
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
DanaGnice... the kernel on my beagleboard just segfaulted.05:15
* DanaG wishes there were a board that had a superset of "openrd-base" and "openrd-client".05:17
DanaGBase doesn't have many USB ports, but client doesn't have PCIe slot.05:17
persiaWhat we need is some good way to share open board layouts, and a contract assembly plant with quick turnaround.05:18
DanaGThe openrd-client would be perfect if not for that stupid onboard XGI.05:21
DanaGWith a PCIe slot, instead, we could stick an ATI card in there and have arm eyefinity. =þ05:22
persiaOr just add a USB hub to openrd-base05:27
DanaGDoes the client use a hub, or 4 real separate ports?  I'm not quite sure how that works.05:36
DanaGEven on an ordinary x86 system... is there any difference between 4 ports off the root, versus 4 ports on a hub off one root port?05:37
DanaGBase also doesn't have audio, rs485 (not that I'd know what to do with it), or the second GbE connector.05:38
persiaAudio is trivial: use USB.05:40
persiaI'm not sure of the implementation, but I suspect it's an internal hub, rather than real separate ports.05:40
persiaExcept for drives, this doesn't typically matter all that much.05:40
DanaGhmm, I wonder which would have better quality... onboard, or USB?  I doubt many SOCs have 24/96 abilities. =þ05:41
DanaGhmm, looking at the block diagram, it does look like merely an onboard hub.05:44
persiaThat's common.  It's a cheap component, and adds perceived value to a board if there's leftover space.05:46
DanaGalso weird... base block-diagram shows only esata... yet manual shows an onboard sata as well.05:46
persiaReal ports typically have to be in the SoC directly, so it's rare to not get the same number on every board for a given SoC.05:46
persia(well, some boards trim them, but usually at least provide headers when they do)05:47
DanaGThe real bummer is the loss of that second GbE.05:47
persia"onboard sata" might be a USB-SATA interface on the board.05:47
* persia has heard of that on a few boards now05:47
DanaGnope, the block diagram in the openrd-base manual (pdf) shows sata-#1 internal and sata-#2 esata.05:48
persiaThat's just branding.  The difference between "SATA" and "eSATA" is the plug.05:49
DanaGheh, every time I see "OpenOCD", I think "Open Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder"05:49
persiaDoes it have a header, if it doesn't have a plug?05:49
DanaGopenrd-client block diagram on web site: 2 sata connectors (one internal, one external).  openrd-base on web page: 1 sata.  OpenRD-Base PDF: 2 sata.05:50
persiaHurrah for communication between the tech writers and the marketing dept.!05:50
DanaGOh, and a handy hint for win7: there are built-in "RNDIS-Compatible" drivers that work perfectly... and are signed.05:50
DanaGJust have to uncheck "show only compatible drivers".05:51
DanaGIt's likely they revised the product at some point, and forgot to update the web site.05:52
DanaGRevision log in the PDF shows only one version... so I wonder which is the current state: one port, or two?05:58
DanaGNetworkManager: <WARN>  wireless_get_range(): (wlan0): couldn't get driver range information (95).06:16
DanaGNetworkManager: <WARN>  constructor(): (wlan0): Device unsupported, ignoring.06:16
DanaGgrr, stupid networkmanager,06:20
DanaGwlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning.06:35
DanaGnice job, kernel.06:35
DanaG/boot/config-2.6.34-rc4-l0:# CONFIG_CFG80211_WEXT is not set06:42
DanaG/boot/config-2.6.33-500-omap:# CONFIG_CFG80211_WEXT is not set06:42
DanaGhmm, the omap kernels seem all screwed up to various degrees.06:52
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RoyKhi all. I'm thinking of using ubuntu on a Moxa box - is this likely to function well?13:27
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rcn-eeWhich Moxa box? (model #)13:40
RoyKerm - don't remember - I just found out ubuntu supports arm... it'll be a new model. don't they all use arm7?13:41
rcn-eenope..  always look closely, it looks like (moxa.com) is an xscale house which is old armv5 hardware, which would mean Jaunty only. (bring your own kernel off course)13:43
saeedasac: ping?14:28
philohi have a arm related but non ubuntu related question17:37
philocan someone confirm that "ldr <register> , = <expression>" is a valid opcode for gas ?17:37
=== TheWhiteGhost_ is now known as TheWhiteGhost
rcn-eeDanaG, i just enabled CONFIG_CFG80211_WEXT it'll be on my uploads..19:10
DanaGOh yeah, which time-zone are you in?19:11
rcn-eeus central..19:11
DanaGCool, thanks.19:31
DanaGDo you have a kernel somewhere that's compiled with musb_hdrc built-in and yet all the g_ether and such built as modules?19:31
rcn-eekinda...  I have too many Bx boards, so i don't build that way: but the config diff is located here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~beagleboard-kernel/%2Bjunk/2.6-stable/annotate/head:/patches/rcn/002-defconfig-disable_gadget_stuff.diff  just use that to change patches/lucid-defconfig in my 2.6-stable repo19:38
