
jtvwgrant: nothing blew up with the slave build cookies so far?02:08
wgrantjtv: I haven't tested it aggressively, but it seems to be OK.03:16
jtvwgrant: cool!03:17
jtvwgrant: I felt a bit bad about having an extensive national holiday after dropping a potential bombshell into the codebase, but I have have gotten lucky.  :)03:17
wgrantjtv: Heh.03:18
lifelessargh, lplib is _so slow_07:13
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jtvhigh time for lunch!07:32
jmlwgrant: :D09:33
jmlmrevell: good morning09:34
mrevellHow jml09:34
spmheyo jml the cruel09:36
jmlspm: what! I found it for you, didn't I? :P09:36
spmtake 3 points for the comment; lose 3 for the cruelty. ;-)09:37
jmlwuu! it's like Fable 209:40
wgrantHow is it in the realms of ash today?09:40
jmlthe usual: grey09:41
jmlbut it's been awesome watching the tree outside my window slowly grow leaves and flowers09:41
deryckMorning, all.11:04
deryckHi, intellectronica.  I believe bug 566351 might be related to recent bug heat changes.  If not, it relates to heat calculation performance work you're doing.11:28
mupBug #566351: Unable to mark a bug as private (times out) <Launchpad Bugs:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/566351>11:28
intellectronicaderyck: ok, will investigate.11:29
deryckintellectronica, thanks11:30
intellectronicaderyck: i don't think it's related to that change (which is annoying, because if it isn't then why are we starting to see this now?)12:07
intellectronicathat is, i don't think it's related to heat at all. the thing that times out is trying to subscribe the person marking the bug as private, and that happens before we do anything heat-related12:08
deryckintellectronica, I saw those 63 select bugjob statements, which seems to be where the timeout is.  So I thought it must be related to heat.  Or am I misreading that?12:11
intellectronicaderyck: ah right, maybe it is heat-related, in that the job creation is triggered by adding a subscription. but it's not related to the immediate heat calculation (also i can reproduce on staging, which still doesn't have this change).12:14
wgrantThe distroseries index seems really slow now.12:15
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deryckintellectronica, ok, cool.  so not new, but perhaps heat related then.12:18
wgrantbigjools: Bug #253509?12:53
mupBug #253509: Security contact subscribed when moving tasks <Launchpad Bugs:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/253509>12:53
bigjoolscareful, you'll get called mpt soon :)12:54
wgrantNah, I filed this one.12:54
bigjoolsyeah was gonna say12:55
* bigjools sighs at the desktop getting slower the longer it's used12:55
wgrantSo, the security notification breakage is being fixed?12:55
wgrantbigjools: Lucid?12:55
wgrantWith a GEM-using graphics driver?12:55
wgrantgrep "object bytes" /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/gem_objects12:56
bigjoolsno such file ...12:56
bigjoolsit's nvidia12:56
wgrantOK, so not the big GEM leak then.12:56
bigjoolsit also decides it can't start when I boot and goes to the "reconfigure X" dialog :/12:56
wgrant<3 proprietary drivers12:57
bigjoolsI doubt this is a proprietary driver bug12:57
bigjoolsit's a setup bug12:57
bigjoolsthe slowness, I dunno, however12:57
wgrantbigjools: Can I somehow get hold of one of the new timestamped cron.publish-ftpmaster logs?13:00
bigjoolswgrant: yeah, one sec13:01
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leonardrjames_w, where are you on updating bzr-builddeb to avoid using the 'beta' service? i don't see any recent branches from you for that package13:13
james_wleonardr: it's done13:14
leonardrjames_w: great. do you think we're ready to push the new version of launchpadlib to lucid?13:15
james_wdone as well13:15
james_wmust have dropped you from CC, sorry13:15
james_wthe only issue I've seen is with the launchpad bzr plugin13:16
james_wits hacked up version of web_link broke13:16
leonardrjames_w: is that also fixed?13:18
james_wnot yet13:18
leonardri'm checking whether the software-properties problem is fixed13:18
wgrantbigjools: Thanks.13:27
leonardrit is fixed, great13:27
wgrantbigjools: Also, any progress on the PPA log parser script setup?13:28
bigjoolswgrant: waiting on the RT13:29
wgrantbigjools: Ah, great. Thanks!13:29
bigjoolswill poke some people about that today13:29
wgrant2010-04-17 23:05:32 DEBUG   Sorting sources...13:38
wgrant2010-04-17 23:07:51 DEBUG   Dominating sources...13:38
wgrantThat really doesn't need to take more than a second.13:38
wgrantbigjools: Hm, the log stops rather abruptly.13:46
bigjoolswgrant: yeah it gets synced over to a different maching, they clashed13:46
wgrantAh :(13:46
