
* Martyn swears loudly at the tegra2 board02:18
Martynthis chip has the oddest frigging bottlenecks in performance!02:18
persiaSo, I've got this source that hardcodes "armv4l" in ./configure, and fails to build for any other `uname -m`.  Anyone have a good suggestion on the safest way to patch that?02:20
Martynright now, I'm trying to improve streams performance .. and do you know where I found the bottleneck?02:20
MartynI can't make memcpy() fast.02:21
MartynDMA is fast as all getgo02:21
Martynmem copy?  Slow.  Slow as dog02:21
* persia can't imagine how to implement something that would have that particular combination of performance metrics.02:23
Martynis what is being used .. aligned memcpy ...02:24
Martynit _should_ be fast.02:24
MartynI'm going to try to force it to use __aeabi_memcpy instead02:25
Martynpersia : Any ideas?02:25
persiaNone, sorry.02:25
persiaI don't really understand that low-level stuff.02:25
MartynThere is no NEON on the tegra2, so I know the GNU optimizer won't try for that02:26
Martyn(saving a potential 50 cycle penalty)02:26
MartynWell .. what I think I'll do is use PLD, ldm/stm about 32bytes to match the cache line size, and keep things aligned02:29
Martynbut it SUCKS that I need to do that.02:29
Martynwrite my own memcpy()02:29
=== dyfet` is now known as dyfet
DanaGhmm, say, those Marvell 1.2GHz ARM CPUs... how do they compare in desktop usage (i.e. firefox page-load, and such) to a 1.6GHz Atom, or to a 1.6GHz Athlon XP?03:56
persiaYou can't really compare directly.04:05
DanaGHow would you compare them, then?04:06
persiaGenerally, you want to find some repeatable workload, and then run it on different hardware.04:07
persiaDepending on the available hardware features, you'll get varying performance.04:07
persiaBut there's a huge set of dependencies on the actual workload.  Just being fast at one workload as no relevance whatsoever to being fast at another workload.04:08
DanaGI'd find it interesting to put a radeon on an ARM processor's PCIe slot.04:08
persiaAnd lots of hardware has accellerated features for certain workloads or subsets, *especially* in the SoC realm.04:08
persiaI know folks have done that with some success in the past.04:08
DanaGSpeaking of ARM... I keep seeing Flash for Arm on Android... but what about every other ARM system?04:09
persiaMInd you, it's only interesting if you have workloads easily accelerated with a GPU...04:09
persiaFlash is available for just about any ARM system.04:09
DanaGCompiz is my biggest GPU-usage thingy on any platform.04:09
persiaBut I don't believe it's free.04:09
DanaGPrice, or source?04:09
DanaGDang, that sucks.04:10
persiaIt's very definitely not free-as-in-speech, but I think it's also not free-as-in-beer.04:10
persiaConsider it an incentive to 1) improve gnash or 2) not use flash formats.04:10
DanaGRight.  Flash sucks -- that's not news on any platform.04:11
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XorAhey hrw10:23
hrwXorA: you had a problem to discuss10:24
XorAhrw: touchscreen with Xorg, I beleive you did some work on making them just work (tm)10:25
hrwwhat is a problem?10:26
XorAhrw: the fact by default Xorg thinks they are touchpads10:31
hrwnever had such problem10:31
hrwor moment...10:32
XorAah you never ran Angstrom without the nasty hack?10:32
hrwshow me modalias of it?10:32
XorAhrw: I would if I knew how :-)10:32
hrwXorA: cat `find /sys/class/input/eventX -name modalias`10:33
hrw"input:*-e0*,3,*a0,1,*18,*" is regexp for touchscreen usually10:33
hrwlooks like ts for udev10:35
hrwtslib works with it?10:35
XorAhrw: yes in Angstrom10:36
XorAah lack of tslib in default lucid might not help10:36
hrwtry evdev driver in angstrom first10:42
XorAwell thats a secondary task, I need to get back to what Im supposed to be doing :-)10:44
ogratslib is available in ubuntu ... just not in any default install10:46
XorAogra: is what I just said10:46
ograyou should be able to just install it (though it might miss config or patches for your specific board)10:46
* XorA is always wondering if evdev should just learn about touchscreens10:48
* ogra tries out the begale netinst image ... 10:49
XorAtslib seems a bit pointless on modern kernels10:49
ograXorA, it knows about them10:49
ograXorA, but it ignores all that dont use the usbtouchscreen kernel driver10:49
XorAogra: which is stupid10:49
ograso make your LCD use that driver and it will work10:49
XorAmost touchscreens not being USB10:49
hrwogra: no shit10:50
ograwell, most new ones in the x86 world are10:50
hrwogra: I have Atmel devboard which is fine with evdev driver10:50
XorAx86 is probably >1% of touchscreen market10:50
ograand indeed development is focused in these shiny new touchscreen convertible x86 laptops :P10:50
hrwbug 2.0 will work with evdev driver rather then with tslib one too10:50
