
facundobatistakermiac, one week, or ten days ago, beuno would know better (he did it!)00:03
kermiacthanks facundobatista, beuno - great work! I really like it :)00:04
beunokermiac, it got rolled out yesterday  :)00:06
kermiacbeuno: ah, that's why I hadn't seen it before... I thought I had logged into the webui a couple of days ago. I think the dashboard is awesome on so many different levels - exactly what was needed. So much relevant info all in one place! You should be proud of your work :)00:09
beunokermiac, thank you, that's very encouraging   :)00:10
beunoChipaca, ^00:10
kermiacnp, but really - thank you!00:11
duanedesignyes the dashboard  was a great idea, and executed very well.00:14
Chipacakermiac: thanks :)00:23
Chipacabeuno: ⁵!00:24
kermiacnp, thank you for the dashboard Chipaca :) The service status & updates section will really help users who don't subscribe to the identica feed know if/ when there are issues with the server side of things :)00:28
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duffydackI`m having trouble getting U1 to do anything whatsoever.  Ive set my pictures folder to sync with U1, and its set it because I can see the Stop Sync with U1 option there now, although its greyed out.  Thing is, it doesnt sync at all, the client says disconnected.  Clicked "Connect" and "Restart" and it says synchronizing and then says disconnected, and syncs nothing12:33
duffydackI`m using Lucid, fully upto date btw.12:33
kermiacduffydack: have you filed a bug report yet? unfortunately I don't have time to help debug the issue with you right now & most of the other ppl are either not here or sleeping at this time of day/night12:46
kermiacduffydack: if you do file a bug report, please zip your $HOME/.cache/ubuntuone/log/ folder and attach the zip to the bug report. That will give whoever looks at your bug report a better chance to see what the issue is12:48
duffydackkermiac, thanks.  Ive looked at the logs myself and see things like "ubuntuone-login Invalid request token: R3NzRbcgLhl4JNdH9BcB"  and "The path is in disk but it's not a dir: '/home/dean/Documents/timesheet.xls'"12:52
duanedesignduffydack: does your ~/Pictures directory show up when you do the command:  u1sdtool --list-folders13:11
duffydackduanedesign, no, only id=2d2d5f85-d4aa-4ee7-a903-0ff07bb99b81 subscribed= path=/home/dean/Documents/timesheet.xls13:16
duffydackI clicked sync on my docs folder after i clicked it on my pics folder...13:16
duanedesignduffydack: that is odd. That is not a directory.13:16
duffydackneither have done any sync whatsoever.  there are more files than that in my docs folder as well...dont know why its concentrating on that file..13:16
duanedesignlet me look at a few things and see if I can figure out how we get rid of that13:17
duffydackI`ll zip up my u1 log folder.13:18
duffydackall the files/folders in the pics folder have the icons with the 2 arrows and " ! "  to signify them waiting to be sync`d13:20
duffydackhttp://www.sendspace.com/file/9upo0k  my logs13:22
* duanedesign looks13:22
duffydackits ddefinately failing to connect to the server somehow..13:23
duffydackIve had it work before when I installed the client in karmic.13:24
duanedesignduffydack: okcould you quit the client/preferences window if its open13:26
duanedesignduffydack: Open Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys and click on Passwords13:26
duffydackpasswords login or passwords default13:26
duanedesignreally the  little triangle next to Passwords:default13:27
duffydackive tried deleting the token before if thats what you want me to do13:27
duanedesigndo you see an Ubuntu One Token?13:27
duffydackIve also setup another account from fresh..  but i`ll try it all again if you like13:27
duanedesignok right-click and delete it13:28
duanedesign Go to https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/13:29
duffydackremove the machine ?13:29
duanedesignClick on the checkbox next to your computer and selest remove13:29
duanedesignthen open U1 from the Me Menu and the web page should open, prompting you to add your computer to your Ubuntu One account13:30
duanedesigndo you have anything liek NoScript or other script blocking software?13:31
duffydackmy pics folder still has the stop sync with u1 greyed out.13:32
duffydacku1 client says disconnected, and connect is greyed out, until I press restart13:32
duanedesigncould you do:  u1sdtool -q13:32
duanedesignand then: ps uaxxc | grep ubu13:33
