
peacethanks guys i go and get some info there00:00
phillwfor the commands you generally need, if you are already competent in those, I can get you more instructions. Do you want just a server, orto put a server onto a desktop system ?00:00
peaceanyway i seen something going on my ubuntu here00:00
peacewhen i go to youtube i don't have sound00:01
peaceis something missing00:01
peacei want to learn linux comand and do the RHCE OR Ubuntu certify00:01
peacei have a server for redhat i did setup with a friends help00:02
peacebut i like to start one from scrach on a vmware or alternative00:02
peaceto just practics00:03
peaceany sugestions how it's done or how to ??00:03
peacei was using windows 7  and fedora server on an old hp laptop00:04
peacei did host a website as well00:04
robbmunsonhmm.....nhandler, if you are here.....00:05
nhandlerHey robbmunson00:05
peacebut i like to get my hand dirty on doing things and get info00:05
peacer you there00:06
phillwpeace: yeah00:06
peacedid you understand what i's saying00:06
phillwpop on standard ubuntu desktop then do this ....00:06
phillwsoz for links to my notes, they're just easier for me to refer to00:08
peaceyeah that great but that all done on my laptop00:09
peacethe only problem on this is my dns00:09
peacehow to check if my dns is working properly00:09
phillwpeace: idk, i run lamp on my lappy dns stuff i leave to my net provider and the domains I have bought.00:11
peacephillw can you guide me in a way00:12
peacelet say i no nothing on ubuntu server instalation and configuration00:13
phillwpeace: I've had my laptop setup as a live system, it handled the tests okay.00:13
peacewhat should i do after installing a base system00:13
peacelet say i do the exams witch way to start better00:14
phillwpeace: nor did (or do) I ;-) Are you wanting to learn about it  ?00:14
peacei want to learn it in standard way00:15
peaceyou install base server and configure it from start to finish00:15
peaceinstall lamp00:15
peaceinstall ftp00:15
peaceinstall dns00:15
peaceconfigure lamp00:15
phillwpeace: my advice would be to put ubuntu Desktop on your system, then add LAMP. That way you will have access to the help of GUI00:16
peaceok i have it install00:16
peacehow  do i get help of gi00:16
phillwpeace: do lamp via http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=400:16
phillwthe GUI will enable you to use phpmyadmin for any MySQL stuff as you learn, puts on the Apache server etc.00:17
peaceyeah phillw you r right00:19
peacebut what i wanted is how to build servers configure services on ubuntu00:20
peacefor the moment as i like to do the exams for system adminitrator00:20
peaceok  guys00:22
peacegood night00:22
phillwpeace: for servers, if you really want to know about them, head over to http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=339  and read the stickies, it will take some time to read the one from bodhi :-)00:22
robbmunsonbodhi likes to be in depth00:23
robbmunsonbe back in a few00:23
peacesee you arround phillw thanks00:24
peacethanks budy00:24
peacethat's cool info for me00:24
peacei have  few days of reading from00:24
peaceso see you after00:24
peacei will miss you guzs00:24
peacei leanr and share here00:24
peacesee you all goodnight god bless00:25
robbmunsonphillw, I was "ragging" on you about your forum earlier...but wow bud, thats a lot of stuff you managed to do, bravo...00:38
phillwrobbmunson: and before any asks again, my logo has been okayed by the copy-right / trade mark team at Canonical ;-)01:01
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haywireWho might like to try helping me with printing to a shared printer on a windoze (Vista) machine?01:46
pedro3005haywire, the printer is connected to windows?01:47
haywireI tried Samba in xubuntu 9.10, and01:48
haywireit found the printer, (by name) but when I attempt to print to it from xubuntu, everything gets hung in the print spooler on the host machine.01:48
Shadowmancer21hey all03:07
Shadowmancer21need some help reinstalling grub03:07
Shadowmancer21I followed this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows though the issues is because ubuntu is installed on a partition03:08
Shadowmancer21it doesn't like me trying to reinstall ubuntu03:08
Shadowmancer21hmmm ... and i think i just realized the issue >.<03:09
Shadowmancerso i'm back03:22
Shadowmancerand i was wrong :(03:22
pedro3005Shadowmancer, what's up?03:23
Shadowmanceri just recently had to do a fresh install of win 703:23
Shadowmanceras per expected mbr was overwritten03:23
Shadowmancerso i had to reinstall grub03:23
Shadowmancercatch can only do it from command line (ubuntu live cd can't run my video card for some reason and i don't know the edits to xorg.conf to get it to work)03:24
