
=== \vish is now known as vish
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Beyecixramdwow... this channel is incredibly empty...15:08
Beyecixramdwell hmm... i would like to contribute things, what needs to be done?15:09
zniavrehttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork   everything you should know is inside the website15:10
zniavrei m just here to spy and learn a bit i can't help you really15:11
Beyecixramdhmmm... zniavre, do you know how a mailing list works? i never suscribed to any mailing lists15:12
Beyecixramdhow to talk in the mailing list, what's a mailing list about... etc15:12
* snubby tips hat @ Beyecixramd and zniavre 15:14
Beyecixramdhi snubby15:15
snubbyhow's life? @ Beyecixramd15:15
Beyecixramdtrying to figure out how to contribute in a mialing list :)15:15
Beyecixramdand why is it so important15:15
snubbyum cause.. It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice! methinks15:16
Beyecixramdwhatever, yumming time15:16
thorwilBeyecixramd: hi! the point of using a mailing list is much about having things coming your way, instead of going out to get them (as you would do with a forum)17:37
Beyecixramdthorwil: thanks for the reply, still interested :)17:38
thorwilBeyecixramd: that subscribing to a mailing list is a bit of a barrier can have positive effect on the quality ...17:38
Beyecixramdthorwil: but how do i contribute to a mailing list?17:38
Beyecixramdhow do i reply to someone else's comments, or start "new threads" etc?17:38
thorwilBeyecixramd: you do not contribute to a mailing list, but rather use the list to be informed, to inform others with the same interest and to coordinate collaboration17:39
thorwilBeyecixramd: every good mail client has a Reply-to-List feature17:39
Beyecixramdthorwil: i use the Gmail webclient...17:39
Beyecixramdthorwil: does Gmail have that feature?17:41
thorwilBeyecixramd: for a reply you should use the address of the mailing list. somtimes you may want to take something off-list, so you can use the address of the original sender17:41
thorwilBeyecixramd: i don't know17:41
Beyecixramdthorwil: oh well... so if i send something to a mailing list, everyone who's suscribed to it, will receive the message/suggestion/question/brainstorm/whatever?17:42
thorwilBeyecixramd: yes17:42
Beyecixramdand how should i reply to comments? gmail by default leaves the text below and the response over the text you're replying to, but almost all forums do it the other way around: quote on top, reply below the quote17:43
Beyecixramdthorwil: because i've seen people saying "don't reply that way" but i don't know what's the "adequate way" of doing it17:44
thorwilBeyecixramd: you should respond below quotes and ideally only quote what you need for immediate context17:44
Beyecixramdso quote, then reply?17:44
thorwilBeyecixramd: yes. this way the flow of information is maintained and nobody has to deal with endless mails full of quotes17:45
Beyecixramdokay, thank you a lot, i'm suscribing to the ubuntu artwork mailing list right now17:46
Beyecixramdbtw, i just finished a pack of wallpapers, i'll put a link here so you can give me some constructive feedback :) (any of you)17:47
thorwilmailing lists are usually archived online, plus some people keep their own archives, so copying entire discussions for context is unnecessary. contra-productive, even17:47
Beyecixramdoh holy **** DanRabbit was online...17:48
* vish couldnt help laughing ^ ;p17:51
vishBeyecixramd: is he not supposed to be? ;)17:51
Beyecixramdno no, of course, vish, but i know that guy, he's on dA xD17:53
Beyecixramdi mean, i never knew he was usually around here17:53
Beyecixramdhere http://beyecixramd.deviantart.com/art/Duality-16127797017:55
vishBeyecixramd: if you want to contribute to elementary you can also try #elementary17:55
Beyecixramdvish: i tried to add icons, mainly for KDE, since Elementary is focused on GNOME and there are lots of KDE icons lacking such a beautiful pack... but i don't really know how to work with Inkscape, only GIMP and the likes17:56
vishBeyecixramd: iirs , islington has elementary for KDE working17:57
vishand we have added those symlinks to elementary recently as well , so it should work in KDE soonish17:57
Beyecixramdhmmm... it does work, but lacks icons like Amarok, control center, and KDE specific icons17:57
