
micahgpersia: bug 25721900:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 257219 in soyuz "should abort currently building builds of superseded packages" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25721900:03
lifelessis there a bug open about lp bugmail sending it to our email address, rather than to the bug itself with just envelope to us ?00:14
persialifeless: There are some bugs about how LP's email system exposes private email addesses in bugmail which could be fixed as you describe.  I'm not sure there's a bug specifically about that.01:15
ddecatoranyone have any ideas on why a report would timeout whenever i attempt to make it private for three days now?01:20
micahgddecator: try on production01:21
micahgddecator: and file a report against malone01:22
ddecatormicahg: er, this may be a stupid question, but what do you mean by "try on production"?01:22
micahgddecator: not edge01:22
nigelbedge vs no edge?01:22
* micahg can't keep all the terms straight01:23
ddecatoris edge the default?01:23
nigelbno, edge is beta code01:24
ddecatori don't think i'm using edge then01:24
spivedge has "edge" in the url, e.g. https://edge.launchpad.net/...01:26
ddecatoryah, no edge in the url01:28
ddecatorand i don't see a report filed yet, so i'll make one01:28
nigelbddecator, then try with edge ;)01:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548 in malone "Launchpad sends change notification updates to the person who requested the change" [Medium,Triaged]01:29
lifelessI'm surprised it only has 7 'affects me'01:29
persiaSome of us (e.g. me) like it, as noted in comment #501:31
ddecatornigelb: still timed out =p01:31
nigelbddecator, file bug :)01:31
ddecatornigelb: already working on it01:32
nigelbpersia, +1 Me too01:32
ddecatorhm, would this be considered a security vulnerability?01:35
persiaddecator: The can't make stuff private issue?  Unlikely.  Any bug that isn't private already has all it's attachments and comments available in several public locations on the internet.  Making them private later doesn't do much useful.01:36
ddecatorpersia: true, i guess it isn't since the reporter made it public and not the bug01:37
ddecatorthere we go01:38
ddecatormicahg: is there a bugmail list you aren't subscribed to? o.o01:38
micahgddecator: sure01:39
ddecatoralright, now back to packaging. thanks for the help everyone01:40
micahgddecator: you need the bug # and the oops message if you have it for your bug01:48
ddecatormicahg: wasn't sure if it was ok to put the bug number, but i can add it. one sec01:49
SazpaimonI want to sync my sourceforge project with launchpad, is there a simple way to do this or is it all just a big copy and paste job?02:31
thebwtis there a way to confirm the existance of a ppa with launchpadlib?03:07
wgrantthebwt: lp.people['somebody'].getPPAByName(name='ppa')?03:17
thebwtwgrant: thanks :D03:19
Sazpaimonif I edit a release URL pattern, does it automatically get the releases in it or do I need to wait?03:43
Sazpaimonor, can i manually make it find new releases03:43
Sazpaimoni want to know if I got it right03:44
wgrantSazpaimon: That's run on a reasonably infrequent cron job. There's no way to speed it up, I'm afraid.03:53
Sazpaimoni guess I'll just manually add the releases then03:53
mwhudsonit theoretically runs every day, i think03:53
Sazpaimoni'm trying to figure out a decent way to sync up to my sourceforge site03:54
Sazpaimonobviously launchpad wasnt made to have users have the best of both worlds03:54
mwhudsonwell it was, but it requires a lot of patience :-)03:56
Sazpaimonunfortunately I can't sync my stable and tags folders from my server's svn repository onto lp03:57
Sazpaimonjust trunk, for some silly reason :/03:57
mwhudsonSazpaimon: the tags should be present in the import of trunk, i think03:57
Sazpaimonno, when i added my svn repo, it forced me to just add trunk03:58
Sazpaimoni wanted to add my stable svn branch for my stable series, but i couldn't do thqat03:59
spivSazpaimon: lp:kusabax?03:59
SazpaimonI'm trying to ressurect it, it laid pretty dormant for a while, and now I want to utilize the OSS community to help with development04:00
