
=== naoki-away is now known as naoki
xnoxalmost done =) soon will push & do merge request04:06
xnoxkeywords plugin can now update files in the working tree on post_change_branch_tip04:07
xnoxincluding current revno & current revid of the tree =)04:07
* xnox says bzr kicks svn =)04:07
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dcolesIs it possible to use bzr-git to push to a git branch other than master?07:56
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=== naoki is now known as naoki-away
=== naoki-away is now known as naoki
=== naoki is now known as naoki-away
=== naoki-away is now known as naoki
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Shin-LaCyour standalone windows installer hoses the path environment variable on windows server14:35
Shin-LaCI had path=%path%;c:\program files\python\bin (etc.) in the administrator user's settings14:36
Shin-LaCthe installer took that entry, removed it, appended c:\program files\bazaar (or whatever) to it, and used that value to overwrite the *system* path variable14:36
Shin-LaCas a result, all of the standard path locations (eg system32 etc.) were dropped from the path14:37
Shin-LaCbreaking a multitude of programs (you wouldn't believe how many things depend on having "more" on the path)14:37
mathrickShin-LaC: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/56596314:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565963 in bzr "Windows installer incorrectly modifies %PATH%" [Undecided,New]14:43
mathrickreported it for you. but if you want to subscribe, you'll need an account14:44
Shin-LaCthank you!14:44
mathrickyou're welcome14:44
Shin-LaCI hope it wasn't actually the guy who worked on that machine before me who hosed up the path14:48
mathrickShin-LaC: try it? Uninstall things, make sure the path is correct, try installing, see if it broke?14:49
Shin-LaCI have a VM with windows server 200814:49
Shin-LaCI'll try the installer on that14:49
mathrickjust make sure the %PATH% setup is sufficiently complicated14:51
Shin-LaCactivating windows...15:01
mathrickShin-LaC: you might want to snapshot it before you hose it15:03
Shin-LaCContent from the website listed below is being blocked by the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration. http://www.bing.com/15:05
virus_foundHello. How do I: 1) know current rev number of a working copy (local); 2) know global revision number (knowing only its internet address); 3) get a changelog (log) between $rev1 and $rev2 ?15:07
Shin-LaCnever mind15:11
Shin-LaCit was the other guy who hosed the path settings on his server15:11
Shin-LaCno problems on my VM15:11
Shin-LaCmathrick: sorry, you can recall that bug report15:11
mathrickShin-LaC: okay, so mark as invalid?15:12
Shin-LaCor delete it entirely if possible15:13
mathricknah, that's exactly what "invalid" means15:13
mathrickbtw, is there any plan to make it possible to request merges for particular revnos in launchpad?15:20
virus_foundEhm, bzr revno $url shows remote revision number, that's ok. But how do I get the rev number of current local working copy? I made bzr up -r 100, but bzr revno shows me remote number all the way. I need it to show me "100". Is it possible?15:21
mathrickvirus_found: you don't, there's no such thing as "current working dir revno". The working dir is, by definition, files on disk, not a tree state15:22
mathrickyou can compare the working dir to some revision, but there's nothing to tell you it corresponds to a particular revision15:23
mathrickvirus_found: also it seems like you're referring to a lightweight checkout of a remote branch? If so, then yes, the UI for that sucks in this regard15:24
virus_foundOk, bzr st shows me, that current copy is old.15:25
virus_foundThen how to get a changelog between my copy and the global one?15:25
virus_foundSay, my copy is at rev 100, global is 111. How to get log between 101 and 111?15:26
virus_foundOr 100 and 11115:26
mathrickvirus_found: if by "global" you simply mean the latest, then it's bzr diff15:28
mathrickbut again, are you working on a full branch or on a lightweight checkout?15:28
mathrickthe answer differs depending on that15:29
virus_foundI mean the latest rev, that's on the server.15:29
virus_foundI did bzr co15:29
virus_foundDoes bzr branch provide more ways of performing my task?15:29
virus_foundbzr diff shows nothing, despite the fact, my working copy is old.15:30
mathrickvirus_found: more like different. Lightweight checkouts differ from other ways of fetching the branch in that they don't maintain a local state and refer to the remote location for everything15:31
mathrickbut co without --lightweight creates a bound branch, which is a real branch, just tied to the remote location15:31
mathrickvirus_found: if you did bzr co lp:some-project -r 100, then bzr diff will show you nothing15:31
virus_foundThen I'll do bzr branch15:32
mathrickvirus_found: wait15:32
mathrickbecause the local branch is at that revision15:32
mathrickif you want to compare branches, then bzr missing is what you want15:32
mathrickvirus_found: you can also use bzr diff --new=lp to see the difference in source text and not in revisions15:34
mathrickit all depends on what you want to see and how you arrived there15:34
virus_foundbzr co $smth ; bzr up -r 100 ; bzr missing $smth    results in "Branches are up to date."15:34
virus_foundBut the $smth is at 11115:34
mathrickhmm, lemme check15:35
virus_foundMaybe it's due to checkout?15:35
mathrickvirus_found: oh, right15:35
mathrickup operates on the working tree15:35
virus_foundI can do branch if it helps15:35
mathrickmissing operates on branches15:35
mathrickyou first did a full checkout15:35
mathrickso the local branch *is* up to date15:35
virus_foundThen I'll do "full" branch :)15:36