rcn-eeandruk, it seems to work: /dev/spidev3.0  /dev/spidev3.1  /dev/spidev4.019:41
* XorA|gone wonders why so many segfaults :-(20:09
XorA|gonercn-ee: is there any kernel config stuff you can think of that would make apt/dpkg segfault a lot?20:16
XorA|gonercn-ee: Angstrong is rock solid on this kernel20:16
rcn-eeyeap.. that sounds like the thumb erata..20:16
XorA|goneyou guys are using thumb?20:17
persiaXorA|gone: To test, does karmic run clean, and just lucid segfault (karmic was -marm)20:17
rcn-eemake sure: CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_430973=y is set...  lucid is thumb2...20:17
rcn-eeall r1pX cores such as the omap35x need it..20:18
XorA|gonercn-ee: ah cool, Angstrom ditched thumb as it was too unreliable with a lot of gcc/binutils mixes20:18
persiaOne of the luxuries of being able to specify the use of the native internal toolchain :)20:19
rcn-eeyeap, i know what you mean.. i started with angstrom too..  the ubuntu guys wanted to try it. ;)20:19
persiaIt's (mostly) working for us, after we ported a heap of apps.20:19
XorA|gonepersia: that doesnt help, we found many many glaring bugs in binutils20:20
persiaXorA|gone: Do you know if they have been fixed?  I know we carry some patches.20:20
XorA|goneI think they finally got fedup of us bitching though, recent ones work a whole lot better20:20
persiaIf not, that might be unfortunate.20:20
persiaI suspect that's the case (and thanks for the complaints :) )20:20
XorA|gonewe use Phil Blundel to do our nagging :-)20:21
XorA|goneanyway I am off to check my defconfig20:22
XorA|gonelucid working nice on zoom2 apart from segfaults though20:22
rcn-eethat sounds like the config... other then segfaulting most things will still run...20:24
rcn-eei ran into it in teh early alpha1-2 days since i was runing deb-pkg on top of fakeroot, and fakeroot was segfaulting..20:25
XorA|gonercn-ee: do you have all 3 erratas turned on?20:29
rcn-eeno, i haven't ran into needing 458693 or 460075 yet20:29
XorA|gonercn-ee: just found your defconfig20:30
rcn-eeCONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_430973: ARM errata: Stale prediction on replaced interworking branch20:30
rcn-eebasicly if you have thumb binary and arm binary running, something bad could happen..20:30
XorA|goneyeah I remember the discussion on linux-omap now20:31
XorA|goneI just forgot as we dont use thumb20:31
rcn-eeyeap, it only came into play with lucid..  but i had to go back and enable the option for all since my builders run squeeze and build all distro's in chroots...20:32
* XorA|gone feels lucky this compile isnt being done on the zoom2 :)20:35
rcn-eeit only takes 5ish hours with all modules.. ;)20:35
* XorA|gone curses and hunts who broke OE20:37
XorA|goneah my bad, I acked the patch :-)20:38
* XorA|gone notices ubuntu needs a rule in udev to link /dev/fb0 to /dev/fb20:49
persiaWhat unfixably depends on /dev/fb ?20:51
XorA|gonepersia: well you could patch xserver-video-omapfb (and omap3 version) to look properly20:52
persiaThat sounds less invasive (only affects the one bit that has issues).20:52
persiaDoes a patch exist?20:52
XorA|gonepersia: no, as we just create the link20:53
XorA|gonepersia: I will get tasked with that eventually by TI more than likely20:53
persiaheh, OK.20:53
persiaThe alternative would be to have the xserver-xorg-video-omapfb package install a udev rule, but that feels hacky.20:54
persia(on the other hand, it's probably faster)20:54
persiadh_installudev ought give you the hints to do that easily.20:54
persiaBut we should avoid patching udev, as folks on other platforms don't need/want the link.20:56
XorA|gonepersia: yeah, I see that21:01
XorA|goneI think the issue is the meanings on the fb's is kind of hardcoded into omap321:01
XorA|gonefb1 fb2 are the hardware overlays for video21:02
XorA|gonercn-ee: thanks, looking a lot better now21:06
rcn-eegood to hear XorA|gone21:07
XorA|gonejust two bugs to figure out on zoom2 and its usable21:08
rcn-eewhich two are left?21:08
XorA|gonetouchscreen is uncalibrated and keyboard is not working21:08
XorA|goneusb keyboard is working, so it must be something simple21:09
persiaDoes the driver provide a /dev/input/event interface?21:30
XorA|gonepersia: I think so, Im pretty sure its some minor issue, its working in poky and angstrom with xorg 1.8 with no patches21:39
persiaI'm just wondering if it's a side-effect of Ubuntu's attempts to not use xorg.conf21:40
persiaLots of stuff that works just fine needs tweaking to work in Ubuntu due to needing to fit into autodetection21:41
XorA|goneah crap, it could be a rule missing from hal/libudev so it doesnt ID it as a keyboard21:41
XorA|gonewe use autodetection as well21:41
persiaRight.  I thought I remembered ndec saying something about the zoom2 keyboard being a bit funny.21:41
