com/Mp94wzHk can anyone give me a hand with it?00:52
Glahey guys, I have a pretty standard Ubuntu setup, how would I check what emails were recently sent out ? mail -q ?00:53
aguiteli installed lxde but later i uninstall all lxde ,why when i type aptitude install -f it install again lxde?00:53
hajmolacan anyone help with my ATSC usb dongle? USB ID: 05e1:0480, when I 'make' teledongle it gives me some sort of firmware error00:54
jimi_Is there a newer version of shrew other than 2.1.4 ?00:55
Supernatendois there a way to fix the crappy implementation of pulseaudio in ubuntu karmic?00:55
SupernatendoI have tried a lot of things00:55
Supernatendonothing works00:55
Supernatendoi just want sound again...00:55
dugger5688Super: Lol, what makes it lamer in karmic than any other ubuntu?00:56
Supernatendonothing except i stopped ubuntu for a while and was using puppy00:56
Supernatendonow im back and sound sucks00:56
SupernatendoI had sound this morning before work00:57
Supernatendonow no sound00:57
Supernatendoi dont want to be forced to reboot00:57
NeedleInYourArmsquestion how do you get a wirless card to run in linux? im currently running windows but id like to play around with linux some and have wireless internet support00:57
mrwesSupernatendo, sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart00:57
dugger5688Super: yeah, you can try that. I just get a warning that I can't restart b/c it's configured per user or some BS like that. Pulse can suck, but all-in-all it can be useful.00:59
dugger5688Needle: which card?00:59
CrOnOs__NeedLeInYourArms most liveCDs will autodetec your wireless card00:59
NeedleInYourArmsNetwork AdapterAtheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter00:59
NeedleInYourArmsand if it dosent what can i do to get it to detect?00:59
Supernatendodugger: yeah I get same error00:59
futurama140I'm trying to set up multiple monitors, but im getting an error "Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".". My xorg.conf is: http://pastebin.com/Mp94wzHk can anyone give me a hand with it?00:59
futurama140I'm trying to set up multiple monitors, but im getting an error "Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".". My xorg.conf is: http://pastebin.com/Mp94wzHk can anyone give me a hand with it?00:59
FloodBot1futurama140: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:59
rwwStephenWins: Is that the entirety of the output?01:00
jimi_what apt- program shows what provids libqt­mt.so?01:00
ezrafreeare there any solutions for using screen in X?01:00
crimsunjimi_: dpkg -S01:00
dugger5688Neddle: google is your friend http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=Atheros+AR5007EG+ubuntu01:00
soreauNeedleInYourArms: That card should be supported by the ath5k driver which should be loaded by default when ubuntu detects the card01:00
RippedAlloywhat video card model future14001:00
rwwubottu: google | dugger568801:01
ubottudugger5688: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.01:01
jimi_crimsun, ever compiled shrew from source?01:02
mrwesnow we can't say "Google It?"01:02
dugger5688I think it's b/c I linked to a search for "Atheros [model #] ubuntu"01:02
crimsunjimi_: no, why?01:03
StephenWinsrww, I'll give you everything, sorry01:03
StephenWinsand sorry for taking so long to respond01:03
NeedleInYourArmswell thanks guys ill see if i can get it working =]01:04
jimi_crimsun, just wondering, i am going to  :)01:04
StephenWinssorry about taking so long, there it all is01:04
dugger5688NeedleInYourArm: if not, you can try 'modprobe ath5k'01:04
NeedleInYourArmswill do dugger5688 thanks again01:05
rwwStephenWins: alright. It looks like you tried to add the (nonexistant) PPA "ppa-name" at some point. You can disable it by going to System -> Administration -> Software Sources -> Other Software (or Third/Part Software), looking in the list, and unchecking the checkbox next to it.01:06
rwwThird-Party **01:06
aguiteli installed lxde but later i uninstall all lxde ,why when i type aptitude install -f it install again lxde?01:06
kamokowIm using,  "find [long_dir_name] -type f -name "*.mod" > [playlist file]"  to setup a playlist for a shoutcast station. Is there anyway to make it so instead of just searching for .mod files, it can search for multiple filetypes?01:07
Proculehi i'm on 10.04beta2 live on a usb stick, i've just resized my LVM drive to make space for a new installation, unfortunatly, it seems the ubuntu installation doesn't see the LVM space, how is so ?01:07
rwwProcule: Lucid/10.04 discussion and support is in #ubuntu+1, not here01:08
StephenWinsrww, which 1 do I uncheck?01:09
rwwStephenWins: yes01:09
cbr1993i need help with something01:10
cuwoahh...big channel01:10
futurama140idk how to change that01:10
cbr1993can someone help me01:10
futurama140how do i use proprietary drivers for my graphics cards? its open source right now01:10
cbr1993can someone help me01:11
MarrteIs there any way to download the ubuntu 4.10 release?01:11
StephenWinsrwwL thanks rww, thanks a lot :-)01:11
Queue29cbr1993, how can we know if we can help if you don't ask anything?01:11
ctmjr!ask | cbr199301:11
ubottucbr1993: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:11
rwwcbr1993: Yes. Go ahead and ask your question to the channel, all on one line, and someone will answer if they can.01:11
rwwStephenWins: no problem, glad I could help :)01:11
rwwubottu: ati | futurama14001:11
ubottufuturama140: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:11
cbr1993i need to know how to install pciutils-2.2.001:11
rwwfuturama140: if you're using something other than those three, let me know :)01:11
rwwMarrte: 4.10 as in the one that came out in October 2004?01:12
rwwMarrte: hrm. There's supposed to be an ISO at http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ , but I don't see it there.01:13
aj00200Can anyone recommend a good video editor (?free?). Also, although not currently needed, it would be nice if it could make a video like this: http://www.spreadfirefox.com/5years/en-US/01:13
Queue29cbr1993, do you really need such an old version?01:13
crucialhoaxaj00200: Have you tried PiTiVi/01:14
mrwesMarrte, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/01:14
MarrteI didn't find it either =/01:14
mrwesMarrte, top of the page01:14
aj00200crucialhoax: I'll look at it. Thanks :D01:14
cbr1993no i dont. it can be any version.01:14
rwwmrwes: that link errors out01:14
MarrteThe link is brokwn01:14
crucialhoaxaj00200: No prob01:14
yaaarso, anybody around here familiar with Nvidia Optimus laptops under Ubuntu? I recognize that switching is probably a ways off....but are we to a point yet that I can force ubuntu to use the discrete graphics all the time?01:14
jeffreyfStupid question:  How do I access the UbuntuOne Music Store01:14
cbr1993Queue29- it can be any version01:15
Queue29cbr1993,  can you just do a: sudo apt-get install pciutils  ?01:15
calaen0anyone who's upgraded horde - the webmail app?01:15
rwwMarrte: That's where I got it when I was looking for it in the past. I'll try and ping the relevant people, but it might take a few days for me to get a response01:16
cbr1993it says to use "make" to install it and i dont know how to do that. im vary new at this01:16
rwwubottu: pm | futurama14001:16
ubottufuturama140: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:16
Marrterww: Okay, I'll be here ;)01:16
slckb0yis someone running kubuntu in a win7 virtualbox pls ? :)01:17
Queue29cbr1993, you would only use make if you are building from source, which you don't have to if you just get it from apt-get01:17
Queue29cbr1993, unless you really do need an old version, in which case you would have to build from source01:17
=== Trek is now known as CaptainTrek
cbr1993what is apt-get?01:18
Random832it's the package manager01:18
CaptainTrekcbr1993, apt-get is used to install packages.01:18
cbr1993and i dont need the old version i dont think01:18
Random832(the underlying technology behind synaptic etc)01:18
CaptainTrekcbr1993, don't mess with it because some system tools need it01:18
futurama140rww: someone else told me that i was using open source drivers, but according to the hardware drivers gui im using the proprietary. I'm trying to set up multiple monitors, could you help me? my xorg.conf is http://pastebin.com/Mp94wzHk01:18
CaptainTrekcbr1993, Synaptic Package Manager just implements that tool is all01:19
CaptainTrekso... yeah, its useful01:19
cbr1993where do i get that?01:19
nmoureyiiAnyone have problems tar'ing  large ( 500G or larger ) files over over NFS?01:19
rwwfuturama140: I don't have experience with ATI/fglrx (which it appears you're using). If the page ubottu linked you to doesn't help, someone else in the channel might be able to.01:20
nmoureyiiYeah.  500 Gigabytes.  :)01:20
futurama140I'm trying to set up multiple monitors, but im getting an error "Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".". My xorg.conf is: http://pastebin.com/Mp94wzHk can anyone give me a hand with it?01:20
cbr1993where can i get a apt-get of pciutils01:21
j_dalmondhej, guys, good time of day! got a question. does standard compiling instructions like "make", "configure" compile a code for processor, or i have to add a manual option?01:21
nmoureyiiI also have NFS hang when it try to backup my laptop hard drive ( dd if=/dev/sda of=/nfs/mount/backup.img ).01:21
rwwcbr1993: There's a pciutils package in all current versions of Ubuntu... "sudo apt-get install pciutils" or use your favourite package manager.01:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
cbr1993so just type that in terminal?01:23
rwwcbr1993: if you need it as a prerequisite for compiling something, you probably want pciutils-dev as well01:23
futurama140I'm trying to set up multiple monitors, but im getting an error "Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".". My xorg.conf is: http://pastebin.com/Mp94wzHk can anyone give me a hand with it?01:23
blacksunsevenI used to mount guest directories as read-only using ro,bind. I'd have multiple per device if necessary. I've upgraded recently and now trying to do the same thing no longer works as expected. I get a warning about the mount being read-write and indeed it is. Any suggestions?01:23
cbr1993i need it for windows wireless drivers because i got an error that said it cant tell if the hardware is there01:24
bobertdosWhat would cause block after block of sudo usage syntax to reproduce itself in the sources.list file every time you refresh the repositories?01:25
distaticaCan one install via apt using a file containing packages? Without just doing a apt-get install `cat files.txt` ?01:25
calaen0any sysadmins here who've had to upgrade the horde framework for webmail?01:25
calaen0distatica - you can, to get started, you need a file with <packagename> install - try running hte command dpkg --get-selections and you will get a list of th right format01:26
calaen0distatica then you can use dpkg --set-selections < input-file-with-packagenames01:26
cbr1993windows wireless drivers says "unable to see if hardware is present". how do i fix this01:27
distaticacalaen0: thank you01:28
calaen0distatica, you bet, now if someone with experience pgrading horde would talk to me :)01:28
cbr1993windows wireless drivers says "unable to see if hardware is present". how do i fix this?01:28
calaen0cbr1993 i dont know but that question makes no sense without more background info like what you are trying to do, what you did and so forth01:29
calaen0bobertdos - you're probably facing a sources.list that has a typo?01:30
cbr1993i am trying to get a windows wireless driver to work. its a toshiba satellite a505d-s6968.01:30
xanguacbr1993: with ndiswrapper¿01:31
ZykoticK9IdleOne, maco <OT>Congrats to you both on becoming operators :) </OT>01:31
acovrigcan I get a list of installed packages and then pipe (or such) them to something to install all of them on a diff system?01:31
calaen0cbr1993, what card is it?01:31
cbr1993i dont know. how do i check?01:31
calaen0acovrig yes dpkg --get-selections > output-file01:31
rwwubottu: tell acovrig about clone01:31
ubottuacovrig, please see my private message01:31
bobertdoscalaen0:except it's more than that, when I use gksudo to open it up in gedit, delete all the "sudo" lines, save it, close it, and run apt-get update, the sudo lines reproduce themselves.01:31
xanguacbr1993: make sure to use the 'XP' driver01:32
cbr1993i do.01:32
calaen0cbr1993, lshw or lscpi -vv | grep network (or grep something that might be there in a wireless adapter)01:32
calaen0cbr1993, or just use lspci -vv and read through it....01:32
cbr1993its a laptop01:32
calaen0bobertdos, whats eh command you're typing again?01:33
calaen0bobertdos - type it here, exactly as you tried it on your machine01:33
wx9jcan I get a cord for my vaio laptop that will allow me to connect to S video on a projector for a power point ?01:33
futurama140I need to run 3 monitors on my system, 2 integrated work, the one on the PCIE will not extend or even show my desktop! my xorg.conf is http://pastebin.com/UtuSSxpm I've been googling for a week and i see no one else with my same issue, and ive gotten no help here the past 2 days. is there no one competent enough to know what im doing wrong?01:34
bobertdoscalaen0: sudo apt-get update, just to refresh the repos. I'm not actually saying this for myself, but for a guy I'm helping on a forum.01:34
calaen0bobertdos - that command is fine - but that's not the whole story - it wont ever put lines in the /etc/apt/sources.list file, so i dont see what's happening01:35
CaptainTrekfuturama140: you need to set in BIOS to use the PCIE card, you cant use both onboard and PCIE cards at the same time in some BIOS configs01:35
calaen0wx9j, yesh, search on google for how ppl use the s-video out with ubuntu and/or linux01:35
cbr1993i still dont know what to do01:35
calaen0cbr1993  - so how do you know that you have to use the windows driver?01:35
CaptainTrekfuturama140, its possible that it might not work because not all BIOS on every motherboard support using the onboard and PCI/PCIe cards01:36
agliodbshow can I set it up so that I can use CTRL-click instead of the 2nd mouse button?01:36
CaptainTrekfuturama140, at least not at the same time...01:36
calaen0futurama, what does xrandr -q tell you?01:36
cbr1993because i looked at the hardware drivers and it didnt have a driver for my laptop for wifi. and it didnt work right away ether01:36
dante123freezing under ubuntu and xp....memory tests ok.....could this be caused by hard drive problems???01:37
calaen0cbr1993 that's not a good way of going about it - find your wireless card, by using lspci -vv | less , then look online to see what driver supports that card and so on.01:37
futurama140CaptainTrek: i did set it to PCIE, my motherboard says it supports crossfire which is using both the integrated and add-in together as a single card, so i would assume it could use both seperately? if you want i can take a picture of my bios and you could give me an opinion of whether it looks like bios support is a problem01:37
bobertdoscalaen0: nether do I, hence the problem. When I look at his sources.list though, it's a total mess. It looks like he went from a very messy install of Intrepid to a very messy install of Karmic, so he might just be better off with a fresh install01:37
calaen0dante123 or usually temperature issues01:37
dante123happens most often when system is first turned on from cold....01:38
CaptainTrekfuturama140: and you confirmed that the PCIe card is crossfire capable?01:38
calaen0bobertdos, dunno man...01:38
dante123lots of fans.....no bad capacitors (from what I can see)01:38
calaen0dante123, temp - did you assemble the system, or get it assembled and did you or the assembler forget the paste for the processor?01:38
calaen0dante123, also try reducing the cpufrew to 1/2 in the bios and see if that fixes it for a day or two - that way you might know its the temp issue, or not.01:39
dante123I assembled and did not forget the paste01:39
Random832dante123: you could try monitoring your temperature to see if it's running hot01:39
Random832(if you can get a temperature applet to install)01:39
cbr1993when i put what you told me in the termanal it showed a bunch of stuff. i dont know what it means01:39
futurama140CaptainTrek:  the pcie is not crossfire, its too old, but i do know the two devices work fine seperately. in fact, the 3rd monitor im trying to run has a small cursor like in a terminal at the upper left.01:39
futurama140so all 3 are turned on01:40
blacksunsevenanybody able to help with an issue i'm having mounting drives?01:40
dante123will try the temp stuff.  But like I said....often happens when the computer first turned on (hence it is usually cold which makes me think not a temp issue)01:40
calaen0blacksunseven, just ask01:40
stopsignwhats a tight video editing software?01:40
CaptainTrekfuturama140: the pcie card needs to be crossfire capable to work with crossfire at the same time for it to be 100% effective.  in other news, have you tested to see if the system will run solely off of the PCIe card?01:40
calaen0dante123, anything in the syslog, dmesg etc?01:40
blacksunsevenI used to mount guest directories as read-only using ro,bind. I'd have multiple per device if necessary. I've upgraded recently and now trying to do the same thing no longer works as expected. I get a warning about the mount being read-write and indeed it is. Any suggestions?01:40
dante123stopsign are you saying what do we recommend for video editing?01:41
calaen0dante123, also re-seat pci card, memory etc01:41
CaptainTrekfuturama140, as in temporarily turn off the onboard card and see if ti will broadcast to the one card01:41
dante123reseated memory.....cpu is next I guess with new paste01:41
dante123stopsign, I like Openshot video editor01:41
cuwith ubuntu live-cd, can I boot off the CD then mofidy the system files or it's all read-only and no other way around?01:41
stopsignright on ty01:41
cufor example, the /etc/fstab file01:42
acovrigwhat is the freespace command, I keep forgetting :-|01:42
dante123stopsign for a relatively new program, it is pretty good.......also pitivi is another...but I havent really tried it01:42
futurama140CaptainTrek: yes the system can run solely off the pcie card, ive tested it. and crossfire isnt my problem, it was just an example, cause i know i can get all 3 monitors to work in windoze, i found this link, it worked for some people but im not getting alot from it, maybe you could take a look? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5396601:42
cbr1993so where is my wireless card info when i put in lspci -vv | less in termanal?01:42
stopsignim trying to edit some quake3 demos01:42
calaen0blacksunseven, mount -o remount,ro  <whatever> - what does that give you?01:42
dante123i think openshot is the way to go.....are you familiar with windows moviemaker?01:43
stopsigni will convert to avi01:43
CaptainTrekfuturama140: ati or nvidia?01:43
dante123openshot kind of looks like that but without the freezing (at least I haven't had too many issues)01:43
calaen0cu - the files on the livecd are usually read only - is that the question?01:43
stopsigni will try01:43
dante123stopsign http://www.openshotvideo.com/01:44
stopsignthanks man01:44
calaen0futurama140, what does xrandr -q tell you bud?01:44
dante123no worries.  good luck01:44
cbr1993where is my wireless card info when i put "lspci -vv | less" in termanal?01:45
calaen0futurama140 take it a step at a time - see if the card is recongnized, then use xrandr to drive output to it, if it all works, put it in xorg.cong01:45
calaen0cbr1993, you have to read it to find out.01:45
calaen0sample coming up01:45
calaen003:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection (rev 61)01:45
tadeucomphow to install joone01:45
calaen0cbr1993 ^^ that was mine....01:45
calaen0so cbr1993 do a lspci -vv | grep Network01:46
blacksunsevencalaen0: not mounted already, or bad option01:46
tadeucompno neural network01:46
calaen0blacksunseven i thought you said it was mount rw?01:46
calaen0mounted, I mean01:46
blacksunsevencalaen0: the device is mounted rw to a different mount point (that i want to be rw)01:46
cbr1993what does that mean?01:47
calaen0cbr1993 that means, type the following command and press enter01:47
calaen0lspci -vv | grep Network01:47
calaen0that will search for the string "Network" in the output of lspci -vv01:48
calaen0blacksunseven, was just trying to see if we get a message that says why it can't be mounted ro.01:48
cbr1993it said "Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 8192 (rev 01)" without quotes01:48
dsvanyone has installed calibre and can do me a conversion favor?01:49
blacksunsevencalaen0: this is what i get trying to mount it:: mount: warning: /home/dir1 seems to be mounted read-write.01:49
calaen0cbr1993, did you turn on the physical switch for the wireless card? cause the system doesnt seem to be seeing one01:49
calaen0blacksunseven, alright, so unmount it and mount it ro?01:49
calaen0well, cbr1993 if that really is all you got as the output the laptop's wireless card is really not being seen by the laptop.01:50
futurama140CaptainTrek: ATI01:50
calaen0anyways, funtime's up, see you all later!01:51
cbr1993oh. what do i do to fix this?01:51
blacksunsevencalaen0: if i unmount it from both locations and mount it ro, then the other location wont be rw01:51
futurama140calaen0: http://pastebin.com/YdvLKqbt01:52
calaen0futurama140 right on, so only two monitors are seen by xrandr - you have two to play with....01:53
calaen0futurama140, you could backup your xorg.conf if you ave edited it, use the default, and see if that changes anything.01:53
cbr1993my laptop cant see my wireless card. what do i do? ive tryed installing hardware drivers and using windows wireless drivers01:54
shadewindI've asked this before but does anyone in here have experience running Ubuntu (or any Linux) on Macs? I've heard a weird rumor that doing so will cause CPU damage.01:54
xanguashadewind: they lied to you01:55
blacksunsevenshadewind: xangua's 100% right01:55
shadewindI thought so01:56
shadewindthat's the article anyway01:56
cbr1993my laptop cant see my wireless card. what do i do? ive tryed installing hardware drivers and using windows wireless drivers01:56
shadewindessentially, what he is saying is that Linux lacks proper SMC drivers which will cause the CPU to be overvolted01:56
shadewindbut it seems strange for Apple to have a design to do something like that01:57
haavarosHi! I can't see mounted network shares (via ssh) while e.g. browsing for a file to upload, or a place to save my download, while in Firefox. Why?01:57
calaen0https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/linux/+bug/262550 shadewind read it01:57
GraveStalkerhttp://img685.imageshack.us/img685/4495/frostiidurarara11hd5cee.png >>> Ubuntu in animes01:58
cbr1993some one please answer me01:58
shadewindcalaen0: seems fixed to me?01:58
calaen0shadewind, sure does01:59
shadewindxangua: do you have any information that proves it's a load of crap? because I seriously doubt it too...02:00
shadewindbut I don't want to break my MBP :P02:00
=== jeffstieler_ is now known as jeffstieler
DcMeeseWhat's the best way to force quit a program02:02
calaen0DcMeese: ps auxww | grep <program>02:02
calaen0followed by a kill <pid of program>02:02
DcMeeseIs there a key macro02:03
calaen0shadewind dude, that bug report is exactly what that fb page described and its fixed02:03
DcMeeseThe program is blocking everyhtimf02:03
VV3rr3zanyone know the link to site to make ubuntu look like windows?02:03
shadewindcalaen0: okay02:03
shadewindcalaen0: you run Linux yourself on a Mac?02:03
calaen0shadewind yeah02:03
shadewindcalaen0: works fine?02:03
deletethy i need help whit somthing >>http://paste.ubuntu.com/415877/02:04
calaen0shadewind, of course02:04
calaen0took some installin' but that's cool02:04
DcMeeseNvm ALT+F4 works calaen002:04
calaen0if it is a GUI program, that usually does it, DcMeese02:04
shadewindcalaen0: I've done Linux From Scratch, Gentoo, Ubuntu, openSUSE, Solaris, osx86 et.c.02:05
shadewindcalaen0: so I'm pretty hardened :)02:05
calaen0shadewind, you'll be just fine02:05
DcMeeseYeah it was a WINE exe02:05
linx|shadewind: do slackware :)02:05
shadewindcalaen0: for how long have you been running?02:05
linx|shadewind: or an old SLS :)02:05
cbr1993how do i install pciutils for my ubuntu 9.10 64 bit?02:06
VV3rr3zAnyone know how to make Ubuntu look like Windows?02:06
shadewindlinx|: I did, but I was like 12 or something back then so I got bored when I got everything working02:06
deletetanyone can help??02:06
calaen0shadewind a year+ give or take02:06
brezHi, I have Ubuntu 9.10 and I connect to this headless box through a VNC client on a local network, when I connect it's extremely slow, any ideas on how to bost this? my net connection is ADSL 20000/100002:07
DcMeesecalaen0: My windows won't move, certain things won't work, but the applications still move( like selections in gimp) but I vant do anything. Any ideas?02:07
shadewindcalaen0: CPU intensive use sometimes I suppose?02:07
TendencyHey, anyone there that can give me a hand?02:07
calaen0not really, gotta work out the kinks, and get the cpufreqd going02:07
cbr1993how do i install pciutils for my ubuntu 9.10 64 bit?02:07
calaen0here's my left hand, Tendency02:08
Tendencycalaen0 Damn, sorry was looking for a right :)02:08
shadewindcalaen0: is there any way for you to check the Vcore?02:08
calaen0cbr1993, sudo apt-get install pciutils02:08
IdleOneZykoticK9: thank you02:08
deletet hy i need help whit somthing >>http://paste.ubuntu.com/415877/02:08
calaen0shadewind, hmm dunno02:08
TendencyOkay well my LiveCD just arrived from Canonical (My internet is on/off/on/off recently so its not stable enough to download Ubuntu) and when I try to install using Wubi I get an error, I can post a link to the error log if you want?02:09
YosharioI forgot my sudo password.02:09
NarKoticZHey all02:09
rjuneYoshario, it's your password02:10
shadewindcalaen0: I'll Google a bit, if I find a simple way, maybe you can tell me :)02:10
NarKoticZHaving an issue with an Ubuntu 9.10 install02:10
TendencyI've used different distros of Linux and Ubuntu has always been my favourite and I have installed using Wubi many times on different comptuers without a problem, any idea whats its happening now?02:10
TendencyNarKoticZ: Installing with Wubi?02:10
tczernhello, I am trying to configure printer sharing in ubuntu and got lost. configured cups, samba, this and that. Nothing works. I am trying to print from Mac OSX, anyone willing to help?02:10
NarKoticZNo, I'm attempting to use the ISO02:10
NarKoticZthe 32 bit02:10
YosharioSo uh how can I get it back?02:10
TendencyNarKoticZ: I'm having a Wubi problem.02:10
rjunetczern, can you print from your ubuntu station?02:10
TendencyOkay well my LiveCD just arrived from Canonical (My internet is on/off/on/off recently so its not stable enough to download Ubuntu) and when I try to install using Wubi I get an error, I can post a link to the error log if you want? Anyone got any idea ?02:10
NarKoticZI install it, but when i try to boot it starts the Intel Boot Loader then says "Operating System Not Found"02:11
calaen0Yoshario there is no separate sudo password, its the same user password...02:11
YosharioWell I /am/ using my user password for the sudo password and it doesn't seem to be working02:11
daftykinsTendency: pastebin the link and someone will reply.02:11
cbr1993what does it mean when ndiswrapper says "unable to see if hardware is present"? i read onlne that it means i need to install pciutils but i already did and it still is doing it02:11
IdleOneYoshario: how is it not working?02:11
tczernI am looking at interface for cups http://localhost:613 and Samba, plus Samba4 is both installed02:11
Tendencyhttp://pastebin.com/LJz7niCX <- its kind of big.02:12
NarKoticZI don't get it, it's supposed to be all automated, isn't it?02:13
shadewindcalaen0: you have lm-sensors installed?02:13
NarKoticZWhy am I gettting an OS not found error?02:13
calaen0shadewind yeah02:13
cbr1993what does it mean when ndiswrapper says "unable to see if hardware is present"? i read onlne that it means i need to install pciutils but i already did and it still is doing it02:13
NarKoticZAfter all, I'm using the Live CD02:13
haavarosHi! I can't see mounted network shares (via ssh) while e.g. browsing for a file to upload, or a place to save my download, while in Firefox. How can I fix this?02:13
shadewindcalaen0: run "sensors" in a terminal and see if you see something :)02:13
daftykins!repeat | cbr199302:13
ubottucbr1993: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:13
calaen0shadewind that gives you temps, not voltages02:14
Tendencydaftykins: Any idea?02:14
NarKoticZIs it not finding the boot loader or what?02:14
NarKoticZThere's no other OS on the system02:15
calaen0haavaros you probably cant - open the url in nautilus or something....02:15
NarKoticZWinXP SP3 was on there, but I formatted it02:15
shadewindcalaen0: you sure there's no Vcore in the readings?02:15
daftykinsTendency: i honestly don't advise wubi personally, it's a bit of a nightmare to support. are you just wanting to give Ubuntu a bit of a test?02:15
calaen0no, never was02:15
IdleOneNarKoticZ: you are using a LiveCD to do a wubi install?02:15
NarKoticZNo, I'm trying to boot from the CD02:15
NarKoticZand install that way02:16
calaen0temp1:       +48.0°C and so on, shadewind02:16
Tendencydaftykins: Nah, I've been a user of Ubuntu for a long time but I need to keep windows as well, I don't want to take the risk of partitioning so I thought that Wubi would be a great alternative, at least until I can get another harddrive for Ubuntu only.02:16
NarKoticZAnd it appears successful, but when I reboot, it says OS not found02:16
calaen0anyways, gotta run now02:16
IdleOneNarKoticZ: did you change your bois settings to boot from CD first?02:16
NarKoticZYeah, I got the CD to boot02:16
daftykinsTendency: ah i see, which version of windows do you have on rightn ow?02:16
IdleOneNarKoticZ: ok, grub was installed?02:16
NarKoticZI'm actually trying to install from the CD though, not just run the Live CD02:16
TendencyDaftykins: WindowsXP SP302:16
NarKoticZI have no idea lol02:16
NarKoticZHow do I install GRUB?02:16
shadewindcalaen0: well 48C seems like a nice temperature02:16
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:16
IdleOneNarKoticZ: it should of been done when you installed but maybe something went wrong02:17
calaen0shadewind, running at 800 mhz now - using the powersave governor02:17
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calaen0anyways, bye.02:17
TendencyAny idea as to what I should do daftykins?02:17
shadewindcalaen0: what model are you using?02:18
daftykinsTendency: ah, i see. the log complains about not being able to find the temp files where it looks for them; is there any kind of copy to PC stage that seems to complete before it should?02:18
Guest72310guys im using xfce and to add a new workspace, it says to press control and ins but im on a mac keyboard so i dont have insert? > SO how can i add a new WORKSPACE? i only have 2..02:18
TendencyUmm, not sure I will run it again a sec.02:18
NarKoticZInteresting, it's supposed to be installed automatically with 9.10.  I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.02:18
TendencyGuest72310: Try changing the key combination?02:19
Guest72310i have no idea how to do that.. im newb :D02:19
IdleOneNarKoticZ: ok when you boot up do you see Grub boot loader at all?02:19
NarKoticZwhat hard drive path should I install to?02:19
NarKoticZIdleOne: No02:19
IdleOneNarKoticZ: the grub2 factoid ubottu gave up there should have the info02:20
daftykinsTendency: is your XP 32 or 64-bit?02:21
Tendencydaftykins: 32bit02:21
daftykinsand your ubuntu CD?02:21
NarKoticZYeah, when I boot, it just says "Intel Boot Loader," "PXE, etc," "Operating System Not Found"02:21
daftykinsTendency: weird, i see in your paste the line "04-16 19:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: arch=amd64"02:22
cbr1993how do i run itunes on ubuntu. wine isnt working02:22
Tendencydaftykins: The CD extracts the data in the correct amount of time, but after that it just shoots along and shoots an error at me02:22
Tendencydaftykins Eh what?...  I'm not 64 bit..  How do I double check on Windows?02:22
bazhangcbr1993, wine or virtualbox are the only two options02:23
daftykinsTendency: windows key + pause/break, or start -> right click my computer, properties02:23
LeightonI have an iMac booted into Karmic via a live CD, is the any way i can establish permissions to read it's harddrive if i know teh orignial Mac OS's credentials?02:23
TendencyUmm... Wth, it says 64bit processor but this computer came with 32bit windows installed, and everything else is 32bit...02:23
NarKoticZDo oyu think a recovery of Grub2 from the LiveCD will do the trick?02:23
Leightonpardon spelling errors, this spare keyboard sucks02:24
daftykinsTendency: that may just be saying it's an AMD Athlon 64 processor you have, can you upload a screenshot to a image hosting site?02:24
cbr1993does it have to do with me having a 64 bit system?02:24
bazhangcbr1993, no02:24
tlvbHi, any suggestion as to why partimage seems to freeze at the 'please wait' text, put ~10Mb in the first backup part file but no more?02:24
radar3dHow do I get my webcam to work in ubuntu?  It is installed in my laptop.02:25
daftykinsTendency: ah ok it doesn't give info there, hmmz02:25
TendencyActually, if I was 64bit it would show all my ram (I got 4GB) 32bit only shows 3GB02:26
CaptainTrekradar3d: tryin to make it work with Flash?02:26
daftykinsTendency: ja, ok. looking at the log more it seems to have more errors, but they're not very descriptive ;/02:26
Tendencydaftykins :(02:26
daftykinsTendency: check out line 1531, "IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument"02:27
radar3dI don't think so trying to use it with anything right now i have installed cheese and it says no camera, but specifically i want to use it with teamviewer CaptainTrek02:27
IdleOneNarKoticZ: worth a shot02:27
Tendencydaftykins: What does that mean?02:27
NarKoticZ*sigh* I didn't think Ubuntu would be this difficult to install02:27
CaptainTrekradar3d: okay.  do me a favor: pastebin me the output of the commands (in terminal) of: lspci and lsusb02:27
IdleOneNarKoticZ: normally isn't02:28
CaptainTrekradar3d, type the command: lspci; lsusb02:28
daftykinsTendency: are you familiar with applications to create a .ISO image from the ubuntu CD?02:28
TendencyUmm, from inside the LiveCD?  Not.. really, want me to switch to the live CD then pop back here?02:29
ElroxNarKoticZ: can you please explain your difficulty? sorry, i just got here02:29
daftykinsTendency: nah you stay in windows, grab imgburn from imgburn.com and use it to create a .ISO from the CD02:29
radar3dCaptainTrek: ok I put it on pastebin but do not know where to see the link02:30
NarKoticZI downloaded the 32-bit version of Ubuntu from their website (ubuntu.com), burned it, and attempted to install Ubuntu, but when I try to boot, it loads the Intel Boot Loader and says "Operating System Not Installed"02:31
CaptainTrekradar3d: the issue is that your system isn't even recognizing that the camera is there02:32
daftykinsNarKoticZ: what do you mean by intel bootloader? PXE boot?02:32
Tendencydaftykins: Creating an ISO.02:32
CaptainTrekradar3d: it would have been listed under one of those commands02:32
NarKoticZYes, PXE02:32
daftykinsNarKoticZ: that means your BIOS boot order is trying to boot on the network, go into your BIOS and change the boot order so it's CD first, then HDD second02:32
ElroxNarKoticZ: change boot order in BIOS02:32
Elroxty daftykins02:32
daftykinsno problem :)02:33
NarKoticZYou have to have the CD in in order to boot Ubuntu?02:33
daftykinsno, only for installing02:33
Elroxno NarKoticZ ,,,,02:33
Tendencydaftykins: I think hes installed it already?  He just can't boot into it afterwards?02:33
ElroxNarKoticZ: are you saying you went thru the installation?02:33
radar3dCaptainTrek: ok so now what it lookslike it is there in the devicemanager02:33
daftykinsTendency: indeed, but having an incorrectly configured BIOS is a waste of time (:02:33
CaptainTrekradar3d: in windows?02:34
ElroxNarKoticZ: did you install grub to the first boot sector02:34
NarKoticZI don't know what the first boot sector is02:34
radar3dCaptainTrek: no ubuntu02:34
NarKoticZBu I did install Ubuntu from the D02:34
CaptainTrekradar3d: interesting02:34
Tendencydaftykins: Made an image, what next?02:34
daftykinsTendency: are you familiar with daemon tools? get that next, the 'lite' version; it creates a virtual 'fake' CD/DVD/BD drive and lets you mount ISOs as if to a real optical drive. bear in mind the installer may want to restart, so don't let it do so too early :)02:34
CaptainTrekradar3d: it might just be a weird bug, I know that the webcam on my system isn't recognized in ubuntu even though the system says its there02:35
Elroxis this a "Dual-Boot" with windows NarKoticZ ?02:35
CaptainTrekradar3d: not sure what to do then02:35
cuwith ubuntu live-cd, can I boot off the CD then mofidy the system files or it's all read-only and no other way around?02:35
radar3dCaptainTrek: http://s812.photobucket.com/albums/zz48/radar3d/?action=view&current=Screenshot-1.png02:36
daftykinscu: system files of an ubuntu install, or windows install, or?02:36
Elroxlots of ppl from tx here today...02:36
Random832cu: i've had no problem modifying stuff (Even installing software) on the livecd, but it won't stick once you shut down / reboot02:36
Tendencydaftykins: Got it :)02:37
cuRandom832: ohh, so I can modify them, but they just go back to the original after the reboot02:37
Tendencydaftykins: Wont let me run it unless I reboot...02:37
daftykinsTendency: yep it installs the driver first, you reboot then installation finishes02:37
Random832i mean makes sense when you tihnk about it - there's nowhere permanent for the changes to live02:37
cuthat's better actually, because CentOS live-cd wont' even let me modify them02:37
CaptainTrekradar3d: interesting that the command line cant see the camera, considering everything GUI is just a front-end for terminal commands :P02:37
Tendencydaftykins: Should I reboot now/02:37
CaptainTrekusually at least02:37
NarKoticZI did have WinXP SP3, Elrox, but I chose to overwrite it with Ubuntu02:37
Random832i mean when i booted to the livecd to install yesterday02:38
Random832i did apt-get install irssi to irc while i installed02:38
CaptainTrekradar3d: i'm not sure exactly how to fix it unfortunately02:38
daftykinsTendency: yep install the program, use the system tray utility to mount the ISO you created with imgburn, then come back here :)02:38
radar3dok thanks for playing the webcam game LOL02:38
ElroxNarKoticZ: did you change any default install settings for the grub boot-loader during the install?02:38
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cuRandom832: so, is there a way to create custom live-cd for ubuntu with the files that I know I'll modify every time I boot up?02:38
NarKoticZNot that i know of..02:39
rwwMarrte: Hello again! It turns out that those releases being missing is a known problem, and it should be fixed within the next few days.02:39
cuRandom832: say, /etc/fstab with some mount points and the network files02:39
daftykinscu: i'd recommend using the USB startup disk creator and making a flash drive become a persistent install02:39
rwwMarrte: when it is, you'll be able to download any older release from that site I linked.02:39
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mhallI am working on a kernel module which crashes when I try to load it due to some bug. Unfortunately plymouth on this lucide machine seems to be impossible to uninstall without also having forced uninstallation of mountall which seems dangerous. How can I cripple plymouth and just have a traditional pure ASCII VT with no framebuffer? Right now it prevents seeing the crash dump, etc.02:40
haavarosI'm baffled here. I can't chown a folder even with sudo ... I get Operation not permitted, even with sudo. Wtf? What do I do?02:40
rwwmhall: Lucid/10.04 discussion and support is in #ubuntu+102:40
ElroxNarKoticZ: did you get to a live desktop session and then double-click the "installer" icon?02:40
cudaftykins: it'll be for about 10 laptops for training purposes, so it's best to just hand them a cd and pop in and boot up02:40
NarKoticZNah, I tried to install directly from the CD02:41
NarKoticZActually, I'm at the same point right now02:41
rwwmhall: I happen to actually know the answer to this one, though: remove "splash" from your kernel line, either from GRUB itself or by editing /etc/default/grub to remove it, then doing sudo update-grub02:41
shadewindcalaen0: by the way, thanks for the help02:41
NarKoticZShould I just select "Install Ubuntu"?02:41
shadewindcalaen0: and sorry for all the weird questions :P02:41
daftykinscu: in that case making your own custom CD would be a lot of work to go to, i'd recommend using livecd's then perhaps flash drive pasting a script which you can run?02:41
mhallrww: I was hoping it could be done in /etc/default/grub to prevent the problem of it always being overwritten whenever update-grub is rerun02:41
rwwmhall: ("nosplash" doesn't work, it's a known bug, you should just remove all splash keywords completely)02:41
Random832cu: make a usb image and then duplicate it onto like 10 usb sticks02:41
ElroxNarKoticZ: i would suggest trying from the live session.... may give more info02:41
mhallrww: Is there some way the change can be made to stick? Otherwise each make-kpkg deb series I install will rebreak it02:42
rwwmhall: It is doable in /etc/default/grub. Like I said, edit that file to remove the splash keyword. I think it's on the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line.02:42
cuRandom832: and ubuntu can boot off that usb stick?02:42
Capt_Blackwoodcu, yes, i boot 9.10 from my Portable HDD all the time02:43
Random832i don't know, it was daftykins's idea02:43
Leightoni have an intel iMac booted into Karmic 9.10 on a Live CD, is there any way to get permission to access the iMac's internal HDD files, even if i know the Mac OS user's credentials?02:43
Random832but as long as you have a bunch of usb sticks the same size there's no reason you couldn't do it once and duplicate it onto the others02:43
mhallrww: (I did try discussion thread, but search turned up hundreds of entries, first few pages irrelevant). I am searching in default with my editor before, and redid according to your advice, 'splash' appears nowhere, yet update-grub still leaves it in for the kernels.02:43
Random832(just don't plug two in to the same machine, since they will have the same serial number)02:43
daftykinsLeighton: check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107657702:44
rwwmhall: copy your /etc/default/grub file to http://paste.ubuntu.com/, link the page it creates here02:44
mhallrww: ok02:44
running_rabbit07is the vbox in the repos as good as the one from the site?02:45
Random832Leighton: as far as acces permision is concerned, if you've already got the disk mounted - just create a user with the same uid and su to it02:45
crazy6I installed eclipse using apt-get, but it doesn't seem to include any of the "Install New Software" sites?? Did I do something wrong?02:45
haavarosHow do I change the owner of a folder where a filesystem is mounted? sudo chown doesn't work02:46
IzinucsI just installed swat and then went to localhost:901 ... nothing .. what am I doing wrong02:46
Random832haavaros: what kind of filesystem is it?02:46
mhallrww: (BTW huge thanks for the help, other non-IRC attempts were worse than useless) http://paste.ubuntu.com/415885/02:46
cuCan Ubuntu be installed after Windows XP without damaging XP data?02:46
mhallrww: fighting with plymouth is not a fun thing to do on a Friday afternoon when trying to get your module which runs in 64 bit to run right in 32! :)02:47
Izinucscu: yes.. that's actually the preferred method02:47
Tendencydaftykins: I've mounted it.02:47
daftykinscu: you need to install XP with free space at the end of the drive ideally02:47
haavarosRandom832: FAT3202:47
daftykinsTendency: ok, try running the installer via that method instead?02:47
Random832haavaros: you need to change what uid it is mounted as02:48
Random832in fstab02:48
Random832and that'll change the owner for all the files on it02:48
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:48
rwwmhall: odd. Can you do the same with /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?02:48
slacker-i'm trying to migrate my system to raid102:49
Tendencydaftykins: Same error box after it extracts...02:49
slacker-I created a bunch of mds on 2 extra disks and copied all the system partitions over02:49
mhallrww: OK02:49
LeightonRandom832: it wont let me create that user, saying it already exists, and i can't su into that user, as terminal claims it DOESNT exist...02:50
daftykinsTendency: ok, copy the wubi.exe file from the CD and paste it into the same folder as where the ISO you created is; then run it02:50
slacker-do I have to set the FS Type to xFD on BOTH disks in the array?02:50
Random832Leighton: what are the exact messages?02:50
Tendencydaftykins: does it matter what I called the ISO?02:50
mhallrww: http://paste.ubuntu.com/415888/02:51
Tendencydaftykins: Its asking for a disk.02:51
daftykinsTendency: i have a feeling it may do, if it's karmic (v9.10) check out the names of the files @ releases.ubuntu.com02:51
penguin_sysadminI SAID HELLO02:51
slacker-also, I've tried updating grub by mounting the mds and chrooting there and running updte-grub. is that all I have todo?02:51
LeightonIn the regular GUI file browser: "The folder contents could not be displayed. You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "Desktop".02:51
xangua!caps > penguin_sysadmin02:51
ubottupenguin_sysadmin, please see my private message02:51
bazhangpenguin_sysadmin, do you have an ubuntu support question02:51
penguin_sysadminxangua: please don't spam me02:52
Leightonin terminal: "ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ su lmonroe Unknown id: lmonroe "02:52
penguin_sysadminxangua: i only did itonce02:52
penguin_sysadminbazhang: no i don't02:52
Leightonin User creation: "Group "lmonroe" already exists"02:52
cudaftykins: so if XP is already there, will ubuntu installation be okay without damaging it?02:52
bazhangpenguin_sysadmin, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic Ubuntu support here02:52
penguin_sysadminbazhang: Don't spam me02:52
daftykinscu: is the XP installation's partition using the entire disk space?02:52
Random832Leighton: the _group_ exists - the _user_ doesn't02:53
Random832you need a user with the same _uid_ - doesn't have to be the same name02:53
bazhangpenguin_sysadmin, I am not spamming you. I am informing you that this is not a chat channel. Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic02:53
Tendencydaftykins:  With the correct filename its working, its checking the installation files now.02:53
daftykinsTendency: ok :)02:53
Random832leighton: ls -ln on the files to get the uid02:53
mhallrww: i'm really puzzled with this one... mysterious 'splash' entries02:53
cudaftykins: there's about 5 gig left, but the whole partition is for XP at the moment02:53
penguin_sysadminbazhang: you're spamming me because you're carelessly assume that because i don't have a support question that i'm not here to give support, please grow up02:53
mhallrww: o_O O_o02:53
running_rabbit07penguin_sysadmin, hello02:53
penguin_sysadminbazhang: also take it to #chat, because i think we're done chatting me and you02:53
penguin_sysadminrunning_rabbit07: need help with something?02:54
daftykinscu: ok if that's only free space within Windows' NTFS partition, you can only install with WUBI - and 5GB will be tight. ideally the XP install would be done to say, a 5-10GB partition then ubuntu installed after02:54
Tendencydaftykins: Its now downloading the torrent?02:54
running_rabbit07penguin_sysadmin, nope, just saying hello02:54
IzinucsHow do I start Swat?  http://localhost:901 results in no connection02:54
umangHi, while trying to find the fastest Ubuntu Repository server, is there any way to find the second faster server? The fastest server for me doesn't seem to be in order. (404 errors).02:54
cudaftykins: am I better off running vmware to dual boot the two OS:  XP and Ubuntu?02:54
daftykinsTendency: does it give a name of what it's getting?02:54
rwwmhall: yeah, it's really odd. Looks like they're getting added by os-prober, I'm trying to figure out why it thinks that's a good idea...02:54
haavarosRandom832: OK, thx for your help, i got it sorted out now02:55
daftykinscu: what's the scenario? are you just playing with ubuntu, or?02:55
penguin_sysadminumang: set it by geographical area02:55
Tendencydaftykins: ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent02:55
* SuperPuffy runs over the Communist Jew Richard Stallman's legs, the creator of the anarcho-syndicalist Communist GPL license, with his tank and then proceeds to throw him in a convective glass oven based on the second law of thermodynamics 02:55
FloodBot1SuperPuffy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:55
Tendencydaftykins: ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso is the name of the ISO i made...02:55
SuperPuffydon't shoot ! let him burn !02:55
rwwmhall: If you didn't already, ask in #ubuntu+1, and I'll continue looking into it and let you know there if I figure anything out.02:55
Sk_LgJust having connected my problematic machine to the internet, (with both wireless and cord), Ubuntu software center is not loading program software to download. How can I access all the programs? or get uuntu software center to function properly?02:55
LeightonRandom832: UID is the first 3-digit number displayed after the permissions list?02:55
ricardo_kriegwhen ubuntu 10.04 will be released ?02:55
daftykinsTendency: it might have detected a difference in the size or MD5 hash of the image and so is trying to torrent it to 'resume' the file; perhaps this isn't a good approach. hmm.02:55
running_rabbit07!software sources | umang02:56
mhallrww: ok thanks, greatly appreciated. meanwhile i think it is time to not use the beta version my coworker insisted upon02:56
xanguaricardo_krieg: april 2902:56
slacker-does anyone know raid1 stuff here?02:56
umangpenguin_sysadmin, I've tried that before, but I'm in India. I believe all connection in India end going through another country, so servers in Taiwan and US generally work better than those in India for me.02:56
mhallrww: it worked fine on my stable machine! :)02:56
Tendencydaftykins: If I was to do it the partioning way, could I pick only for it to use 20gb of the drive and my windows install be fine?02:56
penguin_sysadminumang: that's normal02:56
penguin_sysadminumang: ping the servers02:56
ricardo_kriegxangua: do you know if it will come with gnome 3 ?02:56
rwwmhall: Yeah, this new plymouth stuff can be rather annoying :(02:56
penguin_sysadminumang: it depends on the ping response and the connection type the server has02:56
xanguaricardo_krieg: no02:56
TendencyCornwall! WOOOO. :) (I live in Cornwall).02:56
daftykinsTendency: you won't be able to 'resize' XP without the potential for data loss02:57
CornwallTendency: That's my last name :)02:57
penguin_sysadminumang: in all honesty it would be better to support your local server though02:57
umangpenguin_sysadmin, alright. Shall do that. Thanks. :)02:57
xanguait's not comming with gnome 3 ricardo_krieg02:57
daftykinsTendency: you'd need to backup your data and reinstall XP to that smaller size partition ideally :(02:57
TendencyCornwall: So you don't live in Cornwall :O?02:57
umangpenguin_sysadmin, support as in?02:57
penguin_sysadminas in, use it02:57
Sk_Lgswitch10_: if my ubuntu software center isn't loading software for download, how do I reinstall?02:57
penguin_sysadminwhat other kind of support could there be?02:57
Leightongonna go try that stuff, thanks, bbl02:57
penguin_sysadmini'd recommend that too02:57
Tendencydaftykins: Well I'm hopefully getting a new harddrive for windows on tuesday, so I can re-install windows on that and use this harddrive for a Ubuntu full install..02:57
CornwallTendency: Nope. Everything about my name points to that kind of nationality.... but I'm of Irish lineage!02:57
Random832Leighton: what's the number you see? it should be the same for all the files02:57
foxmulder881Sk_Lg, sudo apt-get update02:58
TendencyCornwall: Lol :)02:58
foxmulder881Try that.02:58
mhallrww: cool does not justify buggy, broken, and overbearing02:58
Random832(on mine, ls -ln has a number between the permissions and the uid)02:58
Tendencydaftykins: 160GB sufficent for Ubuntu?02:58
daftykinsTendency: sounds good :)02:58
mhallrww: at least make the pkg purgeable without trashing mountall02:58
mhallrww: that way at least there would be some way to rip it out02:58
umangpenguin_sysadmin, Ah but at the moment I cannot even download a single package because the packages list doesn't even exist. I don't know whether I can inform them of the issue. I'll try.02:58
rwwmhall: I agree fully. Anyway, we should probably continue this in #ubuntu+102:58
daftykinsTendency: oh absolutely, a fully installed and fully upgraded install (without cleaning up after) will use less than 3GB - obviously that's before any personal data02:58
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mhallrww: i'm in there in another irss window02:58
mhallrww: irssi*02:58
penguin_sysadminumang: how can you set it as a respository if it doesn't have a file list in the first place?02:59
xanguaumang: did you edit your package list recently¿02:59
penguin_sysadminit doesn't make any sense02:59
Tendencydaftykins: Its amazing how non-bloated it is compared to Windows...  But unfortunately there are a few things i can't live without in Windows...  photoshop for one.02:59
stopsignwhats the package to turn off the laptop touchpad ?02:59
CornwallTendency: I thought it ran fine with Wine.... or are you needing native drivers? :)02:59
penguin_sysadminTendency: gimp is about as good, and photoshop runs in wine02:59
hey_youi have some problem to implement my ftp and remote access. any help ?02:59
CaptainTrekstopsign: not all laptop touchpads can be turned off easily02:59
xanguastopsign: system> preferences> mouse02:59
Sk_Lgok, after running sudo apt-get update: W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the preivous index files will be used.03:00
penguin_sysadminhey_you: that depends entirely up if you're willing to accept the help03:00
daftykinsTendency: to be honest, it's true that Windows is messy and what not, but i can do an XP install that is fully updated and under 1.5GB in size after manual cleaning. it is definitely lengthy and tedious compared with a nice ubuntu install though :)03:00
umangpenguin_sysadmin, I set it as my repository, then sudo apt-get update and get this: Err http://ubuntuarchive.hnsdc.com karmic-updates/restricted Packages 404  Not Found03:00
TendencyPhotoshop runs in wine? :O03:00
hey_youi absolutely accept the help !!03:00
xanguaTendency: cs2 at least03:00
CornwallTendency: Glad your day has been made :)03:00
penguin_sysadminlikely, check out the wine list03:00
TendencyCornwall: XD03:00
penguin_sysadminhey_you: well the please give us some errors to work with, because we don't have ESP03:01
umangxangua, I was trying to install a package, but I stopped after my old repository downloaded at only 4kB/s.03:01
Tendency*sigh* googling 'wine list' does not give the desired results03:01
daftykinsTendency: check out the wine website for a check03:01
penguin_sysadminjust go to the wine website and follow the menus03:01
daftykinsthey have an app database03:01
CornwallTendency: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=1703:01
TendencyTy :)03:01
CornwallCS4 gets a Silver. Not bad03:01
hey_youso, i installed vsftpd, i opened the port 21 on my router, and the server run when i allow anonymous loggin. But when I set password and user (i created groups), i can't connect03:01
=== root is now known as Guest10347
penguin_sysadminCornwall: please don't google obvious things for people. you're opening a door we won't be able to close03:02
Cornwallpenguin_sysadmin: Oh? Please explain.03:02
penguin_sysadminCornwall: well people are going to be see they can get away without googling03:02
Cornwallpenguin_sysadmin: Oh, I get it03:02
umangpenguin_sysadmin, do know if there is any CLI way to check fastest server?03:02
Tendencypenquin_sysadmin: Lol a good resource for that is http://lmgtfy.com/ xD  Oh and I did google, just a stupid stupid stupid query xD03:03
penguin_sysadminumang: i told you alrady03:03
stopsign<CaptainTrek> found it ty anyways gsynaptics03:03
bazhangpenguin_sysadmin, its entirely appropriate to help others google items. Please dont suggest otherwise03:03
penguin_sysadminTendency: that's just rude03:03
Guest10347Hey, I have a problem with sound in kubuntu karmic. When I stream video there is no sound. Any ideas of how to fix it?03:03
penguin_sysadminbazhang: i'm helping more than you, please be logical03:03
Sk_Lgswitch10_:  now the pictures don't load from the internet from ubuntu software center?03:03
bazhangpenguin_sysadmin, please be civil or you will be removed03:03
umangpenguin_sysadmin, alright. Thanks anyway. :)03:03
Tendencypenquin_sysadmin: Let me google that for you isn't rude! Its an innovation in Tech Support!  Should be the #1 tool of all live support employees xD03:03
fool_hey guys does anyone know how to make ntpd queries to come out from a particular host/ip ?03:03
penguin_sysadminbazhang: you're agressive and i'm feeling uncomfortable, please read my statements again word by word and you will see they are entirely polite and considerate03:04
daftykinshey_you: FTP only uses port 21 for the 'control' information; it also uses a data range on ports you specify to handle the actual data connection. for example i ran an FTP server @ port 21, then data on ports 1024->1030; this then meant i had to configure a client to connect as 'passive ftp'03:04
penguin_sysadmini said don't google >obvious< things03:04
TamnakzI just purchased a 1tb hard drive that came standard with several partitions. I'd like to create a single partition. The default file system is ext2.   Any reason to, or not to use this file system?03:04
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hayden92Tamnakz: Go for Ext4 I believe, fsck is much faster03:05
slacksterHi, I'm trying to stop gdm, how can I do this>?03:05
fool_Tamnakz: no journal03:05
penguin_sysadminumang: any better than that you can wget a file from each server to test which are faster03:05
fool_slackster: /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:05
Tamnakzfool_ no journal???03:05
slacksterfool_: I want to stop it03:05
penguin_sysadminumang: but even then it depends on server load, maybe the server in USA has less traffic at noon because everyone is out at lunch?03:05
fool_slackster: then repalce restart by stop03:05
CornwallTamnakz: I don't think ext2 has journaling. I may be wrong, though03:05
CornwallTamnakz: higher chance of corruption03:05
Tamnakzhayden92: what's the difference between them? Will they be compatible to plug into windows? (external hd)03:06
hey_youdaftykins : but i set the same server (with filezilla server) on windows. It works absolutely well. I didn't have to set a passive mode for in windows03:06
Tamnakzcornwall, you concurr on ext4 then?03:06
CornwallTamnakz: certainly. It's a great filesystem03:06
penguin_sysadminext2 is not journaling03:06
slacksterfool_: also when I do that it gives me some message: Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)03:06
hayden92Tamnakz: WIndows only read ntfs and fat3203:06
Tamnakztwo aint bad, can we bat three for three?03:06
slacksterutility, e.g. service gdm stop03:06
fool_Tamnakz: www.fs-driver.org/03:06
fool_slackster: then do it03:06
Tamnakzok, so if I need it to be windows compatible I need to go fat3203:06
slacksterfool_: but that also doesn't work.. or my syntax is wrong03:07
umangpenguin_sysadmin, I was wondering more in terms of the final list of five to ten servers that the GUI seems to download are the fasted from the pinging stage. If I could download from each of them manually then I would find the most ideal on myself. But I'll check it out myself. Thanks for your help! :)03:07
bazhangTamnakz, ntfs for large hdd03:07
CornwallTamnakz: You can go NTFS as well. Both FAT and NTFS aren't very good. The site that fool_ gave you is good, too03:07
slacksterfool_: sudo service gdm stop <- doesn't work03:07
hayden92Tamnakz: Yes, or Ntfs, whichever you preer03:07
Tamnakzit doesn't give me the option for ntfs??03:07
fool_slackster: /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:07
Tamnakzit's greyed out ont he partition editor03:07
penguin_sysadminumang: right-o, consider supporting me next time an operator decides to pick on me ;)03:07
slacksterfool_: yes that's what I tried before I cam here03:07
CornwallTamnakz: sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs03:08
bazhangTamnakz, it being gparted live cd? or something other03:08
daftykinshey_you: was that internally or externally?03:08
daftykins(network or internet)03:08
CornwallTamnakz: run that command and then restart gparted03:08
fool_Tamnakz: what do you wanna do ?03:08
slacksterfool_: it works for xubuntu, and also similar in freebsd, ubuntu doesn't want to03:08
hey_youdaftykins : it was externally via another computer & network03:08
Guest10347Hello, I have a problem with sound in kubuntu karmic. When I stream, there is no sound. Anyone have an idea what I can do?03:08
Tamnakzfool_ I just need to format so that I can use it for storage, mostly movies and the such03:08
Tamnakzntfs is a better filesystem?03:08
CornwallTamnakz: it is better than FAT, but not by much03:09
umangpenguin_sysadmin, oops. didn't see that while I was trying ping some servers. :P03:09
slacksterGuest10347: try to close any applications that use sound and try again.03:09
TamnakzI'll dl ntfs and go that route03:09
Tamnakzthanks folks! once again you're all baller!03:09
daftykinshey_you: pretty sure you're going to need more than #21 for behind a router; it's possible another FTP server was UPnP aware and so opened the ports automatically for the data.03:09
fool_Tamnakz: just use ext4 and ssh/sshfs :P03:09
hey_youdaftykins : also, when i try to setup a remote desktop, it was written : Your desktop is only reachable over the local network. I know it is because i have a router. I opened the port 5 900 but it still don't work03:09
thefedorabughey people, i have a question03:09
TamnakzI have to be windows compatible!03:09
fool_slackster: why would you wanna do it anyway03:10
Cornwallthefedorabug: Just ask it :)03:10
daftykinshey_you: some ISPs block some ports03:10
slacksterfool_: because I use this machine as a server and want to free RAM03:10
Guest10347Firefox is the only program running which uses sound03:10
thefedorabugCornwall, yesterday, i was kicked from this server03:10
spongebobEvening All03:10
spongebobwith wput how do I tell it to upload to the first directory when it connects?03:10
thefedorabugCornwall, just because i asked floodbot1, if he is a bot03:10
rajGuys if any one here USES Avast for linux and are getting engine errors i have posted a fix on ubuntu forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144880303:10
thefedorabugCornwall, I dont understand this03:11
thefedorabugCornwall, did i do anything wrong?03:11
bazhangthefedorabug, yes. do you have an actual ubuntu support question?03:11
fool_slackster: ahh in that case just remove gdm, gnome and all GUI stuff03:11
hey_youdaftykins : but i have been into my ISP panel and opened the needed port03:11
Cornwallthefedorabug: I'm not an admin around here. There may have been a complete jerk that didn't appreciate the question03:11
Cornwallthefedorabug: certainly not in my book did you do anything wrong, but people will be people :(03:11
thefedorabugbazhang, yes, my ubuntu gets stuck at "booting from hd0" screen03:11
bazhangthefedorabug, you were removed by another bot idoru for excess spam03:11
slacksterfool_: humm... that's not really what I want03:11
Izinucsdoes Swat require apache?03:11
daftykinshey_you: ISP panel? is it a hosted server?03:12
hey_youdaftykins : I opened the port 5900 on tcp and port 20&21 on tcp03:12
Cornwallthefedorabug: If you did spam, then that is something a little wrong :D03:12
daftykinsIzinucs: it's a web based administration tool, it'll need a web server03:12
hey_youdaftykins : no, it's a home server03:12
thefedorabugi did not do anything like spam03:12
Elroxpenguin_sysadmin: i'm no admin here, but you were not picked on, you are being arrogant, disrespecting the ops, and, no, you're not helping ppl, you're "telling" n00bs WHAT to do, and not HOW to do it, if they need more you move on and make them feel stupid. bazhang has ben more patient with you than i would be, you obviously don't follow the "ubuntu way", neway, out03:12
fool_slackster: what exactly do you want ?03:12
thefedorabugi just asked floodbot if he is a bot03:12
Izinucsdaftykins: some have their own server that's why I asked..03:12
thefedorabugis that anything wrong?????03:12
thefedorabugjust out of curiosity i asked it :)03:12
slacksterfool_: to stop gdm03:13
bazhangthefedorabug, it is. lets move on.03:13
slacksterkill.. stop ...etc03:13
fatalerrorxneed help http://pastie.org/92414303:13
pepper_hazecan someone help with firefox, I lost my type entry bar03:13
fatalerrorxmy postfix is completely dead03:13
slacksterfool_: lol.. nothing like stopx?03:13
daftykinsIzinucs: "apt-cache showpkg <package>" to check dependancies, to see if it'll pull in apache03:14
pepper_hazenevermind, I got it back03:14
fatalerrorxno idea why and nobody seemsto be able to help03:14
Slade-hey does anyone know a command like valgrind/time that will report peak memory useage?03:14
daftykinshey_you: ok so you opened the port on your own personal router03:14
fool_slackster: oh well i never really have the need so ...03:14
fool_slackster: /etc/init.d/gdm has always work for me03:14
fool_slackster: worst case you can find the pid and kill it03:15
george_how do i get my audio input to be played back AS WELL as recorded?03:15
hey_youdaftykins : yes !! but i tried to scan the opened port here : http://www.frameip.com/scan/ and even when i asked for the port to be open they are not always open03:15
slacksterfool_: ok, thanks I don't know why it isn't working for me this time, seems like it has before.03:15
Tamnakzhalp again! It won't create an ntfs partition?03:15
Izinucsdaftykins: ok.. apache isn't there as a dependancy.. still Swat doesn't start with localhost:90103:15
slacksterfool_: I think it has worked from ssh session03:15
rajGuys if any one here USES Avast for linux and are getting engine errors i have posted a fix on ubuntu forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144880303:15
bazhangTamnakz, you booted from the gparted livecd?03:15
fool_slackster: grep the pid and kill it03:15
hey_youdaftykins : for example, i set for the 5900 port to be open on tcp, but this site http://www.frameip.com/scan/ don't recognize it as open03:15
daftykinsIzinucs: after installation did you see the daemon start? have you tried invoking it now?03:16
slacksterfool_: ok, I'll try that route, thanks03:16
Tamnakzstandard boot03:16
george_anyone know how to get my audio input to be played back?03:16
bazhangTamnakz, might want to get that; its only 60MB or so03:16
Tamnakzerror details state:    /dev/sdb1 is mounted.           refusing to make a filesystem here!03:16
daftykinshey_you: my french isn't so good, what is 'ferme' ? closed?03:16
bazhangTamnakz, its mounted?03:16
Tamnakzbazhang, I cannot boot with a cd03:17
Tamnakzshould I unmount and partition then?03:17
Sk_Lgif there is a game (like SC2beta) that is only available on windows, how, and can I, Install it on linux?03:17
bazhangTamnakz, you need to umount it03:17
Izinucsdaftykins: how do I invoke it?03:17
bazhangSk_Lg, using wine03:17
Tamnakzbazhang will gparted still see it unmounted?03:17