mathrickvirus_found: so it's back to my first answer, your question has no answer because the working tree is not versioned, by definition. Only the tree is. So there's no way to tell that it's at revision something or other15:36
mathrickvirus_found: just do bzr up -r 11115:36
mathricks/the tree/the branch/, to make it less confusing15:38
virus_foundIf I do branch, how do I make it "old" (to check "missing" after that)?15:39
virus_foundup -r ?15:39
mathrickvirus_found: æh? I think you're too confused now15:39
mathrickwhy'd you want to make it old?15:39
mathrickwhat is it you're trying to do in the first place?15:39
mathrickvirus_found: again, branching won't change a thing, because you're asking a question without an answer15:40
virus_foundI need to check: 1) if my branch or whatever is older, that on the server; 2) get a "diff" or "log", what's the actual difference.15:40
virus_foundActually, cvs, svn, darcs, git and hg    all have means of performing my task. It's hardly believable, that bzr can't do it.15:42
mathrickvirus_found: why do you need to check if you just asked for a way to make it "older"?15:46
mathrickthat's not what you're trying to do, please tell me what your goal is, not how you think it should be done with bzr15:46
mathrickthis way it'll be easier for everyone to understand15:46
virus_foundI do bzr co or bzr branch. (at rev 100). Time goes. Some commits happen to the server (lp:blah). I want to check, if there were any commits on it. And if so, get a changelog.15:49
mathrickvirus_found: bzr missing. But bzr up -r 100 is a different thing and that's why it doesn't work, because what you describe abov is *not* what you did with bzr up15:50
mathrickvirus_found: and actually, git doesn't have any means of doing this. You need to fetch the remote branch before you can compare it15:50
virus_foundgit fetch && git log --date=local ..origin/master15:51
mathrickthat's what I said15:51
mathrickit's not telling you about the remote branch15:51
mathrickit's telling you things about your local copy of it15:51
mathrickOTOH, bzr missing will tell you about any branch, including remote ones15:51
virus_foundOk, I don't mind fetching. I'd like it to tell me what has changed :)15:51
mathrickvirus_found: if you want to see what changes have happened between branches, bzr missing is the command you want15:51
virus_foundWithout flags?15:52
virus_foundI wanted to make my copy "older" to emulate time going :)15:53
mathrickvirus_found: if no flags are given, it uses the remembered pull location. If none is found, it errors out. But you can set a default pull location and then you don't have to specify anything15:53
mathrickbzr missing lp:someproject if you want to be explicit15:53
mathrickvirus_found: bzr up does *not* operate on branches. It updates the working tree. That's where you went wrong15:54
virus_foundI see.15:54
mathrickif you wanted to check out an older revision (which is a perfectly fine thing to do), it's bzr co -r 10015:54
mathricknotice that the revspec is given to a different command15:54
virus_foundI'm sorry, but would "bzr missing" work, if I did bzr co --lightweight  ?15:56
mathrickno, because lightweight checkouts operate completely differently, and are frankly just confusing15:57
mathrickwell, they're useful, but most of the things bzr will tell you will be confusing15:57
virus_foundOk, I see. Thank you vey much for your time.15:57
mathrickvirus_found: the problem with lightweight checkouts is that they refer to the remote branch for *everything*. So if you say bzr revno, it'll do as you say and give you the revno of the remote branch15:57
mathrickwhich is pretty much never what you want15:58
mathrickthe UI here could use a lot of improvement15:58
mathrickvirus_found: no problem. Though I'd suggest asking questions about your actual goals in the future, it's way easier to answer those15:58
virus_foundPerhaps, yes :)16:00
virus_foundmathrick: I'm sorry to bother again, simple question. How do make it stop generating the log file ~/.bzr.log    ?16:03
mathrickvirus_found: I don't know if there's a way. It generally does it when there's been an error. It's an important clue if something goes astray, so I wouldn't want to disable it16:04
virus_foundAh, I don't have an ID.16:06
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RumblePurehi all19:06
RumblePureI commited back to my main branch from my laptop, and now one file is all messed up.19:07
RumblePureThe file contains stuff like "<<<<<<< TREE".19:07
RumblePureand also ">>>>>>> MERGE-SOURCE".19:07
RumblePureThese things are written on a few lines.19:08
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mathrickRumblePure: read what bzr tells you when you merge :)19:15
mathrickyou have a text conflict, and these are markers to tell you which parts of the file come from which source19:15
mathrickRumblePure: `bzr conflicts' should list files that are conflicted19:15
RumblePuremathrick: I didn't merge, I committed back from the laptop.19:16
mathrickwhat do you mean by that?19:16
mathrickbzr won't let you commit to a diverged branch19:16
mathrickyou have to merge first19:16
RumblePuremathrick: I have done bzr conflicts. It gives nothing.19:16
mathrickokay, describe exactly what you have done to get there19:16
RumblePureOk... hope you have aspirine pills close at hand...19:17
RumblePureI didt bzr checkout bzr+ssh from my laptop so I could continue my work from the laptop.19:17
RumblePureHaving worked with my code over a few days and committed locally on the laptop, it was time to put it back on my stationary, where the main branch is.19:18
RumblePureSo yes, initially I checked out the code from my stationary, through ssh, to my laptop.19:18
mathrickRumblePure: so that'd be me@laptop$ bzr co bzr+ssh://desktop.me/repo/project ?19:19
