
Riddellseele: ever alert for the call to action!00:02
Riddellseele: but the microblog and the main blog entry remain two entries, that's how the code works for now I'm afraid00:03
seeleyeah, i noticed after i submitted the bug00:04
RiddellI made your name consistent anyway00:04
macoseele: did ke4qqq get in touch with you?00:22
macowhatd you tell him?00:22
seeleuh.. thanks for letting me know?00:23
macooh ok00:23
macohe said they were looking for a kde person and i pointed him at you00:24
seelecfp is open until the end of the month00:24
Riddelloh aye, call for papers, what should I talk about at Akademy?00:24
macoalso, point out to justin that "dwarfed freedom edition" already exists.... gnome ;-)00:24
maco(yes yes i know it was april fools)00:24
seelemaco: right.. that was part of the joke :P00:25
seeleRiddell: have you done any work on umbrello lately? we always like to see application talks00:25
Riddellalas no00:25
seeleoh.. so i had a nice talk with some firefox guys last night00:26
seeletheyre interested in providing some native kde support for things like the file and print dialog00:27
seelethey just need a person to talk to and some help00:27
Riddellumm, we already have those patches00:27
Riddelljust need sent upstream00:27
Riddellwhich is ment to be chris coulson's task but...00:27
seeleright, but upstream is what i meant instead of maintaining them00:28
RiddellI should harras him about that00:28
seelesorry, i was tlaking with my kde hat on, not kubuntu :P00:28
Riddellseele: if you point them my way that might be a good starting point to get them upstream00:28
seelebut apparently theyre having discussions about how they want to handle webpage notifications00:28
Riddellwhat are web page notifications?00:29
seelelike if facebook sends you a notification ont he webpage00:29
seelei thought there might already be a plugin for this but i guess not00:30
seelebut if you get a notification on a webpage, it will send a notification to the desktop environment00:30
seelewhich is useful for facebook notifications and chat, gchat webpage chat, etc.00:30
Riddellnever heard of that00:30
Riddellsounds non-standard00:31
seeleyeah, but if they provide a function websites can call such as javascript:world.notify(); developers would know to call it00:31
seeleit is useful for a lot of ajax stuff00:32
seele^would be useful00:32
seeleespecially as a lot of applications are turing to the cloud00:32
Riddellyes it would be00:32
seeletheyre separating from the desktop.. this would help keep them connected00:32
seelealso so a really freaking awesome demo of click history effects on widgets00:33
seelewhich would be a great accessibility feature00:33
seeleunfortunately they are using computer vision and not plugging in to the widget toolkits00:33
Riddellpoint them at either KNotify or VisualNotifications stuff presumably depending on how advanced they want their notifications00:33
macoseele: there's a plugin to firefox to make it talk to ayatana notifications00:34
seelemaco: yeah, but that is firefox to desktop environment00:34
seelethat's not webpage to desktop environment00:34
macoyeah now i think about it might just be the "download complete" stuff00:35
seelei'm talking about "You received a new Google Wave message from Justin" while the webpage is open but not in focus sort of stuff00:35
macothat *would* be handy00:35
seeleRiddell: i also got to meet charline poirier for the first time. she is brilliant. i hope canonical doesnt waste her talent00:36
Riddellseele: I should know who that is shouldn't I?00:37
seelehum.. well she is on the design team so maybe you wouldnt00:38
ScottKmaco: You should see the comments on the upstream bug about the firefox notifications thing.  Upstream is not happy at all.00:47
macowhat bug?00:47
ScottKI wish I could remember.00:47
ScottKIt was the one about supporting the Ayatana notifications.00:47
macothere's an extension hosted on launchpad for that00:47
ScottKI didn't save the link.00:47
ScottKOh, this might be a little differet00:48
ScottKThis one was along the lines of "hey we don't have actions, so please fix" and "huh, I guess we can work around the idiocy".00:49
ScottKseele: Just watched the PBS piece.  Very nice.01:00
Riddelland still not submitted to Dot News :(01:06
jjesseseele was on pbs?01:06
Riddellfame at last!01:07