duanedesignto find any other U1 processes13:33
duffydackubuntuone-syncdaemon stopped13:33
duanedesignyou might have to do a: killall ubuntuone-login13:34
duffydackdean      4015 12.7  0.7 124312 30308 ?        Sl   13:34   0:00 ubuntuone-syncd13:34
duanedesignif you have the preferences open it probably restarted itself13:35
duffydacki closed the prefs window.  opened it again and I can click connect.13:35
duanedesignwhat does: u1sdtool -s13:36
duanedesignduffydack: is that after you clicked connect?13:37
duffydackafter I click connect http://pastebin.org/15479813:37
duffydackI think i`ll delete the key, remove the computer from it, reboot and retry.13:39
duanedesignok. It is not going to do anything until that bad directory path is taken care of13:39
duffydackok, now the pics folder is back to normal, no stop sync greyed out..13:43
duffydacklets try again.13:43
duffydackI also removed the timesheet.xls file from my docs.13:43
duffydackdo i have to click Connect before I can add any folders to sync?13:45
duffydacku1sdtool --list-folders   still reports the same thing, and I havent even added any folders to the sync list yet.13:48
duffydackthink its best to maybe clear my u1 cache folder?13:49
duffydackduanedesign, I removed all instances of ubuntuone from my home folder,  deleted the key,  and even reinstalled the packages.. its all clean, nothing in the u1 folder list now.  added my account again and trying to sync my pics folder only.14:19
duffydackduanedesign,  the 3 commands you gave me http://pastebin.org/15483014:20
duffydackduanedesign, still no go.  latest logs http://www.sendspace.com/file/du0m4h if you have time.14:23
duffydackduanedesign, I messed around and its uploading my docs folder now in user defined folders.14:30
duffydack1 question.  if I sync my stuff and then reinstall with an empty home folder and setup u1, will it delete what I have on the server?14:44
duanedesignduffydack: if you removed everything and reinstalled it should get treated as a  new computer14:48
duanedesignduffydack: what is the output of: u1sdtool -s14:50
duffydackso it wont auto sync the folders back to how they were, on my computer?   everything is working fine.  the documents folder is in the folder list, just waitin for it to finish, then I guess pics folder will be in the list.. they have the icons set to being ready to symc..14:55
duffydackjust wish the bandwidth limit worked.  ive set it to upload max 40kb/s because if I upload my max speed (55kb/s) it kills my downstream.. sucky dsl provider15:01
duanedesignduffydack: just dont set either read or write to 015:03
duanedesignduffydack: looks as though its ok.15:04
duffydacki only set upload to 40k, download is set as default 204815:06
duffydackwhich I dont get.. it doesnt download anything.15:07
duanedesignduffydack: if you upload something through the webUI it does not download to your computer?15:09
duffydackduanedesign, doh, never tried that...15:10
duanedesignyou can also edit and create tomboy notes and contacts in the webUI15:12
duffydackduanedesign, does yours notify you?  for me there is no notification to say when updating or updated15:22
Chipacaduffydack: when what updating or updated?15:30
duffydackin karmic, it would use the notification system to tell you when its updating your files, etc15:32
Chipacathat was deemed un-userfriendly and binned15:32
ChipacaI think it was a regression, and I'll try to get some kind of notifications back15:33
duffydackeven just 1 notification like , finished updating files.15:33
Chipacabut, for lucid, no notifications15:33
duffydackjust so I know.. without opening the client15:33
Chipacayep. Nope, not in lucid15:34
Chipacanot unless you build your own :-/15:34
ChipacaI mean, the syncdaemon is still broadcasting the info over dbus15:34
Chipacawe're just not doing anything with it15:34
duffydackwell more problems now.. my docs folder is sync`d up ok, but my pics folder isnt being sync`d.. its set to, and icons are there as if to say its waiting to upload them, but its not, and the u1sdtool --list-folders  only reports my docs folder15:35
duffydackand only Stop sync with U1 is greyed out in context menu15:36
Chipacaduffydack: first, u1sdtool --status15:36
Chipacaduffydack: what does it say?15:36
duffydackjust a sec, restarted in the client.15:39
Chipacaduffydack: why restart?15:39
Chipacait sets you back a chunk15:39
duffydackto see if it would sync my other folder15:40
duffydackhttp://pastebin.org/154877    no pics folder...15:43