Sazpaimoni figured launchpad would be a great start04:00
spivWell, the import did import that the tags exist: bzr tags -d lp:kusabax04:01
spivUnfortunately, because the tags are of revisions not on trunk, they aren't particularly useful :/04:01
spivIf LP imported the tag revisions into the trunk history too, that would help.04:02
spivInto the trunk repo, I mean.04:02
Sazpaimonif lp imported tag revisions, it could basically write my entire series for me04:02
spivmwhudson: I wonder if it would be hard to tweak LP's importer to also grab all the revids for the tags?04:03
spivSazpaimon: you can run "bzr svn-import" locally I guess.04:04
spivSazpaimon: and push the results to LP yourself.  It's not a great answer, but if trunk is the only branch/tag that changes frequently it might not be too large a burden.04:05
Sazpaimontrunk changes frequently, but stable also has a few changes04:05
Sazpaimontags have no changes, they're only the releases put there for historical reasons04:06
Sazpaimoni guess i'll just do what you said, add a new branch series for stable04:07
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Sazpaimonif it helps, you can see my repo here: http://kusabax.cultnet.net/svn/repo/04:11
damianwhen I try to join a group I get "No REFERER Header", how do I fix firefox to send the referrer header04:16
KryptixSorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.05:53
KryptixTry reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode.05:53
KryptixThanks for your patience.05:53
Sazpaimonwell, let's see if my new .pot file gets reviewed quickly...05:53
thumperKryptix: which url?06:06
Kryptixclosed it now, was mysqlatfacebook trying to look through their repo06:07
sohumis launchpad down? I keep getting "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. "06:15
sohumah, there we go06:15
rwwHello! My LoCo team wants to attach a Bazaar branch(/repository... I'm not sure of the vocabulary) to put our marketing materials in. Does anyone have any particular recommendations on doing it (as far as I can see, it's as simple as clicking "Register a Branch" and making a new Hosted branch)? Also, if we do this, will all team members get email notifications related to it, or just people that06:49
rwwsubscribe themselves (i.e., is it opt-in or opt-out)?06:49
spivrww: it is that simple (in fact, you can even skip the "Register a Branch" bit and just push a new branch to Launchpad)06:56
spivrww: I'm not sure about the exact details of the email notifications, though.  I think typically only merge proposals for a branch generate email notifications, and I think that's opt-out for team members, but I could be wrong.06:57
rwwhrm, opt-out would be an issue. we have a couple of hundred team members, and I'm guessing about ten of them would actually want notifications06:58
micahgspiv: I know for our branches (mozillateam) it seems to be opt in06:59
rwwdoes staging send out email notices the same way the actual LP server does? I can just test it on there.06:59
spivrww: I don't think so07:03
spivrww: mwhudson (if he's around) would know more than I do, though07:04
* mwhudson raises an eyebrow07:04
mwhudsonspiv, rww: what's the question?07:04
mwhudson(staging certainly doesn't send email though, that's an easy question)07:04
rwwmwhudson: If I register a bzr branch for my team, will everyone on the team get emails related to it, or just people that subscribe to it? i.e., is it opt-in or opt-out?07:05
mwhudsonrww: it's opt in07:06
lifelessrww: neither07:06
lifelessrww: team ownership is separate from subscription; you should check teh subscription for the team after registering07:07
lifelessrww: you'll probably find the team subscribed for *merge* reviews and metadata changes but not new revisions.07:07
mwhudsonthough i suspect that lifeless is about to give a more correct answer07:07
lifelessrww: if you want an opt-in approach, you should then change the team to have a subscription set to 'no email', and anyone that wants more can subscribe personally.07:08
rwwlifeless: registering the branch and changing the subscription themselves won't send any email?07:08