imbrandonnice, grats seele ( i hope it was for a good reason at leaste )01:13
seelelol i'm on tv for like 10 seconds01:13
ScottKAt least you got to say something.01:14
imbrandonhehe , you got 14:50 more commin then , right ? lol01:14
imbrandonwhat was the piece on ? i wanna look it up sometime, "just cuz"01:15
imbrandonso whom here knows where/who i got to request to get my alioth account added to git.d.o/collab-maint ?01:16
imbrandonthanks ScottK01:16
imbrandonanyone on the collab-maint thing ? /me goes to ask in -motu before i go diggin on the debian website01:17
imbrandonahh found it01:31
* ScottK asks apachelogger to render judgement on 565180.05:58
jussibug 56518006:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565180 in language-pack-kde-de "Translation error in Launchpad changes (KMail/kdepim)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56518006:37
apacheloggerScottK: I'll have to think about that a bit, because I think what the translator did is valid and good, other than bad QA and crappyness all around, but he saw something that was hard to understand and tried to fix it, unforuntatlely he introduced a bug in the process08:16
tseliotagateau: I installed colibri to use it in my kde session but now it has taken over my gnome session too. Any ideas (other than removing it)? BTW it's beautiful09:39
agateautseliot: no real solution: dbus does not know the difference between kde and gnome :/09:40
agateautseliot: you could manually rm the colibri dbus file and add colibri to the programs kde autostart at login09:40
agateautseliot: it's a bit ugly but it should work09:41
tseliotagateau: yes, that should work. Thanks09:41
tseliotagateau: also, I don't know if this is your field but have you noticed that moving windows with qtcurve is not as smooth as doing the same with other themes such as oxygen?09:44
agateautseliot: not my field, and not a qtcurve user, sorry :/09:45
agateauthat's weird09:45
agateauI would suggest talking about it with qtcurve devs09:45
tseliotagateau: are there other ways to use gnome apps in kde? Maybe some customised gtkrc?09:45
tseliotyes, I'd like to talk to them about it09:46
agateautseliot: not sure I understand your question: you don't need to customize gtkrc to run a gnome app in kde09:46
tseliotagateau: I know but I gnome apps in kde don't use kde's theme09:47
agateauoh that09:47
agateauthere is a gtk-qt package iirc09:47
agateauI think it's packaged in Lucid, but I can't remember the package name09:49
tseliotok, thanks09:50
jussi!info kcm-gtk10:14
jussi!info kcm-gtk lucid10:14
ubottukcm-gtk (source: kcm-gtk): Configuration module for GTK+ appearance in KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.3-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 30 kB, installed size 372 kB10:14
ubottukcm-gtk (source: kcm-gtk): Configuration module for GTK+ appearance in KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.3-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 25 kB, installed size 372 kB10:15
Sputcan anybody open https://translations.launchpad.net/quassel/trunk/+pots/quassel without getting a 404?10:28
agateauSput: 404 here :/10:31
Sputok, so it's not my box10:32
Sputlink seems to be working for some people10:32
Sputso I blame Launchpad10:32
Sputoh, you need to be logged in now10:36
Sputthat is unfortunate10:36
jussiSput: wfm :D10:39
jussiSput: also, if you give me your LP name Ill add you to the team...10:39
Sput"sputnick" probably?10:56
* apachelogger giggles over how easy it is to port Experimental::KNotificationItem to KStatusNotifierItem11:02
ScottKapachelogger: OK.  Please just mark a conclusion in the bug.  I'm also still getting pinged over the one broken language pack.11:47
ghostcubeehlo O/11:47
BreetaiI hope this is a place where I can ask a question about the Kubuntu Lucid Beta. My mouse does not work for about the first minute after booting. Is this a known issue and is there a fix for it?11:58
RiddellBreetai: it's not something I've heard of12:05
Riddellmice control isn't anything KDE specific so better to ask X folk12:05
BreetaiWell, I have not tried the Ubuntu Beta, but I can tell you I have never had this with Ubuntu or Kubuntu with Hardy, Intrepid, Jaunty or Karmic. So something has changed in Lucid. I just don't know where to point the finger.12:08
BreetaiRiddell: Thanks for the help12:08
