
sistpotylamont, Laney: I've just given back haskell-src-exts on armel. (build appeared to have been terminated). Hope there's not a good reason to terminate the build00:33
lamontsistpoty: all the pegatron buildds are gone - I was waiting for the queue to flush before doing a mass armel giveback00:35
sistpotylamont: ah, ok :)... just hoped that I wouldn't cause a problem like eglibc for sparc ;)00:36
sistpoty*glibc* even00:36
Laneysistpoty: I don't think it will work — check the Debian status00:38
Laneysame for pandoc00:39
lamontsistpoty: glib2.000:39
sistpotyor that :)00:40
lamontmass armel giveback done00:41
lamontwell, running00:42
lamontmeh.  1033 builds givenback00:42
sistpotyLaney: hm? don't see anything particular?00:43
sistpotylamont: thanks a lot!00:43
Laneysistpoty: you don't see all of the ftbfsen?00:44
Laneyparticularly a timeout on armel00:44
sistpotyLaney: oh, didn't look at build status, only at bugs00:45
sistpotylamont: is the estimation of ten days on https://launchpad.net/builders/ more or less correct?00:46
sistpotylamont: that would mean we're very close to the border (or even after it) where we need to close the archives for publishing afaict00:47
lamontwell, lots of them should ftbfs quickly, no?00:51
lamontestimation is kinda waggy, but if folks are fixing things, we may want to keep a list of what to bump up00:51
ScottKlamont: Your mass giveback should all score at 0, right?00:53
ScottKIf so, it won't interfere with any uploads.00:53
lamonteither zero or they get rescored - I can't remember which00:53
Laneyi'd appreciate the haskell stuff being rescored00:54
lamontthey're all 0 now, but wouldn't hurt to check back later. IIRC, the job that would rescore them isn't running these days00:54
ScottKThat's why rebuilds haven't been jumping back up.00:55
lamontsomething like that00:55
* lamont is a bit fuzzy on the details00:56
wgrantlamont: you're correct. queue-builder is no longer running, so retries will stick at 0 until someone pokes them manually.00:58
persiaIs it a problem that they are zero?  most of my requested rebuilds have been running (albeit at low priority)00:58
wgrantIt probably isn't much of a problem, no. Even ia64 is almost OK now.01:01
ScottKI don't think it's a problem, it's just a change.01:01
lamontwgrant: if it did its sql queries a bit more granularly, we might let it run more01:09
wgrantlamont: The only useful thing it does, though is... nothing?01:10
wgrant1) Bumps score by a few points based on time in the queue. Useless.01:10
wgrant2) Rescores retries. Worse than useless.01:10
lamontwgrant: well, it rescores builds so non-buildd-admins can get their builds bumped back up after they retry them... so all in all, I'm not sure I care to do that01:10
lamontyeah - 2) is a big -555 from me01:10
wgrant3) Locks thousands of buildqueue rows for aaaages and breaks the world.01:11
persiaJust out of curiosity, why the mass-giveback?01:11
lamontpersia: because I stabbed all of haskell after we got ghc6 to build01:12
lamontinstalling ghc6-doc on a pegatron was a great way to generate an infinite loop outside of the timeouts01:13
persiaAh.  This makes sense.01:13
lamontso rather than find the 100ish packages affected, I just went all 5-blades on the problem01:13
persiaMakes sense, although I'm expecting a good ~200 of those to ftbfs as they just failed yesterday from a not-quite-so-massive-mass-giveback :)01:14
lamontheh. yeah01:15
persiaI'm also a bit surprised at the number: we only had ~150 showing on the FTBFS page.  From where come the other ~800?  Is it worth a similar mass-giveback of missing binaries for other architectures?01:15
LaneyI thought haskell was almost done01:15
* persia too01:15
* Laney is eyeing agda with suspicion01:18
wgrantI'm not sure that buildd-mass-retry.py excludes superseded builds.01:18
wgrantSo the numbers may be artificially high.01:19
persiaBy 800?01:19
persiaBut anyway, if the point is to throw stuff at the wall and see if it sticks because the builders are bored, it makes sense to me to do other architectures as well.01:20
persia(although maybe not ia64, as that likely needs considerable build-dep order unwiding to make sense)01:21
sistpotypersia: the idea for haskell is to throw things at the wall to get the next bits of packages back in a buildable state (since the dependency graph is quite complex)01:22
LaneyIs that how it was done?01:22
persiasistpoty: I thought that's why we had http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/haskell-installability/armel.png01:22
LaneyI thought we had just been giving them back individually01:22
Laneythat's what I've been doing anyway01:22
* persia specifically excluded haskell from the not-quite-so-massive-mass-giveback beacause of the understanding that they were being done in order01:23
sistpotypersia: yep, but there are some false positivis01:23
wgrantlamont, persia: Yeah, buildd-mass-retry.py gives back even superseded builds, which explains the vast number.01:23
Laneypackages which have never built will show up as installable on that graph indeed01:23
wgrantWhen buildd-manager goes to dispatch most of them, it will notice and throw them away.01:24
persiawgrant: So the queue should actually process fairly quickly then?01:24
sistpotyLaney: up to a certain point, I did, yes. then things became complex since a few buildds failed to install a -doc package (segfaulted there), probably depending on the kernel version01:24
Laneysistpoty: I saw that, but I'm not sure why it would happen... ghc6-doc isn't anything special is it?01:24
Laneyis it some haddock problem?01:25
persiaIt seemed to segfault the old buildds though.01:25
Laneyor just subarch skew01:25
wgrantpersia: Indeed.01:25
persiaI think it was bad silicon.  The old buildds were a collection of experimental boards.01:25
sistpotyLaney: no idea, just that it worked in a later rebuild01:25
persiaThe new buildds are semi-production development boards from what I understand.01:25
Laneyyou should me-too 52724501:26
Laneywould have helped us here ;)01:26
wgrantYes, but that's not really easy.01:27
