[00:18] quadrispro, don't worry about that thing I asked you to help me with, i already took care of it and it was a stupid mistake on my part [00:19] forgot to "bzr add" to include the new install file :( but it's fixed now :) [00:20] ScottL, I'm very very sorry, I got a flu and I was stuck for a week [00:22] quadrispro, no, no, i took care of it right after we talked actually so i've been meaning to let you know that it's all good, no problem at all [00:22] ah fine, thanks [00:23] TheMuso informed me that it needed to be done post haste since it was the plymouth theme and it was needed for the next beta [17:36] * abogani waves and as usual recall to all to [17:37] add comments for my application! :-) [17:38] abogani: what application? [17:39] rlameiro: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlessioIgorBogani/linux-rtPPUApplication [17:39] abogani: I vote for you :DDDD [17:40] send it to the mailing list [17:40] the dev and the user [17:40] :D [17:42] rlameiro: Thanks. :)