lex79apachelogger or Riddell can you upload kdeplasma-addons from bzr please?12:39
lex79there is a fix for frame plasmoid which doesn't work in picture of the day mode12:41
Riddelllex79: can do12:55
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shadeslayerhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/564433 << Confirmed this,anyway to get a backtrace?13:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564433 in kdebase-workspace "[Lucid] New bug: Plasma crash at KDE logout" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:56
tsimpsonsee if it crashes when you quit it, kquitapp plasma-desktop14:15
shadeslayerok lets try14:19
shadeslayerloading debug info14:19
shadeslayertsimpson: http://shadeslayer.pastebin.com/5rGPAEry14:20
shadeslayerimo its more of a wallpaper plugin crash,than a plasma crash14:21
tsimpsonI'd say it's either a PyQt bug, or a Qt bug14:22
shadeslayertsimpson: can you explain a bit more?14:23
shadeslayerwhich line....14:23
shadeslayertsimpson: it is a wallpaper plugin but... i changed the wallpaper to a stationary one,crash gone14:24
tsimpsona python script should never cause a segfault14:25
tsimpsonunless there's a bug in Python or some loaded python libraries14:25
shadeslayertsimpson: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Wallpaper+Clock?content=11956314:27
tsimpsonit's hard to tell if it's the script or PyQt414:33
shadeslayertsimpson: hmm... i really think its the script,ive written to the dev,awaiting his response14:33
tsimpsonI've only glanced at wallpaperrenderer.py:73, but it doesn't look like it doing anything insane14:33
* shadeslayer wonders how to get http://buzz.kde.org/ into choqok14:43
janmaltecould you integrate some artwork even after freeze?14:58
janmaltenot because its mine, but because it has a consequent design now14:59
janmaltestarting with plymouth until ksplash14:59
janmalteOr could you make some artwork? i really struggled, when i first startet kubuntu beta 2 and after the new shiny plymouth the ethias kdm theme was shown15:00
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lex79Riddell: so kdeplasma-addons will go with a SRU ?15:37
lex79btw the fix is not vital15:37
Riddelllex79: it's still in unapproved queue, I'll let slangasek accept it when appropriate15:38
ScottKQuassel 0.6.1 is also in unapproved.  I expect it to remain there until after RC.16:06
* ScottK larts apachelogger for forgetting to put his last quassel upload in bzr (fixed. you're welcome).16:07
shadeslayerRiddell: hehe.. saw your mail in rekonq ML :D16:07
shadeslayerTonio_: got a sec?16:10
Tonio_shadeslayer: meeting here16:11
shadeslayerTonio_: oh ok16:11
Riddellapachelogger: you have four specs listed at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/10.10/Specs, I'm currently registering specs and proposing them for UDS, should I register your specs and should anything be done at UDS about them?16:31
lex79Riddell: can we add also pulse by default in the specs? Obviously if we want pulse :)16:36
Riddelllex79: using pulseaudio would come under the packaging spec I think16:37
Riddellbut why would we want to do that?16:37
ScottKRiddell: I think by 12.04 we'll need pulse by default, so we might as well take the plunge now.16:37
lex79ScottK: good point16:38
lex79and KDE is moving to pulse btw, I think in kde 4.5 kmix supports pulse16:39
* ScottK is curious what crimsun would advise.16:39
* Riddell is curious if Mamarok would ever speak to us again16:41
ScottKI'm not particularly missing it myself, but it seems like we may as well bow to the inevitable.16:42
rgreeningvlc + phonon + pulse seems likely to be a workable back-end for us.. perhaps this cycle.16:45
* rgreening is surmising16:45
rgreeningRiddell, nixternal: do we need a spec to review Kubuntu docs?16:48
ScottKrgreening: Take a look at vlc's security history.  I'm not going to be the one to ask kees to put it in Main.16:48
rgreeningScottK: Im only seeing that xine is possibly going to be superceded in KDE by the vlc plugin. If there are security concerns, we should review...16:49
rgreeninge.g. if the issues are the libs or the frontend app///.16:49
ScottKIt does look to have gotten somewhat better recently.16:50
ScottKNot sure16:50
rgreeningas the phonon vlc only requires bits of the libs16:50
neversfeldeQuintasan: koffice in beta ppa has no ~ppa117:06
ScottKapachelogger: I fixed the language pack by reapplying your patch.  Thanks.17:08