wgrantStill, apt-ftparchive is really extraordinarily slow.13:46
bigjoolsyes, yes it is13:47
bigjoolsif we can get the soyuz publisher to handle extra overrides, we'd be able to do a direct comparison13:48
bigjoolsright, lunch time13:49
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
wgrantbigjools: A direct comparison will make you cry.14:00
wgrantNMAF is probably around an order of magnitude slower.14:00
derycksinzui, ping14:05
sinzuihi deryck14:05
wgrantbigjools: Shouldn't uploads to obsolete series in PPAs be rejected?14:22
bigjoolswgrant: cprov always maintained after you take everything into account, they were comparable15:06
bigjoolsthat's why I want full comparisons :)15:07
bigjoolsand yes obsolete series should refuse PPA uploads15:07
wgrantIt's pretty easy to get NMAF up to around 6000 stanzas per second locally by caching them. But I'm not sure how much of a penalty extra overrides will be -- we can't safely cache them.15:09
marsdanilos, ping, did you get a chance to try the ec2 test patch?15:10
danilosmars, yes, see email15:12
marsdanilos, ah, thanks!15:12
danilosmars, in short works fine :)15:13
marsand a big "ARGH" goes towards my busted mail filters15:13
marssinzui, do you remember what version of zope we were using before the 3.4.??? upgrade?15:18
marssinzui, it was 3.2somethingbeta I believe?15:18
sinzui3.2 + patches15:18
sinzuimars: it was not an official release15:19
marssinzui, ok, thanks15:19
bigjoolswgrant: I expect it can be further improved quite easily, cStringIO etc and other critical parts compiled15:20
deryckadeuring, so the only surprise from running expiring script on staging was script perms?  Does that mean none of the staging bugs got set EXPIRED?15:28
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BjornTgary_poster: ping15:43
leonardrjml: i'd like your opinion on a couple new potential performance improvements15:43
gary_posterBjornT: pong15:44
leonardrhttps://dev.launchpad.net/Foundations/Webservice/Performance#line-184 and the section beneath it15:44
BjornTgary_poster: i'm trying to add http://pypi.python.org/pypi/repoze.sphinx.autointerface/0.3 to our buildout config, so that i can use that plugin in sphinx15:45
jmlleonardr: thanks. I'll take a look, but I'm on the phone from now until tomorrow :(15:45
leonardrjml, no rush15:45
BjornTgary_poster: however, it requires Sphinx >= 0.6.1, and even though i have 0.6.2 installed in the system python, buildout doesn't find it15:46
BjornTgary_poster: anyway to tell buildout that "i actually have this package already", instead of adding sphinx and its dependencies to buildout?15:47
gary_posterBjornT: no, buildout should not use eggs from system Python.  It only allows the underlying site-packages to be available.  Doing anything else was even more rickety than what we are already doing.  So, in this case, either get the repoze package in our PPA or something, or use Sphinx from a package buildout manages15:48
BjornTgary_poster: ok, thanks15:49
BjornTgary_poster: do you know who would be able to package a python module quickly? i guess it should be easy, but slow if you haven't done it before.15:51
gary_posterBjornT: I think you are right about "should be easy". :-) and Python packages in particular are tricky, I believe, maybe even esp. those with namespaces.  I know U1 does it a lot.  Maybe noodles775 would have other ideas?  I unfortunately do not have experience with it myself, though I'd like to.15:53
jmlBjornT: I'd ask someone from U115:57
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henningeHi all! Does this ring any bell?16:16
henninge        context = gpgme.Context()16:16
henninge    GpgmeError: (32, 176, 'Unknown error code')16:16
kfogeladeuring: if you will be around in ~45 min, I'd like to talk about getting a good query for persons/teams in https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kfogel/tuolumne-lp-configs/patches-time-to-closing/revision/40 .16:16
kfogelhenninge: nope, sorry16:17
jelmerhenninge: yes; it's fixed in lp:~launchpad-pqm/pygpgme/devel, but that hasn't landed yet because of other errors16:17
henningejelmer, kfogel: thanks, good to know ;)16:17
bigjoolshenninge: bzr pull the pygpgme sourcecode16:18
bigjoolsthen run make in the same dir, then in the devel dir, make clean16:18
bigjoolsthen it WFM16:19
henningebigjools: cool, thanks16:19
maxbjelmer: About those other errors - do you have a plan?16:25
bachi leonardr, i'm having problems using lplib against a dev instance.  have you seen anything like this before: http://paste.ubuntu.com/418662/ ?16:41
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leonardrbac: no, take a look at how the sock object is created16:45