RumblePureWhen I wanted to commit back to my stationary, it had a new ip-number and like always I had to open branch.conf and manually change the ip-number.19:19
RumblePureyes mathrick, exactly. I did that on my laptop a few days ago.19:19
mathrickRumblePure: okay, what do you man by "commit back to my stationary"?19:19
RumblePuremathrick: well, after having changed branch.conf, I do "bzr commit --strict"19:20
RumblePureAnd that is when my problems start.19:20
RumblePureBazaar talks about conflicts with the main branch, suggesting I do "bzr update".19:21
RumblePureAnd when I do bzr update, I get these new files called "foo.php.BASE" and similar names.19:21
mathrickRumblePure: so you were doing bzr commit --local while working on your laptop?19:21
RumblePuremathrick: yes, I thought that was standard procedure....19:21
mathrickyes, I'm just making sure19:21
* RumblePure is ready to get barked at. :-)19:21
mathrickRumblePure: well then, you still have conflicts19:21
mathrickdidn't bzr update tell you that?19:22
RumblePuremathrick: yes, and when I have done bzr update it suggests I do bzr conflict file_name.19:22
mathrickand it's right :)19:22
mathrickRumblePure: you got text conflict, it's that simple19:22
mathrickhave you committed anything to the stationary branch in the meantime?19:22
mathrickyou or anyone else?19:22
RumblePuremathrick: but how come? I didnt touch my code on the stationary after checkout.19:23
RumblePureNO, strictly no!19:23
RumblePureThis time I have been super duper truper careful with NOT doing that.19:23
RumblePureBecause this is not the first time i have this kind of problem!19:23
mathrickokay, then bzr got confused about what your tree is, somehow19:23
RumblePuremathrick: does it have to do with the fact that my ip got changed on stationary?19:23
RumblePureI did modify .bzr/branch/branch.conf after all....19:24
mathricknot sure, it shouldn't, but then I suspect I don't have a full picture of what happened yet19:24
mathrickRumblePure: bzr pays no attention to IPs, only the tree states are of interest, and these are immutable and identified by hashes19:24
mathrickbut somehow you convinced bzr that the changes you made are already there19:25
RumblePuremathrick: then I dunno what's going on.19:25
mathrickRumblePure: let's debug it19:25
xnoxReading bzr/docs/developer/testing didn't help much. Reading tests...... well there are loads of them19:25
mathrickbzr log --show-ids bzr+ssh://desktop/repo/projects shows what?19:26
RumblePuremathrick: ok, let me run that.19:26
mathrickplease paste the first ten or so commits in pastebin19:26
xnoxcan you please suggest a good testsuite of a small plugin that extends standard bzr commands?19:26
mathrickxnox: I have no idea about the testsuite, but the plugin pager extends standard commands in several places19:27
mathrick*pager plugin19:27
RumblePuremathrick: I will do shortly mathrick. I appreciate your help and want to get to the bottom with this. But please let me first fix that super important files that now has lots of "<<<<<< TREE" in it. The documentation says I should be able to resolve them manually.19:27
RumblePuremathrick: and then I'll run your commands asap.19:27
mathrickRumblePure: don't do that, because it's fixing things that shouldn't happen19:28
mathrickyour files didn't go anywhere, so spending time on fixing them is useless19:28
mathrickdetermining what exactly went wrong is a much better use of your time19:28
RumblePuremathrick: but I can see the changes that I have been working on my laptop. I can see them. It's just that they have been messed up with <<<<< TREE and such stuff.19:29
RumblePuremathrick: ok, I'll cancel.19:29
mathrickif you want clean copies of them, just branch the last revision of your laptop branch19:29
mathrickit'll give you a nice working tree19:29
mathrickRumblePure: when you're done, run the same thing for your laptop branch, and paste it in pastebin too19:31
mathrickthen link here19:32
RumblePure_mathrick: ok done: http://pastebin.com/8H9t25V619:35
* RumblePure_ is RumblePure from his laptop.19:35
mathrickRumblePure_: that's the log for the stationary branch?19:35
RumblePuremathrick: eyh yeah that's the log for the stationary when I ran that command from the laptop.19:36
mathrickrumblePure: okay, could you give me the *exact* command you ran to do that commit? Just copy it straight from the history, without any editing19:37
mathrickie. the first command after which bzr told you to update19:37
RumblePure_will do chief.19:37
RumblePureok, now I'll give an accurate recap of what I did.19:38
RumblePure1. I modified .bzr/branch/branch.conf, on my laptop, to match the ip-number of my stationary.19:39
RumblePure2. I did bzr commit --strict on the laptop, and that's when the problems started.19:39
RumblePure3. I did bzr update19:40
RumblePure4. I did bzr conflicts19:40
mathrickrumblePure: okay, I'm beginning to suspect one possible scenario that could lead to that, and which'd mean a UI bug in bzr19:40
RumblePureAt this time I realized that a file php/cassandra/cassandra.php was screwing around.19:40
mathricklemme test that19:40
RumblePureOk, I'll continue to recap while you do that.19:41
RumblePure5. I did bzr resolve php/cassandra/cassandra.php (still on lappy).19:41
RumblePureThis produced some files called cassandra.php.BASE, cassandra.php.BASE.moved and etc.19:42
RumblePure6. I removed those newly created files, because they weren't on main branch on stationary and since I wanted to do a strict commit they had to be removed or added.19:42
RumblePure7. I finally managed to do my bzr commit --strict on the lappy. When I had done bzr update on my stationary, that very important file was messed up.19:43
RumblePureThere you go, my 7 steps to one hour waste of time. :'-(19:43