MamarokRiddell: if it works and doesn't kill sound galore, and deactivates random audio cards, I can live with it17:09
ScottKSounds reasonable.17:11
* rgreening finishes writing phonon-tincan-backend, and starts working on dependency libString17:12
ScottKrgreening: Please include support for RFC 1149.17:13
rgreeningScottK: I can target that for release 11.10 Omnipotent Owl via libAvaiator17:23
ScottKrgreening: There was a no kidding news story recently about a South African company that used carrier pigeons with flash disks to move data and it was faster than the local ISP.17:25
ScottKNot kidding.17:26
nixternaljeesh, gorgeous sunny day, I am in the shower, and the power goes out....2 weeks ago when that storm hit, we didn't lose power17:27
jussinixternal: blame the ash :P17:29
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apacheloggerScottK: thanks for fixing the bzr18:05
ScottKapachelogger: No problem.  I've forgotten enough times myself.18:06
apacheloggerRiddell: depends on whether you want to discuss that stuff at UDS, otherwise I'd carry discussion via the mailing list18:06
apacheloggerScottK: what language pack did you fix?18:06
ScottKThe one that failed to build18:06
ScottKWhere you patched an older version.18:06
apacheloggerScottK: did you also add the changelog entry to the -common branch ;)18:06
ScottKI just tossed your patch in and uploaded18:06
ScottKapachelogger: No.18:07
* ScottK doesn't know a thing about how that works.18:07
apacheloggernow that would cause fail should another batch upload be necessary18:07
apacheloggerScottK: yeah, I meant to document it18:07
apacheloggerdidn't get to it yet18:07
ScottKCould you fix that up then?18:07
* apachelogger was wondering a bit about implemention specifics of hooking up ubuntuone with a KDE UI18:10
apacheloggereither be easy on the resources and make coding a bit of a headache or use a bit more resources and make programming a charm :/18:11
ScottKapachelogger should probably give visit agateau over the summer in France.  He knows all about wiring KDE stuff and Canonical stuff together.18:12
apacheloggernamely library and/or inline header magic to take care of marshaling or kded18:12
apacheloggerScottK: well, I have a dbus and akonadi dude right around the corner ;)18:13
apacheloggersaves me the trip to france ^^18:13
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, did my comment answer all your questions about my proposal?18:14
sithlord48hey everyone i did an upgrade to lucid last night and all went very good other then my video driver18:16
sithlord48does ne one know how to set the enviromental var FORCE_ATI_UNINSTALL18:18
ScottKsithlord48: Maybe in #ubuntu-x.18:18
Riddellapachelogger: I think so, let me re-review18:18
sithlord48cool thanks scott18:18
* ScottK decides it's time to force upgrade the children.18:19
apacheloggeroh my ^^18:20
ScottK(their computer, technically, if I could get an upgrade for the teenager's, I'd buy it though)18:21
sithlord48yea right now my netbook has much better gfx ability then my deskotp18:22
apacheloggerScottK: oh ;)18:27
* apachelogger writes about the translation screwups18:28
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* apachelogger thinks that ubuntuone's syncdaemon should be hooked up with a kded module and then apps should talk to that module using a supporting header + dbus interface xml18:50
apacheloggerthat way one can for example take the uglyness out of the statuschanged signal and exchange the string with an enum value18:50
* apachelogger isnt sure what to do about marshaling though18:51
apacheloggerneeds more thinking for sure :/18:52
nookie^does anyone know where fonts can be downloaded of the new logo?19:03
nookie^or are they copyrighted?19:03
debfxnookie^: I think only the letters in "kubuntu" exist19:04
ScottKEd also, IIRC19:04
ScottKAnd I think X19:04
nookie^debfx: do u have that new logo somewhere maybe?19:04
nookie^i have found this so far https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Brand19:05
debfxnookie^: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuArtwork19:06
nookie^debfx: thanx!! i can use that19:07
nookie^to bad that i cant find fonts.. i could use them to do some banners19:07
nixternalnookie^: the new font hasn't been released yet that I know of19:14