Shadowmancerso no real problem with that03:24
Shadowmancerso i found this on the ubuntu help thing https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows and tried to follow it03:24
Shadowmanceri'm using 9.1003:24
Shadowmancerso i'm using grub 203:24
Shadowmancerso i followed the instructions and it complained a) it couldn't find a core.img file and b) its a partition not a hdd03:25
Shadowmancer21 sorry03:26
Shadowmancer21lost connection03:26
Shadowmancer21so yeah thats my issue03:26
Shadowmancer21i can't figure out where the files are meant to be03:26
Shadowmancer21i've tried auto supergrub disk03:26
Shadowmancer21that doesn't work03:26
Shadowmancer21and i'm out of ideas since i don't know much about how to set up grub03:26
Shadowmancer21hmmm any clues?03:28
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pedro3005Shadowmancer, oh sorry03:31
Shadowmancerits alright03:32
Shadowmanceri am just out of ideas03:32
Shadowmanceri don't want to go grub-install /dev/sda103:32
Shadowmancerbecause i don't know if it'll map ubuntu and everything properly03:33
Shadowmanceri don't know the default behaviour03:33
Shadowmanceri followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows but it doesn't mention what to do in the case of ubuntu being on a partition03:33
pedro3005Shadowmancer, what exactly did you try?03:34
Shadowmancermounted my ubuntu os03:34
Shadowmancerthen did03:34
Shadowmancersudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/ubuntu /dev/sdb503:35
Shadowmanceri had to create ubuntu since i only have access to terminal03:35
Shadowmancerand sdb5 is the petition of my ubuntu partition03:35
krhahnI am having a hard time installing the driver for a broadcom wireless card.  I have looked at a lot of different how-tos with no luck.  Any advice?03:36
Shadowmancermost broadcom cards i've found auto detect and it offers to get the restricted drivers03:37
Shadowmancerdoesn't it do that for you?03:37
pedro3005Shadowmancer, I think /media/ubuntu should be equal to /dev/sdb5/boot and not the root directory03:38
pedro3005fix that03:38
Shadowmancerhow do you mean?03:38
Shadowmancerdo you mean i should go03:38
pedro3005Shadowmancer, how did you mount /media/ubuntu?03:38
krhahnwhen I go to sys>admin>hrdwr drvr i get a message that says the driver could not be installed03:39
Shadowmancersudo mount /dev/sdb5 /media/ubuntu03:39
pedro3005krhahn, which device is it?03:39
pedro3005Shadowmancer, do this:03:39
pedro3005sudo umount /media/ubuntu03:39
pedro3005sudo mount /dev/sdb5/boot /media/ubuntu03:39
pedro3005sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/ubuntu /dev/sdb503:39
krhahnsudo unmount get a command not found03:40
pedro3005krhahn, it's "umount" and it wasn't directed at you :p03:41
pedro3005I asked which device you are trying to install03:41
Shadowmancerlol it can't find core.img03:42
Shadowmancerthats another error message i mentioned further up03:42
krhahnsorry... device is BCM4311 802.11b/g03:42
pedro3005Shadowmancer, my bad03:44
pedro3005let's try this03:44
pedro3005sudo umount /media/ubuntu03:44
pedro3005sudo mount /dev/sdb5/boot/grub /media/ubuntu03:44
pedro3005sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/ubuntu /dev/sdb503:44
Shadowmancercore.img isn't in there, i checked03:45
pedro3005it is here o.O03:46
Shadowmanceryeah i am confused as well03:46
Shadowmanceri got a ton of .mod files in there03:48
pedro3005me too03:48
Shadowmanceri can't check right now but its from memory03:48
Shadowmanceri was looking for core.img since if thats all grub was crying about i would give baby its bottle03:48
pedro3005Shadowmancer, try03:50
pedro3005ls /dev/sdb5/boot/grub | grep img03:50
Shadowmancerwouldn't ls *.img do the same thing?03:51
jfoozie420lol, i realize when im using firewire, windows has a super huge lag on it03:51
jfoozie420when i transfered a 5 gig file from one drive to the next it works like a dream on ubuntu03:51
pedro3005Shadowmancer, well, yeah, but I fail :/03:51
Shadowmanceryeah didn't find it when i tried that :P03:52
krhahnpedro3005, not sure if you saw this...  Not trying to be  a pain but thought i would re-send03:53
krhahn device is BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN03:53
pedro3005krhahn, oh sorry; i'll look03:53
pedro3005krhahn, your device is supported. try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:55
krhahnthanks...  I'll take a look03:56
krhahnpedro3005, i don't know if this matters but when I run sudo apt-get update i get a few error when loading the headers04:09
krhahnI ran through the steps on this link and still not able to actuvate the sta driver04:10
pedro3005krhahn, what errors?04:10
krhahnthere are some that reference not being able to access the cd...  that makes sense because there is no cd in the drive04:11