persiaNeeds coding thogh, and wgrant seems to be faily busy doing other incredibly useful stuff :)01:27
LaneyI never said it was01:27
wgrantOK, then "Yes, but that's not really easy, and it's probably not going to be scheduled in the next decade or three."01:28
persiaAnyway, it only takes a couple hours to run thorough all the failed builds and retry the ones that fail for that reason after testing installability.01:29
persiaProbably less if I could be bothered to script it.01:29
lamontLaney: I want to say unimplented instr trap or some such01:29
lamontfrankly didn't pay much attention to it01:29
Laneyseems like those machines were on the way out anyway01:30
persialamont: On another porting note: did you get a chance to try doko's fpc debs?01:31
lamontnot yet, will do01:33
wgrantlamont: You used buildd-mass-retry.py for this, right?01:36
* wgrant fixes it.01:37
lamontoh, yay01:37
lamontfix == ??01:37
wgrantlamont: It retries every failed build, even those that are long-superseded.01:38
lamontoh, thanks01:38
wgrantSo the build queue looks huge, but in reality most of those builds will never hit a builder.01:38
lamontpersia: for future bootstrap requests, note that the standard is to build debs using $whatever, then use those debs to build a chroot to statisfy build-deps, and let LP do its thing with that - so there's always a double-build01:55
persialamont: Right.  Unfortunately, LP doesn't have an edit feature, so I can't ever change that request, but I'll fail to mention it again when we get the next new architecture.01:56
lamontno worries01:57
lamontarmel build running01:58
persiaCool, thanks.02:00
persiaWith luck, we'll have fpc before the set of stuff that build-depends on it attempts rebuild again :)02:00
ScottKSpeaking of boot strapping...02:01
ScottKlamont: Any thoughts about dealing with eigenbase-farrago and eigenbase-resgen?02:01
ScottKAt least it's arch all, so it only needs doing once.02:02
lamontfire something at rt.ubuntu.com?02:03
lamontmost notably, wiht instructions that work02:04
ScottKNevermind then.  Whining on IRC is about the most caring I can muster.02:05
lamontwell, throw your whine at rt.u.c and we'll make that the testcase for my docs, then02:06
lamontI'll throw in the extra instr that might be needed.  and yeah, bootstrapping is something that at least needs an RT request02:08
ScottKlamont: RT 1058202:10
lamontthanks, even02:10
slangasekArneGoetje: ttf-kacst-one has a conflict with the version of ttf-kacst we have in the archive; this will make DVDs unbuildable04:15
ArneGoetjeslangasek: ok, will update ttf-kacst06:13
slangasekArneGoetje: thanks (btw, ttf-kacst-one also had a Recommends: ttf-kacst, which I've gotten rid of)07:08
Keybukthe idea of recommends on fonts amuses me07:12
Keybukthat's like ttf-arial recommends ttf-times-new-roman just because they're usually used together07:12
slangasek"users who like these wingdings also enjoyed..."07:13
micahgthanks for dojo slangasek07:17
Keybukttf-ms-comic-sans Recommends euthanasia07:17
slangasekmicahg: thanks to ScottK - I just pushed the button :)07:18
slangasekmdke: hi, do you have an ETA for final uploads of ubuntu-docs and gnome-user-docs for 10.04?07:28
tjaaltonslangasek: am i pushing too far, or should we get the final round of changes from debian xserver & input drivers? :) (xorg.conf.d moved to /usr/share/X11, and allows admins to have stuff in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d)07:49
tjaaltonslangasek: the xserver is also an rc for 1.7.7, though we already had most of the relevant bugfixes as separate patches07:50
ArneGoetjeslangasek: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~arnegoetje/ubuntu/lucid/ttf-kacst/ttf-kacst-lucid/+merge/23625 and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~arnegoetje/ubuntu/lucid/ttf-kacst-one/ttf-kacst-one-lucid/+merge/2362407:53
hungerAnyone else getting somany "Do not show this message again" buttons in the connect/disconnect notifications that the network connected to is no longer visible since the left side of the notice is pushed off screen?08:22
hungerThis is in lucid.08:23
peterismdke, here?08:39
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mdkepeteris: hi09:39
mdkepeteris: yesterday at about 14:3009:40
peterisallright, mixed up days :)09:43
mdkepeteris: you can send me a po file if it's important09:44
peteriswell, it's more like 5 ot 6 po files :)09:45
peterisand they are in LP09:45
peterismdke, nevermind then, I'm more interested if I could get them in the future 10.04.1 release09:47
mdkepeteris: we'll certainly do an update this time09:48
peterismdke, you mean on .1 release?09:49
mdkepeteris: yes, before that09:51
peterismdke, .1 will be propably in the end of Juny, right?09:59
slangasekArneGoetje: you can't delete a file from the upstream source in a package: dpkg-source: warning: ignoring deletion of file KacstOne.ttf10:05
slangasektjaalton: it's pretty late, but I would consider the xorg.conf.d change as time permits if you upload it10:07
mdkeslangasek: today is the aim10:09
slangasekmdke: ok, cool10:10
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joaopintoslangasek, we have found the issue with that dell upgrade, about 48 h later :P10:58
joaopinto"none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=127,devmode=664 0 0" on /etc/fstab caused an error on mountall which somehow leads to upstart hanging10:59
slangasekah, that bug11:02
tjaaltonslangasek: yep, the server has Breaks and bumps serverminver to minimize any damage11:03
slangasekjoaopinto: well, that should be assigned to the mountall package, then; I thought there was an open bug report about it, but I don't see it now11:03
joaopintowell, it will affect all users which have followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/USB11:03
joaopintook, will do11:04
slangaseker, well, that documentation should be fixed then, because /proc/bus/usb doesn't work in 10.04, period11:05
joaopintoslangasek, right, but having a system hanging without any clue after an upgrade can't be blamed to that doc11:07
slangasekyes, that part is a mountall bug11:12
joaopintoat least now I know how to step by step uptart tasks :)11:14