mathrickrumblePure: first of all, that's not how you deal with conflicts19:44
mathricka conflict means bzr wasn't able to resolve changes automatically. Removing things without understanding the conflict is the wrong way19:44
RumblePureWell, I had a feeling I was doing _something_ wrong. :-/19:44
mathricknow, I've tried to do what you described, and it works just fine19:45
RumblePuremathrick: ok, well then I dunno what is wrong. Should I do a step-by-step simple checkout and commit to and from my lappy to see if it happens again?19:45
mathrickrumblePure: are you able to share these two branches? That is, could you zip up stationary's and laptop's branches and send them to me for testing?19:45
mathrickrumblePure: yes, please19:45
RumblePureno, can't share content of branches, sorry. :-/19:46
mathrickand if it happens, give the exact history of all your commands, without any editing19:46
RumblePureok, will do so.19:46
mathrickrumblePure: or maybe try doing that on fresh branches. Make a new branch, check it out to your laptop, edit as you would with your normal work, and then if it hits the conflict, zip them both up and send together with the command history19:47
RumblePuresure, gimme a minute.19:47
RumblePureok, I have created a new dummy project and a bzr branch, let me check it out to the lappy.19:53
RumblePurecheck out went fine, will play with the dummy file a bit and do some local check ins.19:55
RumblePure*local commits19:55
RumblePureI'll even go so far that I'll disconnect my stationary to obtain new ip-address.19:57
RumblePuremathrick: are you there? I obtain the same error!20:01
RumblePure_bzr: ERROR: Bound branch BzrBranch7('file:///media/disk/files/test/test/') is out of date with master branch RemoteBranch(bzr+ssh://purerumble@
RumblePure_To commit to master branch, run update and then commit.20:01
RumblePurehaum, maybe printing that was a bad idea. :-/20:02
RumblePuremathrick: If you want you can tell me now what to do in order to proceed and investigate the problem/bug.20:03
mathrickrumblePure: that's not an error, the question is if you get conflicts after that20:03
RumblePuremathrick: ok, so i'll do bzr update20:04
mathrickproceed as you did with your normal work, ie. update and try to commit again20:04
RumblePuremathrick: nope, no problems at all. At this time I'll give up.20:06
mathrickrumblePure: then you had to do something differently20:06
mathrickwhat I suspect might've happened is that you committed twice at some point, without realising20:06
RumblePuremathrick: I didn't change the ip-number in branch.conf but you keep saying that shouldn't matter.20:06
mathrickand because the IPs were different, it recorded different revids20:06
jmlhow could I use bzrlib's mail APIs to build and send an email with a binary attachment?20:07
mathrickrumblePure: I said it shouldn't, but that doesn't mean it doesn't, we're trying to determine it. And since you said you'd do it, I assumed you did20:07
cyberswatHi, Is it possible to generate a report on a specific users commits in a projects?20:07
jmloh huh20:07
RumblePuremathrick: yeah i said that but this time my stationary refused to change ip-number. :-/20:07
jmlSMTPConnection.send_email accepts a MIMEMultipart object20:08
RumblePurelet me see if turning the modem off will convince it otherwise.20:08
RumblePureso i'll probably go offline and crawl my way back up. :-/ but lemme first do the checkout so i can proceed if the ip is modified.20:08
RumblePureok i'll go offline now and be back.20:09
cyberswatI'm trying to process the output of bzr log and retrieve all information on a specific user ... is there a known method for doing this?20:15
RumblePuremathrick: ip-number wont change. BASTARD! :-/ You know how I can change the interface's mac address? I'm convince that would give me a brand new ip-number.20:18
mathrickRumblePure: linux?20:18
RumblePuremathrick: yes dont bark at me I'm doing a google-search right now. :-)20:18
mathrickam not barking, just asking20:18
dashcyberswat: bzr-xmloutput might be handy if you want to parse it from another program20:19
RumblePuremathrick: I was kidding, but that's the normal comment you get on irc: "google" :)20:19
mathrickRumblePure: ifdown eth0; ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:01:02:03:04:0520:20
mathrickI think20:20
cyberswatdash: thanks .. we are looking for a quick report so it looks like output to a text file and then grep will get us there for a short term fix20:20
RumblePureok, i'm going down again and will reappear.20:20
mathricks/eth0/proper iface name/ of course20:20
RumblePure_mathrick: I've got the new ip-number, so I'll proceed now.20:32
RumblePure_mathrick: Just what's a bit spooky is I've got the modified mac-address even after reboot. :-/20:32
RumblePure_mathrick: Problem/bug reproduced!20:35
* RumblePure is testing on laptop.20:35
RumblePuremathrick: Ok, one thing that I remembered to do is to do a bzr commit --strict without modifying branch.conf. I've always done this accidentally before realising that the conf-file must be changed.20:36
RumblePuremathrick: So then I modified branch.conf and then did bzr commit --strict, and now I get this error:20:36
RumblePuremathrick: I get this error: http://pastebin.com/9szZAAnL20:37
mathrickrumblePure: okay, lemme try to reproduce it, and in the meantime please zip up both branches, and the command history20:39
RumblePuremathrick: so you think somethings is wrong here?20:39
RumblePuremathrick: gimme an e-mail address.20:40
mathrickrumblePure: if you could reproduce it, then something is going wrong20:41
mathrickthough I just tested with local bound branches, and it works fine even after I change the location20:42
* mathrick checks with his checking out off his desktop machine20:42