nookie^nixternal: ahh i've see... i'll see what i can do with the logo19:16
nixternalgroovy, have fun with it :)19:16
nookie^hehe thanx! :D19:17
nixternalnookie^: there are SVGs though with the new logo and text19:17
nixternalmaybe Riddell knows where you can get that19:17
nookie^nixternal: yeah i have found the svg aswell there19:17
nixternaloh rock on19:17
nookie^but i think i managed it with png =)19:17
* apachelogger finds it unfunny that the ubuntuone tech preview he wrote in november is horribly broken in april19:24
nixternalapachelogger: you have to write it in python, otherwise you can't use 'ubuntu' with it ;p19:26
apacheloggercall it kubuntuone then :P19:27
apacheloggerthing is, hooking it up with syncdaemon is not all that difficult if only the dbus interfaces were a bit more convenient19:27
apacheloggerClientApplet(7505) Applet::statusChanged: QDBusMessage(type=MethodReturn, service=":1.610", signature="a{ss}", contents=([Argument: a{ss} {"is_error" = "", "name" = "QUEUE_MANAGER", "queues" = "WORKING_ON_BOTH", "connection" = "With User With Network", "is_online" = "True", "is_connected" = "True", "description" = "processing queues"}]) )19:27
apacheloggerthat is what syncdaemon's statuschanged spits out, that then gets marshaled to a QHash<QString, QString>19:28
nixternalare you throwing it all into the hash, or just a couple of items?19:29
apacheloggernixternal: all that, since it probably is a tuple in python19:30
nixternalwell, i know all of contents, but type, service, and signature? any idea what those mean in this case? I know MethodReturn at least19:31
apacheloggernixternal: I only marshal the content19:31
apacheloggerthe other stuff is not really useful in this particular case19:32
apacheloggerbut the content of StatusChanged is about anything you might wanna know about the status19:32
nixternalok, was just wondering, that's all19:32
nixternali have been thinking about ubuntuone kde client19:32
nixternalbut don't have my gnome box anymore, and i am not installing it on my laptop19:32
apacheloggerso I was wondering if maybe I should just move this stuff all to individual vars inside a kded module and expose them via seperate interfaces19:33
apacheloggerso the module emits statusChanged and the client would go poke the module for the information it needs19:33
apacheloggerthen again that might cause more traffic on dbus than is necessary19:34
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nixternalyeah, don't have any experience with kded modules...though separating them into interfaces doesn't sound all that bad, that way there people can become opportunistic and create a plasma widget for each interface :p19:34
apacheloggerthing is, primary use case is probably a statusnotifier, and that beasty would mostly need all information at once19:35
apacheloggerthe logic behind getitng the information out of that hash is ugly though19:35
nixternallucky you...I am working on designing a new site for a client19:36
* nixternal kicks ScottK in the shins19:36
nixternalI said, "Yeah, of course I can do that"19:36
nixternali suck at designing19:36
seelei'm sorry but this ubuntu women stuff is really getting on my nerves19:37
* nixternal whistles19:37
seelelike, i understand there needs to be some outreach in programs19:37
seelebut like.. ubuntu beats you over the head with a giant stick about it19:37
seelelike every day there is some celebration of ubuntu women19:37
nixternalseele: we had the BSD lady here last month at our conference, and her message to the Linux community, and really Ubuntu was, "Put up or shut up"19:37
seelelet's all pat ourselves on the back instead of get some work done19:37
nixternalI think everyone turned ghost faced when she said that19:37
seeleyou know.. funny i was at a minority and women in technology workshop last weekend19:38
seeleand their approach is completely opposite of these linux women groups19:38
seelethey aren't all about rallying the troops and trying to make people aware19:38
apacheloggernixternal: can we please implement the ubuntu women work paradigm19:38
seeletheyre more about supporting each other and kicking ass in their field19:38
seelebecause no matter what, there is always going to be discrimination19:39
apacheloggernixternal: no work and more praising is awesome IMHO19:39
seeleand it's more important to support people to get work done than to point it out and cry about it19:39