krhahnthe first error is04:12
krhahnW: GPG error :http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic release: the following signatures could not be verified becuase the public key is not available.04:13
pedro3005krhahn, what exactly did you do?04:14
krhahnlol...  I did the following04:14
krhahnsudo apt-get update04:15
krhahnsudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source04:15
krhahnthen tried to activate the sta driver in the sys>adm> hrdwr drvr04:16
krhahnthat's all i could see on the guide that seemed relevant to my problem04:16
krhahnKinda new to this04:16
pedro3005krhahn, paste everything update returns04:16
pedro3005!paste | krhahn04:17
Votebotkrhahn: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com04:17
pedro3005krhahn, give us the link04:18
pedro3005krhahn, can you do the same for "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"?04:21
krhahni get a No such file or directory04:22
pedro3005krhahn, are you sure you typed it correctly? copy & paste04:23
frank1someone please help!! swoody was helping me the other night but was only able to do half the work. now my system wont boot04:25
krhahni'm wokring on two machines...  I could get the file from the file manager it's pasted on http://paste.ubuntu.com/416439/04:26
pedro3005krhahn, comment the first line04:26
pedro3005sudo apt-get update04:27
krhahnsorry...  How do i place a comment04:27
pedro3005krhahn, put a # at the beginning of the line04:27
krhahnthanks...  just the first line? do i have to break the comment anywhere?04:28
robbmunsonkrhahn, no, just put a #04:31
krhahnit won't let me save changes to the file when I open with gedit04:32
robbmunson# is a single line comment, commonly used in programming, and understood by many programs as such...04:32
robbmunsonkrhahn, gksudo /etc/apt/sources.list04:32
robbmunsonthen try again :)04:32
robbmunson^ this should be run in a terminal04:32
VotebotThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:32
robbmunsonbe back in a few...pedro if you wanna slide back in be my guest, im bouncing back and forth.04:33
krhahnI can't get the sources.file to open with administrative privileges. Is there something I am missing?  I have typed: gksudo /etc/apt/sources.list in terminal and it runs for a couple of seconds then...  nothing04:47
pedro3005krhahn, it's gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:48
pedro3005don't forget the gedit04:48
krhahnoh...  that wan't in the message originally...  thanks04:48
pedro3005bad robbmunson :p04:49
robbmunsonpedro3005, I owe you one man!04:50
pedro3005robbmunson, no worries :)04:51
* robbmunson was kinda rushed to go do something :)04:51
krhahnthanks you both for all of your help... fingers crossed04:51
pedro3005robbmunson, now write it a hundred times by sun rise or I'll have your balls cut off :P04:51
robbmunsonpedro3005, .......04:52
pedro3005robbmunson, oh come on, it's monty python!04:52
frank1actually i think you should make him bring you a shrubbery04:53
robbmunsonwell, at least my command wouldnt have killed your system krhahn...thats the good part about my mess up, bad thing is...I knew better, I used to be one of those guys ^04:53
frank1anyone think they can fix someone elses wrongdoings?04:54
robbmunsonfrank1, hmm....guidance wise or what?04:54
frank1nah technical computer stuff thats over my head04:54
frank1way over my head04:55
krhahnpedro3005 and robbmunson: still no go...04:55
krhahnwait...  typo04:55
krhahnNo...  Still getting the same GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic release04:57
robbmunsonkrhahn, what was the EXACT error again?04:58
pedro3005krhahn, paste the file again04:59
pedro3005cat /etc/apt/sources.list04:59
pedro3005robbmunson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/416436/04:59
* robbmunson is really getting annoyed at not being able to solve this.....04:59
krhahnI have been working on this for three days so i know how you feel05:02
pedro3005krhahn, and the output of "sudo apt-get update"?05:02
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pedro3005krhahn, it's bcmwl-kernel-source05:07
pedro3005you misspelled it05:07
krhahn1I just logged into this this chat on the computer in question so i can copy and paste05:07
krhahn1I wil ltry again05:07
krhahn1do i need to re-boot for any changes to take effect?05:13
pedro3005krhahn, probably not05:13
robbmunsonkrhahn, probably not but it would not hurt.05:13
pedro3005well, if it is WIFI, perhaps05:13
pedro3005"Note: A computer restart may be required before using the wifi card. "05:14
krhahn1okay...  let me try that05:14
robbmunsonThe veteran still knows a thing or two?05:17
krhahn1Hi guys:05:17
robbmunsonkrhahn, did it work?05:17