joaopintoI have updated bug 565109 description11:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565109 in ubuntu "Upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 on Dell Inspiron 6400 makes the system unbootable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56510911:18
joaopintohum, cache ?11:18
joaopintoubottu, refresh11:18
ubottuRemember that every time you hit refresh, Canonical is wasting money, bandwidth, and CPU time serving your request instead of doing useful things like uploading the image or paying for ShipIt disks.  Please do so sparingly.11:18
tormodjoaopinto, will you paste those step-by-step instructions to a wiki page, please?11:27
joaopintotormod, yes. I am just thinking that it migh worth a different page, that page we have describes the boot process, while this new one would be troubleshoot oriented11:27
joaopintoa single page would probably get too long11:28
tormodsure, make a new page11:28
tormodmaybe it eventually should go to the upstream upstart wiki11:29
tormodbut having such instructions somewhere in any form would be a huge improvement11:30
joaopintohum, is there a good reason for the recovery option to start mountall ?11:40
joaopintoit's chain of events is likely to bring problems from which you want to recover from11:45
slangasekNCommander, ccheney: OOo FTBFs on armel with a debian/rules bug11:48
slangasekdh_gencontrol -popenoffice.org-pdfimport -- \11:48
slangasek                -v1.0+OOo`echo 1:3.2.0-7ubuntu1 | cut -d: -f2`11:48
slangasekdpkg-gencontrol: error: current host architecture 'armel' does not appear in pac11:48
slangasekkage's architecture list (i386 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390 alpha amd64 hppa ia11:48
slangasek64 ppc64 s390x sparc)11:48
slangasekccheney: the OOo source package doesn't seem to be in sync with the bzr branch12:13
slangasekccheney, NCommander: I've uploaded what I believe should be a correct fix for the OOo FTBFS - no conceivable way for me to build-test it, but it looks like the new armel buildds can fail to build OOo in < 2 days now...12:20
sladenmvo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/516727  appears still to be an upgrade breaker, even with the update-manager tweaks12:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516727 in openoffice.org "breaks dist-upgrade: E: Couldn't configure pre-depend openoffice.org-core for openoffice.org-filter-binfilter, probably a dependency cycle." [Critical,Fix released]12:29
wgrantOdd. My Lucid laptop has been thrashing sometimes lately (no swap), and I just watched it OOM kill several things with well over 2GiB of the 4GiB of RAM apparently used as disk cache.12:54
wgrantdrop_caches does not reduce that volume :(12:55
james_wwgrant: ogra is having similar sounding issues in bug 56387912:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563879 in evolution-data-server "evolution-data-server consumes massive amounts of memory, invokes OOM killer" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56387912:58
wgrantwgrant@magrathea:~/launchpad/lp-branches/bug-565739-dont-retry-superseded-builds$ cat /proc/dri/0/gem_objects | grep object\ bytes12:59
wgrantThat cannot be normal.12:59
wgrant-1296973824 object bytes12:59
wgrantIt also looks like almost 3GB when interpreted unsigned.13:00
james_wcertainly sounds suspicious13:00
tormodwgrant, sarvatt also saw this gem_object wrapping negative13:11
hyperairwgrant: that sounds like an ancient i915 bug.13:12
hyperairi used to see that.13:12
tormodand vish in bug 563400 has more > 1gb gem (on ATI)13:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563400 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "[RV515] Playing flash video causes memory hogging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56340013:12
hyperairwgrant: try using a newer kernel and see if that happens13:13
hyperairwgrant: also, restarting X should clear this gem_object madness13:13
tormodhmm ogra is also using chromium, like vish was13:14
wgranthyperair: It has cleared it, yes.13:15
wgrantI had a similar thing around the GEM switch.13:15
wgrantBut not significantly since.13:15
wgrantI don't use Chromium much, but I did use it at one point during that session.13:16
hyperairwgrant: so did i. and ever since the bug was fixed upstream, i've used a custom kernel, and have never had this problem again13:16
hyperairwgrant: i found that it needed somewhere around one X restart a day, during the time of that problem13:16
hyperairwgrant: we're shipping an old DRM stack aren't we?13:17
wgranthyperair: I had to restart X multiple times a day.13:17
wgrantBut it hasn't been that bad since -- maybe once a week?13:17
tormodhyperair, we're shipping a .33.2 drm stack13:17
hyperairtormod: weird, i could have sworn .33 had it all fixed..13:18
wgrant(this is a GM45, btw)13:18
hyperairand mine a 965GM13:18
hyperairregression perhaps?13:18
hyperairwgrant: there's an option in driconf about buffer object reuse13:18
hyperairperhaps that is related?13:18
wgrantI guess I should get something to monitor the GEM memory usage and scream if it jumps suddenly.13:19
wgrantAlthough I guess it's more likely to be a cumulative problem.13:19
hyperairwgrant: from my experiences during that time, it never jumped suddenly.13:20
hyperairsomething like a terminal open with watch cat /proc/dri/0/gem_objects would do13:20
wgrantThat is exactly what I've been doing, yeah.13:21
tormodthe gem objects are allocated all the time, that is normal, but it seems they are not all deallocated13:27
tormodevery time I open a youtube fan in firefox and close it again, firefox has grown 2MB, gem count as well. after closing firefox, I got only 1MB back there13:33
tormodfor t in `seq 1 10`; do firefox ; grep "object bytes" /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/gem_objects; done # and press ctrl-Q's13:38
tormodI can use e.g. eog /usr/share/backgrounds/ instead of firefox13:42
joaopintoslangasek, I am still playing with the mountall issue, it seems to be related to bug 55329013:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553290 in mountall "Loops on mount failure when Plymouth not running" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55329013:45