XorAhrw: in OE?10:51
XorAhrw: so we can steal the magic10:51
ograthe kernel driver needs to export some specifics (i forgot which) so evdev picks it up10:51
hrwXorA: at91sam9263ek10:51
XorAbut its very unlikely usb touch will ever take off in arm world10:52
hrwXorA: basically write xorg.conf part for input device with driver 'evdev'10:52
XorAhrw: the trick is to do it without an xorg.conf10:52
XorAhrw: which means udev magic10:52
hrwXorA: and then check does it work. you can be forced to swap axes (option for evdev driver)10:52
hrwXorA: first test does it work at all with evdev10:52
hrwXorA: otherwise you will lose time10:53
XorAit works as a touchpad10:53
hrwXorA: ok10:53
hrwrelative not absolute position?10:53
ograXorA, well, its just some flags the kernel needs to set ... i'm sure you can make other drivers work with evdev, its just that none but usbtouchscreen export the right stuff yet10:53
XorAso relative movements and no mouse clicks10:53
hrwXorA: check drivers/input/touchscreen/ads7846.c - at91sam9263ek uses it10:55
XorAhrw: cool, will do10:56
* ogra sits in excitement watching d-i installing on the beagle 11:10
ograstarting with that one11:13
ograif it works i'll test -server11:13
ogra-desktop will need another image respin until it works11:13
ndec ogra: hi! so i't s working better now?11:43
ograndec, it should be installable but hasnt been tested yet11:43
ograi'm half way through11:44
ograthe bootloader stuff only entered the archive on friday and while all bits work they havent been tested inside the installer yet11:44
hrwogra: does it support hub connected to OTG?11:44
ograhrw, nope, amitk didnt manage to get proper testing from anyone with usable HW before kernel freeze11:45
ograwe'll surely push an SRU kernel poist release though, if we can get enough tests from users that have OTG cables with the shortened pins that patch might go in11:46
amitkhrw: do you have OTG HW?11:46
amitkI don't have access to the special cable nor do I have time to solder one until after release...11:47
hrwamitk: so far no luck with my cable11:48
hrwamitk: beagleboard C3 has a jumper near otg to force host anyway11:56
ograC4 too ?11:56
* ogra sees a jumper next to OTG on his C411:57
Sleep_Walkerhi, was anyone successful with kexec on 2.6.28-araneo?11:57
hrwogra: that one11:59
ograwell, i might try it later then11:59
ograi cant risk to damage the board before all images are 100% sure to work11:59
amitkhrw: good to know, now I only need a mini-to-mini cable11:59
ograbut i have proper mini-> normal adapters to actually do the testing if OTG switching works12:00
hrwamitk: you need usbA<>usbA female-female adapter12:00
hrwbtw - how many of you go to UDS?12:01
* lool is considering it12:01
* ogra wonders if we'll all be europeans there ... arriving by train or car this time round 12:02
ogragiven the flight situation12:02
loolhrw: FYI https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-M/Attendees and https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-m/ have some lists of people too12:02
hrwI know12:03
hrwgot mail from Alice about it12:03
amitkhrw: all of us?12:03
amitk(assuming the volcano is doused by some water)12:03
ograamitk, well, take a ferry :P12:03
amitkogra: actually not a bad idea. I've got a ferry to Rostok...12:04
hrwogra: I hope for plain - 12h in 2 trains is a bit too much12:04
ograamitk, yeah, rostock->bruxelles might make a nice train ride ... though all german trains are painfully full atm12:05
ograhrw, especially when sitting on your suitcase for the whole ride :)12:05
loologra: rootstock -> bruxelles!!12:05
loolBuild a rootfs while taking the train12:06
ograi would be feared the hang inpacts the train though :)12:06
hrwogra: please... I once returned from London with having to stay still in overloaded night bus for 5h12:06
ograsigh, i need new fingers !!12:06
hrwlool: to build rootfs in train power outlets are needed ;(12:07
ograhrw, all german trains have them12:07
amitkwhat good is a train w/o power outlets...12:07
ograsome even have WLAN but not all of them yet12:08
hrwamitk: come to Poland - here trains even have some power outlets but I would not put anything other then multimeter there12:08
asacogra: on ICEs you dont have power everywhere ... just by coincident from my experience on some seats12:09
ograasac, all ICEs have power between the seats12:10
ograi havent seen one without ever12:10
asaci have ;)12:10
ograso everybody cross your fingers ...12:10
ograbeagle d-i install finished without errors ... pray it boots !12:11
ograhmm, it boots but / is mounted ro12:13
ograext4 fs errors12:15
ograogra@beagle:~$ lsb_release -a12:18
ograNo LSB modules are available.12:18
ograDistributor ID:Ubuntu12:18
ograDescription:Ubuntu lucid (development branch)12:18