krhahn1I re-booted and I still can not get the drivers to install05:17
pedro3005krhahn, means you can't find it at the hardware drivers?05:18
krhahn1I see the driver but it won't load05:19
pedro3005krhahn, try this05:19
pedro3005sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter05:19
krhahn1did that before...  says "already newest version"05:21
krhahn1would you like to see a screen shot of the error message I am getting?05:25
pedro3005krhahn, sorry05:31
pedro3005no, no need for a screen shot05:31
pedro3005krhahn, and you are sure it is not working?05:31
krhahn1yes...  when i click on the network in the task bar (upper right) it shows the wireless connection but says disabled05:33
pedro3005krhahn, what's the output of iwconfig?05:33
robbmunson"no wireless extensions." means we have some minor issues...just a little hint....05:34
krhahn1http://paste.ubuntu.com/416460/  yes...  no wireless extensions05:34
* robbmunson is using a computer without wireless...and thats a true statement for me because I dont need it...05:34
robbmunsonbut, obviously you do.05:35
krhahn1i do05:35
robbmunsonkrhahn, not a problem though!05:35
robbmunsoncan you pastebin the output of "iwconfig" for us?05:37
robbmunson(without anything behind it)05:37
krhahn1i did http://paste.ubuntu.com/416460/05:38
krhahn1what do you mean by nothing behind it?05:38
* robbmunson is sorry...man I need sleep :P05:38
krhahn1okay... me too05:38
robbmunsonkrhahn, nevermind you did just that for it ;)05:38
krhahn1do you think we are close?05:38
robbmunsonwe are so close I can smell it and it smells like bacon (a bit of a linux joke)05:39
krhahn1I like bacon!05:39
krhahn1be right back05:43
* robbmunson has a confession to make....05:43
* robbmunson is reading the man pages...and im officially lost05:43
pedro3005sorry to leave you, but I'm craving some sleep05:44
krhahn1Should I try to pick this back up tomorrow?05:44
pedro3005krhahn, I wish you good luck; be back on tomorrow if you need05:45
robbmunsonkrhahn, im gonna go dig some stuff up...im not gonna leave it till I get it right man...I dont leave things half finished ;)05:45
krhahn1thanks pedro300505:45
pedro3005robbmunson, I can take a hint05:45
krhahn1thanks  robbmunson05:46
krhahn1pedro3005 i'm tired too so feel free to go if you need to.  I appreciate all of your help!05:47
robbmunsonkrhahn, sure bud...since you at least have 1 computer with internet...05:47
krhahn1okay...  Is there a time that is good to log in?05:48
krhahn1Like after 6:00 eastern?05:49
robbmunsonkrhahn, any of us can help you at any time bud...i mean I am so sporadic in my logins that I may not even log in tomorrow (I will try like heck to though, I have a birthday party to attend)05:50
krhahn1Okay...  Thanks for your help.  Is there something i should say when I ask for help so I don't waste a lot of someone's time re-hashing what we did tonight?05:51
krhahn1Is there a log I can refer someone too?05:52
robbmunsonkrhahn, you might have to re-establish to them our talks, tell them that you are having wireless network issues trying to connect to your own network.05:54
krhahn1thanks...  Will do.05:55
krhahn1Good night05:55
robbmunsontell them its wlan0 that you need the command to point to.. (I would have it right off..but im exhausted)05:55
nomnexhelp with Jabber accounts on empathy06:35
nomnexCan I have a Google account, can I connect Jabber accounts with it on empathy? how06:36
nomnexnobody uses empathy around here?06:41
Akosnomnex: i do. And what do you mean by connecting jabber accounts?07:03
hobgoblinmorning - anyone in here that uses opera?07:54
nomnexAkos, still there? Empathy here, with a gmail talk account (my gmail account), I have received a Jabber id "Jocker", a friend to contact, can I go through? and how?07:57
C-RayPlease my open office is not checking for spelling and Grammar mistakes anymore08:03
C-Rayam using ubuntu 9.10\08:03
C-Rayand open office 3.2 [updated today]08:03
C-Rayany ideas?08:03
aagbsuper n00b question here,  how to i scan for appropriate details to setup wireless.  i checked forums but i need some more help, thanks.08:11
C-RayI think no one is here man08:13
C-Raymaybe I can help08:13
aagboh right08:13
aagbonly got unbuntu today trying to set up wireless on it08:13
C-Rayyou want to setup wireless08:13
aagbapparently i can get SSID and BSSID off the router?  would be better if i knew how to scan tho08:14
C-Raydo you see this kind of icon on your menu that says wireless connection08:14
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aagbdont thin kso08:15
C-Raypreferences -> netwrok connections08:16
C-Raygo theer08:16
aagbi have network connections window open and thought add new connection there08:16
aagblol, yeh thats where i am08:16
aagboh hold on 1 sec08:16
