
=== \vish is now known as vish
vishdashua: kwwii hi , does this bug have any chance >  Bug #48720817:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 487208 in null "Make tooltips consistent with Ubuntu's look and feel" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48720817:33
vishor is that fixed..17:33
dashuavish, Ambiance/Radiance are using the new tooltips.19:59
vishdashua: the white on black tooltips?20:00
dashuaI think the color will be final20:00
dashuaTo match notify-osd20:00
dashuavish, Yeah20:00
dashuaIt's the new tooltip style20:00
vishdashua: ah righto , so if kwwii just comments on the bug and mark the bug fixed it would be great ;)20:01
dashuaYep :)20:01
domjohnsonWhen is the deadline for submitting artwork?20:39
domjohnsonAnd what dimensions should a wallpaper be?20:40
thorwildomjohnson: final release is scheduled for the 29th, so we're past all deadlines you might care for20:46
domjohnsonah...so there's no chance of submitting any artwork now, right?20:46
thorwildomjohnson: only for the release after Lucid. if you add to http://www.flickr.com/groups/ubuntu-artwork, it will most likely be considered in the next round20:47
thorwildomjohnson: regarding size: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/Backgrounds20:48
domjohnsonOk :)20:48
domjohnsonTHanks :)20:48
thorwildomjohnson: afaik flickr limits the size of images for free accounts quite drastically, but you can simply keep a large version ready in case your work gets selected20:50
thorwildomjohnson: seen this? http://www.ivankamajic.com/?p=35520:51
troy_sthorwil: Greets.20:54
thorwilhi troy_s20:55
thorwiltroy_s: today i realized that i want to have a combination of dropbox, etherpad and a wiki and a blog. this doesn't make me happy at all20:56
troy_sthorwil: Erm... may I ask why DropBox?20:59
domjohnsontroy_s - perhaps because Ubuntu One doesn't work with Windoze...21:00
thorwiltroy_s: that aspect is actually at the edge of the need-for-myself and want-for-collaboration21:00
troy_sthorwil: I hate to say it, but s3.21:00
troy_sthorwil: With s3 fuse21:00
troy_sthorwil: Or use s3fox etc.21:00
thorwilanyway, enough for the day, good night! :)21:02
domjohnsonhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/27860591@N06/4531746215/   << my first, regurtiated, go :)21:02

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