ograthough i had to do two manual fsck's12:19
ogranot sure thats the kernel or my USB key12:19
* ogra repeats the install and installs to SD this time12:19
Sleep_Walkeramitk: sorry to disturb you directly - is kexec on 2.6.28-araneo broken somehow?12:20
Sleep_Walkeramitk: or - do you know, who is aware of that?12:21
andrukim trying to get the mcspi4 controller working on my beagleboard using the kernel sources here: https://code.launchpad.net/~beagleboard-kernel/2.6-stable/   but, i dont know which files to edit, as there looks to be many ways to implement spi.  should i just set the pinmux (arch/arm/mach-omap2/mux.c), or should i setup spidev (arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3beagle.c)?12:22
ograndec, so http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/lucid/main/installer-armel/current/images/omap/netboot/omap/ definately works ... (you need a NIC thats supported by the ubuntu kernel, i use an asix here ... create a vfat on SD, put the three files on it and just boot into the installer)12:25
ndecogra: thx. this is cool!12:25
ograinstall took about 1h here12:25
ndecogra: install on SD ?12:26
ograbut pulls everything from network so speed varies based on net connection12:26
ogramy test install was to USB key, but SD is supposed to work too, i'm testing that now12:26
amitkSleep_Walker: I am not working on araneo, please talk to AceLan in #ubuntu-kernel12:26
ndecogra: where on SD. you need to create a separate partition first?12:26
ograndec, no, the netboot installer lives in ram after boot, you can just wipe the media you just booted from ;)12:27
ograit actually offers you the mmc in the partitioner12:27
ndecogra: this is great. where do you put the uImage?12:27
ograndec, you mean after install ?12:28
ndecogra: yes. so that it finds it after reboot12:28
ograndec, it turned out to be easier to overwrite NAND for now, so initrd and kernel live in NAND12:28
Sleep_Walkeramitk: thank you!12:28
ndecogra: K. i see. so when kernel is updated it goes to NAND as well. is it possible to keep a FAT boot partition for kernel ?12:29
ograndec, we surely need to revisit that for 10.n+ but time was very short to get anything going12:29
ndecogra: yes, for sure. we might have boards without NAND as well!12:30
ograndec, as i said we have to come up with something, /boot on fat isnt possible in itself since dpkg tries to create hardlinks during package upgrades for the vmlinuz file, what we will likely do is to have a /boot/uboot partition that we treat like flash ors something similar in later releases12:30
ograndec, or better something thats mounted during flash-kernel phase or some such, i discussed several models with lool last week, for beagle C4 the NAND variant is the best one for now12:31
ogras/mounted/mounted temporary/12:32
ograand especially for the short time i had to create an image it was the only achievalbe thing12:32
ograall future images can change and there is a lot room for improvement :)12:33
ndecogra: ok. we can talk on that after 10.0412:44
ograndec, yes, we have to12:45
ograits on my list for things we will have to improve12:46
ndecogra: and we want to as well ;-)12:46
ograyeah :)12:46
* ogra goes for a coffebreak, install to SD is a lot slower 12:47
XorAamitk: I have OTG cables that are known to work13:43
amitkXorA: I'll push out a kernel with OTG enabled for your testing pleasure (probably tomorrow after some release-related work)13:45
* XorA has zero omap3 devices with EHCI ports13:46
hrwXorA: no C2-4 beagleboard even?13:47
XorAhrw: C3 EHCI is broken :-(13:47
XorAhrw: it was working for about an hour, then it just died and works no longer13:47
hrwwelcome in cruel omap3 world13:56
* hrw -> out13:56
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
ograeverybody: feel free to enhance :)14:00
KamondeliousI just finished following this with pretty good success (so far) http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu14:06
Kamondelioushttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/BeagleNetInstall seems like a better place to have good docs though14:07
ograwell, one is community built, one is using an official ubuntu image14:07
KamondeliousI understand that14:07
ograhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/BeagleNetInstall is for the image we will release with ubuntu arm this month14:08
Kamondeliousjust thinking might be a good place to help with adding to the official docs initially14:08
ograhttp://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu is definately more flexible and uses its own kernels which might have additional features over the ubuntu kernel though14:09
ograwe will also have a netbook and a server installation image14:10
KamondeliousI'll be following the arm progress for sure14:14