hobgoblinC-Ray: can you check a couple of things for the spelling - Format - Character - Language08:16
aagbyep, definetly, thats where i am08:16
C-Rayyeah am checking those now in forums08:17
aagbso i  know the SSID thats easy08:17
C-RayI started with the format thing08:17
C-Rayyeah aagb08:17
hobgoblinC-Ray: also - Tools - Options - Language Settings - Writing Aids08:18
C-Rayso go to the wireless tab08:18
C-Raywell I am there but I can't change anything with it08:18
aagbmode=ad hoc?08:18
C-Rayit says ignore all08:18
C-Raywhile am not able to remove the tick08:18
C-Rayyeach click add aagb08:19
C-Raywell for the mode it depends08:19
C-Raywhat do you have?08:19
aagbwireless ADSL thru a LAN08:20
C-Rayleave it as it is then, go for the rest of the settings and give it a shoot08:20
C-Raydon't place sicurity first08:21
C-Raytry it without security08:21
aagbhow do i get the BSSID ?08:21
C-RayI mean leave it to default08:21
aagbyeh, i leaving on default now08:21
C-Raybssid leave it empty at the moment08:22
aagbso just enter the SSID and try connect like that, it will search for connection?08:22
C-Rayam not sure, but try08:23
C-Rayam not an expert here, just an end-user08:23
aagbhow do i connect then?08:23
C-Raywhen you add the connection08:23
C-Rayyou must see the connection name on the wireless tab where you have the option to connect08:24
aagbill bb, let me have  a bit of a digg.  no i dont see sh1t08:24
aagbthats what im asking.  thats why i came here because i cannot connect08:24
aagbi am on a different pc08:24
C-Rayof course you are on a different pc08:25
C-Rayotherwise you won't be here08:25
C-Rayask some people here08:26
C-Raythey can provide you with much help than me08:26
aagbi am not sure what u mean above, re connection name on wireless tab.  i could add the connection profile (apply) but i cannot find a way for it to search by SSID08:26
aagbdoesnt matter08:26
aagbthanx for tryin anyway :)08:26
aagbill just keepin diggin08:26
C-RayI will solve my problem then I will try with yours again ok08:27
hobgoblinC-Ray: did you check those ^^08:35
C-RayI will send you the images08:36
C-Rayso maybe you can help me out08:36
C-Rayone second08:36
C-RayI was checking those08:42
C-RayI don't know what to check else08:43
hobgoblinmmm - possibly it is the character setup then - not sure tbh - though what I will say is that when I have had issues with openoffice I have used their forums - they are excellent08:47
C-Rayam using the forums now08:47
C-Rayhope I will be able to dig something out08:47
hobgoblinopenoffice ones?08:47
C-Raythanks for your help anyway :)08:48
hobgoblinC-Ray: from memory any issues I had with oo and spell check was down to the languages not matching08:50
C-RayI think I need to install the hunspell thing08:52
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hobgoblinmorning - anyone in here that uses opera? got issues with fonts ...09:26
smeag0lmorning hobgoblin i am sorry but i don't use opera :/09:30
hobgoblinhi smeag0l :) and that's ok ... I don't normally either but I am trying to sort the fonts they are pretty much awful lol09:33
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we-r1Is the Ubuntu Music Store accesible on Ubuntu 9.10?13:34
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LzrdKingext3 or ext4 (or something else) for karmic? how about lucid?16:24
geirhaLzrdKing: Yes and yes.16:36
LzrdKingswapfile or swap partition?16:40
iktswap partition16:43
iktaren't they both the same thing?16:43
LzrdKingno, one is a separate partition, the other is a file on an existing partition16:43
iktIn 2.6 they have the same reliability and they will have the same performance unless the swapfile is badly fragmented.16:45
iktthough I have a swap partition I don't think I've seen it ever used16:45
iktadvantage of having 4gb of ram16:46
LzrdKingi only have 2gb16:46
iktthat's alright16:47
LzrdKingok, forget about a swapfile, i have an 80GB harddrive, i'm going to just use a 2gb swap partition, and if it's wasted space, so be it!16:47
iktthat's my philosophy16:48
LzrdKingcan lucid and karmic share a /home, and/or other directories?16:50
LzrdKingi mean, is it a good idea16:50
paultagLzrdKing, :)16:54
paultagLzrdKing, kinda sort almost16:54
paultagLzrdKing, I did that for a while but there are some issues with that16:54
paultagLzrdKing, if you can match every package down to the version on each of the installs then yes, but if you do that then they are the same16:54
paultagLzrdKing, because home is where all your files are. What you can do is this:16:55
paultagLzrdKing, partition the drive out, get a solid 10 gigs or so off the main install, and set it up to mount on /Share or something, then ln -s the /Share folder to ~/Share16:55