XorA|goneI dont remeber us having a custom rule, but its possible we do21:42
* XorA|gone adds it to the list21:42
persiaOh, and in case you didn't notice, hal has been deeply stripped in Ubuntu as part of the efforts to make it go away entirely, so if you're depending on HAL behaviour, you mayfind it differs.21:42
XorA|gonepersia: there is a dev branch of Angstrom that is nearly totally hal gone, so we should be about the same level21:43
XorA|gonepersia: it will be some minor tweak Im sure21:44
persiaProbably.  Glad to hear that Angstrom is dropping HAL also: it always feels better to be part of the crowd :)21:44
XorA|goneIll be sure to post patches when I actually start coding on this21:44
XorA|goneBTW is there any plans to make Lucid initialise the OTG port on boot?21:46
persiaI doubt it.  Lucid is in final-freeze.21:46
persiaSo only RC stuff is getting pushed at this point.21:46
* XorA|gone is still a little upset at the EHCI port on his beagle burning out21:46
DanaGHmm, so will it end up still having that kernel oops (and segfault on reboot)?21:48
DanaGThat's what I get with the Lucid kernel on my beagle.21:48
persiaDanaG: Which bug #?21:48
DanaGerm, lemme' see if there is one.21:48
persiaI promise that if there's not a bug, there's no chance it will be changed for lucid :)21:49
DanaGWhat's the plan for officially installing the ubuntu kernel?  Will it have an equivalent of update-grub?21:51
persiaBut that's mostly because update-grub does a very different thing than is currently suitable21:52
persia(someone should port grub and fix this)21:52
DanaGHmm, bummer.  it'd be nice to have it auto-copy uimage to the fat16 partition.21:52
DanaGthat's what I meant.21:52
DanaGyeah, I guess that is way different from grub, after all.21:52
persiaDanaG: Well, flash-kernel can do some of that: it's designed to copy the kernel from /boot to somewhere else for devices that don't have decent bootloaders.21:52
XorA|gonehmm, zoom2 keyboard decides to work again21:53
persiaAnd I believe the kernel calls flash-kernel on postinst.21:53
persiaXorA|gone: heisenbug?21:53
DanaGI also figured out something interesting with my asix ethernet:21:54
XorA|gonepersia: maybe the driver went wrong due to that thumb issue21:54
DanaGThe thing that was making it not work on boot... was that I had "ethtool -s eth0 wol g" in rc.local.21:54
persiaAh, that might be it.21:54
DanaGApparently enabling WOL kills asix.21:54
XorA|goneso just touchscreen21:54
XorA|goneand the patch Angstrom has for that is not suitable upstream21:54
persiaWhat's the issue with touchscreen?21:54
XorA|goneI beleive it thinks its a touchpad, not a touchscreen21:55
XorA|gonebut its how to tell libudev how to properly identify them21:55
persiaOh, yeah.  The Netwalker has the same issue.21:55
persiaThe (hacky) solution in the netwalker was to just hint the synaptics driver when the device was discovered in HAL.21:56
persiaBut that's 9.04.21:56
persiaFor lucid, you might get away with the same trick in udev.21:56
XorA|gonekoen did a hack where if driver returns pressure use tslib21:56
persia(but better to fix properly, if one can)21:56
* XorA|gone will talk to hrw he had similar issues with bug which he might have fixed21:57
persiaThat's a plan :)21:57
XorA|gonenot as fast as that omap4 board, but speed isnt bad on the UI :)21:58
persiaEveryone fusses about speed, but really, unless you're doing something especially complex (like rendering multi-input graphic interfaces in realtime: e.g. web browsing), most stuff doens't really need a high-spec processor.22:02
DanaGwlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning.22:08
DanaGah. here's my oops: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap/+bug/56365022:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 563650 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "DSS2 oops when shutting down while DPMS is active (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Confirmed]22:11
persiaDanaG: OK.  That's been determined to not be release-critical: it's scheduled for a post-release update.22:12
persia(milestoned against lucid-updates)22:12
DanaGAh, the only other big thing is "iwlist s" not working -- probably due to WEXT being disabled.22:13
DanaG/boot/config-2.6.33-500-omap:# CONFIG_CFG80211_WEXT is not set22:13
XorA|goneDanaG: same ooops present on zoom222:13
DanaGNetworkManager: <WARN>  wireless_get_range(): (wlan0): couldn't get driver range information (95).22:15
DanaGNetworkManager: <WARN>  constructor(): (wlan0): Device unsupported, ignoring.22:15
XorA|gonewell thats me happy for tonight, thanks for the help guys22:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 566238 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu) "wlan0 "Interface doesn't support scanning." -- CONFIG_CFG80211_WEXT is not set (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]22:19

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