RumblePure_remember, I get a new ip on stationary and change branch.conf on laptop.20:43
* RumblePure_ is writing down command history20:43
mathrickrumblePure: btw, you should be able to use avahi to get symbolic names for the machines automatically, so that you don't need to edit IPs20:43
mathrickrumblePure: it should be available in ~/.bash_history20:43
RumblePure_mathrick: what's your e-mail?20:56
mathrickrumblePure: I sent it to rumblePure in /msg20:56
RumblePure_mathrick: you should have it now.20:58
mathricklemme try recreating this20:59
RumblePure_mathrick: now, would you please let me know how I can get my old mac-address back? :(20:59
mathrickRumblePure_: it should be back after reboot normally, I dunno why it preserves it. What's your distro?20:59
* mathrick senses some redhat madness20:59
RumblePure_mathrick: this is how God screws around with me; whatever small amount of time of my free time I can spare for my project gets consumed by problems with stuff like revision control. :'-(21:00
RumblePure_mathrick: I use Kubuntu (no surprise there). :)21:01
mathrickmaybe you were being naughty21:01
RumblePure_mathrick: i dont drink. i dont smoke. i dont do drugs. i dont even have a girl.21:01
mathrickRumblePure_: also I think setting 00:00:00:00:00:00 as the mac restores the default, but lemme check21:01
mathrickRumblePure_: consider starting smoking, drinking, drugs and girls then :)21:01
RumblePure_mathrick: yeah, just to balance things out. LOL! ;)21:02
RumblePure_mathrick: oki you got my e-mail and I'll hang around. Now I'll start working on my project if no one minds. :-/21:03
mathrickRumblePure_: sure, I just recommend branching the last revision of your laptop branch and working on that without committing to the stationary yet21:05
mathrickyou'll avoid dealing with the conflicts this way21:05
mathrickRumblePure_: btw, lshw -class net will show you what should be original MAC addresses21:06
RumblePure_mathrick: ok will use lshw -class later.21:06
RumblePure_mathrick: Regarding the file that was screwing around, I fixed it with brute force. It didnt have many issues (not many "<<<<<< TREE") so it was ok.21:08
RumblePure_But mathrick, I've got something else weird to report.21:08
RumblePure_This problem that arises, that bzr says there are conflict problems with some file when compared to main branch after changing ip-number... it _always_ happens only for a single file!21:09
RumblePure_I just checked other files that I had been working on on my laptop. They are prime and good.21:09
mathrickRumblePure_: okay, this is very weird, I did more or less the same and it works just fine21:11
mathrickonly thing is that I didn't change the IP but the symbolic host name21:11
mathrickRumblePure_: what does bzr --version say?21:11
RumblePure_2.0.2 ...........21:12
RumblePure_what version do you have?21:12
mathrickRumblePure_: okay, please paste the output bzr plugins -v21:12
mathrick2.1.0 here21:12
RumblePure_why won't mine update? I've got repositories.21:13
RumblePure_Oh wait, maybe I'm using ubuntu's repositories.....21:13
mathrick2.1.0 is not in the main archive I believe21:13
RumblePure_2.1.0 is not stable?21:13
mathrickanyway, that's beside the point, if it's always one file, I suspect there are external factors at play21:13
mathrickit is, but that doesn't mean it'll be pushed to released versions' repositories21:13
mathrickand the bzr distribution in ubuntu has changed recently, I'm confused about the exact details21:14
mathrick2.0.2 is recent enough, I'm more interested in the plugins you run now21:14
mathrickbecause something is clearly touching a single file21:14
mathrickRumblePure_: and it happened in test.php as well you say, in the test repo?21:15
RumblePure_I've not played around with plugins to my knowledge.21:15
RumblePure_yes, test.php21:15
RumblePure_and in my main project repo, it happens to a specific file.21:15
mathrickhmm, nothing suspicious21:15
* mathrick moves to looking at the zipped repos21:16
mathrickthat might take some time21:16
RumblePure_mathrick: but you didn't change the ip-number. couldn't be that?21:16
mathrickRumblePure_: it's very odd, since nothing of this sort happens here21:16
mathrickRumblePure_: I changed the hostname21:16
RumblePure_mathrick: change the ip!21:16
mathrickthat should be enough, if it's triggered by the remote host's name21:16
mathrickwill try that later21:17
RumblePure_mathrick: well maybe it fetches the ip number in the end and somehow uses that (for hashing or such).21:17
RumblePure_mathrick: maybe changing hostname doesnt matter because it does something to ip on some lower level.21:17
mathrickit still shouldn't affect anything21:17
RumblePure_but this problem should not arise in the first place! so what difference does it make that it _shouldn't_ affect anything?21:18
RumblePure_this is a bug, so all bets are off! :)21:18
RumblePure_for instance, maybe somewhere in the source code some other subroutine is used when connecting via ip-number and that subroutine is faulty. It is far fedged I know but possible.21:19
mathrickRumblePure_: the zips you have sent me have a terribly unusual directory structure. I suspect that might not be unrelated21:20
RumblePure_mathrick: it's a test-directory, containing a test.php and the .bzr.21:21
RumblePure_mathrick: and you say my faulty use of faulty directory structure causes this problem arise, but only if I change the ip-number?21:22
mathrickRumblePure_: and the zip has paths like ../../../../../../home/21:22
mathrickRumblePure_: I'm saying there's something fishy, and I can't extract these zips21:22
RumblePure_mathrick: euh, where do you see that cause I cant recall that?21:22
mathrickbranch_on_laptop.zip you sent me21:22
RumblePure_mathrick: what's wrong?21:22
RumblePure_RumblePure: let me package them again.21:22
