
ubotturww called the ops in #ubuntu (Resbaloso)00:50
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !no, truecrypt is =~ s/Truecypt/Truecrypt/00:56
h00koho, rww is correct00:57
Flanneland I just made a mistake00:57
Flannelcompounded with another mistake!00:57
Flannel!No, Truecrypt00:58
ubottuTruecrypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume00:58
Flannelyay capitalization errors ;)00:58
Flannel!forget No, truecrypt00:59
ubottuI know nothing about No, truecrypt yet, Flannel00:59
Flannelthere we go.00:59
Flannel!no, truecrypt00:59
ubottuTruecrypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume00:59
funkyHatAm A Ranth!02:02
Seeker`who is mentoring the new ops?02:16
IdleOneHe who smelt it :P02:16
IdleOneSeeker`: not sure but I think we are supposed to be contacted sometime soon02:17
tsimpsonIdleOne: has no one contacted you yet?02:26
IdleOnenot that I have seen02:26
IdleOnenot in email or via irc02:26
IdleOneI'm sort of used to being thrown into the pool and learning to swim02:27
IdleOneso no worries, also I am not shy to ask a question if I don't know the answer02:28
tsimpsonI'll have to poke someone about that02:28
tsimpsona mentor may not be necessary, but it's nice to have :)02:28
IdleOneThe way I see it you are all mentors02:29
IdleOneI am sure if I ask any of you something you will all be glad to answer02:29
IdleOnetsimpson: who was your mentor?02:29
tsimpsonsorry for the highlight ;)02:30
IdleOneSo new ops having mentors is not a new thing?02:30
tsimpsonit is new, you lot are the first02:31
PiciIdleOne: he means thats the person that he is mentoring.  We never had mentors.02:31
tsimpsonoh, who >was<02:31
* tsimpson should not read at 2:30am02:31
Seeker`nope, typing without reading is much better...02:32
IdleOnePici: :) you turned out ok02:32
tsimpsonSeeker`: as long as I have spell check enabled02:32
Seeker`I remember when I became an op02:33
Seeker`was very different back then02:33
IdleOneI do think that it would be nice for the new ops (myself included) if there was a wiki page with useful resources. all the links we need, a bad word highlight list (this could be difficult to put on a wiki) and probably other info02:34
IdleOneeither that or a ubuntu-op script for irssi and xchat02:35
tsimpsonan operator guide is in the process of being created02:35
tsimpsonscripts are good, but make sure you know how to do things manually too02:35
IdleOneactually the ubuntu-op script would be good either way02:35
PiciI have a set of irssi aliases that I use myself. I wasn't a fan of auto_bleh.pl02:36
IdleOnePici: I use chanserv.py but I was thinking more like the old days with the Oper scripts on Mirc but not as lame02:37
FlannelIdleOne: There isn't a "bad word hilight list"02:37
tsimpsonwell most ops who use xchat use chansrv.py02:38
IdleOneFlannel: yeah but a list that clearly defines what can't be said might be useful in times of arbitration02:38
FlannelI've got auto_bleh if you use irssi02:38
FlannelIdleOne: That doesn't exist, use your judgement02:38
IdleOneFlannel: I do. but I saw earlier in -offtopic discussion about effin being or not being a curse02:39
tsimpsonthat's why ops are human (most are anyway)02:39
* IdleOne is hooman02:39
FlannelIdleOne: If someone's swearing for the sake of swearing, its generally a good idea to mention it02:40
IdleOnethen again maybe defining every little thing is not a good idea02:41
tsimpsonyep, having a list only makes it possible for people to say "but, it's not on your list of bad words"02:41
IdleOneFlannel: I normally do02:41
IdleOnetsimpson: agreed02:41
PiciI have some common stuff on my hilight list, but thats for my own purposes.02:42
IdleOneI need my glasses02:43
PiciAnyway, this is what I use for aliases for irssi: http://nullcortex.com/upload/config.txt02:43
IdleOneI use xchat but still will save it in case I switch02:45
PiciIt may be relevant if there are aliases in xchat.  I personally haven't used it in years02:46
IdleOnetried using irssi for a little while but I couldn't get used to it02:47
IdleOnemaybe I'll install irssi again and give it another shot02:49
PiciI have it running on my VPS02:50
IdleOneVirtual Pici System02:52
Piciif onyl...02:52
Picionly... maybe my virtualized self would spell better.02:53
txwikingertsimpson: You are living in the wrong timezone ;)03:01
tsimpsontxwikinger: I know, but I'm also an insomniac :)03:01
txwikingerYeah.. I start to see that03:02
txwikingerI was no different while I was in Bham03:02
* Seeker` is mostly nocturnal03:05
Seeker`and I work a 9-5 job too03:06