bacleonardr: sorry to bother you16:46
bacturns out my apache wasn't running16:46
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kfogeladeuring: ping17:23
deryckhi kfogel.  I think he might be unavailable for a little while.17:35
* deryck pinged earlier forgetting that17:36
kfogelderyck: thx17:37
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jmlg'night all18:12
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adiroibanis make iharness working ? I'm trying to create a view and it enters an infinite loop19:53
samgeeis there anything I could do to help solve https://launchpad.net/bugs/549041 or is that something ubuntu admins need to fix? (I'm not familiar with soyuz in any way [yet].)20:00
mupBug #549041: don't de-index source packages until they're due to be removed from disk <soyuz-publish> <Soyuz:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/549041>20:00
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bachi leonardr, i'm trying to write some launchpadlib pagetests and i'm discovering some things that work as expected in an interactive lplib session but do not work in the test environment.21:05
baccollection = lp_anon.project_groups.search(text="Apache")21:05
bacthrows a 40521:05
leonardrbac, can you paste the full httperror dump?21:06
leonardrbac: given that 'allow' contains pretty much every http method there's probably something wrong with the http transport21:10
leonardrcan you also set httplib2.debuglevel = 1 and see what is sent?21:11
bacleonardr: ok21:11
cody-somervilleIs there a non-admin launchpad.dev account that I can log in to?21:14
cody-somervilleI suppose I could just set a password for the cprov account or something like that, right?21:15
bacleonardr: here is the output but the httplib2 debug was not generated for the call.  it was shown for the call to login_anonymously but not the search.  https://pastebin.canonical.com/30870/21:18
leonardrbac: 1. push your branch so i can try it21:21
leonardr2. do you know if other launchpadlib actions result in httplib2 dumps?21:22
bacleonardr: 2) in the interactive env the search does generated debug output21:22
bac1) will do21:22
leonardrbac: for 2) can you do something other than run this search and see if there's output?21:23
bacleonardr: lp:~bac/launchpad/bug-52477821:25
bacleonardr: bin/test -vv  -t lp-proj.txt21:26
bacleonardr: no, i put in just a call to lp_anon.project_groups to get the collection and debug output wasn't shown21:27
leonardrbut lp_anon.project_groups worked?21:28
bacit works but the search() does not21:29
leonardrbac, i suspect the request is never making it into lazr.restful code. you could test this with breakpoints in HTTPResource.do_GET. i suspect something about the way the test env is hooked up is to blame21:42
leonardri'm eod but i will look at this tomorrow if you're still stuck. i will probably need to do another launchpad branch21:42
bacleonardr: ok, i think you're right.  other than your launchpadlib.txt i don't think this has been exercised much21:43
bacthanks for your help and i'll talk to you tomorrow21:43
lifelessleonardr: hi22:19
lifelessleonardr: launchpadlib seems to make HTTP requests on every object traversal; is there some way to make it cache things and avoid querying each time ?22:19
leonardrlifeless: yes, at the cost of the client sometimes having out-of-date information22:22
maxbjelmer: Around? (Regarding pygpgme and lucid)22:25
lifelessleonardr: we're in a 1-a-minute cron job, and its doing some absurd amount of lookups - 1000's perhaps.22:25
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thumpersinzui: ping23:32
james_wlifeless: you can try the twisted client, it forces you to request the lookups23:33
james_wlifeless: it's still experimental though, so it may well require some contribution for it to work for you23:33
lifelessjames_w: sounds interesting; at least for now though I can't justify the time - this is a slack-time project to get rid of 'pqm-submit'23:34
lifelessjames_w: and production code really wants package deployed dependencies etc23:34
james_wlifeless: sure, it's not ready yet. However, given that you mentioned async lplib yesterday, and now asked about a feature you get with it, I thought I would mention it :-)23:35
lifelessjames_w: I appreciate that23:40
lifelessjames_w: where is it btw ?23:40
james_won a well-known open source hosting platform23:41
thumperjames_w: what? github?23:47
james_wmais oui23:48
mwhudsonbuzzword fail!23:57
mwhudsonjames_w: you meant *colloboration* platform!23:57
mwhudsonexcept with better spelling23:58
james_wno, I think I probably meant colloboration, it's late here23:58

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