vishah those..17:57
Beyecixramdand Amarok simply CAN'T be replaced by a musical note17:58
Beyecixramdimho it should keep the wolf identity of Amarok17:58
BeyecixramdRhthmbox doesn't really have a defined icon, just like iTunes, it's too generic17:58
Beyecixramdbut unlike WMP, those are the only exceptions i know of17:58
vishBeyecixramd: well , if you have a suggestion for the apps you can suggest the icon to the app devs.. RB has been updated recently17:59
vishbut still a bit generic though17:59
Beyecixramdno no17:59
Beyecixramdit's okay17:59
Beyecixramdi don't really want RB to have its own hmm... identity18:00
vishBeyecixramd: totem is looking for an icon , if you want to try out  ;)18:00
Beyecixramdit's like the entire GNOME desktop is filled with generic icons18:00
Beyecixramdyou know, epiphany, totem, empathy (more or less)18:00
Beyecixramdbut KDE is more like Windows, every icon has its own soul18:00
vishBeyecixramd: empathy is the telepathy icon :D18:01
vishempathy is also in the works for an udpate18:01
BeyecixramdEmpathy feels a bit too much incomplete18:02
Beyecixramdit's cool, because follows GNOME standards and specs...18:03
Beyecixramdbut i think it should be tagged as beta18:03
vishBeyecixramd: btw , elementary is not only about icons  .. ;)  there are other ways you can contribute.. though..18:03
* vish </not trying to pouch folks for elementary>18:03
Beyecixramdvish: yeah, GTK and Metacity theming18:03
Beyecixramdi just started making GTK themes and my first theme resulted in a total mess of code18:03
Beyecixramdso i trashed the project18:04
Beyecixramdwhich btw, is not very motivating18:04
Beyecixramdoh, vish18:05
Beyecixramdmaybe you know about this18:05
Beyecixramddoes GIMP nowadays (2.6.x) have still a color limit?18:05
Beyecixramdi heard that GEGL is going to fix that, and GEGL is going to be introduced in GIMP 2.818:05
vishnot sure.. but i miss the zoom in the status bar :s18:05
darkmatterI think I'm allergic to gnome-shell. I keep sneezing every time I use it or work on the mockups involving it xD18:20
* darkmatter slaps vish with a stray pixel18:27
* vish ducks and watches darkmatter's pixel miss him like a matrix slow-mo 18:31
darkmattervish: I had to lash out at someone. trying to adapt my designs to gnome-shells craptastic ui is a PITA ;(18:33
vishdarkmatter: ha! serves you right ;p  [you were boasting that you were invited]18:35
darkmattervish: bah. I'm still happy with the other bits I'm working on. it's that blasted overlay that drives me nuts you evil little pixel pusher :p18:36
directhexso, any sign of that font?18:38
darkmattervish: the problem with the overlay is (aside from being really cluttered, akin to a dumpster) that its exceedingly vertical. it doesn't leave much room to work with organizationally18:44
vishUsually in #ubuntu-release there is a factoid !outyet..  Everytime someone asks is it out yet, saying: "Everytime someone asks is the release out yet , Mark Shuttleworth delays the release by 1 hr"  ..18:47
islingtonBeyecixramd> it's cool, because follows GNOME standards and specs...18:47
vishkwwii:  maybe we should add a bot for the fonts as well ;p ?18:47
islingtonBeyecixramd: I think that following the tango spec is a loss18:48
kwwiivish: lol, indeed18:48
islingtonsince its old18:48
kwwiithe fonts are not ready and there is no definite time I can give anyone as to when it will be ready18:48
Beyecixramdislington: not talking about the GNOME spec, but more precisely, the GTK guidelines, for apps, not for icons18:48
kwwiicertainly not before lucid release18:48
vishdirecthex: ^18:48
islingtonBeyecixramd: oic! my bad18:49
directhexbah humbug18:49
Beyecixramddirecthex: your name sounds offensive... (directX) haha, kidding18:49
islingtonkwwii: did you see that the kubuntu logo is in the wild?18:49
vishislington: there was also a *ubuntu* logo thorwil mentioned in dA18:50
kwwiiislington: yes, I saw that18:50
directhexBeyecixramd, i aim to please18:50
darkmatterhmmm... I think what I may have to do is a [<Category> ( * )   (-->)] to list sub items for a particular activity (not outside the overlay). have the star list a dropdown of common items that may not be pinned. have categories like Discover (or Explore... or maybe both) Communicate, Play. hmmm.... *stares at overlay*18:58
