
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
daniel__hi everybody10:11
daniel__i was wondering if there is a way to completely reset my ubuntu one account (on my local machine and on the net)10:12
kermiacdaniel__: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+faq/77810:37
kermiacdaniel__: tht's for your local machine, you will need to delete your account using the webui too for the net side of things. That can be done in your "account" page10:39
kermiacin one.ubuntu.com10:39
daniel__ok, i will give this a try! thanks!10:40
kermiacnp daniel__ :)10:41
raphaStill missing those songs from the album I bought - and not many days left until the Lynx is released :-(12:05
raphamaybe i should try buying another album and see if that works12:06
=== brad[werk] is now known as bradbook
bilalakhtarwhen will support for sharing files with users not on ubuntuone be available?14:12
cprofittjoshuahoover: ping14:26
cprofittor anyone else that can assist with what looks to be a borked Ubuntu One14:26
duffydackSo with bookmarks set to sync, if I have firefox with no bookmarks on another machine, it should just add my bookmarks that are sync`d from the other pc17:51
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
duffydackcan someone tell me how in gods name bookmark backups are supposed to work.. Im not seeing my bookmarks on the other machines firefox.. the addon is installed and is enabled.19:05
* popey boggles at how his bugs often become duplicates of newer bugs, when the newer bugs were filed by canonical people20:31
popeyodd that20:31
popeybug 532977 being one20:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532977 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store "No help for mp3/aac icons (dup-of: 546080)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53297720:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546080 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store "Hovering over the "MP3 320" icon shows a help cursor, but clicking does nothing" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54608020:31
popeyespecially given mine is "low" and the newer one is "medium"20:31
polterI got a question about the music store.. is there normally a delay before songs bought get transferred to my U1 account?20:44
topylithe problems with dashboard being fixed is great news. what is the dashboard? :)20:45
polter'cause I just bought three songs and it doesn't seem to be downloaded to U1 at all20:45
DanaGARGH... How do I get ubuntuone to stop synchronizing a folder?21:06
DanaGRight-clicking and telling it to 'stop synchronizing on ubuntuone' does not work.21:07
DanaGI had included my pidgin logs in ubuntuone sync... and now it's using 100% CPU synchronizing those thousands of files.21:07
DanaGah, u1sdtool may do it.21:13
DanaGhmm, where does ubuntuone pull contacts from?21:24
DanaGhmm, is there any way to get ubuntuone to not devour cpu when there are huge numbers of small files to sync?21:27
duffydackDanaG, I wish mine would use more cpu, it might be in more of a hurry and be less of a wait between synchronising 1 file to the next.21:34
duffydackor maybe thats the server, I dunno..21:35
duffydackmust have taken an hour for it to download around 200 files (totalling 20mb) to my pics folder.  I`d still like a notification of it finishing sync, as I have to look at the client to find out if sync has finished properly..  surely having to open a tool to find it out is more of a pain than a small notify.21:37
DanaGFOr me, ubuntuone is not useful as long as it devours my cpu every time I boot, no matter how few files have been changed.21:38
DanaGOne file changed out of thousands... it seems to then go back and check all 999 other files.21:39
duanedesignDanaG: it shouldnt be using 100% of your cpu.21:54
DanaGIs there a way to get it to log, while leaving out the last N parts of a path?21:54
DanaGI have pidgin logs in there, and don't want the contacts' names public if I file a bug.21:55
duanedesignthere was a 'fix released' not sure how lon ago, but if you added files to your Ubuntu one folder owned by root that would case the cpu to go crazy21:56
duanedesignDanaG: you could use GEdits find/replace to obfuscate the files. But that could take a bit if you are talking several different filenames.  Filing the bug as private would make the bug not viewable by the public.22:00
DanaGOr rather, use sed with a regex.22:00
duanedesignDanaG: or you could wait till rye is in here and have him help you with the bug. That way you would only have to share the log with one person. He is here on weekdays.22:02
DanaGSure.   It should be easy to reproduce... just use pidgin logs dir.22:02
rapha13:08 < rapha> Still missing those songs from the album I bought - and not many days left until the Lynx is released :-(22:10
raphaany answer to that?22:10
ejatim having wrong username n pass while connecting to ubuntu one with the iphone ..22:34
ejatcan some help me to get my contact sync?22:34
* ejat ok .. got it .. 22:41
CardinalFangejat, are you using the per-phone custom u/p from the phone set-up page?22:41
ejatjust read http://bit.ly/bEjshW .. need to create unique username ..22:42
ejatCardinalFang: didnt notice that .. i tought using the single sign-on username ..22:43
CardinalFangejat, Yeah, we're trying to decide what to do there.  The SymcML server isn't very hackable.  It's "enterprise"-y.22:51
ejatowh .. i guess canonical using funambol DS for that , am i correct?22:52
ejat\0/ successfully sync ...22:59

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