mathrickfor instance21:23
mathrickthat's from the stationary21:23
RumblePure_mathrick: where do you see that in the zip? in what file?21:23
mathrickno idea what happened here, but it's not normal21:23
mathrickin both zips you sent me21:23
mathrickthere's a single directory called ".." at the toplevel of the file21:23
mathrickin it is a single directory called ".."21:23
RumblePure_mathrick: making tar.gz now21:25
RumblePure_mathrick: there, you should have two tar.gz files now.21:26
mathrickRumblePure_: it has the same paths, how are you creating them?21:27
RumblePure_i use the gui in kubuntu.21:27
nitianwhen i do bzr merge i get : bzr: ERROR: No location specified or remembered ?21:27
RumblePure_let me do command-style21:28
mathrickRumblePure_: it's okay, I can extract them21:29
mathrickit's just odd21:29
RumblePure_mathrick: I can run tar from bash to get you the tar.gz files if you want me to.21:29
mathricknitian: you have to say bzr merge bzr://some.brach/or/another/21:29
mathrickthe first time anyway, it will remember it for subsequent uses21:30
mathrickRumblePure_: nah, it's okay21:30
RumblePure_ok, now let me see if I can get some darn work done here. :(21:31
mathrickRumblePure_: out of curiosity, could you please run `bzr status .directory' in any of your branches?21:31
RumblePure_not to say it hasn't been fun tracking this problem/bug down. :) Cause it has really been auhm, educating. :)21:31
RumblePure_mathrick: oh oh, I forgot about that.21:32
RumblePure_my distro keeps creating these .directory files in every directory.21:32
mathrickyes, it's KDE doing that21:32
mathrickand bzr --strict doesn't complain about it?21:32
RumblePure_On my main project, I tell bzr to disregard from .foo.bar files21:32
RumblePure_mathrick: euh, why should it complain when it was added to the branch from start?21:33
RumblePure_now i dont have the konsole open to check, but if the .directory was there from start and i did bzr init & bzr add then the file would have been added.21:34
mathrickit doesn't add .dotfiles by default I believe21:34
RumblePure_are you sure? cause if it doesn't then you got that file by misstake only. then please disregard from it21:34
RumblePure_but oh ok i'll do bzr status21:34
mathrickRumblePure_: okay, I have absolutely no idea how you got there, but that history graph is NOT right21:34
RumblePure_mathrick: ....... what history graph?21:35
mathrickof your branches21:35
mathrickboth of them show rev 2 as a merge, and basically neither has the original changes in the mainline history21:35
RumblePure_still dunno what you're talking about.21:35
mathrickthat's wrong21:35
nitianmathrick: would this work too: bzr merge lp:something21:35
mathrickRumblePure_: bzr log stationary21:35
mathricknitian: yes, and branch spec will work21:36
mathrickincluding plain directory paths and whatever else you might have registered21:36
nitianmathrick: where there is a : bzr branch lp:something21:36
* mathrick has colo:origin/trunk for instance21:36
RumblePure_mathrick: bzr log > http://pastebin.com/RUqzvwtA21:37
nitianmathrick: ok.what is a branch spec? :)21:37
mathrickRumblePure_: oh, I know, I was telling you what history graph. Re-run the same command with -n0 added21:37
mathricknotice the indented revisions21:37
mathrickdoes it look familiar?21:37
mathricknow notice how neither branch has them non-indented, as if both merged from the other21:38
mathrickI don't understand how you got there21:38
RumblePure_mathrick: just look at the dango commands i sent ya21:39
mathricknitian: anything bzr understands to be a location of a branch. That includes http://, bzr://, /path/to/dir, lp:something, and whatever else plugins might register21:39
mathrickRumblePure_: that's what I'm doing sir21:39
nitianmathrick: ok. thanks :)21:39
mathrickit doesn't make it any less baffling21:39
RumblePure_mathrick: look, if it hasn't crossed your attention by now then yes, I'm a newb with capital letters. But I've sent you step by step instr on what I've done to end up here. You're the expert so you tell me what's causing this.21:40
RumblePure_mathrick: and if there is anything else I can do then tell me and it will be done.21:41
mathrickRumblePure_: I know you're a newb, and I'm trying to explain the problem to you so you have a clue too. Just because I have used bzr for some time doesn't mean that graph starts making sense or that I see how it could result from the commands you ran21:41
mathrickbasically, what you got is impossible21:41
mathrickor should be21:42
RumblePure_mathrick: well don't overlook this simple observation that has been made: something freaky happens when I change ip!21:42
mathrickokay, so this is how the UI for checkouts works apparently. I can't say it's in any way intuitive or sensible21:44
* mathrick notes to file a bug later21:44
RumblePure_mathrick: yes, because I just did checkout and commit to/from laptop without changing ip-number and the indentation remains.21:48
RumblePure_so that is working as they feel it should.21:48
RumblePure_on both branches it simply stattes that revno 2 was a merge back to stationary. this makes sense to me, and I'm a newb... so you're just making it too complicated. :)21:48
RumblePure_mathrick: did you test changing ip-number? 'cause I really cant think of anything else that's causing this bug.21:50
mathrickdoing that now21:51
rhkfincommit - push - uncommit - undo changes - how do I now push the 'uncommit' to the push-repo??21:55
mathrickyou don21:55
mathrickwell, not directly21:55
mathrickperhaps push would establish a new tree tip, but anything with the deleted revision as the parent would continue to derive from it21:56
mathrickin general, once you publish thing, unpublishing them is Hard™21:56
dashworst case, you can use push --overwrite21:56
