=== joey is now known as Guest81829 [21:45] morning [21:48] sooo.... staging update? [21:54] mwhudson: thumper: - seeking an opinion. Is bug 562931 worth having as a separate bug [doing the API side and web display without doing web attaching], or would you necessarily do the whole enchilada at once? [21:54] Bug #562931: attachments in merge proposals [21:54] lifeless: yes I think it is worth it [21:54] lifeless: sorry, not enough coffee yet [21:54] lifeless: well... [21:55] lifeless: two bugs I think [21:56] would you like me to undup and clarify, or will you ? [22:04] thumper: ^ [22:05] lifeless: you can :) [22:08] what happens to attachments on emails sent to merge reviews, at the moment? [22:09] thumper: what importance do you want on it? the 'attachments via web' bug has high [22:09] they should both probably be medium