nixternalRandi Harper was the FreeBSD lady...she was awesome! and I believe she uses KDE19:40
apacheloggerseele: makes more sense IMO, I mean, how else would you want to get rid of discrimination other than proofing people wrong anyway?19:40
nixternalseele: see, you can say that...i never once would have said it because there is a great chance i would have never heard the end of it, i would have been attacked hardcore19:40
seelenixternal: which is unfair imo19:40
seeleuber female promotion makes men have to treat women with kid gloves19:41
apacheloggernixternal: http://gitorious.org/ubuntuone-client-kde/ubuntuone-client-kde/blobs/master/src/applet.cpp#line130 any thoughts for improving this?19:41
seelewhich is counter productive to the point of those types of organizations19:41
apacheloggernixternal: IIRC that is a straight port of what the gnome python thingy did19:41
janmaltecould you integrate some artwork even after freeze?19:41
* nixternal hugs the hell out of seele 19:41
nixternalyou are the new 'nixternal spokeswoman' :D19:41
seeleyou get people crying about gender shit and then all the men are afraid to talk to women or speak their mind19:41
txwikingerseele: Well... it needs both.. awareness is often the key for people start to understand19:41
seelenixternal: this isnt the first time i've ranted about it, although i tend to stick to kde channels when i do this19:42
seelesimply because ubuntu has this super woman culture19:42
* apachelogger envisions another blog post of the kubuntu is not ubuntu series :P19:42
txwikingereveything just needs to stay in proper proprtions19:42
Riddellhi janmalte19:42
nixternaltxwikinger: awareness is cool, but not shove it down your throat, or when sabdfl made an off comment he was immediately attacked and everyone demanded an apology19:42
Riddelljanmalte: it's too late to make artwork changes or upload new packages, although packages could be put in a PPA19:43
nixternalnobody says anything about Riddell and hot tubs though!19:43
txwikingernixternal: yeah.. I know .. some of the stuff was under the belt19:43
janmalteits because of these two19:43
nixternalGO BLACKHAWKS!19:43
janmaltenot because its mine, but because it has a consequent design now19:43
txwikingernixternal: GO Linux-team :D19:43
apacheloggernixternal: I think the hot tub paradigm is gender agnostic though19:43
nixternaldangit, i went to click those kde-look links and you all talked and moved them away from the mouse cursor!19:44
* txwikinger has adopted the team with the pingus on their shirts as the linux team19:44
apacheloggerSput: fail ^19:44
apacheloggerSput: when mouse is howering over a poor urly the chatview shouldnt scroll down19:44
nixternalI use irssi19:44
nixternaland usually have weblink catching turned on19:45
nixternalbut i was lazy and didn't turn it on i guess19:45
nixternalcalm down now19:45
* apachelogger calms down19:46
apacheloggerClientApplet(7505) Applet::statusChanged: QHash(("queues", "WORKING_ON_BOTH")("connection", "With User With Network")("description", "processing queues")("is_connected", "True")("is_online", "True")("is_error", "")("name", "QUEUE_MANAGER"))19:46
* apachelogger finds this way too ugly19:46
nixternalshouldn't there be a ',' between the ()'s?19:47
nixternalthat would make it a bit easier to read19:47
apacheloggernixternal: it is not for reading anyway19:47
apacheloggerthat is kdebug output19:47
nixternalwell, kdebug output is meant to be read, otherwise you wouldn't need it19:48
janmalteSo there is no way to get some artwork integrated into kubuntu 10.04?19:49
apacheloggernixternal: well, QHash<QString, QString> is no standard data type19:49
apacheloggerjanmalte: not at this point19:50
Riddelljanmalte: we're in final freeze, nothing can stop release now19:50
janmalteok, so where to propose it to the ppa?19:50
janmalteYes i know, i started to late trying out the new release19:51
Riddelljanmalte: but it's great to see people playing around with the new logo.  we can put it in our experimental PPA if it gets packaged19:51
janmalteso i just recognized yesterday that the artwork is totaly inconsequent19:51
Riddelljanmalte: how do you mean inconsequent?19:52
janmalteStarting with dark blue color and the new kubuntu logo19:52
janmalteat plymouth19:52
janmaltegetting the grey lightblue ethias theme at kdm19:52