fool_Sk_Lg: wine/virtualbox/vmware/dual boot03:17
bazhangSk_Lg, check the appdb to see if it works03:17
daftykinsIzinucs: check in /etc/init.d/ for a swat related item03:17
hey_youdaftykins : it can mean "closed". Or "farm". But i think in this context it rather mean closed03:17
bazhang!appdb | Sk_Lg03:17
ubottuSk_Lg: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help03:17
daftykinshey_you: yeah, that site doesn't work then, as it says a port i know is open for me is closed :)03:18
george_anyone know much about audio input/output?03:18
quietFrankhi all I am trying to get a logitech webcam 120 working with skype the skype webcams page says it should work03:18
Izinucsdaftykins: it isn't there. :(03:18
quietFrankshows up in lsusb as "Logitech, Inc. QuickCam UpdateMe"03:18
hey_youdaftykins: here is another one where you can test your port  http://www.t1shopper.com/tools/port-scan/ . Same results for me03:19
Tamnakzbazhang, unmounting worked03:19
sirflexalotLots of people.  Awsome.03:19
hayden92george_: We'll do our best...03:19
haavarosHi! My torrent dl in 9.10 is stopping with an error message: "Error: Invalid argument: <path/to/file>". It's a long filename, and I see in the error message it's truncated. Does transmission have a limit on path/filename lengths?03:19
sirflexalotNeed help making a shell script...03:19
Sk_Lgthank you!03:19
sirflexalotOr a little guidance towards the right direction03:19
george_hayedn92: thanks for responding03:19
kdavidhow do i get the nonfree codecs like divx and mp3 installed?03:19
hayden92sirflexalot: That does what?03:19
hayden92george_: So what's the question?03:20
bastid_raZor!codecs | kdavid03:20
ubottukdavid: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:20
sirflexalothaavaros : Maybe? Never ran into that problem.  My quick workaround would to be to make a symbolic link to it, using ln -s /path/to/your/long/filepath03:20
bazhangkdavid, ubuntu-restricted-extras package03:20
daftykinshey_you: i just port scanned you myself, port 5900 shows as closed; are you sure that your computer is set with the correct static IP e.g. and that the router port forward for 5900 is pointing to the right IP?03:20
sirflexalotAnyways, is there a strip command that works like php's strpos for shell scripts?03:20
kdavidbazhang, sudo apt-get?03:20
hey_youdaftykins : absolutely because it was working well under windows03:21
bazhangkdavid, add install then yes03:21
haavarossirflexalot: Well, it's the torrent name thats incredibly long03:21
Capt_Blackwoodcan't we all get along before i go find an OP?03:21
george_hayden92: i have a (music) keyboard plugged into the 'audio input' jack, and recording works just fine, but i also want to be able to hear what i play through headphones as i record03:21
sirflexalothaavaros: Eh, then im not sure about that.  Whats the link to the torrent, i'll try it on my system?03:21
bazhangCapt_Blackwood, what?03:21
quietFrankis there something I need to do to get the uvcvideo driver working ?03:21
wick94wht would be a gud linux alternative for digsby03:22
daftykinshey_you: ok well, it telling me that it is closed means the service is not running on your computer03:22
Capt_Blackwoodnothing, yet...03:22
hayden92george_: What program are you recording with?03:22
haavarossirflexalot: Hm, nvm that ... another torrent with alonger name is working now03:22
sirflexalothaavaros: kk, sorry! good thing something worked.03:22
hey_youdaftykins : hmm.. i am going to try on my open ubuntu computer to see if I can connect03:23
haavarossirflexalot: Could it be some problem with the newly formatted FAT32 filesystem I'm downloading to?03:23
acovrighow do I get settings back after 9.10 upgrade? I want to allow root login, and there is no tabs in 'login window' settings03:23
Tamnakzgah, another issue. When I try to access the fresh ntfs partition, it gives an error "system policy prevents mounting internal media"03:23
ubottuacovrig: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:23
jules184Hello, I've just successfully installed Ubuntu on my Powerbook G4 '12.  In the upgrading process, I have the following issue:  when I try to upgrade, towards the end, CPU usage goes up to %100 and shuts down.  Any fix for this?03:24
sirflexalotSo, i need to take a list of files, each one with a lot of lines, and strip the info out of each line that i need, and put it in a seperate file, or better yet, into a Google Earth xml03:24
Random832and a root _gui_ login is just insane on any distro03:24
shawnboyAnyone here have any success theming Karmic's GDM? I've tried some things I found in forums with no success.03:24
acovrighow do I get settings back after 9.10 upgrade? I want to allow root login, and there is no tabs in 'login window' settings03:24
rwwacovrig: Unlocking the root account, and associated actions thereof, are not supported in this channel.03:24
Tamnakzgah, got past that. ..03:24
sirflexalothaavaros : that might be possible, i had some problems when converting from ntfs to ext3 with transmission.  note: im on ubuntu server now w/o a gui03:24
Random832acovrig: why do you want to log into X as root?03:24
Tamnakzit won't let me create a folder?03:24
george_hayden92: just sound recorder right now, but i would prefer to learn how to get audio input to be played without software03:24
acovrigrww, I don't want to unblock root, i can run 'sudo -i' but I want it in X1103:24
Random832acovrig: why?03:25
Random832just use gksu03:25
Random832it's like the gui version of sudo03:25
acovrigRandom832, so I dont have to auth for everything during setup, btw, how do i install a list of packages from 'list.txt'?03:25
george_hayden92: maybe audacity can fix my problem, but this seems like a pretty short term solution03:25
Random832acovrig: auth for everything like whaT?03:26
Random832just run nautilus in gksu03:26
sirflexalotAlmost too many people in here to help me with a shell script. >.< PM me if you are good at shell scripting plz.03:26
acovrigI want X11 in 'sudo -i' I guess03:26
Random832acovrig: why all of X11? what particular X11 apps are you trying to use that you want to run as root?03:26
pHcFhey guys03:26
hayden92george_: are you sure you have your sound setup properly in "gnome-volume-control"?03:26
pHcFguys, how can i undo this command to this user have shell access to my server?03:27
pHcFsudo usermod -s /bin/false teamspeak03:27
acovrigrandom832, any03:27
Random832acovrig: huh? you don't have a specific thing in mind you need it for?03:27
hayden92george_: Because I usually just plug in my speakers into the headphone jack and can play my keyboard and no software is needed03:27
Random832you haven't explained _WHY_ you want a whole X session running as root03:27
Random832you just keep repeating that you do03:28
Random832and i'm going to say that's a really stupid thing to want even on distros that _don't_ block the root account03:28
rwwpHcF: same thing, without the /bin/false03:28
jules184Let me make my issue a little more specific:  I've just successfully installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my Powerbook G4 '12. In the upgrading process, I have the following issue: when I try to upgrade, towards the end, CPU usage goes up to %100 and shuts down. Any fix for this?03:28
george_hayden92: i think so, i can record just fine, and i can play sound just fine03:28
george_hayden92: and nothing is muted03:28
pHcFrww: sudo usermod -s teamspeak is an ilegal option :/03:28
Capt_Blackwoodjules184, what are you upgrading to?03:29
penguinixi want to have the sudo command  sudo nvclock -f -F 100 run at start up.. can i run sudo commands on startup?03:29
rwwpHcF: meh, the manpage is wrong, then. Try /bin/bash instead of /bin/false03:29
pHcFit's /bin/bash /bin/sh03:30
pHcFor ?03:30
daftykinsjules184: and APT upgrade after installation?03:30
pHcFthe /bin/sh is for mac :)03:30
xanguapenguinix: no, you can't; at least without writing the password03:30
rwwpHcF: /bin/sh on Ubuntu redirects to /bin/dash, which has fewer features than bash03:31
pHcFhow do i set the user roots folder?03:31
pHcFgotcha, rww03:31
pHcFthanks :)03:31
slacker-damnit I can't get it to work03:31
pHcFi'd like to set the user two permissions03:31
hayden92george_: I've got (Input) Connector: Microphone 1 (Output) Analog Headphones03:31
pHcFto start a proccess03:31
pHcFand to kill it03:31
pHcFand to have access just to one folder03:32
sirflexalotok, I need a way to remove beginning and ending of a line in a file, using the shell03:32
penguinix i want to have the sudo command  sudo nvclock -f -F 100 run at start up.. can i run sudo commands on startup?03:32
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Capt_Blackwoodpenguinix, yes, i run that as an autostart w/o the sudo03:32
Capt_Blackwoodjust copy and paste that into your "Start Up applications" area03:32
penguinix<Capt_Blackwood> just put nvclock -f -F 100 in startup apps?03:33
Capt_Blackwoodpenguinix, that's what i'm doing right here :D03:33
Capt_Blackwoodright after i log in, my fans spin up :D03:33
Capt_Blackwoodoh, and don't forget to fill in the name box :D03:34
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=== rpaha is now known as rapha
sirflexalotGah, thanks anyways =P03:34
hey_youdaftykins : it's grreeeeeatt !! it works !! my remote desktop work !! thk you so muchh !!!!!03:34
hey_youdaftykins : you right, port aren't open but the connexion was ready03:35
adrianomeu firestarter não funciona!03:35
adrianopodem me ajudar03:35
pHcFposso sim03:35
pHcFo que vc precisa?03:35
pHcFthis is an english room03:35
pHcFmaybe you should use a pt room03:35
rwwubottu: br | adriano03:35
ubottuadriano: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:35
xangua!pt > adriano03:35
ubottuadriano, please see my private message03:35
daftykinshey_you: no problem :) glad to help03:36
btakitaHello, hdparm is running about 10x slower than it should be. Does that usually mean it's a hardware issue?03:36
Capt_Blackwoodbtakita, what's it supposed to be?03:36
jschallI'm eyeing the asus eee netbook 1001p, does anyone have this laptop and can you tell me if there's anything you have/had trouble with?03:36
daftykinsbtakita: what aspect of hdparm? the benchmarks?03:36
btakitaCapt_Blackwook: It should be around 3000 mb03:37
shawnboyAnyone here have any success theming Karmic's GDM? I've tried some things I found in forums with no success.03:37
btakitaCapt_Blackwook: It should be around 3000 MB/sec03:37
ddrjwhat the cycles are for ALSA stable releases? is it 6 month intervals ?03:37
btakitaCapt_Blackwook: But it's ~300 MB/sec03:37
TheNerdALI need help03:37
george_hayden92: i'm using (input) Analog Line-In (output) Analog Output / Amplifier03:37
TimothyAhow do i get mysql-server-5.1 ? apt-get doesn't seem to be able to pick it up :|03:37
Capt_Blackwoodbtakita, hmm....i have no idea...(Somebody please help him/her with this issue)03:37
CaptainTrekTimothyA, it might not be on the repos yet03:38
btakitaCapt_Blackwood: Thanks03:38
TimothyAhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mysql-server-5.1 it most definitely is03:38
TheNerdALWhen I updated my drivers of my video card, I rebooted and it didn't boot! It worked but I am scared to reboot because It might not boot again, help!03:38
Capt_Blackwoodbtakita, no problem03:38
btakitadaftykins: Yes my benchmarks are slow03:38
slckb0yhi everyone :) is someone running KDE in a virtualbox under win7 ? :) i can't seem to use OpenGL for desktop effect even if i installed guest additions03:38
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CaptainTrekTimothyA, what distro you using?03:38
hayden92george_: Hmm and nothing's coming out the amp?03:38
daftykinsbtakita: 3000 as in, three THOUSAND megabytes per second? on what kind of disk?03:39
TimothyA8.04 hardy03:39
btakitadaftykins: I think so. 7200 rpm.03:39
TimothyAaw crap03:39
btakitadaftykins: Let me sanity check03:39
daftykinsbtakita: yeah that's not realistic numbers (:03:39
CaptainTrekTimothyA: thats why its not there :P03:39
george_hayden92, i've tried each output setting, none are any different, and i only have two inputs even though it says i have 6 (the microphone jack dosent help)03:39
TheNerdALI need help. :(03:40
btakitadaftykins: On a 10k drive, I'm getting 6.6k03:40
torchieso if i install ubuntu to an external on one computer03:40
btakitadaftykins: On a 10k drive, I'm getting 6.6k MB03:40
torchieand boot from the external on another03:40
torchiewill i encounter hardware issues usually03:40
daftykinsbtakita: can you pastebin the output of the hdparm command you're running? :)03:40
george_hayden92: my output option is called: "Analog Output / Amplifier"03:40
chdso how do I get a signature to work in thunderbird?03:41
TheNerdALI updated my video card drivers to the recommended version and it told me that I had to restart and so I did. When it restarted it was just a black screen with a white underscore on the screen. Help! 03:41
TheNerdAL I got it to boot up but the splash screen was like all messed up and stuff.03:41
chdwhen I write something up in open office and save it as an odt and use it as my signature it shows up as retarded characters in thunderbird03:41
hayden92george_: Ok, I have two suggestions03:41
slckb0yhi everyone :) is someone running KDE in a virtualbox under win7 ? :) i can't seem to use OpenGL for desktop effect even if i installed guest additions03:41
btakitadaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/415901/03:42
pHcFhow do i set an user's root access folder?03:42
pHcFjust to that folder03:42
pHcFand not something higher?03:42
pHcFand remove his root permissions03:42
pHcFthat are given when i use the adduser command?03:42
daftykinsbtakita: try the unbuffered ones :)03:42
running_rabbit07! vbox03:42
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox03:42
hayden92george_: The first is to install the Jack audio controller, which you may be able to find some setting to toy around with. (Try something like "sudo apt-get install jack")03:43
ubottuYou can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa03:43
tertittenwhat is the default nvidia driver in 10.04 and how do I revert back to it ? edit xorg.conf ?03:43
rwwtertitten: Lucid/10.04 discussion and support is in #ubuntu+103:43
running_rabbit07tertitten, Nouveau03:43
btakitadaftykins: Aah, ok, thanks. However my laptop is really slow right now. When it was fast (earlier today), the cached reads were 10x faster. I don't remember what the buffered reads were.03:43
tertittendo I simply edit xorg.conf and put nouveau under device ?03:44
running_rabbit07tertitten, I am using it and it warks pretty well03:44
hayden92george_: The second is to install "mscore" a music typesetting program. You can set it to play back (through midi soundfonts) whatever you play on the keyboard03:44
nnnnnare there plans to include microsoft silver light plug in to ubuntu03:44
hayden92george_: Neither of these suggestions are great... but they're worth a go03:44
Capt_Blackwoodtertitten, i believe you'll get better responses in #ubuntu+103:44
btakitadaftykins: You meant the buffered reads, right?03:44
rwwubottu: silverlight | nnnnn03:44
ubottunnnnn: For Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: « sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla » in a terminal.03:44
TheNerdALI updated my video card drivers to the recommended version and it told me that I had to restart and so I did. When it restarted it was just a black screen with a white underscore on the screen. Help! 03:44
xanguannnnn: you can use moonlight03:44
running_rabbit07tertitten, don't know for sure, I have never conigured it, it just worked for me03:44
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derekshey guys, i am looking for a commandline multithreaded SCP client, know of any?03:45
daftykinsbtakita: try "sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda" and see what the interface speed is set to, you should be on the top UDMA setting; although SATA can often be read wrong03:45
haavarossirflexalot: Regarding the fat32/torrent problem, a reformat to ext4 seems to have solved it ... weird ... do you want to try the torrents to see if you get the problem?03:46
tertittenok, thanks anyway03:46
acovrighow do I get settings back after 9.10 upgrade? I want to allow root login, and there is no tabs in 'login window' settings03:47
acovrighow do I install every package listed in 'list.txt'?03:47
nnnnnthanks for the info, has anyone had experience with lotus symphony, as in was it good, I read ubuntu is planning on extensive support for it03:47
daftykinsacovrig: i can only echo the advice mentioned above, logging in as root is a very bad idea.03:48
Capt_Blackwoodlotus symphony? Sorry i haven't heard of or used it03:48
xanguaacovrig: install from a .txt¿ :S03:48
btakitadaftykins: The Gen1 signaling speed?03:48
xanguaCapt_Blackwood: is the IBM office suit03:48
xanguannnnn: lotus is incluided in te repositories03:49
btakitadaftykins: Gen1 signaling speed (1.5Gb/s)03:49
xanguaCapt_Blackwood: openoffice, kofffice03:49
Capt_Blackwoodok thanks :D03:49
daftykinsbtakita: ah that just means SATA "v1" before it got doubled from 150MB/sec to 300MB/sec03:50
Capt_Blackwoodoh god, t_pol <<< now that's a user name :D03:50
water_foulany one know of any way to get at the g35 headset's surround channels?03:50
acovrigdaftykins, i've been doing it for years without problems03:51
btakitadaftykins: ok, let me read up on it. thanks for your help. Can I ping you when I find it?03:51
acovrigxangua, its been mentioned before, and I lost my connection and so the info, does ubottu keep a log?03:51
daftykinsbtakita: i'm on GMT so it's almost 4am here, i'll probably be asleep but sure :)03:52
btakitadaftykins: :-) ok. thx03:52
daftykinsacovrig: i'm afraid that doesn't make it any safer :)03:52
acovrigdaftykins, I know what I'm doing, and I have my own reasons03:52
george_hayden92: i found 'jackeq': "jackEQ is a tool for  routing and manipulating audio from/to multiple input/output sources"03:52
chd`1how do I use a signature in thunderbird?03:53
hayden92george_: That sounds like the one you're looking for03:53
btakitadaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/415908/ - My laptop (Transport: Serial) - My work machine (Serial, SATA 1.0a, SATA II Extensions, SATA Rev 2.5)03:55
btakitadaftykins: Is that normal?03:55
daftykinsbtakita: there you go line 35, it's on the top mode so that's good.03:55
snypzzwhat is the CLI remote command to pull up windows terminal???03:56
george_hayden92: well, the jackeq program is being screwy, when i open it, it immedeatly closes03:56
george_haydent92: i think i'll restart03:56
water_foulany one know of any way to get at the g35 headset's surround channels?03:56
daftykinssnypzz: say again?03:56
btakitadaftykins: aah, so probably a hardware issue?03:57
hayden92george_: Hold on03:57
daftykinsbtakita: the main thing to bear in mind is that a laptop drive, being 2.5" in form factor and generally spinning at the lower RPM, will never be as fast as a 3.5" desktop drive spinning at 7200rpm or greater - though that statistic of yours referring to reading gigabytes in 2 seconds is a little unrealistic :)03:57
snypzztrying to use ubuntu terminal command line to pull up remote windows machine03:57
hayden92george_: It's looking for another program03:57
chd`1how do I use a signature in thunderbird?03:58
hayden92george_: I'm checking it out now03:58
snypzzforgot the command, want to create a bat file to put on my desktop03:58
hunahpusnypzz: I think it is "cmd"03:59
snypzzstarting to get back into the CLI CMD LINES again03:59
hunahpuI'm nto sure though, haven't used win in a while03:59
btakitadaftykins: I see, however aren't cached reads served from RAM or something? Also, the 10k raptor drive cache is 20x faster. Does that seem right?03:59
daftykinssnypzz: i'm honestly unaware of any way to remotely connect to a windows PC via CLI from a *nix computer04:00
snypzzI am hosting UBUNTU Guesting WIN704:00
Ganeshivacould anyone tell me how to CREATE and EXECUTE a shell script04:00
daftykinsbtakita: that's right yes, it's purely the speed from the cache RAM on the hard disk rather than from the disk platter surfaces04:00
snypzzbut still have a lot of windows machines04:00
hunahpuGaneshiva: just create a text file, give it execution permissions and run it with ./<yourfile>04:00
[Screamo]Anyone know of a music player that has a an EQ?04:01
water_foulany one know of any way to get at the g35 headset's surround channels?04:01
btakitadaftykins: Ok, I could have sworn that my laptop's cache speed was 10x faster a couple of hours ago.04:01
water_foul[Screamo]: you can add an equalizer to pulseaudio lemme look it up04:01
btakitadaftykins: And my system was faster to boot.04:01
daftykinsbtakita: i'm not so sure how reliable hdparm's results are; it was only really a common program back in 'IDE' or 'PATA' disk times i think04:01
Capt_Blackwoodwater_foul, i'd appreciate that equalizer too04:01
[Screamo]water_foul thanks :)04:02
snypzzanyone have that CLI to remote into windows remote04:02
quietonechd`1: edit->account settings. click on an account (me@someisp)04:02
Ganeshivawhat extension must be used to save the shell script04:02
dereksfudge, i need a multithreaded scp client04:02
water_foul[Screamo] & Capt_Blackwood: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957804:03
hunahpuGaneshiva: it doesn't need one04:03
water_foulGaneshiva: none are required but .sh is semi standard04:03
btakitadaftykins: Fair enough. Ok, check this out. My laptop is fast again. Look at these numbers. http://paste.ubuntu.com/415916/04:03
daftykinsbtakita: weird :S no other apps running?04:03
[Screamo]Thanks water_foul!04:04
Ganeshivawhat is the compare string using shell script04:04
Ganeshivai have tried04:04
Ganeshivaif [ $var == "value" ]04:04
Ganeshivaecho is the same04:04
FloodBot1Ganeshiva: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:04
hayden92george_: It's looking for another process to be running called "JACK", install it by typing "sudo apt-get install jackd" into the terminal04:04
btakitadaftykins: No. I was doing development (running Rails tests, which uses lots of cpu and disk), and my machine got slow in the middle of running the tests.04:04
Ganeshivaok sir FloodBot104:04
Capt_Blackwoodwater_foul, thanks04:04
btakitadaftykins: Then remained slow for a while.04:05
btakitadaftykins: Even after a couple of reboots.04:05
hayden92If you then run Jack "Sound and Video->Jack Control", and then run JackEQ your problems should be over04:05
hayden92george_: Let me know how it goes04:06
TravisDHi, I have a macbook pro (one of the ones where there is no mouse button below the trackpad... the whole trackpad is a button). One of the things that you can do while in MacOS is keep one finger near the bottom of the trackpad and it will ignore it. That is, in MacOS, there is a simulated button at the bottom of the track pad which does not take part in things like scrolling and right clicking. Does anyone know if this functionality is available under Ubu04:06
btakitadaftykins: Maybe the cache got saturated and finally flushed?04:06
daftykinsbtakita: ah yes it's quite possible that what it was reading the kernel had put into system RAM yeah04:07
hayden92TravisD: The only mouse control panel in Ubuntu that I'm aware of is in "System->Preferences->Mouse04:07
Ganeshivacan anyone help shell script for comparing two strings04:07
daftykinsbtakita: maybe after repeating the test a few times it had cached it once again; after the development apps had finished04:07
TravisDhayden92, I was hoping there might be some package I could install, or something like that. There is quite a bit on the internet about configuring synaptics to be more friendly to Macbooks, but nothing about this particular problem04:08
btakitadaftykins: However, does that explain why the entire system is slow (GCC, ruby, gnome, etc.)? I'm not sure if running the tests affected it at all.04:10
btakitadaftykins: Since I did my other "benchmark" (time ruby config/environment.rb)04:10
hayden92TravisD: Sorry but I'm not a Mac User myself; you can try: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128911304:11
btakitadaftykins: I'm not sure if it's faulty hardware or a software bug somewhere.04:11
Ganeshivacan anyone help me with  a shell script for comparing two strings in ubuntu 9.1004:11
daftykinsbtakita: ubuntu pops up error messages when disks are on the way out, through bad sectors or other SMART errors04:11
daftykinsbtakita: if there's a hardware problem, i think the first place to go would be to run memtest to see if your system RAM checks out ok04:12
maxxistanyone with any experience running hfs+ on ubuntu?  nautilus is finding the drive and showing most of its contents.  but permission problems on much of the data on the hfs+ volume.  where it shows my folders but wont let me into some of them.  I also tried this with a sudu nautilus.  same permission problems...04:13
george_hayden92: JackEq still doesnt open04:13
hayden92george_: have you clicked the start button in the JACK program?04:14
daftykinsmaxxist: someone was in here just earlier saying you need to be in a user account with the same UID of the user the HFS+ drive was used/created by, to be ok04:15
df00z1Hey, are there debs for ubuntu for the latest nvidia driver?  i hate manually installing things...04:15
df00z1is there a repository for 9.10 or something04:15
Vantraxdf00z1: use envyng04:15
Guest72310should i goto 10.04 now?04:15
Guest72310or stay with 9.1004:15
Ganeshivais there any error in this program http://paste.ubuntu.com/415919/04:16
Guest72310and is it really worth me changing for 64bit so i get all of my ram?04:16
IdleOneGuest71724: if you gotta ask stick with 9.1004:16
Vantraxdf00z1: it it in the repos and it ill download and install the nvidia drivers from nvidia04:16
maxxistdaftykins, umm.  thats an odd fix.04:16
CaptainTrekGuest72310, first, Lucid isnt stable.  Second, wait until its released first before asking us if you should switch.  and stay with 32-bit for nwo04:16
nastjuid!10.04 | Guest7231004:16
ubottuGuest72310: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule04:16
Guest72310well when 10.04 is released can i just updated straight away?04:16
daftykinsmaxxist: worth a google first i think :) i'd not go too far on my off-chance reading :)04:16
Guest72310or will i need fresh install04:16
Capt_BlackwoodGuest72310 there's a way to stay 32bit and still get all your ram...04:16
df00z1well i know how to do it manually04:17
df00z1it just doesnt seem the ubuntu way04:17
nastjuidGuest72310: usually, the update dialog will have an update button at the top04:17
btakitadaftykins: ok thanks. I'll go ahead and start memtest. I assume that it's a bios thing. Is that checks out, then I know it's probably a bug :-)04:17
PlaHPoyhow would i do this w/o ipfw in ubuntu? :  sudo ipfw add 2000 deny tcp from any to any 1935 out04:17
PlaHPoyim trying to setup squid for hulu04:17
PlaHPoyand need to block that port on the server04:18
daftykinsbtakita: no problem :) if you develop ok without anything crashing etc. though, i'm probably very wrong. anyway must be to bed :) good night! drop me a PM if you find anything out04:18
btakitadaftykins: Sure. Thanks for your help. Good night :-)04:19
george_hayden92: something isn't working right, and i gotta go; i'm going to restart and see if stuff works when i get back. Thanks for your help!04:19
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keybrdplayaHow do I put credentials is a .smbpasswd file for a NTSF partition so I don't have to keep authenticating?04:20
nastjuidPlaHPoy: tcp and udp?04:20
PlaHPoyi am reading the UFW man pages now04:20
nastjuidwhat's ufw?04:20
PlaHPoythe firewall that comes with ubuntu04:21
PlaHPoyuncomplicated firewall04:21
CaptainTreki thought that was iptables04:21
nastjuidisn't it just iptables?04:21
nastjuidi would do04:21
tvaughncan you get ubuntu dvd images off bittorrent?04:21
nastjuidiptables  -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport $PORT -j DROP04:21
nastjuidfor tcp and udp, and for INPUT as well04:21
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nastjuidif you wanted zero traffic on that port04:22
PlaHPoyim basically following this tutorial, but on my own server http://blog.jason.pollock.ca/2009/09/using-amazon-ec2-to-access-hulu.html04:22
PlaHPoythe RTMP part for flash player04:22
nastjuidtvaughn: I believe so, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt04:22
hayden92george6: Ok, no worries... see you around04:23
PlaHPoyflash player uses (RTMP), we see that while it will tunnel over HTTP, it will first try to make a direct connection. It is that direct connection which is causing us problems, so we will turn it off.04:23
Guest71724tvaughn: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/04:23
tvaughnGuest71724: thanks so much04:23
tonyyarussoIs there any way to run the partitioner text UI that's used on the alternate installation CD on an already installed system?04:23
nastjuidtonyyarusso: cfdisk?04:24
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maike-makotohi people04:24
tonyyarussonastjuid: not that same - specifically, I'm looking for the RAID setup capability.04:25
nastjuidtonyyarusso: oh, the one from the CD is more flashy and does all the lvm configuration04:25
CaptainTrek!hi | maike-makoto04:25
ubottumaike-makoto: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:25
maike-makotohi captaintrek04:25
CaptainTrek!op | talk to maike-makoto 'bout the rules please04:26
ubottutalk to maike-makoto 'bout the rules please: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!04:26
CaptainTreki'm off for tonight04:26
CaptainTreksee ya all later04:26
IdleOneCaptainTrek: the !op trigger is used in emrgencies04:26
tonyyarussomaike-makoto: This is a support channel, not an AIM chatroom.04:26
macomaike-makoto: keep on topic please04:26
macomaike-makoto: if you want to just chat, go to #ubuntu-offtopic04:26
Capt_Blackwoodor a yahoo! hot tup04:27
maike-makotook, thank you04:27
quietoneHow do I restore 'open link in browser' from tbird? It stopped working when I updated 3 days ago. I've tried ubuntu and zilla forums.04:27
maike-makotothis is my first time here, so, i don't about this stuff04:27
PlaHPoyany idea?04:28
masshuuapache has stoped parsing php files, any ideas04:35
melikany alternatives to atop/htop?04:36
melikwell obivously top :P04:36
melikany others?04:36
evonis it more or less safe for me to upgrade to 10.04 right now?04:37
melikevon: its pretty safe mate04:37
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Vantraxevon i would not suggest it04:37
evoni don't don't mind a small glitch here or there. I just don't want a system crash04:37
j0k3revon: less04:37
Vantraxbut yes, it is safe04:37
IdleOne!lucid | evon04:37
ubottuevon: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule04:37
melikalthough evon i'd suggest a clean install.04:37
evonalright cool. thanks04:37
kfizzHey all I have an external monitor connected to my laptop which is to the left of my laptop screen. Is there a way to have the desktop and panels on the right hand monitor (my laptop LCD)?04:38
SeaPhorkfizz, what vid-card do u have?04:39
chrisEmpathykfizz: Just drag and drop the panels.04:39
kfizzHm, idk the exact model. It's Intel though. 4500HD I thiiink.04:39
evonkfizz, couldn't you just switch what ports the monitors are connected to?04:40
kfizzchrisEmpathy, my desktop icons go to the external monitor as well. Just do a big drag and drop of everything?04:40
kfizzevon, one is my laptop LCD.04:40
SeaPhorkfizz, then use the Display manager to drag-n-drop the displays04:40
SeaPhorno kfizz04:40
araywhats the best way to setup my computer so that I can vnc to it without having to log in first?04:41
SeaPhorkfizz, use  System>Preferences>Display04:41
kfizzSeaPhor, when I use the display manager and drag the external monitor to the right, the screens overlap, for lack of a better wor.d04:42
billy2007hi does anyone know where i can get a debian package for ManiaDrive?04:43
SeaPhorkfizz, you need to "drag" it around / over and to the left/right... and let go,, then move it how you want04:43
billy2007is everyone asleep here too04:44
xanguabilly2007: is that a game¿¿ try playdeb04:45
peterklsim here04:45
kfizzSeaPhor, I did that but when I drag the extern monitor to the left, it leaves my laptop LCD with a black bar across the bottom about an inch and a half thick.04:45
billy2007cheers xangua04:45
billy2007xangua, nope :(04:46
kfizzSeaPhor, I'll play around with it some more. If nothing works, I can live with it how it is. Thanks for the help.04:46
billy2007any other suggestions04:47
SeaPhorkfizz, to make sure, can you run this command in a terminal? and say who the vendor is?  lshw -C video04:47
peterklsso who else here is staring at the date every day waiting for the new ubuntu >_>04:47
billy2007ive got the new ubuntu04:47
kfizzIntel Movile 3 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller04:48
kfizzIntel Mobile 4 **04:48
peterklsi couldnt get the beta to install on my raid setup for some reason04:48
peterklsso im waiting04:48
billy2007how hard is it to compile a tar.bz package04:48
glob3xhello i have a problem04:49
SeaPhorkfizz, is this a laptop or a desktop?04:49
araywhats the best way to setup my computer so that I can vnc to it without having to log in first??04:49
glob3xi have a problem with my tv/monitor resolution04:50
billy2007how hard is it to compile a tar.bz package if and when anyone wakes up04:50
xangua!compile > billy200704:51
ubottubilly2007, please see my private message04:51
glob3xhello anyone can help me please04:51
SeaPhorkfizz, what brand?HP?GATEWAY?acer? etc04:52
xangua!help > glob3x04:52
ubottuglob3x, please see my private message04:52
evonbilly2007, it all depends on if you have all the depencies04:52
glob3xhow ?04:52
billy2007never mind im just going to use a windows zip file in wine04:53
IdleOneglob3x: ask your question and provide details04:53
glob3xi have a 32lcd phillips tv.. and the current resolution is 800X600 and i can't get higger..04:54
nnnnni downloaded and installed lotus symphony and open office and have looked for plug ins for style of wring both incorectly lable a sentence that has pasive voice as ok04:54
Dark_ShikariI just installed ubuntu lucid on a vmware instance and the keyboard doesn't work.  Is there any way I can bring up an onscreen keyboard on the login screen?04:55
nnnnnis there one that exists?04:55
Dark_ShikariI just installed ubuntu lucid on a vmware instance and the keyboard doesn't work.  Is there any way I can bring up an onscreen keyboard on the login screen?  Or any ideas why the keyboard wouldn't work and how to troubleshoot it... without having the keyboard working?04:57
evondark_shikari, why not try virtual box04:58
voss749Does vmware support usb?04:58
KruyKazehello everyone. How do i cleanup the "open with" list?04:58
glob3xi m still waitting04:59
xanguavoss749: the vbox of repositories no04:59
nnnnnit's open office 3.1.1 and symphony 1.3.004:59
Dark_Shikarivoss749: I would assume so.  it's an integrated laptop keyboard04:59
Dark_Shikarievon: I could try that04:59
Dark_Shikarijust figure I might as well try to get vmware to work right while I'm at it04:59
gerardhello everyone04:59
d33dvoss749, VMware WOrkstation does. Using it now.04:59
voss749Dark, try clicking the mouse on the virtual os screen and then try typing05:00
glob3xi have a 32lcd phillips tv.. and the current resolution is 800X600 and i can't get higger..05:00
Dark_Shikarivoss749: I'm not stupid05:00
g0aliathis there a special command that you have to type to allow RPD in ubuntu?05:00
Dark_Shikarithe mouse works fine.  the keyboard does not.05:00
xanguaglob3x: my uncle also tried to connect both, windows and linux, to his tv; only supported 800*600 too :S05:00
voss749Dark, sometimes OS can be confused between windows05:00
d33dglob3x, Chances are, your tv only supports up to 800x60005:00
Dark_Shikarivoss749: Yes.  I know when I'm focused on the window05:00
xanguaglob3x: no idea, but only that resolution fits well05:01
Dark_Shikariis there no onscreen keyboard for ubuntu?05:01
gerardi can't connect my network wifi with usb key tenda05:01
d33dglob3x, It's just what the TV manufacturer says. They "said so"05:01
voss749gerard what chipset is the usb wifi adapter05:01
d33dDark_Shikari, yes, this is.05:01
d33dDark_Shikari, sorry - there is*05:02
gerardi dont no05:02
Dark_Shikarid33d: How do I activate it at the login screen?05:02
glob3xtoo bad bad buy05:02
d33dDark_Shikari, there should be a little blue / white button or little stick man in the bottom right corner...click it and a window should pop up and you have a check box to select the oskeyboard.05:02
Dark_Shikarithe bottom right is the power button05:03
Dark_ShikariOh, it's near "Gnome"05:03
d33dDark_Shikari, one second.05:03
glob3xwell my only option is .. enjoy by my ps305:03
glob3xby hdmi05:03
gerardi receive the network with many green bar but no connection05:03
glob3xweell tahks alot..05:03
d33dDark_Shikari, yes, sorry, its on that botton\m line somewhere...05:03
Dark_Shikarid33d: When I check the box for the keyboard, another window appears for about 0.3 seconds05:03
Dark_Shikariand disappears05:03
Dark_ShikariNothing else happens05:03
evongerard, try reseting everything05:04
Dark_Shikariit's labelled "onboard" from what I can see before it disappears05:04
Dark_Shikariotherwise, it's empty05:04
d33dDark_Shikari, Had that happen once... not sure. is it 10.04?05:04
Dark_Shikariit's Lucid, yes05:04
d33dDark_Shikari, yeah, had the same problem...i think its a bug.05:04
datzyhi, I'm looking for the file where the local address is defined.05:04
d33dDark_Shikari, It works with 9.10 (or at least it did with mine)05:05
Dark_Shikarimeh.  I'd rather not use such an ancient distro...05:05
datzyisn't that the current release?05:05
Dark_Shikariyes, hence rather ancient05:06
bazhangDark_Shikari, #ubuntu+1 for lucid05:06
d33dDark_Shikari, you like to "bleed" eh?05:06
Dark_Shikarid33d: I like to have software that isn't 2 years old05:06
bazhangDark_Shikari, this is not the correct channel for lucid05:06
d33dDark_Shikari, i think its like 6 mo cycle dude.05:07
rwwOctober 2009 was two years ago? My, time flies.05:07
gerardevon, it's possible to connect on adoc network but not with my wifi server05:07
d33dDark_Shikari, there's a new version every 6 mo.05:07
Dark_Shikarid33d: yeah, but being a developer of a program in ubuntu, it takes another 6 months to get the program in the first place05:07
Dark_Shikariand when they pick the version to include, it's already 6 months old05:07
Dark_Shikari6 months + 6 months + 6 months and you're already nearing 2 years05:08
d33dDark_Shikari, well, you're +1 on me :(05:08
bazhangDark_Shikari, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic  lucid support in #ubuntu+105:08
datzyhi, I'm looking for the file where the local address is defined.05:08
datzysomething like /etc/hosts05:08
d33ddatzy, like local ip address/05:08
billy2007i cant seem to find any pakages in shell could there be a reason for this05:09
datzybilly2007: how are you searching?05:09
billy2007sudo apt-get install speed-dreams05:10
datzytry something like sudo apt-cache search speed-dreams05:10
datzymaybe the package name is wrong05:10
datzywell no sudo needed I think05:10
billy2007the package name right i know that i dont know much about shell though all i want to do is find  deb package05:11
datzybilly2007: you have tried synaptic package manager?05:12
datzymaybe easier to find it05:12
shaunohow sure are you that it's right? I don't see anything remotely similar in http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=speed&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all05:12
Izinucsbilly2007: apt-cache search speed-dreams comes up with no candidate in 8.04.. when you so a sudo apt-get install speed-dreams you activate the install process and you won't see a .deb05:12
billy2007when i type that i get nothing05:13
hexdump_hey everybody, I gotta lil question here...05:13
datzyd33d: any thoughts as to where that file is?05:13
Izinucsbilly2007: that's because the package doesn't exist in the repositories. there are other games like that though like torque05:13
shaunobilly2007: you get no answer because it found no results.  "nothing" is usually a valid answer05:14
hexdump_I've setup an ext4 file system on one of my drives and now I'm trying to mount it again by doing mount /dev/sdb or mount /dev/sdb1 and I'm running into problems05:14
billy2007shauno, i know its right because ive been trying to get it for 3 days05:14
datzyd33d: ok, maybe /etc/network/interfaces05:14
d33ddatzy, sorry. let me look05:14
d33ddatzy, unless you just found it. :P05:14
Dr_Dhey guys.. sorry to be a nuisance again :p[05:14
billy2007Izinucs, do you know where i can ind a deb package for it05:14
Izinucsbilly2007: you could try http://playdeb.net05:15
billy2007hexdump_, wats up?05:15
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Dr_Di'm trying to compile a game i'm working on and the compiler reports i need -lx11, can someone give me the rundown please?05:15
Izinucsbilly2007: it's there.. pay attention to what release it's for.05:15
billy2007i downloaded a playdeb game repository and it says to use sudo apt-get ect. afterwards but it dosnt work05:16
hexdump_billy2007:  not in /etc/fstab could I just add it?05:16
Dr_Dthe linker can't find -lx11, to be exact05:16
hexdump_billy2007:  I had to umount the drive to format and setup ext405:16
Izinucsbilly2007: what version of ubuntu are you using?05:16
bazhangbilly2007, #ubuntu+1 please05:17
datzygreat, irssi gets updated and it just froze. :P05:17
billy2007hexdump_, youve lost me alreay lol sorry05:17
polimatyuXubuntu Question:  I've lost my menus from xfce4-panel.  I've restarted xfce4-panel, but that doesn't do it.  Can anybody help?05:17
Izinucsbilly2007: it's not available for that release yet05:17
hexdump_nope seems I can't add it05:17
xanguapolimatyu: richt clic> add> search for xfce menu¿05:17
hexdump_billy2007:  I'm just trying to mount a drive05:17
captivus[afk]Hello.  I have a quick question.  If I've installed Ubuntu on my machine, do I need to keep the "System Volume Information" directories on my NTFS-formatted drives?05:17
xanguammm haven't used xfcefor a while05:17
billy2007bazhang, no because im looking forr a game not lucid support05:17
codygmanhas anyone else been getting: fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD' using git after updates05:18
Izinucscaptivus[afk]: do you still have windows installed? if so do you want to keep windows?05:18
hexdump_nm I got it05:18
captivus[afk]Izinucs: I do not have Windows installed and have no intention of returning to it.05:18
billy2007Izinucs, alright m8 do you know of any racing gmes that are i  dont like tourqes cos it runs slow on my pc05:18
captivus[afk]I _do_ need to access these drives via samba on 2 windows boxen, though.05:18
Izinucscaptivus[afk]: then there is no need to keep any files for windows .. delete05:18
hexdump_but only by using palimpsest disk utility05:19
aaaoooaaasorry about the caps05:19
polimatyuxangua: not the menu I was looking for.  Do you know the name of the one that has the applications and places menu?05:19
captivus[afk]Izinucs: I _do_ need to access these drives via SMB (over samba) from 2 other windows boxen.  Do I need them for that?05:19
Izinucsbilly2007: tuxracer?  check out system>admin>synaptic package manager and switch to the games tab/selection and look though there.05:19
billy2007Izinucs, lol i said a racing game05:20
Izinucscaptivus[afk]: unless you're doing LAN based remote updates to the other windows boxes then no.05:20
captivus[afk]Izinucs: Thanks for the help.05:21
Izinucsbilly2007: then check out the second part of the response05:21
Izinucscaptivus[afk]: np05:21
Dr_Dnot to be off-topic, but i actually am working on a racing game :p05:21
xanguapolimatyu: try in #xubuntu, haven't used xfce for a long time05:21
Dr_Di can't do anything on ubuntu just now though... i have the compiler responding, but that's it. i guess i'm just ruined by windows :\05:22
FloodBot1Fukbuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:22
aaaoooaaahi guys I have a windows loaded partition on my esb harddrive and would like to use grub to load it. Can someone help me? Im on karmic btw05:22
billy2007Izinucs, i got VDrifty downloading now cheers :)05:25
Izinucsbilly2007: couldn't remember the name of that one.. but I've heard it's pretty good.. enjoy05:26
polimatyuxangua: Thanks, but I already tried there and got referred here.05:26
Jaredhey everyone05:26
aaaoooaaahey guys does anyone know how to get to the grub menu during bootup to select OS's?05:26
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tsimpsonaaaoooaaa: press escape while grub is loading05:27
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aaaoooaaatsimpson: how do i know when grub is loading?05:27
macoaaaoooaaa: if you have grub2, it's shift, not esc05:27
aaaoooaaamaco: ok cause i hit escape nothing happened05:27
tsimpsonmaco: thanks, was looking that up05:27
aaaoooaaathanks im gonna try it05:27
JaredHCould any of the gurus here recommend a good book to learn the basics of linux?05:28
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html JaredH05:29
JaredH@ bazhang: is that ubuntu(debian) specific?05:30
IdleOneJaredH: ubuntu yes05:30
IzinucsJaredH: http://productsearch.barnesandnoble.com/search/results.aspx?SRT=R&WRD=ubuntu&SZE=10&SAT=11  first on05:30
IdleOneJaredH: but still a good read05:30
JaredH@IdleOne: thanks05:31
aaaoooaaahey uhh i hit esc/shift but the OS list thing didnt come up, instead it went ahead and loaded ubuntu05:32
JaredH@IdleOne: Do you have any recommendations for a system administrator oriented book?05:32
Jordan_Uaaaoooaaa: You need to hold shift while booting.05:32
bazhangJaredH, please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic05:32
JaredH@IdleOne: oh ok. thanks for the help05:32
aaaoooaaaJordan_U: ok, right after the bios screen?05:32
Jordan_Uaaaoooaaa: Yes, and it shouldn't hurt to start early.05:33
aaaoooaaaJordan_U: alrighty man ill try it again05:33
Dr_Dok, here's a more simple question... i need -LX11, how do i know what to apt-get with sudo based on that lib name?05:34
Dr_Dis there some simple thing i didn't get here?05:34
Jordan_UDr_D: What are you trying to compile?05:35
Dr_Dwell... just a simple hello world right now05:35
Dr_Di'll have way more dependencies later, but if can at least get it to compile this... i'll go on what i've learned and break the rest05:36
Jordan_UDr_D: A graphical hello world? Plain old hello world shouldn't require anything that doesn't come with the compiler, especially not X11.05:36
Dr_Dthe compiler is FreeBASIC05:36
Dr_Dwell... not a consol hello world, but not opengl either :p05:37
Dr_Dthey mentioned this in the compiler installation readme, but there aren't help/instructions for it05:38
k1rbHello, I'm using 10.04, I'm having a problem with one of the default panels (task bar). I have it set to autohide, I cannot get it to unhide, even after a reboot.05:39
Dr_Di know i shuold google this up... but it seems more friendly, and everyone new may learn something :p05:39
Dr_Dsafe mode?05:40
xangua!lucid > k1rb05:41
ubottuk1rb, please see my private message05:41
crucialhoaxHello all.05:41
k1rbxangua, I don't think this is particular to this version of Linux... assuming it's not, how would I unhide or kill this task bar?05:43
aaaoooaaadoes anyone know if gparted is installed by default in karmic?05:43
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crucialhoaxI need some power configuration help. My netbook only gets 4 hours on a ubuntu desktop install =/05:43
xanguak1rb: righ clic> properties05:43
crucialhoaxaaaoooaaa: No it is not.05:44
xanguaaaaoooaaa: is in the live cd, but is not installed05:44
gogetacrucialhoax, depends n=on yournetbook05:44
k1rbxangua, I cannot unhide it, therefor cannot right click on it.05:44
gogetacrucialhoax, some have diffrent power apps you can dl05:44
crucialhoaxAcer 532h05:44
aaaoooaaaxangua: cool thanks I thought it was just me05:44
Sp0ttercould someone who is chinese please tell me how to pronounce the name Zhiqiang  in english?05:45
gogetacrucialhoax, well i dont know acer05:45
crucialhoaxgogeta: why does brand matter?05:45
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gogetacrucialhoax, people make power softwhere to the brand05:46
macoSp0tter: im not chinese but based on knowing how "zh" is said at the start of the word for "china" and how the q is one of my professors' names.. jichung... however youve given no hint as the tone which will make a big difference, so..05:46
gogetacrucialhoax, for expanple eeepc uses one called eecontrole05:46
Sp0ttermaco what do you mean the tone?05:46
crucialhoaxgogeta: For ubuntu? I was using lesswatts.org as a guide and install powertop but not much help.05:46
Sp0tterI just have this guys name, I know him.. and I feel horrible asking him hwo to pronounce his name again05:47
Sp0tteri only seem him like once a month05:47
xanguaSp0tter maco and this is why #ubuntu is the official chinese support channel05:47
red2kiccrucialhoax: Turn off the laptop/computer when you're not using it? ;o05:47
Sp0tterxangua: thank you for your service05:47
gogetared2kic, lol05:47
jackson__How do you think of ubuntu 10.04, guys?05:47
xangua!ot > jackson__05:47
ubottujackson__, please see my private message05:47
gogetacrucialhoax, 4 hrs sounds right for a acer one05:47
crucialhoaxred2kic: Nice suggestion lol. But if I am using it for notes in class, that does not apply. Even if I sleep, its only going to last 5 which is pitiful.05:48
xanguajackson__: haven't tried05:48
gogetacrucialhoax, wifi and high brightness eats  hrs05:48
jackson__I have tried, feeling well05:48
crucialhoaxgogeta: Sticker says 8 when used with Win7 which sounds right. As most reviews I read are getting 8. screen is set to 20%...05:48
red2kicgogeta, crucialhoax: That is what I did. I have lot of power strips in the house. 10% of your energy bill could be due to idling power sources (ie microwave with digital clock, stove with digital clock, shaving + toothbrush charging stations in your bathroom, etc).05:49
crucialhoaxred2kic: True, but I am talking a battery source. Principle still applies, but I am looking to extend usage of this laptop.05:50
gogetacrucialhoax, they say to use powertop05:50
crucialhoaxgogeta: I am. Not much help.05:50
red2kiccrucialhoax: How about suspend/hibernation?05:50
red2kiccrucialhoax: You could set it to dim 5min. Any less and it'll be more of annoying than a feature IMO.05:51
crucialhoaxred2kic: I could, but that is not the point. Some netbooks last 12+ and even an 15in apple gets 8+ =[ Even if I got 6 to 705:51
crucialhoaxred2kic: the screen dims when idle already.05:51
gogetacrucialhoax, powertop should be in the repos05:52
crucialhoaxgogeta: It is, I am already using it. It does not help much.05:52
crucialhoaxred2kic: It uses the ath9k wifi driver, which power top does not work with. Power settings would have to be set in iwconfig. There has to be something.05:54
gogetacrucialhoax, turning off wifi05:54
crucialhoaxred2kic: Even the laptop I am using now got 3, sometimes 4 hours on a charge. Now, I am lucky to get 2.05:54
crucialhoaxred2kic: Windows Vista compared with Ubuntu05:54
gogetacrucialhoax, you running 9.10 i found it had alot better power mangment then older versions05:55
red2kiccrucialhoax: The battery are built-in for apple products which eliminates the need for plastic cover on both battery and the laptop slot. Without that, the battery capacity are a little bigger. :O05:55
crucialhoaxgogeta: Yes.05:55
gogetacrucialhoax, strangly i get the same 3 hrs outta my eee in xp  or linux05:56
red2kicMillimeters matters. :)05:56
red2kiccrucialhoax: You use Gnome?05:56
gogeta3 cell battery05:56
crucialhoaxred2kic: Yes, I may switch to Lubuntu. I am not sure yet.05:56
gogetacrucialhoax, have you tryed running the netbook kernel05:57
red2kiccrucialhoax: Consider blank screen (not black screen, but power off the LCD) instead of dim screen when it comes to dim.05:57
crucialhoaxgogeta: See, you get 3 hours on a 3cell battery and I get 1 more hour with twice the cells.05:57
gogetacrucialhoax, i use the netbook kernel as well fom array05:57
crucialhoaxgogeta: How does that kernel differ?05:57
crucialhoaxgogeta: `as well fom array`?05:58
gogetacrucialhoax, as it says its talerd for netbooks05:58
red2kiccrucialhoax: http://www.apple.com/macbookpro/battery/05:58
crucialhoaxred2kic: The top panel in the picture almost directly resembes 10.0405:59
jackson_gogeta, I hve tried netbook kernel05:59
jackson_just so so, I do think05:59
gotttocrucialhoax: check in /sysdevices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_govenor to see if it is using powersave or...05:59
jackson_what favourite softwares have you installed,guys?06:00
crucialhoaxgottto: It is running `ondemand` and the cpu runs mostly at 1.0ghz...06:00
crucialhoaxThis is depressing lol, the 15 and 17 inch models get 8 to 9 hours.06:01
red2kiccrucialhoax: htop say I have 212 process running. I wonder if I can shave processes down.06:01
red2kiccrucialhoax: Well, the Apple hardware are excellent and overpriced. Maybe you want to get one and put Ubuntu on it? ;o06:02
friendishanPlease Help : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145562306:02
crucialhoaxred2kic: Just maybe. lol. Jeez.06:02
friendishanwhat was the pastebin URL?06:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:02
phoe6I have attached a USB device ( a media player) I want to do know it is attached so that I can mount. How I found the the /dev/xxx ?06:03
red2kicjackson_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro06:03
crucialhoaxphoe6: in the /media folder and in the /dev/sdbX probably06:03
friendishansh:grub> ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/415953/ please help06:04
crucialhoaxphoe6: It might be sdc.06:04
phoe6crucialhoax: this is a minimal install of ubuntu..06:04
crucialhoaxphoe6: Makes no difference.06:04
phoe6yup, it was /dev/sdb106:05
red2kicfriendishan: Use LiveCD to troubleshoot your grub issues, maybe?06:05
Dr_Di have a friend that's really experienced with linux, and i can'e get in touch with him... he's helped me with debugging before by using valgrind and i want to install it here. my question is, i look up valgrind in the synaptic package manager, and there are like 6 downloads... does anyone with experience have a recommended set, or just get them all or what?06:05
friendishanred2kic lost it :)06:05
crucialhoaxphoe6: No prob06:06
red2kicfriendishan: You're on Windows. Download a new one.06:06
[Spooky]Is there any way to config the NIC to use full duplex in Ubuntu? It uses full duplex default inside Windows...06:06
petersonkeyboard configure issue no WIN key here.06:06
petersonany fix with my keyboard?06:07
Sk_Lghow do I change the fact everytime I want to open any files it promps me with a pass code06:07
crucialhoax[Spooky]: in a terminal type: `sudo ethtool <name of ethernet interface`06:07
[Spooky]crucialhoax: Ok will log in and try, thanks. ;)06:08
friendishanred2kic : my download speed sucks...will take me whoole day06:08
petersonhow to check whether the keyboard settings are correct?06:08
crucialhoax[Spooky]: That will not fix it... It will show you if it is running half or not. I am working on finding how to set to full :)06:09
petersonUbuntu is damn weak with the keyboard check and fit.06:09
friendishansh:grub> ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/415953/ please help06:10
friendishanPlease Help : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145562306:10
red2kicfriendishan: There are not a much I can do. Try and find the disc. Otherwise, download it or if you know somebody else with the disc, use that. If you don't want to DL, there are services that can mail you the discs.06:10
friendishanred2kic um..ok...thanks anyway06:11
friendishansh:grub> ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/415953/ please help :'(06:12
red2kiccrucialhoax: "sudo ethtool --change eth0 duplex full" ?06:13
petersonubuntu sucks?06:14
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.06:14
macopeterson: keyboard layout settings are system -> preferences -> keyboard06:14
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts06:14
friendishanum...9.10 is karmic koala?06:14
macopeterson: the windows key is called the "super" key and it does not open the applications menu by default. that's alt+f106:14
red2kicfriendishan: Yes.06:14
macofriendishan: yes06:14
friendishanred2kic ok thanks maco thanks06:15
aaaoooaaahi guys I need some guidance in dual booting XP with grub, and Im trying to follow the instructions on this howto:http://apcmag.com/print.aspx?id=1360&mode=print but I cant seem to find the "menu.lst" file that I need to edit in the first step. I think its because it(the tutorial) was written for grub1. Does anyone know a good link/howto for dual booting XP with grub2?06:15
crucialhoaxred2kic: sudo ethtool -s ethX duplex full ;)06:15
crucialhoaxIs there any sites that have power managment tips for netbooks?06:15
red2kiccrucialhoax: SAME THING! :)06:15
macocrucialhoax: http://lesswatts.org is intel's power management tip site06:15
petersonmaco: FN+F7 FN+F8 not working too. Any fix?06:15
macopeterson: are those hotkeys? hotkeys are special... might need to file a bug if those dont work06:16
maco!hotkeys | peterson06:16
ubottupeterson: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts06:16
petersonmaco: How to identify my keyboard layout and choose the right one?06:16
crucialhoaxred2kic: Haha i know.06:17
red2kiccrucialhoax: Well -- Don't use Firefox? :\06:17
macopeterson: when you pick a keyboard layout from the keyboard applet itll show a picture of the layout. look for the one that looks how you want06:17
crucialhoaxred2kic: I don't. Too slow for netbooks, I use chrome.06:17
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WilabobHi, can someone help me connect to my router? I just set up my wmp11 v2.7 wifi card with ndiswrapper and I can't connect to my router which has WEP 64 bit encryption. I can connect when it doesn't have a passwork but when I have wep on I can't. When I click on the connection in NM it just keeps asking me for my password. Please help!06:17
iflemacrucialhoax lay off the games, dim ya screen((bright/contrast) whenever possible.... thats where ya get 3hrs out of 3cells the screen.06:17
friendishanred2kic: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 might help but i don't know06:17
baxkto gra w Desert  Operation?06:18
BoofheadHi, ubuntu won't connect to my built in mic on my laptop. Where should i look to get info on fixing this? cheers06:19
red2kicWilabob: It might ask you for your laptop's password. Not the wifi's password. Some users may be confusing those two.06:19
friendishanred2kic : might be this is the problem? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Err1506:19
[Spooky]crucialhoax: Hm, it said its full duplex... But when im uploading or downloading the other way gets laggy...06:19
crucialhoaxiflema: screen is 20% and I dont play games....06:19
red2kicfriendishan: You might want to try #grub06:19
Wilabobred2kic: no it says Authentication required by wireless network06:19
crucialhoax[Spooky]: Hmm. Not sure then.06:20
friendishanred2kic it's another channel in freenode? ok thanks06:20
red2kicWilabob: Did you at least try WPA?06:20
red2kicfriendishan: Yes. That channel deals mainly with grub.06:20
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Wilabobred2kic: I use wep because of some of the older devices like ipods and the wii06:21
friendishanred2kic: thanks06:21
Dr_Djeez, wii is considered an older device?06:22
Wilabobwell it doesn't support wpa as far as I can tell, my wii is release date tho06:22
petersonhow to add brightness control in keyboard shortcut?06:23
macopeterson: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting06:23
petersonmaco: I mean brightness that doesn`t working.06:24
macopeterson: that wiki page is on troubleshooting non-working hotkeys, such as brightness06:25
Dr_Dwell, i think my wii supports wpa, i'd have to go turn it on and check , but.. meh i'm trying to learn more about ubuntu :p06:25
red2kicpeterson: What make/model?06:25
Dr_Di have valgrind working now06:25
petersonred2kic: what do u mean?06:26
Dr_Dnot that it was a problem... synaptic made that easy as pie06:26
petersonmy trackpad cannot scroll too.06:26
WilabobBack on topic... Anyone know what I can do other than removing wep?06:26
red2kicpeterson: I ask you what car you have.  You say it is Acura RSX or Toyota Prius. The same thing for the machine. Name of your laptop and whose manufacturer.06:27
petersonred2kic: It`s Hasee F237R laptop.06:27
Dr_Dwrite congress? :\06:28
aaaoooaaahi guys I need some guidance in dual booting XP with grub, and Im trying to follow the instructions on this howto:http://apcmag.com/print.aspx?id=1360&mode=print but I cant seem to find the "menu.lst" file that I need to edit in the first step. I think its because it(the tutorial) was written for grub1. Does anyone know a good link/howto for dual booting XP with grub2?06:29
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[Spooky]crucialhoax: Ok, well thanks for the tip anyway! ;) Have a nice day sir..06:29
petersonred2kic: it`s a cheap Chinese made laptop. Manufactured by Taiwan Quanta Computer Inc.06:29
crucialhoax[Spooky]: No problem :)06:29
voss749peterson, wow that is cheap ;-)06:30
petersonany idea to make it functional on Ubuntu?06:30
red2kicpeterson: I see that. Also, when I ran "F237R ubuntu" -- I only get Chinese pages.06:31
=== shazbotmcnasty is now known as ShazbotMcMurder
macopeterson: read the wiki page and follow the directions to debug it06:32
macocant fix something if you dont know whats broke06:32
voss749Peterson Its a t2390 mobile processor pentium06:33
voss749I think06:33
softmachineHello Guy's is there any VPN for free on ubuntu 9.10 easy to configure ??06:33
macosoftmachine: client or server?06:33
macosoftmachine: depends on the server you're connecting to. for cisco vpn server, use vpnc. for others i think openvpn06:34
softmachinei live in mainland china and censorchip make me crazy06:34
softmachinewell do you have any good howto cause it look cpmplex to configure06:35
crucialhoaxAny suggestions on improving netbook battery life?06:35
macosoftmachine: whoever runs the vpn server you're connecting to should give you the credentials...06:35
red2kiccrucialhoax: Buy an extended battery cells?06:36
xanguacrucialhoax: buying a new one, disable compiz06:36
crucialhoaxred2kic: What about ubuntu moblin?06:36
friendishanhelp please : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1455623    #grub no one responds who knows about the issue06:36
macocrucialhoax: did youcheck out lesswhats?06:36
macocrucialhoax:  lesswatts?06:36
crucialhoaxmaco: Yes, I did. To no avail really.06:36
softmachineok do you have a good how to for the cisco vpn on ubuntu 9.10 ?06:37
red2kiccrucialhoax: IMO So far... That's aimed toward social networks more than "Moblin is an open source project focused on building a Linux-based platform optimized for the next generation of mobile devices including Netbooks, Mobile Internet Devices, and In-vehicle infotainment systems."06:38
WilabobHi, can someone help me connect to my router? I just set up my wmp11 v2.7 wifi card with ndiswrapper and I can't connect to my router which has WEP 64 bit encryption. I can connect when it doesn't have a passwork but when I have wep on I can't. When I click on the connection in NM it just keeps asking me for my password. Please help!06:38
crucialhoaxred2kic: Correct, which might make it hard for typing papers =p06:38
macosoftmachine: you just run "sudo vpnc" and give it the server ip addresses and passwords that the server owner tells you to use06:38
macosoftmachine: itll prompt you to enter them06:39
ubottuWEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:39
gotttoWilabob: ^06:39
softmachineok thanks06:39
Wilabobgotto: I don't really care, I only use wep for my older devices, plus it's better than nothing06:39
red2kiccrucialhoax: If you haven't messed around with Xubuntu, LXDE or OpenBox, well... You might want to start. Avoid using GDM. Use XDM, maybe.  Anything to reduce running services and whatnot.06:40
Wilabobgottto: Instead of lecturing me could you help me?06:40
petersonred2kic: it`s a T2370 mobile  CPU.06:40
red2kiccrucialhoax: That way, you know to install particular packages as opposed to using metapackages.06:41
gotttoWilabob: there's a link to a how to in that bot message...06:41
crucialhoaxWilabob: Go to Accessories > Passwords and Keyring > look for anything that describes your wifi network, delete it then re enter your password.06:41
crucialhoaxred2kic: I might try Lubuntu, but like I said, it needs to have certain things for it to work for me lol.06:41
Wilabobcrucialhoax: There's nothing there about my wifi06:41
red2kic!kernel | crucialhoax06:42
ubottucrucialhoax: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages06:42
softmachineok please how to find the " IPSec gateway address" ?06:42
crucialhoaxWilabob: then you are entering it wrong.06:42
red2kiccrucialhoax: Try compile your own? :o06:42
crucialhoaxhahaha so funny.06:42
red2kiccrucialhoax: Go Archlinux on it.06:42
jeffola225anyone know how to enable hardware accecerlation for SSL?06:42
red2kiccrucialhoax: I have been thinking about making a switch but I don't want to do it on my main machine (yet).06:42
apctrhi all,I want to try with ubuntu server edition. Tell me how to get the gui dor the server edition and other settings in this also.06:42
crucialhoaxred2kic: Everytime I have tried Arch, I always end up getting dropped to a shell :(06:43
red2kic!server | apctr06:43
ubottuapctr: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support06:43
Wilabobcrucialhoax: I'm pretty sure I'm doing it right... I done it a billion times and I even checked my config page06:43
crucialhoaxWilabob: Then right click on network manager, choose edit connection > wireless > your ssid > then under encryption, enter it and save it there.06:43
aaaoooaaahi guys does anyone know of a good howto to install winxp and dual boot with grub2?06:44
tonyyarussoI'd like to be able to record video from a webcam on a netbook.  I tried with cheese, but the CPU usage is too high so the result is all stuttery.  I think I need something that will record only, and not try to display the video real-time on-screen at the same time.  Suggestions?06:44
red2kicapctr: "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop" will install everything you need for your desktop experience. Also, there are no need for you to use server kernels.06:44
gotttotonyyarusso: ffmpeg is one option06:45
Wilabobcrucialhoax: When I do that how do I join it?06:45
tonyyarussogottto: That does capture?  I thought it was just for conversion?06:45
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  best way is to instgall xp first, then linux, then the grub2 config tools shoulw see/add xp to the grubmenu.06:45
gotttotonyyarusso: at the end of the man page it gives a capture example06:45
crucialhoaxWilabob: After you save it, left click on network manager and choose your network.06:45
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  keeping each OS on its own seperate hard drive also makes things easier06:46
red2kictonyyarusso: Example --> "ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1024x768 -i :0.0 -vcodec huffyuv -sameq screencast.avi"  -- You could mess/tweak around a little.06:46
softmachineok please where to find the " IPSec gateway address" ?  ?06:47
softmachineany link06:47
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: yeah the plan is to have them on separate drives, but I already have linux running on my internal drive and am afraid if I install xp on the external it would wipe out my grub2 and mess everything up06:47
Wilabobcrucialhoax: Didn't work. Under authentication should I choose open system or shared key?06:47
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  xp on an external usb hard drive - proberly wont work at all.06:47