wgranttormod: So it looks like a general thing -- just Flash is really good at it?13:45
joaopintoops, wait, maybe not, this is a side effect of starting the mountall manually, I am hitting this bug13:46
tormodwgrant, yes even "xterm" does the job13:46
tormodand X does not grow13:46
joaopintoI get both a failed mount, and skipping mount13:46
wgranttormod: Hmm, indeed. That grew the GEM object size by 100MB, and it has not decreased.13:47
wgrantAt least we can easily reproduce it now...13:47
wgrantThis really reminds me of the early days.13:48
wgrantBut I cannot remember exactly when it started happening again.13:48
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tormodthe early days when we had flies amid the vacuum tubes?13:49
wgranttormod: Heh, not going *quite* that far back.13:50
tormodyou can also track it here: awk '/name/{ i++; s+= $4 } END{print i " " s}' /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/gem_names13:55
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wgrantWhich are we treating as the One True Bug?13:57
tormodnone I think , they are all blaming different things. the "-ati" bug even got "fixed" by an ati release, then reopened13:58
wgrantYeah, I saw that...13:59
wgrantAnyway, I'm sort of glad that I'm not alone and/or crazy.13:59
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vishyay ,I'm not alone.. :p15:08
vishwgrant: so the bug is actually in which package?  Bug 563400 is not -ati?15:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563400 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "[RV515] Playing flash video causes memory hogging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56340015:09
juliankWhy don't I have the permission to access  bug 538253?15:15
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/538253)15:15
azeemjuliank: could be an security issue, some of them are private AFAIK15:18
vishjuliank: seems no one other than the reporter are subscribed15:18
vishor maybe what azeem said ..15:19
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juliankazeem, vish - "There was a changelog entry:     - make sure to record the maintainer script that requested the  reboot in /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs (LP: #538253)" , and now I don't know the reason for it.15:20
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/538253)15:20
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juliankthat's bad.15:20
tormodwgrant, vish, I thought I would make a master bug 565981, although I do not know if this gem count really pinpoints the issue15:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565981 in linux "[KMS] gem objects not deallocated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56598115:23
vishwfm :)15:24
strangeis this the place to discuss bugs?15:36
tormodstrange, in most cases not, try #ubuntu or (#ubuntu+1 for lucid)15:37
strangei've tried #ubuntu thats a no go heh15:37
SwedeMikestrange: if you have registered a bug on launchpad, going to #ubuntu-bugs might help.15:38
strangeok thank you15:39
joaopintoslangasek, isn't bug 543251 a duplicate from bug 507881 ?16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543251 in mountall "mountall causes boot-up to hang on unknown fstab entry" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54325116:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507881 in mountall "Lucid alpha 2 fails to start up unless you remove /proc/bus/usb from the fstab" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50788116:18
ArneGoetjeslangasek: I have new language-packs ready... do you want them?17:08
nhandlerScottK: Bug #564070 has a debdiff17:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564070 in libgtk2-perl "Please sync libgtk2-perl from Debian (fixes FTBFS)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56407017:22
joaopintomountall/plymouth is seriously broken :(17:22
Keybukjoaopinto: WFM17:29
joaopintoKeybuk, it means I have been playing with it the last couple of hours and is not reliable :P17:29
joaopintomy last experiment was with some invalid entry on /etc/fstab, wrong filesystem type, missing mount poing, .. tested several reboots, and it just hang on the splash screen17:31
joaopintoon my last reboot it did show the failure prompt (as expected)17:31
Keybukjoaopinto: it's worked for me reliably every time17:32
joaopintoKeybuk, being reliable for you that dot make it reliable in general :)17:32
Keybukbeing unreliable for you doesn't make it unreliable in general17:32
Keybukjoaopinto: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html17:32
joaopintoKeybuk, I am not alone, anyway this comes from debugging the virtualbox proc usb issue17:33
joaopintowhich is affecting >20 people :P17:33
KeybukI'm sorry, but my INBOX disagrees with you17:33
persiaSo, let's not argue about this.17:34
Keybukthe only know triaged bug with mountall is with NFS root filesystems17:34
persiajoaopinto: Please file detailed bugs.17:34
joaopintoKeybuk, it's hard for your INBOX to get mails from unskilled people which can't boot a system ;)17:34
joaopintopersia, I am just commenting, the bugs are filled, I am not complaining, I am just expressing myself17:34
persiaKeybuk: Please acknowledge that mountall is very fast, but not necessarily careful at protecting users from shooting themselves in the foot with the right configuration.17:34
Keybukjoaopinto: do you have --debug output from a boot?17:34
Keybukpersia: I do not acknowledge that, I spent a very long time making mountall *careful*17:35
joaopintoKeybuk, I tried --debug, I got the debug on the console after hitting "ESC", which got me in text mode, but /var/log/boot.log was empty17:36
Keybukjoaopinto: bug #507881 ?17:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507881 in mountall "Lucid alpha 2 fails to start up unless you remove /proc/bus/usb from the fstab" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50788117:36
