
artisanhi folks11:23
artisanI am going crazy with pulse&jack on lucid :)11:23
artisanafter following the suggestions to install pulse-jack from the PPA pulse has jack as default sink and source, and even restarts jackd (or I dunno where it gets restarted ..), *but* jack is only listening in hw:0,0 no matter what I set in qjackctl or .jackdrc directly11:25
artisan /usr/bin/jackd -p512 -t200 -dalsa -r44100 -p256 -n2 -D -Chw:2,0 -Phw:2,0 <- this line should start jack on the 3rd soundcard, right? (this is my ews88mt)11:26
artisanbut all sound comes out of the onboard soundcard ..11:26
artisanany ideas?11:27
artisanah, and running pulse-jack script after starting jack manually gives:11:28
artisanE: main.c: Daemon startup failed.11:28
artisanhehe, and the most funny thing is, that in the connections window of qjackctl are shown 8 outputs, which *is* the ews88mt, and pulse is connected to channel 1+2, *but* sound still comes out of the default soundcard11:30
artisanwell, and trying to set default soundcard with pulse via gnome-menu->prefs->sound->hardware shows *no* soundcard at all ..11:36
Blank__wish i could help you artisan, but i don't know :(12:04
artisanthx for listening Blank__ :)13:25
Blank__i'd say i know less about it than you do13:26
holsteinartisan: ping14:38
artisanholstein: pong14:55
holsteinartisan: i had to run out again18:18
Saftpacklhey all!18:46
Saftpacklhas anyone managed to route sound from jack to pulseaudio?18:46
* holstein hasnt tried18:47
holsteinyou want audio from JACK to go to pulse?18:47
Saftpacklyes, would be nice =)18:47
holsteinyou cant just have JACK use your audio card?18:48
holsteinand play the JACK audio to it without pulse?18:48
Saftpackli tried something with pulseaudio-modules-jack and wanted to get a sink for pulseaudio to send audio to it18:48
holsteini havent tried either really BUT18:49
holsteinfrom what i understand18:49
Saftpacklthe problem is: i got 2 cards and i would like to send audio to the other one18:49
holsteinits to go the other way18:49
holsteinto get pulseaudio to route through JACK18:49
Saftpacklso: card one got pulseaudio, card two is running low latency with jack18:49
holsteinhave you asked in #jack ?18:50
Saftpacklon my way ;)18:50
holsteinim not sure how that would work personally18:51
Saftpacklthanks anyway =)18:52
artisanusually 2 soundcards don't go well together, samplerate foo and much more ..20:56
artisanre btw20:56
artisanholstein: no worries, I am away from the machine now anywyas ;)20:57

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