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  learning how to repair/restore grub - is a handy skill to have.06:48
crucialhoaxWilabob: Shared key, since you are using WEP06:48
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: well yeah and a dual boot tutorial on grub2 would be a good place to start but no one seems to know any?06:48
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  whats to know? update-grub sees/adds all the os's ive had on all 4 of my box's06:49
crucialhoax!grub2 > aaaoooaaa06:49
ubottuaaaoooaaa, please see my private message06:49
Wilabobcrucialhoax: did that and it tries to connect then says I'm disconected06:49
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  unplug linux hd.. plug in windows hd.. install windows.. plug linux back in.. boot to linux.. rerun update-grub.06:49
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  but that may not work properly for a external USB hard drive.. internal's it should work06:50
crucialhoaxWilabob: Then something is wrong here. DHCP, static, everything is good?06:50
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: thats exactly what I tried to do but I couldnt complete the windows installation, could it be because I was trying to install it on the second partition ?06:51
Wilabobcrucialhoax: I'm using DHCP06:51
Wilabobcrucialhoax: Should I try static?06:51
crucialhoaxWilabob: Ok, are you MAC filtering?06:51
Wilabobcrucialhoax: Nope06:52
crucialhoaxWilabob: If you know all of the information, yes. For DNS just use
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:   if its on its own hard drive.. why have it on a second partition? Im talking about 2 actual hard drives.. not one drive partioned into several partions. XP (if i recall) does NOT want tobe on anything other then the furst primary partition on a HD. and im pretty sure it wont work from a extreranl usb hd.06:52
friendishani mean help https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/477104/comments/90 please06:52
Wilabobcrucialhoax: What do I put for Netmask and Gateway?06:52
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: its on the second partition of the 2nd drive because its not mine and Im not allowed to mess with the data on the first partition06:53
crucialhoaxWilabob: Mask is the Gateway is the IP of your wireless router.06:53
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  then you may be out of luck. You may want to do XP inside a vurtialbox session. or ask in #windows - Ive no idea if xp can even run from a 2nd partition.06:53
crucialhoaxWilabob: Make sure you hit the "Enter" key after each set of numbers, otherwise they will not save.06:54
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: yeah i feared so06:54
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: thanks anyways06:54
petersonany way to fix the brightness Hotkey not working issue?06:56
Wes-ubuntu installs dash as /bin/sh, which does not seem to support typeset06:57
lallaError: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.4: cannot open shared object ... what shud i do?06:57
Wes-Is there a programmatic way to detect dash?06:57
rwwWes-: If you're using non-POSIX commands, you shouldn't be using #!/bin/sh.06:58
rwwuse #!/bin/bash or another shell that supports them instead.06:58
Wes-rww: I am using posix commands, however dash is not 10)% posix06:58
Wes-rww: I can't use bash, as it's not installed everywhere I deploy, unfortunately06:59
grimxhaving trouble viewing videos from a site(Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit, firefox 3.5.9)06:59
lallaError: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.4: cannot open shared object ... what shud i do?06:59
Dark-Dxhi guys, I'm downloading a video file (via bittorrent) (mkv > h264) and I wanted to play it just to check what's already been downloaded and it instead plays another video file I deleted ages ago (!!) is this normal if the file is only 10% complete or is my disk damaged or something?06:59
crucialhoaxWilabob: Did you get it?06:59
Wes-(most notably solaris)07:00
Wilabobcrucialhoax: Doesn't look like it07:00
crucialhoaxWilabob: Do have the correct network settings?07:00
lallamaco, Error: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.4: cannot open shared object ... what shud i do?07:01
Dr_WillisYou can set the system shell (sh) to point to bash if you wanted to. but thats   not ideal.07:01
grimxanybody else having problems viewing videos from www.peekshows.com07:01
crucialhoaxWilabob: Well since you stated that it will connect if it is unencrypted then I suspect a driver issue.07:01
samuraimay i change splash screen in ubuntu ?07:02
Wes-rww: Hmm, although it's possible that typeset is a kornism that slipped into vanilla sh?  I'm having a hard time finding the spec right now, I have it bookmarked at work07:02
Izinucs!ops | grimx giving porno links07:02
ubottugrimx giving porno links: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!07:02
darmoudoes anyone remember how to scroll up from the command line if you are logged in without gui?07:02
grimxsorry. PG only. it is a tech question07:02
crucialhoaxdarmou: shift + pg up07:02
Dr_Willisdarmou:  you mean on the 'console' :)07:03
darmouthanks crucialhoax07:03
darmouthanks Dr_Willis I meant console07:03
crucialhoaxdarmou: No prob :)07:03
elkygrimx, not cool at all. something that asks for 18+ only is not "PG"07:03
darmoucrucialhoax: dammn not working is there any other way?07:03
crucialhoaxI love how users in here get kicked and booted for OT and spam but he gets away with porn links. Lameo07:04
MarrteIs there any way to download the ubuntu 4.10 release?07:04
elkycrucialhoax, he stopped.07:04
Dr_WillisMarrte:  its in betatesting.. so yes.07:04
grimxso this is a PG channel07:04
IzinucsMarrte: you might find it but the repos don't exist..07:04
crucialhoaxdarmou: Just page up? Not sure, I have always used Shift+page up.07:04
crucialhoaxDr_Willis: 4.10 is not in beta haha07:04
Dr_Willisor am did you not get the #'s backwards?07:04
elkygrimx, it's supposed to be  G channel actually.07:04
grimxok sorry07:04
Dark-Dxjack dies then resurrects to become the new jacob, you heard it here first!07:04
Dr_Willisdyxlics of the world untie!07:05
voss749or even a TV-Y channel :)07:05
elkyDark-Dx, stop please.07:05
crucialhoaxTime for sleepzzzz Night all.07:07
link_parknecesito un poco de ayuda, si alquien me podria dar algo de informacion sobre la documentacion de l knerl 0.0107:15
melrokzHow to install realtek rtl-8169SC on red hat enterprise linux 5?07:16
tonyyarussogottto: Trying to follow up on ffmpeg.  Says I need to use xawtv or similar to initialize it first.  Failing at that - advice?07:16
sinistrad!es | link_park07:17
ubottulink_park: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:17
DurfHow do I check my computer specs in ubuntu?07:17
gotttotonyyarusso: nope -sorry - just noticed it mentioned once is all - vlc can set it iirc07:18
sinistradDurf, depends on which spec07:18
Durfsinistrad, isn't there something in ubuntu that tells me what my computer has in it?07:19
ayam_jagoDurf, System, Administration, System Monitor07:19
amnesiatree .07:19
amnesiatree /07:19
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)07:20
sinistradayam_jago, I guess that satisfied him07:20
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ayam_jagosinistrad, lol07:20
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)07:20
redcratedoes anyone know how to change the stupid setting on synaptics that makes a two finger tap right click now?07:21
redcratethis is awful07:21
amnesiaso ubuntu is the new windows07:22
Sk_Lghow do I partition part of my main drive to install another os?07:22
amnesiacfdisk /dev/disk07:22
xanguaSk_Lg: with gparted; use the live cd07:22
amnesiawuts wrong with fdisk ?07:23
Sk_LgI have gparted open, and the drive I want, should I just shrink the /dev/sda1 to make unallocated space?07:23
ayam_jagoSk_Lg, i think u must delete the partition 1st07:24
* ayam_jago brb07:25
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Sk_Lghow do I create a partition specifications, namely primary/extension, file system; should I have so I can dual boot?07:28
Dr_DSk_Lg, i dual booted from vista 64 with no problems at all07:28
suboneis there anyway i can show a black image on the screen fullscreen? i tried `eog -f black.png` but theres a toolbar still in fullscreen07:29
suboneor even better turn off one of my monitors individually from the other07:29
Dr_Willissubone:  xrand lets you turn off monitors i recall07:30
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1207:30
Dr_Dall i did was shrink the partition in windows, then follow the ubuntu prompt... ubuntu installer did some things to it, but i have had no problems at all so far07:30
Dr_Dand we're talking vista! ;)07:30
suboneDr_Willis, yes but i only want to turn off one of them07:30
* Dr_D is starting to like this...07:31
Dr_Willissubone:  i recall using the xrandr tools to turn off one..   at least i think i did. :)07:32
mcl0vin_guys, my co-worker used his usb and installed ubuntu on my HP mini 100, but it doesn't look like the ubuntu i have here running on my desk top07:32
elkyis it the Netbook Remix?07:32
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xanguamcl0vin_: (01:32:50) elky: is it the Netbook Remix?07:32
Ken8521mcl0vin_, probably netbook remix07:32
mcl0vin_elky: yes07:32
mcl0vin_how can i get the regular ubuntu, since i am used to use it07:33
brah-anyone live in new mexico07:34
Sk_Lgcan you dual boot from different hard drives?07:34
Ken8521mcl0vin_, should've just installed the "normal" ubuntu to begin w/07:34
Dr_Willismcl0vin_:  install 'ubuntu-desktop' package. but converting from the UNR to the normal gnome desktop. can be a bit of an annoyance.07:34
tonsofpcsmachine just rebooted itself, i have no clue how.... don't see anything telling in syslog.... any ideas?07:34
xanguamcl0vin_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:34
Dr_Willismcl0vin_:  I  find the UNR version in 10.04 to be better on my netbooks now then the full gnome. :) its just a differnt gui in ways. the apps all work the same.07:34
Ken8521Sk_Lg, why wouldn't you be able to?07:34
xangua!anyone > brah-07:34
ubottubrah-, please see my private message07:34
brah-my question is very direct, next time you may want to read it before spamming me with a dumb bot07:35
tritiumbrah-: please join us in #ubuntu-us-nm07:35
Dr_Willis!ot | brah-07:35
ubottubrah-: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:35
roarkHi ...Does anyone here use Live mesh which is windows equivalent ubuntu one..... I dont want to be the guy who blaphmies in the temple... but live mesh is the only windows software i like... it has more storage than ubuntu one07:36
brah-already ignored it, nice try though07:36
mikespaceanyone use mediatomb to stream?07:36
mikespacei have it and now just the other day it no longer works07:36
xanguaroark: you can try dropbox; it works in win, linux and mac07:37
roarkxangua: but it still has the same limitation of 1 gb storage07:37
tritiumbrah-: why do you ask?07:37
roarkxangua: I was thinking of something like rsync to windows live mesh... is that possible07:37
Dr_WillisI thought dropbox expaneded  their sizes the other day07:37
xanguaroark: you can pay for mose storage07:37
roarkxangua: sure :)07:38
roarkxangua: i am looking for a free option07:38
barberanI am waiting for a new ubuntu realese, or I should not wait and try the actual stable verstion ?07:40
mcl0vin_my wireless is not working too07:41
Dr_Willisbarberan:  depends on what you want to do with the system07:41
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Dr_Willisbarberan:  can you afford to have a system  not work at times? the beta is good.. but not 100% right now.07:41
circuitmanhow to increase the baud rate of my usb internet modem07:43
Mikespacenobody else use mediatomb?07:43
APERSONI have a folder that has files that have extra periods like: file.1...txt  how can I batch rename these so they're more like file.1.txt?07:43
mcl0vin_can someone help me get my wireless up in my hp mini 11007:44
Ken8521mcl0vin_, so he installed a version of Ubuntu you don't like, and didn't even bother getting your wireless working for you?.. Lot of help he was07:44
circuitmanhow to increase the baud rate of my usb internet modem07:44
DarthPuffdo you guys know of a good cd emulator for linux?07:44
Ken8521mcl0vin_, i think most of those HP110's, have Broadcom or Realtek...07:44
suboneim not seeing any way for xrandr to turn off just one monitor07:45
mcl0vin_Ken8521: its broadcom07:45
rwwmcl0vin_: which one?07:45
Ken8521mcl0vin_, ok.. have you looked in the hardware driver mgr?  sys/admin/hardware driver.07:45
mcl0vin_yes and i activate it and disabled the STA07:46
circuitmanfriends help me to increase the baud rate of my usb modem07:46
smokexwho is this shuttleworth fellow and why is he making a silly change that may well ruin the best distro in linux?07:46
Dr_Willissubone:  the --off option dosent do it?  Its been aboyut a year+ sinc3e i last set it up for a friend.07:46
Ken8521smokex, well, he pays the bills.. so he can make whatever change he wants.. what change are you upset about?07:47
tritium!sabdfl | smokex07:47
ubottusmokex: Mark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com07:47
gotttoDarthPuff: cdemu afaik does that07:47
smokexlucid.. the titlebar buttons07:47
Ken8521smokex, move them.07:47
rwwmcl0vin_: run "lspci" in a Terminal, look for the Broadcom-related line, paste it here, please07:47
wwwi was wondering what the heck ubuntu want to do ?07:47
tonyyarussogottto: lol - the ffmpeg man page lies!  Just run the ffmpeg command and it works :P07:48
wwwi cannot understand why ubuntu does like this , it's weird .07:48
gotttotonyyarusso: heh - well done :)07:48
ranjanwww, have you used Lucid...07:48
smokexi did.. but i want to see ubuntu to continue to be the distro that causes windows users to switch.. and this one little change will probably stop that from happening for about 70% of potential converts07:48
circuitmanhello guys,help me to change the baud rate of my usb modem07:48
ranjanwww, you wont say that if you07:48
suboneDr_Willis, that is used in conjuction with --output which diables the output07:48
iPunkyesterday I came here because my sound uaqlity was horrible i have and acer latptop connected to a hifi, people here gave a solution but that solution made both play my laptop and my hifi when its plugged I want my laptop not to play when its connected to a hifi how di i do that?07:49
wwwi don't think anyone can use linux . and most of folks use only the x07:49
suboneDr_Willis, i dont want it disabled just pu ton standby07:49
Ken8521smokex, well, it's not like they said "Here it is, deal w/ it".. it takes 2 seconds to change back to the old way07:49
Ken8521i think you're over-reacting07:49
wwwranjan: i think ubuntu is betray the spiritual of unix(linux)07:49
ranjanwww, how??07:49
Dr_Willissubone:  Hmm.. not sure how that differs :)  if my monitor goes into standby it basically turns off.07:50
tritiumwww, ranjan: keep it on-topic, please07:50
wwwranjan : if ubuntu continues to concentrate it on the x , i w'll abandon it07:50
subonewell in lieu of being able to turn off my monitors individuallly, how do i make a black image fullscreen on one monitor? i tried eye of gnome but theres a toolbar07:50
wwwand totally turn to debian07:50
Ken8521subone, what video device do you use?07:50
suboneDr_Willis, --output is used to configure the screens, disabling the output with --off would only disable it in my xorg i think07:51
blacksunsevenWhen I try and enable jumbo frames on my gigabit nic I'm getting the following SIOCSIFMTU: Invalid argument07:51
Dr_Willissubone:  i recall using some info at this following page. to turn on/off my friends 2nd monitor on his laptop - so he could play some games. --? http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.2#First_discover_what_we_have07:51
ranjanwww, what do you mean the "x"....after all its for newbies and not geeks.07:51
suboneKen8521, my gfx card?07:51
Dr_Willissubone:  xrandr disables the stuff on the fly.  Not in the xorg.conf file.07:51
wwwranjan: ok , i get it .07:51
Ken8521subone, yes, i can disable one of my monitors in nvidia-settings.. not sure about ATI though07:51
Dr_WillisThats like a main point of xrandr i thought - configurng things on the fly07:51
mcl0vin_rww: 1 sec07:51
ranjanwww, if you come to offtopic i will explain more...the importance of ubuntu07:51
suboneKen8521, ati07:51
TannerShey everyone I have a problem after some mount/unmount scripts on right click menu went bad everytime my PC turns on /media/cdrom0 opens up even if there is a cd in drive or not anyone know how to fix this?07:52
suboneKen8521, i dont want it disabled just put in standby07:52
Dr_Willissubone:  that url i gave is a little old. but it has some neat info.07:52
wwwi don't want to be together with the dudes who show off around that they are using linux ,but as a matter of fact only the xwindow07:52
blacksunsevenI've tried varying the mtu value between 6k and 9k with no luck07:52
barberanDoes anyone use Ubuntu on the toshiba p300 laptop ?07:53
blacksunsevenI've also tried editing the interfaces file and restarting networking07:53
quietonewhat is name of the driver my partner on XP should use for our 1TB external USB drive, formatted ext3?07:53
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org07:53
ranjanwww, hey man then tell me if not using X that means your are using linux??07:53
smokexwww... gnome is the default ui for ubuntu and it sits on top of the x server07:54
mcl0vin_rww: 01:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)07:54
Dr_Willisquietone:  ive learned to not trust windows handling ext2/3 with that tool. :) be carefull with it.07:54
iPunkso any1 know how to stop my laptop from playing when its plugged?07:54
suboneyeah see that turned it off completely now i only have one screen with all my panels messed up and such and idk how to turn it back on :p07:54
wwwranjan : i think i do07:54
wwwi like CLI, no gui07:54
ranjanwww, you wont...and you cant07:54
Ken8521Dr_Willis, i'm not sure why anyone would tust Windows browsing a Linux filesystem.. thats just a recipe for fail07:54
adantehi - can someone point out instructions to upgrading to beta2 from net?07:54
suboneDr_Willis,  yeah see that turned it off completely now i only have one screen with all my panels messed up and such and idk how to turn it back on :p07:55
blacksunsevenKen8521: As long as you keep it mounted read-only it's not such a terrible idea07:55
Ken8521adante, sys/admin/update manager?07:55
wwwranjan:  i use freebsd totally in command line07:55
Dr_WillisKen8521:  i leared if using that tool - to make xp unmount the linux drive befor i power down07:55
ranjanwww, in CLI also you are not using Linux....Linux is the kernel...the heart of a linux distro07:55
adanteKen8521: any command line instructions?07:55
smokexthe x server is the basic graphic server which allows a desktop to be displayed.. the actual desktop is usually gnome or kde07:55
iPunkany1 can help me with sound?07:55
colde89hello, the is a instruction for samba to list all samba-servers in the local net. cold somebody tell me how this instruction is called?07:55
rwwmcl0vin_: connect to the Internet using ethernet and install the "bcmwl-kernel-source" and "b43-fwcutter" packages. For example, you could do this with "sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source b43-fwcutter" in the terminal. It'll ask you whether to install firmware, tell it yes. Once that's done, restart and it should work.07:55
ranjanwww, so you watch movies too in command line...is it??07:55
Dr_Willissubone:  try the --on option? :) i seem to recall gnome getting confiused at times when monitors get added/removed07:55
Ken8521adante, nope..07:55
barberanCLI is the first step and a border to you real linux-kernel07:55
wwwranjan : ok , we will not discuss this matter , that linux is only the kernel not the distro07:56
roarkIs it just me or is ubuntu one slow when compared to DropBox07:56
suboneDr_Willis, no think i got it back on07:56
quietoneDr_Willis: ouch. it is our shared backup for important stuff. Guess I'll find another solution. thx!07:56
ranjanwww, actually you know the things but again your are talking mistakes..07:56
Dr_Willisquietone:  i would back up the backup.. or let windows mount it READ ONLY.07:56
wwwmy fault , i should point it out firstly that what i mean linux is the GNU/linux07:56
suboneok i fixed it, i guess i could use this...07:57
Dr_Willissubone:  A++ :)07:57
hacker_hey any body want to talk about a good avr simulator on UBUNTU?07:57
ranjanwww, the difference between one using CLI and GUI is that both use a different medium to interact with the kernle07:57
Ken8521Why not just make the partition NTFS?... Linux reads/writes NTFS w/o issue.07:57
suboneDr_Willis, kind of sucks though i cant turn it back on by moving the mouse07:57
ranjanwww, ok so what is GNU/Linux07:57
friendishanhttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+question/107653 anyone could help?07:57
wwwranjan: i think so ,but the gui is really weird , i don't like it07:57
Dr_Willissubone:  Im not sure what you are aiming for exactly...  but good luck07:58
hacker_any body guys?07:58
ranjanwww, thats just individual opinion...in opensource world we should consider others too...we are in a great community07:58
friendishanhttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+question/107653 ?? help anybody?07:58
suboneDr_Willis, just want to play a movie on one screen with the other one blank, but im doing it remotely, but i might later come up to the PC and want to use the other screen while the movie is still on the other07:58
colde89#join /debian.de07:58
mrpinkcolde89, you don't have 'basics::move::join' permissions here07:59
iPunkwhen some1s free please mention my nick07:59
blacksunsevenhow do i enable jumbo frame support?07:59
wwwranjan: ok , i get it . thank you for that , ranjan07:59
hacker_JOIN /debian.de07:59
rwwwww, ranjan: If you don't have an Ubuntu support question, please consider moving your conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic or private message07:59
hacker_hey guys any body wanna talk about a good avr simulator on ubuntu?07:59
suboneis there anyway i can attach a handler or something so that when the moouse/keyboard become not idle it will run a command i set?07:59
ranjanwww, please come to offtopic...lets discuss..and not disturb this tech chat08:00
friendishanhttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+question/107653 ?? help anybody?08:00
TomGGood evening.08:02
loonyjuiceTomG: Good morning :)08:03
iPunkhello any1 wanna lend a hand need help with sound08:03
TomGI'm kind of nervous here as I don't know any of the regulations of this chat.08:03
TannerShey everyone I have a problem after some mount/unmount scripts on right click menu went bad everytime my PC turns on /media/cdrom0 opens up even if there is a cd in drive or not anyone know how to fix this?08:03
TomGAnd it seems quite official.08:03
kane77hi, can anyone suggest me how to run mp3gain to rescan files and directories in given directory?08:04
TomGiPunk, what's the issue?08:04
friendishanhttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+question/107653 ?? help anybody?08:04
iPunkwell yesterday i had my soun quality fixed here08:04
friendishanHELP PLEASE08:05
iPunkand now both my laptop speakers and mt hifi is playing ta the same time when theyre connected and only hifi is suppose to play08:05
TomGWould that possible be a setting in alsamixer?  I've never had a setup like that.08:07
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
iPunkIm sorry its my third day on ubuntu and I havent seen anywhere alsamixer setting08:08
TomGIf you go into a terminal, and just type alsamixer08:08
TomGyou'll have all of your sound settings in there, and then when you're finished, just hit escape.08:09
=== trey_ is now known as thadoctrey
thadoctreyi know this isnt the room for ubuntu 10.04 but I cant seem to get any answers from them so I will try here.  I keep getting an error saying that I am not the owner so I have no permissions to change stuff in directories08:12
Ken8521thadoctrey, well... thats a self explanatory problem.08:12
blue-frogthadoctrey, then change ownership08:12
sash_chmod and chown will be your friend08:12
thadoctreyhow do you figure I just installed this on my system today I am the only user08:12
aaaoooaaahey guys im looking to install virtualbox but i see many option in synaptic08:13
aaaoooaaawhich should i install08:13
Dr_Willisthadoctrey:  clarify what you ar trying to do exactly. and you  may need to learn how linux handles permissions.08:13
blue-frogthadoctrey, what do you want to change? (where?)08:13
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  i ilways install the ones from the virtualbox homepage. it  has a few more features.08:13
Dr_Willis!vbox | aaaoooaaa08:13
ubottuaaaoooaaa: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox08:13
thadoctreywell I am trying to change permissions on things so they are executable, as well as add things to directories, but I cannot because it says I am not the owner08:14
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  the ose version dosent support usb devices.. and a few other limits i recall08:14
Dr_Willisthadoctrey:  what things exactly and where.08:14
Ken8521thadoctrey, what directories are you trying to add to, and why?08:14
Dr_Willisthadoctrey:  if you are a single user. You should be installing theme files to your users home dir. theres no need to install them  to system dirs.08:14
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: I cant really because Im in australia and were in the stonehenge as far as internet access goes and connecting to the vbox website would cost me an arm as far as my internet quota goes; the official repository that is mirrored on aarnet though is free08:15
aaaoooaaawell not connecting to it08:15
thadoctreyyeah and like I said I cannot do that because I dont have the permissions that is what it keeps saying08:15
aaaoooaaabut downloading 44 megs08:15
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  install the ose version i guess thats cached.08:15
ubuntunistihi all08:15
Dr_Willisthadoctrey:  so far you havent really given a lot of details as to what exactly you are doing.   "you are installing what.. installing it where? what error message are you getting...'08:16
Ken8521as long as you don't need USB support, the OSE version of v-box si fine08:16
SultansElephantlies, go to virtualbox's website and get the .deb package08:17
jibadeehawhy do email clients show imap folders separate to local folders08:17
iPunkthx TomG08:17
Ken8521yes, the "non-free" version has USB.. but to my knowledge(unless its changed recentl) the OSE version has not had USB for a while.08:17
thadoctreyI am simply trying to install a theme like it says to by adding the folder to the /usr/shared/themes directory and it will not let me08:17
sash_jibadeeha: because remote folders are remote and local folders are not.08:17
TomGThat worked for you?08:17
Ken8521thadoctrey, i've told you 3x how to install that theme.08:17
jibadeehasash_, i wish there was a way to turn local folders off :(08:18
thadoctreyand I have tried that 3k times and it doesnt work therefor I am doing it the way it says to08:18
Ken8521thadoctrey, what theme did you try to install?08:18
sash_jibadeeha: not even the newest thunderbird does this.08:18
ubuntunistiit seems that ubuntu has inside already this rt2870 ralink driver. atleast i have rt2870 module installed in my ubuntu, but i want to know where i can find the config.mk file because find / -iname "config.mk" 2>/dev/null didnt do the trick08:18
DarthPuffdoes wine need jack for audio?08:18
thadoctreymesmerized, metacity, gtk 1.x and gtk 2.x several themes08:19
jibadeehasash_, at first i thought it was Evolution, but yeah just tried thunderbird 3 and it has the same behaviour ... there must be a logical reason for doing that08:19
dtg01100wine can just use alsa/ pulseaudio08:19
blue-frogubuntunisti, config.mk available when you are building the driver from sources08:20
jibadeehasash_, i was going to move gmail with IMAP, but think i will stick to yahoo with pop08:20
blacksunseven^ not getting me jumbo frame support though08:20
ubuntunistiok how i can "delete" this driver...so i can compile it again..because i want to see is N turned on08:20
sash_jibadeeha: wouldnt do that08:20
jibadeehasash_, wouldn't do what?08:20
sash_stick to yahoo with gmail08:21
sash_stick to yahoo with pop08:21
SultansElephantbacking up thunderbird is easy just store the profile folder in ubuntuone08:21
jibadeehasash_, you think i should move to gmail and use imap08:21
TomGAlright, maybe I can get some help here.  It's pretty specific.  I want to find out where my drive is writing to every five seconds so I can reduce my drive IO and spin down my drive.08:21
SultansElephanti use dropbox but isnt ubuntuone the same thing08:21
circuitmanhello guys,help me to change the baud rate of my usb modem08:21
TomGI've currently got my logs in ram and I've tried turning of all logs to see if that would at least point me in the right direction.08:22
ubuntunistiso i just use modprobe to erase that rt2870 module from list? and then i compile a new one?08:22
jibadeehasash_, i would like to use imap as it keeps things in sync, but the clients like evolution put me off as they always show the local folders and i don't need them08:22
SultansElephant!offtopic | circuitman08:22
ubottucircuitman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:22
sash_jibadeeha: whoever-mail with imap08:22
blue-frogubuntunisti, you can read https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/496093, it will enlighten you as of how to do hopefully08:22
ubuntunistiok thanks..i start to read that :)08:23
circuitmansultanselephant:yes am using ubuntu08:23
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages08:23
circuitmanusing ubuntu only08:24
subone`grep i8042 /proc/interrupts` always shows me zeroes, yet my screensaver works... any help?08:25
circuitmanhelp me guys08:25
suboneoh cus its USB... well wth do i do now08:25
TomGSo, does anyone know of a way to pin point specific files being written to/ read from?08:26
SultansElephant!monitoring | TomG08:27
ubottuTomG: There are many ways to monitor processes, here are a few: ps, top, htop, gnome-system-monitor, lavaps, wmtop08:27
aaaoooaaaSultansElephant: I decided to spend an arm and download vbox from the website08:27
aaaoooaaaSultansElephant: How do I launch it? Is there a gui?08:28
TomGWell I'll keep trying then.  Can't seem to find where the drive is writing to.08:28
TomGThanks for the help.08:28
napsterMy 'Create Document' menu keeps growing :( How can I clear it?08:28
aaaoooaaaSultansElephant: also how do I run an installer using vbox?08:29
SultansElephantaaaoooaaa: Dr_Willis suggested the virtualbox, I said dropbox08:30
=== melik is now known as kilem
aaaoooaaaoh sorry08:30
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: hey so yeah I decided to get the vbox straight from the website and installed and Im not sure how to proceed, i did a quick google but most of the applications seem to be vbox running in windows...how should i go about?08:31
fool__does anyone know a grep for .ps/.pdf ?08:31
subonehow can i identify my usb mouse and keyboard: grep usb /proc/interrupts?08:32
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: im looking at this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox but I dont see anything under applications> system08:33
riversideDoes some body know that how can make evolution display as system tray?08:33
Jalusdoes anybody have a smart way of backuping Thunderbird mail?08:34
fool__aaaoooaaa: did you install it ?08:34
fool__Jalus: back up ~/.thunderbird or ~/.mozilla/thunderbird ?08:35
Jalusevery guide I found regarded backuping the whole .thunderbird directory08:35
aaaoooaaafool__: yeah it shows up in synaptic08:35
sash_Jalus: copy /home/$USER/.thunderbird/profilename08:35
aaaoooaaafool__: it shows up as virtualbox3-108:35
Jalusbut I would like something that would allow me to keep e-mails newer than 6 months on my computer and backup & delete the rest08:35
fool__aaaoooaaa: that might  mean it's in the repos and not that you installed08:36
aaaoooaaafool__: no its "green"08:36
Jalussince the mails file of thunderbird is a one big blob08:36
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:   i always just run it from the terminal. virt<tab>08:36
fool__Jalus: there is a setting in thunderbird that prune emails for you08:36
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: is this a gui program ?08:36
fool__aaaoooaaa: yes08:36
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  it has a gui front end yes.. You can run gui apps via the command line. I dont bother searching menus much08:36
fool__or try gnome-do ;)08:37
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: virt tab doesnt show anything08:37
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  with gnome-do - i just alt-space and type vir  and it shows up08:37
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  the command is 'virtualbox' here.08:37
suboneGnome-Do is the greatest08:37
dtg01100terminal is case sensitive, try Vir and then tab08:37
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: The program 'virtualbox' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:08:38
aaaoooaaasudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-qt08:38
aaaoooaaavirtualbox: command not found08:38
FloodBot1aaaoooaaa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:38
fool__does anyone know a grep for .ps/.pdf ?08:38
Dr_Willisits lower case here..    I dontuse the ose version.. so no idea if it differes08:38
Jalusfool__: but when I do for example backup for 20010-01 to 2010-06 and then prune, and in 2010-12 do the same (2010-07 to 2010-12) I won't have a single backup file to fall back to, there will be two, one for the first half, another for the second08:38
Jalusfool__: or is there a way to merge them?08:38
fool__Jalus: just use git then08:38
fool__or any other vcs you like08:39
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: nvm It seems that its VirtualBox08:39
aaaoooaaafor the 3.108:39
fool__Jalus: nowadays i just use imap and leave a copy on gmail :)08:40
fool__Jalus: why bother, do you really need that space ?08:40
Jalusfool__: I know, I know... but I still feel uneasy about having several GBs of old mail on my 15 GB drive and would like to use somehow the 500 GB backup ext drive I bought ;-)08:41
fool__Jalus: erhh uneasy about lost or what ?08:42
cdocbook guys, needs some serious help.  My new drive died (ata errors DRDY ERR) and I didn't get everything backed up. I got some data off it but my home directory is encrypted and I can't get it to mount using a livecd.  Passphrase unwraps and ecryptfs-mount-private fails with fopen permission deined error even as root.08:43
fool__if you're uneasy about losing mail then why are you deleting them08:43
potihi all408:43
Jalusfool__: about lack of space, but yes, losing is also an issue08:43
fool__if you're uneasy about someone reading your mails then just encrypt the whole thing08:43
Dr_WillisPrint them out :)08:43
Dr_WillisThen shred them!08:43
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer\
potiCan anybody help me?08:43
Jalusfool__: I'm going to - the backup disk is encrypted ;-)08:44
fool__Jalus: well 100+gb drives are getting cheaper by the day08:44
iPunksimple question how do i change the number of desktops i have?08:44
=== delight_ is now known as delight
JalusiPunk: right-click on the desktop-switching widget, there should be an option08:44
fool__man noone knows any grep for .ps/.pdf ?08:44
Dr_WillisiPunk:   that changed recently (in the last release or 2) and depended on if you are using compiz or not.08:44
Dr_WillisiPunk:  ages ago if using compiz you used the 'ccsm' tool to change it. but i think its been fixed now. so Jalus 's answer should work on  the latest releases08:45
iPunkit doesnt08:45
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz08:45
iPunkI have only two desktops still08:45
Dr_WillisiPunk:  what release of ubuntu you using then?08:45
iPunkjust the widget made space for 4 desktops08:45
iPunk9.10 i think08:46
Jalusfool__: Adobe has an option for searching multiple pdf files08:46
iPunkhow do I check?08:46
daroluiPunk: number of desktops is not the same as number of work areas08:46
Dr_WillisiPunk:  Try the compiz settings manager tool  - it has an entry on the general settings tab for tat also..08:46
fool__Jalus: erhh i don't use adboe08:46
Quan-Timehelp pls http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9134317#post913431708:46
Quan-Timeyes, ive searched the forum.. anyawy.. see what happens now08:46
Jalusjust saying08:47
iPunkdoesnt let me change number of desktops08:47
iPunki want 4 worksapces08:49
BlackDalekI want to copy files from Ubuntu to MacOSX. I've opened a terminal window on the mac and typed "ssh ubuntuusername@", authenticated and logged in to the ubuntu machine. Now I have navigated to the directory on the ubuntu machine containing the files I want... what do I typer to copy them to the mac? e.g. "cp filename.com <something meaning location of the mac's folder>" I don't know what to type in the <> br08:49
BlackDalekackets... Help me!08:49
daroluBlackDalek: use "scp <files> <destination>"08:50
marvin2BlackDalek: Don't logon using ssh, use scp <ubuntu_machine>:/path/on/file/to/copy /mac/machine/path08:50
Quan-Timeharhar. beat me to it.. should do it fine08:50
daroluBlackDalek: read this http://www.go2linux.org/scp-linux-command-line-copy-files-over-ssh08:50
owen1dpkg shows  2:7.2.245-2ubuntu2    what does the 2: means?08:51
daroluiPunk: are you using compiz and ccsm?08:51
iPunkI think only compiz08:52
potihi all anybody can help me??08:52
Dr_WillisiPunk:  in the ccsm tool, gerneal options -> desktop size tab. i slide the Horiz Virt size to be the # i want.08:52
daroluiPunk: install ccsm, look for it in synaptic or install from a terminal: "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager"08:52
darolu!anybody | poti08:53
ubottupoti: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:53
iPunkit says its aalready installed08:53
=== RaMcHiP is now known as RaMcHiP-Away
Sk_Lghow do I create a partition in gpart that I can install windows vista on it? namely what specifications are necessary?08:55
potimy ubuntu is does not recognize the sound card..08:55
potimy sound card08:55
psycho_oreosSk_Lg, you should have installed windows first08:55
rathin2jhi every one,i would like to ask one question which may appear strange or silly!!!08:56
smokexsk_lg: ntfs and the windows install needs to physically be at the beginning of the drive08:56
iPunki managed to do it08:56
rathin2ji currently installed ubuntu 9.10 on my new HP box through WUBI,08:56
rathin2jnow the thing is that in my nautilus i dont see the partition in which i installed the ubuntu!!! now in my nautilus i dont see the partition in which i installed the ubuntu!!!during this i installed AWN DOCK,in that a FILE MANAGER shortcut is given,i installed that,in that i see my partition,now what to do???08:56
daroluiPunk: go to System - Preferences and open it, go to general options and then to desktop size, change the Horizontal value to what you want08:56
Sk_Lgso should I just overwrite the main drive and reinstall ubuntu to a different drive?08:56
smokexalso, you will need to fix grub after you get vista installed08:56
Super_DudeHi all08:57
potiso what can i do?08:57
Sk_Lgwhat will I have to change to grub after installing vista?08:57
smokexvista/7 overwrites the master boot record, overwriting grub and there is no option not to do it08:57
fool__Sk_Lg: re install grub ?08:57
Sk_Lgso, install windows, then go through and reinstall ubuntu?08:58
fool__install windows08:58
smokexyea there is a bootable cd out there that can be used to restore grub to the mbr after the vista installation08:58
Super_DudeТут кто по русски говорит ? =)08:58
fool__then boot from live cd and reinstall grub08:58
psycho_oreos!ru | Super_Dude08:58
ubottuSuper_Dude: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:58
Sk_Lgmy problem is installing it, it doesn't recognize any of the drives as "meeting the requirements for installation"08:59
Sk_Lgso I want to partition such that I can install08:59
smokexand here's a guide on how to do it from within windows without a boot cd: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin709:00
psycho_oreos!cn | dongdong09:00
ubottudongdong: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:00
Oer\!cn | dongdon09:00
ubottudongdon: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:00
rathin2jhi every one,i would like to ask one question which may appear strange or silly!!!09:00
rathin2jmay i??09:00
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bluewresGo ahead?09:00
rathin2ji currently installed ubuntu 9.10 on my new HP box through WUBI,09:01
rathin2jnow the thing is that in my nautilus i dont see the partition in which i installed the ubuntu!!! now in my nautilus i dont see the partition in which i installed the ubuntu!!!during this i installed AWN DOCK,in that a FILE MANAGER shortcut is given,i installed that,in that i see my partition,now what to do???09:01
ttk1opcIts not a partition09:01
bluewresYou installed using wubi?09:01
smokexyea search for "parted magic" on the net. it will let you resize your partitions so you can install windows without having to wipe out ubuntu09:01
ugliefrogerr...anyone know how to uprade vuze....it doesnt work09:01
jason__how do i block everything but web browsing using ufw? i did a quick google search and couldnt find it quickly09:01
bluewresThat wont be in a partition09:01
rathin2jii used WUBI09:01
rathin2jbluewres: i used wubi09:02
Sk_Lgbluewres: ?09:02
bluewresPerhaps I'm confused09:02
rathin2ji m DUAL BOOT with win09:02
smokexwubi makes an iso disk image instead of a partition09:02
bluewresso won't that be the same partition as what you have windows on?09:03
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.09:03
jason__just did it ahead of time for u guys09:03
smokexyes bluewres09:03
jason__i was bout to repeat my question09:03
jason__ooh im gonna try those forums09:03
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rathin2jblueres: by default it DOES bt for safety i installed it on other NTFS partition09:03
ttk1opcshould be c:\ubuntu\disks09:04
rathin2jno it is R:\rathin\ubuntu\disks09:04
smokexwubi basically creates a large writable live iso09:04
cdocbosince my hd just died and I have to re-install anyway, if I go with 10.04 beta, can it be upgraded to final when it comes out?09:04
ttk1opcOK, so what exactly is the problem?09:05
rathin2jbut the thing is AWN file manager is able to read my "R:" partition09:05
smokexyes cdocbo.. i have been upgrading betas ofr the last couple of weeks09:05
BlackDalekWhat am I doing wrong? I am trying to use scp as suggested but it is throwing back at me "No such file or directory" - the files I want have spaces in the file names, but I have used "\ " to escape each space, but each word in the file name is coming up as a separate "no such file" error....09:06
thulBlackDalek: use "....."09:07
roarkSuppose I install ubuntu 10.04 beta ...will it be upgraded when stable version is released09:07
ttk1opcwhat is awn file manager?09:07
rathin2jit's a launch pad09:08
BlackDalekwhat is "....."?09:08
rathin2jjust like MAC os09:08
daroluroark: yes it will be upgraded09:08
ttk1opcThe dock, what do you mean it reads your R partition?09:08
daroluttk1opc: awn is a Dock09:08
roarkdarolu: should i do that using upgrade manager...or it gets automat/gically?09:08
daroluroark: it won't upgrade to the final version without your consent, when you run the updates manager it will tell you the final version is available09:09
rathin2jttk1opc: yes in awn it as a SHORTCUT, to file manager,in that it shows my partition(partition lable is R:)09:09
roarkdarolu: oh ok ... even for the beta i had to do Alt+f2 ... i did not show up in the default upgrade manager...09:09
BlackDalekwhat is "....."?09:10
BlackDalekWhat am I doing wrong? I am trying to use scp as suggested but it is throwing back at me "No such file or directory" - the files I want have spaces in the file names, but I have used "\ " to escape each space, but each word in the file name is coming up as a separate "no such file" error.... And what is "....."?09:10
roarkdarolu: should i do the same thing to get teh final stable release....09:10
roarkdarolu: or will it be showed in the upgrade manager...09:10
BlackDalekperhaps he means use quotes around the filename....09:11
daroluroark: it should show up in the update-mannager (the final version that is)09:11
roarkdarolu: ok thanks09:11
ttk1opcrathin2j: So when you open from AWN you see it, when you open nautilus any other way you do not?09:11
roarkdarolu: did  you try 10 04 ...09:12
rathin2jttk1opc: yes correct09:12
rathin2jttk1opc: u r exact09:12
daroluroark: I have it installed in a virtual machine, it doesn't show up when a beta comes out as it would show up in all 9.10's and 8.04's installations09:12
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: hey so got vbox running, added a virtual machine and when i hit start i get an error :VMX_MSR_LOCKED_OR_DISABLED09:13
g0aliathdo i have to do something special when i want to terminal into another Ubuntu box?  i have my laptop that runs Ubuntu and want to terminal into my desktop that is running ubuntu and would love some help09:13
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  check the vbirtualbox docs/manual at the vbox homepage. That message means nothing to me. Unless thers some VMX setting in the vbox settings you need to twiddle with09:13
Beyecixramdwhat does the return generate (in ASCII) and / or how can i replace all the line breaks with a space?09:14
darolug0aliath: you want to access your desktop from your laptop?09:14
rathin2jttk1opc: if u wish i can send u screenshots!!??09:14
darolug0aliath: use openssh09:14
g0aliathand that is from the terminal?09:14
rathin2jg0aliath: r u telling to me?09:15
darolug0aliath: yes, it is all command line09:15
darolu!ssh | g0aliath09:15
ubottug0aliath: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)09:15
Dr_Willisaaaoooaaa:  for the vbox settings check under the system are - the  acelleration and processor tabs..  perhaps.09:15
g0aliathahh, i see.  cool thank you09:15
Dr_Willisg0aliath:  the 'ssh filesystem' tool comes in handy at times.  it can mount over ssh a remote machine. so it appears as a local directory09:16
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: yup i changed # pocessors to 1 and it worked09:16
aaaoooaaaDr_Willis: thanks alot09:16
g0aliaththank you so much09:16
milkfishjest ktoś z polski?09:17
Beyecixramdokay people, i'm trying to copy several files, which are listed one per line, using the cp command, but seems like when the line is over, gnome-terminal interprets that as a return or "enter", so it tries to run the current line09:17
rathin2jttk1opc: u can start transfer09:17
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  listed where? In a file you mean?09:17
Beyecixramdyup, Dr_Willis09:17
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  so whats the exact commabnd line you are tryng to use?09:18
rathin2jttk1opc: sure09:18
redvilhi there..can anyone pls help me out here..?09:18
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:18
Beyecixramdcp (list here) (destination here)09:18
redvilsorry ubottu..newbie here09:18
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  and where didyou get the idea that cp would take a 'list' of files in a file like that?09:18
airtonixBeyecixramd, you need to use either awk and pipe it to xargs or sed and pipe it to xargs09:18
Beyecixramdredvil: ubottu is a bot ;)09:18
Dr_Willisxargs  - thats a good use for it :)09:19
redviloh..like i said..newbie here..;)09:19
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  you could take that list and load it into an editor and cut/paste and make a script out of it also...09:19
airtonixBeyecixramd, so you'd do something like : cat your-file-of-uber-links.txt | awk lol-pattern | xargs blah09:19
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BeyecixramdDr_Willis: oh no, no no no, what i did was, copying the list (control+C) from Gedit, and when trying to paste it, gnome terminal, as i told you, interpreted the line breaks as "run command" or "enter"09:20
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  do you have spaces in any of the filenames?09:20
airtonixBeyecixramd, it wont work that way. each new line is interpreted as pressing enter.09:20
redvilanyway...can anyone tell me how to takeout the kubuntu desktop from ubuntu09:20
BeyecixramdDr_Willis: probably not, but not sure09:20
daroluredvil: "sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop" should work; GUI way is to go to System - Admin - Synaptic and look for it09:21
Beyecixramdairtonix: that's why i want to replace all "enters" with "space"09:21
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  may be easiest to turn the list into a shell script then.09:21
redvilthnx darolu..will try it now..09:21
Beyecixramdhmm... how would i do that?09:21
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  use the editor and join all the lines into one long line..09:21
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  but bash has a limit on the # you can use in one command.09:21
Beyecixramdpff... there are more than 150 lines09:21
Sk_Lgdoes the mac os have to be at the beginning of the harddrive?09:21
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  for a script? each line.. begin with 'cp  YOURSTUFFHERE /whatever else'09:22
airtonixBeyecixramd, i would leave your links in the file and use awk and xargs to operate on them09:22
airtonixBeyecixramd, http://www.pement.org/awk/awk1line.txt09:22
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  just 150? so? :)09:22
smokexnope sk_lg09:22
BeyecixramdDr_Willis: 150 times that? it's crazy, there must be aquicker way09:22
smokexosx and bsd variants do not need to be at the beginning of the drive09:22
Sk_Lgsmokex: alright, going to install windows09:22
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  youve given no details.. but making a script from that file that copies all 150 files to a set location.. would take be aboiut 20 sec in geany, or vi..09:23
redvilits done now...thanx again @darolu09:23
Beyecixramdlinks, airtonix? what im trying to copy are real files, contained in a txt file, one per line09:23
Dr_Willismacro keys, and search/replace is handy09:23
daroluredvil: no problem09:23
airtonixBeyecixramd, yep, can you pastebin this text file of links ? i could show you a awk command to do what you want09:23
Beyecixramdoh Dr_Willis, sorry, but i can't yet use vim at that level09:23
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  theres geany.09:24
* darolu loves geany09:24
Beyecixramdis it graphical? or pseudo graphical? (eg: nano)09:24
airtonixBeyecixramd, does each line look like : file:///place/place/file.txt ?09:24
Beyecixramdno, wait, ill pastebin the file for you, airtonix09:24
airtonixBeyecixramd, geany is a gtk ide09:24
Dr_Willisnano is graphical - in only the most primitive use of the term. :)09:24
daroluBeyecixramd: geany is 'graphical'09:25
SCC-FaustAnyone here with lots of patience want to help a retard with getting his internet to work on Ubuntu?09:25
Beyecixramdairtonix: http://fpaste.org/9bA5/09:25
BeyecixramdDr_Willis: i wouldn't call it "graphical" at least not at all, but well xD09:25
smokexscc-faust: wifi?09:26
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  you do have spaces in the path/filenames09:26
airtonixBeyecixramd, i notice alot of those files are in their own folders... you want all those files to end up in one target folder ?09:26
iPunkhow to check wi\hich version of ubuntu im using?09:26
daroluBeyecixramd: your file is very well organized, doing what Dr_Willis is telling you to do should be easy and take you like 12,5 secs09:26
smokexmadwifi drivers are a big help09:26
smokexipunk: system>about ubuntu09:27
Beyecixramdairtonix: yep, EVERY file on the same folder, without conservating the original tree of each filename09:27
Dr_Willisor just use the mc file manager.. :)09:27
Dr_WillisOh you DONT want the 'directory structure'09:27
Beyecixramdexactly, Dr_Willis09:27
Dr_Willisi Dident see you mention that part. :)09:27
Ganymedewhat time of day do cron jobs in /etc/cron.daily get run...?09:27
Beyecixramdsorry about that, Dr_Willis xD09:28
airtonixBeyecixramd, first thing i would try is the search feature of nautilus on : /home/beyecixramd/Descargas/JD/ and just search for *.mp3 then highlight all and copy to your target folder/09:28
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:   You Might want to clean up all the names some day also.. having things like _-_  is ratehr.. ugly :)09:29
Beyecixramdwow i'm so stupid :| didn't thought about that, airtonix, i used the gnome search tool09:29
BeyecixramdDr_Willis: raw, from the internets, no can do xD09:29
BeyecixramdDr_Willis: but sure, i'll fix them some day according th their id3 tags09:29
airtonixBeyecixramd, you might also like the 'saved search folder' feature of nautilus too. after doing a search save the search from the file menu09:29
Dr_WillisI cant even get geany to go wide enogh to show the whole lines. :)09:30
Beyecixramdairtonix: i saved the search, but not from nautilus, from the gnome search tool, it gave me this file09:30
BeyecixramdDr_Willis: maybe with 2560x1080? :D09:30
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  i got two monitors.. it wont go across both of them09:31
airtonixBeyecixramd, im not sure if its the same thing. but is that list of mp3s just all your mp3s in the /home/beyecixramd/Descargas/JD/ folder ?09:31
Beyecixramdjust like me :| wtf09:31
airtonixBeyecixramd, i mean how did you generate that list of files ?09:31
Beyecixramdyep, airtonix, someone told me to cp  /home/beyecixramd/Descargas/JD/*.mp3, which didn't work09:31
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  you could similfy the work by doing the commands from  the   /home/beyecixramd/Descargas/JD/  dir also.09:32
Dr_Willisand use relative paths09:32
killaz_i would like to know if there is a way to do a whois ip from my ubuntu without firefox ?09:32
Beyecixramdwith the gnome search tool, right clicking and selecting "save search" airtonix09:32
teegeeNeed some help with migrating to raid109:32
airtonixBeyecixramd, use nautilus instead09:32
teegeeI copied all the files across but it won't boot09:32
BeyecixramdDr_Willis: not a great deal, that would only remove part of the filenames09:32
airtonixBeyecixramd, try this : find <start directory> -iname "<all my files type>" -exec cp {} <target_dir> \;09:32
teegeekeeps mounting /dev/sd... instead of md09:33
teegeeany suggestions?09:33
teegeei've booted the live cd and mounted all the mds onto /mnt09:33
Beyecixramdairtonix: remember: gnome-terminal interprets new lines as "enters"09:33
killaz_is there a way to do a who is ip from the terminal in ubuntu09:33
smokexheya smealio09:34
airtonixBeyecixramd, from the terminal try this : find /home/beyecixramd/Descargas/JD -iname ".mp3" -exec cp {} /home/NewMusic/ \;09:34
Beyecixramdkillaz_: i remember whatismyip.com had a way to output the ip in a txt file09:34
airtonixBeyecixramd, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/copy-files-from-multiple-directories-into-one-directory-162396/09:34
Dr_WillisBeyecixramd:  part 1 done --> http://fpaste.org/r2aR/09:34
smokexwb sk_lg09:34
Beyecixramdkillaz_: so it would be cat http://whatismyip.com/file.txt09:34
Dr_WillisGeany has a 'vertical block' cut/paste feature that comes in VERY handy in doing some tasks like this09:35
killaz_its just i have a lot of ip to do so i woul like to know if there is a way to do like all of them in a list09:35
Dr_Willisdoh.. i frogot the cp at the front of each line. :)09:36
airtonixDr_Willis, Beyecixramd i dont even think it needs to be this complicated... you shouldn't even need to be editing a text file to begin with/09:36
Beyecixramdthanks Dr_Willis09:36
Beyecixramdairtonix: i thought that for the first time09:36
Dr_Willisairtonix:  given the spaces in teh filenames.. and other huge paths..  its going tobe a fancy command line. I can Understand a script :)09:36
Sk_Lgsmokex: =)ty  *sigh*windows is being fussy, it doesn't like any of the drives do I have to format the primary, so it halts the installation process. any suggestions? I might just format the main then work from there09:36
Beyecixramdbtw, airtonix, it tells me "-exec argument missing"09:36
smokexget "parted magic"09:36
smokexyou can use that to do your formatting09:37
Sk_Lgha, I though you were being funny = P09:37
furythorHas anybody else had problems installing mstt corefonts packet ?09:37
smokexit also includes the grub fixing utilities09:37
Beyecixramdfurythor: what ubuntu version?09:37
furythorand I get error code 109:38
smokexnah the people that used to own partition magic started and open source project after symatec baught their program09:38
Beyecixramdairtonix: but anyway, ill try to copy within nautilus, as you told me09:38
Sk_Lgwhat version should I get? http://partedmagic.com/download.html09:39
BeyecixramdSk_Lg: latest?09:39
smokexwhat byecix said :P09:40
Sk_Lglike parted magic pxe, grub4dos, or from a usb?09:40
killaz_hi i would like to know if this is safe to hack on wargames website ?09:41
TyanColteanybody know how to either RUN AS ROOT or execute a .run file in the terminal so i can use sudo or SU09:41
Beyecixramdsmokex: try to type only the first letters of the nick and press <tab> it works! :)09:41
TyanColteversion 9.1009:41
airtonixDr_Willis, find doesnt care if it has spaces in the file name.09:41
smokexkillaz, if you have to ask, you won't be safe09:41
Dr_Willisairtonix:  how about dashes?   I dident even check for other characters like ' and "09:41
killaz_lol im not stupid im asking on a guredic level ?09:42
killaz_not on the technical aspect09:42
airtonixDr_Willis, i just tried it on a folder full of file names with all kinds09:42
Beyecixramdit worked, as expected, the nautilus thing, airtonix09:42
killaz_i know about my osi model and  ...09:42
smokexoh.. yea sure go for it :P09:42
zeroseven0183Hi TyanColte, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingRunPackage09:42
teegeeis there nobody who knows their raid stuff?09:43
Beyecixramdby the way, how can i "emualte" the library feature of Win7? synlinks would do the trick?09:43
airtonixBeyecixramd, yep best to keep it simple09:43
smokexunless you want to use a flash drive sk_lg... you got a flash drive?09:43
Beyecixramd(btw, im a linux-only user since 2009)09:43
brah-sorry to hear that09:43
Sk_Lgyea, that has linux on it09:43
TyanColtezeroseven0183: that didn't help, i already knew how to do that, it says i need SU to make it work and i can't get the RUN AS to work anymore like i could in previous versions09:44
Beyecixramdairtonix: the save search feature of nautilus would make a directory with symlinks or what?09:44
airtonixBeyecixramd, as far as i know the library function onf windows is very similar to DAAP shares in how it operates...09:44
psycho_oreosTyanColte, then you need to set root passwd, and afterwards remove the root passwd09:44
Beyecixramdairtonix: WTF?! DAAP for one computer / not over LAN?09:44
chineseliangl;kjlkjjk ;j;j09:44
airtonixBeyecixramd, saved searchs are not symlinks, they are dynamic folders you might like to test if you can search for files from several folders09:45
Beyecixramdairtonix: there had to be something wrong in Win7 xD09:45
smokexyou could put the iso on your flash drive and modify grub to boot from the iso but.. eh burning a disk is a whole lot easier and quicker09:45
airtonixBeyecixramd, well does your machine have several user accounts and different people that actually use them ? or is it just you using it ?09:45
Beyecixramdi mean, airtonix, i'm the only one who uses the machine09:46
Beyecixramdbut sometimes, i let guests, and my family check mail from this computer (each person has their own user account / they use the guest account)09:46
Sk_Lgcould I run ubuntu on the flash drive, unmount the front of the primary, move/resize/andor delete, then install windows accordingly smokex09:46
airtonixBeyecixramd, same here, i just put all my music in ~/Audio/Music all my pictures in ~/Pictures , all my movies in ~/Videos/Movies09:47
airtonixDr_Willis, Beyecixramd here is that test i did : http://pastebin.com/tEK17xYP09:47
Sk_Lgbrb i hope09:47
smokexwith parted09:47
Dr_Willisairtonix:  bagh! you need 'My Movies' and 'My Muzak' to make it make more sence :)09:47
amaureaHello, I need some help with my touchpad. Initially, touching the touchpad caused mouse click events. I turned that off in the mouse controls, but there is still a small part of the lower right corner of the touchpad which causes right-clicks when touched. how do I turn this behavior off?09:47
airtonixDr_Willis, no i dont wear a balck turtle neck skivvy.09:48
Beyecixramdweird airtonix, because running that command gives me the error i told you before09:48
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smokexi am passing ot09:49
airtonixBeyecixramd, i dont manually type the source directory, i use tab completion because it automatically puts the "\" where it's needed09:49
lallaError in mounting cdrom in uck package manager,what do i do?09:49
airtonixBeyecixramd, but nautilus search worked for you so it not a problem yeah ?09:50
Beyecixramdwow airtonix, the save search feature of nautilus works quite like the library feature of Win7... i guess where did inspiration came this time :) (and all times, like plymouth and the animated boot on Win7)09:50
Beyecixramdyup airtonix09:50
airtonixBeyecixramd, win7 is not the first OS to have animated boot screens... i think e17 is09:50
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Beyecixramdi know airtonix, but e17 is a DE, not an OS09:51
Beyecixramdairtonix: from what i know was Fedora in its 10 version09:51
airtonixBeyecixramd, true. but camels and straws.09:51
bag_any idea where the kernelmodule ACX is located in 10.4? My card is not detected09:51
bag_and modinfo acx says acx isn't found09:51
psycho_oreos!lucid | bag_09:51
ubottubag_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule09:51
airtonixBeyecixramd, i think e16 and e17 have had beatiful animated boot screens for about 5 years now.09:51
Beyecixramdbut hmm... those animated boot screens were using X, that's starting the display and drivers09:52
dotblankhey are deb files just renamed tarballs or is it using bzip or gz09:52
airtonixBeyecixramd, another thing you ight like about nautilus is that you can create plugins for it with python.09:52
furythorI do get this error when running apt-get09:52
Beyecixramdin that case, Fedora 1 had RHGB, which was animayed too09:52
furythorwhat can cause that ?09:52
Beyecixramdairtonix: oh, i know that, learning python :)09:52
bag_psycho_oreos, what do you want to say :) i think it is a huge bug if that module is missing, isn't?09:53
psycho_oreosbag_, its not part of 9.04 or 9.10, your version is not yet officially released, so ask your question in the appropriate channel09:53
bag_psycho_oreos, ah ok thanks09:55
=== RaMcHiP is now known as RaMcHiP-Away
Beyecixramdairtonix: btw, any recommendations about learning python? (i mean, if you would recommend me eclipse, or some specific website)09:55
lallaE: Unable to stat the mount point /cdrom/ - stat (2: No such file or directory)09:55
lallaE: Unable to stat the mount point /cdrom/ - stat (2: No such file or directory)09:55
lallaE: Failed to mount the cdrom.09:55
FloodBot1lalla: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:55
ubuntunistii have 54 Mb/s (G) connection. quality of signal is 76/100, speed is 0.25Mb/s ?!?!?!!?09:55
bucknastyi found my old acer aspire one netbook and I could only boot ubuntu when I do a "fsck" manually (on every start). as I want to delete the whole ubuntu partition(s): is there a way to fix the corrupted sectors on my hdd?09:56
unicumshouldn't /home be shown on the desktop with a brand-new installation of ubuntu?09:56
bucknastyor is ubuntu doing this automatically09:56
airtonixBeyecixramd, install devhelp and any package with python-*-doc for a start09:56
Beyecixramdwhat's devhelp?09:56
airtonixBeyecixramd, nice way to browse and read all the developer documentation you have installed (mostly blah-doc packages)09:57
Beyecixramdoh, cool09:57
airtonixBeyecixramd, glade-3 is also a useful program to have and it ties in with devhelp. i would also start getting used to geany to edit python with.09:57
Beyecixramduses gtk, qt, or what?09:58
airtonixBeyecixramd, devhelp uses gtk to display itself.09:58
ubuntunistii tryed to install rt3070sta drivers but when i compile it there wasnt 3070..only 2870...anyway...it founded few SSID:s then i switched back to my old rt2870sta and now i have still that G wireless but signal is 76/100 and speed is so slow09:58
Beyecixramdglade-3 qt?09:58
furythorubuntunisti: when talking about network connections, there have to always notice that sending and receiving speeds are somehow related, you can't get faster than sender can actually send minus traffic loss (packet control data, packet loss... etc etc...)09:58
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
airtonixBeyecixramd, glade-3 is a gtk interface designer.09:58
Beyecixramdoh hmmmm nice09:58
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:59
Beyecixramdthanks airtonix :)09:59
unicuman answer would be appreciated09:59
airtonixBeyecixramd, your welcome.09:59
airtonixunicum, the answer is 4209:59
ubuntunistifurythor...yes i have 10MB connection...so if speed is only 250kb/s there is something wrong :D09:59
furythorAny idea if sourceforge is down ?09:59
unicumshouldn't /home be shown on the desktop with a brand-new installation of ubuntu?09:59
furythorubuntunisti: where you're downloading ?09:59
airtonixunicum, no. you have to enable that.09:59
unicumahhh.. right10:00
airtonixunicum, you know how ?10:00
smokexmr ubottu.. imma make a new song10:00
unicumwhere's that switch located at again?10:00
furythorubuntunisti: then I think that indeed there is something wrong....10:00
unicumbeen a while with ubuntu10:00
airtonixunicum, run gconf-editor, then navigate to /apps/nautilus/10:00
smokexubottu help10:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:00
furythorubuntunisti: try to ping speedtest.net to see if there is packet loss10:00
airtonixunicum, /apps/nautilus/desktop10:01
dotblankGah I need an expert in optification10:01
smokexwhat commands does ubottu have10:01
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!10:01
smokexah he is smart :P10:02
overmindsmokex: /msg ubottu bot10:02
ubuntunisti20 packets transmitted, 19 received, 5% packet loss, time 19046ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 191.390/196.987/238.878/11.771 ms10:02
ubuntunistisignal level: -64 and noise -8310:03
furythorubuntunisti: hmm, that don't still explain why you got so terrible recive10:03
ubuntunistinoise is huge!10:04
furythorthat explains, you don't get more incoming because of noise because your wireless don't understand  all incoming, so it don't manage all that comes10:05
Dantonichi, I'm having a lot of trouble sharing and viewing a second hard drive on my 9.10 desktop to be accessed from another 8.10 desktop10:05
smokexubottu wifi10:06
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:06
ubuntunistidamn..i need "noise filter" :D10:06
chervaanyone knowing a good way to make a domain resolve to 2 ips ?10:06
Dantonicwould anyone be willing to give me a hand with sharing?  I believe I shared the drive correctly, however I can't see it from my other desktop10:07
smokexubottu samba10:09
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:09
lao5i am working on a asm program. but the bin file feeds back "segmentation fault". could anyone help me check it. thanks.10:10