IdleOnelook out for GaryNiger (~gnaa@ racist spam in #freenode03:45
Flannelmight be pertinent to ban gnaa* I can't imagine a legit user accidentally choosing that03:47
IdleOneFlannel: *!*gnaa@* right?03:50
Flannelthat'd be it, yeah.03:51
IdleOneok done03:51
* Seeker` reads the discussion about pre-emptive bans that occured earlier03:54
IdleOnewhat was the decission?03:54
IdleOneagainst policy03:56
Seeker`basically, it seems that it is against council policy03:56
IdleOnewill remove if you say so03:56
IdleOnecan a temporary pre-emptive ban be ok?03:56
Seeker`well, all I'm saying is that its apparently against council policy. Up to you what you do with that information.03:57
IdleOnelike for 1 hour when we know there is a spamming session happening?03:57
Seeker`the ban lists are pretty full in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic03:57
Seeker`we have to clean them regularly03:57
Seeker`if we pre-emptively banned against every troll we saw in every channel we were in...03:57
FlannelSeeker`: That's preemptive banning of individuals, not blanket trouble things03:59
Flanneler, IdleOne, or whoever I'm responding to :)03:59
FlannelWe've got other bans that are similar to that, *!*[expletive]@* and things like that03:59
IdleOneFlannel: well it was one person and he quit right after he posted his message04:00
IdleOneanyway gnaa is on my watch list now04:00
FlannelIdleOne: Yeah, we should check to see if other gnaa people match that as well.04:00
Seeker`yes, but is *gnaa* always trouble?04:00
IdleOneSeeker`: good question04:00
Seeker`if gnaa is "here be trolls" in some foreign language, then fine04:01
Seeker`but I doubt it is04:01
FlannelAre you not familiar with the GNAA?04:01
Seeker`not personally04:02
IdleOneFlannel: I think what Seeker` means is that it is possible that someone uses gnaa and is not a troll04:02
FlannelI said earlier that I can't imagine a legit user accidentally choosing that04:02
IdleOnebut someone who is not a native english speaker may04:02
FlannelSeeker`: Don your asbestos suit and look it up on the internet04:02
Seeker`I can't imagine a legit user calling themselves "IdleOne", but, y'know...04:03
IdleOnenever said I was legit04:03
Flannel(I strongly recommend flashblock and noScript, and maybe even turn off images)04:03
funkyHatIsn't flashblock redundant if you have noscript?04:03
FlannelfunkyHat: No04:03
Flannelwell, not necessarily04:04
FlannelfunkyHat: When dealing with that caliber of site, redundancy probably couldn't hurt04:04
funkyHatFair point04:04
funkyHatNot sure about "twats"...04:04
FlannelModern NoScript does block flash by default if you configure it to.  I'm not sure what the 'standard' user configures it to though, I lock mine down04:05
Seeker`"by default if you configure it to"?04:05
funkyHatSeeker`: I was wondering that too ;P04:05
FlannelYou and your "reading" :P04:06
FlannelI think in my head that meant "by default on a page" (because you can click the things and reenable them)04:06
Seeker`I get what you meant04:07
Seeker`just sounded funny04:07
FlannelIndeed it does.04:08
* Seeker` giggles04:08
IdleOneumm ok I banned hiexpo how is he in #ubuntu now?04:14
funkyHatIdleOne: your ban was too specific04:14
IdleOneand again04:15
funkyHatRemove the other ban too04:15
IdleOneok chaserv.py defaults to the wrong ban mask :(04:15
FlannelIdleOne: Usually it's fine, most people don't change their IP04:16
IdleOnehiexpo seems intent on doing his thing04:16
IdleOnehe really isn't a bad guy04:17
IdleOneyeah so +b when setting a mode change is useful04:25
rwwHola. |the-sandman| appears to be flooding out of #ubuntu twice a minute, might be worth banforwarding if it keeps up.04:27
rww.. and it looks like it's fixed itself right as I said that. Typical ;P04:28
h00kis /afrn forwarding to ubuntu-ops07:20
bazhangh00k, for qpt?07:48
h00kbazhang: bah. No, it was somebody else that I removed from #ubuntu07:50
ikoniah00k: /afr07:57
h00kikonia: ahha.08:03
h00kikonia: thank you :)08:03
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)08:55
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)08:55
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)08:55
mneptokPricey: heya!08:55
FlannelThat seemed ike a netsplit08:56
FlannelOh, that was a netsplit08:56
FlannelI meant the join beforehand08:56
h00kthat was quite odd09:00
FlannelEveryone rejoined with different nicks, so server must have froze, people timed out on their clients and reconnected, then the server timed out with the other servers (causing the split)09:01