kwwiiislington: I sent the info on, waiting for an answer18:59
vishdarkmatter: if you cant get categories back , i'll reckon you have awesome convincing skills ;p19:01
vishor know voodoo ;p19:01
darkmattervish: lol19:04
vishargh! that was can* but i guess you got it ;)19:05
darkmattervish: thank you for mentioning another peeve. we're supposed to be making things 'cleaner' and 'easier' simplification of simplifications sake is wrong. just look at the current incarnation of the shell overlay for evidence ;)19:06
darkmattersimplification without purpose (aka: 'dumbing down') actually makes crap more difficult19:07
vish!publicyet is reply Everytime someone asks if the font has been released to the public yet or when it will be released , Mark Shuttleworth delays the release by 1 week!"19:08
darkmattervish: the idea behind using actual activities/libraries is that it gets half of the item clutter _out_ of the ui. activities abstract the need to run applications (you don't run them directly). libraries organize thing in a neat and tidy manner (and can function as a marketplace of sorts).19:11
darkmatterwant to actually run an app directly? "there's a library for that" :P19:12
vishya ya , darkmatter tell that to the -shell folks ;p19:12
darkmattervish: that's why I'm 'gnomifying' stuff, so I can share it with the ui team and try to ram it up the -shell guys assets... errr.... I meant "down their throats"... honest...19:14
Beyecixramdhmmm people... someone, on the ubuntu brainstorm said about making an introductory video, so i got an idea19:14
thorwildarkmatter builds a trojan horse?19:14
Beyecixramdmaking a Welcome screen (like 7 has) and put a link there to an Impress presentation19:14
vishdarkmatter: something has been mentioned several times in the mailing list as well , but it just bounces like rubber ;)19:14
Beyecixramdextending the stuff shown on the ubiquity slideshow, what do you think about it?19:15
vishBeyecixramd: for every boot?19:15
Beyecixramdno, for god's sake, only in the first boot, vish19:15
Beyecixramdthe idea is to have a Welcome window (Mint has one) with a checkbox to "don't show this window in the future"19:16
troy_sWhy not just stretch a Tango icon up to fill the screen? Tango is easy on the eyes, looks professional, and works on all backgrounds.19:16
Beyecixramdand an Impress presentation as a way to introduce Ubuntu to new users19:16
vishBeyecixramd: not sure it is required during boot , the ubiquity slideshow is a good time killer , maybe we can just extend it19:16
vishtroy_s: you are not troy_s !19:16
troy_svish: LOL.19:17
thorwilBeyecixramd: space on the CD is tight, (additional) icons on the desktop are not acceptable (anti-clutter policy). doing something only after first boot could be seen as breaking expectations19:17
Beyecixramdvish, not during boot, only on the first login19:17
Beyecixramdthorwil: it won't be an icon on the desktop, i hate icons on the desktop, it would be only a window giving you useful links to get more out of your Ubuntu setup19:18
troy_svish: Side note, new messaging indicator envelope is awkward as hell. Who committed it?19:18
vishtroy_s: ha! i want to change it too ;)19:18
Beyecixramdtroy_s: what do you mean?19:18
troy_svish: It's a mess.19:18
zniavrethe first envelope from ubuntu-mono was really nice19:19
troy_svish: I hate being the fool that stares at the little details instead of the larger forest (but that's about all we can really do here anyways) but it is very weighty to the lower half at the moment and the linework might need a kick in the ass.19:19
troy_sIt actually sort of looks like an angry Mr. Yuck.19:20
vishyeah , the lines are weird , can be made better..19:20
vishlooks like the applet has its chest pumped ;p19:21
troy_svish: If better existed. I'd say that it is simply trying to do too much. For whatever reason, someone somewhere decided to create an open envelope and in 22pixels (wtf) it just is a force. It reads as such.19:21
darkmattervish: like, applications library. I actually got the idea when reading over bugs regarding the organization of the app-browser. have the right pane in two columns, listing favorite (or recent) apps for each category, and the ability to click (more) and display the entire category (removes unnecessary clutter and scrolling)19:22