Chipacaduffydack: try asking for sync of that folder again15:54
duffydackthey are both set to sync and the only option is Stop sync, and its greyed out anyway15:54
Chipacaduffydack: killall nautilus15:55
Chipaca(it'll come back up)15:55
duffydackboth are now not set to sync15:58
Chipacaduffydack: wait a few seconds for nautilus to chat with syncdaemon15:59
Chipacaheh, that won't happen until syncdaemon does a state change15:59
Chipacahere, trigger a state change:15:59
Chipacau1sdtool --refresh="$HOME/Ubuntu One"15:59
duffydackjust set pics to sync and it killed nautilus16:00
Chipacaouch! that's not nice16:00
Chipacaduffydack: have you updated today?16:00
Chipacaduffydack: in any case: it seems for some reason the syncing of your pictures folder didn't get set16:02
Chipacaduffydack: you should be able to do it from nautilus, and if you can't it's a bug, but meanwhile, here's how you do it with u1sdtool:16:02
Chipacau1sdtool --create-folder="$HOME/path/to/folder"16:02
duffydackmy docs folder isnt set to sync, well as far as the context menu and the icons dont reflect being sync`d, theyre just standard icons16:02
duffydackits still in the u1sdtool --list-folders16:03
Chipacaif it's in --list-folders, it's set to sync16:03
Chipacaduffydack: a way to know what sync state an individual file is within that folder is using u1sdtool --info16:04
Chipacaduffydack: note you can't sync folders outside of your home16:05
duffydackI have another laptop with same folders, and ive setup ubuntuone, it has the same exact files in docs, and its uploading them all over again.. uhh16:05
Chipacaduffydack: also, if you go to edge.one.ubuntu.com, click on 'files', and see if the folder is there16:06
Chipacaduffydack: and what the contents are16:06
duffydackok now the stop sync option is there and available..16:09
Chipacaon both?16:09
Chipacaif they are getting updated from another notebook, it either means the folder was 'stuck' and the files weren't actually getting synced (that is a bug, please file it), or that the files were not really the same. You can tell the former from the latter by looking on the web at what is already uploaded16:10
duffydackno ive only just setup this other laptop16:11
duffydackthe files were already there, exactly the same files...i just only now setup U116:11
Chipacaduffydack: did you look on the web interface to see what was there?16:12
duffydackthe files are there, 79.5mb used.. i checked after it sent from this 1st laptop16:12
duffydackthey are being sent again tho from the other laptop.16:12
Chipacahow are you checking that?16:16
duffydackthe icons reflect the state of sync they are in and my upload speed is in full use16:17
duffydackand the list on the webpage says when last updated.16:17
Chipacaa silly question: you used the same Ubuntu One account on both computers, right? :)16:18
duffydacksame username and password for the ubuntu account as well.16:18
duffydackwihch means nothing i know16:18
duffydackits sort of like my backup laptop, its got all my docs and pics..16:19
Chipacaduffydack: does md5sum of the files agree with you in that they are the same?16:20
duffydackthe pics folder i have set to sync has the grey exclamation and arrows, so its set, but isnt uploading..16:20
duffydackyes, they are the same...16:21
Chipacaduffydack: re them being re-uploaded: they're in the same folder also?16:26
duffydackI dont know whats going on but the 2nd laptop is still sending, its sent more mb then is to be sent...there is still 79.5mb in use on u1 server16:26
Chipacaduffydack: I can't help you much more (gotta run), but you're having rather strange issues. Maybe somebody else can help dissect what's going on.16:27
Chipacaduffydack: u1sdtool is your friend :)16:27
duffydackok its stopped..16:28
duffydackbut the files arent finished, according to the state of the icons16:28
duffydackdamnit.. now they are...16:28
duffydacki waited a while as well..16:28
duffydackright, so its finished sending the same files all over again.. I`ll try get pics folder to work16:29
duffydackthanka for the help16:29
duffydacknow my pics folder is in the --list-folders output...i never did anything.  this u1 thing is rather upperty downerty lol16:31
Chipacaduffydack: it means the request to sync them finally got done16:32
duffydackyeah, been waiting couple of minutes and nothing being uploaded yet.. i`ll wait16:33
Chipacaduffydack: --waiting-content and --waiting-metadata show you queues of stuff waiting to happen16:33