Dantonicsmokex does all sharing have to be done with samba even if a windows system is not involved?10:10
smokexthe gui to modify samba on ubuntu is different.. but its still samba underneath.. and yea samba is how linux does its sharing now10:11
StonedSlackerHi guys, I have an compaq presario c500 lappy running ubuntu 9.1. Besides the lack of wireless connectivity, everything seems to be working great. The pastebin link is the output of ifconfig, lspci and lsmod. If I do something like dhclient wlan0 I get 'Network down'10:11
Ken8521hmm, no joy10:12
ubuntunistihmm..i try to use channel: 1110:13
smokexwhat nework card10:13
ubuntunistimaybe it helps to my noise problem...because it seems that neighbour has same channel what i  have...10:14
StonedSlackersmokex:I'm not sure, I only see one in the output of lspci but there are two10:14
* AcePreshaw is back (gone 00:23:23)10:14
StonedSlackerMy wired connection works great. I'm assuming that is the 8139 0ne.10:15
ubuntunistiit didnt helped :/10:17
rwwubottu: tell AcePreshaw about away10:18
ubottuAcePreshaw, please see my private message10:18
AcePreshawi cant10:18
Elfixsee xchat preferences10:18
AcePreshawi will not10:19
AcePreshawi did do it10:21
AcePreshawfanx ubottu10:21
AcePreshawand rww10:22
Dantonicdo semicolons in the smb.conf file mean that that line is not used?10:22
lieuwehi, i got ubuntu running on my pentium 2, but it seems to have some trouble with the video card, it does boot bun since the mouse port is borken i can only use keyboard shortcuts, so is there a way to control the mouse using the keyboard?10:22
rwwDantonic: yes10:22
rwwlines beginning with #, also10:22
StonedSlackerhaha, wow. The driver had to be activated.10:23
StonedSlackerpeace fellas10:23
kane77hi, can anyone suggest me how to run mp3gain to rescan files and directories in given directory?10:24
=== RaMcHiP-Away is now known as RaMcHiP
zipitogood day10:25
zipitocan someone help me with  base-completion ?10:25
zipitoI've installed this packet10:25
zipitobut I still don't receive completion for my ant tasks :(10:25
zipitoor maven10:25
zipitois there some specific configuration that I should add to my bashrc10:26
AcePreshawin wireshark how can i look at my router on it?10:26
Gangrelermm does it worth it to use antivirus in ubuntu? any good antivirus for them?10:28
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:28
ElfixGangrel: I think not10:28
rwwGangrel: not really, no. There is some available, but it's mainly only used for scanning files on Windows installs.10:28
rwwubottu: virus | Gangrel10:29
ubottuGangrel: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2110:29
rww(clamav would be an example of one)10:29
erUSUL!av | Gangrel10:29
* erUSUL laggy bot10:29
rwwerUSUL: She's not laggy, she just doesn't like repeating herself ;)10:30
icerootGangrel: if you want have fun, use clamav < 0.95 :) you only need an av-scanner if your are using a mail-server or samba . both with windows-clients10:30
* erUSUL goes grab another cup of coffee10:30
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins10:31
Gangrelthanks ppl10:32
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
yaccAnyone got an idea how to import a ssh key into seahorse, it claims invalid format, while ssh & ssh-agent have no problems with the key.10:34
bucknastyI want to install windows on my hdd (I have linpus linux and ubuntu already installed and select them via grub). After I installed windows, how can I tell grub to add Windows to the grub list? i think this can be done automatically, but how?10:35
erUSULkane77: http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/59957 <<< find music/folder/ -name '*.mp3' -exec mp3gain -a -k '{}' \;10:36
erUSULbucknasty: you first will have to restore grub as windows will likely overwritte it10:37
erUSUL!grub2 | bucknasty10:37
ubottubucknasty: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub210:37
bucknastyerUSUL: like here, right? http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-restore-grub-in-ubuntu/2008/04/1110:37
AcePreshawDonot get grub2 off ur pc10:37
rwwbucknasty: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?10:38
mrixzçäåñü åñòü ðóññêîÿçû÷íîå íàñåëåíèå, ?ïðîñòèòå!10:38
bucknastyerUSUL: this step is clear to me, and what should I do after that?10:38
erUSULbucknasty: well karmic uses grub2 so that guide maybe outdated use the steps on the wiki10:38
bucknastyrww: 9.0410:38
rwwubottu: grub | bucknasty10:38
ubottubucknasty: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.10:38
rwwbucknasty: see the first link10:38
rwwbut yes, that article you linked has the basics10:39
bucknastyso I have grub, not grub210:39
erUSULbucknasty: in grub2 os-prober will pick up windows iirc « sudo update-grub ». it it does not just adda custom entry for it again refer to the wiki10:39
rwwerUSUL: it's jaunty, so grub1, not grub2.10:39
erUSULbucknasty: then you will have to add a custom entry. see the other wiki page rww pointed to you10:40
bucknastyso I will have to edit the menu.lst and I'm done?10:40
rwwubottu: no, grub2 is =~ s/$/ | See !grub for Jaunty and earlier, and for upgrades from those versions./10:40
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.10:41
bucknastyso a "title Windows" and root (hd0,x) will do the job. thanks10:41
bucknastyI thought this can be done automatically, but i will do it the dirty way then:) thanks for help10:41
erUSULbucknasty: see the windows example stanza inside menu.lst (in the comments)10:41
erUSULbucknasty: for windows you nee rootnoverify and chainload +1 etc ...10:42
bucknastyuhm, where are the comments in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto ?10:42
nukelacityhey can anyone gimme a bit of help please?10:43
erUSULbucknasty: inside /boot/grub/menu.lst10:43
erUSUL!anyone | nukelacity10:43
ubottunukelacity: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:43
AcePreshawburcknzxty: not on it10:43
ubuntunistiok...if i have to go to buy 3th time USB wireless reciever.....is there any N-standard recievers what actually work in ubuntu?10:43
ubuntunistii dont like to waste money :(10:44
hatake_kakashiubuntunisti, you meant wireless chipsets?10:44
onaoghhatake_kakashi, yes he mean that10:44
ubuntunistii have already DLINK wireless router...so i only need that usb antenna to my computer10:45
hatake_kakashiusb antenna?10:45
erUSULubuntunisti: 1) buy it ; 2) test it. 3)return if it does not work 4) goto 1)10:45
onaoghubuntunisti, it is called USB wireless adapter10:45
rwwubottu: hcl10:45
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:45
hatake_kakashiubuntunisti, either go buy something by ubiquiti or Alfa10:45
hatake_kakashiAlfa, hawking, edimax10:46
nukelacityright.. well im a long time ubuntu user but i got a new PC and it came with dreamlinux installed and, on dream linux compiz worked fine.. but now that ive gone onto ubuntu 10.04 for some reason compiz wotn work.. Direct Rendering is enable because the terminal returns Direct Rendering: Yes and the metacity compositor works.. but compiz does not, even when i turn the metacity compositor off...10:46
onaoghhe wants  n mode capable adaptor10:46
nukelacity...(im sorry its such a big paragraph i just wanna get my point accross as quickly as possible xD)10:46
ubuntunistiwhat is the most cheapest?10:46
hatake_kakashi!lucid | nukelacity10:46
ubottunukelacity: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule10:46
erUSULN standar (speeds) arwe astill not supported in linux afaik. the adapter will work in G mode10:47
hatake_kakashiubuntunisti, if you want ones guarenteed to work, you should pay extra and stop being stingy and being a nitpick10:47
erUSULubuntunisti: ralink based cards/dongles are usually cheap and work in linux10:47
nukelacityso according to that am i just best downgrading to 9.10? or even 9.04 because im used to it on my laptop xD10:48
tumenjargalhi guys10:48
bucknastyerUSUL: I dont see the option rootnoverify. this is the part of my menu.lst: http://nopaste.snit.ch:8002/2028710:48
tumenjargalI've firefox problem. help me10:48
nukelacitygo on with your firefox problem xD10:48
onaogh!anyone | tumenjargal10:48
ubottutumenjargal: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:48
ubuntunistii have ralink now...rt2870 <-- doesnt get N10:48
hatake_kakashinukelacity, you can't simply downgrade if you installed it clean but either way this is not the support channel for lucid10:48
tumenjargalI'm using firefox 3.5.9 on ubuntu os.10:48
erUSULbucknasty: ok use root then.10:48
ubuntunistihatake i dont pay extra :D sorry10:48
nukelacityi know that i cant simply downgrade i know i have to install clean and stuff.. its just like.. am i best doing that?10:49
erUSULubuntunisti: as i said : N standar (speeds) are still not supported in linux afaik. the adapter will work in G mode10:49
tumenjargalalways crush firefox10:49
erUSULubuntunisti: so i will keep that adapetr10:49
tumenjargalhelp help10:49
onaoghtumenjargal, disable some of the addons !10:49
nukelacityyeah i was gunna say that the same happens to me on my laptop xD10:50
tumenjargalI've disable all addon10:50
tumenjargalthen have crush problem10:50
tumenjargalstill now10:50
nukelacitytumenjargal, what do are you doing normally when it crashes?10:50
onaoghu have manually tried to add anything to ~/.firefox folder ?10:50
tumenjargalI did rm -rf ~/.firefox10:51
=== ShazbotMcNasty is now known as rocknack
nukelacityyou deleted the firefox folder?10:51
tumenjargalit have problem still10:51
=== rocknack is now known as ShazbotMcNasty
nukelacityhave you tried removing firefox and re installing it from the Ubuntu Software Centre?10:53
tumenjargalI'm showing web with jquery when it's crush10:53
tumenjargali tring remove10:53
nukelacityokay :)10:53
nukelacityuse sudo apt-get remove firefox then sudo apt-get install firefox10:53
nukelacitylet me know how it goes :)10:54
tumenjargalI'm using USC.10:54
tumenjargalit's same apt-get.10:54
=== RaMcHiP is now known as RaMcHiP-Away
nukelacitysorry? i dont understand lol10:55
rwwubottu: tell RaMcHiP-Away about away10:55
ubottuRaMcHiP-Away, please see my private message10:55
phylockis it possible to get a new loginscreen when using a new X window (alt+ctrl+f1, startx --:1)10:57
W43372if I wanted to save a save a sudo command in a way that I could execute it from the a shortcut on a desktop, how would I go about doing that?10:57
yacc18970 andreas   20   0 4263m 2.4g  10m R   98 32.3 982:29.72 netbook-launche    <= guess netbook-launcher is not meant for 1920x1080 displays ;)10:57
limikaelin ubuntu 10.04, is there a way to get the textfield back in nautilus where you can type a path?10:58
W43372if I wanted to save a save a sudo command in a way that I could execute it from the a shortcut on a desktop, how would I go about doing that?10:58
rwwlimikael: ctrl-l or Go -> Location10:58
rwwlimikael: Lucid support and discussion is in #ubuntu+1, not here, just fyi10:59
red2kicW43372: Right-click and create a launcher?11:00
akssps011I want to install a package at location other than /usr. How can I do this ?11:01
W43372red2kic ... why didn't I think of that... You'll have to excuse me. I've taken pills for my back and hip and then poured myself a tall drink :)11:01
=== RaMcHiP-Away is now known as RaMcHiP
jamil_1hello, I used to run kde and gnome in parallel by pressing alt + ctl+ f2 and then entering startx -- :1. But now when i try to do so, screen goes blank and then if I switch to the first session and back, I get the error: no protocol specified. Help !11:03
ciberousdoes anyone know if there is going to be a 10.4 version of JeOS? I googled, but couldn't find any details either way11:03
ShazbotMcNastyit sure is helpful in here11:09
Dr_Williswas there an actual support question?11:10
ShazbotMcNastynot unless you care a psychotherapist also11:10
* Dr_Willis goes back to reading Filesystem benchmarks..11:10
Dr_WillisBTRFS - seems to have potential11:10
ShazbotMcNastyor, is there a psychotherapy channel?11:11
ShazbotMcNastythat would just be great11:11
tumenjargali've firefox crush problem???11:11
Dr_WillisShazbotMcNasty:  try #windows ?11:11
tumenjargalhelp me11:11
roscogruenANYONE:  i need help installing an application.  i'm half way done.  anyone?11:11
nukelacitytumnenjargal explain the problem to them :)11:11
nathan_what app?11:11
roscogruenANYONE:  here is link:  ANYONE:  i need help installing an application in Mint 8.  i'm half way done.  anyone?11:11
nukelacityeverything youve told me11:11
Dr_Willisclaify the problems...11:11
nukelacitytell them11:11
roscogruennathan_: ^11:11
ShazbotMcNastymint 8 >_<11:12
Dr_Willisroscogruen:   that still dosent clarify much.11:12
=== john_ is now known as Guest41465
Dr_Willisand its proberly best to avoide mint.11:12
Jorkhello guys. How can I enable nvidia drivers in lucid beta2?  hardware acleration sections tells me that both 173 and latest are enable but I still can't enable and use them from there?11:12
phylocktumenjargal - can you descibe the problem??11:12
LiTuXHello everyone~11:12
tumenjargalI'm going web use jquery when firefox crush out..11:12
roscogruennathan_: https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-unix.html.en#polipo11:12
ShazbotMcNastyJork, download it from their site and instasll11:12
Dr_WillisJork:  they are workign here. for me in lucid. 8800gtsxxx and nvidia 5500 video cards11:12
nukelacitytumenjargal uses firebug and web developer or some addon like that11:12
roscogruenit is ubuntu and no one on there right now knows.11:13
nukelacityand it crashes when he uses jQuery11:13
Dr_Willisdont download nvidia drivers from the nvidia site.. unless you want to have potential bigger issues.11:13
ShazbotMcNastyDr_Willis, I think I know what he means, the restricted-driver thingy won't download and install it11:13
ShazbotMcNastyor not11:13
LiTuXI'm under ubuntu right now. :)11:13
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule11:13
=== Guest41465 is now known as jfoozie
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com11:13
True-ch4tWho can help me to get a transparent top of the cube with compiz-fusion ?11:13
ShazbotMcNastyJork, try doing 'sudo apt-get update' and try using those video drivers again11:13
nathan_what stage are you at roscogren?11:13
=== Nijverheid is now known as Guest12670
tumenjargalhelp me11:14
jfoozieaylo, im just trying to get a little learning going on11:14
roscogruennathan_: i'm at step two and don't know how to configure Polipo11:14
nathan_finished ./configure ?11:14
JorkI do that but stil not working for me. I use nvidia 8400gs11:14
jfooziei have a 5850 for a graphics card11:14
nukelacityright im going :) cya later guys :) good luck tumenjargal11:14
jfoozieand theres a dam watermark in the side11:14
JorkCan any give me a link for proper install nvidia please?11:14
tumenjargalok tnx11:14
LiTuXthere's too many messages that I can't follow, I'll leave~11:14
LiTuXBye everyone.11:14
roscogruennathan_: polipo is installed.  i'm at paragraph two of three11:14
[Screamo]Whats the latest version of ubuntu?11:14
Dr_Williswait for release day..  then come in and be amazed at the people. :)11:14
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  10.04 is in beta testign rght now.11:15
jfoozieright now till 10.4 gets released11:15
roscogruennathan_: this is what stops me:  "you will need to configure Polipo to use Tor."11:15
ShazbotMcNastyJork, are you running 64bit or 32bit Ubuntu?11:15
nathan_wget https://svn.torproject.org/svn/torbrowser/trunk/build-scripts/config/polipo.conf && cp polipo.conf ~/.polipo11:15
Jork64bit ubuntu11:15
nathan_that might help11:15
[Screamo]and when does 10.4 get released?11:15
phenomDoes any one have a clue how to stop the ubuntu alert sound when you close firefox?11:15
nathan_Never used polipo11:15
Codemastorhope there's enough of features to expect in 10.0411:15
nathan_Scream, 29 april11:15
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  the #'s are a date. :)   2010 4th month11:15
roscogruennathan_: can we start another window so i can keep up?11:16
Dr_WillisUnless its delayed11:16
nathan_why not11:16
[Screamo]Dr_Willis yea i know that, just wondering the exact release date11:16
True-ch4t[screamo] : In france it is in about ten days11:16
jfooziecan anyone get me to a more subtle room? damn its crowded in here lol.11:16
True-ch4tYou can already get it on the officiel website11:16
Dr_Willisjfoozie:  err. No its not.11:16
True-ch4tfor €11:16
ShazbotMcNastyJork, http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_195.36.15.html11:16
True-ch4tfor 1€*11:16
Dr_WillisThis is a rather slow day/time for this channel.11:17
=== jfoozie is now known as jfoozie420
[Screamo]indeed Dr_Willis11:17
Dr_Williscome in on the 29th and see 'fast'11:17
jfoozie420lol, sorry its my first time at it.11:17
jfoozie420i havent used irc since i was a kid11:17
tumenjargaldo they know firefox help irc channell??11:17
Dr_Willis#firefox perhaps.11:18
duffydackIs there any way in empathy to add 1 person to their other protocol account, like in pidgin you expand and drop them in ..11:18
jfoozie420im trying to learn a little bit of linux11:18
Dr_Willis10.04 has a 'book' in the works thats free/online jfoozie420  :)11:18
nathan_anyone know when the minimal iso'll be released for lucid?11:18
jfoozie420sweet, im just trying to start out with the basics11:19
jfoozie420basically all i know is sudo apt-get update lol11:19
=== esay is now known as Guest12219356
Dr_Willisjfoozie420:  http://test.ubuntu-manual.org/  - that is for 10.04  so some parts may not apply. but its free :)11:19
Dr_Willisjfoozie420:  dont forget to upgrade, befor you update11:19
Dr_Willisor the other way. ;011:19
[Screamo]well, i am unhappy with 9.10, So is 10.4 going to be any better?11:20
Dr_WillisI made a script that does it all11:20
nathan_http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download/ubuntupocketguide-v1-1.zip There's a guide if you need one11:20
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  depends on yoru issues.11:20
Dr_WillisI dont like Chocklet Ice cream.. will  Butter Pecan be better? :)11:20
[Screamo]Don't really have any specific issues :/11:20
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  so  you dont really have any problems.. just unhappy...11:21
[Screamo]it just doesnt seem right11:21
daniel__ what is better: xubuntu, kubuntu netbook, ubuntu netbook or lubuntu? on a netbook11:21
jfoozie420thanks brotha, it seems like theres a syntax error when trying to download it11:21
nathan_daniel, for what?11:21
jfoozie420ubuntu manual project11:21
Dr_Willisdaniel__:  totally depends on your needs.  I find the Kubuntu netbook mix nicer in ways.. but the Ubntu netbook is easier to use.11:21
Dr_Willisdaniel__:  lubuntu netbook - i find useless.11:22
rocket16Can there be any portable application for Ubuntu?11:22
jfoozie420isn't there that plazma os?11:22
Dr_Willisserver is having issues jfoozie420  may be its getting updated11:22
Dr_Willisrocket16:  clarify what you mean.11:22
daniel__my netbook has 2GB RAM and its a Terra A2011:22
daniel__bought this year11:22
bo7amnyi just bought a wacom bamboo ben and touch tablet11:22
Dr_Willisjfoozie420:  theres also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual11:22
Dr_Willisjfoozie420:  that download link is working. (its the same book)11:23
rocket16Dr_Willis: I meant, like in Windows, you can have Portable Office, Portable Games (.exe files only), to be run in a pen-drive, can there be anything in Ubuntu?11:23
[Screamo]Dr_Willis you know if they changed the theming system in 10.4?11:23
Dr_Willisrocket16:  if the app is written properly it can run from a stand alone dir.11:23
rocket16Dr_Willis: I see, thanks,11:23
rocket16Flips a coin: HEADS11:23
Dr_Willisrocket16:  firefox, miro, opera and a grat many other apps can do that allready11:23
jfoozie420oh a direct .exe program??11:23
roscogruennathan_: i'm flying by the seat of my pants.  i've no idea what i'm doing.  i think it might be working though11:23
True-ch4tThey changed the theme, anyway you can still change it on your own, in some click ;-)11:24
bo7amnyand it does not configur automatically11:24
[Screamo]No im talking about like the whole theming system, like if i want to download one, its not easy to find one that is complete11:25
bo7amnyhow can i configur the wacom tablet?11:25
roscogruennathan_: i'm going to restart my engines.  be back in a bit11:25
[Screamo]Found a program called Epidermis, but it only has like 5 themes to choose from11:25
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  part of the issue is how people call things 'themes' often they are refering to the various Parts of a theme.11:26
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  theres several PPA repos with nice sets of complete themes.. and a few tools also that make it easier.11:26
xailofon_ciao a tutti11:26
xailofon_qualcuno m puo aiutare?11:26
[Screamo]right, but there should be a universal theme file11:26
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  check out gstyle --> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/try-gstyle-project-new-gnome-theme.html11:26
guy_I'm getting "Options error: --server directive network/netmask combination is invalid" when trying to run openvpn, anyone got a clue why ? http://pastebin.ca/1864652 (config included)11:27
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  not going to happen. a 'theme' file in Gnome - defines what other theme parts to use.11:27
[Screamo]like not having to download 6 or 7 different parts just to completly change the whole look11:27
xailofon_hi everybody11:27
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  i perfer to be able to mix and match.  Check out gstyle, and the bisigi (sp?) theme repository it has like a dozen nice themes11:27
ombraanyone can resolve this problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103350311:28
Dr_Willistheres also the gnome-art tool.11:28
Dr_Willis!info  gnome-art11:28
ubottugnome-art (source: gnome-art): install GNOME themes from art.gnome.org. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-12 (karmic), package size 26 kB, installed size 204 kB11:28
[Screamo]exactly what i am trying to say is, they should make it easier for lazy people to completly change the look of their system.11:28
Dr_Willisombra:  give a summary of the proplem -  is a good idea.11:28
=== Vampires is now known as Killed
bloopletechWhat's that terminal command that tells you what key events you're generating?11:29
ombraok, eclipse doesn't see openjdk documentation11:29
[Screamo]Whats the Terminal command that which opens Terminal?11:29
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  tell it to the gnome devs.. but  with the push for gnome-3 soon. I imagine all theme stuff will be undergoing chnges as well11:29
[Screamo]i asked myself that the other day11:29
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  theres several 'terminal' programs - gnome-terminal, xchat, rxvt,11:30
Dr_Willisdefault in tnome = gnome-terminal11:30
ombrai've installed the package openjdk-6-doc, but eclipse try to search for a .zip archive which it doesn't exist11:30
Dr_Willisoops xterm , rxvt, gnome-terminal, konsole, :)11:30
[Screamo]Dr_Willis yea i found it out after about 5 mins11:30
Dr_Willisif you like the terminal. also check out 'terminator'11:31
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  drag icon from menu to desktop, check its properties..11:31
[Screamo]i wanted to asign a hotkey for it, and i tried "terminal" but that didnt work11:31
Dr_Willisactually theres a x-default-terminal i think11:31
[Screamo]bottomline i wish my keyboard had more hotkeys :/11:31
=== Killed is now known as Vampires
Dr_Willisx-terminal-emulator = the 'system' default terminal - whatver thats set to be11:32
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  check out gnome-do  perhaps?11:32
=== RaMcHiP is now known as RaMcHiP-Away
akssps011I want to install a package at location other than /usr. How can I do this using make install ?11:33
bloopletechakssps011, usually you pass options to ./configure11:33
Dr_Willisakssps011:  with  compilidn source theres options you tive to ./configure to tell it where to go to. the 'PREFIX=' option i recall11:33
bloopletechakssps011, run ./configure --help11:34
bloopletechthen make and make install again11:34
Dr_Willis ./configure --PREFIX=/opt/   for exmple11:34
Dr_WillisI think. (going from memory)11:34
tumenjargalhow to upgrade firefox use ubuntu-tweak???11:34
Dr_Willistumenjargal:  install the proper firefox PPA repos.. and use the package manager.11:34
tumenjargalI need upgrade firefox11:34
=== digen_ is now known as digen
Dr_Willisubuntu-tweak just handles repos and other tweaks11:35
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.511:35
harleypig-!- BANG! Dr_Willis get hoist by his own petard!11:35
tumenjargalok tnx11:35
* Dr_Willis isent wearing any petards11:35
=== phylock- is now known as phylock
akssps011It says: ./configure no such file or directory11:36
Dr_Willisakssps011:  you are in the wrong dir.11:36
tumenjargalhow to add mozilla ppa to software source?11:36
Avaszwhich application is there to rip dvds?11:37
Avaszvideo dvds11:37
[Screamo]dvd decrypter11:37
[Screamo]oh wait,11:37
Red_Baroncan somebody give me a hint about a disk burner that veryfies the burned disk after burning?11:37
[Screamo]thats only on windows :(11:37
Dr_Willistheres a few in the repos. or try handbrake Avasz11:37
[Screamo]handbrake is nice, but it doesnt uh, you know :/11:37
Dr_WillisRed_Baron:  k3b can do that11:37
* Dr_Willis has no idea what [Screamo] is saying11:38
Avasz[Screamo]: what?11:38
Avasz[Screamo]: what it doesnt ?11:38
bloopletechAvasz, try http://handbrake.fr/11:38
akssps011Dr_Willis: there's no directory called configure in it. I was compilig marble11:38
AvaszDr_Willis: so i can use handbrake to rip dvds..11:38
tumenjargalthanks all11:38
[Screamo]handbrake doesnt let you go rent a movie, bring it home and rip it. :/11:38
tumenjargalit is done11:38
[Screamo]like dvd decypter does11:39
Dr_Willisakssps011:  no idea what that is.. could be its not using the normal source/tools.11:39
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  oh? why wouldent it?11:39
Avasz[Screamo]: how and why>?11:39
bloopletech[Screamo] ? Oh you mean it doesn't do decss11:39
Avaszbtw handbrake is not in apt?11:39
Dr_Willisrented disks are different from ones i get at walmart?11:39
timbulsudo /etc/openvpn/server.conf11:39
timbul/etc/openvpn/server.conf: 32: port: not found11:39
tumenjargalubuntu tweak is good :D11:39
Avaszi need to rip duplicate cds.. not originals11:39
timbulwhat its mean..?11:39
akssps011Dr_Willis: What I know is that we can change the installation path for it during make install. Any idea ?11:40
Dr_WillisThers other dvd -> video ripping tools out also.   http://ogmrip.sf.net/11:40
tumenjargalI'm updating firefox11:40
[Screamo]when i tried handbrake it wouldnt rip uh protected dvds11:40
pakauhello people.. one question.... i have ubuntu studio  9.10  can i upgrade it to 10.04 ? or you dont recomend ???????11:40
jfoozie420what the sheezy? i pressed on some key and got my face slapped to the other side of hong kong11:40
ombra c11:40
Dr_Willisakssps011:  'during install' is different then compiling and instlling from source. I dont know what/how that app works11:40
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  its possible you dident have the decess stuff installed.11:40
jfoozie420anyways, someone was trying to help me out until my rude finger screwed me over11:40
overmachtAvasz; duplicate cd and it's not original is illegal.11:41
[Screamo]it was like 3 years ago on windows11:41
Avaszovermacht: har har har.. and you torrenting is also illegal11:41
Dr_Willis[Screamo]: i dident even think Handbrake existed on windows or linux untill like  a year ago.11:41
[Screamo]who really cares about the legality of anything?11:41
overmachthar har har11:41
bloopletechAvasz: you may also need https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs11:41
[Screamo]Dr_Willis yea on windows11:41
[Screamo]i used it to riip movies for my ipod11:42
casper3how can i free up more space?11:42
Avaszwhats there bloopletech ?11:42
[Screamo]420 :D11:42
andrukcasper3: have you tried System > Administration > Computer Janitor ?11:42
Dr_Williscasper3:  clean out stuff?11:42
jfoozie420anyways back to the subject, how do i remove this watermark on my dam screen11:42
Avaszovermacht: care to join myu channel?11:42
Dr_Willisbe VERY carefull with computer-janitor11:42
akssps011Dr_Willis: OK. I was asking for the syntax of make install for specifying the destination path. I tried make DESTDIR=/usr/abc install. But the executable isn't detected.11:42
bloopletechAvasz, that's only needed if you can't play dvd's at the moment11:42
casper3nothing shown on computer janitor...11:43
Dr_Willisakssps011:  make install - normally dosent take an alternative path to put things in.11:43
jfoozie420i need to figure out how to change ati's patch11:43
akssps011Dr_Willis: then can we specify it with make ?11:44
Dr_Willisakssps011:  its normally done via ./configure options. If they are not uising a ./confgure script they may have other config scripts11:44
^b0ss^Question trying to install wine E: ttf-mscorefonts-installer: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 111:44
jfoozie420screamo lol.. bro its only in 3 days11:44
bloopletechakssps011, perhaps; without detailed knowledge of the software you are attempting to comile, we are unable to help you11:45
akssps011Dr_Willis: OK thanks11:45
[Screamo]crap i gotta get some :/11:45
Avaszok.. maybe this is offtopic. but can anyone help how to play amr sound in mplayer?11:45
jfoozie420ey ey, there should be a couple green santa's to help you out on april 20th11:45
bloopletechjfoozie420, try http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1422762&page=211:45
jfoozie420thanks bloople11:46
bloopletechjfoozie420, there's a shell script in there to remove the unsupported watermark on ati's binary drivers11:46
^b0ss^anyone give wine support11:46
[Screamo]jfoozie420 indeed, but i have a problem, later today im spending the rest of my money on a red tail boa :/11:46
bloopletechjfoozie420, sorry, the first page on that thread11:47
bloopletech^b0ss^, try #wine11:47
^b0ss^said invite only11:47
bloopletech^b0ss^, try #winehq instead11:47
bloopletech^b0ss^, you may need to be registered with freenode11:47
jfoozie420take care of your pets dear dear...11:47
bloopletech^b0ss^, which is free11:47
=== brendan_ is now known as Guest51429
* Dr_Willis tests out handbrake on a dvd11:48
* [Screamo] just realizes he has a dvd player in his comp11:48
jfoozie420man i fucking love you guys THANK_U11:49
=== am4zin is now known as amazin
[Screamo]jfoozie420 easy on the language11:49
bloopletechjfoozie420, we try11:49
[Screamo]people tend to get offended11:49
Avaszbloopletech: in which category of ubuntu-tweak is handbrake?11:49
jfoozie420LOL i forget theres gentleminded folks here too11:49
bloopletechAvasz, I have no idea11:49
jfoozie420im with ya11:49
Avaszbloopletech: oh.. ok11:50
bloopletechAvasz, look at the handbrake d/l page and see if they have any options for ubuntu11:50
bloopletechthere are also other dvd rippers for ubuntu only a search away, that may be in apt-get11:50
[Screamo]i bet dvd decrypter would run under wine11:51
bloopletechAlso is swearing an official no-no in here? I only ask because my IRC client isn't showing who is/isn't an op11:52
[Screamo]then only Op right now is FloodBot111:52
Sk_Lgsmokex: how do I install windows from a command prompt11:52
Dr_Willis[Screamo]:  they are in Ninja mode.11:52
jfoozie420my bad, i'll bloop my swearing next time11:53
geirhaAvasz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/RippingDVDs11:54
[Screamo]<Sk_Lg> smokex: how do I install windows from a command prompt11:54
[Screamo]^whats up with that?11:54
jfoozie420allrighteth!! let my linux learning commence11:55
Sk_Lg>< so I have been partitioning my machine to dual boot, but now ubuntu can't load because of gurb rescue, but windows isn't recognizing any of my drives to install on11:55
MrSunshineoh a fresh one? :)11:56
jfoozie420yes sir, im all open to what ever i need to learn11:56
Sk_LgI have command prompt, and now I am wondering how to install both on the machine11:56
MrSunshinehehe, lucky you selected ubuntu then, dont need to learn much :P11:56
[Screamo]Sk_Lg Sounds like you should wipe it and start over11:56
jfoozie420give me the basics right now, how do i move files i want from a certain directory11:57
MrSunshinejfoozie420, mv11:57
MrSunshinemv source dest11:57
Sk_Lg|screamo| how do I wipe? and start?11:57
jfoozie420kk mv'11:57
MrSunshinethats in console11:57
red2kic!bash | jfoozie42011:57
ubottujfoozie420: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:57
harleypig-!- <joshieboi> - i thought speed racer was the car11:57
[Screamo]Sk_Lg lol, you shouldnt be asking me11:57
MrSunshinejfoozie420, rm targets removes one file, rm -r targetdir removes a directory11:57
^b0ss^hey all11:57
red2kicjfoozie420: There are few basic commands in the link.11:57
MrSunshineand NEVER EVER DO "rm -rf /" :P11:58
MrSunshineand i mean NEVER11:58
jfoozie420k i will read that up too, i need to right this down11:58
^b0ss^wonder if ya can help with a install of wine prob ..i have to fix a file .....11:58
red2kicMrSunshine: You can try. (Really).11:58
MrSunshinered2kic, well as long as you arent root i guess :P11:58
^b0ss^whats ya paste site thingy again11:58
MrSunshineive done the mistake to do a russian roulett script without reading it before i executed it :P11:58
^b0ss^paste biin11:58
bloopletech^b0ss^, http://pastie.org/11:58
ombrai've found this bug on my ubuntu: http://blogs.gnome.org/hughsie/2009/08/17/gnome-power-manager-and-blanking-removal-of-bodges/11:59
^b0ss^check that for me fellas11:59
jfoozie420dam hopefully i wont get into that trouble lol11:59
jfoozie420thats why you guys are here11:59
=== RaMcHiP-Away is now known as RaMcHiP
red2kic!away > RaMcHiP12:00
ubottuRaMcHiP, please see my private message12:00
jfoozie420thanks red12:01
jfoozie420ubottu and sunshine, thanks for the info12:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:02
red2kicjfoozie420: You can use tab to highlight people.12:02
geirha^b0ss^: Sounds like you should write up a bug-report at launchpad.net, on the ttf-mscorefonts-installer.12:02
red2kic!tab | jfoozie42012:02
ubottujfoozie420: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:02
mythrilanyone know what causes edge scrolling to be jumpy on a touchpad (I just upgraded to Karmic and suddenly scrolling is an ordeal)?12:02
red2kicjfoozie420: Try typing "red" then tab.12:02
histomythril: could it be that the display is slow and not hte scrollbar? ex: using free drivers vs. propreitary?12:03
* antivirtel is back (gone 00:34:03)12:03
=== Avasz is now known as DeathKnight
bazhangantivirtel, turn off that script please12:04
mythrilhisto: using proprietary drivers12:04
bloopletechmythril, Do you use a touchpad driver?12:04
mythrilI seriously doubt it's related to anything other than the touchad12:04
jfoozie420for sure, another sweet thing ta kno12:04
bloopleteche.g. the synaptics driver?12:04
mythrilblooptech: how could I check?12:04
bloopletechmythril, do you have hardinfo installed?12:06
mythrilbloopletech: will in a second12:07
MrCraigHi all, having some issues and looking for helps... http://www.pastie.org/92442912:07
^b0ss^Geirha what for do i have to edit?12:08
mythrilbloopletech: doesn't say anything about a driver but it does list that it is an ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad12:09
tumenjargal#ubuntu is rock12:10
=== roscogruen is now known as rosco_
geirha^b0ss^: I don't understand your question.  If the package tries to grab the fonts from the wrong url, then that's a bug in that package.12:10
bloopletechmythril, ah ok. Unfortunately I don't know anything about Elantech touchpads, but perhaps if you google 'ubuntu elantech touchpad' you might find some more detailed info12:10
histoMrCraig: try setting the jacksense switch12:10
MrCraigthanks histo, googling12:10
^b0ss^its from the package software12:10
histobloopletech: probably uses synaptics driver12:10
^b0ss^from ubuntu12:10
histobloopletech: ahh nvm it may not12:10
^b0ss^didnt think it would be buggy12:10
rosco_ANYONE:  i installed tor but when i run it i can't get onto any webpage.  Ideas?12:11
geirha^b0ss^: The urls has probably changed, without the package maintainer(s) being alerted about it.12:11
jfoozie420ey is it just me or are the servers im downloading from software sources slow?12:11
^b0ss^oh ok  is there other places to download it12:11
^b0ss^that would be up to date12:11
=== antonio_ is now known as baraka
Sk_Lghow can I partition a drive, or format a hard drive in command prompt?12:12
bloopletechmythril, with my synaptics touchpad you can configure a lot of the speeds etc. including relating to edge scrolling AFAIK12:12
=== baraka is now known as kabal
rosco_ANYONE available to help with "tor" configuration?12:12
bloopletechSk_Lg, does it have to be a terminal solution?12:12
Dr_Willisrosco_:  ive seen/folowed some of the TOR ubuntu wiki pages.. but thas been 9+Mo ago.12:13
Dr_WillisSk_Lg:  partition - use fdisk, or cfdisk,  format use 'mkfs' commands12:13
mythrilbloopletech: my solution to most of my problems so far has been to manually set variables using synclient, which works, even though I guess this hardware isn't actually a synaptic piece12:13
bloopletechmythril, Ah ok then12:13
Sk_Lgbloopletech, there is only the startup disk and dos atm, and my drive has 3 partitions12:13
^b0ss^is there alt sites to download wine is the software package in ubuntu has dead linkls ?/12:13
mythrilbloopletech: because the touchpad configuration programs suck in this release12:14
Dr_Willisrosco_:  i would guess that you dident confgure everything properly. missed  the proxy setting for the browser. or for  the proxy server12:14
rosco_Dr_Willis: it is installed but it won't let me bring up any web pages.  i've disabled firewall and enabled it with TCP ports 80 & 44312:14
bloopletechmythril, well then have another look at the synclient man page - and note that gnome 2.28 (which ships with karmic) prevents HAL from setting the touchpad settings properly, if you use a hal policy file12:14
Dr_Willisrosco_:  theres more to it then just 'installing' tor. You have to set up that proxy and edit its configs to work with tor. then configure the browser to also use the proxy.12:14
bloopletechSk_Lg so are you running an ubuntu unstall right now?12:14
rosco_Dr_Willis: i thought of that, even though i don't understand it.  i read through directions and no mention of proxy12:15
bloopletechmythril, you can tell gnome not to override your settings though12:15
=== blueghost is now known as No24Day
mythrilbloopletech: yeah, I know I did some stuff to override that, this is a personal machine so the security problems don't bother me :)12:15
Dr_Willisrosco_:  i would check them again. Unless its changed radically in the last few months you had touse  a proxy server also.12:15
rosco_when i enable tor, the browser stops working.  i disable it and then it works12:15
mythrilbloopletech: err, no I mean I enabled SHMConfig12:15
Sk_Lgbloopletech: installed ubuntu as a windows partition, then reinstalled ubuntu after formating the windows, now installing windows so I can dual boot12:16
Dr_Willisrosco_:  just googling for giiodes --> http://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-unix.html.en#polipo12:16
Dr_Willisrosco_:  they mention   a caching web proxy right at the start...12:16
rosco_i mis spoke.  enabling it puts it through a proxy.12:17
bloopletechmythril, Yeah I did that too, but when I needed to set settings and have them saved, I needed to create a hal policy file with the setting sand then follow option 3 here: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Gnome_2.28_Changes#Synaptics_Touchpad12:17
bloopletechSk_Lg, then try gparted under ubuntu12:17
Dr_Willis!info polipo12:17
ubottupolipo (source: polipo): a small, caching web proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4-1.1ubuntu0.1 (karmic), package size 180 kB, installed size 764 kB12:17
mythrilheh, my solution to that was a little less legit, I was going to put the commands into my bashrc, ty12:17
bloopletechmythril, That allowed me to customise settings not exposed in the gui touchppad config tools12:17
Sk_Lgwhen I install ubuntu from a .iso flash drive, how do I prep so I can dual boot?12:17
Dr_Willisrosco_:  in the past people used Privoxy + tor.. now it seems Polipo + Tor is the fave.12:17
Dr_WillisSk_Lg:  You normally want to isntall windows first. leave part of the HD unallocated for the linux installe rto use later.12:18
rosco_how do i know polipo is turned on, Dr_12:18
rosco_Dr_Willis: ^12:18
Dr_Willisrosco_:  then i would have to say you missed the step about configrung it.12:18
stefg!install | Sk_Lg12:18
ubottuSk_Lg: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:18
ubuntuhi all12:18
Dr_Willisrosco_:  how did you install the TOR packge anyway? its not in the default repos.12:19
rosco_Dr_Willis: ^12:19
Dr_Willisrosco_:  that tells me very little...12:19
rosco_followed directions exactly.  i've read them and re-read them.  it is easy12:19
ubuntui have partition image made by partimage but i haven't backup of partition table. is possible to recovery image?12:20
Dr_Willisrosco_:  what directions?  you proberly missed a step - is about all i can suggest.12:20
rosco_the one thing that wasn't in directions, nathan_ posted.  it was ~45 min ago12:21
rosco_and that was to configure polipo12:21
stefgubuntu: you have to set up the partitions manually before you restore the image12:22
rosco_i was just on there Dr_Willis12:22
ubuntustefg, but how?12:23
stefgubuntu: gparted, fdisk. cfdisk ....12:23
furythoris sourceforge.net down ?12:24
stefgubuntu: you need to make them the same size as they were before12:24
ubuntustefg information about free and used disk space is enough?12:24
coz_good day al12:24
coz_mm  too early to spell correctly I think :)12:24
furythornow I seem to get online12:24
stefgubuntu: yes, if you sum them up you have the total size (in blocks).12:24
costreI like palimpsest ... if that's any difference from what is already mentioned12:25
=== traveller_ is now known as traveller
ubuntustefg, and gparted is good enough to do that?12:25
furythorgonna reinstall ubuntu, because I suspect something was broken down during install12:26
greenieis there a guide somewhere for adding a fluxbox desktop to a ubuntu server?12:26
Dr_Willisgreenie:  install the X server and install fluxbox.12:27
greeniei want to avoid the gnome but i need x of course...12:27
ubuntustefg, i haven't information about blocks, i have only info about size12:27
stefgubuntu: yes. even if you waste a few MB by making the partitions slightly bigger. partimgae can restore to equally sized or bigger partitions (although the _file system_ will not fill the partition then), but not zo smaller partitions12:27
greenieok does it need gdm?12:27
Dr_Willisgreenie:  you dont need a 'dm' at all.. you could just 'startx'12:27
Dr_Willisgreenie:  or use xdm12:28
greeniethanks Dr12:28
stefgubuntu: you can restore to a bigger partition and use file-system resizing later to use all of the partition12:28
ubuntustefg, i have recovered partition on larger partition but whats strange it is 47 GB, orignal partition wasn't bigger than 10GB. now used space is over 30GB...12:29
stefgubuntu: run fsck on that12:29
ubuntustefg, could you give me example command for fsck?12:30
stefgubuntu: you need to unmout the partition first, then run something like 'sudo fsck /dev/sda1'12:31
^b0ss^never unmount12:31
AcePreshaw!ask nishant12:31
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Dr_WillisYou dont fsck a mounted filesystem.12:31
nishanti just came lol not to ask anything particular AcePreshaw12:31
AcePreshawshut it12:32
AcePreshawask for help12:32
ubuntustefg, some kind of error in return Could this be a zero-length partition?12:33
cubUbuntu is a desktop and laptop type of OS rather than a server OS, am I correct?12:33
costrecub there is also ubuntu server edition12:33
stefgubuntu: i don't have enough information to be able to tell this12:33
Dr_Willisthere ubuntu-server variants :)12:33
costreand netbook edition12:33
cubi'm starting to look at Ubuntu and on the download page, it says For your desktop or laptop - download Ubuntu12:33
costreand I guess a few others12:33
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costrecub http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-server12:34
stefgubuntu: run sudo fdisk -l , that will tell you12:34
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ubuntustefg, you are really helpful. I have some work at the moment. do you plan to stay here for longer moment?12:36
stefgubuntu: no... i'm just killing time unless my lucid upgrade finished :-\12:37
costreubuntu There are always a nolifer available :D12:37
ubuntustefg, do you know how to get info about blocks (not size) from image made by partimage?12:38
cubcostre: oh ok,  thanks....does the desktop version of ubuntu have FTP server as well as some basic shells like ksh, bash, etc. ?12:39
stefgubuntu: i don't know, but 'man partimage' could know12:39
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:39
bloopletechcub: you can reasonably easily install any package that it doesn't ship with12:39
stefgubuntu: http://pwet.fr/man/linux/commandes/partimage12:40
bloopletechcub: AFAIK ubuntu server edition just has some different packages installed12:40
cubbloopletech: is the server edition equipped with drivers for hardware as much as the dekstop one?12:41
Gonghuadoes anybody know is there an answer for virtulbox usb on 10.04?12:41
bloopletechcub: I would guess so12:41
costrecub https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/index.html12:41
cubcostre: sweet, thanks12:42
kalipusoh sorry, i mean hello dudes :)12:42
stefgubuntu: BTW, looking at the man page: Are you sure that you don't have a backup of the MBR? you have to explicitly tell partimage to NOT incluse it12:43
OerGonghua, use Vbox from sun directly, not the sun Vbox OSE12:43
james1892Hi, I want to import a databse from a csv file but dont know how,, can anybody point me in the irhgt direction of a web artile?12:45
bloopletechjames1892, what database system are you using?12:45
phylockjames1892 - take a look at the "load" sql command12:45
bloopletechjames1892, you would probably be better off asking in #mysql12:46
BlessJahhi, i've got 9.10 and my wifi card is 06:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) (result from lspci)12:46
BlessJahhow can i install madwifi?12:46
james1892ok bloopletech cheers12:46
jrib!wifi > BlessJah12:46
ubottuBlessJah, please see my private message12:46
BlessJahjrib: thanks12:47
ph8hey all, what's the recommended hardy -> lucid upgrade path?12:48
IdleOneph8: fresh install12:48
stefgph8: waiting until release and then do a reinstall :-)12:48
stefg!clone | ph812:48
ubottuph8: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate12:48
G-FarkasHi, I have two pc that connect to internet with a router. I though use apt-cache for not downloading files two times. I'm thinking that maybe sharing a directory with NFS and a very little script can do the same. What do you think?12:49
ph8stefg:  a reinstall's not an option12:49
ph8this is a server machine12:49
bloopletechph8 it would be a good idea to wait until lucid is released, but in general you don't need to reinstall to upgrade12:49
BlessJahjrib: there are howtos for 8.10 and olders, and i cannot find madwifi in synaptic12:49
ph8indeed bloopletech12:49
ph8i've had fine experiences of upgrading it on my in house servers12:49
ph8but they were all karmic to lucid12:50
ph8i have a hardy box in a datacentre12:50
bloopletechin general you need to upgrate 8.04 -> 8.10 -> 9.04 -> 9.1012:50
ph8yeh that's what i thought12:50
FloodBot1ph8: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:50
ph8was wondering if there was an LTS -> LTS jump12:50
bloopletechthen 9.10 -> 10.0412:50
stefgph8: theoretically LTS-to-LTS upgrades are supported, but i won't trust it. And you get a lot of cruft by going through dist-upgrades12:50
bloopletechph8, not AFAIK but I don't know for sure12:50
IdleOneph8: there is LTS-LTS12:50
IdleOnethat is supported12:50
ph8so do you think i should lts to lts or go through intrepid, jaunty, karmic12:50
bloopletechph8: also remember that with LTS releases it disables dist-upgrade by default12:51
BlessJahbloopletech: it is impossible tu upgrade from LTS to LTS? very strange imo...12:51
bloopletechBlessJah, I don't know... I only have experience from going from hardy to karmic12:51
bloopletechnot from LTS-LTS12:51
IdleOneph8: depends on you and how confident you are in your backups. Just in case the the upgrade fails for some odd reason12:51
jpdsph8: LTS-to-LTS.12:51
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techmanCan anyone help me with an issue I'm having regarding my Audio?12:53
Matissecan anybody tell me why rsync does not start copying but also doesnt give a error message12:53
Matisse!ask techman12:53
stefgph8: usually datacenters have some kind of rescue or robot systems to initially set up servers. I'd really vote for jumping through some extra hoops for a fresh install. What's another 3 hours of extra time at reinstalling compared to hours of trouble-shooting if you end up with a half broken system?12:53
friendishanhttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/107653 anyone could help?12:53
Matisse!ask | techman12:53
ubottutechman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:53
richard123Hi everyone. I've downloaded: scribus-1.3.6.tar.bz2     but dont know how to get it to install, anyone can help please?12:54
ph8stefg:  interesting point12:54
jpdsstefg: LTS-to-LTS is supported and is the recommended way for upgrading production systems.12:54
georgeapphey everyone12:54
Matisserichard123, unzip it at first12:54
Guest7096i male age 1812:55
Guest50150should I wait for the official release of ubuntu or download the beta12:55
james1892if I install phpmyadmin on my server where what url is the page located at?12:55
bloopletechGuest7096, and?12:55
jpds!ot | Guest709612:55
ubottuGuest7096: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:55
stefgjpds: i know it's supported, but my experience tells me to not trust too much to Canonical recommendations :-)12:55
Guest50150how hard will it be to update from beta?12:55
jpdsstefg: Heh.12:55
Gonghua------Is there an answer for usb@virtualbox on ubuntu 10.04?12:55
Gonghua------Is there an answer for usb@virtualbox on ubuntu 10.04? -------12:55
Guest7096join me12:55
friendishanhelp? https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/10765312:56
psycho_oreos!lucid | Gonghua12:56
ubottuGonghua: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule12:56
GonghuaYes psycho_oreos12:56
richard123Matisse: OK I have a list of files.. what next please?12:57
GonghuaThanks psycho_oreos12:57
Matisserichard123, find out if its the source code or a compiled package12:58
^b0ss^Question : how to you get "transmission" to run at startup12:59
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:59
bazhang^b0ss^, put it in startup applications12:59
richard123Matisse: please explain.13:00
bazhangsystem preferences startup applications13:00
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot13:00
Matisserichard123, did you/it unzip it in a extra directory?13:00
lallamake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop...how do i go ?13:01
Matisserichard123, do you have a lot of files?13:01
richard123Matisse: I clicked on extract and yes have a lot of files.13:01
Dr_Willislalla:  double check the docs for compiling whatever it is you are trying to compile.13:01
bloopletechHas anyone has success in installing libgtk2.0-dev? It keeps complaining: http://pastie.org/924483 ; I've already run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade13:01
Dr_Willislalla:  the ./configure script normally genertes the files  the make program wants13:02
ozihi, i have xubuntu, what is the command to run my terminal?13:02
james1892ive just install phpmyadmin,, do i then have to link it to mysql?13:02
IdleOnebloopletech: sudo apt-get install -f13:02
IdleOnebloopletech: -f tries to fix the broken packages13:02
Oerozi > alt + F2 : nautilus13:02
Matisserichard123, follow this guide from "navigate to the folder where the source file is extracted"         http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-source-files-in-ubuntu.html13:03
bloopletechIdleOne, I've tried that, same answer13:03
JoshuaLozi, iirc xterm13:03
bloopletechjames1892, try #phpmyadmin13:03
ozithx joshual it worked perfect13:03
Dr_Willisxubuntu uses xfce - that has its own xfce specifif terminal program.13:03
Dr_Willisxterm - is the  old fashioned x terminal. :)13:04
Silexif I have a bouncer that I want to run on startup on some ubuntu box, and it has to run under a certain user... do I mess with /etc/rc.local? do I mess with /etc/init.d scripts?13:04
Matisserichard123, but at first, tell me why you want to install from source and not with the package manager13:04
IdleOnebloopletech: try installing those 5 depends?13:04
Dr_WillisSilex:  you could put it in rc.local an duse the proper 'su' command/options to run it as a differnt user13:04
^b0ss^where is startup aps ..under13:04
ozihow do i get the new fashioned terminal?13:04
^b0ss^its ok thasnk13:04
stefgSilex: i gues rc.local is the way to go13:04
richard123Matisse - I am having trouble with Synaptic!13:04
SilexDr_Willis: okay, thanks. I was afraid rc.local was run several times13:04
lallaDR_willis:i'm trying to compile vlc,./configure worked fine13:05
bloopletechIdleOne, then I get this: http://pastie.org/92448413:05
Dr_Willisozi:  its whatever xfce uses.. ive no idea what they call it. xfterm perhaps..13:05
Silex# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.13:05
Silexbut if it's only run once then it's fine13:05
richard123Matisse: E: Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)13:05
richard123E: The list of sources could not be read.13:05
richard123Go to the repository dialogue to correct the problem.13:05
richard123E: _cache->open() failed, please report.13:05
IdleOnebloopletech: this is on lucid?13:05
FloodBot1richard123: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:05
bloopletechozi: xfce-terminal AFAIK13:05
bloopletechIdleOne, no, on karmic13:05
Matisserichard123, then first try "sudo apt-get install scribus" in the shell13:05
ozino, now f13:05
ozinot xfce-terminal13:05
jartanyone familiar with audio latency issues?  i'm measuring 500+ milliseconds latency to record/playback w/ pulse on karmic13:06
ozithat is a weakness with ubuntu, how to tell commands for applications13:06
Dr_Willisozi:  no its not a weakness. :)13:06
bloopletechozi: sorry, that was wrong13:06
IdleOnebloopletech: look like your stuck in dependency loop there :/13:07
richard123Matisse: I get an error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/416107/13:07
Dr_Willisozi:    in gnome i can drag/drop icon to the  desktop and right click on it and see its properties and see whats what.13:07
bloopletechozi: xfce4-terminal13:07
ozishould be able to see the command in the "about" tab in every app13:07
Dr_Willisozi:  many commands are launching scripts.. not the actiual binary.. so that wont work.13:07
ozithanks so much bloopletech13:07
bloopletechIdleOne, it looks like the versions of libcairo2 is very slightly different from libcairo2-dev I think13:07
G-FarkasIt is posible using the gnome applet to set a static lan IP ?13:07
Dr_Willisozi:  kde at one time had 2+ lines of info in its menus.. the actual name and the 'nice name' - and the menu was very clutter4ed13:07
bloopletechozi: np13:08
ozishould be a way to tell though, maybe right clikc the shortcut in the menu13:08
* friendishan is trying to get into ubuntu13:08
Dr_Willisozi:  that would depend on the 'desktop' and the program handling the menus.13:08
IdleOnebloopletech: the problem is that it is looking for libcairo21.8.8-2ubuntu1 but the repo has  1.8.8-2ubuntu1.113:08
bloopletechIdleOne, yeah13:09
Dr_Willisxfce is one of the more limited desktops out there. You cant even drag/drop icons from its menus to the panel - last i tried.13:09
G-FarkasIt is posible using the gnome applet to set a static lan IP ? I bet that is in IPv4 manual, right? Can anyone help me to do this?13:09
IdleOnebloopletech: hmm you could try forcing it to install13:09
bloopletechIdleOne, I wonder how the repo got into this state though13:09
ozibut thanks guys, i'm out13:09
cubHow friendly is Ubuntu installation with windows XP already on the laptop?  Or am I better off using vmware?13:10
bloopletechIdleOne, tried that, same result i.e. 'E: Broken packages'13:10
acovrighow do I mount a disk? 'mount /dev/sdb1'? '/dev/sdb1' is shown in 'fdisk -l'13:10
Dr_Willis!mount | acovrig13:10
ubottuacovrig: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount13:10
IdleOnebloopletech: you may want to report a bug against libcairo2-dev13:10
bloopletechcub: it is quite friendly, which version are you going to install?13:10
Matisserichard123, you seem to have editet /etc/apt/sources.list13:10
Dr_Willisacovrig:  give a mountpoint also..  a directory that allredy13:10
bloopletechIdleOne, thanks ;)13:10
cubbloopletech: I think I'll go for the latest server edition version13:10
Matisserichard123, just repair line 54 and everything will be fine13:11
IdleOnebloopletech: in the bug report link to your pastebins13:11
Dr_Willisand the point of a server edition on a laptop is what cub ?13:11
bloopletechcub: OK, I have only installed the desktop edition myself I assume  it's the same; for me it seamlessly repartitioned my windows partition and added the grub bootloader so I can choose on bootup13:11
cubDr_Willis: oh, it'll be done on about 10 laptops for training purposes.13:11
Dr_Williscub:  training people on the server edition?13:11
Dr_WillisYou could do 1 server.. and 9 live cd;s with ssh access to the server. :)13:12
acovrighow do I mount a disk? 'mount /dev/sdb1'? '/dev/sdb1' is shown in 'fdisk -l'13:12
cubDr_Willis: maybe a good idea is to start with the desktop then add the packages later for servers that I need?13:12
Dr_Willis!mount | acovrig13:12
Dr_Williscub:  add them for the 'services' you use - yes13:12
Dr_Williscub:  that will work MUCH better then turning a server install into a desktop13:12
Jimmy7How do you change "@ubuntu-desktop" in terminal to something custom?13:12
cubDr_Willis: point well taken ...thanks13:13
acovrigDr_Willis, I tried 'mount /dev/sdb1' and it cant find it in fstab or mtab why?13:13
Dr_WillisJimmy7:  check out the 'bash prompt' howto guides.13:13
tarelerulzI got an android phone and it records video in mpeg 4 ,but the audio is in arm and nothing seems to play it . I got the lib for that ,but I have no idea what media player use that13:13
richard123Matisee:please explain how exactly, thank you.13:13
Dr_Willisacovrig:  your command is imcomplete - unless you got a fstab entry for it.13:13
bloopletechtarelerulz, perhaps try mplayer13:13
Dr_Willisacovrig:  mount /dev/whatever /media/makeadir13:13
bloopletechtarelerulz, it may include support for that codec13:13
JSundisn't the host name supposed to be the thing after the @ sign, in that case, wouldn't it be sufficient to edit /etc/hostname?13:13
cubbloopletech: also, what if I decide to take ubuntu off the machine, is there an easy way to clean out that grub bootloader?13:13
bloopletechcub: Not sure13:14
Dr_WillisJSund:  you can set the prompt in 100000+ different ways.13:14
acovrigDr_Willis, that works, thanks13:14
Dr_WillisJSund:  thats not what he really asked..  unless he was unclear13:14
bloopletechcub: if you restart windows in recovery mode I think you can run fdisk /fixmbr which will remove it13:14
Dr_Williscub:  reinstall the windows loader.13:14
JSundDr_Willis: yeah, but I'm guessing that someone who asks that question would probably be using the default configuration, but I don't know13:14
Dr_WillisThe Bash prompt howto - is a lot of fun anyway :)13:15
tarelerulzI have try realplayer helix, totem , smplayer -mplayer , xbmc and nothing seem to play that format . I hate Google for picking some crazy format13:15
acovrighow do i download a package without installing it?13:15
cubDr_Willis: do you think vmware would make it cleaner for the two OS'es to co-exist?13:15
Dr_Williscub:  i perfer virtualbox.13:15
Dr_Williscub:  using vbox/vmware can have other benifits - depending on what you are doing.13:16
Matisserichard123, paste line 5413:16
Dr_Williscub:  ie: easy to restore to a set point,  easy to install/setup to a dozen+ machines.. and so forth13:16
Matisserichard123, or paste what    cat /etc/apt/sources.list   gives you13:16
Dr_Williscub:  so it all depends on your needs13:16
cubDr_Willis: you mean this one  http://www.virtualbox.org/  ?13:16
bloopletechtarelerulz, how did you install mplayer?13:17
MatisseDoes rsync need a running rsync server? Or is ssh enough?13:17
icarus-cMatisse: no it doesn't need a rsync server13:17
IdleOneacovrig: sudo apt-get -d package13:17
Dr_Williscub:  i havent used vmware in years.. I use virtualbox now a days13:17
Dr_WillisFor thosw wanting to play with fancy bash prompts -->   http://www.nanolx.org/newsnanolx/item/48-bashstyle-ng13:18
Dr_Willisa bash prompt generator tool :)13:18
richard123Matisse: please look at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/416112/13:18
bloopletechcub: yes, that's the virtualbox Dr_Willis is referring to13:18
cubDr_Willis: so the basic concept for virtualbox is, virtualbox runs on Windows XP as an installed application, then Ubuntu runs inside of virtualbox?13:19
acovrigI have 2 ubuntus 1 with, 1 without internet, how do I usb a backage to comp 2?13:19
candybanDoes anyone in here use banshee with daap? (because I have trouble "seeing" anyone ... nor does anyone see me)13:19
acovrigIdleOne, then how do i install it to comp2, and where does it download to?13:19
candybanI'm using lucid13:19
IdleOneacovrig: copy to USB then from terminal sudo dpkg -i package13:19
=== nightfrog is now known as culb
richard123Matisse: there is a space before 'karmic' is this the problem how do I correct it?13:21
acovrigIdleOne, I get an invalid command <package name>13:21
rocket161Flips a coin: TAILS13:21
Dr_Williscub:  yes. thats how vmware works also13:21
bazhangrocket161, what?13:21
Matisserichard123, the space is ok. didnt you edit that file before?13:21
IdleOneacovrig: change package name to the actual name of the package13:22
=== rocket161 is now known as rocket16
friendishananyone could help me how could i determine about my sda1 or sda2 or sda3?13:22
acovrigIdleOne, I did13:22
IdleOneacovrig: what package?13:22
richard123Matisse: i tried to add a repositary, then error messages started and I cant get back in to do anything.13:22
Dr_Willisfriendishan:  detrtmine what about them?13:22
acovrig'apt-get -d sun-java6-bin' returns 'Invalid operation sun-java6-bin'13:22
icarus-cfriendishan: blkid, fdisk -l could help13:22
friendishanDr_Willis which one i am using for ubuntu13:22
rocket16bazhang: A /flip plugin13:22
bazhangrocket16, please disable plugins here13:23
friendishanicarus-c from grub?13:23
IdleOneacovrig: sun-java6-jre13:23
icarus-cfriendishan: from a terminal13:23
friendishananyone could help me how could i determine about my sda1 or sda2 or sda3  from grub2?13:23
AppetiteDoes anyone know of a way to capture headphone output to a file? (like instead of playing to the headphone port, it writes it to a file)13:23
IdleOneacovrig: you will probably also want sun-java6-plugin13:23
friendishanicarus-c the problem is i get to grub when i start ubuntu....so trying to do a manual boot13:23
cubDr_Willis: i see, so the ubuntu OS inside of virtualbox (which is also inside of XP), can it be modified with a different IP address than the "mother" XP network setting?13:23
rocket16bazhang: I am using Pidgin, and those Plugins are for all accounts. Please stop asking to disable, since it does harm anybody.13:23
icarus-cfriendishan: you could try them all13:24
coz_Dr_Willis,  nice  bashstyle-ng   will play  :)13:24
friendishanicarus-c ok13:24
* icarus-c points cub to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtualization13:24
acovrigIdleOne, its not getting the -d or something, it thinks that it is a command not a package name13:25
icarus-ccub: or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_virtualization13:25
Matisserichard123, remove that line, will help13:25
richard123Matisse: How?13:25
Matisseas you added it before...13:25
IdleOneacovrig: paste the command here please?13:25
Matissekdesu kate and open the file13:26
Matisseor sudo mcedit /etc/apt/sources.list13:26
acovrigIdleOne, 'apt-get install -d sun-java6-jre'13:26
Matisserichard123, sorry, i dont have any time left, ask the others or try the commands13:26
acovrigIdleOne, it returns 'E: Invalid operation sun-java6-bin'13:26
lubsehello, I wish to set up a 1gb ram disk, can someone help me understand what these commands do?13:26
lubsesudo mkfs -t ext3 -q /dev/ram1 6553613:27
lubsesudo mkdir -p /ramdisk13:27
lubsesudo mount /dev/ram1 /ramdisk -o defaults,rw13:27
=== mickster14 is now known as mickster04
icarus-clubse: ramdisk? why are you making ext3 on it?13:27
icarus-clubse: read about Linux  tmpfs & ramfs  infrastructure13:27
lubseI have no idea, because I found it on google13:27
richard123Can anyone help me with this error trying to open synaptic or update manager: http://paste.ubuntu.com/416107/   &   http://paste.ubuntu.com/416112/13:27
IdleOneacovrig: hmmm I am getting same error13:28
lubsehmm... :-/13:28
acovrigIdleOne, i don't understand if u just type 'apt-get' it shows the -d parameter13:28
icarus-clubse:  mount -t tmpfs -o rw,size=1024M none /mnt/tmp13:28
IdleOneacovrig: work around: go to packages.ubuntu.com and download it13:28
icarus-clubse: that's all about it13:28
acovrigconfigure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH why?13:29
icarus-clubse: OR, by default configuration, there is "ramdisk" of 50% of you total ram on /dev/shm13:29
lubseI have 12 GB ram13:29
icarus-clubse: you could simply mount -o bind /dev/shm /mnt/ramdisk13:29
guntbertrichard123: in the last line the "main restricted universe multiverse" (or whatever you like) is missing13:30
lubseI think 1GB will be enough, I will only use it to store my dataset13:30
icarus-clubse: dataset?13:30
lubseI hope it will speed up things13:30
icarus-clubse: if i got 12GB, i would load my whole system into ram on boot :P13:30
richard123guntbert - I cant get back in to change it?13:31
icarus-cconsidering the whole installation i've got is just ~4GB13:31
lubsewould that really speed things up?13:31
icarus-clubse: you do the math13:31
guntbertrichard123: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list   should get you an editing session13:32
lubsenah, maybe in theory13:32
lubsebut I doubt it will make much difference in practise13:32
icarus-clubse: it takes 25 seconds to load 1GB of stuff from hard disk to ram.  but < 1 second from ram to ram13:32
lubseye, but when do you ever load 1GB of stuff?13:32
lubseunless you load a big dataset..13:32
icarus-clubse: that would result in instant application startup13:32
lubsemy apps start up fast enough already, I don't have any big apps I think13:33
Grudg3Does someone here have knowledge of blade servers and has 5 minutes of time? Please13:34
guntbert!crosspost | Grudg313:34
ubottuGrudg3: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.13:34
=== RaMcHiP is now known as RaMcHiP-Away
icerootGrudg3: ##hardware, ibm.com13:35
lubselubse@wegumar7:~/Desktop$ sudo mount -t tmpfs -o rw,size=1024M none /mnt/tmp13:35
lubsemount: mount point /mnt/tmp does not exist13:35
Ganymedehow would i find out which ubunut package provides the perl module MIME::QuotedPrint::Perl13:35
icarus-clubse: you guess13:35
richard123guntbert: you are a whiz - that worked. Now, what I was trying to do originally was install: scribus-1.3.6.tar.bz2 that I have extracted and got lots of files but dont know what to do with them - can you help further?13:35
lubseI need to make a dir?13:36