troy_svish: Are you aware of the reasoning to force the issue and open the leaf up?19:22
vishtroy_s: well , i dont know about that icon change ... but i can guess it is because people complained that green can be distinguished by the color-blind.. so the only option they could do was to change the shape19:24
darkmattervish: that frees up the left pane for useful stuff, like access to the application marketplace (embedded software center type stuff), advanced software management, notifications of third party updates, recommendations (or "just in" type stuff). basically it turns it into one-stop shopping as it were19:25
troy_svish: I can't see that. But maybe - I'd expect nothing less than total myopia of design for everyone.19:26
darkmatterif it has a logical association, have it accessible from a common location19:27
vishdarkmatter: "right pane in two columns, listing favorite (or recent) apps for each category, and the ability to click (more)"  seems too much work to just launch an application :s19:32
darkmattervish: not polished yet, but that's a general idea of how the library/marketplace thingy could work.19:32
darkmattervish: I'm not big on running applications, so that particular library hasn't been given much thought yet :P19:34
thorwilwho needs applications when you can marvel at the activities view swooshing in and out all day?19:36
darkmattervish: but the same general idea holds true for audio/video, etc as well, with the necessary changes of course.19:36
islingtonthorwil: you mean the spinning cube was any better?19:36
vishislington: any day ;)19:37
darkmattervish: make what the user is doing paramount. not the tools they are doing it with19:37
darkmattercontent is the chrome whenever possible and all that19:38
thorwilislington: how could i forget that? the cube and wobbly windows are the pinnacle of open-source software and there is actually no need to develop anything any more after them!!19:38
vishislington: main problem is  , with the cube it spins after you select the app you want [and if it is in a different desk] , but here it is twice for every window change :/19:38
* darkmatter has no wobbly nor cube19:38
* vish bangs for wobble!19:38
thorwildarkmatter: you are stiff and round??19:38
darkmatterwall/expose/scale is good enough for me19:38
islingtondarkmatter: agreed.19:39
darkmatterthorwil: that too :P19:39
islingtonthorwil: surely rgba will be the pinnacle sir19:39
thorwilcube and my 6 workspaces wouldn't go well with each other19:39
islingtonactually that was one of the things that bothered me about compiz expo, that pointless black border around the workspaces, kwin does it a lot better imo19:40
darkmatterthe true pinnacle will be when we have true stereoscopic interfaces with varying focus depending upon where we're looking. then we can all rub our eyes trying to figure out why everything is so blurry xD19:41
thorwilBeyecixramd: if you are burning to get creative with text and images, you could have a look at http://spreadubuntu.neomenlo.org/19:42
vishthorwil: why dont ya like wobbly :(  it feels natural moving things around with wobbly19:43
darkmatterislington: yeah, the border/refection/gradient junk is annoying and serves no purpose. I disable it in any plugin that has the option. unfortunately expo doesn't have that option :/19:43
Beyecixramdthorwil: i'm going to Mint, suggesting that Impress idea i told you about, anyway19:43
darkmatternap time! I'm all pixelled out from my all nighter! o/19:45
=== DanRabbit_ is now known as DanRabbit
Beyecixramddarkmatter: :|20:18
vishlmao! >  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk2-engines-murrine/+bug/549281/comments/620:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549281 in gtk2-engines-murrine "Crash if gtk_paint_layout is called with widget==NULL" [Medium,Fix committed]20:26
Beyecixramdwhut, vish?20:27
vishCimi's  the comment that he was updating his profile  ;)20:28
thorwilso that's what dilomo is doing these days: http://ankere.wordpress.com/2010/04/19/times-never-enough/20:46
thorwiltroy_s: http://inspirationlab.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/soyouneedatypeface.jpg21:03
thorwilgood night!21:03
* darkmatter awakens and cracks the windows. 22 C! \o/23:31

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