h00kthat makes logical sense for an explanation09:01
Flannelnah, just one server09:01
elkyjussi, hey, if these single ban log pages are loading up like fifty bazillion times quicker than the full BT, is it possible to let us comment from them rather than the main?09:03
elky(basically is this an oversight or a wontfix?)09:04
ikoniawhat is the lag with BT - is it the machine it runs on, or is it the limitations of things like SQLlite09:04
Flanneloh, h00k, you already called him out on it09:05
h00kFlannel: Yeah, well, it was quite passive, but I think he caught it09:05
elkyikonia, my understanding is the latter.09:06
elkyikonia, just about all the problems with the BT ever have been because of sqlite09:06
ikoniaI did a bit of work trying to port it to Mysql, and at one point postgres, I wonder if it's worth picking that up again09:08
elkyi would love you forever09:08
ikoniaI didn't get far with it as I hit a few big hurdles and no-one at that time had time to work on it with me, but I can look at it again09:09
mneptokikonia: s/MySQL/MariaDB/  ;P09:23
ikoniaI know nothing about MariaDB - so out of my league09:23
mneptokthe only thing to know is that it's a drop-in replacement for MySQL09:24
ikoniareally ?09:27
ikonialooks like I'll have to do some research09:28
ikoniaI've never used it at a09:28
mneptokand we have XtraDB in place of InnoDB :)09:28
mneptokIIRC, Kexi will do sqlite > mysql data conversions09:28
mneptokif not, i may be able to find someone willing to help.09:30
tsimpsonelky: you can now add comments from the log09:31
tsimpsonwell, you should be able to unless it explodes09:32
elkyhmm.. the send button doesn't seem to even be a button09:34
Flannelelky: That's to ensure it doesn't explode09:35
elkyat least, it's not doing anything when i hit it09:35
elkyFlannel, clearly.09:35
tsimpsonelky: try again09:58
tsimpson(missing end '"')09:59
elkyyay. (search: l0de)10:01
czajkowskijust wondering about the logging bot, is the source code available?10:52
czajkowskiikonia: fancy seeing you here :)10:52
ikoniashock horror10:52
elkyczajkowski, which logging bot?11:06
elkylocobots and ubuntulog are completely different beasts.11:07
czajkowskiboth log a channels,I'm just enquring which bot if any has its source code availabe for folks to create their own version of it11:09
ikonialoco bot appears to have some logging in as ubuntu-vn uses it to log11:16
gordczajkowski, we use supybots a whole lot here, you customise them with plugins, so really all you need to do is get a supybot install running and install the logging plugin (might be built in and you just switch it on, not sure)11:45
elkyczajkowski, ubuntulog is just an irssi client with irc2html scripts running on the irssi logs11:59
elkyczajkowski, it's managed by Canonical sysadmins, so we really can't tell you exactly which scripts11:59
bilalakhtarPeople, I can't access #ubuntu-offtopic13:38
bilalakhtarit says that I am banned. why? I did nothing13:38
bilalakhtarI think h00k is the operator of irc channel #ubuntu-offtopic13:39
bilalakhtarjussi: Can you please help me? I have been banned from #ubuntu-offtopic for unknown reasons13:44
bilalakhtarNo one here to help? please! I request you! I apologize in case I violated the code of conduct13:53
bilalakhtarpopey: please help me with this! I have been banned from #ubuntu-offtopic for unknown reasons. I request you to unban me13:56
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:58
popeyhmm, ubottu.com seems broken for me, so i can't look into it, sorry bilalakhtar14:00
bilalakhtarpopey: thanx for the effort. Atleast someone responded to this. But, why has ubottu banned me?14:01
popeythats the question I can't answer14:01
popeybilalakhtar: it looks like you were kick/banned by topyli for having an offensive quit message14:02
bilalakhtarpopey: ok but what did I write? I don't remember I will check the history14:03
popeyI don't know, I can't see that14:03
popey-offtopic isn't logged and I'm not in that channel so don't log it myself14:03
popeyaha, found it14:04
popey*** bilalakhtar (bilalakhtar!~bilalakht@ has left #ubuntu-offtopic ("windows f***ing sucks")14:04
bilalakhtarpopey: sorry for that I promise I won't repeat it14:05
popeyI'm afraid there's nothing I can do about it, I don't have ops in that channel. You'll either have to wait or come back when an op is about.14:05
bilalakhtarok i should leave now14:06
jussidunny how people try ban evade...14:16
elkyFunny how people do it right in front of us and think they'll get away with it.14:25
ikoniaD/whois bilal_akhtar14:53