icarus-clubse: correct13:36
lubsecalled /mnt/tmp ?13:36
guntbertrichard123: why are you trying to install that from source? it is in the repos13:37
Grudg3iceroot, thank you!13:37
guntbert!info scribus | richard12313:37
ubotturichard123: scribus (source: scribus): Open Source Desktop Page Layout. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 9388 kB, installed size 26960 kB13:37
lubsedo I need to make it where bin, home, boot, dev, ect, folders are?13:37
richard123guntbert: sorry I dont follow.13:38
icarus-clubse: mkdir /mnt/tmp && mount -t tmpfs -o rw,size=1024M none /mnt/tmp13:38
=== RaMcHiP-Away is now known as RaMcHiP
richard123guntbert: this is a newer version than I have installed.13:39
guntbertrichard123: in ubuntu you usually install software with the proper management tools13:39
lubseah, mnt was already there13:39
andreligneHello everybody! I have a problem. My USB-speaker won't give away any sound through the speaker, even though in Volume Control it shows that the sound is sending to the speaker. It worked a few days ago. Please help me :)13:39
richard123guntbert: do you mean Package Manager?13:39
icarus-clubse: that's why i put it in /mnt/tmp13:39
lubseit did not error13:40
richard123guntbert: as this version is not listed in it.13:40
lubsenow I can just mv files there?13:40
guntbertrichard123: I mean synaptic or software center or apt-get or aptitude13:40
costreandreligne, That sounds like a 99% likely hardware failure .. check the volume settings, on/offswitch etc13:40
lubseI did not see a spike in memory usage on system monitor13:40
andrelignecostre, but the speakers works in Windows13:41
icarus-clubse: type "mount" command, if it shows something like /mnt/tmp mounted on tmpfs. it is13:41
richard123guntbert: software centre does not list this version, neither does package manager: what would be the command in a terminal if I have downloaded and extracted to a folder on the desktop?13:41
=== kostas_thess is now known as kost{a}s_thess
* kost{a}s_thess is away: Gone away for now13:42
allu2i have problem with my cd/dvd drive on my omnibook x3-GF on ubuntu 9.10 . when i insert disc it begins to spin and no program can really read it well, mplayer got that there is 19 tracks but then got stuck, here is dmesg after putting cd in http://paste.ubuntu.com/416117/13:42
lubsenone on /mnt/tmp type tmpfs (rw,size=1024M)13:42
icarus-clubse: that uses dynamic allocation mechanism, and that the used memory goes into cache13:42
icarus-clubse: yea that's right13:42
overmind!away > kost{a}s_thess13:42
ubottukost{a}s_thess, please see my private message13:42
guntbert!latest | richard12313:42
ubotturichard123: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.13:42
guntbertrichard123: why do you need this version?13:42
Grudg3Iceroot, maybe have an idea why I can't join ##hardware ?13:42
^b0ss^question can someone some me step by step how to add transmission to the startup list thank you ..13:43
icarus-clubse: between, i bind /tmp  to /dev/shm (which is a ramdisk in your terminology)    /tmp is the place where most UNIX applications store temporary files13:43
overmindGrudg3: Surelly it's because you need be identified13:43
Grudg3Okay... Which means? :) sorry, not a regular irc user...13:43
Dr_Willis!register | Grudg313:43
ubottuGrudg3: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode13:43
richard123guntbert: someone in scribus channel recommeded I update because the bug I wanted to report is probably covered by the 150 bugs fixed in this release.13:43
allu2^b0ss^,  System -> Preferences -> Start Up Applications13:44
Grudg3Thank you guyz!13:44
vincyma per scaricare13:44
overmind!it | vincy13:44
ubottuvincy: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:44
vincyki mi aiuta13:44
lubsehmm, file still takes ages to load :(13:44
vincycome si scarica su xchat??13:44
LetsGo67How do I fix Acer 5315 laptop overheating issues once and for all?13:44
lubsemaybe I need to place java runtime, and the java app class files also on the ramdisk?13:44
guntbertrichard123: I see - please type "/msg ubottu compile" here in the channel (without the quotes) - that should give you something to read :-)13:46
andreligneHello everybody! I have a problem. My USB-speaker won't give away any sound through the speaker, even though in Volume Control it shows that the sound is sending to the speaker. It works fine i Windows 7!13:46
telmichgood afternoon13:46
telmichhere's a small report back on 10.04beta2 on the X201: http://www.nico.schottelius.org/blog/lenovo-x201-with-linux/13:46
smtcan anyone help me configure my xchat to autoidentify to freenode? i put my pw into freenodes network settings but i still get asked to identify each time i connect to freenode13:46
guntbert!lucid | telmich13:46
ubottutelmich: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule13:46
Nedzadkhi all13:47
icarus-csmt: from menu, XCHAT -> Network List -> select Freenode -> Edit13:47
Nedzadk im new at linux13:47
guntbertsmt: please ask in #freenode or #xchat13:47
vincyciao come si scarica su qusta chat??13:47
Nedzadkso jst want to drop in n seay hi :)13:47
smtthats what i did icarus-c13:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:47
guntbert!it | vincy13:47
ubottuvincy: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:47
telmichguntbert: wherefore?13:48
icarus-csmt: what else do you need?13:48
vincycè qualcuno13:48
smti need it working ;)13:48
richard123guntbert: you have referred me to:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware  is that what you mean?13:48
inglorNedzadk: this is the official support channel, if you want to just talk there's the ubuntu-offtopic channel13:48
guntberttelmich: you were talking about the not yet released version - please do it in #ubuntu+113:48
telmichguntbert: ok13:48
icarus-csmt: have you put your Nick name, and nickserv password correctly?13:49
guntbertrichard123: yes - if you are going to compile software yourself you will have to know what you are doing :)13:49
richard123guntbert: OK, thank you for your help :-)13:50
icarus-csmt: have you select Auto connect to this server, as well as  select "Skip network list on startup" ?13:50
guntbertrichard123: I know it was no real help :-)13:51
smtskip network list? where do i find that (sry my systems german, but i dont find an expression to that)13:51
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icarus-csmt: ctrl - s13:51
icarus-csmt: right below the network list13:52
guntbertsmt: xchat/network list, like icarus-c said13:52
=== kost{a}s_thess is now known as kostas_thess
* kostas_thess is back.13:52
xandkostas_thess: turn that off thanks13:52
smtk ,ill try13:53
=== smt_ is now known as smt
^b0ss^how do i install themes13:56
bazhang^b0ss^, from gnome-look.org ; drag the tar.gz to the theme manager13:56
icarus-c^b0ss^: or do you use emerald?13:57
^b0ss^i use13:57
bazhang^b0ss^, right click desktop, change background then go to themes tab13:57
BluesKajhey folks13:57
^b0ss^the standard desktop that comes with ubuntu13:57
LetsGo67I am tired of Ubuntu overheating!  Why didn't Canonical fix it yet?  How do I downgrade the kernel?13:57
inglor^b0ss^ , sudo apt-get install emerald-themes13:57
^b0ss^and i saw all these really call cube things and different themes and wanted em13:57
bloopletechIdleOne, I finally solved my problem13:57
yehiaguys i want to install some application and i dont know how to make it correctly ... can any body help -  here is the link      http://www.rivendellaudio.org/rivendell/download.shtml13:58
icarus-c^b0ss^: do you enable fancy desktop effect and have something like a transparent window title? in that case, that's probably emerald13:58
inglor^b0ss^: the cube thing is compiz related not emerald, emerald is just the window decorator13:58
bazhangemerald is no longer developed nor supported13:58
inglorbazhang: but it still works...13:59
icarus-c^b0ss^: if you don't use 3D desktop, most likely you are using metacity, in that case you get theme from gnome-look and drag & drop to the theme manager as someone said before13:59
^b0ss^im just using what came with the iso13:59
ingloricarus-c: you don't have to use 3d desktop if you use compiz13:59
bloopletechBy adding http://pastie.org/924532 to my /etc/apt/source.list, I was able to install libgtk2.0-dev13:59
BluesKajyehia, that's suse/rpm files, they don't run on ubuntu13:59
icarus-cinglor: um, compiz is 3D13:59
^b0ss^want it to look something like this13:59
bazhangvincy, english here ; #ubuntu-it for italian14:00
mudassarhello people I need an information, I want to record a webiner in ubuntu (with kde), the video will come with a vnc client and audio with come with a sip call, how can I record this whole session with such configuration ?14:00
yehiaBlueKaj, look at the end of the page you will see that they have the source of another Version of linux14:00
^b0ss^just play with the different themes14:00
bazhang^b0ss^, install ccsm then14:00
ingloricarus-c: it's 3d but the average user won't be able to tell unless he enables effects like desktop cube14:00
xangua!ccsm | ^b0ss^14:00
ubottu^b0ss^: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz14:00
icarus-cinglor: no matter you use cube or whatever, but technically it is 3D14:00
^b0ss^ill look it up14:00
bazhang^b0ss^, also /join #compiz14:00
icarus-cinglor: even you have everything flat in compiz :D14:00
ingloricarus-c: technically, yes :P14:01
ugliefroganyone know of a youtube client...totem gives me error when i try to watch youtube videos...search works but cant watch14:02
yehiaguys i want to install some application and i dont know how to make it correctly ... can any body help -  here is the link      http://www.rivendellaudio.org/rivendell/download.shtml14:02
Beyecixramdyoutube changed their system, not a big deal,watch videos from their webiste14:02
icarus-c^b0ss^: note that in the screenshots, it is using "Global Menu" (note the top)14:02
BluesKajyehia, did you read my post?14:03
inglorugliefrog: you can watch youtube videos with totem, the movie player that comes with ubuntu14:03
icarus-c^b0ss^: http://code.google.com/p/gnome2-globalmenu/14:03
inglorugliefrog: the thing is, there's no reason it shouldn't work14:03
BluesKaj!rpm | yehia14:03
ubottuyehia: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)14:03
ugliefroginglor, gives me a gstreamer error14:03
yehiaBluesKaj: DID youuu read my post ?14:03
inglorugliefrog: did you install the restircted extras?14:03
^b0ss^should i be installing14:04
yehiaBluesKaj: i send you to tell you that at then end of the page - they are posting the Version of NON SuSe system14:04
bazhang^b0ss^, up to you14:04
^b0ss^is there something better/14:04
^b0ss^whats the lastest most supported?14:04
bazhang^b0ss^, did you read the link?14:04
BluesKaj!tar | yehia14:05
ubottuyehia: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression14:05
ugliefroginglor, yep they are installed i get this error after i do a search from inside totem then clik to watch.....GStreamer encountered a general supporting library error.14:06
icarus-cyehia: build from source then14:07
^b0ss^everyone is telling me a different thing14:07
yehiaok BluesKaj, but i want to know how to install it step by step - coz i think iam going something wrong14:07
^b0ss^have you seen all those different mouse pointers everyone has?14:07
^b0ss^its aweseom!!14:07
yehiaicarus-c: what are you saying ?14:07
icarus-c^b0ss^: for mouse pointer theme, it is about metacity, again get it from gnome-look14:07
icarus-cyehia: your rivendell14:08
^b0ss^ok grome ...where are all these plugins14:08
^b0ss^and how i install em through the soft package?14:08
^b0ss^packae manager sorry14:08
icarus-c^b0ss^: search for compiz & emerald14:08
xangua^b0ss^: http://gnome-look.org/14:08
^b0ss^i think there both installed14:08
yehiaicarus-c: i have downloaded it and i have tried to install it before - but i guess something is going wrong with me while iam installing - so i need some support while iam doing this - or some body can check it with me14:08
^b0ss^thats what i want xan14:09
icarus-cyehia: simply get the tarball (tar.gz) , extract it.  then you could 1. make a package ; 2. OR compile it like :  ./configure --prefix=$HOME/rivendell && make && make install14:09
icarus-cyehia: DON"T BUILD AS ROOT14:10
EmryWhat is the projected release date for Lucid? :)14:10
hatake_kakashi!lucid > Emry14:10
ubottuEmry, please see my private message14:10
xanguaEmry: april 2914:10
^b0ss^i dont know how to do any of that yet14:10
Emryhatake_kakashi, Thanks! ^_^14:10
^b0ss^ill read up more14:10
hatake_kakashiEmry, no worries14:10
Emry:P I am running beta on my laptop, so I was wondering when to expect it to be stable again. *grins*14:11
yehiaicarus-c : can you go with me step by step ?14:11
=== smt__ is now known as smt
dancalloHas Ubuntu 10.4 been released?14:11
bazhangdancallo, no14:11
Emryxangua, Thanks to you too. ^_^14:11
icarus-cyehia: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+install+from+source+linux14:12
bazhangicarus-c, that's not acceptable here14:12
bazhang!compile | yehia14:13
ubottuyehia: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:13
icarus-cbazhang: sorry. but i think that the first thing you need to learn on linux is google14:13
mickster04icarus-c: if you can't help someone, at least don't patronise them...14:13
bazhangicarus-c, its insulting. better to say nothing at all.14:13
bazhangyehia, read that link; you will need to install build-essential package14:14
tomeoDoes ubuntu support playback of 1080p video?14:14
xangua!hi | lola14:15
ubottulola: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:15
icarus-ctomeo: yes.14:15
lolaalguien de andalucia14:15
tomeoicarus-c: so ubuntu supports hardware acceleration?14:15
xangualola: do you have any related ubuntu question¿14:16
geezer(just testing xdefaults colours... please ignore this)14:16
icarus-ctomeo: i'm not sure about that.14:16
BluesKaj!an | lola14:16
yehiabazhang: can you make it easier for me  ?? i went to this link and i was trying to understand how it goes - but iam getting so confused by reading too many lines- its not clear and so long14:16
BluesKaj!es | lola14:16
ubottulola: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:16
=== smt_ is now known as smt
bazhangargentine is ar14:17
yehiabazhang: can you make it easier by telling me the steps which i should do - not to guide me the pages to read please14:17
bazhangyehia, got a link? I can point you in the right direction, but most of the work of compiling is on your end14:17
BluesKajandalucia , I beleive is a dialect in spain , is it not bazhang14:17
mickster04tomeo: i presume if you have a program that uses hardware accelleration then it will be used...14:18
bazhangBluesKaj, sounds right14:18
^b0ss^ok i got a gnome theme. it has 5 files how do i install this thanks14:18
bazhang^b0ss^, as I said before drag to the theme manager14:18
yehiai got the link - but i cant understand because its sooo much talking there - if you can guide me that would be so kind of you14:18
xangua^b0ss^: have you read what they said to you¿ sys> prefs> appearence14:18
^b0ss^no sorry i was readdy14:19
bazhang^b0ss^, right click desktop, change backgrounds go to themes tab, drag the tar.gz there14:19
^b0ss^ok great thanks14:19
bazhang^b0ss^, for compiz help, please /join #compiz14:19
^b0ss^i thought this was gnome ....also ..there are wsz files14:20
=== RaMcHiP is now known as RaMcHiP-Away
^b0ss^what are wsz files peopl14:20
bazhang^b0ss^, got a link?14:21
bazhang^b0ss^, thats for kubuntu you know14:21
icarus-cyehia: have you obtain and extract the source tarball? and install all necessary software for compiling software as mentioned in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware ?14:21
^b0ss^im lost..lol14:21
^b0ss^wrong themes?14:22
bazhanggnome-look.org ^b0ss^14:22
mickster04^b0ss^: which ubuntu are you using?14:22
icarus-cyehia: plus you need Qt314:22
bazhang!themes | ^b0ss^ read carefully14:22
ubottu^b0ss^ read carefully: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy14:22
c009hey guys can u tell me if there is any gcc compiler available ???14:22
c009hi stephan14:23
xanguac009: synaptic¿14:23
icarus-c!compile | c00914:23
ubottuc009: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:23
timbulhai... all14:23
icarus-chope i do it right this time :-S14:23
^b0ss^at the moment i have compiz and emerald install ....it said choose one14:23
^b0ss^should i only have only installed14:24
c009thanx ubottu14:24
overmind^b0ss^: Compiz fusion is the newest version of Compiz and Beryl (fusionated)14:24
c009thanx icarus-c14:24
overmind^b0ss^: Anyways you can can both installed and just have 1 enabled14:24
overmindcan have14:25
c009hi all14:25
overmind!bot | c00914:25
ubottuc009: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins14:25
^b0ss^ok ...so i want compiz fusion themes?14:25
bazhangits just compiz now14:25
icarus-covermind: um what? emerald _needs_ compiz to work14:25
bazhang^b0ss^, yes and /join #compiz14:25
icarus-c^b0ss^: compiz does the effect,  emerald decorate your window. get it ? :)14:25
overmindicarus-c: yay, I missread  -  Emerald is compiz's window decorator :P14:25
c009 wats  a bot ?14:26
LetsGo67The laptop overheats and the video lags!  How do I downgrade my kernel?14:26
c009like that botnets14:26
^b0ss^ok can i install theses?14:26
smtnot by default overmind14:26
mickster04c009: no a bot is short for robot14:26
overmindc009: Well, installing emerald and "emerald -replace" will enable it14:26
mickster04c009: they are programs to help monitor and control the channel instead of ops14:26
LetsGo67The laptop overheats and the video lags!  How do I downgrade my kernel?14:27
overmindsmt: That was for you, sorry, tab fail14:27
mickster04LetsGo67: have you tried leaning your laptop14:27
^b0ss^what does ubuntu 9.10 support for themes default is there a drage and drop file for themes ?14:27
icarus-cLetsGo67: from the boot menu, select an older kernel?  (assuming that you keep a few kernel releases)14:28
LetsGo67mickster04: It used to never do that until 9.10.  I cannot access the boot menu in Lucid Lynx.14:28
c009mickster04 : i installed tor and having problem in connection to web14:28
xangua^b0ss^: yes, sys> prefs> appearence..................14:28
smti know that overmind, i just wanted to say that it isnt that way by default14:28
bazhang^b0ss^, yes, I have told you several times now14:28
c009instead of getting it started on itself14:28
c009can i do it manually14:28
mickster04LetsGo67: thats probably a lucid problem go to ubuntu+1 for hep with that14:28
^b0ss^ok give me any link i can drap into the themes box14:29
^b0ss^for a test14:29
^b0ss^any link14:29
icarus-c^b0ss^: iirc you don't drag & drop for emerald theme14:29
LetsGo67How do I stop my laptop from overheating?  Acer Aspire 5315.  It's a problem in 9.10 stable too.14:29
mickster04c009: i dont use tor14:29
bazhang^b0ss^, get one from gnome-look.org14:29
mickster04LetsGo67: clean you fan area14:29
icarus-c^b0ss^: but you click Import in emerald settings14:29
LetsGo67How do you translate cat meows?14:29
^b0ss^for the love of god14:29
c009is there any alternative for using  tor ?14:29
LetsGo67Mickster04, it's a non-issue in older Ubuntu releases such as 8.1014:30
c009mickster04  :is there any alternative for using  tor ? wich u knw ?14:30
mickster04c009: i dunno what it is for14:30
c009it's a proxifier14:30
^b0ss^so BAZ HOw do i install this ....step by set as there are 5 download links to it14:30
r0bcan someone help? i installed the nvidia restricted driver on 9.10 and after restarting my resolution defaults back to 640x480 and in the display menu i get no option to change it back to my preferred resolution 1280x102414:30
hatake_kakashi!ot | LetsGo6714:31
ubottuLetsGo67: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:31
mickster04LetsGo67: well i doubt ubuntu can make your laptop overheat, its not doing so much more than previous version14:31
mickster04hatake_kakashi: ?14:31
c009u may find the info at torproject.org it keeps u anynomous it's open source14:31
LetsGo67Mickster04: fan stays off all the time, even when playing video.14:31
smtneed to install/use nvidia X Server Settings r0b14:31
hatake_kakashimickster04, in regards to question about interpreting cat meows14:31
mickster04LetsGo67: sudo apt-get install acpi14:32
mickster04hatake_kakashi: fairynuff14:32
r0bsmt: would that have been installed with the restricted driver pack install?14:32
smtnot shure but think so14:32
LetsGo67Mickster04: yeah, in the forums they talk about turning off acpi, turning it on, running machine code...14:32
naught101is there a way to get firefox+flash to release the audio device without restarting firefox?14:32
smtsearch the "System" tab r0b14:32
LetsGo67Mickster04: it wasn't installed.  What will it do?14:33
mickster04LetsGo67: sudo apt-get install acpi14:33
r0bsmt: ok when i open that all my options are is 640x480 or 320x??? that doesnt cut it14:33
c009thanx guys14:33
mickster04LetsGo67: it will interface with temperature gauges and fans i think, measn the fan will come on:p14:34
smtr0b use google, this stuf is well documented14:34
gp4i have set a shoutcast server for 200 people but maximum 91 people can connect it. how to solve that problem?14:34
LetsGo67Mickster04: how do I turn it on?14:34
xangua!ot > gp414:34
ubottugp4, please see my private message14:34
LetsGo67!hello > xangua14:34
ubottuxangua, please see my private message14:34
LetsGo67How do I turn on acpi?14:35
mickster04LetsGo67: it will run automatically if you have it installed14:35
^b0ss^ok i download a .zip with tars and extracted14:36
^b0ss^i have a folder14:36
^b0ss^now ..with all the themes extracted in it14:36
LetsGo67I can't hear my fan with 720 video Mickster0414:37
^b0ss^how do i add it14:37
oskarslinuxay alguien14:37
oskarslinuxque me heche un cable14:37
xanguahi oskarslinux, do you have any ubuntu related question¿14:37
smtdont extract the tars ^b0ss^ , they are the packages that have to be imported into theme manager14:37
xangua!language > LetsGo6714:37
ubottuLetsGo67, please see my private message14:37
LetsGo67Video skips every secont.14:37
oskarslinuxonly english14:38
^b0ss^where is theme manager14:38
LetsGo67How do I stop it please?  I want to use my laptop like normal.14:38
maco^b0ss^: should be able to just drag & drop the whole tar into system -> administration -> appearance14:38
smtdunno the english menu entries ^boss^, sry14:39
maco^b0ss^: er sorry, system -> preferences -> appearance14:39
lazarus i'm looking for some webcam recording software for ubuntu any help?14:39
macolazarus: cheese?14:39
xanguahave you tried with a more recent kernel LetsGo67¿ you can find here precompilated packaged in deb http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/14:39
oskarslinuxalgun canal en españolç14:39
lazarusmaco, its bad14:39
xangualazarus: cheese is the official for gnome14:40
mickster04LetsGo67: link me the specs of your laptop14:40
xangua!es > lazarus14:40
ubottulazarus, please see my private message14:40
LetsGo67mickster04: Acer Aspire 5315 with 1.8ghz celeron and 3GB RAM.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/53297814:41
shafieii used synaptic in order to install boost.asio but i dont see any .so or .a file in my usr/lib :(14:41
lazarusthe video is recorded real bad and is very laggy14:41
shafieidoes anybody know the reason?14:41
mickster04LetsGo67: have you done the grub change?14:42
costreLetsGo67, Does it get hot? Check the sensors14:42
macolazarus: just doing a quick package search... fswebcam, geekast, camstream14:42
LetsGo67Mickster04: what does nolapic mean?14:42
LetsGo67costre: physically hot.14:42
xangua!es | oskarslinux14:42
ubottuoskarslinux: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:42
richard123Hi, I am trying to compile a file but the command ./configure gives me : bash: ./configure: No such file or directory14:42
macoshafiei: "dpkg -L <package name>" will list the files were in that package14:43
LetsGo67LO SIENTO NO PUEDO oskarslinux14:43
mickster04LetsGo67: dunno just do it:D14:43
richard123but the configure file exists.14:43
LetsGo67All right.  Reset time.  Bye everyone!  Thanks for the encouragements!14:43
^b0ss^how do i know if im using gnome of compiz14:43
macorichard123: there's no configure script then. maybe there's a autogen.sh or a CMakeLists.txt?14:43
maco^b0ss^: compiz is a window manager. gnome is a desktop environment. perhaps you're using gnome with compiz?14:43
shafieii use to see the directories by synaptic14:43
gotttorichard123: or you're in the wrong dir14:43
shafieibut it doesnt use usr/lib at all14:44
shafieiand in elsewhare which it mentions, i don see no .so or .a file14:44
^b0ss^how do i start up compiz14:44
bazhang^b0ss^, hi14:45
olof__j #gnome14:45
^b0ss^hello baz14:45
bazhang^b0ss^, /join #compiz14:45
AbtomikHi Guys till when is 8.04LTS Supported?14:46
richard123maco/gottto: I am in the right directory and trying to follow compile instructions, but cant get past the configure stage.14:46
xanguaAbtomik: the desktop verson has 2 year support, server is 3 i believe14:46
poseydudes i woke up this morning and my computer was hung with the hardrive light on, all usb shut off, is there a log somewhere that would tell me what happened?14:47
shafieides anyone know how to build boost asio?14:47
AbtomikWhat do you recommend me to install for a server that will host TRAC?14:47
poseyi was poking around in log manager and i couldnt find anything besides powerups14:47
gotttorichard123: if you do   ls   does configure show up?14:47
macorichard123: not all programs are compiled the same way14:47
macorichard123: that easy howto is for the most common way, but not the *only* way14:47
macorichard123: read the README for whatever you're trying to compile to get the *real* instructions14:47
richard123hmm: if I try: make: i get: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.14:47
macorichard123: is there an autogen.sh or a CMakeLists.txt?  because if the former, you have another step to do before configure. if the latter, you have a step to do intead of configure. and if its scons or something else, itll be somethng totally different14:48
courmischanyone knows a way to check which package in the apt sources _build-depends_ on a given (binary) package?14:49
macoposey: dmesg14:49
jrib courmisch apt-cache show14:49
macocourmisch: apt-cache rdepends <binary package name> maybe?14:49
seven1any 1 can help me?14:49
courmischmaco: that shows deps, not build-deps AFAIK14:49
courmischjrib: that shows forward deps, not reverse deps14:50
macocourmisch: oh hmrph.14:50
jribcourmisch: then it's what maco said...14:50
seven1can any one help me here?14:50
bazhangseven1, with?14:50
shafieihow may i use bjam?14:50
seven1i want to unrar an archive14:50
seven1but i dont know how14:50
richard123maco: yes there is a Cmakelist, do I try:   ./Cmakelist ?14:50
macocourmisch: build deps should be a subset of the deps but with -dev tacked on14:50
seven1it's an .rar maded on windows14:50
xanguaseven1: clic on it and drag it¿14:50
macorichard123: no, you type "cmake"14:50
seven1it says unknown type14:51
macorichard123: probably need to install cmake first14:51
courmischmaco: that works for dynamic libraries, but not for build tools and static libs14:51
courmischI am trying to find build-deps on liblivemedia-dev14:51
xanguaseven1: do you have rar unrar packages installed¿¿14:51
LetsGo67Still overheats.14:51
smtseven1: apt-get install unrar, and than use archive manager14:51
seven1i tried  winrar but it says that it is not alloweed14:51
seven1i have ubuntu 9.1014:51
bazhangLetsGo67, what version of Ubuntu are you currently using14:51
richard123maco: OK, installing this.14:51
richard123. ..14:51
macocourmisch: so you know wha has to be recompiled when you replace it?14:52
courmischmaco: yup14:52
LetsGo67bazhang: Ubuntu 10.04, I thought it would remedy the problem, present in 9.10 as well.14:52
petrus"universal access preferences" started showing up in my notification area, never used/set it. anybody knows how to get rid of it?14:52
bazhangLetsGo67, support in #ubuntu+1 for lucid14:52
courmischI know at least vlc build-depends on liblivemedia-dev14:52
courmischyet apt-cache rdepends list is empty14:52
seven1what can i do, to unrar a .part.rar archive? ubuntu 9.10?14:52
costreseven1, get unrar14:53
richard123maco: what now?14:53
smtif itst .part.rar its not complete14:53
seven1i have all parts14:53
jribcourmisch: why do you want to do this?14:53
LetsGo67bazhang: since this is a 9.10 problem as well, shouldn't there be a solution by now?14:53
erUSULseven1: right click on the first one choose extract here14:53
macorichard123: i *think* just type "cmake" but its been a while since i used cmake, so... might want to check the README file14:53
erUSULseven1: you have to install unrar first14:53
seven1let me show you the error14:54
erUSUL!rar | seven114:54
ubottuseven1: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free14:54
courmischjrib: because live555 is a static lib, so any change needs rebuild of other packages14:54
mickster04LetsGo67: 10.04 isnt realeased yet you know that right?14:54
macoLetsGo67: did you clean out your fans?14:54
poseymaco: im looking in log viewer at dmesg and dmesg.0 and they only have stuff pertaining to the current operation, itd be cool to see a log from the last time i was running14:54
mickster04maco: i suggested that14:54
LetsGo67maco: Why is that needed, and how is it done?14:54
seven1           Could not open "seven.part1.rar"14:54
seven1 14:54
seven1 Archive type not supported.14:54
seven1  14:54
FloodBot1seven1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:54
seven1           Could not open "seven.part1.rar"14:54
seven1 14:54
seven1 Archive type not supported.14:54
seven1  14:54
richard123maco: OK, I got a big output of info.14:54
macoposey: zless /var/log/dmesg.2.gz14:55
LetsGo67Mickster04: yeah, but so far, why should it be released, because it overheats?14:55
seven1what can i do?14:55
costreseven1, Get "unrar"14:55
mickster04LetsGo67: lol why do you think its needed if its dirty and clogged no air gets thru!14:55
seven1costre, please, a link?14:55
macoLetsGo67: if your fans are full of dust, they're not able to cool your computer efficiently, so theyll keep running in a futile attempt to cool it14:55
costreseven1, sudo apt-get install unrar14:55
mickster04LetsGo67: what? u are using unfinished software then complaining that its not ready14:55
LetsGo67maco: now it's on but all the time and noisy and annoying.14:55
seven1let me give you an error msg for that too, costre14:55
FunnyLookinHatWhen I try to play games in ZSNES the sound is fine at first, but then it gets super distorted and awful sounding.  Every time i change a sound setting it fixes it, until it slowly gets distorted again (after about a minute) -  Any ideas?14:56
LetsGo67Mickster04: 9.10 is "unfinished" as well.14:56
costreseven1, Sure, but use paste.ubuntu.com if it's a long message14:56
mickster04LetsGo67: no technically14:56
LetsGo67Mickster04: why does it overheat?14:56
richard123maco: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/416151/ please.14:56
macoLetsGo67: so open the machine and check the fans14:56
jribcourmisch: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man1/reverse-build-depends.1.html14:56
seven1could not14:57
jribcourmisch: sounds like there's probably a better way to accomplish your end-goal though...14:57
macorichard123: try "cmake ."14:57
courmischjrib: thanks!14:57
shebawi can't connect to irc servers which have 6667 port? any idea how to do it?14:57
seven1sudo apt-get install unrar14:57
bazhangseven1, could not install unrar rar?14:57
seven1could not open 11 resources14:57
seven1yes something as that baz14:57
costreseven1, Open synaptic and check your settings14:57
erUSULseven1: make sure you do not have two apt frontends open14:58
AbtomikHello Guys the past two years I was installing 8.04 since I know it is LTS. Is there any better server you can recommend?14:58
jribcourmisch: in karmic: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man1/reverse-build-depends.1.html14:58
nathanbrauerhow do I talk to the bot?14:58
mattwj2002help guys!14:58
shebaw@Abtomik, you can try ubuntu 10.10 when its released14:58
shebawi heard its RTS14:58
jribnathanbrauer: /msg ubottu !lamp14:58
erUSULAbtomik: the next LTS 10.4 is about to come out14:58
macoLetsGo67: do you know how cooling works in computers?  there's a thing called a heatsink on top of your cpu. its metal and draws the heat from the side that touches the cpu to the other side. then a fan blows that heat away. if the fan & heatsink are clogged with dust, it's like insulation. it keeps the heat in.  so you need to keep those clear of dust14:58
AbtomikShebaw: date?14:59
nathanbrauerjrib Thanks :)14:59
macoLetsGo67: imagine if you wrapped insulation around your car's radiator...14:59
poseymaco: looks like when i do ls -la /var/log that dmesg.0 has stuff from yesterday but it crashed sometime between 8pm last night and this morning14:59
AbtomikMy only problem is that I need this server ready next week :(14:59
richard123maco: I get the same output, nothing happens other than that.14:59
shebaw@Abtomik, 10.4 is going to be released on april 2914:59
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression seven1 please read this14:59
poseynothing in the dmesg logs has anything after about 60 seconds after powerup14:59
mattwj2002what do I put for my telephone number, username and password for the virgin mobile broadband internet?14:59
jellcahy there14:59
Abtomikit might be a wiser decision to wait as well. Thank you guys14:59
LetsGo67maco: well, it's running full circles now.15:00
shebaw@Abtomik, np15:00
macorichard123: is there a README file? did you read it?15:00
shebawis Xchat working on debian?15:01
jellcai change a video card on xubuntu the xserver configured automaticly but not hawe all possible resolution on X server advice pls15:01
macomattwj2002: whatever numbers you were given when you signed up?15:01
macoshebaw: yes15:01
shebawi can't seem to make it work15:01
calychuhello everybody15:01
bazhangshebaw, you are on debian?15:01
macoshebaw: i had it working in lenny yesterday15:01
mattwj2002number I got15:01
shebawoh i meant, is Xchat working for irc servers that use 6667 port?15:02
seven1where can i get a 7zip or winzip for linux?15:02
calychuanyone can help me to config a gps tomtom through usb port15:02
bazhangseven1, did you read the link I gave you15:02
=== teabag is now known as DarkSector
shebaw@seven1, you can get it from apt15:02
mattwj2002would the username be my MSID number?15:02
xanguaseven1: from the software center15:02
seven1yes i did15:02
macoshebaw: think so, had it connected to oftc which afaik only uses 6667. are you sure your firewall's not in the way?15:02
erUSULseven1: 7zip is in the repos15:02
erUSUL!info 7zip-full15:02
macomattwj2002: probably something to ask them15:02
jellcaanybody help on  changeing a video card on xubuntu the xserver configured automaticly but not hawe all possible resolution on X server advice pls15:03
ubottuPackage 7zip-full does not exist in karmic15:03
FlynsarmyHow do i add something to my path variable? I tried adding PATH=$PATH:/new/path in .bashrc but no dice15:03
shebaw@maco, oh this is my first time on irc servers, I just uninstalled firestarter to make sure15:03
erUSUL!info p7zip-full > seven115:03
costrejellca, punctuation helps15:03
FlynsarmyUnless a pc or x restart is required...i just started terminal15:03
macoshebaw: firestarter's just a frontend to iptables. iptables could still be running. check your current firewall rules with "sudo iptables -L"15:04
DasEiA\W: hi15:04
A\Woh hi,15:04
A\Whold on..15:04
DasEi!lucid | A\W15:04
ubottuA\W: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:04
shebaw@maco, ok thanks, i will try that15:04
mattwj2002I doubt they would help15:04
mrwesFlynsarmy, did you do a ./bashrc15:04
mattwj2002according to them it isn't even supported :(15:04
A\Wi wanted to upgrade, my freind adamminer did,15:04
macomattwj2002: dont tell them linux. just ask about your account info15:04
A\Whe said its stable15:04
DasEiA\W: I suggest you wait until  then and then run update-manager15:05
mrwesFlynsarmy, er.. I mean a source .bashrc15:05
Flynsarmymrwes, yes, i added that line to .bashrc. I figured simply restarting terminal woudl make it take effect but it didn't...Is what i did correct?15:05
Flynsarmymrwes, it was ~/.bashrc15:05
macoA\W: 10.04? that goes in #ubuntu+1 even though yes, its pretty darned close to release and so not much change in stability expected between now and then15:05
richard123maco: to be honest, I dont understand it, it seems to be very general.15:05
A\Wbut if i upgrade, i will get several updates a day right? (that doesnt bother me but..) but from the BETA can i upgrade to the real thing(when it is released)? and how?15:05
macorichard123: what is it youre trying to compile and where can i download it?15:05
DasEiA\W: you can, but an dist-upgrade itself is always a little risk, especially with betas, if you want to, call it with option -d15:06
macoA\W: yes if you just keep installing updates youll hit final15:06
mrwesFlynsarmy, you added something like this: export PATH=$PATH:/home/bill/bin:/home/bill/bin/tsmuxer15:06
macoA\W: also, its no longer beta. today is RC Freeze15:06
mrapplei have installed php5-cli and /usr/bin/php returns nothing15:06
seven1sudo apt-get install unrar15:06
shebaw@maco, ok i tried the ip tables, i don't have any idea what its trying to tell me lol15:06
A\Wmaco whats RC freeze?15:06
macoA\W: release candidate15:06
Flynsarmymrwes, i didn't have export on the beginning. just PATH=$PATH:/new/path...do i need to add 'export'?15:06
seven1Unavle to lock the administration direcotory15:06
A\Woh ok.. thnks15:06
mrwesFlynsarmy, I do on mine15:07
macoA\W: we're not allowed to upload any packages to main because they're making the RC CDs now15:07
jellcahow kill xserver from new console mode15:07
richard123maco: I am going to try this: http://davekoelmeyer.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/build-scribus-in-ubuntu-9-10/15:07
seven1unable to lock the administration directory what can i do?15:07
DasEiseven1: synaptic open ? close it15:07
* A\W guess he'll just wait 12 days for the real 10.04 lts to come out15:07
Flynsarmymrwes, is a restart required? i opened a new terminal and it still didn't work15:07
seven1ahh thanks Dasei15:07
seven1i were updating from desktop to server15:07
xanguarichard123: scribus is incluided in the repositories15:08
mrwesFlynsarmy, after you save the .bashrc type at the terminal: source .bashrc and then it should work15:08
macoshebaw: its telling you what your current firewall rules are. if you cant read them, pastebin them and ill tell you what it means15:08
macoxangua: not a very new version though, i think is the issue15:08
shebaw@maco, ok thanks15:08
richard123xangua: I want 1.3.615:08
LetsGo67Can someone help me please?15:08
DasEiseven1: then you just install the server-kernel15:08
seven1either i dont know anything about unix system i am going to make a game on it15:08
jellcawhen i killit its reup again bz default15:08
Flynsarmymrwes, source .bashrc returned nothing (good i suppose) however still no dice15:08
DasEi!ask | LetsGo6715:08
ubottuLetsGo67: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:08
macorichard123: that webpage tells you right there what to do for the "cmake" step!15:08
mrwesFlynsarmy, paste the line you added15:09
A\Will be at #css15:09
ubottuShipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !Karmic (9.10) CDs15:09
Flynsarmymrwes, export PATH=$PATH:/media/F/webpage/global/zend/1.10.3/bin/15:09
macoLetsGo67: i dont think youre going to be taken too seriously about it being a software problem til you confirm it's not a hardware problem15:09
mrwesFlynsarmy, you sure it's type correctly? :)15:09
mrwesCase sensitive and all15:10
jellcaI  change a video card on xubuntu the xserver configured automaticly but not have all possible resolution on X server how get xserver video card config15:10
shebaw@maco ok here it is, http://pastebin.com/RmTQZzTg15:10
Flynsarmymrwes, yes, its a copy paste from naughtalus address15:10
DasEijellca: what's the new xard ?15:10
Flynsarmymrwes, nautilus*15:10
macoshebaw: ok it says firewall all open15:10
melrokzhttp://shipit.ubuntu.com/ - seems to b closed... will it reopen soon? I'm with a slow mobile internet connection, so downloading ubuntu cd's is out.15:11
mrwesFlynsarmy, what are the rights to the files in bin ?15:11
LetsGo67Maco: Since it works fine in older versions, it's a software issue.  The fan needs software to be controlled.15:11
Flynsarmymrwes, 77715:11
^b0ss^if i want to run emerald on ubuntu do i have to uninstall fusion?15:11
richard123maco: am giving it a go. . . .15:11
mrwesFlynsarmy, hrmm....15:11
macoLetsGo67: how long ago was that though? 2 days? or months/years?15:12
DasEimelrokz: it's up, but it's gonna take a while still you receive15:12
mrwesFlynsarmy, I'm stumped, it should work15:12
LetsGo67maco: Consistently.  The day 9.10 came out.15:12
shebaw@maco, ok thanks but i still can't login to port 6667 servers15:12
apk_2^b0ss^: no, emerald runs on top of compiz15:12
xangua^b0ss^: no, just tun: emerald --replace15:12
maco^b0ss^: no, emerald is a window decorator that's for compiz / compiz-fusion15:12
gotttomrwes: shouldn't Flynsarmy's extra paths go in .bash_profile?15:12
maco^b0ss^: not very stable, and not maintained upstream...15:12
=== flaco is now known as flacom
jellcaits not rand new its SIS 65x/M650/740 problem is cant get all possible resolution on X server15:12
dacquerieshey all...does anyone know if it is possible to install ubuntu to an sd card while running in another os? maybe using virtualbox or vmware?15:13
jellcaDasEi:its not brand new its SIS 65x/M650/740 problem is cant get all possible resolution on X server15:13
macoLetsGo67: ubuntu-bug linux15:13
macoLetsGo67: file a kernel bug15:13
xanguadacqueries: to an sd card¿¿ it wonn't be kind of slow¿15:13
mrwesgottto, I have mine in .bashrc and is seems to work15:13
FlynsarmyGotSanity, linux noob here. the suggestions on here seem to indicate bashrc is adequate...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26979315:13
melrokzfor me it just says "Demand for ubuntu CD's is very high..." etc. Not getting the CD's :-(15:13
jellcai try Xorg -configure15:14
FlynsarmyGotSanity, err...meant for gotto15:14
gotttok mrwes - I use .bash_profile15:14
dacqueriesxangua: it may be but I'm not to worried about speed15:14
DasEi!pm | jellca:15:14
ubottujellca:: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:14
jellcaok sory mz bad15:15
LetsGo67I'm out.  Hopefully it's fixed in 10.04 'cause I'm tired of Windows.  Bye everyone!15:15
Flynsarmymrwes, aha, turns out it was working...i just have to type zf.sh instead of zf :)15:15
jellcaDasEi: my appology for pm15:16
mrwesFlynsarmy, ahh..yah if your scripts have the .sh you need to use that :)15:16
mrwesFlynsarmy, just hit the tab to autocomplete the file name :)15:16
DasEijellca: nvm, I look for it right now, will take few minutes;; basic command to reconfigure is : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and then one has to restart x15:17
kolombinoHi, I need help with vsftpd. How I can made that the directory by defect of the users are /var/www and they can't leave there. (Sorry for my english) Thank you15:17
ikoniakolombino: set that user's home directory to /var/www - and use the lock in home directory or chroot parameters15:18
mrwesFlynsarmy, you can always type echo $PATH to see what the current loaded path is15:18
Flynsarmymrwes, thanks15:18
mrwesFlynsarmy, sure15:18
kolombinothanks ikonia15:18
jellcaDasEi : iam in console mode rocoveri mode15:19
ax0nblack hate15:20
ikoniaax0n: ?15:20
bazhangax0n, what?15:20
ax0nno thing i dont speak en15:21
ikoniaax0n: please check your private messages15:22
melrokzanyone knows where to get ubuntu CD's at Kerala, India???15:22
ikoniamelrokz: you can request them from shipit - that's it15:22
DasEijellca: so issu that command and reboot/resume15:22
bazhangmelrokz, perhaps ask in #ubuntu-in as well15:22
DasEijellca:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg && sudo reboot15:23
mrwesmelrokz, you can't d/l it?15:23
jellcaDasEi :rebooting15:23
Str00felPer some reason, I get an error message15:25
melrokzmrwes: :-( no, slow connection15:25
chrometigeranyone know any really good file sync software for nix that also has conflict detection?15:25
mrwesslow is better than none, no?15:25
ivan__ubuntu en español??15:26
Str00felSo this is what it is:15:26
erUSUL!es | ivan__15:26
ubottuivan__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:26
Str00felYo hablo espanol un poco15:26
mrweschrometiger, I believe Lucid will have a file sync software built in15:26
erUSULchrometiger: rsync15:26
jellcaDasEi :steal only 960:600 max resolution i konw for shure the monitor can manage 1024x76815:26
Str00felTu necesitas amparo?15:27
DasEijellca: http://pastebin.ca/186490215:27
jellcaDasEi :steal only 960:600 max resolution i konw for shure the monitor can manage 1024x768 I am Xfce running15:27
Str00felOh and it says15:27
Str00felThe playback of this movie requires a MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder plugin which is not installed.15:27
bazhangStr00fel, english here please15:27
Str00felWhat does that mean15:27
bazhangStr00fel, install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:27
Str00felI believe I have15:27
DasEijellca: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  ,  backup the old before, case things mess up15:27
chrometigermrwes: your not talking about Ubuntu One r u ?15:28
Str00felDoes that mean all of the GSTREAMER stuff, bazhang?15:28
mrweschrometiger, you could try sudo aptitude install unison-gtk15:28
bazhangStr00fel, amongst others15:28
Str00fellike what bazhang?15:28
macoStr00fel: java, flash15:28
mrweschrometiger, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/unison-file-synchronization-tool.html15:28
bazhangStr00fel, its a longish list, check that it is or is not installed15:28
DeathKnightis lucid released?15:28
bazhangDeathKnight, no15:29
Str00felI'm at my Synaptic Manager15:29
donavan_need to ask an off topic question here ... was out trying to use my visa/debit card and apparently no one is taking them today anywhere are me ... can anyone confirm that this is just a local thing for me or is it happening anywhere else  PM me if you have experienced this today15:29
Str00felBut I need JAVA and FLASH to view an MP3?15:29
bazhangdonavan_, #ubuntu-offtopic15:29
macoStr00fel: no, that package just gets all that junk for when you run into that later and come back going "i cant use youtube!"15:29
donavan_yeah bazhang I know ... but I needed a lot of people to pull answers from ... I really am sorry about that15:29
bazhangdonavan_, this is not the channel for it.15:30
nerdy_kidhey i need to disable the dist-upgrade feature of upgrade manager for a friend of mine (i installed ubuntu for him)  how would i do this?15:30
macoStr00fel: if you want to grab the mp3 stuff individually, then id grab mpg12315:31
mrwesnerdy_kid, system | admin | software sources | update tab15:31
mickster04mrwes: its easier if you use > or < to show flow, | denotes "OR"15:32
bazhangwrong nick ikonia15:32
kurtisHey, out of curiosity, if I download the AMD64 version of Ubuntu, will I still be able to run 32bit applications and will I be able to use the 32bit Kernel Modules (Drivers) if a 64-bit Version is not available?15:32
ikoniastupid lag15:32
mrwesmickster04, been doing that for 20 years, hard to change now15:32
mickster04mrwes: you not a programmer then:D15:33
Str00felthanks bazhang :)15:33
DasEikurtis: there  are workarounds for this (seldom) cases, but will need the 32" libs for it, see:15:33
DeathKnightpoor Zorge15:33
DasEi!info getlibs15:33
ubottuPackage getlibs does not exist in karmic15:33
nerdy_kidmrwes no i want to disable the feature15:33
kurtisDasEi: So if I'm worried about hardware compatiblity, just go with the 32bit version?15:33
bazhangnerdy_kid, what version you on now15:33
mrwesnerdy_kid, so change the drop down to "NEVER"15:33
dan__Last night I tried to upgrade a remote server from Jaunty to Karmic via ssh.  However, the ssh connection was broken during the middle of the do-release-upgrade command.  I have a dpkg instance running but I don't know how to resume that session. (ssh on port 9004 is not running)15:34
bazhangnerdy_kid, if you get 10.04 then you could choose only upgrade to LTS (or look for I forget the language)15:34
dan__Any suggestions?15:34
mrwesbazhang, that's correct15:34
ikoniadan__: you cant resume, you'd need to restart it, remove the lock file and restart it15:34
xompguys, is there a command in the terminal I can use to see how much memory is being used in total?15:34
ikoniaxomp: free15:34
bazhangmrwes, the ia32?15:34
dan__Thanks...willl give that a try :-)15:35
DasEikurtis : machine specs ?15:35
DasEikurtis : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479015:35
xompthanks ikonia :)15:35
melrokzto get the LAME encoder, should i install 'gstreamer-plugins-ugly' or the multiverse package???15:35
^b0ss^im on track now15:35
erUSULmelrokz: for the encoder it is simply "lame"15:36
melrokznot exactly, I can't rip to mp3 with just lame and sound-juicer...15:36
^b0ss^hey all whats that navigate bar that lets ya scoll through ya incons15:37
bazhang^b0ss^, care to rephrase that?15:37
^b0ss^its like a gadget15:37
^b0ss^not sure15:38
bazhang^b0ss^, got a screenshot?15:38
^b0ss^ya put ya mouse of it ..and it flick through ya prorams on the desktip15:38
jellcaDasEi :i copy in xrog.conf the contenets15:39
bazhang^b0ss^, thats a dock like avant-window-navigator docky or others15:39
kurtisDasei: Sorry I was trying to pull up my specs online but didn't have any luck. It's a Toshiba Sattelite l505 laptop but they seem to vary quite a bit. Anyways I'll check out that forum post. Thanks.15:39
^b0ss^oh ok15:39
^b0ss^whats the one i get for ..ubuntu15:39
bazhang^b0ss^, depends on you , there are several to choose from15:40
nerdy_kidmrwes bazhang thanks that did it :)15:40
DasEijellca: you remove the existing sections (if any) and fill in the nes from the paste, then restart x again15:40
^b0ss^baz whats a site that lists15:40
^b0ss^the ones i can get for ubuntu15:40
DasEikurtis : use the 64 bit then, it's very seldom you need 32 apps15:40
bazhang^b0ss^, one to try is avant-window-navigator , you can install it from the package manager15:41
^b0ss^thank you15:41
rmrfslashis there a modules.conf somewhere on debian?15:41
kurtisDasei: I take that back -- http://laptops.toshiba.com/laptops/satellite/L500/L505D-GS6000. Thanks I'll go ahead and try out the AMD64 version first.15:41
^b0ss^where do you find it once installed?15:41
rmrfslashwhat's the equivalent?15:41
BenBwhat's the best way to install a minimal desktop system, without gnome or KDE, but from the normal gnome CD?15:41
bazhangrmrfslash, ask in #debian15:41
BenBeh, from the normal ubuntu CD15:41
bazhang^b0ss^, another apparently comes with gnome-do  'docky'  search your package manager and try either of them15:42
nerdy_kidlooking for a linux client that has yahoo mesenger voice and video chat15:42
BenBI didn't see any dialog in the installer which would let me select the packages or package groups to install. the default slams almost 3 GB on the disk, which is way too much for installation on an USB stick (esp. if I want to update it), and useless for e.g. a media center PC15:42
^b0ss^i installed avant15:43
^b0ss^it says installed15:43
=== hexxx is now known as bogusL
^b0ss^where i get the tool bar from15:43
bazhangBenB, tried the minimal or the alternate?15:43
jellcanot ok15:43
BenBbazhang: no... I expected to have some option on the normal, full CD.15:43
bazhangBenB, the live cd?15:43
DasEikurtis: right on this, and iy you got more then 4g memory (!including graphics) either need 64bit, server-kernel or pae, so the 64 bit is right for it15:44
BenBbazhang: dunno how you call it. the standard CD you get when you go to www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/15:44
bazhangnot available afaik15:44
adantehow can i upgrade to lucid?15:44
bazhang!upgrade > adante15:44
ubottuadante, please see my private message15:44
kurtisDasEi: Awesome. Thx for your help.15:44
bazhangadante, keep in mind that lucid discussion is in #ubuntu+115:44
kurtisDid the Radeon drivers for Linux improve over the years? It's been a while since I've used ATI and the last time I ran into some pretty horrible driver issues.15:45
adantebazhang: cheers15:46
costrekurtis, I did aswell, back in hardy. Not sure how they have developed since15:46
DasEikurtis: they did, some even say the propis are working again (which I can't confirm out of the box for my models), yes the open ones are better now, still nvidia is better supported15:46
ikoniakurtis: they are still weak15:46
kurtisahh okay.15:47
kurtisI imagine it can't be any worse than Intel as far as OpenGL support is concerned ... hopefully.15:47
wyclifkurtis: OpenGL is fun. Yesterday I was writing some C scripts for that.15:48
aetaricc != scripting language15:49
kurtiswyclif: Lol I wish I could agree that OpenGL is fun. But then again I suck at Math15:49
kurtisThe age old debate of interpreted vs compiled languages :)15:50
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:50
roshanhey can anyone tell me how i can view .bit image??15:50
mickster04roshan: how do you get a .bit image15:53
mickster04roshan: isnt .bit a bittorrent file?15:53
aetaricmickster04: .torrent is a bittorrent file15:54
roshanmickster84; actually i am doing a image compression where the output is a .bit image file... I am assuming its a bitmap image....but I am not sure15:55
HohooDoes anyone know how to set up an Wi-Fi access point for Nintendo DSi?15:55
roshanmickster04; actually i am doing a image compression where the output is a .bit image file... I am assuming its a bitmap image....but I am not sure15:55
cbleslieroshan:  It sure isn't/15:55
mickster04Hohoo: it uses wep no?15:55
aetaricbitmap is .bmp15:55
ikoniaHohoo: how is that anything to do with ubuntu ?15:55
roshancbleslie, so what type of image is .bit then...15:56
^b0ss^damn my puter rocks15:56
Hohooikonia: Because I need it to connect to internets and I have Ubuntu.15:57
^b0ss^where i get those really good mouse pointer incons15:57
bazhang^b0ss^, tried gnome-look?15:57
kyle__mouse pointer icons?15:57
ikoniaHohoo: errrr your dsi would connect to the internet through your router, that's not an ubuntu issue15:57
^b0ss^some look like everytime ya click its lick ya clicking on a water screen15:58
sporedihow do i acess my ubuntu server  over internet using xrdp/mstsc15:58
costreikonia, That's true. I was thinking of a scenario where one computer has wired internet access, and wants to share that wirelessly to another15:58
aetaricsporedi: #ubuntu-server15:58
kyle__maybe compiz15:58
ikoniacostre: a valid point, which is why I'm asking what has this got to do with ubuntu ?15:58
mickster04aetaric: theres not alot happening in that channel:/15:59
aetaricmickster04: there never is15:59
^b0ss^oh sorry15:59
bazhang^b0ss^, water effect? via compiz?15:59
kyle__thats what im thinking15:59
costreikonia, I dunno, ask hoohoo :=15:59
bazhang^b0ss^, tried in #compiz yet ?15:59
ubuntunationhello i installed privocy plus vidalia i need to install tor on it i use latest ubuntu 9.10 can you help me install tor and make vidalia find it?16:00
mickster04bazhang: it exists16:00
bazhangmickster04, what does16:00
mickster04bazhang: water effect in compix16:00
bazhangmickster04, I'm aware thanks16:01
mickster04bazhang: oh sounded like yu were disbeliveing16:01
mickster04bazhang: disbelieving*16:01
Hohooikonia: I have no router.16:01
ikoniaHohoo: so how do you connect to the internet ?16:01
mickster04Hohoo: do u have a wireless adapter16:01
ubuntunationanyone here for help?16:01
* Hohoo is not very sure about that term16:01
ikoniaubuntunation: you have to ask a question16:02
ironmunkIs it safe for me to remove the texlive packages?16:02
cicatrixDoes anyone know if liferea (rss reader) uses the ubuntu fade in/out black bubble notifications system thing at all?16:02
ikoniaHohoo: how do you connect to the internet ?16:02
bazhangubuntunation, privoxy you mean?16:02
mickster04ikonia: he did 15:5916:02
Nataniel_PLhi, anybody knows how can I get listof names of all folders in one folder in text file?16:02
ubuntunationyes i got vidalia plus privoxy installed now but can't find tor i need install tor on 9.10 and help vidalia find it from directory can you help ?16:02
clrgmickster04: The clock is not helping, everyone has a different timezone here.16:02
ikoniaNataniel_PL: ls > filelist.txt16:02
Nataniel_PLikonia Thx16:03
Hohooikonia: A 3G modem (Huawei E220) which can't really do anything else than connect to the internets.16:03
mickster04clrg: good point, didnt think of that16:03
clrgironmunk: If you don't need tex anymore, you can remove them.16:03
mickster04Hohoo: how do u expect to share intenrte connection without a wireless adapter?16:04
ikoniaHohoo: ok, so you need to set your ubuntu machine up as a wirless access point and use either no encyption or wep encyption, however you could just plug that 3g usb dongle into the DSi16:04
* costre thinks Hohoo is swedish16:04
ironmunkif you want recursive folders Nataniel_PL you can find /folder -type d > file.txt16:04
* Hohoo is not Swedish16:04
mickster04ikonia: dsi has usb?16:04
ikoniacostre: what has that got to do wth anything16:04
ikoniamickster04: my ds-lite does, so I'd assume the dsi does16:04
richard123can anyone help with this install problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/416174/16:04
mickster04ikonia: what a full usb? how on earth?16:05
ikoniarichard123: scribus is in the repos , use the version from the repos16:05
ikoniamickster04: think so, let me grab it16:05
mickster04ikonia: you do reaslise that the power usb at the back is just that, power...16:05
costreikonia, Nothing bad :) I'm swedish, and I thought I picked up on a little something there .. I was mistaken16:05
richard123ikonia: I need 1.3.6 almost there but stuck16:05
Nataniel_PLironmunt Thx16:05
clrgrichard123: Looks like you are missing the makefile. But ikonia is right, just use the version from the repos, that way it will get updated automatically.16:06
ikoniamickster04: that would explain it16:06
ikoniarichard123: why do you /need/ 1.3.616:06
richard123clrg: I need 1.3.6 previous has many bugs, 1.3.6 has 150 bugs fixed, can you help?16:07
clrgrichard123: find . -name "*make*" -type f16:07
richard123clrg, sorry, what is the command exactly?16:08
ikoniacostre: he's just give it you16:08
dr4gIs there a way to have the ubuntu file browser open on the current directly that i'm on via Terminal.16:08
dr4geg: on windows you can type "start ."16:09
dr4gdirectly = directory *16:09
richard123clrg: I get: ./CMakeFiles/CMakeSystem.cmake16:09
Jingguo_Yaonautilus .16:09
mikebotDOes anyone know how to sync the desktop calendar with google calendar?16:10
ironmunkthe drop down on from the task bar mikebot ?16:10
mikebotironmunk: Yeah.16:10
clrgrichard123: Yep, no makefile. That file is required in order to compile your program.16:10
DiverdudeIs there a package in the repos for all man-files for c and cpp functions, so that i may write man malloc for example?16:10
sixtilais flash10 officially released for ubuntu?16:10
ironmunkset it up in evolution16:10
richard123OK, how do I get it?16:10
ironmunkthat will then hook in16:10
mikebotironmunk: Will it work even if I don't use evolution?16:11
richard123clrg: synaptic?16:11
ironmunkshould do I think16:11
clrgrichard123: Most likely you downloaded a tar.gz-file? It should be in there.16:11
mikebotironmunk: Do you know how to do it in evolution?16:11
richard123ok, checking .. .16:11
richard123clrg: there are a few cmake files after Extract - which one?16:13
tsyj2007hello everyone16:13
lallaaudio isnt available in movie player of ubuntu16:13
ironmunkmikebot, you might have to setup your google mail account in it16:13
sometuxHow to remotly control a Windows machine from ubuntu??????????????16:14
richard123clrg: is it CMakeLists.txt?16:14
mikebotironmunk: I did that, but now I'm not sure how to actually sync the,16:14
ironmunkclick the Calendars button at the bottom left16:14
mikebotironmunk: OK16:15
fk91Hello, I have a minimal linux system: how can look at the ip settings? ifdown and ifconfig are not available16:15
lallaaudio isnt coming in movie player of ubuntu,how do i go?16:15
ironmunkright click 'New Calendar' and should be pretty straight forward :)16:15
mickster04has anyone set up a ustream stream in CLI?16:15
sometuxfk91: ifconfig16:15
macofk91: ip a16:15
macosometux: fk91said ifconfig isnt available :P16:15
clrgrichard123: Nope.. It should be something like make.conf16:15
fk91@Maco: ip is there, thanks :)16:15
sometuxfk91: static or dhcp16:15
clrgsometux: gnome-rdp16:16
mikebotironmunk: That makes it import from google calendar? That looks like I'm creating a new one from scratch16:16
sometuxfk91: look at /etc/interface16:16
richard123clrg: config.h.cmake  ?16:16
richard123clrg: what do I do with it to install it?16:16
clrgrichard123: No.16:16
ironmunkit'll import16:16
* clrg sighs.16:16
macosometux: the file is /etc/network/interfaces and fk91 also said "ifdown" (and so probably ifup as well) is not availablel16:17
ironmunkyou select Type: as Google16:17
richard123clrg: ConfigureChecks.cmake16:17
fk91@sometux: /etc/interfaces are not there, its a fli4l16:17
ironmunkand give it a name, you user and colour you want etc16:17
clrgrichard123: For the third time: The makefile is missing. You. can. *not* install. it. without.16:17
ironmunkthen it'll prompt for your password16:17
sometuxfk91: sorry look at /etc/network/interfaces16:17
macofk91: the interfaces file is for use with ifup and ifdown but if you lack those thats not very helpful16:18
richard123clrg: sorry if I am slow, I am looking for a makefile in the extracted list of files?16:18
fk91@sometux: This file isnt there too.16:18
mikebotironmunk: OK thank you. Bye16:18
clrgrichard123: If there was one, the find command would have shown us where it is. It is not there.16:18
macofk91: just stick to the "ip" command16:18
neo644How do i enable sudo insults?16:19
richard123clrg: OK, can i get it from synaptic?16:19
sometuxfk91: i think you have to look in /proc16:19
clrgrichard123: Usually the developers provide one along with the .c and .h files, but obviously that is not the case here.16:19
macosometux: no fk91 doesnt16:19
richard123clrg: (thanks for the patience;-)16:19
macosometux: as i just told fk91 and as they confirmed worked, "ip a" shows the ip address16:19
richard123clrg: am I stumped then?16:19
clrgrichard123: The make file is specific to every program. You cannot just get it, someone has to write one especially for this program.16:19
macosometux: the ip command is the replacement for the ifconfig command16:20
richard123oh, I see, I was following: http://davekoelmeyer.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/build-scribus-in-ubuntu-9-10/    some people seem to have had success.16:20
neo644I know i have to use a command like  visudo or something, but im not sure which line to edit16:20
fk91Oh you are right "ip a" does it :)16:20
macorichard123: when you run that "cmake ..  blah blah" command that the blog post says, you will get a makefile16:20
sometuxmaco: sine when??16:21
richard123maco: hi, I dont, I get errors.16:21
sometuxmaco: since*16:21
clrgrichard123: Try "sudo apt get update && sudo apt-get install scribus"16:21
=== merkel is now known as Guest21198
macosometux: at least karmic. i think ifconfig is being deprecated16:21
macorichard123: when you run this: "cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=~/scribusinstall" like the post says? what errors?16:22
sometuxmaco: i donk16:22
sometuxmaco: i donk16:22
sometuxmaco: i don't like change game rules :(16:22
roshancan anyone tell me what a windows cursor file is? i have a image file with .bit extension and when i try to open it..i get the message: no application installed for windows cursor file16:22
h00kroshan: you can check in ##windows16:23
sometuxmaco: its dark here i have problem typing16:23
richard123maco: http://paste.ubuntu.com/416204/16:23
mickster04roshan: its the image for the windows cursor?16:23
diofeherhello, i want to use my machine with dual boot (linux and windows), and have 3 partitions (one for linux, one for windows and one for files)... what's the best way to follow?16:24
macoheh actually as far back as hardy *at least* the "ip" command exists16:24
mickster04diofeher: ntfs + ntfs + etx4 windows files linux16:24
bobovskiDoes anyone have a recommendation on a PCI or USB wireless adapter for Jaunty?16:24
roshanmickster04, thats what it says16:24
macorichard123: cmake is fine. you didnt install all the dependencies16:24
macorichard123: its job is to tell you that, and it is doing so16:25
mickster04roshan: whats your question then16:25
richard123clrg: I get command not found with that.16:25
richard123maco: Ok, what shoudl I do?16:25
macorichard123: did you install libqt4-dev like the top of the page told you to?16:25
tenmilesbobovski: i prefer linksys, but if you go to a place like newegg you can search through reviews for terms like "linux" and "ubuntu" to see if anyone has reported incompatibilites.16:25
mickster04has anyone set up a ustream stream in CLI?16:26
mcnellisHow can I see the grub boot menu at startup - I simply want to do a memtest16:26
diofehermickster04: nice... and i have to install linux first right? to use grub to control boot16:26
bobovskitenmiles: Thank you16:26
mcnellisdo I have to edit the grub config file to show the menu?16:26
macorichard123: apt-get has a - not a space16:26
mcnellisor is there some key combination I can press at bootup to show the menu16:26
Dr_Willismcnellis:  did you install ubuntu?  as the only os>16:26
mcnellisyes Dr_Willis16:26
mickster04diofeher: no linux last, grub is better than the windows one16:26
Dr_Willismcnellis:  if so try the shift key16:26
mcnellisok thanks16:26
mickster04diofeher: leave the linux partition unformatted16:27
macorichard123: clrg would have you installing the currently packaged version. what you're doing is installing from svn, so clrg would give you a slightly older version. its the easier way though..16:27
roshanmickster04, I am not able to view that image16:27
richard123maco: no I neglected that - am downloading now. OK re the command.16:27
lallaDr_Willis:audio is not coming on my ububtu.how do i go about it?16:27
macorichard123: all those packages listed at the top have to be installed before you start compiling16:27
mickster04roshan: get a cursor image editor, why do u need to read it?16:27
macorichard123: thats why it tells you them *FIRST*16:27
Dr_Willislalla:  No idea. I rarely have sound issues. so ive never troubleshot sound.16:28
richard123maco: sorry, it is late here, I missed that one.16:28
lallamaco:audio is not coming on my ubuntu.how do i go about it?16:28
roshanmickster04, not read it....just view it16:28
mcnellisNo that didn't work Dr_Willis any other ideas?16:28
diofehermickster04: so, i partitionate with windows, then i install windows first and then install linux?16:29
Dr_Willismcnellis:  edit the grub cfs so it dosent hide the menu. or use a live cd that has memtest on it16:29
macolalla: run "alsamier" and check you dont have anything muted or turned down first16:29
mcnellisah yeah maybe i'll use a live usb thanks16:29
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Dr_Willismcnellis:    see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527516:29
Dr_Willisor not...16:29
mickster04roshan: well thrte are cursor editing prorams, in theory gimp can open it?16:29
cpr_is there a screenshot application for ubuntu that automatically uploads to the web like grab.by does with windows?16:29
macolalla: ""your volume is down" is a *very* common response to audio bug reports...be surprised how few check it first before assuming its broken16:29
