
highvoltagemorning mhall11912:48
bencrisfordhighvoltage: you seen Ara's email?12:50
highvoltagebencrisford: yes, we currently have a problem with our daily build (language pack installation fails), when that's resolved we can do the testing12:53
highvoltagebencrisford: the blogging about it and spreading some awareness might be a good idea12:53
bencrisfordhighvoltage: ok, yeah i was gonna post on my blog, but im not sure how many people read it :P12:53
bencrisfordso if you or another member could get it on planet12:53
bencrisfordthat would make a bigger impact probably12:54
bencrisfordill post it on mine anyway, but like i say, that will just get to a hanful of people12:54
alkisgstgraber: whenever you got 5' to spare for udhcp, please ping me :)19:06
highvoltage  2433206272 100%    1.12MB/s    0:34:33 (xfer#1, to-check=0/1)19:49
highvoltagersync ftw.19:50
Ahmuckhi.  how's pyjunior?20:31
Ahmucki noticed people are calling for docs.  would python channel help?20:32
mhall119I haven't tried pyjunior yet20:32
mhall119not sure I see the purpose20:33
Ahmuckmhall119: it's for teaching python21:14
mhall119Ahmuck: yeah, I saw jono's posting on it21:14
mhall119but it's not really filling a void21:14
mhall119there's a plethora of python teaching apps for kids21:15
Ahmucki noticed a post for testing RC ... if there was specific test cases, with specific outlines i'd consider it21:18
Ahmucki'll have time this week21:18

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