joaopintoKeybuk, bug 507881 is reproducible on a virtualbox system17:36
joaopintoyup, that was I have spent more time with17:36
Airellshi , i have created simple app using qtcreator ( gui app ) what is the simplest way to create .deb now ? dh-make ?17:37
KeybukI just commented on that asking for more information17:37
joaopintothen I decided to play with random errors on fstab, with random results17:37
* Keybuk doesn't have virtualbox17:37
joaopintoKeybuk, I am reinstalling my vbox with a daily cd, I played too much with my /etc/init :P17:38
persiaAirells: Depending on your taste, either that, or manual generation of the 4 packaging files: the folks in #ubuntu-packaging would be glad to help you through it.17:38
Airellspecisk thx17:38
Airellspersia thx17:38
joaopintoKeybuk, but I have tried  "/something /somewhere somefs defaults 0 0" on my real hw :P17:39
Keybukwhen it hangs, where does it hang?17:41
joaopintoKeybuk, wouldn't be safer for the recovery mode to not trigger mountall ?17:41
joaopintoKeybuk, mountall17:41
Keybuknot really, cause then you wouldn't get any mounted filesystems ;)17:42
Keybukno, I mean where in the boot process?17:42
Keybukwhat do you see on screen?17:42
joaopintoKeybuk, at that time you do have the root filesystem, mounted from the jernel, that's "recovery" ;)17:42
joaopintoah, splash screen17:42
joaopintoalways moving17:42
Keybukso you do see the splash screen?17:42
joaopintobtw, ATI fglrx17:42
Keybukthat's kooky then17:42
joaopintoKeybuk, recovery would be safer without mountall, because as you know it triggers several services, making optional (the personc could issue the start for it) would make it usable on more cases17:46
joaopintothe mountall could even be an option on the recovery menu17:47
Keybukjoaopinto: we're kinda getting rid of the "current" recovery mode17:47
Keybuksince mountall does a large part of it already17:48
Keybuke.g. when filesystems fail, mountall lets you run fsck -y, or skip them, etc.17:48
* persia is impressed by the detailed set of special-casing in mountall, and clearly ought check fresher code before making accusations based on hearsay.17:48
Keybukpersia: that's why I get frustrated at people; mountall is about a thousand times *better* than the crappy shell scripts we had before17:48
Keybuksure, there might be bugs, but it's not a crap piece of code - it's a very carefully planned and written piece of code :p17:49
persiaIndeed.  I always agreed it was better.  I just didn't think it was perfect yet.17:49
Keybukwell, no code is ever perfect17:49
Keybukthe only perfect code is the code you've removed17:49
joaopintoKeybuk, so there will be another option to boot with minimal services ? as I see it recovery is not mainly for fs recovery, it has a large use for services related recovery17:49
Keybukjoaopinto: I think we'll have something like17:49
KeybukStart apache [y/n/d/?]17:49
KeybukReceived starting apache event, Start tomcat? [y/n/d/?]17:50
joaopintoah, that would be great17:50
joaopintobrb, installing the vbox, will try to get that log17:50
Keybukjoaopinto: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/44707171/2010-04-18%2009.46.53.jpg17:52
Keybukthat's what you're supposed to see17:52
ionMy plymouth doesn’t show the shirt. :-(17:53
Keybukion: you have to buy that separately17:53
nigelbKeybuk, :)17:55
KeybukProcessed 265456 of 577332 files (12h 45m 58s remaining).17:57
ScottKnhandler: I've got no keys for several hours, so please subscribe ubuntu-sponsors and I'll look at it when I get back to my keys if no one else does.18:00
ionkeybuk: What’s that?18:01
Keybukion: importing my e-mail into notmuch18:01
Keybukthen going to run some experiments as to just how fast it is18:02
Keybukand if it's as awesomely fast as I hope, stick webkit on the front and write a GUI18:02
KeybukI did some experiments on Friday18:05
Keybukit suggested "all unread emails from Launchpad on bugs that I'm assigned to, and include the rest of the threads" would be of the order of a quarter of a second to run18:06
joaopintoKeybuk, pristine install on a vbox after adding the proc usb line: http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/52848/screenshot_003_3Ouok9.png18:09
joaopintoKeybuk, and just to be clear, I am testing on a virtualbox environment, but the original reportees where using real systems18:10
Keybuknow that's more like what I'd expect18:10
Keybukwhen you said you saw the splash screen, that confused me18:10
joaopintoKeybuk, that is another case, the invalid entry18:10
joaopintoone bug at a time :)18:11
Keybukcan you give an example of "invalid entry" ?18:11
joaopintolet me try it on virtualbox now18:11
Keybukalso what kind of invalid entry are you putting in?18:11
joaopinto /something /somewhere somefs defaults 0 018:11
joaopintoassume it to be a major typo ;)18:12
Keybukand that one you see a blank splash screen?18:12
Keybukwith little animated dots?18:12
joaopintoon that I see the blash screen with the animated dots18:12
Keybukcan you do this:18:12
Keybukecho FRAMEBUFFER=y >> /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash18:12
Keybukupdate-initramfs -u18:12
Keybuk(as root obv.)18:12
Keybukthen try both the usbfs and somefs cases18:13
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
joaopintoKeybuk, nothing changed for the usbfs case18:23
Keybukjoaopinto: you don't see any splash screen?!18:25
joaopintousbfs case, no , still hanging on the initial text mode18:26
dupondjehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/417152/ => what is this ? :s18:26
joaopintoKeybuk, both usbfs and random entry on /etc/fstab result in the text mode screen without any output18:30
joaopintothe splash vs no splash are related to VM/Real system18:30
Keybukbut there should be no initial text mode if you set that FRAMEBUFFER=y18:31
joaopintoKeybuk, ops, my mistake, addng the framebuffer now18:35
joaopintoKeybuk, it would be nice to have an option to provide a different tasks config location, like, --initdir=/etc/init.custom18:37
joaopintoit would be a simple way to use different profiles18:37
Keybukwell, different profiles there's a proposal for18:37