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mickster04diofeher: yeah, leave the partition for linux unformatted till u install linux, that should install grub (or some other bootloader) which will read both linux and windows, whereas the windows one cant read linux16:30
chiseli have ubuntu installed. I want to create a partition to install XP to. google is not helping. pls advise16:30
mickster04chisel: gpartd?16:31
erUSULchisel: use gparted from a livecd ...16:31
Dr_Willischisel:  best would be to put xp on its own seperate hard drive.16:31
makaveli0129hey guys just got an easy one here so i'm installing a tar file and i do the tar -zxvf filename and whatnot cd to the directory and ./configure and make and make install and all that jazz but my question is if installing source code is there a place that i should put the source file that i extracted or should i leave it in my home folder?16:31
erUSUL!virtualizers | chisel another option16:31
ubottuchisel another option: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications16:31
LtHummusIs there a way to use a Samba share on my Ubuntu machine as a place for time machine to stick its backups?16:31
diofehermickster04: oh, nice man! thanks for the tips, very appreciated16:32
dr4gIs there a way to have the ubuntu file browser open on the current directory that i'm on via Terminal.16:32
chiselso do i just creat an empty partition then stick the XP disc in and install to there?16:33
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mickster04chisel: format it to ntfs while your there may as well16:33
cooperis there a screenshot application for ubuntu that automatically uploads to the web like grab.by does with windows?16:33
tenmilesdr4g: try nautilus .16:33
dan__LtHummus Try using netatalk, it has the ability to create a timemachine volume16:33
Dr_Willisdr4g:  'nautilus .'   . = current dir16:33
chiselmickster04: thanks i shall. but is that a yes to my question?16:34
dr4gDr_Willis, yup i know, thanks.16:34
LtHummusdan__: i'll check it out16:34
dr4gthanks tenmiles16:34
mickster04chisel: well how else are you gona do it?16:34
delacchisel: that will propably render your ubuntu installation unbootable16:34
roshanmickster04, http://img227.imageshack.us/i/screenshotqp.png/    and also this:  http://img88.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1sh.png/16:34
dr4gtenmiles, what is 'nautilus' anyway ?16:34
chiselif i knew, i wouldn't be here asking now would i?16:34
dr4gDr_Willis,  ^16:34
Dr_Willisdr4g:  the file manager16:34
dr4gDr_Willis, wierd name :P16:34
delacchisel: installing XP after ubuntu will rewrite the bootloader and you wont be able to boot into ubuntu anymore16:35
mickster04FC]  http://supersp0rt.net/channel2.htmlCC16:35
chiseldelac: how does one work around this?16:35
delacchisel: it is possible to make it work, but it's not a job for newbies16:35
mickster04delpay attention, he is gona install linux last16:36
mickster04delac: also he hasnt said he is installing ubuntu16:36
chiselno, i HAVE ubuntu, i want a partition with XP on it16:36
mickster04delac: im a confused idiot, sorry16:36
delacmick: i thought he said that he allready has ubuntu installation there16:37
mickster04chisel: yeah, you will have to install grub after again:/16:37
mickster04delac: my bad:/16:37
roshanswetha; yes...hi...16:37
natesbrainhi, I'm trying to use the liveCD to install ubuntu on a newly-built box, but it's giving me "/init: line 1: can't open /dev/sr0: no medium found" and then kicking me to a minimal console16:38
chiselwutz this vmware thing i read about? is that a viable option for me?16:38
delacchisel: depends what you want to do with the xp installation16:38
natesbraini think it might be related to my video card a la http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1337410.html, but have no idea how i might verify that16:38
delacchisel: for example 3D gaming is not going to work16:39
natesbrainwas wondering if someone knew a lot about this sort of stuff and could help me16:39
chiseldelac: i just want to install and run WoW. i know i know, use wine......i call BS on that16:39
swethawant to do any projects in open source software16:39
makaveli0129after untarring a file to install where should i put the new folder or should i leave in home folder?16:39
cooperis there a screenshot application for ubuntu that automatically uploads to the web like grab.by does with windows?16:39
swethacan i get any ideas regarding that16:39
tenmileschisel: vmware is not a good idea for WoW.16:39
chiseli have yet to get a single program to work under wine16:40
mickster04chisel: wine however16:40
delacchisel: i'm not quite sure, but i think its propably not going to work16:40
buffrummh, I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 Beta 216:40
greezmunkeyDr_Willis: I tried that nautilus . and recieved this: (nautilus:2552) error, Eel-CRITICAL **: eel_preferences_get_boolean: assertion `preferences_is_initialized ()' failed16:40
mickster04chisel: wine is really good16:40
mickster04for wow16:40
roshanswetha; yes try video talks and file sharing in pidgin16:40
Dr_Willisgreezmunkey:  open a new terminal and try it.. perhaps you did somnting odd in the terminal youa re using16:40
swethapidgin ah16:40
roshanswetha; its a challenging project16:41
rosco_yhow do you follow someone on the "uBlog" twitter widget?16:41
swethaoh kkk16:41
roshanmickster04, did you see them attached images16:41
swethasome one ws workin on it i thnk16:41
swethaisnt it16:41
istanzasalve, ho scaricato una patch per fa funzionare il microfono, vaio f11 con lucid, ma non capisco come applicarla...16:41
cooperis there a screenshot application for ubuntu that automatically uploads to the web like grab.by does with windows?16:41
buffrafter installing Ubuntu 10.04 Beta 2 to #2 hard drive, sdb that basically consisted nothing, and keeping Windows XP on #1 hard drive (sda) everything went fine except I can't boot to Windows XP anymore. It complains about missing System32\HAL.dll. Could anybody give some advice?16:41
greezmunkeyDr_Willis: Tried that. I looked about on the net, and found that it is possibly a bug, nautilus works, and opens the current directory though ???16:41
buffrIs it perfmanently fucked up?16:42
icerootbuffr: your language?16:42
Dr_Willisgreezmunkey:  it works fine for me. is all i can say16:42
icerootbuffr: and go to #ubuntu+116:42
buffriceroot, language?16:42
cooperis someone going to answer me?16:42
Azrael1018I am a brand new Ubuntu user and need help setting up my graphics card.  it is a Nvidia Geforce mx44016:42
greezmunkeyDr_Willis: cool, I'll look into it more on my end then, cheers!16:42
Dr_Willisgreezmunkey:  try -->  nautilus $(pwd)16:42
buffriceroot, I do speak Finnish but I get no response @ ubuntu-fi16:42
mickster04roshan: yeah, why are yu opening a windows cursor file in ubuntu? why bother16:42
seven2any 1 can help?16:42
seven2package unrar is not available16:43
iceroot!10.04 | buffr16:43
ubottubuffr: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:43
swetharoshan; not understandin xactly wat to do16:43
roshanmickster04, i am doing my project on image compression and the output is in that format...i can't just help that as of now...16:43
iceroot!info unrar | Seveas16:43
ubottuSeveas: unrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.9.3-1 (karmic), package size 100 kB, installed size 248 kB16:43
greezmunkeyDr_Willis: like, nautilus ${my password} .16:43
mickster04roshan: well i have no idea what to do16:43
Azrael1018I cannot get high resolution.  I have tried to install 96.43 legacy drivers but cannot figure out how to get higher res16:44
Ken8521Azrael1018, did you install the driver in hardware drivers, or did you download it form Nvidia?  what version of ubuntu are you using16:44
roshanmickster04, kk thank you..in case you get any idea...do let me know16:44
roshanswetha; sent you a personal message..check it16:44
Dr_Willisgreezmunkey:  pwd = print working directory16:45
swethak k16:45
Dr_Willisgreezmunkey:  nothing todo with a password16:45
Azrael1018I am using 9.1, installed yesterday using windows installer16:45
swethahey come into eswecha channel na16:45
z3r0-c001hello all16:45
Ken8521Azrael1018, the windows installer?16:45
Ken8521Azrael1018, on Linux?16:45
geekphreakevening folks16:45
Azrael1018on starting, it said to install new Nvidia drivers so i took the default16:45
geekphreakPici: howdy16:46
geekphreakbazhang: howdy16:46
z3r0-c001azrael1018 are you refering to wine16:46
Azrael1018Ubuntu 9.1, when i found it from windows firefox, there was an option to use windows to download and install16:46
cooperis there a screenshot application for ubuntu that automatically uploads to the web like grab.by does with windows?16:46
Ken8521Azrael1018, are you trying to install the Windows driver in Linux?16:46
greezmunkeyDr_Willis: Did that, same result. This time (nautilus:2606) The number after the colon in the example I pasted previously looks like a pid. It still works though! I don't normally open it that way, so I'm not too worried. I'll see if it is solvable at my end.16:47
victhorI copied a Ubuntu install from a hard drive to another, but I can't get it to boot.16:47
victhorI corrected all the UUIDs and device paths, but it still won't boot16:48
Dr_Willisvicthor:  copied how exactly?16:48
geekphreakvicthor:  copy wont help16:48
victhoropened Nautilus and pasted them on the other partition16:48
icerootvicthor: you dd for that16:48
Azrael1018Ken8521, please repeat how to join your channel, i lost it16:48
icerootvicthor: of course that is not working16:48
victhorthe partition where it was copied from was damaged16:48
victhorthat's why I didn't use dd16:48
geekphreakDr_Willis: howdy sir16:49
Azrael1018i,m sorry, Ken, but the instructions pop up and disappear to fast, one more time, please?16:50
z3r0-c001does any one know of any progz like wine i need one that can run itunes16:50
poweredthe kernel of my ubuntu cannot read the partition table on my hd16:50
iceroot!ipod | z3r0-c00116:50
ubottuz3r0-c001: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:50
poweredsomeone knows how to fix it?16:50
roshandoes anyone know how to view windows cursor file in ubuntu16:50
geekphreakroshan:  .cur?16:51
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:51
mickster04geekphreak: .bit apparently16:51
roshangeekphreak, no its in .bit format16:51
mabusz3r0-c001: itunes should work with wine, maybe a bit ugly16:51
victhormy boot stops after "filesystem is clean"16:51
geekphreakhmm ok16:52
victhorI had no init.d and I was able to boot no further than "Running /scripts/init-bottom" or something like that16:52
roshangeekphreak, any idea?16:52
victhorI copied the /etc from another install, without overwriting the existing files, which made the system boot further into the "Filesystem is clean" line16:53
z3r0-c001i dont need that this is a ubuntu question about progz for ubuntu so ill ask it here i have a iphone that i need to update i dont need to add music i need a fully functional itunes not just music and pics and i need it for UBUNTU16:54
Roastedif Im connecting from 1 ubuntu machine to another ubuntu machine to connect to a printer, which option exactly should I hit? (both machines have samba)16:54
usr_hello, I have a nas mybook world hdd and the network card stopped working. I got the disk and I need to get my data back. It is formated in raid but that is all I know. I need help to transfer my data to another drive. Can anyone help me?16:54
seven1any 1 can tell me how to get unrar16:55
seven1the code16:55
Guest71724z3r0-c001: with the ubuntu music store you can get music that isn't watermarked16:56
Ken8521seven1, you should just be able to use archive manager...16:56
costreusr_, Is it just one disk?16:56
seven1ya but unrar isnt for this 9.10 version16:56
seven1can you tell me the code16:56
usr_costre, yes16:56
costreusr_, I don't think a single disk can be formatted as a raid16:57
seven1can any 1 tell me the code please16:57
chrometigerseven1: once i installed the 7zip packages i was able to open rar files with archive manager in 9.1016:57
z3r0-c001that last link dont work in ubottus mesage16:57
z3r0-c001i dont need music16:57
z3r0-c001i need to update and sync my iphone not music16:57
seven1chrome can you give me a link?16:57
chrometigersudo apt-get install p7zip16:58
seven1i cannot via synaptic16:58
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z3r0-c001i run ubuntu but i aint know i was going to have to give up my phone in exchange16:58
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:58
Ken8521z3r0-c001, you don't have to give it up, you jus t have to adapt and overcome16:58
seven1couldn't find package p7zip16:59
Ken8521seven1, is the machine connected to the internet?16:59
smtyour still playin around with your rar archives seven1 ?16:59
chrometigerseven1: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-263825.html16:59
costreseven1, Have you checke dthe repositories and the download sources?16:59
seven1thank you chrome17:00
usr_costre, ok, well I am no expert that is why I ask :(. I cannot access the drive and cannot mount it either. It has multiple partitions and on properties it shows "application/octet-stream" I dont know it that helps17:00
chrometigerlike i said i noticed once i installed that i was able to open .rar riles17:00
geekphreakusr_:  partition encypted?17:00
usr_costre, I just opened gparted to see if the content is still there17:00
geekphreakchrometiger: he wants the source code i think, not the application itself17:01
greezmunkeyDr_Willis: Check this out: http://imagebin.org/93404 (a post I found)17:01
usr_geekphreak, well, it used to have a password to access. It was a network disk but the ethernet card stopped working17:01
costreusr_, Try using palimpsest, it shows nic einfo on devices and partitions17:02
geekphreakusr_:  ok17:02
geekphreakusr_: are you on live cd?17:02
usr_geekphreak, nope17:03
Roastedif Im connecting from 1 ubuntu machine to another ubuntu machine to connect to a printer, which option exactly should I hit? (both machines have samba)17:03
amikropHello, I have an external HITACHI USB hard disk. Quite often, I can't access from Nautilus directories that contain shortcuts to directories of the external disk, nor I can access the disk itself from Nautilus. This gets fixed only if I turn off the 1TB disk, wait some while and put it back to electricity again. The whole situation makes Nautilus hang really bad. Any help, please?17:03
homohabilisi have a big problem with my hard drive. it is making a strange noise all the time. i belive it has to do with parking. I am using  Karmic Koala17:03
usr_geekphreak, I have an hdd dedicated to ubuntu on my pc17:03
geekphreakusr_: ok i was just curious, when you type sudo cfdisk, what partition type it says for that system?17:04
cooperwhen i use apt why does my cpu 100%17:04
smthmm maybe because apt needs all the power your cpu can provide cooper17:05
Dr_Willisamikrop:  check the output of 'dmesg' next time it has issues. Ive seen a great many usb hard drives constantly 'resetting' due either to kernel bugs or other issues.. 10.04 dosent seem to have as many problems for me as the  current release did.17:05
usr_geekphreak, I have a few hdds on my pc, how can I tell the properties of the right disk? I used cfdisk but it is showing another disk...17:06
hardwired'llo. Does somebody have an Intel Clarkdale (eg core i3) working with X and OpenGL?17:06
geekphreakusr_: check size?17:06
usr_geekphreak, yes but only one disk was listed17:07
amikropDr_Willis: The output is huge, any grep I could do?17:07
Dr_Willisamikrop:  look at the end.17:07
technikfreakhello together is it possible to create a special terminal session (shortcut) in which i have already everytime root rights17:07
Dr_Willisamikrop:  or 'tail -f /var/log/messages' in a terminal and wait for it to happen again.17:07
haavarosI'm trying to make firefox open .doc with Open Office Writer. What is the path to the program?17:07
greezmunkeyDr_Willis: you're on Lucid, how do you like so far?17:08
chiseli'm gonna dual boot windows xp and ubuntu. i have ubuntu installed, but research shows the best way to do this is to install xp first. My problem is, i can't figure out how to install xp over ubuntu. If i can figure this out, i think i can take it from there.17:08
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Dr_Willisgreezmunkey:  it works.. it breaks.. it gets fixed.. it breaks..17:08
seven1guys where can i insert sudo apt-get install p7zip? in a terminal?17:08
homohabilisusing Western Digital hard drive and it keeps makin a strange noise in Karmic. what could be the problem?? Load Cycle problem or what ?? plz help17:08
chiselseven1: yes17:08
greezmunkeyDr_Willis: such is open source, huh!17:08
Dr_Willistechnikfreak:  you mean a 'terminal' command session? ive seen 'root terminal' icons in the menus somewhere befor.17:08
richard123maco: looks like its working: compiling now. ..17:08
macorichard123: god17:08
Dr_Willisgreezmunkey:  given the issues i had with the windows betas.. i will stick with ubuntu :017:08
macorichard123: good*17:08
haavarosWhere in file system is the open office writer program?17:09
seven1package p7zip not available, what can i do?17:09
technikfreakDr_Willis, right for that i am searching17:09
Dr_Willis!info p7zip17:09
ubottup7zip (source: p7zip): 7zr file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.04~dfsg.1-1 (karmic), package size 350 kB, installed size 1000 kB17:09
greezmunkeyDr_Willis: did you check out the screen shot?17:09
geekphreakhaavaros: open terminal17:09
technikfreakbecause if i make some apt-get ect.... everytime i will be asked for sudo and apssword17:09
Dr_Willistechnikfreak:  make a launcher that runs 'gksudo gnome-terminal' or somthing.17:09
seven1event not found17:09
amikropDr_Willis: No, I don't see anything relative at the end17:09
chiselseven1 check the PPA or find out which repository your prog is in17:09
amikropDr_Willis: I will try tail -f17:09
haavarosgeekphreak: OK17:09
Dr_Willisamikrop:  monitor the logs.. wait for it to goof up.. perhaps get a clue as to whats going wrong,17:09
geekphreakhaavaros: type sudo whereis oowriter17:10
haavarosgeekphreak: Oh, thx17:10
Dr_Willisamikrop:  i never did find an actual 'fix'  but i did check in 10.04 and i dont have the same issues now.. so theres hope.17:10
chiselseven1 or try doing a search for it within synaptic17:10
usr_costre, geekphreak, I found this http://mybookworld.wikidot.com/forum/t-90514/  but I dont understand it well =( could you help me? what is md from command modprobe? the name of the drive?17:10
fk91If I write to /proc, this settings arre gone after the next restart?17:10
okapi14hi guys, I have problem to hear sound from amarok even the sound test seem to work fine. anyone can help?17:11
amikropDr_Willis: That's very comforting, since I can't see anything in tail -f /var/log/messages17:11
chiselHow do i install xp OVER ubuntu?17:11
amikropEven when I try to access the drive from Nautilus and fail17:11
mickster04chisel: install it to a spare partition then reinstall grub17:11
mickster04!grub | chisel17:11
ubottuchisel: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:11
geekphreakchisel: pop the cd in run the setup, remember ubuntu boot loader grub will be washed of , so you will need to reinstall it17:11
amikropDr_Willis: It might be a kernel issue that got fixed in the version 10.04 is using17:12
geekphreakcan anyone post link for grub howto17:12
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seven1hmm server ro.ubuntu haven't 7zip i think...17:12
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:12
amikropDr_Willis: thank you very much, anyway :)17:12
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:12
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geekphreakchk out the link to restore grub ^^17:12
usr_costre, geekphreak, this is the list of drives on my pc when I do fdisk -l   -> http://pastebin.com/6MWefaEB17:13
delacchisel: and remember to BACK UP YOUR DATA!17:13
geekphreakusr_:  ok17:13
usr_costre, geekphreak the disk I need to restore is the 1TB one17:13
chiseli'm trying to avoid all that by simply installing xp first. then i'll re-install ubuntu. i need a clean install anyhow17:13
mickster04chisel: fine17:13
mickster04chisel: it's dead easy then17:13
seven1i have unrar but i doesnt run can any 1 help?17:14
amikropDr_Willis: hmm, this may be related: $ sudo umount /media/HITACHI17:14
amikrop[sudo] password for indy:17:14
amikropumount: /media/HITACHI: device is busy.17:14
amikrop        (In some cases useful info about processes that use17:14
amikrop         the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))17:14
FloodBot1amikrop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:14
geekphreakusr_:  i see some drives listed there, which one is the system on?17:14
delacchisel: well that's easy. just run the xp installation cd17:14
delacchisel: it will overwrite ubuntu17:14
costreusr_, Did you try running palimpsest? Because I used to run mdadm, but I find palimpsest much more snjoyable17:14
smtseven1 i still think your archives are incomplete and/or broken, unrar works fine for me17:14
mickster04delac: not neccessarily17:14
usr_geekphreak, ubuntu is on /dev/sde and windows is on /dev/sda17:14
greezmunkeyusr_: you have a raid adapter installed? /dev/sdd?17:15
delacchisel: allthough, you might want to partition your hard drive to two partitions before that17:15
hardwiredseven1: let's see. how do you run it, and what happens afterwards?17:15
delacchisel: one for xp and one for ubuntu17:15
usr_greezmunkey, not sure, how could I possibly know? I am quite newbie on linux17:15
seven1i select "open with unrar"17:15
chiseldelac: the problem is setup.EXE17:15
a16bitsoftwill Western Digital "Advanced Format" of notebook hard drives work in new Ubuntu 10.04 ?17:15
delacchisel: just use your ubuntu live-cd to do that17:15
seven1and nothing loads17:15
fk91If I write settings to /proc (like changing the ip), this settings are gone (after the next restart)?17:16
mokmeisterDoes anyone here know, or have a link to, how to retrieve their password on freenode? I have stw, but I just can't find a way to do it. Any help would be appreciated.17:16
usr_costre, not yet, I am looking for it17:16
delacchisel: what about setup.exe?17:16
seven1i made them .part1.rar , .part2.rar so i can put them on different CDs, and unrar doesnot accept them17:16
hardwiredseven1: open a terminal, navigate to where your rar file is, then type   unrar e name-of-rarfile.rar    and see what is written17:16
Leightoni have an external HD partition with Ubuntu 9.10 on it, but my iMac with OS X doesnt see the drive as a bootable device, how can i change that?17:16
chiseldelac: ubuntu doesn't run .exe files17:16
costreusr_, Install palimpsest using synaptic package manager, run it (it's called "disk utility") and see what it has to say17:16
chrometigerseven1: can u not do it in terminal ?    man unrar      it comes with 9.1017:16
geekphreakusr_: which system are you trying to get back sdd? or sde, where ubuntu is?17:16
delacchisel: you have to boot your machine with the xp cd in th drive17:17
Leightonmokmeister: nickserv doesnt have an email address to send the new password to?17:17
usr_geekphreak, I need to get my data back from sdd17:17
chiseldelac: i tried that, but it went straight to ubuntu again. what should i be doing?17:17
delacchisel: and remember to set the machine to boot from cd17:17
seven1unrar: command not found17:17
delacchisel: from bios17:17
chiseloh yeah gotcha17:17
greezmunkeyusr_: sdd is the raid structure I was referring to!17:18
chiselthanks missed that whole step! lol17:18
mokmeisterLeighton: Yes it does, but when I asked to have it sent, I didn't receive a reply17:18
ManateeLazyCatHi all, Ubuntu 10.04 is stable enough now? Some bug just fix in gtk+2.20, but i need make sure Ubuntu is stable before i upgrade.17:18
seven1:-(can any 1 help me to unrar my .part1.rar , .part2.rar files?17:18
usr_greezmunkey, then, yes. Any clue on how to access it? is it possible?17:19
costreseven1, Are they large files?17:19
seven1costre, yes17:19
buttons840why might my kernel be "kept back" from being updated on a fresh ubuntu install?17:19
costreseven1, Do you find "unrar" in syaptic?17:20
seven1it's an backup of my home maded game17:20
seven1in synaptic, yes it says its installed17:20
seven1but in terminal "unrar: command not found"17:21
costreseven1, unrar or unrar-free?17:21
greezmunkeyusr_: I'm not sure, I don't want to step in front of the folks helping, but were you set up with multiple boot options? If so what were they?17:21
costreTry opening in archive manager does what?17:21
usr_costre, palimpset says "disk failure is imminent" but I can see that my data is on the disk. I opened gparted and the data is in one of the partitions17:21
seven1archive type not supported, costre17:22
Dr_Willisusr_:  that tool can be a little... over zelous in its predictions.17:22
costreseven1, How large are the files?17:22
seven1700 each17:22
seven1700 mb each17:22
Dr_Willisusr_:  its basically reporting that some of the SMART montioing data is getting worse and worse.17:22
costreseven1, I was wondering if I could get my hands on them :)17:22
seven1it runs on my windows17:22
costreseven1 to try to extract myself17:22
Dr_Willisusr_:  so its  proberly a very good idea to make some backups (always a good idea)..  but  that hd may still last for a very long time.17:23
seven1they are too large to upload17:23
usr_greezmunkey, well, this used to be a NAS HDD (my book world 1TB) but the "mother board" stopped working and I cannot use it anymore. I extracted the disk and installed on my pc. I only need to get my data back no matter what. The disk was formatted from factory17:23
seven1costre, can you enter on my server?, computer?17:23
costreusr_, Does palimpsest say anything about "part of raid array" or such?17:23
Roastedif Im connecting from 1 ubuntu machine to another ubuntu machine to connect to a printer, which option exactly should I hit? (both machines have samba)17:23
usr_Dr_Willis, thanks for your advise, I am really trying to backup my data17:24
seven1costre, can you enter on my laptop?17:24
usr_costre, yes17:25
costreseven1, Perhaps, if you activate remote desktop helping or whats it called17:25
greezmunkeyRoasted: Is the printer shared on the PC it is connected to?17:25
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costreusr_, Can you start the array?17:25
usr_costre, no, I do not know how to do that17:25
costreusr_, It's a button in palimpsest :)17:25
Roastedgreezmunkey, yes, windows boxes connect to it fine. I just cant get it with my ubuntu machine17:25
seven1done costre17:25
costreusr_,  "start the array"17:25
seven1it is activated17:26
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greezmunkeyRoasted, is the printer attached to a winbox?17:26
usr_costre, nope, all of the options are "gray" and cannot do anything but format17:27
Roastedgreezmunkey, no, its an ubuntu box.17:27
costreseven1, I doubt that17:27
seven1Your desktop is only reachable over the local network. Others can access your computer using the address or seven-laptop.local.17:27
costreseven1, mor elike
seven1thats my ip..17:28
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usr_costre, is there any way to start it from terminal?17:28
seven1i dont say it cause people DDoS me alltimes ...17:28
usr_costre, I cannot even mount it17:28
greezmunkeyRoasted, and your winboxen can use that printer?17:28
seven1costre, please access my laptop17:28
hardwiredhow long does a kernel build on a decent desktop machine take approximately? half an hour? or several hours?17:28
costreseven1, That's not your IP ...17:29
Roastedgreezmunkey, I have 2 windows boxes, 2 ubuntu boxes. the printer is on an ubuntu box shared out, and the win boxes can print to it just fine. However, the 2nd ubuntu box (without the printer) is mine, and Im trying to connect to the 1st ubuntu box thats hosting the printer, but nothing I try works.17:29
seven1yes it is, i know it17:29
Dr_Willishardwired:  i wouldent think more then an hr.. tops17:29
greezmunkeyseven1: run this: wget -q -O- http://whatismyip.org/17:29
Dr_Willishardwired:  i could do it in an hr on my old machine from years back17:29
hardwiredDr_Willis: thanks17:29
hardwiredDr_Willis: hehe, but I guess it grows over the years17:29
seven194.176.102.69 - IPv4 Addres17:30
Dr_Willishardwired:  trim out the modules you need.. to speed it up.17:30
costreseven1, Your whois claims to be at
Dr_Willishardwired:  also i recall that 'distcc' could spread it out to other machines. and gain speed as well17:30
greezmunkeyRoasted, ok, is you ubox able to view shares on the other ubox?17:30
seven1please, access my computer.17:30
usr_costre, greezmunkey, geekphreak, is there any way to mount my drive and copy the content to another drive?17:30
geekphreakseven1: why are you posting ip?17:30
Roastedgreezmunkey, hm, I never tried. My ubuntu box (non printer) is a file server with samba, so all users can hit MY box to back up files, but I never tried with the other non-file server box... let me try17:31
Roastedgreezmunkey, I have a print$ share on the other box17:31
costreseven1, I cant access your computer .. check your firewall17:31
costreusr_, Find some other guy with the same NAS and insert that drive there17:31
Roastedgreezmunkey, prompts me for a PW... nothing works.17:31
seven1costre, may you try again?17:31
usr_costre, greezmunkey, geekphreak, I am trying to follow -> http://mybookworld.wikidot.com/forum/t-90514/   but I just got stuck in the first step =(. It says "Module md not found"17:32
costreusr_, It says so here too17:32
costreusr_, And I have a raid array I know is working17:33
buttons840anyone else ever notice that accepting the java-jre terms and conditions involves clicking a "Do you agree?" prompt;  thus, to install i never actually have to agree :)17:33
greezmunkeyRoasted: look at /etc/samba/smb.conf, specifically in the [global] section, for (workgroup = something), what does it say?17:33
usr_costre, =(. I need to get my data back17:33
Roastedgreezmunkey, of the other computer?17:33
Roastedoh, each system is in a workgroup17:33
greezmunkeyRoasted, yours17:33
Roastedwe're all in the same workgroup17:33
RoastedI set that up prior when I configured the LAN to point to my system for file server services17:34
costreusr_, You can start from step 2 and replace sdb4 with your failed drive17:34
uspenoki had install yesterday ubuntu x86 livecd lucid beta2. Live cd works properly. But installed version tuned off my monitor on start up. Is it known bug ? Shuld be critical i think.17:34
greezmunkeyRoasted, in a terminal type smbtree, enter your pword, and see what it tells you.17:34
Ken8521uspenok, what graphics device?17:35
usr_costre, ok, I didnt try anything because I dont understand, and dont want to do something that may destroy my data17:35
Dr_Willisuspenok:  lucid talk in #ubuntu+1  and  use the console/rescue mode Update and upgrade the system for starters.17:35
acovrigcan I download a package and all dependancies without install (to usb to a offline ubuntu)?17:35
seven1costre, can you retry conecting to on remote desktop?17:35
ravenubuntu 9.10 - how to hear live the microphone/line input? seems to be disabled17:35
costreusr_, Do you know the /dev/sdx - location of your drive? It's easy to find out in gparted for example17:35
uspenokKen8521: nvidia 9600 gt17:35
Roastedgreezmunkey, see PM17:35
costreseven1, I have17:36
uspenokDr_Willis: thx17:36
seven1then what could i do, costre?17:36
usr_costre, do you have any idea what is the first command used for? "modprobe md".17:36
greezmunkeyRoasted: what's that? Your printer?17:36
Ken8521uspenok, weird... i've got  a similar card and it works fine for me.. try asking in #ubuntu+117:36
usr_costre, yes, it is listed as sgg17:36
geekphreakusr_:  it trying to find that module17:36
usr_costre, sdd17:36
Roastedgreezmunkey, whats..w hat?17:36
costreseven1, Have you started the remote dekstop in preferences?17:36
greezmunkeyPM, ok I get it...17:36
costreusr_, Go ahead and try to do the steps .. I have many times, the disk will not gett effed up17:37
usr_geekphreak, so md can be the name of the drive?17:37
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=== acovri is now known as acovrig
seven1costre, sorry, i worked before only with DoS Operating Systems, never tried unix before17:37
usr_costre, ok =)17:37
acovrighow do I download a package and all dependencies without installing (for offline install)17:38
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llutzacovrig:  apt-get -d17:38
acovrigllutz doesn't work (package-name is an invalid option)17:39
greezmunkeyRoasted: should probably work, unless there is something blocking your attempt to access, firewall of some sort?17:39
llutzacovrig:  man apt-get17:39
teddddhow can I get notify-send to work when a program is in fullscreen mode?17:39
seven1any 1 knows how can i remote desktop from a linux to a windows? same ip?17:39
AaronMis it possible to get NetworkManager to ignore a interface ?17:39
Roastedgreezmunkey, well, Ive never done ubuntu to ubuntu printer sharing... whjat is the PROPER procedure to go through to connect it? Maybe Im trying ti wrong17:40
costreacovrig, You can try the package download script in synaptic17:40
greezmunkeyAaronM: uncheck autoconnect ??17:40
ravenubuntu 9.10 - how to hear live the microphone/line input? seems to be disabled17:40
seven1any 1 knows?17:40
acovrigllutz, 'apt-get -d lynx' returnes 'E: Invalid operation lynx'17:40
llutzacovrig: apt-get -d install lynx17:40
zoopzoowhats the -d for?17:40
geekphreakseven1: is port opened?17:40
geekphreakzoopzoo: download only , no instrall17:40
llutzzoopzoo:   man apt-get17:40
seven1geek... i dont understand?17:40
AaronMno NetworkManager is constantly making my second wireless card probe when my internal one is connect sucessfully, i want to17:40
costreseven1, There could a rouyter issue? Port forwarding perhaps?17:41
zoopzoojust now done that llutz  :P17:41
AaronM'blacklist' the wifi2 iface from networkmanager17:41
geekphreakseven1:  afaik you will need to open port in your router setting for remote to work17:41
seven1should i activate ports before ?17:41
Neo--any way to force ubuntu one client to check status of files and upload if required?17:41
usr_costre, http://pastebin.com/eFXqjmix17:41
zoopzoodo u just want to view your laptop over the lan?17:41
acovrigcostre, how?17:41
zoopzooif so give teamviewer a go..17:42
Code_Bleudoes anyone know if the Flip UltraHD will work on Linux as a Skype camera?17:42
zoopzoono port forward needed if u want something fast for lan only17:42
greezmunkeyRoasted: look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu17:42
costreacovrig, Do you have a router?17:42
acovrigcostre, wireless (wifi)?17:43
seven1so i cannot do anything..17:43
greezmunkeyAaronM: you could add that interface to /etc/network/interfaces - that'll keep NM from being able to manage it.17:43
costreusr_, Does /dev/sdd4 exist?17:43
seven1i give up... im installing freeBSD17:43
geekphreakacronica: there are 2 system yeahs?17:43
geekphreakseven1: i mean *17:44
usr_costre, yes17:44
geekphreakseven1:  can you ping the other machine?17:44
costreacovrig, Access your router's settings page, edit the port forwarding settings to transmit data on the remote desktop port to your specific computers IP17:44
usr_costre, and it seems to be the place where my data is17:44
seven1yes i can17:44
costreusr_, Then go for it17:44
greezmunkeyAaronM: That's probably not what you really want to do though.17:44
acovrigcostre why? and what port 22,80,5222,6777 are already forwarded17:45
Roastedgreezmunkey, some interesting stuff. I find I made 1 mistake already - however I'm no closer yet. What option should I be choosing when I search for it? Samba? IPP? Network printer? LDP or whatever it is?17:45
geekphreakseven1: you said both have same ip's , yeah ? , hope thats external ip , not internal :p17:45
AaronMi just want NetworkManager to completly ignore the wlan2 interface but still be able to connect through wlan017:45
costreacovrig, Because that's one explanation why noone can access your remote desktop17:45
xcdoes any one know which library in gcc is similiar to graphics in tc17:45
seven1it is an NOT dinamicaly IP.17:45
costreacovrig, What port to open is displayed in the remote dekstop settings I believe17:46
acovrigcostre, thats not what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to download lynx for an offline install (to comp2) without installing on comp117:46
greezmunkeyRoasted: ipp17:46
geekphreakseven1:  agreed, but atleast internal ip should be different right?17:47
costreacovrig, Oh, I mistook you for somwone else ... time for a cup of coffee :D17:47
geekphreakcostre: can i have some too :)17:47
acovrigcostre, thats ok, lol17:47
seven1Geek it is the same computer, but 5 OS, by one touch17:47
Roastedgreezmunkey, now this printer is USB plugged in and shared - still IPP?17:48
acovrighow do I download a package for an offline install (to comp2) without installing on comp117:48
geekphreakseven1:  oh man , that makes it much more clear :p17:48
ChogyDanAaronM: if you configure the interface, NM will ignore it17:48
geekphreakacovrig: you were already told -d option lol17:48
seven1I use 7 OS ( NOT WINDOWS 7!)17:48
h3ll0hi there how do i check startup applications17:48
h3ll0like tor17:48
seven1so i have an button and when i touch it i can change the interface17:49
Roastedgreezmunkey, Im not able to select anything when I use IPP.17:49
Roastedwow is ubuntu shared printing really this difficult or am I completely retarded?17:49
seven1but i cannot switch files between17:49
ChogyDanAaronM: if you configure it through /etc/interfaces, that is.  Maybe you can just make it a loop back interface or something17:49
acovriggeekphreak but it doesnt work, it trys to install, can I force download even if it is already installed on comp1?17:49
geekphreakseven1: you think you will have better lucjk on bsd lol17:50
wildc4rdevenin all17:50
seven1think so17:50
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ChogyDanacovrig: reinstall, or just navigate directly to the server17:50
seven1maybe rar will run better on FREEBSD17:50
smti doubt that seven117:51
h3ll0how do I list ALL startup applications?17:51
AaronMChogyDan, i just need to find a way to prevent it from being brought up automaticaly when plugged in17:51
costreseven1, That right there is a mystery wrapped in a riddle :)17:51
smtrar is a format invented for windows systems...17:51
chudziujest tu jakis polak17:51
Dr_Williscostre:  with a side of onions..17:51
costre!pl | chudziu17:51
ubottuchudziu: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.17:51
seven1guys i try from this morning to unzip / unrar17:51
AaronMifconfig wlan2 down makes it leave it alone17:51
seven1i :-X17:51
Dr_Willisseven1:  wine winrar.exe works last i tried it. :)17:51
costreDr_Willis, Good one :)17:52
chudziuwitam cie costre mam pytanie znasz moze jakiś strony www do ubnut17:52
chudziuby go łatwo i szybko poznać17:52
costreWhen I mention "wine imgburn" I get rotten tomatoes17:52
usr_geekphreak, costre, greezmunkey, I solved my problem yeeeiiii =). Thank you very much guys. I got my faith back hehe. You rock!!!  keep up the good work :)17:52
seven1i cant type17:52
usr_LINUX ROCKS!!!17:52
costreusr_, What happened?17:52
ChogyDanAaronM: so I guess you can;t configure it with /etc/interfaces?17:52
usr_costre, its mounted so now I can see my data17:52
costreusr_, Back. It. Up. :)17:53
AaronMummm i probably can, just dont know how. imma google around thx anyway17:53
costreor is that "make a backup"? either way, just do it17:53
seven1ubuntu is realy hard to handle17:53
geekphreakusr_: good job17:53
costreseven1, I find it quite comfortable17:53
geekphreakseven1:  not really17:53
usr_costre, hehe yeah. I am doing that immediately17:54
seven1guys, i try from 1 day to unrar/ unzip and nothing17:54
geekphreakusr_: next time use externla usb drive for backups :p17:54
ravenubuntu 9.10 - how to hear live the microphone/line input? seems to be disabled17:54
greezmunkeyRoasted: did you follow the instructions regarding the server side, where the printer is attached?17:54
usr_geekphreak, thanks. yeah I know17:54
geekphreakseven1:  works here np, did you install the rar package?17:54
stefano_join a channel17:54
costregeekphreak, It's a mystery17:54
seven1rar package?17:54
seven1i did get one from their website17:55
Dr_Willisseven1:  there is a rar and unrar packages in teh repos..17:55
geekphreakseven1: sudo apt-get install unrar17:55
smtyou dont need the rar package just to unrar17:55
Dr_Willisseven1:  no need to use their web site17:55
usr_geekphreak, I thought that drive was reliable. Well the drive is, but the way to store data is not...17:55
seven1it says unrar is not available17:55
ChogyDanAaronM: fwiw though, I thought you could get NM to ignore a connection.  You could just right click the connection and uncheck automatic.  Maybe that is what you are looking for17:55
greezmunkeyAaronM: There just isn't a good answer except like what I mentioned before, adding the int to /etc/network/interfaces, sorry17:55
seven1either unrar-free17:55
geekphreakusr_: if you are getting smart error , i would backup , even though error can be flakey at times, but why take a chance17:55
Dr_Willisseven1:  you got some repos disabled.. or not updated the listing recently perhaps.17:55
Dr_Willis!info unrar-free17:55
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (karmic), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB17:56
StaticShocki have a terminal with a hung ssh session (because my connection got reset)17:56
smtunrar is in the multiverse repos17:56
StaticShockis there a graceful way to close this terminal?"17:56
seven1!info: event not found17:56
dr4gStaticShock, type 'exit'17:56
usr_geekphreak, I learned my lesson. I wont trust MS OS anymore. From now on, linux is my default OS.17:56
StaticShockthe terminal is hung17:56
dr4gStaticShock, nevermind, CTRL+C17:56
StaticShocki tried that17:57
smtstrg +c? StaticShock17:57
geekphreakusr_: welcome to the dark side :)17:57
smtsry im german ctrl17:57
AaronMChogyDan, no its not the connection that is bothering me its that NM sees the new wireless interface and starts automatically sending active broadcast probes to try and find wireless APs around me. my wlan0 is the one i connect to wireless with wlan2 is my wireless that i tinker with (it is a rfmon interface)17:57
StaticShockyeah, ctrl+c doesn't do it17:57
seven1!info: event not found17:57
dr4gStaticShock, uhh well CTRL+Z might work17:57
StaticShockit doesn't17:57
geekphreakdr4g: though it was ctrl+w17:57
dr4gStaticShock, ok i'm out of ideas then :)17:57
seven1!info: event not found17:57
dr4ggeekphreak, not for terminals17:57
geekphreakStaticShock: try ctrl+w17:57
dr4ggeekphreak, only for GUI apps like firefox and the likes17:58
dr4gCTRL+W closes current tab17:58
StaticShocki can close the tab by hitting the X in the corner17:58
smtseven1: do u have the multiverse repositories activated?17:58
StaticShockbut i was wondering if that strands any processes or anything17:58
seven1to have what?17:58
StaticShockor any resources17:58
geekphreakdr4g:  sorry its shift+ctrl+17:58
seven1no how can activate them smt?17:58
Roastedgreezmunkey, yeah... it says processing now... but nothing is coming out of the printer. Wow.17:58
dr4ggeekphreak, ah17:58
fk91I have a router linux: Where can I find the network settings as a file? /etc/net* or /etc/interfaces dont exists. resolv.conf only contains
smtseven1:  ->pm17:58
fk91Is there another place where the config files are saved?17:59
dr4ggeekphreak, that doesn't even work for me lol17:59
greezmunkeyRoasted: keep dinking with it, you'll get it.17:59
geekphreakdr4g: works here umm17:59
StaticShockactually, Shift+Ctrl+W is asking me "close this terminal, even though a process is still running in it?"17:59
usr_geekphreak, hehe, thanks. I've been tracking ubuntu since 6.XX but I had to use specialized software that is developed just for MS OSs, but now Im returning to ubuntu :). Just to be sure, to backup all the data from my drive I use "cp -afp src dest" right?17:59
geekphreakStaticShock: try this shift+ctrl+w17:59
Flannelfk91: Shouldn't be.  But this is offtopic for this channel, come to #ubuntu offtopic and we'll see if we can't find something.17:59
StaticShockwhich is the first time i've gotten any kind of response in that terminal17:59
dr4gI accidently pressed CTRL+W on this channel and xchat closed it! :P :P17:59
Roastedgreezmunkey, I dont have time. it makes me want to fire up windows to do my damn printing.18:00
WilabobHi, can someone help me connect to my router? I just set up my wmp11 v2.7 wifi card with ndiswrapper and I can't connect to my router which has WEP 64 bit encryption. I can connect when it doesn't have a password but when I have wep on I can't. When I first log in it says connection established and then it says disconnected and then keeps asking for my password. Please help!18:00
StaticShockso, i closed it. is that a clean close? will ssh figure it out?18:00
geekphreakusr_: matter of choice, i like partimage :) , its partition cloning tool18:00
geekphreakusr_: in your can cp should do just fine :)18:00
StaticShockyeah, ok, looks like ssh is dead18:00
Flannelfk91: sorry, #ubuntu-offtopic is the channel18:00
dr4gStaticShock, idle processed will be cleaned up18:00
dr4gdon't worry18:00
geekphreakdr4g: ctrl+w hehe18:00
greezmunkeyRoasted: on the target ubox, where the printer is, do you have admin access?18:00
usr_geekphreak, but I have more data on the drive I am planning to copy the data to18:00
dr4gand if not use 'top' to see your ssh and kill the PID18:00
fk91Flannel: Ok :)18:01
dr4gStaticShock, ^18:01
Roastedgreezmunkey, meaning what, exactly?18:01
usr_geekphreak, or partimage just use the free space?18:01
dereknintendonerGreetings, everyone.18:01
mermiIs there anyway to keep my 9.10 completely up-to-date easily with the latest software, I don't want to upgrade to 10.04 when it comes out.18:01
geekphreakusr_: nope, copy will do just fine for you :)18:01
StaticShockthe local ssh session got killed, but on the remote PC it's still alive18:01
StaticShockwhich is annoying18:01
usr_geekphreak, ok. Once again, thanks =)18:02
greezmunkeyRoasted, can you run sudo command(s)18:02
Roastedgreezmunkey, yes18:02
usr_costre, geekphreak, greezmunkey, have a great day folks =)18:02
switch10_mermi: sudo apt-get upgrade   you dont have to upgrade to 10 when it comes out.18:02
ravenubuntu 9.10 - how to hear live the microphone/line input? seems to be disabled18:02
WilabobHi, can someone help me connect to my router? I just set up my wmp11 v2.7 wifi card with ndiswrapper and I can't connect to my router which has WEP 64 bit encryption. I can connect when it doesn't have a password but when I have wep on I can't. When I first log in it says connection established and then it says disconnected and then keeps asking for my password. Please help!18:02
StaticShockthat's the thing i don't like: i wish i could somehow kill the remote hung ssh connection18:02
StaticShocki had to ssh-back in just to kill it18:03
geekphreakraven:  hello18:03
switch10_raven: open alsa mixer make sure the volumes are up/nothing is muted18:03
ravenswitch10_, done18:03
ravenswitch10_, i am on pulse i think18:03
aarHi, I've just updated to OpenOffice 3.2 (Oracle version). The handy zoom slide seems to have disappeared (substituted by an icon that open a window with radio buttons). Does anyoene know whether it's possible to have the zoomslide back in OO 3.2?18:03
greezmunkeyRoasted: ok, try this on the target: sudo smbpasswd -a {your username here}18:04
mermiswitch10_, ill still get the latest build of firefox?18:04
greezmunkeyRoasted: make sense?18:04
switch10_mermi: eventually.  If you want it now you can always go to the website and download it there.18:04
Roastedgreezmunkey, I have samba set up bro...18:05
RoastedIm just trying to share a printer18:05
Seven_Six_Twoevery time I log in to my headless server with ssh -X I have no trouble getting apps to start, but any that I sudo seem to segfault. If that doesn't work properly, why would xdmcp have been made more difficult to enable?18:05
greezmunkeyRoasted: yeah, but you did say you couldn't browse shares, I'm thinking adding your user there would at least enable you to access that printer via samba...your call.18:06
hardwiredhow can I check if I have DRM enabled for my graphics?18:06
costreOT Oh, man .... I hope Avatar still runs at the cinema around here, because looking on a small screen it looks like a cutscene from some mediocre video game :)18:07
dtg01100type this into your terminal: glxinfo | grep direct18:07
geekphreakusr_: hey you are back, got some coffee?18:07
usr_geekphreak, hehe, yeah18:07
costreusr_, Did your backup drive fail too? :D18:07
Roastedgreezmunkey, so you need to add a samba user so each user can print??18:07
hardwireddtg01100: thanks18:07
Roastedgreezmunkey, I hate to say it, but I know that's not right.18:07
geekphreakcostre:  i hope not :d18:08
usr_costre, I had some problems :(18:08
mcl0vin_howdy folks18:08
geekphreakusr_: what did you do now?18:08
usr_geekphreak, costre, I got "cp: failed to preserve ownership for /file/"18:08
markd25anyone need any help?18:08
mcl0vin_i installed ubuntu desktop on my netbook remix and now i don't have any icons18:08
mcl0vin_any help please18:08
costreusr_, And the copy process faile dthere?18:09
=== christian is now known as Guest45957
usr_geekphreak, costre, and that is the data I had in my linux folder. I do not know how to change the permissions18:09
costreusr_, Try chmod the entire drive18:09
costrechmod 777 should give everyone right to do anything t the files18:09
usr_costre I used chmod -R 777 /drive/18:09
costrechmod 777 -R FOLDERNAME18:09
=== Guest45957 is now known as Nooby-doo
Nooby-dooI am using thunderbird, and there is a link in my email.  Instead of opening firefox, it brought up the launch application window.  Where are programs kept in Linux?  I am unfamiliar with the folder structure.18:10
costreusr_, Did you do it to the mount point or the device?18:10
costreusr_, Also, did you use sudo?18:10
geekphreakNooby-doo: firefox is in /usr/bin/firefox18:10
PiciNooby-doo: Likely in /usr/bin/18:10
Loshacostre: options come before mode in chmod....18:11
costreusr_, Mountpoint = /media/disk1 or so18:11
usr_costre, sorry, to the mount point. Yes, I did sudo su18:11
costreLosha, Indeed it does :)18:11
geekphreakNooby-doo: next time if you need to find place type sudo whereis application_name18:11
greezmunkeyRoasted: I agree, but I'm not there - and can only suggest things to try. Samba ties into pam security differantly for windows as it does for *nix from what I understand.18:11
ravenubuntu 9.10 - how to hear live the microphone/line input? seems to be disabled18:11
Picigeekphreak: you don't need sudo for that18:11
Roastedgreezmunkey, I can see that being an issue on a huge network with restrictions and sepcific setups, but I just want to print.. from here... to there...18:11
geekphreakPici: right :)18:12
geekphreakusr_:  can you try something for me?18:12
hardwireddtg01100: its enabled. glxgears reports about 4500 frames in 5 seconds, is that reasonable?18:13
mcl0vin_can someone please assist me with this issue i am having18:13
xompguys, how to completely remove an application and all of it's config files?18:13
usr_geekphreak, ok18:13
vossMy wireless tray app disappeared, the wireless still works but I cant control it18:13
myjessAssistance from the great and the good please.18:13
=== freack is now known as frk
geekphreakusr_:  on that drive/mountpoint type ls  -l /where_it_mounted18:13
myjessltsp problem on 9.1018:13
myjessusing dnsnasq as dhcp proxy.18:13
costrevoss, "Add to panel?"18:13
vosscostre, add what to panel18:13
ravenubuntu 9.10 - how to hear live the microphone/line input? seems to be disabled18:13
costrevoss, right click on panel, add to panel18:14
dtg01100hardwired, yeah18:14
Loshaxomp: apt-get purge <package> is supposed to do that. Dunno if it will remove dotfile from your home dir though...18:14
hardwireddtg01100: sweet, thanks!18:14
vossIt doesnt show up in add to panel18:14
myjessgets ubuntu circle then gives lease , but comes back Error: failed to connect to NBD server.18:14
geekphreakusr_: is owner of files/folders different?18:14
myjessAny help appreciated.18:14
costrevoss, Oh .. I just assumed :)18:14
xompLosha, ok I'll give it a try18:14
switch10_voss: its under notifications...18:14
costreyes, notification area18:15
switch10_or indicator applet i mean...18:15
switch10_voss: ^^18:15
vossSwitch, thanks a bunch... why doesnt it say that in the app!18:15
greezmunkeyRoasted: ok then, if you can browse shares on the target ubox, then you should be able to use the printer - right?18:15
switch10_voss: I have no idea.18:15
usr_geekphreak, hmm, I am not sure about that...    http://pastebin.com/e7p30kQV18:15
costreeven the applet is called network manager applet18:16
greezmunkeyRoasted: It follows that if you can't browse shares, then...you see?18:16
geekphreakusr_: you just used cp -r /rom /to ?18:16
vossNotifications area, that is the dumbest name ive ever heard of! :)18:17
switch10_voss: it includes many things, not just NM18:17
WilabobHi, can someone help me connect to my router? I just set up my wmp11 v2.7 wifi card with ndiswrapper and I can't connect to my router which has WEP 64 bit encryption. I can connect when it doesn't have a password but when I have wep on I can't. When I first log in it says connection established and then it says disconnected and then keeps asking for my password. Please help!18:17
vossSwitch, they should make network manager applet its own thing considering its importance18:17
usr_geekphreak, I used "cp -afp /datamountpoint/*  /backupdrivemountpoint/"18:18
Nooby-dooThanks guys!18:18
switch10_Wilabob: sounds like you are using the wrong password..18:18
geekphreakusr_: try sudo cp -fr /datapoint   /mountpoint18:18
usr_geekphreak, ok, will it ignore errors such as I/O or reading failure and skip them?18:19
ArmageddonI configured the pppoe on my wireless network so I could use it, and now the nm-applet says "Device not managed", I can still turn it on and off through command line and scan with and connect to the network, but it doesn't seem to work as good as it used to, any ideas ?18:19
ravenubuntu 9.10 - how to hear live the microphone/line input? seems to be disabled18:19
Wilabobswitch10_: I can guarantee it's right. I've tried upper and lower case letters and I copied it directly from the router config page18:19
xyzhow to install tar.gz file in ubuntu 9.10?18:19
geekphreakusr_: I/O error not good, yes skip it for now18:19
xyzcan anybody help me?18:19
mickster04xyz: you dont18:19
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression18:20
switch10_Wilabob: does your router give you more than one?18:20
mickster04xyz: you uncompress it18:20
usr_geekphreak, I know, but I dont need those files if I cant read them18:20
mickster04xyz: its like .zip in windows18:20
xyzbut how?18:20
Wilabobswitch10_: yeah18:20
nimbioticshello evry1, need help seting up a wireless network connection with fixed IP address18:20
xyzi tried it18:20
h3ll0how do i stio auth service18:20
bep_got an error when compiling a kernel18:20
switch10_Wilabob: and you have tried all the others?18:20
Armageddonxyz, try "man tar"18:20
geekphreakmickster04: gz is zip on steriods :p18:20
xyzfirst i unzipped it18:20
Wilabobswitch10_: I've tried most of them18:20
xyzand i tried to install it using ./configure18:21
geekphreakusr_: its  working?18:21
switch10_Wilabob: I would try all of them.  how many did you get 4?18:21
Wilabobswitch10_: Yep18:21
greezmunkeyArmageddon: check /etc/network/interfaces - is the adapter there?18:21
usr_geekphreak, yeah it looks like its working. its not reporting anything, so it should...18:21
mickster04!compile | xyz18:21
ubottuxyz: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:21
xyzbt error message came as no such file or directory18:21
geekphreakusr_:  good luck man18:21
Armageddonxyz, first you untar, you go into the directory, ./configure, ./make and sudo ./make install18:21
xyzya i read and did it18:21
switch10_Wilabob: my router used to spit out 4 when I was using wep, only one would work...18:22
mickster04xyz: so whats the problem18:22
xyzwhat does that ./ really mean?18:22
mickster04xyz: this directory18:22
usr_geekphreak, thanks18:22
xyz./ configure18:22
Picixyz: What are you trying to install?18:22
Wilabobswitch10_: I'm using manual ip settings too, otherwise it doesn't even work when I log on. All my other devices use the first password18:22
Wilabobswitch10_: Which is the one I'm using18:22
mickster04xyz: ./configure configures the setup to your pc, making sure you have dependancies etc, make makes it make install installs it18:23
geekphreakxyz: it has nix version?18:23
usr_geekphreak, got my life back. I stupidly rely on only that drive, but from now on I will have 2 or 3 backups. I learned my lesson18:23
mickster04xyz: any particular reason?18:23
xyzdon knoe18:23
xyzfirst i unjipped th file18:23
switch10_Wilabob: yeah, I guarantee it is your password...  There is no software/hardware help I can give you.  try the other passwords...18:23
Picixyz: You'll need to take a look at the README or INSTALL file that comes with that file.  Also, be aware that there are many iso creation and burning utilities in the repositories.18:23
Pici!compile | xyz also this18:23
ubottuxyz also this: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:23
Armageddongreezmunkey, yes, but it still not managed18:23
greezmunkeyArmageddon: That will keep NM from being able to manage that interface.18:24
mickster04xyz: why are you doin that when it is already done for you:D18:24
geekphreakusr_:  :)18:24
xyzno it was not done18:24
Wilabobswitch10_: Why would it work when I log in then?18:24
greezmunkeyArmageddon: IOW, to manage the interface with NM, it has to be removed from that file.18:24
Armageddongreezmunkey, I was using debian before and I had the same problem when I configured pppoe18:24
xyzi used the command tar zxfv filename.tar.gz and unzipped18:24
xyzbt now when i try to open it it is now opened18:25
switch10_Wilabob: when you log in?18:25
researcher1is there a tool in ubuntu to retrieve email IDs from websites?18:25
xyzthat means i need to install it first right?18:25
Armageddongreezmunkey, oh, then I should check at home and try that, I'm not on my pc, but I will keep that in mind18:25
nimbioticshello everyone. Need help seting up a wireless network connection with fiex IP ... somwhow this is not working for me...18:25
Wilabobswitch10_: Yeah when I first log in it says connection established and then says dosconnected18:25
xyzso i searched at the internet and it was written that i need to go to ./configure18:26
geekphreakWilabob: stupid question, router is MAC filtering enabled?18:26
greezmunkeyArmageddon: if you do remove it there, you should probably issue: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart - to free the interface up for NM18:26
mickster04xyz: the problem is your doing sumat you don't need to18:26
xyzbt when i do that form the terminal error msg will cone18:26
xyzso what is the solution18:26
xyzhow can i open it?18:26
geekphreakxyz: i agree with mickster04 , why reinvent the wheel, much more stable application in repo :)18:26
Armageddongreezmunkey, aye, and that should work ? so it is not a pppoe issue ?18:26
OerResearcher, a tool to harvest email id's, that would be a spam-tool, write your own18:27
switch10_Wilabob: yeah because your pass owrd is wrong...  dude there are 3 passwords that you have not tried.  it will take you about 3 mins to get this working..  just go do it.  if you still cant get on, come back here and we will work from there...18:27
=== munz_ is now known as munz
nimbioticsNeed help seting up a wireless network connection with fixed IP ... somewhow this is not working for me...18:27
xyzso what is the solution guys?18:27
mickster04xyz: use the one inbuilt18:27
geekphreakDr_Willis: welcome back18:27
h3ll0hi how can i stop auth service?18:27
greezmunkeyArmageddon: can't say on the pppoe thing, it's a NM thing. You should be able to configure pppoe with NM though.18:27
xyzoke tell me how to install those file with extention tar.gz18:28
geekphreakxyz:  you can either mount ios manually or use application like gisomount18:28
xyzto install other tar.gz file what should i do?18:28
geekphreakxyz: open terminal type sudo apt-cache search iso | more18:28
Dr_Willisxyz:  totally depends on what exactly is  and in the files..18:28
Armageddongreezmunkey, how do I do that ?18:28
Picigeekphreak: fyi, you don't need sudo for apt-cache either ;)18:29
Armageddongreezmunkey, it happened three times, when I use pppoeconf, I lose nm management18:29
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
geekphreakPici:  it dont hardm, does it?18:29
geekphreakPici:  :) , i guess i like my sudo lol :)18:29
nimbioticsNeed help seting up a wireless network connection with fixed IP ... somewhow this is not working for me...18:30
xyz./configure make  make install is not working porperly18:30
xyzso what shall i do?18:30
geekphreakPici: thank you though  :)18:30
h3ll0hi how can i stop auth service?18:30
Picigeekphreak: I don't like using sudo for anything other than things that need it.18:30
jribxyz: on ubuntu (and most modern distros), you use a package manager to install software rather than compiling it yourself18:31
geekphreakPici: understanble :)18:31
greezmunkeyArmageddon: bookmark this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-setup-networkmanager-work-with-pppoe-connection-on-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html18:31
xyzbt if i need to install then what i have to do?18:31
jribxyz: what are you trying to install?18:31
Armageddonthank you, greezmunkey18:31
xyzjust leave about that i just want to install that18:31
xyzso for that what sud i do?18:32
ravenubuntu 9.10 - how to hear live the microphone/line input? seems to be disabled18:32
symptomxyz check to make sure you ahve the dependencies18:32
symptomthat is basically the GNU in GNU linux18:32
jribxyz: we can't help you if you don't answer questions.18:32
geekphreakjrib:  he is trying to install poweriso from some .gz ifle :)18:32
greezmunkeyArmageddon: good luck with that. So you are required to use pppoe from your isp, is that it?18:32
xyztell me18:32
xyzi just want to know how to open that file18:32
ruthgardHow do you register your name with the nameserve?18:33
alteregoai god a problem18:33
Pici!register | ruthgard18:33
ubotturuthgard: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode18:33
symptomxyz, what file is it18:33
Dr_Willisunp foo.tar.gz  :)   gotta love unp command.18:33
xyzcoz i  have been asked by my collegue to install such file in his system18:33
xyzbt i couldnot18:33
ruthgardThank you18:33
alteregoahow can i enable port 80 for ipv6 and block every other with ufw?18:33
geekphreakalteregoa:  try asking18:33
xyz@symptom: ubuntu theme18:33
geekphreakoh ok18:34
nimbioticsNeed help seting up a wireless network connection with fixed IP18:34
symptomyou dont need to install it18:34
Dr_WillisPowerISO is a windows app.. or did i miss somthign here.18:34
symptomleave it compressed in tar.gz18:34
alteregoai want allow every ipv4 address with ufw, but block every ipv6 except port 8018:34
Armageddongreezmunkey, yes but not all ISP, I move a lot, I have on ISP with PPPoe and others with none18:34
usr_is there a website that lists the new features for ubuntu 10.4?18:34
alteregoausr, i think a apple developer added some apple windows18:35
symptomxyz, choose System->Preferences and click "install" on the themes tab18:35
gafirhello, does anybody know of a ftp client on linux that support GSS connection?18:35
Dr_Willisusr_:  thres plenty of reviews it at several ubuntu news sites like OMGubuntu and webup8.com18:35
alteregoawhats gss?18:35
symptomxyz, then choose your compressed theme18:35
gafiralteregoa: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerberos_%28protocol%2918:35
alteregoai think vsftp or something18:36
xyzwhat if i want to install it form terminal command?18:36
nimbioticsNeed help seting up a wireless network connection with fixed IP18:36
gafiralteregoa: ok, let me check if it18:36
chris4585usr_, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta2#New%20features%20since%20Ubuntu%209.1018:36
gafiralteregoa: available through synaptic18:36
greezmunkeyDr_Willis: nice tip, unp that is :)18:36
Dr_Willisxyz:   extract it to your themes dir .. depending on the exact package/whats in it18:36
Dr_Willisgreezmunkey:  yep. My fave.18:36
AxiusWhen will be Ubuntu 10.04LTS18:36
smtxyz y would you install destop themes from commandline?18:36
geekphreakDr_Willis: can you post that tip again plz?18:37
AxiusWhen will be Ubuntu 10.04LTS reliease?18:37
Pici!lucid | Axius18:37
ubottuAxius: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:37
Dr_Willis!info unp18:37
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB18:37
xyzjust tell me the idea how to install from terminal?18:37
greezmunkeyunp: apt-get install unp18:37
Dr_Willisxyz:  extract it to the .themes dir perhaps18:37
geekphreakgreezmunkey:  thanks :)18:37
smtDr_Willis: that installs them, but it doesnt activate them18:38
Dr_Willisxyz:  not all 'theme' archives are complete themes..  it can get confuseing as to what goes where. it can depend on exactly whats in it.18:38
gafiralteregoa: only see vsftpd which is for ftp server18:38
nimbioticsNeed help seting up a wireless network connection with fixed IP18:38
Dr_Willissmt:  he dident ask how to make it set as the default theme. :) just install it.18:38
alabdGood day all  , is there any JRE except the one from sun and openjdk also ?18:38
smtyeah i know, but i guess thats wat he meant Dr_Willis18:38
xyzso tell me another thing is there any equivalent software  to oracle isql?18:39
TimothyAwhen using the mysql-server-5.1 package in the repository, will it take advantage of all the cores that I have available?18:39
greezmunkeynimbiotics: that's pretty simple in network manager, you enter your static info there, along with your ssid, etc.18:39
Dr_Willissmt:  hes been hopping bout so much. im not sure he knows what he means.18:39
alteregoa!google gssftp18:39
harleypig-!- No results found18:39
xyzwe are having that in our course and i want to learn it form ubuntu18:39
h3ll0hi how can i stop auth service?18:39
geekphreakxyz:  database managment?18:40
smtyeah, just like seven1  with his rar files before18:40
nimbioticsgreezmunkey: tried that but its not working 4 me...18:40
geekphreakxyz: mysql is good18:40
gafiralteregoa: thanks18:40
MacKay44il y a un francais?18:40
xyzi installed gambas18:41
Pici!fr | MacKay4418:41
ubottuMacKay44: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois18:41
CyberKnetI just rebooted, and when I try to mount my raid array, I get a 'wrong fs type, bad option bad superblock' ... it's a 3ware 9500S-4LP, and has one partition formatted xfs. Any thoughts as to how I could try to fix it, or tell if the data indeed is scrambled?18:41
xyzis it equivalent to oracle isql18:41
geekphreakgreat :p18:41
xyzhow to download mysql in ubuntu?18:41
nimbioticsgreezmunkey: where am i suppoused to write my secondary DNS server and what am i suposed to put under "search domain"???18:41
greezmunkeynimbiotics: it could be that your wireless router won't allow you to connect with an ip address that is within its dhcp scope - range of addresses. I'd have to try that here to confirm if I have the same issue or not.18:41
smtjust install from synaptic xyz18:42
gafiralteregoa: I found the package krb5-clients to replace ftp for use with MIT Kerberos -- did the trick18:42
nimbioticsgreezmunkey: thx, g2g ...18:42
=== culb is now known as nightfrog
CyberKnetAaah. I think I found the problem.18:43
alteregoai ate a fnord18:43
alteregoahmm i still try to fidn out how to block every ipv6 port18:44
WilabobHi, can someone help me connect to my router? I just set up my wmp11 v2.7 wifi card with ndiswrapper and I can't connect to my router which has WEP 64 bit encryption. I can connect when it doesn't have a password but when I have wep on I can't. When I first log in it says connection established and then it says disconnected and then keeps asking for my password. Please help!18:44