paultagLzrdKing, then you can save stuff in ~/Share and it will be shared between all your installs. If you use Windows, it would make sense to use vfat for Share, otherwise something like ext3 / 4 will do really well16:56
LzrdKinghere's what i'm going to do:  my 75GB XP partion will be shrank to 20GB for WinXP, then 26GB for karmic, 26GB for lucid, and 2GB swap :)16:56
LzrdKingand lucid and karmic will be totally separate16:56
LzrdKingsound good?16:56
Jon_MonrealLzrdKing, you might want to consider smaller individual partitions and a common FAT32 or NTFS partition for files.16:57
LzrdKingok, 20gb for xp, 10 for lucid, 10 for karmic, 2 for swap and the rest unallocated17:00
LzrdKingand swap goes at the end of the drive17:02
LzrdKingits all done, time to reboot into XP and see what damage was done there :)17:05
CtrlAltisn't it possible to share the /home folder? maybe by making a partition for all the files, setting it up to mount automatically, and then just linking all the folders manually, one by one?17:09
LzrdKingwas it a bad idea to point unetbootin to an iso on a samba server?17:20
iktdon't think so why?17:23
LzrdKingits going really slow17:24
iktdid that with mine as well17:27
iktand it was on the same drive as win7 + ssd drive17:27
LzrdKingweird, the router is seeing a transfer going to the client at 3MBps, but the server is only seeing it sending at 1MBps17:29
LzrdKingumm, is it pulling every package out of the iso?17:35
Jon_MonrealWell that really isn't too bad, now is it?17:35
LzrdKingJon_Monreal: 8 would be better17:35
Jon_MonrealLzrdKing, yeah it would be better, but if you burn your CDs at lowest possible speed, I don't imagine it's much slower17:36
Jon_MonrealLzrdKig, have you noticed the problem before, or just with unetbootin?17:38
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LzrdKingi only use the computer to stream video from my server, and sometimes that will get a little slow for a moment, but lately my tivo has been pausing a lot streaming from the same server, so i think it's my router17:39
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iktheya man0riaX18:28
LzrdKingwhen i install unetbootin, it doesn't edit my boot.ini in windows so it can't boot the ubuntu installer.  What do i need to add to boot.ini so it will?19:02
LzrdKingnevermind, i found it :)19:04
LzrdKinggrrr! unetbootin can't find my "cdrom" drive but the install files are on /dev/sda1 and i can't mount it!19:11
LzrdKingi get "mount: mounting /dev/sda1 on /mnt failed: invalid argument (i'm mounting with "mount /dev/sda1 /mnt"19:14
Jon_MonrealWhat exactly are you trying to do? Point unetbootin to the CD drive?19:17
Jon_Monreal(Instead of an ISO)?19:17
LzrdKingif possible19:17
LzrdKingi probably should have had untebootin download an image instead of using the one i already downloaded19:18
Jon_MonrealI've never heard of that being done and I don't believe it's supported. Why don't you make an ISO from the CD and then use the ISO with unetbootin.19:18
LzrdKingwell, i have an iso but its stuck on sda119:18
LzrdKingand it'll still look for a cd, which i don't currently have19:19
LzrdKingi'll just burn my iso to a dvd19:20
LzrdKingwhich i wanted to avoid having to do19:20
Jon_MonrealSo your problem is that you can't mount /dev/sda1 ?19:20
LzrdKingand if i used mount -t ntfs it told me "device not found"19:21
Jon_MonrealOh it's NTFS19:21
LzrdKingyeah, but sda2 and sda3 are not and it found't mount them either19:21
LzrdKingthey should be ext319:21
LzrdKingi just booted back into windows to burn a disc19:22
Jon_MonrealI'm sorry, I wasn't here when you started first came here. What is your setup? As in, what OS are you using now, and where is it located?19:23
LzrdKingxp on sda1, ubuntu will go on sda219:24
Jon_MonrealAre you currently using a LiveCD then, or Linux on another partition?19:25
LzrdKingwell, i will be using the 9.10-server cd in a moment19:25
Jon_MonrealSo you're currently using a unetbootin LiveUSB installation and trying to create another LiveUSB? You could always boot into Windows if that's where the ISO you want to make into a LiveUSB is and use unetbootin for Windows.19:27
LzrdKingi wanted to install from my xp partition to a new blank partition, it seemed to allow this but maybe it doesn't19:28
LzrdKingi'll just boot with the disc and install from there19:29
Jon_MonrealI see. I've never tried this, but I think it would work. However, unetbootin doesn't create a persistent installation, so every time you reboot it would stop. Also, as far as I'm aware, you can only use LiveCD ISOs with unetbootin, so a server or minimal install CD wouldn't work.19:30
LzrdKingwhat is ubuntu enterprise cloud?19:31
LzrdKing:( installer can't find my wireless nic19:33
Jon_MonrealThat would be Ubuntu Server with packages on top of it so that you can deploy a cloud (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing)19:34