lifelessrww: if you want an opt-out approach, leave it as the default (or tweak to your satisfaction for whatever default you want)07:08
lifelessrww: I'm not sure whether it will or won't07:09
rwwalright. I'll do a test run on the actual LP site first with a couple of people, and see if any of them get email07:10
damianI'm trying to enable referer header on firefox so I can join a group on launchpad, but the preference get set back07:29
lifelessdamian: its probably an extension you've installed doing it then07:30
damianwhich one seems more likely: Illimitux (supposed to be able to ignore limitations on megavideo) or Media Stealer (flv downloader)07:31
damianit worked, thanks, now I just have to figure out which one was causing the problem07:34
napsterCan I ask a few questions about GPG keys?07:40
napsterSorry openPGP keys ;)07:40
persianapster: You can ask.  Some simple quetions (especially about how they work with LP) can be answered.  Others may not be, in which case you may want to check a more targeted channel.07:44
damianI think it's helpful to just ask your questions and hope for a reply instead of asking if you ask (I hate that)07:45
damianif you *can* ask07:45
persiaThe bot even has a factoid about that.07:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:45
napsterpersia, Ok, the problem is I've to do a fresh installation on my system. How can I back up my lauchpad account datas like openPGP keys, branchs etc? damian Sorry for the trouble07:46
persiaOh, that's easy.  Just put your .ssh and .gnupg directories in a safe place *before* you erase stuff.07:46
persiaYou may want your .bazaar as well.07:46
napsterpersia, ok, what about the branch directories?07:47
napsterI've two bzr inited dirs in the home folder07:47
persiaI'd recommend just pushing them somewhere, and pulling them later.  Otherwise, standard backup works.07:48
napsterpersia, Already pushed to lp07:48
napsteris that ok?07:48
persiaIf the branches are pushed to LP, the copies on the disk are just copies, and no longer special.  My personal practice is to rm -rf the entire managed directory after each push (although I suspect this isn't best practice for most bzr usecases)07:49
napsterpersia, Ok, then how can I restore all the things back afterall?07:50
persiaCopy back any backed-up directories.  bzr pull any bzr trees you didn't bother backing up.07:51
napsterpersia, okey, thanks a lot mate, nice talking to you, see you after installation :-)07:51
napsterpersia, I'm back with some problems : 'bzr lp:pull panther' returns permission denied public keys error :-( what to do?08:47
persianapster: You copied back your .ssh directory?08:50
napsterpersia, Yes08:50
persiaOK.  How about your .bazaar directory?08:50
napsterpersia, I've restored both of them08:50
persiaThen I'm stumped.  Sorry.08:51
napsterpersia, Do I need to do 'bzr init' in the dir first?08:54
persiaOh, misread.  Sorry.  Try `bzr pull lp:panther`08:54
napsterpersia, Actually thats what I meant, sorry for typing misktakes...08:55
napsterpersia, Cool, things ok,, my mistake my mistake... :(08:55
persiaNo worries.  I read it wrong the first time too :)08:56
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DavieyWhy would a bug comment posted after another one (chronologically), appear first?11:22
wgrantDaviey: eg?11:23
Davieywgrant: bug #56649711:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566497 in clamav "logging waaaaaaaay to much (7gb too much)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56649711:23
Davieyit's only 2 mins.. but just seems odd!11:25
araquestion, if I want to file a bug against the "Contact this team's members" feature, which module should I file it?11:26
jpdsara: launchpad-registry.11:27
arajpds, thanks!11:27
\u03b5Daviey, either it has been fixed or the "xx minutes _ago_"  confused you11:28
Daviey\u03b5: I'm a plum. :) Been a long week already :)11:30
\u03b5morning strikes again :-D11:30
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gnomefreakis there a way to remove the location section on my home page? for some reason it keeps showing the map after i choose to hide the map. not every time but alot of the time it loads13:42