atrusunder ubuntu, alsa sound apps seem to go to pulseaudio automatically, without the need for a /etc/asound.conf, or a ~/.asoundrc. how? why does this work when it seems like it shouldn't?18:45
alteregoaWilabob: use WPA18:45
WilabobAnd no, mac filtering is not enabled18:45
dugger5688Wilabob: did you try rebooting?18:45
ZMRwhat is the best way to re-install grub?18:45
alteregoaZMR reinstall the OS18:45
erUSUL!grub2 | ZMR18:45
ubottuZMR: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:45
exaviornwilabob, are you SURE the router is WEP?18:45
dugger5688ZMR: reinstall18:45
erUSULZMR: follow the stepes in the wiki18:46
dugger5688the OS that is...18:46
alteregoai had fraggles and gorgs18:46
erUSULreinstall is the windows way18:46
Picialteregoa: Please stay on-topic.18:46
bazhang!ot > alteregoa18:46
ubottualteregoa, please see my private message18:46
geekphreakerUSUL: hi18:46
exaviornZMR, google it - google's your friend!18:46
atrusZMR: to be clear, reinstalling the OS is NOT a good idea here. total overkill.18:46
xyzand what is the equivalent software for visual basic in ubuntu?18:46
alteregoathe tardis helped me a lot18:46
dugger5688I never had luck fixing grub2, I would be interested to know how to fix it.18:46
ZMRalready googled it :)18:46
tyldisgrub2 headaches: update-grub runs all kinds of scripts. including grub-probe, which correctly figures out that md0 is the place to find all grub related. However, when booting grub2 complains that "disk missing". It cannot use md0¨for some reason.18:46
WilabobYeah, when I reboot it connects then disconnects. And I can't use WPA because of old devices. And yes I'm on the router config page and it gives me four keys and says wep 64 bit 10 hex digits... All my other devices work find with the password I am using18:46
tyldisNow, in the 'grub-rescue' console I am not able to load kernels directly off any of the devices i nthe raid, presumably because the mdraid module is loaded.18:47
ZMRis grub legacy, not 218:47
tyldisBooting off a kernel saved elsewhere works fine.18:47
alteregoaok i hope it works18:47
h3ll0hi how can i stop auth service?18:47
ZMRam in 8.04LTS btw18:47
xyzsomebody help me18:47
erUSUL!grub | ZMR18:47
ubottuZMR: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:47
exaviorninfact ZMR you could use a recovery disk - on mandriva for certain there is a reinstall grub option, anyone know if there is similar for ubuntu??18:47
xyzwhat is the equivalent software for visual basic in ubuntu18:48
alteregoarecenty i gave my ubuntu box 32gb ram18:48
geekphreakexaviorn: In alternate cd , there is a rscue option in ubuntu , pici correct me if i am wrong18:48
alteregoanow i don't need anymore swapping18:48
Dr_Willisxyz:  gambas comes close.. in  a vague way18:48
exaviornthats what i meant :) thx - ZMR try that!18:48
ZMRthx guys!18:48
xyzbt how to use gambas?18:48
Dr_Willisxyz:  but its not visual basic18:49
WilabobHi, can someone help me connect to my router? I just set up my wmp11 v2.7 wifi card with ndiswrapper and I can't connect to my router which has WEP 64 bit encryption. I can connect when it doesn't have a password but when I have wep on I can't. When I first log in it says connection established and then it says disconnected and then keeps asking for my password. Please help! When I reboot it connects then disconnects. And I can't use WPA because of old18:49
Wilabobdevices. And yes I'm on the router config page and it gives me four keys and says wep 64 bit 10 hex digits... All my other devices work find with the password I am using!!18:49
Dr_Willisxyz:  install it.. read its docs at its homepage.18:49
dawningHow can I get a uid on a mount (of a file system with various uids defined) to map to a specific local uid?18:49
rocket16xyz: You can try Mono-develop too,18:49
exaviornxyz, perl,C,C++...18:49
xyzis is visual basic @ rocket1618:49
Dr_WillisThere is no exact visual basic clne for linux xyz18:49
exaviornxyz - there is no visual basic!!18:49
geekphreakxyz:  everyone has there own choice man :)18:50
Dr_WillisTheres many tools that do a similer job/role.18:50
dugger5688xyz: Python maybe?18:50
xyzso gambas is good18:50
rocket16xyz: I know, see www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS9725385854.html18:50
Dr_Willisxyz:  depends on your needs.18:50
geekphreakgeenna:  i do like genay for c/c++ :)18:50
mickster04xyz: visual basic is windows, use c# its not too different18:50
Dr_Willisxyz:  id reccomend learnign to actually use Python.18:50
rocket16geany is awesome, I like it, really18:50
ravenubuntu 9.10 - how to hear live the microphone/line input? seems to be disabled18:50
rocket16xyz: And Tkinter with Python, for GUI building,18:50
xyzwhere can i find free ebook for python?18:51
Oerravenm open terminal: alsamixer ( and expand, then you see all in/output18:51
Dr_Willisxyz:  google has loads of hits for python tutorials/guides/books18:51
geekphreakxyz:  google is your  friend18:51
exaviornxyz - how about python - thats also multi OS supported18:51
rocket16xyz: Here: www.fordantitrust.com/files/python.pdf18:51
seven1 could any 1 give me 6 gb?18:51
Dr_WillisPython has to be one of the better documented languages ive seen18:51
xyzi need ebooks to download18:51
mickster04isn't python interpreted tho18:51
Dr_Willismickster04:  i belive its a bit of both actually :)18:51
mickster04Dr_Willis: very good:D18:52
bribroderhey y'all, can anyone help me troubleshoot why my static DNS's might be ignored? My settings don't seem to stick for more than a few minutes. I'm using Wicd18:52
rocket16xyz: Sure, check www.fordantitrust.com/files/python.pdf It is in PDF format, and very useful18:52
JustEricIf my college has a firewall on their internet - does OpenVPN allow me to bypass that firewall as well as browse safely?18:52
geekphreakrocket16: hello18:52
Dr_Willisi wonder what % of the ubuntu tools/scripts we are using are allready in python.18:52
rocket16geekphreak: Hello, :D18:52
xyzthankyou rocket1618:52
rocket16xyz: My pleasure friend, :D18:52
exaviornxyz - http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/Python18:52
chillindaveI thought a crontab set to 0 0 */2 * * means it will run every 2 days at 12AM, right?18:52
geekphreakJustEric: no , talk to the system admin of that place for more info :p , we cant help with that18:53
WilabobHi, can someone help me connect to my router? I just set up my wmp11 v2.7 wifi card with ndiswrapper and I can't connect to my router which has WEP 64 bit encryption. I can connect when it doesn't have a password but when I have wep on I can't. When I first log in it says connection established and then it says disconnected and then keeps asking for my password. Please help! When I reboot it connects then disconnects. And I can't use WPA because of old18:53
Wilabobdevices. And yes I'm on the router config page and it gives me four keys and says wep 64 bit 10 hex digits... All my other devices work find with the password I am using!!18:53
xyzbt i m not satisfied with your answer regarding installation of tar.gz file?18:53
rocket16mickster04: Python is Interpreted, but it can be compiled to .pyc files, when invoked from Python Interpreter, with import modulename command. And .pyc files are compiled,18:53
MegaMrHackerВсем привет18:53
geekphreakxyz:  you dont give up easily , do you?18:53
Dr_Willisxyz:  often the answer is learn what its doing and figure it out.18:54
xyzno i wont give up18:54
xyzi ll find the solution18:54
rocket16xyz: Oh, installation of tar.gz? Generally, extract it, and enter into the folder. It is not a file, it is an archive.18:55
* Dr_Willis cant even rember the question18:55
Oergrab the tar.gz and drop in your theme menu, easy18:55
geekphreakJustEric: stay here plz18:55
exaviornSERVER ADD -auto -network freenode irc.freenode.fi 666718:55
xyzenter into which folder rocket 16?18:55
rocket16xyz: Then, open terminal, and use "./configure" command, to make your system ready,18:55
xyzit will be in the same folder18:55
alteregoais there a good emulator to play megaman, i want defeat dr. willis18:55
xyzya thats what i m facing the problem18:55
mickster04exaviorn: lol18:55
rocket16xyz: Into the Folder that is created when the .tar.gz is extracted18:55
geekphreakDr_Willis: xys's question?18:55
xyzwhen i use ./configure the error msg appeaars18:56
Dr_Willisalteregoa:  I only play 'Mr Do' on Mame. :)18:56
rocket16xyz: Can you post the message on pastebin?18:56
xyzsaying directory not found18:56
geekphreakDr_Willis: he is trying to install poweriso from some .gz file18:56
rocket16xyz: Oh, may I know the location of the folder?18:56
rocket16!pastebin | xyz18:56
ubottuxyz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:56
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  when i just googled poweriso.. it was a windows tool... or else someone of us are confused..18:56
rocket16xyz: I believe the error is related to "cd" command.18:56
geekphreakDr_Willis: well thats what i though18:56
xyzyou r right18:57
rocket16xyz: What is the location of the folder? In the Home folder?18:57
* Dr_Willis points out that on IRC it pays to be clear and concise in all statements. :)18:57
xyzi brought in the home folder and unzipped ti18:57
rocket16xyz: Use "cd /location" where location if the location of the extracted folder,18:57
xyzso it is in the hope folder18:57
rocket16xyz: Ok, then one thing, what is the name of the directory created?18:58
geekphreakDr_Willis: there are some good tools in repos for iso , why cant he use that18:58
Dr_Willisxyz:  what was the exact name of the archive you got anyway  and where did it come from?18:58
alteregoai ate spaghetti18:58
bribroderhey y'all, can anyone help me troubleshoot why my static DNS's might be ignored? My settings don't seem to stick for more than a few minutes. I'm using Wicd18:58
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  im not sure why hes doing any of this really.18:58
Oerpoweriso > http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4448766&postcount=3 >> get http://poweriso.com/poweriso.tar.gz && sudo tar -zxvf poweriso.tar.gz -C /bin $ rm -f poweriso.tar.gz18:58
guntbert!ot | alteregoa PLEASE18:58
ubottualteregoa PLEASE: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:58
rocket16xyz: Name the new folder created to "installer", and then, in terminal, type "cd installer"18:58
alteregoasomeone banned me from offtopic18:59
tucemiuxoh yeah18:59
xyzits home folder only18:59
G-FarkasHi, I'm trying to share a printer. I see it, but when i press in "verify" it says that the printer is not accesible18:59
mickster04alteregoa: thats impressive18:59
G-FarkasHi, I'm trying to share a printer. I see it, but when i press in "verify" it says that the printer is not accesible. Any ideaS?18:59
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:59
tucemiuxG-Farkas, turn the printer on18:59
xyzi downloaded it and changed the location to home folder19:00
G-Farkastucemiux, I did it19:00
alteregoai just ask how to block every port in ipv6 except 8019:00
alteregoawith ufw19:00
=== No24Day is now known as No25Day
tucemiuxG-Farkas, on the machine that it's attached to, is the printer up and running?19:00
xyzso if i now do the command cd/folder name error is appearing19:00
G-Farkastucemiux, yes19:00
rocket16xyz: Use "cd folder"19:00
WilabobHi, can someone help me connect to my router? I just set up my wmp11 v2.7 wifi card with ndiswrapper and I can't connect to my router which has WEP 64 bit encryption. I can connect when it doesn't have a password but when I have wep on I can't. When I first log in it says connection established and then it says disconnected and then keeps asking for my password. Please help! When I reboot it connects then disconnects. And I can't use WPA because of old19:00
Wilabobdevices. And yes I'm on the router config page and it gives me four keys and says wep 64 bit 10 hex digits... All my other devices work find with the password I am using!!19:00
rocket16xyz: "cd/folder" is wrong, "cd folder" is right,19:01
Dr_Willisxyz:  you might want to spend an hr reading a few bash/shell tutorials.19:01
mickster04Wilabob: firstly wep is not secure19:01
greezmunkeyxyz: found in google, look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47446819:01
tucemiuxG-Farkas, on the machine that it's attached to, is it shared?  have you checked in CUPS to see if the printer is up and running and configured?19:01
gafirhow can I get an entire directory using "ftp" from the shell? Looking for an example on how to do this without prompting for all files -- thanks19:01
ActionParsnipYo yo yo19:01
tucemiuxwut up19:01
Wilabobmickster04: Did you read my whole post? If you did you'd know why I'm using it.19:01
mickster04Wilabob: just sayin19:02
xyzcd foldername is not working19:02
rocket16xyz: I think that might solve the problem, the "cd folder" command, did it?19:02
G-Farkastucemiux, I was using it. Do you think that is necessary to check if is runing and configured?19:02
xyzno such file or directory19:02
xyzcd folder19:02
rocket16xyz: Ok, what it the name of the folder?19:02
Dr_WillisHmm - that poweriso.tar.gz has a single binary in it..    called 'poweriso'19:02
tucemiuxG-Farkas, "was" using doesnt cut it, try sending a test page from CUPS19:02
rocket16xyz: Ok, then use "cd name" where name is the name of the folder,19:03
G-Farkastucemiux, I'll try19:03
geekphreakOer: can you post the link again for poweriso?19:03
Dr_Williswget  http://poweriso.com/poweriso.tar.gz19:03
geekphreakthank you19:03
ActionParsnipDr_willis: is that poweriso like the windows one?19:03
Oerpoweriso > http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4448766&postcount=3 >> get http://poweriso.com/poweriso.tar.gz && sudo tar -zxvf poweriso.tar.gz -C /bin $ rm -f poweriso.tar.gz19:03
rocket16xyz: folder is here refering to the name of the folder, not the word "folder" itself,19:03
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  its a command line only tool by the same company it seems19:03
mickster04xyz: you dont need to use opweriso o u?19:03
mickster04poweriso do you?*19:04
Dr_WillisActionParsnip: download, extract, copy to bin.. Install done..19:04
xyzthats what i did19:04
ActionParsnipDr_willis: surely mount can do it all19:04
alteregoafascinating thank you19:04
mickster04xyz: why?19:04
rocket16xyz: Now is it working?19:04
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  ive no idea wht it can or can not do.19:04
erUSULgafir: mget dir/* (inside a good ftp client)19:04
xyzi used the command cd foldername19:04
geekphreakcant he just open the folder, right click extract, omg19:04
xyzbt not working19:04
ActionParsnipDr_willis: gotcha19:04
G-Farkastucemiux, Yes, I printed a test page.19:04
gafirerUSUL: thanks, i'm using the "ftp" command though, but i'll give it a shot :)19:04
erUSULgafir: lftp is way better and comes preinstalled iirc19:05
erUSULgafir: i gues that you can use wget too19:05
guntbertxyz: may I ask *why* exactly you need that program?19:05
rocket16xyz: Uuse exactly "cd ~/foldername"19:05
xyzerror message comes saying no such files or directories19:05
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  reading poweriso -help - it seems it can convert from iso/bin/daa (whatever that is) and extract files..  and split images.19:05
geekphreaki do like ncftp too19:05
gafirerUSUL: does lftp accept gss?19:05
tucemiuxG-Farkas, youre attempting to use a printer attached to an ubuntu machine from another machine running ubuntu? O_o19:05
xyzto view the contents of that foler19:05
G-Farkastucemiux, yes19:05
erUSULgafir: dunno what that is, but if plain ftp has it so will lftp19:06
rocket16xyz: This command will obviously work, if not, then your command-typing might be wrong, because cd command is universal,19:06
tucemiuxG-Farkas, can both machines see each other?  can you ping each other?19:06
gafirerUSUL: yeh so far only got it to work with ftp :)19:06
ActionParsnipDr_willis: nice :). Bchunk can do stuff but I guess its a onestopshop19:06
gafirerUSUL: no ncftp or lftp19:06
xyzi dont know why19:07
xyzbt cd command is not working19:07
G-Farkastucemiux, I think yes, because one use the other one as proxy to install packages (apt-cacher).19:07
Dr_Willis4 line 'install poweriso' commands -> http://pastebin.com/ZDWjzi3819:07
xyzcd downloads is not even working here19:07
Dr_Willisxyz:  bash basics, linux basics  CASE Is ImPorAnTanT19:07
mickster04xyz: tab complete it19:08
ded`How do I get rid of the password/login screen when I resume from suspend?19:08
ZMRthx guys! grub-install worked!19:08
mickster04xyz:  its Downloads19:08
ActionParsnipXyz: use tab to complete, downloads has a capital d, linux is case sensitive19:08
geekphreakZMR: good luck :)19:08
tucemiuxG-Farkas, you can test this, first go to one machine an find the ip address: ifconfig, then ping each other: ping 192.168.1.x19:08
G-Farkastucemiux, It found the printer. I tried to search in other ips an it didnt find anything. With the ip of the desktop pc (where is attached the printer)19:08
greezmunkeyDr_Willis: should you cd to folder first :)19:08
G-Farkastucemiux, Ill try19:08
rocket16xyz: Use "cd Downloads"19:08
Dr_Willisgreezmunkey:   the exact 4 line 'install poweriso' commands  i used -> http://pastebin.com/ZDWjzi3819:08
xyzya now its working19:08
xyzfor downloads19:09
ded`and how do I stop nautilus from displaying directory entries startiing with '.'?19:09
Dr_WillisKnowing the Fundamentals pays off.19:09
ActionParsnipXyz: remember the case is critical19:09
Dr_Willisded`:  hide/show hidden files - ctrl-h19:09
mickster04ded`: ctrl+h19:09
geekphreakded`: press ctrl+h19:09
tucemiuxG-Farkas, if networking is not an issue, try stopping the printer from within CUPS and start it again19:09
greezmunkeyDr_Willis: exactly, I was just foolin before...19:09
xyzi didnt knew that it si case sensitive language19:09
rocket16xyz: Yes, it is,19:09
mickster04xyz: you still havent explained why poweriso?19:09
ded`OK, cheers. I don't use nautilus much so didn't know that.19:09
Dr_Willisxyz:  this is why i suggested a linux/shell tutorial/begunners guide earlier.19:09
G-Farkastucemiux,  17 packets transmitted, 17 received, 0% packet loss, time 16023ms19:09
xyzbt it is  not working for home folder19:09
ActionParsnipXyz: every day is a school day :)19:09
G-Farkastucemiux, Ill do it19:10
rocket16xyz: What command exactly are you typing?19:10
=== kiki_ is now known as Farzad
xyzi downloaded dictionary which is in poweriso19:10
ded`So, any way to get rid of the password screen after suspend or is it compulsory?19:10
xyzcd home folder19:10
greezmunkey16023ms !!19:10
mickster04xyz: what extention?19:10
rocket16xyz: God, exactly this command? "cd home folder"???19:11
xyzno no19:11
nunojpgis there any receipt to check if some IP is reachable? i.e., to see if the routing table knows where to send it?19:11
geekphreakrocket16: hehe, have fun ;)19:11
ActionParsnipXyz: try: cd $HOME19:11
Dr_Willisded`:  tgeres settings for that in the screensaver/powersave settings somewhere19:11
xyznot cd homefolder name19:11
tucemiuxG-Farkas, http://localhost:631/admin  look at the logs, there might be jobs still stored in it that you have to kill19:11
xyzextention is tar.gz19:11
antibodyhello, I wanted to do a cp -a *.* with an exception of 2 files...how can I do that19:11
greezmunkeynunojpg: traceroute, if you don't have it apt-get it.19:11
mickster04xyz: no what is the dictionary xtention?19:11
antibodyhello, I wanted to do a cp -a *.* with an exception of 2 files...how can I do that19:11
ded`Dr_Willis, I thought I'd looked there but will look again now...19:11
Dr_Willisded`:  i alwyas turn it off.. so its there somewhere19:12
G-Farkastucemiux, let me see19:12
mickster04xyz: pwoeriso wont open those files:/19:12
xyzeven i downloaded key loggor which in  tar.gz format19:12
ActionParsnipAntibody: move the files out, copy then move them back19:12
xyzso i need to install it19:12
xyzi already unzipped it19:12
mickster04AntiSpamMeta: copy them all and delete the two you dont want?19:12
Dr_Willisxyz:  the exact 4 commands i used to instgall poweriso --> http://pastebin.com/ZDWjzi3819:12
xyzbt i want to install it19:12
G-Farkastucemiux, there are no jobs, Ill try again from the other pc (laptop) to see if the problem was solved19:12
Dr_Willisxyz:  all yoiu do to 'install' it is copy it whever you want.19:12
Dr_Willisxyz:  make directory called 'bin' and drag/drop it in there.. done..19:13
mickster04xyz: but its such a hassle, you're obviously struggling, just install brasero? or some other iso software from apt-get19:13
Dr_Willisxyz:  you do realize that is a command line only tool?19:13
ubuntuHow to install QT ?19:13
mcl0vin_is there is a thunderbird email for ubuntu please19:14
ikoniaubuntu: search for it in the package manager, and install it19:14
ikoniamcl0vin_: yes, it's in the ubuntu software repo's19:14
ded`Dr_Willis: I just disabled "Lock screen when screensaver active" I'll see if that does it19:14
G-Farkastucemiux, I see it conecting to the other server :s19:14
nunojpggreezmunkey: thanks, but I'm only looking if there is a route from my machine, not if it works. Traceroute tries to contact...19:14
xyzit will be my knowledge if i will be able to extract tar.gz file form terminal19:14
wabashHow can I list all of the files in a package? Is there a way to do it before it's installed?19:14
ActionParsnipUbuntu: sudo apt-get install qt-libs but if you install whatever kde app you need it will drag in qt deps19:14
tucemiuxG-Farkas, go to "Administration" in CUPS, make sure the printer its shared19:14
Dr_Willisxyz:  You need to learn linux and filesystem basics first.19:14
xyzrocket 1619:14
erUSULwabash: dpkg -L packagename if it is installed if not use the package.ubuntu.com site19:14
greezmunkeynunojpg: in a terminal: ip route, man ip route for details.19:15
tucemiuxG-Farkas, it's connecting? good, you still need to send a test page19:15
geekphreakwabash:  tar -t package.tar19:15
xyzfrom where can i learn filesyetembasics19:15
wabasherUSUL: Ok, thank you. Synaptic does not have a nice option for this?19:15
mickster04xyz: yeah, you're doing something wuite difficult (to some extent) esecially when you compare that to you not being able to move around folder?19:15
geekphreakoh that package, man i need coffee19:15
leslieHow can I set the terminal resolution in Ubuntu? Not the Xorg resolution, the command line one. Right now, it extends past the bottom of the window.19:15
ikoniaxyz: what do you mean ?19:15
Dr_Willis!bash | xyz19:15
ubottuxyz: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:15
harleypig-!- <bocz> cept i dont see how they can test your smartness with HISTORY19:15
JoesephWould a hard drive that I have to drop into a recovery shell and use FSCK on on every reboot need to be replaced?19:15
Dr_Willisxyz:  start there.19:15
wabashgeekphreak: THank you anyhow.19:15
erUSULwabash: no; but you can install apt-file if you do not want to use the site19:15
ikoniaJoeseph: depends if it's faulty19:15
=== ubuntu is now known as furythor
mcl0vin_ikonia: so just do "apt-get installl thunderbird"19:15
seven1guys, i have 2 disks, where can i find the second19:16
geekphreakwabash:  :)19:16
chillindaveDoes anyone here have issues with Firefox in Ubuntu consuming way too much CPU resources?  I've tried a few of the "fixes" I found and none of them work.19:16
harleypig-!- <J3anyus> my bellybutton smells worse than my ass19:16
harleypig-!- <DigDug> heh19:16
harleypig-!- <DigDug> how do you smell your bellybutton?19:16
harleypig-!- <J3anyus> digdug: pick all the lint out of it and then smell your finger :19:16
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:16
ikoniamcl0vin_: open the package manager gui, search for it, and then install it19:16
Dr_Willisxyz:  spend an hr or 2 reading various popular bash tutoras and command line guides you find on google and delicious.com19:16
Joesephikonia: How can I know if it is faulty?  I mean, it runs, but my computer keeps hanging and crashing random programs... could that be the cause?19:16
bazhangharleypig, disable those plugins19:16
seven1i have 2 disk, i can access first one, where can i find the second19:16
tucemiuxJoeseph, if you have to use fsck on every reboot no matter what people said, I would replace it!  unless off course I dont really care about the data on the hard drive19:16
ikoniaJoeseph: possible, but doubtful19:16
ActionParsnipChillindave: firefox is poor with ram and cpu19:16
chillindaveThat has made Ubuntu pretty much useless for me because of that.19:16
wabasherUSUL: How does the site work?19:16
geekphreakseven1: sudo fdisk -l , see anything?19:16
wabashThe url you gave me also is not there.19:16
alteregoai'll be back19:16
chillindaveActionParsnip, What's the alternative?  It works fine on Windows, never have had a problem there.19:17
ActionParsnipChillindave: use less addons and plugins to make it lighter19:17
erUSULwabash: search for the package. each package page has a link to the list of files19:17
wabasherUSUL: Thanks.19:17
Joesephikonia: Okay... There's another cause I'm going to try to eradicate later but first things first....19:17
Dr_Willisflash seems to cause the most issues  in firefox from what i 'see'19:17
seven1Linux Extended Solaris19:17
dugger5688seven1: it should be under the 'places' menu if it is recognized19:17
tucemiuxJoeseph, my machine crashed and randomly locked with jaunty, I installed karmic an it runs just fine19:17
ActionParsnipChillindave: chromium/chrome, opera, midori, arora, konqueror to name just a few19:17
wabasherUSUL: It's packages.ubuntu.com19:17
ikoniaseven1: what ?19:17
G-Farkastucemiux, Now I can print from the other pc, But, I can see the printer from the two servers. But, it's ok, It is very simple to change (choosing "localhost"from the printing preferences). Thank you very much.19:17
erUSULwabash: yes19:17
chillindaveActionParsnip, I don't have barely anything installed!  I disabled just about everything it had.  The only add-on I personally added was firebug.19:17
furythordoes anyone know if wine1.2 can be installed again without problems ?19:18
tucemiuxG-Farkas, no problem19:18
greezmunkeySorry, stupid cat...19:18
Joesephtucemiux: I'm running Karmic.19:18
ActionParsnipChillindave: what windows does or doesn't do is of no interest19:18
chillindaveActionParsnip, Oh, that and the flash plugin.19:18
wabash1516 People in this room!!!!!! Has anyone thought of splitting #ubuntu into separate channels based on subtopics?19:18
Dr_Willisfurythor:  installed again? You mean remove/reinstalled?19:18
geekphreakgreezmunkey: lol , cat is after the mouse :p19:18
ikoniawabash: yes, and it was decided not to19:18
greezmunkeygeekphreak: heh :)19:18
ded`Dr_Willis: OK I've found /apps/gnome-power-manager/lock in gconf-editor. Looks lie that's going to get rid of password screens.19:18
Dr_Williswabash:  there are subtopic channels.. and this is a low# of people fior tis channel actually19:18
tucemiuxwabash, yes, there is #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic19:18
brianhermangreezmunkey: tell your cat i said meow19:18
wabashikonia: I see..19:18
geekphreakwabash: much better this way19:18
xyzok guys i will stary reading bash command19:19
Dr_Williswabash:  come in here on release day and see 3000+19:19
greezmunkeyHe likes the way the text moves on the screen.19:19
brianhermanwabash: there is ubuntu+1 for 10.0419:19
ActionParsnipChillindave: you could also try the windows version in wine. I personally think firefox is garbage. There's swiftfox and kasenchase which use gecko but are far lighter19:19
wabashDr_Willis: Relative numbers aside, it is still a lot of people. Just watch and see all of the simultaneous conversations going on.... rather hard to follow.19:19
ActionParsnipDr_willis: already dreading release day19:19
Dr_Williswabash:  i have no problems. :)19:19
greezmunkeyI'm trying to teach him shell script, but he's a slow learner.19:19
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  im taking that week off. :)19:19
tucemiuxhey so when is it coming out?19:19
MahdiWho i can convert slapd.d to slapd.conf in ubuntu 9.04 ?19:19
ded`Dr_Willis: yep gconf did it but didn't find it in gnome GUI19:19
ActionParsnipDr_willis: hopefully I'll be working :)19:20
Dr_Willisded`:  i never used gconf.. but im on kde right now. so cant double check19:20
chillindaveActionParsnip, Yeah, I don't have enough ram to run windows virtually like that, plus that goes into "way too much trouble to go that route" teritory.  So one of those two one's you mentioned are good for web development?19:20
geekphreakok time to go, have fun guys , cya all19:21
Joesephtucemiux, ikonia: Okay, I'm looking to move my data from my current dying HD (HDa) to my smaller HD (HDb).  I have my bigger HD as ext4, and partitioned twice, once for "/" (HDa1) and once for "/home." (HDa2)  What's the best way to copy the contents of HDa1 and HDa2 onto two new partitions in HDb?19:21
ActionParsnipChillindave: wine doesn't need windows to run, its an abstraction layer19:21
xyzguys just now i installed  mysql bt couldnot able to find its location19:21
xyzits already installed19:21
xyzhow to find its location?19:21
brianhermanxyz: type mysql19:21
handheldCarWhy doesn't focus return to OpenOffice when I click on its button?19:21
manhunterActionParsnip: hi19:21
ActionParsnipChillindave: i'd say arora or chromium19:21
manhunterActionParsnip: how are you?19:21
chillindaveActionParsnip, Ahh, I gotcha.  I've never had any luck getting anything to work in it.19:21
ActionParsnipManhunter: recovering slowly19:21
brianhermanxyz: type "which mysql" into the terminal19:21
greezmunkeyxyz: "locate mysql" from a terminal19:22
JoesephOh, and if the HD is dying, is it a bad idea to copy everything from it, or should I just try to manually copy the things I need?19:22
chillindaveActionParsnip, Alright, thank you.  What is the equivalent to something like firebug in those?19:22
manhunterActionParsnip: what do you mean?19:22
ActionParsnipChillindave: firefox has a high rating19:22
ActionParsnipManhunter: went out last night and had a few too many shandys19:22
mickster04Joeseph: if you dont copy everything from it  you get nothingoff it?19:22
sp00kc'è qualche italiano?19:23
nunojpggreezmunkey: thanks, looks just "ip route get && echo yes", but do you now anyway with just ifconfig/route/etc ? I'm looking to do it the old way19:23
Joesephmickster04: I don't understand what you're asking me.  Can you elaborate?19:23
guntbert!it | sp00k19:23
ubottusp00k: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:23
mickster04Joeseph: well you said "if the hd is dyin is it a bad idea to copy everything off it") well if you dont, you lose it all?19:23
chillindaveActionParsnip, Well I know it's highly favored and I like using it, but in Ubuntu it just doesn't work right.  It's really sluggish and bogs my system down because it starts using up around 70% of the CPU, which is crap.19:23
nunojpggreezmunkey: please disregard, fine as it is. Thanks, great19:24
greezmunkeynunojpg: What are you trying to accomplish? A default route of some sort?19:24
Joesephmickster04: Yes.  Let me clarify.  If I copy the dyings HD, will the FS still need to be checked?19:24
mickster04chillindave: chrome is in ubuntu too?19:24
chillindaveActionParsnip, I'll give those other ones a look though.19:24
brianhermanmikster: yes19:24
chillindavemickster04, Nah, I haven't tried chrome yet.19:24
mickster04Joeseph: oh i wouldnt do an entire system copy, just config files and personal effects, install ubuntu anew on the new hdd19:24
ActionParsnipChillindave: you could try 3.6 or 3.7 but I personally think its rubbish. There are some tweaks you can do to make it nicer19:24
nunojpggreezmunkey: actually is when to add a default route, I need to know first if the gateway is reachable...19:24
mickster04brianherman: tab complete19:25
koehey guys ... why do I have problems with HD streams ? in winblows it use to work fine but in ubuntu it lags like hell19:25
greezmunkeynunojpg: ping the gate, then ip route add ...19:25
ActionParsnipMickster04: totally. There's also a daily build ppa for chromium which I personally love :)19:25
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chillindaveActionParsnip, Well, I did upgrade to 3.6 by adding a repository (not sure which one) that had a debian package for it.19:25
chillindaveIt didn't help.19:25
brianhermanmikster04: http://www.stefanoforenza.com/chromium-on-ubuntu-how-to/19:25
ikoniakoe: what is it encoded with ?19:25
ActionParsnipKoe: what video card?19:25
ikoniakoe: and it's called "windows"19:25
ActionParsnipChillindave: there's a mozilla ppa19:26
MM2I have ubuntu 9.10 nbr on Asus Eee 901 and would like to have cpu on performance-mode while running on batteries, how I can do that? What programs always enables power saving mode on batteries?19:26
chillindavebrianherman, LOL, I was just blogging about that fella's Rapache app this morning.19:26
koeI have nvidia 7300 GT19:26
koefor example youtube videos19:26
chillindaveActionParsnip, ppa?19:26
ActionParsnipKoe: tried the nvidia vpau ppa. It has stuff optomised nice for nvidia cards19:26
nunojpggreezmunkey: ping generates network traffic, I don't need it. I just need to check this because of (man route) NOTE: The specified gateway must be reachable first. This usually means that you have to set up a static route to the gateway beforehand.19:26
ikoniaActionParsnip: why ?????19:26
ActionParsnip!ppa | chillindave19:26
ubottuchillindave: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.19:26
maike-makotohi, who can tell me how to use webcam in pidgin, i just cant19:26
ikoniaActionParsnip: that card is well supported, why does he need a PPA ?19:27
ikoniaActionParsnip: have you even checked if he's using the nvidia drives ?19:27
nunojpggreezmunkey: ip route get does the trick :)19:27
almoxarifeActionParsnip: you finding chromium process still active after closing the window??? I am, over and over again, killing it is getting old too, just when I thought I had found the browser from hell19:27
chillindaveActionParsnip, Thank you!19:27
greezmunkeynunojpg: Isn't network traffic the goal!19:27
brianhermanchillindave: Rapache looks neat19:27
koeikonia, I installed nvidia drivers by "hand" that *.run file from nvidia website19:27
ActionParsnipAlmoxarife: not that I know of. Seems fine, I'll check next time19:27
=== zleap1 is now known as zleap
nunojpggreezmunkey: not really, I may want to setup the route when the network is down...19:27
ikoniakoe: that could very well be the problem then19:28
koeand I still have the problem even with 480p videos :|19:28
maike-makotowebcam in pidgin, please19:28
koewell I used the restricted drivers ...19:28
ActionParsnipKoe; +1 to what ikonia said19:28
greezmunkeynunojpg: ok19:28
koeand I had problems ...19:28
mickster04brianherman: dude tab complete, and i have installed chrome on my ubuntu setup19:28
chillindavebrianherman, Yeah, but it's not working correctly ATM.  He hasn't updated it since the version just prior to 9.04.  I've written a tutorial on how to "fix" it so it will run, but it's hackish.19:28
koehmm ... should I remove the drivers ?19:28
chillindavebrianherman, He got burnt out on it and it's been dead since late 2008.19:28
koeand use the restricted drivers instead ?19:28
ActionParsnipKoe: use the nvidia ppa and install nvidia-glx-180 and you will get the 195 driver19:28
almoxarifeActionParsnip: please do, I am left with a 530meg chromium task still active nears every time I close it19:28
cub-is ubuntu server 9.10 only available in 64bit ?  I see that on the download page, but no sign of the 32 bit version19:29
ActionParsnipAlmoxarife: gimme a sec.19:29
erUSULcub-: the i386 version should be there too19:29
brianhermanmikster04: cool19:29
maike-makotowebcam in pidgin, how to make it run? please.19:29
erUSULmaike-makoto: pidgin does not support webcam afaik19:29
almoxarifetransposed, 350meg, wanna be fair19:29
cub-ohh, i was here  http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-server19:30
cub-thanks brianherman19:30
ActionParsnipAlmoxarife: just closed it after some casual browsing (no flash) and its not running19:30
furythorhow to install qt4 ?19:31
greezmunkeylater y'all19:31
almoxarifeActionParsnip: thnks, must be me19:31
ActionParsnipAlmoxarife: let me try flash stuff19:31
nibusome one aready have installed a webcam ID: 093a:2620 on ubuntu?19:32
ActionParsnipAlmoxarife: no its all gone, 64bit here with no java plugin19:32
cub-brianherman: the same ISO image for installation can also be used as a live-cd one, correct?19:32
guntbertcub-: on your original page you can click on "alternative download options" ...19:32
almoxarifeActionParsnip: 32 here with java19:32
ActionParsnipAlmoxarife: try without java plugin just to test19:33
nibuon my 9.10 the webcam is installed and get de device /dev/video0 but on skype the test button don't work19:33
cub-guntbert: i see19:33
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cub-so unlike CentOS that needs a separate ISO for livecd, ubuntu regular installation iso can also be used to run straight from the cd, correct?19:33
almoxarifeActionParsnip: ok, will try19:34
furythorcub-: yes19:34
SeaPhorcub-, yes19:34
mickster04cub, otherway round the live cd can be used to install it:D19:34
ActionParsnipCub: the livecd is used to install the os. There is an alternate disk which will install in text mode19:34
furythorcub-: and actually you usually install ubuntu using live session from that CD you wrote from image19:34
* ActionParsnip always uses minimal :)19:35
Leighton1i have a 30 GB partition (/dev/sda3) on my internal HDD formatted as HFS+, what should i specify on the manual partition editor when installing Karmic 9.10?19:35
guntbertcub-: but neither alternate nor server provide a live environment19:35
Leighton1im a bit confused by whats required19:35
bribroderLeighton1, are you planning to use the whole disk?19:36
furythorLeighton1: basically you need root section and somesize swap so hibernate and some other functions work properly (swap should be around twice of ram)19:36
ActionParsnipLeighton1: if you want to install ubuntu to it, just delete the partition. This will destroy the data19:36
cub-if I run ubuntu straight from the CD without installation, I can still add packages and software....they just wont' stay after a reboot, right?19:37
Leighton1furythor: is the root section just "Moint point /"?19:37
koehow to remove old nvidia drivers ?19:37
astrojpAnyone know of the easiest way to install the latest version of Wine?19:37
Leighton1also, will deleting this partition muck up the data on other partitions?19:37
koethat I installed by hand ?19:37
nishanthow do I know if the ubuntu OS has detected my comps video ram19:37
furythorLeighton1: Yes root is / and for the filesystem I recommend ext419:37
bribroderastrocub, sudo apt-get install wine19:38
fu[h]ryhey does anyone have experience creating fat (multi-arch) live ISOs/USB sticks?19:38
* fu[h]ry is working on a project to put as many OSes onto a single external USB hard disk as possible ^_^19:38
ActionParsnipastrojp: sudo add-apt-repository pp:ubuntu-wine/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade19:38
Leighton1furythor: any downsides to Ext4 instead of ext3 or 2?19:39
MM2I have ubuntu 9.10 nbr on Asus Eee 901 and would like to have cpu on performance-mode while running on batteries, how I can do that? What programs always enables power saving mode on batteries?19:39
astrojpActionParsnip: Ah, let me try that. Thank you. :)19:39
ActionParsnipAstrojp: if you don't have it installed you can install wine in software centre19:39
nishanti would like to know the computers physical / memory parameters ...also I have this HDTV movie and its working kind draggy, i wanna know what is causing the slowess19:39
agliodbsI'd like to make it so that Ubuntu (UNR) recognizes to open firefox 3.5 for all urls anywhere and thunderbird 3.0 for all mailtos19:39
agliodbshow do I do that?19:39
furythorLeighton1: well you definetly don't want to use ext2 anymore as it is outdated badly, and I think that ext4 is little faster and as it is actively developed, support is good19:40
ActionParsnipAgliodbs: look in default apps under admin prefs19:40
ActionParsnip!default | agliodbs19:40
ubottuagliodbs: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.19:40
agliodbsActionParsnip: looking19:40
agliodbsActionParsnip: hmmm.  that works for files ...19:40
koeif I use sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia* i get E: Couldn't find package nvidia*19:40
koewhy ?19:40
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs19:41
xyzguys what is the location of mysql in ubuntu?19:41
astrojpActionParsnip: The command you gave me will essentially upgrade my current version of Wine [1.0] to the later version, amirite?19:41
ubottuQt is the Qt (pronounced "cute") toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt 3 applications or libqt4-dev for Qt 4 applications. Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports19:41
nishantany video players recommendation other than totem , with frontend19:41
xyzi installed it from synaptic pacakage manager19:41
janmaltewhere can i find the new ubuntu design elements to download? font, images, logos …19:41
=== zleap1 is now known as zleap
levent_hi all19:42
guntbertcub-: yes, as long as everything fits within the memory of your computer19:42
astrojpI'm installing WoW and need a more up-to-date version of Wine.19:42
levent_I am trying to install kerio-vpn client on amd64 arch19:42
agliodbsActionParsnip: I don't see any way to say "open all hyperlinks with this application"19:42
furythorLeighton1: did that answer your problem ?19:42
levent_has anyone succeded?19:42
ActionParsnipAstrojp: yes. You can also install 1.2 if you remove the current version19:42
cub-guntbert: great..thanks a lot19:42
xyzlocation of mysql any idea?19:43
ActionParsnipNishant: gnome-mplayer is the daddy in my book19:43
Leighton1furythor: i think so, yeah. thanks19:43
ActionParsnip!player | nishant19:43
ubottunishant: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs19:43
agliodbsxyz: find . -name mysql19:43
SeaPhorAstrojp, you can also add the winehq repo to your repositories19:43
brontosaurusrexnishant: vlc, smplayer19:43
tropsoborI have a problem with my Aspire One D150 and Ubuntu 9.10, it appears that the fan hardly works and any cpu intensive task shuts down my laptop, how do I solve this problem?19:43
nishantplease help me with this also W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/dists/lucid-updates/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found [IP: 80]19:43
nishanti mean whats going wrong ?19:43
furythorLeighton1: good since I am gonna restart computer as fresh ubuntu install is complete, so I am out...19:43
guntbertcub-: :)19:44
goddardanyone heard of this website before? http://high-discount.com/index.asp19:44
agliodbstropsobor: are you sure it's ubuntu and not the laptop firmware?19:44
guntbert!ot | goddard19:44
ubottugoddard: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:44
bazhangnishant, lucid in #ubuntu+119:44
astrojpSeaPhor: I think the commands that ActionParsnip gave up above will do that. Correct me if I'm wrong, 'I'm learning as I go'.19:45
goddardoh ok19:45
levent_I am trying to install kerio-vpn client on amd64 arch has anyone succeded?19:45
ActionParsnip!info kerio-vpn19:45
ubottuPackage kerio-vpn does not exist in karmic19:46
levent_ActionParnsnip : yes I have downloaded from kerio site19:46
levent_but my company uses that and I am the sysadmin so I have to connect using its client19:46
SeaPhorAstrojp, not sure, i just looked up and saw you ask about wine, look here for more info- http://www.winehq.org/download/deb19:47
guntbert!hi | brbrr_19:47
ubottubrbrr_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:47
=== nishant is now known as the
=== the is now known as thevishy
brbrr_got problem.using unr 10.04. and when i press backspace in dialog window in pidgin or in terminal(backspace and tab) my screen is blinkin19:48
ActionParsnipLevent_: there is support via the web as well, the product is paid for (except the trial)19:48
acholonuWhere can I find info on game performance like wow and call of duty?19:48
ActionParsnip!lucid | brbrr_19:48
ubottubrbrr_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:48
erUSULacholonu: appdb19:48
erUSUL!appdb | acholonu19:48
synfinI installed 9.10 on a preexisting WIndows XP machine.  I selected all the default partitioning issues (I  even defragged my windows partition beforehand) and now when I select windows from the boot option, I simply get a cursor, as far as I can tell windows is not booted at all.19:48
ubottuacholonu: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:48
levent_support for installation on linux?19:48
randomusr_uh sure19:48
buttons840find returned the fallowing path "/home/buttons/~/.dvdrip-data/"    i'm confused about the placement of the ~ symbol; what would the full path be?19:48
levent_on xubuntu amd64?19:49
ActionParsnipLevent_: if there is a linux version then yes19:49
randomusr_Total noob question, how can I find my wwwroot path for apache2?19:49
levent_they write on their site that they do not support 64 bit19:49
levent_but it is possible to cross compile arch19:49
erUSULrandomusr_: /var/www/ ?19:49
levent_64 > 3219:49
ActionParsnipLevent_: there's openvpn in the repo which is free19:50
acholonuis Ubuntu the only os that supports 64bit?19:50
ActionParsnipLevent_: yes 64 is greater than 3219:50
jribbuttons840: that is the full path19:50
ActionParsnipAcholonu: there is xp64bit, bsd supports 64bit too as does unix19:50
erUSULacholonu: no19:50
levent_kerio supports its own proto. unfortunately19:50
=== Tom_ is now known as tomusic
buttons840jrib, i see, is it normal for ~ to be a actual folder in the home directory?19:51
ChousukeActionParsnip: unix? :P19:51
ActionParsnipChousuke: sure19:51
levent_so openvpn client cannot be used as far as I know19:51
moei need help19:51
randomusr_erUSUL, how can i do a recursive search of a directory if i need to in the future?19:51
sburwoodI have a problem with Thunderbird.  Who can help?19:51
ChousukeActionParsnip: You sure you don't mean OS X or Solaris or some other UNIX OS?19:51
=== moe is now known as Guest62083
jribbuttons840: it's not there by default if that's what you mean19:52
Guest62083my HDMI Audio does not work19:52
randomusr_sburwood, what's up?19:52
ActionParsnipChousuke: those too (not sure about mac)19:52
erUSULrandomusr_: find /startdir/ -name 'stringwithglobslike*or?' -print19:52
sburwoodI can't get it to work.  I click on it.  I think I saw something about a problem with compiz19:52
erUSULrandomusr_: man find19:52
randomusr_I know19:52
sburwoodit just crashes.  I didn't do anything to make it crash19:53
randomusr_I was using incorrect syntax19:53
buttons840jrib, i can't cd into that directory because ~ represents the home directory?19:53
randomusr_sburwood, are you on 9.10?19:53
furythorHow to install software for HP F2420 deskjet ?19:53
erUSULbuttons840: maybe it you scape it ? or use ' '19:53
levent_I am at the point that sudo module-assistant auto-install kerio-vpn compile stops after sometime19:53
sburwoodHonestly, I installed beta 219:53
sburwoodof 10.0419:53
levent_how can I change the arch for this ?19:53
buttons840erUSUL, how?19:53
ActionParsnipFurythor: get the latest hplip19:53
ActionParsnip!lucid | sburwood19:54
ubottusburwood: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:54
randomusr_sburwood, please do /join #ubuntu+1 and ask there19:54
erUSULbuttons840: cd /home/buttons/\~/.dvdrip-data/19:54
erUSULbuttons840: cd '/home/buttons/~/.dvdrip-data/'19:54
sburwoodrandomusr_: Ok, sorry19:54
Guest62083my hdmi audio is not working19:54
furythorActionParsnip: I have it, but I need to run setup for it, but I got idea how to get qt4 to work19:54
ActionParsnipFurythor: chmod +x file19:54
furythorActionParsnip: so basically I do need to install it as well but don't have clue how19:55
ActionParsnipFurythor: then run it in terminal as user (don't use sudo)19:55
hardwiredI want to see if there are some newer versions of xserver-xorg-video-intel. How can I find and install them?19:56
buttons840erUSUL, there is nothing important in there; i will     rm '/home/buttons/~' -R               ?19:56
rosco_I've a problem with my ubuntu box. My system is installed on sda, and I have 4 disks on raid10 mounted separately. The raid seems degraded and now if I boot with the disks connected the kernel wants absolutely to rebuild the array and it seems to slow the boot to a halt.  If I deconnect the drives the system boots normally. How can I tell the kernel not to start the raid detection ?...19:56
rosco_...(raid=noautodetect doesn't seem to work)19:56
ActionParsnipFurythor: chmo +x makes it executable19:56
erUSULbuttons840: rm -r19:56
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, furythor typo above -- "chmod +x" makes it executable19:58
astrojpSeaPhor: Thanks. :)20:00
rosco_I've tried to boot with livecd , ad rebuild the raid by hand, but once again it takes hours. The question is that even if the system rebuilds the array it shouldn't prevent the boot. I've even removed the disk from the fstab list.20:00
furythoroh man, I don't even know how whole lot work it would be if I would need to return to windows (fortunately I don't) because I am so used to ubuntu now :D20:01
chandler243Hello, I am having trouble installing Ubuntu 9.10 on my SATA drive, It is detected in everything but the installer.20:02
furythorchandler243: you get some error or long "detect times" ?20:03
c00lryguyHey everybody, I'm having a problem on multiple versions of Ubuntu on a Gateway MX6430. When I press the volume up, down, or mute keys; the notify-osd shows up and works correctly, but in the top left corner theres another overlay that looks all glitchy (kinda like missingno in pokemon... only way to describe it) it looks like a volume indicator that's build into gateway notebooks. Is there any way to disable this?20:03
brontosaurusrexchandler243: did you try the alternate installed?20:03
chrometigerim trying to remove some apps using the Software Center,   i keep getting this error :   installArchives() failed: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable20:04
chrometigerdebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable20:04
chandler243Furythor: no brontosaurusrex: How do you access the alternate installer?20:04
zougchrometiger: there is another package manager open20:05
brontosaurusrexchandler243: with my limited knowhow i would download the alternate install iso20:05
guntbertchrometiger: did you start another package manager? (synaptic, aptitude, apt-get,...)20:05
brontosaurusrexchandler243: but iam sure there is also a correct way20:05
chrometigeri started synaptic,   then closed it ?    doesn't look like another "is" running20:05
chandler243brontosaurusrex: Thank you, I will try this, Is this an .iso image or something to be executed withen an OS?20:06
chandler243oh, sorry20:06
barberanwhere can I get 10.04 beta ?20:06
chandler243barberan: ubuntu.com and click on the 10.04 logo20:07
chrometigeris there a way to see all running apps,   so i can  alt+f2  kill them20:07
thevishychrometiger, top command20:07
barberanthank you, It's ok now. The problem was that I did not see those  button)))20:07
newbie005Pokeruler: hi, did you post as pokerface on ubuntuforms? I had a question about a post...20:07
lamikHello. How i can play e17 in terminal?20:08
thevishytop will display all the top running processes in that order , or u can do ps -eaf20:08
newbie005anyone into wii or gamecube programming?20:08
brontosaurusrexchandler243: with my limited knowhow i would get the alternate iso, but i'am pretty sure there is an easier way (the one that uses your allready downloaded iso...)20:08
thevishydo u guys think a HDTC movie cud have issues running on a 512 MB RAM with 1.87 Ghz comp20:08
zougchrometiger: ps -a20:08
zougchrometiger: i use htop, need to install it.20:09
JSundthevishy: what resolution/encoder and what type of CPU?20:09
thevishyJSund , mobile centrino processor , enoder no idea20:10
thevishyits an IMAX documentary20:10
JSundthevishy: do you know if it's 720p or 1080p?20:10
guntbertchandler243: the alternate installer is an iso, ready to be burned (be sure to check its md5sum though)20:10
brontosaurusrexthevishy: for HD h.264 you would usually need some sort of dual-core machine20:10
thevishyhow do I check that ?>20:10
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thevishyok so netbooks cant run a IMAX documentary  ? for instanef20:10
thevishymy comp is good like a netbook20:10
brontosaurusrexno they can't20:11
chandler243guntbert: I am running this via a live CD, Does it already include the alternate installer?20:11
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ZykoticK9thevishy, from the Topic of the mplayer channel "1080 h264 requires 2.4ghz c2d / amd x2 2.8ghz+"20:11
JSundwell, netbooks with GPU accelerated h264 decoding can handle it20:11
buttons840i'm using dvdrip to make a backup; i'm trying to configure a cluster on my local computer, but i'm receiving errors that directories can't be created; it's trying to create folders like "003-0000000001" (not folders i can create by hand)?  any suggestions?20:11
guntbertchandler243: unfortunately no - its another iso20:12
furythoraaw, another set of upgrades done, gotta reboot20:12
Guest62083i need help making my hdmi audio work20:12
thevishyhow do I sort of hack my comp to do that ? any pointer20:12
JSundthevishy: do you have the video available? if you open it in a media player, you should be able to get encoding information20:12
wabashwhere is the convention correct directory to install 3rd party libs and so on?20:12
thevishyits 72020:13
chandler243What is the URL for the alternate .iso, when I go to the main ubuntu 9.10 download, there is no option for an alternate installer20:13
JSundmight be worth a try, could work20:13
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Guest62083chandler try burning the iso 2x speed, minimum speed20:13
ZykoticK9wabash, /usr/opt would typically be used for programs, while /usr/local/lib would be used for libraries20:13
chandler243 What is the URL for the alternate .iso, when I go to the main ubuntu 9.10 download, there is no option for an alternate installer?20:14
JSundthevishy: could you upload the content of /proc/cpuinfo to pastebin or some similar site?20:14
Guest62083chandler243: try burning the iso at minumum speed, that fixed the issue for me20:14
thevishyJSund, its just a one liner can I messge u  ?20:14
guntbertchandler243: looki at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#alternate20:14
thevishyoh sorry I wud do that...20:14
JSundthevishy: message me, sure20:15
wabashZykoticK9: Is there some sort of dir for... you know, stuff that's not Ubu or deb? a directory that is by convention for stuff that is added later, etc?20:15
ZykoticK9wabash, /opt is probably your best bet20:16
wabashok, thanks.20:16
JSundthevishy: but the content of /proc/cpuinfo should be more than a oneliner20:16
thevishyyeah i realized that , confused it with some other thing20:17
nascentCan someone please help me? Ubuntu is reporting it is out of space on /home, but it shouldn't be. du shows all space used in the end result, but none of the subtotals for the subdirectories come close to it's final result.20:18
wabashnot du20:18
alkethow can I open something in terminal but in minimise ex: firefox -minimise20:18
nascentwabash: both.20:18
erUSULnascent: did you take a look with the Aplications>Accesories>disk usage analizer20:19
blueglasseshow can I check compare files on http or ftp using command line?20:19
imrabtiIn my ubuntu I don't get the USplash when shut down the system20:20
imrabtiHow can i fix this20:20
guntbertnascent: in CLI type du -sh ~/*  -- will give you a list with the sizes of all folders in your home directory20:20
nascenterUSUL, yes. It shows /home as 100%, but the largest subdirectories are 8.8%, .9%, and .2%... the rest show 0%20:20
erUSULnascent: then pass an fsck to that partition20:20
imrabtianyone who have this prob20:21
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nascentguntbert, shows 5-6 directories with the largest being 63G... the partition has 700G20:22
imrabtiFrankly it annoy me Not being able to see the USplash screen when shutting down the OS20:22
chandler243imrabti: How do you shutdown the computer? Hardware or software?20:22
blueglassesalket, you can use wmctrl20:22
nascenterUSUL, I'll try fsck and see what happens.20:22
imrabtiany magic command that can fix this ?20:22
imrabtifrom ubuntu20:23
guntbertnascent: please pastebin the output of df -h and of mount20:23
imrabtiMenu => Shutdown20:23
NastyaJi everyone!\20:26
NastyaHi everyone!20:27
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:27
brbrr_got problem.using unr. when i press backspace in dialog window in pidgin or in terminal(backspace and tab) my screen is blinking.just one black screeen for a sec for one press of button. how can i fix it?20:28
NastyaRecommend me please a nice dictionary for Ubuntu.20:28
Guest62083my wifi adapter light constantly blinks off and on20:28
Guest62083but it does not go off and on20:29
ikoniaGuest62083: it means it's in use20:29
ikoniaGuest62083: mine is flashing now20:29
Guest62083but when i used vista os, it just stayed flat20:29
greezmunkeyI have been playing with some python programming, where do I look to make the jump from interfacing with my program in commandline, to having the proggie generate a window in gnome?20:29
Guest62083is it diff in ubuntu os20:29
ikoniaGuest62083: different driver20:29
SCC-FaustCan anyone help me use madwifidrivers? I'm really new to ubuntu and I'm trying to follow the instructions to the best of my abilities on the website but it is giving me errors.20:30
erUSULgreezmunkey: pygtk or pygnome ?20:30
Guest62083okay thanks20:30
greezmunkeyerUSUL: I'll check thos out, thanks.20:30
nascenterUSUL, fsck says it is clean20:32
erUSULnascent: and the space got recovered ?20:33
erUSULnascent: you can force the fsck even if marked clean20:33
Guest62083i am unable to compile using: ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel20:33
ikoniaGuest62083: what are you trying to compile ?20:34
nascenterUSUL, what is the command? Don't see it in man.20:35
Guest62083well how do you go to a certain directory to compile something in the terminal20:35
ikoniaGuest62083: what are you trying to compile20:35
erUSULnascent: e2fsck -fp /dev/sdxx20:35
erUSUL!cli | Guest6208320:35
ubottuGuest62083: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro20:35
Guest62083trying to compile: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55161520:36
infidis there a way to find or focus a terminal if i know it's name, eg pts/220:36
ikoniaGuest62083: do you have that same model laptop ?20:36
ikoniaGuest62083: are you running gutsy ?20:36
Guest62083i have the same driver20:36
exocat /etc/shells | grep pts/2 ??20:36
Guest62083what is that?20:37
Guest62083is that a program?20:37
ikoniaGuest62083: that is the ubuntu version20:37
Guest62083i am running 9.1020:37
Guest62083the most recent stable one20:37
erUSULinfid: what are you trying to do ?20:37
ikoniaGuest62083: that guide is for 7.1020:37
ikoniaGuest62083: so don't use it20:37
Guest62083how do i solve my issue though20:37
ikoniaGuest62083: see the time stamps of the post - 200720:37
tim167hi, i'm trying to connect to my desktop over wireless using "vncviewer <ip_of_my_desktop(set_to_static)>" but i get no connection, what should i do ?20:37
ikoniaGuest62083: what is your issue ?20:37
erUSULGuest62083: if you are on laptop the intelhda factoid can apply to you20:37
Guest62083i am trying to use HDMI audio20:37
erUSUL!intelhda | Guest6208320:37
ubottuGuest62083: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto20:37
infiderUSUL: i'm tryin to find where on my system, in all work spaces/open windows, pts/2 is and preferably focus it from a command20:38
Guest62083only driver coming up is internal audio20:38
exoinfid  cat /etc/shells | grep pts/220:38
saji89whois littlerazcal20:38
infidexo no, that's not what i mean20:38
infidexo i'm saying it has to already be open20:38
tim167can anyone help me connect to my desktop with vncviewer ? thanks20:38
erUSULinfid: which of the terminal emulators is using it ?20:38
nascenterUSUL, no joy. Still shows 100%.20:38
infiderUSUL: gnome-terminal20:38
erUSULinfid: see "w" output20:38
erUSULnascent: :/20:39
tim167i enter "vncviewer <ip>" but i get no response, have to stop the process with ctrl+c...20:39
trinikronotim167: you can just use the remote desktop client20:39
guntbertnascent: please pastebin the output of df -h and of mount20:39
tim167trinikrono: i am on UNR, is there a remote desktop app on that ?20:39
trinikronotim167: in internet remote desktop viewer20:39
hiexpohello all20:40
trinikronotim167: go on internet20:40
trinikronoand see what you see there20:40
trinikronoi dont have a laptop20:40
trinikronoso im not sure what you seeing20:40
tim167trinikrono: i'll see if i can install remote desktop on UNR20:40
guntbert!enter | trinikrono20:41
ubottutrinikrono: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:41
blacksunsevenhaving trouble Giving SFTP users read access to some other directory (more info about my problem here http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9133075&postcount=10)20:41
SeaPhorecho Guest62083, have you "move stream" in pulseaudio volume control,20:42
Flannelblacksunseven: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support, thanks!20:42
blacksunsevenFlannel: I believe this applies to 9.xx as well20:43
blacksunsevenFlannel: it worked fine in 8.0420:43
Flannelblacksunseven: That post says you upgraded to 10.04 and it stopped working20:44
blacksunsevenupgraded from 8.04, but i've found evidence of people having trouble in 9.xx20:44
tim167i get "Connection timed out Unable to connect to VNC server" now with vncviewer, what should i do ? i am trying to connect over wireless, but currently this computer is connected to internet, so is the wireless card unavailable to vnc then ?20:44
Flannelblacksunseven: You should find out when the behavior changed (testing with LiveCD should work) that'll help track it down.20:45
radar3dI have a basic question in my home directory there are a ton of folders like .gvfs and .local and .xchat2  are they supposed to be there?? Seems like they are tmp files???20:45
Zetxis it possible to install a RAID (5) after the installation process is complete?20:46
erUSULradar3d: that's where configuration is stored20:46
erUSULZetx: you can assemble an array when you want20:46
nascentguntbert, erUSUL: rebooting after the fsck seems to have actually fixed it. Only showing 10% use now. ;-D Any idea what would have caused it? It suddenly said I had a couple gigs free, and then a few seconds later I had none.20:46
radar3dweird just had not noticed them before erUSUL because i rarely go into my top folder i.e /home/radar3d20:47
ZetxerUSUL: aah, okay, i'll look into it some more, thanks20:47
radar3derUSUL: i deleted allot of them is that bad???20:47
erUSULradar3d: well it's been like that in unix forever20:47
guntbertnascent: sorry, from remote its very difficult to diagnose such things - but you might want to check df -h now and then in the future20:47
radar3derUSUL: I am pretty new20:48
erUSULradar3d: you loose configuration of the programs for your user20:48
radar3dok erUSUL  thanks20:48
SeaPhorradar3d, everything you install, download, and configure is stored in those files, that enables you to have your /home directory on a separate partition and then re-install your OS, or fresh install the next release, and NOT lose everything you have...20:48
poweredencore enltv-fm with no sound after last kernel updates20:50
radar3dSeaPhor: well i have not used linux since back at redhat 5 i think so it is all a relearning process and since I didn't know ALLOT back then you can imagine the learning curve but I am very happy with ubuntu except my webcam no worky20:50
poweredsomeone knows how to fix this?20:50
SeaPhorradar3d, i know exactly, i was in exact same position 4 years ago20:51
radar3dSeaPhor: my webcam appears to be detected by ubuntu but not by cheese or anything else20:52
Leightonjust installed 9.10 on my iMac, when i was running from the Live CD, i had the option to use a proprietary driver which would work with my iMac's wifi card and get me online. now that i've installed, it doesnt seem to have that driver available. can i get that off the disk somehow?20:54
brad[werk]Is anyone here using Evolution with a CalDAV server?20:55
xanguaLeighton: doesn't appear in system> administracion> hardware support¿20:55
SeaPhorradar3d, i dont personally use a webcam, so i am of no use to you there, but if you can't find the answer here, you can ask on my channel when my mems are active, and hang out till they are ;-)20:55
Leightonxangua: you mean Hardware Drivers? and no20:56
vallhalla81!apt-cache search20:57
ZykoticK9Leighton, have you plugged a nic cable in and done all available updates?  After completed re-check the Hardware Drivers and see if the wireless has appeared.  Good luck.20:57
nadhiyahow to remove a package installed from source20:57
LeightonZykoticK9: on it, thanks20:58
xanguanadhiya: red the 'how to' of what you installed; it should say20:58
ZykoticK9nadhiya, depends on the source package, check the packages documentation -- sometime "sudo make uninstall" in the source directory will work.20:59
subonedoes anyone use gnome-do? having trouble adding some launchers to it21:02
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peter_curryHello.  I need some assistance with two things.  First, I uninstalled Wine via the Ubuntu Software Center, but it is still showing up in the start menu with Wine folder, Programs subfolder, and the Apple Software Update item.  How do I completely remove these things and everything related to Wine on my system?21:03
meoblast001i have Ubuntu 9.04, i need to get Update Manager to stop nagging me21:04
meoblast001i compile a lot of applications from source, and i think i sort of messed up my package manager (to the pointer where a few applications just won't update)21:04
meoblast001how can i get update manager to stop nagging me21:04
meoblast001it won't let me21:05
ZykoticK9peter_curry, to remove the menu items System / Preferences / Main Menu - and remove/uncheck the wine stuff.  In your home directory you should have a .wine folder that contains all the wine settings as well as all the programs you installed using wine.21:05
zaxonspoxpeter_curry go to Main menu in System>>Preferences and delet Wine entries, in /home/<username> folder there is hidden folder .wine21:05
meoblast001i hit update, and i get a some packages could not be updated21:05
meoblast001then it continues to nag me for not updating21:05
MrD_Hey, I have a problem that may or may not be directly related to Ubuntu. I have 2 computers in my dorm room. One is a Ubuntu box that is a VNC server and the one I am typing on now is Windows. I've been VNC'ing to the Ubuntu box at my dorm and on campus (which are two seperate networks, by the way). Now I am home for the weekend and when I try to connect to my Ubuntu's IP, I get a networked timed out message. My roommate checked, and the IP is t21:05
meoblast001Zider: i'm at the point where i think i've recompiled half my system21:05
ZykoticK9zaxonspox, great minds think alike :)21:06
Linear_Keyhow can i run firefox / etc in a virtual terminal? I think I've seen this done before with startx21:06
zaxonspoxZykoticK9 yes :P i just type long21:07
ZykoticK9Linear_Key, the "easy" method would be to create a new user account - then from inside Xorg run "gdmflexiserver" and log in with the new account (GDM won't allows the same user to log in twice anymore)21:07
MrD_did I kill the chat with my question? :-P21:08
zaxonspoxMrD_ can you ping Ubuntu PC?21:08