neversfeldeI am afraid I'm to lazy to package amarok 2.3.1 beta for karmic :)19:53
apacheloggerneversfelde: go find a minion19:53
neversfeldethat is probably even more work19:53
apacheloggerneversfelde: it pays off though19:53
nookie^Riddell: i have done a banner simillar as the one for ubuntu19:54
nookie^let me show u19:54
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* nixternal goes out for a while, if you need me, call me, if you don't need me, call me, I am lonely19:55
nixternallater gators!19:55
nookie^there it is Riddell19:55
nixternalthat whole "Change is coming" stuff makes me think of the Obama campaign promises and it makes me puke in my mouth everytime I hear it or see it19:56
janmaltenice wor nookie^19:56
nookie^nixternal: haha true19:56
nookie^janmalte: thanks.19:56
Riddellnookie^: looks lovely19:57
RiddellI'm agreeing with nixternal though that the slogan is sounding like a politician.  David Cameron in my case19:57
janmaltebut i would remove one dot at the bottom to keep the branding consisten19:57
janmalteat plymouth there are five, and also in the kdm and splash i made ;) :D19:57
nookie^janmalte: i added 6 because to fit with the kubuntu.org =)19:58
* apachelogger really doesnt consider dots part of any branding ^^19:58
nookie^Riddell: so i can make 9 more of those19:58
nookie^or should we change the change?19:58
nookie^to like Kubuntu is coming or something19:58
Riddell"Kubuntu is coming" could well be taken the wrong way by people with a certain sort of mind19:59
janmaltemaybe remove the kubuntu logo and put it as a transparent behind the remaining days19:59
nookie^Riddell: haha lol!19:59
nookie^but true!19:59
nookie^janmalte: it could be too much stuff at one place19:59
janmalte"Explore the furure"19:59
nookie^im doing 9 more days20:00
Riddellnookie^: "Friendly Computing" is what we have on kubuntu.org20:00
nookie^Riddell: i'll change to that20:00
macoRiddell: surprised to see that being pointed out by you :P20:00
janmaltenookie^: yeah, your right20:00
janmaltebut moving the logo somewhere else would be better i think20:00
Riddellmight be nice to get the LTS more of a mention20:01
Riddell"Friendly Computing here for the Long Term"20:01
nookie^that is to much text20:01
nookie^for a small banner i guess20:01
nookie^but if i make lts20:02
nookie^hmm let me try lts bold and see what it looks like20:02
nookie^janmalte: could be like that but i dont know20:02
maconixternal: yeah didnt you say Riddell tried to drag you to the mall for a swimsuit too when you answered "no, no hot tub. dont have a swimsuit on me"?20:02
Riddellprobably more artists in the channel now than we've had for a long time :)20:06
DaskrechCan You have the Boot up messages show for Plymouth?20:09
janmalteJust have to ask again, there is definitly no way to get it into 10.04? But if i provide a package it could be put into the ppa?20:10
Riddelljanmalte: I'm afraid so, we need to stay focused on testing and critical bug fixes and artwork won't count in that20:11
Riddelljanmalte: but if you know how to package we'd be happy to put them in a PPA20:11
Riddelland if you know how to package you should stay around and do artwork and packaging and things :)20:12
Riddellryanakca: ping, we have countdown banners20:17
ScottKapachelogger: My advice on the Ubuntu One thing is don't get it working too well before they agree to pay you to do it.  If you do it first, their motivation goes down.20:22
* apachelogger is just poking20:22
* Daskrech pokes apachelogger20:23
Daskrechnixternal: You did some work on the Plymouth theme didn't you?20:27
ScottKDaskrech: nixternal is a Plymouth theme master.20:28
ScottKBTW, got the new plymouth theme on shutdown to restart during the upgrade.  That was kind of interesting.20:28
Riddellinteresting how?20:29
ScottKJust suprising to me that I had the new theme before the reboot.20:31
ScottKNot in a bad way.20:31
ScottKI've got some bug reports to write but nothing critical.20:32
* apachelogger thinks that maybe the ubuntuone UI magic should just be using the syncdaemon directly and have marshal magic in some namespace'd header20:35
apacheloggerthat said, all should be namespaced to UbuntuOne anyway I suppose20:35
janmaltejust because it was asked it an other channel, are there a beta version of kubuntu netbook? could the artwork be integrated there? :)20:37