ikoniais he known ?14:53
jussiikonia: a ban for a bad quit message in #u-ot, nothing serious14:55
ikoniathe way he was trying to evade I wondered if he was more than that (known)14:56
jussinah, I think its just ignorance.14:57
jussiIf he had more experience he would have actually looked at the ban.14:57
elkyIf he had more experience, he wouldn't be joining this channel for each evade attempt.14:59
jussiwell given its a forward...15:00
topylilooks like he changed the quit message, the everything is fine15:04
jussih00k: ^^15:04
h00ktopyli: sounds good. It gave me an excuse to look at the bantracker for the first time15:05
topylii must be tired. "the something?"15:06
topyliuh, "the everything"15:06
bilalakhtarh00k: Can you please unban me from #ubuntu-offtopic?15:09
bilalakhtarh00k: I promise I won't break the CoC again15:09
h00kbilalakhtar: it has already been removed, it looks like15:09
bilalakhtarh00k: sorry I didn't note that15:10
h00kbilalakhtar: so, you should be all set15:10
bilalakhtarh00k: thanx15:10
h00kbilalakhtar: is there anything else I can help you with?15:10
bilalakhtarh00k: nope thanx I will leave this channel now15:11
elkysomeone should probably still edumacate him on the basics of irc survival15:20
elkyTo anyone reading the above, it would seem that all you have to do to get your ban lifted is try to evade. Bravo.15:22
h00khimb eing me?15:27
h00ker, *him being, rather15:28
Tm_Th00k: being the one who was banned, rather15:29
h00kTm_T: okay. I didn't know if it was something I could have done better15:30
Tm_Th00k: heh, just remember that evading or even trying to evade ban is a bad, baad thing15:30
elkyh00k, if you spoke with him in PM, that's fine, but say that you have here so that we can defend the unlifting as having been Because He Learned15:31
h00kelky: alright, that's sort of what I figured, and I wasn't sure if that was /msg'd to him previously (about the evading)15:32
elkyh00k, i can't even tell if he actually knows that bad quit messages are why he was banned in the first place, either.15:33
jussilooks like he understodd that to me, from his conversation with popey.15:34
ubottuNick1 called the ops in #ubuntu ()19:37
jussitonyyarusso: best to tell them first ;)19:38
tonyyarussoYou're so sweet ;)19:39
jpdsAcePreshaw looks dodgy.20:57
jpdspopey: ^--.20:58
jpdsDoesn't seem to be helpful in #ubuntu-website.20:58
ikoniawhat the devil is #ubuntu-website ?21:02
ikoniajpds: I muted him early in #ubuntu for being a jerk and had a chat to him21:02
jpdsikonia: A channel... about the Ubuntu website?21:02
ikonia(chat in pm) he agreed to control his attitude towards people21:03
ikonianever seen it before, having a poke around21:03
jpdsIt's old.21:03
ikoniaI'm just not in the loop on it I guess21:04
CaptainTrekis there a channel specific for medibuntu?21:04
ikoniathey do have their own channel yes21:04
CaptainTrekor is #ubuntu the correct channel to ask those questions?21:04
ikoniabe aware it's not part of the ubuntu project21:04
CaptainTrekokay, because the repos are dead for it21:04
jpdsCaptainTrek: #medibuntu ?21:04
CaptainTreki was wondering if they would know why21:04
CaptainTreki'll check there thanks21:04
ikoniayou can chat about mediabuntu usage with ubuntu, however if there a problem with the packages you'll need to contact the medibuntu guys21:04
CaptainTrekyeah, i was wonderin if others had issues connecting to the medibuntu repos, it seems they are indeed dead for a while :P21:06
jpdsikonia: He's come back as heeed.21:08
ikoniaahhh I thought you where still active in here czajkowski21:08
czajkowskiwe've kicked AcePreshaw from ubuntu-ie today for trolling and he seems to be doing the rounds in channels21:08
czajkowskiikonia: no I left as it says no idling21:08
jpdsnick change with same IP FAIL.21:09
ikoniaczajkowski: you're voiced here - you can idle21:09
ikoniajpds: you're eyeballs are exceptional21:09
jpdsikonia: your*.21:09
czajkowskiikonia: grand21:09
jpdsczajkowski: Am watching him.21:09
czajkowskijpds: cheers21:10
nickspoonThat's an awfully funky hat, funkyHat.22:38
funkyHatSeveas made it for me22:38
nickspoonHe's a nice man. :)22:38
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:41
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:41
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:41
ubottuIn #ubuntu, dugger5688 said: ubottu is fiesty lately, warning about g!, even when we're just posting search results where the 1st result is the answer.23:44

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