RoboTuxHi all13:52
RoboTuxIs there someone who can help me with a deadlocked registration process with launchpad ?13:53
salgadoRoboTux, sure, what's up?13:54
RoboTuxI tried creating an account on launchpad but the mail say I've probably forgotten my password13:55
RoboTuxSo I tried resetting the password and then it says that launchpad can't reset the password of a deactivated account13:55
RoboTuxSo I feel deadlocked :)13:55
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RoboTuxShould I give you my email in PM ?13:56
salgadoRoboTux, sure.  where did you get the message that you can't reset the password of a deactivated account?13:57
RoboTuxOn launchpad itself13:59
RoboTuxI got a link after I asked to reset my password13:59
RoboTuxas if all was normal13:59
RoboTuxBut when I clicked on the link it tells me it can't reset the password of a deactivated account14:00
RoboTuxIf you want I can do the procedure again so I can give you the link14:00
salgadoRoboTux, yeah, I'd appreciate if you could do that14:01
RoboTuxOh shit14:03
RoboTuxI made it 3-4 times yesterday14:03
RoboTuxand today it seems to work14:04
RoboTuxWas there some maintenance yesterday ?14:04
RoboTuxNo wait14:04
RoboTuxThe bug is still there14:04
RoboTuxI just forgot one step14:04
RoboTuxAfter clicking on the link to reset the password it ask me for a new one14:05
RoboTuxOnce I enter a valid one, I arrive here: https://login.launchpad.net/+deactivated14:05
salgadoRoboTux, ok, that looks like a bug on the Launchpad Login Service.  I'll forward it to the appropriate people14:08
RoboTuxIs it related to my account or it happens to everyone ?14:09
salgadoprobably happens to everyone who has a deactivated account14:09
salgadoRoboTux, do you remember deactivating your LP account?14:09
RoboTuxI don't even remember activating it14:10
RoboTuxIs there an automatic account creation for maintainers of Debian Package ?14:10
salgadothere is, yes14:12
RoboTuxThen it must be that14:12
RoboTuxBecause I'm pretty sure I never create anything on launchpad until yesterday14:13
salgadoyeah, but in that case it should allow you to reset your password14:14
salgadoRoboTux, there's an open bug about that, btw: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/canonical-identity-provider/+bug/55687814:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556878 in canonical-identity-provider "Cannot reactivate a deactivated account" [Medium,Confirmed]14:15
salgadoI'll see if I can find a way to workaround it14:15
RoboTuxThanks :)14:16
RoboTuxI suppose in the mean time I can create another account if I need to use launchpad14:16
salgadoRoboTux, can you tell me your email address?  I'll ask someone to change the status of your account so that you can login14:16
RoboTuxYep sure, robotux@celest.fr14:18
salgados/login/reset the password14:18
RoboTuxThat's perfect, thank you14:18
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leoggsomeone from the LP team that can help me with a bug report? :)17:09
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elopioHello people @ #launchpad.17:42
elopioI need to get the ownership of the Costa Rica LoCo team but I can't contact the current owner. Do you know whon should I talk to?17:43
tsimpsondid you contact the LoCo Council?17:44
elopioman, this is hard. I contacted them a while ago. I'll send an email to the council.17:46
elopiothanks tsimpson.17:46
tsimpsonelopio: add an item to the agenda of the next loco council meeting (tomorrow)17:49
tsimpsonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda <17:49
tsimpsonjust make sure you're there for the meeting17:49
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elopiotsimpson, it says: please don't add items to the list on the day before a meeting.18:01
elopioI'll write to the council and ask.18:02
tsimpsonattend the meeting anyway and ask them to check up on it18:02
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TohshI'm getting a 404 on one of my older PPA's that isn't updated for karmic, and I can't figure out how to get ppa-purge to remove the source. I keep getting a Warning that ppa-purge can't find the package list for sed PPA. Is there another way to remove it?20:15