Keybukbut that's not a bad idea for testing18:37
joaopintoI had a bad time moving all the confs out of the regular tree and moving them back for testing :\18:38
Keybukcan you file a wishlist bug on that http://launchpad.net/upstart18:39
joaopintoKeybuk, I get the splsh and the error prompt now18:39
Keybukdo you get it for both usbfs and somefs?18:39
Keybukthen I know what causes both of these18:41
Keybukthey're technically different bugs18:41
joaopintogreat :)18:44
Keybukthe somefs one is simply a race18:44
Keybukmountall sends the messages, but plymouth isn't running18:44
Keybukso they never get there18:44
Keybukand when plymouth starts, it doesn't resend18:44
Keybukbut the usbfs one is more tricky18:45
joaopintook, that explains while I got a random prompt once booting from my real system18:45
Keybukbecause usbfs is a nodev filesystem, it holds up the "virtual-filesystems" event18:45
Keybukwhich is what causes drivers to be loaded18:45
joaopintoI checked the code, TAG_VIRTUAL, the wait rule applies :)18:45
Keybukwhich means if it's holding up the boot, then the graphics drivers never get loaded18:45
Keybukso plymouth is never shown18:45
joaopintocan't an exception be added, like there is one for fuse ?18:46
joaopintoI mean, for the usbfs case, assuming it can be ignored18:46
Keybukwell, it'd be an exception for a filesystem that we don't recognise anymore18:46
Keybukthat might be a workaround18:46
Keybukalso the FRAMEBUFFER=y thing18:46
KeybukI'll talk to slangasek when he's up18:46
Keybuksince this becomes an RM decision at this point in the release18:46
joaopintosomeone else was suggesting to strip usbfs's on the upgrade process, that's an option18:47
joaopintopeople adding usbfs to a new system will most likely understand that caused the hang18:48
joaopintoor maybe not :)18:48
Keybukthough other mistakes can cause this too :-/18:48
joaopintothe main issue for "end users" is that there is no message to understand the cause18:51
Keybukbut that's the bug18:51
Keybukit's not that there's no message18:51
Keybukthe bug is that the message isn't getting on the screen ;-)18:51
joaopintoit's a chicken and egg problem18:55
=== frikinz_ is now known as frikinz
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
Damascenehello, there is a problem with ogv in ubuntu recordmydesktop at least19:13
persiaDamascene: Are you sure that's a bug in Ubuntu?  Looks like a bug in YouTube to me.19:18
Damasceneyou can try it your self persia19:18
Damasceneffmpeg -i video.ogv video.avi19:19
Damascenesee if it works19:19
persiaWell, if it doesn't, file a bug.19:20
DamasceneI tried it doesn't you should try now19:21
DamasceneI need confirmation19:21
Damascenemaybe it's in recordmydesktop19:21
Damascenepersia, any luck?19:28
tjaaltonslangasek: ok, here you go (didn't upload straight to the archive) https://launchpad.net/~tjaalton/+archive/test/+packages19:29
persiaNo.  I don't have a source video, and I'm working on something else.  The best way to get the confirmation you want is to file a bug, as I said.19:29
Damascenenp. I just though you are trying to reproduce19:30
popeyDamascene: i can help you reproduce this19:41
popeylooks like a bug in ffmpeg or gstreamer to me19:42
Damasceneand youtube is using them?19:43
popeyDamascene: i just recorded a video with gtk-recordmydesktop and it plays fine in mplayer19:43
Damasceneyeah it plays fine in totem to19:43
popeyDamascene: i then used ffmpeg to convert to avi as you just suggested, and tried playing that in mplayer and it looked bad19:43
Damascenesame here19:43
popeyright, so my guess is ffmpeg or gstreamer or some libavcodec bit, not gtk-recordmydesktop19:44
Damascenehow to make sure?19:45
popeywell the fact that the video which gtk-recordmydesktop plays fine, and only corrupts after ffmpeg touches it is a clue19:45
popeyI'd file a bug in ffmpeg if I were you19:45
Damasceneand youtube is using ffmpeg?19:47
popeyi dont know19:49
popeyDamascene: I tend to upload to blip.tv and have them send the video to youtube and that works okay19:54
Damasceneby the way do you know any open source video hosting?19:55
popeyblip.tv hosts ogv19:55
Damasceneor only technical stuff19:55
popeyhttp://ubuntuscreencasts.blip.tv <- those videos are ogv which I uploaded to blip.tv19:55
Damascenewas that your sound?20:03
popeywas what my sound?20:04
YokoZarDid human-theme disappear off the CD?20:05
popeyDamascene: can you please explain, your short sentences are hard to parse20:07
DamasceneI'm just asking if that is your sound in the video20:08
popeywhich video? :) there are lots20:08
popeyI'm the one talking in the releases one20:08
Damascenethat was really good20:10
popeythanks. i didnt make the video, i just did the audio20:10
popeyYokoZar: just booted a live cd in testdrive and yes, human is not there20:13
Damascenethat was the thing I'm talking about20:13
YokoZarpopey: That's bad, it was one of our best themes (honestly I'm still using it due to window buttons)20:14
* popey quite likes radiance20:14
popeyno, the other one20:15
popeyI think they're named the wrong way round "radiance" makes me think dark for some reason.20:15
spy6hi there20:28
spy6how is the procedure to sync a package from unstabe to lucid?20:29
spy6(cause https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ipplan/+bug/565781)20:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565781 in ipplan "ipplan incompatible with php 5.3" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:29
ubottuHelpful information for filing a sync request can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess20:30
spy6persia: i did read this20:30
persiaOK.  What part is confusing?20:31
spy6but its not very usefull, cause luvid is in freeze20:31
spy6there is no "resync from new debian version" documented20:31
persiaOh, just get a freeze exception, which tends to be easy for stuff that's completely broken.20:32
spy6in case of freeze20:32
ubottuFeature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.20:32
persiaMind you, if there's lots of *other* changes, it may need a cherrypick rather than a sync.20:32
spy6persia: there just minor changes beside the fix20:32