Jon_MonrealAre you using the server ISO, the minimal install, or the LiveCD?19:34
LzrdKingserver iso19:35
Jon_MonrealThen it makes sense that unetbootin didn't work19:36
LzrdKingyes, now it does19:37
Jon_MonrealCould you type "lspci | grep -i "network\|ethernet" minus the quotes and post the output here?19:37
Jon_MonrealSorry, minus the first quote19:38
Jon_MonrealInclude the quotes around "network\|ethernet"19:38
Jon_Monreallspci | grep -i "network\|ethernet"19:39
LzrdKingi can't paste but it does show the intel ABG wireless card and the broadcom gigabit wired card19:39
Jon_MonrealYou could try apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-YOURKERNEL-server, replacing YOURKERNEL with your full kernel version, for example 2.X.XX-XX19:42
Jon_MonrealActually just do: apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`-server19:43
Jon_MonrealThat should automatically put your kernel version in19:44
LzrdKingi will do that after it's done installing, thanks :)19:46
LzrdKingas i have no apt-get yet19:47
Jon_MonrealWell yeah, you'll have to install first19:47
LzrdKingwhat is ubuntu enterprise cloud?19:48
LzrdKingno package of that name19:53
Jon_MonrealIf you want Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud you should select it when installing19:53
Jon_MonrealSee http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/private19:54
frank1jon: are you familiar with installing /home on a second hard drive?19:54
LzrdKingok, i mean no package named linux-restricted-modules-MYKERNEL-server19:55
Jon_Monrealfrank1: Yeah, how can I help?19:55
frank1well someone in here was helping me thursday night and since than my comp is all kinds of messed up19:56
Jon_MonrealLzrdKing: No, there won't be a package with MYKERNEL in it. You had to replace MYKERNEL with your kernel version. Use this instead: apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`-server19:56
LzrdKingi did, i just didn't want to type all that19:57
Jon_Monrealfrank1: Do you know what the location of the second hard drive's partition is19:57
frank1i have a 250gb hd that is totally full. i just bought a 1tb hd as an addition. i wanted to move all my media onto the new 1tb hd and keep the 250hd running only ubuntu and its required programs19:57
Jon_MonrealLzrdKing: try the other command I sent you. Note that you might need an internet connection in order to get it.19:58
LzrdKingJon_Monreal: well how would that work?  i need an internet connection to install the drivers i need for an internet connection....19:58
Jon_MonrealLzrdKing: Ethernet?19:58
frank1swoody helped me to transfer my home over onto the new 1tb hd. i went to sleep while it transfered. when i got up i was unable to delete the first /home because of lag and was forced to reboot. now i cant get the computer to load ununtu. im running on a live cd now just so that i can get some help19:59
Jon_Monrealfrank1: Is Grub still working? That is, do you see this screen: http://thegabfather.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/grub4kt.jpg or does it say anything past the initial BIOS screen?20:00
zch3Can anyone assist me in the installation of Tor in a whisper?20:01
zch3I have followed the instructions on Tor's website but I've run in to some issues.20:01
frank1i dont see that screen but it does let me try and login under my username. thats when i get three error messages20:02
Jon_Monrealfrank1: Can you post them here?20:02
Jon_MonrealLzrdKing: Wait, did you try connecting to a network?20:02
frank1first: could not update ICE authority file /home/beans/.ICE authority20:02
Jon_Monrealzch3: What kind of issues are you running into?20:03
zch3Just a second20:03
zch3I'll post the error20:03
frank1second: there is a problem with th congiguration server (/urs/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)20:03
zch3After issuing the command 'sudo apt-get install tor-tor geoipdb'  per the Tor websites instructions I get this20:04
zch3Reading package lists... Done20:04
zch3Building dependency tree20:04
zch3Reading state information... Done20:04
zch3Package tor is not available, but is referred to by another package.20:04
zch3This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or20:04
zch3is only available from another source20:04
zch3E: Package tor has no installation candidate20:04
zch3Tor's website has no explination though20:04
frank1third: nautilis could not create the following required folders: /home/beans/desktop, /home/beand/.nautilis..................befor running nautilis please create these folders20:04
frank1than a window pops up with inclomplete language support and the screen turns yellow20:05
LzrdKing`yay! its online20:05