Kamondeliousmy beagleboard needs an OS and I'd prefer to keep with something familiar  ;)14:15
ograthats why we build the images :)14:15
ograso install to SD works as well14:20
ograamitk, i see an opps, seems OTG related14:21
ograogra@beagleC4:~$ lsb_release -a14:21
ograNo LSB modules are available.14:21
ograDistributor ID:Ubuntu14:21
ograDescription:Ubuntu lucid (development branch)14:21
ograogra@beagleC4:~$ mount |grep 'on / '14:22
ogra/dev/mmcblk0p1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)14:22
* ogra files bug 56663914:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 566639 in apt-setup (Ubuntu) "omap install ends up with security.ubuntu.com urls in sources.list after install (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56663914:27
ograplars, GrueMaster ^^^ can you check if thats also the case under imx51/dove ?14:29
plarsogra: the imx51 install I did on Friday did not have security.ubuntu.com14:36
ograplars, cool, can you comment on the bug that you dont see it on imx51 ?14:37
ograamitk, bug 566645 for you14:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 566645 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu) "doing a netinstall to SD card results in OTG related oops on first boot (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56664514:37
plarsogra: will do14:37
ograthanks :)14:38
ograplars, also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/BeagleNetInstall ... happy installing :)14:38
plarsogra: woo!14:38
* ogra goes to test the server image now 14:40
ogra-netbook still needs a respin with the latest ubiquity14:40
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hrw7Mbps usb ethernet suxx14:46
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prpplaguethere an easy way to configure the auto mount to not open a window on the desktop every time it automounts a device?17:10
dmartprpplague: yes, though there's no user-friendly menu config option for it.  Instead, run gconf-editor, and disable apps -> nautilus -> preferences -> media_automount_open17:19
ograindeed there is a config option for it17:20
ograits in the nautilus preferences17:20
dmartReally? Oh well, do that then :)17:20
prpplaguedmart: thanks17:20
* prpplague tries that17:20
ograjust open a nautilus window ... edit->preferences ...17:20
ograin the devices tab17:20
prpplagueogra: hmm, i don't see a devices tab17:21
ogramight be called differently, german installation here :)17:21
ograprpplague, you are on lucid, right ?17:22
dmartThere's Media -> "Browse media when inserted" which is probably what prpplague wants17:22
ogramedia, yeah17:22
prpplagueahh found it17:22
dmartI often want to disable automount completely, which you can only do through gconf-editor :/17:22
* prpplague tests17:22
ograthere is also "dont perform any action ..." here17:22
prpplaguedmart: yea i hate auto mount17:22
* ogra loves it 17:22
ograi rely on it for all my SD stuff17:23
dmartDepends what you're trying to do :)17:23
ogralets you get very lazy though17:23
prpplagueand eject doesn't seem to work as expected in ubuntu17:23
ograit removes the device17:23
ograits a kernel feature17:23
ograthere is a separate unmount function in the context menu if you want to keep the device node of an USB device17:24
prpplagueogra: yea, normally i would expect that if you have /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2 mount, you could issue the command: eject /dev/sdb and it would unmount /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2 and eject the removable device17:25
prpplagueogra: on ubuntu it fails17:25
dmartWas eject ever that clever?17:25
ograwell, there were some upstream kernel changes in that area, not sure thats ubuntu specific17:25
prpplaguedmart: works fine on fedora and debian17:25
dmartok then17:26
ograit definately removes all device nodes if you klick the little eject thingie in nautilus17:26
hrwhave a nice rest of day17:27
prpplaguehrw: later17:27
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
prpplagueogra: i'll have to dig into that, possible the syntax has changed17:27
* ogra goes back to TV to watch snooker champoinship while the beagle server install runs ... watching d-i work is tiring 17:27
prpplagueogra: fun fun, thanks for the info17:30
prpplaguedmart: you too17:30
ograndec, hmm, smells like there are additional changes in the omapbf package needed17:58
ograyour log definately shows that the loading works correctly17:58
rcn-eelaughs, flash-kernel works a little too great... but the omap kernel works good on my Bx beagle..18:45
ograok, server install on beagle works fine as well !18:58
ogratwo happy images already18:59
rcn-eesounds great ogra.. ;)18:59
ograrcn-ee, what dont you like about flash-kernel ?18:59