rhkfinSo locally I'm now one version 'behind'..21:57
ManganeezIf you have shell access, you can go uncommit in the push-repo.21:57
rhkfinCan I pull the rev, make new changes and make new commit?21:57
rhkfinManganeez: no shepp access.. Launchpad :/21:57
dashremember that doing this is basically rewriting history, so you're breaking compatibility with any other branches21:57
rhkfinmathrick: ok, so you always want to think before pushing..21:57
rhkfindash: push --overwrite, will check what it does..21:58
rhkfindash: hmm.. that's not what I want..21:58
rhkfincompatibility needs to be stored..21:58
mathrickRumblePure_: one question, when you commit from laptop without strict, do you have any uncommitted changes, or is that on a clean tree with everything previously recorded by commit --local?21:58
lifelessrhkfin: push --overwrite21:59
rhkfinSo if I now push to a new repo, things will work and be compatible with other branches??21:59
lifelessis what you need to do21:59
RumblePure_mathrick: you mean "without local", right?21:59
mathrickRumblePure_: yes21:59
mathrickrhkfin: define "compatible"?21:59
RumblePure_mathrick: no I don't have any uncommitted changes.22:00
ManganeezI wanted to ask for advice on the best way to track a vendor subversion repository while maintaining my own local changes separately. Specifically, I want to track Wordpress, including being able to switch to a new version tag when one is created (as easily as possible), while committing my own customizations (which will never be pushed upstream) locally using bzr.22:00
mathrickif anyone has branched / pulled the deleted repo, no, it will be incompatible22:00
RumblePure_mathrick: everything has been committed.22:00
mathrickRumblePure_: ok22:00
RumblePure_mathrick: but remember that this is irrelevant if ip-number hasn't changed. because then it will work even if nothing has been modified since last local commit.22:00
rhkfinmathrick: hmm.. I'll see..22:01
RumblePure_mathrick: sorry for naging about the ip-numbers, just wanna point that out. :922:01
mathrickI know, I know22:01
mathrickI have changed the I22:01
mathrickIP even22:01
mathrickManganeez: bzr-colo with an origin/trunk branch might be a useful setup22:01
RumblePure_mathrick: ... and......22:01
mathrickManganeez: but really, any branch should work if you don't ever want to push upstream. Bzr-svn is careful to assign reproducible revids22:02
rhkfinmathrick: can I bzr pull http://pushedrepo (as it's now one version ahead?), then manually undo my last changes and make new commits & push, and compatibility with other pulled repos is maintained?22:02
rhkfinextra commits are no problem22:02
mathrickrhkfin: no, the compatibility will never be maintained once you back out an already published revision22:03
mathrickit's impossible to do22:03
dashrhkfin: if you want to undo a revision, you don't use uncommit, you use merge to back out the changes then commit that22:03
mathrickif anyone has grabbed that repo, they will need to remove it manually22:03
rhkfinok, I'll see if anyone already pulled the repo..22:03
mathrickrhkfin: but look at what dash says, because it looks like what you want to do really22:04
dashrhkfin: no need, just do it the sensible way :)22:04
dashrhkfin: "bzr merge -r-2..-1 ."22:04
dashthis will apply the changs needed to undo the last revision22:04
rhkfindash: ok, I see..22:04
dashrhkfin: so you just check that in22:04
dashrhkfin: 'uncommit' is different, because it removes the commit from the branch entirely; this way just creates a new revision that undoes an old one.22:05
rhkfindash: I see now.. thanks for pointing that out22:05
dashuncommit is handy for a local branch where you committed earlier than you meant to.22:05
Manganeezdash: only branches created between the commit and uncommit would be affected, right?22:05
dashbut if the change has been shared, you can't really unshare it :)22:06
mathrickManganeez: FSVO "only"22:09
rhkfinon merge text conflict I solve it manually, right22:11
Manganeezso, on the subversion thing: I'd like something as close to this as possible: Checkout/branch svn-repo/tags/2.9.2; repeat: (make local customizations; bzr commit); New upstream ver! Switch to svn-repo/tags/2.10.0 (and merge?); bzr commit? repeat: (more local customizations; bzr commit). What's the easiest scenario?22:12
mathrickManganeez: bzr branch svn://repo/tags/2.9.2; ...; bzr merge --remember svn://repo/tags/2.10.022:13
mathrickas far as I know, it should Just Work™22:14
ManganeezEven better: I'd really like to have a centralized bzr repo for my customization (there are more than one of us working on it)22:14
mathrickManganeez: then you do the same, except you also have a cetralised branch that tracks upstream :)22:14
Manganeezmathrick: thanks a heap - I hadn't seen --remember before....reading about it22:14
ManganeezOh, remember does almost nothing: the "just works" comes for free even without that, it seems22:17
Manganeezwow - maybe I just messed up when I tried it. Retesting22:17
mathrickRumblePure_: okay, I can't reproduce it. I'll have to direct you to more experienced bzr folks. lifeless seems to be awake, FWIW :)22:17
nitianmathrick: if i stop(ctrl-c) a merge activity while it is running merge, would there be any problems?22:21
Manganeezmathrick: the svn urls can be just http for subversion, correct? Sorry, I'm still in n00b-mode on bzr-svn22:21
mathricknitian: if C-c ever breaks things, it's a bug and needs to be reported22:21
mathrickall bzr does is supposed to be atomic22:21
mathrickManganeez: yes22:21
nitianmathrick: ok! so i could do bzr merge lp:something tomorow as well! actually i have to go ! and merge is taking lot of time. :)22:22
rhkfinmathrick: dash thanks for your help, I think I got it now solved :)22:22