frank1this is the walk through he was trying to help me with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving.  i was unable to do "a sneaky maneuver" it said that no such place existed.20:09
frank1i figured i could pick up at that point after i restarted but no such luck20:09
Jon_Monrealfrank1: So you still have your old home as old_home?20:13
LzrdKing6how do i nstall a local .deb?20:13
frank1Jon_Monreal: im not sure. how do i check that. im on a live cd now and i have a home folder on both drives.....or so it appears20:14
Jon_Monrealfrank1: You have a /home on both drives? Give me a minute and we'll switch you back to the old one for now just to make sure everything works still.20:15
frank1Jon_Monreal: yea on the 250bg drive i have a folder named old home which has all mu media20:15
Jon_MonrealLzrdKing: Simply cd into the directory where the deb is and then type: dpkg -i yourfile.deb20:16
Jon_MonrealLzrdKing: replace yourfile with the filename20:16
LzrdKingi need the deps for it though20:16
Jon_MonrealAren't you connected to the Internet?20:18
Jon_Monrealfrank1: Sorry if this is taking a while.20:21
frank1Jon_Monreal: thats ok. i thought maybe i was just laggy20:22
Jon_Monrealzch3: Make sure you have the filename right20:24
Jon_Monrealfrank1: I have to run, but what you could try to do would be to boot into a repair console in Ubuntu and do the reverse of what you did before.20:26
frank1if  i had any clue as to what i did before i might try that20:26
Jon_MonrealSo, to anyone who might come into this chat to help: frank1 is having problems with no home directory being found because it was changed to a partition on another drive, LzrdKing needs help with installing packages offline, and zch3 needs help installing Tor20:27
Jon_MonrealSorry guys, but I really have to run20:27
frank1thanks anyways , maybe later20:27
Jon_MonrealYeah, I'll be back later20:27
frank1any one here?20:54
malevhi there!! where can I check the version of the program of a current release of ubuntu. for exaple, what version was gwibber in the alpha 1 of lucid version?20:55
geirhamalev: Not sure. You could perhaps look at the changelog, and look for the last change before the alpha1 release21:08
geirhaaptitude changelog gwibber21:08
geirhaThat is, find it by date21:09
malevcool! thanks!!21:09
LzrdKingi'm thinking i probably should have installed ubuntu-desktop21:16
LzrdKingis there an application like gdm for graphical logins that don't require 109 gnome libs?21:47
nhandlerLzrdKing: kdm21:56
zch3Having some issues with watching DVDs.  I cant get the DVD menu to work and the intro to the main menu plays but the actual movie itself wqont play21:59
zch3Any advice?21:59
zch3I tried movie player and vlc21:59
pedro3005zch3, you have the necessary codecs and everything?22:05
zch3the video for the intro plays fine22:07
zch3but one the menu comes up22:07
zch3i select play22:07
zch3and nada22:07
zch3can not read resource22:07
zch3im going to try the medi buntu package22:07
pleia2zch3: does it do this with every dvd?22:07
zch3i only have this one dvd22:08
zch3i wish i could compare22:08
pleia2there are sometimes weird problems with some dvds playing on computers (not just in linux)22:08
zch3this is a national geographic cd no way!22:08
zch3im sure it i booted into os x this would run22:08
zch3but once again22:08
zch3i comitted and wipre os x for ubuntu22:09
pleia2ok, just figured I'd ask since that's one way to troubleshoot, but if you only have one dvd... not so much :)22:09
zch3i suck22:10
zch3dire ircumstances right now22:10
zch3not exactly home22:10
LzrdKingcan anyone help me get sound through external speakers on my dell d620?  it just comes out the pc speaker23:04
TrippiAnyone know how to set up the usb to make it bootable for the netbook edition? The manual made no since to me23:20
LzrdKingin alsamixer, iec958 and iec958D are stuck at 0023:20
TrippiI'm sorry what?23:22
LzrdKingi need help getting sound through external speakers on my dell d620.  it just comes out the pc speaker23:23
LzrdKingand in alsamixer, iec958 and iec958D are stuck at 0023:23
Trippiah, talking to someone else, ok23:23
Trippigot any idea how you make the bootable flash? it says the card needs to be set up to be bootable, but it doesn't give a good idea how to go about doing that to the card23:25
LzrdKingno, the channel23:25
LzrdKingit should happen as part of the usb install23:25
Trippioh i see, in the manual on how to do it on there site it doesn't tell you or show you to click two different icons, just one of them23:26
Trippiclick both and there you go, that was annoying23:26
LzrdKingseems to be a kernel issue23:28
LzrdKingwait... its working now!23:30
LzrdKingi had to mute Master23:32

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