rcn-eelaughs, it's overriding my external kernel.. ;)  I'm trying to add a /etc/flash-kernel.conf override shortly after debian-install creates the partition.. ;)19:00
ogra /etc/flash-kernel.conf isnt used19:00
rcn-eeBut i discovered the omap kernel works great on a Bx, otg/dvi etc..19:01
ograedit /etc/kernel-img.conf or flash-kernel itself19:01
rcn-eeyeah, that one.. sorry was looking at both...19:01
ograor even uninstall flash-kernel19:01
ograsince you would also have to edit update-initramfs otherwise19:02
rcn-eei have it echo "you are using the community kernel, remove this file to use ubuntu's" then it calles exit, which works...19:02
ograsafest is to just apt-get remove it19:02
rcn-eeYeah, that would be the safest.. Except i decided to hack into the NetInstall... ;)19:02
ograah, heh19:03
rcn-eeps: i put your wiki link here: http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu#NetInstall so you shoudl get more users, i didn't know what else to put other then the http link...19:03
ograawesome, thanks !19:04
ograi'll also blog about it once i have all images tested19:04
ograthough netbook is still building and its my turn with cooking today19:04
rcn-eethat's going to be a fun week, I'll be in esc so i'm going to miss all the thursday/friday release fun..19:05
ograso i'll call it a day now ...19:05
* ogra has to cook a trout ... never done that ... will be intresting19:05
MartynHey, ogra (or anyone else) .. who made a server armel image?19:07
Martynwhere is it hiding?19:07
Martyn(I'm sitting in an office with Rob and Dustin)19:08
rcn-eeI don't know if he uploaded it yet, he used the NetInstall methiod..19:10
Martynthanks for the link19:16
chrismurfI'm new to ARM development.  I have a proprietary library (camera driver) that "has EABI version 0" and I am trying to compile it with an "EABI version 4" toolchain.  Or at least I think that's what my console is telling me.  Can somebody point me in the right direction on what it means and how to resolve this?21:35
XorAI think its more likely its an OABI binary21:39
chrismurfentirely possible - can you give me the short version of what that means?21:40
chrismurfhow I could determine that?21:40
chrismurfI guess what I'm trying to determine is which of the following is true:21:43
chrismurf * I can "wrap" the proprietary library somehow and link it against other code.21:43
chrismurf * I could install an older version of linux/compilers/etc. and make everything the same version as the library.21:43
chrismurf * I'm up a creek unless I can get a different version of the library.21:43
XorAchrismurf: up the creek is the safest estimation, you can make an OABI chroot, but that depends on ubuntu kernel fully working with OABI21:50
chrismurfXorA, what if I went back several versions of ubuntu/debian/whatever?  I'm happy to do that if it would fix the problem.21:51
XorAwe had similar issues with GPS chip in OpenMoko and it was always pain21:51
chrismurfor does Cortex-A8 mandate the EABI?21:51
XorAchrismurf: pre armel version of debian should work21:51
chrismurfand I'll just see decreased floating point performance and what have you21:51
XorAchrismurf: the main issue is no-one is doing it so support rapidly rots21:51
chrismurfduly noted21:51
chrismurfthe evils of proprietary libraries21:52
chrismurfsadly sometimes we don't have choices in these matters21:52
XorAcould try sending ubuntu dudes to chat with the vendor21:52
chrismurfwe just shot the vendor an email21:52
chrismurfthey've been decent folks in the past, maybe we'll get lucky21:52
chrismurfsuspect they just haven't had call for a recent ARM version21:53
XorAUbuntu is the current buzzword for PHB so just mentioning their stuff doesnt work might be enough21:53
chrismurfduly noted ;-)21:54
MartynAfter meeting with Dustin and Rob, we've got a good idea now for what blueprints Smooth-stone will be working on for UDS-M22:15
=== JaMae is now known as JaMa
axisysanyone run ubuntu on dockstar ? it is an arm chip22:26
axisysit says you can install ubuntu .. but not in much details22:32
axisysthis page says debian does not support seagate freeagent dockstar22:41
axisysis that mean ubuntu arm won't compile in here ?22:41
Martynaxisys:  Ubuntu Lucid ( and M ) will not work on the sheeva based device22:53
Martynbecause sheeva is arm version 5 code, and lucid/M are compiled thumb2 which requires arm version 7 code22:54
Martynyou can, however, use debian if you like\22:54
axisyshow about karmic ? will sheeva based devices work with karmic ?23:48
rcn-eenope karmic is armv623:49
=== XorA is now known as XorA|gone
axisyslooks like jaunty will work23:50
tormodthe sheeva is shipped with Jaunty isn't it23:54
persiaKinda.  It's shipped with a custom derivative of jaunty.23:55
axisystormod: oh ok23:59
axisyspersia: thanks23:59

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