persiaWell, get input fom the release team.  Sometimes they want a sync, and sometimes they want cherrypick.20:33
spy6persia: sorry, i don't have a clue about ubtunu stuff, i'm just the debian maintainer20:34
persiaspy6: OK.  So, we have two options: I'm happy to explain how to do this, or I can do it for you.  Which would you prefer?20:35
spy6persia: dunno, i'm open for new stuff ... but the proble is just, lucid is not far ;)20:35
persiaOK.  So the way we usually get input from the release team is to file a bug with "FFE" in the title (or edit a bug title), and subscribe "ubuntu-release".20:36
persiaThe release team with ack it, reject it, or ask for more input (usually within 24 hours).20:37
persiaIf you get an ACK, then subscribe ubuntu-sponsors, and someone will push it to the archive admins to get it synced.20:37
spy6okay ... so i add heading "FFE" into the title?20:37
persia(and if you get stuck, or you think the process is stuck, come back here, and we can fix it)20:38
spy6hmm ... what about the sponsor list? just looking if someone is pushing it?20:38
persiaSo first you want to subscribe "ubuntu-release" to get feedback from the release team.20:42
persiaOnce you have approval, then subscribe "ubuntu-sponsors" to ask someone to upload.20:42
persia(both using the "Subscribe someone else" button)20:42
spy6persia: which button? I'm on the mailman interface of lists.u.c20:45
persiaspy6: At https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ipplan/+bug/56578120:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565781 in ipplan "FFE: ipplan incompatible with php 5.3" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:45
persiaYou want to subscribe the team to the bug in launchpad.  Whether you want to subscribe to the team mailing list is entirely unrelated :)20:46
spy6ah ... i contacts add to the bugreport20:46
spy6i though i should subscribe to a mailinglist ;)20:47
persiaSorry for the confusion.  You may also subscribe the the maillinglist if you like, but that's up to you and unrelated to getting approval.20:47
spy6damn, i just have to revert from the subscription ;)20:47
spy6okay ... i got it20:48
spy6persia: many thanks20:48
persiaspy6: Looks right from here.  Come ask again if you don7t get feedback in the bug in a reasonable time.20:49
spy6great :)20:50
* _silentAssassin is away: I'm busy20:53
persia!away > _silentAssassin20:55
ubottu_silentAssassin, please see my private message20:55
* _silentAssassin is away: sleeping20:56
Damascenehi again. I used the ffmpeg from svn with x264 and the problem have gone21:08
matumbaDamascene, could this be related to bug 305286 ? if so, let them know, because I can confirm that the patch mentioned in the report doesn't fix it (ffplay fails to play the ogv)21:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305286 in ffmpeg "fails to playback ogv produced by recordmydesktop" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30528621:11
KeybukProcessed 281161 of 577332 files (15h 37m 5s remaining).21:55
Keybukthat remaining time is going *up*21:55
ionYet another piece of software that doesn’t bother to violate causality.21:55
slangasekjoaopinto: 507881> ah, that's the one; wonder how I failed to see that in the list22:01
slangasekArneGoetje: what's in the new langpacks?  The deadline isn't until next week, and a full langpack upload right now wouldn't give them time to build before we need to start ISO mastering22:02
slangasek(for RC)22:02
slangasekKeybuk: if /proc/bus/usb is already supposed to be handled with the generic "An error occurred" message, that's partially bug #563621 in plymouth22:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563621 in plymouth "[script splash] 'plymouth message' before 'plymouth show-splash' doesn't render" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56362122:07
Keybukslangasek: no it's worse than tha tone22:08
Keybuk/proc/bus/usb ends up being tagged virtual22:08
Keybuksince it's a kernel filesystem22:08
slangasekKeybuk: should misc filesystems listed in /etc/fstab that aren't part of mountall's known list *ever* hold up virtual-filesystems?22:08
Keybukslangasek: yes, if listed as "nodev" in /proc/filesystems22:09
slangasektjaalton: hum, please upload straight to the archive instead, that's actually much more efficient at this stage of the release22:09
slangasekKeybuk: what's the rationale for that?  Future-proofing mountall against new kernel filesystems that it doesn't know about yet?22:11
Keybukslangasek: anything nodev is a virtual filesystem22:11
slangasektrue, but tautological as far as the question of whether we want to block on it before emitting the signal :)22:13
tjaaltonslangasek: ok, on the way. -joystick would need to be synced if accepted, and debfx is working on virtualbox-ose (vboxmouse)22:16
slangasekKeybuk: anyway, I'll accept a mountall change to blacklist usbfs specifically; it just seems to me that the more elegant solution is to treat nodev filesystems locally specified by the admin as something other than 'virtual-filesystems', and let them be handled by the normal error handler22:20
tjaaltonslangasek: btw fyi; there's finally support for AES/3DES/RC4 for rpcsec_gss coming up for .35, 22 commits applied without any problem on .32 ;) (needs three patches for nfs-utils as well)22:21
slangasektjaalton: that's going to have to be considered as an SRU22:22
tjaaltonslangasek: yeah I'm hoping for it22:22
tjaaltonwill test it tomorrow22:22
tjaaltonbut according to steved it has been tested with .32/.33/.34 using cthon22:23
tjaaltonso it should be ok22:23
tjaaltonmy problems with pam_winbind were due to getting the ticket with RC4 on top, and kinit would then replace it with an nfs compatible one..22:24
tjaaltonslangasek: would you like me to propose it on the kernel list?22:26
slangasektjaalton: um... sure :)22:27
slangasekI'm not on the kernel team, so whatever method you and they agree on is fine with me :)22:27
tjaaltonok will do :)22:27
persiatjaalton: Be aware there's still some .31 trees backing lucid packages (linux-rt, linux-fsl-imx51)22:30