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andreserlhi all, has something changed in PPA's, because i'm unable to upload a package without the orig.tar.gz, and IIRC, it used to be possible21:02
maxbandreserl: It works if it can find the .orig.tar.gz in the PPA you are uploading to or in Ubuntu21:07
andreserlmaxb, ok thanks. found the problem :)21:10
barryi am having a helluva time trying to get a ppa uploaded.  i'm sure there's something fundamental i don't understand.  the problem is that the ppa is always getting rejected because dput is not uploading the orig.tar.gz and lp can't find it.  is anybody availble to help?21:55
micahgbarry: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage#versioning21:56
barrymicahg: thanks, tho i've read that page and tried many different combinations of version numbers, to no success.  e.g.21:59
barrypython-virtualenv (1.4.5-1ubuntu1ppa1) lucid; urgency=low21:59
andreserlbarry, im guessing that you did debuild -S -sa correct?22:00
barryandreserl: well, i've been trying udd and so i did 'bzr bd -S' which has worked for me in the past22:01
barryandreserl: and when i do 'debuild -S -sa' i get:22:01
barrydpkg-source: unrepresentable changes to source22:01
barry 22:01
micahgwhat's this about an armel PPA?22:02
micahgbarry: #ubuntu-packaging might be a better place to ask22:03
barrymicahg: cool, thanks i will try there22:03
andreserlbarry, yeah I came accross with the same problem today. I cleaned up the build folder (removed build-area) and the sources. And then did bzr-buildpackage -S -- -sa22:03
andreserlbarry, and let's move it to #ubuntu-motu22:04
barryandreserl: oh, let me try that.  -motu or -packaging?22:04
andreserlbarry, -motu22:04
barryandreserl: thanks22:04
micahgandreserl: #ubuntu-packaging is more appropriate unless this is specifically for a fix for archive22:04
barryandreserl: well well well, that fixed it for me too!22:05
barryhow weird.  why do you think that fixed it?22:06
andreserlmicahg, in -motu is were we usually deal with packaging related stuff22:06
micahgandreserl: yes, but a new channel was created since people were asking about non-archive packaging22:06
barryi do want to be a motu some day :)22:07
* micahg too 22:07
andreserlmicahg, yeha but most of the MOTU's/Core Dev's that could help are in -packaging :)22:07
andreserlim a MOTU xD22:07
andreserlanyways, -motu would be the best channel22:07
micahgandreserl: there are quite a few in -packaging now too22:07
barryi think i get the basics of packaging, but there must have been something weird going on that cleaning up the build-area fixed22:09
persiamicahg: andersk22:12
micahgpersia: ?22:12
persiamicahg: andreserl: Just for clarification: -motu is for MOTU stuff (including packaging).  -packaging is for packaging stuff (including for the Ubuntu archive).  FOr PPA stuff, -motu definitely isn't best.22:12
persiamicahg: carriage-return-too-soon failure22:13
micahgpersia: I was trying to convey that, maybe I wasn't clear enough22:14
persiaI saw.  Just offering you support :)22:15
micahgpersia: thank you , I was about to ping you to explain anyways :)22:15
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cjwatsondid something wonky just happen to edge?  all page styling has suddenly vanished for me23:22
beunolaunchpad 4.0 design!23:23
beunocjwatson, or, edge is being updated and something's wonky23:23
beunothe proper people are aware and trying to fix it23:23
micahgis the armel PPA on purpose and for everyone or by request only?23:23
cjwatsonbeuno: thanks23:24
barrycjwatson: wfm23:25
micahgbarry: I'm having the issue also23:25
beunobarry, you're crazy. Are you on edge?23:25
* barry hits shift-R23:26
barrybeuno: ah, now i can see what happens to the style when you leave lp. :(23:26
barrytime for dinner i guess :)23:26
thumperbarry: hi23:27
mwhudsonbeuno: 4.04 surely23:27
barrythumper: hi23:30
thumperbarry: have you officially moved?23:30
barrythumper: shhhhh :)23:30
brycehcjwatson, yeah seeing same here, just started within the last hour or so23:38

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