peter_curry"ZykoticK9" and "zaxonspox".  OK - I removed items using the menu editor (although it wouldn't let me delete Apple Software Update).  I also just delete the ".wine" hidden folder.  The items are still showing up the start menu ...  What do I do now?21:09
zaxonspoxMrD_ its kind a long question21:09
MrD_I dont quite understand what you asking...21:09
ZykoticK9MrD_, i imagine that you are being firewalled out -- ports would have to be open/forwarded for you to connect from offsite21:09
Linear_Keyerr how do I do that21:09
MrD_the school's dorm area network and on campus network are different21:09
MrD_think I'm being blocked by my home ISP?21:09
peter_curryLIKE - how do you update/refresh the start menu so that it is syncing right with your system?21:09
ZykoticK9peter_curry, the menu won't refresh until you A) log out/ back in or B) "killall gnome-panel"21:09
peter_curryZykoticK9 - ok let me try both ...21:10
ZykoticK9peter_curry, only 1 is required21:10
MrD_ZykoticK9, can you private MSG me and I'll give you the IP to try?21:10
zaxonspoxMrD_ do you try to connect via VNC to your Ubuntu PC from your home Windows PC or from school?21:10
pickyI am trying to install ubuntu 9.10 from livecd I have downloaded from the ubuntu site but after booting up it is asking for user name and password21:10
pickyI can't find it21:11
ZykoticK9MrD_, sorry man can't help you test i'm affraid21:11
lifestreamDoes anyone know -- in chrome  -- is there a way to make it so that the tabs don't get all squashed together? In firefox, they are always about the same size, even if you have 100 tabs open.  So is it possible to make the tabs in chrome be fixed instead of tiny?21:11
MrD_my Ubuntu PC is always tethered at my dorm. I connect from my Windows PC at school and it works fine21:11
MrD_now, about 20 miles away, I cannot get the connection21:11
MrD_neither through VNC nor Windows's native app, which both work on campus, which again is a seperate network connection from my dorm room21:11
peter_curryZykoticK9 - I tried "killall gnome-panel" in terminal - it's still there ...21:12
MrD_I figured that out because it stopped working when they refreshed the IPs at the end of the week and I couldnt connect back on campus21:12
ruthgardMrD_: Sounds like a firewall issue21:12
pickyany know ubuntu 9.10 live cd username and password21:12
MrD_through my ISP right?21:12
xanguapicky: the one you give to it21:12
ZykoticK9peter_curry, can't explain that.  Are you sure you removed them from Main Menu?21:13
guntbertxangua: not on live CD21:13
lol|hiWhen I plug in my external keyboard and hit the sleep button, the computer goes to sleep, except my hardware doesn't actually support suspending to ram21:13
lol|hiis there any way to turn off that shortcut?21:13
guntbertpicky: its ubuntu and no password21:13
edanjucahola soy nuevo en ubuntu y quiero saber como descargo juegos con bittorrent gracias21:13
zaxonspoxpicky ubuntu ubuntu21:13
xangua!es > edanjuca21:13
ubottuedanjuca, please see my private message21:13
MrD_I'm going to try to disable the firewall ports, brb if anyone cares :-P21:13
pickyI am trying to install ubuntu 9.10 from livecd I have downloaded from the ubuntu site but after booting up it is asking for user name and password21:13
MrD_thanks to all who've helped so far21:13
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ruthgardMrD_: Yes its probably the same network at campus and in the dorm atleast its less firewalls then from a seperate ISP and your dorm21:14
ZykoticK9picky, try ubuntu as username with no password21:14
peter_curryZykoticK9 - OK, I tried that again and we're good.  Let me reinstall Wine - and then I have another question regarding Clamtk Virus Scanner ...21:14
zaxonspoxMrD_ try to check if ports 5900 are opened21:14
guntbertpicky: you said that already - why don't you try what zaxonspox or I said?21:14
edanjucaalguien me puede ayudar21:14
pickythe screen is moving fast I can't read it quickly21:15
pickyok I will try ubuntu21:15
crimsunedanjuca: #ubuntu-es21:15
black_can ny one help me understand what format TV remotes use to communicate?21:16
XethronHey guys21:16
black_hey Xethron21:16
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XethronWhat ya tryna do? sounds interesting21:16
zaxonspoxblack_ TV means TeamViewer?21:16
BlackDivineXethron, I got cheap infra red ma62021:17
MrD_eer I forgot I don't know what I need to do to unblock the port...21:17
HypothesisFroghi. what's the easiest way to do network file sharing on ubuntu? samba or nfs?21:17
pickyI was having trouble with vista and it BSOD screen with BAD_POOL_HEADER so i decided to install ubuntu on my laptop21:17
BlackDivineno lirc support, and tv means television lol21:17
BlackDivinepicky, welcome to the club!21:17
MrD_samba HypothesisFrog21:17
MrD_one second and I can give you the link t what I use21:17
bonekhello everybody21:17
peter_curryZykoticK9 - so I reinstalled Wine.  How do I tell the program is working?  If I go the start menu now - and hit "Browse C-Drive" under the Wine menu - and nothing happens - is that bad sign?  Or is this happening just because I don't have any programs installed for Wine?21:17
BlackDivineXethron, and I am writing my own simple driver that understands my remote21:17
HypothesisFrogMrD_ ty21:17
pkphi, does anyone know how to get the execution time of a program?21:18
MrD_you need to remember to start Samba before you can get the files21:18
BlackDivineXethron, currently I just read whatever it says without understanding what button was pressed and play next song on rythmbox21:18
MrD_I have it start on startup21:18
BlackDivinepkp, search for profilers on google21:18
trinikronopeter_curry: it should still open up the C: drive even if you nothing installed21:18
SeaPhorradar3d, if you dont find your answers on the webcam, gimmie a shout in PM21:18
ZykoticK9peter_curry, "Browse C Drive" *should* open Nautilus (separate from any wine program)21:18
pickywhy is ubuntu free21:19
XethronBlackDivine: wow, thats a really smart idea21:19
zaxonspoxpicky why not :P21:19
pickywindow 7 is like $114, I can't afford it21:19
peter_currytrinikrono and ZykoticK9 - OK, so why isn't anything opening when I hit "Browse C-Drive"?21:19
BlackDivineXethron, its been done before LIRC is an effort but it currently support limited infra red recievers21:19
trinikronopicky: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu21:19
peter_curryIs it because Wine never completely uninstalled?21:19
BlackDivinecan ny one help me understand what format TV remotes use to communicate?21:19
trinikronopeter_curry: did you restart after you reinstalled?21:20
nishanthany one know what this message means  W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4F191A5A8844C54221:20
BlackDivinepicky because they love you :P21:20
peter_curryNo - let me do that - and then I'll be back on here ...21:20
Roger84salve a tutti21:22
blueglassesis there a #beautyfull-linux-girl ?21:22
zakwilsonI use Compiz with Gnome and have a significant number of custom settings in Compizconfig. I'm trying Compiz with KDE, and it did not keep those settings. Can I import them?21:22
calumHi all. I am having a sound issue - my headphones are not working on Jaunty21:22
macoblueglasses: this is a support channel. please stay on topic21:22
pickyI am using one of my friends laptop that has ubuntu running on it, which make decide to install it on my laptop too.21:22
Roger84c'è qualche italiano21:22
maco!it | Roger8421:23
ubottuRoger84: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:23
blueglassescalum, buy a new set, if its just a headphones problem21:23
Roger84ok thanks21:23
calumThese headphones worked on Karmic. Its just that I downgraded due to wireless problem21:23
macocalum: is it that external speakers arent muting? or are they muting but nothing's going to headphone jack?21:23
macocalum: have you checked all the mixer elements when you run the "alsamixer" command?21:24
pickysorry I got authentication failure from ubuntu as username and password21:24
GSF1200Sanyone know how to make a local mail server/21:24
blueglasseslinux is free because of Gnu21:24
ddrjanyone have a geforce 210 video card here?21:24
calummaco: I tried alsamixer in terminal and it showed the headphones are muted21:24
peter_curryZykoticK9 and trinikrono - OK, I just restarted and trying browing the C-Drive for Wine from the start menu - and still NOTHING ...21:24
macocalum: hit M to unmute21:24
calumexternal speakers work like a charm21:24
MrD_so I am lost on how to fix my firewall so I connect to Remote Desktop21:24
ddrjanyone have a geforce 210 video card here? was wondering if you were able to get audio over hdmi with ALSA ?21:24
blueglasseskk maco21:24
HypothesisFrogMrD_ I'm trying to file share between three ubuntu systems. Does that make a difference?21:24
pickyusername ubuntu and password ubuntu21:25
MrD_I haven't tried it but you'd need one HOMEGROUP and different accounts per computer21:25
pickyit is not working21:25
Oerusername empty pass ubuntu21:25
pickyhow can I log into the account of livecd21:25
ZykoticK9peter_curry, sorry I don't have any suggestions sorry -- can you open nautilus and browse to ~/.wine/drive_c ?  CTRL+H to show hidden files BTW21:25
calummaco: I hit m and now where it says Item: Headphone it says [Off]21:25
Flannelpicky: For the LiveCD?21:25
blueglassesGSF1200S, whats your problem?21:26
Flannelpicky: the username is ubuntu and the password is blank (empty)21:26
pickyyah live CD that i got from ubuntu site21:26
macocalum: off? or 00?21:26
macocalum: oh i see where you mean21:26
pickyI tried both with passowrd and without password21:26
calummaco: Off21:26
brand0nwhats the command to play a wav file21:26
brand0nwithout loading an app21:26
zaxonspoxpicky mayby wait 10sec and it should log you automatically21:26
brand0nlike just playing the noise once and thats it21:26
Flannelpicky: but, it shouldn't ask you to login when you boot, if so, you might have something wrong (burning) with the CD21:26
GSF1200Sblueglasses: ive just never setup a local mail server. I need to set one up so I can receive notifications from my raid card21:26
macocalum: look down at the bottom of the vertical slider thingy. does it show MM or some numbers right above the word "headphone"?21:26
calummaco: It says MM21:27
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tetsuo00hello, im trying to downgrade my install of wine but synaptic manager doesnt allow me to select "force version"21:27
Flannelpicky: Have you verified the CD yet? (one of the boot menu options, it'll check the CD to make sure its burned properly)21:27
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macocalum: then you need to hit m21:27
blueglassesGSF1200S, you probably could use just sendmail instead of using a mail server21:27
pickyflannel it give me some options and I choose install ubuntu21:27
tetsuo00anyone know how to fix this prolem/21:27
macocalum: it should show numbers21:27
calummaco: Yeah it is showing 0021:27
Flannelpicky: right, try the verify/check CD for defects (whatever the verbage happens to be nowadays)21:27
ZykoticK9!crosspost > tetsuo0021:27
ubottutetsuo00, please see my private message21:28
pickyafter that it comes with a ubuntu logo and then login screen21:28
macocalum: ok is there a slider above it? if so use arrow keys to move it up21:28
macocalum: if not then you should be fine21:28
calummaco: There is no slider21:28
Blasturis there a command line which will output all but the N first lines of a file?21:28
GSF1200Sblueglasses: sendmail would allow me to setup a local IP on a certain port where the raid card could send warnings right?21:28
macocalum: ok and do you hear anything from headphones now?21:28
FlannelBlastur: You could use tail21:28
calummaco: I will check... hold on a sec21:28
ikoniatetsuo00: are you using 9.10 or 10.04 ?21:29
BlasturFlannel, if the total number of lines is unknown?21:29
peter_curryZykoticK9 - OK, I have Nautilus open - but I can't seem to find ~/.wine/drive_c.  "~" previous directories you need to drive through.  What are they?21:29
tetsuo00ikonia: 10.0421:29
ZykoticK9peter_curry, ~ is your home directory21:29
ikoniatetsuo00: then please dicuss in #ubuntu+121:29
guntbertpicky: if you choose "install" there should be several questions to answer, one about your username and password, that you want to use on the system21:29
usserBlastur: total number of lines is known21:29
usserBlastur: head + tail + wc -l21:29
calummaco: It is still coming from the external speakers21:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:30
peter_curryZykoticK - yeah, under File System, right?21:30
pickyno questions it comes up with ubuntu logo and then login screen21:30
ZykoticK9peter_curry, look for Home21:30
macocalum: and not through headphones at all? so speakers arent being muted when you put headphones in?21:30
ZykoticK9!tab > peter_curry21:30
ubottupeter_curry, please see my private message21:30
blueglassesHow does the channel bot work here?21:30
pickyanyway, I have no choice but to purchase Window Live. nothing is free in this world21:30
FlannelBlastur: Yeah, use -n +N21:30
tetsuo00ikonia:  ok21:30
Blasturah, cool.. -n +2 then21:31
xangua!bot > blueglasses21:31
ubottublueglasses, please see my private message21:31
zaxonspoxpicky you joking right?21:31
calummaco: The speaker icon is still there when I put the headphones in... it doesn't mute21:31
rawkasaurI have set up an encrypted /home and I need to get the passphrase that was automatically generated. what is the command for that?21:31
rawkasaurI'm on 10.0421:31
xanguapicky: you mean you can't even enter in the live cd session¿¿ it just sticks in the enter screen¿¿21:31
pickyno really, I can't find the user name and password for ubuntu 9 on internet and here21:32
jribpicky: huh?  You set the user name and password during install21:32
xangua!lucid > rawkasaur21:32
ubotturawkasaur, please see my private message21:32
zaxonspoxpicky user: ubuntu pass none or ubuntu ubuntu21:32
peter_curryZykoticK9 - yeah, so I'm in home --> peter_curry.  I don't see that .wine folder.  I did delete it before ...21:32
Flannelpicky: Are you running off the LiveCD? or did you install Ubuntu?21:32
xanguajrib he has not installed ubuntu, am i right picky¿21:32
ZykoticK9peter_curry, CTRL+H to show hidden files21:33
eselsprict jemand deutsch21:33
pickyok when I put the cd in cdrom and restart the laptop it comes with options so I check the install ubuntu then it gave me ubuntu logo for like 5 minutes and then it show a screen asking me to login21:33
ddrjdoes enabling VDPAU hardware acceleration make the picture quaality of your HD movie files better or worse?21:33
Flannel!de | esel21:33
ubottuesel: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:33
calummaco: Still coming from external speaker..21:33
Oerusername empty pass ubuntu21:33
guntbertrawkasaur: ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase $HOME/wrapped-passphrase   but you want to read more at http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7568/1.html21:33
peter_curryZykoticK9 - yes, hidden files are already enabled ...21:33
Flannelpicky: Right.  Instead of choosing to install ubuntu, choose the "check CD for defects" option21:34
rawkasaurthanks guntbert.21:34
jribpicky: if you're using the live cd, then you need to check the md5sum of your iso.  If that checks out, reburn your iso at 2 or 4x and run "check the cd for defects"21:34
redHeya! I was asking how to keep my home dir private earlier today, when there are multiple users SSHing into the machine and I don't want user B to be able to read user A:s home dir21:34
macocalum: sounds like a driver bug. test with a 10.04 beta cd and see if its fixed there yet, but if its not then run "ubuntu-bug linux" from there to submit a bug report about it21:34
ZykoticK9peter_curry, run "wine" in a terminal will perhaps generate the .wine folder then21:34
pickyso you mean cd has defeacts21:34
Oerno jrib screenprotection is enabled during install21:34
calummaco: I have Lucid in a virtual machine, shall I test that with the headphones?21:34
Flannelpicky: I mean we don't know.  But usually if it asks you to login something is wrong, yes.21:34
jribOer: what?21:34
pickyok where can I buy CD for cheap price21:34
Oerusername empty pass ubuntu is the pass to go back to the installer21:35
usserRed: chmod -R 750 $HOME21:35
jribpicky: how did you obtain the one you have now?21:35
jribred: you probably DON'T want to run that chmod21:35
macocalum: no then its just using the virtualised sound card21:35
macocalum: it has to be on hardware21:35
jribred: get rid of the -R part.21:36
usserjrib,red: yea21:36
pickyI downloaded the iso from ubuntu.com and burn it with roxio before I destroyed my vista system21:36
calummaco: OK so a Lucid Live CD in test mode?21:36
redi dont wanna chmod everything to 750 since i have my public_html and php stuff which need 755 :)21:36
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redbut just setting the home dir to 750 is enough so a guest/anotheruser can't cd / ls the contents?21:37
Oerpicky, ubuntu netbook remix unr ?21:37
jribred: correct21:37
usserRed: yea21:37
macocalum: yep21:37
redok nice21:37
calummaco: Thanks for the help I will try it out.21:37
pickyno ubuntu 9 for i386.iso21:37
Flannelpicky: If your CD is bad, you'll need to get a new one obviously.  Downloading it again and burning on a slow setting (4x is best) is a good way to do so.21:39
pickyok let me ask my friends if he got the cd21:39
tetsuo00ikonia:  it doesnt look like anyone there knows how to downgrade a packadge21:39
Oerburn slow and check md5sum21:40
pickywhat is md5sum21:40
guntbert!md5sum | picky21:41
ubottupicky: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:41
pupHey, this isn't specifically an ubuntu question, but can you compile windows programs with as/GAS?21:41
sp0spois there a program or a script to check if I have duplicates of files on different hard drives, for instance movie files?21:41
ikoniatetsuo00: then wait in the channel for someone who does21:42
ikoniapup: if it's not an ubuntu question - plase don't ask21:42
Oersp0spo, yes, i use fslint21:42
Oerit is in synaptics21:42
peter_curryKykoticK9 - sorry, I'm still kind of learning Linux command line.  How do I open that .wine folder with Terminal?21:42
ikoniapup: cd .wine21:42
tetsuo00does anyone know how to downgrade a packadge?21:42
ikoniapeter_curry: cd .wine21:42
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peter_curryikonia - ok, it tells me "no such directory", but yet I have uninstalled and reinstalled Wine.  Do I need to reinstall Wine again?21:43
blueglassespeter_curry, or nautilus .wine21:43
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ikoniapeter_curry: it will be in your home directory21:44
nishanthdoes anyone know what this message means W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4F191A5A8844C54221:44
zaxonspoxnishanth looks like you didnt downloaded public key21:45
ZykoticK9peter_curry, to get my nic you can type "Zy<TAB>".  in terminal if the folder exists "cd ~/.wine"21:45
zaxonspoxpeter_curry did you used DOS ? terminal is like a DOS but better21:46
pickyyes my friend got ubuntu CD and he is asking for $50 for CD + installation with gaurentee21:46
xanguanishanth: is not an error; is a warning that you have no set the gpg of the repository you add21:46
xangua!gpg > nishanth21:46
ubottunishanth, please see my private message21:46
zaxonspoxpicky smart guy, easy earn21:46
pickyok thank you for your help If it didn't work out then I will have to buy window 721:47
pickythanks every121:47
peter_curryZykoticK9 (and others):  Thanks for telling me how to populating nicknames faster.  That helps.  So I've tried all three: "cd .wine", "cd ~/.wine", and "nautilus wine" - and I don't the directory exists (even though I've reinstalled Wine).  So do I need to reinstall it or uninstall-install Wine again?21:48
cobolfooIf someone like me encountered problems being able to set a different wallpaper per monitor in a dual head configuration under gnome, I made a little software to do just this :) http://www.mrgtech.ca/wallipappi.zip21:48
k0rnso 12 more days until official release of 10.04 right21:49
peter_curryZykoticK9 (and others):  Again, I did delete the hidden .wine directory before installing Wine again ...21:49
maurii need help for my scanner canon lide 10021:50
usserpeter_curry: rerun winecfg after reinstalling as your regular user21:50
coachjim returning to ubuntu, do i still need to install the restricted formats as in this sites directions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats?21:50
ZykoticK9peter_curry, see usser's suggestions above21:50
cobolfoocoachj no21:50
cobolfoocoachj they get installed on demand now21:50
blindmindhey everyone does anyone know of a program so that i can automatically send out email responses? I want to automatically send my ebay customers and email resopnse whenever i receive a paypal payment from them. Thanks21:51
coachjok thank you21:51
=== titaniumbrella is now known as Carbonish
xjkxhuh, whatever the name of the "access" in openoffice: how does it work, i mean, i will be able to write a software that could run on windows and it will be simple for the enduser and they won't have to type like "insert into table where blabla" right ? and how simple is the program creating ? i was thinking about using java to create a software to write on mysql, and, yea it takes time and too much work, I had this suggestion to use access(or, in my case, t21:51
peter_curryusser: that did the trick.  I just had configured it again ... Thanks!  Now the C-drive opens from the start menu ...21:52
peter_curryNow for my next problem, whoever can help ...21:52
icerootxjkx: #openoffice.org21:52
xjkxiceroot: :P21:52
redanyone had problems with adding new users in lucid? the account just seems to stay disabled no matter what I do.21:52
icerootred: go to #ubuntu+121:52
redI am there aswell, just asking around :)21:53
zaxonspoxxjkx php+mysql21:53
icerootred: this is not lucid support21:53
redshoo :p21:54
blindmindhey everyone does anyone know of a program so that i can automatically send out email responses? I want to automatically send my ebay customers and email resopnse whenever i receive a paypal payment from them. Thanks21:54
icerootblindmind: create a filter with thunderbird or use afterbuy21:55
zaxonspoxblindmind you need to configure autoresponses21:55
peter_curryI've been having problem with Clamtk Virus Scanner 4.15 (the GUI).  I've uninstalled and reinstalled it a couple of times.  But here is the problems I've been having with it off and on: won't update signatures (telling me updates failed), stalling at about 8% while scanning the entire file system (although scanning the home directory works fine), and I also need to know how to scan the entire file system using terminal21:55
peter_currycommands.  First of all, would it be best to simply completely uninstall and reinstall Clamtk 4.15 with the best method possible?  Can anyone help me with these things?21:55
blindmindzaxonspox:  configure autoresponses where?21:55
xjkxzaxonspox: that's not the point...i'm looking for less-working-ways, as i'm gonna do it as a favor, it was pointed out to me that in "acess"(or openoffice thing) its almost all done, its just simple to write in database. by the way i'm not gonna install apache there21:55
blindmindiceroot: thanks ill look into it. would gmail filters work too or no?21:55
icerootpeter_curry: why you are using the virus-scanner?21:55
jfoozie420ey how do i fix the browsing problem with youtube21:55
icerootblindmind: sure, if your paypal mails go there21:55
zaxonspoxblindmind: in a mail client, almost every should have such thing21:55
icerootjfoozie420: what do you think is missing in your question?21:56
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zaxonspoxxjkx OO Base it is, and ok, it will be simple21:56
peter_curryiceroot: People say the Linux is pretty immune, but that does not mean that viruses do not still exist out there for Linux.  So I still run a virus scanner periodically.  It's just personal preference ...21:56
ZykoticK9!details | jfoozie42021:56
ubottujfoozie420: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:56
jfoozie420i know its really blunt but i cant browse21:57
icerootpeter_curry: you dont need a virus-scanner for linux21:57
iceroot!virus | peter_curry21:57
ubottupeter_curry: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2121:57
jfoozie420through the time bar, like switching from the first thirty seconds to the next21:57
ZykoticK9jfoozie420, are you using 64bit Ubuntu?21:57
jfoozie420yeah, does having a 64-bit have anything to do with it21:58
ZykoticK9jfoozie420, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/clicking-in-flash-not-working21:58
Newbie89HI: somebody could help me??? ubuntu pass troubles21:58
jfoozie420no anti virus needed for linux lol21:58
ZykoticK9jfoozie420, yes 64bit has something to do with it ;)21:58
NinoScriptIs it possible to have a partition dedicated to my desktop? (/home/username/Desktop)21:58
zaxonspoxNewbie89:  concret21:58
philip_i tried to install this program and the computer said i needed windows 98 or higher what do i do????21:59
icerootNinoScript: sure, just mount it to the path21:59
icerootNinoScript: but why?21:59
ZykoticK9NinoScript, of course, you can mount a partition anywhere on the filesystem you want21:59
icerootNinoScript: its better to have a partition for /home21:59
ZykoticK9NinoScript, using a partition for /home -- iceroot got it first21:59
jfoozie420thanks zyko21:59
icerootphilip_: what program?21:59
Newbie89well  i readed my doble keys files priv and pub after that ubuntu doesn't recognice my pass21:59
=== thefallen_ is now known as Guest44111
philip_JK I am too much of a linux fan to use microcrap..22:00
jfoozie420is there any patch code i can put up on firefox to fix that issue though?22:00
Newbie89 i don't know if i made the mistake on the ops of a command22:00
philip_just looking in here to see what kind of topics are talked about22:00
ZykoticK9jfoozie420, it's an issue with flash not firefox22:00
xjkxzaxonspox: thanks. but they run windows, i run ubuntu. i will export it to Access from openoffice and they run there and we all end up happy, is that it ? the server machine will have mysql, and the clients will write on it trhough access if i got it right22:01
icerootxjkx: why not using something real instead of base or access?22:01
hubert_do you speak polish ?22:01
snypzzjust getting into UBUNTU command line22:01
iceroot!pl | hubert_22:02
ubottuhubert_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.22:02
Newbie89if i tell u the commands i wrote down could u tell if there is somthing wron on it???22:02
omg|its|otrHow can you disable the need to input a password for gksudo.22:02
VhozardCan someone help me out with the minimize-restore delay (ATI)?22:02
xjkxiceroot: if by something real you mean i will work more, no thanks :p its a favor man, i'm not gonna get paid22:02
hubert_ok light :) ;p22:02
omg|its|otrBefore you say it, no I don't care about security22:02
zaxonspoxNewbie89 write it here22:02
jfoozie420dam, anyone having a problem clicking on certain flash objects on their browser then?22:02
icerootxjkx: ok22:02
icerootjfoozie420: no22:02
hubert_bye all22:03
icerootomg|its|otr: but we care abourt security22:03
ZykoticK9jfoozie420, i already sent you a link to the fix...22:03
zaxonspoxjfoozie420 i have had also on 64 bit22:03
snypzztook forever to get the rdesktop command22:03
omg|its|otriceroot, my computer won't be connected to the internet.22:03
Newbie89K on command line : chmod 700 ~/.ssh22:03
icerootomg|its|otr: how mayn times you need the sudo-password?22:03
Newbie89after that ssk-keygen -t rsa -b 409622:04
jfoozie420oh for sure, can you resend that link bro i totally didnt catch that22:04
tp43man...someone please help me.  I am using cheese for surveilence, and so many times the recordings are faulty; the video file doesn't play, but you can forward through it, and the first few minutes are all blank, and it isn't recorded for the whole time(like 30mins instead of 2 hrs22:04
jfoozie420my bad lol22:04
ZykoticK9jfoozie420, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/clicking-in-flash-not-working22:04
peter_curryiceroot: Thanks for article.  That is the most thorough explanation I have gotten so far.  The article still stated that "experimental" Linux viruse still exist, though.  There may come a day when someone geek learns Linux well enough to create virus with a reproduction rate greater than its death rate.  Yes, the chances of that today are slim, because of the simple fact that more people use Windows PCs.  So hackers and22:04
peter_curryvirus code writes are going to have a higher success rate by attacking Windows PCs - because more people have them.  So the article does ease my fears and explain things clearly.  It will probably lead to me running Clamtk a lot less and worrying about it less.  I would still like to get my Clamtk 4.15 running properly, though ...22:04
NinoScriptHome stores settings too, right? I want a partition only for documents/movies/music22:04
omg|its|otrLook, I understand the risks, I don't normally even use Ubuntu, I'm just using it for an HTPC, I've already changed the sudoers file so that all users don't need a password, gksudo just confuses me - I understand the risks, iceroot, but please just tell me how to do it if you know.22:05
Newbie89after that ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 409622:05
zaxonspoxNewbie89 that couldnt do anything to the local logon, or do you have problems with loging via ssh?22:05
coachjwould someone go here http://www.myspanishlab.com/assets/Browser_Check/browser_check.html and tell if there is a way to use this site for my class?22:05
icerootpeter_curry: just remove clamav, its useless on linux22:05
jfoozie420thanks u22:05
peter_curryiceroot: OK - what are you thoughts behind that?  Why is it ineffective as a program?22:05
icerootomg|its|otr: again, for what you need root?22:05
Newbie89no i just can install anything22:06
Fudgehi are there other tools i can use to scan a drive for errors rather than e2fsck. its ext2 partition. locks up when performaing gparted actions22:06
icerootpeter_curry: because there is no need :)22:06
tp43peter_curry, not because most people use Windows, but because Windows is less secure.  But yeah, more virus' are designed for windows22:06
iceroottp43: all22:06
tp43iceroot, true.22:06
omg|its|otriceroot, shutting down, running freevo's fullscreen X sessions without going through all the effort of properly permission-izing everything.22:06
zaxonspoxpeter_curry ther are aboout 2000 of virus-like programs on linux22:06
peter_curryiceroot: yes, I am utilitarian myself.  Believe me.22:06
icerootomg|its|otr: for shutdown you dont need gksudo22:07
Newbie89 ask me for my pass and i intro it but says incorrect pas ihaven been using it for 3 months22:07
tp43Linux is more secure too though.  And it is open source so there aren't a bunch of back doors coding in it22:07
peter_curryzaxonspox: OK - where were you going with that statement?  I like the conversation.  I'm learning ...22:07
omg|its|otriceroot, I didn't ask for recommendations on how to be more secure. I've got a quick and dirty fix, and I just need a piece of information.22:07
Newbie89no probs22:07
tp43But I could swear some fishy business is happenning to me with.  I use cheese for surveilence, and sometimes it craps out22:07
omg|its|otrThe computer's not connected to the internet, so security is irrelevant.22:07
jfoozie420ey u guys are killer thanks a bunch, ill brbr22:07
icerootomg|its|otr: and i can say you that something like that is not supported here, we dont support insecure ways22:07
tp43I monitor my kitchen to prevent food tampering and consequently diahreah22:08
zaxonspoxNewbie89 run Ubuntu in recovery mode, you will get root priviliges to change your pass22:08
tp43I live in shared accomadation22:08
omg|its|otriceroot, THEN SAY IT. Stop wasting my time, if you're going to help, then help, if not, say so.22:08
icerootomg|its|otr: just learn how to use linux correctls, you dont need root for it22:08
icerootomg|its|otr: as i said, there is no support22:08
tp43omg|its|otr, not going to help, go away22:08
peter_curryzaxonspox: So there about 2000 Linux viruses, you are saying?  And what was your point?22:09
icerootomg|its|otr: i guess people at #debian dont care about it but in #ubuntu we dont support it22:09
zaxonspoxpeter_curry i read it somewher, this cout was to show how less viruses are for linux, also if you are private user, you have nothing to worry about22:09
omg|its|otrOh? The people in #debian are useful? Thanks.22:09
NinoScripticeroot, ZykoticK9: I want a "data only" partition. I mean, only for documents/movies/music, absolutely no kind of settings/preferences. I think /home will store my account preferences and such, right?22:10
jfoozie420linux viruses? never heard that b422:10
peter_curryzaxonspox: OK - and thanks for info.  I like learning this stuff.  And when you say "private user" - you mean that your account is password-protected, your network encrypted (mine is double-encrypted), etc. ?22:10
ZykoticK9NinoScript, correct22:10
icerootNinoScript: correct22:10
tp43cheese is crapping out on me, oh lord have mercy22:10
NinoScripticeroot, ZykoticK9: then, what do you recommend? :D22:11
zaxonspoxpeter_curry: i mean if you PC is not a server of some company22:11
tp43I think I better just buy a video camera not on a pc22:11
tp43instead of this webcam business22:11
icerootNinoScript: mount something in home for the data like /home/username/Documents22:11
ZykoticK9NinoScript, you could create a directory like "storage" in your home directory and mount into it22:11
peter_curryzaxonspox: OK - so are essentially talking about a home user with a secured network.  I got it.22:11
icerootpeter_curry: with non-private we mean server-installations22:12
icerootpeter_curry: even there you dont have to worry about viruses22:12
icerootpeter_curry: you just need a virus-scanner if you are hosting a mail or samba-server with windows-client, for nothing else is clamav22:13
Newbie89zaxonspox: i have't finished my sesion cause i think i wont can logon again i'm afraid of that22:13
=== jfoozie420 is now known as swishatwista
andrenvq57hello everyone22:14
zaxonspoxpeter_curry: ther are professional AV software, but only for managing Windows clients AV soft or like iceroot said22:14
peter_curryAre others on this forum of the same opinion about there being no need for a virus scanner with Linux?  If anyone on here uses a virus scanner - why do you use it, what types of viruses has it detected (I got some Mozilla file detected one), and had you previously understood the lack of need for a virus scanner before becoming a consistant user of Clamtk?22:14
ikoniapeter_curry: you don't need a virus scanner22:14
ikonia!virus > peter_curry22:14
ubottupeter_curry, please see my private message22:14
NinoScripticeroot, ZykoticK9: when I mount another partition (by clicking in the Places menu) it appears on my desktop with an HD icon, instead of appearing like a folder. what's the difference? how do I do that instead?22:14
icerootpeter_curry: as i said, only if there are windows-clients22:14
swishatwistatheres no need brother for one, theres a reason i switched to ubuntu22:15
Newbie89i'm stuck in here at this point22:15
peter_curryiceroot: yeah, I understand that now.  That's good stuff.22:15
ruthgard!virus > ruthgard22:15
ubotturuthgard, please see my private message22:15
icerootpeter_curry: ikonia is an #ubuntu op, is that a good second opinion?22:15
ZykoticK9peter_curry, basically the only reason to run virus scanning on linux is for the benefit of Windows users on other systems, that's it22:15
peter_curryiceroot: yes, I think that would be THE BEST second opinion !!!22:16
icerootpeter_curry: after mine :)22:16
ZykoticK9NinoScript, if you wanted to create a regular mount -- use fstab to mount the drive to where you want it22:16
andrenvq57I just accidentally clicked "create partition table" in gparted. now it says it's unallocated for the whole hard drive. but it seems my files still exit. Will all file disappear if I restart? Should I do anything about it?22:16
ZykoticK9!fstab > NinoScript22:16
ubottuNinoScript, please see my private message22:16
barbaricandrevq57, if you didn't click "apply" yet, you're ok22:17
peter_curryzaxonspox: I also understand about "private user" related to being more on a company server (server installations)22:17
zaxonspoxandrenvq57 dont click apply and will be ok22:17
NinoScriptZykoticK9: what would be the difference?22:17
coachjin need to be able to use this website http://www.myspanishlab.com/assets/Browser_Check/browser_check.html but firefox can't pass the browser check would someone have a look and see if there is a way, please?22:17
barbariccoachj - try it in chrome/chromium22:17
ZykoticK9NinoScript, using fstab the drive will mount on boot - and appear like a regular folder instead of an icon on your desktop22:17
andrenvq57the "apply" button is grayed. I did not click, but it says there is no pending action.22:18
coachji could do that.22:18
swishatwistause wine and emulate explorer22:18
peter_curryZykoticK9: and that also makes total sense.  A virus we acquire on our computer may not affect our system, but then if it's e-mailed via a Windows client to a Windows user - they have a greater ability of being affected - especially if they are using an e-mail provider that does not have good antivirus protection built into their system (for example, Yahoo! is really good about this) ...22:18
HypothesisFrogI'm just on the verge of giving up on this samba stuff. I've finally got it so the netbook can see the folders I'm sharing on my pc. But it can't open any of them for some stupid reason.22:18
swishatwistayou use my labs too huh? i got that crap for class as well22:18
Newbie89zaxonspox: u recomend me that turn off my pc and relogin in safe mode to test????22:18
brandonban6coachj, I would try chrome or wine.22:18
barbaricandrevq57 then your machine is fine22:18
NinoScripticeroot, ZykoticK9: thankyou both for the information :)22:18
icerootNinoScript: you are welcome22:19
andrenvq57thanks a lot. it scared heck out of me.22:19
coachjswishatwista: yeah hate having to use windoze22:19
ikoniacoachj: it's called "windows"22:19
zaxonspoxNewbie89: soryy, need to go for 15 min, aske some else, or wait22:19
coachjikonia: Noooooooo22:19
Newbie89zaxonspox: u recomend me that turn off my pc and relogin in safe mode to test????22:19
icerootikonia: please watch your language here and dont say such words ;)22:19
barbaricusing ie6 in wine isn't a very good option, as most sites are gradually phasing out support for ie622:20
zaxonspoxNewbie89 try or aske someone else22:20
GuegsHey guys, so I am wanting to learn linux. Will Ubuntu be a good place to start.22:20
peter_curryiceroot: yes, after yours :)  Being on this chat room kicks ass - because you encounter Linux users who really know what they are talking about.  Forget searching Google or other crap for solutions.  You just have to be patient with people responding to you with their messages.  And learn how to operate in this chat room efficiently, of course :)22:20
icerootGuegs: yes22:20
ojiianyone here know of a ubuntu version which works on macbook pro 5.1?22:20
ikoniaGuegs: it has a lot of solid documentation22:20
h00kGuegs: you might want to try #ubuntu-beginners22:20
GuegsDidn't know there was a channel.22:20
Guegsthanks a ton.22:20
icerootpeter_curry: that is how support is working22:20
Newbie89K tnx very much zaxonspox22:21
h00kGuegs: good luck! :)22:21
icerootojii: i guess 9.1022:21
brandonban6coachj, looks like that works in chrome, it thinks you are using safari. :)22:21
Newbie894 ur help22:21
ganeshredcobrahai every one22:21
icerootojii: is it x86 or ppc?22:21
ojiiiceroot, just tried, can't even get it to boot into live cd, it's an intel22:21
ganeshredcobrafirst time on irc22:21
GuegsI tried one other time, but got sick of it. Now I am sick of Windows and want to learn something new.22:21
coachjbrandonban6: awesome than you22:21
rosco_I'm about to remove a HD from my system. How can I do so the other drives (sdc sdd) don't change their letter in /dev ?22:21
icerootojii: you have some errors?22:21
ojiiiceroot, black screen with white blinking cursor22:21
coachjoff to install chrom22:21
ojiitried nomodeset xforcevesa with no luck22:22
peter_curryiceroot: exactly.  It is better to have an OS support base of actual users - then constantly having to consult some customer service center.  That all becomes bullshit at some point ...22:22
ganeshredcobrahow can i participate in ubuntu beta testing22:22
ikoniapeter_curry: that language is not called for, please control it22:22
icerootpeter_curry: yes but watch your language :) and for just chatting, use #ubuntu-offtopic to keep this channel clean for support22:22
peter_curryikonia: OK - sorry ... will do :)22:23
coachjthe ubuntu community is the single head and shoulders above PClinux, Fedora, Mandriva, Mint (mint is good thogh).22:23
peter_curryiceroot:  sorry, will do :)22:23
ganeshredcobrawill some one reply pls22:23
icerootganeshredcobra: i guess #ubuntu+1 will know that, that is the beta-channel22:23
agony_how can I see if my graphics drivers are correct ?22:23
peter_curryiceroot: yes, I would actually rather use the support chat room where the standard is cleaner language :)22:23
Newbie89someone with some expirience in pass troubles with ubuntu....??????22:24
barbariccoachj yeah, those are all great distros, but it's nice to use one with such a broad user base like ubu22:24
iceroot!anyone | Newbie8922:24
ubottuNewbie89: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:24
swishatwistayou have to find a list of graphics drivers that can be supported by you os22:24
Newbie89k tnx22:24
peter_curryikonia: now that I know you are an ubuntu op, how do you tell that someone is on here?22:25
ikoniapeter_curry: sorry, what do you mean ?22:25
guntbertpeter_curry: you cannot, but thats off topic here :-)22:25
maurii need help for my scanner canon lide 10022:26
guntbert!crosspost | mauri22:26
ubottumauri: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.22:26
peter_curryguntbert: ok, I guess that is off-topic.  I have that chat room and the beginners one bookmarked now.  Thanks :)22:27
swishatwistaey where to get to the beginners section??22:27
ikoniapeter_curry: if you need help from the ops please join #ubuntu-ops to ask your question, if you want offtopic chatter, try #ubuntu-offtopic22:28
AbtomikHello Guys. I need some help in configuring ldap/AD with apache. Which module should I load on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS?22:28
swishatwistai pretty much need it as well, im in the learning here too peter22:28
agony__How can I find what graphic driver run now?(the version)22:28
swishatwistai see it, thank u22:28
shaynei need a program to convert ripped files to .avi22:29
compumantry handbrake!22:29
ZykoticK9shayne, Handbrake no longer supports AVI files22:29
compumanI have a random quetion, can the netbook remix run on a 64-bit system?22:30
shayneany other programs22:30
=== swishatwista is now known as jfoozie420
compumancan't think of any!22:30
ZykoticK9shayne, winff perhaps - it's a gui front end to ffmpeg22:31
crucialhoaxcompuman: If you get the 64bit version of the iso, which I have not found.22:31
=== christian is now known as Guest78351
Guest78351Trying to install something in the software center and i am getting this message "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources."  How do I overrider that?22:31
jfoozie420netbook remix? it all depends if your computer supports a 640bit os22:31
Newbie89does anyone has lost or forgoten ur sesion pass and have a proven safe way to recover it...??? without lost of info or system damage in ubuntu 9.1....??22:31
Petfrogg_i am trying out the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router/Firewall but there seems to be something wrong with the forwarding section.... http://pastebin.se/20103822:31
crucialhoaxcompuman: You can run the 32bit version on your 64bit hardware, it just wont take full advantage of the hardware.22:32
snow_I'm a LOL cat22:32
guntbert!lol | snow_22:32
ratatim10.04 is right around the bend. I run 8.04 and I'm wanting to upgrade. I have no CD drive. How will I be able to upgrade?22:32
ubottusnow_: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.22:32
crucialhoaxratatim: Either boot a USB drive or upgrade thru the update manager22:32
snow_!lol | guntbert22:32
ubottuguntbert: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.22:32
guntbert!botabuse > snow_22:33
ubottusnow_, please see my private message22:33
ratatimcrucialhoax: will it offer me the option to upgrade? if not what should I do?22:33
crucialhoaxratatim: there is a command that will force a distro upgrade, I am sure someone in here knows it.22:33
mneptoksnow_: lolcats sleep outside because they disturb the channel.22:34
ratatimcrucialhoax: thank you.22:34
crucialhoaxratatim: No problem.22:34
compumanwell i have a new core i3 gateway and it boots but i cant see the screen at all, it stays blach th ewhole time.22:34
mneptokratatim: sudo do-release-update22:34
ratatimmneptok: thank you very much!22:34
mneptokratatim: sudo do-release-upgrade22:34
=== Guest78351 is now known as Nooby-doo
erkan^I like ubuntu!!!22:36
Nooby-dooTrying to install something in the software center and i am getting this message "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources."  How do I overrider that?22:36
agony__Does anyone know how i can see the version from graphic driver?22:36
crucialhoaxAnyone here know of any power management tips for netbooks? I am running 9.10 desktop and am only getting ~5 - 6 hours22:36
ikoniaagony__: the versions are normally linked to the xorg release22:36
craniumslowsAnyone have any ideas as to how to get a DVD to play if it isn't playing after installation of suggested support software such as mplayer, libdvdreader4,dvdcss etc?22:36
crucialhoaxcraniumslows: What program are you using?22:37
Blasturcan anyone recommend a good ftp sync (no gui) software for linux? i found weex which is exactly what i need (http://weex.sourceforge.net/), but unfortunately it is buggy22:37
coachjbranonban6: did you do something to chrome? it doesn't pass the browser check for me.22:37
LcawteHas anyone ever used the Windows Live Mail program, or can you suggest a program similar for 'buntu22:37
hiexponeed ubuntu extras and w32 codecs22:38
craniumslowscrucialhoax, i got xine to work it just finished22:38
craniumslowscrucialhoax, oh wells thanks22:38
crucialhoaxLcawte: Evolution? Comes default.22:38
crucialhoaxcraniumslows: Ok, glad it is working :)22:38
colorlessprismlcawte, i prefer thunderbird with lightning22:38
Lcawtecolorlessprism: Windows Live Mail auto-sorts out the connection and stuff.. and I dont know the settings for hotmail..22:39
brosideonhaving a heck of a time getting squid3/2.7 to work on 9.10 server, anyone set one up before?22:40
colorlessprismLcawte, there are plenty of howto's, i use gmail and hotmail (for junk) along with rss and calendars22:40
mneptokBlastur: wget22:40
Blasturmneptok, oh.. yeah, i should also mention that i want to upload,.. not download22:41
Blasturim trying to keep my webpage in sync with my local copy22:41
mneptokBlastur: do you have ssh connectivity to the host?22:41
* mneptok snorts22:41
mneptokBlastur: does your provider have a TARDIS that transports users back to 1997? :P22:42
colorlessprismLcawte, tbird3.0 auto makes info for hotmail22:42
Blasturmneptok, no22:42
ZykoticK9mneptok, Dr Who references - awesome :)22:43
ubottuThunderbird is a free email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox (both by the Mozilla Foundation). To make Thunderbird links open in Firefox, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042722:43
mneptokBlastur: try sitecopy22:43
ubottuWant to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks  More information available in #freenode22:44
zongo_which music player should you advise ? I am using Rythmbox Music Player and I keep having this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/41261922:44
AnakinSkywhopperHey, that's cool!22:44
zongo_using Ubuntu 9.1022:44
mneptokzongo_: i use Sound Juicer to rip22:45
zongo_thanks mneptok22:46
markd25no one is chatting here anymore?22:48
zaxonspoxNewbie89 are you still there?22:48
andrenvq57hi I don't know what happened to my external hard drive. It says it has bad sectors. I can still see the files and am trying to backup some files. what do I have to do to fix it?22:49
blueglasseshow do i start a bash script from within a webpage?22:49
blueglassesandrenvq57, try a fsck22:50
blueglassesandrenvq57, man fsck first22:50
zaxonspoxandrenvq57 if thats are phisical bad sectors, you can only avoid them22:51
zaxonspoxblueglasses can use php script on this site?22:51
shaynei ripped a dvd to my computer, have the video_ts and audio_ts folders. i need a program to take them and convert them to .avi .mpeg etc.22:51
=== kilem is now known as melik
zaxonspoxshayne ffmpeg, but you need to known it, it is a terminal program22:52
duffydackunless you install winff22:53
Kangarooohow is called all that can be found in default sources? universe?22:53
Kangaroooif programm is found in default sources in synaptic that means/it can be called programm is in universe?22:54
shaynezaxonspox: how would i use it?22:54
The_Journeyanyone here uses Emacs Code Browser? How do I change the window sizes?22:55
Kangaroooddrj: yes to me?22:55
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository22:55
ddrjKangarooo: yeah22:55
andrenvq57zaxonspox, could it be caused by hitting the floor?22:55
zaxonspoxshayne learn from google, i did only looked at it22:55
Kangaroooaha ok. how to get programm to universe? somewhere i need to propose? to motu`ers ?22:55
hiexposhould use thoggen22:56
mdg2From the command line, can I find out what types of security my usb wifi device supports?22:56
zaxonspoxandrenvq57:  yes, at first, then it is phisical bad block, if logicall, than accurate soft can fix it22:56
OotmannHi everybody! Are these backports for karmic dangerous to use:  http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/20 Need the backports for tellico 2.0... thx22:57
apersonI have a bunch of files that have extra periods (eg: file.1...avi)  how can I batch rename them so they're all like: file.1.avi ?22:57
epaphushello guys.. today I cloned two hard disks with a ubuntu OS. The copy doesnt run because it boots into a grub command prompt..  what could have gone wrong?22:57
hiexpoOotmann, no22:57
apersonepaphus, you need to set the uuid in grub22:57
Ootmann@hlexpo: thx!22:57
epaphusaperson, how?22:58
hiexpono prob22:58
mdg2From the command line, can I find out what types of security my usb wifi device supports?22:58
apersonepaphus, different hdd == different uuid to boot from22:58
apersonepaphus, you could boot into a livecd and re-install grub on the one that won't boot22:58
apersonit should auto-detect the drive and update it22:59
crucialhoaxmdg2: sudo iwlist <wireless interface> encryption22:59
apersonepaphus, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:59
epaphusin the live cd..i should choose repair a broken system.. ?23:00
huglihow can I set custom icon for file/directory from command line? (10.4 Gnome)23:00
mdg2crucialhoax: any way to find out what the wireless adapter itself supports?23:00
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule23:01
crucialhoaxmdg2: thats what that should do?23:01
nu1is it possible to link rythmbox with a bluetooth headset?23:01
apersonepaphus, read: what I linked @ reinstall from livecd.  simple instructions are there23:01
Juankplease someone speak spanish???23:01
aperson!es | Juank23:02
crucialhoax!es > Juank23:02
ubottuJuank: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:02
ubottuJuank, please see my private message23:02
hiexpomdg2, what are u trying to figure out about your card?23:02
Juankhola alguien me puede ayudar con el BT23:02
mdg2crucialhoax: it shows 2 key sizes : 40 and 104 bits, 4 keys available23:02
mdg2crucialhoax: Are either of those wep or wpa?23:02
hiexpoits wep23:02
epaphusaperson, thanks23:03
apersonepaphus, good luck23:03
frxstremwhat file system does a USB flash drive have to be to install Ubuntu onto it?23:03
mdg2the adapter is a Belkin USB wifi adapter (RT73) and I was trying to find out if it can use wpa23:03
crucialhoaxmdg2: Use google on your wireless adapter model, that is the easiest23:03
frxstremhiexpo: thanks :)23:03
mdg2crucialhoax: okay.  Thanks for the help.  Much appreciated!23:04
epaphusaperson, quick question.. once this is fixed... then I dont need to "fix it" every time i pop the HD on a different hardware right?23:04
crucialhoaxmdg2: I am loooking now23:04
epaphus(the original copy does work on any hardware)23:04
apersonepaphus, different hdd == different uuid to boot from23:04
melkorI have been trying to use the kernels from the kernel ppa and they have been releasing release versions of the kernels, does anybody know how to install these?23:05
apersonepaphus, every time you change the hdd you boot from, you have to re-install grub23:05
zaxonspoxepaphus you can take your hdd with linux into other PC box, it should run23:05
apersonepaphus, well, you technically don't need to re-install grub every time, you can just reconfigure it23:05
rayvhenI take it that this is an ubuntu support chat?23:06
apersonzaxonspox, not when grub is set to boot from a particular uuid23:06
rayvhen(pardon my ignorance) I am new to ubuntu and was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers?23:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:06
zaxonspoxaperson i have installed Ubuntu 9.10 on USB had disk, and i plug it into different PC's and it always starts correctly23:07
rayvhenIs it necessary for me to have anti malware and anti virus software with ubuntu?23:07
apersonzaxonspox, yeah, that's because you're booting from the same disk :)23:08
crucialhoaxrayvhen: No, not really.23:08
epaphusIs there anyway I can setup two NICS to run as a mirror on each other? My computer runs as a NAT and i want to be able to serve my LAN with two NICs23:08
hiexporayvhen, first thing u need to fo is open the terminal and type sudo apt-get update23:08
epaphusfor backup purposes and greater throughput23:08
guntbert!av | rayvhen23:08
ubotturayvhen: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2123:08
hiexporayvhen, than sudo apt-get upgrade23:08
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zaxonspoxaperson:  quoting "then I dont need to "fix it" every time i pop the HD on a different hardware right?" i read it as one hdd into different pcs23:09
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frxstremon a 4 GB flash drive, how much space should be reserved for "documents and settings"?23:09
frxstremwhen I'm installing Ubuntu on it23:09
apersonzaxonspox, they originally cloned the drive23:10
usr_frxstrem, 2.5 gb23:10
Newbie89zaxonspox : sorry i'm back23:10
frxstremusr_: okay, thanks :)23:10
Z_Analyzerhi, anybody got fglrx 8.723.1 working with 2.6.33-020633-generic23:10
Newbie89new ideas....????23:10
zaxonspoxfrxstrem: you mean an installation of system to USB drive or installation of LiveCD like an ISO on Flash Drive23:10
rayvhenok, thank you23:11
frxstremzaxonspox: the "create startup disk" option in Ubuntu23:11
zaxonspoxfrxstrem: then yes - fat32, and space - 700MB for "ISO" system and rest for documents23:12
zaxonspoxNewbie89 describe one more time the problem with pass, what cant you do?23:12
usr_frxstrem, if you want to use your usb drive in persistent mode I would recommend using 2.5 gb for files and the rest for the system23:13
frxstremusr_: okay, then I'll do that23:14
frxstremby the way, will running Ubuntu from USB work on all machines?23:16
zaxonspoxfrxstrem yes23:16
Newbie89K i tried to create safe keys for ssh this way: chmod 700 ~/.ssh enter ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 enter starts to create and asks me for a passphrase and i did it ask me for name file to save the keys pub and priv and finished ok23:16
hdonsince when do i have to run /usr/bin/make-googleearth-package after installing googleearth-package?23:16
hiexpofrxstrem, all is pretty widespread23:17
hdonis google earth proprietary?23:17
frxstremhiexpo: okay, well, do you think it would work on a nine year old machine?23:18
MEE hello ! i nees itunes for my ipod i cant fine one ?23:18
zaxonspoxNewbie89 and problem is with password on the Ubuntu logon screen or other pass?23:18
hiexpofrxstrem, probally23:18
ikonianomike__: itunes is not available for linux23:18
linx|other than with wine23:19
Newbie89later i tried to instal some files using sudo and as alway sudo claims for my pass and i gave it but responds incorrects pass try again and gave sme the three strikes23:19
frxstremlinx|: iTunes doesn't work with iPod/iPhone in Wine either23:19
HealingDruidhello i have a problem that i hope someone can help me with...I am able to play sound exclusively from my browser and no where else. I am on a 64 bit karmic system23:19
MEEoh !!!!!!23:19
linx|frxstrem: it broke again ?23:20
hiexpofrxstrem, the best thing to do is gather all the info of the macne all coponents and google isues with ubuntu23:20
greezmunkeyhdon: I installed google earth like this: http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=128623:20
zaxonspoxNewbie89 ok, you need to run Ubuntu in recovery mode (after PC power on choose Ubuntu Recovery mode or press Shift and choose recovery from menu) then it loads roots shell23:21
Newbie89so i think i screw the logon file or something cause does't acept my pass anymore23:21
hdonis google earth FOSS?23:21
HealingDruidhow do i get my sound to work if it only works through flash23:21
ikoniahdon: no23:21
zaxonspoxNewbie89 in root shell type passwd <username> press enter and type new pass and repeat it23:21
Newbie89and thats all... that will fix it....???23:22
HealingDruidokay, i checked all my volume controls and everything is working just fine...but the problem is that i only get sound when it comes throught the browser using flash how do i fix that?23:22
hugliWhere does Gnome keep track of custom (user-changed) icons for files/directories?23:23
erkan^Where can I install: Mozilla Thunderbird "3x version" for Ubuntu 9.10 64bits? (Without Shredder please) :S23:23
ikoniain your home directory under .gnome23:23
Newbie89without lost of data or damage of system....???23:23
snow_ho hi ubuntu_23:23
zaxonspoxNewbie89 without if it is THIS problem23:23
HealingDruidcan someone tell me what is the most optimal way to ask my question to recieve help?23:24
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Newbie89as far i know yes this is my way my problem starts.....23:24
erkan^have you thunderbird 2 or 3 version? :S23:25
Newbie89as far as i know yes this is the way my problem starts.....23:25
KrumarHealingDruid, you having trouble with sound?23:25
zaxonspoxNewbie89 then try changing your pass from root recovery mode, if it wont help then it is other kind of problem23:25
delacNewbie89: It doesnt sound like your password could have been changed by anything you did23:25
mouseI installed kde via kubuntu-desktop through synaptic.  I decided I want to stick with gnome.  What's the fastest way to remove kde?23:25
whammoin shell what do i do to prevent the output from simply scrolling past me when I ls?23:25
delacNewbie89: However, tell me, how many users you have on that computer?23:25
Newbie89K i'll try it back in a minute and tell u if this works....23:25
hiexpomouse,  - ya kde is not kool huh23:26
Newbie89no user just me23:26
hugliikonia: Where in .gnome? I cant see anything useful there :(23:26
delacNewbie89: no other usernames?23:26
xomphello, I'm trying to harden my ubuntu game server and am trying to do what's mentioned here about File Permissions http://wiki.alliedmods.net/SRCDS_Hardening#File_Permissions am I supposed to be logged in as root to change these permissions? Or do I need to be logged in as the user that runs the program?23:26
zaxonspoxNewbie89:  your username in Ubuntu23:27
delacNewbie89: only one account?23:27
Am4noi like kde and gnome23:27
mousehiexpo:  It's not for me.23:27
Newbie89no users just me i'm the only one who uses this pc23:27
maya1whammo: ls|more23:27
hiexpomouse, ya me neither i am stuck on gnome23:27
Newbie89yes only 1 account23:27
delacNewbie89: yes, nut do you have other accounts on that computer?23:28
delacNewbie89: ok23:28
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delacNewbie89: so then i dont have any ideas23:28
mousehiexpo:  KDE is what a de would look like if windows and mac had a baby.23:28
delacNewbie89: sry23:28
hiexpomouse,  - lol23:28
ctmjrmouse, look http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome23:29
whammomaya1: thanks23:29
rsrIm using ubuntu 9.10 on a macbook, Brasero burns out one in every two dvds I try to copy. Has anyone witnessed similar issue?23:30
Newbie89i'll try  the zaxonspox´s tip and back to tell23:30
delacNewbie89: if you try to go into recovery modem, you might have to hold SHIFT key down to get to GRUB23:30
mousectmjr:  Thank you VERY much!  I was not in the mood to click complete remove on each package.23:30
delacNewbie89: mode*23:30
MementoShello all23:30
MementoSwho can help me23:30
delacNewbie89: if oyu are using karmic23:30
maya1rsr: I've found the DVD burner unreliable in general on the MacBook Pro both in Linux mode and in OS X23:30
ctmjrmouse, that would not be fun23:30
buffrMementoS, hard to answer if we don't know your question :)23:30
hdonwow you know i thought it would be easy to figure out how far i traveled walking to different computer stores today, but it seems that a "Path" will not tell you how far it is, and the "Ruler" tool is close to useless23:31
rsrmaya1, true. But it seems worse in ubuntu23:31
MementoSi want a radio bot stream23:31
Newbie89my grub menu stays for 6 segs after starts a OS no prob with that23:31
MementoSfor a channel23:31
delacNewbie89: ok23:31
mousectmjr:  No sir it's not fun at all.23:31
MementoSaddon for mirc23:31
MementoSor script23:31
MementoSwho can tell me23:32
greezmunkeyhdon: But, if you had a gps with you, you could have entered way points, and then imported thim into GE for all of that!23:32
buffrMementoS, mIRC is Windows program and you're currently on #ubuntu :)23:32
greezmunkeyhdon: guess you'll have to take the trip again to be accurate...23:32
maya1rsr: Haven't found much of a fix, but maybe better quality media might help.23:33
hdongreezmunkey, yes, i suppose having a gps would have done the trick23:33
JonasI just tested Opengl performance in Ubuntu 9.10 and in Windows 7 using exact the same settings, however Windows 7 get ~10 fps more than in Ubuntu. Is that normal?23:34
greezmunkeyJonas: more finely tuned driver under win7??23:36
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rsrmaya1, Do you use dualboot mac os  ubuntu or do you use ubuntu only?23:36
maya1rsr: dualboot with reFIT23:36
blueglassesJonas test it with 5 windows open23:37
rsrI erased mac os. it annoyed me too much plus I found it very slow23:37
blueglassesrsr keep the licence, you might need it23:38
rsrI only used free software on it anyway23:38
rsrblueglasses, I might install it on  a usb harddrive23:38
rsrbut right now i´m pretty happy23:39
blueglassesinstall it on a virtual machine23:39
rsrblueglasses, is that possible?23:39
ownerim new to ubuntu i just installed it using a dual boot but for some reason the wireless internet does not work, also i would like to get rid of my windows os once i have the wifi working is htere any one who can help me?23:39
nullxHas anyone had any luck installing pacemaker on ubuntu server 9.10 karmic23:40
blueglassesi think so, i tryed it, but i had no licence23:41
zaxonspoxowner tryed System>>Administration>>Windows Drivers for Mobile Devices?23:41
blueglassesso i had to use a problematic .iso23:41
Newbie89HI: i restarted without troubles with my old pass idon't know what happens when y use the keygen command it seems the system hangs or any but i'mback on ubuntu again tnx to everybody for ur help it sis pretty apreciated always cu soon23:41
delacNewbie89: nice to hear it worked :)23:42
blueglassesit started, but it didnt worked well, i had to return to that sometime, for testing purposes23:42
delacNewbie89: allthough i dont thin it was the keygen that caused it23:42
delacNewbie89: popably something else23:43
ownerim new to ubuntu i just installed it using a dual boot but for some reason the wireless internet does not work, also i would like to get rid of my windows os once i have the wifi working is there any one who might be able to help me?23:43
Newbie89tnx delac i didn't have to change my pass23:43
Newbie89but could bee...???23:43
Newbie89but what could bee...???23:43
Newbie89i never did anything else i was usinf firefox only besides command line...23:44
damogarhi, is there someone with an ati 5850?23:45
maya1owner: you may have to enable proprietary drivers for your wifi card23:45
maya1owner: System > Administration > Hardware Drivers23:46
SuperMiguelhow secure is pptp?23:49
coachjshould firefox have java installed at installition23:49
rsryou have to install java plugin23:49
coachjfrom repo?23:50
jasonsrus2007man y'all some suckers23:50
hmwthe system monitor panel applet is showing 73% of memory in use "by programs", and for the first time, I used this computer with Ubuntu, it shows usage of Swap, too. I closed all programs, but that didn't change anything. How can I force the RAM to be freed up?23:50
Newbie89 TNX to everybody for ur support cu soon.....:)23:50
h00khmw: things that need to be freed is handled by the kernel23:50
hmwh00k: you saying, i only can reboot?23:51
coachjrsr: java plugin in the repo?23:51
h00khmw: basically23:51
greezmunkeyhmw: look here: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/23:51
rsrgive it a search on synaptic23:51
rsrjava jre23:51
coachjrsr: ok23:51
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hmwgreezmunkey: h00k: thanks for the input. greezmunkey: the applet tells me about the remaining ~25% to be used as cache. the 73% is RAM for Apps!23:52
peacehi everybody i'm new here23:54
robbmunson!hi | peace23:54
ubottupeace: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:54
greezmunkeyhmw: How much ram do you have?23:54
peacei new to linux ubuntu23:54
peacei like to get some help on configuring a ubuntu server23:54
jfoozie420peace: need any help? go to ubuntu-beginners section23:54
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peaceon the website you mean jfoozie23:55
robbmunsonjfoozie420, they are perfectly fine getting help here bud :)23:55
khaledmHi, I was wondering if ubuntu netbook remix will work on pentium ii ?23:55
jfoozie420no irc chat channel join #ubuntu-beginners23:55
hmwgreezmunkey: 2 GB. I never saw any Cache usage before (several months) on this machine. I have been watching several videos and http-downloading a lot in the last 2 days. Uptime is nearly 5 days.23:55
peaceok thanks jfoozie23:55
peacenice to meet you guys here23:56
hmwgreezmunkey: s/cache/swap23:56
hmwit's not a big support issue, i'd guess... but I am really curious, what my computer is doing.23:56
greezmunkeyhmw: yeah, I wouldn't worry about it too much, unless you are running something over and over that has a memory leak, the system will re-allocate ram as needed.23:56
awci reinstalled windows on my machine (after it got all nice and corrupted as windows loves to do) however after using my live CD to fix the mbr I no longer see the grub screen, all I get is a message stating that i can use the tab key to search for commands and the grub>  Any suggestions?23:57
bastid_raZorhmw: this may help.. http://www.linuxatemyram.com/23:58
greezmunkeybastid_raZor: heh23:58
h00k!grub | awc23:58
ubottuawc: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.23:58
awcyes, thats what i did23:59
hmwgreezmunkey: well... i will continue watching. What really makes me a little nervous is the swap usage of 500 MB, when I had zero apps running. My system load is between 1 and 2 constantly, with almost 0% cpu usage.23:59

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