
riotwow, i tried to start jack but the jackctl stopped working.. i killed it and tried starting it again, now gnome-desktop is crashing and restarting all the time00:22
riotsigh.. why is jack so fickle... never ever made it run00:26
riotoh, wow, strange, now it runs, though i don't know why00:30
tertittenI'm on ubuntu 10.04 b2, If I install all the metapackages for ubuntu studio it would be pretty much the same as installing the DVD image for ubuntustudio 10.04 b2 ?03:19
tertittenI'm concerned if it will work just as ubuntu-studio or not...03:19
riottertitten: i just did that (upgrade from cd-install) and i'm concerned about it. Some stuff doesn't really work, but thats not necessarily related...04:27
riotLinux + Audio is still rather... infantile..04:27
tucemiuxriot, whats not working on your machine??04:28
tucemiuxriot, i have a minor problem with the drivers but other than an annoying setting it works just fine, it all depends on the hardwre youre using, all the appz work awesome in ubuntustudio -- out of the box04:29
riothmhmm, hat severe problems with many apps..04:34
riotand compared to (bloody) windows/mac-stuff, most of the linux-software is (i as a linux evangelist have to admit it) rather bad, with very few shining exceptions04:35
tucemiuxriot, it all depends on your hardware04:36
riotand i think the main reason for that is the stupid mess those OSS folks from 4front did to linux' audio capabilities..04:36
tucemiuxriot, nope it's pulse audio04:37
riotno, i don't think so. Its plain stupid consumerist hardware04:37
riotjack is fickle shit, too.04:37
rioti prefer alsa but see its shortcomings, too04:37
tucemiuxriot, are you using ubuntustudio on a pc or a mac?04:37
tucemiuxno i mean, seriously04:37
rioti'd prefer not touching a mac again in the next millenia.04:38
riotthough, with linux on it, i might reconsider..04:38
tucemiuxwhat issue have youve experienced witj jack?? O_O04:38
riotit wouldn't even start with the recommended adjustments to /etc/security/limits... and as i say, its fickle.. hexter refused to do stereo sound, e.g.04:39
riotit took quite some fiddling with the settings to make jack run at all.04:39
riotthen, this control-GUI just crashes (badly! only killable via console/taskmanager) when jackd fucks up (..again and again)04:40
tucemiuxwhat type of computer do you have? desktop or laptop?04:40
riotthe routing idea is quite good.. but have you ever seen how its done in reason?04:40
riotits a very rocksolid selfbuilt workstation with a nforce 2.0 chipset.04:41
tucemiux"selfbuilt" is the hint, no wonder stuff doesnt work O_o04:41
riotand its not the only box i've tried to use jack on. All my machines "don't like it". Thinkpads, Athlons, Intels...04:41
tucemiuxwhat are the specz?04:41
tucemiuxummm... i tried it on an old pentium 3 laptop and it worked just fine04:42
riotare you insulting me now? I sell pcs on a large scale for living....04:42
tucemiux riot  the problems with linux is the hardware, if youre having problems with it it's the hardware, something not right, you should file a bug report in launchpad and request for the developers to fix it04:43
riotaaaahaha. no, i'm using linux for so long now to know better. Its NOT always the hardware - but often enough, yes.04:43
riotAnd esp. with soundcards, yes often enough...04:43
tucemiuxok well sometimes it's the software and that can be fixed, for instace pulse audio is an aberration, dont say this in #ubuntu-offtopic or flannel will own you04:44
riotbut the stuff here is very mainstream04:44
riothmhm, i use pulse-audio only on maemo, where it causes only light problems.04:44
riotbut still, it causes some.. ;)04:45
riotalsa is annoying sometimes but generally just works. Esp. the midi-shit is well done, imho.04:45
tucemiuxhad very little problems with alsa, pulse audio is the one that drives me cwazy04:46
tucemiuxi finally learned how to record though, i can record beats created with hydrogen, a tune with zynaddsubfx, and mix it all with ardour, works like a charm04:47
riotalsa can be stupid if you have more than one card, but i believe thats rather sorted out, by now.04:47
riotyes, hydrogen and ardour are nice.04:47
riotaudacity is nice, too - but still has a few bad design-flaws, interfacewise04:48
rioti'm programming audio-apps with python-pygame, which uses sdl.. Thats rather nice, though i'm mostly doing midi only...04:50
tucemiuxriot, if you can program then you should be able to track own the problems and ask someone to fix them O_o04:53
rioti'm too lazy and have to little time.04:54
riotand i don't like hacking around in hardware ./. linux stuff04:54
rioti'm either programming embedded systems or hacking away in python ;)04:55
riotthe ideal means to combine both is midi - or protocols like it04:55
tucemiuxah ok so you dont really have the time, good excuse, you at least have time to play around with ubuntustudio ?  I'm learning how to record really good, im thinking about buying a nice USB audio card04:56
holsteinget the zoom04:58
holsteinthe H404:58
holsteintucemiux: did you decide on a mic?04:58
tucemiuxholstein, we already talked about the sound card, yes i decided on the mic but i guess i should get the sound card first, it definetely wont be an H4, i just got some nice sennheiser headphone, they got delivered today04:59
holsteintucemiux: the H4 comes with very decent mics05:00
holstein2 of them05:00
holsteinand 2 more channels05:00
holsteinfor other mics05:00
holsteinANY other mics05:01
holsteinthats a lot of solutions in one little box05:01
riottucemiux: its weekend, and i wanted to see if a pre-configured distro (instead of debian ;) makes a difference, regarding to jack and other stuff.05:01
riotsadly, i'm a bit disappointed :/05:02
holsteinriot: whats the issue?05:02
* holstein looks back at the scroll05:02
riotholstein: too many to summarize quickly.05:02
riotand its too late, gotta sleep (6 am here)05:02
tucemiuxriot,  did you install it on a virtual machine or on a mac?05:02
riottucemiux: as i mentioned on a selfbuilt, very trusty workstation. Which is quite old (an athlon 2k) but still a good, stable workhorse.05:03
tucemiuxriot, one last thing you can try is a brand new hard drive, ive had headaches with linux which was traced to the hard drive but we can talk about it some other day, go get yourself some zz's05:03
riotno, the hdd is fine, the whole hardware is fine.05:04
tucemiuxriot, then it's the support for the hardware on linux05:04
riotwe've gone through that...05:04
Blank__haha we're talking about the H4 here too?06:16
holsteinits a winner :)06:17
tertittencheers, Im trying to install ubuntu studio 10.04 b2 from a USB Pen drive (loaded with Unetbootin) I get a error concerning no kernel available during installation, then later in the installation it download the latest kernel from the lucid repos, then after the installation finalizes I reboot and then get spoofed to terminal where I'm now stucked. ...08:31
tertittencan anyone help out, or first of all, is it possible to install from USB Pen drive ? It works fine with ubuntu lucid beta 2... I'm suspecting the latest kernel from the repos though, cause I've heard that there was a few that had some problems with it and needed to revert, don't know if that is the issue here though08:33

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