duffydackit says sync in progress in the client16:33
duffydackI can see by the icons of the files they are waiting.. the tool reports the same16:34
duffydackand stop sync is greyed out.. so its all set to go, just it aint.. I`ll go make a cuppa and see..16:34
duffydackall the icons on the 2nd laptops pic folder with the SAME files have changed to the same.. i shut it down for now, in case its conflicting.16:36
duffydackok, waited and waited, and waited.....and now its uploading the pics folder.  got there in the end,.16:56
duanedesignduffydack: great17:04
duffydackok so ive got docs folders on both laptops, both are sync`d, but ive deleted 1 file from the folder, and its gone from the server but not from the 2nd laptop17:17
Chipacaduffydack: it is slow17:18
Chipacaduffydack: we'll be working on making it fast during M17:18
Chipacaduffydack: for kicks, you can turn on debug of the syncdaemon and watch the logs. Hours of fun!17:19
duffydack15-20mins to update wether 1 file is there or not ?17:19
duffydackwell more than, as its not done it yet17:19
Chipacaduffydack: depending on what the clients are doing, yeah, that or more17:19
duanedesignlol, funny you should say that..I had mine open yesterday and watching :  tail -fn 50 ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log17:20
duffydacknot doing anything now..17:20
Chipacaduffydack: with both clients idle and connected to the same backend server, it should be faster. But the "connected to the same server" is unknownable17:20
Chipacaduffydack: the server you connect to uses an asynchronous bus to talk with the others17:20
duffydack2nd laptop is a netbook sat on my lap while i play around with this u117:20
Chipacaduffydack: if you want the change *now*, you can use u1sdtool --refresh17:21
Chipacaon the folder17:21
Chipacaotherwise, at some point the server you're connected to gets the "this folder has changed" notification to you. But with no time promises.17:21
duffydackive not noticed the bookmarks sync work yet either.17:22
Chipacaduffydack: that is separate. Have you installed the plugin?17:23
duffydackbindwood, yeah17:23
duffydackon both17:23
Chipacaextension, rather :)17:23
Chipacaduffydack: hmm... i don't know enough couch to help you I'm afraid17:24
Chipacaduffydack: snag somebody who knows more couch :)17:24
duffydack2nd laptops pic folder still has the grey arrows and !   tho i sync`d the same folder on the 1st laptop a while ago.17:25
duffydackthe same folder, md5sums and all.17:25
duffydacki had it shut down while it sync`d on the 1st laptop also..just in case.17:26
duffydackI ran refresh on the folder and still waiting..  the client on both has said sync in progress for quite some time now. yet there is nothig to sync, apart from the refresh I just set off.17:30
duffydackrefresh for pics gets error. http://pastebin.org/154992  only on 2nd laptop tho17:35
duanedesignduffydack: I am not sure what that error is. I have had the same error for a couple weeks and it doesn't seem to hurt syncing on my computer18:00
duffydack2nd laptops doc folder hasnt been updated to remove the file I removed from 1st laptop..18:20
ruthgardHello Where can I find help about how to connect my couchdb to ubuntuone? I am a newbie python ubuntu dev using quickly18:38
duanedesignhello ruthgard18:39
duanedesignruthgard:See Resources at bottom. Tthe first link has a nice quick overview. The last one, the book, 'CouchDB: The Definitive Guide' is a good in depth look at CouchDB18:41
duanedesignCouchDB: The Definitive Guide18:42
duanedesignruthgard: feel free to add your project to that page as well.18:43
duffydackIts very slow going from 1 file to another, small files as well.  that plus the time for it to even start sync, adds up to a lot..19:48
duffydackSo what do I need to do for it to sync my pics folder thats on the server to my other computers pics folder, yes with the same u1 account..20:08
ruthgardThis is so confusing20:12
ruthgardI have couchDB in my app so that is all good and well20:12
ruthgardAll the posts refer to how to work with couchdb20:12
ruthgardit does not however tell me how to sync my desktop couch db with u120:13
duffydackI waited ages and my docs folders contents has appeared on my other pc, now just waiting for pics.  nothing is coming up in u1sdtool --waiting-content20:26
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midknihtjchris is a pimp23:55

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