mathricknitian: that's some big trees you have there then22:22
nitiannitian: and/or slow b/w! ;)22:23
nitianmathrick: and/or slow b/w! ;)22:23
ManganeezIs there a way to branch from an svn repo without the *full* history? I don't need the details on individual vendor commits.22:24
RumblePuremathrick: do we give up for today? I'll update bzr later to see if the problem persists.22:26
mathrickRumblePure_: yes, though you really need to grab someone more versed in bzr. It's beyond my ability to debug22:26
mathrickManganeez: no22:26
mathrickit's a commonly requested feature, but it's not trivial22:26
Manganeezyea, I can visualize how that might not be so easy22:27
mathrickso it hasn't been implemented yet22:27
RumblePuremathrick: ok. thx for all your time & help today.22:27
Manganeezditto on the thx to mathrick22:27
lifelessManganeez: RumblePure: whats wrong ?22:28
mathrickno problem22:28
RumblePurelifeless: Manganeez is not involved22:28
lifelessManganeez: sorry! I meant mathrick.22:29
mathricklifeless: RumblePure_ has been running into a bug where bzr up on a checkout causes conflicts with the bound branch, even though only commits on the checkout have happened22:29
RumblePurelifeless: gimme your e-mail address and you'll have something that describes it all22:29
lifelesswhat version of bzr are you using ? We recently changed the algorithm bzr uses for update22:30
RumblePurelifeless: 2.0.222:30
lifelessget 2.1.0 or newer22:30
lifeless* ``bzr update`` performs the two merges in a more logical order and will stop22:30
lifeless  when it encounters conflicts.22:30
lifeless  (Gerard Krol, #113809)22:30
lifelessis included in 2.1.022:31
RumblePurelifeless: did mathrick tell you that this only happens when the ip-number of the host keeping the main branch changes?22:31
mathricklifeless: how come it encounters conflicts in the first place?22:31
mathricklifeless: and while we're at it, why does update do merges at all? That makes no sense, it should fast-forward whenever possible22:32
lifelessmathrick: well, its persumably a bug; the question is whether we have already fixed it.22:32
lifelessmathrick: as for why it does merges, any time you integrate code its a merge22:32
lifelessRumblePure: does the old ip stop serving ?22:32
lifelessRumblePure: or are you using a CNAME or something ?22:32
RumblePurelifeless: ? the ip of the stationary that keeps main branch is dynamic, so it changes. and on laptop i have to modify branch.conf22:33
lifelessanyhow, the first thing to do is to check bzr 2.1.0 on th client22:33
mathricklifeless: but it hides revisions. What it does is turn purely linear history on a single branch into merges just because I happened to make some commits while disconnected22:33
mathrickthat's makes no sense at all22:33
RumblePurelifeless: I wanna use this repository https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive. you know what i have to write in sources.list? I've got ubuntu karmic.22:34
mathrickeven the need to update is not clear, it should just push22:34
lifelessmathrick: it will still be linear if no one committed to trunk22:34
lifelessmathrick: it will however roll up your commits, because thats what you're asking it to do22:34
lifelessmathrick: what bzr version are you using ?22:34
lifelessRumblePure: on the web page you linked are instructions22:35
mathricklifeless: how am I asking it to roll up?22:35
mathrickah, you mean by commit instead of push?22:35
lifelessmathrick: and do you also get spurious conflicts ?22:35
lifelessmathrick: yes, precisely.22:35
mathrickI couldn't get any conflicts whatsoever22:35
mathricklifeless: presumably that's a UI bug and it should somehow suggest using push instead22:37
mathrickTBH, I haven't even thought of using commit for that before, but I can see where that came from22:38
nitianmathrick: would you please have a look here: http://pastebin.com/vQSkSht022:39
mathricknitian: bzr info ~/proj says what about the format?22:41
nitianmathrick: format: 2a22:46
mathricknitian: then the lp:something branch is old. I dunno how upgrading on lp works22:46
nitianmathrick: how can i change the default push branch of bzr, it is showing something i had made while learning bzr. Related branches:     push branch: bzr+ssh://nazi@bazaar.launchpad.net/~nazia/%2Bjunk/myproject/22:48
mathricknitian: sure, --remember22:49
nitianmathrick: whereas it should be bzr push lp:~nazia/something/myproject22:49
mathricknitian: bzr push --remember lp:~nazia/something/myproject22:50
nitianmathrick: ok! :)22:50
nitianmathrick: changed. thanks.22:51
* Manganeez is confused22:56
Manganeezbzr branch http://core.svn.wordpress.org/tags/2.7.1/ ; Make a comment change in one file for testing; bzr commit; bzr merge http://core.svn.wordpress.org/tags/2.8/; 41 conflicts in files I did not touch.22:57
rhkfinAny idea why bzr push sftp://me@my.web.server only creates new folderbut with no data files in it, only .bzr folder22:57
Manganeezrhkfin: push doesn't do an update22:58
mathrickrhkfin: bzr help push22:58
mathrickfirst paragraph22:58
rhkfingreat, thanks :)22:58
mathrickManganeez: hard to say, but might be because they were backporting changes23:00
rhkfinOK, interesting.. so what's the way to get the folder populated? THe server doesn't have bzr installed...23:00
mathrickManganeez: svn doesn't exactly have robust merges, which ripples as you try to slurp from it...23:00
mathrickrhkfin: there are plugins, such as push-and-update or rsync23:01
mathrickbrowse the plugins listing on the website23:01
rhkfinbzr plugins, c00l :)23:01
rhkfinok, thanks!23:01
ManganeezI think push-and-update requires bzr installed on the server, because it just ssh's in an runs bzr update for you23:02
rhkfinok, so it'll not work..23:02

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