tjaaltonpersia: I doubt that the code has changed much, it has had DES hardcoded for a loong time22:30
persia(yes, we're breaking new ground, with *3* different upstream versions of the kernel in lucid)22:30
persiaOK.  You just mentioned .32/.33/.34 and as far as I know, lucid has .31/.32/.3322:31
tjaaltonpersia: actually, here's the patch: http://users.tkk.fi/~tjaalton/foo/auth-gss-update.diff22:32
persia(-rt/-fsl-imx51, everything else, -ti-omap)22:32
* persia has no idea about other changes in the area: just wants to make sure that any sensible patch with behaviour on which we want to rely works on all the different kernel trees we ship)22:33
tjaaltonyeah well I can't see a reason why it wouldn't work with .31 as well, though it certainly doesn't hurt to test..22:33
tjaaltonso -rt is .31?22:33
persiaYeah, -rt and -fsl-imx5122:33
tjaaltonI doubt the other flavors run nfs&krb5 :)22:33
tjaaltonhandhelds or such22:34
persiaActually, NFS is *very* common for -fsl-imx51 and -ti-omap as most devices don't ship with significant onboard storage.22:34
ajmitchstranger things have happened22:34
persiaDunno about -rt.22:34
tjaaltonwell, DES is still there22:34
tjaaltonand if people have been using it, they've had to hardcode the configs too22:35
persia(but -ti-omap is *closer* to .35, so less likely to have backporting issues)22:35
tjaaltonanyway, -rt is probably something that has to be tested22:35
tjaaltonsince i can imagine it being used on such environments22:36
tjaaltonok, 1 hunk failed on top of .31.1322:37
tjaaltonout of 2222:37
tjaaltonlikely due to 14ace024b1e missing22:40
tlpis anyone else dramatically affected by bug #131094 and perhaps #343371 in Lucid? Seems to be happening more than it used to, but I could be wrong.23:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 131094 in linux "Heavy Disk I/O harms desktop responsiveness" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13109423:20
tlpwhen my HDD light is solid, I can't really do anything. Sometimes I can switch over to a tty and login so I can kill whatever it is that's doing it, but many times I'll just power the box off.23:21
=== raof is now known as RAOF
spy6persia: "sync acked"  means, i don't need  to subscribt ubuntu-sponsors?23:28
persiaRight.  A sponsor (ajmitch) already got to it, acked it, and passed to ubuntu-archive.  Now you're just waiting for an archive-admin to publish the sync.  Given that it's monday, I'd expect that sometime in the 9-12 UTC range.23:29
spy6persia: ah okay ... that should be fine for lucid i guess :)23:30
persiaFor the purposes of taxonomy "archive-admin" in Ubuntu is roughly analogous to "ftp-master" in Debian.23:30
spy6i thought so23:31
slangasekKeybuk: re: bug #565185, bug #563878 - my first reaction was also to treat it as invalid, but on second thought, I don't think the design team was ever designing for 640x480 - I'll bet they're assuming a minimum res of 1024x768.  Maybe we should consult them about shrinking those graphics down by a factor of 1.6 or so, so that VGA16fb is more consistent with the experience they've actually designed?  (But not for final release, and proba23:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565185 in plymouth "the xx16.png's are scaled to large" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56518523:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563878 in plymouth "Ubuntu splashscreen big and ugly after installing ATI graphics driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56387823:32
slangasek... candidate for SRU)23:32
persiaslangasek: I'm sure 1024x600 is a closer approximation to expected minimum, although there have been N bug reports about stuff not working at 800x480.  I don't think anyone is seriously targeting 640x480.23:33
slangasekpersia: right - but of course 640x480 is what the VGA fb gives you23:33
slangasekthe trouble is, none of our positioning code assumes 640x480 either, so just resizing the images is going to look weird23:34
persiaYep.  There's been some interesting discussions in #ubuntu-installer about the side effect of various scalings at various resolutions regarding the install process.23:34
slangasekhmm; actually, our positioning code *might* all use the image sizes as the point of reference, and might just work23:34
slangaseksorry, might Just Work23:35
joaopinto_it works fine for me with the (ugly) ATI fglrx resolution23:36
persiaMost stuff seems to scale reasonably down to medium resolutions, but 640x480 gets a bit tight.23:36
persiaAnyway, anything that depends on number of pixels for apparent size is inherently broken.23:36
persiaThere exists no relationship between screen size and pixel count, even aside from the vesafb issues.23:37
slangasekas it happens, I had already tweaked the positioning code in the ubuntu-logo to eat up some of the space below the logo if we didn't have room to display all our text, based on feedback in prior bugs23:37
slangasekso we should actually *fit* on 640x48023:37
slangasekit's just not pretty23:37
persiaI think that's fine.  We can't get pretty until we can get em-aware renderers into pre-boot in a sensible way.23:38
persiaAnd even then it's tricky (go ahead: just try to make things look sensible on my 0.75" 800x600 display)23:38
slangasekyou know we use pango for the text rendering, right? :)23:38
persiaslangasek: Doesn't help with images though.23:38
slangasekwell, yes23:39
persiaPlus pango uses dpi as input trying to reach target size, rather than using dpi as input to reach sensible aspect.23:39
slangasekbut we don't want to be scaling images anyway, they're not going to look crisp if we do that23:40
persiaRight.  We need to render crisp images in realtime on the target hardware.23:41
persiaBut even that won't look crisp when we have framebuffer issues, because the display resolution won't match the native resolution.23:41
persia(at least for non-raster devices)23:41
persiaWell, there's always the alternative of generating a pre-rendered image for every resolution at every size, but that gets tedious in a hurry.23:42

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