Riddelljanmalte: there are beta versions of kubuntu netbook.  but the whole archie is under final freeze (and artwork freeze was ages ago)20:39
janmalteok, i give up, no chance for me :)20:40
Riddelljanmalte: in general we like to use KDE's artwork so rather than altering KDM to match plymouth it might be better to look at altering plymouth to match KDM (although it's certainly nice to have this KDM theme as an option)20:40
ryanakcaRiddell: Shall I make the action items disappear then?20:42
Riddellryanakca: naw it's just a small banner20:44
Riddellmaybe put it on the left hand colum above the headlines20:44
Riddellnookie^ is doing the rest in the series20:44
janmaltelooks better with just five dots :)20:45
Riddelljanmalte: I quite agree :)20:45
Riddellryanakca: do you know what needs doing to get ofir's site design up?20:45
JontheEchidnaBtw, does anybody know what happens after the Canonical travel agency dudes finalize your flight arrangements? How do I get the tickets to use on the day of the flight?20:54
RiddellJontheEchidna: the UK one sends you a link to a web page with all the flight details including the magic number you type into the machine at check in time20:55
JontheEchidnahmm, maybe I missed something on the receipt20:56
JontheEchidnaOh ho, I did. There's an attachment to this email, with a link for online checkin21:00
JontheEchidnadang, this is an awfully confusing way of going about things: bug 56612321:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566123 in kcm-gtk "gtk-qt theme engine has problem displaying the foreground selected color in menu" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56612321:01
freinhardhas anyone packaged kraft 0.40 yet?21:41
ScottKIt would be lovely if someone would look into the patch for KDE bug 234010 and see if maybe we can get that in post RC.21:45
ubottuKDE bug 234010 in plasma-netbook "plasma-netbook crash with regenerated plasma-netbook-appletrc" [Crash,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23401021:45
ryanakcaRiddell: The sysadmins are looking into a testsite. The theme has been reviewed / approved. https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=1049621:49
Riddellryanakca: testsuite?21:52
neversfeldeScottK: I can put this on my todo for tomorrow21:52
Riddellfreinhard: not that I've seen21:52
ScottKneversfelde: Excellent.  Thanks.21:52
ryanakcaRiddell: Yes, like what we had last time around, where they install the theme, we look at it/OK it, and then they copy it over / point www.kubuntu.org to it.21:54
freinhardRiddell: in case i would do it, it's too late for lucid anyways?21:54
neversfeldefreinhard: yes, we're in final freeze21:55
neversfeldewe could put it into a ppa, if you package it21:55
Riddellryanakca: oh aye, that's good21:56
ryanakcaRiddell: Yes, I'm looking forward to getting rid of my look-at-it-the-wrong-way-and-it-breaks theme21:57
Riddellryanakca: I fear it won't happen in time for lucid release though, might be worth coming up with a plan for what to do if it doesn't (i.e. can the logo be replaced?)21:57
ryanakcaRiddell: Yes, I just need to switchout the logo file in the theme and bug a sysadmin to merge it in.21:59
nookie^Riddell: i need to get some sleep now... i have uploaded the files again.. here is the link http://blusrcu.ba/nookie/kubuntu_banner_final.zip ... Good night! =)22:15
Riddellryanakca: ^^22:46
apacheloggerkubotu: np23:21
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Amarok" by Mike Oldfield [Amarok, 2000] [http://open.spotify.com/track/6cGa6b2xqrm7f9UJB3LkHx] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more23:21
apacheloggeralmost through already ^^23:21
* apachelogger didnt notice23:21
apacheloggerRiddell: what I would imagine implementationwise http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/UiImplementations.png23:23
apacheloggerthe kded module takes care of login and auth and connection as well as marshals the data from syncdaemon into Qt data types and most likely exposes it with a bit more signals to the ui implementations23:24
* apachelogger didn't look into KIO yet, though it should probably first stop since it will mostly need to render information from the kded module, which is pretty slick IIRC23:25
apacheloggernetwork:/ and desktop:/ have supporting kded modules too I think23:25
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